THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. flHTW HAT 11 If DT A T UVJUUM.Dlfl.iX THE OfllOAQO CONVENTION. 0. E. Elwoll, . I Eiwa J. K.Bltt9aT)oniar.,f E1U0"' ji tuo itino lor uciegniQ uiccuou nn- ntrtiitttnii tiff itrtti1il nnnllnti run rn(lt. At 12.10 p. in. on luosuay uio yon- erfl aa!U8l ,mllinR confidence in any vention was oal o.l to oritur y una r- 03,n.,n sii)XcA ,,at may j,,, ptnrtfc(i man mrnuin oi mo nwonm by locnl 0ftnajatci, about each other. Iff. I). C. Somlntrv. At tlio conoIUHion ol tno invocation Clinlrninii Itnrnum uahl : iisarnumoiino nuoi.m uoiii....v by locnl 0ftnajatci, about each othor. Prayer wis offered ly Hov. Hr. Al t,m B(lmo Um jf nnyono kll(W8 be. 3. Marquis of tlio Northwestern (1 ,ou,(t tlmt cai,(u(al0 j9 SIU? BLOOMSBUUO, PA. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 188 1. "nxNTLKUix op Tni Convention i-Ilarmony socms to bo thoBcntlmontof this convention even tlio nlr teems saturated with a dealro and determi nation to nomlnato a ticket for president and vlco president which will bo satisfactory to tho north and to tho soutli, to tho east and to tho west nay, more, a ticket that will harmonize tho democracy throughout tho Union, and Insure victory In No vember. Harmony provallod In tho aciiDornuons of tho national committee. No effort was mado to nomlnato a temporary chairman in tho Interest ol any candidate, but, on tho contrary, ono wno snail nresldo over tho deliberations of this convention with absoluto Impartiality. In that spirit and to that end I havo been directed by tho unanimous vote of tho national committee to namotlio lion. lilchard 11. Hubbard, of Texas, for temporary chairman of this convention." Tho ciiicstiou was then put and iinnnlmnualv norecil to. ami tho result T 1 J . I having been aunounood tuo chair an- unlawful or improper methods to ko- euro his nouiliiaUoii, it ought to du told broadcast, all over tho county. Congress adjourned on Tuesday. Wo should bo very glad to bo ablo to deny tho chargo that whlskoy is being distributed in demijohns in sov oral townships, by Democratio candi dates, for tho pnrposo of influencing votes at tho coming dclecato eleotlon. That such charges ate allowed to go imdenicd is a dlsgraoo to the party. If it is not true, then let overy candldato who is accused of this mako an opon denial of it in tho nowspapors j and if true, tho rcenectablo votor who can not bo lnlluenoeu by kov should put tho seal .!-.. ....1..V, 1... ft.H.. i.u.i . .......B v .. vt v . nnmm ifno to watt UP0I1 )V 1 " ,5 5 Mr. Hubbard d conduct him to tho .w . ,nu r, o 1... o". v I rtiintp Ao tl,n trnni omfiii nnnoarod on rd nk 'ofwnis: roint.l Senator B.RJona,( of Louis- pa, ml of condemna- GXlniSt?d N. II. McClean. Lieutena sby finding out ?'a 2"d ,"ou' A ?, u 1 Chamberlain, Captain Ge parties tho "grand bounce." Tho time ha. como when men should bo put in ofllco because- of their qualifications, nnd thoso who oxpoct to sccuro nomi nations bv the frco use of money, and by tho inUucnco of whiskey aro liable in iiu tiisuppuimeu. In a speech to tho Massachusetts del egation at Chicago, Ben Butler said that ho would "support the nomineo of tho convention, no matter who it may bo." In caso tho honor should fall on tho shoulders of another than Butler, tho several parties whloh have already nominated him for President will be placed in an awkward Gr. But ler has accepted tho nominations of the Grccnbackors and Anti-Monopolists, and now pledges himself to support tho candidate of tho third party. He thus repudiates hi3 own action m accepting theso nominations, and it remains to be Ruen what the two organizations will do about it. If Butler is for tho Dem ocratic nominee, he cannot support But ler, and ho is therefore in tho awkward position of being tho candidate of two parlies whoso success no does not uo sire. Boa Butler is a political prob lorn, and his ways arc past finding out. Government Appropriations. TUP, SUM.MAIIIC3 SUDM1TTE1) TO THE HOUSE llVIiANDAM, AND TO TUB SENATE IIV ALLISON. the stago they wore greeted with tu multuous aunlauso. Chairman Bar- nam extended congratulations nnd ad dressing tlio convention said : "(lENTLKMHN OT TTIB CONVENTION tt have the distinguished honor of presenting to this conven tion Hon. lilchard U. Hubbard, of Tcxa eiecteu absolutely Impartial temporary chairman of the convention." Tho nnnlauso was thou rcuowed and continued for several minutes, ench of- fort to retain quiet having been receiv ed with a rcnowal of tho cheers in in creased volumo. Finally order waB re stored and Chairman Hubbard witn a gavel in his hand spoke : Governor nubbard In stentorian tones express ed thanks for the confidence reposed in him by his election which ho regarded aa a compliment to the stato from which he came, and which mora than any other state, was cosmopolitan In every fibre. It was peopled by tho wanderers from every stato and was now with over 8,000,000 people, placing In tho ballot