'I MMt tjfrNlrtHU Hi THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J. K. BirTSMBSNDEB, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Juno lO. 1881. lo mill tho troops, in which llfo was lost, ins left n very ulttur fcclini;. Thcro is iltsiurunncca may Tim llrst Slrito Convention of tho Con stitutional Amendment Association of Piiniisylvnnirt, will Ijp hold at Johnstown on tho 2Hth mid 2!Hli of .lime. Tin- logislrttivp R.il.T-y hill wiisiiidefitiito ly itosti'ii'!cl in tlu 'llouxu on Tiiusilny iii-rlit. Tliis is consistent at luaat. as the House hnd contondud that tho net of IhVI wfts coimtitutiounl. Thf Postmaster General has already el'ti'fted a saving of S7o0,000 a year in Urn Star routo service. Wo are begin luni to et an idea of thu stealings dur ing the "pure" administration of Hayes. Tl.e more that administration is investi gntivd thu worse it ajijiears. Tho siecies of statesmen known as "roosters" linvo had lht.ii way in llarris burfrnnd the Philadelphia Times mlrnils tl.e fact in tho following mournful phrase: "The Delinquent Tax hill is dead. Fit nenl ceremonies in November, 1H82. Priends are resnectfully requested not to Honil floral tributes." If the usual formality is observed this vflnv and the House returns thanks to Speaker Ilewit for his "e.ourtesy, ability and impartiality during tho season, a nlioiit o derisivo laughter will go up from the Delaware to hake Erie. There may have been a worse man in tho chair, lint tlie record-! will not show such to havo been the case. Tho legislature was in session 101 days. Most of the time was wasted in wiunb bliiig over the election of an United Stales Senator, iu defeating needed leg islation and in abusing editors and mem bers by llowit and the other "roosters." Tho popular grief at tho adjournment was not overwhelming. It is stated that Prod Grant has not resigned as Lieutenant of the Fourth Cavalry, but only his position on the qtnff ut ttcu. Shoiidan. Now what the peoplo would like to know, is, how Fred manages to engage in business and yet draw his salary as an army ollicer. To the average citizen this looks very like u fraud and a swindle. Tho House joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho constitution pro hibiting the manufacture ovsalo of intoxi- uutiti" lhtuors' in the State, was defeated in tho Senato on third reading,on Thurs day of last week. The voto stood, yeas 10, nays 21. T he prohibitionists asked for too much, and thereby ensured their own defeat. It is rumored that First Assistant Post- ni:ilur General Tyuer is to bo removed and that ox-cnrpel-bng Senator Spencer is to succeed him. This is going from bad to worse. Siienccr was in lull bloom durimr the Grant administration and ac quired a by no means savory imputation as a defender of the various "rings" then in power. There's not much reform to bo expected from Spencer. Garlield has a positive genius for obnoxious appoint ments, and Spencer is a little worse than Kilpatnek, it anything. Tho Philadelphia Times says of ex- Vice President Wheeler that ho is "a very quiet man, and people laugh very good naturedly about Ins lisluug proclivi ties. He shows up to excellent advan tage, however, alongside of his successor. jlr. Wheeler never tligraccamsoiiieo or himself by doing 'the dirty work of ward politician.' " This is as true Gospel. Chester A. Arthur is tho most indecorous and undignilied Vice-President the country lias ever had. His removal from the Custom Houso by Hayes will be heartily endorsed, now that ho has shown what manner of a man ho is. On Friday last W. E. Cameron, Dem ocrat, was nominated for Governor and John P. Lewis, Hepublican, for Lieuten ant Governor, by tho Keadjuster Con vention in Hichmoiid. It is claimed that the ticket is a strong one. Lewis was nominated lo train the Hepublieau voto and it now remains to bo seen whether tho Kepublicaus will aid Mahone and his followers. It they do, the strength gain ed for their parly will bo known at tho next'Presidential election. The Head lust ers intend to repudiate some thirteen millions ot thu statu debt. More than ono thousand men cni'iloj od by brewers in New York went on a strike, last .Monday, 'they demanded that tho hours of work bo i educed from sixteen lo twelve mid that they be ex empt from Sunday work. The situation in Ireland is very gravo and tho recent collision between tho neo langer that other arise. llotli houses of tho logislnturo trans acted a lnriro nniount of business on Wednesday, nnd numerous bills wcro passed, .l ho report ol conlereneo com mittees on general appropriation and ju dicial apportionment bills were concur led in. Tho situation at Albany is practically unchanged. Conkling holds his own, but Piatt is dropping back, and Ohauneey iM. Denow is commir to tho front. It is impossible to predict what will be the re suit, but thcro seems to bo no chance of Coiikling and Plaits re-election. It beinns to look as if tho bones of William Penn will not bo brought to this country. Tlio trustees of tho Friends' burial ground in lliiekiughaiusliiro posi tively decline to permit the disinterment, Mr. Littleboy, ono of tho trustees, stands up like a little man mid savs as much. It's a pity, now thai tho Govcnor has made all the appointments of managers and delegated u gentleman to go to l'-tig land. After nil, why should'nt tho Eng lish Friends valuo the bones of Penn as much as the people of Pennsylvania? THE SfAlt ItOUIK TIIIKVKS. It was not to ho expected thai the Star routo plunderers would quietly sui nut to exposnro and punishment, and it will not cause surprise to know that they are prepaung lor a vigorous defence I'hev have engaged the best legal talent including Hen Hullcr and Uob higersoll and will hesitate at nothing to eseapo from tho meshes of tho law. 1 hey have money iu alumdaucu and lack in neither boldness nor ingenuity. D.nsey and Ilrady, tho leading spiiits in tho plan derniL'. hnve evidently niailo up their minus mat, inis investigation is hunm thing entirely different from tho feeblo efforts that have preceded it, and begin to believe that, unless tncy niiopt vigor ous measures.striped uniforms and invol untary seclusion will bo their portion for many months to come, nicy are uy no means insignificant foes, possessing wealth and nilluenee, and it will requir both skill and nerve on tho part ot tho prosecution to eiisuro their conviction and punishment. A despatch to th Philadelphia Times from Washington, states that tho JMtili Vnlio lias neon bought bv tho friend of Brady and Dorscv and will bo enlarged and im proved. The Star routo men already control the Jltmwlican and tho iMmlay Capital. Three newspapers will give them much power and it will be fully xercised. In tho postoll'tee department the gov eminent detectives and Special Prosecu tor are hard at work compiling evidence to be submitted to the Grand Jury. Their proceedings aro conducted with tho utmost secrecy. lho Star routo thieves aro said to bo preparing for an attack on A. iM. Uibson, the bun corres pondent now employed by the govern ineiit, by wiioso patient research the ex posure of tho plundering was made. Tho caso is one of the greatest interest to the people, who will watch every move with the utmost anxiety no public piun dering on a large scale has been punish ed for many years past, and it is a mat ter, of doubt in tho minds ol many, whether these offenders will be sent to tho penitentiary. It l'ostmaster ucucral James is sus tained by the President and the prose cution is successfully conducted, tho ad ministration will earn such praiso as will fairly onset much ot tho reproaeh incur red lor past shoit-comiugs. j.etituo once proved that wealthy and powerful riugsters can bo punished like common thieves and tho peoplo will have increas ed confidence iu a republican form of 'ovcrnmcnt. News Items. Tho Erio Company Savings Hank, liuffnlo.wns robbed of$tU(J,000 In bonds on Monday. Sheboygan I' nils, Sheboygan Co. News We never saw any ono iovous. suf fering from paini neurnlgia lor Instance. Iu relation to this malady. Mr. Georgo Guyett, Prop'r. Guyett House, thus in formed our representative: I havo used it. Jacob's Oil for neuralgia, nnd can conlldenlly recommend it to any ono sunllnily mulcted. A tcriilio hail Florin passed over Dead- wood, D. T., on Monday, llnilstoncj-t as largo as lien's eggs fell, and ono was loiuid twenty-two inches in circumfer ence. A whirlwind did great damage and ono life was lost. Lydia E. Piukliam's Vcgtablo Com pound is a remarkable remedy for all those painful complaints and weaknesses common to our best leinalo population bend to .Mrs. Jmlia it,, l'lnkham, 2i Western Avenue, Lvnn, Mass., for pamphlets. Joseph Sabin, famous iu all book mar kets of the world, and who lias been en gaged lor years on a comprehensivo dic tionary of all tho books relating to Amer ica, died on Saturday night in New Yoik. Ono peculiarity of tho A. S. T. Co. llhiek Tip for children's shoes is, Unit it is independent ot tho upper, and fully protects it from wear at tho too without endangering tho tipper from ripping as is tho caso where heavy bungling caps aro sewed on to protect tho toe. A young man named Thompson killed his brother accidentally Saturday after noon at Green Hidge, Scrautou. They were watching a dog fight, and failing iu tho effort to prevent it one of them picked up a big stone, which he llttnj. at one of the animals with all his might It missed its mission nnd went crashing through Ins brothers skull. II. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N Y. Cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by lho Cutieura Hesolvent internally, and Cutieura and (Juticitra soap externally. The most won derful case on record. J area 1 rice, a larmer Jiving near Heading, was found dead in his orchard on Monday, with his throat cut. Ho was religiously insane and had pieviously at tempted to hang himself. St. Julien and Maud S. tho famous (rotters, will bo at tho coining meeting of the Pittsburg Driving Association. Mho owner or tst. .Julion is very anxious to have it decided which ot the two horses is tho faster. Important to TiiAvr.r.Kns Special in liueeiuonN nre'ilFerec! you by the lturl innton Home, it win pay you lo read tncir adver tisement to ! fuuud elsewhere in this issue. March 18 40-w Candidates. All persons whose names aro announce d In tuts column, tire t lodged to atildo by tiio decision ot tho Democratic conventlon.whlch will meet on Tuesday August 9tu. ASSOCIATE JUUUE. Wn nro autho lzcd to atinouncu tho narno ot !'. I. SMUM AN, ot CMtnn 1-uui. as a candidate lor ahmjcI- aio .juagc, Buojeci to uemoc.auc iuics. COUNTY THKASUIIKU. Wu aro authorized to xnnounco tho name rt NA THAN CltKASY. as a candldato for tliu ofllce oi County Treasurer, subject to thu rules ot the Uein- ocrauc pariy. COUNTY CO.MMISSIONRIt. Wn nro authoilzed to unnounco lho name ot SVICI'IUN I'd I IK. orccmro t wns.li d. as a canal dato for tha nnico ot County Commissioner, suoject to i no ruies oi in1) Democratic p-iny. COUNTY TltKASUHEIt. NATHAN MH.I.UK, of Main towmhlo. authorizes us to annouoeii his name as a ranrtl Uui for tho of fice of couuty Treasurer, subject to tho rules or tho PemocratU p irty. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. M'e oio authorized to auoounct the name of WJT U M S. l-'ISIIBII, of Main township, us a candidate ior i ouniy uouiiiub'.ioutr, suijeci. iu mo luies or tho Democra lo party. VCR ASSJCIATK JUDOE. Wn im authoilzed to announce lho tiamo ot SA.tC 1C. KII1UKUMIM. of llenton townfehlo. as a c.uiuiditlo for lho cfllcu of Associate Judfe.suUJect to mi) rules oi tnu uemocrauj p i 1 ly. Tho following officers of tho Grand Coinntandery, Knights Templar, were elected' and installed, at Scrautou, last week: llight Imminent Commander Georgo W. Kendrick, Jr., (advanced) V. E. Deputy Grand Commander, 15. Frank ISrenemaii (advanced); 15. Grand (ioneralissiino, CJharles W. iiatchelor (ad vanced); 15. Grand Captain-General, I5d win Mai tin (advanced from 15. Grand Sonior Warden): 15. Grand Prelate, Kov Addison V. C. Schonck (re elected): 15 Grand Senior Warden,. Toseph Alexander .lr.,(advanccd): J'v.lirand.lunior Warden Georgo S. Graham (elected); 15. Grand Treasurer, M. HichardsMuekle, (re-elected); 15. Grand Iecorder,Charlcs 15. Mey er (ro-clected.) In tho Houso at Harrisburg, on Wed nesday afternoon, Mr. Hazlet, ono of tho men denounced by tho Philadelphia Timet ns a "corrupt legislative rooster," mado a lively assault upon tho editor of that paper, in which ho accused him of being corrupt, both in his publiu mid private life. Mr. Huzlet had read ex tracts from different newspapers nbiising MoClure, and ended by challenging him to inako a Bpecifio charge of corrupt practice. Until such cliargo was made ho branded McCluro as "a liar, a black guard and tho hired defamer of honest men's names." Mr. Hazlet's effort ere. nted a sensation. HAYES ON WINKLING. Rutherford 15. Hayes lias been hoard from. He has been interviewed by a Herald reporter and stated that Mr. (Jonkling is a monomaniac on the sub ject of his own importance. Ho further remarked that Conklimr mado three at tempts to betray tho Republican party, one of which was tho Electoral Com mission. Hayes said "theio never would havo been a Potter Investigation Committee but for Coukliug. The Democrats were loath to go into it, and only did so at the earnest solicitation of Coukliug. I will not say hu falsified in this case, for I think he really believed that the men on that Louisiana Hoard had entered into a bargain forthesaloof that State, and Coukliug assured Southern Senators that I would,from very shame, leave tho Whito House in thirty days after the investigation had begun." If Hayes had vouchsafed all this in formation when Coukliug was still Sena tor, it would havo sounded better. As it is, his attack Btrongly brings to mind an interesting little story told by ono Aesop, iu winch a moribund lion and an excited animal of a less interesting type were principal actors. Whatever may be Mr. Conkling's faults, his contempt and aversion lor Hayes will not be count cd ns ono ot them. Had Hayes left tho Whito Houso "in thirty days after the investigation had begun," his place in history would havo been a sourco of greater pndo to his descendants than it will bo now, mid his utterances might havo inspired respect. Coukliug is un ilmilifn.llirvnm .mil n n-ii-!i lit lilit. In wnnlil not hnve occupied for four years an ofBce to winch ho was not elected. A very sanguine Philadelphia corres pondent ot tho plow lork world U ol opinion that thu rule of the political bosses is nearly nt an end iu l'hilndel iihin. Ho thinks that the severest blow triven to tho system is tho recent action . I !..... T f..M W 1 UIKCU llglliuofc uiiiurn luuiUiiuvD, 11 ji. Leeds and other (jus trustees, and pro diets that "with their removal lrom of lice which promises soon to take placo the overthtow of boss rule in Phila delphia will bu coinpletound the suprem jjey of tho people ouco more assured, and it 14 only leiisonuble to assume that not u siiigbj Don Cameron representative will bo returned to thu Legislature from the elty," Well, perhaps so, but wo should iavo mora faith iu tho prediction if it wh o possible to beljeyo that money no linger possessed puiplmsini power, that ballot-boxes could jjo longer bo iutfid Ullrii In fchm t, Udit lho nlh,U hsjl I ho nuijieWw)! hiilgo on tho Sinner. Wo .lotftfcoUoyo Ui nWU'irtuni h noim n ItVml Notice to lliosii Claiming Pensions. Wilt IlKl'lKTUIthT.AnjOTlNT-UEHIIKlL'S OPHIH. 1 WisuihUTOx, .May 10, lbil ivireuiur.j There being now pending in this do partmont jjreat numbers of volunteer pension claims, which cannot ho satisfac torily verified lor want ot information which missing records of discontinued volunteer commands would afford, and it having transpired iu many instances that olllcers of the late volunteer forces have still in their possession.or under their control, books and other records pertain ing to their corps, divisions, brigade)1, regiments, and comnaiiics.their attention is called to the fact that all such books and records should bo deposited witl this otlice, and they aro earnestly reques ted to cause the same to bo forwarded without delay to tho Adjutant-Gcnornl oi mo Army, ni v usuingiun, ivisvuuv oi Uolumbia. No expense, other than postago or pi opor express charges (when packages exceed iotir pounds, wu iimii tor iiiiiu parcels.) can bo paidby UiuUovcrnmont, In the interest of tho gieat number of widows, orphan, and disabled soldiers wiioso claims nro involved, lho news papers of tho country nro requested to givo lho suhstuncQ of this circular tho greatest Publicity, Hy order t U1X1 Secrolary of Wtu ' v -li. U DhUMi Itchlnc; Iluinors.Senly Humors, Jilood lltiinors speedily, periim- tiMitly and ceonotnieully ctireu when physicians ami all other mcthotlri l'ail. (.'utlcur.t llcsolvent. thonnw Illood l'urtncr. In ternally, Cutieura, n Medicinal .lot y, agisted tv thn Cutlcutn Medicinal and Toilet sonn, vxtcrnnllr, iihto jieiiorniu me mom miracuiou-i cures oi mn inc. f-cnly nnd Serotulous Humors ever recorded In medlonl annals. Ecsoma Rodort, V. it. PraVe. Ei . njent for Ilarncr and mothers. Dotrnlt. Mtch.. L'lves an nHtonlsiiliii? nccoiint nt his caso (Kczetna Uodent). which had hocn treated by a consu'tntlon ot ihyslclans without hrncllt, aLd siweiiuy yieiueu to ino i unsura iiemeuies, Salt Rhoum. Wilt McDonald. 5513 Dearborn Street Chlcncc. tfratttully ncknowledes a enruot salt Itheum on neao, neek,i.i'o,urnisaDi ics, iur covi-niccn jeari'; not ablo to walk excent, n i lmt.cU nnd kneos for ono vears notable to hiip hlmlt for eight years: tried hundrediot remedies; dictoMpronounced Ids cas.i nopeiess; poruiantniiy curcu uy tiio i-uucura i;tnt-dies. Ringworm (leo. W. llrown.44 Murshall streot.'1'rflvldence. Tt I., cured br Cul Icura luiiidill s of n Itlnvvrorm Hu mor BOtatthobarbor'A which spreid all over Ms car. n c ami fac urn! for tlx jcj'S resisted all Einus oi treatment. Skin Disease. SHERIFFS SALE. Ity virtue ct a writ of Vend. Ex, Issued out of tho Court ot Common l'lcas of Columbia county nnd to mo directed, will bo cxpofed to publlo ealo on tho premises at two o clock p. m on FltlDAY, JUMi 17th, 1881. All that cr-ttalnlotot (iround sltuato In Centrnlla llorough, bounded ni-diltBcribcd as follows: On tho north by nn alley, on lho cast by tot of Mary Kin ncll, on tlio south by Itallroad Avenue, and on tho west by l'axton street, containing twenty-nvo teci In front nnd ono hundred and forty feet In depth, whereon nro erected nto story framo dwelling hoUiO Slid other out-bultdlngs. Seized, taken tncxecutlon at .tiosult of Fraiik Itenti, Assignee, Ko., against ih9 Ccnlralla Mutual Sivlng fund Association, and, to bo sold as tho prop- eity ottho Centrnlu Muiuai saving runu Associa tion FiiEtzR k Mark, Attorncjs. U, 11, KST. Maya.t3 sheriff. H. A. Ktpete. lis.-!.. Chloairo. ill.. sass:"l will ssv that, bi'foro I usnd 0 itleur.i llempdlet I was In a fear- fill sute. and h id i-lveu un all hoim tit ever li.ivliu' any relief. They han-pi-ifiirmod a wonderful cute fo- mo aid ci my owiiiio J win ana accord i recommt uu thm." cutieura lK-medics nn prcpircii ny wbi:km POl'l KK. Cli-mistsnnd DriiifgiitJi, :wi Washlnclon street, llostou, nndf irs-ilebyalldnuirlsta. I'rlecs ofCutlrura aMedirl.ial .u-liy. smill buxcssi cnts inriio dii.xi r si. i-mieiiiaifnsoin'm, inn new niooa I'urllli-r per liotllo. rullciiru Medicinal 'rollt-t Hoap.seents, Cull.'iir.i McdH'Iml Miavln Soap; 15 cent-i tn liars for burbcrs Htid largo consumer,!