THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, .COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. 0. B. Elwell, 1 t.jii, BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, FISBKUAKY 0, 1833. FOll DIRECTORS OF I1L00M POOR DISTRICT. WESLEY MOUUIS, OFOItJIISWOOI). Dlt. F. W. 11EDEKEU, op eoorr. Tho Bordor raid bill has been repor ted negatively to t lie House. S. Davis Pftco was confirmed bv tho Sonnto on Wednesday, ns controller of Philadelphia. Mr. Vandorslico is reported as voting gainst a resolution providing tor Ion ger daily sessions of tho House. Tho tariff question is taking up a great deal ot tnno In Uougress, and as only about twenty days are left for tho present session, it is doubtful whether a bill will bo passed this year. Storms, freshets and ico gorges aro reported irom tho west. In tho western part ot this stato tho streams roso rap idly, bridges and houses wero swopt away, and a number ot lives lost. Eight persons have been arrested in Dublin, Ireland, for tho assassination of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burke, some months ago, in the park. Tho identification seems complete, and great excitement prevails. in constitution ot this stato uro- vides that no railroad shall grant free passes, or passes at a discount, to any person except officers or employees of the road. Tho constitution was adopt ed eight years ago, and tho Legislature has failed up to this time to pass an act to enforco this provision. Recent- or this purpose and referred to a Com mittee of whioh Messrs. Vandorslico nd Bryson aro members, and both of them aro reported as voting for a neg ative recommendation. As wo have not seon the text of the bill, wo cannot say whether there is anything obieo- tionablo in it, but if not, our members should voto for all measures that aro intended to oarry out the provisions of ino constitution, even it it compels mem to pay their railroad tare. Township election will be held on Tuesday, February 20th. Among tho offices to bo filled there is nono more important than school director. Tho persons selected for this position should I ! .,,! 1. uu meu ui intelligence, oi sounu judg ment, and who will take an interest in the schools. It is an offico that should be kept out of the hands of im proper persons so that it may bo entire ly in tho interest of tho public, and not do usea simply lor the purpose ot ro warding friends or punishing enemies The success of tho common schools do pends greatly, if not entirely, upon tho cmuieuuy oi me airectors. ano ap. poiniment oi teacners should bo made from those best qualified for tho work. and not given to thoso whoserchiaf merl ua ue in me xact mat they aro the Hons or daughters of directors. As a gener al rule tho teachers of the county, as well as the directors, have been well chosen, as is shown bv tho flourishincr oonumon ot tne schools, and tho vo ters should see to it that tho hich stan dard of excellence is maintained at the coming election. Not having been given tho county statement to publish, tho Journal is a. ..f., it.. iiii i . . - viriuous, auu nas uau consul- erable to say about other papers being kept from showing tho "crookedness" in tne statement, by a "crust worth aii it .i : a J . " m Ke' thero is nothing to prevent tho Jour- nal from exposing it, but up to this time tho only thing it has discovered : U.t r i.t. 'r ummisaionei-s neg ecteu to mmw 11. n. xaii nrnai ,t,h i,nf th,i mAta- .. """ "" nuvei cioset back of tho court house cost $440. Although tho Coi.umihan has always been given the statement, because of its large circulation, it has never failed to point out crookedness wherever it can bo found. It criticis ed the Commissioners in the now jail business, and in tho proposed addition tn tlin nnnrt linnan ,1,n ;!, !, w .. . vwm. v ..."..ILj I, 1 t 1 1 I, V, VI, 11 L , 1 V. Journal nor any otlur paper in the county dartd to squeak, for fear of losing a few dollars' patronage. Ti e law requires tho statement to bo pub- ashed in newspapers, and it is puerile for those who fail to secure the publi cation to accuse others ot allowing themselves to be silenced by the receipt of money that is doubly earned at tho present low price paid for tho state ment, by tho county. Retnses the Pees. Tho Harrisburg correspondent of the Philadelphia Sunday World writes tho following : "Mr. Cassidy has had a chance to make a clear thousand outsido of his salary since he became attorney gencr ai, utit no could not see how ho was cutitled to tho money, and resisted the temptation which was set before him Among tho counsel of tho Standard Oil company in the recent suit of the commonwealth against tho corporation was Cassidy. He was considered an able lawyer, and as this great inonono ly always employo eminent legal talont, thoy employed him and gave him a substantial Ice. boon alter he took possession of tho office ho was surpris ed to be informed that a check iiad ar nveu for him amounting to over nine hundred dollars, and that it was from tho btandard Oil company, mid intend ed to pay tho commission in tho case, the attomoy general being entitled to fivo per cent, of the amount collected from companies which have appealed irom tho settlement ot the auditor gen eial to tho courts. Cassidy refused to take tho money, stating that he had received a fee as counsel for the Stan dard and could not tako money now from the samo corporation in the same case as a law officer of tho state, epec tally since ho had earned none of it. Tho check was sent back with the in struction that it be turned into tho state treasury. In declining to accept tho money Cassidy did not follow in the footsteps of his predecessors, who appropriated commissions earned by thoso whom they succeeded as attorney general. Cassidy is free to say that ho favors tho abolition of tho feo system ho far ns it relates to officers of the state. IIo would rather havo a fixed salary oven if it should not reach tho amount now received by the attorney general in fees and salary. Gov, Pat tison Is said to bo in accord with the attorney general in his views of the feo system. Bloom Poor Distriot. At n recent mecttiiK of tho members of tho Democratic Standing commltteo lor tho townships embraced in tho Bloom Poor District, Wesley Morris of Greenwood, and Dr. F. W. Hedekor of bcott were nominated as candidatct for directors of tho poor, for this dis trict. Tho meetini' was called and held in accordance witli the custom of tho Dcmocratio party, tho nominations wero fairly and reinilnrly made, tho candidates are well qualified for tho position, and aro therefore entitled to tho support ot every demoorauo vo ter in the district. Tho present board of directors is composed of two repub licans and ono demoorat, nd while thoy have conducted tho affairs of tho district satlsfactgrily, that is no reason why others will not make just as em dent officers. Tho election of two re publicans thrco years ago was brought about by a split in tho dcmocratio vote, and tho samo result may Do reached this vear unless tho nominations aro supported by tho party. lliuollico ot Poor director is not, or at least ought not to bo a political office; but as tho democrats aro largely in tho majority in the district, thoy ouoht to have a majority representation on tho board. Tho only suro way to nccomplisli this is to voto for tho tnon who havo been regularly nnmed by tho party orcaniza tion and these aro Wesloy Morris and Dr.'Rcdeker. The Boarding House Aot. surnEMr. couiit at rirrsnuiw rno- NOUNCES IT UNCONSTITUTIONAL Tho Supreme court of this Stato re cently rendered a decision of great im portanco to boarding house keepers, lawyers, justices and tho general pub ho. The caso in which the opinion was delivered originated in Allegheny county and was entitled smith vs. Jlc- Uinty. Tho .action was tor a debt, tho dofendant having failed to pay a bill for boarding duo the planum, and suit was instituted under what is gen erally known as tho "boarding house act, passed by tho Legislature m 187b. The justice before whom tho caso was originally heard rendered judgment for the full amount of tho bill. Tho matter was appealed to the district court, .where the justice's decision was reversed. It was then taken by the plaintiff to tho Supremo Court, and that tribunal sustained tho opinion ot the District Court, tho judges holding that tho act of 187G is unconstitutional and in conflict with other laws on tho statute book, and that a bebtor has tho samo right to tho benefit of tho "threo hundred dollar law" in an ao tion to recover n board bill that ho has in suit for any other kind of claim. This decision, of course, "knocks the bottom out of tho law," and keepers of public houses will have to resort to some other means to protect them. selves. Oonstitutional Prohibition. Moro strenuous efforts are being made this year than ever before, to so cure an amendment to the constitution concerning the liquor traluc. inree separate proposed amendments havo been drawn and aro now botoro tno Legislature for consideration. They aro as follows : FItOM TUB CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AB80. CIATION. Articlo XIX.. Section 1. The manufac ture or sale, or keeping for sale, of any al I cohollc or Intoxicatinc Honors, whether brewed, fermented or instilled, or any compounds thereof, or any compound of w lien any sucli llnuors constitute a part to bo used as a beverage, is prohibited within tins Commonwealth nut the man ufacturo and salo of such liquors, or com nounda tlicrcot. lor nurnoses oilier tnan bevernce. shall be regulated by law. Tho General Assembly, nfter tho adoption tills article bv tho qualified electors of tho Commonwealth, shall without delay enforco us provisions ly auequato penalties. JUDUK AONEW'S WtOl'OSED AMENDMENT, Section 1. Tho manufacture, salo or k(,enln for Blo of nU intoxlcatinc llnuors, whether distilled, brewed, fermented oi vinous, and all compounds thereof, or of "icreoi, u uo useu us a uevumge, forever nrohlldted within this Common wealth, and the General Assembly shall without delay pass all laws necessary to enforco tills prohibition. Tho manufacture I and salo of tho aforesaid liquors for other 1 nnrnnapa tlinn nan. linvprntrn fllin.ll liinirtl. " , -' "i" . 5St mUlea and i .-v I securities. 1I0D8K COMMITTEE I'ROl'OBKD AMENDMENT, That tho following amendment is proposed to tlio constitution oi tno commouwcaltli, to bo known as articlo XIX: Tho manufac ture, salo or keeping for salo of all intoxi- catlnc llnuors, whether distilled, browed fermented or hereof, or of Beverage, 13 l vinous, ami an compounds any thereof, to bo used as a forever prohibited within the Commonwealth, and tho General Assembly shall, without delay, pass all laws necessary to enforco this prohibition. Provided. That compensation shall bo mado out of tno Treasury ottlio State to unpersons wlin own real cstatu which has been occupied and licensed und the licenso paid for tho manufacture or sale of tho articles before named, for live successlvo years previous tho adoption of this amcndment.whloh will ue injured or reduced in value ny reason tho destruction of their business by adoption, provido the manner in which the said injury or reduction In valuo shall bo ascertained or naid. Section 2. Tho manufacturo and sale the aforesaid liquors for other purposes man a uoverago snail no regulated uy law under sultlcicnt penalties und securities. Tho indications aro that thero will bo a iierco struggle on tho question the House, and as it will bo necessary to obtain a two thirds voto to carry th I'lohibition nmendmont, its adoption Boinnwhnt doubtful. Another laith (Jure, A WOMAN OI.AISIINd TO HAVE ItKCOV f.UED IIEK HEALTH TIIHOUGII A MIIUCr.E. Doylestown, February 1. Tho little viliago of Chalfont, about four miles west of this town, is gossip ing about what its residents call a inir ado. Tho miracle is tho reported euro of a voung woman named Ella Ebert daughter of Gottlieb Ebert, by what known ns tho faith cure. She has been an invalid for moro than two years. Disease lias made her a physi cal wreck and lifo was apparently a burden. For months sho wns not nblo to rise fiom her sick bed. Several physicians wero called to treat her case, but none afforded her more than temporary relief. Her nmlady was called consumption of the lungs by some and spinal disensu by oth eis. Last week tho invalid expressed a bo lief that she could be cured by prayer, and her friends accordingly took steps to hold a special prayer meeting at tho Ebert residence. At the appointed hour, 2 o'clock last Tuesday, four members of her oliuroh assembled and engaged in earnest petitions for her re covery. Presently tho sick woman showed signs of regaining strength, arose from her bed, dressed and joined in tho supplicatiou. Since then sho is said to bo slowly recovering. This is tho second euro of this kind reported lately in this county, This ono is ro gnrded by tho tho residents of the neighborhood as being very remarkable. Governor's Message. Governor Pnttison sent n messago to tho Legislature on Tuesday nftcrnoon, f which wcj givo portions bejow. Ho 'i hough so short a time has elapsed since tho former executive addressed you in an nble, wise and exhaustive message, yet in accordance with ro quircments ot tho constitution, that tho governor shall fiom timo to timo roc- commmend to tho general nsscmbly itch measures ns ho may judgo ex- edlent, I send you this communica tion. Tho message then refers to tiio abuses bf the Recorder's oflloe Delinquent Tax office, and b'-aler of woighls and Measuies, in Philadelphia, and pro ceeds ! NKKPr.KSS AND EXTIUVAOANT OKIIOES. T havo alwavs entertained tho onln- ion that needless and extravagant offi ces, such ns those I havo referred to, should bo utterly abolished. Somo pf theso places pay their incumbents reater compensation .than is received by any officer of the commnnwoath and at least ono of thoiu, moro than tho president of tho United States. Tho legislature should not hesitato about what to do in theso and Bimilar cases. Tho public sorvice should not bo made attractivo becauso of its emoluments. Extravagant sala rics breed an offico holding class, in pired,.notby patriotism and public spirit, but by avarice and greed of gain. Tho youth ot the land should bo taught to look to official preferment for its honorable distinction as an ave- ntio for faithful public service, and not ns a moans ot money-making and ot escapo from tho buulens of labor, These opinions, always entertained and frequently expressed. 1 will gladly CO' oporato with tho assembly in putting nio practical operation uy nuousniug all needless and retrenching all ex travagant offices. I have been grati fied to observe tho disposition shown, and progress made, by the legislature toward that end. While sitcn oiuco exist, however, tho executivo deems it his duty to see that they are. tilled by thoso in whom ho has tho highest con fidoncc, and can repose the fullest trust. This is his first and sworn duty f ho is to take, caro that tho laws bo faithfully executed. FIXED SAI.AKIES ADVOCATED. The spirit of the constitution is un doubtediy that all officers and employ ees. either ot the stato or local govern ment, should bo paid by hxed salaries and not by fees. This spirit should bo faithfully carried out bv tho legislature. aud a law enacted abolishing fees whenovcr possible, and hxing a deh nito salary for all incumbents. How ever it may be disguised, every law an thoming tho charging ot a lee lor an official act is equivalent to the lovying of an additional tax. It is an indirect form of taxation, objectionable for its uncertainty and tho dithculty ot ascer taining its amount. All taxes whether feo or otherwise, should nrst go into tho public treasury, that tho people may know how much tnoy contriDuto toward tho cost ot tho government and tho public officers should after ward bo paid( therefrom known and fix. ed amounts for their services. SALARIES DISPItOrOItTIONATE TO THE WORK. In abolishing the feo system, how ever care should bo taken that tho com pensation bo not merely changed to a fixed salary equally as exorbitant as the former sum received. Many of the salaries faxed tinder the present con stitution aro out of all proportion to the service rendered. There are clerks of courts receiving greater pay than tho judges whose subordinates tbey are,and registers of wills whoso salaries aro twice as much as thoso ot the court who adjudicate tho dead men s estates. By what possible system of adjustment theso results wero arrived at it would bo difficult to determine, but such incongruities should not bo permitted longer to exist, ihey will servo to illustrate, however, tho neces sitv for a careful scrutiny of official salaries with a view to tho general re duction of many. Tho appointment of a ioint comraitteo of tho legislature to inquiro what offices in the various ex- ecntivo departments of tho stato may bo dispensed with is a most desirable undertaking. Diligent inquiry will, am convinced, enablo the commit tee to recommend a considerable re duction in tho force of employees in tho departments and the amount of their compensation. I regret tho scope of tho inquiry was not enlarged so as to includo tho entiro civil service of tho state. The results, I am sure, would have been moro effective. It is not too lato for the lceislaturo yet to empower the committee to so extend its investigation. ncKoitsi in omcub ADVERTISING Tho advertising of official notices has been tho source of many abuses and much soandal, particularly in our cities. Much of tho official advetising as now done is practically useless and a waste of public money. I would recommend tho enactment ot somo general law upon this subject requir ing public ndvertisoments to bo insert- eu lu tne newspapers oi wiu laigeai, uu dilation. If there is any purpose to , i i i i r . to uo served uy sucu auvcrtismcnt, beyond the mero expenditure of mon ev, if publicity is really what is desi ed, then the most evident means to ob tain that publicity should bo adopted aud papers of largest circulation cm ployed. Not only would such a course executo tho plain purposes ot tho law. but a great Baving of monoy could bo clfcotod, as thero would not then bo necessity for so frequently inserting tho notices or advertising them so much nt length. Economy and pub lioity would botli bo served by tho on actmunt of such a law. In municipal advertising it would bo well to in vest tho control of such matters in tho councils of tho cities. Thoy aro tho ncaiest to tho peoplo whoso monoy is spent, bost know the popular wish and it would bo wisest to trust to their dis cretion. Such provisions as I havo in dicated with referenco to advertising would enablo officials to ho moro imlo pendent of party iouriials, and would have a healthful Influence upon the press by enabling that avenue of pub Uo intormaiioii to bn moro tree and in depondont in its strictures upon ofll cials, Tho publio money should not bo used to subsidizo tho channels through which tho people learn to good extent how their servants executo their trusts. ltlOHTS OF I.AUOIl. A measuro has bcoi introduced into ono of your bodies to provido for tli settlement in disputes between employ eon nnd employers in certain of tho groat industries of the state. This is a movement in tho rigtit direction Though limited to but a few of tho dopariuunts of labor, yet it is begin niug upon a subject that ought long ago to havo received legislative action Tho concerns of that ureat bodv of our citizens who labor for wages nro on titled to the most earnest consideration The lnw should -most icnlotisly and icridlv iroard thdir lntersts nnd protect their rights. When either is injurced or denied they ought to havo somo ro sourco in tho law to whioh thoy can k . .... . ... . . ook for assistance. Some provision should bo mado that when disputes nriso between thoso wjip pay nnd thoso who receivo. wages, tho- contention should bo settled under tho conditions of lnw which should administer iustlco aliko to both parties to the controver sy. I ho courts nro open to other citi- zcih toonlorco their rights, why should thoy not bo to thoso who toil for wages to enforco theirs 1 I suggest tho prac ticability in many instances of n pro vision being made requiring employees to give a certain timely notice to their employers botoro quitting work on no count of a refusal to increase wages, and tho employers to give a similar notice to tho laborer bctoro reducing pay. 1 Ins would prevent many of the nsohiofs of strikes, and ennblo both parties to provido in timo for changes that, by their .suddeness olten bring ant, misery and ruin to many. 1 ho bill before you, and tho whole subject, ought to occupy much of the best thought ot tho legislature. 11A1.I.0TS TO Hi; PRESENTED 1IY hkf Whilo upon this subject I would suggest tho passage of a law similar to that in force In other states prescribing how all ballots' used by electors shall bo printed, their shape, tho size, tho cnaiuutur oi type, ami uiu quality nuu color ot tho paper to bo used. This would contribute to tho secrecy of tho ballot and, would bo a protection to many iu tho exercise of their fran chises, free from tho knowledge nnd nnd surveillanoo of employers and oth ers, upon whom they mav bo depen dent. It would also prevent many do ceits nnd impositions being practiced upon voters by deceptive headings. To iiow great an extent this modo ot fraud has prevailed is well known and wns forcibly illustrated when n few days ago an imporant public olhcer ot tho stato voluntarily testified in tho trial of a cause that he had procured largo numbers of tickets to be prepared for use at an election with one party s heading, and another party s candi dates printed thereon. Such decep tions upon tho voter would not bo pos sible if tho entiro character ot tho bal lot was prescribed and lcgulated by law. THE STATU AH'ORTIONMENT You will bo called upon to appor tion the state into congressional, sena torial and representative districts. It is important that tho work should bo done at this session. Thero should be no difficulty in agreeing upon such bills as wilt cive fair and just representa tion to all sections and interests. So important a matter should be approach ed without party zeal, and with no de sign to do anything but, to carry out tho plain spirit and intent ot tho law. iVny advantages gained by one party over another by partisan apportion raents have always proven short lived and have otten terribly reacted upon their authors. Let tho directions of tho constitution be observed as to com pactness of territory and as far as pos sible equality of population, and let party and personal interests bo subor dinated and forgotten, aud thero will bo no trouble in promptly making an apportionment that will give true and itist representation to an tho people. tion than it deserves is to disfranchise other localities that get less than tiieir share, to huddle together into ono tor tuous.misshapeu nnd incompact district all citizens of a particular faith, that their lnilucnco may not be distributed into other districts, is to commit a ser ious wrong against such constituency, I hopo many of tho defects and much ot the miustioo ot tho present appor tionment will bo remedied by tho work ot this session. DISCRIMINATION IN ItAI.ROAD TRAFFIC. I recommend that the legislature takes steps to enforce by appropriate legislation Article 17 Ot the constitu tion. That articlo provides that all in dividuals and associations shall have equal rights upon railroads aud canals without discrimination in charges or facilities to persons or places. It pro hibits tho consolidations ot the stock, property franchises of competing com panics, it provides that common car riers shall not engage in any business otner than than that ct common carry lug. it seeks to pieveut officers oi corporations from oorruutlv Drofitinn- i... ti.-1 .. . ... , f. uy iiiu uusuiess oi tneir companies, n prohibits unfair preferences in furnish ing cars or motive power, by drawback. or otherwise, between transportation companies and individuals. , THE FREE PASS SYSTEM. It also forbids tho Issuing of fre passes to any 'persons other than offio ers or employes. In short, articlo 17 seeks to maku transportation companies act justly i to compel them to treat all citizens impartially and fairly; to raako thorn deal honestly, aud to pio vent Harassing or oppressing unv par of tho community. Such wiso and wholesome provisions would seem in tended for tho common good, and ougl not to bo rendered abortive by the nog lect of the legislative power. I sinoero- ly rosonimond that a bill bo passed to ..II . Pf ...... . . , r . , give run eueci to tnoso sections oi tno fundamental law, either by imposin penalties for their violation, or in such other way as tho legislature may deter miuo. Uio constitution was adopted in 1 87.1, and up to this timo no effort nas bccu mado to enforce its just pro visions as to railroads aud canals. I am glad to observo that a bill is now before you relating to tho free pass amise, which tho constitution prohibits. I trust an effective measure will be en acted on that subject, as well as all those referred to in article 17. THE STAT. REVENUES. A commission to consider tho rovo-' lines of the State appointed at tho last session of tho legislature has, I under stand, completed its labors aud reported a bill to your bodieB. Tho oxeoutivo,' thcroforo, defers any suggestions on tho subject of taxation until it has an opportunity of considering tho oomplet ed recommendations of that comiuls-' sion, He wil lfrom timo to time, as tho constitution directs, communicate his thought to tho legislature, as occasion may seem to warrant. CONCLUSION. No sesston for many years has pre sented so important subjects for legis lative notion. The people look with high expectations to tho results of your deliberations, and I entertnin tho belief that their hopes for wlso and wholesome legislation will be realized. Roiieut E. Pattison, ferHi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thin nrtw.1fr tipvai- vnrlnq. A mrvl nfntlrltff strength and wliolosomno3i. Mire economical Hi m too ordinary k nis. and cannot lw sold In competition wltti the multitude of low ton, shirt wcluht, alum or phospmts pjwders.- Hold only la cans. Hoyai. Pasinu I'owukk Co . 100 Wa!l-St v. nut: n-i v. EYMOUIt, HUNT & CO.. (Kilahltahpd In H7I.V xebaoge Court, N. Y. 123 I.aSado St., Chicago. Special fsLcllltlos.for tho purcuaso and silo ot STOCKS, BONDS, ORAtN, PROVISIONS. Refer to Mechinlos' National Dink NwYork: Filth National Rank, (.hlcino. and tlerrmn Secu rity uank, Ixulsvllle, Ky. J. M. Seymour, Membor Now York Stock Ex change, . a, uuai, ino muer v;nicuw itunru ui iruuu. . uocymour. r leuv-iw THE UNION TRUST CO, Sll nnd 18 CHESTNUT BTIIEET I'llILADEI,- mia, ia. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. CIIARTEIt FEliFETUlL. km.i na Exocutor. Administrator. Assignee. Re ceiver. Ouardlan, Attorney, Acent, Truateo and Committee, alona or In connoctlon with an inill Tldual appointee. Takes charRO of tho property of absentees and non-rC6ldents, collects and remits Income prompt ly, and discharges faithfully thodutltsof every fiduciary trust and agency known' to tho law. Safes for rent within llurBlar-proof Vaults ot the most approved construction. Ills Kept in nro uau uurgmr-proui sinus wuu out charpe. Plate, securities and ah other valu i tjlcs securely kept at a moderate, annual clnrgo for safo return or specific Indemnity. car Trusts and other approved securities for sale. interest auowea on Monys deposited tor aen nlte periods, nr upon ten days' notice w, u, i Al l c-isi,., rres uuui. HKISTKRCLYMER, Vice-President. M AHI.ON S. stokes, Treaurer. FIUNUIS uacon, secy Trust onicer. DIRECTORS. W. C, Patterson, Uon. T. F. Ilayard, uames Long, Alfred H, QUlett, non. Allison White nnmincion nci. ; Dr. (ieo. w. nelly, narrlsburg, Pa. ; lion. -I. S. Afrlci. Huntingdon. Pa. ; Hon. II. ciymcr, Readlnir, Pa ; nenry s. Kckert, Reading, I'a ; Edmund s. Doty, Miruintown, Pa.; non. R. 1". Monaghan, West Chester, p. Gen. W. W. II. D.wls, Doylestown. Pa. ; Chas. W. Cooper, AUemown, Pa, Dr. c, v. Turner, D. R, Patterson, John T. Monroe. Jos. I. Keefe, rnon. it. ration, Air t u... Jis. S. Martin, Dr. D. Hayes Agnew, n. II. Houston, John o. Reading1. Philadelphia, Pa.; lion. T F. Randolph, laurnsiowu. rt, J, , feb (Mw jga j3rj m. Or ALL FL.' ' S. VOn ALL CROPS, l-'ort AlL climates. ttol'io Uuttt 1. 1 1 iiici-s, lar-c:t bt-ed croiv mim uid larpcbt need at-itlcrN tliynhcru; hci-o h i it t;rwlwt foci'.;tl(M f -r t-r-ilwlny Una Scedi .1 I urSttli art, LUdcnly thab&t fccutout. Oir Annual CtitiJoytt and J'riet Litl briDflB TIP! .:it:.VTIWT NKI'.I) STOKF. IN tu It DltLD TO YOUR OWN 1IOOII. It 1 r' ; I ell Uio dcilrab! new nnd pUmlard vm-ltl f-i v.- . T, rtiWc, TMl tn.I Troo, r - -I- rur.I'. toaay mldrorci. I v cY "-.'. To-" AH Feb 9-1 y ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. TnB VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Marshall. Mich, will send DR. DYE'S CELEHRATBD KLKOTKO-VOLTAIC UBLTS and KLKCTHIO APPLIANCES on trial for so days to men (young or old) who are af- iuuwu wuu nt-rvoui ueuiwy. Lost vitality, ana jtinarea iruuuius, guaranteeing speeayanu com Mete restoration of health and manly via- r. Ad- dress as above. N. D. No risk incurred, as BO uuys- iriai is aiioweu- t eo. im-lyr, r MOTHERS READ THIS. Stotio Ridge, N: Y. Van Deusen Iiros. Dear Sirs : Your Worm Con tectums have been lor.luable to us. Cur little boy, two years old, discharged over thirty worms Id a few days, using only a few of your Worm Confections. I am glad to near testimony to the Yours, Rev. J. I,. McNAllt. Try them 25c. a box. VAN DBUSHN 1JROS., Kingston, N. Y. feu v-tw u DTT TTQA SURE CURB sent fortl.00 per pack riJLEjOage. U. S. MED. CO., Walton, N. Y. feb S-4w w anted Teachers ! $100.00 rBU MONTH Steady emnlovment durtntr HDrlnr and Bummer. Aaaruss.j. u. .-ucuuitux i;u ieo 1-4W a rnuaaeipma, ra. WE DON'T St IO-STL ESTHER And wo aro suro you novor used u BETTER BAKER. It Has La Rue Automatic Crate. Which is Warranted. WITH OK AVITIIOL'T AVATUU HACK. Come and see it at . C. G A 1, 1 O W A IV S , Bloomsburg, Pa. OP VAI.UAULK Real Estate. Tho undersigned criculirof Uio lastlll nnd testament of JolicJSands, lato of (irecmrood twp ('olumbtA County, iteccnscd, win cxpo3o to public salo upon the premises on Tuesday, Miirch Gib, '83 at JOo'c'ock In tho foronoon, tho following do- scribed real cstato sltuato In Orcenwood township Columbia county, la', bounded by llreen Creek, and lands of A. II. Kltchen.tho heirs of John ltceco doco3cd, Jncoi ncrrard Hiniucl Albertsoh nnd othora, containln j 78 ACRES, nmlsUt)Mtf porches, m iro or los3, on which aro erected a largi-3 story Fulling Mill In good runplng order, n now FIUMK I10USB, Darn as rooUab r.ew, and all n"cossuy out-bulldlngs, water nttho houso and (Irecn Cr-ck runs along tho edgo of Iho urm and supplies tho mill with water. A young orchard of choice fruit on tho place. TERMS Of SALE'-IO per coat- of k o' tho cur- chaso money to bo paid at the ftrlklng down of tho property; tho . less tho toper cent, at tho con firmation of sale, and tho remaining i tn ono year thereafter with lnrercst from conilrmation nisi. !) K.SLOAN. Exkcctoh miLNIST UA.TOR'8 NOT1CK. SSTiTR OP KI.I2I11EI1I WAI.TRR T.ATR Of M IMTOCA TOWNSHIP IIGCRASKn. LetWfsof vlmlnlstratlii on tin n-ititnnf Kill. Bhnlh U'nllA, ld nf lnn,n.. nmHt. I h ., uwvt.l .....ll, .IIUUKIUI I U ,,311111 uUI. Pa., bavn been cranttl hv thn Ui-irintpr nf slid county to Robert liucklngham Esq. administrator. ah persuiii uavuigciiims against me sam uecu cnt nro requested to present them for settle ment nnu i nose lnueDteuto tno estate to make paimem to tno undersigned administrator with out delav. ROllERT UUCKINOHAM, Feb. 9. Administrator. A mtlNISTKATOlt'S NOTICE. KSTATB OK THOMAS J. Wll.l UltS, I.ATK OP rOUOfOH OF CRNT11AMA, DKCKAtKll. Letters of Administration In thn nntnfn nf Tuomas J. wmiams, lalo of Centrnlla llorough i;uiuinuiu tuuiuy, i-cnn a., uneonsnn, navo ueen granted by tho Register ot bald county to tho undersigned administrator All persons having uiuuiii MKuiiisv me esiaui oi inc m-renent nro re fiuestpd to rr-sent tht-m rnr Rpttleinf-nr mul those Indebted to the csinto to mnko pajment to mu uuui-rsignca nuimniMrnior unnoui neiay. LAFAYETTE FKTTKHMAN, Centralla Janu.irj a, 'S3-ow. Administrator. JICENSi: NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby dven that thn fnllnwlni- num. cd persons havo Illed with tho Clerk nf the ilnurt ot Quuter s-aslms of the peace ot Columbia county, their petitions for licenso, which will be preseniPd to tno sam oourt, on .Monday, ttto ntth day ot February, 1SS3, nt 3 o'clock, p. m. fllltnoro F. M., llloomsburg, do ao rentrn, Orange, do Restaurant uoiiwns cortez II,, Tubbs W. R , Mann .Inn. s , Llnuor store .'lotoL do do do ungi-.iuucii samuei, Oeorge, Bloomsburg. Jan. 12, 'S3. WM. KRICKIIAUM, Clerk i, S. D ISSOI.UTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that thn pirtnershlo be tween I'. C. Trench and James M. snew.under the ilrm nome of c. 0. Trench .c Co., In Scott town ship, was rtlsolved on tio Mh dai- ot January, A. D., issn, bv mutual consent, all debts due and owing s ild II-m aro to i pild to C. C. 'irench.and the business will bo continued hereafter under Iho Urm n?.tr,u ot Make & Show. C. V. THEN cn, Jan. 12, 'S3-1W, JAMES M. SHEW. CLARK'S GOVE GUANO CO. of ni:v nr. n fori), mash., mM.TACTCULt'.a AD POMIUUNUUIS OP Oomploto 3X2aixxoi3, Sleh CU:: cf Tz Zt:nz t:t Om:i t C;eciil Fvpcsci. (liurAntift UmiHrJi, full ulii'-d, mill onipU'lo Inui liui a) coti dltlDii. I'rmiij't t.i limit-nt Water AilJoiuliiK ler , mini, roimnif nt (or Water 1 1 riuporttlon. llellabla i nnn wonii-a ft tickieri, to I wliom territory rn bo a I Utietl Krroanetitly. Ad ' rlrrfi corr poi'1tnre to thom. nr. iiAiiT, Treasurer, New lied- turd, ItliiHM.,orto GEORGE W. KIRKE, OFFICE, 46 SOUTH ST. (near Wall St I, NKW YOItb. Send tnr Uio "KARMKK'S HAND-HOOK ON MANUR1NQ AND MEADOW CROI'S." IUuslratOd. r feb 2-4 w Jau m 'S3-ly. l i wm, M, D. lloiieal Superintendent of tha Sanitarium. Invalid's Home. Bloomsburg;, Pa., Devotes special attention to Chronic Mul adles including Epilepsy, Norv:u: ffe: tions, Bisoa:es of Women, mul to Cancer, in nil its varied forms. Patients received nt tho Sanitarium on reasonable tonus for board and treatment. pM Host CouRh Hymn. ThmcsrckmI. LSi hJ Usolntline. HiidtiydrugKlata. fed aid BELIEVE YOU EVER SAW A HANDSOMER RANGE THAN THE A DMINIBTIIATMX NOTICE. KSTATR OK W. 3, Bt'CKAI.KW, 11RCKASRD, Letters of administration nn thn nttalnnf IV ,T. Iiucknlew, lato ot It oomsburg Columbia county, I'a., Vccensed.havo neen granted nr tho ltpniaterot said county to tho tindcrs'Kncd administratrix. All persons Imwng claims against tho estate of said decedent are lequestcdto present them for set tlement nnd thoso Indebted to tho cstato to mako payment to the undersigned adinlnlstratrlii wlih uutilelav, DORA illICKM.KW, Jan. B 'S3-0W. Administratrix. EVERY LADY. SHOULD MUllSCRtnR FOR vS'Riwbridffp & 'Mothior's FASHION QUARTERLY. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS I Nearly ono thousand engravings, Illustrating tho now things In every dcparimcni of fashion. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINSl Four pages of new muslo. In most eases orlclnal, cither vocal or Instrumental. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS! The prices of all kinds nf Dry (tools, together with descriptions nnd engravings to show what thoy look llko. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Valuable original articles, mostly Illustrated, on subjects that trout of tho adornment ot tho per son, tho beautifying nf home, nnd tho newest things In art needle work, EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS) Instructions how tho distant consumer can shoti as satisfactorily nnd as economically as residents ui uiu uiiy PRICE, 0 CENTS PER COPY. SPECIMEN COPIES, 15 CENT.'. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eight iiml Market Streets, Philadelphia. Jan- 8, 'M-tf. Ely's Cream Balm, A Suro Curn for Catarrh and Hay Fever. Mesirs. wm. Rest Sons., Druggists. New nriitiswlek, N. J.! slno liojhood I navo been troubled with Catarrh and Ilav Fner, and have been un iblo to oht-iln permanent relief until I used Ely's cream Halm, which has rurod me. K L, Ct.icKKSKii, Now lirunsivlck, N. J. Price S3 cents, win mail it. . . HJ.Y's CREAM UALM CO., Owego, N, Y. Jan 20 V3-4w. d SAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary surirpnn nnd rhemlit. now traveling In this country, savs tint most of iuw iiuisii nuu uauie rowaers soki nero aro wort" Jpfs travh. Ho snys that sherldin's Condition l OWderS liro nhsnhlt.t-H-nnrn nnil vuln. nple. Not natron earth win mako n ns lay llko Khprtflnn'H P.ii.riltln,. t,n....t.... nA.n . .............. u wu,.,,, v., , ul, o, i ictiapuuii, ful to i l pint food, sold ever) where, or sent by nut, ,ui ct HJlHT-aiailips. i, B. JOHNCON UO. iioston. Mash. aid Jan M -si-ly. FROM THE SOOTH. A Perfect Combination with twb SUIenU Advan tages- wnv it concerns You. There Is no mlstakn about It." remarked Dr. Flowers, of Gallatin, Missouri. HKN.SON'S OAl'CINK POROUS 1'LAsTBRS nro one of thn ut-uit-si comoinnuons ever produced, 'j hey havo two kinds of i,dvantages over all others, which we may call tho minor nnd the major. First, thev nro clean and pleasant to use, neier soiling the hands nor tho linen ot tho wearer. Second, they net quickly and powerfully. I havo tried the Capclno . ,i, tnjovii iui jiueuinuuiu, unu on my pin- Hits for various diseases, siirh nq Vinrnlr,ln. klim. cular Rheumatism, i umbago. Kidney trouble, etc., and in all cases relief has followed In from three to forty-clght hours." nn1i)rinnl0J?,r m(:Te ?c? le "Tltten or oral S.p.'?, ?,nv,5 i '0,V3a,nd3 ln bl1 Profession. HKNSON'S S,Ar ,niI: s& J,"1 ,us 'lATftHs aro tho perfect ex pI'wmP;1,?? l0.n.' Tm Whulne hao the word !.h,, t ci 1 1,10 centr- I'rlce M cenls. . ,.uauo, i.uernisis, new York. " Jan ai m 4w C B. MOBBUfi DEALER IN Foreign m& Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IK CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. There is no Baking m m mm mm ii it ii Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health and Luxury. aid Silver-Plated Ware. The great improvements during the last few years in the manufacture of silver-plated ware, have In many ways Increased the desirableness of this excellent substitute for solid silver. Not only has great durability been obtained by the new methods, but pattern .and finish, which formerly betrayed the difference between it and silver, now give no clue by which even an expert can distinguish. Clumsiness of shape has given way to the lightest and most artistic forms, and the production of a meritorious pattern in tho solid metal is quickly followed by lu appearance In the less costlmaterial. Even such elaborate decorations as repousse1 and hammered work long confined to solid silver arc success fully produced in plated ware witii a delicacy and beauty leaving little to bo desired In respect of appearance. It is, however, only in the higher grade of electroplated ware that these excellencies of the designer are at tempted to be wrought out, such per fection of workmanship and dainty finish being impossible in the inferior varieties, in addition in the vital defi ciency of these in durability. liAHXY, liANl.s i"; DlDDLlt limit their assortment to the best makes, which they can fully guarantee. Par ticulars will bo furnished promptly as to patterns, qualities nnd prices, on application, and any goods desired will be sent by express on approval, to anyone known to the houso or furnishing reference. Bailey, .Banks & Biddle l'MLADIXl'IIIA. SHALL A COUGH CARRY YOU OFF? "Exactly. You'ro right. It Is a trercy that there's a dozen pounds left of mo. Hut the great est mercv ot all is tnat before I actually coughed myself out ot existence I got hold of Parker's (.linger Tonic, nnd a few bottles of It cured uo." In tills positive strain writes Mr. Abraham rner. of lilghspire, Dauphin Co, I'd. Tho Tonic will render you tho same service. It Is not a mero es ncnco of elngrr, but an original compound ot powerful curatives. It stimulates, warms, soolhcs and tones up the system. d .TanM'SMw. Powder equal to A he art'tubtt, mid Slower Hrrd t'ututozuo furl u t icut 1-KBU tu all nho apply, cu.tuiiietl of I i'm"!,0" n"J ,0' " A" etJ elU m'l ......, , ,.uu ,uuf next ana iruc 10 name. I o fir, that thoi.M t I,. e KtherMUe. 1 ivih to rhll ,1, I cuter uratis. My cotledloii ol vrjetable seed is one uiM ... s.,cai,o , ic iouiiu in any American catalogue, . . . V i'-""' " my own crowing. Aa inel rllllnnl IiUmhIiict of Hurtr Ohla and llurbnnkl 1 ulntiM.. Mnrhk-h.'U.I 1 i.rly l.'orn. Hie llulibitrdl r-Qimali, Jliirlilrhi i,,l 'iil,l,i;,., j-l,lnr ' Altlau, I n,l n tccre ut uil rr new rfpTaiTlp.. I ,. ,h. .,9..nn.l ,f Ik puhlic In Hie "intern, and on li e larnn nlB ...-i , ... , c found iny lieu ancniie. em .liming J, P. Orf &CITV, Mirblclica... leu. u, lin.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers