THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Trait Orchard. ( Shttiko out Oiioiiauds. When fruit is Bcnrco there is n teiitiotioy to set or chard, niul nn nlmmhinco of fruit litis tiio contrary effect. There, is but littlo danger of netting out too many fruit trooH however. Past oxporienco shows Hint as soon as thcro is more fruit than can ho readily disposed of, thcro is nl wavs soino wav found to utilizo it. Distant niarkclu nro found, or fruit pre- sorved in sonic way. Tho President of tho Ontario Fruit Growers Association, in his annual ad- dress, alluded to tho fear winch some persons entertain of an over production of fruit for a successful market. In nnswer to tills fear ho said that whilo Ihitain requires fully 2,000,000 barrels of apples yearly moro than can mow there, tho largest crop that Canada over produced, which wns tho nrevioiis year, enabled ,thcm to send only 200, . ... - . i 000 barrels. Tho rapid increase of tho cities nt home would occasion a large demni'd. lie urged tho importance of growing only tho best fruits, and to send to market only tho best selected specimens. J.HANINO Tiikks. Orchards, nsno cially of npule-i, nro often disfigured by leaning tree's. Oftcntinios it is caused by tho borer weakening a treo on ono sido so that it is easily blown over, Whcto tho treo is largo it is not easy to remedy it, but with smaller ones it is not so (lilllcult. Tho earth may bo loosened somewhat, tho trees set up right, and carefully fastened by stakes or guys, and tho earth leplaccd around tho roots. It would bo well to add sonio rich compost to promote tho growth. If, as is very probable, tlio top ot tlio treo lias become one-sided, ... 1,. i . . u snoiiKi oo pruned so as to icstoro tlio balance. In this way pear trees may bo righted up even when b'ix inches through tho stein, but tho best vvny is to look after tho young trees and not permit them to depart from tho wav of uprightness. It is a popular error that thero is nothinir moro needed-to irot n good applo orchard than the setting out 01 I no trees. M,.,vn mL r..Tim. i ,... .,.. .. I 'iw-iMa Tt n vnt... defer tho sawintr off of limbs of tmi until they get of great size. Tho pro per plan, as has been often explained is to do light pruning annually. Big limbs cut off near the body of the treo leave a large scar that never heals over. anu ot course decay begins, and tlr rot eats in tho very heart of the trees, J. ins is a great wrong against nature wmcii sno never lorgivcs. l et how common it is nil over the country to see orcnarcis tnus mutilated. Some who feel it a necessity to cut off lariio limbs, cut them at a distance of a loot or two from tho treo at first, so that tne process ot closing over starts at tho trunk before the rooting of tho branch commences. Thoso who watch their trees while young, cutting a small nraucii nero anu tnero as needed, will nave no large ones to saw off in after years. Look to your young trees now. OltCHAHDS KOR KOCKY L.VNII3. lhcrc aro many fields on many farms, oiieuumes, too rocny to lie prolilably cultivated, or from which a profit is barely made. There is room for much more fruit, to bo used in supplying the nomo anu toreign trade ; and on the rocky lands orchards could bo profitab ly set, out. inoro aro some towns where the land is so full of largo granite locks that it can never be very valuable for cultivation, but which seems to bo peculiarly well adapted to me growtn ot appio trees. The man who owns a farm consistiinr of such and, may work hard during Ins whole lifetime, trying to get a living by cul- uvu ingsuen lanu, ami oarely make out to pay his way, while, if he would devote his land to the use to which it seems adapted that of orchardinc in a few years ho would deiivo a hand some revenue from tho sale of fruit. Stall-Feeding Cattle. In a long article in the New York Tribune Mr. Henry Stewart says that it is everywhere admitted by stockmen thf.t tho profit gained in rearing cattle for market is seldom less than -10 per win. yeany, anu ngures aro given to show that 75 per cent is often realized. flit i . r r -t i ins is ine result ot leeditig cattle lrom birth to maturity, lhero is still grea- iei prom in leeamg a thin steer costing f na-lltlal n iiAiiml nln.. ..!! St I.. 1 1. ,,,, .., uu. it ia wuiiu cents a pound, because there is not .my a gam uy uio increase in weight, ici us say or oi ouo pounas in threo mouths feeding at 7 cents a pound, hut mio uii uiu coins a pound or mo wnoio weigui, oi i,uuu pounds more. 1 his is, on tho whole, equivalent to a liiticn greater profit than could bo gam ed from tho sale of tho crops that are fed. Many crops are costly, but costly crops cannot bo produced under any ouier system than that ot stall feeciniEr. i.. ....... . . . . j uimir.igu is not, required, and as one acre of roots, with straw and linseed and cottenseed meals, will feed fivo head of steers for 150 days, the econo. my of land is very great and root-grow' ing is the key to tho whole business. flU. 1 ... II - 1 1 , . , . mu uuik.v anu least, salable crops arc changed into valublo concentrated pro ducts, and at the eamo lime there is re turned a l.ii-L'o .itiantitv of valuable manure. A calf lepresents really moro value per pound than an animal two or l wee years old, because it contains tho initial force, so to speak, which brought it into existence, and a pound of flesh can be put into a calf at less expense jor looti ami care mmi upon an older mutual. It should follow, then, that these calves aro disposed of by their una owners nt considerably less than their value, and could ho fed and rear ed to maturity with profit. Stall-feed ing is nppncauio to tlio homo bred or purchased animal and fillinn the stalls with either, and feeding to them straw and corn-fodder which would bo other wise wasted, represents for ach ton to many pounds of valuable Mesh, or fat, or, at least, so much heat and life-sus- taiomg elements us will realize tho richer foods from tho duty of merely sustaining life that, they may bo de voted to tho moro productive effects of innKing liesn and tat. Winter feeding oi 8tocK gives employment to laborers who would othenviso havo but littlo to do, and tho preparation of cutting tho mm in (.'1111111 mil u smnii cost on mo ac count. The system is thui moro coono lineal than might bo supposed. The champion iish lie is out. It comes from tho Coatcsville, Chester county Union, which says that a black bass attempted to milk n cow whilo sho wns cooling herself in tho Brandy winucreek. Tlio bass lacerated ono of tho cow's tents badly and held on until tho cow inn bellowing back to shore, where it dropped off and walked back to tho water. Tho cow Is tho property of a reliable old Quaker who never told u Ho except in a horse trade. A little boy said ho would rather havo tho earacho than tho toothache, because he wasn't compelled to havo his car pulled, The Bcorct ot Good Butter, livorv ono knows how suticrior is tliu reputation of Philadelphia butter, nnd many havo tho attempts Deen to ac count for it. Perhaps tho most pop ular notion was that it was duo to tho prevalence of tho "sweet vernal grass" in our past res and hay fields tho grass which often gives so peculiar a frauranco to meadow hay. Hut it needed very little reasoning to demol- lali suoh n theory as this. Tills grass Is one of tlio i-oorcst for hay or pas- turo purposes and scarcely exists, ox- cent on cold, clay lands, in partially Bhady places, near groves or low woods. Vet whilo this urass is tho execution. in low pastures, or in the hay led to our cows, good butter is tho general rulo in nil our markets. It has loni! been tho opinion of our best auricultural iicneralizers of facts . . w i. e mill wo owo miicii more oi mu hwcui ncss of our butter to tho nbimdaucc of Bprings and Bpring houses in our state, than to n.iy tiling peculiar wmcii grows in our pastures, muk una a particular atllnity for any odors in tho ntmosphero, nnd water has some, henco ..... ' .!- . !-..- .1.- wuaiovcr liuiiiiruii's may gut nnu uiu atmosphere of the spnu drawn out by running wi lug uonsu is water and tho very nest security is provided agaiusi their being absorbed by tlio cream. Wo notice this now through ob nit obserV' lug an inquiry whether tho light of a kerosene lamp in n dairy could possibly nffect the quality of "the butter i wo should niiBwor most decidedly in the nUlrmativc. All odors of every de scription should bo carefully avoided if tlio very best brand is desired. There is one littlo incident lit tins reputation of Philadelphia buttor wlncli must never bo iorgotten. me. followers of Penn made up a large class of our original farming popula tion. Wjth these people cleanliness was especially one of the virtues. It was not a mere sentiment that it was "next to godliness, ' but nn every day testimony in all they did. Aided in theso cleanly practices by their nuincr- ous siiruiirs ami spring uuusc, wu insvu little doubt wo owe to them as muci fts to any otnur circumstances inu cm !,ieiIt "acler wlncli riiimiieipma butter enjoys; and we believe that if other quarters would give special at tention to these little niceties, as good butter might bo mado in any part of tho Union as here. Nevertheless, wo are obliued to add that thero is a good deal of poor butter sold in Philadel phia made in tho eastern counties, arising wo think from thoso having a small dairv chnrninir only halt as often ns they should. Oermantown Telegraph. A vigorous growth of hair is pro moted and the youthful color restored by applying Parker's Hair Balsam. Do You Know! That a little water in butter will prevent it from burning when used tor trying 7 That a littlo saltpetre worked into butter that has becomo sour or rancid will render it sweet and palatable! 1 hat pennyroyal distributed in places frequented by roaches will drive them away T That wild mint will keep rats and mice out of the house! That lime sprinkled in fire places during summer months is healthful ! That opamsh brown mixed with a littlo water, will make hearths look pretty! A pound costs ten cents and will last two or three months. Use but a little at a time. That leaves of parsley, eaten with consequences of tainted breath by on Jons? That ilowcrs and shrubs should be excluded from a bed chamber t That oil paintings, hunt; over tho mantle. piece are liable to wrinkle with the heat f How often persons havo been annoy ed by burrs clinging to their dress or clothing, and how seldom have thoy, when cleaning them, given it a thought that Burdock Koot is the most valua ble blood cleanser and purifier known, and is sold by every druggist under the name of Hurdock Blood Bitters. Prico Si. 00. To mark tools: Cover the part to bo marked with a thin coatint; of tallow or beeswax. Then with a sharp instrument ... . -. 1 wr,to tho name in the tallow, cutting clca,.iy int0 it. Then fill in tho letters witu nUrio acid. Let it remain from 0no to ten minutes. Then dip in water and rub off, and vou will havo the mark etched If you aro sick and troubled with dyspepsia, Brown's Iron Bitters will cure von. An undertaker may know nothino; ot tlio scienco ot pugilism, but ho can lay a fellow out beautifully. Aro the Purostand Boat Bitters ovor mado. They aro compounded from IIops, Malt, Bucliii, Mandrako and Dandolion, tho oldest, best nnd most valuablo medicines in tho world and contain nil tho best and most curativo proporties of nil othor remedies, being tho greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Begulator, and "Lifo and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disenso or ill healtli can possibly long oxist whoro nop Bittors nro used, so Yuried and porf cct their operations. Thoy givo now lifo mid vigor to tho aged and infirm. To all whoso employments causo irregu larity of tho bowels or urinary organs, or who requiro on Appeti zer, Tonio and mild Stimulant, nop Bitters aro invnluable, being highly curativo, tonio nnd stimu lating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feofings or symptoms nro, what tho disenso or ailment is, uso jjop Bitters. Don't wait until yon nro sick, but if you only feci bad or misorablo, tiso jjop Bitters at once. It may savo your life. Hundrods havo boon saved by bo doing. $500 will bo paid for a caso thoy will not curo or help. Ilemcmber, jtop Bitters is no vilo, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Medicine ovor mado; tho " Iuvnlid's Friend nnd hope," and no porsou or family should bo without it a) WANTED live A GOOD MAN To Truvrl mid Snllrll Ortlrra far NUUHHUt' htock. A kuowleage ot me uusinoia easily ac 1 aireu. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID BY US JIuat come well recommended and be able to fur- lileli security. Address It. (1. on ASK & co, Nurs try. men. i KoutU Merrick Street. riitladelpliU, auziu iw d 70A WKBIC. 111 a day at borne easily made w i cosily outnt fret-. Address Tnu& Co i Augusta, Maine, uarcn m -iy tHsWPATHIZEWITrMS THE HOPE oil LYD1A E. PIIMKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Bnro Curo for nil IIMIAI.K WEAK NIJ8SKH, Inclitiltnff I.eiieorrhtrn, Ir rrgntnr nml Painful MctiMruntloii, Inllnminntloii nnd Ulccrnllnn of tlio Yt'omli, Flooding, 1'ltO I.AI'HUH KTintI, sfce. tTTIcomnt tatlioU'tc. ctlU'aclouf ami Iramedlata InlUrfTccl. ti4ann.f.thtlptit l'TTpnancr, and ra lUvce pain dnrlnit tabor and at rc gular pcilode. riiisiniNsisEir jMirr.tsumiK it num. tl"l'oa ILL Wlu.n-Mts of thoirtneratlro organi of either ki, it 1 second to no remedy that haa Ttr bwn liefore tlio ubllc and for all dlacnsee of the. Sul(n It Is the Urcatat llmttlt In Ml ircrM. tSriUIlNIIY Cn.1IIT,AINTH ofEllUor Sex llnd Crcnt lirllrflu lis L'ae. T.YI11A H.l'INKHAM'A lllmll VClIHTKIl rill vradu-nto tvrrr rrattir or llumoii from tha HiooiI, at tlio Mm, tliTi will plre tooe and .trtnirth ta tboarnem. M marTflloun In rBsultaaa the Compound. txrDoth the Compound and Blood rnrffler are pre pared at 233 nnd Ett Wrttcro Airnue, tjnn, Man. ITIcoof (lther, tl. Six tiotUcl for ti. Tho Compound li ent 1 mall In the form ot pllla, or of loienge, on receipt of price, $1 per boi for either, ilrs. rinkham froel aniwera aU letters of Inquiry. KncloeoScent tamp. Send for pamphlet. Mtntton thl$ raptr. tSTtmiL E. rtJnrJtAH'a I.ttkr iTtja cure Conrtlpa. lion. 13111ou8tieM and Torpidity ot the Lrrcr. S3 cente. 3-Sotil by nil UruKglata.tnt (S) T HE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM As It la for all tho ptlnful dUdacea of thei KIDNEYS, LIVKR AND BOWELS. It cleftniM the rtom of tho acrid poison that cantos tho dreAdAil ufferinff which only the vletlma of ILhoumatlam can reuue. THOUfiAWOS OF OASES of the wont form of thia terrible diaeue bare been quickly relieved, end In short time PERFECTLY CURED. nUCX, 1. LiqUDOR DRY, SOLD HT DRUGGISTS. i- vtj can do sem uy tnaiu ELL8, KIC1LAIID30N & Co.,BurllngtonVt, AHMKIIS AND TIIUKSHKUS WISH Ins to purduie n-. n.usi a'ticics or Threshers and Separators, also ono utid two-horse 'fiend Powers, with Threshers &ml Shakers, will do well to call on or address J JI., 1 Uglitstreet, , IVMl work warranted- Send for prlco list and 1 mve mo 11 m il. ro uaiicr .Macntncs uro jianu. acturcd for this section ot tuo country. luno :u, n-iii. MMuk Book J. W. RAEDER, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, PAPER RULER AND GENERAL BOOK BINDER. BLANK BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS MADE TO 01WER. PERIODICALS BOUND IN ANY DE SIRABLE STYLE J. 1Y. It.lEBMJIt, 110 & 112 W. MARKET STREET, V7ILKES-BARR3. Pa. WANTED ! LIFE INSIIRAHriF ARFHTS tn Pennsylvania, lo tlw-e wtiu mivo had cxDcrl ence nnd havo been succitssful as solicitors, eood contracts will be given a (len-ral Agents lora nuinucr or cuuunes luuxperu'iicoa men wi 1 no aided and Instructor by Hw-cial Agents. Address auj r AGENTS Wantotl lafeWiVKt orksofclitrtcteri ert inctv uuuna ut UlUICO llrtdUy, 0rrrUa X I u 1 uur Ji St., I'litUaelv-lil, JimoSO-iy am $10 10 $20,00 In legitimate ludlclous speculation In Oram, I'ro visions and stocks on our perfected plan, yields sure moutuly proilts to largo and small luv. store. Address, ror;iun parueuwrs, it. :. ivi'iuliill iv Co., com n. mcrcuuuLs, iiisnu i.a sano st, cr-lcago, 111. r nugn-iw NntiirM HiMirhllnv Siii-ftlln for lndlLestlVO and lllilouneas. tlio wnteror tho fiunou.i Seltzer Hpa, is duplicated In a moment with a BpoouMl i t TAKKaNT'H SKLTZKit ATKK1KNT, Wllloll HOnUllOg every valuable element at tho German Spring. Tlio reatest physicians of Kuroce that freeglttof I'roildenca tho most potent of nil know n al eratlves, and Its Hc-slinlle, fresh and loaming, is now placed wiiiiin tno reacn oi every Invalid In tho western world. SOLO UV ALL DltUdfllSTS. August li 4w r O. B. SAVAGE, Silvsrsnro, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks. "est. All kind s of Watched, Clacks and Jewelry neat IJ IDIIHIIDI4 DUU K.IIAUbDU. may IT, '18-tf B. P. HAIIT.MAN KtfKEStNTS TI1K I'OI.IJWINU AMKHIOAN JN8UHAN0B COJIPAK1K8 Lycoming of Muncy l'onnylranla. North American of i'hlladeiphla, 1'a. Franklin ot " Pennsylvania of " " Farmers ot York, Pa. Hanover of New York. Manhattan of New York. Offlcu on Market street, No, 9, iiloom&uurg, oct. 24, Tv-iy -B. I. I.. K ABB, PBAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main Htreet, opposite Episcopal Church, lltoomtiurg, l'a. ttr Teeth extracted wl "aln. Oct. 1. lt. Curos nhonmatism, Lum bncCiLnmoBack, Sprains nnd Bruises, Asilimn, Catanh, Courts, Colds, doro Throat, Dtphthorln, Uurns, Frost Sites, Tooth. Ear, nnd Send a clio, nnd nil pains nnd aches. Tli I. it Inlstnil and imtiul remIr In IU tM. l:ijr I utile cuarantte.1. Sol 1 1 , nit-llc.nj JtiWt, nnjatien. tl.teillon. In tight lan(uae. I'rktsocenttan.lfiM. FOSTEn, MILDUtlN d. CO., Prop'ri, BUITALO, it, V.. U.S. A. Icb 17 ly. Dl HOLMAN'ScSlfffKI.1. ;'?.1L1in,"Kll0,hYeI'f"on, ot tno Mtw tusta. .lllf.NT. Wi, tllflt I ., Vtfcn ,A. .I,j dltlon. OIIit publishers charLti si. FINK PHOTjCtRAPH ALBUMS Elegant Designs, Handsomely Bouni. Our UthlPAr-nntAln Q i nnmra o nt..a.A.,..a iixtrn IiiitiirrinpiitH nlli.t-n.l .... - Illustrated Uataloguo sent on appllpatlon A. J. IIOLMAN CO., m ArcU St., Philadelphia. "g 4v a NOTICE TO INVESTORS I I'll t .llarlKiinr ltcnl li.lnlf l.onns mado and (linirnntceil by tlio Nenrasia Loan ana Trust company. Kchool Iionds nnd Municipal Btcurltlos ror snlo. nt-nt ui reiurunces lurniiitni, ru ror run rttrtlc Ulars. JAS. II. IIKAUTWKIX. 1'ivm.. K l! tt'ru. brut, Treas. a aug 25 4w To Ner70cs Bufforcrs-rhe 3reat 2srsttan S3., tdy. nx. j. n.siuraos's srKCirio uepicink. Hi. .T. II. Simpson's Succltlc Meaicino is it uusi. tlva cure for ovorwork of body or briln ornxce!3 uf miy kin, sucu ns weakness and all diseases re sultlnir from Nervous Ueblllty, IrrlUblilty.Me ntnl Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression of Hpirlta and tuuctlonul deraugements of the nerwns sys- ivm aenemuy, rains in tun linen or iue, 1.OS8 )f Memory. 1're. mature old ago ind diseases thai lead to ennsmpt Ion, lusuulty &an early grave or both. No matter lion alutlcrcdUie system may bo iouifXL of Htit-kluu.u short courho nftlils medicine rlll restoro tin lost functions and pro cure hnatiti and happtnesswnere berore wns de spondency and gloom. The Hpecinc Medicine Is be ing used with wonderful success. ramuuieui sent tree to an. wrtto ror them and get full nartrlculnr I'rtco, SpeclBo 1 1.00 per package.orslx packages fur $3,11. win bo Bent by mall oa receipt of money Adlressall orders, .1. 11. SIMI'S-iN's MKDIOINK Sot. tot and l!ntn street, Iluffalo. N. Y. Cur sale by J. II. KINl'OUTS, llloomsburg, fa, fib llS.My The Backus Watoi Motor, l.S TI1K MOST Economical Power Known -l'OIt- DU1VINQ LIGHT MAOHINBltY. It takes but littlo room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It nccde no fuel it needs no engtnoer. Thcro Is no delay; lo tiring up; no ashes to clean away; no extra Insurance to pay; no repair ing necessary ; no coal bills to pay, and It Is nlwnys ready for uso. It Is Invaluablo for blowing Church organs for running Printing Presses, Sowing Machines, Turn ing Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones. Coffee Mills, SausageMachlnes.Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Eleva tors, etc. Four horeo power at 40 pounds pressure of Ills noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and ahovo all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to the llackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J stating name of paper you saw ad vertisement in. 1'rlce, $15 to $300. Sept. 80-tf ftooa wecK In your own town Terms and $.1 out- vuwnt troo. Aouress 11, IUi.i.kt Co., l'ortlaud, marcn 31 -iy FINS WMEM I B&roai. arrcjt. I BLOOMSBURG, PA. WiK FOUND MAO A PTE OF THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT jg AT DAV3D LOWENBERC MIRK CHANT TAIXOK. myllsM WbJJ MMe motMiig rB tfjp jpw, m EXAMINE THE FINEST STOCK OF YOUTHS BOY'S ami .Ghildrens CLOTHING BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF OIV BLOOMSBUHG SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TlllH SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oilers Iiulldlngs Bpacious, Inviting and commodious ; inrlni wafer Location hcnlthrul, anu easy of access. Taachoi Kxucntej moderate. Kitty cents a week deduction courses ot study prescribed ny tuo auto t I. Moilcl School. 11. Preparatory. III. I. Adjunct Course: Acailemlc. Il.Commorclal. III. Course In Mmlc. IV. Coiime in Tno Klementnry. HClcnuiio ana uiassic.M uoursos uru i-iturusniunAij, anu ntuuonis gradua tig HClcnuiio ana uiassic.M uoursos uru i-iturusniunAij, ana ntuuonis gradualng fonowiBgcorrcsporidlngllegreosi Masterot tho Normal (.'crllflralen their attainments. E hrnod bv Tiiocoursoof study prescrmcu oy tneMtaioisiiuerai.anu luonjiennncannwias-iieui courses aro not The Htatm-enulrr.snhlflier order 01 citlzensiun. mirmip ill irentand on cientTeacnersror her scnoo Improve their time and their talents, as Studonts. labor after loavlnir school. Por Catalogue, addresj IIO.N. WII.I.IA.II i:i,vi:i,l rre.iiii-nt iionm OH), l.'ll.- FOB &ALI0. Tin; following propi-itlcs fiom $300 TO $X2.0GG Variously Indited in W.OOMSUUHO nml other plums, iilfonllng clicup homes or prof. lliitilc investment. A JFrame IJwclliiig; In good condition. ASl'KOl.Vfjll.VltOAIN. Several Small FRAME DWELLINGS. Desiiiililo fhcap hollies or good invcslini'iits. A numliiT of Hktikh I'iiamk DwKi.t.iNns I'l.UASAM I.Y l.OO.UIil). BRICK DWELINGS,- from CIIKAl to UKST nt vnrloiis lociillnns. BUILDING LOTS 011 nearly nil streets nt vit- nous prices. Costiiaow Maui: to 1$uii.i FltAMK OH 1JUIC1C HUIIjDIN'GS of nny dcscriplion, to 10 done promptly and siitlsfnclorlly. INARMS FOK SALE In lllnom, lleiiton, Fisldngcrcelc, Hcinloclc, .MiullMiii. .Milllln. .ilontour. .lackson Pint', Cntitwlssa mid Centre townships. Tlio iibovc nt nil prices nnd embracing hind for Farming, Grazing, Trucking and Tobac co Raising. Also ru vend good TIMBEK TRACTS nnd SAW MIIXS. Also HusiNCSH T.ouations with trudo estab lished, including 11 Woolen Mill. in Good Condition mid Location, Carriage Manufactory, Coal Yard, Lime Stone Quarries, and Kilns. Alt tin- uliovu can ha bought at fair prices and on reasonable terms. For particulars, npply to JOHN A. FUNSTON, PAUL E. WHIT. BORDENTOWN Female OollegelMilitary Instituto' roil w I fou Ycunj li dies. I B17S 'a Youa;; Men, I Hplenillil SpIiujIh In UeilKliirul l.iieutloiiM, (Fle minutes' walk npart). liKALTHrUL, UoMULIKB ANU THOHOUllII, Siierlal Uiilei I'ur Itriitlier mid .sinter. Semi for Catalogues. Address: ItKV. VM. LOWEM, A. M llordentown, N. J, aug lt-4w r CUT THIS OUT!" WehavostoroatnIG leading Cities, from which our utTiiti oMnin tholr bin i Hoe quMlj. Our Ftielorlci o'il rriurlpal )MlriN 1110 at I.'iic, I'.i. saJ for mtr Svw CntuluKtiu uuU J nWE I 3'2ncf,J2?.?n2,e 1... (.VUblih ubiiaHiuni rfi, March s-ly ana MWM, HAND. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL the very best facilities for Professional and Classical cmnpicteiy ueateu oy Bioam, wen ventilated, lighted sexwrlonced. efllclent. and allvo to tlietr work, to all expecting to toacU. Htudonta admitted at any Elementary. IV, Clasdlcal. Klements: Master or 1110 sciences 1 Master of the tlto Oftlcers ot tho Hoard of Trustees, tiernl. and tho s:lentinc and ciaa-neui c TUO limes ueinanti it. it is one or the Drlmn nhlnntM s. jotmscnait solicits young persons nr trnni To all such it promises nta In developing tholr tho l'rlnclpal or 7'riiiFP F. I'. lll'.LMVKK, Every Jlstcy Organ Sold lit made throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illuttralcil Catalogue. CELBBBAT HABDUIAN PIANOS, And other first class Pianos, nnd a large lot of Iw mmt ill! Haste MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOItDEONS, BANJOS, MUSKCAL )M(GrUIMIffE VIOLIN STRINGS, And verylBiing CT- SALTZBR, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pa. WEBER-H PIA1TOS, PINK INLAID rUENCH WALNUT I'asy Torino. MUSIC IULI. HLOOK, mill AWARDED Guticine Tho Best Known. Remody for BRoltncho or Lamo Dnck. Rhoumatlsm or Lamo Joints. Cramps or Spi alno. Nourulaia or Kltlncv Dlsonsos, Lumbnco, novoro Aohos or Pains Fomnlo Wonknosa. Ari'Siirilnrloii1l ollirr l'lualrra. AtnSiiM' (11 1'nil. Ai Superior 10 l.liilmrnla. ArnSuierlur n OlittmriiU fir Hulvra, ArttauiicrlurtoKIfrtrlrtiy urunlvKiitaiu Tliey Art Jiuiiirilfittt ly. Tlicy Hlrt'iik'llioii. TliryKoulliu They ltrllorn 1'nln nt (hire. Tliry I'ualilvrly Curf. H I wi 0 El Hmiim' L'nprlno Pornna Plaa. I Oil Ml iw huvubew Imittttoil. Do UnU I I wlli nut hIIovt your drtigtit to jiaim 1111 vuiiiu oiin-r (uatur imtiut.' vimuitr nouudhig name, tint) ttmt tho word U iUe4 iUltr tm i mr a similar WA "Vliv r.. 1 inn mm a niinu t. lAllilriMil ink. juamiiui iui tuft utu iuiPW, icw AHiuti: in:.ui:nv at i.akt, rricavsc, MEAD'S MedluteJ CORN and BUNION PLASTER, Nov 4 '81 ..y iliilnic iu lltt world cauul lo H tur llw our il Scrufut. I1u)lIi-i. lioll. Itltir, (IM )$iri, vor Mtronrifci purktci, Ltitrru, or dldci, it Niur hill, All druiihu iuJ ' coutur itoro kiwira U ll. It. K Mllr A fruit'. I'Hhburik. ou wtj UilU auir 1UW 9 6 Porous -MEDALS,- Plaster. learning in. by gas. and furnished wltti a bountiful suuniv ot niariniinn nrm 1.1. t i-inr, ,1. time. Rooms reserved when Ueslrod. Art. V. Course in l'l there therein, iccctvo 8tate IJIplomaH, contcrrlbg the Classics, urauuates In the othor Courses receive Inferior to thoso of our best Colleges. nf thu Hi.hnni tn hnin tn ,wmm i. k nM ten nnii cnnii nnmnaKa, i !,. d-i,,T n powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid Becretary Every buyer should Select an Organ UCliat guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. J. ESTEV & CO., Uruttlolioro.Yt. in tlie lliisic line. ARDM AW 0ASK 0KUAN, 0 STOPS, S0 UA8II SuttMlltclioii Gimrnntced. WXLSBS-BAXt.B.X, FA Junol J. S ALTZER'S General Sewing Macliino Depot Firth Store Below MU St., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celebrated White Sewing MM, New Davis Vortical Feed Sew ing Mnehino, Now Homo Sowing Miieliino, llousoholtl Sowing Machino, Kstoy Sowing Muoliino, Qonuino Singer Sowing Muchino, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sow Ins Machluo (11, And Nee. cues or ull hewiuu' nine incs. Muwlni alarhlnna Bold on monthly payments- Liberal discount mailo for cusn. Kvrry inaclilno liurchaved from mala wnrruutedtobukept in good running orier lor live 5 curs (roo nt rliure, and tlioroiuU In. atructlons Klven by tlio Imitt lady operator In tills part ot Hi t Hale trio ot churtfo. Uxainlne luy mock ot machines before purchaalutr, kK djonnorday at home Samples worth f I wit i u viruo, Address htikson Co- rort marcli si, l-y E WEBER run R. A IL ROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA RAILKOAD. 1MI1I,. . AUKLl'HIA KI11K DIVISION, rhlladnltililft nnd Erin llaltroad Dlvlitnn nnd Northern uentral Hallway. BUMMEll TIME TA11LE. iDcffoct Junoitli. 1BS2. trains leave Northiim. bcrl&nd. KASTWAIlll, 55 n m. Sea Shorn KtnroM tor Hunburv. Hnr. rlsburir and Intermediate stations, Lancaster. I'hlladeiphla, Now York, lltlllmoro and Washln g. ton, nrrmnif nt I'hlUdelphla x.ri) 11. m.i Now York, 0,1s p. in. Iialllinoro, p. m. H'aililnif ton 0.41 p. m. maklnir cloio connections at l'nlladol- pnia tor an pen Mnoro points. 1.40 p. m. uay exurosi ior Hunuary, iinrris ire nnd Intermediate stations. Ijincastcr. I'liil. ndclphia, Now York, Ilaltlmoro and Washington, arriving ai I'niiaanipum im p. in.; now York, 10.3.1 p. m ! Ilaltlmore, T.itO p. in.; Washington, 8.47 n. m. l'ullmnn l'arlor car through to I'hlladnl. phla nnd passenger coaches through to I'hlladol- pum nnu unuimuri'. 8.0s n. in. Wllllamsport Ion for fiunbury, Ilarrlsbure nnd all Intcimedlato sta tions. Lancaster, l'hliaaclpnia and Now York, arriving at Philadelphia 2.M a. m. ; Now York e.lo a. m. Sleeping car accommodations can be ftocur ed at llarrlsburg tor Philadelphia and Now York, Philadelphia passengers can lemaln In Bloeper un. disturbed until 7 a.m. 1.65 a. m. Krlo Wall for Btinburjr, ilamfburg and Intermediate Muttons, Lancaster, I'hlladcU phla, Now York, Ilaltlmoro and Washington, ar riving at Philadelphia 7 so a.m.; Now York, 11.18 a. in. Ilaltlmoro 7.45 n. m. ; Washing, ton, .17a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, Ilaltlmoro and Washington, and through pauongor coaches to Philadelphia nnd Ilaltlmoro. WKSTWAKD, 0.5.1 a. m, Krlo Mall for Ki le nnd all Intermediate stations with through Pullman ralaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Krlo. ror uannnuaiKuu nnn luiermeuinio Btati Rochester, Iluffalo and Niagara l'nlls, with Pull man Pnlaco car and passenger coaches through to tiuunpsier 1.45 n. m. Nineara KXDresR ior Knno ana lnter- mcdlau) stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For Canandntgua and principal Inter mediate stations, Itochcster, inillulo and Niagara Fulls with through pallor car to Walklns and through passenger conches to Hocliester, 6.05 p. m., Fast lino for lack Haven and Interme diate stations, nnd Klmlro, Wntklns nnd Interme diate stations, with through pnsbenger concilia to WIUK1I11. TllltUUtlU THAINS KOll NOHTIIUJlBniiLANO FltOM 11 IIC KAST AND SOUTH. Nlagarn Kxprrss leaves New York, 6 110 a. in. uiuueipuin .1 w n. m 11 DUIIIUIUU. 11.111,. Ualilmore9.iOa. ra.. nrrlvln; at Moriuunioerinnu l.4lp. m., with through Pullman Parlor car from Philadelphia nnd through passenger coaches from rmiaueiuma unu uniiwiiuro. Fast Lino eatcs Now York l.m a. m. : Philadel phia, a. m.i Washington, .37 a.m.: Cam- more. 1060 a.m.. arrifinir at Norinumoonnnu 6.8.1 p.m., with .through passenger coaches from I'juiaacipuia nnu jiaiutnuro. Krlo Vail leaves New York 7.65 p. tn.; Philadel phia, p.m.; Washington, 0-67 p. tn.; Haiti-1 morn. 11. vo n m . arrlvlnir at Northumberland 0. 6 a. in., with through Pullman Palace sleeping cars rrom rniinaeipiiin, nsnington ana iiauimoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. N OKTIIEHN CENTRAL KAILWAY COM PAN 1. On and after February lDth.lSSl.tratn? will leave Bunbury as follows ; NOKT1IWAKD. Norllicrn KxprcsB 0.S0,arrlvo Blmlra pm Arrive at uannnuaigua u.-ta p. in. " ltochestcr 440 ' . " Nlatrara. 8 43 " Niagara Express l.&o p. m. arrlvo Klmlrn .U5 p m arrive lannnnaigun " " llochester 0 45 " Nlaorum 19.60 a in Fast lino 6.15 p m arrive Blmlra 10.20 p in aiKins ii.iupm SOUTHWARD. Hi utlicrn Bxpross l.Vl a.m. arrlvo llarrlsb'g 9.15am arrive rmiaueipnia i.uu " " New York .35 " ' Ilaltlmoro 7.C0 " Woshlmrton f.. a in Lock Haven Ex 10.60 a m arrive llarrlsb'g lit.65 pm &mvu rmiaueipnia o.uu p 111 " Now York 8.45 ' " BalUmoro ' Wasblnirton 0.47 Day Express 1.60 p m arrlvo Harrlsburg Mipn l'uuitucipuiu l.UO " " New York 10.00 11 " ilaltlmoro 7.oo " Washlnifton 8.17 Brie Mall 1.05 a. in. arrive Harrlsburg 3. 00 a. m rnnaueipuitt j.u " New York .38 " " Baltimore 7.00 ' Washington s.ii J.H. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. Fit AN K THOMSON. General Manager. pHILADELPIIA and KEADING ROAD ARKANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 20, 1862. TBllUS LBaVK RUriRT 18 F0LI.0W8(8DKD1T KXCXrTKP. For New York.rhlladelphla.Hcadlng.Potlsvlllo Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 4 CO and l,w p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,16 8, so a. m. and 4,oo p. m, THIINSrOH KUrittT LXaVX AS rOLLOWS, (SENbiT isCErrco.) Leave New York, via. Tamanend 5,00 a. ro. and via. Bound Brook Itouto 7,43 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,65 a. in., PotUvllle, 12,80 p. Ut andTamaqua, l,35p. m. Lcavo Cutawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport ,9,45 a.m,2,oo p. in, and 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. C. Q. nANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Jan. lo, 1881 tt. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN KAILltOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH STATIONS. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p in, p. io 0 15 v vj t Ui a 66 8 48 8 42 8 37 9 45 0 37 0 30 Scranton..., Bcllevue. , Tavlorvlllo., u so 'i 1U 6 17 6 22 8 27 6 84 0 41 46 0 61 0 6 0 58 7 14 7 111 7 17 7 22 7 SO 7 37 8 00 8 20 8 40 8 60 9 00 S 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 25 8 30 8 33 8 62 9 00 9 04 II 20 2 30 1 23 2 22 2 15 2 10 9 45 9 ti 9 59 10 03 10 03 2 20 2 27 2 84 2 89 2 44 ..Lackawanna.. V 21 V 19 9 14 rutston.... . West Pitts ton ..Wyoming, ..Al altby. Bennett...., 8 25 8 2o 2 0.1 1 60 1 42 1 5 1 25 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 Kingston.., Kingston..., 10 18 10 19 2 64 2 61 3 02 3 00 3 10 8 18 I'ly mouth June 8 16 6 55 Plymouth 10 20 10 34 10 42 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 20 Avondalo ... Nantlcoko.. 8 07 8 47 8 39 8 28 8 17 8 12 8 IKS 7 60 7 62 7 41 7 33 7 33 7 29 7 11 8 00 Uunlock'si'rock 7 40 12 42 7 33 li 25 7 20 12 15 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 0'J 11 40 T C5 11 32 51 11 10 5 CI 10 68 0 45 10 60 0 37 10 44 6 19 10 22 0 10 10 08 a in io uo 6 45 9 40 ,,HiiickBhlnny. ....Hick's Ferry. ....Beach Haven. .Berwick.. 3 83 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 83 4 38 4 611 5 C9 6 25 Briar Creek., ...wiuaw urovo, Lime ltldire., rapy.....u so ,, .Bloomsburg 11 45 11 M 11 55 12 19 .. uujiurk Catawl'a Bridge Danville.... Uhulocky,,, Cameron. .. 45 Northumberi'd 12 43 p.m. a.m. a..m. p.m. p.m. a.m. .... w- F- HALSTBAD, Hiiot. superintendent's omco. scrantou. Feb. 1st, isa. vhut.uwi. ili:,tuai y "iilill ,r lirt.t.j. r.M nr. utiiit f( li L,tiL..i;P F.t 'Ii.i1'tt.iM,mt fumy. Il cm t. nt huuHjIi oi.ty th-t ni! tu tin tcahj (ind luAt Rettoret Uii Youthful Color to Crey or rai!td llalr ranter lutrliaisam U line! iifunwj ami it warranted to prevcut falling of t'io h.ur nid lo re move dandruff and itching, llistox ft Co, K.Y, GIN! A Supcrlatlva llcillli mil Strnntll Rmlnrnr. If you are a mechanic or foimer, worn out with pvetw otk, or a inuihcr run ilo u by family or house hold duttet try l'Aiin tu a disoea '1 i.nic. If you arala)cr, minister or LuiIikk man ex hausted tymenul itrainoraimioutcarea. do not take Inloiicatmg iiimulanM,iiutuio l'oiket'a (linger Tonic Ifypu havo Consumption, DyspepsU, Kheuma. Ism, Kidney Complaints, or nnyiliiordcrof the lungs, stomach, Loh els, Hood or nerves,l'AHKR'atiiKciR Tonic willcure you. Ills Hie Greatest Blood 1'uiirier Aid the Beit and Surest Cough Curt Cvcr Uiid. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and renuiio a stimulant talis (jincbk loMCatoncei it u ill Invigorate and Wild vou un from tha fntr HnA lmt tvltl n... l,..:.t. It has saved hundreds of livesi it nuv save vouri'. CAUTION l-nWu.t ill lutitlluUt rsik.r'i Glut .rTtuU It conipvMd et tb Wit rMiillitl 2csti Id tit worlJ, tu4 dlff.rvlit tram tr.srslloiii lit tyTnitr lu, 6n4 Ivr elrbuUr W 11Iks Co., N, V, tOc, Jt tl lli.i, tl emliri la drufi, GREAT 6AVISU nUVIMQ DOLUR 6121. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful peifuine exceedingly popular, There) Is not IiIuk llko It, Insist upon having Flqbis. TON Colooni and look for signaturo oi ea snry ltll. Any dnnrlii or il.J.r la wrfamn. eta ( ly 100. ts u4 ts r.Lt ilx... ' UllUK lAVINU lU'VINd 11c. SIZE. MarcU 8, '63 ly,
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