box over 100,000 democratio majority. Ho would not attempt to spoak tho great history of tho democratic party. Its magnificence, its prog ress, 1U power and Its wealth, but that party In all essential elements was tho same to-day as whon founded by tho framcrs of the constitution. Men die. but Ufo and the principles of tho demo cratio party could not perish from the earth, though their advocates might sleep for ages. Ho thanked Ood that tho democratio party was as much an organized party to-day as over It was In days gone by. Tho democratic party to-day had tho house of representatives, and but tor treason stalking In tho senato chamber they would havo that, too. Great cheering. They had their presidency, too, but the robbers had stricken down their rights at tho ballot box and In tho very temples of liberty perjurers with pale lips and chattering teeth had stolen tho fruits of li'roiongea Wnat the Veto Ought to Have Contained. I'roa Tho Now York Evening l'ost. A referenco to tho Armu Jtcaistcr shows that Congress and tho 1'rcsldcut havo in no less than ton other onsen concurred in doing tho very thing which tho President now says Con gress has no right to do and which ho thinks it would bo impiopcr for him to do that is, in restoring to his rank in tho servico nn oillcor wrongfully ills- missed by suntenco 01 court-martial. Theso cases aro thoso of Surgeon Gen eral Hammond, Captain Georgo A. rmes, Lieutenant Edward It. Clarke, Major Joseph B. Collins, Caiitaiu .jnmcs 11. 3inoiair,unptaiu r. v. otan- llunt, Major lcutcnant Lowoll A. eorgo T. Olm sted. They may bo found in tho Ar my Jlegiiter, nnd they arc, taken in connection with tho .President's veto nnd tho votes of many of tho Senators, rather odd rending. W hat tho veto ought to havo contained was simply this : "For various reasons, political nnd other, whloh I intend to keep to myself, I do not wish ,to restore Filz John Porter to his rnnk in tho nrmy nnd I nm not going to do it. It hns been suggested in Homo quarters that Congress has no constitutional right to nulhorizo or direct mo to do it but this, everybody knows, is mere bun combe." nr.. t.. . n nr n 1-11 I victory irom mo ut-uiuuruuu imnj. . , . , ... , . , wuwm.j .... -l Huomiucu 111 vno nouso a summary 01 nshnmedofit-anaall reoubUcans to-day turned tho appropriation bills similar to that I their consciences from tho fraud of 1876. Eight submitted in tho sen.Mo bvMr. Allison, years had passed, It was truo, but tho great sin of liy this it appears that tho wholo tm,mMwr"",', ' , r.i" ... r u- I as long as the republican party remained In povr- .- lrvrn,,i ... ... ffi Ho thanked God that there was no statuto of expenses 01 tno govornraent tor tno 1 limitations to bear this Indictment. Those groat last fiscal year was 230,187,090.90, loaders-Tllden and llendrlcs-cgreat applause, and tho wholo amount appropriated 01- audience waving nais,roso to uieiricet ana snoui- chimney. This place, whicli is 'now ly fpr tho current ffscal year was V&1 plastered up, is supposed to have U Benediot Arnold's Vault. LIGHT LET INTO A SKCKKT GliAMIlKIl IN THE OM AltNOl.H HOUSE AT NEW HAVEN. New Haven Despatch In the Boston Globe. An interesting discovery has been mado by Thomas Ailing nt tho old Benedict Arnold house in Water street. In tnkiug out u portion ot tho garret lioor Jin lound a vault which is taippos-. ed to havo boon used by Arnold dur ing tho wur of tho revolution ns n hid ing placo for suspects or lugitives whom ho wished to befriend. Tho lifting of sorao of tho garret floor planking revealed the pocket or vault underneath. It is about four and one- half feet deep and six feet square, nnd is plastered on tho aides. Two or more persons could remain in concealment thoro without being crowded. Tho vault is located by tho side ot tho large old-lashionod chimney. Un tho iloor adjacent to tlio vault former. ly stood a largo bookcase, and it is supposed that through this cnlrnnco was obtained to tho hiding place, in dido the vault aro plain evidences of a former staircaso extending to a small enclosed space on another side of tho $180,100,477.01. Mr. Allison stated that tho total amount for this year at 5rJii,2Ul,US7.13. Tho discrepancy be tween Mr. Randall's total and that of Mr. Allison is accounted for by tho fact that Mr. Allison assumed a furth er appropriation for tho narv to cover tho last six mon'.hs of tho current fiscal year. Adding this amount, which is nearly $8,000,000, and tho S0G.O0O, 000 unexpended balances of former ap printions for pensions reappropriated brings tho grand total appropriated for tho fiscal year already entered upon to $250,201,087 as stated by Mr. Alli son, and tho courage of men who lovo their country accepted the verdict of tho fraud and were grand er to-day In their retirement than the men who profited by the fraud. Tho democratic party would bo In power to-day but for republican gold and notes, notes fresh and uncut from Washington the money ot the Star routes attesting to the ve nality ot the republican party. Tho speaker went on to denounce tho administra tion ot publJo affairs, glanced over the work of the Springer committee, pictured tho reforms which would follow the re-entry ot tho democracy to pow er and In concluding urged that when the commit tee on platform reported they have no doubtful oracle, speaking with doublo tongue upon the great ls3ucs ot the day, but such a platform that tno wayranng man, tuougn a 1001, nugnircaa aDa understand. a sort of a closet. Whether Arnold used the vault for secreting Tories or tho patriots, or built It to afford n 10 treat for himself, uo ono knows. That it should have remained undiscovered until Mr. Ailing accidentally found it shows that it was well designed for the purpose which led to its construction Drowned in the Whirlpool- 1IAT1I1NO IN A UANGEKOUS PLACE, AL THOUGH WARNED NOT TO DO SO. The rest ot tho temporary organi zation having been nnnouueed, Mr. Smnlley, of Vermont, a member of the national committee, offered a reso lution that tho rules of tho last demo cratio convention shall govern this body, oxcept that in voting for candi- Buffalo, N. Y., July 7. Another I dates no stato should bo allowed to drowning caso hns occurred at Niagara I change its vote until tho roll of the Falls, and there is a possibility that I states had been called, and until every tho victim mado tho attemnt to swim I stato had cast its vote. tho whirlpool rapids where Captain Mr. Grady, of New York offered as nn Webb lost his Hto last July, The cir-1 amendment tlio loiiowmg : "And cutnstances aro as follows : About 2 1 when tho vote of a state, as announc- Blaine Oonviots Blame. HIS 1101.1) AND COMMENDABLE SENTIMENT CONFLICTS WITH FACTS. From tho New York Sun. Our esteemed contemporary, tho JSeening l'ost, in a series of articles in which candor and acuteness have kent oven sten. brinirs out verv clearlv tho tact that Air. Ulaino told nt (inter- cut times two entirely different stories about his connection with tho Little ownership of tho Ltttlo Rook bonds nnd if our recollection is right this very statement was subsequently incorpora ted at his own request into his sworn testimony buforo tho invcsllgatlhgcom mltttco ho had no renson to supposo thnt his own letters to Mr. Wairen J. Fisher, jr., would uver sec the light ngain, or that tho memorandum ot Mr. Fishers bookkeeper, air. Juullignn, would ovor bo produced for the infor mation of n committee of congress. Ho theieforo took high ground. Tho ru mor that ho whs tho owner of of $150,- 000 or more of theso bonds was absurd. Ho had bought somo of tho bonds not a very largo amount pnying mon ey for them precisely as overy other investor did, nnd at tho market price. Had it como to this, he demanded, thnt nu American citizen was to bo exclud ed from n perfectly honorablo nnd open business investment merely becnuso ho happened to bo n representative in con gress f Mr. Blaine's indignation wns ns lofty ns tho sentiment which ho ad vanced wns virtuous : "Whero conceal niont is desirable avoidance is advisable." Yet it w&s destined thnt within six weeks Mr. Blaino should bo forced to read in tho house a letter written and signed by himself showing tho exact sizo of tho "small amount" of his hold ings in Littlo Rock nnd Fort Smith bonds n small amount, ns ho said, paid for in cash nt tho market price, nnd magnified by absurd rumor to something ovor $150,000. On Octo ber I, 1871, ho wroto to Mr. l'ishcr: 1 have befn treated with positive cruelty In re gard to tho bonds. I have your poslllvo written contract to deliver mo 153,00O land bonds nnd Ms,- 500 nrst mortgago bonds, ot this whole amount of bonds duo mo I havo received but .'o,oco land grants, leaving JTS.OOO of thoso nnd JOJ.M) nrsl mortgage ttlll due." It nppcars that tho "absurd rumor" ns to the amount wns nbout right. But if Mr. Blaino hnd paid in cash for his $lo7,000 of bonds, just liko overy oth er investor, and nt tlio open market price, how was it possible for Josiah Caldwell nnd Warren Fisher, jr., to defraud him of his rights? How did it happen that tho Boston capitalists wero in a position to trent tho innocent nnd simple-minded legislator with positivo cruelty 1" 1 ho nnswer is aflorded by tho mem orandum in Mr. Blaine's handwriting showing thnt ho did not pay n dollar for his Jiittlo Kock bonds, but receiv ed them as .1 gratuity or commission ; and further light is allorded by Mr. Blaino himself in 0110 of tho Mulligan letters : Mr Drak Mn. FisnEH : Your offer to admit me ton participation In the new railroad enter prise Is In every respect as generous as I could ex pect or desire. I thank you very sincerely for It. 'I do not feel that I shall provo a deadhead In the enterprise If I onco embark In It. I seo vari ous channels In which I know I can bo useful. 'Very hastily nnd sincerely your frlond, James g. Ulunk. "AfOCBTA, Juno 29, 1869." Tho maxim which Mr. Blaino laid down for tho government of his rela tion with speculative enterprises may bo slightly improved to lit his caic "Whero avoidanco would have been advisable nnd concealment is urgently necssnry, silence is tho best policy until the memorandum books havo all been produced." Despatches from Weeatur, spring held, bhelbyville, and other places 111 Central Illinois, report that a severe wind storm swept over Macon, Sanga mon, ami Christian counties between midnight on Friday night and day light on Saturday inoruing destroyin much property. JNo joss ot lite was reported. In tho neighborhood of Mi opolis, Sangamon county, several farm houses were badly damaged, barns and outhouses were carticd away, and crops wero ruined. Corn was beaten Mat to tho ground and blown into rib bons, and wheat in shock was blown away and levelled with tlio ground, Tho loss in Sangamon county as far as heard from, is estimated at over ijlOO, 000. Tho loss in Macon county is es timated at $200,000. Christian conn P. M. Saturday a couplo of boys found a man's clothing down at tho old Maid- of-the-Olist landing on tho American side, and reportod the matter to tho Chief of Police, who found n raemoran- ed by tho chairman of tho delegation, 01 such state, is challenged by any member of tho delegation, then the secretary shall call tho names of the individual delegates from tho stato Rock and Fort Smith speculation. In othfir wnrda. lnnviritf nut. nf siirlit nlto gether the question of his guilt or in- ty is said to havo suffered severely, but nocenco ot corruption 111 that business, "." .nu yivuu. his own statement and tho testimony afforded by tho letters which ho ad mits having written convict him of de liberate falsehood. It will bo remembered thnt tho same llcrwlck. Bnmucl 15. Smith and wife to Lemuel Cope, IJerwick. Bnmucl O. Ki'lcliiier nmlwlfu toJurcmlnh Wolf, Centre. IrniicU ltccso nnd wife to Adam Utt, Greenwood. Ilciijnniln llrnmlt nnd wife to Bnmucl Frederick, Cutnwlssii. Clinton Kills gimrdliin to same, Cntnwts. Jncoli Mttyeruld to Margaret A. Albert- son. S. It. Howinnn to Northern Col. Co. & Southern Luz. Co. Ag. Society, llcrwlck. A. 11. Stewart ami wlfo to tlio Trustees ot tho M. K. C. of Ornngovlllc, Omngu. Snrah A. l'etrlkln to Novln U. Funk, Scolt. Ncvlu U. Funk to Sarah A. l'etrlkln, Scott. Kilns U Ilulwlg nnd wlfo to Susntmnh Walter, Locust. Samuel II. Sltlcr, administrator to George Gckrotu, Ilrlnrcrcck. Elizabeth Slmrrctts, ct nl to snme, Cen tre. Obldlnh Yocum et nl administrator to Eznrnh Yocum, Locust. Kuuhcn Hnup nnd wlfo to A. M. Johnson, Locust. Tlio Locust Mountain Coal & Iron coin. pany to Clinrles Weldmnn, Gorinnntown. William It. Cox nnd wlfo to Wilson A. Thomas, Greenwood. Snrnli A Donne to ClnraFahrlngcr, Scott. C. W. Nenl and wlfo to Wllllnin Abbott, Scott. John W. HoITmim, slierllf to Joseph Mil ler, ct nl, Centre. Jnmcs llellforil, et nl to I'lilnens Hcmloy, Ilrlnrcrcck, U. F.Crispin Jr. nnd wlfo to Kllr.nheth Sltlcr, Berwick. Frederick Duty and wlfo to Ellen Howcr, Locust. Levi Blank nnd wife to Elliott W. (Jarrl- son, Berwick. Jnmcs Masters and wife to John Thomns, Greenwood. John Mordim nnd wlfo to S. C. Beagle, Mt. Pleasant. Joseph D. Thompson nud wlfo to Jnmcs M. Gcnrhnrt, Berwick. John Hughes ct nl to Aaron Yoder, Lo. cust. Herman Fnhrlngcr ct id administrator to Samuel Keller, Locust. Joslnh II. Hliomls nnd wife to Mury M. Keller, Locust. Simon Fcttermnn nnd wlfo to Mary Kel ler, Locust. Nelson 1'. John nnd wlfo to William G. Evans, Cntnwlssa. ' Miles A. Williams to Fletcher N. Wilson, Benton. John Mourcy, Sheriff, to Harriet L. B. Goss, Fishhigcreek. Elijah Hess and wlfo to J. W. Ferry, Sugarloaf. Shcdcrlck Hess nnd wife, ct. al., to Geo. Hess, Sugarlonf. John A. Shumnn nnd wife to Fnnnle E. Bartalct, Main. John Mourcy, Sheriff, to W. F. Somlcr, Scott. Elizabeth Itouglc, ct. nl., to Susannah Illilnurd, Ilrlnrcrcck. John Drum to John K. Itoblns, uxecutor, Main. Franklin Shumnn mid wife to Aldcn Stokes, Fishlngcrcek. William K. Nnttrcss nnd wife to John E. Beilly, Centrnlln. If. A. Dcltterich and wlfo to Samuel Yost, Fishhigcreek. Charles W. Miller, administrator, to Daniel Slugley, Beaver. Samuel Ilullcr to Michael Heller, Mifflin Tho It. C. W. & V. of the E. P. Society, to Alcm Brlttnln, Bloomsburg. Trustees of tho G. ft. Church parsonnge of Berwick, to John A. Kcpner, Berwick. lilchard Stiles to Andrew T. Ikelcr, Benton. Dorcas SutlllT, ct. al., to Franklin Getz, Sugnrloaf. Eliza Waters to John llelwlg, Ciitawissa. A. P. Heller and wife to Jesso Brom stetlcr, Greenwood. Hugh McBrlde and wife to Daniel Wen ncr, Fishlngcrcek. Isaiah Bower and wife to May G. Van dcrslicc, Berwick. J. W. Evans nnd J. B. Young to Jumlna S. Duke, Brlnrcreck. CANDIDATES. All persons wlioso names aro announced as can didates, m tub column, nro expoctod to nbldo by uioncuonoiiho Democratio county convention, 10 uo nciu on Tuceaay, August isth tssi. Tho prlco for announcing names In Hits column IU3.M for any onicc, nnd must bo paid positively in auvanco. I'OIl CONdlll'.SS. DR. O. A. MKGAUUELT,, OF OltANO KVIM.K. 1011 C0X0UK3S, J. M. C. RANCK, Ol' SCOTT TOWNSHIP. VOn COUNTY THKASUItKIt, G. A. 1IHHRING. OK IH.OOMS1IU1K1. roll COUNTV TllKASUltlilt. P. A. EVANS, )!' JIONTOUK TOWNSIII1'. roil OOUNTV TIll'.ASL'ItlMt, A. B. CROOP, or imiAiicui:i:ic. DISSOLTJTIOIT OF PARTNERSHIP. SO Cents 011 $1.00. Tho firm of M. LEVY partnership tin tl in order & CO. have decided to dissolve to do this tho stock must ho sold. Now is the time to buy I'OIl I'itOrilKOTAKY. W. II. SNYDER, OI'OIIANOK. CLOTHIHG i-oit viioriioxorAUV m:vi;uai ni ct.KMf or Tin: COliltTS V.m. KH1CKIJAUM Ol' III.OOMSIIL'IIO. foii in:uisri:n k iu:cokii:k. M. F. EYERLY, or ni.ooMsuuRd. 1-011 itr.nisTi;it & itixomiKit. C. II. CAMPBELL, 01' lll.OO.MSllUIKl. kou HKoisTKit & ni:coiii)i:it. G. W. STERNER OV HLOOMSHUItO. r.m iii' it HKtionnr.n. U. II. ENT, or ni.oovRiitmo. l'OIt COUNTY COMMSSlONim. CHARLES REICIIART, or -MAIN. l'OIt COUNTY COMMISSIOSUII. whether you need it or not as the slock H.F. EDGAR, or risiiiNocnuKK. I'OIl COUNTY COMMISSIOXI'.U. WASHINGTON PARK, This is no humbug. Wo mean business. Call and seo for your self ns it will no to your interest. Tlio stock consists of SUMMER AND WINTER CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, etc. In fact ev erything usually lound in a iirst-class clothing store and TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. MERCHANTS Will find it to their interest to call and learn our prices as we can oiler them many advantages which they cannot get in the city. or niANKi.iN. l'OIt COUNTY COMMISSiONHIt STEPHEN POIIE OF CF.NTIIH TOWNSHIP. M. LEVY & CO. rOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER. R. A. SIIUMAN, or CATAW1SSA. FOII COUNTY COMM1SSIONF.K, WM. G. GIRTON, BER-WICK, IP npr 25-3m OK HI.OOMSlSUItG. Argument Court. On Monday of last week court convened for the purpose of taking up cases 011 the nrtrnment list. Tlieru were munv of them. thiug happened in tho case of several anlj ll0 8eSsIons occupied Monday, Tues- wugicnsiuiu day nnd Wcuncsilny, nnu then nulournecl dura book bearing tho namo of D. Al-1 and their individual preference, as er ucrt mono ot tbe pockets. It was learned that a mar. by that name had been boarding at the Frontier Houso lor tlio past week, and registered from Utica, where ho has an uncle. Al bert had been in tho habit of going down to tho Mist landing bathing overy evening since his arrival. although warned not to do so, and ho went down as usual Saturday ovonintr. and tho manager ot tho hotel, thinking ho had retired for the night, paid no attention to his absence. lie was in tho habit of being absent from tho hotel for somo hours at a time, being in search of employment. lie was about 35 years of nge, tall and blonde complexion and complained ot ill health. IIo had been a soldier in the lato war. Tho opinion is expressed that tho man wont down to havo a bath as usual and risked out too far, getting into tho ed dies, and was carried down into the rapids. His clothes was piled up neat ly witli a towel on top. pressed shall bo recorded as tho voto of such state." Laughter and ap plauso.J Tlicso resolutions elicited a long dis cussion, tho Kelly men of Now York arguing against tno unit rule, llio voto on the amendment resulted as follows : ayes, 832; noes, 4C3. Tho voto was taken on tho original of tno Credit Mobilier during the investigation that, curious ly cnonch, was set on foot by Mr. Blaine himself. In their ignorance of the existence ot Mr. Oakes Ames mem orandum book, sorao of the senators and representatives whom Oakes Ames had bribed, made sworn statements at tho beginning of the investigation which wero utterly demolished by tho production of the record evidence a few days later. Then they were oblig- resolution offered by Mr. feraalloy, of cd t0 cfmD 0 tho def 'Tho whole. UnwniAiif nttrt if rtn a m1rrtnti A Aan I . 0 . . ...... Disastrous Winds. I.ANCASTKH COUNTY VIS1TKO IIY ANOTHER HBA.VY STORM DOING IM MENSE IUMAOK. Lancaster, July 7. fho storm which struck this county somo miles north of this city Saturday night did great damage to roads, property and crops. At somo points thero wero heavy falls of hail, and tho rain badly washed out tuo roads ana tields. Among tho sufferers is Levi S. Roist, 111 tho vicinity of Uregon, whoso to bacco sheds wero blown down ; his or chard was badly damaged and over one hundrod locusttrces wero uprooted. Simon Hosteller's losses in fruit trees, fences, wheat, grass and other crops, nour Oregon is estimated at one thous and dollars, lictweeu NelTsvillo and Now Haven at Long's farm the barn was blown down. Fenstermaoher's to bacco shed was moved from its foun dation. A stono barn was blown to pieces with tho exception of ono of tlio gable end walls. At Neffsville, Mr. llerr's cron of tobacco was cut to pieces by hail. Two dwelling houses belong' ing to Daniel Herr, near NclTsville, had their gables blown in. Tho roof of tho barn was torn off and tho crops greatly damaged. Nearly all tho trees Vermont and it was adopted. A reso lution was then ottered and adopted for tho appointment of a committee on credentials, permanent organization and platiorm. it was also ordered that all resolutions in regard to tho platform bo referred to that committee without disoussion. Mr. l ranees, ot Missouri, moved that when tho con vention adjourn it be till 11 o clock to morrow morning. Tho motion pre vailed. Tho convention then adjourn ed to ro-osserablo at 11 o'clock Wed nesday, On Wednesday, after tho introduc tion of a number of resolutions, tho nomination of candidates was declared to bo in order, and tho remainder of the session was spent in speech-mak ing. Mr. George Groy of Delawaro presented tho namo of benator myard, JSx-Uovernor Jlondricks ot Indiana named Joseph E. McDonald, Mr. John W. lireckinndgo named Allen (i. Tliu man of Ohio. Speaker Garlislo was presented by James A. MoKeiizio of Kentucky j uovernor Cleveland was named by Mr. Lockwood, and then at G.20 tho convention adjourned until Thursday morning. Congress will not taj Mr. Hayes' Bill, Bpeclal dlapatcli to tuo Times. Washinoton, July 1. An amend mcnt inserted in tho dcllcienoy bill by tho Senato and dofeated in tho House to-day recalls tho stirring times in Louisiana in 1877, when two Stato Governments wero fighting for tho con trol of affairs. Tho amendment ap propriated three thousand dollars to reimburso Ex-President Hayes for mon ey spent by him to pay tho exponses of tho commissioners who went to Louisiana to investigate and report upon tho troubles thero. Hayes paid tho money out of his own pocket and has been trying to get it back over since, by means of a Congressional ap- salo denial under oath which had been tho first rcfugo of tho inculpated states- mon profited them nothing; in the light ot the subsequent disclosures it simply added perjury to their load of shamo. Mr. Blaine mado tho samo mistake. in April, layo, when tho repot t was tirst circulated that Mr. Thomas bcott had taker, off his hands, for SG4.000, bonds of tho Littlo Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Company of tho faco value of 75,000, Mr. Blaino hastened to his feet in tho houso of representa tives with a personal explanation, it was mado 011 April 24, 1801, and it is printed on page 2,725 of volume 4, part 3, of tho Congressional Ilecord. Mr. lilaino then said along tho Lititz olko wero uprooted or propriatlon. uepreseniauvo calkins twisted off. Dauiel Herr'n woods, of made a Btrong appeal for Hayes, though five acres, has hardly a tree left stand ing in it, tho trunks being twisted off several feet from tho ground. Mrs. Henry Shifsler's barn near Petersburg, was torn to pieces, and Martin Hess' born unroofed. Joseph Buckwalter's barn in Manheim township, was de molished, his carriages crushed and bis orchard ruined. ho did not claim that the beneficiary was greatly in ueed of tho money. But Randall put his foot down hard on tho paragraph, declaring that thero was no law For making such an appropriation. It was quite noticcablo that in referring to Hayes, Randall spoko of him as Rutherford B. Hayes, and not as Ex president Hayei. "The absurd rumor has lately appeared In cer tain newspapers that I was tbe owner ot from f 150,030 vo 1250,000 ol ttie IJttlo Uoclc nudlFort Bmltn railroad bonds which I received without consideration, and that It was from theso bonds that Thomas A. Scott received his t"5,000. Tho statement Is gratuitously and utterly (also. "The littlo Kock and l'ort smith company re ceived a grant Irora tho state, Finally, toward tho close of low, a company ot Boston gentlemen, representing considerable capital, un dertook Its construction. In raising tho requite means they placed the bonds ot the road on the New England market In tho summer ot lM'J, oner. Ing them on terms which seemed very favorable to tho purchaser, and ottering them at a time when Investments ot this kind wero tutally popu lar. In common with UuMrtiU of other jieople In Xeie Itovlaiui ana other lKtrtt f the country, I bought tome vj these bonds nut 11 try large atnowU paying for thnn at precisely the tame rates that otliers paid. "I never heard and do not believe that tho Little Hock Company which I know Is controlled by honorable men over patted with a bond to any person except at the regular prlco flied for tho sale. ' Sly whole connection with tho road has been open as the day. If thero had been any. thing to conceal about It, I should never have touched It. Wherever concealment is desirable avoidanco Is advisable, and I do not know any but ter test to apply to tho honor and fairness ot a business transaction." After putting this noble sentiment into tho form of nn apothegm, Mr. Ultimo summed up his denial : "Instead ot receiving bonds of the Uttle Hock and Fort Smith road as a gratuity, I never had one except at tho regular market price, uud In. steadot malting a largo fortune out of that com pany, I have Incurred a sevcro pecuniary loss from my Investment in Its securities, wnlcu I still retain. And out o( eucu affairs as this grows the popular gossip of large fortunes amassed In con gress!" At tho timo when Mr. Blaiiio mado this statement in explanation of tho until Monday of this week, and was occu pied until Tuesday. The following are the proceedings : Siimucl Ilutchlngs nnd James Masou were naturalized. Estato Lawrence Waters. Citation or dered. Estate Harriet Vnullcw. Inquest award ed. Estate Ellas L. llelwlg. Citation nward- cd. lleport of viewers In favor of n county bridge In Greenwood, npproved by the court. David Mauser appointed guardian of Alice Fry. Petition of Aaron Smith to satisfy mort gage given to Jacob Harris, filed. Petition to satisfy mortgago of John IIU' to Lafayetto Keller, ct. al., filed. On petition, Reuben Guild appointed guardian of two minor children of Evan Welllver, deceased. Estnto Mary A. Qctirhart. Citation awarded. Petition for nllas order of sale In estate of Beth Ilartmnu, salo ordered. A. 1'. Heller and villlam Masters ap pointed appraisers lu estate of Samuel Mc- Carty, on petition of widow. Divorces wero decreed In tlio following cases 1 Hitlcnbcmlcr vs. lmtcnhcnuer, 1, M. Mostcller vs. Ella M. Mostellcr, Owen Suit vs. Lucy Ann Suit. Swank vs. N. & W. U. It. It. Petition for a struck jury filed, nnd rulo granted. Estate Scth Hartman. lleport of mull tor on exceptions to account, coullrincd nisi. Petition for special Hond tax In fHigur- loaf tiled, and decree made. Tho supervisors nro directed to levy a tax of ten mills. Commonwealth vs. Geo. W. Amies Ilccognlzanco of dcfcmUnt and William Lawra In $300 for appearance of defen dant at next term. In re, to strike off the registry of Jos. I, Bauer. Opinion filed and rule made abso lute. Application of Paul Forlner, nilinlnlstrn nuttcriiillU an n Summer IlrluU. In the warm summer weather mr.ny per sons feel an Irresistible craving for some thing sour and often gratily this deslro by free Indulgence in pickles or vegetables made acid with vinegar. This demand for acids Indicates a deficiency In tbe acid bc- cretlons of the stomach, and tho demand for an artlllcial supply Is a natural one, but vlnegnr Is not tho best substitute. Lactic acidity is one of tho chief agents that gives ncldlty to tho gastric juice of the stomach in health. This Is the acid of sour milk, and therefore one of tho best summer diet drinks that we can use Is but termilk. It satisfies the cravings for acids by giving to the stomach a natural supply, and at tho same time furnishes In Its cheesy matter n good supply of wholcsorao nutrition. A man will euduro fatigue in hot weather better on buttermilk than on any other diet drink he can use. tor, for discharge, filed. A largo number of cases wero nrgued or submitted. IleeilH llccorclccl, Tho following deeds havo been recorded since those lust published 1 William J. Cox and wlfo to Daniel Wei liver, Greenwood. Itobert li. P. Colly nnd wlfo to Phiebo E. Laubach, Denton, Mury Ann Kester, etal to Kcubcn J, Keg tor, Greenwood. Tho Locust Mt. 0. & I, Company to John Yorwortli, Centralla. Samuel Noylmrd, administrator to Mar- caret A. Dakar, Scott. Peter Keck and wlfn to Emanuel Cope, W CROYALIItWll Ji POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowdernnver varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholcsomnness. More economical thtntho ordinary kluus. and cannot bo sold In compulltlon wltn the multitude of low test, short wenrui, uiumor puusimnvD iuvy,oid. ouiu um, In cans. Hoyai. uieinu rowbKK -u waii-m N.Y. uucu-iy. nnrtrtfi A.v,i rwJ.ni1Poyi!i,it 9www 1 1 AKCUUS W ailbCUO. UIUKI to bell the First AUTHENTIC lllographlcs of BLAINE & LOGAN liy H.J, llamsdcll. Esq., Mr. Ulalno's Intlmati 1UI la J IUI a UM unit i 1 u. luu u. u x-uugliro. i.viM , outnu ordered within a week. Agents coining money, j no people uemanu una n urn uecauau, Um immt reliable, comnlete. interesting and rich ly Illustrated. It contains 050 jingea nno Bteel portraits ; will be Hint out, self tautest, and pay uiggest proms, iicwum ui unxcimuiv, vaicupcu- liy uuuks. nnvuuv uuro iu uuDoara avts,, i roil COUNTV COMMISSIONKlt. W. S. FISHEH, OF MAIN'. I will not mako n personal canvass of thecounty to solicit votes, but, It elected, I pledgo myself to conduct tho ofllco In tho best Interests of tho peo ple. 1-OB lllU'lSUSUNTATlVl-:, WILLIAM 1JIIYSON, Ol' CKNTHAI.IA. VOn HtH'lir.SKNTATIVK. A. L. FRITZ, OF W.OOMSnUUG. i-'oit E. M. TEWKSIWUY, OF CATAWISSA. I will not travel tho county to solicit votes, but will cheorfully visit nil publicly, to illscu-u tho Is sues before tho people, It desired, FOlt HKl'ltr.SKNTATIVK, DH. L. J. AD Ail S, or nuiAiiciti:i:K. , Kon nHi'itnsr.NTATivi:. G. M. LOCKARD, OF lil.OOMSllUItr.. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to mo directed will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House, In bloomsburg, l'a , on 1 10 . at 3 o'clock p. m., nil that certain lot or piece of ground situate In tho Dorough ot Centralla, nu, bounded and described as follows s On tho north by lot of Alexander lllack, on the. east by nn alley, on tho west by Locust Avenue, and on tho south by lot of David C. lllack, being lot of 11 In block 71. whereon Is erected a two-story frame dwelling houso and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of David C. Dlack against WUIlam H. James and to bo sold ns the property of William 11. James. 11. 1). ic 11. Atty's. ru ra. ALSO, Tho following real estate sltuato In tho village of Espy, Bcott towashlp, columhla county, renn'o., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Be ginning at corner of lot number 10 In plan ot said village ot Kapy, belonging to Cyrus Barton, thence eastward by Slain street elghty-two and one-halt feet to corner ot lot number 18 belonging to Isaac McKamle, thenco southward by tho same ono hun. dred and Bevcnty.thrco and one-fourth feet to an alley, thenco by samo eighty-two and ono-half feet to corner of lot number 18 aforesaid, 'thence by tho samo northward ono hundred and seventy-threo and one-fourth feet to tuo placo ot beginning, bo ing lot number 17 In said plan. ALSO, Lot described as follows s Beginning at a corn er on the north side of Main street In lino of lot ot Jacob Hess, formerly V. JlucUle, thenco along said street Bouth slxty-slx nnd one-fourth degrees west sixty foet,thon:o by lot of Georgo lluckle north twcnty.threo and three-fourth degrees west ono hundred andsovcnty.thrco and ono-fouitn feet to alley No. 1, thenco by Bald alley north slxty-slx and one-fourth degrees west sixty feet to corner of said lot of Jacob Hess, thenco by said lot south twcnty.threo und three-fourth degrees east ono hundred and soventy-tliroo and ono-fourth feet to place of beginning, containing 10,193 Bquarofeet, whereon Is erected a two story frame dwelling houso and out-bulldlngs. seized, taken la execution and to bo sold as tho property of Cioorgo M. Baker at tho suit of M, A. Baker. K. & W. Att'ys. AL Fl. Va- JOHN HOUItEY, Bhcrirf. A NEW TELEPHONE, -tot- Tho IT. S. Telephone is the lntest invention in Telenhnnes. find nlnnila wltttmit n t val, nnd is tho only WOUTHY H1VAL of tlio Dell Telephone, and is the only telephono of tho kind ever before offered to the public. It Is tlio only non-elcctrlc telephono that Is used with a Telephono Rcpcator, or that will work on CItOOKKI). ANOL1NO or ZIGZAG Hues, or on a lino bavins ACUTE OH HIQIIT ANOf.ES. h'old outright for $10,00 no cxborbltant rents. They are tho only Telephones havintr nn Automatic Linn Wl aro the only Telephones that are protected by an outdoor Lightning Arrester All sounds are delivered in clear and natural tones. They aro the neatest, most durable and require less attention nnd repairs than any other Telephono made. Send for our illustrated circular. Agents wanted. THE XJ. S. TELBPHOJSTE N0S. 49 AND 51 WEST STREET, MADISON CO., P. 0. UOX, 28, May 2-3mos IND. B IF. BfMSBACH omco and salesroom ODD FELLOWS' HALL, BERWICK, PA., DEALER IN PIANOS, ORGANS and SEWING MACHINES. Tho celebrated ClIIUKEIUN'Q and IVEltS 4: FOND Pianos. Tho celebrated ESTEY OEt rmriAi ouisar jiuhiu, aiuaio hooks, arc. New High Arm navls. New American No. j, Whlto," Domestic, Household, New Home. Now Howo . .. . .ltoya( nt. John, ucnulno singer (Singer PaUiutiwlngMachinei ' 1 Genulno l'arts ot Hardware tor all kinds ot Sowing Machines, jVeed es, oil, Attachments. Helta and everything m the llnoot sewing Machines at iwUoin'prtcc Organs and Sewing Machines Sold on Monthly Payments. Liberal Discount made for Cash. Agent for the Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment. HUTTKRIOK, DOMESTIC & UNIVERSAL PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. $35AU Orders received, promptly attended to.rjl nprs.v.lm " A8 AWB STEMS FITTEM, SHEET METAL WOKE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. $300 a month for aecents NOW '23 Chestnut St., Phlla, BLA IN K oniciah0 inust0ratle!dPiJfoto,t tho lleiiubllcan's choice by Judjjo lluel, assisted by luo Uiior oi mo neniteuw journal una ill l'rtvalo suorotary. Oloth, 33 A Y A 11 D Frank TrlpletU Our1! aro belond all competition In Authorship, 11U r. 8. outtlts aro ready. Bend 50c. for ono aud save U1UO. JulyiMw r SUIISORIHE VOU THE COLUMIHAN, $1.50 A YEAR., tho Editor ot tho Keiwruec Journal and Ulalno's l'rivato suorotary. uiotn, r.'.oa UY UOL ir books are uexona un compunuon in Autuorsnip, illustra tions, l'aner and Dludlnir. l'rosiiectus free to acta. al Canvassers. Special term's iu thaso ordering (rvin a uuiaucu. aisu ruuuy iuu juivui iuo.year, MY WIFES FOOL OF A HUSBAND ! with IIS ewrravlnBa, by WlllUums. irNo mora dull times I wrtio tor icireuiirs now, w. II. 'lliomnson, ruo., 4oi Arcu si, ruua.. ra. JuiyiMw u -"ESPECIAL ATTENTIONS PAID TO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers