THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. i .' I" BITTENBfcMDES, E11U"' BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY. OOTOH1SR Ctli, 1882. Notice to Democrats, Last dny for paying taxes Saturday, October 7th. Last day for being naturalized Sat urday, October 7th. Tho democrats of Lycoming county opened tho campaign on Monday even ing nt Williamsport, by mass meeting nt tho court house, which was mlures ed by F. Ell CliauucevF. lllackand Mortimer lUliot. Thoro was a very largo nt- tendance. No earnest Democrat will bo deluded into votiiiLMiiytliiui! but bis own ticket, by any of Canieruns's sido shows, whether it be called a worklugmau's candidatoor what not. No true soldier will desert his colors nt any time, especially not when victory is about to perch upon his hau liers Beaver's speeches consist mostly of boasts of his own popularity, and assu rances of his own election. He tells his audionces that tho Independent move- mont has died out, although tncy are holding larger and moro enthusiastic meetings all over tho state than tho Btaiwarts. uenver may uo cieceiveu himself, hut ho cannot fool tho people with such chaff. Republican organs aro very much worried becauso I'attison will not net; lect tho duties of tho important office lie now holds to travel about tho stale ex hibiting himself at county fairs and tho -- . .1 e- I iiko. uoni worry gonucman.uovernor Pattison will take his turn after tho eloo- uon. licaver is doing an ino taiKing no w. I i report was circuiatca that each ol the clerks in Controller Pattison's oflico i,n,i I,,, nocn.i esii i.,. i,o iim,. tiTeUyS pi lose . Mr.Pattison has corrected this report in tho following language : V scssed by any organization representing cither tlio Democratic party or any other party. So far as I know not ono of them has contributed ono cent. Tho a Republican nnd Sri hoS2 Chief Auditor is idontitied with that party pormitted my clerks to be assessed atid shall not permit it. ' The Stalwart managers will havo to VOVlsn lintlnlr. nf ,nminirn !a. sues, change their candidates or import and uaturafzo a London tailor. While Beaver is howling about how faithfully tho Stalwart party has stood by tho doc trino of protection, his colleaguo on tho Stalwart ticket William Henry Rawle sends to London for the clothes ho wears to make a canvass in. In twenty years tho Stalwart candidate for supreme judge has never worn a suit of clothes cut from American goods or made by an American tailor. Ho sends to London for every thing of tho kind ho needs, and the party that chooses him as its standard bearer has tho effrontery Xo talk about protecting American indus try and American mechanics. Watch man. How ia it to be Used. The immense electioneering fund which has been raised by the stalwart state committee cannot be disbursed in tho payment of legitima.o expenses of tin canv.fcs. Printing, clerical services, postage and tho oxpenscs of stump speakers will not at the highest figure cost tho eommitteo abovo twenty-live thousand dollars. Moro than ono thorough documentary and stumpin canvass of tho stato has been made at less expense than tho sura just mention ed. It is clear, therefore, that not ono twentieth p. rt of tho half million dol- lain which have been collected by Mr. Cooper will bo used for lawful and nonesi purposes, it is equally clear that this stupendous electioneering fund has been raised by tho stalwart niana- gers for tho purposo of influencing tho election by corrupt and unlawful means, Indeed it is the open boast of somo of the moro indiscreet Cameron henchmen that tho bosses mean to "buy up tho state." Forwanied is forearmed. The tactics of the Camcroniati corruption ists aro well understood. If tho demo crats of the stato will but tako counsel of their past ex-perienco tho dirty mon ey of tho bosses will ho spent in vain. Tho lesson of 1878, forinslance, should bo vivid in the recollection of every democrat. Thousands of dollars wero Hpent that year by tho Camcrou com- during tho fiscal year ending with Sep mittee in diverting demoeratio votes, tember. This is an increase over last from Dill to Mason. Colonel Quay ycar 0f 032,000 bushels, aud tho lar tho chairman of tho commit tee, got con- gest production sinco 1871. Tlio re trol of the "greenback" canvass and coipts for duties from 1818 to 1812 in managed it to suit himself. He stopped elusive wero $1,205,478. it... -a; r it i i it i i ' ' u.e ;,.aurm o. .uacK emus i" 'fPuWiean thresholds and pushed it ... inv iBii.v mamiei in uen.ocim.o line i liveliest manner in democratic icalitics. Ho has his jnmps and spies ) ofheer 'gicenhack organizations nd to run "greenback candidates. He 1 1 m-:i 1 1 1 iih in iitiu iiiu iiiriiiiti nn uitinui to nnd circulated republican documents through tho agency ot subsidized "greenback committees. On tho day of elec tion his spurious "greenback" organiza tions saw to it that only members of demoeratio antecedents voted for Mason and that all others polled a solid repub lican ticket. Ho paid tho bill for all this expensive imposturo liko a littlo man, although ho was obliged to over draw his bank account $ 10,000. Docu mentary ovidonco of tlio facts just stated is in existence andean bo pro duced if a court of justice should re quire. The fame Colonel Quay has recently been placed in supremo com mnnd at the republican headquarters in Philadelphia. Ho is oven now attempt- ing to repeat tho tactics which wero so successful four years ago. IIo spend all the monoy ueeessary to draw votes from Pattison to Armstrong, to put up "greenback ' local candVates as utool pigeons to delude unwary voters, to send spies into the clubs of tho inde pendent republicans, to buy corruptible newspapers, to induce nnti-stalwnrt voters to stay away from the polls, and finally, if ho shall have any money loft or any bank to draw upon, ho will round ont his desperate scheino for the suppression of tlio will of tho honest masse, by an effort to purchaso a fow thousand corruptible- voters and to manlnulato as many election officers as possible. Depend oil it, there is noth ing so dosperately adventurous, so Im pudently audacious that it will not bo attempted by tho present management of the stalwart canvass, if thought nec essary to tho success of tho Heaver ticket. Tlio electioneering fund of half n million dollars means that tho worst work of tho worst of political despera does is to bo pcrfoimed iu this state be fore tho seventh of November. Let the people bo on their guard. JfarriS' bury J'atrlot. Ueoriria wns cirri wl on Tuemlny by tho Democrats by a majority of nbout 80,000. Aloxmulcr II. Stephens was fleeted governor. There wns n hmo Wet- Ing in. I'hllndelnhm InstSaturdny night, nl winch Heaver was announced 10 - o,,nnk nn Mtntn inr.. Hn mnuo his "'o annnnli tint. fnr.rot to r.iv nnvtliltit. nhoiit thnt subiect. Ho dare not touch it. becauso ho cannot assert his man hood without repudiating Cameron, and to do this would bo bis jiolitical death. Tho moro IJeavor talks tho better it is for tho Democracy. Tho "Republloan" will get one. From tha Phlla. Prim, (Hop ) Chairman Ilenocl. when ho cets time, should write a earn tnatiKing ino ouu- t . t . I CI A I wart oruans for their Billy atlcmptH to conncct'Pattisoti with tho Almshouse frauds. Thoy aro a big thing for tho Democratic condidato. ..!.. 1!.1... I Paying Her Mite to Oooper, At tho Regular Republican head quarters on luonoay aucruoou 01 nisi, week, while Secretary Taggart and half a score of clerks were busy at desks and tables in tho main room, a young girl, about eighteen years of nge, of prepossessing appearanco and plain ly but neatly dressed, came in. Imi tating as sho entered tho room, in ovi dent embarrassment she asked : "Is Senator Thomas V. Cooper in V "Ho is not,' said secretary laggart, rising nnd wnlking forward . "Uan 1 do anvtlunc tor you 1 '-I've brought my inonoy." said tho girl, drawing out a well-worn old pock- et-book and taking out two one-dollar bills. Secretary 'laggart was at onco himself ngain. Jumping into his chair at the table atrain, lie asked tho cirl to sit down, while ho opened a drawer and took out a book. In Sana or Cooper's privato room at tho sa .o time loud voices and boister ous were heard, and there O camoout filled the main room a thick cioud of smoko from fragrant Havana cigars. Tho smokers wore Rmintnr Cameron, who a fow davs atro. according to an enthusiastic and ndmir I. f. " i ... 'B WasTiington letter vritter, sa fore a safe of tho Gnaranteo Life sat bo- Liife and flr"f Co-npany and clipped coupon. for four hours, Secretary Quay and a fcw ,boon companions. T oy were tell- ing tunny stories ami lauguing over them. Secretary Taggart, having opened his book, looked across tho table at tho vount; woman, who sat abxshed, ovi- tlently unllscd to 8uch scones. L ""o-much is it t" asked the i secre tary, "Two dollars, said tlio gin, tremu lously. She banded tho monoy over, the sec retary dropped it into a drawer, turned the kcy entered the sum cm a book and beean to mako out a receipt. "What's your first name 1" lie ask ed. "Emma," said tho girl timidly. Mr. Taggart wrote it out and hand ed her tho receipt. "I suppose," said the girl, rising as sho folded the receipt, "every little helps.'' 'Oh, yes," said Mr. Taggart, mechani cally. "And it doesn't mako any difference my giving it to you instead of Mr. Cooper, does it." "Oh, no," said tho amiable secre tary. "Good-bye," said the girl, bowiug as she withdrew. "Good bye," said Mr. Taggart, turn ing to his work. 1'hila Times. newsTFtems: The Grand Army of tho Republic of Pennsylvania, Uhio-and West Virginia held a reunion at Pittsburg oti Monday. It was estimated that 50,000 strangers wero in the city. Prof. Tildou. who made n oxaminatio'n of tlio noisoned bouauet that was given Guitea'n by his sister, Mrs. Scoville, the day before his exe- cution, reported to District Attorney Corklnll on Tuesday that tho largo bud contained live grains of "whito arsenic" The original amount was greater, as the notals of tho flowers lailed to retain in .i di-v stato somo which adhered when moist. Corkhill says he is now tryin" to discover who it was that poi- dthe flowers, and if tho Jpoisoner sonei could be discovered ho tvould be held to answtr the charge. CEKTIl'IOATE. "I liavo used Burdock Blood Bitters with great benefit for indigestion and constipation of tho bowels." U. Ii. H.aston, Prico 81-00. "Hamilton, Out." 8,300,000 bushels of salt wero made on tliu Ononilaca reservation. Svrnc.nsp. y0) Umb LoOM Springs, Box nr COUI)t T uuJ 8000 un jer fe, pmmly subdivided, and der fen(; pi.0.,eriy subdivided, and Btookofl wil,f ba,ltiful Shetland and Uc(l io8i IIi8 bl.L.ejing 8tock Conits of seven stallions and forly-fivo . n. mares, all thoroughbred, and 200 spot ted pony mares. IIo is breeding a raco of striped and spotted ponies to plcaso the children. He sells tho iucreaso to persons all over the world, and tho sup ply is not equal to tho demand. These little ponies range over tho praries liko sheep or goats, and present a novel ap pearanco very gentle, every ono as docile as a eat, and oau be caught any where on range. Judgo Folger has accepted theropnb, lican nomination for governor of New York. Henry Ward Beecher says he would rather his right hand should wither than cast a ballot for a man nominated by fraud and forgery, and Ueorgo William Uurti, editor of liar. Weekly, which has always been a radical republican paper says : That nomination was procured by tho combined power of fraud and patronage, and to support it at the polls would bo to acquicsco in fraud and patronage aslegitimato forces in a nominating convention. Every good citizen is bound to resist to tho utmost such n wrong to frco institutioiip, and tho only effecual way in which tho vo ters can emancipate themselves from tho corrupt and debasing rule of a machine is to defeat its candidates. This I believe will bo dono decisively by tho Republican voters of New York and Pennsylvania nt tho election of this autumn. Thoy will seo their par. ly defeated rather than fraud aud pat ronago triumphant. Events in both States show that no graver political peril now confronts tho country than tho complete subjugaton of party by uiiscriipulohs cabals, which bribe with publfo employment nnd pay their way by filching from tho publio Treasury. This is an evil which will end iu vio lence unless it is conclusively rebuked by tho peoplo at tho polls." itoIiiuhioh coiiveutioti. pur8UAnt to cull of tlio chnlrmnn of tha connty committce. tho Prohibitionists of Columbia comity met in convention. In ' I5 I'?""' 9.lm"' ' J""l!"c' nl " r ' - , , ., ,,' Chairman, ami tho call rend, stating the object of tho meeting. Tho minutes of tho last meeting were then rend nml adopted, nfter which a mo tion was mndo that n committee of threo bo appointed by U10 chnlrmnn to prepare resolutions, which was cnrrled, nml In ac cordance therein, Aaron Smith, John Ho- dlno and Kills Eves wcro appointed. While tho committee wer performing their duties several persons favored tho convention with short addresses. On motion the State ticket nominated by v pmi.tbltlon convention nt Altoona was cmiorgc,i. ti10 committee then reported tho follow. na resolutions which wcro adoiiteil 1 . . . . 1 Hesohtd, That wo licrcliy declare 11 10 ho the numoso of this convention to nomi nate ami support only such candidates for the Legislature ns aro believed to he une quivocally in favor of submitting to n voto of tho peoplo an amendment to tlio consti tution proWbltlng tho manufacture nnd salo of intoxicating liquors for uso ns a bovernee. wlllilu tlio commonwealth of Pcnnsvliianla. 2. ftftioW, Thnt wo as members nf this convention will support tho nominees of tlio Prohibition party at tho polls ns well ns elsewhere. 8. IUmhtd, That wo endorse tlio plat form of tho Altoona convention. 4. Ilcsolmt. That wo congratulate tlio Prohibition nconlo of Iowa and Kansas on their Bitccess in securing prohibitory nmcmlmcnts. Tlio convention then proceeded to tlio nomination of candidates. Vcit tlm olllnes of Congressman and jtntc Senntor no names were presented. Webster Eves nnd John Hodlne being cj,oscn congressional conferees, and Aaron H.r,in, on,i n a pitnr annninrinl , 'on fcrcc3) wlth ln3lruc,ions t0 support such candidates as would in their judgment best servo tho interests of tlio party. After considerable discussion a9 to the expendlency of nominating two candidates for the office of representative. SI. Tewks- bcrry was nominated and Geo, W. Supplee, tlio republican candidate, endorsed. For Sheriff JI. 0. Woodward wos nomi nated. For jury commissioner, Aaron Smith was nominated. For coroner, V. 1 Evei wns nominat ed. On motion tlio following were elected ns officers of permanent orcamzatlon Aaron Smith, chairman, (lie to appoint one man in each township to assist him in tlio work of tlic campaign) J. 15. Eves, sccrctnry, and Q. W. Correll treasurer. Jacob Kester, Sliadrnck hves, 0. A. Pot ter, Susan W. Heller nnd Sirs. Walker, were appointed a committce on 11 nance. An effort was then mndo to raise money, to meet necessary expenses, with very satis factory results. A vote ot tliaiiKS was lenuereil ino pro- prietora for tho us0 0f their hall. Adjourned to meet nt tho call of the chair man. O. A. roTini!, Sec'y. Mason, who shot at Qulteau, is to re main In prison, the judges refusing to grnnt a writ of Aaicos corpus. "Profuse expenditure by Government is not only burdensome in itself but gener. Peltt ganco breeds extravagance. Lvery use less expenditure creates an excuse if it docs not cau30 a necessity for further waste." Robert E. Pattison. Pottsvillo merchants havo agreed to close their places of business at 8 o'clock during tho winter evenings. A company with a capital of $112,- 000 has been organized at Greenville, Mercer county, to operate a mica nunc located theie. Arrangements havo been mado for a concert in connection with the Ui Contciininl at Philadelphia on tho even ing of October 25, at tho Academy of Music, by htteen hundred school chil dren. Eight thousand acres of valuablo coal lauds havo been purchased by Philadelphia capitalists in Westmore land county. Zcll's circus was wrecked at Lancas- tor, Kentucky, last Suuday, by a car lumping tb& track. The car rolled down an embankment, followed by fif- teen other cars. Tho cars wero loaded principally with tho baggago of the company, attaches wero scat tered through the train. Three men wero iii8tantiv killed, threo probably fatally injured and seven or eight others seriously wounded. A tiger escaped from a cage, but was secured before doing any damage. Tlio engino and threo front cars escaped uninjured. MARRiAGES. Deily Lyons. At tho Reformed pars- onnge on September 10, 18S2 by Hev. O. II, Struuk air. S. A. Dolly to Miss Salina Lyons both of Bloorasburg. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdjr never varlos. A maivel of purl ty sUenmn aod wnoiesoni'ness. More economical tain tuu ordinary Kinds, and cannot bo sold In competition wltn tho multitude of low test. Bhort we tn, aium or n losplute powders. Sold only l-t uaua, iiuiAl, U'MNU I'UWPKK I.U., 1UU vatl-3t., m, augii-iy. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY". Friday Eve'ng October 6th. LIIXIE HALL'S MAMMOTH BURLESQUE AND Comedy Combination, MOHHY NKWCOMH, LAMONT A DUCHOW. A new nnd oiiginnl farco entitled Coney Island. and tho Spaukmno Uuni.r.swK or HASS3GIMBAD, Tickets for salo at Dcntlor's shoo storo. W OtOYAC'litt'tlfl) Democratic State Ticket. For Governor, KOIJKUT U. I'ATTISON, Ol' PIIII.ADI'.l.l'lllA. For Lieutenant Governor, OIIAUNOY F. BLACK, ov Yonic. For Judge of tho Supremo Court, SILAS M. CLARK, OP INDIANA. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, OV llUNTlNODON. For Coiigressinan-ntLarge, MORTIMlilt F. ELLIOTT, Ol' TIOOA. COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, HON. JOHN IJ. STORM. Ob' MONtlOl. COUNTY. President Judge, HON. WILLIAM ELWELL. State Senntor, HON. H. J. MoIIENRY Subject to decision of Senatorial contercno . Representatives, HON. T. J. VANDEKSLIOE, WILLIAM BHYSON. Sheriff:, JOHN MOUREY. Coroner, JOHN P. HANNON. Jury Commissioner, GEORGE W. DEHR. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VAI.UAIILE REAL ESTATE ! ! of execution to mo directed, there will bo exposed to publla sale, at tlio Coert llouio. In Dlooinsburg.on Thursday, October 26, 1882, at o o'clock In the f orcn jn. tho followln r dcscrlb ed real estate : The undivided one-halt part ot all that certain lot of ground situate In tho town of Catawlssa, Columbia county, state of Tcnnsyl vanta, bounded on tho east by Front street, on tho west by N. W. M, II. K. Co., on tho BOtith by land of lloycr, on tho north by land ot Casper lihaw i ; fronting cn said Front street 103 feet ana extending in depth to said railway feet whereon is erected ntno-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, largo frame barn o id out-butldlngs. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the proporty of Frederick I ralth. U. II. EST, ithawn, Att'y. sheilll. Oct. o, 4t. UDITOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF CANFIGI11 HIHUISOS DECEASED. Tho undershrnrd auditor annolntcd by the Or Dhanb' Court of Columbia county, to distribute Diiauco in ui'3 nnaus or cue surviving nxecuior in thoettataof Canlleld Harrison deed, ot liiooms- biii'ir. will attend to that dutv at his onico In Hloomsbunr. on Saturday. November 4th. at te n ociock in ino loronoon, wiien nnu wnero an per sons having elalm9 upon slid fund aro requested to present them or he forever debarred from com ing in ua saiu xuna. V. Vt . JllLLliK. Auditor, Oct. 0, ta. C.c. Peers. M. I).. Son. 431 Fourth avenue, now i orK, nave painless remedies ror mesa eviis, mousanua curca. uau or sena stamp ror ovi- ueuco. d Oct. 0, 4 w, THAN EVER. ilu I'll bit. liullb AM) UEAVtiN. 400 beat authora. Prose and Poetry Introduction by T. L Cuvlcr. 1). 0 This elccan nomo took made innro beautiful Revised 01 st thousand. Kntlro now Maxes 40 Dales ad led M new authors. J 1.75. un this. imIos and our new cyclopedia, tlm month to Agents. x u. iKK.vr, riwmaner, now iurK, Oct, C, 4-w. d WANTED? Energetic. lie. liable Men to 'soli Fruit fPcnns fit-on,. Vines. Shrubs, ltoaca. ,tc. (1 tou SALARIES and Expenses paid. Address at once. J. F. ICLAItE Kocuester, n. v. a uct. ii, 4-w. ROOFING. For steep or flat roofs. Applied by ordinary uursuieuuiuno mini ma cost vi nn. urcuiure and samples free, Agents wanted. T. NEW, si juuuDir'Ci, new iorK, a uct. o, 4-w, TSTItAY 1IOQ. Came within the enclosure of tho undersigned in Hemlock township, on or nbout tho soth of au gust, 1632, n white boar about s months old. The owner will call, prove property, pay charges and iaxe mm uwav ur uo wiu U? mapuacu oi uccuruiu, tu law. V. II. BOMUOY Oct. 0,9-W' TU-OTICK OF DISSOLUTION. Notici is hereby given that tha ilrm ot Moor head .t Ilarter has been dissolved on tha 20th day of September, lsstf. T. C. Ilarter having sold his lntcrutt In tha business to U. W. Kline. Moor head & Kllno will be responsible for all bills of tbo lau nrui.auu wm uuueci mi uiusiuiiuiug uucuuiua as tuougn uu euangu uau occurreo. J. C. MOOR11EAD, 1 . llAKllill. oct.n, 8-w ORPHANS' COURT SALE Ol' VALUABLE The undersigned oxecutor ot tho last will, Ac, ofGeortpi Glrton, lato of Greenwood township, will sell on tho premises on Saturday, November 4, '82, commencing at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, all that certain real estate sltuato lu Greenwood town, sblp. In tho said county ot Columbia, bounded and described ns follows, to-wit : on the north by lands of Daniel Harrington and others, on tho cast by land ot Peter II. Glrton and Abraham PrlbelbUs, oa tho south by lands ot David Albert- son and John G. Glrton and on tho west by lands ot Peter Cole nnd others, contaln'ng 66 ACRES, and ci perches, moro or loss, whereon are crested a two-story frame or PLANK HOUSE, a frame barn and other out-bulldlngs TEUMS Ol' SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot tho purchaso money shall be paid at tho utrlk Ing down of tho property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent at tho continuation ot salo and tho rcmalntiir three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. ISAAC A, DEWITT, Kxeculor, Oct. o, ts. Public Sale! OK VALUAULE FARMING LAND ! ! Tho undersigned will offer at publla sale on the premises on Thursday, November 2, 1882, at s o'clock p. in., tho farm Bltuato at the lower end of Kspy, Scott township, containing about 70 ACRES, moro or less, all under cultivation, Tbero is a largo brick dwelling house, largo barn, sheds, and all the nccctsary out-bulldlngs on the premises, all in good repair. Plenty of fruit ot all kinds. It Is a very deslrablo properly. At tho same time and place will bo sold the MjjXCOlsioi' VillOgai' "Works with good frame buildings, and about ONE ACRE OF LAND. Terms made known on day ot sale. JOUN SIIUMAN, Btipy, fa. Oct. 0, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlOIi. X9TAT Of Lit VI MII.I.SR MTU Or CXNTRI TOWKsnlr, 1'KCKASKD. Ittnrfl nf ArlmtntfttrAtfni, nn Mm Ml ntn nf tjtrl Miller, lalo ot Centre tw'p., Columbia county, l'a , ild county 10 Ntephen l'olio, I.tmo Hldie, and iiiun l Miller. Union Corners. Northumberland county, administrators. All persons having claims against tbo cstnlo of tho decedent aro requested to present thum for settlement, and t .010 Indebted to tho cstnto to mako payment to tn undersigned administrators wllhoul delay, HrKPIIKM P01IK, I.tmoUldeo. ruiLie i,. MU.i.KK, union corners. North'J co. Bcpo-ow- Aominisiraiors. A UDlTOlt'S NOTI013. ESTATK OF WILLIAM LAZARUS, DKCRA8SD. Or OHANdK TOWHSlllr. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or lians' court of Columbia count v to mako dlntrl- utlon of tne bal. In the hands of J, Sandenon l.aja- run, administrator, will sit at tho onico of Frcern, Kverlr Whlln in lllomnsliur? In RAlri count r on Tuesday, tho 81st day of October 1891, nt ien u viock a, m , 01 Bain nay, wncn ann wd(tb nu parties Interested In said cstnto must attend or bs torcver debarred from any sliaro ot said fund. Hopt s-ta Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. E9TATK OF SARA II l'EHO, DECEASED. Tlio tindcrslcnoil nntmltitpd nn the Ornhnn's court ot Cilumbla county, to make dis tribution to nnd nmoni? ilio parties entitled Here to, of tho balanco In tho hands of tho executor of said estate, will attend nt his onico In Iilooms buv, on Thursday, October so, 1882, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon.for tho purposes of his appoint ment: when and where all persons bavin? claims on said fund aro requested to present them, or bo CDarroa irom coming in on sum nina. j?u..'ui;i,ai(iv, Sept 22-ta Auditor, E XKOUTOIt'S NOTICE. BSTATR OF CAR0L1NK MANN, DKCRASED. Letters tcstamcntarv In the catato of Carollno Mann lato of Heaver two. Columbia county. l'a.. deceased have bf en granted bv tho Itcelster of said county to tho undersigned excoutors. All per Rons navint? claims ntrainst ine esiaio oi mo docedent aro requested to present them for set tlement anu iiioso inaeotea to ino ebtato to mane pay mcnt to tho undcrslgnol executors without delay. J. s. MANN, A. w. iMAnn, Executors, riept !i2-C-W. iOUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF SAI1AII ANN STINK, DECEASED Lcttcrs:tcstamont&rvnnthccstAteot Sarah Ann Stlne, lato ot Locust township, Columbia county Ia. deceased, havo been ei anted by tho Iteglstcr ot said county to Geo. W.. stlne. Numldla Columbia Co. All persons having claims against tbocstati of the decedent ore requested to present them for sciticmeNt ana iiioso lnaeutea to too usuiic iu make payment to tuo undersigned executor witn, out delay. uuu, ,v, n i iitiv, aueisf,-w Executor. JOHH A. FUNSOT & CO., Real Estate, Trust, Investment, nnd Collection Office, Blooins- burg, Columbia County, renn a, Properties fcr Sale in Columbia County, FAEMS. 63 acres in Jtndlwn township, largo house.framo barn and out-bulldlnBS ; good fr"tt, water aud fair quality land, ltensonablo prico and terms, Owned by Mrs. Esslck. 70 acres in llonton township, n;nrNcw Colum- but, A very deslrablo and productlvo farm with good buildings, fruit, water c. l'rlco $3000. Terms easy. 103 acres In Flshlngcreck township, near Zlon church, llrlck dweliln?, barn and sheds, good water, two orchard! and othe.' fruits. Prico and terms l easonable. tli acres in- Jackson township. Small farm cleared, with farm buildings A saw mill and dwelling. AUo a largo quantity of plno and hem lock timber. ISO acres ot excellent land In Mimin township, on road betwoen llerwlck and Mllllln, owned by John Wolf, Esq., on H. & W. It. II. It. llrlck house, farm buildings, orchard, water, sc.. ana suuiclent supply of timber. A valuable property 120 acres In Malison township, near Jersey- town. Good frame house, barn, water, fruit anu timber. Will bo sold cheap and on good terms acre In Madison township near Van Horn's school house, with frame house, stable and good fruit. C8 acres in Hemlock township near Evan's Ml II Frame house, bank barn, young orchard ot choice fruit, good meadow, running water, Ac. 112 acres ot excellent farm lanl 1 miles west of liloomsburg. lirm buildings and two tenant houses. loo acres In Pino township, near I'lno Summit Farm buildings fruit, water and considerable tlm ber. 5 acres ot limoatono with threo kilns In Contro township. ASjfftory woolen mill with full set of macula cry, a good natural wuUt power, all lu good woik Ing order with good trade. Also a large dwelling, barn and out-bulldlugs. Also 2il acres of land on Little Fishlngcreck, Mnlle3 from liloomsburg Also ten other farms In vailous localities. Properties in Bloomsburg aud BlsO' whero. A largo, comfortablo and nearly now Ihreo story brick residence on South Market street, with Mansard root, gas, water, cold or hot, ranga. b ith room, heater lu cellar, btable, well, cholco fruit. Ac, all In 11 rat rate condition, l'rlco rcasoatblo ud terms easy. A carriage manufactory with tools and tr.idi desirably located on Iron street, below Main. Two pleatantly located brick resldoaojs on Ccntro street. Two large Iramo dwellings on Third street West Bloomsburg, A neat frame residence on Main street, West llloomsSurg, with stable, good water and trait Grounds and building In best condition. A very desirable brick on Main street, suitable for business and residence combined. A doublo brick residence oa East .Main street. desirably located. Terms easy. A framo bouse on Sixth street near Market, brick and also a framo dwo ling on Fifth street. both In good condition. Pleasant homes . Two small frame dwellings In East Uloomsburg, cheap. Two framo dwellings on Iron street, cheap, a large new brick residence at tho corner of Third and West btreets, A very desirable frame dwelling on Fourth street, Catawlssa with "table, water, lrutt, ko, also at Catawlssa, a coal yard with siding, large bed of jood sind, dwelling on premises, partot which can be used as building lots. Also, other propel lies not mentioned, and do slrable building lots located on Market, Fifth, West and other streets. Strict attention paid to the examination ot titles ana;to conveyancing, and all matters submitted promptly attended to at lowest rates charged by real c stato agencies. For particulars npply to JOHN A. FUNSTON, or I'AULE. WIRT. ORPHANS' COURT SALE " OK VALUA1ILE TCcsil Estate 2 The underslgnod administrator of Jacob B, Hess, lato ot Sugarloaf township, djoeased, will oxposo to publio sale on tbo premise! on MONDAY, October 16, '82 at o'clock p. m. tho following tracts of land, slt uato In Sugarloaf township. No. 1. Hounded on tho North nnd Kast by lana of J, V, Fritz on the South by a publio road and on tbo West by land of Hannah Fritz, containing SEVEN ACRES moro or losi, till same tnlog Improved land, No, 3 Hounded on tho North by land of J. 1', Fritz on tho East by land ot J, J. Mcllcnry and Illchard Ileus, on the Houtb by land of Bhadrack IIcss and on tho West by a publio road, contain ing THIRTY AORES more or less, tha same being partly Improved land. This tnctof land contains a good orchard and sugar camp, TKHM8 OF BALK Ton per cent, of the ono fourth ot the purchaso money to bo paid at the striking down ot I ho property; tho one-tourtb less the ten per cent, at the eonnrmatlon ot sale; and the remaining throc-fourtln In one yoar there after, with interest from confirmation nisi. a l. rum, JBssk iiuss, Attorney. Administrator, Sept 8 J-ts Central, BUILDINvTMANiLLl Till waier-proot material, ioembllug fine leather, is used for roofs, outside walls and lnilde In place or momer. Laiaiugug ami Biupuia iicu. W. H,' FAY & CO. UlllllUl'U. N, J. a septww INVITATION. Strangers passing through the city are cordially invited to visit the store, and make free use of its conveniences ; leaving their ltij.i;age under check at any of the doors, or in the Luggage Room in the Department of Public Com fort. Really we meant to have this important department in full operation before every body got back from sea and mountain. It is made for strangers ; and they seem to enjoy it, so far as it has got. It consists of a free Reading Room for gentle men, a free Resting Room for ladies, free writing-facilities in both, closets, and other little conveniences; a soda and mineral-water fountain that isn't free ; and a lunch room to be added. We make the great public welcome there, beyond the wont of any other house, so far as we know. We think It will pay us to look after Public Comfort a little, as a means of advertising. There's nothing sly or crook ed about it. We want vis itors to Philadelphia to have a good time, and to connect our store with it. New things arc coming, and fall trade is already begun. New things do not come all together. They come in a steady stream from now till Christmas. And they go in the same way. They have to. You may easily believe it, when you see our house full all the time, of goods and of peo ple taking them rway. It would be hardly worh speak ing of so obvious a fact, but for the moral; v.'tich is: Buy when you find what you want; for tomorrow some body else will be r.lter it. New things will crowd upon us now for mention every day. Only a few can get into the papers, except In the most general way. It will be fair to come for whatever you want, and expect to find it. New foreign wraps have come. There are jersey coats, jersey ulsterettes, pelisses, and others. The writer of this hasn't even seen them. He has only heard of the flutter they are going to make. Wonderful silks have come. But we must say more about the least ol them than we have time for today. We have neither lime nor knowledge today to go into particulars. This is only an early notice that the store is filling up with goods for fall. We need to say further to you who live at a distance that you needn't go to the city every time you want any thing. We take so much pains to send you what you want, that you ri,k little in writing for goods. Let us know, as nearly as you can, what you want, and we will send you samples and prices, or take other means of find ing out exactl) what you do want. John W anamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market IUKU. aud Cily-hall i.iuire, ViiltAUBU-UlA. D. & J- J- ir HENRY belw; engaged In tnB Manufacturing of Lumber havo constantly in Btocu tuo following: 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8 HEMLOOK BILL STUFF, ot various lenjtlia for IluUdlns I'urpostis. 200,000 feet Hemlock Boards, 14, 10, 18 and 20 feet, nuiging In width from 10 to 20 Inches. 1)3,030 GAUGED BOARDS B, 0 nnd 7lnchcs, 10 feet long. 110,000 Whito I'lno Boards, Fanel. 40,000 foot 2 in. Plank, Pino, ALSO T.nrrm mifintlLtas of common Dlno boards etc.. Quantities ot tlio above can bo lift J at tno Lum ber ttrd ot J- J. JiIolIENltV, Benton l'n. For f urlher particulars address D.&J. J. M'HENRY Benton, Pa. nun 28 sin A UDITOU'S NOTICE. IN TUK MATTKIIOK TIIK ESTATK OP SAXCKI. HIIONI DICXASIU. Tlio undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court ot Columbia county to distribute ti.i tminnrn or the funds In tlio bunds of tlio ad ministrator of said decodent a t shown by Ms tlm andllnal account, will bit In the discharge of his duties at his omco in uiuomauurK uuuu tuo wm day of October IBS! at ten o'clock In tne forenoon, ri which place and time till parties interested In Bald estate are required to attend or be forever debarred from any snare in sum lunu, iUUt. E. WIHT, Bent 83-tn Audlior. tVstkay NOTICE. Came to tho premises of the undersl?"o l known as tut Mooro Cruvrlloi; farm on BepU'inber )tli iss.'. a wuite snoio ot uuoui v mourns uiu. weigu. Iul' probably loo pounds. The owner will please call, prove property, pay costs i,nd tako It away or H Will U UI4LHJ31U U( UWUt UIUK W JUV bptW-SW I). HNYDB1I, I. W. HARTMAN & SON, . ISloouislMii EPa, arc offering Attractive Goods and Close Prices for Fall and Winter to CASH BUYERS. Colored CaslimcrcH one yard wide nt 60c a yard. Browu. Garnet, Maroon, "avyll:.e!J,,,0, Car Nonpareil Velveteens. The best finished nnd value in I ho market. SILKS and SATINS. BADGER STATE SHAWLS, These shawls weigh 4 to 6 oz., more than any other make. They are made of the finest wools nnd styles nneqiiuled, About 3 will be on exhibition at tho lAur. LADIES' and Misses' GOSSAMERES LaHies LACING KID GLOVES at $1.25 ier pair. Are fully gnu ran teed. New est styles of Cashmere and Lisle Thread GLOVES to match yuits. LADIES' & GENTS' Meek Wv&r, Largo stock of WOOLEN HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Highest prices paid for But- ler, Biggs, lined Fruit, IB. B. MUi, " FMM BLOOMSBURG, PA. c -AO tfi x9 fc V4 4 1 'xAJ.";"I';,"" wi"oto?i5w;miiii?. SiJ, w m 1 c 1 car&ftLy Hoptember. 1st JjJSTHAY IIKIFEK Pnmd uHttiln ,.n . . . . . Blffncu. In Bugarloat township, on or nbout the utu ot September 168a, a red belf rr about two years old. wltu a silt under ihe rlgUt ear, tlio owner wl l call and provo property, pay clari:es and I take ilier away or BUe will bo disposed otao tordlnir to law. u, g, ritlTZ UDITOIVS NOriCE. K3T1T1 OF J0UH IUKI, DIC1ASID, The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or. puan's Court ot Columbia (county, to make din. trlbutlon ot amount In bauds ot Kiecutor accord to directions contained In tho last will and Itesta ment ot said deceased, will perforin the duties or his appointment at his onico in liloomsburir. on t-atuniay, Oct.. si, im, at wn o'clock In tho lore, boon, when and whero all person) Interested must appear and prora their claims or be de barred Irom any share ot s&ld fund, WM, OlllilSMAN, Auditor, Plain and Fancy BLACK CASHMERES from .26 a yard down. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS nt all prices to $1.00 per yard. LADIES' CLOTHS all wool nt $1.00 per yard. Plushes and Cloakxngs. Handsome line of SATinrs. Best Germantown Wool at Sl.75 per pound. Zephyrs, Saxony, Crewels, Embroide ry and Knitting . Sillcs, Canvasses. Mens' Ladies' and Chihlrcus' UNDERCLOTHING. Stationery, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Birthday Cards, Gold Pens, &c. GROCERIES .AND PROVISIONS. S months. jDMlNIBTHA'l'JUX' NOTICE. KSTAIIOKlAMUKt, BKYBIKT, PICZA8IO. . JiSr?1 S,t,?,al?!"t'-"" tuo estat- of Bam- !Il.5V ttert,lalB i f0011 townshlp,,deceased BSl?!,011 Kra.ule(1 PJ" tB0 "eglsteror said county to n?J'?.vclrt Alt. Pcrnonsliavlnsr claims against IS,ct0 ot Bala iluoodont uro requested to pro m?5.u",m ,or settlement and those Indebted to wliiiout Seiay underslgnod administratrix kinfoo ' BU8AV BKYIlKUT, P- 8 Administratrix. Notloi Is hereby given that tho reiular annual meeting ottho Htockboldera ot tho liloomsburg W atei company will ba held In liloomsburg, oc t'lber J(Ui 1883 at tho omeeof IM. lilllmeltr, I real., between tbe hours of two and four o'clock lutho afternoon, lor tho turpowof electing a lioui-d ot Directors to servo lorthe ensuing year nnd for tho transaction of any other business of tu.3 Company. n.ANK I'. UILLMBYKH, ., . Hecretary, Hopt l OBIKnHHBl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers