V.l)c dolutqljiiin. Immi-.I Werldy, every fr,r mrB, llLOOMSllt'ltd, COLUMIHA COUNTY V ATTwnpni.unsperycnr, m cents ilf-routiV an'owed when Paid In mUrtiirn. 'to BMiWhsra nMhe muni r twi terms are n per Year, stticlly I ad? It SfrNn paper discontinue,! exc nit at iho ni.tii.n ft 11.J publishers, until nil nrrcYrnKoa are p?mTit im continued credits will not bo o-i&n! " All pnprni sent (sit nt thcsiitoor to distant nosi onlccs must bo paid for In advancounles.) A mff slblo person In Columbia county aumcs to tm$ o?n sulwrlntlnn duo on demand. 'ulnOT 10 Pay the tUo'count"!5 ' U'",cl('', ,rom "llNtr lbor" ThoaobblnirPriiartinrntiif iimni, ,,,..... complete, nnd our Job l'rlntln will compare faYi m. PUOt'ESSIONAL CAItOH. f j 11. IMOCKWAY, U ATTOttttEY-AT-LAW, t Coi.mniAN lint m.n. nicnmsburif, Pa. Memo"' r ot the I'nlte.; States iMn Association, Cell. I'tltini made in any part ot Ameilca or Kurope. lUVAUKIt, Attorn oy-nt'Liaw. omcp, second door from 1st National Hank, HLOOMSIIUItO, PA, N U. fUNK, Attorney at-L.av, DLooMsiiijita.rA. onico In Ent's Iluii.niHu, p B b W.J. HUCKALEW, ATTOKNGYS-AT-LAW, llloumsturp;, Pa. nnicnn Main street, first door below (,'ourtltotisf JOHN M (MiAHIC, ATTOUNEY.AT-r.AW, llloompburB, r. OMcp over Schuyler's Hardware Htorc. K. It. UTTI.1t, ttOr.'T. It. MTTI.lt. "T1 II. & It. K. LTTTLK, ' ATTOUNICYN-AT-LAW, Itloomshurk', Pa. p W.MILLUlt, ATTOltNHY-AT-LAW, onicrtn llrowcr'nlmlldtncsoeond tloor,rnnm No. 1, ltloomsburir, Pa. J) MANIC HATtM, Attorn oy-nt-T jaw, iiLooMsr.unci, pa omen corner ot Centro nml Main Streets. Clark's lltilldlniT. (Ian bo consulted in German. IK It 1 V.O. K. EIAVKr.U A T TO V. N E Y-A T-I, A W, cou'msun liuii.niNii, uioomsbun,', ia. Member of the United HtntYs Ijw AMSOtatlon. collectlonn mndo In any part of Amrrlen or Kurope n. KNOHK, t.. S. WINTMttTFKN. Notary Public KNOltU & WIXTKItSTKK.V, A t.to r noy s-f t,-l y.x w. Oflleo In llartnian'n ISloelc, Corner .Main and Mar l:et streets, llloomsiniri,', Pa. fsjj-iVvisiots and bounties Collected, pAUll' WIUT, Attprnoy-at-Law. onire In llrowrr'a lllock, one door below Cnt.rMniAN llulldlnif r.LOOMSUUltCi, l'A. "1 UY JACOI'.Y, A ttor n oy ai-l-.aAy;, lU.OOMHIJUKO, onicnlnll..l.ciatk,allulldlni,',second floor, over llolTinatra Hour and feed sloro. Oct, S, Si). T II. MAIZIi, ' ATTORN EY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OV THE l'KACK. onicolnSIrs. Knfa Ilulldlni;, third door ironi Main street, Moy','Sl. - K. OSWALD, Attornoynt-La-Wi .Tnckson IiitililiiiK, Kooms 4 ttml f, May 0, -Sl. HMUWKMC.PA. Vy M. L. BYKFILY, ATTOKNICY.AT-r.AW, Catawlssn. Pa. collodions promptly mado and ronilltml. omro ntiiioilto tlatawlssa Deposit, llauk. fin-33 V5T H. 11IIAWN, ' A T T OUN K Y-A T-L A W , catflwlssn. Pa. onico, corner of Third and Jlatn Streets, T) IWOICINOUAM, Attomev-nl.I.nw. Or lAi.lleo, llrockway'3 millilluir, 1st lloor, lilooins bur;, Penn'a. mny T. "- ' CO. 15AHKLEY, Att(.rney-at.I,uw. Otlicc , In Urowcr's bulldlnir, !nd Btory, ltooms 4 K o JIJ. ROI5ISON, Attorncy-at-Law. Oflicc in Ilartman'a building, Wain streot. DH. WM.M. nEnER,friirKcon iindl'liysi clan, omco Market struct. Near depot. T II. EVANS. M. T).. Surtreon anil I'liysi It . clan, (onico nnd Kesfdonco on Third street Jit. McKKLVY, M. D.,SurKeon nnd I'liy . Blclau.nortlisldoMalu street, below Market. Tl. J. 0. KUTTEB, PHYSICIAN & SOUOKON, onico, Nortli Market street, Oct. l, 19. Uloomsbiirtr, Po. rn. i. l. itABR, mAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Kplacopal Church, Klooma bun;, I'n. Itr Tetdh extracted without pain. Oct, 1 1SI9. W. H. HOUSE, BLOOJISBUKaCOL. 00. PA. All styles of work dono In n superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkktii JUtkact ku without Tain by tho use of (las, and frcoof chanjo when artificial teeth aro Inserted, omco over Iiloomsburjr Danklnir company. 'Jo be open at all hours during the day. Not. SMy MISOELIANtOUS ri M. DBINKEIt, OUN am) L0CKSJI1TII. tJowlnir Machines and Machinery of all kinds ro dalred. ursnn llopsu Ilulldlns, liIooraiburB, Pa. DAVID LOWUNliKItO, Merchant Tailor Mum Ht., aliovo Central Hotel. IB. KUHN, dealer In Most, Tallow, etc., . Contro Btroot, between Second und Third. JAMKH HKILLY, TonHorial Artitt, sat'alnat his old stand under BXCIIANOK no TKllund has as usual 0 KIKhT-CIKS 1IAIII11J HH01. llo rcsnrctlullr tollclts tho palronago of his oldciibtomer and of thu public Keherally. July Id, 'bu-tr SUIJSOltlUK NOW KOIl THE a03L.XJ3VCBIA.lSr 81.50 IN ADVANOK fl m outtlt free tothosowho wlihtn eniruiroln V K thu mobt pleasant and prultublo busluiisj , L I kuown. Kverytlilne tew. capital not ri'. H'C-' quired. Wo will lurnlsh )nu nerythlnif. I0 auuyniiu upwarus is canny uiauu iiiuuuko,j.i.s wir..n I,,,,.,., v,r mi. iii. Nn r hkwhaumr. Mauy now workers wnidid nt once. Many are mak ing fortunes at the business. Ladles make as much as men, and youwj l)S and girls make ureal pay. No one who Is wllilnc to work fi lis to make inure mnnnv nvi.rv riv iimn can be roadelu at any ordinary employment, Thoao who engage a once vox :o., rortland. Jtntiio. oot. iv'w tey- 0. B. ELWELIi. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. It. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR bmomsburo. pa. nfposiTKcoiiiT.iioitsn tot au.l cokI wa,Vr;- and 'all mod-rno.nK'. B, F. SHAEPLESS, Cor. Centro ami Hall ltoad Ma near I,. & 11. Ucpot. Lowost Priceswill net bo undersold. Manufacturer of MINK CAIMYI1IXt.it, Conl P.renk ernndllild','0 cwtlncs, Water Mpts, Moves, Tin- wai e, Plow?, IKON vnst'B, .md all klud.i of Iron and IlrassO Ettnss. Tho tilRlnal .Montrose, Iron beam, light band left band, nml Udo bill Plows, the bint In the mark et, nnd nil kinds of plow repairs. cook stoves, Itoom moves, and sioves for beating stolen, ttbool houses, churches, Ac. Also tho lam est slock of it-palm for dly stoves, wholes,do nnd retail, such nt Fire Hi Ick.drates, Cross l' cvs, Mils o. Ac., siovo Pipe, took Holler?, Sklllltu, cake. Plnles, lnnre Iron Kettles, t ffnliono to y, batrtls) F.irm Dells, :Vt! roles, Wutton Coxes, "Alleiitown Bono Manuro" PI.ASTHI1, Al.T,.CC.,Ae. Jan'J, 'Ml-iy HIDES. Tho Highest Market Frico in Cash PAID FOU ALT, KINPS of lllllUM AT A. SOSIUSSBISR'S I.cnlltcr anil Shoe I'lmlln Store, Main Stp.kkt.Oppositk Stoni: Cmtncii, BLOOMSBUHG, PA. April S, 'sn-iy C. F. HARDER, HHAI.KIt IN IIaHDWaRX cltleky, TAINT, OIL AND VAENISHES, DOORS.M, BLIHD8, JACKETS Lttmbcr of all kinds for sale as cheap as tho cheapest for cash or produce. GATAWISSA, 2?J.. may no m N. S. TINGLEY. Announcesto the public thai lie Is prepaied lodo nil kinds of . Custom tailoring, promptly and nt reasonable prices. Now la tho sea son for a -NEW SPK1NG SUIT- And TlDRlej 'a tho pined to pi t a proper 111. Satisfaction Guaranteed. shop our Idllmejer's (iincery, Corter of Main and ivmie Slreits, MjUUMSHIIIiH, l'A. C- 33. SAVAGE, DBAI.fcK IN Silvorwaro. Vatchcs, Jewelry.01eckc.& c ah muds of Watches. Clocks nnd Jewelry neat ly repaired nr.d warramcu. may i -,-ii SPRING AND CUMMER CLOTHING' -jo(- A. J. EVANS, Tim imt n I'lnihirr. has lust received a lino line of New uocds, und la prepared to make up SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS For Men and Hoys In tho neatest manner and Latest htylcs. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, l-rats, GarH. &o-, Alwajsonhand. cnllaiid Examine. KVANK' III.OCIC Corner Main and Iron streets, BLOOXVISBUXIG, TA. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, STOVES acd TINWARE. 33. 33. 333J,OW333l lias purcha-icd tlioMork and nnslncMior I. Iliujen huch, und Is now imrared to do all kinds of work In his lino. Plmnblni,' nnd (las inline nspoclalty. Tinware, Stoves, In nerval variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street corner ot Bust, IH.OO.HSItl'KfJ, IM, 7IHR INSUKANCK. CllltlKTIAN Y, UNA PI', IlLOOMSllUltd, PA, llltlTIHlI AMKIIICA AHHUitANCK COMPANY. IVA'.m an S-IHKINSIIUANCK COMPANY. NATIONAL KIHK INSl.llANCK COMPANY. N A .' V, ,u u 1 1 1, J VI K ! 1 M M A N V. UMlw ....... i hebO ot.n t'oni'Oit ations aro well seasoned by aeo n. i ..ui.. wuTirii nnrt navu never vet lwd a loss set tled by any court or law. Their assets are all Invest cdlnsoMusicoKiTiKsand are llabloto tho hazard "'iJb 'iupti.t nnd noNKSTi.Y adlustod and raid as boon as determined by Curibiian F. KNirr, srio- Al. AOKNT ANU AUJl'STKKllLOOHSSUKU, l'A. Tho peoplo of Columbia county Bliould patrontro the atrenoy where losses ttany aro sottiod and paid "Y T&W&rxWir FAIlt U8ALIN0 nvi it. si. B. F. IHItTMAN HimlSKHTBTni MIX0W1H0 AMKIUOAN INBUItANOK t'OMPANIKH: Lycomlntt of Muncy Pennsylrauu. Korlh AiScrlaiu ot I'h-A'lefpula, l'a tranklln.ot Pennsylvania of " larmersetork.I'a. linnoverof Newborn. Mon?oofnDiHrliet Btroot No. t, uiootnslmrB, in, oot, . l-ly. She imh m lilllii thuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Qacknche, Soreness of tho Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Hums and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Eurs, and all oihor Pains and Aches N'n Preparation on cnrtli crrnnl St JAmiw On. as ft fif ,uir,shil,-nu cheap i:ttrii, tl Keini'ily, A trln.1 t-nuila Imt tho rrtmimnaiU'ly trlliinif mulny ot no ViiIn, nnd every one miHitIiibhiiIi ain van lmc(iicnpnncl I'O'ltlvf proof of iu claims. Direction In Itlcven Ijinfjuflses. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN ItltTDJUIH'. A. VCGELSR & CO., JtaUhnore$3tth, U.S.A. If 5 n aro n mmt f If you nro u r mini cf l t- rncrtby V tial t tf it i Ui.novormH- i.i tl.r. u) L. t.i r.. urinnU: Np.rwl um o f iii it In alii tin to nud Hop uittura J Wimtf, Um) HOP l FUATiTlnn from nny In- dtuiMiiion or itiHxliuk If vnn nro rouu nnd . lit tl or ilnn! old nr Ufw, K'ly n H O pi gtluiit if jou nmar gyuunAfinriTti'tr from JUittnro. . ii it Cll a IH'U OI fiKK mi.iliy rrnin rotuo iiinuflniiiain mi- tti it ynnr i n w.5 If irmot Kltlnoy !((Mar that mitfiit liiir or i .mi v ,UL, vll'iDuti.cj titfnj, tftko Hop H.yft timely utoot lUUnt, i.i'.-ii-c o lln f it ten, fi "eh. !' l(. er vt venx t You will lie t'urcHfyruuc Hop Dltturo Trvminrfptm 111 nnd Irrchidta iw ou ro fur f iiso of OltlUtll, I ?- iniTTrnnii"?,0""" Rnldhvilntcf. tilv wenk nnd. NEVER vtn.uior, i hop urrnu iti it mny lf)WfHrlUl,lii navoyour llfo. It haa savoU hun- FAIL HTO CO., Rotheiter, . Y, drouo iTonmU), OqU July 10, 'so tf ANP Paper Hanging. WM. F. BOD1NE, IKON .ST.. 11EI.0W SKtONI), Ill.OOMSIlPHO, Pn Is prepared to do nil kinds ot house rAxroxxxaa Plain and Ornamental, i PAPER HANGING, 110T1I 1IEC0I1ATIVK AM) PLAIN. All kiiitlN of Furniture Itciuli-cl nml maili! as iroiiil us nvv. NONIi HUT FlUST-CLASS WOI1K.MKN KMPLOVKO 3jStiinat.cn IVCado on all Work. WAI. I IIOOINK. M.C.SLOAU&BRO. UI.OO.llSlidKfi, i'X, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATl'OHM WAdONS.Jte. l'lrst-class work alwnyn on hand. ltKPAIKlNO NEATLY UONK. Prices rfduend to suit tho times. ffl WfflTI&fflACHINE. Wl crcas, tho world renowned reputation of tho AVliite faeAviiig Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to lnluro lis reputation, wo bee to caution nil Intending purchasers not to buya White Machine except from Ita regular authorized dealers, who will ucKUHiaiuca vy mu lonowini; wiinuuiy, WK WA1IHANT THU NATUUAL WKAH AND THAU OV Till! Wliite Stnttle Sewing Made, PLATE NUM11KU l(i:i:i:tl) Will l'AMII.Y l'UUPO- HKS. AND 1IKHH11Y AilliEK' HI RKJSP TUB PA BUS IN ItKPAlIt I'OH TI1K TUIIM OP I'lVli VI'.AHM FHO.M THIS UATi:, I'll KB OK CIlAllOE. This warranty excepts tho I reiikauo ot needles bobbins and shutllns. This warranty will not do suxtainea unless ino rtnlo numtwr abovo r'ven eorresiKinds with the number on the shuttle niro slide. Howaro ot defaced or altered numbers. WIItTK SKWINO MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sowing Machine Has okkatkk CArAciTT than any otuer family Howlng Aiacnino lor using every variety vi wort. J, HALTZKH, General Agent. Woousbiirif, Pa. oer 1, o tf, BLOQMSBURG FLAMING- MILL- The undorblgned havlni; put his PhmlntrMlllon Itullroail hi reel, In ilrst.eiass mndltlou, Is prepared to uo an Kinus oi woi k iii ins line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished nt reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well hiaionul and none but skilled wcilanen are cmpioycu. ESTIMATES FOB BUILDINGS furnished on application, I'lnn nrd r peclflcatlons prcpartu uy un excrieiicea ureuKuisiuan, IlldoiiiNliuri;, I'a, mm BLOOMSBUllG, PA FRIDAY,, ULY Jo, 1881. Poetical. rllllFAIOlKU'SIIAIIIIIII'KK. ny i-oruk s. itiiam. Tho Buntlifht over llio hilltop steal-!, A lid lo I from the open door Tho fanner's red-clieekd daughter looks Tho tleUH nnd meadows o'er i The sleeves, trotr. her rounded nnn3 turned back, .lust hint that labor waits, Whllo she exults In Joj s that break Through morning's rosytriiks. There's little strengthen tno lltho younc form, Hut un ever ready hand ott lUhU'ns tho burdens that uiut b borne lly tho fannci's lolllnp; band j Ho thu f arm-horno wnltlnir In the stall, Tho klnu In Hie dewy laiio. And the docks Impatient In tho told, Own the ucntlu maldou'a relRb. lues sho u'or dream of a world out Ida Of herslinplo rural homo, or ot bioadcr walk'inud smoother palhs Tht her feet toinolitnoa may roam? ill tool. In tho ch.imbor wncro tthc Woik ilach cvo till tho s in rocs down ; You will Unit thai her nliublo hand How fast O'er tho folds of n wcddlnir (town, Now she watches tho east with a throbblnB heart, l'or her lover will enmo that way; And ecry sunrl.-o hastens tho mom Ot her o.vn sweet weddlnu-dayi And there's never a homo mom brlKht than tho one Where n truMIng liinldcu dwells, Who Is walllnitlhe cumins of Love's youn;; knight, And the chime of their wedillne-belH. Hut what will bu dono at tho d jar old farm When the llht of tbo ilres.ldo Kuea t When llio morn lhat brighten another homo. O'or this one a shadow throws? Ah I never wld ilijsbo iiul'o to fair, Furtrouble will more llko sonow seem, And labor moro like care. SUMMER. o sweet and strnnce, what tlmo p;ay inornln;,' steals 0er the misty lints, and trenily stirs liee-ladeii llnics and pendulous abele.i, To bru' h tho dew.bespatiRled (tossamera 1'iom meadow urnsscs and beneath black Mrs, In limpid str.'amlus, or translucent lakes! To bathe imld dim heron-haunted brakes 1 O swi" t nnd sumptuous at height of noon. f.a' tjuld lo lie on sc nted summer l'irns Fanned by fi Int brio' h of the hunt bless .lune: To wnt'-li lh" llnii'iiim and in oplni; f iwns. Dapp ed llk tombirent el'iuds In e lily dawns, l'orth from their ferny covrrt (,'llde to drink And cool, lithe limbs bel le llio i Ivor's bank! O slranco and sad ere dajllslit Clsippeain To hear tho creaking of I ho homeward wain, Drawn uyltsyokeof tardy pricltiff steers, Neeth honcj sucklo htdco and laii;led Utio, 'lo brcalhu lalnt ncnt ot roses on the wane By cottiffo doors and watch the mellow Inc sky Fade Into saffron huei 1 nsenslbly. John Addington Symondt. Select Story. AT THE BAL MASQUE. "Don't bo rush in this, my iluar don't ! What will your friends say what will tho world say wlren they hear thai lanthu Howard is going to many her music mailer t What do wo know of this man I Oh, pauso and con sider, my darling my darling." And genlle, motherly JUrs liuinhain knelt down on tho rich cai'iet,and slipped her pleading arms round the slender fig ure befoie her. "I have considered, Aunt Helen," tho girl said, coldly. "You ask me what ilu we know of" Jean D'Jistene ? And I answer we know hu is a gentleman. That is the only knowledge 1 value. If you will not, consent to our maniage now, we shall wait for :i year, and then I shall he my own misties. Hut dear Aunt IlelJn, ' with a sudden softening iu the proud voice, "do lie my i fiend iu this ! Von have been so kind lo me all my life, and now l lio beautilul.ilaiK lace grew strangely pleading. .Now 1 am kinilcr than ever i was,- Aunt Helen said "kinder, because of niv irreat love lor you, near, iiarsniv . r 1 II . .1 1. kind, perhaps, in my anxiety for your happiness. A girl, young, handsome and an heiress, cannot be too careful iu her choice of friends." "15ut you know I love him. She said tho words wistfully, deprecat ing!', lifting her lovely, troubled eyes to her aunt s Jace. "I know vou do not, Ianthe. A girl less than a year out of school why, you do not know your own niiud ! liesides, niv ilarlint:, let me tell you a truth, however, terrible it may sound to you he does not love vou! I must speak plainly. Ho is only n contemptbilo lortuiio Hunter, who wants your money "Aunt Helen 1" Sho sprang to her feet like a young tigress, u glow leaping boldly to tho palo olivo ot Iter checks, her eyes ailame. "My dear, it is true If tho man has it in his nature to caro for any oiio but himseli, he loves JUsio tiaiulct huther land's niece. "Wait till I havo finished," as Iitntho lifted her head haughtilyto speak, "llo met her two years ago, m TariH. nho is a co-pati iol ot his Think a moment, Inntho! on must havo seen how it was. Sho introduced bim to her relatives as an old Parisian friend ho made tho most of his oppor tunity. Ho has good looks and n plausi ble manner, through which, aided by tho Sutherland's introduction, ho Kccurcd an cntifo to our bcht houses. lie is giving her lessons as well as you. lie loves her; but you aro an heiress, and his avarice predominated. If bo cannot win yoiijbo mny succeed with her. Oh, my dear one, try and tiiideiBland. For Ianthe Howard btood quite still and motionless, looking before her with blind, unseeing eyes. She lifted ono hand confusedly to her bead. All tho hot llanies Jaded from her cheek. "I don't beliovo it," sho said slowly, as it too stunned for anger. "I don t bo liovo it." "My dearest. I havo been sudden. Forgive me," her aunt cried, reproach- Hilly, alarmed at tho sight oi that wluto wild face. "No," sho said calmly, though her lips were pallid and trembling, "if you can prove to me that ono iota of this miserable story is true, I will thank you for my salvation. Hut (in lliosanie strained voice as though sho were repeating a les son) l don t beliovo it. "I shall nivo vou ono proof tho other you shall see for yourself. Yesterday I went to visit at Sutherland's. They were not at homo, but tho servant said Miss (i.iudet was practicing in tboinusioroom. I went toward it.of course unannounced, expecting to find her alone. Thodoor was ajar, and ns 1 reached it I beard .lean iJ'ICstene's voice, intense, pleading. 'Tell mo how I hhall know yout' Then I heard Klsio Gaudet's light touch. 'If you should meet l'nithenia, with a while rose in her band, how can 1 tell who it might boV 1 knocked, and Klsio sprang to. answer, but not before I heard him whHxT! 'Love needs no symbols. Intro mar will know how. My dear onc.it lies with you to do the red." "I low ' drearily. "Well, of course you know thev al luded to Miss Kent's 'bal masqtto on the eighth, (io as I'arthcnia yourself." "Vos. Will vou let me nrrntiuo with tho costiimer I 1 shall have that dress sent lo you another to her." I he mil stalled as if she had been shot. "No," sho cried passionately "nnl Listen to confidences not intended formv car! It, would bo mean, dishonorable, tut - demand. An, "Ianlho. you have a mistaken idea of honor. Vou may save Elsie's happiness as well as your own. Do not misjudge her. She is a good llttlo thing, and thinks ho loves her only. Did she know of the double tranie ho is ptayintr. 1 am sure she would scorn him, as sho should. This man asked you to be his wife. Let Him prove himself worthy to be your husband. You should stop at no silly society scruples to tear the mask from that which may biingyon misery and dishonor. My dear, il 1 am mistaken, I will beg your pardon, and his, aiid give you to him with all my hoari; but I love niv child too dearly to risk her young life's wreck. Will you be I'arthciihrt" "Ves." At the door, Mrs. liitruham paused ami looked back, with eyes growing sus piciously moist and a great throb of com passion at her heart. l'or iu the centre of tho room, with bowed head and ner vously clasped bauds, Ianlho Howard stood, a pitifully, childlike figure, despite her heavy ruby-velvet drapeiics a girl standing alono under tho shivering, lot tcring mint) of her love castle. "Arc the costumes ordered last week finished?" "Ves, madam." The proprietress hastily lofl, less pro fitable customers to allend Mrs. littrn ham. "As I have the carriage and will be passing Miss Handel's, I !hnll drop her's there, if it will be a convenience to you." Madam was too kind. They were rushed with work. They would boveiy grateful. So madam's liveried coachman lifted the. 1 wo long brown paper boxes into the caningu and rolled it away. It was quite dark when it drew up at tho Sutherlaiuls door. ".lust ring and hand this in, John. Make basic it is late." She pushed a box toward him. He obeyed her. 'flier, ho climbed to hisseat; she gave tho order, "Home," and the carriage drove off. Mrs. llurnhiim laughed a little sadly to herself, and patted the box which held the pretty I'arthcnia dress. "iMsiowill think ita mi.-lake. I low else could I convince her? Dcsidos, all's fair in love and war." Parthenia stood alone in the recess of i window and watched the motley crowd surging through -Mrs. nents lolly looms. Hapless Marie Stuart and a "Heathen Chinee," Sir Walter Haleigh and Wed Willing Hood, Wichelicu and Little Nell floated serenely by. "Ah, you have come at last I I'aithenia slarttd suddenly at the whispered words and turned to confront i tall, fur clad Jngomar. "Have you no word tor me, nut bdh r "Yes, but not here." She spoke very low and in Kreneh. She took his arm and together they i.issed to a room made familiar to both iu their social visits the libraiy. The room was long, silent, dimly lit As yet, it was too early for the dancera to wander off in search of cooler air, so thev were undisturbed. Once there, ho turned and faced her in that mellow half-light which left the coi ners mystically dim. Ho took off his mask, and showed a decidedly handsome, decidedly evil face. "My Parthenia 1 how beautifully you look. Tho expression was involuntary., IJcau titul indeed was llio statuesque youn figure, in that simple, serene, exquisite iliess.whicli challenges tho many, adorn tho few tho (Srcck costume. Tho soft white robe fell in graceful classic folds to her feet ; the heavy staff sho takes when she gives her lover the llowers held carelessly in one hand; tho helmet, thu shield, all glittering in the dim light. "Why do you not speak to mo Elsie. my Iovo i "Keep such a title lor lantno now . ... . .... r t ., tr aid." Sho spoke rapidly, nnd still in bis own tongue, tho better to disguise her voice, "lantho Howard," ho repealed, "what ts sho to mo? I told you 1 loved you two years ago. 1 Iovo you still. Elsie darling, bo suro of that,and do not think too hard of mo when you know what an avaricious wretch I am. If only yon had her fortune. Take off that jealous niafk. You start! Ah, my love, do not blamo mo too much Hemcmber, you only hold my heart, if need obligeH mo to take advantago ot miss Howard h loot ish infatuation for mo and marry her bank account "Pray, do not so far inconvenience yourself, Mr. D'Kstcrre. That foolish fancy is dead forever," And Inntho Howard calmly laiddow her mask on tho ebony centro table. "(ireat heaven Ianthe I" "Yes! Permit mo to return tho pledge ol a talsc vow. And, in her proud, silent wav. slio drew off a sparkling solitaire and laid it ouietly down. "Anil penult mo to say that you bav madoiuoro than ono mlstakoto-iiiglit,.7ean D'Estcrre." 1 And from out of a shadowy corner. caiuo tho bright ligiiro ot a vivandicic Then ono man felt tho full misery hi disloyally and deceit had brought him as lantho Howard and Elsio Oaudet passed together from tho room, united in their triumph over treachery the woman ho bad loved for her mouoy,aud the woman ho had loved for herself. And to-day, Ianlho knoww that Imr life and Iovo llo sacredly in tho bauds of an honest gcntleman.and thanks God from tho depths of her tino woman's heart for tho happiness that bloomed ami blossomed out ol her girlhood s sor row. It oven infects machinery. It has boon discoveicd that a maiket man's Hualos will lie about tbo weight of n lish, A V'IkIiIiir Kxcr.r.stnu. Say, my dear." said Mr. Knooncndvko. itli a facial son of a giin. "how would you like to go liphing?" "V oiildn t Unit be perfectly lovely! squealed Mrs HpoopemUkc. "I never ....... !!.!.!.... nr.." T ..1 ii .i ii-niii' in my mi', sum i iiiwuys wanted to try it. Where can wo gof" "Well, there aio lots ol places around llrooklyii. Last summer I saw boys alch a good many fish oil the dock at the foot of State street. Wo might go there." "Jti't the place," conceded Mrs. Snoop eiulyke. "I'crhaps we can catch sonic sardines, I'll bet a spool of thread I can iitch the first shad!" and in her glee, Mrs. Spoopeudvke waltzed across the tlot'i and back again. Mr. fepoopcmivku smiled iile.'isaiitlvoii his wife and staited out into the yard to get some worms, while Mrs. Spoopcn- ykc rigged herself up for the pending excursion. "(totanv llsh slicks?" sho asked, as Mr. Spoopendyko returned rather warm nun his exercise "I've got some lishing rods, if that's hat vou mean," replied Mr. Spoopeu- lyke. "Hut I could only find lour worms. Can't wo break 'em in two'" inquired iWrs. bpoopendyke, anxiously. "(.(mid il we had a bu.. saw, grunt- 1 Mr. Spoopendyko. "Coine along if you are coming and thoroughly equipped for Hie expedition. Mr. and Mrs. Spoop endyko set out for the State street pier. "How long before they bitef asked Mrs. Spoopendyko, hoisting her hook out the water and examining the point of a worm her husband had impaled thereon. "ilicy 11 probably hitcH that as soon as they can borrow a step-ladder," re torted Air. Spoopeudvke, eyeing tho lanuling hook. "If you calculate to el any lish you hud belter let Unit thing low'ii into the water." "Oh!" said Mrs. Snoopendyke, eyeing tho dangling hook. "Do you think I could catch a gold-fish?" she inquired af ter a p.iue. JII hold onl there, I lost mm! enic- til'iti'd .Mr. Spoopeudvke, firing his hook up toward the Heights oo did 1, chimed .Mrs. tspoopendyke, is she fell over backward and shot her inker into Mr. Spooiiendve's ear. "I de- laro we both lol him." "What aro you doing?" demanded Mr. poopcudykc. "What did ye lose? When I am pulling in fish you just sit still, will ye? Think my head's a fish pond? Drop it, I tell ye! drop it in tho walei! There! Now, sit still and fish. Another time I'm pulling iu a Spanish mackerel you let things alone. You made mo lose that fish." "You ought to havo caught him," said Mrs. Spoopendykc,soothiiigly,"GU fished plondidly tor him. "I understand the business," reioincd Mr. Spoopeudvke, somewhat mollified. "Vou see he didn't even get the bait. big as he was." "I'm glad of that, because we've only ot three worms left. How I'd like to catch an oyster. Do Vou know I " "Hist! Sh-h-hl Quiet now! I've got him! See mu play him! Now I'll fetch him!" and Mr. Spoopendyko icelcd in until ho landed an old boot. "I didn't know that fish had burrs on, like a chestnut," said Mrs. Spoopondkye, puvenng with excitement. "Urack bun, mil let s sec what hu is. "Crack your giandmother!" snorted Mr. Spoopendyko, shieing the boot up iu pier. "He wasn't good to cat any way. 1 II get something "What's the mailer with my stick? Let go. you nasty thing! Hero's another one! Quick!" "Pull him iu, can't yo You've got a bile. Haul up! cneil -Mr. hpoopendyke, trying to untangle himself from his lino md help his wife. "Lift him out of tho water!" "He won't let me," squeaked Mrs. Spoopendyko, holding both arms out at full length. "1'uko him oil! Scat! Oo way you monster 1" "Lift your polo straight up in tho air!" shouted Mr. Spoopendyko. I loist thp dod gasled thing right up! Airs ."spoopendyko exerted hursell.aiid disclosed an eel dangling. "It s a rattlesnake I sho yelled. "Don't go near him I fire I murder! polico! po-lice-e-e 1" "Hold vouryawp.will yo?" bawled Mr. Spoopendyko. Get him over tho dock so I can catch him! what aro vou holding him out there for? Waiting for him to dry? Stick that polo straight up iu tho ar, I tell ye! Mrs. Spoopendyko tluow tho poloovor her shoulder, and Hopped tho eel into Mr. Spoopendvke's countenance. "Dod gast tho measly eel !" ho howled as ho spit it out. "Stop waving that slam basted lightning-rod like a flag will you? Hold it still, I say ! Think you're a tree?" "Don't touch him! throw him over board? He'll sting you to death I" gur gled Mrs. Spoopendyke, nnd forgetting that tho polo still exercised an iutluenco over the eel, sho gavo it a jerk, and it slipped through Mr. Spoopondyke's lingers. That gentleman mado a spring lor it and swashed into tho water. "lieu! blab! baa! waggle, glu, hie, gagglol sputtered Ilr. hpoopendyke as some lightermen fished him out. "Did you catch cold, dear V inquired tt... t!..; ..-!!. .I., .... Jllin. 13JIUUJ1UI1UKU,IVU11 hUllCllllUl! 118 1110' mado their way home., "Ifl did, I landed it," growled Mr. Spoopendyke, blowing mud like tho ex haust ot a tug. "Any way, I caught an eel, didn't I !" asked iip's. hpoopendyke, carrying out tho woman s idea ot comforting a man with tho only thing ho don't want to heir about. "Oh! you caught it!" ripped Mr Spoopendyke. "You'ro a fish woman you are. All you want now is glass sides and some bubbles running through you to bo an aquarium 1 Another tlmo wo both go fishing you stay homo ! You hear T" And with this novel mathematical suggestion, Mr. Spoopendyko hunted himself to his domicile, and took a rum sweat. lirookl ijh .I'mjlc. A correspondent of tho "American Cultivator, plants a sunflower seed by each inn ot ocans, tno block answering the same purpose as tho ordinary bean pole, besides providing an exoellcnt feed lor Ins poultry, llo uses for this pur poso a mnmnioth variety of sunflower seed, manv ol tho llowers ot winch mens i. r. .. ., -.. . . . . ure uiiccu liicnes across mo seed-bed. Hridget beliif told to put n little nut meg into tho rioo pudding, picked out thu smallest one in thu box and throw it in. " ' THE COLUMIUAN, VOL. XV. NO. ' ndr.iiMiiiA umiiintiA'i'. viii. xr.vi. no. m How Animus Fight An English correspondent in Asia, re feriing to the lighting qualities of the Afghan soldiery, says: "An Afghan nev er thinks of asking for quarter, but lights with the ferocity of a tiger, and clings to life until his eyes glaze and his bauds lofuso to pull a pistol trigger, or use a knife iu a dying effort to maim or kill an enemy. Tlio stern realities of war were more pronounced on the battlefields in Afghanistan than perhaps they have ever been iu India, if wo except the re tributive days of mutiny. To spare a wounded man a minute was probably to cause the death of llio next soldier who unsuspiciously walked pnst him. One thing our men certainly Karned iu Af ghatiistau, and that was lo keep their wits about them when pursuing an ene my or passing over a hard-won field There might be danger lurking in each seemingly inanimate form studding tho ground, and unless care and caution were exercised, the wounded Afghans would steep soul in bliss by killing akaifer just when life was at its last ebb. The stub born love for lighting In crfrcwh is pro moted doubtless by fuualncim, and we saw so much of it that our men at close quarters always drove their bayonets well home, so that there should bo no mistake in the deadly nature ol tin.1 wound. The physical courage which dis tinguished tho imtiaiiied mobs who fought so resolutely against us was worthy of all admiration; the tenacity with which men. badly armed and hick ing skilled leaders, clung lo their posi lions was remarkable, to say nothing of tho sullen doggedness they often showed when retiring. Hut when tho tide of the light set in against them and they saw further resistance would involve them deeply, there was so sudden a change al ways apparent that ono could scutccly believe llio fugitives hurrying over the hills were the same men who had resist ed so desperately but a feiv minutes be fore. They acted wisely, as they knew their powers in scaling hills, or in making their escape by lleetuessof fool, and the host generally dissolved with a rapidity which no one but an eye witness can appreciate If cavalry overtook them, i hey turned like wolves and fought with desperation, selling their lives as dearly as men ever sold, but there .vas no rally in the true sense of the word, :ml but faint attempts at aid ing each other. The regular troops were but little amenable lo discipline, by reason of deficient training, and they re sorted to the tactics they had pursued as tribesmen when they were once lorceil to retire." During a soiree given at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg tn the reign of the C.ar Nicholas, souiu forty years ago, the conversation happened to turn upon luxuriant growths of hair; and a Gover nor of a distant province remarked that he had frcqucutlv noticed, in the chief town of his government venerable Jew whoso countenance was adorned by a beard of extraordinary length and beauty. "llow 1 should Hkolo see mini ejacu lated a lady, smiling winning'' at the narrator. "Your Highness' least wishes are commands," replied thu Governor; nnd that very night he dispatched a courier to the provincial cs.pital with a preparatory order that tho Hebrew should bo forwarded to him without delay. On receipt of this commacd tho local au thorities at once caused the Hebrew to be conveyed post-hastu to St.Petersburg. His protestations of innocence, were ig noreil. When, after traveling for more than a fortnight, ho reached his destina tion, the police ollicialsJearning from his escort that hu hail been sent thither at tho express order of the Governor, as sumed licit he must bo a criminal of the deepest dve. Accordingly they thrust hiju into a dungeon, having first caused bis hair to be clipped close and his beard shaved on, in coiiioriuuy with prison regulations. Hy this time several weeks had elapsed since tho conversation above alluded to had taken jilace,and the lady s whim had been forgotten alike by her self and the Governor. As, therefore, no questions were asked about the luck less Hebrew, ho remained hummed iu his cull, and might havo spent the re mainder of his days lliere had not his relatives, wealthy traders.bestirred them selves to obtain his release. When they succeeded in directing oflicial attention to his case, it came out, to the infinite amusement of the Russian Court, that bis beautiful beard, tho motive ot his martyrdom, had long ceased to exist, and with it thu necessity lor his further so journ iu St. Petersburg. Hu was, there- lore, grimly congratulated upon his "lucky escape," and solemnly warned "never to do it again." A Spider's r'ent. If you anchor a polo in a body of water, leaving tho polo above tho sur face, and put a spider upon it, ho will exhibit inavelous intelligence by his plans to escape. At nrst ho will spin a web sovcral inches long and hang to ono end while ho allows tho other to float oil iu tho wind in the hope that it will strike somo object. Of coursothis plan proves a tannic but thu spioer is not dis couraged. Ho waits until tho wind changes, and then sends another silken bridgo floating oil in nnother direction. Another failure is followed by several other similar attempts, until all thu points ol tho compass have been tried. Hut neither tho resources nor tho reasoning powers of tho spider are exhausted, He climbs to tho top of the polo and ener getically goes to work to construct a silken balloon. 116 has no hot air with which to inlhito it, but ho has the powir oi making it buoyant. When begets his balloon finished, he does not go off on tho mere supposition that it will enrry mm, as men on en do, nut he laslcus to it a guyrope, tho other end of which he attaches to the island polo upon which he is a prisoner. He then gets into his icr'tal vehiilo while it is made fast and tests it to seo whether its dimensions are capable of the woik of bearing him away. llo oltcu huds fin lias made it too small in which ease he hauls it down, takes it . .. , .... an imari ami constructs u on a larger ami lienor man. a spider has been seen to make three different balloons before he became satisfied with his experiment, Alien no win get hi, snap tho gujropo ami suit away io lanu as graoeiuiiv and as supremely independent of bis sur foundings ns could well bo inui'Miied.- Seth Green, in tho JlocJiesUr J)cmoc;rit. Tho ladies sing "in the sw(et 'buy and 'buy,' we will meet in tho beautiful Store, and wo certainly can raise no oh lection. jJitt remember llio llttlo ones at homo and do not leave tho nurse without n bottle; of Dr. Hull's Uaby oyiiip. Sdvef titfiig SfcteS. W til Onelneh Mi lvi Two inches. 4J Three Incur. ...... 4.11 (M Four Inches MH r.tw quarter column,.,. ci .m Half column lo.(fl inn one column uo.on .m 3U MOO r,M 7.m o.on in.nr) 17.00 aaoo Kit IT s. no w.on N.O0 1S.00 11.00 1H.00 uon 20.00 13.00 moo ss oo ami ro.oo loaoo vArttf nvrrt1vmpnt4 n,rabtA nuartcrlr. Tran stent ndrrruscmcnw mint bo pnld fo.- before Inserted except where parties have nceonnts. Iz-irnl nrtTPrtlvments two dollars per Inch for three InwrUons, nnd nt that rate tor additional Insertions without reference to lenfttli. Kxccutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's notices three dollars. Must bo paid for when lavrtod. Transient or Icnt notices, ten cents n Unp, rcirutar T" " '. mrKitDrr one cards in the "Hustnra Directory" column, one dollar per yoax ror cac'j u no. Odd Items. Archery dubs have resumed practice and lame cows once more dot the pas tines gioen. No remedy in the world ever camo into such universal use, or has so fully won thecotifideticc of mankind, as Ayers Cherry Pectoral for the curu of coughs, colds and consumption. A competent holel "out. west" says generously of another that it "stands without, arrival. MlttTlll'.ltN' AMIPOTi; POIt MAI.AIIIA. It should be generally known that Simmons Liver Wcgulator'is relied upon to secure to the people immunity from all malarial disordets. That this nieili chle does what is claimed lor it is proved by its popularity, and any ono who has lived iu the Soulh three yeais, has no doubt seen its curative eflcets and tho I'lioteclion it. gives against the return of this weakening and dangerous malady. When Jones' boy was kicked out of a saloon by his father, ho remarked Ilia', there appeared to be an active temper mice movement on foot. iiit.M'i: jrtci:. The act of fermenting the Oporto grape into wine in this country has been brought to a greater degree ol perfection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Pasaic New Jersey, than by any other person; and his wine is very popular as a ladles' wine, as well as for the uominiiuioii table and invalids. For sale by C. A. Klcim, druggist, Hlooinsburg, Pa. A Syracuse woman swallowed an up jile seed ill March, and iu April a darn ing needle worked out of her shoulder. UVll.S 'Id 111: AVOlDlill. Overeating is in oiiohciisc as pioduet- ivo of oil as intemperance iu drinking. Avoid both, and keep the blood purified with Hiirdock Hloml Hitters, and you will ln icwarded with robust health and in in igi-rali d Miin. Price 81.00, trial H.'', !! cent-. .Michigan hu a man with, three arms. Hois the onlv man alive who can take two gills sleigh-riding and enjoy it. Fiank l'ardal. North Henuett street, Huffalo, savs: "I have tried your Spring niossom as a futmlv medicine and have . . i never come across' anvining lo no so much good in so short a time in cases of indigestion, dypc psia and derangement of the stomach. I strongly recommend it. Price .10 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. It is rumored that David Davis has bought llhoile Island, and contemplates having it sufficiently enlarged to be util ized us a family burial ground. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done thousands ot women moro good than the medicines of many doctors. It is si positive cure lor all iemulo co.n plaints. Send to Mrs. Lvdia E. Pink- ham. Wnen a Hrooklyn parson's sennons show signs of weakening they feed bim upon elephant's milk. . lady's wish. "Oh, how I do wixh my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "Vou can easily make it so," answered the liiend. "How?" inquired the first lady. "Hy using Hop Hitters, that makes pure rich blood and bloom ing health. Il did il for mo as you observe.' Wead of it. Cairo liillctin. A young lady graduate may, iu after years, forget the title of her essay, but she will always ri member how her while dress was made and trimimd. now TO savi:. All men and women who woik hard with mind or body aro subject to peri- ( odical attacks of biliousness, which may nil in disordered kidneys or liver and dangerous illness. A .10 cent or $1.00 bottle of I 'aiker's Ginger Tonic will cep these organs active, and by pre venting the attack save you much sick ness, loss ol time and great expense. Mauy families are kept iu perfect health by using tbo Ionic when spring or lull sickness threatens. Delay at such times means danger. .Detroit J'enn. See other column. How 'io Kill Canada Thistlls. When the thistle is blooming, or about to do so, is the lime when the greatest injury can bo inflicted upon it. lint with the Canada thistle, once cutting, while it greatly weakens, will by no means kill it, and there is no time at which it can be dcstiovtd at a smglo cutting. Tho only pioper way with this and similar plants is to cut Hie shoots that fust ap pear, and (outimie as long as there is anything to cut. That continued nnd peisistent cutting will conquer tho Can ada thistle, and that even worse weed, the boise ncttlo (solatium carolinenso.) we have positive knowledge, but no half way work will prevail. American Ay- rintltitriHt. Vi hern the .NeW Testament was Keviseit Tho Jeiusiilem Chamber in "Westmin ster Abbey, where tho New Testament company of revisers have held their meet ings since .1 tine 1 a 1 0, was originally the patlor of tho Abbot's palace, and is associated with many interesting events in English history. It was to this spot that Henry IV. was conveyed when seized willi his last sickness, and whero he died Match 'JO, 11 1.1. It was hero in the days of the Long Pailianient that tho celebrated Assimbly of Divines, driven by the cold In in Heniy VJI.'s chapel, held its sixty-sixth session on Monday, October lJ, Kit'.!, and continued to meet until its closing session, (tho eleven han dled and sixty third), on February 22, Hi I!). Hire were prepared tho famous Westminster Confession of Faith nnd the Longer and Shorter CatcchigmH of the Piihliyterian chinches of Scotland, and for many generations, of tbo Inde pendents of England. Here, also, just fifty years later, at the suggestion of Dr. Tillolson, then Dean of Canterbury, tho menu ruble commission appointed by William 111. assembled to deviso a basis for a scheme of comprehension in a re vision ol the English prayer book. In the oblong room, somewhat narrow for its length, measuring about 1() feet from north to south, and about 20 feel from east to west, the company have held tho larger number of theirstssions, tho whole number being 107, the total number of attendances 0,-12(i, and the average at tendance at each meeting 158 lneinbersv Their last meeting for the New TeMa incut woik ended at 3 p. m., November 11,1880,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers