THE COLUMBIAN AND "DEMOCRAT. BLOOM SB U KG, COLUMBIA COlNTx, PA. The .Vii.itnilnl N'miiliift'. fliT ii iriilnictfil riiiilo, wliirli In i'i tluvi' wt.l.H nun, mi Ttii'Htl.'i;,' nijjlil I I Hi" KIim.1 Mcllcmy. tf t'nlntti Ill.WUlltlt, IVcit I'll till' llll!lllilllOH tit 1 1 1 1 i i.itinii fin1 Si'iiiilni', in iliiii, (lie XXIVtli iluliii'l, finnjiiiHt d of tlic I'muitii'i of l.y riillllllff.NiilliViitl, Mnlitniir lltliK'nlllllliiil. liiiisiiiui'li iihii iioiuiii.'iliiiii in lliis i1itiitl i ciiiliilciil In mi cU'rlinii, tlio iimli'l li lmin tin' lour i:iinlli1ali'-i, mie fmin i ,i li o.uiilv, win putty wiiiiiiK I'nti .unli'il lliroii'jliniil, lint viriiiv plt'iiiril t i Kiiy without til i liittiT t 1 1 1 1 lii'iny I'liKi'inlvii'il. Wlifii 1 1 to iiiiiniiiiiliuii was li liilly luvomjilislii'il. nil of tlio in ifi'icis j uni'il lii'artily in tmlorsiiij it niul cneli i ulmilnal iiKinliri- oT (lie I'liiifivi'iicc pi. iiiii'i1 litsuty inppoit to tliu in mi in . lion, Kliat .1. .Molk'iiiv was Imiit in l'ili'uii'iti'ktoviisliip,C(ilniiiliii county, Murcli L'ltli, is:i:l, I'onsi'iiia'iitly li fmty uiin jinrxuf njn'. Uo lias for ninny i ai'. lie. 'ii a pvomiiii'iit man in tin- lm-al alTairs of liis own county, and in all liis 1 t ii 1 ic ami piivate life, tlicro lias ni'ViT I en anvlliint; limuijlit apiiiwt liini to iinpi at'li liis inlririty inn- liiMiii'ssliuitii II was ik'cliil to t'lif Iraialuii' in '71, i i 1 1 f ftiiir rars witli irn aW'ivtlil to I iiiKrll ami to tin1 pn frt'l satisfaelion of li' constituents. Ilcniailca jjiumI i i i'- il at Ilanisliurif, ami it will also licic nieinlioioil tliat liuwasllio uti H i ix-1 ii 1 1 his'iiil of tlicliinilifi' inti rils(if Willi.mi . pint. V.' most licailily cuiloisc litis iiomi.iaiion for many reasons, chief iiijuni wtilrli is tlic un'unpcai'iialili' in i ' ity ol tlic i.'i.iiliilalc tlirntiyli all lii priatc ami public life Mllllitiiisjuiit S'KI Tltninaiiii i nt wmiifii have lien fiit'r. lv 1'iiri'il nt llie in ist. ..tiiVniiii cim's of fern I ioilnus by Ihn iki' nl' Lylr. II I'liikliniii' ViMTPlhble Comti' lllel. t-'cn'l l" Mrs I.jilia K I'inkliiun, Wisluu Avenue, I.jim, .M"., lur ,am)iil -K HVir n frmtil riVrir, or iV-cO'iiWcNcr rrt'i I'lih. the nobtut constitution) ttiiil uittrt lou-i ireute'tm Clns. IIasVociC Tariff uml llii'"niig. iinvr.x which Tin: nivrnLU'iN- him oociur.s no not iri.t, Tlin moi kimihan. UatlieM is a number of the Cnlnlcii Club -111. o-lenrutc.I Ensrlisli frc trade 'licit t y. If tlio b'nii:o! the bitli tariff n niblii uii proves any tlitnr. tlirn (!aifi M is irailing i a protection!' in onler tn be put ill si po-i-itioD to betray the Atnrica'i workiiifnuiri into lb" liiiiuls of llie l!riliit. His i Uctinn fxpeii-1 are iloutulf'-i paiii l.y Iirili.h piild. I he New York 7Tiis llie rceof n'z' il or nof ihf patty. It mn dec raile )'rcr s'x werk 820 ft will 1.0 a free trade paper when llie elcc'ions' are ovfr. The Xew Yurk J'ceiring rod is a free trnde paper. The New York- Tribune figbts Injally for ibe protection of monopolies. It fij;hn lo (it the importation of Chini so