THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FHIJJAY, SKI'TEMMill If), 1881. Correct Itallroml Time Table. TimIimuii Iho Philadelphia It. II. loavo import a cuIIuwhi NOllTlt. is:3fl a. in. I;M p. in. BODTll. n. in, 0:13 p. in. Trnliiintt tlio I). I. V. 11. It. leavo IHoomshurg astOllUWHi N0IITII, SOUTH. 7.05 n. 111. , 8:SH a. In. 11:17 a.m. ll:W n. In. (1:30 p. 111. 4:30 p. in. Tlio 8.2.M n. m. trnlti connects at Northumberland It 11 tliiUKll train on lvnuslvaula road, teaching Philadelphia lit 3:16 p. 111. The 11:51 train connects with Philadelphia nml Heading road nl Uupcrl reaching l'hlladel pliU at U:uup. in. 1 ho 11:03 train connects with l'onaij lvanla road al Northumberland nt 1:50, reaching Philadelphia at 7:23 p. in. Tlio l :M p. in. train connects with Pennsylvania road nt N01 1 huinberlaud at tf:W p. in., and reached Philadelphia nt 3a3 a. 111. Trains on tho N. ft W. II. Hallway paw llloom l rry ns follows t NnllTlt. antTTIt. 11.57 a. m. .so p. 111. 14:01 p. m. 1:16 p. m. I'crttoiuil. V. It. Tubbs U at Atlantic City. O. 0. Murphy of Centralla, was In town on Saturday. .Mrs. 1j. Hoinliard Is visiting friends nt Middlctown, N. Y. Col. J. 0. Freeze, and wife have returned fiom Lako Carey. Mita Cnrilc Jamison has been quite 111 at Long Pond, but Is now Improving. Mrs. Alice Ortim of Willlamsport Is vis. Itlug her parents at Light Street. .Miss May A. Kuliu has entered tho Dar lington Female Seminary at West Chester, Pa. Mrs. Dr. Plppcr of Schuylkill Haven, Is visiting at her mother's, Mis. Eshlcnian, 011 East street. Mrs. Thcodoro McDowell of Light Street who has been sick for somo time past, we aro glad to learn is slowly recovering. lion. C. R. Iluckalcw presided at a large Democratic meeting at Wllkcsbarre last week, Thursday evening. Miss Edith Eshlcmau, who lias been vis itlng at Philllpsburg for the past few mouths, returned homo last tveck. William II. Clark returned to Philadel phia on Tuesday for further medical treat ment. Dr. J. M. Owlnncr of Centralla was a witness on n habeas corpus case last Sat urday. Mr. Julius Lloft of lJcrwlck, was one of tlio judges on tho lloral display at the State Fair last week. Mr. Will McDowell of Light Street, who lias been staying in Philadelphia for some time past, returned to his homo on Jlon day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Klelm returned from their weddinit trip on Monday. In the evening tlio band tendered them a scic nude. Court next week. Hubert Cnthcart hat) so fur recovered from his illness as to be able lo walk out. Prescilptlons a specially at the Peoples' Drug Store. J. 11. Mercer, Prop. Organize; Cleveland and Hendricks clubs in every township, and send tho uumes of tho olllceis to the county chairman. Wedding and raity Invitations and a lino lino of calling cards, at the Coi.uiiiiian store. 2v Tho sale of tho remaining real estate of U. D. Urockway wan adjourned until next Monday morning at !) o'clock. ,1.11. Mercer keeps a full assoitmeutof school supplies, at tlio Peoples' Rook Store. Thero will bo no services at tho Eplsco pal church on bumlay, as the Hector win not return from Rrooklvn until next week. Lost. A little black and tan dog with small white snot under brciut. Answers lo tho namo "Cub." Tho finder will be ic winded by reporting at tills olllce. Normal School headings and initials printed 011 all concspoudeuco paper in (lUimlilU'H of 0110 qulro and over, without extra charge, at tho Coi.ii.mwan store. (!. H. liiockwnv has sold two lots at Lower Shanties, Conynsham township, No. fi in Pali Ink Cnxc. and No. 0 to Edward Momighnti. Wu acknowledge tho receipt ot compli nientarv tickets from the Uerwick Agrlcul tural Association, and the Columbia county Agricultural Society. When tho repairs and additions to tho Hed .Mill aro completed it will bo one of tho best lloiiiing establishments in this stc tion. October 4th is tlio lust day for naturali.a tion. All persons desiring to becomo cit izens in time to votu in November must at tend to this on or before that day. A number who lmvo been announced as lSutler men In this place have joined tho'limil As Hendricks club. SoillO of these voted the ltcpubllcan ticket hereto foiu. Wo call tho attention of our readers to tho new advertisement of David Lowon 1hti. ns found on tho fourth pace, lie lias u lino assortment from which to select your Full and Winter clothing. R I). Ik'iiller will uiovo into ids new atom tlm lust of this week, or tho llrst of next. Ho has a largo stock of new goods, and expects lo umku tlio hoot and shoe trade hum. An art cnteitiiluinent will be glveu by tliu Ladies' Society of tlio Lutheran Chinch at the homo ot Philip Unangst on HUM Street, on Monday evening, fccptcinber Uiiid. All friends uro Invited to attend. Messrs. Drown ft Haldwlu have leased tho four front rooms In F. D. Dentler's new building. They propose starling a laundry mid ladles' hair dressing establish incut. Cmiucii Sluvicw. Pleaching in tho Kuhrsburg M. E. church, Saturday night Sept. !i0. Also, on Sabbath morning at 10:1)0 by Rev. Canfleld, at P. M. by Hov, M. L. Smyser, P. E. at 7tU0 by pastor. Thuio were nulto u number of delegates In atlenduneo at tho meetings of Iho Ladies' .Missionary Society at tho Presby. teilan church on Wednesday and Thins day. Tho proceedings will bo published next week. In 1870 Mr. Ilutlcr, tho Republican can dldulo for Btato Treasurer, received 1IG0 voles In this county, and at tho samo the tion Mr. Heeco Falriuun, Republican can dklato for Sheriff, received 04 1 votes. If Mr. Pullman had tlio "undivided and hearty suppoit" of tho Jtrpubliatn, its It says ho had, Mr. IClntcr should at once Induce that paper to oppose him, It will Improve Ills chances, Tlio largo tomato exhibited In our win. tlow tlio fore part of tlio week, was raised In tlio garden of Andrew t'rovtllng nt Light Street. It weighed two pounds and hii ounce, and was of tlio Pencil variety, Tlio planet Haturn was tlio itenernl oh. Ject of Interest on .Monday, It win tils, llnctly visible even nt noonday. Tlio plan- et will lio tlio most brilliant tlio latter part of tills month nt nbout half past nine In tlu evening. It will then disappear. Tho cliuuco of temDcmtlllc that enmo 011 Fililay last was welcomed nil oer tho country by man and beast. September furnished tho hottest weather of tho sea. son this year, and Is now doing what It can to make amends. A full supply of paper, tabids, pens, pencils, Ink, trascis, copy books, drnw. Ing books, rulers and everything needed by school chlldi en, except school books, can bo found at the Coi.umiiias store, very cheap. 2w Frederick Moycr'u house at Fountain Spring, near Ashland, Schuylkill county, was struck by lightning Thursday night and destroyed, Everything tho building contained was consumed, and tho occu pants ot tho house were stunned by tho shock. Loss iJ'J, 000. Tho liloom Association ulno played a game of base ball with tho Catawlssa club on Saturday afternoon. The score stood 11 lo 11, when the Catawlssa club refused to play any more, owing to somo dissatis faction, and tlio umplio decided tlio game in favor of llloom U to 0. The Habeas Coriuis homlnf In tint naso of tho Jewish peddler for shooting a Hun. gaiian at Montana, an account of which was given In our Centralla coriespondencc last week, took plaeo on Saturday. Aftci hearing a number of witnesses tho priso ner was remanded to jail to await tho re sult of tho Hungarian's Injuries. The Arlington of Wllkcibarre played the 1)1 oom nine on Tuesday afternoon. Al tho end of the seventh inning tho game stood 8 to C in favor Of Wllkcsbarre. The game was not finished for want of time, and the unpire refused to declare In favor of either side. The hog dl.ieafo is still proving fatal in Northumberland. From tlio Vrm wo learn that during tlio past week Col. David Tag gart lost his two largest hogs ; the largest and tho first one that died weighed 72o pounds, after deducting the shrinkage that ten days' sickness would cause. Up to this time about 40 hogs most of them fat and lit to slaughter, have died In that bor ough from the disease. Argui, The Uerwick Indtptndtnl says: "Ills a fact worthy of note that ho (Snyder) is sup ported by only ono journal in tho whole comity." It is a fact woithv of nolo that thero is but one sijuaie-toeil, straight out democrat 1c paper that supports tho ticket fiom top to bottom, in this county, and that is the Columbian. All tho other papers may bo classified ai Republican, Prohibition and Soic-hcad organs, ami from them no one expected anything but opposition. IIhaihiosi: roit Soldikim' Qimtba. - "The orders for headstones under oxisting contracts were closed on tlio 2itli ot April, 1881 It is contemplated, however, to make piovlsion for a further supply within another year at farthest, and when the necessary airunircmcnts shall have been made all applications will receive duo con. sidcration." JCxtracI from Letter of Deputy Q. M. Gen, V. S. .1. Headstones can be procured if tho name, company, regiment and dato of death of those who have none, aro sent to H. J. Conner, Orangevllle, Pa. Two or three republican paper ot Ibis county are trying to impress upon tlio peo ple that tho Columbian Is tho only paper in the county that supports tho whole dem ocratic ticket, Wo shall not attempt to deny that wo always stand firmly by tlio Democratic party. Hut now another pa per thiows out the Insinuation that wo aro under republican influences, an allegation as foolish us it is false. Who over hoard of a democratic journal sticking to tho ticket through '.hoinllucnce of an opposing parly ? Absurd ! Information Is, or nt least ought nhvuys to be. iccolved with a Hue ot gran turfe. Gratuitous advice as to how one's business ought to bo conducted, cannot, however, always bo followed conveniently and profitably. The merchant who under takes to run his store nftcr tlio plans sug gested by numerous friends who lmvo never been in tlio mercantile line, and each of whom has peculiar notions of his own, will find that hu pleases no one, anu eventually ruins himself. An editor who endeavors to conduct Ids paper in accord mice with the views of all tho natural born editors that can bo fouud in every town but none of whom have ever been con nected with a newspaper, will soon drive awiiv al his friends and make many en emies. As editors nro held lcspousible for what appears in their columns, they must bo allowed tho pi lvilege of deciding what Is proper for publication. Tlio i ejection of a lot of trash that is of no Interest to anv ono but the few parties concerned, niiiv L'ivo offense, while its publication would offend a much larger number, and rice terra. So far ns tlio Columbian is con cerned, all communications aro always re ceived with pleasure, but it reserves tlio right to print or reject. A Cltili Organized, A Cleveland and Hendricks club was or. gauled In tliu Opera House last Saturday night. There was n fair attendance and over 200 names were placed on tho list of membership, which is a favorable be. ginning. Col. J, G. Freeze was elected President, John K. Glrlon and George Hates, Ylco Presidents, II. V. White, Sec rotary, G. A. Claik, Treasurer. The com. millees will bu announced later. Mr, Iluckalcw addressed tho club, cleaily set ting forth tho issues of tho day, and Mr. Ilarklev uracil the necessity of earnest work. The club adjourned to meet at tho call of Iho President. JcrHcytowii. Tho lain that fell last Thursday was greatly needed. It gavo tho farmers fa vorable oppoitunlty to preparo the ground for Iho grain, or those who wero prepared to use tho drill. Quito a heavy host on .Monday morning, Mr. Charles Johnston of Light Street, was in town lust Thursday, Mr. Frank Cotner. who bus been at Montgomery lor somo time, is at home. Tho show Saturday evening was attend ed by finite a number of our little folks, and a number of grown persons, Thosa who witnessed the performance seemed well pleased with it. Mr. Philips is erecting a very ulco house on his property In Ml. Limy. Among tlio strangers noticed dining the week wero E. Allen and T, Pinker of Mill. vllle, E. McHrldo of White Hall, and 8. Austin of Danville. L. . Pure diug9 ntul patent medicines of kinds at tho Peoples' Drug Stoio. all Illily, tliu ', Head, Hilly, tlio old war horao of tho Into den. Wellington II. Ent, died on Monday, Sep tembcr 15th, 1881, aged twenty-nine yeais and six months Ho was In several battles luring tlio War of tho Rebellion, hut tho General usually placed htm out of rango of the lire, and used in batllo less valuable) horses. However, nt tho battle of Hollies da Church, Hilly was a part of tho time In the thickest of tho light, receiving no In jury oilier than having a portion of his forelock shot away, It was at tills batllo that tho Colonel's regiment was thrco times out-llnnked by tho enemy, and throo times compelled to i etrent, but each llniu tliu whinnying of Hilly served ns signals lo rally tho men. Hilly was of Morgan stock, and raised In Vermont. In Ids pihnc ho ould easily travel a milo In thrco minutes with a buggy. Tho General orten related that while lu the army ho had ridden htm 70 miles a day for successive days, safely leaping fences and dllclios and swlmmtng rivers on tho lino of ninrfili. It Is sat.l of Hilly that ho could leap a ditch us wide at his own length, lio was bulled at tlio foot of a walnut tree on the farm of Mrs, Petrlkln anil Ncvlu U, Funk on Tuesday evening, September lOlli, a detachment of Ent Post of lllooinsbiirg being present and filing n saluto over his grave. On tho death of General Ent In 1871 Hilly became Iho property of his widow, .Mrs. M. E. Ent, who retained him In her possession to tlio day of Ids ileth. . New Order. Tho Petin'a Canal Co,, have Issued oi- ders to their ollleers at Nantleoke to prefer company boats Instead of loading in turn in tho future. Tho order throws out of tho trade a great many boatmen who have their all In tlio business and also tho bout builder whoso busiucss Is largely repre sented in repairs on boats afloat. Tho move has created great dissatisfaction with both tho parties named and nn effort will probably bo made to to3t the legality of such an order. Others aro making threats of an incendiary character which if carried out will put them in a felon's cell. In order to secure tho cud desired everything should bo done Ir, a lawful manner. It Is n mat ter lu which right and not might will pre vail. Several plans have been suggested, that if carried out, will bo to the mutual Interest of boatmen and Canal Co. If the order is carried out to tho letter it will bring a large number of boats to the Col. umbla wharves, and as tho shipments arc limited at that shipping point it will not be of much benefit, us tho rule referred to al ready applies to the shipping at this wharf. i&. R. canal boats nic preferred. It will then be a question of moving to other points or abandoning the boating business for those who do not run company boats. Wo hope in tlio interest of harmony and pence that tho matter may bo adjusted to the satisfaction of all parlies without any seiious trouble. Columbia Herald. Congressional Conference. The Democratic Confcices of tlio Elcv. cnth district met at Stroudsburg on the 10th Inst. C. G. llarklcy Esq., H. F. Fruit and J. H. Knittlo were tho conferees from this county. A temporary organization was made by the election of Mr. Hull of Pike, as chairman, and Mr. Lynett ot Lackawanna, sccictary. Three conferees wero admitted from each county and part of a county, except Luzerne, in which there was a contest between J. A. Gorman and Samuel Price, both of whom were can didatcs, and wero accompanied by con- forces asking to bo admitted. Tho meet ing adjourned until four o'clock, at which timo a healing was given tho contestants of Luzerne, and at tho conclusion of the icailng and before a vote was taken, M r. Gorman withdrew, and Price's conferees were admitted. Tho conference then ad journed until evening when a permanent organization was effected by tho election of C. G. Harkley as chairman, and Mr. Lynett and Mr. Staples secretaries. The candidates named before the conference were as follows: Carbon. Michael Cassldyj Columbia, Dr. O. A. Megargell j Lacka- wanna, F. A. Ecatuish j Luzerne, Samuel Price; .Monroe, John H. Storm ; Montour, Thomas Cha)l'ant ; Pike, Alfred E. Lewis. Fivo ballots were taken without effecting a nomination. Tho next day at tho sov oral meetings ballots wero taken to tho number of forty-two, with no result. Tho conferenco then adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening, September 17th, nt tho St. Charles Hotel in Scranton. This adjournment was favored by tho conferees of Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerno and Pike, 12, nud opposed by Columbia, Mon tour and Monroe, I). lK'iiion. Tho hot wave and a desire for shade is superseded by a cold wave and a desire for sun. Vivid lightning, fearful thunder and but little lain last week. Tommy Sewaul ot Huntington town ship, was plowing in the extreme heat ono day lust week, when ono of his horses fell dead In tho furrow. And now Hciiton is to have a Fair. Great preparations nrc being made, nnd every effort put forth to secure 6tock and funds to tlx up the ground lu proper order. It i3 a good location, nud access and egress convenient. Whether It can bo made a success tills year is a question, lint let ns have a fair. It Is consistent with the spirit of our people, and when they ouce failly embark in it they will push it through. Resides, It will give all of our people an opportunity to profit by its lien ellts. "So moto it be." The farmers report grain as turning out yery well per hundred sheaves, Oats any where front fifteen to twenty-fivo bushels, wheat from fivo to nine, ryo from seven to nine ami a half. Somo rcpoit wheat as going thirty-one bushels per ucre. Wo be lieve these reports to bo true, from ourper sonnl acquaintance with tlio farmers in question. Should any ono doubt tho cor rectness of any of tho above repoits it will bo our pleasuio loiepoittho names and evidence. Tho merchants at Cambra, viz. : tliu Ron. James Mcllenry and William II. Krick baiim, have spectacles for sale. The for mer has Cleveland specs, and tlio latter Hlalno specs, nud mighty magnifying glasses llioy are, too, but they don't suit all parties, This is a great year for disappointments. From preseut indications seeding will pro. jress slowly on account of the drought ; somo farmers aro done, some half done, fcomo commenced, some ready, somo about icady, others still not near ready j some buckwheat cut, somo about ready. Some sickness In the neighborhood. Mr, Jacob Weniier, nt Hendertown, has been severely ullllcted with rheumatism ever since tho 18th of last January, nnd now begins to hobble a little with tlio aid of crutches. Tliu dlseasu was at times painful lu tho extreme. Dr. Kemerly, at Townhill, U Ids physician, Miss Laura Slltir, ot Denton township, has been similarly alllleted, since somo llino In May, ami was part of tlio limo in great ilistiess, Sho is convalescing. Dr. Patterson of IK-utoii, was her physician, Empty cider barrels for sa e, C. H. HumuNH. Cheap Htatlouury A good quality of figured nolo paper, only 18 cents a quire, with envelopes i a fine quality of white or cream nolo at 23 cents a box extra heavy nt S" cents, and extra superfine, nt 45 cents. Also Grecian Antique, nnd tinted paper, tho best In tho market, mourning paper and correspond, enco cards, nt tho Columbia store. 2w HOW IH TlllH? Ill its Issuo of August 1st the Scnlmrl says i "The Scntinil will accept tlio verdict of the convention, even If our preferences may not bo selected. Voters, however, will do well to look out for anv element wlio will bo ready to bolt If they get left, Their policy is to rule or ruin." In Its first issue after the convention tho Sentintl plainly indicates that somo of lH friends "got left," and Hint It Is ready lo lead any element that wants lo bolt. It has refused, up to this time, to put up tlio whoto ticket ns nominated by the conven tion, and the Inferences to bo drawn from Its columns aro that it will do all In its power to aid In the election of the Repub lican nominee for Prothonotnry. This ts not the first tlmo that tho Sentinel has got off tho track. Its present action, how. over, will make but little difference in tho result, except to itself. It will be left lu the unenviable position of a defeated bolter, and If the Democratic party has ever placed any confidence lu it, tho Sentinel will have forfeited all right to lccognltion In local affalis. "To rulo or ruin" is tlio self confessed policy of our contemporary. Mlflltn. Farmeis aio cutting corn. Tho apple crop in this section is larger Hits year than for several years. Sam, Holler spent last week in Philadel phia. A couple of weddings uro rumored. Some body going to glory. The young people of this place attended the P. O. 8. of A. picnic at Rupert on Fri day and enjoyed a lively time. .Most ol the members of camp US of this place were along, John McCourt, a son of Joseph McCourt died on Thursday of congestion of the brain, ill.i remains were buried in thcShaf. for cemetery. Rev. llodlue of Fowlersvlllo will fill Rev. Lilley's appointments on the coining Suiv day. The Hettleivllto Union Sunday School held a picnic and festival on Saturday and evening. People from Plttston, Scrauton, Hnzlcton, and other distant places were in attendance. C. II. Trumbcll and family of Mountain Grove visited T. A. McMurtrio on Satur day. Mr. Trumbcll removes to Iowa in a few months. Hunters aro complaining of the scarcity of game this year. Presidential campaign of course. Mrs. Ezra ltrown of Danville visited rel atives in town on Monday. She was ac companied by her three sons, Ira, Ed. and Bruce. Jacob Nuss, Sr., isltcd his son at Now Loudon a short timo ago, while there he became quite ill. lie has partially recov ered and was brought homo on Saturday. Fatiieu Hi'nuAitu. 'i'lio sua m and llie Ileal. Every good thing bus Its host of imita tors ; every genuine nrtlciu its counterfeits. Hud manners and wicked habits havo theirs also j but he who shams the bad never boasts of it, whlli, they who ape tho vir tucs of the good or simulate the genuine never hesitate to place tho counteifeit be. foro the public in their most alluring tones. When theso people imitate they always choose a pronounced typo or popular sub ject to copy from ; and when they claim to be as good as "So-and So," or to sell an article equal to "So-and-So," the public may depend upou It that Mr. "So-and-So' nnd his article aro always the bust of tho kind. Thus tho sham is always proving tho genuine merits of the thing it cop ies. A firm of enterprising gentlemen produce nnd popularize an article of household uso, such as tho Royal Haklug Powder, whoso convenience, usefulness, and real merit make for itself an immense and universal sale. A hundred Imitators arise on every hand, and as they hold out their sham ar tides to the public, yelp in chorus, "Huy this ; its Just as good as Royal, and much cheaper!" Tho Royal Raking Powder is tlio standaid tlio woild over, and its imita tors in their cry that theirs is "as good as Royal" aro all tho time emphasizing tills fact. In their laborious attempts to show by analysis and otherwise that the "Snow. ball" brand has as much raising power "as tlio Royal j" or that the "Resurrection" powder is as wholesome "as pure ns tho Royal," ns well as by their contortivo twistings of chemical certificates and la bored efforts to obtain recognition from the Government chemists and prominent scicntUts who have certified the superlo rlty of Royal over all others, they all admit tho "Royal" to bo the acme of perfection, which It is their highest ambition to imi late. Rut the difference between tho real and these imitations, which copy only its general appearance, is as wldo as that be tween tliu paste and the true diamond, Tho shams all pay homage to tlio "Roy. nl '." Centralla. Our police officers were busy tho past week in quelling the many disturbances which wero Indulged lu by somo of tho characters of town. On Thuisday even ing a general light took place, which would have resulted in the killing of somo ono but tor tlio timely arrival of tho police. Four of the party were aricstcd nud taken before Esquire Rlack, who Imposed n lino and costs amounting to $7.00 on each. Such rowdyism should bo punished severe Harry Finn ot town, was knocked down by a trip of loaded wagons "nt Morris Rldgo colliery on Monday, and had his arm broken, Mrs, Mcllreuity, mother ot James Me- Hrearty, died on Monday. Funeral took place cm Wednesday niornlug. Harvey Michaels has erected an nwnln in front of his ware room, to protect ids lino display of furniture from the weather, Messrs, Conway ami Curley have a dou bio house in course of erection on Rhea' Hill. Tho wish exputised by tho people here that the Hungarians would soou leave us has been granted. Over forty have left the past week, some fur their native laud and others to different p.uls of tliu State, Mrs. Crane, who has been suffering from paralysis for a long time, died nt her homo on Thursday. Inteimeiit took place bat- ui day. The water coinpuny have begun to lay pipu on tho street crossing from tho depot to tho new school building. Will Lako ucelved two car loads of irraulto and marble last week. Those in need of tombstones would do well to ev uinluu ids largo stock belore purchnsin out of town. Mr. Detnasky of Union county, brother in-law of our townsman D.tvld Hlack, met with n very heavy loss on Friday, having Ids barn destroyed by fire. There wcio fourteen head of cuttle lost, among tlicm .Mr. Rlack's coll, Tho loss Is estimated nt . 10,000. Steele, tho champion long distance lim ner, has opened n skating rink In Athletic Park, Ashland, Hundreds of people are In attendance every creiitng. .Messrs. Hlack and Rtley will enter their horses nt the Rlngtown Fair, and It Is safe to say that cither of them wilt take lint prize. To-morrow evening tliu Sons of Tcni- pcianco will hold a festival in tho .M. E. church, nnd cteiid n cordial Invitation to all. Their object is a good one, nnd we be- peak for them a largo attendance. The double track on .Morris Ridge slope win put In operation on Monday. I'lio house of Thomas Collins was sliuck by lightning last week, and damaged con siderably. Fortunately tho occupants es caped unhurt. Rumor says Riley A: Co. will have their mines lit up by electricity shoilly. Tho Dark Corner Hand held a ball on Tuesday evening. A neat sum was real ized, and they intend lo have their new horns in a month or two. iV two jyear old child of Peter Sliiiugh- nessy died on Monday, Irom dysentery. Miss Maglncss of Now York, Is visiting in town. Tlio residents of Dai k Corner uro living on a very uncertain piece of surface. The ground hirs been caving In within a few yards of tho houses, and cracks aro notice able to tho basement wnlls. This is caused from tho old workings of tho North iVsliland colliery. Mis. Call and MoFadden of Mauch Chunk, spent part of last week in town. Iterwiclt. Mr. A. G. Kimbcrlcyof tho Sentinel spent u couple of. days with friends in lids place last week. Rev. II. I.llley of Llghtstreel visited rel- atlves tills week. We are clad to learn Mrs. F. L. DlBtlc- hurst has recovered from her Indisposi tion. Geo. Nicolls, Esq., shook hands with his friend Tubbs of the Kcho at Slilckshlnney ast week. Win. II. Woodin, Jr., who has been suf fering with malaria tlio past week is bet ter. Eugene Cortright, a breakman of Sayrc, formeily of this place, was found dead in tlio canal at Ithaca, N. Y., where it is thought ho had been shoved in after hav ing been knocked senseless. The deed having evidently, been done for money, ns thero was $5 missing which he was known to have on ids person not more than twen ty minutes before. Iho remains were brought to this place Monday and wero Int. mediately interred. He leaves a wife and tin co children. Col. A. I). Seelcy, Messrs. Isaac Rough and Andy Klnkado left Monday for Mont rose where they will work on Mr. O. R. Wood in's new residence. Mr. Richard Stout of gtiyic is visiting friends this week, and will probably stay over for fair, when ho will take part in the Horwick cornet bund as leader. Mr. Frank Rogers made a Hying tiip to Montrose, Saturday. It will positively bo a success. Tho Fair. Tho brewers and dealers from Scranton and Wllkcsbarre hold a free picnic at Ru pert grove last Tuesday. iVrrangeinents aro being made to play a gamo of bull with the Independents of Dan ville, Saturday afternoon. The first year is always considered one of tho best for The Fair. Chus, Haas while driving down Maikct Street last Saturday morning experienced a runaway, which was caused by having tlio horse hitched too close to tho wagon, the single-tree striking it on the leg, start- ed him off. While trying to turn in Front street tho wagon was overturned and the whole business took n tumble. What might havu been seiious for Charley was averted by tho horse falling, and then su cured nt once by some gentlemen standing near. It is a splendid constitutional from the hotels toThe Fair. Tho train composed of twelve cars which cairied the plcnicers to Rupert last Friday afternoon (under tlio auspicies of the Nau ticoko and Rerwlck P. U. S. of A.) left this place at nine o'clock and reached tlio grove about ten, Dancing being first on tlio pro gramme, tho people did ample justice to tlio same, until about twelve, when they began reliavlug tho baskets of their con tents. After dinner a largo number wit nessed tho gamo of ball played between the two camps, which resulted lu a victory for tho Uerwick boys by a score of 8 lo 2. Somo were seen dancing, playing different nines, riding In tho steamboat, while a few took in the game of ball at Rloomsburg. At five o'clock a buloon was sent up, after which supper was had, and all having en joyed themselves boarded tho train, which reached Rerwlck at 7:!!0. The boys do- servo pralso for their good management and splendid programme, for which they have tlio thanks from all who wero pres. ent. Dki:i Sir. llanley'M lleply to "Uniiiilrer." Major S. P. Hanloy of Rerwlck, was a strong supporter of Mr. Krickbaum's nom ination, but since tlio convention he most gracefully submits to the action of that body and In n communication to tho &nii tie this week, ho expresses his views. Wo givo tlio Major's letter in full. It speaks for Itself : EuiTOi: or Sentinel : In your Issue of last week I observe a communication signed "Enquirer," asking enlightenment from you, upon a point in- volvlng one's party fcallty. In other words your correspondent, who 1 havu no reason to belicvu is other than iui honest, bona- fide, conscientious Democrat, nominates you Ids political mentor, and compliments you by asking, whether a record, which lias heretofore been kept untarnished by single blot or scratch, can still bu preserved unstained, and yet nllow him to scratch ono of tho names on tho Democratic coun ty ticket this fall, After a careful perusal of your always entertaining paper, 1 fulled to discover an answer, to tho appeal of this political Infant; no doubt the commu nication was received very late, and your answer necessarily deferred until this week, Confiding in your Democracy, which is un questioned among tuoso wlio unow you best, I can readily nutlclpato what your answer Is to bo. Of course tlieie will bu no uncertain sound, lu tlio emphasis with which you will answer, no, sir, unless there bu somo belter reason than seems lo bu En quirer's principal griovunco against Mr. Snyder, tho nonilncu whom ho evidently do sires to punish, which Is that Wcirmau's nllldavit was intended to bo in his interest, whether It was so really or not, No doubt you will further say to lids unsophisticated tucker utter light, thut unless ho knows of homo irrcgulurlty In tho nomination of 8ny. dur, with which lio has acquainted tiie Democratic Committee, and which they havu Ignoicd, then to preserve tho ludic of that recotd, of which lie is Justly prcAld, ' ho must submit gracofiiliy, .to Hint grout fundamental piluclpleof our parly, "the majoilty rulis." The people's representa- I lives lu convention assembled, ruled II, Wo made the best light we could for our friend ' Krlckbaiinii In tho contest your able jour. . tirtl occupied n most conspicuous position, and did valiant service, for uhat many ( f . us believed would have been the best for . tlio party to have done; the majority, how- ' ever, saw It differently, so our regrets and disappointments must not reign, but the . party's good bo considuied every time. our fiiend Enquirer, will no doubt sou li this way himself after a little reflection. I shall personally regret very much, It our friend Klnler, whou sterling qualities of j head and heart, which an liitlmato acqiialn- . tanceshlp lias led mo to lccognlze, should , bo deceived Into believing that t great numucr oi dualTeclid Democrats exist lu our party In this county, this year of all years, and Ihese wl.lsuppott htm nguliut the regular nominee Oh, no, while we may cheerfully concede ids amiability and nil of Ms good qualities, wo realize tills 1 ) a Presidential year and a bad time foi bolting to be encouraged toward our coun ty, stale or national ticket. Very tuily, S. P. llANLY, School books tit thu Peoples Drug Stole, The best CO cent corset ever sold In the county, at Clark & Son's j also full lines of belter grades. C. C. Marr wants ill ltd raspberries and pitted clierilcs. We open to-day a complete lino of ladles' misses' and children's coats, have locks, Ragllns, Russian cliculars, Newmarkets, shoulder capcB and Jerseys nt prices lowei than ever) nil now garments nono car ried over from last year. Claik oc Sou. For the next 00 days only, wo will make cubinet photos at Sa.OO per dozen. Rest work j Lightning Process used. Sepl2-4t MauICillii- & Ciioatk. Lutz & Sloan have their stock of under wear for ladles, gents and children in, and prices uro low. Thu place to buy muslins by tlio yard oi piece, is at Claik it Son's lowest prices. Full line of domestic goods. C. C. Mair takes trade dollars at par for dry goods. !)09 1-0 spilng clueiil 8388 1-8 old liens, 7777 1-7 pigeons, 0800 1.(1 ducks, 5553 1-5 geese, i till good calves, 113334 large shoals, 2222 lbs. pitted cherries, 1U1 lbs. dried raspberries. All tho above wanted at Light Street, by July 25-Uni SILAS YOUNG. If you want to buy cashmeres go to Claik it Son's. Lowest prices. A new stock of ladies' Jersey jackets just in, at Lutz it Sloan's. O. C. Try it. Marr keeps the best syrup in town. Velvets, velveteens, alleolois, nnd black, also Nonpareil velveteens, nt Clark & Son's JX'MHKILhning mill in lumberyard. I have all kinds of worked lumber white pine, yellow pine nnd hemlock lloorlng ; white plno ami hemlock German siding, surface boards, surface sldlui:. wainscot ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber hi rough, at Llghtstreet, by aug 22-Um Silas Younii. Apnleton "A" muslin 74 cents by the bolt, and good dress calicoes 0 cents a yard, ot Lulz & Sloan's. Table linens, towels, napkins, cloths. stund covers, itc, nt Clark it Sou's. C. C. Marr wants side, shoulder, ham mil lard. lumiiui! ! LUMnnn!! ron balk cheap. Hemlock boards, plank 2 by 4, ioice. bill stuff, 10, 12. 14, 111, 18 and 20 feet lone worked lumber, lloorlng, Gorman und bov 1 siding, surface boards and sldinc. sawed shingles No 1, 2 and t), chestnut, hemlock and nine, sldnulo and ceillntr lath. l nave matte arrangements wltn a couple of steam saw mills if thero is any tiling iiiiu i navo'iu got l can get it nt snort no. tlce at i.iglit Slicct Uy July25-;im SILAS YOUNG. C. O. Marr pays 20 cents for eggs nnd 24 cenis lor uutior. Cashmeres at Lutz it Sloan's cheaner 1 1 uui cvci, aiso nargauis ln.silies. Nuw goods ut J. li. Skeer's. llocs that weigh from 100. 110. 125. 130. 140 to 150 lbs,, u piece a lot of nice clean thrifty hoes for sale at Liirht Street bv Si ms touiig. aepto-4w BUSINESS NOTICES. AUG YOU .MAIlt; Miserable by indigestion, constipation, diz ziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin '( Shi loh's Yitulizer is a positive cure. Sold by -iloyer Jlros. Mlt. OOUUII OS SILK HAlh. 'It would bo no violation of tho com mandment," said John R. Gongh, "if a man were to full down and worship tlio silk hat, for It is not made in tho likeness of anything in heaven, or on earth, or In tlio waters which arc under the eartl Resides It heats the head and causes the hair lo fall off. Parker's Hair Ralsam will stop that and restore tlio original color to gray or faded lialr. Not oily, not a dye, uenciiciai, deliciousiy permuted. A por ted hair dressing. COc. All druggists. sep iu-oi bee u woman in another column, near Spoor's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by tlio medical profession, for the uso of invalids, weakly persons ami mo iigcu. Sold li' (!. A. lvif;tlil. Hlnninsliilri sept 22-ly TIIK J1AN1HO.MEST AMUKIOAN VI.SXTA1!I. Mr. Alfred Sneer, of Passaic. N. J.. lias ueen long and iavornoiy Known ns tlio pio neer Grapo Gtower of Ameiica. His Vine yards at Passaic, N. J., are tho handsomest In tlio country,and contain 275 miles of wlro strctciieu on posts. At mo season nt thu year when thu grapes aro being galheied lor tlio press, it will well repay one for a visit. Mr. Spoor's Wines moused in the load ing hospitals of the country. You can get it nt druggists. HlllLOlt'S UATAKlill ltKMKUY, positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria nm canuer mouth. Sold by Moyer Rros. 2 -mo iiiiutus 2. Dyspepsia nnd debility aro two bl thieves ; they creep iu und steal our health and comfoit before wo know It. Let us put a stop to their invasions Willi a bottle of llurdock lllood Hitlers, to lie had at any mug more. bllll.OU'ti CUI1K WILL Immediately relievo croup, cough and bronchitis. Sold Rros. whooping by Moyer UOIIKLI) UONIUiltS, "My daughter was very bad off on nc count of a cold und pain in her lungs. Dr. i nomas' f-.clectilc oil cured her lu twenty four hours. One of Hie liovs was cured of soru throat. Tills medlclno has worked eu.u it, tutu, ilia llniu wonders iu our family." Lake Mahopac, N, , Alvnh P ncknev T - 1. Tl' - CISOUP, WllOonW OOl'fll! and Ilronchltis immediately relieved by nuiiou eiuv, ror saiu ny .i i oyer iiros, A UOI'K AIlOUTOfli KKCKS. A weak stomach or enfeebled clieuhitlou is like a ropo about our necks. Wo aro strung up and unstrung alternately till ex istence becomes unbearable. Hurdocl lllood llilleis will uricst all tills inlsciv Hurdoek Rlood Hitters aro a boon to tho Bleu, Let us icmembcr this fact. THE STTOHSC. Thl medlclno, combining Iron with puro twtaMa tonlo, oulelily ntul complcd'ty ('nrm lltviiepiltt, Im!lKetlmi Wrnttnrnft. Imiiurn lllumtt.tlnlaHn, Chilli nml l-'ctrm, mill Ni'iirnluln. (t Is an unlullinu remedy for Dlncmeof 'ho Kltltiry nml l.lwr. It li Invaluable for Iilscft'en peculiar to Women, nml nil who lend ecdcntnry Hies. It iloe not Injure tlio teeth, cmio licndae prodtico constipation o(Ar Iron nctttcinn tlo. It enriches and tljoblood.MImulfites tho npnetlte, aids the nwlmllatloti nl food, re lieves llcnrtliiirn nnd lielclilng, nnd rtrcngth. ens the muscles nnd nerves. for Intermittent l'evers, Lassitude, lack of Encriry, Ac, It lia.s no eqiinl. Tlio genuine has iibove trudo murk nnd crossed red lines on wrnrper. Take noothcr, B.J. Ml, tf IIIIOIS tlllMIClL (O., lLtlHJIIt,MD. UATAIIKII CTlini). health and sweet breath secured by Shl loh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 00 conK Nasal Injector fice. For sale byMoytr liros. WORTH KNOWING. N. J. Ht'iidersiiott desires all wlio ale filleted with Rheumatism In any form to call nt bis drug store and receive valuable Information, Come one, come all, of what ever nation, sex or color. For sale nt Ilendcrslioll's Pharmacy llloomsburg Pa. will vol- flerrui! lib Dyspepsia und Liver Complaint 1 Shlloll's Is guaranteed In euro on. For sale by Moycr Rros. OUR REGARDS. Wo aro clad to say that our daughter. wlio ha& been nllllctcd with Rhcumntlsm for about eight years, is nearly cuied fiom the use of two bottle of Phelps' Rheumatic .uxir. we regard it as an excellent rcm- dy, nnd anticipate n perfect cure by tho tlmo another bottle is taken, Respectfully, Mi:, ami Mt:s. Stavu, 1SS Frci'inoiit street, Chicago, 111. For salu nt Ilcndcishott's Phaimacv Rloomsburg Pa. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh'a 'orous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Moyer Rros. GOV. ROYT'S ENDORSEMENT. Executive Cua.mhkk, ) IlAWusnuno, Pn,, Juno 7, 1882. ) Mr. John II. Phelps. Scranton. Pa.. Mv Dear Sir s Promptly upon receipt of vour Elixir, ten days since, I entered upon its uso nccordiog to directions, stopping my Iodid Potass., Ammon. and Wine ot Col chlciim. At that time 1 was completely disabled with gout in both feet ami rhcu mntlsm in ootn Knees, niul Helpless. Now 1 comfortably hobble about the house, nnd expect to bo out in a week. It may bo a coincidence, mv umeuumeiit nnd the use of your medicine. I hopo for no occasion to try it ngain, but if need bo I will try It gain in a iresii attacK wltli great confi dence. Very tiuly yours, Hknuy M. Ilovr, Governor of Pennsylvania. For salo at Hendeishott's Pharmacy. Bloomsbtirg Pa. &5tananhiltcr's. l'mi.Ann.i'iiiA,s,rt. isth. We ov(j you a. full statement of tlu; fact about the adultera tion of linen. It is getting worse and worse. This year itisgoingtobeworsethan ever before. Last year there was only one large store in Phila delphia besides this that did not put in its windows cotton-anel-linen to be lowked at for linen, and of course to be sold for linen. There is one store in New York in which lim n is sure to be linen ; and on';, one so far as we know. Is it of any importance wlu ther linen is pure or not? Cotton is prettier, evener, new ; turns yellow and gets fuzzy, washed a few times. The smoothness and beauty of new cotton helps the sub stitution ; for they tempt the eye and delude the judgment Linen ir. lumpy, never smoodi; and yet the smoother it is, tlu: more like cotton, the belter. Is it any wonder that cotton is sold for linen ? It is important that linen be linen. Can you tell which is which ? In a difficult case not one merchant in ten can tell which is which, and be sure of it. When our buyer goes to a maker of linens abroad, one of his first things to say is : " Don't offer me any ' union goods.' I may not detect the cotton to day, but I shall find it and hold you responsible for it." Any body is liable to get cotton in with his linen '1 hat isn't the trouble. Most merchants want it. They want the beauty and the price and the profit ; and are willing to take their chance of reputation. And the public is by no means reluctant to be cheat ed. It will believe almost anything of what is pretty and seems to be cheap. We are not saying that every merchant that sells cot ton and-linen cheats; far from i' We have already intimat ed that a very considerable part of the buying public wants cotton-and-linen, and doesn't want to be told of the fact. Most merchants 11 . sen wnat is wanted as it is wanted. There's no cheat tng in that. But we don't like the business. We pre fer to sell linen for linen, and nothing but linen for linen. And the reason we prefer it is because we think it a fairer thing to do, and in the long run more profitable. We are not over-critical upon others. We sell linen ior imcn ; let otnera do as they will. John Wanamaker. Chestnut. 1 hliictnth and Maiktl iirttlt, iml City'lialliqusie, ASTRAY NOTICE. come to tlio premlM'g ot thu uudi'ilguod in Mad I3WH 1I1H LUUil IIIHJUV Ulllir 191, IMS. 11TU CWUB ISU tw o lauilu-all Oeailn tUo name mark. The on n er will tiletMA nniim nmvs tkmnArli. njii-iyuu nmt eordlui; to law. uiM) muni mvuy or inei win iu uuihimi oi no. ' 1'UimV IIK.M'IKI.1), Mill vllle, LRIDOB LETTING. will lw let nt tho Commissioners omoa In IlloomMinni on lupwIay.HMHcintpor, 'Wlh, IHSl it liiOTiorK a. in., a new uriUKei" uurnvu-u u,:r lino ctcck ntiovo Jones mill In KlKlilwrcreclc oOTisnip, vriiPre mo open un.iiro now Bianoa. iu i a wooden liraoo covered brdl?o W) feet lonff txv irerii nlmtmrntx. Win? walls SO feet lonir on cast ami westKLIesof brlilOTio bo repntrcxl anil (rood opinir put on. uno simimcniio do reuuiii. nna he oilier to lie minimi lir contractor so ns lo ad mit ot skewlmck thrco feci from top of wnll plates. Plans una speeuicauons can no seen ai tno conn mlisloncrs omce, llloomsburg, Pa. fllllbAKH HKICIIAHT, ) li. y. KiioAit, y corners. .1')I1UA FinTKIlMAN. J Attef .Tnnw II. t'lsnv. ( oininlwtouer's omco lllooinsburif, Pa. Hcpt,Btli ii. DMINISTRATOR'3 NOTICE. XKTATK Of I. ICIU 1. l'ATTKV. bRCEABRD. I i'tt -rs of administration In thoeslntoof Laura .T. Patten, deceased, IMP of llioomsburif, Columbia county, pennvlvanM, have been granted by the iicjfisier oisoiucouni) ujino uraieraiRneti Admin istrator. All nerwins hnvlne claims ntfalnst tho entato of tlio deceased nro requested to present t tiein for settlement, and I hoao Indebted to tho es t.itotoirt.ikoravmontto tlio undcrsliriicd ndmln Ijtraior without delay. 1 II. I.ITTI.H ug'.rj Aumiiusiraior. I liniTOR'fl NOTICE. .A. . E8TATK Ur I'. Kl A!B, UACKASKU. Tho uiidcrsiimeil nudltor nnnolnted by tho Or. litmus' court of Columbia county to rnnkodUtrl. union of the lulnnco In tho hnnds of Jno. W. Kvnns. administrator of mild estate, wlllsltat the nitlto of c. 11. Jackson attorney nt Uerwick-, Pa. on Kiltirday sent, lath isl nt 9 o'clock a. m., wncn and w hero all parties Interested In said estate must appear and present their claims nnd thono Indebted to tlio sains lo make payment to the un- dciEltfned without delay. It. 11. 1.ITTI.H, Auditor. Aug 15 4 w DKOlSTEu'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby clien to all lcsratccs. creditors. a lid other persons InlcroHtcd la the estates of tho iTOpcctlvo decedents nhd minors, that the fol low lni? administration and guardian accounts havo been nled la tho omeo oj tho Register ot col umbla county, and w 111 be presented fur continua tion and nllon aneo In the Orphans' Court to bo held In lltoomsburfe, on .Monday September sad, IbSl, it s o'clock p. in. on said day : No. 1. Tlio first nnd Ilnal account of (.'harlen llakcr administrator ofjncob Ilaker. Into of Dun. vcr township, deceased. No. 2. Tho flint nnd llnnl necoimt nf Is.i.m Un. itenmuth, ndmlnlstratorof Benjamin Mndcnmutli, Into of L'onyiitflium township, decenticd. No. 3. Tho Hist nnd uurtlal account of Chris. Ilau Crouw! nnd Prunclj V. crouso Kxccutora of miencK crouw, lato of neater township, de- U3VU. No. 4. The llrst nnd Ilnal nccount of C. II. Jack- Bon, guardian ot J. A. wank, a minor chUd of llllirlsoil Mrnllk. hltn fif (.'oltllnlitn ennntv. fleenim. ed. No. 5. Tho llrst nnd llnnl neenunt of fleortro Waller administrator of Catherine Waller, lato ot Montour township, deceased. No. 0. Tho first nnd llnnl nccount of Allm .Mann executor of (lioivo Siiuman, latoof.Minin township, deceased. NO. 7. Tho first nnd nnnl nwonnt, nf Ahrnhnm Krelsher administrator tie bcrnl iioii cum tf.iuvnen tomineioot Peter .Maurcr, lato of Ixicust town ship, deceased No. 8. The ilnal account of Lovl Wright, suar iltun of licnovllle Kuiilk, a minor child of liencvlllo II. Koulk, into of Hemlock township, deceased rs tiled by iiebecca Wright surviving executor of ixii ungni ueceasea. NO. 11. The llrst ntlil nnnl njvnnnt nf .T.mi,a M HllUltZ lind Cll.irltV A. lfnlwrta nHmlnUlr.tnra'nr JnmcH Koberts, lato ot sugarloaf township, do- No. 10. Tho llrcf. nnil llnnl nernimt. nf P. t Pencook admlnUtrator cum tcslamnito cmtwxo of Cathcrlno A. tinll, uto of llcmlock township, de ceased. No. 11. Tho llrst nnd flnnl neenunt nf Mntnmnn Stmussor executor of i:ilass. Hclulg, lato of Lo cust township, deceased. NO. 12. The first nn.1 flnnl neeniinf. nf rMlntnn KIlLsadmlmlnlstrator of Jacob uniunor. into of Catawlssa township, deceased. NO. ill. Tho ncrnunt. nf K. 11. KnKti'nli.iiiiInr nnrt Iargniet Murks administrators &c, of Frances Kostenbander, late ot catawlssa township, de ceased. No. 11. The. srconil nml neennnt. nf Ventvn L. lllch and Thomas Wilson executors of John u. lllch, lato of Greenwood township, deceased. No. 15. Tho llrst nnd n.irllnl neenunt nf Clnrk cnllender executor of Joseph Hess, lato of Hcnton township, deceased. No 1C Tho first, nnrl flnnl neennnf. nf Snmnel 11. Klancr administrator nf Siisam Ktier. lntn trf (ireenwood lownslilp, deceased. No. 17. Tho first, nnfl nnnl neenunt of fcnmiiel hlvo executor of Philip Unangst, Into of Fishing reek township, deceased. No. IS. Tlio first, nm! flnnl nrrnmit. nf Himitel Milvo administrator, kc. of Anna M. Unangst, lato of l'lslilngcieek township, deceased, NO. 111. TllO first, nnd llnnl nnennnt. nf llnlwrf. lUieklnirh.ini ndinlnlslrntnr nf ftlljnlwlli unltpf late ot Montour township, deceased. NO. 20. The first nml flnnl nnennnf. nf Tllrnm .T. lteeaerexcmorof Joseph llartman, lato ot Cata wlssa township, deceased, No. 21. Tho llrst and final account of Charles , tWltCtS nilmlhtstrnmr lip Ijnnl. nf Tunfl, Wlllets, lato of CatawUsa township, deceased. e-0. 22. ThO llrst nnd nnrtlnl neenimf. nf .tnnn- than W. Kck administrator of H. A. lick lato of Hrlarcreck township, deceased. No. 21. The. first, nml nnrl tnt npennnt nf nilnlnn Ullli, administrator of Casper Uhawn, late o Catawlssa township, deceased. lteswer's otllce, Oeo. W. Stbunkb, llloomsburg, Aug 2ti, 's4 KegUter. jTOTICE. Aoticcu liereuv L'lvcn Mint, the foiinw in-j count lias been tiled In tlio court of Common l'loas of Columbia County, and will bo presented to tho nc- s.uu uuun. ou me, iounu .Monuay ot fcpicmuer A. 1). 1811, nnd conllimcd niter the fourth day of said term unless exception bo tiled within that time. The Hist and llnnl nccount ot Clinton U11U com mitteo of Sarah Miller a lunatic. W.M. KltlCKHAU.M, rrothy. V. II. 1IA11TMAN, Deputy. llloonv-burg Pa., Aug., 20th lbSI. Aug S2iw REAS RROWN'S INSURANCE JL AOKNC'V. Moyer's now building, Malu street, llloomsburg, l'a. lltna Insurance Co.. of Hartford, conn rnhsi tu i.iieii'uui , 13.HK1.0IIO Luucasiiuv Ftro Association, Philadelphia... . 10,000,002 1,105,710 5,2C,37I1 l,;iw,ro 3,573, IHO 2,0t,W0 'iiamlx, or iindon ,ondon ,t Linonshtrn. of Knclnnii... Hartford of llartionl .sprlugiK'ld l'lro and Murine As tho atroncles nro direct. nohel nro vrltron for tho Insured without delay In tho onicu at uioonisbm-'. oct. as. 'tii- Hay Fover. I havo been a great sullerer from Hay Fe ver tor Ilfleeu year. I read of iho many wondrous cures of I'.ly's Cream Halm anil thought I would try once more. In llfteea minutes after one nu- KirwseA-i xic fWrviMnMNt i nr.irvrif uai? 15 f plication 1 was won. ,.rfnlH- lir.ln.,,1 n weeks ngo i commenc ed using It and now 1 feel entirely cured. I l Is tho greatest disco v. cry over known. Hu hamel Clark, Farnior, Us .Mass. Kly'a Cream Balm 1 t n remedv fminrtis! nn il correct diagnosis of this disease nndcanbodc pended upon. Cream Halm causes no pain, (lives rare i ui once, l lean-sea 1110 neaa. cau-ses neaitu r feeerolloiis. Abates liillaiunutlou. Prevents frei colds. Heals tho sores. Hestores tho senses of tasto nnd smell. A thorough treatment will cure. Not a liquid or snurr. Applied Into tho nostrils. BOcts. at druggists: CO its. by mall, samplo bov tlo by mall lucts. 1.1 into I II Kit's, wuggisis, owego, N'. Y. Sep 19-1 w a MARKET REPORTS. RLOOMSHURU MARKET. AVIieat per bushel if 00 Rye " 11 ; 70 Coin ' " 05 Oats " " 40 Flour iier barrel 0 01 Cloversceil g 0u Rutter M y-ep is l allow on I'otatooa now !t5 Dried Apples 00 Hams it Sides ami shoulders 10 Chickens m I urkeys 13 I.iud per pound 18 Hay per ton la 00 liceswax 25 Huekwheat Hour per hundred a 00 Hides per lb 0 to 7 Veal skins per lb 08 Slieep pelts, each 75 Wool per lb HO Philadelphia Markets. C'OIJU HOT iClT WKKK a-. FKi:i Western winter bran, spot, 3U.75. MAC'KKltr.l.-Kxtra mess 35c. largo I's, 2$ see. extrashoi-ol'silowjuc . VI.ol'1!. Wciern extra's 3.00 si 3..W: I'cnu'a. pau"t'furi!01'10 C"'ar, 1,S5 wlntef -V,' ,,l.tiATT:l vtl'll?i ,T1"ia "d, new, ts COHN, Mixed lolh, ill i oi. OA i'S. No. 3 wlillu m 35 No, 2, 30. IIAVANU bTHAW Tlinothy-ciiolcu Westrw uud Nuwork,Q, fUlr to good Western an4 v )l?.rk'' J ISviiaedluin Western and New ) ink, 10. (4 12. ; cut hay as to quality 10. o$ 18.0O. 1 u,itiuw now, 15.00 Wheat blraw, . M lo. oat ,,i KU('s--l'i'uM'lvuu!a exira,si a a western itu'n'i-:it,-pcn mnsjlvaula extra, 87 s 28 Western extra 21 tv as. I.1VU l'Ul'LTHY. l-'owla. Illtr ra. l?tlvfwl lni- I'ol 10 roosters old u i.j joo ; spring chickens as lo sli) nml nu.illtv ' ' l)ltlssi:ii PoVLTIlv.-rhlekcns extra IT WU ia1ng chickens as to weight uud quality H)l'ATCUK.-l'( t'er bushel 75 i w j per barrel 1.71 -.'.ui. JM HUnSUMHIC NOW FOR TIIK COLUMBIAN $i.5o a yeah; 1 i I?: f. n
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