THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J. K. tlTTIlJBtNDXR.' IU.OUHnURG, PA. Friday. Dec 28. 1881. The Koimblican hcIimiL eoum-il of l'liil mlelphla lias refused to authori.e tlio district nttorticy to i)rosccuto tlio Ons Trust officials. Their motto is, "Let every guilty man escape. Ill tlllhnnil'a 'tACailllnaa" l,!a mntlin.1 VUU .Ilia IllhlllVII lins tienn rsiwpmllv nliani'i'ultln. Wlmn. ever evidence is given favorable to his t.... ... i .if..r i... i . i.... ...i imuijr unit ui-ll'Uu liu 13lIIIUl, OUl Wlll'll- ever Uio testimony is unfavorable he at once becomes violent anil incoherent. Several candidates for Congress and tho Legislature arc already said to bo in the field in this county. There is no immediate necessity for the people- to make up their minds as to whom they win Bimpori. rno list will be much longer before delegate election. Tho estimates of government expenses for the next fiscal year aggregate tho enor mous total of S.I tO,.rOL,.07, being nearly fifty millions more than were thoso for the present year. Isn't it about tune to call a halt in expenditures? mo pcoplo are taxed now beyond endiir ance. Tho Cameron elan would like to have John H. Packer for postmaster-general. He is n son-in-law of Simon and a much morft trnntnliln nnlitininn tlinn Wnvnn MnoVcagh. He is Stalwart enough for oil .ooi:v,ni.i .i i.i lied upon to work for the Camcions in and out of season. The Towanda Journal remarks with conviction, "It is evident that powerful influences are at work to shield the Star route swindlers from the punishment they so richly deserve." Couldn't tho Journal go a step further and tell us just what those "powerful influences" are? Tho great Logan has been heard from and, as might have been expected, he had something to say for his friend Grant Ho introduced a bill in tho Sen ate to place Gen. Grant upon tho retired list of the Army, with tho rank and pay of a General. That bill cannot be killed too soon. The national pauper has had about all he deserves. It's a little rough on Chairman Cooper that his claims for the gubernatorial nomination aro not recognized at head quarters. The festive Quay overlooked him and pronounced for Grow, and now Cameron has decided upon Beaver. Of a tru'.h Republicans are ungrateful. Cooper's turn to laugh will come after next Fall's election. The opinion of those who best know Mr. Keiferis, that he will be the weakest and worst Speaker the House has ever had. Ho is a thorough-paced partisan, is ignorantof parliamentary rules,undecided in las views upon all the great questions of the hour and is neither brilliant nor deep. He's a Stalwart though, as far as he can grasp the meaning of the term. The Republican party is evidently run mng out oi political timber m Congress The permanent executive committee of the Bi-Centcnnial association has re quested Hayor King, of Philadelphia, to nave tne state House bell rung two nun dred times on the night of December 131, 1881, iu commemoration of the opening of tho bi-centennial year. Tho churches ot tlio city ana State aro requested to have their bells runs on the same evening and the clergyman of all denominations are asked to make appropriate relereuce to tho bi-centennial of tho State in their sermons on Sunday, January 1st, 1882. At a stated meeting of tho Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, in Philadelphia, tho venerable Ell K. Price, the Presidout, was in the chair. The President's grand son, Eli K. Price, Jr., a new member, was presented and took his scat. It was a noticeable incident in the history of tho society that the new member made the third generation of the same family members and present at tlio same meeting a fact not paralleled in the annals ot any other learned body m the world. Occasionally we find a reliable Kcimb lican journal with backbone enough to tell the truth about the present adminis tration. The Philadelphia Ttleyraph is one of these outspoken papers and has this to sav: "The President is in eviii pathy with tho repudiation of a State's debt, and he is the political aider and supporter, with all tho Federal power at ma uiiuB, ui .immune, tnu uuuei ui igauier, and barterer of his vote in the Senate; ot Juddlebergcr, Jtebel Jingadier, Hour bon Democrat and repudintor, and of iiorliam, tlio loul libeler ot Uarheld, and the defender of Brady, Dorecy it Co and the bolting Republican It would seem as if tho present Administration had fallen into strange company. Rev. J. Hyatt Smith was elected Con gresaman from Brooklyn by the labor e cinent and, very naturally, his constitu cuts thought he ought to keep out of caucuses ot the other parties. He didn t though, but took part in the Republican caucus, much to the disgust of tho Brooklyn Labor Ulub who sent him a despatch in tho following words: "Your iiiiuuious uciiuu in entering me Mention can caucus has aroused great indigna tion hero If you support caucus nomi iiees on the floor your political career is ended." Tho roverend politician will not heed this warning as ho has undoubt odly learned on which side his bread is buttered. UomMinitics that elect po litical preachers to represent them do servo no sympathy, as such representa tives never turn out well. Politics and piety do not amalgamate. Pennsylvania is a happy common wealth, A correspondent, not an inmate of Dr. lvirkbride s excellent homo lor the insane, solemnly assures us upon the au thority of that pious and portentous journal, the Philadelphia Tunes, that tho caiididaoy ot "Uenerauames A. ueit ver, of Bellefonte, Centre County," for the uovernorsuip, win -cause u wiun wind of excitement all over the Stale," How reltcioiisly void of interest and im portance must be the politics of a com monwealth in which such consequences can bo provoked by such a cause! No doubt "General James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, Centre county," is a most es timablu man. But how many Pennsyl. vanians can tell you off-hand in what purl of their btato "jJelleionte, ueiitro county," happens to llel And how many ficople not Peiinsylvunians havo over lenrd of tsuoli a town as Bellefonte, such ft county as Centre county and such a ,ero as General Beaver? Nappy Penn BVlvnnia, whoso annals aro so empty of Iffoand meaning! iV. Y, World. Benjamin Hauis Browster of Philadel phia has been nominated and confirmed us Attorney General of tho Utillotl States. He is a lawyer of undoubted ability and an honorabfo man. Ho has been leading attorney hi the prosecution of the Star route thieves, and his appointment is thought to indicate a determination on the part of the President to push tho trials vigorously. Mr. Browstcr certainly has the legal qualifications for his high position, mid, if the conviction of the Star routo robbers is on the slate, will doubtless mako n lasting reputation for himself ns a prosecutor of public thieves. Ouo of tho jurors in the trial of David Mouat for violation of tho election laws, in Philadelphia, was found to be serving under an assumed name, lie was arrest ed and held to answer for contempt of court and such other charges as the dis trict attornoy may prefer against him. The remainder of the jury were dis charged and the caso will have to be re tried. It is a difficult matter to convict one of the ballot bov stuffers and the principal reason is, that there is so much tampering with jurors. In the Times office $1000 awaits tho citizen who suc ceeds in sending cno of theso iury-fiicrs to jail. It ought to bo earned without delay. At tho late election in New York W. W. Astor, the millionaire, was a candi date for Congress in tho strong Repub lican district formerly represented by Levi P. Morton. Astor spent largo sums of money to secure his election but was hopelessly defeated by Mr. R. P. Flower, a Democrat. When the successful can didate went to Washington ho learned that ho was entitled to the salary from the timii of Mr. Morton's resignation. This sum, amounting to $!",01i.G.", Mr. Ilowcr has sent to Rev. Dr. Morgan of St. Thomas' Church, New A'ork, whom he appoints chairman to distribute the money among deserving charities of tho district. This is a most creditable act and onothat will endear Mr. Hower to his constituents. Two of President Arthur's recent nominations are so dissimilar in character as to call for comment. For Justice of the Suprcxio Court of the United States tho President has named Hon. Horace Gray, now Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court of Mnssachuctls. He is a ripe jurist and a man of unblemished reputa tion. The appointment is nn exeollent ono and reflects credit upon the Presi dent. The same cannot bo Baid for the nominee for post-mastcr-general. This is Timothy O. IIowo of Wisconsin, ex- Senator from that State. Ho is a Grant worshipper and a thick-and-thin partisan. He was not a shining light in tho Senate and will not mako a respectable Cabinet officer. The appointment of Judge Gray to tlio Supreme bench is doubly acceptable because it prevents uoutweii s promotion to that Court a consumma tion devoutly to bo grateful for. TIIKSrATETIlEASUHtf. The following statement shows the amount in the State Treasury at tho close of business November 30th, 1881, exclusive of money appropriated to the sinking fund: nit. Farmers' and Mechanics' National Hank ot riiiladelphla $2S0,133 04 Allegheny National llank. Pittsburg... sufia 41 People's Hank, Philadelphia 80,0 0 ou r unners- imnic, jiarnsourg v,uu w Mechanics' Bank, narrtsourir n,m is First National Bank. Danville co.ooj 00 First National Bank.l'hlladelpnla 50,000 w Advanced to members ot the Legisla ture una employees, us per list ati.B,& w Total In general tund Jl,oi,lM 03 cit. Amount paid to members Amount due members Insurance held In trust (or DanvUIe IlosDltal $38,873 00 11,315 60 1C3.U0 01 Total 1W,S1G CI uaiance applicable in pay ment ot following appropri ations, l-:62,3is 42: Unpaid school warrants to June 1st, 1831, appropriation 1 ot 1ST9 U7,S6J 4 Expenses ot the National Guard S3.32S Jii Judges'salarles quarter end ing November 3uth, tssi.... W.OM w Soldiers' Orphans' Schools to novemuernviu, imi yu,uuu wi Legislative salaries awaiting decision 01 supreme court m.cuu w Total 5.9.tM 61 i23,95? SI Total amount applicable to payment ot buiivuv cwuava..i, .... i........ CONGUKSS. In th Senate last Friday, tho only business of interest transacted was the discussion of Mr. Hoar's resolution for a special committeo of seven on the rights of women. Mr. Vest made an amusing speech in opposition. In the House a bill was introduced appropriating soO.- 000 for tho relief of Mrs. Garfield. Mr. Kelly asked for a woman-sufTrago com mittee. Mr. Shallenberger had a bill to prevent persons living in bigamy from holding any oll'tco of trust or emolument in the territories of the United States. The call of States was not finished, but 8G7 more bills were introduced, making 1,G21 iu all. It was agreed to tako a recess from December 21 to January ."5. On Monday the Senate confirmed the nominations of Benjamin II. Brewster as Attorney General and J. C. Bancroft Davis as Assistant Secretary of State. Tlio question of presidential succession was discussed and tho House resolution rela tive to a recess was agreed to. In tho House, a number of bills were presented, one of which was for tho protection of tho person of President, providing pun ishment by death for an assault with in tent to kill that ollicial. The Senate only was in session 011 Tuesday. Mr. I lay an reported from tho coinmitteeo on finance a bill to re leaso the Philadelphia and Reading R. R. from payment of certain taxes. Tho woman sullrage bill was again debated. In tho House on Wednesday resolu tions were adopted for a meeting of the two houses to listen to a memorial ad dress by James G. Blaine on the life and character of the lato President. Tho Speaker announced the Standing Com mittees. The chairmen of tho most important committees are as follows : Ways and Means, Kelly, Pa.; Appropria tions, HiEcock N. Y.; Banking and Cur rency, Crapo, Mass; Judiciary, Reed, Me.j Foreign Affairs, Williams, Wis. Pennsylvania gets seven chairmanships. In the Senate thero was a brief debute on the tariff and the IIouso Garfield memorial resolutions wero adopted. THE ASSASSIN'S T11IAL- Thursday, of last week, was a field day forGuitcaii. Ho opened tho pro ceedings by an impertinent speech, making suggestions to the Court ns to tho treatment of the jury. Subsequently Itn nliuiaml ovnrv u'ltiipAM nn thn Mtnnil. calling them fools, whelps, liars and oth- r ollensivo names, nr. pouie loung, I'lysieiau of tlio jail, stated that ho bo li.voil tlm unsnssin was sane. Mrs. Sco. i-illn f.nilniivnrful to tiucstiou Dr. Yountr. , . Ulll WUH prevented uy uur imsu.ui'i uuu. iimkiu s ituviin nix. ot utiicaL'O. iirovcii 1 lm n most daniaL'ing witness and was liberallv abused by the prisoner. Ho iliiii tut vlxited Guiteati in ifiil IVUVIMVII " - ' " " - " J u'ntvn iIuvk nfli'i- tlm PiCbidcnt was shot and that the assassin madu use of tho word "assassination and never spoke 01 diviuo inspiration. Subsequently, luii teau spoko of tho word murder as "re moval." , , Wituess stated that he read to the prisoner whnt Grant and Conk ling and spine of his (prisoner's) allegod friends said of him (Guiteati) and his crime, ami hewalking the floor oxoitedly said: "What does it mean? I would have stnkcd my llfo that tlioy Mould havo de fended me. They know thatlhoj wanted Garfield removed and yet they de nounce me and can only see iu it tho bloody act." Witness also showed him soino papers in which he (Guiteau) was bitterly de iiouneed for the crime, and his (prison er's) comment was that tho true facts had been suppressed and that ho had not nny defense. Witness continued "Ho asked me, referring to Grant, Conkling and other prominent stalwarts, 'Do they knoW( that I have stated that I had no accomplices!' and 1 told him yes. Ho seemed dazed and said, repeating tho words several tunes, 'MoH astounding! Most astound ing!' " This testimony will go far towards hanging Guiteati, who seemed to bo well aware of tho fact, as ho abused Gen. Reynolds in tiie most shameful manner. Tho day's proceedings ended by Guileau protesting against the cross-examining of the witness and finally shouted, "Oh! say your aunt was your uncle, 'twould be nbout ns sensible as your questions. You are as stupid as Corkhill. Come, your honor, let's go home." And Court then adjourned. On Friday, Guitcau's divorced wife testified that she believed him to bo sane. Gen. Reynolds gavo further advorse tes timony and v as frequently insulted by the prisoner. Drs. Loring and Hamil ton said they thought tho assassin was sane. Thero was no session of Court on Monday, as tho wife of one of the jurors died, and ho was permitted to go home. A plaster cast has been made of Gui tcau's head by Clark Mills, assisted by his son, Theodore Mills. After some hes itation the assassin consented to havo his beard removed, and then allowed tho cast to be made. The operation was quickly and skillfully performed. Tho trial was resumed on Wednesday anil Drs. Hamilton and Worcester tes tified that they considered Guiteati sane. The prisoner was very unruly and insult ed both witnesses and counsel. A HAD APPOINTMENT. The New York Sun does not tako kindly to the appointment of J. C. Bancroft Davis to the oflico of Assistant Secretary of State, and insists that he is unfit for any high official position. Tho story of one dishonorable act as told by the bun is as follows: "While a director of the Erie Railroad Company and its retained legal adviser, ho took sixty thousand dollars from tlio noston, Jlarttord and J'.ne Kailroad Company to draw up certain contracts between tlio two corporations and assist in carrying them through. This trans action resulted in an enormous loss to tho company of which he was director and legal adviser. I his payment lor these purposes has been proved by uncontradicted testi mony under oath before a legislative committee in Massachusetts. The ac ceptance of such a fee implies an utter disregard of those obligations of moral ity which constrain honorable men in the execution of a trust." It would certainly seem improper to appoint a person who could bo guilty of such bad faith and treachery to an impor tant federal office. Reputation and fit ness do not, however, constitute very strong claims for political favors under Republican rule. News Items. Aldermau Tucker, Boston, says you may state that I have paid for medicine and treatment iu i0 years $3,000, with out receiving permanent benefit. En tirely cured of his disease (salt rheum) by Cuticura Remedies. The President has appointed the fol lowing rules for the reception of visitors at the Whito House: Mondays, Wed nesdays, and Thursdays from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., the general public, including members of Congress and other officials. Tuesdays and Fridays (Cabinet days) from 10 A. M. to 12 M., Senators and Representatives only. The President reserves Saturdays' and Sundays for him self, and on those days will receive no ono. He will hold his first public recep tion on Now Year's Day. Government sanitary officials inspected Newport, R. I., on Saturday and found tho water in two-thirds of t'.io wells was unfit to drink. After three trials, iu which he was suc cessively found guilty, Henderson Jones is to be hanged at Augusta, Ga., for the murder of ouo Harrison. Eugene Sullivan who was tried for tho murder of his wife, iu Lock Haven, was acquitted last Saturday. Dr. Isaac 1. Hayes, the Arctie ex plorer who accompanied Dr. Kane on his search for tho North Pole, died in New York 011 Saturday. Washington Critic s.wan nv 011 Mrs. Susanna Asmns, No. 1 1 Bartlett street, Baltimore, Md., had for twenty two years been a sulTeier from sores and pains iu her limbs. She tried many rem edies without favoriblo results. Hap pening to hear of St. Jacob's Oil, she concluded at last to try it. Tho result was wonderful. 1 he sore healed, tho pains vanished, ami she is now wt-ll again. Tho Statu Capital mutual insurance company has dissolved and its affairs have been placed in the hands of a receiver. On Monday, no less than thirteen children wero drowned by breaking through the ice while skating. These accidents occurred in different parts of tho country. CONSUMITION. iMi-oitrANT to Tim as well 1 Tin MEDICAL PUOKESS10S. Jlall'i Journal of Health, referring to con sumption, makes the following Important statement "Consumption usually begins with a slight dry cough In tho morning, then, mi going to bed getting more ami more frequent, with moru and more phlegm, increasing debility, thinness of tlesli, shortness of breath, anil quickness of pulse. In faf.d cases Its aver ami U about two years: hence tlio Import- mice of arresting the disease at as early a stage ns possible, and I he sooner rational menus nru employed for this purpose the greater the chance ot success. Tlio disease Is owlnc to an Irritation commencing In the throat and extending to tlio lungs, so tliut their action Is interfered with, and the blood does not receive siilllelent oxygen to purl It. The most marked slt'n of lunir disease emaciation; and the most positive Indication of leturiiliig health is Increase In weight. Ho speaks J fall' Journal of Health, ami we uiav add that in desperate eases: uml. in fuel. in all cases of consumption, or troubles of tlio throat and lungs, immediate relict mny he obtained and a permanent euro elfcctcd by tho use ot Dr. win, Hall's lialsam for the hums, a medicine known for more than tlilr. ty.flvo years as an unfailing remedy for coughs, coins, oronciiitis mm 1111 pulmonary and pectorul diseases. That the worst cases of consumption have been cured by tho use of Hull's lialsam has been attested to by the thousands who have used It, or who have been cognizant of Its wonderful medical cf. llcaey, hot. 11-Ow NOTICE. All ih'ihoiu uro hereby notified not to trust my daughter Itulesla A, Moss on my account and credit, 1)TBUC. UObM. llenton, l)f0., IM'.J w Citicnra Mood Poisonings, Scrofulous Ul cora and Itching Ilttnio ih, Ahsccssca and Glandu lar Swellings. IjKAU l'OISONlNU. Mr. Albert Klngttmry, Kccoe, N, ll troubled villi bntl humor on li&ncM and neck, caused by lcsd Polionlup, (IIo'b a pilntcr.) At times It would reak out. crack opon, aim tho skin scparato from the llcsti In lnrco Pieces, nuffprlnir great coutlnuil Itching and sllnirinir. rurchasrd jour remedies: used culleura Kesolrent Internally, ant (,'utlcuri aid Oitlriirn Soap externally, and tnlem thin fireo months effected complete cure, and lias nut been troubled Mnre. Corroborated by llullard A Foster, Druggtste, Kocno. N. 11. aUEATKST ON KAUTH. J. W. Admit, rewirk, Ohio, siys: "Cutlcuri Itomedles aro the firmest medicines on earth. Had the worst cane or salt rlioumln thli county. My mother had It twenty years, and In fact died from It. I bclloTo Cutlcura wonld havesared tier life. My r mi, blots t and head were covered lor three yem. which nothing relieved or cured until I used the cutlcura lloROlvent Internally, and Cutlcur.1 and cutlcura soap externally. IS01UAferia II. K. CarjK-nter, K , Ilundotnoii, N. T cured Ot l'aorlasls or Leprosy, ot twenty years' alanillne, by tho cutlcura Resolvent Internally and CutleVa and Cutlcura soap externally. Tho most wonderful case on record, euro certified to before a Justice ottbo peaeo and prominent citizens. All amicted with Itclilnit and scaly Diseases should Bend to us for this testimonial In full. SAIjT khkum. Thoeo who have experienced the torments of Silt llhcum can appreciate the agony I endured tor years, until cured by the Cutlcura Itcsolvent inter nally and Cutlcura and Cutlcura soip externally. 1K8. W.M. I'BLLINUTON, hharon, Wis. CUTICTltA and Cutlcura Soap externally and Cutlcura Itcsolv ent Internally will positively euro every species of humor from a common plmpU to scrofula, rrleo of CUTICUIIA, smill boxes, 50c.; laruo boxes St.CUTICUItA HF.soi.VK.NT, it per bottle, outlcura soap, ssc. cutlcura Shavlnj Boap, I6c. Sold by all druggists. Depot, W1SKKS rorrEIt, lloston, Mass. CATARRH Sauford's Radical Cure, ' Complete Treatment For $1.00. Sanford a Radical Cure, Catarrhal Solvent and Improved Inhaler, wltn specific directions may now bo had of ull druggists, neatly wrapped In ono package, for one dollar. Ask for Sauford's Had leal cure. This economical and never-fallluit treatment Instantly cleanses tho nasal passages ot putrid mucous, subdues Iniumuutton when oxtcndlng to tho eye, car and throat, restores tli3 senses ot smell, taste and hearing when atrected.leaves tho head deodorized, clear and open, the breath sweet, the breathing easy, and every sense In a grateful and soothed condition. Internally ad ministered It cleanses the entire mucous system through tho blood which It purities ot tbe acid poison always present In catarrh. Recom mended by all druggists. General Agents, WEGK3 & roiTKIt, Boston. 1UTS, MICK, Itoaches, Water Hugs and Ited and Ulack Ants eat ravenous, ly l"AIWONS' EXTEHMI NATOll and die. No fear ot bat Bincl's. Hams, granaries and households often cleared In a single night, llest and cheapest vermin killer In tho world. No failure In 30 years. Kvery box warrant ed, sold by all grocers and druggists. Atk for PARSONS'. Hailed for 25C. by wekks s. run su, uoaton. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS AND MON TANA LOTS. Tho undersigned will exposo at public Sale at Ch errlngton's Hotel, Locust township, Columbia county, I'a , on KIUDAV, JANUARY Wh, 1885, at a o'clock p. m.. the following described valuable tract ot timber land, located In said townshtp.on tho south side ot tho Little Mountalo, bounded by lands In the warrantee names ot Mary Huston, Tbomax Huston, Thomas llllllngton, Adam Clayberger,John Lee, Samuel Lee, Philip Lavenkerg, John Young and others, known In the wartantconnme of John Evcrhard, and containing 280 ACHES and 1M perch es and allowance. Dealers In lumber, prop timber, bark, etc., are re quested to examine said tract on or before the day ot sale. References as to location, Peter Swank, Esi., and Daniel Morris, who will point out tho lines on tho forenoon 0: tho day of sate, or before U called upon. Also, will be exposed to sale, at tho Red Tavern, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th, 18HJJ, at ten o'clock a. m the following lots In Montana City, viz: First-Lots s nd 4 Block "N" on Centre street, main road adjoining tto school house, each 25 feet front ana 1 10 feet In depth, known as the Verkcs lots. Second Lot S.lllock "I" on Centra street, opposlto tbe Red Tavern, fenced and under cultivation, formerly known as tho Peter Joyce lot, front25 feet, aepth 110 feet. Taxes to date will be paid, and title warranted. Terms uf Salos. Cash ono-half at striking down the property, tho other halt In six months there after. Dec. 23-2r C II. 1IKOCKWAY. UDITOR'S NOTICE. 1C3T1TK OK JOIISUiegH, DECK1SED. Tlio undersigned Auditor nppolntoJ by the Or phans' court ot columoia county to make distribu tion of tne tund In the hands ot the ex.-cutor of John olger deceased, to and among the par ties entitled thereto, will sit at tlio omee of E. It. Ikeler.Ksq., In the Town of llloomsburg on Saturday the HUi day of January. A. 1).. tssi, uctwo o'clock In tho afternoon to perform the duties ot his ap pointment, when and where all persons having any clalmi upon said fund will appear and ptoo the same or be dcoarmJ from receiving any sbaie therof. WM. L. EYERLT, Audlttr. dec IS l-w UDITOIVd NOTICE. KSTATE 01' JOUN II0ST0N, UIClUSEl), Tho undersigned Auditor uppolnted by tho Or phans' t.'ourt ot Columbia county on exceptions to tbe third and partial account of O. L. t'uapln ouo ot tho administrators ot John Boston, deceased, will sit at the ofllce ot Qro. E. Klvell I11 liioomsburg on Sat urday. January Slst, isj, to perforin the duties of his appointment, when and where all pertous Inter ested may attend If they see proper. V. f. WLLMEYER dec (3 4-w Audlfr. JS OTIC'K TO KTOCKJlOIiOKUS. 'Ilierj ulll be an election of u Hoard of Directors ot the liioomsburg Uanklug Company, itt their banking liuu.,u, on ruesdiy, J.muiry leth, lkS'i, a' two o'clock p. in. tj servo fur the euulug year. II. II, IJIIOIZ, decvaa-w ('ashler A DMlNlcSI UATOKS NOTl H fcSTATK 01' UOSES KVSHfcTr, UH'tiiKll. Letters ot Administration on tho estate ot Moso-i hveiett, lato of urango township, Columbia county, Peuu'a., decet sed, have been grunted by the Regis ter ot said county to tho undersigned Aum'r. d. b. u All persons having claims agulust the esla'c of tho decedent uro ri'ustcd to pr -sent them for settle ment uud thoso indebted to the estate to make pay ment to tho undersigned Administrator wttnout delay, J. HOWARD KLINE, C. W. Mili.ii!, Administrator, d. b. 11. Attorney. l O, orangevlllo. UDITOU'S NOTICE. estatk or J icon uouuor, diceaskp. The underblgned auditor appointed by tho Oi pliaus' Court of Columbia county to make distribu tion of tho balance In the hands ot Edward llartman, executor of the estate ot Jacob Uomboy, late ot scott township, deceased found by order ot Court, made confirming Uio report ot Auditor on exceptions to tho account, to and among the parties entitled tneroto.wUl sit ut ills omco In liioomsburg on Satur day, thu nth day ot January, Ikol, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, to perform tho duues ot his appoint ment when and where all persons having claims against said estate will appear and prove tho same or bo forever debarred fibiu receltlng any part ot thoBame. JOHN M. CI.Altlt, deo, 10 b'Mw Auditor. AllEAUTIKI'L OROAN. tlio "MOZART," Now Style.No, ivioo.ri stops.lo full sets (Jolden Tongue Reeds, Solid Walnut Highly Polished Caso. New und valuable Improvements Just added, moot, Hook, .Music, noted aud delivered on board cars here, price Only Sixty DolUrs.NetCasU.Satlsfaetton guaranteed In every particular or money refunded after one year's uje. Every sold sells mother. It Is a stand Ing advertisement. Order at Once. Nothlug snel by correspondence, My new t ictory Just com nletd capacity sxto Instruments every days, very latest labor-saving wood-working machinery. Vast capi tal enables mo to manufacture better goods tor low money than ever. Address, or eall upon DANIEL K. HEATl'Y, Washington, Now Jersey, d d30 U 4vr ITS POFUIAaiTY 13 TOPABALIELED 1 1 130,000 SOLO ! ! US tiSiJHZMS I tie wondvrlul and Increasing deraaud for by far THE IIEMI', most Popular and CHEAPEST LIFE OF GARFIELD Price Only $21 This woik Is Profusely Illuitrated, tells tho entire thrilling biory ot uU eventful llfo and tragic death! has beeu i rllleally revised and approved by ono ot hu most Intimate personal Irlenas ; has tar outsold all oi her editions because the best and cheapest and our terms to agents uro tho most liberal of any,, Ku-d I'Um Portraits Free 1 1 Outllt 60 cents. i For proof ot oxce lence, success of agents and terms address itonce.llUUllAlll) UltOS.Pubs.l'hlla, DUCU4-W A UINJIlSTRATOR'S NOTICE. ISTATK Or Kl.ltABr.tII, bSCEASXD. I.clK isof Administration on tho citato ot Eliza beth liable, lalo ofCatawlssa townrhlp, Columbia county, Pennsylranta, deceased, hnvo been granted by tlio Register ot said county to Franklin Cable, of Catawlasa township, administrator. All persons having claims agatnst the est at o of nattl doco dent are requested to piosctit them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho estatu to make payment to the undersigned Admlnlstrator,wlthout delay. FRANKLIN tlAllLK, Catawlssa, Dec 9 4?v AdmlnlMralor, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. UTATSOr Wtl.LtAU llANISI prCKASSI), Letters of admlalstratlon on tlio estate of William Danlols, lato of tho town ot liioomsburg, Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by tho Regis ter of said county to tho undersigned administrator. AU persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent are requested to present them for settle ment and thoso Indebted to mike payment to tho undersigned aaminisiraiorwiuiout cieiay. 1. W, McKKLTT, Administrator, Deo 0-vr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. :iSTATIOr KORBRT W, HA11TZKI., DECIASID. Letters ot Administration on tho cstato ot l'.obcrt M. llartzcl.lato of Malntownshlp.Columbla county, Penna, deceased, havo been granted by tho Regis ter ot said county lo Joseph A. Unrtzsl, admin istrator. All persons having claims against tbe estate of tho decedent aro requested to present them for sctumcnt. and Mose Indebted to the os tate to makAiayment to Iho undersigned adminis trators wltiioS delay, JOSEPH A. IIARTZKl, nov. 18-lw Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I8TATX OrUARTnA SHlJMAtt. DaCIASIO. Letters of administration on tho estate of Martha Shuman, lato ot Muln twn, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted uy the Register of said county to the undersigned ndmlnlstrator.AII persons having claims ngalnst the estate ot said decedent are requested to present then for settlement and thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay, Wm.K.HIIUMAN. Administrator. V. O. address, Mnln.lltc, Col., Co , Pa. T lO TAX COI.MXTOltS. t.n Actof Iho Legislature, and nrnirov.d Juno Snd, lssl,(sco Pamphlet Laws, page 431) lequlres tax collectors to make returns of sealed and unseated lands to tlio County Commissioners before the ilrst of January next. Lands upon which no property can bo found from which to mako taxes from those who fall to mako returns by slid day will be Held for such loss. Taxes so returned become a lien against Iho property so returned. We haiu blank s on which theso returns r rt to bo made, and will furnish them upon application of collectors. JO'.IN 11. CASEY, Commissioners' Clei k. Commissioners' onico, liioomsburg, Dec. li, usi. dec. tMW JOHN A. FUNSTON & Co. Eeal Estate, Trusti Investment and Collodion Offico. BLOOMSBURG, DA. FOR SALE Or Exchange. Ijirgo Frame IIouso for two families, good Btable, fruit and water, owned by 11. F. sharp, less. lis Acres. Hurley farm, Mont.iurtownshlp.framo duelling house, bank oaruand other out-buildlngs, good soil; about luo acres timber; well watered; eattby location, good markcU. If desired, will di vide In two or three tracts. Sec drafts. Terms easy. Now ownedby Wm. Neal, Esq. A comfortable now brick dwelling ou 6th street, west of .Market, in rooms. A bargain. Four pleasant building lots on West street, cheap. Very desirable for quiet homes. SOLI). HI acres, Madison township to E. 11. Ilartman, 3,300. For partlculats, apply to Oct. II, 'Sl-tf JOHN A. l'l NSTON. or PAl'L E, WIRT. MOUER' COD-LIVER Oil , Stparlorto Cheapest uy. JIUrhMt xocdlcil autboritlea eIiest twUfrtolU delicacy of UatoindimeU. For eilo by DriunrUta. WJ.Sehleu'-eIln?iCo(gya),T.T. Dec 10 4-w VOK HOLIDAY GOODS AT- gLARGEST ASSORTMENT $SLA HGEST ASSORTxMENT J&LARGEST ASSORTiMENT- FI3STEST C3-OOT3S FINEST GOODS CAXDIKSOb'ALL KINDS Fit ESI I A XI) I'l'llK, LOWEST PRICE. Tree ntul Tablo ornaments in endless varictr. We have the Finest Mixed Candles in the county, put up In fancy boxes for Climtmm Trees or by the pound, l ino .Japanese Cub Inets, with silver Trimmings, Olovo lloxes inlaid with ebony, mid other articles too iiumer ous to mention. This line will be sold nt cost to close out stock, Dos'r MISS Tur. Ciuxci CREAM CHOCOLATES PROM 40 CTS. TO 80 CTS TAFFY, MOSIA, NOUGAT, FRESH, FRESH,, TRESH, FRESH, YOUll ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR LINK OV TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &c., We have lust received a large stosk of Jlei Fine Cigar mid Cigarette Cases, Tobacco BmoKer's interims. CIG-ARS, 25 IN BOX. CIGARS, 25 IN BOX. JUST THE THING FOR Alexander BROWER'S BLOCK, J, SALTZER, GENERAL ACEIUT. WEBER & HARDMAN PIANOS, F.STKY OHQAXS AND SOLD ON MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. LIBKItAL DISCOUNT MADK l'OIi CASH. If you want a desirable Christmua Proeent buy tho MARVEL OUS ORGUINETTE plays anything. Anybody am jilay it, STYLE G. Prioo $10 STYLE H. WITH ROLLER 14 0ABINETTA STYLE 30 MUSI0AL CABINET WITH PEDALS 75,00 m AIbo for sale the MARVELOUS ORGANINA splendid ac tion, sweet tone. MUSICAL GABINKT... MIGNETTE STYLE..-. Rupture Its Roliof and Ouro as certaiuas day With aZ 5 8tor rbVokSuuKson ibould of proles HuDturei stroy ene walnut HU WeJueiMliiys, rl?y'arnaVlalSesl?es,rnawmi:Tir0Vo riiliii. Days far consuit&uon.oacn ween -now ior. niuuuuo, i''ij """""i 1 TUursiluisariil KrWays, uurliiK Heccmocr, niter muvuvcr n-jcr wa JgJXIiCl TOlt H NOTIOrt. tSTAlXOt'CATIIAHINS DSIHI, MIKASIU. Lotters teatinvntary on Ihoostfttoof Catherine nrlnk, Into of Ronton township, Columbia county, deceased, Iiavo licen granted by Iho Register of mid county to I, K. Krlckbautn, Cambra, nxecutor. All persons having claims against tho estate of said de cedent are requested to present I hem for Bettle ment, and those Indebted to tho estate to make payment lo the undeislgned executor, without delay, I, K. KRICKIIAl'M. Kiecutor. dec. t-ew Cambra, r, JgXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ISTATE Or AIIAU ROAT, PSCIASSP. Letters lestimcntnry on thn cstato of Adam llont, lato of tho township of Madison, Columbia co. I'enn'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho Regis ter of said county to James Klsner, executor, AU persons having claims against tho estate of the decedent aro requested to present them for Bettle mont and thoso Indebted to tlio cstato to mnko pay. ment to tho undersigned executor without delay. C, W, JAMES KI8NEII, Attorney. Executor, nov. is -w A1 UDITOR'S NOTICE. contrail! M, H. V. Association, vs. Sarah Haffey ad In thn Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county No. 151 sept., Term, uts. sheriff s sate. Money In Court. ministratrix. Notice la hereby trlvcn that the auditor appointed In the nbovo stated caso to dlstrlbuto the fund In court to and among the parties thereto entitled will attend at Ids office, at nloomsburg.Tuursday, Janu ary Hth, issi, at 10 oclock a.m., for thai punose, when and where all persons liavlngclatms upon said fund are requested to presonl them or be forever de barred from coming la on said tund. JOHN M. CLARK. dco4.w Auditor. OT1CE. 'Tan atocklioldtrs of tho llrlarercek Farmers' Mu tual Insuranco Company, of IJmo Rldgc, will meet at the nfllco of Samuel Meyhard, Esq., In Centre townshtn. Cclumbla countv. Pa. on Monday. tho 9th day i.f Jnnuiry, lss, between tho hours ot 10 a. m. and 9 p. m. for tho purposo of electing directors for tho ensuing year, and for transacting such other business as may properly como bcfor said com pany. SAMUKL NEVHARI), Dec, 2, "sl-sw secretary, WANTED, AN ACTIVE CATHOLIC MAN of steadv habits to travel In section in which lie resides. Permanent employment and good com- nphsfttlnn tn nn i'ncrirrMn miin. lti'fircnccs. IlRN.HIKR llltoTHEltS, all llroadwy, Now York. I'ec. hit .FEB CENT JET First-elms Farm Mortaaac Loans ami Muni cijial llond. Fur particulars address JOHN R. C LA 1th, CAStllEU, FIRST NATIONAL HANK, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, r Dec 4-w A BEATTi'3 PIANOFORTES- MAONIH- r ,l'KNT holiday prescntu: square grand piano fvirLes. four very handsome round corners. iosjood cases, tl'feo unisons, lleatty's matchless Iron frames, stool, look, cover, ooxea, 10 T4!ii,.ru; eaiaiu iMin nrlres. 1 on to llouo: satisfaction L'liarai.teed or money refunded after ono year's use; upilght pianofortes, $123 to $M5 ; cataloguo prices, ssoo to $soo; standard plnafortes of tl'o universe, as thous- nnasicsiuy; write ior rnammoui ui oi icsuuiumais; itd.i lv h eauini, uruuni.. cuiueurti . eimiiu. tnuuui. parlor, $30 upward ; visitors welcome ; free carriage luet'is imiun; ituisiruii'u i-ttittiuuui; vuuiiuo., ntuuuui free. Address or call upon DANIEL F. 11EATTY, Washington, new jersey. 1ICC V i'W r DID MEDAL AWAIItl Am A olhor. A now M irU Icai Wor k,wamnt0d Uie and ehoipmt, lndnponnhle to mwy nunotitleUus Sciaonaof Ltw or,tWilMn4mtlon bound la finest Frinch mtulin, nobowM, fall till JM pp.conUia bwiUril Btel urrmrian, US pruw . lions, pne oily tLttiftAl br rr.iil ! i. hiatr.UHl iuin!i. 6 rmnkm i D(1 Dow.Addtwj PmUxI Mail. vunTO Ttrvtsnp icaiititotiorif.w. ilpau. atiuir xuiuijijii i KKlt, No. 4 llillbieh at. Itoabaa. Dec. l-4w PENSIONS. ARE PAID ererr RnMlfrOnalM br nccMenl itrutlitrtiiie. A UottMli.f any kind, loia tt 11m iff r. tMUtfu. Kill' rilltK- if Luttlfahtl diatiuei if l.unrttt ur urtcMe Vein rive ft ifiiin. I nJer new Uw thouintitls are cd iftlt'tl to nn Intrtaie of reniion. WHirni, or I'huni uml ilepcnJfBt uUirri or mot hen of loMiain xtt ft iieniioo. Send tt stftmp fur cty J'l-tijtlou imiI ltuitntr Acti, Ai&Tftn, aad l'r..'lC.nlr4l IUak.tQlhot I&diaaacUi, dsc. H-13VI l'u FINEST GOODS FIJSTEST GOODS rscliatini Hues. C'luar und Ciirarette Holders Pouches mid lloxes, SmilT lloxes, mid nil other CIGARS 25 IN BOX, CIGARS 25 IN BOX. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Woodhouse, BLOOMSBURG, PA SEWING MACIIINUfj .$20.00 .. 10,00 follows day by Dr. J. Slioiuian's inotliod l-'OA" HAMET STREET TO FILBERT. AN UNTIRH IJ1.00K IS FILLED WITH DRY GOODS, Soloctod Carefully by Export in the Bost Markets of tho World. This Hugo Amy of Sluffs Atign-j,Mlt-M in Vnluo ComlitcrnW more Unit. A MILLION OF DOLLARS. axi is iiviii:i ahiox THIRTY-T rO DEPARTMENTS is which AttBcsoxTAmJu iJVKKTTHiafn in: I Weai;uig Apparel tox &Mim AM, nVIMtVTIII.XO O.HlV UXDEK TIIE IIKAD OF TPm entil civil! liiic na iliis nif. liiiuln in the countrv. None can sin- -L M OUVll V,.IUMII.i - " flCJ if 111 II Hvnn(ivdMna vnrlnf.V tlC"0 IU lit Hit livlt T V.J1V. J'-1 v.-.-w.y - . i system to which the business is reduced, insures tho most prompt, 11.1 1 -. n.. ...... ... nl'ull Mittrttia CaiCIlll lUKI UCOllUIIlirill BUI Vltu ui Tlm .j ,., i tinvninl mini i nvillMV 111 ll)W IIS tllO LrOO(ls CUD 1)C C0I1- veyed from producer to consumer, as all methods of cheapening dm iiinst. nvntil. business science. On moderation of prices, primarily, has the success of the house been based, and success has furnished facilities for still further lowering of prices, while giving the additional advantages of fort and despatch in all transactions. Tluiw, !c im vviumi u'liv nil u'lir, vantages which are oll'ered you oi use. N.W. Corner Eibtli& ST11WI1IIH k CLOTH BR Marxists. S. W. Corner l'lIIIADELPHlA. A BOOK OF 224 PAGES, THAT CAN BE HAD FREE By sending- address on a postal card to JOHN WANAMAKER, PHILADELPHIA. JUST ISSUED, The New Descriptive Catalogue of the New Goods for Fall and Winter, 1 88 1 and 1882, Containing valuable information by which persons in all sections of the United States can avail themselves of city fashions and prices. Among the goods mentioned are Silks, Satins and Velvets. Dress Goods. Mourning Goods. Ladies' and Children's Suits. Shawls and Cloaks. Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery and Gloves. White Goods and Laces. Notions, Zcnhj'rs, etc. Fringes and hmbroiderics. Ribbons, Ties, etc. Cloths and Cloakings. Furs and Millinery. Underwear, Corsets, ilc. Orders by letter, whether large or small, receive the same exact attention as customers present in person. Money refunded for articles not as expected when received. No charge made for samples of Dry Goods, nor for postage on samples. Address, for samples or Catalogue, John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Our store, known as the Grand Depot, occupies the entire block on Market Street, from Thirteenth Street to City Hall Squsre, and extends to Chestnut Street. The ground floor alone covers an area of about three acres. FINE WINES ANB M WB&, BLOOMSBURG, PA. PIAlsTOS, A KINK INLAID FKKK0H WALNUT (MSK OMAN, 1 bTOrK, t'ASH Busy TviiMff, KuUemctlon .uai uutif il. B-A.ao3srss Fivisro wa.-r,e rooms, junoWiVIAI,T I,L00K' wKB-aAaa.rA JSTItAY COW, Cumototlio primlsoiot the undersigned In Mir. Ilia township, November litli, lsil, a mnall liars hilndlo cow, about seren yuars old TI19 owner Mil OAll.payclmrROH and take her away or shu M ill hi disposed ot according to law, . UUUH 8PAHE. Slimiu,NoT, Mill, isil,' dec, it fill p 1111(1 lllteiOSt. 1 HO UltllOSt llCriCCt an imiiuua. ili'xil'M h1(I11(1 not ylllirC ill the 11(1- by this great mart of fashion and Ladies' and Children';, Shot. Men's and lioys' Shoes. Rubber Goods, Trunk, ttc. Flannels and Muslins, Linens and Upholstery. House Furnishing Gnods. Men's and Hoys' Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Men's and Hoys' Hats. Hooks and Stationery. Toys and Games. Silverware. China and Glassware. Furniture and Carpets, (VlV IV vi .ll na tin j it ouu Hit. Aiiam r nor. ll-a" SUI1SCHHB FOR THE COLUMBIAN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers