THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBURQv COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Tivmo'ia Sea-right. ItY NOAH 11UOOKS. When I wns n Htnnll youngster, yenra ngo, wo boys used to bo told thrilling stories of what wns called "The Last Wnr." In theso Inter days, wo havo had a war on our own soil, which let us hope, tho last war that wo shall ever bo ongaged in as long as tho Amorlcan ltopiiblio lasts. Hut boys of an older generation than this know "Tho Last War" to bo between tho United States nnd Great llritaln, now generally called "Tho War of 1812." Happily, though tho contest was not n long one, Ameri cans can look with prido at tho Ameri can navy of that period. Tho names of lJainbridge, Hull, Decatur, Porter, Perry, and many other gallant sailors, will bo remembered as long as tho tra- ditious of tho United dure States navy en- In lSltf, tho frigate "Essex," com mauded by Captain David Porter, nftor committing suuh havoc on tho Urltish marine of tho Atlantic coast of South America, Bailinir boldly around Capo Horn into the Pnelfio Ocean. Porter had resolved to strike out Into a now field of operation, nndcarying into tho Pacific the first American llag that had floated from tho mast-head ot a mat of-war, ho Bwoopcd down upon tho British merchantmen and whalers, cans inii tremendous consternation. Nobody had dreamed that tho Yankees would dnro to send a man of-war into this dis tant sea, and tho British frigates wero making' things very imcomfortablo for tho fow American merchantmen encag ed in the Pacific trade. The arrival of tho "Essex" Boon changed all of that Within a year alio mm captured tour thousand tons of British shippings, and had taken four hundred prisoners. Slio may bo said to havo subsisted upon tho enemy, as tho vessel was not only sup plied with everything needed lor ro pairs, rigging, ammunition, clothing, and provisions, taken from tho enemy s captured ships, but the men wero paid with money found on board of one of her prizes. Orders wero given that tho "Essex" must bo destroyed, at all hazards, by any iiritish man-ot war that should bo fortunate enough to catch her. But tho American frigato was fleet, and dithcult to oaten. Ju inally, m l ebruary, 1814, tho frigate, accompanied by a small cratt caned tho "iisscx junior, a cruiser mado over from one of the prizes captured from tho British by Por tor, cast anchor in tho harbor of Val paraiso, Peru. Tho Peruvian Govern ment was not then independents. Peru, being a province of Spain. But Valpa. raiso was a neutral port, although tho people of Peru, and tho Spanish, also. wero somewhat unfriendly to the Americans. So, when two British men of-war, tho "Pluebo" and tho "Cherub, entered tho port, it was tolerably cer tain that there would bo a fight, should tho "Essex" dare to put out to sea. Tho Englishmen had the redoubtable "Jissex" and her little consort in a traj v or six weeKs, tne two iiritish vesse kept a very close watch on tho Amcri ans, sailing up and down tho coast, just outside of tho entrance to the har bor. Finally, on the 28lh of March Captain Porter trusting to outsail either of tho British vessels, and drew them away, so that tho "Easex Junior" might escape, set sail and drew out ot the an cnorage. In doubling a headland at tho entrance of the harbor, tho "Essox' was struck by a squall, which came aw.iy her maiutopmastnnd several men Captain Porter returned toward the roadstead, and anchored throe mile from tho town and about tho distauuo of a pistol shot from the shore. The "Phiubo" and tho '-Cherub'' had had been exchanging signals, and was evident that they meut to attack although the vessels wero all in neutr waters. Iho "Plicuibo' carried th'nty long eignieen-pounaers and sixteen thirty two pound carronades for her armament besides soven small guns in her tops, ono niso nau azu men, all told. Tin "Cherub' carried twenty eight guns of various caliber and 180 men. To meet this formidable foruo tho "Essox" had 225 men, and her nnnent consisted of twenty-six thirty -pounders and six long twelve pounders. The "Essox Junior," which look no part in tho fight, had twenty guns and sixty men. Neverthe less, Porter resolved that ho would never surrender as long as ho had men enough to work his guns ; and right manfully did ho hold to his resolutions. Tho Pliffibe" opened fire at four o'clock in tho afternoon, being then nearly dead astern of tho disabled JEs8ox." Tho long eighteeus of the Englishmen did great damage on board tho "Essex," which, notwithstanding her disadvantage, returned tho firo with gallantry and spirit. The "Cherub," tiien on tho starboard bow of tho "Es sex," noxt opened firo also, but was driven off by tho guns ot tho Ameri cans. Thrco of tho long twelve-pounders of tho "Essex" were then got out astern, and played upon tho "Pluubo" with such terrible oiluut that she, too, was hauled off for lepairs, many of the shot having struck below tho water line. Both tho British vessels now closed upon tho American frigate, being on her starboard quarter, and poured into her a fire so galling that tho spars and rigging of tho doomed ship wero soon in a tangle of wreckage. Porter slip pod his cable, and, hoisted his flying jib, boro down upon tho euemy, pour ing broadsides into them as the ship slowly drifted. The "Cherub" was driven off for a second time, nnd tho "Phajbo" retired out of the reach of tho guns of the "Essex," but near enough to worry her with her long riugo ord nauco. After two hours of fighting, Porter tried to run his vessol ashore, to prevent her falling into tho hands of tho enemy ; but a change of wind pro- voiueu, mm, ami no ancnored once more, making fast a sheet-anchor with a hawser. Very shortly after, tho hawser parted, and, to increase tho trials of these do termined heroes, tho ship took fire be low deck. In his extremity, Captain porter toiu nts men to savu themselves as best they could. Some threw them. solves into tho sea and swam to shore, omo wero drowned, nnd many were picked up, while clinging to bits of wreck, by tho boats of tho enemy. But a larger part of tho crew staid by tho ship, and continued firing into the enemy, in tho midst of tho smoko and flames, hiually, tho firo was partly Tibdtied, and men enough to work two of tho long twelves kept up a biisk hie. But further resistnnco was useless, Only soventy-fivo mon were loft to do duty, tho remainder being killed, vouuded, or missing, ao, niter an engagement had lasted two hours and n half, Porter with n sorrowful heart. hauled down tho America flag, and tho wreck of tho gallant "Essox" wns sur rendered to the foe. Tho British lost four killed nnd seven wounded on tho "J'lui'be," nnd ono killed nnd three wounded on tho "Chorub." Both ships were badly crippled, their sails and rig glng being riddled, nnd tho "Phccbo" ad received eighteen shots below ator-llno from tho long twelves of tho Essex." Thousands of spectators crowded the shores to ga.o on tho bloody ciicouatcr. The Spanish Vice- oy was plainly entrcattd oy tuo merican Consul to insist upon tho maintenance of neutrality. He refused to interfere. Thus ended ono of tho most remark- nblo naval engagements of modern times. It ended in disaster to tho American cause. But thohcroiode- fenso of tho "Essox," in which officers nnd men who vied with ono nnothor in determination not to givo up tho ship, fired with fresh enthusiasm nil who hoard tho story of their bravo and obstinate fight. And, when tho young pooplo ot this republic snail cciebrato onco mm o tho deeds ot tno pat- iotlc defenders of tho Amcricn He- public, let them givo a hearty cheer for David rortcr nnd his crow. Cocoa and Chocolate. Probably fow of our readers, whilo 1!ilsinr (hnan fttrnritfi lnvnt.t .via linvn over thought to asu now tno plant pro- , . .,w.... r..i ?. i: uticmg ineni grows. iui us uuiiuiu tonus n largo part ot industry, not onlv of tho great Amazonian valley, but of other portions oi tropical somu America. Tho cocoa (Thcobroma cacao) tho name signifying "food ot tho gods is a small tree, or rather large bush, seldom exceeding fifteen feet in height, although wo havo seen very old trees which wero thirty feet high. It has large, oblong, taper-pointed leaves, which, when young, are rosy aim very beautiful. Tho flowers are small, fragrant, yellowish, nnd aro borne in clusters on tho trunk and larger branch es. Tho fruit is about twelvo inches long, varying, however, greatly in size, mm about fivo broad ; it is oblong, blunt, and is marked with ten elovatcd ribs running lengthways, and is, when ripe, of a bright orango yellow, with hard shell. Aithougu nutnoritics stato that tho fruit contains from fifty to ono hundred seeds, wo have novcr been able to find ono containing fifty j tho average is from thirty to lorty-hve, Theso seeds aro embedded in a white, semi-acid pulp, and in sizo and shape somowhat resemble almonds; it is from theso seeds that the cocoa and chocolato of commerce aro prepared Tho fruit is, when ripe, gathered by hand, and broken transversely by a large knifo ; the mass of pulp and seed is taken out, and is either loft for a day to slightly ferment, or is at onco put into a "tipici and pressed almost dry it is then dried from ono to three days in the sun, and is then ready for mar ket. A "tipici" is a tubo of wicker work, about eight feet long, with a diameter of about ten inches ; tho toi: is open, and at each end thcro is a loop : tho tubo is filled with any sub stance to be pressed, hung upon a peg or branch by tho upper loop, while a lever, upon which a woman sits, is in senod in the lower loop, tho tubo contracts, nud the iuico runs out through tho interstices. Tho iuico running from tho "tinier is called "vinho da cacao," or "wino of cocoa," nud is a most refreshing and delicious drink; it is slightly noid, aromatic, and possesses a flavor cs . pecially its own. Unfortunately, it soon ferments, and can be picserved in it3 freshness for only a Biugle day ; by boiling, however, fermentation is checked, but all tho delicate aroma of tho wiuc is lost. It is almost worth a voyage across the Atlantic to drink' tho wine of cocoa in its freshness. This drink is very healthy and ono can consume an immense quantity. A superior white vinegar is also prepared from tho cocoa. Tho juice is also boiled down into a sauce which in color and tasto much resembles Shaker apple-sauce ; and a most delicious amber-colored jelly, far superior to guava jelly, is made from tho wine, from which also a strong and very high flavored brandy is distilled. Tho husks contain a largo amount of potash,' and aro burned to yield a lyo which is used in making soap. Great quanti ties of tho Cocoa fruit are annually de stroyed by monkeys and parrots, which are very fond of tho seed. American Garden. No Excuse for Negligence. The principle of law that relieves an employer from liability to an employee tor injuries that havo been caused by tho negligence of a co-employe has been carried to a great length by tho Court of Appeals in a decision render ed in the suit of William L. Harvey, oxeoutor, etc., against the New York Central and Hudson Itiver Hailroad Company. The action was brought by tho plaintiff to recover for tho kill- in oi ms sou, wuo was a ureman on the railroad and whoso death was caused by a misplaced switch at the Lyons Depot in January, 1877. It was claimed that tho railroad company was negligent in not employing a sufficient number of competent switch men at that Btation. It appeared by the evidence of tho man whoso negli gence caused tho accident, that ho wns more than sixty years old; that he was taken from tho position of bag gageman and mado a switchman against his own will, and that ho had moro duties to perform than onght to havo been lequired of him. Hut it was also shown that his work required little skill, and that when tho accident happened ho had just let a local train out of tho freight yard at tho Lyons station, and then, forgetting to re-adjust his Bwitoh, had walked down to tho dopot. Thero ho seated himself on a box and entered into convcrsa-1 tiou with a friend, and, while thus en gaged, young Harvey's train eamo along, ran off tho misplaced switch nnd Harvey wns killed. On tho first trial tho justice non suited tho plaintiff. Tho general term gi anted a now trial, holding that the question should hnvo boon submitted to tho jury as to 'whether the company was negligent in employing an incompetent man or mi iusiillieient number of men to care properly for tho switches. On tho second trial the jury gavo the plaictlff u verdict for 811,000, and this was sus tained by tho general term. The Court of Appeals has now set aside tho judgment of the lower courts, Judge Tracy writing tho opinion. It is held that even if the switchman wns not fully qualified to perform the duties of his position at the time he was employed, ho had nmplo opioi Ut ility before the nccidentto quality him self i that it was of no consequence that the company lequired sorvioo of him that ho could not properly per form, sinco when tho accident happen, rd he had abundance of time in which to re-adjust tho switch j that, thoroforo, tho primary cause of young Harvey's death was tho negligence of a co-employe, for which tho master was not liable. New York Tribune. Faded hair recovers Its youthful color nnd soft, silky toxture by the use of Parker's Hnir Balsam, " Eflbot of Heat on Hogs, Pigs generally gain very little during tho summer on account of tho ncglcot on tho part of their owners to provido for their comfort. In some cases their skin cracks open by thoiullucneo of tho direct rays of the sun, nud sores aro formed which nro infested by insects. Tho lnrgu amount of fat contained in tho body of tho hog renders it impa- tiont ot heat, and means should bo pro vided for rendering tho nninnil as cool ns possible. The pasturo in which hogs are kept should bo well supplied with water, not omv ior uniiKiiiu out lor cooling purposes. If thcro nro no nat ural streams or ponds thero should bo pools made in which thev can wallow It they desire. They should havo plenty of grass and other green food, as well as sour tniiK and slops, uoin nun otuer heating articles of food should bo fed sparingly. Cooling shade is essential to tho comfort nnd well being of hogs during tho hot days ot Biunmer. lnr- . . . - . mors who havo tho ndvnntngo ot groves and forests located on tho banks of streams and rivers, or on tho shores of lakes, generally havo Httlo troublo dur ing tho Bummer. The ground protected by tho trees and bushes remains cool nnd moist even when that exposed to tho rays ot the sun is parched and hot. Tho streams nnd ponds nfford water for drinking and bathing. The hog is a cleanly nmmal when it is nllowcd a fair chance. If n hog pasturo contains no natural shado or water thoy should bo nrovided. Water can bo conducted through pipes from springs and wells at a Binnll expense aim mane to suppiy pools and watering troughs, snades can bo afforded bv planting trees or erecting sheds covered with straw or run ning vines. miUGUlSTS TESTIMONY. II. F. McCarthy, drugiiist, Ottowa. Ont.. states that ho was nllliotod with chronic bronchitis for some years, and was completely cured by the use of Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. Has it ever occurred to base ball men that a milk-pitcher is generally a good fly catcher? A servant cirl will never use a load ed revolver to drive a nail more than once. Tho Bad and Worthless Aro nover imitated or counterfeited. Thia is especially truo of a, family mcdicino, and it is posi tivo proof that tho remedy imitated is of tho highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by tho wholo world that ijop Bittors was tho purest, best nnd most vnluablo family ttiedicino on earth, many imita tions sprung up and began to steal tho notices in which tho press and pooplo of tho country had express ed tho merits of II. B., and in overy way trying to induco suffer ing invalids to use their Bluff in stead, expecting to mako money on tho credit and good name of H. B. Many othors started nostrums put up in similar stylo to H. B., with variously cunningly doviscd names in which tho word " Hop " or "Hops" wero used in a way to induno pooplo to bcliovo they wero tho samo as ijop ,Bitters. All such;pretondedromedies or cures, no matter what their stylo or namo is, andeespecially those with tho word "Hop" or "Hops" in their namo or in any way connected with them or their name, aro imi tations or counterfeits. Bownro of them. Touch nono of them, but: Uso nothing but gonuinojjop Bittors, with iv bunch or cluster of green Hops, on tho whito label. Trust nothing clso. Druggists and dealers nro wnrncd against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. o) LYDJA E. P.irC.-JAtVi'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. If n Po.tlvp Cure for all tfctM rMliirult'orarlRlntiiind WtnlnctlO a euMinun to our bi tt feumlo population K Xmllcliio for IVonun, Invcnlcil by a Woman Fro pared bj & Woman , Tk Cr.mlr. V.!UU Di.t.r; Slu (lit Vra cf IH1U017. KJTltrfTtTfa tha droop I ni anlrits, InrUoratca and haraoalxo the ortrtuilo function, (five elasticity and ArmncAi to the itep, rvatore-i the natural lustre to tho eye, and iUnU on th polo check of woman the frtih rosea of life' uptlng and aarly iu miner time. tXTPhytlcIans Use It and Prescribe It Freely.-S It remorns ftlntneii, flatulency, destroys all eravtnff for itUnuIant, androUiTti weakjiemof the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always jonnaiiently cured ly Its use. For tho cure of Kidney Complaints of cither aex this Compound Is unsurpassed LTD I A E. l'INk'UAM'H T,OOI win eradicate ercry roctlge of Humors from th wood, and giro tons and strength to the system, of suauwomau or child. Jnilstouliavinglt Both the Compound and Blood Purl tit; r are prepared at 233 and 33& Western Arenue, Lynn, Moss. Trice of either, U Bit bottles for S. Bent by mall In the form ot pills, or of toxenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either, Mrs.nakharafroely answers all letters ot yitiulry, Eaclow Set ktarap. Send for pamphlet. . No family should he without LTD! A E, 1'INKITAM'fl uvcu riLU). iner euro oonntiiation, uu aad torpidity of thelirer. 23 cents per box. euro ourmtltwUlon, bUlousnuw, rj-Hold by all DriiKglts.-ff (I) I I T HE CREAT CURE -RHEUMATISM u It U for u tb. piinAil dluue. cf th. KIDHEYS.LIVCR AND BOWELS. ii oimdim ta RiMa of Uu acrid polton Uut otuili Ui. dreadful lufforlnj whieh onlj th. viotlins of Itb.umatUm can retllc..1 .v THOUSANDS OF OA8E8 Of th. WOnt form. Of th! tarrlhla rfl.Aam. Hav. tMia qulcxljr reUoved. and In abort Una PERFECTLY CURED. rnicr, i, uqupon nur, soiu m uarccisTS. vtj can bhtenlby mall. WBLLB.niclfAIlDSOir It Co., DurUnHon VI YAiNWiuaiiT &, co., WHOLESALE OJiOOERS, PlIILAPEU'lIU. TKAB. SYnUI'3, OOFVKE, SUQAIt, MOLABSEH, hick, sricis, viciKB eopi, lie., to, N, b. corner Second and Arch streets. r-rordcrswlil receive promptattentlon V Cures Rhonmatism, Luvi haco.LamoDaclt, Sprainsand Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh, Couchs, Colds, Soro Throat, Dlphthorla, Sums, Frost Uiios, Tooth. Ear, and Head acho, and all pains and aches. the tlt Intetnal and eternal remedy In the woii'l. Ererylottlti guaranteed. SoM by medicine dealer every here. Dlreillc-ns In eight language. Trice $o cent, and rOSTER, MILDUI1N & CO., Prop'ri, nurrALo, N. v., U.S. A. Feb. lily. -81 BLQOMSBUR& PLANING MILL The undPiRlened havlne DUt Ills Plnnlnc Mill on llnllroad street, In nrst-msa condition, Is pre pnred to do nil kinds ot work In his lino, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned nnd nono but skilled workmen nro etnpioyea. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on Application, rinns and enccinca iiona prepared oy an ezpcriencca uraugnisraan. CIIARIKS KltirO, litooiNHliurg, ln. J. J. CARPETS BLOOnlSBURG. H. SPEER'S E. Uj;J in the principal Churchos for Communion juxpuscs; Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per- sons ana tne Agoa. Speer's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. TUISUELUllHVrEDNATlVIC WINE U made from tho Julcac tho oporto Grape, raised In tniscountry. its mvaiuauio Tonic and Strengthening Properties nro unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Ila- lngxnejpuro jwcu uiiueurupe, proauceu uuuer Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness, aro guaranteed The youngest child inavn.rtako ot its ncnerous dualities, and the weakest tnv.Ud use It to advantage. It Is par- ucuiaiiy ucnenciai 10 lao agcu ana acuimaiea, andsultdtothovarloui ailments that affect tho weaker sex. it is la every respect 4. wine to BEKKLIEU ON. SPEER'S I9. .1. Sherry Tho P.. I. siIEKHYUa wlni rf suDrlor cbar- ack'r, and partakes ot tho Hol qualltlea of the grape irom wuicn it h maae. r or ruriry, incu ness, Flavor nnd Medicinal Properties, It will be I iuuuu uuexueueu. SPEER'S P. .1. rady This IlItANDV .Unas unrivalled In this Country ueing ir superior ior uiemeinai purposes. it is runt aisiiu mon irom mo grape,anu con tains valnaole medicinal Dronertles. it has a delic.ito Havor. blmllar to that of tho grupes, from which it H distilled, and Is lu great Imvur ainouv uruieuss lauiiues. See that tho slgnaturo of ALKltED 8PEEH, 1'os sale N, J. Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOJLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND 1IY DUUGQISTS KVEItVWIlKHE. Hept. .it, ., i.y. To Korrons SnffsrersIhs Great European nit. . B, SIMPSON'S srzcipio uedicink. Dr. J. D. Slinnaou's Soccltlu Medicine is u nusl. tlve cure for overwork of body or br.iln or excess of any MnJ, such as weakness and all diseases re- 8uiungtrora Nervous Dummy, irntaDmty,Meniai :y. Languor, i.ossi.uao.uenressionoitiDinti and functional derangements of the ncrvons sys. vem cenerauy. iaiim in iue itsacu or blue, loss ot Memor: Pre. mature old age nd diseases that lead to conempt lon.lnsanlty Ann early grave or both, no matter uow shattered the wstem may bo Iruia r-xcesses fit anyTiTffuTa short courso of this medicine will resUiro th I03t functions and pro- curu ueauu nna uapinuoaiwucru ueioro was ue spondeney and gloom. The Spccttlo Medicine Is be' tne used with wonderful success, rampmeis sent rr t'amuhtels sent free to all, Write for them and get full partncuiar Price. Snecl He tl.00 ner nackaco.nrslt iiaekuees iui to.iv. viu uu rtvuL uv uiuu uii rt'ceiia ui muue o. Will bo sent by Address all orders, J. II. BIMl'S'iN'n MKD1CIN i; rial iuj ann pMainsirnet, uutialo, N. v ForsalobyJ, II. KINl'OIU'tf, lllooms'iurg, I'a. feb SlSJ-ly M SON & HAMLIN I Mtt ra ra n n nr. .'nrrntnlir huaf tinvlni i arn certainly best, having 1 Ill U' UU DU UI.VIIGU nb fJVUI., tUnla ui'ri"! Miriii' miiiairiiii (.'iiiiini'llrliMi fur Hiaiceu Vrarai no other Ainert can organs havliitr tu-en found at anv. aUo I chuapest Ktjlo Ids; 'i, oota"es; oiilllelent com. pasi unci power, wiui nest rpiamt, I r popular sacred (iu f farcillur muslo Id scliool ior families, at only Hii. One liuinlri il oilier -Die. nt fill). fl. Wii, vi, tg, ii3, flui, tut to (mo and up. The larger stjlesaio wholly unrivaled by any other organs. Also f r easy paymeuts. New Illustrat ed uaiaiozuo rreo. aims uomnany nave commeno eu me manuiaciurooi l'nrlalil Kiniiiil I'luiux, Introducing Important Improvements; adding to power and beauty of tone an i durability will not require luimiK uur-.imuricr 111 iuuuu ivi uiuer l lauus, ii' iii-i rtiit-,1 circilnr. I'lCl'.li. Till .1IAX ON tb IIAJII.IN Orsnil mill IMailu Cu , 131 Tr-mont bL, llostnni 40 1!. Htli Ht., New .orKj uv aoasu Ave., t-nieago. oncpiVMw AGENTS Wnntoil S.HnCc'rmhTni' -.oilicfchiixur, real .arltlr UOOKS & UIUIG3 l lu prk.t Idling fill, riilril'rrlitrci Liberal lirnil, lra41j, rrtUvu aiv.,u h I .unit fat., I'mlailelL'iika, I'a. JunoSWy aid yu, i. l. RAnn, PRAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Episcopal Church, llloooisourg, I'a. Teeth extracted without pals. Oct. 1.1S7V, BROWEi BLOOMSBUaG SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tills SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oilers tho very nest faculties for Professional and Classical Iiuildlnra snaclous. Inviting and commodious ; completely heated by atoam, well ventilated, lighted by llulldlngs spacious, Inviting ure.sou spring water . ,... " . 5 .1 T .... ..-..... .aa TA.nhM . Location healthful, nnti easy or access. iuui;uui Kxpensep moderate. Fifty cents a week uea fjourscs or siuay prcscnuuu uy mu dlulc j I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. rlmnlc. II. Commercial. III. Course In Mnlc. IV. Coiirsa In The Elementary. Hclonttno and ClassIcAl Courses nro MtoifESSIONAL, and students grartualng following corresponding Degrees! Mastcrof mo uioincnis; siasioror inoocioucesi Jiasicror ino Classics, uraounics in mo omcr v;our Normal tfortincates thelrattalnmcnts.slgned by the onicersof tho noard of Trustees. mV...r.. :i . u...a -,-n.-it.nri hvt hr. Ht nio 19 moral, and thnHMenttnonnd CHWRtini enursns am not. nfm or to Ihoso of our best Co letres. 4.!;uV.-i.. ;r,ii,o-nrrti.rnt niti-nnniiin. lnglntclilgcntandcniclentTeachcrsforhorScliooH. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons of good abllltlco and good purposes, Ihoso who desire to Imnrovothelr tlmonudthclrtalents.asStudcnts. To nil such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor after leaving School. For Catalogue, address tno i-nncipai. ,.,,.- IION.Wll.UAill i:i,Vi:i,l,, Pre.litcnt llonrd of Triit-f. I". I'. 11U.L.M YEIt, OCtO. I, '31.- O. DS. S-aV-A-GKE. Silverware, Watches, Jorolry, Clocks. All klndi ot Watches, Clicks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted, may IT, '78- tf BjMmk BjQQlm J. W. RilJSDER, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, PAPERRULER AND GENERAL BOOK BINDER. 11 LANK BOOKS OF ALL DESCJUP. T10XSMADE TO OllDEll. PERIODICALS 110UX1) IN ANY DE- SI 11 A RLE STYLE J. W. RA.;iEK, 10 & 112 W. MARKET STREET, WILKES-BARRE, Pa. NOTICE l'lrt .llui made andCuura TO INVESTORS ! made and ;imranicrt. by tho Mmfo Loan aofl Trust fonipauy, II is 'I.,;s. XKd K iSK t. School UoihH and Municipal Securities for snlo. uesu, ui reierenees iurnmueii. riio ior mil panic, ulars. JAS. II. 1IKAHTWEL1,, Pres., K c. Wku bTmt, Treas. d sept 2i4v S!0 $20,00 In legitimate lujlclom spocuhtlon In Grain, Pro vision! and Slocks on our perfected plan, yields sum monthly pronts to largo and smull luvi stors. uuress, ior'iuu parucuurs, it. i:. ueniiiill iv Co., com'n. Merchants, ui ltti l.a Salle St,, Ohlcago, III. r scpt,15-4v ui(.i.w'V iiipuiy our NSW BOOK I 2 AND- GASLIGHT filiOirlnfTuptljoKewVorkof toitay, with Ita pol&cei, It crowdeil thoroughfare. it ruihinff elevated tralni. ltd counties sisrhM, Its romance.lts mjtcry.lti dark crlmei and terrible trtvedlen. Us charities, ana In fact everr I haeof life In the Rrcat city. Don't waste tlmaBeUlna slow book, but neml tor clrcularn Klvinff full tablo of contcnta, terms to Ajrcnta, a.c. Profpcttun now toady U0UQLAQ3BUO3..63 W.Beveath Bt,Phlladeli)lilt,P Sept 22, 4-W Tim .tuonli-x nrilllloua folic, the Ir.descrlha blii panics ot Chronlo Indlirestlou, tho debility and mental stupor resulting trcm a costlvo habit, m y bo certainly avoided oy reirulatlntJ tho sjstem with that a recable and refreshing standard 'reparation, taihunt's Bei.tzsk Avehiknt. , rnoCUHAULK AT ALL UUUGaiSTS. Sept, 15, i-w, r CUT THIS OUT! VVohavQ8toroslnl5 loading Cities, f mm which our utreuU obtain their tuipi Ucauuklly Our lnelorlfrt. anil I'rliirliui irur i' ni-iirrit'n nun a rilil'liHI i;iie, I'll, nana ior nur .i'v term, toiiiiti Addreri ,1 i nusi I 312 Lncknwnnnn Avo SCRANTON, PA. March 3-ly AGIJXTS! AOi:TSJ AGENTS! Tor OEN. DODOR'S bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS ! A trot record of the Author's Th iriv Ttrta Ytnrt renonai Ex ixnav among vur bviwtu, J itfc ftn able jDtrtwlucUQO By Gen. Sherman. This sew work was at once mWrlbcJ for by Prttihnt AtTUCl and rutin (W'inet. inj hy ile. Sherman, ftn. Grant, Urn. Sheridan, (itn. Ihncocl, an4 Ihotuutndt of Em- lotot lien. Ut. Grant mji t -"I it thtbttt book on Indian I1f txtrwitttn." Uiinor tn tr (Methodlit.) iijst "I it abook of immense i u?u4." UU the only authentic account of our Indian! ever publUhnl, full rercallDg their "laoer Ule,"iecret dolnsi, ezlolt, etc. HU replete wita Uirlllicg cxpeiieneee of the Author, inj cf femoui Scouti, Trtppen, Cow-boyi, Minen. Border HuflUm, etc.Tlvldlr pottrtjiof Life la the Ureet Wct It uon u. 40d thuvMand in prtt. With Steel KngrtTlng and 6uperb Chroroo-IJthograph X'latei In 15 colon, from photographs made t tha U. S. uoTeramcnt tiyrtuiy jor iMMgrtm won. All EAT I This grand tHk U now out-ieUlng all others 10 to 1 jV'o comjxtitio. Agents arerage 10 to BO order ftdar, We want 1000 more agents at once. Exclutiv$ Ttrritory and Sjxciat Ttrna given. Our large circular! with full paitlculare nl Jut, A fine Specimen Tlata sent in addition tot ft Scent stamp. Addreis the sole puMUheri, A. V, WOHT1IINOTU.V ft CO., lUtrroiP, Cow. t-cpt n uu B. l HAUTMAN KaTUKSBNTs TIIK t'OIXOWlNd AilKUIOAN INSUHANCK COMl'ANJKSt Lycoinlnt; ot Muncy I'ennylvaiila. Nor Hi American ot I'hlladelphla, i'a. I'ratiltlla ot " " Ivnimlvanla ot " " Kanueisot Vorlc, I'A, llannvi r or Sew VorH, Manhattan of New Vurk. omoj on Markut Street, No, 8. nioomsbure, mil nna week In your own town Terms and f s out. vuvni ireo. Aaaress it, 111.1. it v wo , I V 1IUUU, Ptalno, march 81 -ly iBDHsiassssssexsscssaca Wanted STATE NOKMAL ....... ........ .. ,. nvtinHnnnit Aftlnlnnl and ntlvn trt .hi.r. bvaiii. - i;iiv;vu. ciauvui, nuu unm w mur nuin, Thn times demand It. Itts onaof tno nrimn oblects Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with 171 . . . ... jnquai jiaeiiiy, ana m Yields unrivaled tones. ' Bind for Illustrated Catalogue, CELEBRATED WEBER PIANOS IIAS&MIAM PIANOS, And other first class Piunos, and a lar -MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOIIDEONS, BANJOS, MUSICAL OMUIIEf TE. VIOLIN STRINGS, AucB every tiling- J- SALTZER, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WEBER-HA.RD1VIAN PIANOS, FINK INLAID FKENOH WALNUT litmy Tt't'iiiN. IB A. COUNT'S PIANO MUSIC HALL. BLOCK, rt SON'S GAPCINE HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And thoir cxool'.ont roputation in jurod by worthloas imitations. Tho rublio aro catitionod against buy ing X'latJlors having similar sound ing naraos. Boo that tho word CA.r.C.IN.Il is eorreotly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improToraont ovor mado in PlaaUri. Ono is worth mor than a dozon of any other kind. Will positivoly ouro wkoro othor romodtcs will not itwi rollovo. Prtto us ontts. Downro of ohoap Plastors mado with load poisons, 8EABURY & JOHNSON. MannfactntltHf Chtmlita, New York. "iThllUK ttliMCtiY At aTlHl1. Prlce26cta, A HEAD'S UulUUl CORK ui BUNION PUSUR. Not 4 'Sl .ly fa ntiinium M i mi Minn." run rut i av inii. niutguau ami) Jlckutlrj tug the UomplcxlttB. ttTTA KU tha tut LmI f taiiUatL f.. lb fay tlitl I tt Urd, I Bv UM kg lLf . IWMU W HJ J HIM W Ult UM VI UurM bu rMooBwai) tout UauM Wwl," m4 liprc'l Ut tautTaMiet U u aJutdM iu lk4lr JlwHnim vtiA ittklitiMk Muki t ipUlU. Oklj (mJ cut. a otth. tall i kUlJnfit firfuinors. Beware OF .. I BEN Wopt, w, l-y loaruliig. gas, and t as, and furnished with a bountiful sumly of Discipline, Arm but kind, uniform and thorough utatiimu Kooms rcscrvcu wuea uusircu. Art. V. Course In Phvsical Culture. therein, locelvo Stale Diplomas, conferring the of this School to heln to secure It. by furnish- Hecretnry, Every buyer should Select an Organ Tliat guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. J, ESTEY & CO., BrattloTioro.Yt. lot of BOOKS iu Hie Music line. CASE OHO AN, 9 STOI'S Soil men I v'v vaunt Sntlsliictlon Giiai'iiutcctl. WARE ROOMS, WILIIES-BARRE, PA Junol J. S ALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, Fifth Store Below Market St, BLOOMSBURG, PA. l 1 TTT1 v i R Qnraipn wnitn pwinrr Kmhm uuiouiuiim HU11U kUIUU UlUUlllUU) Now Davis Vortical Food Sw ing Machine, New Homo Sowing Machine, Household Sowing Machine, Estey Sowing Machine, Gemmia Singer Sowing Machine, Singor Pattern Sowing Machino, Attachments, ticbt Sewtnrr MocUlno Oil. nnrt Mee. UIOHforall sowlnir maciuea. tiewluir JlacUlnea Bold on monthly l)aymPIlt8 Liberal discount made for caiti, Kvery ii'ttchlno imrebiieil from tno la wntrnntodi'ibo kent in wood runnl: irorier lor live years fno of eliarcri. ami iiir.rmn n in. lrucilou8iflvi'nby thobestlady operatorln thin pirt .it Iho state frte of cliarite. Examine tny SB to $201er day at homo samples worth tpu iuipu(rcUi Address stiNaoHi co I'ort mm RAILROAD TIME TABLE )KNN8YLVANIA HAILROAD. PHIL- AUiibruiA s, jim is ji. it, uivisiuft. PliUadolnulA nnd Erin Hailroad Division and Northern Central Itnllway. SUMMEU TIME TAULU, lnntTrctJunoBth. 1SS2. trains loavo Northtim. bcrland, KABTWAHD, ts a, m. Sea Shore Kxpross for Sunbury, nar- risuiirg ana iniermcaiaiu hi nitons, l.nncaster, I'hlladclplilA, New York, llaltlmoro and Washing, ton, arriving at I'hlladelphla 8.S0 p.m.! New York, 0.15 p. in. llaltlmoro, p. in. ; Win-nlnton G.4I p. m making closo connections at l'hlladal- pnia ior an ttvn anoro points. 1.40 p. m. uay uxuruna rur ounuurj, Harris- burs and Intermediate! stations. Lancaster, rim c nniA. now York, iiamtnoro ana wnsn neton. arriving at Philadelphia 7.88 p.m.! Now York, lo.M p. m.: llaltlmoro, 7.110 p. m.; Washington, 8.47 p. ra. Pullman 1'arlor car through to I'hlladcl- pnia nnn passenger coacucs uirougn 10 rnnaael- nhlA and llftttlmoro. i.uo ii, m.-vt lumuinuui l Jitiuiiiiuuufiuuil for Hunburr, llarrtsbum nnd nil Intcimcdlato sta tions, Lancaster, riuiadeipnm and Now York, arriving at Philadelphia n. in. j Now York n. m. Sleeping car occommodatlons can bo secur ed at llarrlsburg (or Philadelphia and New York, Philadelphia passengers can icmaln In sleeper un disturbed until 7 a.m. l.M n. m. Erie Mall for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburir nnd Intermediate stntlons, Lancaster, I'hlladel phla, Now York, llaltlmoro and Washington, ar riving at Philadelphia T6oa. m. i Now York, 11.15 a. ni. i.ia n. m. : waaning. ton, 9.17 n. m. Through Pullman slcoplng cars are run on this train to I'hlladelnhla. Ilaitttnnrn and Washington, and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and llaltlmoro. WE3TWAIID, 6.85 a. m. Krlo Mall for Ki le nnd all Intermedial stations with through ruiimnn pniaco car and through passenger coaches to Krlo. For Cannndalgun nnd Intermediate stations, ltochestcr, llurrnlo and Niagara falls, with Pull man i'alaco car and passenger coaches through to ltochestcr. 1.45 p. m. Niatrara Kxnross for Kano nnd inter- mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Uanandalgua nnd principal Inter mediate stations, Rochester, liurlulo and Niagara Falls with through parlor car to Watklns nnd through passenger coaches to ltochestcr. 6.35 p. in., Fast lino for Look Haven and Interme diate htatlons, and Klrnlm, Watklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to wniKins. TI1HOUOII THAINS FOH NOIITIIUMUKULANU Fl OM TUB KANT AND SOUTH. Niagara Kxuress leaves New York. 6.80 a.m.; Philadelphia HQ a. m.t W. shlngton, 8.07 a.m.: Ilalilmoro9.voa. m anlvlng at Northumberland 1.0 p.m.. with through Pullman Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and llaltlmoro. Fast Lino leaves New York 7.65 a. m. i Philadel phia, lt.dS a.m.; Washington, 9.37 a.m.; Balti more, a.m., arriving at Northumberland 5.35 p.m., with through passengor coaches from rnuaueipnia and iiammorc. Krlo Mall leaves New York 7.65 n. m.: Philadel phia, 11.20 p.m.; Washington, o-sl p. m.; Haiti more, p. m arriving at Northumberland a.l n. in., with through Pullman I'alaco sleeping cars irom j'niiaacipnia, wasningion ana iiammoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia, NOUTHEKN COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and alter Fobruarv lntli.lMl.trnlns will Inavn Sunbury as follows : NOKTIlWAltD. Northern Express 0.30 a.m. .arrive Jilmlra 19.30 pm Arrive nt uananu.iigim s.vd p. m. " ltochestcr 4.10 " " Niatrara. s 4B ' Niagara Kxprcss 1.60 p. m. arrive Klmlra 0.05 p m arrive uananaaigua " ltochestcr 9 45 " " Nlairum 11.60 a m Fast lino 6.15 p m arrive Klmlra p m ivuiKins ii.iu pm SOUT1IWAHD. Southci a Express 1.32 a.m. arrive llarrlsb'g 3.16 am nrrivo rnnaoeipiua r.eo " New York .35 " " lialttmoro 7.00 " Woshlncrton .22 a in Lock Haven Ex 10.60 a m arrive liarrlsb'g 1V.69 pm arrive I'niiaaeipuia o.uu p m " New York 8.45 11 llaltlmoro " Washington C.47 Day Exprcgsl.&u p m arrive Ilarrlsburg 3.89 p m 1 U11UUC1UU1U Now York 7.06 10.00 " 7.00 " llaltlmoro Washington 8.17 urio Man a. m. arrive narnsDurg 8.00 a. m ruuaueipuiu Now York llaltlmoro 7.0 " 9.36 " 7.00 8.21 Washington J.It. WOOD, General Passenger Agent, FltANK THOMSON. General Manager. PHILADELPHAandKEADINGE0AD AltKAJNUKnttiJNT UF Jf AbSJ JiiN 14 Jlt TRAINS. Juno SO, 1682. TRAINS I.KATB llUI'EltT AS F0I.LOWD(BfKDlT KZCSrTKD. For New York,Phlladelphla,UcadlDtM'ottavlllo Tamaqua, to., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m, 4 6C and 7,20 p. m. For Wllllamaport, 6,15 8,60 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS FOK KOrBKT LXATK AS FOLLOWS, (8DHDAT tUCBPTBD.) Loave Now York, via. Tamancnd 9,00 a. ra. and via. Bound llrook Houto 7,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,4s a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,65 a. m., I'otuviile, 13,89 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Leavo catawlssa, c,lo 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p, m. Leave WUlhimiport,9,45 a.m,?,oo p. m. nnd 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama- nend and to and from I'hlladelphla go through without changoot cars. j, is. WUUTTJSN, General Manarrer. C. G. HANCOCK, General Passenrrer and Ticket Arrant. Jan. 10, 1381 tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WE5TK11N ItAILltOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOllTH, STATIONS. Scran ton.... liellevuo. . Tnylorvllle., ...Lackawanna. l'lttston.... SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.Dt 9 16 9 43 0 60 9 45 9 ti V 63 17 6 21 0 27 6 84 0 41 8 49 0 61 0 51 0 68 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 29 7 SO 7 37 8 08 8 'tt 8 4 60 V 00 6 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 25 8 30 9 U9 9 03 8 56 8 43 8 42 8 37 2 36 2 29 2 22 2 16 i 10 9 37 2 20 2 27 9 SI 9 39 9 44 9 SO 9 21 9 19 9 14 .. West lltts ton 10 0.1 Wyoming... Maltby -llcnnett Kington.... Kingston.... Plymouth Juno ....l'lymoutli.,. Avondalo ... Nantlcoke.. 10 08 8 25 8 25 a o.) 1 69 1 42 1 95 1 25 1 18 1 03 0 04 10 18 2 64 2 61 3 02 3 Ot! 3 10 3 18 3 83 3 45 3 51 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 83 4 89 0 04 10 IS 10 24 10 34 10 42 10 60 11 07 11 13 11 20 8 1C 8 65 8 07 8 47 8 39 8 2s 8 17 8 00 UunlocU's creek ....BlilckKMniiy.. ....Hick's Ferry. ....Iteach Haven. 7 40 IS 49 T S3 VI 25 7 20 VI 15 7 20 1! 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 05 11 32 67 11 10 CI 10 69 0 45 10 60 6 37 10 44 6 IS 10 22 6 10 10 08 6'04 10 00 5 45 9 40 8 12! 8 OC 7 60 - uervrick .. Urlar Creek., ...Willow Grove. 7 62 7 44 Ltmo itiage., Espy.... ...UloornsOurt'.. liupert Catawl'a lirtdt'i Danville.... Cbulasky,,. Cameron... Northumberl'tl 11 S9 7 33 11 45 11 69 11 5K 12 19 7 33 7 23 7 11 8 35 4 60 8 52 9 00 5 09 9 04 6 25 0 20 6 45 12 45 p.m. a.m. a.,m. p.m. p.m. a.m. , . . W. V. HAL9TBA1, Supt. Superintendent's oaico. Scradton. Koo. 1st, 1899. PAUKIiU'iS HAIR BAXiSAM. '1 his rlt 'amdrcsMiij U j efcr J by tl.w wliolinvcU'.cilil, to tiny ki.uu.!ar Pilule, lu ao ;ount or iti Kupcriur .lan!iiici tiiivl purity. It coi.i.tiiis luatcruli oiil t!u.t ni c bvueficial to the ffjlji and Jiair audulwaiyj Restores the Youthful Color to Crcy or Faded Hair ratkert lUirllalsam 1 finel j)erfiimej nnd t warranted to prevent Cillinj onlioliair and to re- move ujnunm ana Hciii.ii;. JIiscos 1,0 , N.V, PARKER'S GSHOEB TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Reilonr. If you are a mtdianlc or farmer, worn out with '". or a mother run down by family or house, hold duuctiry IVkkki.'s (Iinof-k Tunic, If you are h lawyer, minister or Imtinctt man er liauitrd ty mental atrain or anxiuui earn, dg not taVo liitoaicjiiiiBkiuiuilant,lutusel'uiker'i(JiiiEerToiilo 1 IfypjliMa I'oiiiuinption, UynKi-alj, Hheuina. lira, Kidney t onii.lainu, or anydiaordcrof the lungs, atomacli, LoweU, Homl omen ei.l'A i ki k' Oinghu. Ionic illcuie you. Ills die Ci eateat lllood I'urificr And the Ccst and Surest Cough Cure Ever Uted. If you are watting away from se, tlittipation or any ducaie or wealneat and require a itimulant take tiif,cn J'okieaifincai it lll!nvioraie and build vou up from thn firat doae but will never Inioaicale, Una.mcdluindiciU clies it may tave yourt, CAUTION 1-Ii.r... allluWllut.i.r,ara,.OIo.iTilli MBirOMd o tb. UttrtiiH.oi.l...nlia lk.worlJ,audU.uUr aif.nol , from pn,.tloiii .1 (liiir alona, 8n J for tlreular la IIUcm Jk Co., N, V, (Or, A II U, la drgl, OI1EAT 6AVINO tlUVINQ DOU-Atl ClZt, lu nch and Ukiing fragrance hai made thu dengliiful perfume exceedingly popular. There l uol hluit lite II , I mill iiion having 1'lores. TOM Colocnb and Icok fur (ignature of I taAUUK tt in jy iff SIZE. March 8, '8a ly,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers