The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 10, 1882, Image 1

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    Vle ColtinibicVi".
nlN, Coiwillil.iteit,
lioiint N'rr-ld), i-vrrj Vrlilny .1lomln nl
ATTifo nni.Mii.s pcryrar. TouiImitIIhtkoiiI of tin
t'lmiil v llii" tcrniinrpstrklly lii niltnnri'.
Ir-Nn i:iiiTill'ii!i1lMiicil exrcpt nt tin- nnlhli of
I Iim imlilWicTK, until nil nrnuniK n nro paid, but Intiif
rniitlnunt cretins will not lip (then.
All pipi'tn wnt outot tin- Stale nr to ilMntil post
(iltli'i't inuil tmiinlilforlii mlViitii-p, uiiIpxh n Nuprin
nllil( pcrrimi In boliinibla c -unty nwitnra to pay the
will icrliit Inn ilnc mi ipin:iinl.
I'O.s i'til li no longi-r I'xurtoil from mitnorllioni In
the county.
Tlio. lobbing Department of llio Column in Is very
couiplctr, ami our .lob 1'rlntlnif will cowp.iro f.ivnru.
bly wpli thatof Uio laiyp cities. All work itoni'oii
short niticc, ti"ntly ami nl inotlcrnto prices.
1M DM r,M IV
ono Inch tm J6d 9oo M stM
TWO ItlOllVS l K1 6'" HI" "f'0
Three. Inches oil nifl lew II wi 18M
Four Inches son I hi dot mo sonci
ounrtfr column..., Bn mm loon isoo ail"
Ilalf column low Hoi itwi moo corn
ono column bow MSO 3) on B'joi llieo
Yearly advertisements payable riunrtcrly. Trail
Kent advertisements must bo paid for before Inserted
except where parties have accounts.
Iwnl advertlvmenU two dollars per Inch for threo
Insertions, nndnt that rnto for additional Insertions
without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's notices
threo dollars. -Must bo paid for when Inserted.
Translentor I-ncal notices, ten cents n line, regular
advertisements half rales.
Caul In tho "lluslnewt Director)" column, one
dollar per j ear for each line.
0. E. EIiWEtL , 1 p,,,i,,
li, H.iUUiWAY.
A l 1' O It N U Y. T-ti A W,
Ciii.ckh,v HvitiiiMi Uitunstiurif, I'k
"mt r .1 the rmt states Law Anoclatlon,
I'lil'm'ti in. in.nle in my i jii ot America or Europe.
j W I.I.Kit.
'Attoriioynt'I .aw.
once, second door from 1st National Dank.
t u. funk.
i mice In Enl's Ucii.dinj.
Dioomsturg, r&.
omce on Malu street, first door below CourWouM
JhK-e urer Schuyler's ttardwaro Store.
onireln llrowcr'e bulldlnir, second flnor.rnnm No.l.
Bloomsburtr, Pa.
Offlco corner ot Centre nnd Main Streets. Clark's
(Jan be consulted In German.
m.oo.Msni.iti;, pa.
Mav bo found In llUCKALKW'S OFFICE, near the
court House. sept. 16, 'St. o-m.
Nkw Coluubiam Hdildikh, llloomsburg, Pa.
Merrber ot tho United BUtes Law Association.
Collections mado In any part, of America or Europe
' Notary I'ubllo
A t.toriioys-nt-Law.
Ofllce In llarlinnu'B lllock, Corner Main und .Mar
ket streets, llloomsburij, I'n.
SQfPenmns nnd Bounties Collected.
Ofllco In Ilrower's lllock. one door below llrocUway
At to i'n oy -at-Law,
omcolnll.J. C'lakr'jHuliolnif. second Door, first
Oct, 8, -SO.
onicolnMrs. Knl's llullrtlngr, third door from Main
street. May 20, l.
onico with Hon. c. K. uuckalow.
Member of the Amerloan Attorneys' Association.
Collections made In any part of America.
Jan. 5, sil.
A ttoi neynt-Lawi
Jackson lJuildlng, Rooms 4 and 5,
MayO, -81. HEUWICK.PA.
collections promptly made and remlttod. Office
iiooslte ''atawispr oeposu uuk. n
A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawlssa, Pa.
ortlce, corner ot Third and Main Streets.
A L. FRIT,, Atlnrney-nt-Law. Office
t. . tn lirookwny's Dulldlnir, Juno 54, '31
w-k Mint - -., T.r .. . T ."v P
XAi.nco, llrockwny's liulldlnu 1st lloor, P-looms-burir,
I'enn'a. may 7, '60-t f
. In Urower's bulldlnir, Snd story, Itoor.s 116
I JSUUKl.vllA.M. wi'
B. RORISON, Attorney-at-Law Office
. in nariraaji a nuiiain?, utuusircci.
R. W-M. M. RKIlElt. Snrni'on uml Phy.
sician. uraco corner oi huck uuu AittrKci ti,
K. EVANS. M. D Sureeon and Pbysl
. clan, (omce and Residence on Third street
' B. McKELVY. M. D Sureeon and Phy
. slclan, north side Main street, below Market.
omce, North Market street,
moomstmrir, fa.
Oct. I, T.
R. I. L. RABB,
Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Ulooins
"urt(, I'u.
nr- Teeth extractod without pain.
Oct. 1 18T.
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, werk
ko wituout 1'iiN by the use of (las, and
free of charge wuen artificial teeth
are Inserted.
onico over liloontbure Hanklnc Company,
lo be open at ell hourt during the day.
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
aired. Orsm Housi Uulldlnir, uloomsburg, Fa.
AVID LOWENBERQ, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, dealer Ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.
. wuuu Bvruei, ueiwecn cevouu aua t uiru.
Tonsorml Artist,
s ajratn at his old stand uuder EXCHANGE 110
TKLland has as usual a fuibt-clabs UAHUKIt
siioV. Uo respectfully solicits tho patronase of
urn uiuuu.iuiuvrn ana oi lue puuuo generaii',
Larire and convenient sainnle rooms. Hath room9
Lot and cold wuler.and all modern conTenlenc
Tho uptown Clothier, lias Just received a lino line
oi new uuom, nnu is preparer! 10 mane up
For Men and lloya In tho neatest manner and Latest
Hatsi Gaps. &o-
AlwRVfl on hand, ('nil and Examine. HVANB' 11LOCK
Corner Main and Iron btrccts,
sxiOomcsBuna, fa.
Has purchased thoStock and lUslncssof 1. Unwell
buch, and Is now prcrared to do ail kinds ot work
In his lino, l'luinbing LLd Gas Filling u specialty.
Tinware, stoves,
In a gn at variety. All work dono by
Main Street corner ot East.
Announces to thopubllo that he Is prepared to do
all kinds ot
Custom Tailoring,
rromntly and nt reasonable rrlce. Now Is the sea
son for a
And Tlngley's Iho rlace to get a proper nt.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop over lllllmeycr's Oroccry, Corner of Main nnd
Centre Streets, ......
ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO.,
Carriages, Ilugglcs.Phactens Slelhs, Platfcrm
Vagons, if;:.
First-class wcik nlwajs on hind.
J'rices reduced to suit the times.
Tho Highest Market Price in CaRh
Leather nud Shoo Finding filor
Main Srr.Ecr, Opposite Stone Church,
Aprils, '60-ly
Paper Hanging.
13 prepared to do all kinds ot
xiotrszi PAiNTirao
Plain and Ornamental
All UIuiIh of Furniture ncpnlrvil.
and made in good nn new
Bstimatoit IMCado on .all Work.
Tho underslirned havluL' DUt his 1'lanlnL' Mill on
Railroad Mreet, In tlrst-ciass condition. Is prepared
to do all kinds ot work In his lino.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumbtr used H
well seasoned and none but skilled workmen arc
furnished on application. Plans and specifications
prepureu uy an ezperieuccu uruuuvsuau.
ItlooniMliiirR;, Ia.
rnnsA old roHPORiTiONS are well seasoned by acre
anil riKx txstid and havo never yet bad a loss set
tled by any court of law. Their asseu are all lnvest-
Ca in SOLID BICCHlTlKB&uu ttrv imuio w iuu uaxtiru
nr vihk nnlv.
LosseB raourTLY and doncstlt adjusted and paid
as soon as determined by Chkibtun f. KNirr, srio-
The people of Columbia oounty should patronize
the agency where losses if any are settled and paid
hr nnH nf LhRlr ownclttzens.
SOf 'I, 0.
1 1 OY, Moyer a now uuuanifr, iiain Bireei, inooms
burg, 1'a.
.vtnn insurance Co.. or Hartford. Conn. tT.ois.ssi
Royal ot Liverpool l3,5Co,oou
Lancashire lo.oiu.uoo
Flro Association, I'hlladelphta 4.K13.T1T
l'lia'nU.ot London 6,iC0,31i
l unrinn x. Lancashire, of Enclund l.IUMIil
llartfor l of Hartford ,. 2,m,m
sprloBtteld Flro and Marino ,os;,6Sj
As tho nsrcnclCH are direct, policies nio written for
the lUSUreU WUUOUl auy ueia; iu iuu umi;u ui
IJIoomsourK'. uei.w, oi-u,
LycomlnffOf Muncy Pennsylvania.
North American of Philadelphia, I'a.
Franklin of " "
Pennsylvania of " "
Farmers of York, 1'a.
Hanover of New York.
Manhattan of New York,
onico on Market Street, No. B, Dloomsburir
oct. S4,
Manufacturer of Flows, Stores and all kinds of
CasllnKs. Larifo stock of Tinware, Cook Blores,
u.n fimvaa NinvpH lor heating' stores.ichool hous
es, churches, Ae. Also, larito stock ot repairs for
city stoves of all kinds, wholesale and retall.such as
Fire Hrlck, Urates, Lius, Cet,tirs, Ap., Sloe I'l,
Cook Hollers. Spiders. Cako Plates. Urge Iron Ket.
ties, sled Soles, Wagon Hon s, all kinds of now
points, Mouia uoaius, nuns, nuoui, run,
jlOMi MAN Villi, Ac.
tub 3 1-
Houralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of Iho Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swel'ngs and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fool
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth crpisN St, Jacoih Oil ai
a infr.mtrr. ttlmpte and thrnp Kxterniil Remedy.
A trlnl email but the eomparnllvtly trlUliii; outlay
of nn t'onlN, nml every one siiflvrliie with palu
can h!e chenp and ii'ltlve proof of Iticlalum.
Directions lu Eleven 1-niigungi"!.
Ililltlmorr. 31,1., V. S. A.
A cold or anrr throul ir.ay not seem to
iimuunt to nmcli, and U iirompily attended
t can t'iivlly lw i uml: but neglect is orteu
rollcmcd ty t'oniimplioti or tllphllirrln.
Nn meitHni' lum ever In en dlacow ied which
netss . iiiilcltlt' tuid mik ly In mich cases aa
ii;ituv ivis' iai. KiLtacn. 'ihe
firoinjit W r,t thl3 invaluable remedy lia3
MVtd tlumMiHls nf Ihes.
not an luiriit. It lias tn en before thu
public for I'oity j an, and U mot ralut'd
.h're It Is !ct known.
A rew i- umcIk :rnn voluntary testimonials
read as imi;
Pais Kit. ko'ii. txtn myliousthold rtmrdy for
roMn mr lb 1'ni-i uvi'Uty-Kcvcn juir. aiul h
ner ku'ivvu it tn fall lu f-fTiTtlutf u cure.
L. S CimctKH. W.ltUnmUle, N. Y.
For thirtvcirn 1 le ufiiI 1'ain KlLLcn.and
fimmt Haueser-fjtliiiif tvuitily foreolda nuU sore
tli nut It a iu 11 v Skim an.
Hhh mt'lel iniiiHKlito relief from coMft and
pciiv thnvit utitl coiixhU'r your Pain Kili.hi au
lhVflu..b!d rt'iuiily. Old. Ii. KvKitbTT, DlckinHon,
I lit- J'i't nvoerisd from a cr tQtre cold,
wliU h I )iv hid for um time. icouUl tft no
ivllif ULtU I trifd inur Vxts KiLikH, whlth
rcl(iMl n ie liniii'UuU'ly. I will never uiralu be
without it. ! O. l'OKi'f,, IjOWuJoh, Oa,
Have ti-id 1'ain Kili.mi In my family for forty
ti,iYH and lave uter kuowu it to fail. lUx gov
Lt:tr, Wtijiu'clxiro, (la.
I Uviii u-hiirl'Ais KiLLt.n!nmyfamllytnrnty
liu e:'rt ulm nnd litve uk-1 ltecr t-liuv.and hae
fouiul no iiitdlclTit- to t,iKo 1U I'hit!. U. V, Dyui,
DruuirM. tJiifil.i. N. Y.
1 nr vliooilUrK-nmrh fctul croup It 1 the it
l jMnttluii nu de. e uould not be without it
A. i'. ifOLT-, uieriy .miiih, a.
1' rtwcnti-Iio jcarn I hac uert Vajn Killer
lor (Y)ld mm uinpiTU hi t. tindroiinuif r u meui
inctUduucMrotUml -Oio HooiLitUmlugtou,
I wamifTcrli'f'fccrrly with brontliltlti, and my
thro'it wvx nt liiflmiii'd I tou i tea fitly nwalloT'
invforwl. I wnx iidtcd to try our Pain Kiixm,
i tid ufter t klmr a ftw dutta wuu L-cnu'ktfly
iiirt-d. I' Wilkinson.
lr. H'altii:i Wilton from Cohhccton! ourTAis
Kit.LKit I'unwdii hth(t1.t und mu'tlirout.foalann
twy i-revi lent hen, and ha not U-cn known to
tail ii a tin trio l in-tame. Thin fuct )ou fhoiild
make Kimwii t tlm world.
.Mr.I'LLfs II Mamjn urihn: My tcn waataVrn
loIeutly h rk with dli'htheriii.hWi fowr, and cold
thill". So imny ihlldixn havo died here, I wan
ftnild to call a liyli Ian, und tried jour Pain
Ivillkr. He whh tnlvcn pu Kunday, und oil
WcdneHiUy hid throut wan iltar. It waa u wm.
tl. rful tiin, und I vMi It could tw known to the
Mmr motliew who uru lonintr ko many chilurcn.
For ChllN and Fever PAIN KlLliKU has
n enu 1 1. It curt w hen everything else falls.
Dd.ns aro orteu dangerous. A bottle of
1'ain Kim.kMu the hoiibe Is u safeguard that
no family should he without.
All ilnitfglaUseU tt at:-! 3c, 50c., and 81.00
per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS Sc SON, Proprietors,
Provldonco, R, I
No Whiskey i
Brown's Iron Bhters
is one of the very few tonic
medicines that are not com
posed mostly of alcohol or
whiskey, thus becoming a
fruitful source of intemper
ance by promoting a desire
for rum.
Brown's Ikon Brnr.Rs
is guaranteed to lie a non
intoxicating .stimulant, and
it will, in nearly ever)' case,
take the place of all liquor,
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire for
whiskey and other intoxi
cating beverages.
Rev. G.W.Rici:, editor o(
the American Christian AY
viav, says of Urown's Iron
Cin,,0.,Nov. id. iSSi.
(icntsi The fimlisli wat
iiij; uf force in liusiiiebs,
pleasure, nml wcious indul
gence of our people, niaUs
your preparation a ncccuit) ;
and if applied, v ill s.n c liiiu
dreds who result to taloous
for temporary recuperation.
Brown's Iron Bi itkus
has been thoroughly tested
for dyspepsia, indigestion,
biliousness, weakness, debil
ity, overwork, rheumatism,
neuralgia, consumption,
liver complaints, kidney
troubles, &c, and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relief.
TyAINWOllT H (.,
WUOI.IWAI.Ii (lllOOlillS,
HICK, Kl'ICkS. UICIHII 60111, AC., ,tu
n. K. I'orner s. con I anil Arcli streets,
rilers will rcelvo prompt attend n,
Mttlier, I m tlrtd i 1 lonif to sleep so!
I.ct thy bosom bo my sleeping place :
Only promise mo thou wilt not weep sj
Kor thy tears fall burnlDK on my face.
Hero 'Us o J'd, ruid tliero tho clauilsaro rteotlii? i
Hut In dreamland there are sunny sklcst
Aud tho nnftcl-cUlldnn eics me Ereetlnir,
fooa as I haTo closed my wearied eyes.
Doit thou seo that nnittl CGM'ng, mother T
Host thou hlar the muslo of his wings J
Whlto they are J they shine on ono another,
llciutltul from Ood the light ho brings I
Itosy wings nrJ coming, too, irotn heaven I
Angel children wave them as they fly
Mother, shall I live till mlno aro given?
or, before 1 get them, must I die?
Mother, whereforo dost thou look so earnest?
Wherefore dost thou press thycLecktomlnet
Wet It feels, and jet llko fire thou burnest:
Surely, mother, I Hiall still bo thine I
Thou has promised mo thou wouldst not weep
If thou sobbest, I shall lob with thco I
Oh. I am bo tired 1 1 long to sleep so 1
Mother, look I Uio nngel kisses mo.
Huns Chriflian Amttrten, translated by II
Ward. A NAMtUW Stll'lvAK r'OK SIAOAUA.
t.Mr. Oscar Wilde was at nrst disappointed with I
Niagara, lie complained ot Its want ot grandeur
and variety of line, but ho admitted that tho colors
nf Ilia V illa van twrn 1) t lhtl. t Indfmi?fltll tllO Vkl'H
ho realized mak-sly and the strength of tlio
physical forces at work. Morning paper.J
Kails of .Niagara 1 What shall I Bay lo you 1
What sort ot v lew ot your merits convey to you 1
You who have so mny visitors awed
(Mostly Inferior persons, no doubt ot It),
Shall I pronounco you successful or "out of lt"
Are you consummate or aro you a fraud ?
Much as I fear that my hosts will bo hurt If I
Canuot. consent I o your mei Its to certify,
Truth, which U uulto too supremely divine,
May not bo blinked without blameful Impiety i
Where, then, Magara, Where's jour variety 1
Where, my poor Falls, Is your graudeur ot line?
Must I decldo that you scarcely have got any ?
Must I remark on jour palutul moLotony ?
Must 1 8lnco thus you continue to thrust
Wattr In floods on one's semes Incessantly
Animadvert on this featuro unpleasantly 1
Worthy cascade, I'm afraid that I must.
Tell me, too, pray, Is that curvo satisfactory 1
Aro not thoso boulders perceptibly packed awry 1
Isnottuo water n trlllo too Hit J
Look to the left ot It, look to tho right of It,
Look nt tho breadth as compared with tho height of
Is there no room for Improvement In that?
Still you have points which may serve you redecm
ingly l'olnts whlcli have won jou jour woi shippers seem
ingly, Since c en I can allow their delight ;
What though j oui curves may be moulded less gra
ciously, Ye', Is your color dlitlnaly too preciously
Toned Into harmonies utterly right.
Ay, and In sooth at your stream when I look again
(More when I enter that gallerled nook again),
Something ot mujesty now do I note.
Nor can I question tho forco that Is dashing jou
Over tin precipice, not to bay splashing you
Over my wonderful fur-collared coat.
cs, after all you may win the imthetlcal
J udgment by-ha 1 tho afflatus poetical 1
julck 1 the Inn album at onco If you please !
"Hark to that roar, as ot mighty Democracy
Heating the shore of etleto Arlstocracj-,
Where the vain monarchs Ilo snoozing at ease."
Courage, Americans : closed Is the ordeal.
Judged Is tho cause, and with sympathy cordial
Hero 1 annouueo my decision to you.
Justlyyet kindly can I In this matter act,
I.o ! I appovo ot you, f ortunaU cataract.
Kalis ot N'tagtra ! pass! you will do.
J'Vohi the St. Jamet' Guzette.
Select Story.
.ir.AXi'ini.i.ii'i'i: i ound oni: hi imrri.Y
iiosnsr 1'iaiMi.v
rnoii mr. ruiiM'ii nv cii.mii.ks
Onco upon a time thoio dwelt a stout
nil jovial fanner by the niuiio of l'liil-
ino, at tlio nainiei oi yin-nne uuoiiii,
about four bowshots from Conuu sur-
IKseant. He bad a wife and twi'lvoson.",
olid, chunky IniN all of (hum, and ho
imsi'lf, thouj'li Ins Hair was guzzling,
was Mi night as a poplar.
In the viarot mace uo matlor wnai,
lis wife nieseiited him with a thirtet n(h
ov as a New Year's cift, a boy that did
J . i- . i i ...
oi tiivo any sign oi ii'si niuuiig ins ro
bust brolhcis.
Vou are a thin as a eat in May.poor
(do fillow," said his father, "aud, be
sides, you havo drawn an unlucky mini-
. . ... p i.r I .... a
wi- in I no out rv oi lie: nut tui'io is
. i t. i
mil' A'flV 10 CO 111 110 OYll lOllllllO UWHV
from you, and that is to give you a just
nn honest man or troiliaiiier. mat
ill be rasv i iiongh to ilo.
Hut when he sat down and began to
mi over die list oi ins iiuiius ami
. ... ,,. r - ,
neighbors he found (hat the task was
not such an easy ono alter all. uue
man had tried to swindle him out of
four feet of land ; another had killed his
hens : a third had cheated lum at cards
ono Sunday as they were playing at the
avern aner vespers on uo rejeeieu nu
lie dwelliers in the hamlet, and then all
ns acquaintance at t undo and the no-
aulesthcioot ; yea, even ine justice oi
iLllll 111 It i'flWIt M lif.iit n tiMicc. nml iho Int.
1 1 , . i ! . 'i .1 ,
l Ul Ml !1 1-M1 I I'lllMIl Iltl ! 'JIV I! lit
i .. .t i I
lv not so bri-'ht as Jean Plulippo s
iwn bov, but was indeid an ass.
.ii i Mm ki i nsv n tnskm I ihouirhi .
said the fanner, with a sigh, nud, taking
counsel with his wife, ho icsolved, that, as
theie seemed to be uo honest men iu that
pait of Ihe country, he should take his I
slah" and go in seaich of one. So ho sit
ioith on his pilgiiinagi'.and piesentiy
of course it was at midnight, and as ho
was passing through a lonely woodhe
met a niiiii who, by tho palu light of ihe
Mars, seemed to lum as tnll uml as thin
ns a hop-pole, nud who wm carrying a
scythe as long as himself.
"Wlioevir you may tie, goou man,
said the fanner, halting this stiango lig
lire, "lend mo a pipeful ol tobacco. .My
pouch is empty."
Without a wind tho mower drew
foi th a tobacco pouch (o (ho fariner,wlio,
while filling his pipe had an opportunity
of examining the si ranger's appearance.
JIu was a strange looking man, Indeed,
if he was u man tit all; his head was bald
and shining i his iycs wire small and
biiiiVen ; his iii'Sn was Hat, mid his mouth
iiiiiiiodeinlelv large, showed a few grin
ning teeth. His cheeks were hollow and
his skin was like parchment, and when
lie moved, his joints ciackled like a
s inning sign.
Ihauk ytu, lihi.ill said Jean rill!
ippe, retuiniiig the pi iieh, " 1 ho mow
ing business does not seem In be a very
paying (iiu1, In jmlgt' from your look
Nun me , niu'i' than :t titlii' lii'ii, 'I'akv
cute nf uiiilsi'lf, yi ii liiul liotttT, if on
I wmit to iiinkt1 old'Woiu-H."
I "Don't worry yomnolf, fiietiil j my old
Iioiiim will pt'o joiii'h uiidir the giotuid."
I And the old niiin's littlo cyts Hp.nkhd
llki- u plitlkU of nalt fiHt in'o tho lire.
I ''Wliiil aiojoii doing out ofdoordut
tliis Uniu of iiiglitf ho contin U'd, (pii'i'.
ttoiiiug tlio fnriiii'r.
I "Will, you poo, my wife Ins lu.t burn
brought to bod of a thirttontli boy, and,
in the littlo thing is only Mn and bone,
I .have wishi'd tosw if I couldn't bettor Iim
luul; by giving him a jmt inni for h'n
godfatlior. Now,I havo bi'i n tlnoo dnyw
and tlnco nights on tlio toatcli and"
"And haven't found ono V
"And haven't found one. I didn't think
righteous folks wore so (curve."
"Suppose you take uiol" wiid tlio
niowTr, with a grin iuU'iidod for a fiuilo.
'Voii t Aro you an honest mailt Well,
ytr, you look loan irid poor, and so per
linpi'you are. Hut what is your iinmof"
"J)i'ath I"
Denllit The deuce! And so that is
iho Fcythc that jou"
"I'lTcisch ? That is the scythe that
"Iilm I After all," said till' farmer,
u.,ltH.tivi,i., j ,.r ,-,0,'t 8ti;tiat eol,l(l ,Io
. J ... ...
"' hotter. Deal 1 19 jlist. Ills soyt lo
cuts down impartially the rich and (he
poor, the great and the humble. Shako
hands on it, god-papa, and I'll answer
that the christening shall be worthy of
tho sponsor."
Very good 1 When is it to be?"
"On Sunday next, at Quesne Kaoull.
Impure of Jean Philippe,tho farmei: any
one will show you the house."
'A bargain, (iood-nighl, friend."
'(lood-night, Death !"
Jean Philippe went home with a light
heart. "Wife." said he, 'Tvo secured a
famous godfather, and if he only takes
an iutciet in the child, it won't die
tot thing." Hut as women, particulaily
when ill, aro all to bo easily alarmed and
upset, lie did not enter into any further
When Sunday came round. Jean Phil
ippe donned his boUle-ijreen velvet
breiche.', his silver-buckled shoes and his
camlet waistcoat, to do due honor lo the
disliucuishcd Kodfather. His wife and
the twelve boys, and the godmothtras deiico'll never suspect anything irregu
well, were arrayed hi their Suni'ay hist, lar.''
lu due course the goillather arnveil
wearing a long coat (Hat llappeil about
him like the sail round the'mast of a
wrecked ship He was universally voted
lean and elderly,but it was admitted that
he had a distiiim)
ingiiislieil air.
Alter the cnnsleiung.wliicli took place
at Comic- the littie stone church at
Macou had not then beiu built and at
which (iran'ther Jacob played "King
Dagobeit" on tho chimes, tho paity le
turiicd to the fatm,wheic a notable fenM
was sci vi d. Tlio farmer had killed his
fattest pit; to do honor to the occasion
It was a pleasiue to seo Death eat. lo
his own plate he disposal of os much as
all the oilier gifsts litteen in all, and
alllKleminr'aiid Jean Philippe could not
help envying him his appetite.
When at ton o'eloek the curfew was
sounded at Condu Ihe stiriup cup was
draiueil, and the "odlallier, liavni'' sum-
ed benevolently upon his godchild and
embraced his gnssip.bade the family good
.lean I'lulippo insisted on stciui; lum
home, at least part of ihe way aud they
set out, arm in arm, singing.
rroin tune to time they stovped to say
eir prayers; as the saying of ihe conn-
try is that is, to tots off a pint or light
a pipe at any house where there happen
ed to ho a light visible. I may add that
the whole country was twinkled with
chapel lights as tlio sky with stars, for,
you "vcM was I well to Ai"lit,aud every
body was celebrating the Keast of the
Heait even the policemen so they met
uo one on tho roads.
"Say, liiend," remarked tho farmer, as
thev walked uloncr: "thoiiah vou have a
, famous appetite I n lo.igjr woulic
'.i..., i..... i:,i.. r. n..-.
that vou have so little fat on your ribs.
Yon must have a huy time of it. How
much that is to say, how many do yon
mow a dnv, eh T
"Oh, 'bout sixty thousand a day, I
should say, ou an average ; sometime:
..;...: i..u.. "
lliun-. nuiiu-iinun ivcn.
"Six-ly tlioiis-and a day t Dear, di ar !
nnu now many tun you mow uowu to-
I ilnt. if ir'u i I'.ili (tnnatlnti i'
, l. J , ,. .VI, .. IJI.l.G.t.l'.. .
"rsot a single one.
"Not a sin-lo one! Dear, deal! Whv,
there aie 00,000 Christian folks that
ouj'lit to bo under obligations to me,
"Well, not exactly, i ousee, 1 take a
holiday now and then, nod thU. happened
lo be one of invln.v davs : elso I couldn't
havo accented vour kind invitation."
Hut how do you tell whom to cut
down and whom to leave.because I don't
suppose you do it at random ?
(it course 1 ion t. but it you will come
mo I will show vou with
ii ensure, uh. no i it isn t lar a mere
. ..... o
' hows hot froiii here.
I T Dl.lK..r. cLrt.,t LI... 'Pt.ot.
ilL-.lli X 1I1I1IIIIU IWUIittl UUUUV lllllli
tlm n.iim,! ilwi f.wnit ii ( lint
saying is, thoy had been walking a good
MX iioius, wiliiuiiv 1 1 in iiuuuiny ii.
Iho residence ot Ueath was a mean
and pooilv furnished hut, its solo orua
incut tho lug scythe, which, in the ,-avs
ot Iho sun, shono as it mado ol silver.
For u uiaster-woikinan, such as you
ate, quoin uio larmer, "i must say that it anil inaruui raviovsio, oi me uiag
you aro poorly lodged." " oons. Two years later the samo thing
on, that makes no uiiterence. l no
pot isn't tho beer, you kuow. And, be
sides, I mn not married. Hut come down
stairs till I show you."
Ho took his soytho and whetstouo and
lifted n tmp door in the Homing. Jean
Philippe followed him into tho 'apertiiro,
aud they went down n datk and winding
stair, went down, went down, went down,
till tho farmer thought thoy must bo
coining to tho very centre of tho earth,
1 At
last (hey reached a big iron door.
Death opened it with a key that he took
from his belt, and Jean Philippe started
back f.s u swung open.
"in tho name ot uod, what is this?
ho stammered, blinded by the glow
light wiucli burst lrom mo npeiltirc.
Hefore him were endless vIstaR of gal
lei les wheie shone millions ot lighted
lamps. 1 hero were lumps ot gold and
nlvt r, nt copper and ot brnss,ot iron nud
ol tin i lamps ol every metal lrom
the most
imtiuu.t in iuu u;isi-i
- .1 j I
, lamps swinging from (he roof, hung
against the wnllcranged in lows on steps
And i't,ciirioiiidy cihiiil'1!,
.li nn I'lulipiic nml
tild disthiuuish thoeihiii-
lug ! I'lieli Iiiiliviilual lamp.
"Th''Hi'," said Dentil, "am lliu 1iiiiih
of all tho uioitnls upon eaith. When
ono of (lion gors out it means that snine
one up above lis Is to ho out down."
'Curioin very, And the golden
lamps 1"
"Tlio golden lamps mo kings ii'id
inhiuisi tho silver one are dukes ; the ones aro count?, and so on down
to the small tin lamps, which are com
mon people. All are labelled, you nee."
The farmer wuudiri'd up mid down
the gallery for sonic titno in eslaey. He
noticed that the lumps of many noble and
powerful loul;", which might have been
thought full of oil were running lowyrnl
that many of the hi ightcst lights weie
indie meant st sockets. When lie Imd
enjoyed the spectacle long enough he
said to Death :
"S.iy, god.paiia, whoio are the lump?
of (Jiicsno Kaouft, if you have no objec
tion to my seeing Ihein?"
"None whal ever. In (he first gallery,
third sietiou, on the left hand side.
While the fanner proceeded on his
tour of in!Ui:tion, Death sat and
began putting an edge on his seylho
against tho day's work From time (o
lime exclamations of suiprisoor nieiri
inent catnc from (he gallery, across tho
sound of the stone parsing over the edge.
Presently Jean l'iiilippo reaipi'ared,
looking decidedly astonished.
"I say,deatli," ho oriid exeiledly, "I've
come to tell you that my lamp is almost
out of oil."
"That islikely eiiotii-h," leplied Death,
running his thumb along the blade.
"The deueo you say! Then it U pretly
near my time?"
Death uodih d.
"I say,peihaps you are sharpening thai
scythe to lo"
"Precisely 1" and Death gave a peien
tifio whet to one pait of the edge that
seemed a trill-j dull.
"Why, bless me, ibis is very unexpec
ted 1" said the fanner t then, siding up
to the mower ho went on, mysteriously :
"I say, old man, you see I consider you
as one of the family i is tliero no way 1
could smuggle a littlo oil into that
"Smuggle a little oil into that lamp ?
Why, what do you take me for?"
"We're all alone, vou see, and Provi-
"It s against Ihe rules i on nnu better
fall to your prayer?, liiinil 1
"All I care for is to holdover till Lent,
so that you and lean have a HttleMardi-
grass festival. I tell you, sir, we'll havo
RUcli a tune, a
as you never saw ; pancakes
till you can't rest, and beer it'll ho my
treat all the time."
"No, nonsense, friend, 'lius sevthe is
about ready."
"-Merely ft drop or two. l ou can lake
.- . . ... . ,,.-,- t
some lrom mat uig pot neiueu lamp oi
the parish priest at Conde it's so full
that it's fairlv choking up tho wick. He-
side, it'll only let the good man enter
on his reward so much the sooner, don't
you see '.
"Impossible, friend, impossible. Last
week when you were in search of a
godfather you couldn't find one rigidly
houist man among all your acquain-
lances: luckily you stumbled upon me
What's the consequence ? As scon as
you have found a just person you tiy to
buy lum up with a miserable polot beer.
You re a queer Uunsltati, you arci
Jean Philippe was about to make toino
reply when he heaid a faint crackle and
u sort of sigh in tlio Inst gallery, thud
section, on tho left hand side.
His lamp had gono out!
Travelintronce near Moscow I chanced
to meet N. Petrovitcb, an old college
chum. After some merry talk over our
scrapes nud adventures of former days he
entieated me to accompany nun to mo
house of his friend, Huron Stalolf, at a
place about ten mile distant, adding, by
vny of persuasion: "Staloft is aline,
onen-hoartod, icnerous,hopitable fellow,
just iSiicli a man as yoii wouiii iiko io
inett; he loin mo io uiing witn mo as
many friends as possible. Come, wo will
be theie about a week. 1 can pronuso
vou n very atireealilo visit.
Althougii a sn anger to tuo oaion,us i
then thought, 1 yielded to my friend's
... , .. I. T
rcquest,atiil wo took Ihe aiteruoon train,
arriving at Staloff lato in the day. Tho
baroness receivul in graciously, regret-
dim that the baron was unavoidably ab
sent until dinner.
Punctually at seven o'clock my friend
nnd I entered the magnihcent dining
room. There was jmt limo for a hasty
intiodiiction lo the host before we took
our scats,
Wo weie about twenty at
"What is the matter with you," whis
pered i'elrovitcii, "you iook so iiigiuen-
ed ; have you seen a ghost?
"I lightened ! 1 may well look go in-
deed ! 1 am irignieneu. i our uue,
uenerous, open hearted baron is my
I S .1 . .1 t 1 1 t.
ueauiy enemy, inaii wuom i wouiu rain-
cr fiicoiinter a tliousuinl yluHtH. I win
i.JI ..nn ..II if nftitf .linnr-r "
IVII UU ! 4ivt.v t
I At"tm mi it linn m f nvt nl ii it ilitiitiif 1 wtir.
cecded Iu hndiiigauoppoitmiity to speak
to retrovitcli in pnvaie.
"That man and I were onco friends,
said 1, "but ine out siory, wo ootu nu-
mircd tho same gill That made the first
breach between us. lie proposed to set
(lo the matter with tlio sword, i easily
disarmed him. Sho jilted both of us for
happened, n o lougut again, i woiinii-
ed him severely, and ho swore fearful
vengeance upon ine. nut she inairied
him, and is his present wife,
Hut how has ho become "llaron Staloff ?'
When I know him ho was merely (ireg-
orei Altoll.
"Hw uncle left lum this property last
year with his name. lie wisely look
"If I had only known it 1 Tho
hates mo nud sees me present myself at
liis dinner table, How soon can I go'
I nwavi
"Not to-night, 1 am sine. If you fear
any treachery come spend the night in
my room, nut reaiiy, ine couunon lines
ot hospitality
of "Oh.I don't believe in hoi-pitnlily when
it comes to a man oi ins nature, lie lias
- heard Mncbeth, and urn iinltato him
not lor ambition, but to saiisty ins cher
tsheil revenge.'
"Well, 1 will speak to the servant and
havo your bags removed io my room be
, juiu ueiiiliiie.
I ,.rnl l. .11 r II ,t
"1 IKUIKI., OIU I Villi W
Tlio evening passed plensautly I
lif IIOI'llllM V.
means of music nnd cards. Tlio baron
ck.i was charming, tho baton did not np
pear. Lato in the evening my friend left
ou tieeiving n imssagefrotn the baron
to join him! Half an hour later a lackey
Hindu a sign to me from tho door. I
turned to liim.
"I am cotuo sir, to hand you this
key "
"I am to spend the night iu my friend's
room ?"
"Ye?, sir, but it larger roo.m has been
prepared for you two gentlemen when
ever you are icady. Sir, I mn nt your
sn vice to show you the way to it."
"I am ready now go on, I will fol
low." I followed him ns lamp in hand
he went up a long winding staircase and
along n narrow corridor until wo reached
what seemed to be a sort of tower.
Hero in n bron 1 space, where were bcv
oral doors, he stopped. "I suppose this
part of tlio house is not occupied."
'Oh, yes, sir, it is all occupied. Your
room is ono of tho best. This is it."
He openid tho door of n largo bare
apaitmeilt. On one side near a largo old
fashioned bed I saw my traveling bag.
"Your friend is here, sir, probably," and
he left me.
With tho key iu ono hand and tho
lamp in the other, I advanced to the fire
place. There was no fire, but one singlo
candle stood on the mantle. This I
lighted, but the darkness and gloom
seemed imnenetrubUi, "Petrovitcb is
not here," thought I, as I throw myself
into an immense arm chair to wait for
him. "What can delay him."
I sat there until midnight. Still ho did
not coino. Housing myself, then, I
thought 1 heard the rattling of a chain.
"The fellow is somewhere here. Who
else could mako a noise?'1 Then 1 dis
tinctly heard a regular breathing. "He
must have fallen asleep somewhere. I
will look for him." So, lamp in hand, I
proceeded to explore the room. I reached
further away than I had thought.
I heard the chain again.
What was my honorto behold, stretched
at full length, fast asleep, beside his
open cage, a splendid tiger. Tho chain
utaohed to Ins collar huns loosely to
the ground ; he was free!
I rushed to the door. It wa-j locked
on the outside! to the windows, they
were enormously hit;h from the ground:
theie was no escape for me. There was
the treachery I ftared. This must be the
trap of the generotis,hosj)itablo baron! To
call or make a noise might bo useless,
and would certainly nrouse the animal.
I had uo pistols with me. 1 caretully
and without any noise piled the chairs
in ono corner to serve as nn ambush, re
servinc a stout little one as a weapon of
defense. Then I sat down, keeping my
eyis on lum. Ilo lay cat-like, opemng
occasionally his drowsy eyes, sometimes
mil'' his enormous head a shake. liy
degrees his sleepiness seemed to pass
away, and with a frightful yawn ho
reised luiuselt up nnd advanced towards
He paused for a moment and. raising
his head, he snuHcd the air as if sttstiie
ions of the presence of an intruder
With a growl ho continued to advance
cautiously, as if on his miard against
foe whose btrenglh he was ignorant ot.
A feiv steps discovered me to him, and
with a growl ot rage, he crouched us it
for (he fatal spring, While I waited in
terror tho fearful fate, which would bo
on me iu a lew seconds, l could not help
admiring the excessive beauty of tho
animal, whose splendid stripes of black
on his brown orange skin and glaring
eyeballs, as he lashed his sides with his
tail, mado him a perfect study. The
quivering movement of his body told tno
that in a moment I would be torn to
pieces without a chance of defense or
escape. I closed my eyes for a second,
and as 1 opened them no sudcenly
raised himself and stood with his head
tin tied towards the door. Was any ono
coining to save me? I listened in vain
for a footstep. Suddenly the soft tntisio
of a guitar broke upon the stillness. My
first impression was that it meant another
trick ot the witty baron, but to my in
tense relief tho tiger with a purr of sat
isfaction laid himself down against the
door in an attitude of attentive and de
lighted listening. Hour after hour
passed awsy as tho music continued
without n moment's cessation aud his
highness the tiger remained subdued and
quiet iu his evident enjoyment of the
sounds. This lasted until daylight, when
the door was suddenly opened and a
man entered armed with a .heavy whip
and a eaibine. 1 Ins was tho tiger t
keeper. At sight of him it crept lazily
into its cage.
i ho man t surpiiso at seeing me was
very great. "Tho secret of this door,"
said he, "is known U the baron aud my
self alone."
1 lost no time in escaping from my
prison and soon reached iho other part
of (he house. I found Petrovitch-wan-dering
about iu search of me. I told
him what had happened. "I mint leave
this house at once, said 1.
'Slay to bieakfat. Let tho baron see
(hat you are alive and well, I shall so
enjoy his sui prise."
1 did stay to breaktast, the barons
yellow face turned green at tho sight of
me. The baroness did not appear.
After a month 1 heard of the baron s
sudden death. I called on the baron -
ess. Sho had known of iho horrible
design on my life. It was by her intlu -
enco that ihe servant, who hid confided
his suspicions to her, was induced to
spend the night playing on tlio guitar,
she having known that wild animals aro
tamed wilh musical sounds. She is now
my wife. 1 he tiger has been placed in
tho menagerie. I hope they will bo as
good to hini as ho was to ine, and will
leed lum well, as 1 escaped doing I
Why I'nsliUut Arllmr Alttnils th Sliabbiett
Cliurili in Washington
Tho Wsshington correspondent of tho
X. Y. Jivmlny J'otl, writing from that
y. says s
has been a matter ot some urpnso
that out of the multitudo of Episcopal
chinches with which Washington i
blessed, the Prisldent should havo chosen
the oldest and shabbiest of them nil ns
his regular place of worship. Every Sun
day moniiug no may best en, on lootnuii
unattended, li'.:e the humblest citizen,
crossing tho evergreen Lafayette Square
with its bron.o iicnerni in the middle,
that lies between the Kxecutivo Mansion
and St. Johns, wherein ho quietly lakes
his place in tho old pew that Madison
occupied nearly seventy years ago.
eial of tho earlier Presidents since
Isou s time attended this moss-grown
sanctuary, but 11 tell behind the limes
quaitu- of a ceiituiy ago and hits long , hi human shnpo must have poured
been negleetid by modern greatnisH. ' ?"el of whiskey in the resirvoir.
ForlWdcnt Arthur, St John's n Noinstown Hciald.
more associations than those merely his
oric, aud, like Longfellow s Ulaeksmith,
ho hears above tho innsio of the ohoir a
dearer voice "singing in Paradise."
iOne ntro the ladv. who would now, if
sho had lived, bo the first in the land
Miss Klla Ilerndou wns a volunteer
member of St. John's choir t and it is
said that her sweet soprano voice, of re
markable compass nnd clearness, Idling
tho mouldy old place with melody, first
nttrncted the attention of nn unassuming
young lawyer Chester Arthur by
name who chanced to no spending a
Sunday nt 4,he capital and idly strayed
into St. John s. Deponent saitli, now
over, he did not become acquainted with
icr at Hint time not till some years
later, when her father lay at the bottom
oi tuo sea nnu tnc oiokcu jamny uuu
sought another home. The gallant cap-
ntn Hcrndon wns a naval ofheer, and at
the time of his ivsidc-nco in Washington
was stationed nt the National Observa
tory, lie is best known by tho iccord
he made in the Mexican ar ami ns
commander of the United Stntes expe
dition which explored the valley of the
!mnr.on. hubseouctiliy ho commanded
the ill-fated steamship Central America,
which, in IHST, went down between
Havana and New York, with over four
hundred passengers and more than two
millions in gold on board. About one
third of the passengeis wcio saved,
including all the women and children,
but the faithful captaiu stood at his post
to tho last, and with his ship went down
to the unknown depths. It was when
icr young life was shadowed by this
great sorrow thf.t Klla Hcrndon met her
future husband in New York city, whero
she was living with her widowed moth
er. Theirs was a genuine love match
unhappily rare iu the calculating wisdom
of these days with which many romantic
ncideuts were connected, that tlio
husband is faithful lo her memory is
:rovcn by the fresh llowers his own
lands every day wreath around the
portrait which hangs iu the "cerulean
chamber" of tho White House, where
his eyes can rest upon it last at night and
first m the nioruing. Sho is said to
havo been a lady of lovely character and
rare attainments, tnll and willowy in
figure, with a face that was moro pre-
lossessitjg than actually beautiful accord
ing to rule. She was fond of society, had
much of the charming tact that stands
women in better stead than genius, and
would in every way havo graced her
husband's present position.
A Shaky Coiinkiki.ii. Colorado has a
subterranean lake of considerable extent
covered with soil about eighteen inches
deep. Ou tho soil is cultivated a field of
corn, which produces thirty busiieis to
the acre. The ground is a black marl in
nature, and in all probability was at ono
lime an open body of water on which
accumulated vegetable matter, which
has been increased from time to time,
until now it has crust sufficiently strong
and rich to produce lino corn While
harvesting the bands citoh great strings
of fish by making a hole through tho
earth. A person ruing on his heel and
coming down suddenly can see the
growing corn shako nil around him.
Any one having sufficient stiength to
drive a rail through tho crust will find,
on releasing it, that it will disappear al
together. ourt J'rancisco uhromcle.
Odd Items.
A druggist at Helton Falls, Vn., has
been sent to prison for sixty days "for
selling liquor as a beverage." Wonder
what thoy would have done with him it
ho had sold it as a liver-pad or as a wash
for removing freckles? Texas Sittings.
Why is it that whenever you are look
ing for npything you always find it in
the last place you look ? Tho reason is
because you always stop looking when
you find it. Burlington llawkeye.
It is believed that umbrellas can be
made strong enough to gently let a man
down from a fifth-story window in case
of fire, but whero would the umbrella bo
when wanted. Detroit Free Press.
A Western debating society is nerving
itself up to wrestle with the question :
"When a woman and n mouse meet,
which is tho most frightened ?"
Ono of the managers of a hospital
asktd an Irish nurse which he consid
ered the most dangerous of the many
cases in the hospital. "That, sur," said
Patrick, as he pointed to a easn of sur
gical instruments lying on a table.
Springfield Union.
A St. Louis girl has slept continuous
ly for four months. Probably there's
nothing in that town worth waking up
to see.
A Cincinnati coal dealer was discov
ered giving 1900 pounds for a ton, and
his trade at once increased one half. Tho
other dealers were only giving 1800.
Detroit Freo Press.
Tho only diffeienco between a prodi
gal son and a balloonatic, is that one's
a naughty heir and tho other's au aeron-
Assthetes speaking of asses say their
i,rftya aro abrasions on tho surface of
1 melody N. Y. Com. Adv.
I , , , . ', . .
1 , . May l.fa,nJ?' ba,,k ''V;!'8 nro'low
Mnpd their i espect ty. Ihey
,w"1 l)loom 111
' a hoop nuiisk
B,)(ml(1 0l a.8Uate to wait upon thos
l wl0m (JVt.n Bllch n aiseneo as small po
,ms 1, There is littlo to bo feme
by .ier801is waiting on tho sick if they
me -)arbys Prophylntio Fluid freely
: ,iin ....,. .1,,,.. ilti.u ...til, and also
I take it internally. In sick rooms it
should be exposed on a plato or saucor,
nnd the patient sponged oil' with tho
Fluid diluted with water, and also a few
drops used internally. It should also bo
used about every part ot tno house.
It is stnted that only -100 ccdais of Lo
linnou cmain. How many wue (heir,
nnd wheie am tho sccedeis?
When a Yankee iu Homo was bhown
tho petrified fonn of ono of tho early
Christian martyrs, lie lemarkcd that it
was evidently a St. Cothaid.
A Hostou bank puts forth tho story
that it has sixteen tons of gold stored iu
its vaults. Tho object seems to bo to
mako professional burglais go to bod
with u headache Detroit Frco Press.
It sounds funny to rend that several
city aldermen were drunk nt tho dedioa-
,. 1 lion of tho city water works. Some