The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 19, 1883, Image 4

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    Knliy'a Barrow,
"I wind I woro ilond, so tlioro I"
yWil Ituliy Ilrowu stood tliu picture
of lovnly tlcujinir, iriuliifi, down at it
yullmv nmsH nt hor feut, consisting of
mx down crushed oggs,
l'oor Ruby had boon a whole mouth
Having ami hoarding theso treasure
. whluh wore to Any au Important part
In the jiurehasii of n lovely "Kastor
bonnet," aunt Umlly had contcmptouus
ly called it, when Ruby had said In a
pleading tone, "Hut, auntie, all the
girls are going to have pretty new
hats to wear on ICaster Sunday.''
"Unstcr bonnets, indeed 1" snapped
Aunt Kmlly. "Girls in my time didn't
think eternally about bonnets i and
Kastor Sunday wasn't made a show
day for bonnets, either."
"If I could have tho eggs, auntie,"
pleaded Ruby, Ignoring hor last re
marks. "Well, take 'em I don't oarc, if you
can save enough 'tween now mid then.
You'll have to havo li bonnet at any
rato shortly after Kastor."
Ruby ran joyfully out into the coop
to gather the first instalment, after
giving Aunt Kniity an alTectlouato lit
tle hug.
"That child always gets tho best of
mo," smiled tho spinster Aunt, grimly,
who had been mother and aunt for
many years, nearly eighteen, now, sinco
her dearest and youngest sister had
died. No one know whatever had
becomo of gay, wild, dissipated Will
Brown, Ruby s father, whom peoplu
said onco had been Emily's lover, and
who had deserted her for tho younger
sister, pretty Helen.
Tho eventful morning had como on
which Ruby's egga woro to bo dispos
ed of. Blithely and gaily sho started
forth, a neat willow basket on hor arm,
her eyes shining like twin stars, and
chocks rivaling summer roses. A stray
robin chirped dubiously over-head in
tho budding, but leafless trees, and
visions of tho "Easter hat" iloated be
fore Ruby's vision, with which thu
young curate, who has just settled at,
"Caworth village" church, should bo
ensnared ; for all tho girls, Aunt Emi
ly said, "woro easting sheep's oyesi
that way.''Ruby tripped along in tho
crisp March air, satistied with herself
and tho whole world, when, alas 1 foi'
human hopes and joys how dueling,
Ruby caught her foot in somo tangled
weeds, and fell headlong upon her
precious basket of eggs, and for a mo
ment felt as if tho wholo world had
crushed" all tho joy and happiness out
of her young heart and life. In her
great sorrow sho gavo vent to tho ejac
ulation, "I wish I was dead !" as sho
slowly arose from the ruins of all hor
(eggs) hopes.
"Can I bo of any asssstancc T" asked
somo ono behind her.
Ruby started and looked around, to
encounter tho amused smile on tho
young curato's face.
"I hardly think anyono can remedy
this disaster," stammered Ruby, dis
mally viewing tho mass at hor feet.
"Eggsactly," laughed Mr. Howard.
"Don't laugh 1" said Ruby, suddenly
bursting into tears.
Don't cry I beg. I will try not to
laugh," ho said anxiously.
"How foolish I am,'' said Ruby, ,
bravely trying to smile j "but I have i
lost my Easter hat." 1
Your Easter hat T" ho asked, a little
nou-plusscd. '
"With thoso egss I should havo
bought it 1" sighed Ruby.
"Hem I Well, is it absolutely neo
essary to have Easter hats, Miss
Brown !"
m"Oh. no !"
"Still, ovcyrono does, yon know," said
Ruby ,gravcly.
"No. I did not know it before. Do
you not think you could enjoy Easter
without a now hat, Miss Brown f ho
asked, looking into tho sweet face
"Oh, yes, I could," replied Ruby,
blushing rosily. I think 1 havo been a
little vain, and I am punished in this
And Ruby laughed quite merrily.
"Not one left to tell tho tale," ho
answered, joining in her laughter.
"Only on my dress ami mantle,"
laughinly said Ruby ; "that will toll
"Allow mo to remove a few flocks
from your hair."
And ho bent forward with a dainty
cambric handkerchief, removing tho
golden spota from tho soft, curling
brown hair; both faces had taken on an
added huo of pink.
"May 1 walk back with you t" ho
askod a littlo eagerly, as she turned to
go home, after their united efforts to
clean tho basket which they partly
succeeded in doing.
Permission was shyly given, and
soon they were chatting like old friends,
and Ruth was surprised that sho felt
no greater disappointment in tho loss
of her "Easter itat."
Ruby went to church on "Easter
Sunday'' with her winter's hat, and tho
Row Clinton Howard thought tho face
so sweet and good beneath it, that all
tho new "Easter hats" sank into insic-
niticance in contrast ; but Ruby look
ed around at the pretty sprays of rose
buds, mignonette, violets and music.
and could not help but feel a little pang
of envy. How could alio know that
tho yountt curato was not admirini tho
pretty faces so sweetly adorned ! And
now could sho know that while the
organ scut forth its grandest music, tho
thought had como to him that another
Kastor. nutty Urown should wear an
"Easter hat," and it should bo bridal
c 1 Why He Should" be Bevived.
"When you press this ourvod bit of
steel yon 6ee, Mrs. Clyde,' said Mr. C.
who was teaohing his wife how to use
n pistol, tho hammer comes down so
There was a bang, a puff of smoke
and Mr. Civile reeled and fell to the
floor, with blood gushing from an ugly
wound in in num.
For a moment Sirs. Clydo was tin
decided whether to faint or call for
hclt, but tho moans of her wounded
husband soon aroused hor, and she
dispatched a servant for a surgeon.
Ho didn't know it was loaded,' sho
explained when tho surgeon arrived,
and then sho became hysterical and
cried : "Oh, will ho dio doctor t Will
ho dio 1 James must not die no. no,
no I James must not dio. I was going
to the Catskill with tho children, and
lio was learmnir mo how to protect my
self, when tho horrid thine; went otf.
Oh ! doctor 1 doctor I doctor 1 will ho
dio r
Bo calm, Mrs. Clydo. Wo will do
nil wo can for him.'
You must rcvivo him, sho cried, if
but for a minute. Wo will havo to take
utt this carpet before tho funeral, and
I want him to toll mo where ho hid tho
What are you going to do when
you grow up if you don't know how
to cipher t' asked a bachelor of a slow
boy. I'm going to Ihj a school teach
er and make tho boys do tho ciphering,'
was tho reply.
Forty Billiou derma.
a W'ONii:urui. Tiir.our that konit.uw
Till'. Wr.l.l'Alli:, IIAlTINUSS AMI
i. n r. or;uvNi:.
In his quiet and uosy library at the
close of a busy d.ty sat a gentleman tind
his wife, ho absorbed in a now book
anil Hhu in Urn newspaper. Quickly
glancing tow.ird her husband, sliunskil
am cerium popil in thu article.
"John, what Is tho norm theory t"
"The germ theory -well yes t just
iook in mo encyclopedia under Hierm,
that will explain it ho much better than
I can."
Accordingly hU wife opened the
hook nt, uio word named and read t
Germ Theory jf Disease A theory
advanced by the ablest and best inves
tigators and scientists of tho times. It
supposes thu surfaco of tho oaith, tho
air nud wnlorto bu inhabited to a grea
ter or less extent witli a peculiar growth
of tho lowest form of fungi common
ly tunned baoturi.i, whose power of re
production, under favorable conditions
is so great that u single germ will in
crease to lifu-i'ii milium in twenty-four
hours time, ami unchecked in its increale
would grow n a mass of eight
hundred tons, in threo days' lime, if
space and food lie furnished. There is nj
condition under which i' can bu said to be
absent, unless it lie from tire or air
tillered through eottoudiatliiig in nu
morons layers. A single drop of water
containing a germ, put Into water
boiled, tlltcicd and thus freed from
bacteria, will grow murky in a day or
two from thu development of new
germs. When it is considered that it
requires about forty billion germs id
weigh one grain, somo remote idea can
bo had of tho capacity of germ repro
duction. Professor "John . Tyndall, in
a lato work, elaborately treats of tho
intlucnco of germs in tho propagation
of disoaso and charges upon this cause,
tho inception and development of
very many of tho a.lmonts most in
jurious to man. Professor Pastettr,
an eminent French savant, has car
ried his original and beautiful experi
ments so far, and fiom them deduced
such practical results as very greatly to
diminish the number of cases of an
thrax among sheep and chicken chol-,
ora among fowls, proving his theory1
that these arc essentially and actually
germ diseases. Thoso germs are car
ried into tho system through tho lungs,
the stomach and possibly tho skin, but
through tho lungs chiefly. Onco in
tho system, they begin to develop,
poisoning tho blood, invading tho
nerve centers, disturbing tho functual
activity of tho great organs of the
body and inducing a general impair
ment of thu vital processes. They are'
the causo of fevers, rheumatism,
Blight's diseaeo of tho kidneys, pneu
monia, blood poisoning, liver disease,
diphtheria nnd many other ailments.
Lately Professor Koch, a famous Ger
man physician, has proved that con-'
sumption of tho lungs is due to this
cause tho prcsenco of a peculiar germ.
When tho circulation is bouiiding,
tho nerves elastic and tho system all
aglow with life and energy, tho germs
seem to develop poorly, i at all. But
with weakened nerves, poor digestion
or malassimilation of food or a lower
ing of vitality from any cause, a1
change ensues, and in this "impoverish
ed and weakened fluid tho germ finds
a genial homo and develops until symp
toms of disease are distinctly manifested.
This is seen in every-day cxperienco of
all. Tho healthy man resists tho in-:
tluonces around him and does not tnko,
cold, while thoso whoso systems
havo becomo ,veak from any cause'
readily contract colds. This is on1
tho samo principle as the germ theory.,
Tho germs attack anv weakened spot
.1.. 1.- l. ,
iii uiu uuuy, unu uxinc inemseives
i .i ., v. .
upon w, ileum ineir propagation, n is
plain thcreloro that it is only by forti
fyiiig tho weak portions oi th'o body
that tho Kcrms of disease can bo resist
ed and driven from tho system. But
this has proved almost an impossibility
heretofore, nnd it has been tho study of
physicians for years how best to ao
complish it. Within the past few
years, however, a preparation has been
attraction great attention, not ouly
.1 1 a , I
uiroiignoui uiu enure land, out, amongi
the medical profession and scientists
generally, which is based upon this
theory, and it may be safely said, no
remedy has nover been found which
can so successfully place tho system in
a condition to resist tho germs of dis
ease as Warner's Safo Cure. This ar
ticle is unquestionably tho best and
most cfllcicut that has ever been dis
covered for this purpose, and
"John, say, John ! does tho encyclo
pedia advertise Warner's Safe Cure !"
"I should not wonder, dear, it's a
grand remedy, and that pamphlet we
received tho other day stated that Dr.
Gunn, of tho United States Medical
College endorsed it. At all eveuts the
wonderful cures it is accomplishing en
title it to bo honorably noted among
tho great discoveries of tho present
However the facta abovo stated may
be, tho truth remains, that tho germ
theory of disease is tho correct ono nnd
that the great remedy mentioned is the
only ono which has ever been found
that can. put tho system in a condition
to kill these germs before they obtain a
hold upon tho body, and uudermino
tho life.
The Monotonous Boar.
She had a littlo boy with her as sho
sat down in tho street-bar beside
a lady acquaintance, and drawled
out :
"Oh, you don't know how glad I am
to get home again. Wo were away
seven weeks."
"So long as that I,'
"Yes indeed. You don't know liou-
monotonous tho roar of tho sea becomes
after a week or two."
"I've heard so."
"Ma, what sea you talking about t"
suddenly put in tho boy.
"Hush, child."
"But Uncle George lives up in the
woods in Isabella county, ana it was
an woods and mosquitoes and snakes
and such old beds and poor living
mat, you cried to go Home. Is that th
kind of a roar you heard t"
Tho other lady was awful good. Sho
iookcu out ot ine car window and began
to talk about the weather. Detroit
Jye 1'rtts.
"What havo you got for dinner !''
inquired a disgusted drummer of tho
waiter. The drummer had been in the
town twenty-four hours without taking
an oruor.
"Roast duck, sir."
"Ah I was tho duok shot on tho
wing 1
"I guess so."
"Trying to get away from this cus
sod place, wasn't he t"
"I porsumo likely enough, sir."
"Goo. bird; sagacious fowl; rara
avis. I admire his pluck and pity his
misfortune. You msy bring me that
duck. I'll tnko the whole of him. I'll
help him along on the road." Terat
Disputing about Enoch's Chariot-
A well-known minister exchnnged
pulpits with nn Interior preacher the
oilier day, nud the town preacher de
clares that whllo ho was wil
ing to struggle for tho suppression of
sin, ho is not willing to distribute gos
pel facts to a congregation of snob po
omits inclination, Durinit tho sermon
a man whose most prominent feature
oi wardrobe was a chocked shirt with
wooden bullous, arose and said t
"Cap'n, wush yu'd reshuok thnt last
"I don't understand you," replied
tho prencher.
"1 nx you let out your back hand n
little on that last statement.'
"My friend 1 am totally in tho dark
ns to your meaning."
"You said Enoch went to heaven in
a chariot of lire. Strip a littlo more
of the bark off ami lut me understand
tho timber bolter. A ohnrlot is sort of
wagon, ain't it ?'
"Yes, replied tho preacher.
"Was it a two horso or a single
horso wngoil V
"1 can't tell..'
"Wall, you must tell. Some time
ago n follow driv a wagon over ono of
my hogs nnd killed him, nud when I
foteh up a suit I couldn't tell whether
it was a ono or two horso wagin, and
consequently I didn't rcklver'ilainagcs.
Sinco that I'so been more careful.
So I want this chariot business settled
right here."
"My poor friend "
"I know I'm poor, without enough
corn to run mo through tho next crop,
but settle tho wagin question."
"I say that the chariot makes no
difference, so far as our interest in
heaven is Concerned. All wo need to
know nbout it is that it ascended up to
tho homo prepared for tho bliss of the
servants ol tho Lord."
"That talk sounds well chough ,j
pardncr, but when a man conies into'
this neighborhood with pints, he's goti
to specify. If you say tho wagin had;
two horses, we'll accept your state-,
incut and let your business go on, ori
it will bo tho Bamo If you say that tho'
vehicle only had one boss. All 'we'
want to know is that tho thing has1
been settled. Can you square tho difi
kilty, Cap'n t"
"i cannot, '
"Then como from behind tho box."
Tho minister obeyed, and tho question,
remains unsettled. Arkantaus Trav
Not a Shylook,
A day or two aco a man who was
at tho Central Depot to take a train
suddenly cried out that some ono had
stolen his valice, and ho began such a
hallabaloo that everybody had to bo
"I sot that 'ero satchel right down
thar' and stopped to tho door," ho ex
plained to Ollicer Burton, "and when I
returned it was gone."
"Well, you should havo boon care
ful. Wo are not responsible for such
"You ain't eh 1 Whar's tho urcsi-
dont t"
"Out of tho city, sir."
"Whar's tho general malinger t"
"IIo's sick abed."
"Whar's tho superintendent t"
"Won't bo hero till 4 o'clock."
"Wall, now, somebody's cot to make
good that loss or about a dozen men
will go to tho hospital for sir months
mtiAA P'
" .... '
"What was tho value 1"
"Fifty dollars and not a cent less
"What were tho contents ?"
"I had twclvo shirts, a new suit of
clothes, an overcoat, and n lot of other
"Was it a carpct-sack t"
"Sho was."
"Ono handle cone and tho lock bro
ken t"
"Yes, ono handle vt as cone and I had
her tied with a string." 1
"Is this it t" added the officer, as he
took tho baggago off a bench not six
toot away. ,
"Great snakes I that's her 1" chuck
led the owner.
In handing it to him the strinc
broke tho bag flow open and out rolled
two old shirts, a pair of socks and five
or six paper collars all there was in
"Then these are tho duds you want
ed $50 fori" queried tho officer.
"o, sir i" was the indignant reply.
"I should havo taken tho money' for
loss of time and damage to my feelings
l m no anyiocK, sir I"
Muoh needed good bread.
All in vain Weathercocks.
In seine The captured fish.
Blind as a bat A baseball.
Bear faced Bruin's "mug.1'
Without reason A mad man.
An old landmark Mouut Ararat.
A fino sight Tho oyo of a needle.
The panel game Drawing Jurors.
A bolt of lightning ennnot be bar
Of sterling utility Five pound
A loan collection An old man's
A moving Spectacle A game of
Waves by tho sea Handkerchief
Perfectly fees-able Waiters and law
yers. A flourishing industry Ornamental
A broker bold I'd liko to be,
To dabblo deep in stocks i
I'd lleeco tho unsuspecting lamb,
Aud fill tho bank with "rock."
'So yer's been studyin' riggers, is
yer," said a negro to his son who lirul
just como from school.
"Yes, sir."
"Knowes near 'bout all do riggers in
do book, 1 rcckiu.''
"I don't know, sir. I know a good
many of them."
"What clso is yer been studyin t"
"l'vo been studvin' astronomy."
"What't dat, chile t"
"It tells about the stars and moon
and sun,"
"What is yer foun' out 'bout do sun!'
"iiiavit is nincty-nvo minions oi
miles high."
That old man cast his eyes un,
squinted, and replied :
"Dat book's a liar, fur do sun ain't
more den two hours high, Take dat
hoe an' seo how low yer lien make deso
weeks." Arkantaw TravtUr.
CooKixin Osioss. Naked or roasted
onions should bo washed, but not neel
ed. 1'iwt boil them for an hour in
water which is well salted. When
they aro tender drain of! tho water,
let them stand a few minutes and
drain, then remove tho skins, put them
in a dripping-pan, put a littlo lump of
butter and somo pepper and salt on
each ono i let them remain in tho oven
till they aro nicely browned. Servo
I u-hiln hot.
HEAR this, all yo people, and glvo
enr all jo tiimtHifn of tttti Woild,
Uoi Billettt will innko you will and lb
'2. It shall cure all Uiu peoplo mid
put sickness, and su.l'ui lug umlcr foot.
is Bo thou not (Wi( when your
family Is sick, or you have Blight h di
sease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Bit
ters will euro j ou.
1. For both low and high, lich and
poor know the vnluoof Hop Bitters for
bilious, nervous and Rheumatic com'
r. Cleanse mo ultli Hop Bilters
and I shall havo rohtlsl and blooiuinij
0. Add disease upon disease aud let
thu worst come, 1 am safo if I use Hop
7. For all my life have I lir-iin nhigucd
with icX(.m nud sores, mill not Until a year
ngo was I cured, by Hop Hitters-.
8. He thnt keepcth Ills lioues from nclu
Iiir from UhctuniUl.iM mill Neuritlglu, with
Hop Hitlers, tlooth wisely.
10. Though thou hnst sores, pimples,
freckles, salt rheum, erysipelas, Mood poi
soning, yet Hop Hitters will rewire them
10. What woman Is there, fcelilo and
sick from fcmnle complaints, who McSlrcth
not licnlth nnd ust'lh Hop Hitlers, mill is
made vtll.
11. Let not neglect to use Hop Hitters
Itrlng on scrlohs Kidney nhd Liver com
plaints. 12. Keen thv tonuuo from liolnp furred.
thy Mood pure, nndtliy stomncll from In.
dlcestlon by using Hop Hitters,
in. All my pains nnd nehes nnd disease
fo like chuff before Hie wind when I use
top Hitters.
14. Murk the man who wit nmrlu (lend
nnd given up by the doctors after using
Hop Hitters nnd bccoineth well.
15. Ccnsc from worrying nbout nervous
ness, genernl debility, nnd urinary trouble,
for Hop Hitters will restore you.
lu the Pilot Holism
Yra. Plr . tills klful of work nhllffps a mm tn1
keopBobernsajudKo. Of nil lne-n in the world,
steamboat pilots and railroad engineers should let
llnunr nlonc. For on their clearness!! or fduhr. nmi
coolness ot head depends tho Mtfcty or life nnd
HeMilnc hli hand on the wheel as ho snld thli
Mr. A?llroeltinan, ot No. M Sllverstreet, Chicago,
added : "Of course, somo ot 'em drink ; but tho
Boucr ones have tho best positions and tho best
pay. Yes, tho work nnd exposure sometimes tells
on us ; but tor my part, 1 nud 1'ahikr's Tonic lo bo
nil tlie lnvlgornnt I need, l'vo i?ot a bottle aboard
here now jjiever iro on atrip without It. When I
ha vent any appetite, or am In ajir way out ot
sorts. It sets mo up In no time. If drtnklnsr men
wuuiu usu tup luiuu, ik wuiuu uuip 'em, to urcHKon,
(No, that Isn't a light-house : It's a star, low down
near the water.) As I was saying, the Tonto Is new
life bottled up. You seo that nag-startr Well, with
n bottle, ot l'iHiKK's Toxic In the locker lean keep
malaria as far from mo as that, all tho time. My
wlfo has used It tor threo yeais tor sunmeroom
tilamts and colic nnd as an tnrlirornnt. when hhes
.llred out from overwork, sho Bays tho Tonic Is a
uiusy. iKwa-oro i von t ureal; your neck goiug
below." This preparation, which has been known as Far
kin's (IlKiiKK Tonic, will hereafter bo advertised
and sold simply under tho name of I'ikksr'8 Toaio.
As unprincipled dealers nro constantly deceiving
iiieircuyiomera oy miusuiuung inferior articles
under tho name of ginger, and as ginger is really
an unimportant Ingredient, we drop the misleading
77irre It no thangf, tmrttvr. In thr jirepurnf foil,
Itnelf. nnd nil bottles ivmalnlnir In the hands of
dealers, wrapped under the namo of I'ibkrh's oin
okk Tonic, contain tho gcnnlno medicine If tho
Jac-slmllo signature of Hiscox Co. Is nt tho bot
tom oi mu ouisiuo wrapper.
Has been pronounced by leading ruyslelans THE
MUST tomc in the Would.
Xo other medicine now known can 1m so etTivtii.
nUy purge tho blood of deep-seated disease.
A S P A R G O.
Has never yet failed to cure all d Iseases of Uio
Bladder, Kidneys, Urinary Organs,
P ain in the Back
Bright's Disease of the Kidneys,
Stone in the Madder and Kidneys, Calculus, Grav
el or llrlckdust Deposits, Dropsical SwcUlngs.
Price tf, per bottle, or riljottles for 3. Sent to any
aaarraiin me iinuea Mates, live ot expense,
on receipt ot cash or 1". O. order.
Dr. Pounder Family Medicine Go.
21 S. NKCONI) ireei, Philadelphia 1'.
Tho undersigned baring out hi Planing VII
on Kallroad Street, In nrst-ciaas condlUon, is pre
pared to do aU kinds ot work m his line
turnlshed at reasonable prices. All lumber used
is wen soasonea ug none out tutuiea workmen
are employed.
furnished on application, run and rjxcmca
Ulooiiihburg, Pa.
M inufacturer ot
Flrst-cl work always on hand.
Price reduced to tutt the timet.
MinuUctnrerof How. Stoves and all kinds ct
castings. IJSft iiot or Tinware, lxkik movm,
Hnom Moves. Moves for heallnc torea.aehoo
houses, churches, . Also, large stock of re
pairs tor rlt j atove of all kind a, holeaale and retail
,aucb as Fire Urtck, Urala, Ua VYntrea, ic, stove
Pipe, Cook Hollers, bpldert. Cake PUlea, Urge
Iron Kettles, 8lfdtola, Wagon Uoira, all kinds
of now rointa. Mould roara. hoiu. riaater, turn,
JJUAJi MAA Uttti, d-C,
atraisiKT rat rouowixo
North American ot rtdladelphla.
KranVUn. "
lvnnaylvanla, " "
York, ol IVnniylvanla.
II mover, of S. Y.
querns, ot London.
North llrltua, of London.
oniM oa timut struct. No, t Blooauborf.
oct. ii.TMj
t'.vi'Kinir.NTr.i) muri! .tiucE.
Used In tho prln Ip.M Churches tor comtntinloii.
Kxcellcnt for remalcs, Weakly Itrnons nnd the
Spoor's Port Gr.ipo Viiui. I
milts CKLKllUATni) WINK U the pure Juice of
I ripe oporto Hrnpe, raised In ispeer's
vincj-nrds. Ha linnlunble,
Tonic and Stronjthonisg Properties
are unsurpassed by nny other Wine. Ileitis pro-!
duced under Mr. Mpccr's own personal supervision,!
Its purity nnd genuineness nre (rinr.inlced by thol
principal llnspltnls nnd Hoards of Health who ham
examined It, Tho roundest child may partako of
It, nnd tho wenkest Invalid iiso it to ndvantaRe.:
It li particularly bcncilclal to tho aged nud'
dcnllltntcd, and suited to tho various ailments that
aneci mo wcaner sox.
ll is in every respect A wink TO IlKllEUEI) OK.
Speer's Unforniented Qrap3 Juice-
is i
, 1INJIIU.UUIU.C W(,U1,U U1MLIVS ,,VWirl ill
natural, fresh, sweet state ns It runs from tho
as by futnlRntlOn, thereby destroying tho cxcl-
ui ,ui iMBUL.ii.iuu. lb 19 yLiiuviij pure InJO
from spirits and will keep In any climate.
Speer's Burgundy.
Is n dark rich medium Dry Wine uqeil hv tho
wealthy classes aa a Table or Dinner Wine, nnd by
physicians In cases when) n dry wlno lnsl end or a
sweet port Is desired.
Spoor's (Socialite) Olaret.
Is held In hleh estimation for Its richness ns n
Dry Tablo Wluo especially suited for dinner use,
Speer's P. J Shorry.
Is li wine of Sunerlor Charneter nnrl narukea nf
the rich qualities ot tho grano from which It Is
Spoor's P- J, Brandy.
IS A l'lllti: distillation frnm Ihp irrnivv nnrl
stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal
It has n peculiar flavor, similar lo that of tho
grapes froinwhlch It Is distilled,
See that tho signature of Al.Vltni) SPEKIt, Pas-
sale N. J., Is over tho cork ot each bottle.
and nr DnuamsTs evruwukiie.
Sep. SS-'SIlyr.
not, life U sweeping oy, go
and daro before oa dio
"omecnliig mighty nnd su b
lime leavo behind tn rnnniipr
time." psia week you own town. jSoutntfree.
No risk, uverythlngnew. del ni not required.
We will furnish you everything. Many are miking
fortunes, ladles wike as much as men, and boj
nnii irlrls m iko irreat dsv. lteaiter. if von want
business ui which you can make great pay nil tho
nine, ftriL lur p iruuuturg lu i. iMl.-bir A lu.,
rortland, Maine l):C. 8, 'sa-tv.
An English Veterinary surgeon ana Chemist,
now traveling In thli country, savs that moil of
tha Horse and Cattle Powders sold hero aro worth
ess isnvA, ne 3iys mat sacrum's condition
I'owdcrs are abiolut lvnure nndlmmens.'lr vm.
aole. Nocn ng on earth will make n ns lay like
ouunutiu a ujimuiuu ruwtiurs. nose, 1 ic&SDOon
ful to 1 pint fojd. Sold everywhere, or sent by
mall for 8 tetter-stamps. I. S. Joiinsos Co..
iHisTun. .-iiAss. uu janxoj-iy.
Extract of Annatto.
Nature's own Color. Brlghtett
nl Kfrnrcaf. Il. fiP .r U...
ck.Bt, or ttnl IS U. to .uucp. for & .uipl, coloring &ooro,. to
WAS. UAUE & CO., Xo. !33 SUrktt St., PUILAD'A.
June My n.ts
A week- made at home iy me industri
ous llest business new hefnm tho
pub'lc. Capital not needed, wo will
rw start vou. Men. women. Iiovr nnd i-tru
wanted cv.;r where to work torus. Nowisiho
time. You can wo-k In spare time, or give your
wholo tlmo to the business. No other buMness
will pay you nearly as well. No one can fall to
make enormous piy, by engaging at onee. costly
outnt and terms free. Mom'y made fast, easily,
and honorably. Address Tbck & Co , Augusta,
hwuc. nee. &, -iy.
ron tub
And all Bilious Complaints.
Safe lo take, being pnrcly vegetable : no crblnr.
lTleeWctnt. JUlfinntjUu.
October 5th-lw d
tire system tn three months. Any person who will
take one pUl each night from one to twelve weeks,
may be restored to sound health. If ?ucli a thing Is
And will enmnletelv chancre tho blood In the en
posMDic. ror curing icmaie uompiaints inese
lllls have no equaL lloj-slclans use them tn their
uracUce. bold evervwhem. or sent bv wall for !U
cents in stamps. Send for pamphlet. I. s. JOHN-
Ald-T mos.
Absolutelv nnre. Thev contain no snurtous orex-
hausted leaea. No ChemlcaU or Coloring Matter
used In their preparation. Very valuable for mix
lng with weaker China teas. They contain n very
high percentage of Extract, They are cultivated
under the 6upervbJon of foreigners, upon the
most apnruveu meinour me ieai is luampuiaieu
by machinery, trlvlne uniformity of annearance
throughout entire nlucklnra. Thev retain their
valuable qualities for an unusual lengtb ot taa.
JOHN c. PiULUl'S X CO., lai Water St,, ,ew
lort. .gcnisoi me uaicuua ii?a Miuiicuie,
uoiooer lain w u
I can recommend
Ely's Cream LUlm to
all Hay Fever mffer
ere, it lielng, in my
opinion, founded upon
experience and a sure
cure. 1 was artllcted
with Hay Kever for ss
jcars, ana never De
fore found permanent
relief. WrasrrR II.
lUSEiss, MarsnQeld,
Artdr Vyilttle nn
per Into tbo nciftrtls.
liy absorption It el-
UAVaPFVPD nasal jussages of ca-
icciuaiiy cleanses me
i - - - . w
tarrhal virus, causing
healthy secret Ions. It allays Inflammation, pro
tects the membranal linings of tbo head from ad
ditional colds, completely heuU tho sores and re
stores the wense ot taste and amelL beneficial re
mlu are realtuvl by a tew applications. Alhor
ough treatment will cure. X'neualled for colds
luiurutvui. Agreeauie 10 u swain lor uruuimr,
tsild by druggists, lty mall Sue. a package
btami. KLY ltltOTllElts, Owego, N. V.
aug 10-ly d
tcople are always on the
xikout tor chances to In
create th lrearntnirs.asd In
time Ix-coine weal lei : those
wno ao not improve ineir oppoiiuniiiea remain in
poverty. We otter a great ch inoo to make money.
We want miny man, uomtn. b ys asigu-lsto
work forut rwhtln the lociiltlet. Any one
nquuueMurK)niKi nnjui iuc iiniv si Ti, lue
business win pay more y an ten times ordinary,
warai. Kxnrnalveoutnthurnldied free. No one
who engages tails lo i fe money rapidly. Yo i
can Devote yoarwh 'e maktoihe t,rfc or orly
your spare moments, rumen intoruaUon and al
that U needed sent tree. ll"it an nsok A Co
i-oruana. jiaine. Dec. s t-iy
oLLi:a:n,N:$uvARu, nr. j.
SO minutes ol New York. Man posit ions tor grid
uatm than all other scliooU (ombtned. Uio bc&ol
arshlp, li Wnu-for dreuUn.
owt. uiw t
1 H 1
Viuria at '
THE VOlTMO IIKt.'ruO Marshall, Mich,, will
send 1)11, IIYK'S CBl.RHItATKI) Kt.KOTItO.VOIi-
uiu imirn and Ki,i;tiTiini aitmanukn nn
trtal for" HMysto men (voitngoronli who aroaf
fllotvd Willi Nervom Dewilty, Imt Vltnllty, and
kindred iroublo, guaranteeing spcodvandcom
jHolo restoration of lieHh nnd maniy vlg r. Ad
dress ns above N. u. No risk Incurred, mbo
days' trial Is allowed- r
srnatntiHK now for
Ready and Waiting for You.
The Finest, The Latest, The Most Artistic
Styles of
BiglntlnconientHlQEfJJS' FURNISHINGS.
Uull and be Convinced that We
L'Badl fiE qpiiiMihbj9 fit mid prae.
Largest stock: & lowest prims
3? X:J 1ST OS,
Engy Terms. Sat lH(;tct inn Gurtranlvetl.
L 4, SSffil, M. J,
itil:i'.S35!rl2t:sisat cf th Siaitiriaa.
Invalid's Homo,
Kloonisbiirjj, Pa.,
Devotes special attention to Epilepsy,
HerTjas ASe:t!:as, antl Diseases of Weaea,
Patients recelvetl nt the Sanitarium on
reasonable terms for board anil trentmcnt.
I'. S. No clinro for first consultation,
njir 27, 'S3
Fanners ami Tlireshors
libtnjw pur'hasa nrsKUss
One aiul'l'ivo-Morse Tr ail
with Thieili.'rs and Stalker, will do w U to call on
or addn'ss J. .v. ui'LsiiiZKit,
U;ht street, Columbia ooanty, I'a.
rr All work warranted. Wad tor prion lut,
and flue toe a trial So lur Huehtttw ate
man it Actured tor thu v.Uo ,4 tbe couauy.
July 00 Sm
UJUfht for Net Ouh, oa rMiot aal aanraval.
wtlhoul charge tor Oommkilaa, Broker
aja, etc , by
S3 A 83 WlUaU S J., 11277
October 1S4 r
-.. ft -.
Tlioro is no Baking
It3 (lualities, Modicinal and Culinaiy, guarantco Health
and Luxury.
Pur tlio Celebrated Clilcltcrlng, Iycrs ifc
I'mid, nml Voso. Hon IMnnos. World.rc
nownud lNtuVOrc-ns, Violins, Aecortlcons
nnd Sheet Minlc. Celubruted While, Now
High Arm Davis, New Home, Koynl St.
John, nnd Mglit lluuning DomeBtlo Sowing
Mnclilues. Needles, nil ntul nttnehmcnts
for nil in il;cs of Sewing Mnchlties.
cae always t3 foani at the
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following shows the Picket Gothic, ono of
the several beautiful Mjrlcs of Fence manufactured
by the undersigned.
Tot Iieauty and Durability they are unsurpass
ed. .set up by experienced hands and warranted
loeua satisfaction.
Prices and sprciinens of otliur tier
signs Kcnl lo nny nuYirens.
May t-tt
The rrvKtu Octnr, No,
31, la 1 nn I Winter, I8S3,
ivis v. ik li&alo iricca di'reci
iii fiMu.Ti 1 11 everything
f iui,i..i 1 tit... wur, or
1 e 1 1 . . . 1 1 U'.U how
t 1 . . : .. ea lariro
loonier w .'1
on a, tU
picture t.::.
KltunoJ ,r...u u
.1 ..-'in a wholo
1. . x Information
r lit of tho worlJ,
.11 Mime ci.n tain
asniiiili in. .mull in. iMiit t'reutoanraJ,.vit' r.tae(7iu, Lcttu
hoirir.'Mv .i,..r.. 1 jihcnino.irrltT.
K..rl":u nj. r.-iiiu. l,iHxtfally
87 Oi SSUa.uUiAM.i,(.'UcaclIU
&-pt.lllJw aXj
;S. M Bum
Powclor oqual to Uio
In effect sent, ailh, tssa. Tr .....
bury. -...o vatusuQ.
36n. m.-Heii Bhoro Express for Iinmti..,,
and lntcrmcdliito stntlons. H ijinrai.i, .!J flW
nlllll. Now Volt. llAllhn,,;,. nnrt Vl"..'..'.""""!'!-
rlluirntl'hllade(pli!as.i p.m.j KewYotk'au
in., making oloso connections nt Milfadclnhla r!?;
all sea slum nolnts. "unpuia tor
l.Oap.m.-lMjoxprossIOr Harrlsburs nnd tn
tcrmcdlnto stations, Lancaster, rhliadeluhia n!.w
ork-, naltltnoro and WnahiLgton. nrrlvfn? n,
l'hlladelphln7.sjp.m.! Now Vbrk, lv"b n gm
Baltimore, 7.1s p. tn.i Washington, 8 p. rnf'l'ull
man 1'nrlor car through to fhllniJelpnia aid Vik!
scngcr coaches through lo nniadolpnia nSS Ilim
nSS.ft.J'S a.iiS5SSMIon tor
Sleeping car occommodailons can bo secured ?t
Ilarrlshiirirfnr lhiliuiimi .?
tu0rBefflTT;m.CanrOmaln ,n
Philadelphia 7.60 ai Tm. kS w'vork, Tl.iiaV
train to i'hlladclphla, liwtTmoro i and 9 ailnnK oi8
and through .Jr.,.!."".1??"
andlialtlmoro: w '"'""w
.ann?-l0.S'a".f.?.r ?.r'.?i nl' intermediate
through passciger etches w Ml tl toullh
i'ullmau falaco uats to UutTalo via Emporium.
' "1 vouiiuuuiBua nna luicrtned ato statlono
J!m?i?!l!nllmn,f1?,i??if-.(?'.a,?,ra B
.. - Q . """wtmw.uuw iu tiHunaaigua ami
through paaiongcr coachos to Rochester.
iSi.V' m-Nlal?ara Express for Knno ana inter
medlaw stations , with U.rough passenger coaches
through passengerohes w BocSeMer. aDU
.M5 P.- Past lino for Lock llnven and intermn.
2! . .1 ons-ana K'mlra. Watklns and Intcrme-
Tunonan tkains ron sdnudiiv fhom tuk
mo?o.nKer COaCUe3 ,r0m UiSelphla .and ' Jjaltl-
Y&At T.fnP lf(tnl Voir- Vl a Aft . tit..i. ..
rvhia ti i t . . ... V . W,IV ,uu lu' i iiuaaei
phiLTil?,",,:" coacUes ""'iiei:
ErlO Mftll loai-na Mour Va.I. a rxn - ...... ..
, :, " 7, " iuiA u. m,: rui auei
through passenger coaches from rnuadclphla.
... ... " 11-nr.s-llARIlB 1UILB0AD
laU Bast leaves tsunbury o.js n. m., arriving al
U1SS?reK J;4,1 m". Wilkes-barro w S.m.8
Kxprcss Last leaves suuburr 5.35 p. m., nrrHIng
atviV,T r;'r,ry c-31,?: m- w "Wuarre S lu p. nf.
ini'i.',MStlSaTC8 kes.barre m.son. in., arrlf
1 .Svl? r.efry ls o.1 P- m.,Sunbury p. in
Express est leaves Wllkes-Uarro 5.80 p. m. ar
riving at Bloom Perry 7 07 p. in, sunbury 8.05 p
Pen. Manager. Oen. Passenger Agent.
Julys 1SS3
For New York.rhllndclnhta.RMri
Tamaqaa, sc., ll,s a. m,
For Catawlssa, 11,5 a. m. 0.13 and 10.30 p. m.
For WlUlamsport,6,3S 11.45 a. m. and 4,os p. m.
For Lewlsburz and Sunburv. 1 Mn ,n
trains for acrsar lxats as rou,owa, (bckdat
LeaTe Now York, vli. Tamanena 9,oo a. ra. and
via. Bound Broot Itouto 7,15 a. tn.
Leave Thllailelphla, ,to a. m.
Leavo Heading, n.w a. m., I'otUivllle, ij,m p. m
andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m.
Leave Oitawlasa, 6,30 m. and 4,to p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport,9.45a.m,l.04p.m. aniO.00 r. m
Leavo sunbury tsi p. m. 1 4
" Lewlaburg 4.45 p. m.
rassengcra to and from New Yort, via. Tama-
nend and to and from I'hUaiulphla go through
l Uio ut chango ot cars.
C. Q. HANCOCK, acneral Manager,
j Cteneralrassenger ml Ticket Agent.
p.m. p.m. a.m.
9 15 t 45
a.zn. p.m. p.m
a I
9 so
C 22
t 27
6 84
a 03
8 55
8 49
8 41
S 37
9 37
9 80
9 24
9 45
"9 C2
9 19
..West Huston
9 58
10 03
10 8
6 41
0 46
C 51
C t5
0 5b
7 10
7 17
7 22
7 to
7 37
8 10
S 26
8 ID
8 50
9 CO
t (0
8 tf
S 1(1
P 18
8 9.'.
8 SO
8 fo
8 62
9 09
9 04
9 20
.Plymouth June
S 25
8 95
8 16
8 07
8 00
I so
1 49
1 !5
1 85
1 IS
1 03
9 04
9 04
10 15
10 26
2 54
8 02
S 10
8 55
8 47
8 39
8 SS
41S 49
S3 13 95
Id 19 15
20 19 00
IS 11 47
05 11 411
C5 11 S3
67 11 10
tl 10 as
45 10 50
S? 10 41
19 10 29
in in ns
llunlock's creek
10 S
10 43
10 t&
11 07
11 13
3 18
3 SS
5 45
3 51
3 57
4 12
4 20
4 17
4 S3
4 SS
4 16
6 (S
6 25
8 17
8 19
8 OC
-..nick's Ferry.
...Beach, Haven.
Berwick ..
Briar Creek..
...Willow Orovo.
....Llmo IUdge.,
11 20
7 52
7 44
r 38
7 S3
I S9
7 11
11 IS
11 45
Catawl'a Bridge
11 55
...a; olivine..,.
12 18
0 04 10
45 9
43 Northumbcrl'd"
IS 45
p.m. a.m.
p.m. p.m. a.m
-.. w- F- HALSTEAD, Kupt.
SuperlntendenfB offlce. Scranton. Feb. let, 16S
Tone, Toucli.WdrlnnaiisIiip & Dnratility.
.S'SSl Wt' B'HIniore Street. Ciltlmrro.
Ko. 119 FUtb Avenue, Kew York.
October iS-tvc r
PAYNE'S I O Horso Spark-Arrostlng
Portable Engine liai rut 10.UM ft. of Sllchtcan lluo
Borc! In lu lion, burnlnj tlabs tiom Uw baw in
viuviuui ivcgia.
Out li Ilctn vi Ouanntti to famlih powrr to
CDOO lo t of Hemlock, la 10 bours. Ovr
UHoiiuii rut li' AO of tn time time.
in r r,rjne are npiniNTKEo iu
f Mil h a liorv potr on K '
fuel nnd wtttr Uian any other Kn
ulna not fiuclwlih an Automatic
Cat 03. 1 f yon want a Stationary
or Portit.Ie Knc-irf. Uolkr. Ctrca-
ur N nut, Miirucr or inucji.
amcr can cr weaoan tii-u,
Wrought-Iron Pulley, Mid foroor
lllutiuud catalogue. No, U, tot
InformaUon and !rltc.
Corning, S. V. Box 14S7.
Jan. S-4y.
t Xv li muuuiutiuiui-iipxH
ittUiaiDuimMii iity
Oct 64 Mf
TTTAVTCn wroaiB, relUUe men to
l.liU. trtlrull Trwa, tlrap
Mnvs, f-hrubi nonet, Ac Nalury and
tiKim ruld. Pull gtten.
so lnexneilentl men nan M-k.n i,m , t .111 ..
, Addntat. J. Y. LIX'LAUK. llltlilHrO.N, N. V-V01M
j intlocasiot Itochuier, N. Y.)
1 Ootoba-mw r.