THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., KltlDAY, JUNK 15, 1883. Correct Kullroacl Time Tnlilc. Ti-iUq? on tho t'lilladelphlii K It, 11, Icnvo llupert a, follows i XOKTll. fOUTII. i is u. in. 11 45 a. in, 4 UO II. III. 4Sp, in. Tntns on tho 1). I.. A .V. It. It. too lilooinstmrg At fOllOWSI NOBTIt. SOUTH. I nn. m. s n, m, 10 47 n. in. II 49 n. in. a ut p. in. . 4 i p. m. t'lio 1 41 truln Boutli connects with tnu l'iilla. dolphlft Hurting at import, nnd Mltu thu Morllioru Central ut Northumberland. Tlu em a, in train connccU at Northumberland with 9:tt trMn on Pennsylvania road reaching I'liliadoiplila at 8:'n p. m. Tlio 11:49 train connects with I'lilladtlphla and I'eiullngroatatlluport at 11:60 reaching i'liiia delpula atC:00p. in. Tlio 11:41 train connects with Pennsylvania roal at Northumberland at 1:43 reaching 1'nilndeN phla at p. m. The4:!Wp m. train connects with Pennsylvania rund at NorthumburlaDd at n:i p. m, unu reaches 'hlludclphlantn:SJ a.m. Trains on tho N. X W. II. Hallway pass Unpin Ferry as follows s NOI1T1I. VOVTII. 7.41 a. m Hoc p. in. 6.31 p. m 7.01 p. m. I'CTHOIIIII. JIlss Kiln McKlmicy lias returned from Minim. William Hryson, Ktij., wns In town on Satunlay. J, W. Clieniliei'lln of l'lyinouth spent Stimliiy In town. W. 11. Allen lins oblnlneil a. eltrmtloii In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. It. (. lingers of Allentown, Is vis. lllng lier imrents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. l'un uttin I). A. Hockley is out again nfter being conllueil to tlie house, by sickness for two wicks. V.. .T. McIIenry of Stlllwntrr li rejinrled In be In it rritlenl condition, lb' binbicn li l; fur M'veral mouths. Mr. mid .Mm. I.. J'.. Waller and Mltk Laura Waller droyc up to Cole's on Mon day to spend a lew days. Klmer K. Moycr, who is attending n college of Pharmacy nt Baltimore, Is at home on u short vacation. Mr. and Mrs W. Ncal have returned from Cincinnati where they were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Shipley. Nov. Ij. Zahncr and E. It. Drinker tit tended the Episcopal convention at Kcad. big on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hruce Colemnn of the Wilkcsbnrre AW. Dealer, and Lewis Gordon of I'lttstoii, both formerly of this town, were here, on Tues. day. Paul E. Wirt, Esq., has been summoned ns petit juror in the United States District court at Pittsburg. The session begins on July 2nd. Ueut. A. 11. Paxton and John W. Uiblis went up the creek on Monday to spend several days trout llshing. Mr. Paxton's leave of absence from the army has been extended until September 1st. C. 1J. Jackson, L. T. Thompson and F. Stewart of Uerwlck, W. H. Snyder of Orangevllle, W. II. llhawn of Catawissn, H. S. Howell of Espy, W. A. Marr and J. II. James of Ashland, James Scarlet and II. M. Hinckley were in attendance at ar gument court on Monday. Illrthilay cards nt the Coi.ii.mwan store. The Catawissa paper mill is to lie rebuilt. A charter was granted to the Y. M. C. A. of Ilerwick on Monthly. Ilev. J. II. Hopkins, of Wllllamsport, lias published u book of poems. I. W. McKclvy ia building a new barn on the premises occupied by him. Tlio latest style tlio "BroadwTiy" silk hat now for sale at D. I.owenberg's. Court was in session on Monday and Tuesdny hearing cases on the argument list. Illustrated Book ot (,'ngr lllr.U mailed tor a 3 cciu stamp. Bird Food Co., S3 South 8th St. Phlla. The net proceeds of tho festival of St. Columha's It. C. Church last week were about $00. It is now lawful to kill English Hjnir. rows, and the sooner the little peita arc exterminated, the better. Lust Sunday was Flower Sunday and the exercises at thu M. E. Church were largely attended in the nfternoon. A nico top spring buggy will lie given in exchange for n good kind road horse. Enquire at Comjmiuan olllce'. J mi 15-tf Tlio D. L. & W. road is laying another track for a switch between the depot and East street. Tills makes the third track. The school board lias been organized with 0. T. Wilson ns President j J. C. Hrown, Secretary ; Stephen Knorr, Treas. urer. The Phllologtan Literary Society of the Normnl School will hold a festival in Evans' Hnll this Friday and Saturday evenings. Moyer Bros, have put on the road a new wagon for the Adams Express Company. With their handsome horse nnd ft flue new harness it makes an attractive rig1 0. W. Hess, Mercantile Appraiser, held his appeals at the Court llousu last Sutur day. His Ipcrformance of his duties so far as wo can learn, gavo general satisfaction. I Thesuvcral flro comnimles of this town liavo been Invited to go to Sunbiiry on the Fourth of July. There will be n firemen's parade, it boat regatta, and a good time generally. The festival of the Phllologlau society at Evans' Hall this Friday and Saturday evenings will bo unusually attractive. Patrbnl.o thciii. The proceeds will go for a aood caiiBe. We regret that homo engagements pre. vented us from going on tho Editorial' cr. curslon this week. The party will visit Fortress Monroe, Old Point Comfort, nnd other planes of Interest. The citizens of Haven Creek, on tho afternoon nnd evening of tho 10th Inst., will havo a strawberry and ico cream fes. Uviilfortho benefit of tho Sunday school nt tho Presbyterian Church. What to wear and how to wear It are questions often asked. Call at the Leading Merchant Tailor of Hloomsburg nnd full In. formation can always be obtained, at the popular storo of David Lowcnberg. To lovers of the banana It may not bo unprofitable to say that thu best baniina Is one whoso skin has begun to turn dark tho kind the ignorant buyer Is likely to reject, A banana sliced lengthwise may ou fried In butter, nnd is nu excellent uc conipaliuncnt to fried bacon. It may also bo used for a fritter, and it very pleniantly mingles with sliced oranges and straw, berries. Tho attention of farmers Is called to the advcrtucmeiit of Mcsrs. llnugli & Sons, Itinnotlicr column. Tho reputation of their Phosphate. Is world-wide. Send for Circular. Sweet potatoo plants nt Dillon's green houses nt Xi cents per 100, and D.OO per 1000 rhcie will bu preaching by an Evangel. 1st, In tho Hupert drove, on Sunday, June 17th, nt il o'clock p. m., on t,u subject of the Resurrection. Tho public are cor. dlnlly Invited. Cheapest Fashion Mng.ulno In tho world, 130 largo pages, 4 pages new m ulc, 10)1 engravings PnehKsue. M cents per year tingle copies 15 cts. Strawhrldge k Clothier, 8th It Market Ms., Phlla. Nearly fifty copies of the History of Col. limbla county have been sold in Jackson township, W. L. Manning and J. F. Dcrr arc maklngji thorough canvass. The first Instalment Is nearly exhausted, and a sec ond lot ot books have been sent to the bind, or. The iinnual mealing of thu Alumni As. eoclatlon of the Normal School will be held In the school chapel Immediately after tho Commencement exercises on Thursday June 28. The Alumni Dinner will be ser v. cd nt the Exchange Hotel at half past two o'clock of the same day. Seo our 20 cent boxes of writing paper and euvekpes. They arc of good quality with unique designs. Cheapest hi town nt the Coi.umiiian store. Dr. T. (!. Hatter has left his practice at Espy and Hloomsburg and located at Xes. copeck, lie Is well recommended as a successful physician and good surgeon, and has made n special study of diseases or the throat, heart and lungs. Wu wish him success In his new field. A beautiful line of gent's underwear, consisting of gauze and balbilggan. Me diuni weights Just opened, at I). Lowen. The w nrlil U imt nil vIiWiiiol. .Mm M. mill llo Itnlini loivo viiliiiitiuilo hi. lgneil all their light un.l mleiost in the estate of their father, the late David Hiihin, to their sisters, Misses Sarah and Susie. The property Is quite valuable, and the generous act of the brothers is commendable. Toaanda Rnlctv. Adhesive hooks are among the late nov. cities for hanging small pictures, plaques, &a, on the wnll without driving nails. They are very pretty, and certainly very useful. For sale at the Coi.umiiian store. We are informed by several very re. spcclable citizens of Ashland and Ccntra liu that most of the dispatches sent from Ashland to the Philadelphia iVtui are greatly exaggerated, and the rest of them purely imaginative. The I'rcs should ex ercise more care In publishing such sensa tional stuff. Oscar Alexander's little sou, Charlie, was run over by W. Werkheiscr's freight wagon, on Tuesday morning. He got on the under part of the wagon to catch n ride and Werkheiser did not see him, and as lie started his horses on n trot the little fellow fell off nnd the wheels went over his shoulders. He was not seriously in jured. "The latent style and lowest prices," Is the business motto of D. Lowcnberg. A Hloomsburg man says that he will never stand in front of the Continental Hotel any more when be goes to Phlladel. phla. While recently indulging in Hint pastime he was taken for a cigar lighter three times inside of ten minutes. Can it be that the ruddy glow at the tip of lili beautiful liomau nose was what mislead people '( W. II. Poust, agent I). L. & W. It. It., Hloomsburg, can now sell a ticket direct and check baggage through to nearly every railroad town in the United States. He docs not give a ticket part way and an order in some other olllce for the balance of the distance, but gives the ticket through. The hearing of Charles McDowell and James Terwllllgcr, on the charge of rob. blr.g Levi Michael, before .1. D. Hodine, Ewq,, of Mainvllle, on Thursday of last week, resulted in the committal of the ac cused to jail to await trial. On Saturday they weru brought before Judgu Elwell on a writ of habeas corpun, and after hearing were released ou $800 bail each. Constables' and collectors' sale bills 10 cents a dozen at the Coi.umiiian store. Mr, A. Habbitt, of Hoston, who has been residing nt Suubury for the past nine months and who was the superintendent of the Susquehanna Mining and Smelting Company, at Suubury, was ticcidently drowned In the Susquehanna on Tuesday morning about half past eight, by the cap. lzlug of a boat. He wus about !i0 years of age. '.This will wiuso considerable delay to the Company In tho development of tho lead and silver mines. O'Hrien's circus was here on Thursday of last week. It was extensively ndver llseil thrnuL'h the coiintv. nnd unite a number of people were attracted by the naming posters, so mat the attcnuancu linth inoriiinir mill evenliiL' was fair. As truthful journalists wo cannot speak In very high terms ot tins circus, jiany oi the attractions as advertised, did not ap pear at all, and the best part of the show was the street parade, the field where the canvass was snread was soft isround, and tho rain In the afternoon made it much worse, so that it was impossible to judge of what the rlnc performance might havo been under favorable circumstances. One of the most objectionable features is that all kinds of swindling games are permitted under lite canvas. Whether the proprle tors are aware of this or not, we cannot say, but It Is nevertheless true that a num. ber of rascals are permitted to play their games, mid to tako In thu unwary country man. Several instances of lids kind havo coinu to our knowledge. As compared with Harnum or iorepaugh, O'Hrien's show is about fifth class. Head Quamkih fob O. and Caps, A. It. &rirs Htutu 'I'euclicr'H AhhocIiiIIoii. Tlio next annual session of thu Penn sylvania State Teachers' Association will bu held at Wllllamsport, July 10, 11, 12 (Tues day, Wednesday, and Thursday). A con vention of the Superintendents of thu State has been called to meet at thu same time and placu. Tho rates nt hotels and on railroads havo been reduced, and no doubt this will bo the largest meeting of edu cators ever held In the Statu. Any person desiring information can obtain the same by addressing Henry Hnuck, Hiirrlsburg, Ph., who Is chairman of thu executive committee. Notice to Contractor. There will be a letting of tho Christian Clinpel, at Cambra, to the lowest and best bidder, on Saturday Juno 2Urd, In thu afternoon, nt the store of Jnmcs McIIenry, The mason nnd plastering, carpenter work and painting will each be let sepa rate, tho contractor to furnish ids own material except tho stouo for wall. Thu size will be 32x50 feet, and the style same as tho M. E. church at Stillwater, Colum bia county. For particulars seo the nn. derslgucd building committee. Jamks MC'lIltNIIY,) J. h. Caiikv, - Committee. A. O. Davison, ) Thermometers, from 2.1 cents to iJU.GO nt Hie Ccl.r.MiilAN store. tf A Large Turtle. On Saturday morning last, there came to town by Adams Express from llaltlmorc, a huge green turtle weighing 1T0 pounds, consigned to Mrs. Shoemaker, Hlooms burg. As Moyer Hros., the express ngents, were unable to find any one by that name who claimed the turtle, or knew anything about II, they were In a quandary for some time as to what to do with it. It was alive and kicking, and had to be cared for, so u hogshead was filled with water, and the monster placed therein. A telegram Id Hnlllinore brought the answer Ihnt the Mirth' win fur "'niiiie Shoe, maker, the miIiiuii Keeper. ' whereupon il was delivered to "Coonej" Oblnii for whom it was no doubt intended. About two months ago two friends of his were icru and promised to send him a big turtle, but lie got no letter, and the mistake In the namu caused Hie dllllculty. The turtle was on exhibition in front of Girton'u until Tuesday, when it was killed and served up to his customers in soup and steaks. Htnle Normal Scliool. PltlKlliAM Foil COMMENCIMKNT WEEK, 1881). Sunday. June 24, 7:110 p. m. Haccalaurc- nte Sermon by Itev. T. II. Itobjnson, D. D. Lutheran Church, Monday, June 25. Examination of Un. dergraduatcs. Tuesday, June 20, Examination of Un dergraduates, continued. Tuesday, June 20, 8 p. M. Lecture be- fore Literary Societies, Uev. I). II. Shields, Institute Hall. Wednesday, Juno 27. Examination of Undergraduates, concluded. Wednesday, June 27, 4:30 p. M. Class- Day Exercises. Campus. Wednesday, June 27, 4:!!0 p. m. Final Announcement. Wednesday, June, 27, 8 p. u. Callliep. inn Ite-unlon. School Parlors. Thursday, June 28, 0:30 a. m. Commence ment Exercises. Thursday, June 28, 2:30 p. m. Alumni Ileuniou and Dimmer. Thursday, June 28, 7:30 p. m. Senior lleception. School Parlors- Tim C01.UM11IAN olllce is piepared to furnish nil kinds of paper hae.s, plain or printed, at city prices. Merchants pur chasing of us will save freight on their orders. A HlllKllIlir CllHC. A singular nud distressing misfortune has prostrated the 18-year old daughter of Win. McNinch, of Cooper twp. On Mon- day of last week, she experienced what tlio physician in attendance, W. II. Mcltcy. nobis, of Hlooomsburg, pronounced cnta. lepsy, and until the subsequent Wednes day her body remained rigid, losing all life-like expression, and only by the tests npplied was the fact of her still living made apparent. On Wednesday the rigidity partly relaxed and she gained the power of sight and hearing, but speech has been de nied her and she is as yet entirely helpless Since then she lias remained in this condi tion. She refuses food, and seems to feel that all endearments are contaminating, for when touched by any one she makes stren uous efforts to rub off the spot attlnged. Her nlllictiou has naturally been a matter of much grief to her relatives and friends, who have, in addition to tho physician named, sought me assistance oi several members of thu medical profession, among them, Dr. S. S. Shultz, Superintendent of the Asylum, hut Twithout avail. Am title nlctllyencer. Latest shades of writing paper, crushed raspberry uuil English Blue, and envelopes to mutch, at the Coi.umiiian store. MARRIAGES TKitwn.i.iaKii Patto:;. At Orangevllle, May 31, 1833, by Hev. C. K. Canlleld, Jacob Terwllllgcr, Esq., of Llgutstrcct, Pa,, to JIlss L. Jane Patton, of Hohrsburg. iVt the lteformed parsonage, ou June Till, 1883, by Hev. O. II. Strunek, Mr. Clark A. Hlttenbender, to .Miss Joanna Hosnius, both of Mt. Pleasant. HllEADIIKNDEIt IlAllT.MAN.--On the 2nd Inst., by ltev. A. Houtz, Mr. James P. Hreailbender of Lime ltldge, to .Miss Eliz abeth Ellen Hartman, uf Huckhorii. Ansiiac'H Wyninus At thu residence of tho bride's parents in Main township, by J. I), Hodine, Esq., May 20th, 1883, Mr Daniel W. Ansbach, of Oowen, Luzerne county, to Miss Clara Wynlngs, of Main rillc, Columbia county, Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. Tho suits sold at I). Lowenbcrir'a give perfect satisfaction. Tho suits sold by D. Lowenberc keen their rolor In fact all the members of thu O. A. It. are satisfied who bouidit their suits of I). Lowcnberg nnd recommend them to their comrades. A new lot lust received at the Popular Cloth. Ing Store of David Lowcnberg. TeuclierH' ICxaiiiliiatloiiH, Superintendent tlrimes will hold exam! nations as follows i Catawissa, June 18th i Hloomsburg, Third street school house, June 20th i Ilerwick, Junu 25th, Normal Appointment. Tlio following appointments havo been Hindu by tln Faculty at tho Normal school for thu class of 188:i Valedictorian, Ella J, Nicely, of Slilckshlnny Salutntorian, L. W. Knrshner, of Serena Essays, Misses Mcdiilre, .Mack, Itlchards, Kitten, house, Edgar, Willis and Hroughton i Speeches, Messrs. Stcclcy, Kresge, Fallon, Bhlel, llrindlo and Hobbes. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, nt J. il. Bkccr's. Pictures, frames, window cornices, at Cadmaii's. Don't bu deceived, but go and examine the SI. 35 ncr yard body brussels curnels at the doun town carpet storu of J, C. I.eldy & Uo. Shirts, cuffs and collars, neckties, nud nil kinds of goods for gents' wenr, at Evans & Eycr's. For good cheap furniture, go to Cad. man's. A full lino of rcady-madu clothing, gents' furnishing goods, valises, Ac, at Evans it Eycr's. TOWN I.UIH FCII HAt.K. 25 lots ranging from 325 lo $100 per lot, 4 lots ranging from 500 to .000 per lot. All south of tho Normal School. No money required provided tho purchaser will erect buildings nt once. may lUf C. W. NT.AL. New dry goods nt J. II. Skeer's. A fine lot of straw hats Just received by Evans & Eycr. Thu undersigned Is prepared to repair and put up first class lightning rods. Juno 1 lm H. F. Hiok. Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, and all kinds of furniture at Cad man's OAHPETS. Thu largest nud finest stock of carpels In Columbia county will bo found at Hrowcr's carpet store, Hloomsburg. Hody brussels, tnpestry, ingrains, mats, rugs, oil cloth, ball and stair carpet In great variety. 40 pieces of brussels of new de sign recently purchased, arc being sold trom 75 cents to $1.50 a yard. Ingrains from 25 cents to .1.00 n yard. NOIICK TO FAIlMKIt. I would call your attention lo the fob lowing implements for sale by thu under signed i Kemp's patent manure spreader, llemlngton it Son's carbon metal plows, Advance chilled plows, Onlc chilled plows, sulky plows, Cornell com shellers, Ccntcn nhil fanning mills, separators and powers, one and two-horse corn planters with fer llllzer arrangement, Deere it Co's. walking and riding com cultivators, Huckcvc walk ing and riding corn cultivators, Iron Age and Planet Junior onc-horso cultivators with plow attachments, Walter A, Wood's reapers, mowers and self-binders, Warrior mowers nnd Hrnmer reapers, Tiger, Lend er nnd Monitor liny rakes. Triumph nnd Monarch fertilizer grain drills, hay tedders and hay carriers, spring tooth drag liar iowh, spring toolli harrows ou wheels, drag and smoothing harrows, chopping mills hat will i bim 10 bushels an hour with two iiir-es, IS.ihlwlu's hay nud tnlk cutters (band and power.) ('. it (1. Cooper it Co's, .-team euiuet. nud saw mills, biick mould ing machines. Also i.istcr llros' best bone fertilizers in the market. All cooils sold nt the lowest prices, and If not proven snt- stactory can lie returned. S. U. SlliVK, 4-13 Hloomsburg. W1IV TIIP.Y CAM. 1I1.M "OI-D MAN." "Yes.that's sadly so," said Jenkins, "my air is tumlm; trruv and is falllmr out be fore Its time. Use sometlilni: ? 1 would. but most hnlr restorers are dangerous." True." answered Ids friend, "hut Parker's Hair Halsam Is as harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Give the Halsam a show and the'boys will soon stop calling you "uid .nan jenKins. it never tails to restore the original color to gray or faded air. Hlcliiy periumed, an elegant dress. g- 100.000 acrei of irood land for sale chean in Shnuandoali Valley giving the purcha ser the full benefit of the market 113- L. F. Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspon dence solicited. May 13 0w- Conycrs, Ga. Dr. W. II. Lee says: Hrown's Iron Hitters is a uood medicine and many are using it in this place." Seo a woman in another column, near Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly persons nnd the aged. bom uy Jiruggisis. sept ss-iy Walterboro, S. C Dr. J. 51. Klein says : Hrown's Iron Hitters havu given univer sal satisfaction." Nnbbv suits made to order at Evans it Kyer's.'by tirst-class workmen, Prices very reasonable. Thu finest line of ladles' slippers cm bu found nt J. C, Leldv it Co's. sliou and car pet store, together with n full Hue of shoes lor ladles and ciiiiiircu, GO TO l i mm k wi and see the following t Va nieces beotcli itlnitliains at luc. ncr j . i . .iv i yarn, wurm 'Je. 2000 yards best prluts&0c per yard. New styles plain and striped Seersuckers, 1 Hlack nun's veiling. I Very lino embroideries, .New blacK and wlilto luces from 2c to huo per yard. New Pompadour ruches. Jersey linen collars. Thu best towel for 25 cents, Extra heuvy and lino napkins (very uuiiii', Good lOu bleached muslin, BUSINESS NOTICES. WWIth Diamond Dyes any lady can net as cood results ns the best practical dyer. Every dye is warranted true to name and sample. Not a drink, not sold in bar-rooms, but a reliable, nou-nlcoholic tonic medicine, useful at all limes, and in nil seasons, is Hrown's Iron Hitters. The need of merit for promoting person- il aesthetics is due to J. C. Aver it Co., whoso incomparable Hair Vigor is n uni versal beautifier of the hair. Harmless, effective, agreeable, it has taken rank among tho indispensable articles of the toilet. To scanty locks it gives luxuriance; and withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth. Kl'P.OPKANS USB AMKltlCAN WINE. Hut few persons are aware of the creat amount of foreign grapes raised in New- Jersey. Alfred Speer is known to be the largest wine grower oi me lorelgu variety In tho country. His Port Grapo Wine is excellent nnd Is considered by physicians and chemists as the best wine to be pro cured. For sale by C. A. Klclm, Hlooms burg, Pa. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is daily working wonderful cures in female diseases. EPILEPSY OF SINK YKA113. o tlinnl.' Ilm irlver of nil irnilil i.ifl . writes J. N. Marshal, of Granby, Newton fVi Mo Hfiir irlvlnir mi. .Vn,mi,'in Wr.',i 11 pnri'il im- iliiin.hler's nnllontln Ills, nf O years standing." Get nt diugglsts. 1.50 "A doubtful friend is worse than a cer tain enemy." and vice iona a certain irlend is Infinitely better tbnn n doubtful eneniv. Thus Kldney-Wort Is nn Incomparably better mend to the liiiiiian.race man whole catalogues lull or doubttul nostrums, it is an unfailing remedy for that tormenting disease piles. It moves thu bowels gently and freely, and thus removes thu causu Do not tall lo try it latlliliuy either in dry or liquid form. MARKETREP0RTS. HLOOMSHUHG MAKICET. Wheat por bushel. Rye " .. corn, " ., oats ' " Flour per barrel ., Cloversocd ... ,,,, nutter Tallow Potatoes , Dried Apples Hams Hides & Shouldora chickens , Turkeys lru pur pound nay per ion Buckwheat flowerpcr ioo'.i .to .0) .48 6.J0 .S4 .15 .( .116 14 11 12 .11 .14 3. 04 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Fiicn Tho market was 11 mil v held! halesol l,4iu barrels Including Minnesota extras at t:M. r..&0; Pennsylvania family jmkij western do $5.ja iiYE r i.ouK .Moves Hieamiv iu 11.75.1:1 nil Yt'HKiT Market was nulet and aleadv : ear lots tl.P.MI.'JAi 11. '."i bid (or June; ll.-.D'; lor July ; ri.--tt lurAiiKuti: ti..i't uir M-'pieinuer. I'OKN Tho market was tinner ; ear luUfiVUlu MVu bid lor Juno; M'c tor Jul) : Ctlxofor Au gusts Give, tor September. Oats Tho market was weak : ear lots Mwasin : 4S0 bid for Juno t wcfor July: 110 for August 1 4Ju for September. PETER COOPER. Manips taken. .Not bold by ile.ilerai prices tuo .HiuiitDniinouiiu, i.iiKu 1 pe, uunuruigeu t Mi e ok ai.kx. 11. Sria'iiKNs, inc. ss, and av I.OU lir WAMIIMIlll.N lltl 1NII. nv Mlklllanl . 1:,. l.ll'K UK Sin lsse Newton, by .hums P.iiton. - 8r. Itir Van Vim.i.k, by Washington Irving. . -.v lli iiNiNii ok HoiiK, by canon Farrai, . so. 11; An in Minus j is -..ricilltlH WUrU, VC, r.nuiii aiii'kn, uy .Aiireu irnnytton, so, 1'ftSl.lilf.H il.l.Alir.i IKAVEI-Kll, (iOIIISmllll.VC Cottkii'b sm'iiiiAY M1111T, etc., Hubert Hums, so K'hillahv Soso ok urn llcix, uiid other Pueiua. ac Till! fcUSA.NKItl'KNTS OK Sl'IKNCK, AlldlW Wilson, BC WOIII.II-KUAHIIINII. llV W. Mull 1,11 .Willi 11,1. ,1.. John IL Alukn, Publisher, 1H Whey St., New York uuuvi.i',1. u TEAS PURE IIMDIA From th lilstrlcts ot Abjiu, I'liirriiiosu, Oaciuh KiNdiu Vti.i.nv. IUhjummi. Hkiika iioon, and OtllirS. AUSOlUtHlV Pliril. Nlln..rlnr In tlairn Tho Moat Uconomlcal. Iteiiulres only half the I'lIll.Ul'j A; co Ageiils of thu Calcutta Tea pjuiiituw, inn w uivr-ai, pi, i, June l-4w d John Wanamaker- starts the May and June Sales with the unheard-of aggre gate stock of Two and a Half Millions $2,500,000, and nowhere in the United States is there so large a stock at retail to which City and Country People have access alike, with prices marked plainly, so that All pay the same at John Wanamaker's. The certainty that besides numerous bargains daily spread on the counters the Big Store is now known to fix the Market Prices of all the things dealt in, settles conclusively that it is the BEST PLACE FOR STRANGERS to deal. Those who do not care to stop over night at a hotel, can check bags, coats, umbrellas and packaages the store door, and can get lunch in the building. The few items below show how things arc going just now. Sond postal card for samples-'. From one; of the large-it and best Paris houses we have some splendid lots of Dress Goods, all told about two hundred full pieces, that were not ready for delivery until long after tho time, and on account thereof were reduced twenty-live per cent, all around. Thi3 makes some famous bargains : A. 41-inch All-wool Illuminat ed Beige, 45c. A 43-inch All-wool Crepe Beige, 60c. Far under value. A 45-inch Oashtnere Beige, GOc. Far under value. A 42-inch All-wool Check, 50c. Far under value. A 42-inch All-wool Albatross, GOc. Far under value. A 41-inch All-wool Albatross, 75c. Far under value. The following lots are very desirable : A 40-inch All-wool French Shooda, 50c. A 42-inch All-wool French Shooda, 75c. A 42-inch All-wool Pin's Head Check, GOc. A 31-inch Nun's Veiling creams, 35c. The steady increase of our Dress Goods Department must be owing to the constant watch to keep our prices the lowest. We could not afford to cut off dress patterns and take them back, as our rules compel.when others sold at lower rates, so we are on the alert all the time to protect ourselves by mark ing the lowest figures going. Linen Sheetings, 2 yards wide, value 90c, now (55c. ; value 1.00, now 75c. ; value $1.20, now 85c. 45-inch Pillow Linen, 37 Jc. 54-incli Pillow Linen, 50c. 40-inch Butcher's Linen, 22c. 4-4 Drawer Linen, 18, 22, 25, 28, and 31c. Fine Cream Damask, $1.25 ; reduced to $1. Table Cloths, 2ix2i, 2ix3, 2ix4i, 2 1-2x5 yards. A Towel, 22x43 inches, weigh half a pound, 25c. A Damask Towel, 23x48 inches, good and heavy, price now at first hands, 37 l-2c. ; our price, 31c. Sonic hits of Buttons and Druon Trimmings at nominal prices as long as they last. New importations of Paris but tons open. Ladie3 English Solid-color Brilliant Lisle Hose, 50c. Ladies' Colored Hose, 12 l-2c. hitherto 25c, Ladies' Long Balbriggan, French foot, 20c, hitherto 31c. Ladies' Fancy Hose, a fifty cent quality for 25c. Men's full regular made, (Ger man) Brown mixed, 12 l-2c. Men's English Striped, full regular made, 18c. Children's full regular made, at 15, 20. 30, 35c, worth double. Children's and Misses' Trim med Hots, ready to put on, for $1.50, $1.75 and $2, and up wards. These come from our own work rooms. Ladies' Rough-and-B.eady Bonnets and Hats, all colors and black, for 25c. 173 dozen sprays of fine tlowers at 25c. a spray, for millinery and corsage. These are about half price. There is a new counter for 9 and 12c. Satin and Gro3 Grain Ttibbons, of which we have all colors. The new Waukenphiist shoo is about the best thing yet that has been done for men, if com fort for tho feet is considered. Only first-class workmen can make them, and, as yet, we have not been able to make sufficient quantities to get the price lower than b7; but this is a dollar less than, we are told, is asked elsewhere. A magnificent lot of newly imported Lyons Black Grena dines, warranted all silk. The designs are rich and beautiful. Two qualities, $1.25 and $1.50, which is said to be less than half the cost of importation. Before tho goods reached the counters twenty dresses were sold by the sample piece that customers saw in passing. We have some other black goods at half price. The Madras, Nottingham, Antique, and Tamboured Cur tains are in usual abundance. Furniture Coverings begin at 12 l-2c. a yard, and some of our Cretonne are the cheapest we ever had. Handsome Antique Cur tains, $3.50 per pair. Four styles Gentlemen's sus penders, made in our work rooms at Oak Hall, 15, 25, 40 and 50c. TJ-ll. TT . 1 uuiurigguu uuuerwear, ay 15-vard lengths of snmmnp silks, 35 to 65c brlace Changeable silks, 65c. Now India silks, black grounds, small white figures, very handsome, at $1.50, A fair black silk is ' going now for 75c, and quite a good one for a dollar. If you will pay $1.50, we have a quality of the Bellou inake that we recommend, and will ask you to recommend after wearing it. l-2c. ; used to be 50c. night shirt, 75c, Good 20-inch black Satin Parasol, lined in various colors, ten gilt ribs, handsome natural stick, Spanish lace trimmed. Price $3. JOHN WANAMAKER, Cfyetnut $tieet, ii'teentl) kqd V&iket tieet, PHIMDEPIIA c. c. mm mm f) PRACTICAL TIN ROOFER, &PEBA. BMW mi B1L001ISBUK&, FEIN' A, DEALER IN Foreign and; Bomestio WINES AND LIQUORS. AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. .r,i.,iii,. il" w J ftl73.7S5;r.,l.,il,,'A,,l: bwiwut uoi:wuu TS-Z7....Z. "-riAotuui-K,vtih (jl0O, lloui AVuYiT. T..Z "-"'.I .". "'"' buu-ii mi ecuv4iiiipr uiiuan. Lti.t! Urifn.U3,l',.uri.ntul. MTIIKKIIAIlUAIfta f ully ilVKrUiVd lu Clulouue wblcU It (cut tllKK with mil p. UcuUr Addf e or cll upon UAMLL, r. IIUATTV, WllhUgton, NwiMM,. QHANOK OV TKHMS. COM'MllIA C'Ol'.NTV, SM Aiuomrllio leioiilsaiiil iiiikwI. HilM ot thu fourt uf ('11111111011 I leus 111 uml for mill County, It U tlll'll'lUfOlllullUHl) "Ami now, NoM'iulx'rU, issj, onliwl that tho heiiu-iiibor tmii or Court In .Montour mMj Miall (HiimiH-muou tlio tlilnl Momluy ot S'iti'inlT, am! t ib hi-iiti-inu-r term ot e-ourlK In culumtiu imuity fliallniimnencijoii tliu fourth Monday of heiucm. Imt lusti'iul ot tlio union heri'loton- f6tubllslii'it. . nv tiii: niritT. evitltltil from tho nx'onu tiiHsard duyof Ji.iy, A"W ... K...CK..AC.M, JICIINSK NOTICE. Notion u hrroliy u'lvon Hint tlio following named ih-imiis have iUihI nltli ilieritrk- of tlm I'ourt ot liuaiter N'wlons of tlm IVuro of e'oluuitlu e'ountr. llit-lr iK'tli .Ions for llci'iiv, wlili-li w III lj int'iitiM to tho njld court on .Monday llioi'leientli day of Juno A, 1. mi nt iu oVIiKk i, M. ' John F. Kollor, Itorwlck, bottler. WM. KltlCKliAl'H, may w at ciork ej. e SUHSOUI1JU NOW FOK THE COLUMBIAN SI. 50 AYKAlt(
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