THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM'sfi'tl," COLUMBIA c6lf NTY, PA. Properties of Charcoal, As a top dressing for n meadow or a mwii 11 H oxcellont. H w bo cood nn fitHorbetit of moisture am) grasses tliat It will keep a lawn green in a drought when tho nndressod fields aro parched and brown. As a basis for compost tbero is nothing superior. Every good housewife knows that if sho has any tainted meat charcoal will tako out Its taints If anything can. A ploco as big as one's list put into tho pot with boil ing corned beef that has passed its primo will absorb tho bad odors and rcstoro it to sweetness if tho putrefaction process has not irono too far. In liko man. ner charcoal acts in tho compost heap. An allluvia oven from a dead horse, will bo absorbed and stored up for tho use of corn, grass or any crop to which it may bo applied. As a top dressing for grass or grain it is par- tlculary beneficial, as when tho rich gases have oneo been oxtractcd It is in a position to absorb more from tho dows, snows and rains. Ploughed under a thick sod ila absorbiug power is comparatively limited. Wo must not omit lo mnntion tho aerating ef fect which lino charcoal has on stiff clay lauds. It undcrs them friablo and permcablo to air and moisture a result which can hardly bo overestimate cd. Muck has something of tho sanio I effect, but muck does not last as does charcoal. On sandy lands charcoal does good, as it is such an absorbont of moisture that thin lauds dressed with it will remain fresh when tho tin- dressed aro parched. The only placo where charcoal seems to exert little or no ameliorating inllucnto is on low, cold, wet lands, and hero oven stablo manure has comparatively little effect. Exchange. Light Sou. for Potatoes. It is generally known that light soils aro l,,-,. lu,nUn. ntiil i , twin,, wi I int.xl frrtm.nntlu u-lmr., ninn nntn. toes aro produced where ashes have been annlled to the land. Wo latelv vno,i on nvn,.ri,,,m,f ,n,i rltwt . fnr Itrttotnrta 'Pltr, wrttnr bivb iT.nat. l .liuitimi n ,,innn f lnn.i i.,it. t..,t nrtu ,. ..,1 tl.irtia vnonnrtti vnlv u1.ini, T t.lnnfntl with snow-ilako potatoes. fn one third of tho pieco I put perhaps more (i ,,,.;,.t r .,!,, ot in ii, i,;ii placing tho potatoes on the sawdust covering remainder of tho pieco was planted without sawdust. To my surprise, when I had dug them, I found that I had obtained nearly as many bushels from tho ono third part which had re ceived tho sawdust as from tho rest of the piece, the one-third part producing larger, smoother and more marketable potatoes from each hill than did the two-thirds part. I do not think it will have the same effect in all kinds of soil, nor do I think it will havo the samo effect in tho same soil, every season. The Philosophy is tins : Po tatoes thrive best in loose, mellow soil, and in seasons not too wet. Thereforo its effect can be most effectually dem onstrated, and the contrast bo greater if the 'experiment is tried in land that is apt to bako and become hard, as the sawdust will allow tho potato room to grow. It doubtless will have tho best effects in wet seasons, for tho saw dust will absord the wet to some ex tent, which will cause tiie sawdust to rot. This will furnish the potatoes. with food, which will ho a substitute for manuring tho hills. Fruit-Tree Oulture. The Canadian Farmer gives the fol lowing points in reference to fruit-tree oulture : 1. Instoad of "trimming up trees, necording to tho old fashion, to make them long legged and long-armed, trim them down bo as to make them oven snug and symmetrical. 2. Instead A manuring heavily in a small circle at the loot ot tho tree, spread the manure, if needed at all, broadcast over tho whole Burface, espe cially where tho ends of tho root can get it. 3. Instead of spading a small circle about tho stem, cultivate the whole em- face broadcast. 4. Prefer a well pulverized, clean surface in an orchard with a moderately rich soil, to heavy manuring and a sur face covered with hard crust and weeds and grass. 1. Remember that it is better to sot out ten trees with all tho necessary care to mako them live and flourish than to set out a hundred trees and havo them all dio from carelessness. 5. Remember that tobacco is a poi son, and will kill insects rapidly if pro perly applied to them, and is one of the l.not ,irn Mforf.,o!nfn.ik.,, ..:n of Bmalfverimn-and is better used in this way than to make men repulsive and diseased WouKiNO a Fausi, Sir. T. B.Terrv, Hudson, Ohio, has a farm which twelvo years ago was "starvation poor," and every dollar Bpont to bring it to its present Btato of fertility was first mado on tho land. A useful hint or two re garding his Bucessful methods may bo gioaneu irom me appenueci statement, which he makes to his homo Farmer in rcferencp to raising and marketing on his specialties, ana mo potato crop : "1 had ono held of potatoes last year oi nearly six acres mat brought mo 9101 per acre, mo cost ot maiiuro and labor put on that lot would probab ly scaro Gallia, but tho net cash left in my pocket was more than 100 per aero. Two years ago I dug 800 bush els from a measured acre, and my entiro crop averaged moro than 250 bushels. Wo are now digging early potatoes tnat yieiu at tno rate ot Vlt bushels per acre, aimougn tnoy aro not moro than three fourths grown. They are sold to ono firm (sold in less than ono minute after tho first load got to mar kot) to bo doliverod every day as fast as possiblo at 10 cents a bushel abovo tho market prico. I do not write this to brag up my crops, but to stir un thoso 'average' men alitte, and to show that it pays to apply manure and lahor quito freely to the potato crop on my farm at least, and I do not think my iarm is an exception. 1' ATTKN1NO bMAM. PlOS. Com at seventy cents a bushel is still tho cheepest fattening food for pigs ; but when corn is so dear it is best to study tho most economical manuerof feeding; corn in the ear boilt with small pota toes, will bo wortlitwico as inuoli dry as corn ami raw potatoes, indeed rawpota toes will scarcely do more than support lite, and may oiten no injurious, Doing indigestible and erostio in their effects upon tho bowels. Corn-meal boiled to a thick mush and mixed with skim milk and fed when nearly cold, will mako tho cheapest pork. A bushel of corn fed in this way has mado twenty four pounds of pork. Corn-weal steep ed in water is about as good as boiled wliolo corn, and tho latter Is the cheap er of tho two. Pigs do not thrive well upon warm feed, and thoy do bet ter with four light meals u day than with two heavy ones. About Dreams- A Fronch iiliyslolan, Dr. Dolaunay, lini itiat tohl snnio fncU about tiro nnn. Those aruetnboclk'd ln a cominunioaliou to tho Sooieto Do Hiologlo of I'm In. It Is well known when a person is lyincr down tho blood Hows most easily to the brain. This is way somo ot tho an cient tihiloBonhcrs worked out their thoiiffhta in bed. Certain lubdcrato thinkctn have Imitated this queer mcth od of Industry. During sleep bo long as tho head is laid low dreams taxo placo of cohcrant thoughts. Thcro are, however' different sorts of dreams, and Dr. Dclaunay's purposo in his original communication is to show that tho manner of lying brings on a particular manner of dreams. Thus, according to this investigator, uneasy and "disa- grecablo dreams accompany lying on tho back. Tins fact is explained by tho connection which is known to exist bo- tween tho organs of sensation and tho posterior part of tho brain. Tho tuost general method of lying, perhaps, is on tho right side ; and this appears to bo also tho most natural method, for many persons object to lying upon tho sido of tho heart, which, it has been moro than once asserted, should have frco action during sleep. NevertholesH Dr. Delaunay s statements hardly liannon- i,o with this opinion. When ono sleeps upon tho right Bide, that is to say, upon tho right Bido of tho brain, otio's dreams have marked and rather unpleasant char- aclerstics. .these characteristics', how' over, aro essentially thoso which enter Into tho popular difinition of dreams One's dreams aro thc.i npt to bo illogi cal, abserd. childish, uncertain, incohe rent, full of vivacity and exaggeration. Dreams which come from sleeping on tho right sido are, in short, simple de ceptions. Thoy bring to tho mind verv old and faint rememberaiices, and thov aro oftentimes accompanied by nightmares, iir. Delaunay points out that SlOOUCrS frt'dUeiltly COmpOSO VCl'SO or rhythmical language whilo they aro lying on tho right Bido ; tlus verse, thoneht at times correct enough is ah- BOlQtclV witllOllt BetlSe. TllO MOral fncultifs aro absent. On tho other hand, when a person slumbere on hifl luft brain, his dreams aro not only less ab- 8,lvtl they may also be intelligent. They ar? a3 tt rll: concerned with recent tinners, not with reminiscences. And, ?ln,00 th,u faculty of artleulatbd language is fomid on tho loft Bide, tho words tit- tered during such dreams aro .frequent ly comprehensible. The Matter With' tie Telephone. "I doan' .know vliat I shall do mit dat telephone ot mine," observed a citizen as ho entered tho headquarters of tho company yesterday and sat down in a discouraged way. "Uut ot order, is it! ' "Sometimes it vhas, una sometimes it vhas all right. If I go to sneak mit dor coal man, or der City Hall, or dor butcher, it vhas all right, und I can hear ovcry word. If somepody vhants to order my peer, I get do namo shust so plain as daylight ' "And when does it fail 7 "Vhell. shust liko two hours aero. A saloon man he owes me S18, und I rings him oop und calls out, 'Hello f, hello I I likes dot monish to day I' Den iio vhants to know who J. am, und ho says he cau t catch der name. I tell him oater and oater, und by und by ho calls oot dot ho doan1 deal in water melons, und dot ho is sorry he can't sign my betition to der Council. Den 1 go all oalcr again, und he tells me to Btand back, und to come closer, und to speak louder, mid nt last he gits mad und tells me dot it 1 call him a dand again he'll proko my head. It's no use I can't mako one of ray custom crs hear me. If sometings doan' ail my telephone, it may be ash my voico is giving out. 1 vhish you would ex amine mound seo if I had better let my son Shon do der talking vhilo I keep der pooks. JJelrou Mree frets. To Preseiive Gkapes. Pick off tho stems aim remove all imperfcet fruit, squeeze out the pulps and put tho skins in an carthorn dish and tho pulps in another. Put the pulps in a porceluim kettle with water enough to cover them, and boil until thoroughly cooked. Great care will bo required to keep them iiora Bcourching. btraiu through a colander to removo all tho seeds. For ton pounds of grapes, before they aro seeded, use nine pounds of granulated sugar ; put it with tho strained pulps and bring to tho boiling point; then put in tho skins and let them boil half an hour, or until tender. When done skim out tho grapes into a jar and let the iuico boil live or ten minutes so as to skim thoroughly, then pour it over mo BKiuH ami Bur a moment ortwo. ,m ool cover with tissue paper wet Willi BUMIU Kltlll Ul HOURS, uuu lie up tight. Grapes thus presorved will keep ! : i 1 '. .i l , ' hi uuiiusi any uuiiuiu-, uuu are tieii' ClOUS. Aro tho Purostand Dost Bjttor3 ovor mado. Thoy nro compounded from IIops, Malt, Hucmi, Mandralco nnd Dandelion, tho oldest, best and most Taluuhlo medicines in tho world nnd contain all tho best nnd most curativo jiroporties of all other remedies, being tho greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Itegulator, nnd Lifo nnd Health Restoring Agent on earth. No diseaso or ill health can possibly long exist whoro nop Bitters nro used, so varied and. perfect their operations. They givo now lifo and vigor to tho aged and infirm. To nil whoo employments causo irregu lurity of tho bowols or urinary organs, pr who require nn Apnoti zor, Tonio and mild Stimulant, nop Bittors aro invaluable, being highly curativo, tonio nnd Btimu latincr, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms nro, what tho diseaso or nilmout if, uso nop Bitters. Don't wait until yon nro sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, uso Ijop Bitters nt once. It'may savo your life. Hundreds havo boon saved by so doing. $500 will ho paid for n caso thoy will not euro or help, .Remember, jjop Wttors is no vilo, drugged, urunkon nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Mcdioin'o ovor mndoj tho "Invalid's Friond and liopo," and no person, or family should bo without it, cs AINWItlQHT Jb CO., WHOLESALE OltOCERS, Philadelphia. 1'KAH, SYltUl'S, COFFEE, HUGAIt, JI0LAUHEH, IttCsT, sricia, BICABB 8001) 4c, Ac, N. K. corner Second and Arch streets, Mn-odcrswlil reoelvo iiroinptattenUon' 5g .AsVMPATHZE WITHES THE HOPE Or LYPIA E. PIIMKHAM'S VEGETABLT2 COMPOUND, A Hiiro Cnro for idl I'lMIAMJ AV11AK. MI:H8I:H Inclntlliirf Lcucotrlitrn, Ir regular nml rnlufnl Menstruation. Inflammation itud Ulceration of tho Womb. Flooding. I'HO LAl'SUS UTKHI, Ac fcrrif aaant to tho, efficacious and Immediate tn its effect. Rise, treat help In lrcnncr, and ro- lUres pain during labor and at regular periods. riusiciiisrsrtT isnrr.tsinir.i: it mmr. t7Fon itx WnnntsflM of the eoneratlre orffnnf of either x, It U pecond to no rcmetlrthit liaa erer tern before the public and for all ducaset of tbo KlDXlTJ It 1) tho OrnllMf limed fa ITorM. tXTKinXEY CO.IIl'r.AlNTH ofrllhcr Sck I'lndCrcnt Itcllrf la Its Use. t.Tllll IM'INIfllVM'B 11L00I) lTIliriEU irlll tradkato etirr rntlee ot Uuiiimi from the filood. at the twtno time will Rtre tone and nrenglh to the iHlroi. Aj nuUTellun, lit retulte as the Conijiound. IB-Dotli the Componnd and Blood Purifier aro pro- pared at J3J and Ki Western Arenne, trnn, Mass. Price of cither, II. Six bottles for i Tho Compound is sent by mall In the form of pills, or of loienircs, on receipt of price, 1 per 1ki for cither, Mrs, Finkham freely answers all letters of Ininlry. Eneloso S cent stamp. Bond for pamphlet. Mtntlon thtt Faitr. t-wt.vrtrt w. TvrTTK' T.rrrn rrrxfl cure ComitlDA- tlon, IUUousneu and Torpidity ot tho Liter, a centa. 3-Sold by all l)riitglata.-Sft (1) 18 A sure: cure for all dlene of tho Kldneyo and LIVER t It has spoolflo action on thla raost lmporUnt organ, enabling it to throw oir torpidity and Inaction, etlmulatlne the healthy aoeretlonof tho Bne, and by kocplng the bowel in free condition, offoetlnff lta rrctilAr discharge. Unlovio If you are suffering from ftfiCllCtriCIe malaria, havo tho chills, aro bilious, dyspeptic, or consUpatod, Kldnoy Wort wlU surely rollere aad quickly ours. In tho Spring tooleonsethoBystcm, every one should take a thorough course of It. tl- 8OLDBVDRU00I8T8. Price I. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. UboJ la tho principal Churches for Communion purposes: Excollent for Ladies and Weakly Per sons ana ino Agoa. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. TlIIS CEI.KIU!TED NA.T1VB WINK U made from the Juice o. Hie Oporto Grape, raised lo tula country, its mvaiuaoio Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other N'atlvo Wlno. lie- lnsthelpure Julco ot the (irnpe, produce J under Air. npeer a own personal supervision, its purity and trenulnonps9. aro guaranteed. TUu vo an rest child iuy partake ot its (tenerous qualities, and me weaKesi invalid uso ii to uuvanuitre. it is par tlculaily to the agid and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments t'aat arlect the weaker rpx. It Is In every rua.ect 4. WINK TO BE liELlEl) ON. SPEER'S P. J. Sliea'ryo The r. J. SllERKY Is a wine ot RUDnrlor Char acter, and partakes of tho rich qualities of the grape from which It la ma-le. For l'urlty, lilch ness, Flavor and Medicinal I'ropcrtlea, lc will bo found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. Bi'isaady. This UltANDY stand unrivalled In thU Country being: far superior tor medicinal purposes. jt ia ruita uisuiuuun trum mo Krape,anu con tains YaluaDle medicinal properties. It has a delicate ilavor. similar to that of tho grape-n, from which It Is dlMHled, and 18 In great favor amonz nrsuclasa families. Hoo that the signature of ALKHKD SPESH, fts- saiu . u , is uver uiu cont ui eacu iKHiie. SOI.O BY O. A. KLEIM. AND BY DltUGdlSTS EVEItV WI1KHK. Sept. SI, 'i2. 1-y. J. W. RAEDER, BLANK BOOK M4NHFACTDRER, PAPER RULER AND GENERAL BOOK BINDER. BLANK BOOKS OF ALL DESCllIP. T10NS MADE TO OJWEH. PERIODICALS BOUND IN ANY DE SIRABLE STYLE J. W. RAGOGR, 110 & 112 W. MAEKET STKEET WILKES-BARRE, Pa. To Advertlierw.-lnvcat Itatca for advertlslmr In I. OIIO unnil nfiWRnflnprH fcont fnn. Ail. dresa (1KO. J to WELL & uo., lOHpruco Bt., N. NOTICE TO INVESTORS I II l lrl .llnrlviiRe Itrnl i:tnlo l.oaim made and f lunriiiiteril by the m Loan ana Trust Company, l.lSl'IXfJS. MCHU..SK. school Bonds and Municipal Stcurltloa for bale, ucoi, vi rvicreuuea lurmsuua. iiu) ror inn panic hkk, Treas. dheptSMw IRELANDofTO-DAYs !, . , !" Edition Now Ready. Wtd. j.V. MtUbliU V A CO., I'tllxltlpbis, I'k una U ly ad B, F. IiAllTilA-N RirnssnNra tub rotxowmo AJIEMOAN INSURANOR COMPANIES Lycomlni; of Muncy Pennylranla. North American ot Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin of Pennsylvania of " 11 Farmers of York, Pa. Hanover of Now York. Manhattan of Now York. Office on Market Street. No, t, Bloomsburg, oct. 84, .y D It. I. L. RABB, PltAOTIOAL DKNTIBT, Main Street, opposite Bplscopal Church, Blooms )urg, Pa. Teeth oxtroctod without pain. Oct. 1, W. Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimplos and J'aco Grubs, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, rot ter, Humors, Salt IWieuri, Scald Head, Soros, Mercurial and Irregularities, Dizzincss, boss or Jippotito, juanuico, Amotions ot tho Liver, Indi ccstion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and General Debility. A coumc of duMock nloo1 Hitters will ifttltfr ths nidit iktplkftl thAt il I, ths litckt,t Itlond rmlAer oa earth. S.1KI t y meilulne itesler, every, here. IJIrectlons In eleven ling-utei. rRlcn, r.oo. FOSTER, MIIBU1N4C0., Prop's, BufFa'o, N,Y. Feb.lTly. "SI I7A11MEKS AND TIIHESliKHS WISH ' Inj to purchase first class articles ot Threshers and Separators, also ono nnd two-horso Ttcad Powers, with Threshers and Shakers, will do well to call on or address j. .M. uui.sin.bii, I.lphtstreet. tJT U work warranted- Send for price list, and elvemo atrial. No batter Machines ure Manu factured for thLs section of tho country. lunosu, 3-m. To Nervous Sniforcrs Tho Qrcat Earopian Bozcay. na. l. B.smrsoN's sncino hsdicini. Dr. J. B. Slmnson'a Soccltio Jlodicino is a ikjsI. tlvo curu (or ovorworkof bodvor briln ornxenss til , my Kind, such as weakness and all diseases re sultlnp trum Norvous Doblllty, irritability, Mental Anxiety, Luniruor, Lnssltudo.Doiiresslon or Spirits aud fuactlonal derangements oftbo nerTonssyS- iem Kcnerauy, rams in me uacK or moo, ijo&s Vkrou, strntn. of .Memory. I'm. mature old nsre ind diseases that lead to consiupt lon.liisaidty &an early grave or both. No matter now shattered the mtera mav be iru'iicxuussusof any itiriu, a saort course of this rredlclne will restore this lost functions and pro cure health and bapplnesswbere beforo was do npondency and gloom. The Specific Mcdlclno Is be- ramphlets sent free to all. Wrlto for them nnd jet full partrlcuiar Price, sprolfla ll.ooperpackase.orslx packages for is,'. Will be sent by mall on receipt of money Address oil orders, ,7, 11. SIMPSON'S MEDICINE CO. Nos. m and lee Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by J. U. KINPOKTS, llloomaburg', Pa. feb 21 82-ly MAS0.N& HAMLIN aro certainly nest, having beon so decreed at every (irml Worlil'ri ImliiHtrliil Cnuiiietitluii l'ui-HUici'ii Vrarm no other Ameri can organs having been found equal nt any. Also cheapest, style 109: x octaves: sufficient com pass and power, with best quality, for popular sacrea nnn secuiarmusia in sciiooieoriamuieM, hi only nil. (Ino liunilrrd allirr styles at (30. M. toil, IK, $73, f93, ties fill to $300 and up. Tho larger Btj ics aro wnouy unnvaiea oy nny otner organs. Also f r easy payments. New Illustrat ed Catalogue free. PIANOS! i ais ijumpany uuve commeno- ea tna maniitactureoi i.nriaiu (irruul Plnmn, Introducing Important Improvements; adding to power and beauty of tone ana durability Will not requlie tuning one-qiarier a-i mucn as otner iianos. ii limriitril Ctrr'ilnrri Flll!H. The DIAXtl.N .fc llAAIMN Orunn mill Plsno Co , 1U Trrmont St., lloston; 40 U. 14th St , Now York; 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago, d sept W- w Agents Wanted ?lSk SSS. TREASURY ' SUNG Forthe UOMiC C1IICLK. A rich volume of 800 best loved aems chosen from tho wholo realm of Music. Usual cost, tan liere, only $2 so. No book like It. Mo Competition I Sale Is Immense 1 Kmlnent citizens cay: "A treasury of pleasure for every horn ." o. II. T.ffany, D. 1). " a perfect marvel ot excellence anu cneapuusa - u. a. reuz 1). !).' Full of genuine gems." P. L. Itobblns, D. D. "I liko It.'1 W. II. ioane. Mus. Dir. "a meets a real household want." A. J. (Jordon, 1) 1). "Its contents will bring genial sunshine to tho home." Pi of W. F. Seerwln. "I havo itxam IrjojthlsBiimptuous volume with great delight." J. II. Vincent, V. V. "11 should bo In every household In tho land:" Prof CO. Case. Three million homos wnnt it, hence it is a granacnanco to coin money. Sample pages, eve., free. Address IIU11UAHI) 1IHOS., Philadelphia, Pa, sept. , 4-w, oeaweekln your own town Terms and $3 out wOOfltfreo. Address II. UiLi.nrsco., Portland, jatue. march si -ly BLOOMSBURG, PA. LOOK OTJT- FOR THE FALL STYLES AT BLOOMSBUHC STATE MOHMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TittHarmnnr. nnnr nrr.innti'.onstltutdd. olIerB tho very best faclllllcn for Professional and nnniirMilnrnlne. Buildings spacious, Inviting and commodious i Location healthful, anu cosy of access. Toacheirjcxpcrlcncod, efficient, and nllvo to their work. Expense, moderate. Fifty centa a week deduction to all expecting to touch, btudents admitted at Courses of study prescribed by tho Stnto i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. KlemcnlarT. IV, CIib!mI. T. Aillnnrt diirspa! Aemlenilc. II. Commercial. III. Cotlr-e In Millie. IV. (iiimb Tho Elementary. Courses aro PROFESSIONAL, und Students Bradualng therein, locelvo State Diplomas, contorting the following corresponding Degrees! Master of the Elements s Ma.uur of tho Sciences ; Master of tho Classics, uraduatcs In the other Courses recelvo normal vuriiiieaifi, luuiritkiuiuuituiB, oikhcu u, w,,o . ..u, u u. ..o.,-n, Thecourse of stud y prescribed by tho state Is liberal, nnd the SMentiflc and Olasiical course! aro not Inferior to thoso of our best Colleges. Thn Htntovnniilrrta n htrrlwtr nrilnr ot eltlienshtn. The tltncs demand It. UN one of the nrlmi, nblwtfl nf Hi la Nnhnnl tn lirln tn Kpp.urn tr.. hv ftlrntflli. lnglnteut gent and efficient Teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who deslreto Improvethclr time and thelrtalents.asStudents. To all such It promises aid In doveloplBg tholr powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School. For Catalogue, address the Principal. Iiu;x.u lii.wiiiii,, rronwciii iiimru Oot). t.'ii.- O. 33. SAVAGE, DKil.KK IN Silverware, Watche3, Jowelry, Clocks. All kinds of Watches, Clacka and Jewelry neat ly repaired aud warranted, may II, '78-tf " $10 TO $20,00 In legltlm&to ludlclous speculathn In drain, Pro visions and Stocks on our perfected plan, yields sure monthly t.roilts to largo and small Investors, ddres, for ;full partlculirs. If. K. Kt'mlnll A: Co., Com'n. Merchants, 177 & 170 La Salle Su, Chicago, III. r sept 15 4w AGENTS Wanted ?P,W,,h,RS werksorchirictcr, rrril irlfi C-O0K8 OE. DlDIGS I'w laprlcfj telliBf huiutnir ritij lcttt IJtMpl termt. ml. Si , I'iiiUilclihit, I'l, Junoat-ly aid sV3g IsA The AkoiiI.-m eirilllleiiirs Colic, tho Indescrlba bin pangs otchronlo Indigestion, the debility and mental stupor resulting fn m a costlvo habit, may bo ccrtitnly avoided oy regulating the Bjstem with that a reeable and refreshing standard Preparation, Tihuant's seltzsk Ai'erikmt, pnocunAULK at all dhuoo'ists. Sept. is, l-w. r WORTH SENDING FOR. , Dr. J. II. HIIE.VCK, ot Philadelphia, has just published a book on "UIi:asks HI' Till! I.IJMJH AMI IIOWTIIUVCAN 111: CIIltllD," which M ufferod frrr, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains valuable Information for all who suppose themselves aflllcted with, or liable to, any diseases of tho throat or lungs. Address DK. .1. II. SCIIENCK & SON, coo Arch St., Philadel phia, Pa, P. o. Dox 233. d aep 8-4 w. CUT THSS OUT! ArS!NKTEsS15isS40wpEEERK. Wo havo stores In 15 loading Cities, from which our ajyeuU obtain their itniUea quickly. Oar i'nctorlCH &iid Vrliiciiutl Olllcei are nt l.rh'. Pa. Houi tor our New CutiilOKiie &qU lerun 1 3 twouU Adiirca hi LOl'ELL 3,cTwoaNn.n: March 3-ly THIS WEEK cnmpleU - ly heated by stoam, w cl veutllatod, lljhtod oi rruirej.. r. 1 . jEU I T.I T I T I I I gTJ Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throitghout Wtth Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. CELEBRATED WEBER HAKDMAM PIANOS, And other first class Pianos, and a large lot of MUSIC YIOLINS, ACCOUDEONS, B AIM JOS. MUSICAL OEeiDIHIEf f I; VIOLIN STRINGS, Ami everyiSiing J- SALTZBR, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WE3ER-HARDMAN PIA1TOS, .FINK INLAID FltENOII WALNUT llnny Teniu, UVCOIST'S MUSIO HALL 15I.OOK, eware O F BENSON'S Fraud CfiPCIME FLUSTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And thoir oxcol'ont roputation in jurod by wwthloss imitations. Tho Public aro cautionod ngainst buy ing I'lastors having similar sound ing namo.i. Boo that tho word C-A-P.CI-IT.33 la corrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro th only improToment ovor made In Flustora. One la worth more than a dozou of any other kind. Will poaltiTOly cure whero othor remodioa Trffl not tun roliovo. Prioo M oonte. Bowaro or ohoap Plasters mado with load poisons, 8EABURY tu JOHNSON, Mciifc(srtc Cfcerolstt, Wtw Totk. AHIIJtMi t At17lM. rrlceSSctT. UA0'liUlaMnM4 BUNION PLASTER, N0Y' TlmCiilmtsmUinTrtumpls. HOW to LIVE! AcoraplstsCrrlortiHtor liouirliuM knnwlnlm fnt tht msssesinowrssdr. Nnthlacllkflll ijuIiibOuII Low priced, lllmlrsttd, unf-inklrd in aulljurstiip. rnlfurrreiiDotlcrssndfull isiilcuUrsniw. (luifft tnil Instruction how to (til, f rre to sclusl BKsn'si 8uo ctii fusrsmseil fsltbful wortrr; ftlats xncrlrnu, If ny. fill itrrltor dnlrsd. ly, II, TIiuuiiiwu. Hept. s, 1-m. ca by gas, andf urulshod with a bountiful supply of Discipline firm but kind, uniform and thorough any tlmo. Hooms resorved when deslrod. In Art. V. nnnnm In Plivstrnl finttnrn. veil, secretary, Every buyer should Select an Organ Tliat guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. J. ESTEY & CO., Brattlolioro.Yt. BOOKS, in the Music line. CASE ORGAN, J STOPS, S'JO 0ASII Satisfaction Gunrniitcrd. "W.R,E ROOMS,, PA Junol J. SALTZERS General Sewing Machine Depot Fiftli Store Below Market St, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celebrated White Sewii Mm New Davis Vortical Feed Sew ing Mnchinc, New Homo Sowing Machine, Household Sowing Machine, ICstoy SowingyMachino, Genuine Singer Sowing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machino; Attachments, test Bewlrnr Macblne Oil. and . dlosforull aovMDf iimctjluea. Huwini; Jlacliluea sold on monthly payments- Liberal discount made tor rash. Kvery machine purchased front nets mtrranlodtohs Kent in cocxl rutinltir order for five yours freu of chartte, and tuoruiwh In. structlons given uy tho best lady oueraiorla this tlfuinf mnnli na.h.rnraniil.n. die l- rhnnru'r r1nvAf.hntnA Samples worth is u W u wjreo, a duress STiNsoN &ca run RAILROAD TIME TABLE )KNNSYLVANIA KAlLHOAI). PHIL. . ADELI'lHA & ElllR II. It. DIVISION, 1'hllftdotnhlA nnd Krln Ha'lroarl nituinn -.j Northern ucntml Hallway. ' ",u SUMMKlt TIME TAHLK. In effect Juno f Hi. 1882. trains lenvn Nnnh berland. "'um KA8TWAUD, Sf, n. m. Sea Shoro Express fof sunburr. Ilar rlsburB and Inlormctllato stations, Ijincaster. I'hlladt'lphla, Now Vorlc, Ililllmoroand WashliiiJ! iiidi urnviiiK ui. I'liuttiu'iiiiiia p. in. 1 Now York. 0.1s P. in. llaltlmoro. 4. hi tl. hi.! Wll.lllttf.tnn Clip. m. making closo connections iH'lillad9l phla for all Heashoro points, 1.4o p. m.-luy Mpress ror Sunbuty, Harris, burp aud Intermediate nations, Ijincisif r, Mill, ndelphia, Now ork. llaltlmoro ana ashinirion. nrriviuifia tnimucipnia p.m.! Now York. I0.8J p. m J llaltlmoro, T.VO p. m.j Washlnirton, 8.4 p.m. l'ullman 1'arlor car thruutflt to rhlladcl phla and passenifer coaches through tol'hlladol. phla nnd llaltlmoro. s.oii p. m. Mlllamsport AccomiiitHhilloii for Hunburv. lUrrlsburtr mil nil Inlet mudlato sta tions. Lancaster, Philadelphia and Now York arriving at Philadelphia V.65 a. m, j Now York i, in, oit-cyiuK vur t,Lt;uiiiiiiuuiiLiuns can no sccur d nt llarrlsburir for l'hllnilt'lnhla nnrt Nnu, vn, PhlladflnhlanaHsencreracan lftmsin in ai.itruti.tin. disturbed until! a.m. 1.M a. m. Erie Mall for Sunbury, llarrlsburir and Intermediate stsllons, Lancaster, I'lilladel. phla. New York, llaltlmornand WtmiitDBton. ar riving at Philadelphia 7tW)a. m.j Nuw York, a, in, llaltlmoro 7.45 n. in, ; Washing, ton, 9.17 a. m. Through Pullman sleeplnir cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia llaitlmore nnd Washington, nnd through. pa,ougcr coaches to Philadelphia and Ilaltlmorc. WKSTWAIID, est a. m.-Erlo Jlnll for Erie nnd all Intermedial statliuis with tlirouRh l'uilmnn i'alaco enruud luruuKii imaunKer cu.icnes to itrto. For uanandnljfua and Intermediate stations, Itochcster. llulTalo and Nliu-iir,, I'.iiiq with im.ii. man Palace car und passenger coaches through to Rochester, l. n. m. Niagara Express for Knno nnd Inter. mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. ror Cannndalgiia and principal Inter mediate stations, Kuchester, i unaloiind Niagara l'alls with through parlor car to Watklns ana through passenger coaches to Rochester. 6.53 p. is., rnst lino tor Lock llnvcn and Intcrmc d ato stations, aud l'.ltnlra. Wntklns and Intermo 'llatt' stations, wth through passenger coachtn to TUKOUtlll THAINS roil NOUTIll'MHEHLAND I'ltU.M TUB KAM ANI1 SOI'TII. Niagara Expr 8s leaves Now York, 5.son.m.! Ml lAcleltlllt.'l 4 in n trt Vf Bl.lnitlnn BUT. m I llalilmoroO.Wn. ra., arriving atNorthtimberland l.45p.m., with through Pullmnu Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from , maul-,L,um uuu imiuujurc. Fast Lino leaven New Vnrlr 1 RS rt. m ., thtlnrtrl. Phla, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, 9.3T a.m.: Ilaltl morc, 10 f.o a.m., arriving at. Northumberland J.S5 p.m., with through passenger coaches from ,i,.uT-i,ia uuu uuiiiiuuru. Erie Man leaves NewY'ork T.tfp. m.; Phlladcl- Dllln. 11.20 n. rn Washlnirtnn. O f,! n. m.! Haiti., more, ll.W) p. m , arriving at Northumberland 6. 6 a. in., with th'ouffh Pullman Paiaco sleeping cars' from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro aud through passenger coaches from Philadelphia, NOttTHEItN COMPANY. CENTKAL RAILWAY On and after Fohrunrv lutn.lssl trntns will lAnrn Sunbury as follows : NORTHWARD. Northern Express 0.30 a.m.,arrlvo Elmlra 1J.30 pm Arrive ai. uarmnaaiguu a.uo p. m. " Rochester 4 40 " " NlnLrara. s 45 Niagara Express 1.60 p. m. arrive Elmlra 0.05 p in urnvo uanonaaigua -" ilochester 45 " " Mtnc7arii 14.R0 a m Fast lino s.ltpm arrive Elmlra lo.sopm mukiii3 n.iupia SOUTHWARD. .Southern ttxprcss 1.32 a.m. arrive narrtsb'g 3.10 nm arnvo I'nnaueipuia i.uu " NowY'ork 9.35 " " llaltlmoro 7.(0 " Washlnirton k!2 a rn Lock naven Ex lO.tO a m arrive liarrlab'g pm arnvo l'nnaacipnia cue p m " Now Y'ork 8.45 " " Baltimore t.iio " Washlnirton 8.47 Day Express 1.50 p m arrive Harrlsburg 8.86 p m i uiiuuciuum t.vo " Now York lo.oo " " Iialtlmore 7.00 " Washlncton 8.17 Erlo Mall 1.03 a. to. arrive Harrlsburg 3. 00 a. m rnuaaeipnm i.u " NowY'ork 9.35 " " .Baltrmoro 7,oo 11 Washington 8.22 J.R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. PRANK THOMSON, General Manager. piIILADELPHAAND READING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 20, 1SS2. TlUIrlS LEiVK HOFSRT AS F0LL0W8(BDNDAT EXCEFTJCD, For Now York'hlladclphla.Rcadlng.Pottsvlllo Tamaqua, &e 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 4 CO and 7,20 p. m. For WUllamsport, 6,15 8,eo a. m. and 4,M p. in. TBAIKS FOH BUrXHT LKiVS IS FOLLOWS, (BDNDAT BXCXFTBD.) Lcavo New York, vu. Tnmanend 9,oo a. m. and via. Hound Ilrook Route 7,43 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Reading, h,bs a. m., I'ottsvlllo, 12,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Lcavo Catawlssa, c,10 8,iu a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Loavo Wllllamsport,9.45a.m,!,oo p.m. and 4,80 p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through withoutchangeot cars, J. E. WOOTTEN, Goneral Manager, C. Q. HANCOCK, Oenoral Passenger and Ticket Agent., 1981 tl. EL AWARE, LACICAAVANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, STATIONS. Scran ton.... -llnllevnn. . SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.n. u 15 2 45 9 09 9 03 2 30 S 55 2 29 8 43 2 22 8 42 2 15 8 37 2 10 9 45 9 so 9 43 9 62 9 69 n iu 8 17 8 22 6 27 8 84 6 41 9 87 0 30 9 21 9 19 9 14 Taylorvlllc., 2 20 2 27 9 34 .LacKawanna- IMttBtnn ,. WestPlttston io o:i 2 39 8 48 8 44 6 61 6 6i 0 68 .....Wyoming,,.. Maltby Bennett,..., Kingston.... Klnesfiii. . 10 08 8 25 8 23 2 00 1 50 1 42 1 85 1 23 9 01 10 13 10 18 2 64 2 61 7 02 7 10 7 17 I 22 7 80 7 87 8 U0 8 26 8,40 8 60 9 00 8 CO 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 ,15 B'30 8 89 8 62 II 1)0 9 04 9 SO 9 04 I .Plymouth June 8 65 ,,,! lyiuuuiu,., Avondalo ... NAnttvtlrn . 10 20 3 02 8 01 8 07 8 00 1 18 1 03 8 47 8 89 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 60 7 62 7 44 7 89 7 83 7 29 7 11 10 84 3 10 Hunlock's creek 10 42 3 IS 7 40 12 42 7 83 VI 25 7 20 12 15 t 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 1 US 11 32 0 67 11 10 S tl 10 CS 0 45 10 60 , Hmcksmnny- Illnlr'R Verrv 10 66 8 83 3 45 8 61 11 07 ....Reach Haven, 11 13 11 20 -uerwicE.. Briar Creek.. ...willow Grove. Lime Ridge., Espy..... ...Bloomsburg.. Hnnnrf. 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4-83 4 88 4 60 5 09 6 25 11 89 11 45 11 69 11 65 12 IS 6 37 10 41 5 19 10 22 a io io os 8 04 10 00 6 43 9 40 Catawl'a HUdgc ...uanviue.,,, ...Olmlflnlfv. . . Pamerftn 6 43 nonnumuerra 12 43 p.m. a.m. a.,m, p.m. p.m. a.m. - , . .. .. w r- HALBTEAD, Sunt. Superintendent's otnee.Hcrauton. Fen. 1st, 188. 1 PARKSSK'S n W n -vttt "to n t ... ... IJui, eu'ZJnl ilrcMiii is I 'ftir d hy those uliolunciiicilit.laaiiy article, on nc. jenunt of lis superior vK'sniinrssitna purity, ft rtllltnin. n,,,.rlnl. only th jt te beneficial to tl fcihi nnd hair Reilsrtl the PMnr tn laser's IlairBaNam Is finely perfumed nnd is warranted lopreientCtlling r,ftlwliair and to re, move ilanJrnff and itdilnj. 1 1 isi ox ft Co , N. Y. m -', q Si !'., St a..l.n la dropl snl ut.Jlrlii.t, A Sllnsrlattu II , .1 it. n.t r, .l n... .. r....,.,w a,,ii miiu 0iiQut)iti ncsiDrcr, If you aro a mechanic or firmer, worn put wlih overwork, or a mother tun ilo n by family or house, hold dunes try 1'arkbk'i, (Jincwc Tunic. I f you arc a lawyer, mini .ur or business man ex hausted by mental Hralnornnxious cares, do not take Intoxicatiiigttiniulants.butiijcl'arker'sOinserTonls i '''?,", I,,vf : Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheum. Iim, Wdney tomi.l.iinls,cranycli.orderoflhelunti. stomach, luweli, blood or nerves, V uk-ia's Gikcik "lc iH C"'o you. It is the Greatest lllood Purifier Anil tht Beit and Surest Cough Curt tver Unit. If you ore wasting away from age, dissipation or ny discus or weaUess and require a stimulant taite, Ijinosh i lOMCatnncei It will invigorate and build you up from llie firit dose but will never intoaicate. . it naa sased hundreds of litest It may save yours. I CAOTIOJf -lufu sll luWIiuU,. rstl.r'iOlsnTlo U I I??1" . "" U'1 """4ISI sml4 la tkt world, ssU U ullnly I ? )r"yi?"t?l?,,,to",,P,'" B.4f.rclivlrW ' UIk.1 A Co.. N. V. Me. A 1 ,u, st,1 ui drors. OMAT 8AVINU BUVINq PQLUIV tIZli . J" ''i'l lni '"""g ftanrance has made this deltthiful perfiiine eateediitsly popular There lsllinfltliiiBIllrski4 I : v V k l'"l UVU tlstVlllfZ 4VLUHB4 31 Mry totUs. Asy dn(lil or Jul. rut Mtfuuur can ian.IT you. II u4 tl usl .Iim. unaESAMva uutinu u StZEL mmmm tKi "y March 8, 'Si ly, V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers