The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 18, 1884, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN &ND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1881. Correct Kullronil Time Tabic. Trains on tlio Philadelphia U n. it leave import a follows I north. 6:M a. m. 4:00 p. 10. SOOTH. 11:45 a. m. 0:13 p. In, Tralnson the 1). U W. It It. le&vo nioomsburir AS fOllOWB I NORTH. HOtlTII. 7:27 ft. m. 8:5S a. m. 10.34 a. m. H:M a. in. 0.30 p. in. 4:30 p. m. ThB 11:4 train south cinnccH with tho l'hlla. i$fflm$8S3u&l''m 11,0 N)r' The iB.33 a. in. train connects at Northumberland with the van train on Pennsylvania road, reaching Philadelphia ut 3.14 p. in. The 11:43 train connects with Philadelphia nnd Itoadlnif road ai Itupert at liaj roachlnir I'liiiaUol. phla nl 8.00 p, rn. Tho li:43 train connect with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 1: is, reaching Philadelphia nl 7:23 p. in. Tlio 4:30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8.03 p. ia and reaches Philadelphia at 3:03 a. in. Trains nn tho N. If W. 11. Ferry as tollows i NOIITII. 7:41 a. m. 6.31 p. in. Hallway pass Illootn sotrrit. 12:01 p. in. 7:u7 p. in. Notice to CorrcgpoiitleutH. In order to save many communications from tho waste basket wo make tho following suggestions to local correspondents! Uso only ono sldootthe sheet, and write nspialnas possible j 'give only the local news that Is of some Interest to tho com munity, such as accidents, Improvements, mar riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and churches, business enterprises, changes of resi dence, and tho like. What appear to be Jokes at tho expenso of others, and personal mention giv ing only ono name or Initials or a nickname, will not bo printed under any circumstances. Such Itcm often give offense, though nono may bo In tended. Tho full namool tho writer must always bo given, but will not be printed unless requested, tf QOUNTY bUPEKINTENDENT. I hereby announce myself as a candldato for tho onicoot Superintendent of Public School of Col umbia county, and would respectfully solicit tho support ui uiu ocuuui uireeiors 01 mo county. aprlWw J. 8. CHIMES. QOUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Tho undersigned hereby announces himself a candldato for tho omco of Superintendent of tho I'uunc scnoois 01 uoiumDia county, ana respectful, ly asks the Bupport of the Directors of the county, Mar. 23, 1SS1. 4-4-8W ALFltED HOWKIt Catawlssa, Pa. For Hale. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 25 acres of land In Hemlock town ship, partly cleared, balanco well timbered A farm of about 80 acres in Scott twp. For terms and particulars apply to Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, Pa. fob. 20-tf, For fine early cabbage Garrison's, 5th street. plants go to J. Miss Annie J. Bcrnhard Is visiting friends at Scranton. Iok Cheam. Iok Cream. All the popular flavors at Phillip's Domestic Bakery. N. J. Ilcndcrshott is building nil addition to his store room. The best dirt-proof watches made can be seen nt L. Bcrnhard's jewelry store. Tho total amount of offerings at St Paul's Episcopal church on Easter Sunday was $124,00. Sunday School Howard cards at the Cor. vmiiian Store. Tho home of the lata Joseph Townsend on Iron Street, has been re-painted and otherwise Improved. A new Ithaca live octave orgau will ho exchanged for a buggy. Inquire nt this ot flee. William Krenmcr has given ills house, comer of Fourth and Iron Streets, a fresh coat of paint, which adds greatly to the ap. pearance. W. F. Bodlne did the work. Dr. Harry Blllmeycr intends to settle In Montana Territory. He will no doubt sue' cccd in his profession, as he is well quail fled, und of Industrious habits. The steam heating and plumbing depart' mcnt of J. R. Schuyler & Co. has been purchased by Harry Eshelman, who will conduct tbc business personally hereafter, Tho Lutheran church was beautifully decorated with flowers and vines on Easter Sunday. Tho decorations were tho Unest ever known, and nttrnctcd much nttcn- tton. Ilev. 1j. Znhner wns agreeably surprised last Saturday evening by tho receipt of a beaut Iful stole. It is of white satin hand somely embroidered, with gold fringe nt tho ends. The name of the donor was not made known. Somo ono has sent us a wedding notice of a lady und gentleman who formerly at tended the Orangevlllc Academy, from Broudhcndsville, Pu. As no name is signed to tho article, nnd as we know neither of the parties tho communication has found i place In our waste-basket, where all un signed correspondence is deposited. Everybody Is crying "hard times" wo aro doing first-class business. Why shouldn't pcoplo go and buy whero they can buy tho cheapest ? Wo nre bound to run our stock down so wo will have room for Spring slock. Come early and take udvantago of some bargains wo are offer- llltf. LlLlKV & Sl.KI'PV. MacKlllIp Is doing some most excelleu work In photography. Ho has now on ex. hlbltlon a crayon picture of W. It. Tutibs, largo size, which has nttrnctcd much uttcn tlou. It Is a complete likeness of tho handsome subject, nnd tho work Is well ex ccuted. MacKlllIp Is prepared to take or. dcrs for crayons, Tho early morning tcrvico ut tho Epl copal church lust Sunday morning wus largely attended, every sent being filled, The church was beautifully trimmed with flowers. Tho ntterulance nt tho 10 o'clock servlcu was good, and an excellent sermon wus preached by the rector. Tho Sunday school held Its Easter festival ut 7 o'clock In tho evening. Lllley & Sloppy have made u great cut In all kinds of goods, und will not bo under sold. Granulated sugar, Oc. Standard A. u., white sugar, 8c. n nice brown eug ar, 4 lbs for 25c all domestic ginghams, 10a and down i all cotton shirtings, 10c; calicoes, 5 and 0c drrss goods at cost Call enrly and get a bargain. W. II. Jacoby of this olllco has been scr. lousiy ill for tho past ten days with Inllnm matory rheumatism, we aro happy to stale is Improving und expects to be around again soon. He speaks very highly of tho care bestowed on him by Major Schreycr and family of tho Central Hotel, where he has his home, and will ever remember their klnducss to him during his helpless ncss. Milton I'conomitt, Lllley & Bleppy at Orangevllle, havo the largest stock of gilt, mlcu, satin, white! black nnd brown back wall paper ever of. fered for sale In Orangevllle. Hov. I). J. H. Strnyer will Drench In tlic llftptlet church next .Sunday morning and evening. All nro cordlnlly Invited to nt. tend. You can get Ico Croam nt l'htlllns Do. mesllc llakcry, of tlio best quality nnd lln. vors. l'ctcr Bollcdcr shot a lnrgo wild gooso near tlio rlyer nuovo town on Monday morning. Yhcn any gamo gets In Peter's way It is sure to comd down. - J. Saltzer, Main St., llloomsburir. has ono now platform spring wagon, 3 seals, polo nnd shafts, for sale.. Tho vacancy caused In tho olllco of Jus tice of tho tynccJiy tlio death of T. J. Mor ris will Ijo Mlod by nn appointment by the Governor, ii. ll., niipcrt nnd U. II. Ent nro applicants, nnd both havo numerously signed petitions. New wall paper In the latest designs at U. . Clark's. Ono pound of rice gives eighty-eight per cent, of nutriment, one tiound of beef twcnty.flvo per cent. And yet says tho Journal of Health, countless numbers of the poor strain nt a point dally to purchase beef at fifteen cents n pound, when they can get a pound of rice, having three limes ns much nutriment ns tho beef, and belne three times easier of digestion. No U90 going any" further than Ornucc- vllle to buy your wall paper. Lllley & Sleppy can suit you In taste, quality nnd price. , Thomas. J. Morris died at his homo In Scott town on Monday morning, after an Illness of several weeks, nt tho ni;o of 05 years, 4 montlis, 22 days, llo had been a rcsldcnt'of tliU county since 1817. and dur. ing uint tunc, tie wns nvc times elected n justice of the peace, which position he held when he died. He wns well known In Ihc community, nnd wns esteemed and respected by everybody. As n magistrate, ho Jwns possessed of good judgment, and Intended nlwnys lo bo sti icily impartial in his decisions. The funeral took place at the house on Wednesday morning. Potatoes are scarce. Lllley & Blcppy don't want any, but any other kind of pro- duco they will take. Iloll of Honor. John Kline, a student of Primrose Vallev school, in Mt. Pleasant township, wns not nbscnt nor tardy nt school during the win ter term of 1883-84, Those who were not absent during tho month of November, with tho exception of John Kline, were Clark Hippcnstcel nnd Ella Crawford ; du ring December were Clark Hlppeusteel and Henry Whltenlght: during January were Clnrk Hippcnstcel and Charles Crawford ; during February were Clark Hippcnstcel and Abner Klsner j during March wns Ab hor Kisncr. The following pefoons of Hidlay School, Centre township, taught by A. V. Mus. grave, have neither been absent uor tardy during the term ending .March 28, 1884, viz; Allle Hagcnbuch, Cora Hnccnbucli, Sadie Hagcnbuch and Cora Young. People who need new carpets should He Is read J. J. Browcr's advertisement. offering big bargains. Htlllwatcr. Our esteemed neighbor, J. M. Dewitt, his been sick for a few days, bht Is con vitlesccnt now. The wife of Clint. Dewitt is quite low with consumption. Mr Zaner had a very had day for his sale of stock, as It snowed very fast most of the day j however, he sold a part at reasonable prices. Mr. Zanor Is ono of our most successful farmers, and deals largely in stock. Those in want of good horses should give him n call. Too cool, and too much water for trout fishing. The writer has succeeded catching eighteen, mostly large ones. Was that Uloomsburg party fishing, or election eerlug, Eh ? Mr. S. G. Brandon of Bethel, Luzerne county, and Miss bmma O. Case of Ben ton, were entangled into tho matrimonial coils on the 10th Inst., at tho Christian par sonagc. Easter Sunday was u beautiful day, and as n consequence n larger attendance at church than for several weeks, as well ns the usual quantity of Sunday visitors on tho go. There aro too many peoplo In this country who care but little for the laws o cither Qod or man for tho good of It. Landlords arc again looking up the! dozen of "cood, sober citizens," to nsk the Court to give them tho privilego to ex, chance bad whiskey for eood money. Oh, for shame l XXX Lllley A Sleppy havo over one hundred different styles of wall paper. G. A. Clark's Is the best placo to buy wall paper because he has the largest as select from. Ilcrwlck. The golden wedding of tho Hev. A. Brit tui n nnd lady was celebrated here on Tucs day the 8th, and a large number of relu lives und friends from a distance were pre. sent. W. B. Opdyke Is In control of the Mer. cjuitlle'huslness of Crisman & Son which promises to be n very successful venture Hnrtcr nr.d Michael have dissolved part' ucrslilp;the furniture business Is to be here after curried on by Mr. Michael who Is well Known lu tins section oi me county. The new Town Council organized Inst week and elected us olttcers president Geo. Vannattu, secretary, F. A. Wllman, Treas urer, J. F. Opdyke, Chief of Police, G. llelshllne. ! We hope to secure representative adver tkcinonts from our leading merchants, ns they nro beginning to learr. that tho Co lj.miiian affords u valuable medium through vjhlch to rench country renders. Will Wei's, one of our esteemed young townsmen has gone to Nnntieoko to engage In tho livery stable business. Tho Ucpvlck Literary Society has ad. Journed to meet somo time In November ifext. Work has been pushed on the new Fair Ground nnd there arc good indications manifested by the managers nnd stock holders of the successful prosecution of tho work. John Herrln, nn old and respected rcsl. dent of Berwick und nn only brother of Mrs. John Huch, died on Wednesday April Oth ut Centrallu 111, aged 73 yenrs. A young horso belonging to Mr, Casper Frantz broke, ouo of his fore legs while crossing the railroad track of tho D. L. & W, It. It. at tills place, Tho animal was a valuabh) ono and Mr Frantz la. greatly sympathized with In his loss. The golden wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs, John Huch will bo celebrated by their mi' merous family und friends on tho 23d of this month. Mr. Huch has held tho posi tion of postmaster ut Berwick ever since the Buchanan administration, Largest stock of wall paper In tho coun ty, ut G, A. QJnrk's. rand Mnnlur Leonard lllionc, of the Ve..iiHyIv in Coliiinlila County. . Tho Patrons of Husbandry of tho fllh dls - trlct of Pennsylvania held their second i pinrterly meeting In Correll's hall, Blooms-, inn mi lf.1,1.1, A .,.11 1 1 11, 1UJI rri. burg, on Friday, April 11th, 1881. Tho hnll was filled with men nnd women from various parts of tho district. They were honored by tho prcsenco of Grand Master L. Hhonc, who wns received with marked expressions of, pleasure, llo delivered tin eloquent, earnest nnd nblo nddrcss ho nd. vised fnrmers to think of nhd Uls'puss'.qUcf. lions pc'i (wining to their Interests) (tint tho rutlroads In ' olumbtn county, worth more than Its farms, dd not pay a cent for tho support of the local nnd county govern ment, while fnrmers aro assessed the vnluc of their property nnd nsscssed 20 mills for nil tho governments In l'cnnsylvnnln, whflo corpornllons only pny'a mills on capital stock, pay 0 per ccnt.for the support of Statu government alono. And further of the !U3,000,000 paid for the support of nil the .governments of Pennsylvania, rcnl es. tnto pays $28,000,000, ngrlculturo paying 5-8 of nil tho burdens of government In tho 8tatc. This Injustice between agriculture nnd corporations must bo redressed, 'hence the necessity of farmers attending primary meetings nnd electing delegntcs nnd In structing them to vote for candidates who nre fnvornble to tho agricultural interests. In alluding to the tariff ho said If the man. ufneturer Is protected tho former should bo protected on the raw material, and advised fanners to discuss tho tariff question In nil its bearings. England has taken posses sion of the Indies, which is supposed to be productive in wheat, nnd if she can get her supply from thnt quarter likely will not purchase from the United Status. Napo Icon tried to make Franco self-sustaining, nnd the making of sugar from" beets began in that country, and England ridiculing tho effort gavo rise to n humorous cartoon t A Frenchman handing nn Englishman n beet saying, ''Take It, Johnny, there's 6ugar in It." Instend of tho United Stntcs Importing $10,000,000 worth each of sugar and jute, we should raise them In our own country. Paying public olllccrs nnd school tenchers niglier salaries is all very .well, but tho farmer does not receive 50 cents n day for his labor, counting thu help of his family. If these salaries nro In creased farmers must be lu a position to meet calls made upon them. He Impress ed upon farmers their duties In relation to the State Agricultural College, and that ng. rlcultural societies should elect' three del. cgates to attend tho annual convention the last week In Juno nt the collcire. to elect trustees for the same ; that difference of opinion Is no crime, but farmers must be uultid If they wish to remedy existing evils. The address f Grand Master 11119110 was listened to with great attention, was high ly spoken of afterwards, and will long be remembered as an eloquent, truthful und able setting forth of the causes that do. press farmers. The hall was decorated with flowers, and music suitable to the oc casion was discoursed. In the cvcnlni J. W.Bowman of this county, delivered an address which was highly applauded. E. 11. Little of Bloomsburg, made u cordial welcome address j nlso interesting re marks were made by Samuel Neyhard, E. M. Tewkshury, It. G. J. Kshlnka and Win. Martin of this county. ItKi'ouiKit. Everybody says Lllley it Sleppy arc sell ing goods cheaper than anybody In the county. - , Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All changes made In Union depots. N'o omni bus transfers. W. C. McKisnev, Aa't. Cenlralla. The si. aft In one of the large screens at Morris Hidgo colliery broke on Tuesday wllch necessitated a suspension of work for the remainder of the week. Packer colliery, No. 5, nt Happnhan nock, will bo the largest structure of Its kind in tho county. There will be five sides to tho breaker, which will be sup plied by coal from tho slnfl by four tracks. The depth of the shaft will he 1400 feet. It will tako over 700 men und boys to run this mammoth colliery. Harry Martin, a resident of town, dld on Tuesday, from consumption. Funeral took placo on Thursday afternoon. Henry Crnmscr, tho tonsorlal artist, has removed his placo of business to Alex. Black's property. Ills shop Is fitted up In fine style, whero ho will be pleased to have the pleasure of cutting bangs for the ladles, or muttouchops for the gents. John Beers of town, formerly of Blooms, burg, and Mary Morris, npproached the altar of Hymen on Monday evening and wero united In the bonds of connubial bliss by Rev. G. M. Lamed. John, may all your troubles be little ones. Workmen are busily engaged in putting In double timber oa Morris Ilidgc slope. Both sides of tho slope will bo put In op. cratlon shortly, which will greatly Increase the shipments' from the'colllcry. ' ' ' Tho photographer on Railroad- street, nnd hh assistants, aro reaping u harvest from their "Gem Photos," as the price' Is low nnd tho work sntlsfactory. There Is 11 grand rush on thu establishment every day in tlio week. The west gangway of the Skldmorc vein nt Continental colliery hns suddenly turned Into n fault. Instend of conl they now have n gangway of rock. Thomas Nath left town last week to fill a position offered him In Philadelphia. A miner, whoso name could not be ns. curtained, was severely hurt ut Logan col liery on Saturday by a fall of coal. Ho was conveyed to Ids home, Ashland, In tho new nmbulan.c. John Kllleen nnd sister departed for Kansas on Tuesday morning, where they Intend to reside lu the future. Ono of the four-mule teams lu the slopo nt tho Continental, wero jammed between tho wagons last week, Ono wns killed nnd tho others wero budly squeezed. Tho old maids of town will give u grnnd party on Monday next. A large number of our young men iccclved their "invites" already. Young men, bewuru of the spin. sters, especially during Leap Year, us they certainly will tatto advantage of tho prlvl. leges grunted them, by proposing to you, knowing that your generous nature will not allow you to refuse. Tuku a fool's nd. ylce, nnd "let 'cm slide." A cocking main, which created no little excitement, took placo not ono hundred miles from Centralla 011 Saturday evening, between Qurmuutowu und Ashland birds, Thico battles wero fought, which resulted in favor of Ashland. One bird from Ash. land killed two of hU opponunts'ln i very short time. Considerably money- was lost ami won on the mutch, A largo number of our pr6mlnent citizens were, present anil scumed to enjoy it Immensely. A ball wll bo held ut tho hobso of Daniel Lcimhuii 011 Moiplay evening, for hU own benefit. Tho committed havo 1 spared neither tlmo or labor to make It a success, und all those who attend can rest assured that an enjoyable time will bo. hud, Wllllnpt Gorman burled a very Interest ing two-year old child on Friday, from diphtheria, William Heed, of Hazlctou, contractor of tho tunnel nt Continental, died at his bonrdlng hoilio on Sunday, after n brief , , , t ,,,,,. 'in. , , ton Monday morning, Mr. Heed, during ! his short rcsldenco in town, hnd made n host of friends, who sympathize with his family in their loss. Mr. John Hnnlcy has commenced opern. lions on n new building. Judging from the frame work It Is going to bo a novel structure. We would llko to sco It finished before commenting oil Its nppenrnnce, ns John hns a peculiarity of leaving all his buildings in a sick looking manner. John Clark, who has bcun confined to the houso thu pasfmonth, Is, we are glad to note, on our streets again. Hov. K. T. Field enmo homo .from At- luntlc Cltv on Friday, with a fino lot of wild ducks which ho had tho pleasure of snooting wniio mere. The collieries have all suspended work fpr this week, to comply with the' order Is sued by the Conl Exchange. Small pox la still prevalent In Ashland. Two new cases havo been reported to tho Board of Health this week.. John Lynch, licuben Ball and James Bnkey of Dickinson Seminary, William sport, nre spchdlng Easter week with their parents. Hev. A. J. JlrcsHu.uf Mt. Cnrnicl, spent Sunday In town, Chief Burges.s,Dykc, wo nro pleased vto say.ils ridding our street corners of tho rowdies who congregato on them. Ho Is In tnct, performing tho duties of Ids office in u creditable and fearless manner which Is npprcclatCd by every peace-loving clti- zen Mr. M. Moore of Mlncrsvillc, showed his smiling countenance in town on Sunday Miss May Gately of St. Clair, is visiting M. J. Walsh. The tunnel nt Logan colliery Is being pushed forward very rnpldly, and will soon reach the Skldmorc vein. It is now over 150 ynrds in length. Go to G. A. Clark's for your wall paper, nnd you cannot fall to be suited Our complete stock of wall paper is prov, ing a drnwlng card. Observers wondered what we wero going to do with It when It was brought to us by wagon loads, but wo Imw sold It s6 fust wo wore obliged to oruer ngnin nntl have another involco on the way. Call and we promise to please you. Lillkv & Sr.Ei'i-v Vliut nre County HiiperlntcnclciilH Uood for 7 The nbovo question has been often put nnd the following answers have been glv. cm "I give It up," "I don't know," "They nro no good," "Give me something easy," Arc; What harm do county superlntcn dcn,ts do? This question, unless by n lew whb feel nggrleved, Is answered lu about the same way as the first. That such questions should be asked ut nil and that they should bo so answered would plainly argue that tho good or bad so far done by the county superintendents hns been so small ns to deserve the name of mlcroscop Ic. I have no hesitancy whatever In say. ing that a great majority of superlntcn dents have been no more than n hindrance to the advancement of popular education that many havo brought discredit upon our schpol system, while a very few were capable of performing and did perform the duties of the office as the law Intended that they should. Many persons, with good reasons, think that the olllce should be abolished as useless. I could not agree with them In this. The olllce, I think, Is good and necessary one. -The fault lies I tho men heretofore elected to tho otllco nnd In our directum for electing such men County supeilntendents nre, ns u rule practical politicians such men ns elecl themselves to office. No one who is fit for the olllco can engage In anything of tl kind. No one who can adorn the office can stoop so low. It is dragging our pub. lie school system, the most liberal In con ccpttou in tho whole world, In the dust to have those who aspire and are elected to its head beirclnp; for votes. It Is bad enough to have men do so where such high stnndard of morality is not so abso. lutely necessary "as in this office. The of- lice pays enough nnd It was the Intention to, have for it men of the purest morality nnd ripest scholarship, and men who tnk n deep and disinterested interest in th cause of popular education. Such men will not electioneer nnd nre therefore not elect cd. For this office, as for all others, th least worthy are most determined In their demands. There aro many crood things which superintendents can do if they be moral und competent ; hut if Immoral and Incompetent they will bring dishonor not only upon themselves as they havo done and upon tho olllco as they haye done, but upon tho wholo system of w)ilch they wero elected to the head. Tho first und foremost duty of the coun ty superintendent Is like that of tho watch dog. If wo wero alwnys sure of getting supply of good teachers there would he no need of him nt all. Those who uro lenst worthy to teach ure the most pcrscvcrln In their efforts to obtain u license and school. They leave no menus, worthy or otherwise, untried. With thu most careful watching ot honest and competent super. llitendents there will creep Into our schools men who will disgraco thdm nnd will do very much harm In corrupting the pupil thereof. There Is 110 place in which youth will learn wickedness so readily ns where lewdness and wickedness ure set in nu thority over them. What would you ex. pect wero the superintendent himself Im moral? What could you expect whero ho employed imprupcrjitid unbecoming means to secure his election ? Is it too much to bay that If lie presumed to bribe others that he. can himself bu bribed ? This mat ter of morality In our teachers. Is too, much neglected. It should bo tho first qualifica tion, and without It no superintendent should presumo to grant a certificate. 1'hcn of ull men tho superintendent, whose duty It Is to keep unworthy persons out of w schools, should bo most moral and dls. corning. Ha should not only bo incorrupt but Incorruptible. There Is about as much henso In electing un Impure man to this plllce ns In making S.itnn the gatekeeper of heaven. Cannot our schools bo kept out of politics? If they cannot, then I say It would be better not to have any pub llo schools. Can only those who will electioneer bo elected superintendent ? If to, then 1 would say abolish the office by nil means. Such men can do 110 good In the olllce. Besides being a wntch dog tho superin tendent has another Important duty to per form. Our public schools nro behind tho nge. In many places teaching Is conduct fil lit the glow and unnatuial ways ot'60 years ago, lit everything else great Int. provements have been made. Tncre Is no puo who can do-half ns much for thu lm. provement of our schools as the superlu. jeudent, If ho bo thu right man. There Is pu one who can keep thu schools back as io can uipl has douo. Ouo who has taught for well nigh n half century, and who Is an author of somo renown, told mo (hat ot the many superintendents he had Pict many of whom ho taught he found them us it rule more deficient, than the teachers they were lo examine. Such men cannot cud the public schools on, und they will not allow thu schools to go be. youd themselves. Wu should have men lit this olllco who arc scholars, who nro the most skillful teachers' nnd who aro pos. sesscd of good judgment. ,Wd should havo men who nro nilthorlty lit learning. a should havo men who can tako the lend In tho cause of public education nnd not bo ns n mlllstono about tho necks of our schools. Wo should have men of horn wo need not feel ashamed when they tnlk on school matters. Were It not such n serious mutter somo of tho cxntnlna tlons of our superintendents would make nn excellent comedy. Their attempts lo ap pear learned, to conceal their Ignorance by asking questions which they cannot them selves Intelligently explain and which do or. not In any way appertain to the subjects to lie taught In our schools or tho manners of presenting tho subjects that nro tnught, Aro most ccrtnlnly ridiculous. I should llko lo write a piece on this. If you want Ihc right kind of men you must not wnlt for them to beg for tho office and promise on, who know nothing of tenchlng, that .they will conduct It to suit you. Such men, It they aro not, ought ut least to be nbove such business. You who nre a fnrmcr, employ n man to plow. You can tell as soon ns you see him nt work whether ho can or cannot plow. But If you employ a teacher you cannot tell by seeing him nt work, If lie bo it teacher. You must tako his own word or the word of some teacher. You must take tho word of tho superintendent. Ho Is paid to determine who nro nnd who arc not teachers of those who desire to teach, Would It not then bo very absurd to have for this olllco a man who knows little nnd Is a poor or Indifferent teacher himself. Is n man who graduated nt n normal school and simply because of such graduation n fit man ? Is n man who graduated at it college nnd simply because of such gradu atlon n fit man ? I say no. He should first show himself a skillful teacher and n loader in educational matters. With such men all over tho State In this office our schools will catch up to the age. I he su perintendent will bo free to act ns he knows best and will be free from nnd uncontnml- natcd by politics. F. HECK. Lllley & SIcppy's low prices nro playing smnsh. Low prices nro doing It. Foit Salk. A bay horso suitable for any kind of work, single or double 1 not afraid of the cars. You can have your choice of two. Welcht 1050 nnd 1150 lbs. Hesiit S. Hkay, Hupcrt, Pa. Tltc HI111111 and tlio Kcnl. Every good thing has Its host of Imita tors : every genuine article Its counterfeit, Bad manners nnd wicked habits have theirs also; hut he who shams the bad never boasts of It, while they who ape tho virtues of the good or simulate the gciiuine never hesltato to placo the counterfeit be fore the public in their most alluring tones. When these people Imitate they ol. ways cliooso a pronounced typo or popular subject to cony from 1 and when they claim to be us "good as "Ho-nnd-So," or to sell nn article equal to "So-and-So, ' the public may depend upon It that Mr. So- nnd-So" nnd his article ure nlwnys the best of the kind. Thus tho sham Is always proving the genuine merit of the thing it copies. A tlrm of enterprising gentlemen pro. ducc nnd popularize nn article of house hold use, such ns the Hoyal Baking Pow der, whose convenience, usefulness and real merit make for Itself an Immense nnd universal sale. A hundred imitators arise, on every band, and as they hold out their sham articles to the public, yelp in chorus, "Buy this ; it's lust as good as Uoyal, and much cheaper 1" The Hoyal Baking Pow del is thu standard the world over, and its imitators in their cry that theirs Is "as good as Hoyal" are all the time emphasiz ing this fact. In their laborious attempts to show hy analysis and otherwise that the "Snowball" brand has as much raising power "ns the Hoyal j" or that tho "Resttr rectinn" powder is as wholesome "as Hoy. alj" or that the "Earthquake",braiid1is "ns pure as tlio Hoyal," us well as by their contortlvu twlstlngs of chemical certifi cates und labored efforts to obtain recogni tion from the Government chemists aud prominent scientists who havo certified the superiority of Hoyal over all others, they ull udmlt the "Hoyul" to be the acme of perfection, which it Is their highest nm hitlon to imitute. But tho difference be tween the rent, and thesa imitations, which copy only its. general appearance, Is ns wide as that .between the paste and the true diamond, The shams all pay homage to the "Koynl I" Foit Salk. A set of 'tinner's tools, nppiy to I. It. Hupcrt Bloomsburg, Pa. tf A compctltlvo examination of Candidates for appointment as Cadet to the Military Academy at West Point, will be held nt tho American Hotel, Muuch Chunk, on Thursday the first day of Muy 1884, ut 10 o'clock A. M. All Candidates for tho vacant Cadctshlp In this Congressional District arc required to appear before tlio examining committee nnd Biibmlt to nn examination. For Information as to age, mental und physical qualifications, it a, address, Dr. H. Leonard of Munch Chunk, or Prof. H. F. Hofford of Lehlchton or the Secretary of War, npr 4-1 w MARRIAGES. I'OUST-GEHIUNGEH.-At tho homo of the bride, March 25th, by tho Hev. H C. Muuro, Mr. John I'oust and Mrs. Mag-, gio Gcrrlngcr. GIHTON -SUI'I'LEE. At the homo of tho bride's parents, April 2nd, 1881, by thu Hev. H. C. Munro, Mr. Albert Glrton nnd Miss Gertrude tiupplco, all of Jerseytowu. KELCHNEH DROWN. At tho resl denco of the bride's parents, March 23, '81, by Rov. J. P German, Mr. Clarencq Kelch per1 and Miss E. Rctta Iirown, botli of Mlllltn, Columbia county, Pa. WHITMIRE-SHULTZ.-On tho 18th In fit nt tint Ilnfnpttuul nnraniKinu In fw ' '" , , , "y V; BiTim-, uj ner. n. inline, J'ir. nenry Sylvester Whltinlro of Centre township (to Miss Havllla Juno Shultz.of llenton town - 'ship, nURGNER HARTMAN, On tho 10th lust., In Orangevlllc, l'a., by It. J, Conner, J. P., William Ilurgncr of Iola, and .Miss Callfo Haitmun of Screno. DEATHS. MORDAN.-.Vt Mordansvllle, April Stli, 1884, Mury Stella Mordnn, of Mordansvllli aged lu yenrs, 1 mouth und 27 days. PAULES. Died near Afton, March 21, 1884, William Puules, ugod 2J years, 0 months and 0 days. 1I0STL;ER.-Iii Union township Lu. zernu county, March 23, Onnlel It. Hnsller, ugeii tii years, o mourns uuu 17 days. SEIHERT. In Orange township, on the 0th Inst., Mrs. Susannah Bclbcrt, aged 00 years, 0 months nnd 2(1 days, LOCAL NOTICES. Lllley & Bleppy want 100,000 dozen ui iresu eggs, iuu,uuu ins. good I r cell but ter. Go to Lutz & Bloun's for Scrim und Not' ttnglium lace for window curtains, (1. W. Bertsch has lust received n new lot of cloths, cnsslmcresfor spring and sum mer suns, can und seo liicm, noniiy anil stylish. Another lariro lot of dress silks nt Lutz &. Sloan's. W. J. Correll it Co. keep always on assortment of furniture to Any spcclnt orders tilled yi select from, short notice. Gents' furnlthlnir troods of nil dcscrlntlons can be hnd nt G. W. Bertsch, the nrtlst tnll- JNcw Jersey jackets nt Lilt, it S ban's cheaper than ever. Wild plireons scarce. Bargains nt Lllley it SIcppy's plenty. Hats nnd cans of the latest stvles at (1. W. llertsoh's on Muln street, nil of thu latest spring styles. A COOil (1 anil t V of Summer dress ullkn nt Lutz & Sloan's fur 50 cents a ynrd. For best Photoarnphs call nt MncKlllln's gallery, Above Clark it Son's store. Now spring coods nt O. U. Marr's. verv cheap. Bovs. don't forirct that vou net a bnso ball but. lull and can for nothlnir with every suit, nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloom. Ladles, vou can find nt Clark it Son's n large line of blark silks, oolrtrod silks, sum mer SDKs lrom 43 cents up. tall ami sec. Wu nre reductm: tho price of our whole stock, nnd will guarantee bargains lu any line, uau and sec it mis is not 11 tact. L11.1.EV it Sl.MTV, Orangevllle, Pa. More of that 50 cent syrup nt C. C. Marr's Tho finest and cheapest line of sprine hats and caps at Gross' N, Y. Store. Ladles' new spring wraps, shoulder capes, ulsters, iNew .uaikcls, I'erslan shawls, wool shawls, nlso n large line of ilrochu shawls all at lowest prices. Clurk & Son. Foil Sai.k, All kinds of first-class farm Implements, machinery, fertilizers, itc, no matter what you may want you can be ac commodated, at the lowest cash price. All goods warranted to give satisfaction, or no sale. Please call early. S. C. Smvn, nprll-3v Bloomsburg, Pa. C. C. Marr has somo handsome dress goods to toll very chenp. Table linens, towels, nankins. lace cur tains, scrim netts, cretonnes, nt Clark & Son's. Men's suits In creat variety, cheaper than over at Gross' ,N. Y. Store, Bloom. Courtnuld's black crape by the ynrd. nnd veils made up, at Clark & Son's ; nlso it full line of mourning dress goods. Table nnd floor oil cloths nt C. C. Marr's, very cheap. Trunks nnd satchels best nnd cheapest. nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloom. hie lob lot of ribbous nt Clnrk it Son's, half ot former prices, also new styles of collars, cuffs, llshucs, buttons, &c. Don't forcet that vou can s.tvu moncv bv buying your clothing at Gross' N. Y. Slore. Ladles' summer skirts ut C. C. Marr's, nwful cheap. To Induce trial of our seeds we will send post paid for S1.00 25 packets of cholcu f;urden seeds, our selection including peas, leans, &c Catalogue free with each or der. J. L. Dillon, Florist, Bloomsburg, l'u. npr 18 C. C. Marr wnnts butter, ecus, side. shoulder, nam nnd luru. -,1 1 1 I, 1 in business"n6t1ces7 Mahanov City, Pa., Sept. 8, 1882. Mr. John II. l'helps-Dear Sir : 1 have used your Hheumatic Elixir with good re sults and can recommend It to any person suffering with that fearful disease, rheuma tism. Chab. W. Smith, Hatter. Ayer's Cathartic Pills uro suited to every age. lielng BUgar-coaled they are easy to take, nnd though mild aud pleasant in ac tion, are lliorou-'li and s-earchlnir In effect. Their elllcncy lu all disorders of the stom uc ) and how els Is certified to by eminent physicians, prominent clergymen, nnd many of our best citizens. The Phelps' Hheumatic Elixir for me has always acted like a charm. I think this fall It cut short a severe attack of Hheuma tlsm. I can endorse the remedy either as a preventive or cure. Yours truly, .Ull.S. U. Y . I'ALMKi:, Glenhurn, Pit. CNoto. Mrs, G. W. Palmer is tho moth er of Hon. Henry W. Palmer, of Wilkes. Harre, Pa., ex-State Attorney Uencrul of Penna.) WANT OF FAITH, If C. A. Klelm, the Druuirlst, docs not succeed It is nut for the want of faith, lie has such faith in Dr. Bosunko's CoukIi and Lutur svrup us 11 remedy forCounhs. Colds. Consumption, and Lumr Affections, that he ? jives a bottle free to cut it and every one who s in need of u medicine of this kind. July lil-eow A SPECIFIC FOIt C1IANOE OF I.IFK. "Wo are in receipt of u letter from J. T. Hluuby, Esq., of Floral, Ark., m which thu writer says 1 Swiritun Xcnine cures female decline, und duilug the change of life It is a specific." Suirsestlvu facts. truly. 91.60. OA1IES OF LIFE. As we come to them they nro received. homo with, nnd passed over with no more tlian u thought, if wo uro in tho enjoyment of heuUh, but If suffering with Piles or skin discaso of nny kind they mngnlfy n hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, the Druggist, has Dr. Bqsnnko's Pile Hemedy which is an nbsoiuto euro for nny nffectlon of the kind nnd is bold for OOcents. July lU-eow akdhew Desmond's pkaises. Dear Sir I lnv 011 rav shin fur four lnnir months without any relief until I commen. ceil taking Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. It is the best medicine 1 ever used. To-day Is the best day I havo seen in twelvu montlis. 1 tlinnK vou unit uod Aim e:htv und nu one elso for my relief. 1 have lived und done public business lu Genevu, N. Y., for tho Inst twenty, tlieieforc have many acquain tances that call uroumt and sec me dully und to ask about Phelps' Elixir for tbem selves or for 'somo of their friends. I prnlsu it highly. Vou do tho talking nnd sign my name us. my tongue could not do it jubilee. ANPitsw ijksmond, urocer. Geneva, April 10, 1883. For sale ut lleudershott's Pharmacy. Bloomshuig, Pa. Ol'ESINO THE FOUNTAINS. In numberless bulbs beneath tho skin Is secreted the liquid substance which gives tno nnir its texture, color nnd gloss. When this Becrctlon stops, tho hair begins nt once to become dry. lustreless, brittle nnd ltuv. Js that thu condition of your hair ? If so, apply I'urkcr's Hair Ilalsam at once. It i;wiii ictlure the color, uloss and Hie by re. newlng the nction of nature. Tho Hulsuiu 1'9,1,10.1 "'V11' ,11 ll,L'' but un elegant .toilet article, highly appreciated because of Its cleanliness. WOl'LD HAVK ULEtf tiV.T UPON'. Had not Uiirdock Hlood Hitlers been a remedy ot unquestionable merit they would nuvu ueeu xei uuwii upon uy 1110 ptlUIIO ns Ihousuntls uf medicines havo been when ,thclr wort ilessness was dlseoveri'il. llnr. hock mood imters liuvu received unbound ed liruises from thu sick, thus establishing uieir merit ueyoua dispute. DAUailTKIlS, WIVKS & MOTH KIM. Physicians heurlllv endorse thu usu uf Sneer's Port Grupo H luo for thu uso of do- uiiiiuieii lemnies. it is not un intoxicant, und Is absolutely pure, being made trom 'grapes grown nt .Mr. Bpecr's .Mount l'ros. pect Vineyards, l'ussalc, N. J. For sale by drui!Kl8ts. HAS COXFIDKSCft, "lu onu enso personally known to mo thn .success of liurdock Hlood Hitters wus up most Incredible, One lai v described thum ns worth hundreds of .dollars. 1 myself nuvo the greatest uoniideiicu in them." S. Scratch, Druggist, Riithven, Out. P. I. cflTho blmplo nnd Perfect Dv-l-fl Kntli. - 80 simp!" und Perfect for culoilng as Dluinond Dyw. Pur better und cheaper iiiuu uiiy uiiiui ll(ve. 10c. DriiffL'tBU bell iiiem. Sample card for 2c stump. Wells, I Hlchnrdsou & Co, OAllftK ANII I'.FFKOT. At times symptoms of Indigestion nro present, uneasiness of thu stomach, fee, 11 moisture llko perspiration, producing Itch lnir nt hltrlit. or when ono is warm, cause tho Piles. Tho effect Is Immediate relief upon tho application of Dr. Basanko's Pilo Itemedv, which costs you but 60 cents and Is sold liy 0. A. Klelm. July lll-eow rilOM DKATIl'S POOH. M, M. Devercaux of Ionia, Mich., was n sight to behold. Ho says 1 "I had no notion of tho Kidneys nnd suffered tcnlbly. My legs were ns big ns my body nnd my body in big ns1 a barrel. Tho best doctors enve 1110 up. Finally I tried Kldney.Wort. In four or 11 vo days n change camo, In eight or ten days I was on my feet, and now I ntn completely cured. It was cor talnlv a miracle," All druggists keep Kidney-Wort which Is put up both lu liquid nnd dry form. TUP. l'KOl'LG ASTONlSIIKD. Many people nro nstoulshed when they discover the wide circulation of Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil. There Is hardly n drug houso In the country that does not have this rem edey upon Its shelves. '1 ho public have found it is 11 gopo tiling ami sua; to 11. bee a woman In another column, near Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Spccr's Port urnpo Wlno Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by the medical profc'ssloh, for the uso of Invalids, weakly persons and llic need. Sold by C. A. Klelm, Bloomsburg. sept isiwy T ICENSK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby irtven. that the following niun ed person have lllo.l wththoclerkotthot.'ourtof oiinrtcrNeiKlonsifthe l'enceof Columbia county, their iwtltlons for lleenw, which will bo pren'iited lo the snld Court on Monday tho Mh day of .May, A. D.. 183 1 nt two o'clock 1". M. Hmltb, Potter licaver Hotel Slium.m, 1'. II., " Dottier. Hess. Hiram nenton Hotel Hr.ike, Lemuel Klase, (1 W lloyer, Frederick Hponeiiberg, nenj Verier, lthurd Ilcrwlck Ilor. " ltestaufant llottler 1 Hotel Oross, Peter (Utfxer, William Iirown, J.uio curtail, Jacob I, (lllhnoiv, Win II Ktoliner, Iiernunl Jacoby, o A (lordon, Wm Ycwr, Lloyd Yetier, WA Klstler, Hester llollnghhcnd, David Illlili).. Iis It .Mcl'addcn lilward Sneeney, W J Illoom ltestaurant Llnuor Storo Cjtawlssit llottler Hotel Kestatirant Centralla ti f orrei, icout llooney, A O Collins, Thos I-ctteniun,ii;has lleasrerty, Jxs Jlaluy, Ocorgo Koran, Thos O'Conner, Joanna Nertnoy, John Oolilsworthy, KUza 11 if 11 Liquor storo ltestaurant Howl Kestauraut Hotel Kline, ,101111 1, Monroe. Mary ;onyngham llozletluc, Samuel (lreenwood Dlelrleh, Charles Hemlock Yea ter, Wellington Locust Knurr, Daniel " 1 oiicr, Aarun Smith, A K Yeltcr.llH Lonseubergcr, J Hess, A W Laycock, II T Heilltf, Charles Kmlrlca. V (J Restaurant Hotel Madison .Main Mlnlln Montour ltoarlugcrcek ltcstaurant Hotel KCOll Jacob .Miller Jacob 1 loser. " Perry, J W " llloomslmrir April 18SI W. Al'iU IS KH1CKI1AUM, Clerk. JS1 TOT1CE OF INCOUPOKATION. Notice Is heirbvglven that application wilt bo mado to Hon. William r.lwell, President Judjc of the Court of Common Pleas In Columbia county I'.i.. on the Mil of Mar. iksi. to lucornorato tno Orangevllle Presbyterian Church locatedln Orange Mile colu bl.i county Piu Apill l-aw 11V ORUKU OFTI1IS CIIDKCII. NOTICE. To the School Directors ot Columbia county : Gentlemen : In pursilauco of tho forty-third section or tho act of May 8th, 185 1, you nre here by notllled to meet In convention, at tho court House, In Uloomsburg, on the Ilrst Tuesday In May A. 1)., 18SI, being the Oth da of tho month, nt I uclockliitho afternoon, and select viva voc, by a majority of tho wholo number of tho directors piesent, one person of literary and sclentine acquirements, and of skill and experience in tho n-t of leaching, as county Superintendent for tho three succeeding years, nnd certify the result to the State Superintendent at llarrlnburg, as re c.ulreu by the thlrty-nlnth and fortieth sections of 'said act. .1. s. nitiMi:4, county superintendent of CoL Co. Mar 17 1SS4. April 18-3W N TOTtCE OF DISSOLUTION. Tho partnership formally existing under the name of IMwurd .MCIIcnry and Joshua Savage or J ekson township, for tho distilling of birch oil was dissolved bv thu. consent of both D.irtles last May, since Which tlmo Mr. Mcllenr has been solo manufacturer. JOSHUA sav.uiu, Walter. Col. Co. Pa. April 10th, lfvSl. uprlS DMtNlSTHATOB'S NOTICE. ' J.SfATF. OF SA11A1I E. ULlTUKYEK, UECEA8HU. Letters of administration on tho estate ot turali II Heltmeyer deceased, late ot catawlisj, Coluin bid county, l'a., havo been granted by the Itegls- ter 01 saiui:ounty to tno unuersigueu uu niiusiru lor. All oersons having claims agaUist the estate ot the deceased aro reipiosted to present theji for settle i.ent. nnd thosu Indebted 10 tho estate to make payment to tho undciol.'ned administrator I wiinom uciay. j-.i.ljs, Hh.uvn & Itoblns, Att'l s. Administrator. nprll Catawlssa, l'a. QHAN ND JUBOHS. Heaver Wm Haker. Berwick J W cooucr. Illoom-Johu (Ullaspy, Wm A Hartzell, J, It Ly ons, Dennis McDonald, Patrick McFaddcu, Jonas .iiauu. ir. inra 11 rainier, n ui it lu niter. Ltiiiraii.i .uicnaei ini-mi.ui, iuwu vtaisii. rishlugeieek casner 1 Hess. Nelson Johnson. John idcnarl. liivcimood-Clemuel Henry, Wm u I'arkcr. Hemlock LM Haiunau. Mluhn Ueorge creasy, H A Hess. Montour Moses coleuuru. lioariugcrcui. Uoo W Hlio.uls. A U Alberlsou, Henry C Hess. TIT JUHOHS. Heaver Daniel Davis. Daulel L sineler. T. W. Longeiiborger. ifeiiton Frank Dlldlne, Charls Klefer, Peter K.iso, Hour Mcllenry, Johu Itucklo. nrlarereek Stephen Grover. Illoom Ull Jouos, 1'eter E Knapp, W O McKln. ney, Joseph t'rcutlss, 11 u Philips, N &pear, c W lle'rwlck-J V Opdyke. Centre Jesse Huffman, llllllngtou lluckle. Catawlssa Daniel z.irr. Flahlugtreek 1'uillp Applemau, John M llucka lew. Ureenwood-(Jeo Ikeler. Hemlock Lewis niriou. Derr. Luousl Munlellus Yeagcr, .Maihsou-Jolinu NeUous, Clinton Pt-gg, David Sheen. Mllillu-W Hckroth. l'lno Joseph shoemaker. Mutt b J Uachiuuii, John Campbell, David Gel singer, batnucl t'ugli, John Turner. bUCOSlI WttK. Hloom-fJeorgj tierilnger, J L (llrton, II W llattcnbucu. beaver David Davis. Derw lek J W Kuiu. lleuluu Alex Hess, btephen Klefer. Caumlssa Llo)il Herger, W r Oicasy, Daniel LougeuUurgcr, U W Hellsiiyder. CL-Miu-Odiuua Hioduenuer, James Kocher, Kills ltlngrose, Jacou Itlnk, Ceuirulla-D F curry, John (1 Hauler, Fisiiingcieek Charles Keichner, Jeremiah Miles J H W'ouilS. rraukiia s D foreman. uivenvtood-WuiLaiuou, br., Ueorgo W Utt. .lacksun bylvester lleaiu. l-oeisi Samuel Heller, 1'eter M Yocum. -Mount 1'leasant-llotxTt Howell, an Ikeler. Malu-Joslah Fleuuug. Montour Johu HoadarmeL orange Hiram Coleman. IU10 Johu Sweeuy. bugarloat-Oeorge rrlti, Newton Herrlngton. PlUbb . tl UUfcVUUUCU, YU1 jlUlt5S, EXECUTOR'S SALE, OF VALUAIILIJ Ke;il folate. Hy vlrtuo ot tho last wilt and testament ot C.vo. Shuman, lato of Minttn township, deceased, the undersigned executor of said estate will exposo to public sale ou Wednesday, April U0, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. m., upou tho premises, a valuable thiiber tract ot laud, containing ui acres, inoroor loss, bltuato In catawlssa township, Columbia county, l'a., bounded north by lands of heirs ot Daniel Shuman deceasod, east by lands of llarman John, south by lands of west by lauds ot neirs of Samuel bkuuuu, deceased. The tract Is heavily timbered with eood rock oak and white oak car timber, and Is locatod near tho Illoom ferry, and Uuo of the North & West llranch Hall, i oad, and U convenient to good market. Terms w 111 bo mado known ou day ot sale. ALLEN MANN, XIvCUToH'fcS NOTICE. .STATU OP KIU1BKTII UOOHB, PKCKASCI). Ix'ttera testamentarv nu tho iv.tntAnf i.,M,niu,,t. Moore, late uf biifrurlouf loiuishlp, Columbia coun. ty, l'a., deceased, havo boeu granted by ill i llo Is leriitsald eouniy lo tho uiidersLruu I executor, All iiersous having claims against iho estate ot the deisilent nr.- rwm sted to present them torsciUe. ineiit, andthoso Indebted to thu estate to uiuko payment to tuo und.rigiioa without delay, .ll.vP l.'ll'i"y 4-l-CW coles civt'k, Executor, MARKET REP0RTS. BLOOMSBUHU MAIUCET. Wheat per bushel -$ 1 Hye ' " 70 Corn " " 0j Oats " " 40 Flour bcr barrel .M.....l...l.. ..... u l" Cloversced 8 Q0 Butter KfCSm tt .)Mll' It) Tui low tint ttMt ii ( Potatoes 2V Dried Apples 00 Hams l Sides und shoulders ' 10 Chickens 1 .,....!..... it Turkeys v 13 Lard per pound ,.. 13 Hay per ton 1" 00 Beeswax ' 2u Buckwheat flour per hundred 8 00 Hides per lb Gto7 Vcnl skins per lb, 03 Sheep pelts, each,, 75 Wool per lb 30 Philadelphia Markets. COKKKOTED WEEKLY. FEUD1 Western winter bran, spot, Q IT.00. MACKr.ltKL-Extra mess 330. largo 18, S3 30c. cxtrn shore in 23 ( see. FIAIUH. Western extra's S.M (S ! l'tnn'tt. family, 4.M (, 4.TB onto clear, s.oj t& S.3W, winter patflit U.75 ( 6.G0, WIIIIAT. Delaware red nt 1.15, No 1 Penn sylvania ml 1.1s. ltVK. l'rltno l'cnnsylvnrda 70 Q 73c. i.'OltS, Wi bushels in trmln derat atMC O.VI.H. No. 3 whlto (A 40 No. 2, 41. 1IAV,AM) STHAW 'flmothy choice Western nnd New York, f IT. fair to good Western and Now York, it. a 15, : medium Western and New York, II. fit 13. : cut hay nsto quality 14. 17.00. itye straw is m d n.uj wheat straw, 9. 10. pat straw 10 (, 11, HKHDH. Clover dots- ner lb. Timothy 1.40 Cl.pcrbusliel, l'lax 1.7:2 per bushel. Kleeco Washed. XX and above. S3 c 400 i X33M vuwi. unio, 1 ennsyivania nnn cst irinia, 30c ! common a? m sue. Texas, Fall clip lino 20 S3, medlmnsOM 2icoarw), l( 17. iiuuB. jTQiisyivuuia exira, wesbcru 13'r ( lsw. IiUlTUh. Pennsylvania extra, 33 Western extra 82. L1VK POUt.TltY.-FowK Hens 15 mixed low lie roosters olds a 10c turkeys, 17 ducks Dftr.SSL'D POUIntY.-Turkeys extra 16 al7cts. ciiicKciis tmra 17 uuuks cnoico in , l'OTATOIX Karly Hose per bushel, 42 43 llurbnnk and Hebron, 1J (4 43. ONIONS Yellow, 1.15 (4 S.OO per bbl. Duck ejrgH S3, s S3 UeCbO egg 3 ) ($ 35. J) ISC1IAHGE OF ASSIGNEE. Notice Is hcrebr nlven that a rule has been grunted by tho Court ot Common fleas ot comm. la county, to show cause why 8. C. Jayne, asst. eeor A. W, Dickson shall not do discharged, vlng performed tho duties ot his trust. Jtulo reluruablo on tho ilrst Monday ot May, issi. A. iv. UaiVAUl, April l-3w Atty for Assignee. JyT-OTICE IN DIVOHOE. ' IN TUB COMMON PI KAS OF COLUMBIA con? nr. Mary Ostnan by her next trlend, H M. Tewkshury vs. Johu Osman. ur libel In divorce. To John Osman, respondent above named : Wheroas unon the libel of tho said Mary Osman a subpoena was issued out of tho said court eom- raanuing you 10 uo anu appear at mo next regu lar term of said Court to show cause , why the said libelant should not bo divorced from tho bonds ot matrimony contracted with you : and w nercas upou return oisaiu suupoena uuo proor was made that you could not be found In the ball wick of the Sheriff of said county, whereupon an alias subpoena was awarded by said Court com mand! nir vou toannearatthe then next trm ot said Court ,to answer asntorosald, to which tho Ramo return was made by tho Sheriff. You aro therefore required to bo and appear.on tho nrst day ot tho next term of -aid Court to be held at Illoiimsburg for said county on tho first Monday of May, A. U. ins 1, to answersuld complaint. JOHN MOUHKY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, February lust, c. w. Miller, Att'y. March 21 Jyj-OTICE TO STOCKHOLDER. The annual mectln? of tho stockholders ot the North and West llranch Hallway Company Is call ed for Tuesday, April 29, iksi, at 1 1 o'clock a. m., a 233 outh Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Election for President and Directors samo day and place. 3 23-tm ALUKltr HIS WSON, Sec'y. IN CARPETS. ROWER HAS JUST HEUEIVED A NEW LOT OK CAffiPJETS WHICH IIU IS OFFEIUNU AT ClltEATIA" REDUCED PRJCES CONSISTING OF Body MzmmM As Low as 75 cts. All wool, Supers. full weight, Extra C, C. Extra Supers. All wool extra superfine car pet at 75 cents. Nice '1-1 Ingrains at 25 cts. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of liandomo rugs. GALL & EXAMINE theso goods and you will bo con vinced that they cannot, be ex celled in quality or price. Now is your tinieto buy cheap carpets. Shollon (Jiirpot Sweeper, tho best in tho market, for sale by J.J.BIIOWER MAIN STREET, tUOOKISBURG, PA. ALOEN'S MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. o cr 8X),(ioo subjeots and 6,fl Illustrations, num. erous mans. iX) olumes, lartro octavo, ! cheuper million, ll5.uo. hpeclinen pnifeafreo too,. oi olniiu'ii huli'c Hooks dewerlplUo Cntnloiruo free. itouKsfor exn luatlon boioro payment on evident f otk'ood fullh. NOTso'd hy dealer pileiwloolow. JOHN II. AI.DI-N, Publisher, IS Vesey bt., New ork, 1', o. llox ISir. April l.lw a r