-) contB. ah maneaireonn receipt, oipncn bend for illustrated ncjtiso on tn j N;ia. GRAND COMBINATION BLOOD, BRAIN AND NERVE FOODS. OF Malt Hitters derive their wonderful I Ifa.SuU.iln int l'rooertles lrom jiai.t. their OuIii'Iul' nnd Sleep- Fromotlng Inlluenco from noi'S their grand Tonic and lever kxpciiiiic roweis iro.u uAMdiVA. and tlvlr lilood-NourWiIng l'rlnclnls from ikon, which are four of tho u'rent-H I'.lood-I'roduecri and Life- (.'renting Klenieuts ever united In ono mc-dlclne. '-'or reucate f emales, Nursing jioiuers, and sickly cim urcu iiaic iiiuers arc supreme. Moiucierywuere, 3Inlt Hittm Company, lloitou, Maw courvs- Ono Collins' Voltaic Klec. tiiio I i.astkh. costing i!3 cent? VniTiir M'1'nteTeiftls'Ar!""'t"or to cv.-ry ouier VOUAIC 3Hajllit;i(iHI.,.ctilcal nn.illancn before the hi Ar-n iuIiIIo. 'I'heylnstar.tiv ivltevo via I S.'1" usi)jpl.i. l.lvcr complaint. Malaria, revor anil -uo and Kidney and Urlnii'y Dliticultles. and may ui worn over tho pltof tlio stcmarh, over tho ktdnevs or aov iilTerted part, I'rlco 2.T cents. Sold everywhere. WEKKHi; i-or-TElt, uoslon.Mass. d juneio-lm A UDITOK'SNOncU. 6(H) 1383 T3 00 11 00 to oo Ml DO Total. JI.S5161 Tim following orders lited during tho year aro still outstanding and unpnid: no 14 apiu u', . iiiciy,aiiciiuing in- KotW.febt-', so. S t steel, printing... noes, .Mar xi, -no, j.miaaii vuu lur poor iiourte M oM,.Mars7, "so, Tllllo Wagner wa. gcsnfjnald o on, Mar so, 'po, Bain'l Keller, muto I1UU1IIII ,. M t , o to, Mar an, 'so.nr McKlbbln, mcil lenl services llecelptof Danvlllo niyluni for kep- log insane paupers A KNLTAL ItKrOUT OV C,iiimiu1i:iiii To,viilili mill Centrnlln t'oor l)N. Irlel lor iiii 'iirrniiiiiff .iprn i im, .c. DAVID WALHlt, COLLECTOU. Dlt, To am't borough duplicate poo tax at r mills To am't iwp duplicate roor lax at iu mu.s CK. liynm'tof iinieato.l land tnxra. turned on borough duplicate. .. lly ain't of unsenNMi land tax re turned on Iwp duplicate lly iim't ot triors and ctonvr.1 llotiK on borough dupllcato lly iitn't ot errors and exonera tions on iwp duplicate lly nm't of reduction mado by court In (ilrard Kstn'o lly nm't of Collector's Comtnls tlon at 6 per cent lly nm't of b.tlanco put lu treasury $ s:i is t-SIGJ 10 I 10 97 139 S5 10 13 3 00 till S3 550 Oi 4TC7 7-1 -$ 3103 ll) DAVID WALSH, TIIBASUIHSK. 1)11. To nm't received from collector f i"07 73 To miit received from count Troi urcr unaoated land ta... 233 -17 To utn't ot bil ineo du-j Treasurer 2 M J 0053 C3 Cll liynm't ofpvr crdr.i redeemed andcaiiiviled Jlvumt iif ireaieur'a comtnls Inn l.r iiiirci.rit $ MM C3 DAVID WAUlt Collector cf Special Tax Dlt. TO im't. cf sreclal poor dupllcalo ot borough at, 1 mill To am'tol up clal poor dJpllctto ot tp t a mills To iim't i f uns-ntod hnd tnx le eched from County Tieasmer. $ iXl CI 101 02 ; in so SI1C 97 fit. llv nm't of unseated land tax re turned on boioiuli dupll. utu ... lly nm't of unseated UK return e l n i tiiwiiMitpilupuuitu...... Uy nm't of erio 8 and exonera tions on horo duplicate Ilv am't ot errors ami exonera tions on ttvp duplicate liy nm't ot itductlon mado by court. tn (Itrard estate lly ain't of collector's commission at o per cent lly am't pUd Wm Krlckbaum l'rotuy Sept. r, If-sJ lly am't paid Wm. Krlckbaum 1'rothvDeo. 7, I'M) lly nm't paid order of lMtvnrd (ieraty rorservlees ns steward order being dated April 0, 1s7i Uyam'tot tre.nui'er's commis sion nr, t p'l' cent By bal due lho district 141 71 1 2 Is 20'J 31 3 l l 1 Cll 1S7 2 110 SO 1 000 00 COO CO ess oo 14 75 1(17 07 170! SO - 2701 Wo thn undersigned auditors of Columbia county nereny certify mat wo nave exannneu inu ioreguiutr uccoutitanu una u corrjei as uojo bt-v uuu s.ino paupers No 7J, April Co, 'h llrldget (lernty.at- tending Insino paupers No id, April 80, so, Mrs John t lenity, niienuingmsino paupers o 00, Mnr to, 'so, Dr Vnstlnc, medi cine, no Uo 02, Mar so.Xi.l' E Duck, hardware, t-io No 103,Atijf T,'6i,l D iluck, hardware, elo No IU, AugSJ.w.lmrkert nro.cofllna ro in. pepi in, w, u it Aiurpuy,muso for d.stnot ' ! No 12.1, Sept lo.'sfl,!' i: iitick.hardwnro aii i vi. acpt iu, -mi, u ii milliard, muso fordl'trlct No ml, net 2, 'so, Lebanon Mutual insnranco co itisuranco No H7, Oct 2, M, o Jlurphy, rndso loi tnaiiiui i. No 131, Oct 2, 'ijj.Ur Vasiloo mdso medicine No 183, Oct 2. no. Vastino A Mears prof services nnd medlclno No 137, Oct 2 J, w, i-1' nurkc.servlces nscicrK H No If, Oct 22, 'W, 1' i' llurl;c,scrvlco3 as clerk No I3n, Oct po, 'R.1,1' K liuck.hardwaro No 143, oct so, 'so, A ltlciy, atutdlng n (iiooons No Ito, 1ieo4, W renter, keeping vagrants No 1SI, Heo 4, 'so.iihorbach A; Co llm J No 3, Dec 23, 'so, Dr Lnslicll.prof ser No4, Dec 23. 'so. (1 W DaMi.palnt.ctc o n.iii-o " LiaTis.meuieine.so No o, .Ian o, 'HI. K II Meorehend & Co . Na 8..Inn S.'H.KnorrADanli'ls.brcf .Vo No W, Jan i.'sl, JInnt Veager,rep.ilr- Ing Inrm.si No 13, J. n m, 'si.wm l'eirrer, coil and M'l-ping viigrnnLi No ll. Jan 8, 1, Thos (leraty, coal and haullntf No!. .lan 15, S0O V Millard, mdso iur uisinct Nol0,Jan2J, 'si, Wm Hryson, ntt'y services No 17, Jan 22, Ml, Wm liryioo, ntt'y EiL'l IUL", . , . t m No 19. Feb 1'. 'SI. I. A Kllev A: co.coil No 2i, I''ib is, 'si, Ed roy,strvlces ron No 22 l'eb is, 'si, Mrs ouitey, room ictit on account No 21, Mar6,'jI,Wm 1'einer, keeping vagrants No2, Mnr s, 'si, UP l'olk.smilhwork No so. Mar c, 'si, Samuel Keller, ser- MecsHIO as steward In full No SI. M ir 2,,'M,.T 1 stctfl.order book No 31. M ir 2), '-il.Ur l.s'ie!l, prof sor No 37. Mar 2'l.'9t.() (1 Miirnliv.li'2-ul x-r Noli-, Mar 20, 'ai, c 1 Murphy, mda iur umiriui.. , ., No ". Apr2. '79. 1) V curry, services No 47, pr 2, 'siM' V Durke, salary as ciciKimuiitor'so Total orders ouUitandlns of UtO " " l7tf " " 1 7S ' " 1S77 Total orders outstanding at date i.ni L uuu lor uuuciiieu oius a; uaio... Total IndeMednf ss nt date amount orders issued during lastiilscal Deduct orders lusued during last fiscal ,-mir iur uu:s Louiraeieu previous to that jcar Net arn't bills contracted last year for which orders are N3ued Net. am t of bllli contracted last year for which no orders havc jet Leon issued nnd are before called unsettled bills Totnl expenditures of last venr including inn i paiu lor nocK.iann improvements nnd all other expenses 13,521 Account.f c. O. Murphy, Collector and Treasurer 111 I9I-J. Toam't rrcclved from John 1'urcoll uaiancoQuo uistiictas per lust statement, potr balinco nue district as per last statement, special WM. L. MANNINtl, 1 s. k. smith. y C. II. SECSilOLTZ, I County Auditors. ESTATE Oi-JOUN BOSTON, DECKiStO. Tho underslgrcd auditor appointed by lho Or phans' uourtot co:umoin county, mano oistnou lion of thn funds In tnu hands of tho ndmlnMra tors of said decedent, to and among too parties enti tled thereto, will sit at tho ofllce of Geo. K. Elwell, Ksi , la the town of llloomsburg, on Saturday, the sixteenth day ot July, 1-si, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, at which tltno and place nil persons hav ing claims against said estate must appear and pre sent tho same or bo debarred from uny share ot said fund. V. I'.llILLMKYBIt, Juno 10-c w Auditor Olil'IIANS' COURT SALE Of VALUAI1LE Keal E si safe I T'Ott ASSOCIATK JUlKlli. Wo nro nulhorl."d to uunnunco tho name of J. AUI, KltltY. of Heaver tnwnshln. us a candidal fur Afsoclalo Judge, bubject to thu rules of tho JJCH11K.-IUUU puny. ItKOlSl lilt AND nucoitDEit. JIICIIA EL P. KVUltLY. of IHoom -burg, nuthorl.es us to ntinoutico Idi namo ns n candl Into for tlio of Ilconl Ueirlslcmnil Ueeorder. ulil'Ct to Ulu Cecls- lou uf lliv Democratlo County C intention. COUN'IY CtftlMISSIONEIt. Wo are authnitiod to ii'inouni-) tha namo of i MILLS HKlCllAltr. of Main Lownsliln. nan can- dldatofiir lho t'llleu oi County ConimHiloner. sub JtUtoihodcclsljiiot thu Uemocralio convention COUNTY TUKASUItKIt. Wo are authorized ti nunounco tho narno of .TAMl-'H KlKfKK.of Main to-vnsliln. ns a candidate for thu olllco of Couu'y Treasurer, suoject tho rulou ot tho Democratlo party. COUNTY TltKASUHEIt. Wu am nuthoi In-ill to nunounco tlio namo of A. M. JOHNS iN, or I oo 1st township le, a oaiidliUtu for lho ofilca ot Couuty Treasurer, sabject to tho rules of tho Democratlo parly. ' COUNTY COMMISSIONED. Wo nro nut horDed to announce tho name of U. V RDIIMt. nr flahlngcreek iokUiIiId, ns aeandldato forlhoonico ot Couuty CoinuilUiunir, subject to thu rules uf tho Democratlo party. NOTICE Is hereby clven that an application will bo mado to tlio Ilonorablo William Klwill. Judgo ot tnu Court of Common Pleas, of thu County ot uoiuwum, on i-riuay. inu ihl uay oi tiuiy, n. u., issi.fo.'a Charter to incorporuto a .Mutual Aid So ciety fur unmarried .persona In tho Town o. llloomsburg. i. if. nun i uuu, i .1011 PSVCOOK. Vjcom. L.S. WINTlSIiSl'EKNj Juno 10, 'SI.3W EXEUUTOKS1 SALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! The undersigned executors of Samuel HlulTer, Sr., latu ot the town cf llloomsburg, In tho County of Columbia, deceased, will exposu to sale upon tho premises on Thursday, June 30, 1881, beginning at 10 o tlock, a. in. lho following TUACT8 It LAND. No. l.kiown as tho HOMESTEAD FA KM, situ ate la East lllMtmsburg, ooenly utoresald, bounded and dtbcrlbcd as follows, to win Hounded on tha n'rth by I'lsulngcieclc, on lho south by other lands of s.ild Samuel Sua If jr. thi race of tho Uloomsburg Iron Compaoy being th i dividing lino, and on tho west by said Klshlngcroek, containing 141 AORES AND PEROIIES. No. 2, tUuaUi in East llloomsburg aforesaid, bounded and described ai lotions, to wit: Hounded on tbo north by other lauds ot said Samuel Eharter, deceased, the raco ot tho llloomsburg Iron Company being thu dividing lino, on tho eist by Klshlugcreek uud Unds of Manilas Sh titer, on tho eoutli by lands of John (1. Kreez;, Ksi) , and on lho west by publlo road leadlug from Uio jmsburg l ilt. 1'Icasant, con tuning UU Acres and 1-17 Perthes. Tbo above tracts cf lanl aro lo a high btatoot cultivation and tip to are erected thereon, HOUSES HAHNS, und other out-buEdlfigs Inn good state ot repair. These tracts will Lo sold subject to such rosorva lions ODd exceptions as are hid and mado by the llloomsburg Iron Company la deed to sail Samuel Winner. doJcasod, Thi executors also reseivo all grain In tho ground, growing crops and personal property upon the prem. Eos. Tit ll MS OV SAME -Ten per cent, it one-fourth of tDe purchase money lobu paid at the striking down ot the propertli the ono-fourth less the ten percent, April 1st, ns : oiic-lialf c r the remaining thrto fourlhs Apill l,1kS3, cn-1 the remaining one halt of the tbrt-fourllu April 1, !WI, Willi Interest from April 1st, IMI, on di f. rrwl payments, payable annually, unpaid purthsse tnbuuy to be secured by bond and ruorigAgu, Doed and iatrtgugc to bo bo pall tor by puicUa r l-wsa(iu win to given Apm it, iv. Orler-i redeemed In detail. No 74, April in, lso, Samuel Keller money paid farm hands No 77 April 3j,'sii o o Murphy making annual statement No 7S, April no, lsio, Mrs James Swee ney making hroud3 No TJ, April Sj, 1V-0, ltiChard Proctor surgery No so, May 15, 1SSJ, ElrtellA; UltU-r-bender publishing stot merit.. No 81. May 15, isso, llobsrt Fnrrel ln.ir,ltrnT ttplr rmllnpr-l.. No 82, May l, isio, bavld Walsh ser vices as uirecior.. By virtue of an order Issued out of tho Orphans Court ot Columbia county, lho unJeislgned admin istrator of tho estato of I'll 1 ll p Ml"cr, deceased, will expose to public sal on thu premises In Centra township, on SATURDAY, JUNK 2m, 1SS1, at two o'clock p. in., tho fo"ow!nj described real estato. to-wlt: UJTN03, Bltuatfl la Centre township aforesaid, bounded and descilujd as follows: on tho west by l.indof James Oiri, and on lho south by lot of lien- Jaintu .Miller, on tho east by purpai t No. r, and ou tho north by purpart No. containing Ono Hundred and Seventy.nluo Porches. LOT No. B, tltunto In Centra to.vnship aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: On tho west by purparts Nos 3 and 4, and lot of liCDjimln Miller, on tho south bv pu ,miiNo. I, on tho east by pur part No. t, and on tho north by purpart No. 2, con taining TWO ACHES and llfty-nlao perches Lui nu. u, KiLuau; iu ieiuro lovvnsiiip, aiorcsaid, boundod on thu west, south, east and north by pur- Iut83.3, 1, 7 and 2, resoectlvcly, containing TkVO ACHLS and llity-nlno perehea. LOT NO. 7, sltiu'o In Centre township, aforesaid, bounded on tho west, south, cast and norlhby pur parts Nos. c, I, s ant 2 respectively, containing TWO ACltKS and tlttv-nlno peicher. lu i .mi. u, K'uiaui iu I'cmru lewnsiiip, aforesaid. bounded on the north, west and south by purparts N')s.2, sun 11 respectively, nnd tho cast by pur parts Nos. 11 and li, and lot cf Andrew Olngles and John V. Shuman, c jnta'Ung TWO A CUES and llfty-Blnn percnoa. mi an. iu., siiuaw in tcmro townsnip, niorc- sald, bounded on tho north, cast and south by pur parts No. land 2, and on tho west by pu-pe'ls Nos. II and 12, and by lot of Andrew Uhijlcsand John W. Miuman, coiituIilrgTWO ACUES undllt-ty-nlno perches. mi- nu. ii, siiiiaiu in la-niro lownHuiproresaid, boundoi on tho west, north and uist by purparts Nos. 9, t and 10 respectively, and un the south by lot of Andrew (jingles and John W, Shuman, con taining Fifty Perches lot :su. i:, Hiiuaiu in centre townsuip.atorcsild. bounded on th north by tho Lackawanna and llloomsburg rallroad.on tho east, south nnd west by purparts, Nos. 10, land P. respectively, containing Fifty Perches. lot mi. ij, situate in Main townsb'p, county atjresild.biundedoutho north" by thoSusiiuelunna river, on lho oast and south by lands now or lato cf tho heirs of oeorge Longeuberger, deceased, and or. tho west by lands of , containing 112 ACRES, and lltty-two perches. LOT NO, lO, a WIIAItF LOT, 6ltuato In tho slllngo of Espy, Columbia couuty, aforesaid, adjoining tho North llranch Canal on tlio south, an alloy on tho north, and Market street In said town on tho west, containing about thieo-fourihs of a square perch. Also, tha uufllvlaed one-third of tho following des cribed pleco or parcel of bind situate In Centre township (recovered by cj jctment against Lovi Mill er to No. SI, December Term, IS72, Hiico tho death of riilllpMHIei), bound.'d and described as folluws, to wit: Beginning at a stone, corner of land ot Mel- ancthon liakcr.luonco north thirty degrees and ten minutes west by land of I'hllip Miller ono hundred and live perches to ustono, thenco by quarry lots oi C (l. Kick atts north sixty-live nnd three-quarter do- grees east aoventy-ono and four tenths perches to a stono, thonce by land ot Nathaniel L. Camp. bell souta tinny degrees aud ten ir inutes east nine- ty-two and seven-tenths perches to a ttono, thenco by lot of Joibua Webb south blxty-soven and one-nuartor degroos west twenty-llvo and thiec-tonths perches to a stone, thence by land of the same south east perchos to a stone, tho northorn corner of aforesaid landot Melanctbin lidkor; thence by said laud south sixty-seven and one-quarter degreos west forty-six and thrto-tenths perches to tho placo ot beginning, containing Forty-four Acres and ono hundred and fifty-three percr.es of land, neat measure. TEHSIH oi'SLE.-Ten per cent, ct tho one fourth tt tho purchase money lo bo paid at the strl king down ot the property; the one fourth less the ten per cent, at tho confirmation of sale, nnd tho nmalnlng three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from conllrmallon nisi. 1'uichnscrcrpur. cuasers to pay ur deed or iiuudi. UKNJAMIS MILLED, Junes.ta Administrator, A DM l N 1ST It A TOHVS NOT1CK. JVftt Jb-4 WU,v,IAl W'lAfi'itlvV . K.TAIIlOI'HINiAlllN IIKPBRUUTII, USTKISIP, Litters of admlnlitratton on tho estate of Iicnjunln i.'uuuiiuuuiauwi'i voiiMigiHm iwp, uoiuinoiaco, '.raoed, have Oeenuranlud by the Ileglsterof sal county lo the unders gnud adiululstraUr..MI persons unviiiK i;iiiiiiiai uaiusi, uio U-UIU1 OI bum are requested to present them for settlement and mono inuouieu to (lie estate lamiiko Pi) uuderstgnud administrator without, dolu decedent moot to l he :. W. Miu.ih, Attorney. May 0, SMrt ' the estate lamako luir wiiuoui. uiuuy. IHAAU LlNDEMMllril Admlalslrator. I'lO.itlugtowp, t'tf Tlio Man Who Spends Money For ndvertldng In bowipaira In tli"sa times without nrt libtalnliig uu ittlicnto or (lEo. ', HOW HI.L&lli'H Newnpniur AdvurtUlHK UUrvini.Na. luNpruoi mrwt. New Votk uikslv to pay tie b r wlifctiA'ulitbo obtained for. Michiuli'VaiMi niu roriiUbvM lofciraripiiaiiiira l-r-niv send w vwat, Mr limopwu pamph'vt, iHlittnillx,talvi.ierkil..ti auv ronjiMU'As. t juid tv-1 No Mi, May 15, lS'O.Tliomas Gallagher services as director No si May 16, ism), 1'F liurlc salary as clerk Nopj, Mav 15, IShi, I) Wnlih services as director NoMS.Mayls, ipso.'I homns Oallagher services as director No 87, May 15, isso, S 1" Lcvan shoata andclovcrseed No ). May 20,lSiO, Charles strausser carpenter woik No S3, May 29. 'oo, Wm I'elfTu keep ing vagrants No ai, Aioy so, isso, v F Uunt room rent No V3, Juno 20, IsiO.llurk & tiros, cot- Uns No HI, Juno 2!), ISSO, W. II. Bright ngt lumber No iij, July 3, isso, Jumes Djko sup plies for poor houso No iw, July 3 issi. (leu W Davis melt- ic'.nosn'i puppnes No 07, Jul3, isso. DF Curry liorso lino nnu Keeping rugranis No July 3, lss'i.ThOa ChapmAU ser- vlcu as drector No Joo, August 7, USO.Dr owecs prot services No loi, Aiigu3t 7, lsro, Dr Owens rref BCniCI'H No 102, August 7, 1SMJ, W K Wcldeu saul honM hlto No. tel. August 7, isso, XT Donehoo staiioni'iv Nolo,, Attgu3l7,lsS0, Casper llhawn clothing No ino, August 7, 16su,l)r Lashell prot services No 107, August 7. '6.50, John Mohan and othersdlgglnggruve No to?, Aug 7, 'to, J C brown publish ing statement No lu3, August 7, ISsi), Locust twp tui tion for paupers No 110, August 7, ISsO, C U Secsholtz strawberry plants No lll.sept 4,isso. A lll-'oimer tin ware and sundries No ll'J.Sept 4,lsso,Samuel Kcil Jr sun dries bougut for ptor houso No 114, Sept 4, ls-,0, John II stokes work on farm No 115. sept 4, tbio, John HI Ig sun dries for poor houso No no, sept 4, Uso.U'wls Miller work on f.rm No It", Sept 4, 1So, K 1) Kurtz smtth work No til), sept, 4, tsso.M Llllllg repair ing wagon No I2i), sepr,4, issn, Knorr & Daniels sundries for poor housu Nn 122, hept 4 1 vo, c a Murphy mdso for poor district No 125, bept 10. isso, (! W Davis med icines etc - Ho I2j, Oct 2, isso, Wm Cleaver lum ber : No 120, oct 2, isso, Dr Lrishcli medical services No 180, Oct 2. 1m), J 1 sicel bill headi No 131, (ict 2, IS-jO, Jackson Seechrlst harness Notsi, oct'.', isso. Wm Finl: smith work. No, 131, Oct 2 isso, Thos Chapman ten Ices as director No 130, oct 2,1S!-o. sam'l Keller Bal. as steward , No 140, Oct 30, IBso, D C Mack mdso for poor district No 141, oct so, isso, sjkes ti Jones coal No 142, oct 30,is.-n,i)anlcl Heaver coal No 141, Nov 0, ISfU.Lowls l'ltuer work on farm No 115, Novo, isso, li i Folk wheel vi li;h t Nov 140.NOV 8,19SJ,Saml ltelnbold shoo mending No l47,Nuvc. lbso.ciinrloibtiauaser painting at poor house No 14. Nov o, issc W K Weldensaul BCrvici'S rendered No U9, Deo 4, isso, w a lirlght ngt lumber No 152, Deo SJ isso, A U Former hard vvaro etc No '.Deo V3, 'so, W K Weldensaul horse hire No 2, 1110 23,1850,0 W Couover wheel wright No 7, Jan 8. '.-H.John lllllg elder No I) Jan ,'td,ThOH Mil er 2 hols cider No Pi, Jan 8, 81 .Ino L Kllne,pots,na No 11, Jans, 'si, Charles C lick llmo No, 19 Feb H.'SI.Jau Dj ke.stipplles tor poor lllMHO No), Feb is, 'so, Wm lleibert mdso for lK'Or dlstiict No 23 Vlarchs.'eWIIcnrylbuver.smtth work No 25 March 5, si, Jos Hughes utt'ilg It (Unions No 2il,Mareli fl. t, Daniel lieaver.co il No 27, Mar 5, "si.sam'l Kcl!cr,sUward No 29, " No si Mar !U.'I,I)urko k Ilros colTIns Nn S3, Mar 20, hi, Thos ueiaty, horto hire No 31, March 20, '71, I'iU Malonuy uod others, ill.'i;! g graves No 35, March , l, W K Weldensaul lurso Into No 9, Apr W s , Jas lllely for cow. No 40, Apr 2,'8l.l)rOweni prot survlco No 4 , April 2, 'si, li Huiili, mouey advanced tor dlstrlel Nn 42,Aprll 2. ''1,-luu Mo un fur (hoes No 43, API 112. '7l,.liin McNally tin cow No ll. April t, si, Mis Diurliy room rent' No 4.J,.prll ;','8l,l' P liurke.sal'y cleric Orders of previous joars redeemed, No 49, Mar 5, 'I, Kd Kurt smith work No hi May 4. 7-,uil vl l inl,l;l i-l. ... No 93 Sep li.'Ts, I .rl-ihell med HrMco No lu5Sep 13, 'f-i, Kiubiiu 1'ahrlnger, sweating piuners, tw No 130. ino 7,' h, wm cieavcr.lumber No 1(1 Feb 28, Tj.IIuiUii i: liro Collins No a, M v 22, '79, D rt al.u, sei vices us director No 1 2, Mav Kl.TO.Dr McKlbbln mcdscr No l9,July 15,'7u,o E Jlytiu pubiUhn'g stntement No 24, Aug o, '79, Johu I, Kllne.i'Oal.. No 95, Ug 80, 79,Dr Lanliell prut Mr No 29, Aug a , 7, Thus ((eraty, hoiuj Jill u No 3, Sept is '7i, Chas 0 Rck, lime... No 40,Oct H 1 Ur McK bblu mod ser No 41 oct s, '7, Juhauua ot'onmr, horse hire No 44. Out 24, IV Wm Fink smith work ,.., No 6u. Nov I, 'IV, U J I'olers, agt Irutt treea o m, ikio ,T, v, Himon Feltormaa, ruiiuiivH NO 6i. IkK) 2 uMI biulll,f Nu 64 J k oil, till MaUmik-uIcIoo Ko CI dan si, Tt.uii UU&pmm.uii-- M xm tU . ....,.,. ... 22 H 13 00 5 OO 25 00 30 00 45 CO 100 05 1(H) OO 15 00 130 to 02 0() 21 00 44 Oil 12 Ci 40 00 81 00 24 00 43 49 20 3 45 2! 30 00 23 CO 21 tn 40 HI) 2 7 S3 0! 33 00 C, 00 30 00 15 00 10 00 292 IS 00 22 C3 5 00 1 23 5 7: 1 c 17 .'lV.'ll.M CUiUjiuu.COaI 2 60 43 S .10 SS 50 1(0 a o o 3 IS 10 21 7 00 10 s 12 .'I 0 0 10 45 31 S 1 15 11 200 lU'l 40 41 4 I 25 5 67 34 30 23 I 37 500 20 47 24 57 100 00 S5 0U 2 50 21 87 WIO 21 Ul (') lu ICOJ UtO 11)00 MOO lit) WOO ooo 4 tO 4 50 ce ll ii 23 77 MOO too 00 25 23 IM OO tO 5) f714 717 114 CO CO 00 430(1 25 02 43 W 4 70 14 40 (ID 60 17(15 52 61 (3 31 10 19 9 25 7 03 21 CO 350 52 50 00 20 00 18 23 14 00 10 00 7 00 0)1) 100 00 4' 71 7 It 00 tCS 3 COJ 73 03 3,8! 20 fui ;i 1.500 : 1,141 00 (1417 69 8,20(1 67 9,744 10 10,291 8J (1,0 31 SO J2.200 13 3,2C0 6' Clt. llyr-n'tpdCo. Auditors ns rer re- ct-ipi. cauceiieu ' nm't paid Judgmcntof CM Vanacr dersllce on docKet of 0 (1 Murphy with Interests nnd costs ' nm't paid Judgment of C M Vandcr- dcrsuu-j on (iockci oi u i Jlurphy miiuuiuK luieiesi. iiuii eu.is t!90 02 II? Ill " nm't paid Judgment otc (1 Murphy uuiunieu in euuri. iur t-ya togetnt wr,n interest nnii costs cr " nm't paid Judgment of c (l Mitr x by being No 237 of Dec. T, l'i7 with Interest and cosls "nm't paid Judgment to Ed Mr phj's use now In court for73,debt, Into'cstandcosts " um't ot balance still duo tho dlst $5000 143 20 W. A. MAItlt, Attorney. To nm't paid hlralast settlement by 'liiomai unapmpn.iato Treasurer In liquidation ct his balance ?i:.o (o iij uiiiLuuu in .v .nun iur over paym I 23 OHO 811 f 19(10! Dlt. 1130 23 CIC. lly the follow lng orders cancelled nnd redeemed: Nc. 11 Muieli SO 'so to Thcma3 Ualln- ghcr. servlc s as director 150 00 ill October 4, '.s to l'EI)uU:,hard- ware, ,vc. 40 00 " 89. October s, '79, to P E Euck.hard- ware, ,tc. 49 13 " 02, Feb. 23, 'so, to r E Duck, hard- waie, &c. llio f ISO TIIOH. CHAPMAN, Treasurer, 1S73 D li. To am't balance due dlst at last settlement 19l Clt. Dynm'totorder Issued Apill 2), 1S.3I for ser vices during lost j ear ns director on acct. presented and cancelled by us 104 1 Wo further tlml tho following balances duo this runr iiisuiei uy 'no pnicers u:iml: Duo by Neal Lenlli.in.collecMr fur ; i ' " " Hiotims (leraly.for E carley treasu- 1 1 1-1 nr 1175 " " I'at. Durke. treasurer of '70 ' ' ! hum Dally, tioss'irei-ot '77 " " C (I Murphy, treasurer '79 " "luwld Wahh, collector ot special tax of si Wu also find duo M David Walsh, treasurer ot lSsO urn sum ci ti iii as per roregoiug statement. We. lho uiideiHluned Auditors of Columbln conn tv, Imvo duly examined llm fotegnlng accounts, nnd 11 ml tnnhulMiCQ duabynndto tho several olllcers nunvi'immeu, correct as set opposite their rcspec- WM. I, MANNINO, i. 1-.. n.ii i i ii, C. U. SEESIIOI. A J r I V, 12 1SSI, Census of Poor Houso Aprd 1, 1S31. Number it Inmates March 31, 'so " ndmllted auili.g lho jear " dls-jliargedauil uoseond -d during yr " leiiinluuiL" In houso Atu II i.si V do reo- inmend that lho lio.ii it of poor Directors no pn eeui in iniiKo inn uecessnry repairs to sa d poor houn', v lit: To ralso tho rear part of said houso uu in wju iru wuu mo iiiuiii uuuaing, put a now ruof on the entire structure, a us to make It corro. t ond with tho balance tt tho building, nnduso the in cessary discretion In regaid to light nndveullla Hon. 'I ho oi, tiro cost not to exceed seven hundred uuu nity aoimrs lor sam improvements, Inventory of real estate, stock, produce, etc., taken uiu nisi, ua uiuiuiuitij , 1331. KE 41. INSTATE. NINO, ILTZ, ) 1957 130 S3 S 107 Auditors. fl.HW 2(0 l.r.oi) SOU 350 75 05 72 ncrcs of land, ' llachman Tract" 0 ncres of land, "William Miller Tract' 1 dwelling houso 1 bank barn 1 wagon Hied 1 corn crib 1 coal and woodshed CKBSONAL I'KOI'EIiTV, Ono hay rnko " thrishlr.g machine " wind mill " cutting box " two (2) horso sprliiif wagon " " wagon " cartlago Thi eo set of harness !.no bob s'o 1 plough " hoo harrow " corn plough Two t-cjthes Three garden rukes One gtaln drill " s"t (t c.iirlago harness " wheel banow , 11 cultivator two () ho.'so sleigh reaper arotk. Threo horses sou 5 :io 50 15 25 5 00 7 6 2 75 3D 1 7 20 SO Four euwi.. Two In Uers . Ten sholca .... 120 40 100 .asrnsroxjisraia j CB AT CLOSING SALE ODE1 SEASONABLE DRY GOODS Which conunenco -May 2(lthiiml will coiiliiino (lining JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. After n lilahly successful Benson tho last tlnys of Jlay liml us with n stock nggregating about A MILLION OF DOLLARS ami much loo largo in certain description!- of goods, which, though seasonable runt lily desirable- now, may not bo so another season. Arrangements for the Future looking to the extension of our business nnd thu enlargement of facilities for its convenient transaction, also render it desirable tiiat this stock should bu speedily and greatly reduced. Wo propose, tlierelore, to otter extensive- ami v.ery uiiiisiini imiiicismcuis to the nconlo to take from us diirin-r the next ninety days tho greater portion of tho above amount. The bargains offered are in in every one of our Thirst-Four Departments. Our orirntiiznlion nnd nmeliinnrv for tho ranid distribution of Inrco quantities of goods smoothly nnd satisfactorily arc believed to bo unsurpassed in the Ameri can market but no effort shall bo spared lo (strengthen them and add to their elli ciency during tho pressure of this CLOSING SALE. Kverv person within reach ot I'liilatlelpliia and liaving dry goons to ouy snoiiiti visit ns'iii person during tho continuation of this sale.but thoso who nro unable to leave homo can riveivu their supplies nt tlio marked down prices through tho ."MAIL OWDKU DEPARTMENT. IKKTSKIIOt.ll FPHNITDKIt. Ten beds ami bedding on upper floor loo no l-ou'n " ' ncond Uoor 70 00 cour iu nvo rooon cooo 1 nree con- ing stoves 25 no line neaung suivo 5 " round table 300 lounge 10110 "win ma desk 000 " ilo.en cuinm-iu chairs a no jdozeit c un bottom chairs 400 unecupuo.m 300 sink a go Threo bid room standi 410 " lui'kli.gglasiHo j no TttoMiclwi.UMes sui one falling leaf lublu sua Thlny yaius Ingrain carpet 15 00 . 1 UOUtCE IU13EII O.N KAK1I. ni tup lieli of rye 4575 13 UUM1IU1 Ll M lieiii ,., 2C5 bushel 4 1 if oats 100 bushels (f potatoes 41 bushi-ls of buckwheat , Mo bmlulsi'leirn lu ems 2J bu'h-'is, f tiiinlps , 5 bu-hels uf beet-i 4 bushels of onlous , 1 btllhel uf boll"K v tons of com fodder ticusi.fhiy 1 him head if e (tillage KVI pullll Is ol beef inn p'liinds of purk bo poultry I'BOUl'CS ON 1IANII JlNPAllV 1ST, tSSI. 3 torn of hay , 1 tonsi f ,-i rn fodder 0 tOllS ( t Kli-IIW 10 b iHlielsof rje 70buh'-lii( wlieni.,,., fOSDbS 00 00 40 00 7100 7 60 ,'70 00 C5 00 101 bu hels id 0 Is . no bushel- 01 corn In ears ,., us 41 Wlhmlieliof li'ickvihQat ..,,,. . 10 00 70bUhCrtuf pulutuul,, .,..,.,....,, 1500 lu hiihi!lanf 1 1 ni 11 1 so Inobeudiof lie luge, sco 2 bull" Isiif sauei Maul,. (ouo 21Upouudso( beo" , j.u Wu pounds of pork , fa n l-ouiiry. hi ijfcji 1 borrelct vlnetjAr ... ,,, suu HUGO vt do hereby ortlfj thtforfgolou lUtomont to bo coi roct to Uio Lwst oi our kuo ledge ui belief, NViu. I, MANNINO, ,kft.tSi.Ii!oa A1ICSH V, 11. J'VUI'UV, I ICIV, lAluit tovrtiKutp, AJ1U W, ti. 10,1 AUultorii STB&WBBIDCE & CLOTHIER, MARKET STREET TO FILBERT. H. W. COR. EIGHTH STREET, I Chestnut St. V Upon receipt i f;i portal card, spe cifying tlio kind of j'oocki wanted, vc inir.icdmtv'y rciul 1 y mail, gratuilously, with widths and prica v. rlccil, camples of Market St Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. showing t!ic latest stylci, and cnalilln a iiurcliascr iu any part of the United Sla'-cs to select satisfactorily, and order the goods convenie uly, with certainty of receiving only what are sent for, and at precisely the same prices paid by city customers who buy at our counters. If, upon examination nt home, any articles fail to be as expected, wc request their return, and send others in exchange, or refund tho money at ence if the purchaser prefers. Our New Spring; Catalogue embracing all the departments in one large book, with a' system of ordering ods by letter more convenient than any heretofore, will bo mailed, without charge, to those who send us a postal card containing name, town, county, and state: nothing further i.i necessary, wc will under stand what is wanted. Our ctocl:, which forms the greatest variety in one establishment in the United States, includes Ladies' Suits, Shawls, Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, Laces, Embroideries, Shoes, Linens, Gentlemen's Cloth ing, llousekcepincr Coods, China, Silverware, Furniture, Carpets, etc. Address, n PHILADELPHIA. 13th "r :or? I-""1 t1c C.rai'il Peprt, nrcuple llicl.VickntTMr. 1 x 1 t.inl JI ir.N.t Si ' if I i..ttiu,i ...1 u II bub tlir-tt r''i ihurwund Hour &Ioik. City iiall Square G. IB. JBOBBIITS, (StrCCHSSOH. KSO X). W. KODBinS,) 35HAli33R IW I'lnc ttrandlcs, AVIilslttt'M, CiiiiM, limns, tinil all Kinds ol'IVliicw con- tuntly 011 iiaiiil. L11P0UTEI) ALUS AND l'UHTEKS IN UOTTLIiS BY THE DOZEN. Landlords IhroiiHliout the county will find it to their iulvanlnge lo call and examine my stcck beloie pin chasing elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Maia Street, 2nd Door below Iron. July9,'so-ly HaRDfflfiEJ M IK m.4 PIAlsTOS A FINE INLAID FRKJfOII WALNUT 0ASH 0IUJAN, 1) STOP'd $!)( UASH Knsy Terms. SiUlslUclJon 3iiniantLuil ,IIAIJ' Ilr-00K. WlLnES.JATTtT1 PA. M Juno lo, 'si.iy SALE, ' onniAxs couijT ov vai-uaiiij: REAL ESTATE! I'ursuaiu, to an oiiler of tl.o Or lmns' Court ot Co lurabla county, I'a., win be kon nt publlo salo on tho premises lu tnu township of Main, in &ald county on RATUKDAY, JULY 2, 1SS1, at two o'clock p, in,, lho rollowlni; it jscriboa real (. tatf.Ulu of (leorgo llollenbacl;, Uecodsoil, to-lt' Mtuato in ualil Main lowwhlp, ColunibU county' l'maijlvaiila, bnunilcil 1 limber Jiicob Kcnsier! mai her. Duiili-l anil William S. rM.tr, Joseph Hart, zel nail ot'.iori. contalnlns 2P1FTY ACRES moro or lets, wheroou mo el ected a new Two-story Framo Houeo, Dank Barn, auu all necessaiy out-bullllngi cjso a l-boU Snrlnc of Wa'cr, Al'I'LB ottuilAltl) nnd other fntlt. Tho salawlll bo upon tho Orphans' Court terms of said county, to-wlli TEH MS. Ten ier cent of ono-fourth the purchaso money en linking down of tho property! one-fourlh less tho ten per cent, on couurmatlou of Bale ami tho lalanco In ono year thereafter, with interest from continuation nut. The purchaser to pay for making docda. Hlll.UI HIUllAHS, Administrator, ic, otucorgo llollcubach. Hay so, 'sms MOT .than ICE. ATitnn Prlrnnl ni&if ...... . oaysof July, ihsi, at llenton, Al pi i-soub hinldir ?S n prvkent them t that timoor t Lixm dcbn-dm-in pymenof Uowmie. 'u"i Uy oiiiurotUiu lumid. . ll 1 lvnn 0UUN J.lUOllKNIIV. i&t0lt U-VtO, iim, scurviury, Administrator's Sale "If "VALUAllLK REAL JSTATE ! Tho unilerslxncl nJmlnlstrator of Mary cleaver, lato of catawissa. tHceaso(i,in pursuanco of an order I A ? 0r11,,,!l5n!', Co,lr"Jf Columbia couutv, rennsyl- i nu, will,, xpMa to jmbiio salooniui premises In tho town of catawis.'u, I'enn-yliranl.i! on Saturday, Juuo is, 1881, All that eei tain let ot ground, bltunto In tho town . ii ii" ' t,ouullc,l ni"l dccrlbcd ns followsto ,"! ''W'li'lng Ma corner on Main ureet In bald town and of lot No. S9 lato of tho estato of John Hicrplets, deceased thenco south on lho dUWon ino betwi on tho said lots two hundred and ten feet (oiin alley, thence nlong said all yeaslUxUen feet and nluo inches to a corner ot lot lot Uto of laaao i. unMlIe, tlitaeo north nlcng tho lino ot lot two hundred and ten feet to Main streot, thenco west s xteonfeetnluolnchudo tho placo at beslnnlng, lw!r.U'lt'Blott'u'83 la ""Jl'lan ot and town, whereon 13 en ct a Wwo-stoiy Tramo J3welUn? House. lermnii.ir(,dllloiih.-t Mot tho striking down ' 1 '1,rTlv' n"(1 luo "''' tort purehaso morey uu',t APHI.A.I.., iisj, with interest dwds? UW' Tlw t'Ww to pay for ... , llEt.liV llOLUKOSIIEAl), W.H.lluiwK, AUialiUtrator. MtMi'. may v ts HI'lATTY'S r'"MM,.iP'.aBet nolrt- 4j os u$xf) itt;taiVt;oi.ua&iAi ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers