THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA CXJ-UjmTY, PA. Tlif S'm nr tli Faim. It ii trno cnoittili tliiit wo oftiinot linvc iintiKMiso ri'turiiH from our fnvins it wu do not liavo n uomiiiuiisiu-iito ninonnt of Intnl. ii I'.iiinot uxiii'cl to iranicr six or eight luiiiilivd Imaliulsof wheal, rye, corn, cto., from u ii ft y itcro farm. Nev ertheless the iirolits irom n sum mo not alwnyo, or voty frequently, tlio result of very iaryo minis. 11 H tlio tiinroiili eul tlvation of the litml wo liavc, ami making tnu very host ot cverytlmic, tliat Hit- iirofit conies lu Wc nitiy liavo hundreds of acres of land, but it may bo unpro ductive for tlio reason that wo do not jiussess tlio moans of properly enrioliing it, nonce, wlnlo we niny liavo capital enough to run a moderate farm in the very manner, causing it to yield doublo tlio crops that wo could look for nor aero from live or tux times tho iuan lily of laud, wo should uttcrlv fail in making tho larger farm profitable at alii but on tho other hand wo Nhould iind it year nfter year making us poorer and poorer, until wo should bo completely swamped by it. Just look at this simple statement: If n capital of five thousand dollars, expended in tho cultivation of two hundred acres, will only yield prolit of five hundred dollars, whilo if it were, applied to one hundred acres it would yield ono thousand dollars, it is clear that tlio income would bo increased by diminishing by otic-half tho quantity of tho land. Wo have known many a fanner who nas ueuti oaiiKinpied liy a largo inrui, out, who migiit navo acquired a comfort able competency on one-half tho mini bor ot acres. 1 armors, as a rule, Btrivo to own a largo tract of land, without considering that they have not tho capi tal to work it as it should bo; and that unless it is so worked it must drag them (town instead of building them up. J. ho prudent man should start with only such a sized farm as ho possesses tho means of conducting in such n way l.i : ...:n . i i.i.r. . . ' """" in jiruiiiicu nun mo largest ro turn irom tho cnnital in vested. I In will seo then, that ho is early gaining pecu- Tllnrv ati'Mti.wl. .....1 !.! Ml i ...... j .Hviigm, .inn una win relieve mm from any fears that ho will bo likely to .1...... I. ill ...1 it .i r i uuwii inn, wiiiio me incis aro liotore liint as clearly as thov are iind.Milnlilv. that ho is steadily laying tho foundation for his prosperity and increasing success. iionce, let us sav m uonelnsi nn. 1 Imt. i f fi farmer has ono hundred acres, it would bo much better for him to put tho prico ul iuiuiner iiniKireo on n, man to imv ...... i i . . . uiiv; iiiiiitiiuu mum ami lll.TkH in annul labor produco doublo tho crops, and not navo (louoio labor lor double crops as wo so frequently see to bo tho result. Germantown Tehyraph. DliI Scythes Mailo Um-nil. A. J. ,F. Howard writes; "Having, like almost every other farmer, .1 number of old scythes, some of which are not much worn, and having last winter a littlo leisure, I made some verv useful and handy tools, and without any out lay. To make a bill hook I cut off 20 inches of the point of an old suythe.leav ing 15 inches for tho blade. Tho handle is made by cutting away tho edge or blade part of tho scythe, leaing the back, around which cloth was wound, until it was of sufficient size, when it was covered with leather. For a draw ing knife, which I find useful in making handles to tools, etc., I use 24 inches of an old scythe, 12 inches for the blade, and G inches at each end for the han dles. AVitli a cold chisel I cut away the blade portion of tho scytho at tho ends, and bend the back which can bo dono without heating. The bandies may bo made of cloth and leather as for tho bill hook, or of wood. A knife for paring apples, cutting turnip tops, ami many other uses may bo made from the end of a scythe, 4 inches for tho blade. I cut tho back of the scythe entirely away, using only tho thin part, then took a piece of wood an old broom handle will do and with a lino saw I mado a cut in the end to admit the end of tho blade, which was fastened on by rivets. A chopping knifo for cutting meat, apples, etc. For this knifo I use 12 inches of tho middle of a scytiie.laav iug 4 inches for tho cutting Miifaco in the centre of tho piece. The I it,ohes on each end had tho blade leiuovetl and were turned at right angles to the central portion, with tho ends pa-sing into a wooden handle. Jiut very few tooln are icquired in making tiie uiiicles above desciiluil, and utiy luiui r during a rainy l;t nrlwo, may consilium them Jrom an old Mtythe, and at no outlay of iiiiiih-. How . i ih'P I'a'iin tii tin Usi'il. It is somewhat singular to trace tho maimer in which arose tho use of tlio common beverage of coffee, without which lew persons in any half or wholly civilized country in the wot Id, now muko breakfaot. At the time Columbus dis covered America it had never lnen known or used. Jt only grew in Arnbin and Upper Ethiopia. 'Tho discovery of lis use as a beverage is ascribed to the Sujjeiior of a mona-tery in Arabia, who, desirous of keeping "tho inniiks from keeping attheirnoeturnal servicts, mado them drink tho infusion of coffeo upon tho repoita of tho shepherds that their ilocks wcio more lively after browsing on tho fruit of that plant. Its reputation spread through the adjacent countries, ami in about two hundred years it had leached Paris. A single plant, brought therein 1714, became tho parent stock of nil the French coffeo plantations in tho West Indies. The Dutch introduced j It into Java mid tho Fast Indies nml llin 1 J'leneh and bpanisli all over South America and tho West Indies. Jnmcs W. Powell, a son in-law of ex Congressman Young of Kentucky, hml been dangerously ill for months. Ono day ho hobbled out of tho house, Imrely oblatotuovo with tho help of orutdies, ami touk a seat in tho sunshine. Like a stroke of lightning, anil without a wai n ing, ho was thrown tint on his faeo by soino invisible power. Ho aroso per. fectly cured, Tho explanation was that a prayer, maiio at a tlistaneo of ten iniK'S,liail been instantaneously answ eretl. This is onu of tho Ki'iituoky stories illus tntivo of the leniarkablo roviviilisiii of Evangelist 15arnes. Very few of Ihoso who liavo used tho expulsion, "He's a brick," know that it fillies from J'lutaroh. An ainbasailor from Kpirus was shown by King Agesi lnus of Sjimta over his wipital, and e. jm -set I Mirpiise at the abseiico of walls an I ftiililii'iilions "Come to-morrow," (jiMili ihe King, "and I willbhow youour wnlls." On the uioriow ho showed him mi army of 10.0IW men, iviniirkini'. 'Knell one is a biiuk " Janneis iiiu-t lentil lo get inoio pto dutio from lis iieivs. In New Knghind we aro fiiliivating lands wliioh shoulil bo growing timber, and half cultivating thoso which should bo producing doublo ihonuioiint they aro now American Ciiltinutor. "(Jive us an iirliilo on dogs," wiilei a coireHpondetit who is euthusiartiu r -jiardiiig tho canine ruco. A dog collar H an article oil Joj bo aro (leas. Vliiii Vttl you littvu) 4 Iila liiwU llewnnlcit. lho Secretary of tho Treasury has awarded lho gold life-saving nieda to tho famous Ida Lewis, now Mrs. Ida Lewis Wilson, in recognition of her se vices in rescuing a number of persons irom drowning since lho passngo ot tli net authorizing such nwards. Most of tho rescues made were under cirouni- stances which called for extreme- and ho roio daring, and involved lho risk of .Mrs. Wilson s life. Tho following sum. itinry of her ne.liiovemeiits in life saving, isiaKcu irom tue records oi tno t reasury wt'iuuuiuii: The total number of lives iMrs. Id ttf!l I I ...... - i tisuu nas savci since tfifii. so mm known, is thirteen. In all theso cases, except two, she has relied wholly on her self. Her latest achievement was tin rescue last February of two bandsmen irom Port, iV lams near iNowpoit, 15. 1. i iiu iituu vtciu iiimniiiLr uver uiu ICO Ileal Linio Hook Lighthouse, where Mrs. Lewis Wilson resides, when tho ico gave way and they Jell in. Hearing their cries, Mrs. dson ran out with a clothes line, which she threw to them, success fully hauling them out at a tisk lo herself from tho double peril of the ico giving way beneath her and of being puuea in. jier heroism on various occa sions lias won her tho tribute of her State's legislature,exprcssed in an official resolution, the public presentation lo her of a boat by tho citizens of Nowimit. si testimonial m money irom tlio ollicers nnd soldiers of Fort Adams for saving tho two bandsmen, and medals from the Massachusetts Humana Society and (lie Jsow lork Life Saving llenovolent As sociation, lo these offerings is now fit ly added tho gold medal of tho United States Life Saving Service. X (1001 FOUND T10X. wno oi mo greatest troubles ot our people is weakness of the stomach. As this soon causes indigestion, nervousness and rheumatism, they prevail in almost every American household. There is positively no need tor aujbody to suffer from these painful troubles who can buv a fit) cent, bottle of Parker's Oinger Ton ic; for this superior medicine always tones up tho stomach and nervous sys tem, and keeps tho kidneys active in carrying oiiinu ioui matter, thus leaving u goon jouuiiaiion lor periect health. .iV. 0. J'icaiwie. Tho following really occurred at the Bagshot bazaar recently, in England: V young gentleman thought ho fancied a certain article exposed forsaloatono of tho bazaars, and ho was certain he fancied .the lady who presided at the bazaar. Ho remarked therefore that he thought that particular article very pret ty. Tho lady said, "Yes, it is very pret ty. My mother sent it." "Ah! really." pursued tho young gentleman, deter mined to discover tlio namo of tho own er of the; eyes that bewitched him. "Ah! really. Let mo see, I think I have met your mother. Her name is 1" "The Uuoen, answered the ladv. The voiim? gentleman did not wait for tho last train from Bagshot. l'UOKlTAlll.K PATIENTS. Tho most wonderful and marvelous suc cess in cases where persons aro sick or wasting away from a condition of miser ableness, that no ono knows what ails them, (profitable patients for doctors. is obtained by tuo usoof Hop Bittcis. Th(y negin to euro irom the first dpso and keep itupuntil perfeot health nndstiength is restored. Whoever is nfliictcd in this way need not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters. Cincinnati Mar. CACTfOiV. GET THE STRONG OMPETITIOI In the manufacture of Organs is resulting in the i.roduetion nnd Falo of cl.fap goods, mado from interior mnteiiu's. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually smiiimnfr h,in nv;0n any merit whatever, except o he oflercl cheap, and then when purchas- "v t"'- in you not. men, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument hearin- the names of first class wholly resjionsible makers. A good assortment of sty es of the celebrated h stey Organs can now hofeen at tho new rooms ot the Only Authorized Agent foi the Estey Organa in Oolumbu County. A guarantee for five years from the manu facturers accompanies every Kstev Organ. IRO A TRUE TONIC IKON lUTTKKS nro liljilily quiriiis a ccrUijit and efficient tonSo ; Cf penally IiuUmUion, lhtiH-mm, Inter inUttit lam, Want of Jppclitt. ltuti if Strength, ml- Vi'mrry, tic. 1 Inritlies i..i..i,n,iniiu1uM uiu, UIIU (JIVIMIIL'W UIU 10 UIO lltrVCS. TllCV lilt lite i n ( liarm on tlio tllfiuSj'fe orstttis, removing ull tlysiK-iitio syiiiiiloms, cut Ii u Juttnrj tiuluoil, Jldehlhij.jreat in tlte UtomacS, JTcartourn, tte. TJio Olllv Iron i I'rcimmtloiitliut Avill not lilnokcM tlio tooth or ulvo Jieailuolio. 8olJ by all drugtilsts. Writo for tho A II U liook. 3i! ph. r,f useful nnd uinmlug reading x-xf nv, ' WltOWN VmmiCAh CO., Baltlir.oro, Wd. BITTERS TAKE SIMMONS LIVKIt REGULATOR. It will poxliivciv euro Sick HdlUtllVlM), DYSPEPSIA ili'i ltCKUItilor win positively euro llilstcrrlblo illmnsc bo Iruu. ii v iinscri I'liipimucany n u&i vto Know lo CONSTIPATION 'lionM hot u tcRiiplwl nsn trifling Mtment. Nft tiiitMMn inl'" tin- tllniraf rrirliUnti of 1 tin inupln. Tlioiffore, usilsl naturo tiymkliiir Mmmon Uvir iifk'u nor it ih lauimitw, mini ana crreciutn. PILES. lli'Mrt ! nt linntt fnr llipsn who Rnrr.'i4 ilAvnflr u.iv wiin I'lius. il nas curtu mintirciia mid win euro )UU. MALARIA. Persons mnv imMrt nil nttnrl: lv ftpfirwtnnrtl'v "iMiif1 'i t"nu ui ninunuu9 ituKUuuur 10 Kvup iuv II' l III liCUUUy Itl'llUlli Bad Breath. (lcnnrntly arlilnit from a illtordroi! stomach, can u 1 t-UiCU IV LttKllj IIIIIHUIir, 1.IVET KCKUiaiur, Jnundico, Simmons Uvor licmitatorRoon rrnillmtca this rtla. cs. from thn sjstom, lonMUB tho aklu cluar nml iri'u irom mi uniiuriiR'H, COLIC. riilMrrn RlifTfrlni? Willi roltn nnnn ntnnrloti.i r. Hrf wlion H tiimnn 1,1 vi r Iti LMilfllnr Isntltninuinrpd ArttiUs also (Irrlvo criMU lioiH'tltrroin this innoiclno. II In not unn't'imnt, H U hurmlvpn nml cITVcUvu. Sold by nil Druggists. TRY IT. Junoll, ' 1W RICH BLOOD! " ' J-iiifiiiirn 1-iiih mnkn New lllcli III hut.nml will cninitrtrly i li.ntio lho IiIikmIIii i inciillrDH siciii In thno ii oiiIIh. Aiivpcrnnti ho will tnl o 1 1.111 " .'Ii lilht fmni 1 to 1 2 mvki in 'vlmio.lniiil tut. i nl ho.illli. If nnhn thlnK lie- IliK Srntli ni 'I rr 8 irtter statniu. . ,v. ,IH ,v,vo.v .e CO., HoaloH, Jf,m fiirmrrh Jlmifiai; Jfr. Ii 3. . !'"" 1 KU '"""tl-iuiillyjlnlt-unit .llnrliliio Mrr liKttitm. Will knitapalrof i"ckiiii!ii. wan lir.l'.l. nml TOR complete, in aimlnutrs. It Mill nlau knit a Krrut variety of runcr wwkf..r wl.l.h thoro la nlwavn a tuarkct s-ud lortiri-iilaraii'l timwtotlis Twomblj- Kiilltliut Ulncliliit' Cel.. 4VJ U jinhlniftonst.. llunton. Jllasa. muj-1), Ml-ty nl.l K:st mgrant EsfrcMlng of rerfmaos Exceedlaily Delicate and Lasting. Price, 23 eta.: I.arse Bottlea, 73 ota- SeU ty detltrf In DrugiA IVrfamcry. Elifnitttrt of Hu ms A Co., N. Y.. on erery bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Made from Ginger, IHichu, Mandrake, Slillingla, j anu uincr oi tuc ucht veitctaiiio remedies known. t Pabkbr's GinGp-r ToMC lial remarkably varied curative powers nme createjt MomacltCorrecN or, Iiloo d l'urifier fliid Li cr ResuUtor e er made & Tho Best Medioine You can Use for EeatoringHealtli & Strength It commences to act from thefirtdo. searches out the weak organs, und ii warrantcil to cure or j nap an diseases oi inc uowcis. Mnmach. mood. t Kidneys, Livcr.UrinaryOrgansallCoinpIaintsof V Women, Kervouwcss, Elecplesmess, Uheuma t tlftin and Pruultciiuem. Irynliotlieto-day: itnwy save your life. Koct. A anaiiizcaatnlldruggisfs. Every gcnuinebottlc T hasourfttgnaturcon outside wrapper, lliscoz & A ta, n. x. iirge saving in buying $i sue. Just What la Wnntcd. Everybody v how hair U gray cr faded hai felt the need of n Hair Kcstorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed nnd harmless. Par ker's Hair lialsam satisfies the most fastidious In these respects. Scld by ilruKtistsot joc and $l. Oct. 1, '(.(My SUIJSOHIHE NOW FOIt THE COT.TT3BIA.3Sr IN ADVANCE. BEAUTY'S Orifaos is uscrul stops, a sets reeds " oiily $ia. Pianos tins op willua. j luiv'k rivv. .vjuiiba iiuaiiy, wajniugiOD, M.J. may c. 'SMy aid BEST. J. SALTZESR, Agent, Rloomsburg, Pa recommended for all .Iteanci re- JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT iFLtAIVrC-E! RE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE AVOELD. AND CONTAINING- OtTR Patent Inside Eolt Work, Patent Ilingetl Cup, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Lininea, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's Mill's, Oxford Co . Me. Messrs. .Morris Ireland:; Ocnts: On thu iind of November, mro. nnr mmni mill at his place, WixOi. wo stories hlgh.wnsio- itt ii uiero lisaiarge soiled. Tne llm burued for Ihreo ut.d a Half d.tts. u uiu unoui jour Baivs in our mill unn Tuesday morning following, elgnty hturs afler: lbs " iiui, iv iiuiiuiu, oeiug covered witn burn ng hlfu.bB hnimi f Itt.u ..ttc. I. .. nu ...... . . .. ..... . " . I. nU3 UIVllCU UIIU mo i on. tents weru In a irood stntnnf ni-nHi-rvniinn nni .. oook or pipe-being destroed. i am satlsiled with yoursiifes and lmvn purchased nnother, nnd can cheerlully recoraineuil iiirin to anyone wlsblmrto ouuuiu tut'ir vuiutiuius irom oeing uesiroyed o lire, i uuia uij. 1. n. TmiTS, TREMENDOUS TEST. Itoastlng Thirty iloirslna Ucdof Hcd Hot Coals. Corning, N, Y January 8, '81. Morris Ireland. Boston. Mass. ilcntleinem-on the nlghtof tho tiro In our vil lains on HiO'.'Ctli tilt, lb din unnminnr imr k,i 6 hafes I am pleased to iniorm you, after the llogr gavo way it fell Into tho cellar, lino it heap of burn ing coal, where it rojhted for thirty hours, tiur cit izens and myself gave up lho bopo of un thing be ing savtd lu it. on being tnken from tho ruliisl wai happily disappointed to llml iny ensb, vouchers und Oilier utllcles Of ValUO DelliLllr lirnserriirl. 'lli, combination works well now. i am patlsll-d your now nml Improvid work, one of which, a No. to, 1 Ii ivo ordered nf jour agent to-day, Mill afford absoluto protection In any me. Tiuly Yours, K. s. 11AKNES, STILL AHEAD- llochehler, N. II., Dec. in, 'so. .Messrs. .Morris & Ireland: Dear Slis: In tho dl!,&Ktrni! iir virnini, innt nin In this town Nov. so, lho Morris and Irclind sato In my store was subjected to a severe tct, being thrown Into lbe evllm and u bugu niassof debils Ml upon It, and It wus lu tho lUlnsfume two days. 1 take pleusuro lu Informing) ou that upon excava tion It. was npoiii-U without iroubleutd thocontt nts were found to it I ehtirrully recoui liiend our Hift fcnnilsiiu Id IwiintnnoiliLr t siionlil Ctii Wiuly I'Wiclmau oi i Hum juu. Yours Ir ly. o.W. Howu. STILL ANOTHER. 1 rom tho Ureal I'lio lu Troy, New York. Tioy, N. Y I'ecember 11, 1919. Mesin. Mori Is X lii'laml. Hoi-ton: (lentb ineni-Aflcr lines' li,t- the rlurrml ht,r,l--i out of tlin suti's i iwiii'ii, also ono or my own whlcn uutanullitT uku. which win licit In lho heat, uf tho lire UKoIhe Mi it 1 itulv puri'lmsed of loii.whhii In tin- iiiu over fi'ny-i lulu, luurx. 11111111.111 m i,i ciinlli.imli) ln)t(li.ii iluriig Moiubiy nljjht. unit wii'i.'iimpii leiy Miiriuii iied llb binning iniisllus hi 11 nib' r liill.iiu.iblii luali'ilal, 1111 npi'iimg tl In Hie ruins Ti o iluy i.fiori.uon, I wus plenu'd lo Und tlio ciiiileiils, biMiks, uapi r.s nml mini y iri. iillpic. hcni'd In 'i iviiiinkiil ly gned luiidllioii. Willi this pioof nf lho Die ri'iallili'Nt.r tour huln wu have ulv- 011 )our ngent an uriler f r m,i No. s nnlo. Yours ii'speclfull), Davis & Co. TIIE (jKKAT BUSTON EIEE. JANUAKY. I68U. Morris Ireland's Sufot Again Titumplmnt-Messrs. lilce. Kendall a COK. Largo Sato Iteveals Its Vdluabie tonlenls Iniact, after Iwibg sub )ectd 10 lulen client for ono Hundred aniniilriy Honrs. Boston, January K, Ismi. Messrs. McxtIj K Ireland. Doston: (lents: On the night of Iicceinrcr SB, last, tho biilitllng occupied in part by us at Nn. vi Kedernl sliort, and wbliliwan tour htorles high und uboiit Siiilietdtep, cuughtllro unit was destroyed, wltu ul llscoiittnts.ceiislMliigof a eiy laigo stock of paier, took tinders' inulerluls nd 01 1 it inerchau 0lr. V bile i-t veral other largo buildings aoioliilnr ours wire burni d ot lbe bame time, the Homeh wcio extlugulshed the following dav. but our slock con tinued to burn for dais tbertufter. Atteradtlay of urn hours we weru ablo to navo our sale dug out from tho ruins and opeutd, and weru pleaded to Und ull the eoiitents well preserved, 'lho sufecontutued our uiost valuable books, papers, jwllcles, etc., and woiiowlielfcutolbatdurjungment was eoirectlu buUugoLeil your mfef, which wu decided todu hfier knowing tho wonrti riul record cf your salt sin tho great Uobtou tiro t li3. Wu regrd tbopioiec lionof journilobsiiiriit remarkable, anj this tiro Is a guaranty of Its bccurlty to lbose wbo may wub to purchase. Yours very truly, liics, Kkniui.l & Co. Al 0 a Communication from Ez-Govor-nor Ales. Bics, liostou, January 2, ls.-o. MESMtS MOllltlS A IUEI.AND. dents 1 luitteuiude careful examination rf tho contouta of lho talo pureliased 1 f you Homo )cars Hlncoby tho (inn 01 luce, Kei dall Co , and wl.ltli was bubieutto iLu test ot enormous heat In tho great lire of last Sunday night. 1 reyard lho se curity of tho safe under the circumstances as most remuikuoio. None of lis contents veie burned, nor weru ucycf theinBO Injured by boat as to bo materially damaged. 1 xboulu ocmmlt any securit ies to your Bafj hereafter with addlUonsl conn. deLce. With great respect, jouis very truly. Alexander 11. Illco. THE LATEST YET. BUT TUB SAUB BISULT, So. Norrldgowock, Me., Kcb.l, iss, atessrs Morris & Ireland, lioston Mass.i Tho safe 1 bountit of )ou last October was In a iwo-story wordm building, which buried Jan n. Tbo building took me In lho Llilit, und tlw n,U bul'dlDg and Its contents, tell Into thu cellar ton anlleofdry wood, niuklnir u hot llro wbleb bikini for ten hours. '1 he outbltle or tho snfo wat 1 null d red hot. II melted lho bundle und dial oil Ibo door, 'the contents connbled of watches. Jewell), tllui. wuro, books raiH-rsito., all ofwhlcli camo out lu good toudlUou. I'upeia l)ingagali st ttiv tnstiio of 1110 raid word not lnluicd Ghosutn tiowa for it. scu it is, and I leel well satMled with what It has done, l'leuho wiltu what youeau ullowfurlt towaida now one, and obll.-e, O.P.HAU.. CHAMPION RECORD iolliB GREAT EOSTON FIRE in 1872, IfHcud for prices ud doserlpUvo catitloguo U (ore purchasing ultuiwbero. MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass. lprl BLOOMSBUKG STATE UOHMAi SCHOOL SIXTH JMOliMAL SOHOOL DISTKICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLBR,"ji7Ph. D., Principal. ini.-ioiiwun,ii3ni,iii;TCni, cuiiainuitu, onera iiiiiuiiikbbiu;iuuh, iiiniiiiB mm uuiiimuuiuus ; coiniucieiy ueaien uy Biram, well venuiaieii, nguieii Dy SMltlL' wiilcr. Mjo'iiioii iieaiTiutii, nnu e.iiy oi neces-i, Teachers moderate. Kin y cents a vvecK ileiliictlon to ul 1 uxpeclliiif to leacli. htuilonw aUmltled at any llmo. itooms rcservuil when i "aireii. Courses of study prescribed by tho state i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Clnmical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Cotirfo In Mutic. IV. Cotirno In Tho Elementary Sclenltllo nnd t'lasilenl Oimrses corresponuinftiiCKrcpai .iiasieror mo I iiicirniiniiiineniH,. siciicu v mo oiuet' ri Tl cen aim rntnlnifiio.aililres lho I'rlnclnal. Mil.-" tiii.iii.i.ii l.l.w l.l.l,. l'rroiiirnt liaitril Sept. . 'U.- SPRING THE LARGEST CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY t NOW OKT IIAETB Wfi INVITE YOUIl EXAMINATION TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR," AND Mow TO WEAR IT." CALL AT Mil 2MWmMX&. THE DAVIS. l.OOO REWARD. ONI-3 THOUSAND (l.OOO) HOLLA IIH I'llKMlllAl 1 II' nil to NV l'KUSON tint will ilo ii (IKIvAT A JNOI: OK WOJIK no ANY OJ II lilt MACHINE NEW DAVIS ' VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting, Hwlll mako wldo liem 011 BlieeLs, 4c, hem all mannerof bias woolen goods, as soft merino, crape, or goods dlfilcult to hem on other machines. It makes a more elastjo htlicb than any other machine. It will turn a hem and put In piping at Mtmo timo Hwlll turn a hem. sew braid on tlio right sldo nnd stltcli on trimming at one operation. It will dot lllngblusor straight, either on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell neross senilis on any goods. I will bind a Href s or Skirt aril few on racing, either with orwlthouiHiowlngsiut'bts: bind lrt Js floods Willi the some material, cltherBciillops, points, squares or Btmlght. 'lho only machine that will bind Dais, Cloaks, or oilier articles vlib bias, sailn or silk, from ,V to 5 luclus In wb ib,lthout basting. It will gather with or wltmut sewing on. It will gather between two ptece3 und sow on at the same time. It will mako amnio and stitch u pillow Blip on to tho facing at tho saino Umo. It will shtrr nny kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming either with or with out sowing It on. It will mako platted trimming either scauaped or straight and new a piping on nt Ihosamo tlmo. It will make knlfu platting. J. SALTZEK, Gen'l Agent, iiloomsburg, Pa. oct. 1, '80-if. w Hrin h m. am mm Now on fc'niit 1'irnf tti HtuiMHi. I .l4'lrU Kl-fl-niliiif Tir-v in fH,i uu'trii niM imni tiointu, m den, 1U ISUO, A U IWiUitM, lrsi (U iut nt won lor UiVy luw i ilf ' It' keM wut Ii I.-iMj-l tv t w In HfU- i 15 t'iy n tun il.itu of wiii', uiiJ to i,itui in til (Mid'tT J I . fullowln?. i"ui:iium 1'nlif" Car aro nn I. from CIIIOtlO t CQVt tm. HT.Ui'i'tJ, TOI'KKAnn KAJiHAS CIT', (uniting n ii,., W1.l but un . utiv vf car lu UCNVU' uul I'ULJILO. lunfiiif (Ur- aro M tuu-cl tuall thtou.fh linn, (n wliU iniuUrAiilxt ubldlnoUnt (he rt'ai I'or rnU-g, furtliortnf rnrntiuj una clL'Ktuit Mini ot lnlW;l Stiitui ll (HKtrt'88, J, Q. A. BEAM, aen'lEtiternA . !M7 Hriatlyny,NowVor,,ftni:i . ii ut him ti'ii ni. j iih i;.3m LKCJAL ULANIwS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS O1WJ0IC tno very ncsnaciiiiiesror rrorossionai ami Classical experienced, efllclent, nnd nllvo to their work. silent Courses nro I'ltOKIlssioSAI. and St'LlcnM t-raduitni; tliereln, tecelve iltatu , conferi Ini; (lui followln "ra oAiin1 ? loAnl o" "um?.C. "CeS ' ' t"U tMv,,s ,,Iuat'3 " n.o other Courses recemi Normal CeitmS nru nl Truiti't'H. CLOTHINGE - - - - STOCK OP T otss nr Used In tho pilnclpal Churches for Commuulon nurposcs. ESS2LLEWT FOIl LAS2ES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. s peer's fort G-rape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wlno Is mado from Ibo utco of lho Oporto Clrapo raised In this Couutiy Its Invaluable Tonio and Strongthening Proporties ore unsurpassed by nny other Native Vluc. Tel g tno pure julcoof thotlraiw. produced under Mr. opecm ou personal supervision, im purity ana genuineness uro gtiran'eed. '1'ho joungtst elilld may parinko or Its generous qualities nnd tno wenk est Invalid nso It to advantage It Is particularly benltlclal to tho aged and debilitated, and tuned to the various ailments tbat affect tho uraker sex. It Is in every respect wine to iik itKUliu vx. SPEEE'8 P. .T. Sherry, The P. J. SIIKUUV Is a Wlno of Superior character and partakes ot tho golden qualities ot tho grape, troin which It Is made. For I'urlty, Itlcbncss,Flavor anu aituicai rropcriics, ii win no round unexcelled. SPEEIt'S I. .1. lSs';iBi9y. This 1IKANDY stands unrivaled In this Country, being far superior for medical purposes. IT IS A ruilU distillation f om the grapo and con tains valuablo medical properties It has a delicate flavor, similar to that ot tho grapen from which Itls dlslllled.aud lain great favor among llrst class families. See that tho signature ot ALKKKI) SPKEIt.raEsalo N J., t) over tho coiK of each bottle, SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. deoM "80 1- To Nervous Sufferers Tho Orcot European Tioxcij. I)K. J. b. BisirsON'a,uej.cHia kkdicink. Dr. J. 1). Hlmpsou's Hpecltlo Medicine UajxisItlvB cuioiorot'iHorkof body or brjln orexcefts ofany kind, such us weakness nnd ull diseases rusulttng from Nervous Debility. lultabtllty.MentuI Anxiety, languor, lassitude, Depression oi bplrtlb and luue tlouul il.irangcment'i of tlw uervons rystem r,cn ernliv. rains In tho uacK or hiuu, i.os. or jiemo'y, rrema turuoldiiguniiddl'' OiistH that lead tt continpMon.tugntil ty ,fc un eurly gravi or both. No nml lei how blattered th( system may barren exeunt of a u j kind, a Miortcouisu ci m u iu uiclnu wnl n bu,iu cnu lost fui'clions and procuio bealib and happlnes.4 where before was desponitency and gloom, 1 he Hie clllo Mcoklno H being used with wonderful suectbs. I'uinnlilita sent freo to all. Write for them and get full pailtlrular. I'llee, Specliio tl.uo iter package, or Mx packngea fur $3,' ii. Will bo tent bv mall on receipt of money. Address till ordcin, J, II. HIMI'SON's MKDIUINtt U). Not tin and im Main stteet, lluffulo, N. Y. teD.ll.til-f WAINWUIUUTACU, WI10IJCSAI.II (IKOCSltH, PUIUPlUllli, Doalera Id THAN, HYHUrS, COfFKB, BUOAII, MOLAUiJM men, ericu, sioam sodi, &&, &o. N B.Oonor(W)OBauidAroiiavL9, ur-orivtt, yu rttUve bfwntu am to ton. learning. gas, ana turnlslicil wltu n bountiful supply of pure.soft Discipline, tlrm but kind, uniform nnd thorouim. Kxpenscf Art, V. Course In Culture. . paid labor after .rleuvlug School. 1' V, im.LMYEIi, Sccictary. Cathartic Pills, Comlilno tlio choicest cntlinrtlo tirlnclnlcs in ineillclnc, In proportions accurately nil- intett to seenro nctivity, ceriamty, anu uniformity of cITcct. They nro tlio result oi yearn ot cnreiiu sttttiy nnu tiracticnt ox peiliueiit. nutl nro tlio most eilectttul rem edy yet illseovercil fur diseases caused by derangement of tlio stomach, liver, nml lioweN, which requlro prompt anil effectual treatment. Avnit's I'li-bs aro specially applicable to this cl.w of illieases. They net directly on tho digestive nml nsslmi latlvn jirooesscs, anil restoro regular healthy nctlon. Their extensive uso by physicians in their practice, anil by all civilized nations, H ono of tho many proofs of their vnltio ns a safe, suro, and perfectly reliable purgatlvo medicine, llelug coiiiiioiinileil of tho conecntrntoil virtues of purely vegetable substances, they nro positively frco from calomel or any Inliirloin properties, nml can ho admin' istereil to children with perfect safety. Avrit's I'lt.t.s nro an effectual euro for Constipation or Costlveness, Indigos tlon, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stoiuacli nnd Ilrcntli, Dizziness, Ilcniliicho, Loss of Memory, Numbness, liilloii'iiess, .Iniiiidlee. Hlieiimntlsin, ICruptloiis nutl Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Dinrrlituii, Dysentery, Gout, l'ilcs, Disorders of tlio Liver, and all oiner diseases resulting irom n disordered siaio ot tuo digestive npparatns. As a Dinner I'ill they havo no equal. Whilo gentlo lu their action, theso Tills are thn most thorotigli ami searching cathar tic that can ho employed, and never givo pain unless tho buwoli n'o Intlained, nml then their inlliienco is healing. They stimu late tho appetite ami digestive organs; thoy operate to purify anil onrich tho blood, and impart renewed health anil vigor to tho wjiuiu system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. golxi nr all nuuuaisTs everywhere. THE CREAT BURLINGTON HOUTU. OT-No 1 other lino runs Tbroo Tlirough Pits Bcngor Trains Dally between Cblciigo, Dos Moines, Council llliifTs, Omaluu l.Inoolii, St, Joseph, Atchison, Tockii nnd Kunsns City. Direct conneetions for ull points tn Kansas. Nobrajka. Colorado. Wyoming. Montana, No vnJn. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon nnd lho hhorteit. Speediest nnd Most Comforts Wo Itouto vlallaunibi.i to Fort Scott, Denlson, Itallas, Houston, Auttln. San Autonlo, Ualvui ton nnd nil points In Texas. Tbo uncqunlcd Indurements offered brthlj IJno to Tra Vetera und Tourists, ore at follows: Tho celebrated I'ultman (10-wtieel) Pulaco iUceptng Cars, run only on tbU, D. ft g.Palaco I)rnwlng-Itoom Curs, with Horton'j lice InlngChnlra. No extra ebargo for Seals in ltccllnlng Cliairs. Tho famous C. II. & (. Palace DtninirCars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Hacked Ituttnn Ito votvlng Chairs for tbo exclusive uso or first el(ts pa'scngcrs. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car At range ment, makes t hn, above nil ot hers, t ho f n vorlto lloiito to tho South, South-Wcst, and tho Fur West. , Try it. nnd you will find traveling n luxury Instead or n discomfort,. ' uvv Tbrouglt Tickets via this Colebrnted Lino for salo at nil olhces lu tho United States and Caiuuln. All Information ntiont Itntes of Fare, Sleep ,n,f.P"r AceointntKi.itloiia, Tlmo Tables, &a. will Im cheerfully given by npplying to J. Q. A. VHIAN, Oen'l Eustcni Agent, Ml Nnjhlngtim St., lioston, Mass. TAMran urn,"."!1.1"7 !'."' lUw,a" N,!w Vorlt. JAMI.S H. V 001 t cn. Push. Airt., l.hle:igo. T.J. POTTElt, Uvn. Munuger. ClnSago. Matth 18, ':,o,40t IancerTcurfd At Crate's Cancer Infirmary. Addisen. M. V. 'H'liHis or PKitfONS irowaii parts or, tho .waJl(l1.",,v,'u'n cHrl'" 01 this much dreaded dls wS?i'.'!'.'ir1c.I"lw "lnT w""tW(S thattluylinvo HrMn"iSidi,.rl'ln n,,lr,rll"e BBI untimely ileath. ,V... ,U,B, . s,lu uiu jiur trcttttoiree. write I tiL. 5!V?,fti!,,.',P.?r.,.,,t1"5-.. CUdiessDri. hUMi DliOWN, AUdlion, N. Y, t'ct. 1, 'bu-iy Weaver & Go's Ada $1000 A YEAIi (an bo mode at homo by ..., Hiinu luau urwoinuu, i boy;t,r girl. Ycu will not bo obliged to leao jour own town, or Lo away from """" ' " nm- Any tno luncoLduct the bust ni'Ks. It iiiiuliisnociiiiial. vt IS vt ii.i, bl A1" '.W',''1 AN OUTFIT WOUTII II )Otl aro finnrxeil flniir,, n.n ...... make fiom II I o in tm uui.U g. tt mo t f our aVnts 1 1..1V v um. u, itHiLuur. wi norc ay street, K, . wAco march ll, -si-tim SUl'KUJOll TO ALL OTHERS. j r. i r.n lllghu't 1'rltrn Awaidcd. IANOS .HHVHU As SON, 78)1 .HCll fctrtct l'bllodelplila. -ugliest Awaras lor tho best Ilanosi London runs, wntcnniai una fenu'a Htuto fairs, march llsi-tm wtco LATEST STYLES OP At tlio 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.1 3 , j$Vr- RAILROAD TIME TABLES UW.nilA & KIltK H.K. U1VISIOX. V" BUMMEU TIME TAHLE. on iinil Mtor SiimUv, ,tunn ti.Ust n. .... on inc rnriuioipnia s ttrin mvironil nit talon ' asfollown " n,0 WB1TWAI11). Crlo Mall leavoa l'tillndclphl " " llirrlsburir ' " wtiiiamiurt " Jersey flior " " Ui'k Ilavon ' " II' novo " nrrlve nl 1'rlo IJ'.Jpm 4 ar. an, " "mm ' .R0' '"nm it i'5 n m t 'i I'm n irm nm i , Pm Bi.ilPm is io p m 4 II i p m l'Vta o lopru J'Jrtm Tnm s (o n m iiiifipm p m ciHiam in mam II Mam li :5 p m i! !2pm 4jpm 11 :5nm u opm in i)pm 11 .M pni 3 00am . Mum i 15 am 3 11am Ntajjara lixH' l"e il luladt i M: uni'n' ii i " nrr. at ini iu t ' ' l.oek ll tvt'U " " ifenovo Ktuif rast Mno leavei J-hllntlflplim " llsrrliliiirL' " aultont Wlllluinsi urt " " Lock linveu EASTWAItll. I'nrinoKxpresi loates tmk Uovrn lerscyM.i n) ' " Mllliirnnport " nrrlvo nl Itarilnjiira " " riuintlelpliiii ' " Kane Day Express leaves itcnovo " " I.oek lluven " ' Wllllninspoit " nrrlve nt linrrliiiuri: ' " l'lillndelpf;ia " " Krlo Erlo Stall leaves Itcnovo " Lock llacn " " Wllllftrnaport " arrives ntlLirrlsbun: " " I'llll.lllL'Ipllll 1'itst Lino leaves V llllamsnort " nnlvcsnt llarrlsuurt" I'liiiaiielphln i us a m I Iirlo italt and l-'ait l.lnn wpst-nnri li.mtnn t. For scranlon "Hkesb.uro and Scranton, Grin Mall West, Niagara Express West nnd Mno west mako clo, rtinneellon at Wlllloinsi mt wltUN. C. It. V. trains north. ""nuinspott Nlagar.i Express West nnd Day litnrcss Tnu mako clofo conncctlun ntl.oc!:linr'n win, n t i. It. It. trains. , " Erlo Mntl eait nnd West connect tit Erlo wiiii trains oil L.H.& M. 8. It. It. : nt. t.Virev wti ii , JT", 1 1'. W. It. It.: nt Hmnorlum with D, Jf, ;sl'.'u'it nnd at Driftwood wlli A. V. It. tt. . I'arlor cars will run between I'hltalclDhln nnii Wlllamsport on Nlayara Hxpresa west and Day Es prcssKast. Hteeplugcais ounll ulgbltralns. WM.A. IIALDWIN. Ueneralbupt. NORTIIICUN COJII'ANY. OENTltAL KAILWAY On nnd after .Tantinrv irin. icqi intna ...,, Sunbury as follows i, ' """emu KOltTIlWAllD. Northern Express a. m nrrlve Ulmlra 12,30 pm Arrlvo nt Canandalgua 3.23 p. m " ltochcstcr 4.40 " Niagara. 8 43 Niagara Express 1. nr. p. m. arrlvo K'mlra n.03 p m nrrlvo Canandalgua 8.35 " " itochester 9 45 " Niagara 12.50 a m Fast lino o.lo p m nrrlvo Elmlra 11.05 p m " Walklna ll,55pm SOUTHWAHD. Southern Exprcna 1.32 a. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g 3.15a m nrrlvo Philadelphia T.35 " " Now York 10.33 ' " Iialttmoro 7.40 " Washington 8,02 a m Paelllo Express lo.uo a ra arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g 12.05 p rn nrrlvo Philadelphia 3.45 p in " Now York c.25 " " Baltimore c.2.) " Washington 7.C2 Day p m arrlvo llarrlsbtirg 3.10 p ra " Philadelphia 0.45 " " New York 0.80 " " Baltimore 0.35 " Washington 7.52 Erlo Mall Lots a. m. arrlvo narrlsburg 3.05 a. in " ruiladclphlft 7.35 " " New York :c.33 " " Baltlmoro 7.o " Washington 9.0 a I,. P. I'AltMElt, (Joneral Passenger Agett, I'UANK THOMSON, General Mnnagcr. pilILADEIil'IIA AND HEADING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSKNGEU TRAINS. Juno 27, 1891. TB4IN8 LKAVE KCPKRT A3 FOI.LOWP(6CNOA Y EXCKrrBD For New Y'ork, rnlladelphla, Heading, Pottsvllle Tatnaqua, AC, 11,45 n. m l'or 0atawts3a, 11,45 a. ta. 7,20 and 0,15 p. ra. For Wllllamaport, 0,15 8,50 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS rOU KUrERT LEAV AS FOILOW8, (SCKBAV 2 t'KPTitn.) Loavo New York, vt 1. Tamancnd 11,00 a. m. and via. Bound Brook Houto 7,13 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,41 a. m. Leave Reading, ll.tan. m., Pottsvlllo, 12,co n, m andTamaqua, 1,85 p. m. Loavo Catawtssa, 6,10 8,40 n. m. and 4,00 p. m. Loavo Wllllamsport,9,45 a.m,2,oo p. in. nnd 4,3) p. ra l'asaongcrs to and rrom Now York, via. Tama- nend and to and from Phlla lelphU go througa without change of cars. .J. E. WOOTTEN, tt O, HANCOCK, Oeneral Manager J in'! u" lVst 1'1SCI1BCr nni1 Ticket Agent. E IjAWARK, LA CKA WANNA ANU ! WUStJiltN UAILUOAD. HLOOMSBUim DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. 39, Tukos efTect nt 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1878. NOUT1I, (STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. p.m. p.m Scranton V S3 1 10 6 15 licuevuu.. Taylorvllle 2 10 2 22 l 30 2 33 2 44 2 49 2 63 0 to S3 a 33 6 40 6 45 6 50 6 53 C tJ 7 10 7 18 7 18 7 V5 7 S5 7 41 8 04 8 25 8 45 8 53 9 03 7 15 7 S3 7 30 7 44 8 00 BSJ 8 CO 8 21 9 51 9 9 9 45 9 C3 1U 0T ...Lackawanna,,,. ruihton...., ..West Plttston Wyoming Mall by.... -Bennett,...., Kingston Klncston 67 3 19 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 91 3 26 3 33 10 18 10 83 10 29 10 34 16 42 ..Plymouth June ....Plymouth..., Avondale Nantlcoko .Hunlock'a creek. ...Butcxsumny.., ....Hick's Kerry.. ...Bcacli Haven., ........ Berwick ... Briar Creek.... .-Willow drove... .-..LlmoKUgo.... Kspy.. ...Bloomsburg.... ltuncrt 10 Cfi 11 07 11 13 11 Ul 8 CO 4 03 4 10 4 18 4 5 4 99 4 33 4 43 4 49 4 63 C 1X1 B IS 9 18 b SO 6 43 11 39 11 43 11 SI 11 07 19 IS Catawlssa Brldgo. xranvuto..,,., ..tntuasKy. ..Cameron .Northumberland, 18 45 p.m. tun. run W. W TTATUTP1T1 linnl Bnponntenuent's Offlco, fiorantou, Juno lb, 1873. it. (MA Outfit furnished free, with full lnstrue VIII tlons for conducting t:e mobt protltablo if) I oV188 ,uut uny one can eugago In. w qbO bUSlnebSlSSOHflflv tn llnr,i. nmlnlir Instructions aro so simple nnd main, that nnv ono can mako great rrotltBfromirevery Mart. Noone can rail who lswlnicc tn uu-. v.rm.. n ..a ceesful as men. bojs and girls can earn large sums. dollaisln aslnglowifk. Noll.liigllkolt ecr known j , , ',v uinun at tnu otieipcos ovtrono bunarcu .hi..Vih,. "''oengage uiot-urprlsed atthecato and rapidity with which tbey aro nblo to mako money. ou can eneoee in nils i;iti,mtn ituMno befoie. All who cngae ?i?r f1"'0 ",moat Rfnd prctlt. You do not havo to Invebl tupltulin ko all tbo rlfrk. Tbosowho f.,W money, fchculd write to us at once. All oet 5--msf' Adlrt't8 1 W s Co., Augustu.llalno YOU CAN BUY THE B LATCH LEY B Kf H g rTf'.Ii,,.'r'Vv,,l,t cPl'rf J'.iiTcIi,lii,or Iron iVi ,r,H i:,.ljlc" 0,,u "enelled Willi my naiiieol kin ft ,'upr "wanjuiti-d In material and coif 0.1,1, tl' l nr i"lu 1'l,,lho ''uuies lu lho V , 11 ,,u ""V know where In get InU a i'lyi"0 i mo ,"1'"v' I will Mild il nny InXl p'rlcS"1 y"U' Wl,u wUl l'I''y '01 CHAS. 0. BLATOHtEY, Manufacturer, 300 Market St., I'MUdolphla, Pa. mftrcU4,,ei-in utia HELPI 'OUmelvejl bvmnkiH. money Vrhenacmlden flintwA it nf. Icred, thereby alwuis keening who alwa a tat-n BrtK: . "22 poverty troinyourtloor.Tuote wealtlfv SLm'A aru on-ered, generully becomo Ww,,i.X'j;'1'.1? .tuMe w'" 10 not Improve such bovs Vn 1 mi?. ,X wLlJljr' wo want "iKliy women, eaAiin ? F ,Si,!,oi1;S",0r.U9 "Kbt in their own lo- Su iSSfUIf lurnlsh an eitenstvo outfit and make money-Iciy MWd.V."..' wnilotimo Pull Inform SSff?.!" '? ne work or only your star 1 moments. ..T ..;.. . "' "mi. ia netMKU eu irr. I Aoaitas Umkiiom It Co., I'orUand, Mttae. oet.wuo-iy iV.i"""ll"?n d Ml tluttls seeded sent fre, p.m. p.m. a.m. so 4 12 u JC 9 23 17 9 37 9 iw 9 20 8 58 3 61 9 VI 8 CI 3 46 9 19 8 4C 3 41 9 14 19 41 12 86 8 83 3 SO 9 04 8 13 3 10 B 44 8 83 3 20 8 CO 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 SI) 7 151 S 51 8 98 7 38 2 39 8 17 7 32 9 34 8 12 7 S3 9 9 8 06 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 IN 7 44 iu m 7 ss 6 CO 1 61 7 33 6 45 1 46 7 S9 6 9T 1 97 7 11 G IS 6 CO 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.ra . n.m. ''an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers