ilsniiril Wctkly, tivrry I'l-liliir Hori'lrur, nl HLOOMsni'ltO, CUM'MIIIA CO , I'n. nTnT,M,Vi',J!'iAr7 ,,(,r 0l,r' 1,0 wiWrllK'iH out of iiS"11 nnJiTt. m""1 "J? "lrl.('"y ln ml' mice. "j No paper tll-h-otitltitif il rxropt nl tin. onllon lon conlimioii m.,uw will not lx ivrii. 1 ' Jii wf JiVJUi in 1 fn.r."1 n'l''. tiniest n rexj-on-i ii h Sw ? J "J'"1-''1 county rtssiunra lo pay m the county? " '"' na,',nl Um siilwcrll-ora MO B P1UNTI N O . ?, SiTii?. 'J! Sf '-HMrtmr-nt ottlio m an Is very noljniili that of tlidnriroc t on. All work ilnnnnn Mtort notice, neatly and at inodrrati! iXos. Oak Bi-Centennial. ' Oiir exhibit in the Trades Procession of tlic ' , . 'Bi-Ccntcnnial Celebration (.n'OctoGer 25th will illustrate the threat .slock of men':; and boys' clothing now reedy in Oak Hall. Our preparations for the trade of this Autumn and Winter already reach .. i; . v One Million Dollars.; .. Our stock is in all respects the best we have ever offered, and we (irmly believe has never j. .been equaled in volume byanyrutail clothing 4-, ' house in America. f f J J ji f mj Dojno't fail Jto' visit Ok I;IhlhJ Hoolat the ' -' Clothing and Piece Good-, go through the workrooms and see how the vast place goer, on. We have a heariy welcome for all, whether buyers or visitors. The lens of thousands of friends we have made in the .1 'n country about Philadelphia during the last Ii twenty-two . years are, we are sure, morel . . firmly our friends than ever before. IlWu ,!i have gained their confidence by giving them the best dollar's worth of clothing to be had anywhere, and we offer a i.ew pl dj;e 1 f ; fidelity in pur low priceSi'and elegant .tituifliy . stock for this year's sales.. H, Wanamaker OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sdreets. 4 ' ' 1 Philcni-i'nhM. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T 13. WAT.t.lCl!, J ATTOUXIi V-AT-LAW, Ollloo In 1st National Il.u.1; bulUllnir, tecond floor, llritdoorton.orlclit. Corner of Main and .Mar ket streets, liloomsuurrf, )'a. jVT U. FUNIC, ' AT'J'OUNIiV-AT-LAW. litosisr.cwi, l'A. oryce in Kut's imiidinj;. Q It. & W. .1. UUCIf ALKW, lll.OOMSIUMKI, l'A. onico on Main street, 1st dooi bslow Court House. J OHN'M. CL.V1UC, ATTOKNEV-AT-LAW'. lil-OOUSBl KH, l'A. Olllco over schuylers ltardwaro Store. p W. MILLER, ATTOUNF.Y-AT-LAW-oni ;o In Urowcr' bul'illns.&ecor.d No. 1 llloomsVur!,, I'a. 1 PHASIC I'ARR. ' A'l'TOUNHV-AT-TiAW. nioonislmig, Til. ' Ofiloo corner of Centre and MalnBtrects. OUrk's lluliainj,', Can lio consulted ln (lerman. r Y.O. V.. KLWIU-L, A,lvoliN:y-A'J,-iAY. . , ( New co'.vmuun Hvilpiku, Dloom'j'ourg, Pa Member nf tl.o llnac.l StaUw Law Association, onlloeiionn made In any part of America or bu ropa. j., p-'UI. 12. AVIltT, Attornoy-at-Law. Dllleo In Coi.tuii.uN lli'ii.nisd, ltoom No. S, second Hour. MiOOMSlWRO, ?A. ERVEV 12. SMITH, ATTOHNMiViA'J'-LAW, lilootmuiirgi I'a. Oill in Mm. Ent's llulMln?. .. p uy jAeor.v .t ; A'iTORXIY-AT-Ii.VW. UH0.MS1!U1!0, Qflleo ln II. J. ''Yi'iVto'il.o UftR''C''a U"r' "rSt . - .- 111 w uioiiii. - , QlUiS. 'an. J-OHS (. VOfJII.M, Attoi'ney-nt-Lnw. CATAWISSA, I'A. onico In .new.1 Itbm bulldlnt', Main blreet. , Member of tlio American Atto.ueyb' Assocla- ColloUloni mado In any part of Arn"rla-i. Jan. s, Wl. A IC, OSWALD, ATTO I ! N H V- AT- LAW. Jackson Unllilliiif, Rooms fond fi. May C, SI. IIKKWICK, I'A. y H. ltH.VWN,,' 'a'itounhv-at-law. CatAwissa, l'a. l)nlo, corner of Tttlrd and Main Sticota. yM. II. SNVDER. ATT ) 1 ! X K V- AT L AAV, Jrnnjjjovillf, l'a. "-onioo In Low's Hulldlnt', second lloor, secoud Upop f.0 tli? left, .Can bq,comiUtteid In (Jernao. ntiir H HI - J"' ' H . 8, KN0IU1. U 8. WINTIHSTIIN, Notary 1'ubllo ICNORIl fi WINTEItSTEKN, A t ) ornoys'nt-ljuw. onitfB In 1st National lluik hulldlnif. teeoud lloor, tlmtdoorio Iho Kit. Corner ef Mam and .Market etrutjtu llloomsburi;, IM. iQr PtnuuM mid lounlics ColUctul. J II. MA !'!:, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ANIl JUSTICE OK THE 1' 12 ACE. omootnMiH. UuVa HulUUnir, third door from Mamstjvot, stay vo, "si. yM. L. liVERLY, A'rTOHNUV.AT-IAW. Catawlaaa.l'a, oOiioctiona promptly made and remittal. t7o&iWCDK. til a. day at homo eatlty i.udi P'Costlv outllt free. Addrosa ThuxA Co vniHii, 4M1I1D, marui. 1.1 .1 y a. E.ELwELL. 1 J. K BITTEHBENDEB, ' y True and the 6c Brown O IiOCKISailAM. Atlorney-al-Lnw, t ii.uiucu, urocKways iiuuuing ;ist nuor. Uioomsbiire, 1'cnn'n. way 7, '80-t f C (l. r.AKKLKY. AtloinrT-fiM.nw Pi J , onloo In llrower'a building, 2nd story, P.ooirs J P. McKKLVV, M. D.,Btirfienn and Pliy J .aletaD,nortti8liioMnln 3trcet,bolow Market A L. FKITZ, Office rA.t In Columbian nulldlnff, Jiinest l . MISCELLANEOUS. e. smith, Attonn'y-utl.iw, llcrwicl;. 1'n. Can lio Conniltcd in Gorman. also rn:sr.(!i.A-i fiim: and r.ira iN'sntAXcu: coMi'ANiRs i:i:ri:Esi:xii:ii. tliTOnicc with Hie Hcrwlck Imlepcnilcnl. f( M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCH8MITII hmTing Micninesana Marninery oral) Kinds tC' li itn d. Orxr.A Hocsn Hulldlntr, lilooraBburs, l'a. AVII) LOWENBEHG, Merchant Tailor I iiu:u nr., aooro central iiotei. ,i Q It. .1.0. It UTTER, ''UVSICTAN A'bUIIOEON, OClce, Ncrtli Market street, Uloorobburg, I'a. rR. WM. M. REI1I2H, Hiujieon I l'nyslclan. omco corner of Itoel: and Alurket tt i I.Mr i j r n 13..-..., I IV. 14l.l3, .!. kJ,. u.jv.iti nun t) . I'liysICaa, (OKlce and Iicsldenco on Third nrja'. y II. HOUSE, '. ' 1 DliN'J'isT, l!l.)()MSI!J-!(!,C()l,U.MIIIA C'ol'NTV, Ta. All styles of work done ln a superior manner, work vai nimeu . rwineieuii'u. iinn aiTKiiT. en without I'Aisliy the U3o of (las, and 'fraojaf chariro wiien ariinelal tcetb aro lnierted. (jfilcc over Hloonsburi: Hanklnvr ComDany, lohenpen atfiaU Imun during the day. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLCOiISEUr.3, PA. OI'i'OSITKCOOUT llOl'HK. I.iirt'o an! convenient nau.plo room3. Hat). rooms hot and cold waier,and all modern conveniences 'FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. I '-)0( I A. J. EVANS. Tim npUNn Olotl.lcr. has jut received a line lino . finoiU. iimi mnrnnareJ 10 maku un r ' hALL AND WIN I tK SUl 1 1 For Men and Hoys ln the neatest manner aud Ja- to:.t styles, GENTS' FUHNISIUNG GOODS, Hats. Caps. &o Always on l.und. Cull nurt Kxnmlue. KVANS' HLOCK Comer Mul 1 and Irn sirceis, 8.- F. SHA8PLESS, FOUNDER AND MAOHINIST. NSAS U & B. DSPOT, BLOOISSBURG.PA. Manufacturer of Plows, Klovesand all kinds ot Castings. Lurjo htoek of 'lluivure, C00U btoves, ltoom (jtovoii, Moes for lieauny btores.fceliool liouscs. churclii". .v.'. Also. liir'U suck of re pairs forcny tiuv.'b of all klnda.v l.ulesule and rotall ,suel. as Kirn lirlek, (ImU's, ..MJ.iviilres, ostou .mo. 1:00k tlolifis. hnldt-rs. Cuku 1'l.ueH. jiro Iron Kettlt'H. hied Vi Its, WnifO.i lloxi s, all kinds of now I'oinis, Aio.tid iioarm, nous, rmsicr, salt mii; MAAflUi, iU feu.3t-f TRHAS HHOWN'S hUHANOK AUK.NCV.'a new bulldlnt', Main t'CL, UlJUIllSUUIn, I U, ABSCtS i:tnu Insurance Cu.. of llaitfoul. Conn. iT.ofS.VM Koyal of Uverpool , i3,5iu,uoo I.aneaslilni 10,010,000 Kirn ABsooiatton, I'uiuacipnu.,,,.., . 1,103,111 l'liiunlx, of Loudon '. r.,iia,a7S Lundon Lancashire, of England.. . l,leu,uio llartfor t of lUrlford 3,-I3.uoi Hpilnifneld t'lru atid Marinu v,os.',&s3 As tlio agencies arudlroct, policies aro written fortlm Injured itltUout any delay In thu. onico at uiooinsuurK, uui. oimi, ?IRU INBURAKCI2. CllllISTIAN Y, KNA1T, HIOMsllUItU, FA, lllUTISIl AMKHIOA ASSllltANOB COMI-AHT. Ot'ltM AN FIKK 1NKUUANCU COMl'ANY. NATIONAL FIHK INSUHANCB COMl'ANV. UNION INHUHANCK CUMPAN V. 'ihesfl old coitroiiATiuNS are well seasoned by airo and unit tkstuu and liavo never yet bad .1 10M settled by any court ot law. 'I'lclr asseU are all Invested In homo stcuKirimand arc liable to tlia Uamrd ot nus only. Lines rnoamv and iiOKtjiur adjmtcd and paid soon as acmmiuea uy uuKidrtiN r, iiN.rr. crvcMk apu Aojiidmu i.u;uhs tOHli, I'A. Tim nconlo of Columbia aouuty should natron l;o up a;juoy wl.-ru losses It auy aro eottlei nu un.n or ouo u. .auir owu uuizeun. I'ltOMl'lNKSS, KCJUITY, l'A lit CKALINO. JAMES REILLY, TonBoi'inl Ai'tist, Is a;aln at liW old Bland liVOIIAVOK Hol'UL, and bas as usur) a V UlST-OKMia UMiuiiKSlloi'. no rospuctfuliy soueits the patrona?(j of niaoldoustomcM and ot tliu puouo uuerui.r. juiy.9, suii it BLOOMSBUltG, PA mm In cndlroi v.tricty. E SILVER Of the most acceptable designs anil superior workmanship. SPECIAL ARTICLES Of Silver, in tasteful c.tscj for presentation pur poses, covering every range of price and style. Will bo mailed t. any address on application. BAILEY 12th AND OIIEBTNUT, l'lITLADELPniA. M. C. SLOAN k BRO, lil.OOAlSIJlTRG, PA. Minufacturcrsof CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. FlrbKlass work always on hand. ItEPAlRIXa yJHA TLYnONE. Prices reduced lo juil the times. QENERAL ELECriOX I UUL LA.ilATIUN. 1, i..u ri. j.rti, iiii;ii rwienil 111 uu- lumbla rotintv, CommonwenltU ot Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and proclaim to the quail tied electors ot Columbia county that a general rieeiiui. 111 ut. item ui. Tuesday, November 7, 1882. (bel..','llio Tuesday next following the Una Mon day of bald montlii for tlm nnrnoso of eleetlnff tho several persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: Ono person tor (ioversor ot l'ennsylvanla. Ono Person for Lieutenant Governor ot Pennsyl vania. Ono ne.son for Judeo of tho Sunremo Courtof Venn1" ivaul t. Ono person for Secretary of luttrnnl affairs of Pennsylvania. One norson for President JudL'o of the Ju dicial district. Ono person for member of Conifress for tho lllh Consnsslonal Dlitrlct. ono person for Htato Senator. Tvo persons for Itcpresentatlvea. Ono person for Sheriff f Columbia county. one person for coroner of Columbia coun'y. Two persons for Jury of Colum. bli county. I also hereby msko known nnd slvn not leo tliu places of holding tho otnreaald ilfcttbii In the (evi'rut ward., bornngln. dlstilcts nnd townships wllliltt the countv ot Columbia are as folluws, Ir. ;eaer tnwiisbln. at tho nubile house of lliarles Alileman. lienlon townvhln. at Iho nubile nouso of llliam uess, in ui. iiiwu o. i.eiiio... Last Illoom, at tlio Court House, In Illoomsburg. West lslooin, at the court House, In llloomsburg. Hoi oUL'hof IleiHlel;. at thu olllco of W..I. Knorr. ln tlio borough of Lerwick. llorougli otOentralla. at the public liouaoof Wll- Ham relft r. llrl.ii creel; township, at tho nubllo school house near lit unsvllle. Catawlswi townshln. ot tlienubllo house of O. L. Kuslenbauiler & Co., In tho town of Citawlssa. Centro township, nt the school house near Lafay ette Creasy's. North Convngham Dlstilct.attho school houso near tho colliery of John Anderson ,c Co. South CunyiiL'hain District, at tho house ot Mrs. Thomas Monroe. rishlngereeU township, at tho school houso near C. Ii. While s. . Franklin tuwnsldn. at tlio Lawrence school houso. (ireonwuod township, nt tlio house of L. 1). l'atton. Hemlock township, at tho nubile houso of Chas. II. nictrorlcli, In the town of lluck Horn. Jaeksoii township, at tho house of Kicklel Colo, Locust tho nubile houso of Daniel i;noir, In Numeilla. Minilu townshln. nt tho nubllo houso ot Aaron Hess, in tho town of MlnilmlUe. Madhon tuwnshln. nt the nubllo school houso ln Jerseytowii, Mt. Pleasant township, at tho Mltlertawn school house. Montour township, at tlio nubile houso of lieu- ben lUucii, at Ilupert. Main township, at the nubile houso of Jeremiah E. Lougenbei ger, 1'oailngcrcck townshln. at tho houso of Samuel Miller. orange township, at tlio public houso of E. Unnngstlii OrangcUlie. l'lno liiM inhlii. nt the Ceutro School House. lately fixed by a vote of the citizens ot s.dd tuwn- silip. hugarloaf township, at the houso ot Norman Col.'. Westhcott at tho public Iioum) ot Iheodoro Heilc. Last Scott township, at tho public houso of Jacob Miller, In Kspy. At nil elections hereafter held under tho laws of this Cornnioiiwe.llh. thf election polls shall l o oiicneil ai seu'i. o'clock In thu forenoon, and shall continue upon without lutciruptlon or ml. Jouniitifut until seven o'clock In Uiu cvenlugwheu the polls will bo closed. JvOTlCE IS IIEUEIiy (IIVEN, Tliatmi'iy person excepting .lustlecs ot the 1'eaeo.iliil Aldenmii, Notaili s 1'iiUllo nnd Per sons In Iho Uillllla se.Meu of tho Ntnte, who shall hold or shall ullhlu two mouths li.nelielil any rni'-o or niip jlntinnit of piolll or trust uiidur tint l'riid sialrs, orot this State, and city or fi.. poj-atcd dliru'lct, ubctuvr a coiniulsstuiied ollleer or oiuerwlsc, a suboiillnato oilleer or agent who Is or shall lui employed under the Li'glsla. ture, Hxecullvo or .ludhlnry Deparlmetilof this hiulo, or of rfiiy (Ity or nf iiuy li.corpor.itid ills, trlet, aud also, that ocry iinmbir of cougii'sH and ot the Statu U'glsliiluru, nnd of thu select or common council of any ciij.or cummtsslonors of any Incorporated district, uin by law l.icaiublu of holding or iercslugni tho sanio Uiuu thu olllce or niuiolntuieiit of .liuL'C. Inspector or Clerk ot any cli'i llou of this Comiiionwealth.uu I I nut no inspector,. i uugo oroiuer oiuccr ot bucn cicc. Hon sli.ll bo ellirlblotn be then voted for. Tliu luspeclois nnd Judge (if IheeUctlons shall nifet nt tho respect it u places npimliiteil for holding tho election In tho illstilct to f hleli they rcspoctlvcly belong, bi fuin seven o'clock In tlio morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shall boa ipullilcd voter of bucn u.sinci. Thu .mantled voters of tho several dtslrlctx In this county ul till general, township borough and sneclil dictions, in o nercbv hereatter uulbor. lcilnud it(ulivd to loleby tlckits printed or written, or pinny pun.i'i. aim pjruy wiiucn, Severally classined us follows! Ono ticket shall embrace tho names of nil Judges of Courts voted fur, and labelled, outside, "Judldary;" onu ticket shall embrace thu mimes ot all tho statu onicersvoi"d for and to bo labtllod "Mate:" ouo ticket shall embrace tho names ot nil county ofllceri votod tor. Including thu onico of Senator, ntul ilcmliein of Assembly, If voted for, unit members of Congress, It voted for, and bo label, led "County ;" ono ticket shall embrace tho names ot all township tilllcers voted for, and Iki liiLielkil 'Township i" one ticket shall eniorueo tho names of ull borou-fh ollloeni otod for, nnd bo labelled "llorough," Anduaeh claw shall bo deposited In separata uanotooxos. U, II, !NT, bUcrlir, ,Sept!9-U OUR BOOIC m SILVER i oil mht n f.Ri Aw waarwwr unn ah r .nihfl i i .... ...... o' j UiaV htm 1 .11 I H I III 11 1 H I I - '-v - :i BsSsfrSs W y I I . u II; 1 iu Hi 1 U 1 ML I a " ,; ., : Lara 7 ( 1. p . i I f.i : i' ti i . : -i a I iiwijwirjiiiiwwiwwmjMnttfviaAjllLC'iJ''5'i' ti.j iiiwui'a'jlaVssUsjit'timtTtrTtW6ij L.CsWsWstoisii rwwiaMi) gf 1 ii. i. t lMMiinftn'li aui. -'TfccrnJ. , Cioitltonni'i Sick Wi-ililni'liH , cliriinlo ninrl rlunn, .Taundlcp. Impurity of (lui lllood, rrviTmul hull all Dlscitspl T 4. niilised by . !!' rnngemct of Liver, llnvieU nnJlUdneynl BrMPTOM.q op a i) r.jvr.n, Ibil llrratli. ruin In tl". 'Mi'. nttliSM lbs r.iln Is felt under the Sh ulili r IiIa.K-. mi.lkn fo itlieumruism IMs nf Ilaweli Kntrnlly cMtire, unclitnis nltonsltnit With lixj e head 1. troubled wait p uti. It diill nnd hrtvy. with contitlerable Ir.i rf nuTH.rv. nMummnleil with A painfi,Wentli tt of hnv uinlonaloiAclhllif which ouRht to havi Ik rnr ri nc , t ll(tht, ilry oa;lt And Untried face it somctlntt fcrl Attendant, Xttlci mlilaken fur comumr-tioni the patient colticAifni iiii ficlal,yet one can har'Uymiriimort up fortitude tt try ll In fact, dljtru.w every jMulbdy. SevtrJ of the Above lymptonc; attend tbtj disease, lilit cases have occurred When but few of thcin existed yel examination fier death li shown the Liver . have been extensively deranged. It aI.oi.M lio i.Apil by nil por.nnn, nlil i.nij young, Ttiiftiovcr nny of tliu nbovo I Kjitiptiiuis npi.ear. , ' , 1'crAot.A Trnvrllng nr .Llvlns In TTnl lienllliy I.iiculltles, hy i.iV'iik a dose ocraslon. ally to keep tho Llcr in hcalihy .icilrn. will avoli all, .Miliaria, Ulllnus ntlnelis. Dirtiness. Nau ses. Drowsiness. lJ.rt' will Invigorate liltc a . ' toxlcnlln; lievoragc. a i.f bp wine, I ir Yin. havo rntcn nnyllitng hard oi illKi'olliiii, or fi-et hi.ivv aficr meals, or step less at night, take u dose .indyou will be rclleted, Tlmo Dnrtors' Hills will bo avotl by nlivnys lioriilng tliu Iicgulator In llm Ifotisel For, whatever the .uliiiem may 1m', a dioruughl) safe imrgullti', nlli'iittlvn m.l lii.ilo ci net er be out of place. '1 It rem 'y Is liuiu.Ici'l .mil iluos ..ot lull i role with busluc-is or ltleusuru. it m runi-iw vrmrrATir.K,. AnJ lias all the power .ihH tlhciry of Calomel or Quinine, without any of llm Injurious nfter cffiKtsj A flnvcrnor't Ti-sllmony. , , Sinimotu Liver Ucgilator has been In use In ray; family for some time, and 1 an satlsfud it is valuable addition to the medical rricnCQ, I J, GlU. .Sl.onrt B, Coicrnor of.Ui. Hun. Ale-tnnder If. Stpidioiu, of (IrtJ sayst Have deri.ed 8mc bencht ln,m the list li Simmons Liver Regulator,- and uuh to cive it m further trial. ",'f ho only Thing Hint nrver full ti, Itcllevc." I have used many remedi! for DsJ Pipsla, Liver Aflectlon nnd Dcnillty,' but never have found anj thins to benefit mo to tlx extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from MM ncsota toOeorgia for Ir, and wiuld'cndfurthcrfort such a medicine, and wbuld advise till who are sim ilarly auccted to give it a trial as it seems the on! thing that never falls to i i-lkve 1' M. v, Mnneapcl'j, Mlnn.l I)r. T. AV. .Mi. hoi. Ai.ysi From actual rerlence In the use of S.mmons Liver KcguUtcr In! my practice l have boeii and am satirficd to uso . and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. j tSyTaltc only the Genuine, which always' has on the Wrapper tho red. Z Trrnle-MTarlt and of J. H.'ZllTLUf i fj. JH3'1!1 11V AM. DKUGGlSTS. AuguAt, 4 'j2 1y 3 Dk. John F. 'ilANcocK, inacciiticai Association uf ijjc UiatL-ii f;tatts. E.)b : "Krown's Iron Tlttri Va-t x l;cavy sale, U concedetl.tu be n fmi tonic; tlte char.ictcr jf th!mHi. ficturers U n voucher for IxH jurLt and racdlkLnat txckUcaLn:." l Du. Jo.Krit'RoiiKnTr;, rrcsMtnt Dftllira-pro riutrnaceuticnl ' College. Eaj3: ' ' "rindori! It Riff fme mciudns, reliajjtc o a sticnf:!)cnc ficc ftom ilcoln-llc iuispin' Dn. J. Farts foom;, Piu D.t Professor of Vaimacy, Baltl-' mote rharmacoiilii-ul Collcyq, $ay: "Tlrnwn's lion Tlittcr a Rvf free from tlccholic pohnns, ami can l- rccoinr.itr.dcd aynlc fr ma Atnonj thnu w)m ti'cs'i nkohol," Du. Edward EAniciKsoi-r, Secretary lialtimoi c Coliogo of Vhai nucy. says "I Indomr !t f.i -nrt cicclltot' ftud :i i.on-lntoxicai.t i.i x)iA fullest Dr. Richard Sahngtq; one of Ualtimore's oliU-ot and fuott reliable physicians, ''Sas: ' 1 "AH yho have usI It rraiie standard Mttuci, nnd t'tc oll l.aowrt character of the houie which makes It U ainfficient rnianmtea 1 1 us ucing on iunt !? cmtmti, lor they are mm v-, lio could nof d In iluccu to ever a' nythips else blit tt : Kr i.uulic use." ' reliable medicine 1. A Druggist Cured. lloonsleiro, M.I., Oct. ir, )3&. Gentlemen i liruwn's lion Hit ters cured me cf a bad lituclc cf 1 ndigchlion nnd fullftcK In the stoni cel.. lUvhii'lBi.tedlt, I ukepleas lire In jecommcntlina it lo i.i cus. .omers, and am nl.i.l to say Ic gived entire satisfaction lo all." (Jto. W. llutuAK, Dru&Ut. As!c your DnlK-jist for IlltoWN's I ROM IIi iters.'ji.hI take no either. One trial -will convince yuu that it is just Viliat yuu nccJ. Varcb, 3, v.'. ly Diilitiirs, Wives, ito-si I IT I n A M DiscovEnmt oi1 'du. maroiiis' A POSITIVE CURE FOR FEMAlE'COMPlAlnTf. This lernedy will act In l.ara,o-f w.ili tli' inslo fintem ut nil tin"'', mid uJki dl ib. -upuii the itbdamliiiil r.u.1 inci-nin im.-i b niidtt' tsloro ti n l.faltl.y Mid uriinKCOii lil.on, Hr. MarehWil'tfinioCii'i I'icon will ciuu (b. l.uut the) womb, Ia'Ui 'irrlm i,l urul.ic I nil unn L tlon and VlccrBl.un ft tliu Wnniu, 1-icidejirjl l!morrIinco nr Uo.iillu. iMliif ul, 8 iiiiu-f t. H-d IrrtntuhrMcusiru din , bilnev t' .iui'd', llarroiinuisundlsi.i't-i'nsil .. n pt iltunn, n.u. .' eiflJfe. Bend fur buii-pli i Htn, An I' lurfl 1 inquiry frei ly ainwercil. Ailnitinsassbme, 1 pr mlobyiilltlriirt-libi. Nrw-tin M iirrbollll , lhl nlii is 1 .00. Un -iuru "n l nt-l: fur l)r, Jliii ehld's t'teiliiuCatholli -in. akstiooll.i'r, 1 "Moyer UroB., WhobiRlo Ajfi-nt, Hl'niinBbuivI' !- i-51-tjl. wm JFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF OOWSTBPATBON. Ifo oilier dlacaso la so pr ovalont la this ooun try aa Coiutlpaiiou, nad no rotoodrbaa evci caualletl tho celebrated Jitilaoy.Woi't 04 a euro. Wwuovci' tlio cauto, Uawovcr ptjstuiau tbo case, hl rtiao ly will ovoroomo it. oomnllcateJwltlioottitimt'oni latroaalUoni tho vr - l(cii dpartaand aMlokly an4 xaciuuun iiBwue-iofuniiwu, Ciryoatvoiiinprcriiiowouwci USE DR. J. B.ROfSTS!; ill ii . i . ..! 'nl :t ' ii '! i n i !' ' ' 1 1 . 'I i. .- . , , ' .,, . t?rpeiit!!nlsU-aW mnmiCTiwgiLJtlLVH'.'pi'tMi.iij iiiwiM'itv.lwijiiirti.'iu'rjrTy'Kitiu vtxmtkiiMiMmrMimymtmiKt 1 r-.'. . -II ' i T . .1 ,il.- t . ii i.rl' J u ',, tJ: ! t.i 1 frrrrfT'-f' I IM .ll J.' 'ifli il'Ji H" tWrf'tLti1fMKl " i , .) -i." in I'm, un i il'Ii Ii;.' t 1 (l'rlill!rilrttlelMirlfKmt.) ' . 'nl. t 'H I' T,'Jl!H le HP?1-. '' 1 I Anil now Iho elwrt , , , I I ' '' TIIUnKMMiilrt''i'il. ..; . ,Htro!iittii(0)fiV'srl.Jlitif!..,,, , ' ' iLn-AuhUKttilv it'i i- m 'I i.n'l ' I i I ... 'Ti"! KPtKl Ijat''iib . J-jif f i lease l' U) UtiilHO .Tit. riilJWnnotWilriHi i.i. T.A thi trtvul. I I ' 'And iTfit UWlWeft " .i"ini' inlhit ifArvl SI rlvo m l wi tiff mobloiit titan.: M ' ' . I Dilute viirylH s'.Jji'werUli i. i I I. I ,1 . . t-tft.--tiriHmtt w "li ! ' TUB OLD PATHWAY, .t (l ! - nT I Tin1 pa'l.w.i, h'dfi mt I i" firiu-vuid guli'. 1 llown bv tli- tin i' k-ldo, (hriiu'.'li thewood ; The night wlpdiiluriflUriifl, '"Un l'mr Is lute." uiu' v '"twdin thtnnufli twit lilt Qlllllibl -I'vhI. i.iiiBiii.uiweji' 'taoiJiotfii -ntiiiuriUaiw- NOmi ixlKLili Isni .oitiiimutirfotv. ni; FOItllHIOVllllJ'ftiil' 'm,-'uy'k'''Hiiis itTnJllftsthtt.n uiv MldTeT 1 '.HTW")' v.'if neaOi rv.ultiig Artn to keitji i ihiiSilrVilftoiid liiuitpSiit 'lb ill ilfullV IS tllslrdfr anOIll linettllli'. Oti" of th'-Jiiftpy iCLuMentMbiiiM', I M.itrlifcl'tdni ui, i iinf atin.lni.g tiMck,) Ti, ilml liiruiinliljin l a-jini Iiais .i ,vi, M I 4"' Tt Jjje 17 ," iiiM i .'.inie'tWC .1 w . - . Htinw uiiddalV'wtflYirsgivolLhl ; The ritofHl-. tUMyt4itli'' wood Is li.ii-e ; An ii in. the lilllVtiVKl tl." lieji. Wmies tthlle I'ltaa.!' Jtiv imtllii ie .' I Il' Ii. . i .tiiiiii' iiijir,.! my tmioiijyai.; ,!. nt, tin Cud t i HIT 'Ibfirf.i'i it'll-. mm BEHlNiniIlffI5livA'.j (SHIELD ttiimtr, rliot-i ,hyi lii- liyk. sob vlut ,w bolii'vej.I m tho sttjn nintiirnl, Iiiit, 'il. (irolr-jiil,, JnW W'cVbUti.hfil lo.jIniH,iiwr iiliflijiitit ci to htm than ih'- covnt'i-'i' rf thi!" loom. fm. l;iniis Irnllic'ti (..infshed 'to iiccortt vttu , ii)e .suojpi-c under discy-,, . uiu I 'ii.'. , mill it sci'n.OiI that lilt Hlmdiitv!-, wi in.' a -kllitnl .tli.i jhouiic I Vt'Oillu. LliD5(eTi.T QaSsbv j!tl3T8?Une fhlit tvliuii ono f,'l;(ijf;piy at them Hiiituvay sililili'lllyi ,Uii'l B w eumitf litito tlTaaiilil facc'l thi'iitjito, Int e.irj'.'ri tlioy ro oijly onliuatv fllmnoi.jfcjiiiJv.tYas tiHliani- tvliuii ono ''litofpii at tlu iti siiiowaVn iiilili'iily. .Uii'i'tt wa-i, pom'tiliiiiaaiaiiiiil 10 r(i oi-niiiiscir; noT.v.iTitrai(i ins u.,jvi'.s fnt'-mstoaily;, .t, ' lycjl $VV tli cm. Ilckniuva ,vav to uo0 it., . Mrar the Itai;yirri Jejiji-Ji he win sLiyiu auiKiiulisli ..(toimuy, lOiiSL'J'WHii'nt 'ii'' jol'lhc oldt'r' pat-tor ii'icn ' ! lid. . H ... 1 1 ..: '.' . .!'.. ' i II. u ut-eill WUHW tli nil1 till' ndw. Uiu u'ho IWiUrit iiiunlwijitcd, J u t ,t i i dtfri tt -. H U Wmir-i-ii' arllbvW U4nH' itfRiMloA.'l.Ll letirty wtu tin-v.itltliif llic (,'Pi'i'ty40; liumv'it hail oii.' Ih'ci (vnincctHii tvitit jtfVyhuilihiiWjiii or.iHtj'UUijvJ.0 had been li ft tint in tlio uliaiijii'tt Iniiili! ,1, jlijtTjjri'iii, biint;-- npi;wy , it. was ijii)tV los-t, mo wmiis jtvore oiitmblou, ami ti. illoi-i'i-oiiii. ntiii!i yji.i,;ill tli;.nnli-' ny ini'tcns,' to a hiibitntoi,, ,!)') i)t' 'fi)KMl a hUitMbluojjihjulj,,- beings wliLi '.via-il-saia lu loom. In it, I'ln' .ei- i i ij .i.j,i'i-t,ii til hail a tl' -ailly i-niil. lint IIium' iants sci'iiicd concliH'umS 1'i'iJfn tho liatnrt1 l.t thitiy-i riiUu-iiiM(Llia uit-itbesis ob.sf fcl ftyft!, )'miu' jaitltf, Ticcauso .tlit'y Wtnili 't'aeiiil soi .uii"(!UWli aliout, .sttit'otiiiL' I Un-(!UWh aliout, .sttlcotinij v want. . . . -1 bonus imbodv flut wnntH. . 1 hat cvt-ty-, Ashiiyj coiiyjfitud' tlio lvjiorts tif thi'ilaou itself witli Udi'ies nf-m'o;hts'anil Hoifln,! aififi'ii'd it. That i"- 'ft,1!.'1! b;iist.It yti'lduiji lfjo nnioh lo tiMii.-wij)icti of K'.Wl'-iitbal.hiiiduti-iwriiL'd to tthnke. olfaiiu Mvaknt'-ifi ftiitl '.o t-.v what, ritrtft luMraviiiHd'' off. Ul'' Sl:nd ii ,t !s"N-eo iintu Jf -t(r balls arid' )iT the f-'histt .'i.( pi'ii. lit- Uiiow e'liiiiiyli that i. VM'iiM lie, XiolJi'm' 1 it. in- ,ui iii, ei-ii ii.i-i.ij.iii. no, i.u; ,., ..... ...ll i.i ..I.... ... .1 -.- tuiuiis t im cam merely unit . tie Was i.. ., .....11 l.ll.. ..!." ii'.iitii mi n.inv ii, 'uiuiv aivnv'i' tins jhostly ;itinosphcre by tr little. fresh air. Ao'juUy voluuteeie.1 ViacjjJutp-vtlvJiji inuiii .ulil .luvur t-uaii.jii in.j: . ,111-u.aiU'- l'ul to them all. They onlv jjookud :n'. l, ..ii.. .. .., i i..,i.r, .i ..." 1.-.IVII Ul Hi.' . prin . ' Wi.-1 ii v .. . .Ill, Ij-Il iiiein, and said : ' '. "Anothi-i' Aiusiieanistn." ''.' Thero is an linrcasonins elemfllt ,iu liuuian n.-iture whieh iv-tiiiiii'j pvffi in 'liyiduality of u foruiaoer. iOibwia jjUti ionnl oliarautorisliis, 3r, AshtoiivAwhritn the foit of the hoiH.'htvd beoomo-'rto-fnaiti(ed' !t!i i L-indoti nrifl broitgjit" homo with him lor a visit, wiU to his eutt'iiaini.i's ,iiu oiitiiin. of Aintriei, and it nuvlue iMiitevsj.l that at thu enil ol a week they h. i l i-ii.ii,to havoagotnl opinion ol that r.ittnliy. J J-'.'l",-)-!' '.,,!,Jl!r,il-1!y..VIJ Htf, ill .i-e-.ini:i,i. bi.-ii jm l lie. SKV. 11 IL 1L i-iiiH'd as if hcLuiivi'iL, eiiul.lj'et out of! Hi- f.h Sl&tifif Uffl tri flnhiireSlwoi-o WW. 'V w. . . , , , ' lio soon oiiiuB to tu. ..iiiui a .inlli' 'a wit t ho opened tli heavy, gatoimpd nr- "tn lOdeHeoiiiithi'ioiigiirylit ofstiuvs lea linir into the eoni lorn "and' Wifims ;n Mjrpui j (j ,:iml ;'jujd. MfiM il'i,-e have l.iH'ii ini-M.ii'.; Did tiio'nl;s co'iio litra for iiiaftrs or pfntiuce. or were- tlu-p- .l.iniri.oiis wht'I- eantivea takt'ii'iu' the putty wat faros of t'liose I ilium ell Urn nt'vwiiiil vontreaiico.df uiein c-iptors i no thought of thu ono dtM'ilb'd -in "Ivaiihoe," into- which Isaac tVl-'Jl'V waslhl'rtWll dhrlf. iln'mn hung wiiit' t-liahw and shackle und, ..Vlioiei, I.,WIU,1U! ol ,110il)t OfIult wiw Uo..jintnildiiig htiinin bontju. lit whs no womltkr ho-KH wewi said to haint'rt'pTUi-o liktvthfit. lu'the mid-t ot the'sii tlioiWhttt tJ.o Kai.t lie had left oioiijuiijji . Ul'with a ei.iiiu;, HiiutuuK out oaiuuy tuingri ue hiii.l him, "Sip Hv ti he went dowii ih" -.(-su'e'Ri'drs ifitn-blackneiw to whinli the uigl't.outHldM was twilltflit. Sonlu iiuirt,liuiiiUi,U ti ln.i)i' a hoih-i'Ui It lltl'H ll.l SlIII'jMJIi Ml. IlklUJl. it.w.H mvo ii'"ittng ot-Ws litnti't. . Ut-ii Imivwoh fie loot ut I he stalls he still (".ei-frlpssl jttill' tliofb hiit o lii'ds dtriiek ugmiint a wall or i)ill(ip 'for hi) wfti piwslnj thiiijjli an nrislipa u.iii unu i'uiiKi) in a tyairpw lftJ)9 ll' UUXI, Wlll'ivil WUM In) UIIMIgUim en h fhh woin, tar tlm ir uIim In' totinablo difter-rioe, und the blnototts MillliiU lli.1l -.! hpaee instoud 6t vtb ' ' i iney've none. , f HIMX't ii R I tl m sialic., Jijjioptl .tiiorc, "' uici;lniii- .wnieji, w;y iiivt- it i.i , uu,.v-riy1,v!ir-i... ' f t.!.. f..,.4... I II... l..i.i.f.u nf. L' i l".v'Av vu ,lncl.'nr.aia .mil Hlinlii'ie w.illil. yhM )m Men i--(-Tvr ii:-'t,-i'i- , i f , f l IU' tiiistt.tQ.uttor Jus , uhallpni'o. but Jim dry 'liiH would imofouttli no sound, nil abysSjOr nj.;ht Hcciuutl U), swallow huii .,,SlpuIliiJy1 V- fn'j'?.,,Jwn1,1i inejU, o l)oiilil .that, 'iut4yiiiig1llkp . i i iiu ui- ..j jii-n.' , t p ,1 (tertaili iWg, pu'j waft, not to. U cotyetl bj', a, fucjiug , whicli ho' Miiiflib(j,ar)liamprt tej oivii to hunsc ilv tliu, Uiiyui' til., i iv itiuvei (.luutiejiitiiu rem rMi.'it.-.l ..iiwibl,. ii frtli. ulciliu .1 in 1 ' ).Ve i i i 't ('" . nf . J l')1! ' y ', . . 1 F llirirf w nu' :flinr. Iiimr- ' liX nil f foil I; " -. . 1 If W,,-..V .,,( with dull U'vcr hfivaiiori, ... 11i VL''!.j : jyitli ttiiH ft'Adtd Jiu, slfo'ot,! a.iuom WduU tliinu' of itl to do- out- tin nwaituiit ifsultK. If fjiovt' had not ifsuTtK. Jf Uiov e. . i t . lui ji own, a vii'iv u JiJ-Jiparrt, , it uie ueavniL' .this liuuvt iiail, not hiadtf ovoii lits , iiit nip Tin ' won Ision unsK'fiil)', Jit) .would hayo, --aid tllttt.lip liiard Htjbi luard Htjbiltietl laughtoi', M fiionniiiL'. a was. iniDossiblo to , iel wlb' 'nrt jhc.ibnMrohud. 'fovaid''.lii.Vl KOIlljini , JWlllie;jlt.-'J ,111 .nu (iuiv llllll CO... ,HligRllieJl, . . . . "! W Ii .ii ,i . ,v., J . u.tuta iioiio an no iiati . vvsoivan 10 illvailjfllai.irQ rijinit'-J ly1i;l lit, i u.t raw, iuhf il .ni). ,y m. . unrfasmiinif h Tnso of pursuit that uouies ovor due1 when. ho lufTi.-TTius back unoii.ilanBeV. 'AM 'all 'at bt lft) lbk fijotili- iind jay' !ii fitll'li'iitcih tii.8ii , tlid'Wiiipbrt- rliior; 1 Hi'iCitir,.!.'' I AifW-V.1- Kl'iTv ' -inrrl' iimi ,'bcwihWiud litrti;' M" hu'lint Oit' lih'ids td 'riso hp ' 'ttttj'tili'i'll! aornothii from which lit di'dw liabk 'iWstimify ,wt(!i a'sliflcd cMunllb'n lie thoildht j. ....... ,rt -c '..ti. HUelfo H mii'i uo ono oi ; ,. v-ihii i'i .'j. i s-'flvjii Jut it) a-si. cnUi-ftiM tiiftt"it" wa t( ouriot ritdiib' Wli.cli'wdltltl' jUorp h'rS nigtirt Uxv it Vnrft if"r:tiigi'r,H ho'wart'witn'BnoaUl hi-1 (.'tnptod-to' doitbr it. ' After a lit! It' Rrooinij fio fduiid it again ; it iolt 1 Kt' stono rfilli, r-liiny in6istjtri, 'and pliU Illicit into hU pocket' ho 'inarlo hiaJi(V V'l l u. tliu lit....! n,i,uil i.u ijuieiu ' 'Ym;hb Vtitm-fitd' t'o'tliii, houso" jiis1 'filnriil was hloijoValtiH'' fdr hi hi,' and mcWv,.ai Iloiner iiouidstHVcOriscoue it dl. VVlllll,! AAVA'nn'rl l.'At'.ir, I'llAnf- W,-S. .1 iii.iiii ,1,1111. , i;ie tin vin- jxi,-iiu i.i .late."' 'XlfC'ho' saiil ''ijotllitlt:' t! tl at' "hiUt':of wlibro'ht. hnW bi'dftV " - ITPilbljhil, l,n'tSr.t-lt,ll"fliAllAllM Til Aia iiin.iuuiii i.. ivuj. Vl.l. I7VV"V....V Mrtis'V.Mti-'a'titL'VjMb1 'V'a piece oft io' liavciibcni, as hi) Jnvl supposed, mtt Uvat'dt jh'.Hi'isli' laVa'thdli hiid'oiico.b'odfcl'PoPpavt'df a 'brag'clpt.' "Ai ifi bcL'H' !sPie 'fcWhri'tr 'it Avitli his aft'd " iockij,,. ',lfiitlV(.Wr61iljf li!hkt)rfo he' -nki-' tlmt' tl9 jivoV'c 'updnit 'whs btautifijl';1 it'w.os a'li''rtf;e'.of oMiucfva, the vtirj1' In rb! liv llt.i tlrriO I'm-rtlli v I'lll.' .Ihil. n Mio saw'.llV hii'liiaernifniiK Kla-Se, Willi a Wfjht fraVseiV'fTl5ivhifi on 'her lifcijAet anil mni'icl." un tlit-.:o mosito snU', lost H . . A'i. . L i-it ....... . l-f . . I titldtr tl i , ) i i i let tho shitd,, 'U'ilihtt' wOrd 'f T. ,.!.. ii.,. , ,;.,.'. ..,iw . lu II .in i. i. lunii v illl.- Ullli;. i, iniiili. i(it vli6',vr ffeliti""? AVlrc'diUsIioljio, arill lliefi'( TlJy rnir.if it w!ie thef pin'.h ill nm lain ill itVtasl'hrdidg-plaei Mtfnjv jit thought, it w.T?Trot enough stained by the; tliiii.i.iii!4,''Vi,t''hti was not si i'? about that. "rIok-t" might belong, to' ;i Tormci' 'gfciieHtlbfi,' 'ov might ha'vG been slccpiu,' thu sloop' nt tM) just tor .a ueiiliuy. JJutfllppobo ,nol supiie 'nlifi 'tt'oriVk'Viinmr'lriilv lil'mitifiiMw lii'i" nain'ti.VJaltliv and: Ingli bbrrt 1 Woll, i'.M l.hv'tllfll'? '-l'I'fnWr irtit one his-li-'ht and Wtiilt tl bod; btit not immW.iatoiy to sleep.' 'i'lio '' f oiiu' iiroiinso an ativuiuiiro ; f" as tsiich it would have bot'ir inH'ro.stiiiji' i any voting pcroou. J Jut Aslitoil, Hi I'MIHon lo bpinir barely 25. had bdi'lf" obltgV'.l to Pinko hs Way for the ln.(.t tfn years ; lpr, .though he wis of goofd family, T)arnel''oi'f)ino had iitarted hinV It'Mifii'w'ith no rnoTD than "onl"'of her" n'Viiiifiy, whielv,' hoWriyer, ev6iy 'timt1' .'ntiia'tuiHs itJ as'lii tlio 'lcgetld, Itavci ld''....lil!pilA'h in his Mi.TniJ: "i ' !i" 1 Tli'pdxt' inbriiing bit't'oht." a1 'tall yolljigpia! 'with i dark haitj"iiUV 'oyes" ifrirf aii exprcks'ifiifa'museil yet; resMujte, ii.'tniifM.iu ills cqnl at Uranthanv'-Jlall h-iij VUbil fyv'ils'owner, Sir Orc-lnki ,u"lJr: "' ITVhier ''Aslitoti cried Sir (.haiii, rpdTfiiig iijV1 from "his Ffltyrs dliilfaV.t at tny intei'i'uptioli! --WlipV Itsrt 1 (Idn'tP'kifew ,afiv sueh' iii-'iUul'.' krvl," t.tllrj'serv!tiit, ''what- iloesdio A swiM!, Sil" flfdsham, ntily sp'rvtiri'' 'Oli.'siiryt-iS'ik h.i f Iil hk 'he.Wor his he.-K I VoifdtrV 'Well, ' I s' I tnn'sL kc'd vjiat ho wants ; ono of tlit-.tu jyontycV-sjioncteB came to' huck up' as lilltny 'fro(i(hlsT!t I'll-givt tot'ht'irdcnded cljiuiljes,"" Jie nitittijU'd.' By Ipeebh it to fair to coneliidi) that' ish- iVe-tl.i ll.tni had been spoiiKed in this'wav hiorc than bnce. ' I!ut when Homer.' who was admir- i'rtg the 'vivw from tho drawltiir room window1,' turned ai.d,')o wed as the bfivo-- net approached, bit 'CireshAtn preeeived liotliinir of tlio;suiiiiliitnt nbditl' IllniJiind began to dotibt ' whether thiHys'-legant straiigei' dill mean lb Itiake h'un a few uonnnViiiy p;onr by his visit. Ho oame foiSVard'.ind requested his visitor . r . ' ...j... 1 I e..,f.i. . ........ r. 1. . in 00 seated. nsuiDii spouo 01 tno be.ttitv ill" the country and Sir (Jfeili. 1111 aiiswerpil hlin' ; bat at' the inonient t!iriiVity was tits' nilinu' passion. "Yon" are womU-rhu; ' why I came, said Homer. "Certainly it "was not to fell what everyllodykiiowM-that in thb finest MtiintiMn 'iibout here Hut I have in )ay ponsVshion'piufof ap oniainent whit-h; I 'believe, bi'lontrs- to ".Miss Lrtiid." ; voit! What is it!" Vkhton binl'od nnd smiled also, ho ho haiided'lhb'Other his 'discovery of- tlio niglit but oh,t before. -''Does it htiloiiu to (C;ur daiiihtert'''hu paid'.' ' ' 'lint 'SirTil-oiihfim'A'as too' bowilderd.l tr iinawer I11111. ' ' ' ' 1 "Tliat ? 'he cried, "(looil heaVrns ! (haft WherO did you find it ? It's a. eltie. "A cliio1 to what t cried Homer I'devly. He'lt'on the bHnk of; .lis. covWhg litijvrt'ladj'-fi'oriiiimont edulil doinp'in 'no'fin'ati'A' it litace,- - lliit Sir OrCfellSm i-as too excited bv dtrniv) ugt:et!t)ii aWalMilod by tho sight us ens.- iuuu iu u.evu ,.t. uit'ii 01 llylllL: ..... ... " w .isiiiv i.iy injitusiiy uill mt own 7 iriieio uin you ilml it V ho repont ' ;lf it your di,iightt;i V retiii ned lio littr. ' iituKi.uH-i ...ii..'ii i.tiuue, iiu .tlJ'-,IrS -.)' ."'vA 1! , , ' f'.rf u1 mini oi nm rcsn litoti : no. mm iioum i nun i ! i ..... i r. i i..:jii.; tiiw-iiuctr. MS" MmMiMmMrnnnwiJiMOniwmr n r.r"nrt n fTrfr-. rf t 'Yc.'it mastilib liep"rfi'"'iniid'hm n burin'g at lastiUl tlia'nk'tho ytiuntt n flii-Tetiiriiinir it, 'he !.oof with;' mil M' Hone in hi' hand 'waititijlj immti(!itly tor It Kill account At its rot;ovrjv ' ."J)oo-I' SirKlrcslfatn rj.niidt.ftiifii thabl cam.i hJru fdr thfepuHipsrjini one 1 lititV a mldtiifrht 'adVeiitttrd b6' liiti t tlioiiuht lliiti.t'T. as A lijhk.of latntjsi nicnitiittcd inerosi hiinfaoei- "if'ioit will 'be "ho kindi'i-lie ailnvA.'Vud( 'iaVq-iyly, 'MH'to nsl; Blits.Lnitd ril Alia will dopuc tlii)ifavor'toiitidoiilifyher lornamoijt, I Wmlldio most 'ilinnpy. lo'tiMli h'rniji jind her, if r)io carcirtrrknow, how.X or, bC it"" ' ''' '" ' 'TtrlT SiY Orhftiiiliesltya ' o'niy kil' eiime 111- ahM( rAr,1.?s datlghtn'r.'' ,"; I 1 v..llt,VVHl,r,'4't'l,rt MV.'' fnlln,' l4l I 1Q30 VlWot W'titO U l.lil-f fl Uil llBliVV . 1A..I , ....: .. .M ..I U. Ii. L. loilkihff, yet itdripbso llplUHrt!fni9Uily, mm ioo'Mn for tllH -tiaiUiWil fact. Jt.J, iji iijvJL ivti.Uiitt'i (Ji.A-'l,tji... ll. ill, t as uuuii.tLr KMVit.ii it..... , pin- xihi i4iliHlTorf.'6r by",,t(itl.fiijfit lo mot ; ijn.t'tlre wAi sdifi'ctlilHyMfiJ he IhoVlif! tbo,' ''. iiiof(i'6i'il(1 1 bo siiolWli foi'T iV rno,iJipin. .'SJi't-V-i. M hlhV.'bftt mnht eaVf hi'-ltfe'dnlilh . in liBRfatl(6r,ri,Jiaiitrrjmciftdi: "'-'! ph, p-tna1 hiv-';l JWbltVEfiMir'.'lW1wro dlMoirget tt-t "'JTtivo tl.p ffliiftiT put ;Trioi..tJi:v4,'Yy6-otloi)(((r wYdS W ihtr "Hl'tjlibel-si'h.i iMe'.m''h,lLi'r il, then lVrl4'Iir'rfelIWA M'i'dlft'an.l see BomethluTtfttrall ?" Aud after, a tuojneilt.-llf' whillf' tlliet people st od faeing each Qthea,'with looks (-lintpi ry, W'lvnn'ff-iiiWUrtti tit h!i"Kftditfeon ItJ'thtruTii.1 ifo wift.lWtt'WHf TrfcW dtajl,1 Vet the' ftory4(5iinM'i'JfnfiVkr bly woll'jfi" liot-oklt.'U-ttttnilife" VWl.fs facV Ailll,r3er4l!iV''lic'r! sWvei' -YiiVI ' c ow pale-In IriJagAni.irV the'lJlHknQWVho old cellai-fj. If sho wfiiil'ti 'lyni'',1"! jo i.ti.. fH'.b et,. '.tnnWf.Xvitv un'' iT"1 inn. ,ui iiiu ii,i,n-vi? ilv little .mi-ee Ho hieiV'hbthlntf 'wrirs: "I'o W 'rtirfo' bkceYft'of i.3csdilht stritgg'fts with ijiV-f- j.r..rfss'J 'rt.tiAP ,.li. i',Trr...i.,l,lt.ti.l iifiiiiui., i, ui i'l jiiiic- lu ur mill iiyii , yet Having Mf thfi'i' thiiiii Iiini j. a cilneioiir-'hcs'it rif "iiow'er'tA ' ''ifru-p' ituL ,iA,,. n.ii-,I.I.)Ai,.;A,-,ii,i',.7;u,Tiiiiii' I u.,.i,,.,i;i ii.iivinu v.ii K.iiiimii.iii.i 1 ,ul'Vo no ; (IdttDtHlIeV' "fcfifVfc no- ddttbtl eV "tiarV cd t loir . . . litfofV tliet'e."'' ' Ci ioU" fir ' Gii-sllam'. hi& 'HJoiATiW sKII fit the' iitiiw of aiiTiiiitiiUi distinct) behind tub ye-utig hntils-tvijig.-. eilTancyand suppltJtn'iJhfin'g thii:'rt' tivo'SVhich Ashtoif ttAil Uiit "Ihijshoeb, Whild ViWot' ' was ' listertirife::''to ' lujt) fathert-h'cc'Qttnl'df-1 a daYlii'ii' 'bWrlnry cbtntnltlc'd 'tlio' winler bbfyvi' Hlhi Iho fMniiy A'cl-o iA 'tlio'liou'sril'-'lVVlttoir MiaV Itii bpjHiity to yttfttj'hrt'-'fal'o-rfitii-ij critically, tf ratHer 1 ihorh 'hflimflHirv:' Itr-.'as,iio,s'jibl6lh6 tllfl nofd'rbp .Hi! 1116 admiratfon ' flnl'tJf 'his-'cWildsVioH W l76hitiHi6ttj;tii'tV61sh(H'nfrfM-',to hifti J fephiiti'filbW lVdlv V6'm'hru'ii,,i;hMI i3f f'lltlir,T -.vfte!-tiavl.lf;:tl - tl3'll 1 ' '"'I'vo ifo"fl6.ibt"td lilliiiiiy Wiiiti' their l6dlv Wiles tn"l.i.l(i-;t. thV;,'hi!iC';sfu.i( she is much obliged to voti', I'airi' sijre, "Iiidecdil iiln,".'saidiV'itilet, coloriijiJ'K' litye as riho spoke. ' "UV 'I 'who- Btii' -under- "obli'ratipns trt fag,,"hi.sim'Ml',lft)ii.'ur ;' "I I fddtfd'soiifttliih'-' 'litis." ""'"TherO'-t'oftht' inUlle'd ddWH" lolijr C-V)ltrh.nn.!,,-'rii!l lihiee '"K 1 bq 'sefttehed.1' l" vt. d''i l in I " j ""V;" said iroinei-,,,-l''wli4'-'' wiyoii 1 '. ) .1 i.ll , . .. .... t 14 " T no ui" " " " ''- - ' Tho bartiiiijt'-lpkedl''riafnewli'aV'ri ;fa abactc'-at'thts erVergdtio rjutjgesllViiir ' -ulNTo,'doalU'h('aiVsltfrt'i),'-'' "itiiti'per 'Jiafs, DtJiAslUrtiiVf h 'W6ilia'likii'W Int. b't'ie of the liartVj ill h'rth roi bfi, 'my neighUoil -I stiilpoe".!! iuglit lb. be'done as soon aS'lfosilble 'U-ifhlii il day or two, ' ho went on, -fis-thM' othen assented, "lestthev wontd tftko'alartft htl vdur intru-jon' 'ttiiiin thtaii:l,,rV bu shollld ott h'ivi-se gtMiig"?" '"'; -w ; ii. ', "t'hls 'iiKiiueM, 'OrtCd Idlficr,'" MltV a wonder thii't ws Americairs "Jfavo (inv 'gvtti in'eou.idiy,'' h'j a'fldt'cl'; rijnil inrr, "wti'tihb aveVJU to Ieftiiili''i-ow tiiider'iWl:-i,.eP.-'J'' ' "" ' " ' lib tnetfyiolofs cVe'tm hcillilSieailitl-- i'6adif tllt'ili a-n'a'dlilU'atitjti hfitl'flitt'ii'st Iif. -a'notHh,"initJnbiil" she liStd'' t-n'rinvt rftfiiy oir'sopVb 'tiilliillj,irvtH.'J;Uiif,uttiJ doubled!v."liel was- - bliiri1iiiiL'.'.'"lIeiw JTorffM-16 WioW tSatV15o,,iiitdjittJtV elechlrid' she' wotild'inn.Ty-Hllt; iintli 'ilKV 'llrVlright her back ht'i; -'braWlUt 'rfrat.'libwevbr, WiC' wIit'ii rtttj'Wil.Vritiitb sure -ft woulfl' ntU-er llH'-Tdullil.-'"1-- j ' '-Not until nftl'r,lrnit'Hro,.r'1"flaiy(;' ,-ilb -fou V ithn-'aid.' "iVivM 'Kvtref'' kibt take Di'. Afnioli'ftiKil itftet-tH:f,' " ' ' '.Vl..-'ll Vb liillii- '-FvA.ll lit 1 A. i.lil nl . ....i ........ ..... .. iu.yi.. Hon" had led t6 in'oto tlii.iVtli(jliyrdifl.t o,f Ml ores of )ilunderin tlu'MI'd'iiuns wi el' a gangt)f thieves had- taken care to li)pkttaH()ii)v.;haiuiU'd,.,Jl9Uli)T Ahaon, a i.hvt'ician ot liiili iitSiidiii.--. Vrl-. living in a large Atnertean eity. A schjiol miol'wh'0!W'h6 hull not) Vnet"fml veins said to hiifi 0110 dav'at.. dillnul- 'ns'li wero talking ot iiVani.itJij"find dt'iftlis among their ftnmer eomnitles ! 'liy the war, Ashton.-' von nel-ef told lim whew yon'llifct'ineij"-ionV Wi 1 only know lliift it was-in' Kf,igln'iil.'' 1 lo uinji. ii'.. ' - 1 1 "I nlet ooi','' ilto- said "belli Minerva's fthield; Did'l hot Violet'? Our Continent. 1 1 Dutoh-BnlbBTfrV Wmtcr. .i. till, At-'lhu .Siiptavuibur nUetiticr iof "New 1 York Horticultural ISocleiy, esrfav on tho can) of. bulbs ilitlr dho decoration' in winter wtu rtfld 'byl', .lonn 1 noipe, oneot tliu niembersU) the society, which wu mve nr 111 iiiu tleneused form.. Maily o'f our ruaifierii will Hud il") Bnygoniolis liuli.fttl in 11W 1 1 ?.... X,.. .1. . .. I.TI L ' piiiio.; ;tu.i e;ai'iiig tor uteil 01111)1 tii;i; Mintt-r tind-siiaiiigtlowcrini'. Thettriat, on portion of bulbs usiid for house di'iif, raiiuii ntu'wuau uroi Known ' Hi unit; 1, lhilbsi(iiot that thuy aro Dutdi. Int from itho-fatrt, ithat Ilollahd,. uyfJi Hf lowiKantly-ioil,' ilwj i'deiiti(Twl-for n Unicwlau tlloitmost muitubic) illnutl lor ihmr piMdurtioh,' Tlvosiy.nro.Jiyiu'iutjlirt,, I mips, Mtreissus t locus. withfiU lvvv (ither kiinlK lifit iii.stAvJxJ'gp mu ip-. lilies.. ,Thti..iiiipoitnioii.,f'i y iif, ir, the lamurstfiivui'-liuuu'ji,. t-unl is uit Aiinws linger, thaii-tflL Years., a .)n.o .of-tliclivst anil 1110 iujpoitipitii4iyi- pieurHu piitum r i((i". Kwuiitf lml., 1 liHsQ.iiro fnhilyitg (jh J.pd.fwji i-iljul))n dealtsM during fciiti'ul)er, UvejolHVi'l11 Vr........1.n.. A.....i.n : :. ... 1 1 ... viuxvui-iui.,, jv"'HHW'giU'l soil, The best suil, U whiu, L kuoUi nandy loam. Utc jfMWAi soil,ivli a spUDKIipg 01. lltjo . I1U--U, (lll,l Dii poiiion gf -viniii' .yt two qutvttt oj. BOilj in gtxKi,,, , ( at thvkMa,ohii.ifit'sf(Sr' wrtrtArUin. .... 'J , J L . iiituiiiiil Sir.6veshirin. -"I'ljiif ..iWalW'-wVis tli'o' 'elasji of it heHVy'gyliKbi-ff'c-elet. '"Wvtti 'given to lriyvhttight'er'Vy rt.MrifcM'iju'i'l11. ' thaiMis'rf' 'l!.atd'- val-.i .muaL;bi!,l;ui)t, oTeam:iud.fice.from dust, ,il I , , .. ,,IT"II. T,- - Jfr-'iu-.i n,--;mi -on.itiniin . IiiT'ti'lrif.'tliii4 'ilil. rn linMlbr.velif.if iiLifi'iuinimlK'. nrinkliniT LOO 18ll iiV) SUM IlllOl) IB DO as 00 M W 5101 ion ft" r nils Ml IsstirfntiT W nuartf rly. Tr tl mXXtM) J tor before insc.t- lexeeiivlitrrpitttlr'Al'ttteifW'uiiu'. lernl frrlWIrf1i tiriiBirs :r ,,V,..A.i IhrfS ineirtlonf), Btul t tht rato for iwldltlonnl llir'll IIIU'I HUlin, WM' w . inneitlonn tvliho(t,t nfcrtn iWs soiir'i tint Ices ExcfilttlJi,UlraIn llirm rtnllniM. MIlM f Pw IfliQiv nnru. -ilrnii'ifnt of I-01 notices, ten cents a line, rcsu jni J imJM& ifirWfoMlolutnu, ono dollar caiforcuiUllne. ,.T - t rllisvtn(tttv-'l""8,A' Yor or putrid coil. Do iiot"ribJr!fct linllw to oxtremcs ot tioipi!i;tftrv..j'cT,in,na)v tjc w,t" cold ivatfiv,. (f, m J.ijvu.liicm in a warm rooms never Vet them near a heater, or oti.tliU'trtHntbrfilwo'nbbloinrirei do not lTtiuUJliitH.iiJto'WiiAWjW R Bituation until they slugs' igns r growing rmnd. ly; and remember to givo them all the hli'i'ilidmiiiillgliV'libJftiblci'.'n-ot-lliom as early WUnK-liUU. AnUi-tliciii out of doois in a, pitnoi), .where tho water can drain away,'covcring tho pola en-twol-. tei'ttheii doptlinotfouD'-lor five iticjjvtJJt .f Wlf L llytutjffiffifjujrp il,oWof live inches in diameter, one bulb in each. Iho poU'-hitwi lH'-wclHlrfiiiitilS-with either plL-dtWliflrbkelt tioHi-U'WlftrtOal. One third or moi-tAr-rt jiotntoo much. A few voutrh liieeoH of soil to bo put in first, tMCai0l"ntt'fil,A64W,1Wwith fi,ncr soil. On thw..v4iincli of sand-, then press ou-thin thu -Mb rather hrmly, i limni, nr ivl.nri. it is r.ot convenient to place ott&e)ffl(oVM,'''Tt1,Ary, cool cellar Ktlil.iii fUtfllU aifllUlB WJ SOlTeilllo oihhu purpose. ,llrfyaet.lWij, in muBhw ... easily luaijagtl aul Jjcqulro but little attentioti. ' 1 "l Tie WtccCBsf ill, bulbs should bo"iMcedr-1ii",glasscs not later t ian t ictfi. ,...oU..iJitouer, cuoosui"- ow the wattti ttiliist touch tho plate or botyjujptj,- bHljvc (l.'Iaeo tho glass. s in a (lark, cool, .dry cellar, occasion ally exanii!ii(il'thuni, and wiien tno waoirHKvAiUriUetT.lBlliligti? as ie- H''it.,,teXlfillP'jlfJ1Winai 'inain itiiiit iiiu tno Douotu can be "iu-oucbt to ,tlio .ITgTu. . 'liio. wipl" airy lianil-'n-iVhCVa'di'TrM (do best i-o'sleioM'tii L'rowth. moj-c cvanorattoil will take plaiwij thejttue Uw w..Her shpiild be VfipI(lsls.qlt, i'11-' UwiiijWliOW. t'olor,, the hotiU14Mi.kopt full to tho brim, iifliatitl),pi'i-ioil'of'floworiugth'd bulbs t)tti!bval gri at'.ttbinLityr ofi'jnoisture. . Tiiliuit follow lLyaciuthriTverV'. closely iiv tlopidajritv ilor i lidilsoiOilfcuomtion. Dfext-ilii "OrdeU'iret tha-rNai-ciisiw, of snvt4-alipefcii3t-!sr;tluiniiglnootit tlio fame treatment as Tulips and HAiaoinths. lit s . .'..I. . .1 .......--S t..; litllbV, Witii thWr ''Itvtf to' seven .lowers ttped-'-Viuito , or m'e'nded l)Vat:lbi(slyi1'-Tnbj' VclinTie'ltJ'b'u' klobt in a rather lower temperature 1 than eitn- "l .8)1 Wm W -M?,.?.a.(We" mm t ucaai will; icutut w.-iLej ''Ui-:fully.i..fyJic.ii''yii mb. iwvp watpi-peiietratCif. iif-ttci-, .tii.witA, lym-r 1 - Ail. - . H'iVCi?Wr .1 l.;il J I Jim.:: iivi"siU jniiiiiTi'. jtej 'h-j t l lfli '.MV J"ie..j ,.it ,A-n ml rjastea. iijui iuvaluaWo "fertilizer. i.ii't, i,I.V ITJietoijiiiH .union Utmbti 1 i-bfl this, ai;uiJurih(.Uii crnp--iiuiti npoinsoniusoiis itsviutts- ,WUh!lmar.vlloiiH. dffectJl For jslov-ifc, ,p-ti8v iJorn,- tiaiilihu(L'yra'3s, it oHtn protltici'S sucldelLootthatioiie is. iittuWil tOiacotiunttfor ti ..WJifther it lbUio siUpliitrlojaildi.,orthiiigjip'si'uii it mUif iinrt.noti yet) bacji-auswotorily shuwp. .It-is kiifrwa'i tSidtn.crj'fials of gyprdiin, duv found' iu.tliu saj-Kpiclover laiidi.rioifco .foqber jilanf d, , but-wh'etht-r these are normally prescntio.v acciden tally -so, fromirrrdtnidancy of tho ele nwlhsiof Hrilftatoi'nlUii,,'Ov5filbriiavo entired iiiloi-ombination in the juices oflliiiplpnil, lias mtfyi bbL'iriO'()laiiie(l. CVI. .lvcot-tfi Wedth' 'tile mroliiknown JaniibrKifil W-istern Xtnv"16rk, fiiit kejn in part of his. farm1 Whicfiiis Itno'diBtant Jroin tlidlrarns-COi'diaV''nianlilo' there prohthjilyiHtra sUte-fif'-high-tXifrtihty by him slenflyuihV' df.j-ilaJitdr upoiuWovei' sod fcr wht'atmop.ii -rjomoiWoilsj how HVcrt'rt4nstkttl.i9pon'.l tofaiiiittplieJilion af-plaftart-iUnf thuso"5chios imOiit'ce ijonals; 4uil, "ill' general ' jflastbrrw'very ii.-iu'tH'ial. its best use, probably, is a deniiuriier iJiTTablui, to,ako.,up tie affiiiMVitt sS'll-eelV'orllibilSlibrA by the it Ho iifMoW s sti tn.atAt,an1.,iriouh., , lloli ,t lMdliletT ffTtlio " naiiiiiVtb the 'obiiU.leral)Itf f'iinbliiiiffnt:'of tho 'lhtter. The' plWf-nht diiylhdf$ "v'cs it use- Till purpose nvrtlie rftaiile. but It, goes Ht'tf'tWiwti'wltW UP"'AK..,S.U,,1U'I nl"'.l.!t(i I s.n.Wl.;. .i i.'i v". .111.111 tun ..... tv.t.u... ii, ...uv eiej m'tirri L'odflMlmn K'rtiiblir'd,.il6'iVe'ai.d in 11 iife'riiw'- Uo.OrWS',''tMtty UY. ii. -,, w, ll 1 t'ut .t'niilia.lT( MitSfi.V "tM-y is a Wee gill 'wh6 oiid'day' tcc'efitly, got it into liur. head Uiat she would like to irhpw lir fjlpvovr that Hhii kimv.Jl thinir .0VjtWP,ali9ut,i;ii-i , At,an JitvKH om ,lain,yjlVi'uillTfhjrv.8.hc(.,hs' miinied a ifow .1Vtllti-(i VijvWcsli hail)iwn in MiuettM -jft. ,inouwng, filter,.. inueii blinking inuWiJl'ijigiher young man-con 4 tP.ilirte,li,is nust tUyu -from life, ji-,pji.suir. , Xty., OiUv .arUpt forgot to gi'ifisi) Jit-r subject's fave, aiiiUhivblaster. .pnlmioit-iitqUo Us part ,iu ,ioii,,e)ii9g tp $ youth audi haylpiictl nW.imtjtiaiipim li,iin,cl(icisii M'ltUires. a'iju i;vviv.-iiui JJifougl..wJivili jlm, was to,, piwp, iiir Jp.hi;l.iiig'i!rn)p.c.l.anil vlm,lla-iliVViM'it! in.HfJiU ,iyvwm oy, 11. iiilysinothervd him tcf)iOityt.)iill .be. ientw)iul,(, Xt,ievupju oyideiiv before the woik had uxuiiu progress an hour UiiiV tho piiriiiiuiit..w.isjiiot uul cnthe isiltees.l .Jtn.l , the beatttifuL 1 toulpt..r uiidmtt.ok to iiiliovo hfcr niodeU ,. The liiut was, lirs?Uen oil' piuuivpiual,. biing ilea With itisiKiteho-i ill'..wllUkur,,li!iU.-ll(S i(ii'fl(iii,.ti tauiph) of niiihtnyljie, ilkv tip 'ij.iiii fjir. nnd ho luttb;auili'i:.l o( oihlitiL tliuiIiiiigtt. hauls of. his life iJie M.iiiKjilul,-' ..'osuftiiuil , lirwiu . 1 the ltultalld.sottllgftvhila wits lhlUoI his. iioii,i'iirguon.wariltfdHuwed jt-nlo Itlu nlooliu'HiJdr rppaii'si.i '.Ond uiightiiauty Unit tlw luss lust her lover iw j.wull' as bur taibjtti buti slu. didn't, for. c ilrn. Hrowniufi sayai: ...( 1 nunxj Ixfti Mciksjii hWlior VTltliiliU luiiiUtint (Inmo TJutn Art lih-s rilh Hut fnatitru " J, . 1 wa?4' Ji-W.'P Jo"t)IoccH of eharftJaTaViiift? ns'rfl.tetorv-iuit. Al- : hf nest to po-mmtioncd is, tlm exquis lWnH'itnQrf ahlV c'lcgnM'rilia'bcd Oro iM rifcsd liill'o rHJi.I6i-a)lvlj!fiihallei Vfhv--MTlrt1i,"cJii . V?8r6 c!d4c. VjlUftiffii jrJts.' ,Va3b.,:fJibcc TiaVsIHs i,ts?Tirr 4l(n'bfil "'reclfJin i una, eeunriur muuu. iuu.ii:.iy.uuLuniusb PrAii'&ftidll the inos,i urotu i. can np.urgiiKiu.inio . ""r.'l l S ''IfA-... . i live warmer nuni iers i.110 kihhltu oi iiiaius '- "' ' f "" ' I ' ' Avitli a niece of sitoiilti!. nn.a: silk ' ag.5, "'(' .kAI fcstr f)m.i bead, wit); tepid, yfit,er. ater
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