The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 21, 1883, Image 1

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    Rjes op aDeFVTisiNq.
it iro dollars per yosr. To iiiiivni .
ions "con i miM m fi'i K?..??r0Pld,l)t
Ailpaimra Rontoutof tho MatoortoTiWnr,, nn.t
Itao subscription due on domamf. n8,u,nC3 10 I"1?
n "unty. """"'WrwMtw from subscriber,
complete and our. lob l'rlnllni wfiionintl?.1
sbly with thatot tlio lame effi iniCSr?,Tor
short notice, noatlyaTt modcVatoVrrccl110110 on I
OMco over 1st. Natlonit 11 ink. ,,l00m3,,ur-
j" U. FUNIC,
AT I'0 1 IN E V-AT-L AW.
om In '.nl'a llullillng.
' ATTO 1 IN 15 Y-AT-L A W.
lii.oonsni'RO, l'A.
Oillco over 1st National Dank.
Office over Moyer ltros. Drug Storo.
Offlce In nrowcr'sbulldlnir,setondnoor,room No.1
Uloomsburjf. Pa.
Bloomsbiug, Pa
omco corner of Contro and Main Streets. Clarki
can bo consulted In German.
Hkw COMiMniAti BuiLDiNd, Bloomsburff, Pa.
Mnmhnr or tho United states Law Association,
Collections mado In any part of America or Eu
onice In Columbian Bcimuno, noora No. 7, second
Notary rubllo
omco lu 1st National Bank bulldlntr. second door,
nretrtoortothe Wt. Corner ef Main and Market
streets Bloomsbure. Pa.
tgfPfnnoiH nnd Bounties Collected.
omco In Maize's building, over Illllraeycr's grocery.
May M, 'Si.
Offlco In his building opposite CourtJIIousc,
2nd Hoor, Uloomsburg, Pa. pr i oi
omco In Nsws Itkh building, Main street.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Assocla-
O SSeetlooB mado in any part of America.
Jan. 6, 1832.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
May 6, -81. BERWICK, PA
Catawlssa, Pa.
Office, corner or Tnlrd and Main streets.
vy- E, SMITH,
JUtorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted In German.
WOfllco first door below tho post oulcc.
CU, BAKKLEY, Attorney-at-Law
. omca in iirower's building, and storv.Koomfl
R BUCKINGHAM, Attornev-at-Lnw
.Oftlce, Brockwuy's Uulldlng.Ilst floor.
Bioumsourg, Pennto. may 7, '80-t f
B. MoKELVY, M. D.,8nrgeon and Phy
, nleUn.nortn sldo Main 8treet,below Market
i L. FRITZ, Atlnrney-at-Liw. Office
tn Columbian Building,
ew'i Masblaesand Mucblneryof ill kinds re
tired, ortm Houn Uulldlng, Uloomaburg, Pa.
OOlce, Nnrth Market street,
Uloomstmrc, Pa
J-R. vyU. M. REBKIt, Surgeon and
.pnyslclao. oalce cornor of Uock and Market
It. rtVA.S, M. D Surgeon and
I'Uy.ilo hi, (o.noe and HosllBnoo on Tnlrd
Tonrsorial Artist,
a'iiaat his oil stand under EXOUANOB
UuPtfUaul Uii t usual a Klltsr-OLASS
UAllUBHdiloi. Ho respectfully solicits the
rjatronane of nlsoldouHonwrs and of the puMlo
fenerallV. July t,'80-u
Varre aul convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms
not andenia water.and all modern oonvcnlenoos
Uix)Oii8uuito, Columbia Count, Pa.
allstylesot work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as rciirescuivu, u.fu b4imvi
p wituodt Paix by tho uso of U&s, and
free of eharge When artlflclal teeth
are Inserted,
hj? oalce over Uloomaburg Banking Company.
lo be open at all houri during the (tat
Nov. s-ly
$1.00 A YEAR
0. E. ELWELL, i tl
J.K BITTENBENDEn, J roPrltore.
Alexander & Bro.
Hli oooos, low PmDBSt
A full lino of Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts clc.
nrs. Tob.iccos, Pipes, Christmas treo trlmnilngsi,
and n largo stock of Sugar Toys for tho Holidays,
Meerschaum Pipes. Cigar Holders, Clirar Cases,
Tobacco Pouches and other goods suitable for the
Christmas trade, county dealers should consult
our prices before purchasing elsewhero.
llNcxt to Court House.
Sept. 28-3m
E. B. 3R0WER,
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing mid Spouting promjitly
atteniled to.
restrict attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts ,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Continutdtom lat wtek.)
How Watch Cases are Made.
A plate of solid gold 14 2-10 karats
fine is soldered on each side of a plate of
hard nickel composition metal, and the
three &ro then passed between polished
steel rollers. From this plate the various
parts of the cases backs, centers, beicls,etc.
arc cut and shaped by dies and formers.
The gold is thick enough to admit of all
kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine
turning. The composition metal gives it
needed strength, stiffness and solidity, while
tho vritten guarantee of tho manufacturers
warranting each case to wear twenty years
proves that it contains all the gold that
can possibly be needed. This guarantee
is given from actual results, as many of
these cases have been worn perfectly smooth
by years of use without wearing through
the gold. Dcncgci, H., Dm. II. lsso.
I have used one of your J&mca ltou1 Uo'.d Watch
Cues for seventeen yeus. I bought It necond hiDd
nd know of Its h.vlDK been ued before I (rot It,
but do not know bow Ion. It looks good for teu
yeftra longer. Did not Buapcct It was a ailed caao
-jntll .0 Informed by ft Jeweler ft ebort time slnco.
I most cheerfully recommend your case, to be all
they are represented to bo, and more.
O. McCnANET, Dip, Col. Int. Jter. 3.1 Jit: loua.
&n! S rt.t Ump to Ktr.ton. WLh Cm F.rUrl... TMI.
dilphi. r., for htnd.omt FknpbM ihovl.g B.w
Stmt Dom' sad K.JItonl W .Lb la.M Br. B.d.
To It Continued.) '
Porcelains and Faience.
In addition to many novelties
from the Royal Worcester, Min
ions and Copeland works, vc
Avould especially note some won
derfully decorated Faience from
tlu celebrated Hungarian fab
rique at Budapest, bearing' the
famous marl; of the " Five
Churches" they arc without
doubt the most elaborate pieces
ever produced, having received
til.' first prize at the late Amster
dam Exposition.
Beautiful articles suitable for
wedding gifts, in Vases, Centre
Pieces, Cabinet Specimens, Fine
Plates and Cups, are here in end-,
less variety.
We should be glad to see vis
itors at any time, assuring them
a very cordial reception.
Mail orders for the selection of
gifts, will as usual, have our most
careful attention.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
North American of Philadelphia.
l"ennsylvanla, " "
York, of Pennsylvania.
Hanover, of N. Y.
Ouecns, of London,
North llrltlsh, of 1-ondon,
umca on m ukh street, no, a, moomsourg.
UVb, BB, ,vljr
AiJUNUY. Mover's new bulldlnir. Main
siuet, uiuumsuurg, ra,
.Htna Insurance Co.. of Hartford. Conn. JT.OIS.SS.
ltoyal of Liverpool 13,600.000
mnuusuiro .,... io,uu,uou
Klro Association, Philadelphia 4.163,717
Pbcsntx.ot London ts,2e,S7j
Loudon & Lancashire, of England., . l,7oo,97U
llartforl of Hartford 3.473.030
Sprlngneld Fire and Marino 9,ojj,s60
As the agencies are direct. Dollcles are written
for tho Insured without any delay In the
ortlce at uloomsburtr. Oct, is, '81-tl,
MKIluflANT.S', 01' NKW'AHK, N. J.
These old coxroRiTiOKs are wen seasoned by
age and nai tistio and hare never yet bad a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
are all Invested In solid ssoDaiTiEsand are liable,
to the hazard of riBi only.
Losses raoatrrLY and uomsstlt adjusted and
pain as sion as determines, ny uhkisthn r,
Kxtrr. iricitL Aosmt' imp Aojustik Ulooms-
BDRa. Pi.
The people of Columbia county should patron-.
lu mo agency wueru losses u any are setuea
ann nain it one oi tnnr own rmions.
CDItl wHlll all UK flll,
lluitOuughtiyrup. TftMieesouo. I
Uaeluiliue. hiolbydrustflau.
Jau-i ly
Don't go Nlilvv.'lnc: nrouiul
tlilH cold u-ntli-r for the wnnt
or ii Riotl, n-.11 in Ovorcont, it
Mill not p.iy.
Wc liiivo tlirm In nil grntlcN,
Trom the plnlncit low In price
to tho finest.
Sept 7
T:.o only fcaown tr'cUa f'.r Epileptic rit a
A!o for r.-.d Pail, s SlckKcss. Ncnoua
Yf corneal It Instantly rcUina ond curca. tteaneca
blood and ijulckens alue.:sh clrcuUion. Kcutra
Urea Eerms of dlacite asd taves t! knesa. Cuica
ngly blotehca osd etuiborn blood corea. Eliminates
BoIIj, Carbanclci end Scales. Crcrnianently and
promptly curea paralyse. Yea, It laa clarnilnB and
heaithrul Aperient. Khla Scrofula sad Klnsa Evil,
t In brotherj. Chaagca bad brcith to eooJ, remov.
tne the cauic, Hoo's bilious teu lenclea nnd ma1:ei
clear compltjlon. Equalled by none In tt.e delirium
of fcicr. A (iorir.lnir resolvent and a matchlCH
latatlve. It drives Sick Iteadat'.io like n.i rind.
CirContiirj no drastic catbarilc or opiates. Ecllcvca
the brain of niwrbid fancies. Promptly turta lilitu
matlim by roullrglt. Kotorcs Hfe-RlTlrc proper
tlea to tho blooj. Is (fuarantccd to cure a'.l rcrvo'.!i
dUordcrs. KTEeJhblo tlica nil opiates f..Il. li .
frethea tho nlnd and Invigorates tho body. Cures
dyspepsia or norry refunded.
Dlicasciofthofcloodownltacor.qucror. Endo (d
In writing by over fifty Ihomand leaillng cttltrr.3,
clergymen and physicians In U. S. and Europe.
CFTor talc ly all hading druggltts. HJO.
The Dr. S, A. I:lunoiid Medical Co. I'roj s.,
St.Josrrh, Mo. (3)
Charles N. Crlttcnton, Agent, New York City.
That is what a great
many people are doing.
They don't know just what
is tho matter, but they have
a combination of pains and
aches, and each month they
grow worse.
The only sure remedy
yet ibimd is Brown's Ikon
HiTTEKS, and this by rapid
and thorough assimilation
with the blood purities and
enriches it and rich, strong
blood flowing to every part
of the system repairs the
wasted tissues, drives out
disease and gives health and
This is why Brown's
Iron Bitters will cure
kidney and liver diseases,
consumption, rheumatism,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala
ria, intermittent fevers, &c.
903 S. Paca St., Baltimore.
Nov. aS.iESt.
I was a great suilercr from
Dyspepsia, and for several
weeks could eat nothing and
was growing weaker cery
day, I tried llrown's Iron
Hitters, and am happy to say
I now have a gooil appetite,
and am getting stronger.
Jos. McCawley,
Brown's Iron Bitters
is not a drink and does not
contain whiskey. It is the
only preparation of Iron
that causes no injurious ef
fects. Get the genuine.
Don't be imposed on with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
..... " Orrvllle, Ohio, Sept. 10, lf2.
COLDS. "Having been subject ton lircm.
elilul itii'i'illiiti, with frt'uent
colds, for a number of years, I hereby cer
tify that Avrit's Ciimiuv Pkctohai, gives
me prompt relief, nnd Is tho most effective
remidy I bavo ever tried.
JAaiis A. Hamilton,
Editor of The Creictnt."
"Mt.flllead.Olilo, JuneM. IS8S.
COUGHS. " 1 ''ave used Avi H's Ciinmv
PerTOUAi. this Bprlng for n se
vere rough and lung tremble with good
effect, and I am plcasod to recommend It
to any 0110 similarly nflccted.
llAUVnV llAfflllMAN,
Proprietor (llobo Hotel."
Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hold by all Druggists,
KIOI, SriCES, 8I0AKB 80Pi,Okt',, AO.
N, E, corner Second and Arch streets,
Orders' will rooelve promptattontlon
"By-by, Dolly t don't pit up fo
I mayn't bo homo till Into."
r mo i
And handsome Dick Everett, seal
capped ami overcoatcd, bout to kins his
pretty liitlo wifo.
"Mint ymi vt'iilly go, Dick?" implor
ingly. "Must I i tidily got" ho repeated.1
"SVlmtn dread I ul Folemn fncul Yes,
you rid'uiiiloiK dailiiiir, 1 really mint,"
"Wliyl" pei'siMenlly.
"Oh, liccamo of f.n an engagement
I I cniitiot hrr.ik, dear 1" a trillo
guiltily. "Goo.l gracious I what nu
inqnisitivo lilllu mortal it U, to be
miro 1 Don't tionblo your pretty head
nhout business engagements, and onco
more, nij pet, good-bye. And oh, I
nay, Dolly," turning back and putting
ft furry head imido tho door, "if you
nro in seai ch of a job, I just wish
you'd mend my other overcoat. I
noticed a big tear in it for the first
time to night. Will you ?''
And to his rather disconnected
speech Mrs. Dick nodded, and smiled
a bright acquiescence.
The door ulammed behind Dick,
mid she glancud round tlio cozy, homo
like room.
"If Dick had not been obliged to go
out and such a cold night, loo.
The gas bin nod brightly.
Tho chrcry firo in the gralo was a
bod of golden coals.
Tho French clock on the mantle
ticked musically.
Towards the crimson-covered table,
oil which lay a pile of unopened mag
azines, looked two wistful hluu eyes.
But the bride of six months shook
her dainty, bronze-brown head with
lesoluto determination.
Tlio rosy lips repeated the hackney
ed formula "Duty first, nleasuro
after." '
So, accordingly, the littlo white
hands laboriously lugged and hauled
Dick's big overcoat into tho room,
turned it over, and began their wifely
She smiled softly to herself, for her
thoughts were pleasant ones as she sat
and sewed.
A rarely pretty picture in tlio par
lot's (ire-lit glow, the childish figure in
tlio soft, dark dress and snowy muslin
apron, tho busy hands flying briskly
through their task.
"To-morrow will ho my birthday,
and Dick has forgotten it, I know.
How sorry he will bo when I tell him
And as she broke merrily into
"Comin' Thro' the Rye," the French
clock on the low maible mantel struck
Her tak finished, she turned the
coat over to sec if it needed other re
pairs, and as she did so a small square
ehect of creamy paper fluttered from
an inside pocket and fell upon tho car
pet. She bent forward and picked it up
with n low laugh.
Which of Dick's friends aro suffi
ciently foppish to perfume his love let
ters, I wonder.?"
Then she turned it right side up and
looked at it.
And she saw what!
Nothing very alarming.
Only a thick sheet of embossed
paper, stamped with a monogram in
blue and gold, incomprehensible as
monograms usually are.
A woman's letter, decidedly, written
in a pretty, scrawling, irregular hand,
unmistably a woman's.
The bird-like song died on Dolly
Everett's lips.
Tho soft, bright color faded slowly
out of her faco.
Tlio blue eyes grew wide and start
led, as deliberately, though almost in
voluntarily, sho read tho few words on
the page before her.
The note ran :
"Dick, Daih.ino I havo misled
ou dreadfully of late. Come. Ex
ercise diplomacy to night and slip
away. I halo her for keeping you
from me. Besidps, Gerster is in town.
Is the hint too broad 1 In spite of all,
Dick, ever your
That was all.
But it was enough.
For a few moments Dolly's eyes,, terrified, stared straight at the
fatal sheet, as though thoy would shriv
el it up with their blue fire.
Then she flung it shiiddeiingly from
her, as though it was a venomous
thing, nnd could sting her.
Who was tho woman who dared to
write in that manner to Dick her
Dick ? yes, she told herself, witli an
air of defiant proprietorship, hers only.
She crushed her hands tightly to
gether, till tho diamond next tho plain
gold circlet cut the white flesh cnitl-
then, as a horrible susincion leaned
to life in her brain, with a low moan
she slipped from tho chair and crouoli
ed, shivering, against tho great shnguy
Her fears took 6hapo.
What if ho had cono to meet this
woman 1
For tho lirot timo ho had evaded an
swering her questions.
Aim Jiow muity and liuiucd ho had
seemed so horribly hannv and liuht-
hearted, too.
A thousand words and dances, bo
fore almost unnrticed, now flashed
quickly upon her.
She snatched up tho nolo again nnd
looKeu at it.
It was dated tho oveninc of that
,l!l'!. ... . . .
"un, iicK, iJicK i biio cried, wiiiiiv,
how could you, how could you 1" And
I loved you sol"
iueii, with a sudden storm ot sons,
slio broke down altogether, and bury
ing ner taco in tno ci umpleii overcoat,
wept mm wept ns it nor very heart
would break, tho irracoful littlo figure
shaken and so convulsed.
1 ho lire burned low in tho urato
uniter n coating ot gray ashes,
Now sho did not pauso to listen, to
tho music.
Footsteps came along tho sidewalk,
up tlio steps.
A latch key turned cautiously in tho
She neither heard nor stirred.
in tno nau uick paused, a curious
smilu on his lips.
"Dollv's asleen ns sum as fato I"
IIo divested himself of hat and over
coat, and humming a popular air,
lumen tno naudio ot tno parlor door.
"Goodness 1 Dolly, what's tho mat
Ills song cania lo mi untimoly end
ns lio caught sight of tlio sobbing,
shaking littlo figuro on tho hearth
rug. Ho took otic stride toward her, but
tho sound of his voico sho had
nrung to her feet, with crimson
heeks nnd dangerously sparkling eves.
"Stand off, sir 1 Don't daro to
touch mo I"
Great heaven 1 Dollv " in direct
"Don't Dolly mo I" facing him like
dinutiiitivo tigress, "don't dare to 1"
"Don t mention mv namu so soon
fter hers this 'Esther.' lo whom voti
aro 'Dick, darling 1' "
"1 Jolly
"Can you find no other word with
which to defend or vindicate yourself
except the rendition of my namo 1"
This with unnatural calmness.
Tlio tcmncrature had wafted round
from tho torrid to tho frigid zone.
"ilavo you gone madr slowly.
"If I have, find the cause there."
Scornfully sho Hung him tho crump
,'d note.
Ho snatched it eagerly and read
very word.
Then he lifted up a faco of. if possi
ble, more intense, utter bewilderment
than before.
"Whero did you get this, Dolly 1"
Sho pointed dramatically to tho
tumbled overcoat. .
"There !" in blankest astonishment.
"There 1"
IIo glanced from tho note to tho
coat, from tho coat to the note, then
back again to Dolly.
one was longing desperately to
steady her voice and -still her heart
eutliciently to ask him how he liked
Gerster, just to exhibit a piece of
stinging sarcasm j but she could not to
savo her life.
Thcro was a blank silence a mo
ment, then Dick walked over and pick-
u up ins overcoat.
lint k 1 What was that I
Not a laugh, surely.
Yes, a laugh.
The maddest, merriest, wildest neal
that over rang from human lips.
There on tlic hearthrug stood Dick,
tho coat fallen loosely on tho floor, his
hands on both hips, and laughing
well, ho was.
"Dick 1" in faltering amazement.
"Yes," howled Dick.
"Oh, Dolly, it's the best joke of the
"Oh h "
And then he was roaiing like a cir
cus mad schoolboy again.
"Dick tell mo I"
Them seeing her white, anxious
face, ho grew suddenly grave.
"i-ioiiy, am you iook at tno ecvel-
opc '
"1 saw none."
IIo showed her the envelope that
had fluttered unnoticed under tho ta-
She read tho address :
IhciiAni) .ILutvr.v, Esq.,
192 Blagk Street.
"Dolly, did you paitioularlv notice
tho overcoat 1"
A tremulous "No !"
"Look ! See that velvet collar
those buttons, this pooketbook 1 Is
this my overcoat V
"Oh, Dick, mv deatest. forcrivo mo?
No, no, nol''
Sho was sobbing on his arms now.
"My darling 1"
"But," bubbling again into bovish
aughter, "what a good ioke I To
think that I should walk homo in, and
that you should mend, Dick Harvey's
overcoat! Wonder if his folks are
going through my pockets now 1"
"Who's Esther V
His sweetheart, whom ho has to
sup.ik of! to sco becauso of a formida
ble heiress staying at his house at
present, to whom his folks aro trying
to marry him. Ho told me all about
Dick," shy arms went crcenintr
ound his neck, and blue evej grow lu
minous through their tears, "I'm never
going to bo jealous again. I I'm
not going to ask you whero you were
to-night," with triumphant heroism,
underlaid by a stratum of maddening
"My pet, I was just going to tell
you, but these will speak better than I
can. You seo I had not ouito forerot-
ten wnat to-morrow was. '
At.. a. a
IIo had drawn a leather caso from
i . . . i . i . . . .
ins iiockci, ami loucning tno spring
disclosed a set and nccklaco of milk
white pearls on turquoise-velvet bed.
"Uli h, Dick! '
long drawn breath, a rapturous
iignung oi uiuo eyes, a lilting of rosy
iips, nun men wen, wiien slio got
through Dick thought himself well re
"won't tuero bo fun at the office to
morrow. Jealous of Dick Harvey 1
ijui, uy ltipuer, wnat a reception
gotl Oh, oh hi ( Dolly, Dolly, it's
me uest joko on record 1"
And Dolly loiued bun merrilv: for.
after all, is not tlio sweetest laughter
mat which springs ironi tears T
Heard on Broadway.
"Good morning. Smith."
"Good morning, Jones. Making
money t
"les business uover better, bell
S 10,000 a day."
"What ! l'orty thousand a day 1 at
a profit 1"
"Ijord bless you no. 1 must keep
trado up, you know don't voti sco
and keep up tlio show so 1 can keep up
my credit and sell mv paper. Why, l
sold $20,000 this morning at 10 per
"But how do you innet your paper V
"vny, sell more, of courso Uko rail
road do.
"But tho und must come."
"I know j but tho money-lender will
get tno littlo end. uood-dy.'
There is a vast deal of philosophy in
tho remark of Calino that 'Providence
has placed death at tho very end o
hfo in order to give peoplo timo lo
prepare for it.
A lady at Saratoga has becomo blind
limn using something to mako horoyc
'1 hero U no greater delight than to
ho conscious ot sincerity on self-oxami
Tho hronzo Htntuo of Washington is
like tho hero it represents a man of
21, 1883.
Upon the accession of Vice Presi-
ent Arthur to tho l'residcnoy in Sep
tember, 1881, the Senate at its next
session elected as its president nro tem
pore David Davis of Illinois, whoso
term of oflico as Senator expired on tho
ad of March, 1883. Just before tho
xpirntion of his term Mr. Davis re
signed tho Presidency of tho Senate,
nnu ueo. i. i!,rtmnnd, senator from
Vermont was elected as his successor,
Senator Edmund's Senatorial term not
expiring until 1887. This procceduro
was necessary in order that tho Presi
dency of the Senate should not bo va
cant during tho interim between tho
orty-seventh and Forty eight Con
gresses. Had Air. Davis not resigned,
the expiration of Ins senatorial term
would havo left the country without a
legal successor to President Arthur in
caso tho latter had died beforo tho Sen
ate of the Forty-eighth Congress had
elected a presiding officer pro tern. Mr.
Edmunds therefore was practically
mado Vice-President of the United
States, and will remain such until tho
present Senato elects a successor.
It is now well-known m ofhcial cir
cles that Senator Edmunds does not
wish to continue in his present position
as presiding oflicer of tho Senate, it bo
ng Ins desire to accompany 'Ins family
to the Bermudas for tho health of his
ife. The Republican maioritv havo
therefore indicated a disposition to
hoose the subject ot our illustration,
lur. lulmutid's successor, and this
ovent seemed only to await tho recov
ery of Senator Anthony from his late
illness and his appearance upon tho
lloor of the Senate.
sBNATon Anthony's iiecord.
Ilenrv B. Anthonv. of Providence.
Kliodo island, was born m Coventry,
that State, April 1st, 1815, of Quaker
ancestry. IIo graduated at Brown
University in 1833, and in 1838 ho as-
sumed tho editorial charge of tho
'rovidencc Journal, which he retained
until called to a seat in the United
States Senate. IIo was elected Govern
or of his native Slate in 1849, was re
elected in 1850, and thereafter declined
to accept the candidacy for another
He was elected to tho United States
Senate as n Union Republican, to sue-
ceed Philip Allen, Democrat, and took
ms seat in 1859, his terra expiring in
1805. During this term ho served as of the Conimitteo on Print-
ing. Mr. Anthonv has been returned as
is own sucessor each expiring term
over since, his present term ending
March 3rd, 1889. IIo was elected
President of tho the Senate pro tern
March 23rd, 1809, aud was re-elected
March 10th, 1871.
Senator Anthony win a member of
tho National Committee, appointed to
accompany the remains of President
Lincoln to Illinois, aud was one of tho
Senators designated by llio Senate to
attend'tho funeral of General Scott, in
ISOO, and was also a delegate to tho
Philadelphia Loyalist's Convention
held in that year. IIo is ono of tho
most popular members ot the Senate,
and his elevation to its Presidency a
third timo is at present strongly indi
cated. Who's Boss.
He a was short little man, with a voice
like a woman and a faco as innocent
as a babe s. When ho stepped out
the bovs began to bet ten to ono that
ho would bo set at liberty msido of
fivo minutes, but all such wagers were
x our iionor, no uegan, "1 was
arrested for having a little trouble
with my wife. Wo havo been married
uyem, aim no question wno is ooss
Tia,i.".0t, beon Be"lud- r n,8ht
a iuuiiu it, necessary 10 gently uox ner
'lesthe unhung villain, ho struck
my daughter 1 exclaimed a woman
about six feet high as she roso from her
chair. "Hero s his poor, patient wifo
before him ! Let him deny that ho is a
villain it no dares I '
"Slio won I mind me," remarked the
"And ho tries to boss me." replies the
"And I want him sent up for lif
teen years 1" exclaimed the old wo
in investigation proved mat it was
not a happy family. Tho woman look-
d tho man out ot doors of it night.
and no got even by breaking windows
no mil tncir clothing ami they sold
Ins dog and revolver. The v. throw
water over him as ho slept, and lu
boxoJ their cars in his waking mom
"If you can't livo in peaco whv don't
you gei a iiivorcc, nsKCd mo court.
i it ii . i "
"Haven t the cash ! answered tho
-necauso wo aro bound to counuor
or kill him,' replied tho mother-in-
"Ihen go nnd fight mid law nnd
scratch ami scream tako comfort 1 I
wash my hands out of tho crowd I"
thoy went out in procession, nut
thoy were giving eaoh other fits ns
J ress.
:. ' "v -
Among me reasons urged by a
Peoria, III., woman for a divorco are i
t .
Drunkenness, swearing, obscenity, nr-
nun, ininy nanus, incompatibility, in.
fidMiti- limt-illl v lil
...( ,M.,,vt.c,,
ami noti-suppori. biio married him to
spito her father for boxing her ears.
Coal men nro familiar with tho weighs
mai nru ii hk,
State Grangers on tho Subject of Legisla
tion. The stato grange, Patrons of Hus
bandry, in session in tho hall of tho
houso of representatives, last week
adopted tho following report rclativo to
It is tho highest duty of tho Ameri
can citizens to uphold and defend tho
constitution of this country. It is the
bed rock upon which our political su
perstructure rests. Upon its inviolato
maintainanco and the laws enacted in
pursuance thereof depend our highest
hopes and dearest interest. Under our
form of popular government tho people
aro sovereign. Their pleasure when
properly exercised is potential. They
speak and it shall bo done.
It is truo tho peoplo nro forebearing
and long-suffering. Submission to un
wise legislation is often silently endur
ed. Difference) of opinion is not es
teemed a sufficient cause for resisting
enforcement But public opinion is on
tho nlert. It u tireless and scrutiniz
ing. It is constantly in tho balance,
testing by experience. When laws
cease U) meet the ends for which they
were intended they should bo amended
or repealed. Or when tho public de
mands tlio enactment of now ones in
order to preservo tho just and equal
rights of the governed lot them speed
ily bo passed. Section 10, articlo 1 of
our constitution, declares, "The citi
zens havo a right in a peaceablo man
ner to assemble together for their com
mon good and apply to those invested
with tho powers of government for
redress of griovancc3 or other proper
purposes by petition, address or re
monstrances. "Wo therefore recom
mend. First That the common school law
bo so amended ns to embrace in tho
rank of studies such additional prac
tical branches as agricultural chemis
try, tho natural sciences nnd other
technical instructions pertaining to ag
riculture. Thcso studies if not pur
Bncd in every school should bo taught
in at least ono school in every district.
We esteem such practical branches of
really more importanco in fitting our
sons and daughters for farm life than
bounding countries or traciug tho
length of rivers.
Second Wo recommend that tho
state college, which was originally in
tended as a technical school of agricul
ture bo restored to tho designs of its
originators. Tho magnitude of our in
dustry its importanco as it relates to
tho honor and dignity of our common
wealth demands that this institution
shall bo devoted to technical iustruation
in the higher branches of agriculture
and mechanic arts.
Third Wo demand that corporations
claiming immunities as common car-
riers either by rail or water, shall be
forbidden by law to discriminate be-
tween individuals or companies in
carrying freight : that their rates shall
bo uniform for like service irrespective-
Fourth Wo recommend in order to
prevent jealousy and rivalry between
different agricultural organizations in
so far as relates to tho election of mem
bers of the state board of agriculture
that they bo elected annually by tho
different agricultural societies including
granges and farraem' clubs. Tho pro
sent system is so manifestly unfair and
so easily manipulated by a few perso-
nal friends, that it is exceedingly ob-
iectionablo and calls loudlv for reform.
We cannot devise a more feasible plan
than tho one suggested by the mas
ters annual address, to remedy tho
Pifth Wo demand, at tho earliest
practicable moment, that just and fair
apportionments bo made, dividing our
stato into districts of compact and con
tiguous territory so that the peoplo of
the state may havo equal and fair ro-1
presentation in tho councils of tho na
tion mid state legislature. Tho legisla
ture in neglecting to perform, this impor
tant duty devolving upon them under
the constitution they had sworn to sup
port and for which they were specially
couvened by tho executivo of tlio stato
merits our unqualified condemnation.
Their indolence was only equalled by
their greed. Had thoy manifested
half the zeal and unanimity in tho pcr-
lonuance ot their constitutional duty
that they did in recuring compensation
for non-performed service, their action
would not be a reproach to the fair
fame of our (treat commonwealth.
Sixth Regarding our order as a
great educational and moral organiza
lion, wo unhesitatingly set our seal of
condemnation upon intemperance, not
only as an unmitigated evil morally,
but a fruitful source of expense in tho
ailI11,I1:,,.m,:nn ?:
Plo citizens aro pressing t
pic citizens are prcssiug tho subject of
prohibition, and it is constantly becom
ing more and more apparant that tho
question will havo to ba met nt no dis
tant day. Wo would respectively ro
commend that tho necessary legislation
to bo secured to submit it to a direct
vote of tho people of the state. Should
a majority decide in favor of prohibi
tion it would give tho law ft prestige
which would materially assist in its ex
ecution and render it more efficient than
it would bo otherwise.
Seventh Wo demand tho enualiza
.!.. IT ... . . .
iion oi taxes, upon mis subiect wo
wish to be distinctly understood equal
taxes upon equal values upon tho basis
of tho bill presented by tho Bpecial
committee to tho legislature last winter
mo uuriieus oi taxation aro onerous
and opprcssivo. Relief is sought and
must bo had. Justice and equity de
inand it, nnd no effort should bu spared
to secure n just nnd fair law by which
all properly, visiblo and invisible, of
all citizens would bear its duo piopor
jMgiiin innt we, in stato grange
met, do resolvo that congress should.
and wo ask them to foster, protect and
encourago tho production of sugar in
our country, and ask them further to
pass tno needed appropriations to de
velop that industry.
lo secure such legislation as
hereby suggest will require effort
our pait It cannot bo secured by stini
, - , , , , t. ,
i iiuiu-oa. vuuuii must, uo iiiiu, mcsoivcs
ltsclt baok to tho people in the!
primaries. Tho ballot will have to de
termino the issiio. Men and measure
on tho one hand, party prejudice on tho
oi ner,
Choose which you will serve. Tho
responsibility is upou von i tho remedy
! . I'. i.r.i, .
is in your nanus, win vou imp v
Tho followiug was also adopted j
WiU'.ukas, The legislature at
one Inch fioo
Two ItiChfS 8 00
Three Inches,,.,, 4oo
Pourlnches...... 6 00
(juartrr column.. (o
llalfcolumn 10 00
Unccolumn fooo
4 00
is ro
13 OJ
18 Oj
60 0
100 00
Yoarlyadvrrtlwmrnt". nnintiionnnrtrrlr. Tran.
stent advertisements must bo pnld for before tnrtrt
cd except whero parties have accounts.
lwal ndTrrtlRomrnts twn rtotlflrn npr lnrh frr
thrfo insertions, and at that rata for additional
Insertions without reference to length.
Kxecutor's. Admlnlstrator's.and Audltnr'snnllces
thrco dollars. .Must bo paid tor when nscrted.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, rr ou.
lar advertisements halt rates.
Cards In thn Iluslnens Directory" column. ono
dollar a year for eacb line.
last session failed to pass the bill known
as tho "grangers' tax bill," thereby giv
ingto tlio peoplo tho ncedod relief asked
for : therefore,
Jtesolved, That wo urge upon tho
stato grnnga tho impoitanca of still ur
ging this question until tho needed leg
islation is obtained.
The Business Depression,
No doubt business matters are not
in a satisfactory condition. It is truo
that no especially alarming symptoms
appear. There are no indications of
any such commercial crisis and wide
spread disaster as wo have so often had
in the past in the United States. There
is simply a general shrinkage of profits,
and the incomes of business men
have considerably declined.
A hand-to-mouth trade is done, how
ever, consumption being largo becauso
of tho rapid incrcaso of tho population
and of tho goncralprospcrityofthopeo
plo for fivo years past. Tho volumo of
transactions is so great that it gives an
appcaranco of successful activity to
commercial centres, while tho railroads
aro showing largo freight earnings.
But tho amount of profit is exception
ally small, and great quantities of man
ufactured goods havo recently been
sold at cost, or even at a loss.
Tho manufacturers nro pretty goner
ally depressed by the showing of their
balanco sheets. Mills which furnish
domestic dry goods are compelled to
face an overstocked market, and they
must cither shut down or go on piling
up their product in tho hope of finding
purchasers in the future. In woolcu
goods the situation is not inspiriting.
The importations of foreign dry goods
at this port fell off two million dollars
last week as compared with tho corres
ponding week in 1882. Tho iron trade
is in a very depresccd condition, and
recently tho fifteen hundred work
men employed in tho Burden Iron
Company's works at Troy accepted a
reduction of their wages of trom ten
to twelve per cent. The situatiou was
explained to them, and thoy were told
that tho reduction must bo made or tho
miils would shut down.
This business depression has now
lasted for many months. Indeed, signs
ot it began to appear so long ago as
last autumn and winter. There havo
not, however, been bo many commer
cial disasters as might havo been ex
pected from tho unsatisfactory state of
things, or at least few of them havo
been serious enough to havo wide
spread consequences.
Merchants aro conducting their af
fairs with great caution, and avoiding
so far as possible, all risky ventures.
licsides, their prosperity lor tour or
fivo years previous to the depression
lias tortiticd them against the euecls ot
a considerable period of dull trade and
small profits. But they are troubled
about the future. JV. Y. Hun.
Women for Business.
What women need to miko them
business-like is to bo brought into con
tact with business, to hear it talked
about to be expected to manage their
small affairs in a biisincss-liko way.
The farmer gives his littlo boy a calf
aud his littlo girl a lamb, and accus
toms them not merely to the care of the
animal, but to note its market valuo
and the changes in that value at dif
ferent times. So, it seems to me, every
business man should put into tho hands
of each of hii daughters some small
piece of property, a railroad share for
instance, and teacli her to observe its
fluctuations in valuo and ask their
cause ; aud to learn by personal exper
ience tho difference between principal
and interest. I once heard Mrs. E. D.
Chancy say that her father did this for
his daughters, but I never heard of any
other instance. It ought to bo a very
common thing. If girls are to bo rich,
they need this kind of knowledge ; if
poor they need it still more. It will
not interfere with tho ideal side of tho
nature ; poets and artists, so far as I
avo seen, areas practical as other
eoiile but it will prevent that hope
less dependence for tho simplest busi
ness matter upon tho nearest man
hich so often makes cultivated wo
men tho objects either of pity or of
Keep the Children Happy.
Invent everv possible amusement to
keep your bovs at homo in tho even
ings. Never mind if they do scatter
books and pictures, coats, hats and
boots 1 Never mind if they do make a
noise around you, with their whistling
and hurrahing 1 Wo would stand
ghast if we could havo a vision of tho
oung men gono to utter destruction
or tho very reason that, having cold.
disagreeable, dull, stiff firesides at
home, they sought atnusemeutolsowhcre.
Tho inllueiico of a loving mother or
sisters is incalculable. Like tho circle
formed by casting a stono in tho watur,
it goes on and on through a man's whole
ltr.. . i , ii i
viiuuiiiaiiiiiues miu woriuiv pleas
ures may weaken the reniemboranco
for a time, but eaoh touch upon tho
ohords of memory will awaken tho old-
ume music, aim ner ince, ner voice, and
ner loving words will como up boforo
i.:... " .... .. 1
uiu iiku it icveiuiiou,
I ho tuuo will comu beforo vou think.
when you would givo the world to
havo your house tumbled by the dear
hands of those very boys -, 'when your
heart shall long for tho noisy steps in
tho null, nnd their ruddy cheekH laid up
to yours ; when you would rather havo
their jolly whistle thau the songs of
Nilssou : when vou would nhdlv havo
dirty carpets, ayo livo without carpels
at all, but lo have their bright strong
lorins uesido you once
piny with and pet them.
ny's drawing, Betty's music, and baby's
fust attempt nt writing his name. En
courago Dick to persevere in making
his laubit-liutch. If ono shows n talent
for figures, tell him ho is your famous
mathematician ; nnd if another loves
geography, tell him ho is sure to mako
a good traveler or foreign missionary.
uo wiiu uiera to seo tlielr young rab
bits, nnd chickens and pigeons. Havo
them gather for you mosses, and grass
es nun nowers 10 uecorato your room.
And you will keep yourself young and
fresh by entering Into their joys.
It hurts a man pretty badly boiiio
times to full into an error.
None laugh oftener and better than
women with tiuo tcith.
Young peoplo fall in love, and then
fall out after marriage.