pauper labor. During tho recent troubles in ftocl- ruu nirnt fcr nnrklpginen'ii proUats was cold lead and the pallni y. Chittenden, one of the most noted republicans from Xew Yorlys a free trader. The president of tho Xew York free trade club U h republican. The original republican free trader .v Alexander Hamilton, who wanted to istab lish an American aristocracy. The original "larilf for revenue'' democrat as Thomas Jelferson, than whom no great- r friciid at.dd len Jerot the workiugnien ev er lived. The republican talk about their love of the workinman is pure election "taffy" and lii.mbUL'. Hi:i: Til AT UVKKY IIRMOCUATIO VOTIi IH YOUR IIISTI1KT IS OUT NEXT TUr.f DAY The tariff ciy of (he rf publicans is simply u ruse to withdraw the attention of the peo ple from Oarfield's record. Hut it is too transparent to In. Ho who tirclrct to ue Day's Kidney Pad. lor HI1V diseases of the Ktilnrvii. Itliul. der or tfrinnry nrfjaii', courts nnffirii limits ( ea'ti. Tlui lsiii 'I'lic cinitiMls in tlio fall Males aio now out, niul llie two ileal parlies Mnuil in nattlc line, icaily lor tlte Itnal ami mi pfeiiie efl'oit. Why mo tlicse two yieal jiatlics tlitw iiiraw'ilf Wliy is tills ;,'ieal Itallle to lie I'oii'm.IiI What is llie i ,;il iMo iliiiiliN llie iii'Diile' Is it the s. ctinnal i sne' N'n, lur the attempt In lorcc lite nulilllii; on that is-me llitcat cued to iliiile tlio 1,'epiililieau pally, ami liail to lie nliaiiiloueil, Is it n linaiieial issue? No. for liotli itailics ale iliideil on thai, ami it can only enter into the contest as a factor in ccila'ui states mid ilistiicts. Is it a taiil'f i.isiie? Xo, for both parlies arc divided in oninioii on that subject, ami the l'lesideiitial can diihlc of tlte l!cpiil)lic!ins himelf holds tree tiaile opinions. The real isuc U Inoadcr than anv see tion, and more vital than ntiv icfoim of tho currency or any chniii;c in tlic tariff. Il is an Umic to tlic cntitilillitticc of pop ular tfii-i niiii'iit iKilf in this cotmtiy. Il i.i the old isnie uwr w hieli .lelTcr-iin ami I!nniilloii debated timl the Aineiican people in their time fouyht. It is tho is sue of tt rovernmeiit of ihe people fur all Ihc eople, or a y;ncriiiiiciit by the few and for the lew. Horatio Seymour, pre-eminent ntunnjx all our modern M.itcnicn, and viewing th present cnnlhct from the ipnet seclu moii of 1 it.- Inline, lias sounded what should ho the licy-nole of tlte Democrat ic paity for the balanceof this campMi,L;tt. In liis reeeiit irrent speech lie rcvicwul tlic eamp.ii;u in its broadcM ami nioM important aspect, and stated the leal is sue with a clearness and power which arc itrcMstible. lie reyaids the pies ent campaign as a lcncwnl of the old eontcM between those who think with him that the many are bifl scrvid by a simple fjou'rnmeiit with limilul poweis, and that eacii citi.en sliould have a din ct and immediate iiilliiencc upon jjn em inent ollicials, ami those who control for tt Mi'otii; central ;i)M,riiincnt based upon a limited sui't'ivijie and controlled by a few. Sccini: with the clear ision of a iropliit thesleady, per-istent progress ol the Kipiiblican paity towaid a stioni; central ovciinnent, realizing fully the dcterminalion of licpubliean leaders and M.tcrs to continue steadily in the same direction if their party shall be lelaincd in power, .Mr. Seymour Hoards all other issues asof minorconseipieiicc.and sliows that tlic real issue which towers aboic all others is the necessity of rcstorine;, protcctiuir ami piiMnin flee iopular i;oermiient in this country. From the 'Jlontou Globe, October 1 .".?, 1881). (liven up by Hoitors. ''! it possible lit nt Mr. O idfrey is up and at wort, and cured by so simple a rein ed ?" 'I assure you it is true that I c is ru lirely cure!, and with nothitu: but lion Bitter-; and ouly ten days gn lii-s ilcuturo l!ave lilm up anil aid lie must iliel ' "WVIl-a-dajl That is remarkabk! 1 will eo this day and i me tor my poor George I 4iiow hops are good.'' Sattvi J 'Oft. One Reason fur a Change. Tliu Jieenhnj 1'oM, (Gailield organ) informs us : "The Government is running itself, only one Cabinet oilicer being in Wasb ingtoi', l'o.stiiiaster.ticneral IMnynard." Is that what the American people pay taxes for Is it not high time to cast out a paity whose aitmiuiMiatioii two terms of Grant and one of bis 1'raudu lcncy have no higher conception of their duties and their bolcnm obligations to the people than to desert their posts on full pay,and transform the whole gov ernment into a vast partisan political ma chine'! Wo say again and again that for Schurz and Sherman and Kvarts and the rest to leave their posts in Washington and run around on the stump for a po litical party, drawing full salary the meanwhile, is not only a gross abuse of power and a scandalous prostitution of Iiigli olliee, but a downright robbciy of tho public pocket, l'ancv ol any huge concern, allowing their heads oi depait- nicnts to ii-e tho hrniH time ami the til m's properly for tho sole bcnelit of some soeiity or oigaiii.ation of winch they were inembcis. How long would it lie bel'oro they got their walking pi peis'! Just about as lung us it would take tlit ti to writu them out. Why liniild public servants bo treated other wise than would privatoservants? Theie is no good reason. The American peo plo see this, and tlicrefoie demand a cliangeiii the management of business at ashington. Wjckkpness, Not a tad heart, lut s diseased liver, is oltm the eau-e of viulem-i of temper, wndictiveurss and soii.itiiws crime; lor, wliin tliu pleeii is ullecteil tin heart is eloi'sred in its hetu r impulses fur want of action to carry oll'the bile. i nave um'U simmou's ijiver Itepula'or, not ouly unr but olten, and ran eonlidi tiilj assert iliat it luis d"iie ni" in re iiood inn sny oile r uieilicint- I ever lmI I Link il is the t r. a'e-t nndiiiue lur diiti-id 'I ii made in the world. .Slany ol mj i n', .nn have u-ul i'. and a I will j as n ucn i n I more iliiiu 1 ilo for its virtin s. Join. J. A I en, Hibli e i fi , fin rum. Dtiuchy & Co'ti. Advt's mi' l TvJU SKis4 Sels I is-is,o.S' (45 1 1 . 1 r pianos, f w up. lapir Hiu Ail-iiu s ii.iniei K. Ili'ulty, Vsliliii;i4ja, N. .1. out ii'su iw d A (JKBAT OFFKR!?r,r"M:w,r,i,,i' IW Up H1(MIII li K'IS StlM) ll'Sli iMITkl'tlLMnil II Ill.VISS .ii:STS HX'Tk'l) lllusllaled lulaliirm tlic 1101UI h V.' TF.I S CO., sso liroa lna . N. Y. U oeti, s -iw THE NEW FOOD fylEDICINE 'I'UKr.E ta ro r Missl rndum and I lte".v 1 lalr.laz rrli iU le in llie "otlil u Iimlsor u ai. rOiHihiri MIT Hill Kits. ureLartd from ruler. nuiiled Malt, lloaaud (juUilee. liny Veil ilio ISXll Blin IIU) lrill. t'lirilU unw. m'iiuii Min Is.iies Lanti n llie iiiiinlia quhl Xle eitve. (liter tue iiitutl, iir ict iitctkiloii, muiuie itie mi iiibi u and Lively, c'eaiiw ll.e I Mr m.d VWinjs. ucil vl. tallialtliNKW 1 IKK every UutdK Iliotody, Ue wareoi Imltatloiis sin llurly named. Look fur Itie OoHI'iNYS Mu.sAUJi K Wili arpeura plainly n 1116 liei OI i-H'IT iauiv run i.crjwuiriv. MAIT HITTKH" COMPANY, HOSTO.N.M ASS. bet Si, V -vr d Nri nail trry ailrnrlhr llenre miwrrmlr, MtKlt'l I1EST ItlNHT OK l'AIII.OI( OH ''0"" llNK IN THE IOIItII, WIODllSOf ivn lllBliikt pi.tlnction at Every meat AtWI I IN urlil's i:liHillli" lur lUlilri n J I AM LI iN Mol-vo and upward. For easy pay. Ilu'hta i.i a ourur aid uuvard' (HHJiN'S it.lou.slr.e mason HAMLIN Ioikian isi U4 'in laonui, liosuin, 41 font lh m., (talon square )N. Y. IilWaUnu Aimue.Clileairo. d tctamw nutfll tree !thoewho wish to eniraga In Iha lu'l pleural and prolliable bulac kiio(,, fF.urtMii(r new, capiu' not r oulrrd. WwiUuruUunuverjrtlilnr. i nU unwM'lieull loadu wllbOUl Itttllntf awayircift ik4h otr meat, no ms tin! r'jrlunn at It.e boslrrfd Uoim H'iU aiiien.i.lyii?'S') wn mi"m' m r.r 4k F. -'.. ..11.3.1 tohh bl Ol.uti 1 MRS. LYDiA P. PiNKHAM. OK LYMN) MAS3. -rum Mcuvtitrii or LYDJA E. PaPJKilAM'S VSGETABLH COMPOUHD. For till Pcmalo Complniutn. Vf i-Ul.W rtU.lL'Hliitftlt'l .i -itJllnJliiuattltl-)nitclnvnl .1, l,-..t ot . triftt t .c f rlt-t vt thii Vtn iil will !- r i "i ; 1, n t relit f U Itimu J!nti) j and V- tiltiUH'Ni'" itt .u. 1, In i '! ty-iilnoc.i t tin n hurt, tit t, ii i inu i ..t litilitlti. ,,t.utt.ouMiinh Mil tiri t'fj. o-iivi iint t-f .ili'rtiVL'iiiiKrltiJtlit -Inyns, t-.t utii ti-;olftn.l j-ivj. t i'iti.1 l,y liot i liil-faiia lit U will rum cntlrrt tV voi-st form ff filling ut llto t.Urui, lA'dco'tLi i, sr..! tr.ii.'til Minrtniatli'n.iIlouilftnTrouUi , Ir.CAinnuitloti niul L Itcirtiun, i loodlni, rJl I'lf ; livrnunts niul tlio rotf n 'iUJiiUji!rfttvi'ttliii'ri,ftmll,i it-.n'ctnUj- lula) trit ( i l ( liHlltf o of lJfi. iM.tnitl.cklij niul tuition r mi t!io titf riHlnnrt tmly t' hid tf d vdoimritt. Ilio ti Mlciii-y Uet.kfrouiliuinirit'icru 1j ilioc-il trjr hi .-iilllyliltjuio. I I f j i It J.n froir-1 bo th ' t rnt best rtmt'il t!mt Iim tver Ikiii illnotiVtr v I It twrrieiitei ( vi rj jwi Hull of tlio ryati m, nnilt;! n ii. w i:.un:i.J -lt; r. It ii-ni iwt fnJntniiw.lUtulLncy, ilo-t-Ui $Aiu'uiAln fur ttl4iulatitifnnj Hllarea wculiu-d i.rn.uiitoiiij U II fi-ttJ itir;r, lloaitndii1, Ncrvom lYrctralkin, Mem r.l KbiIitjr,Mct!fiwmTji, th predion ni.J ln-H-iMtlf.i. tlmtf tl.n.ttflsaitnfft'own, rr.tjnlrtf n!n, illtt antl l4wl.04.Li, i.inhojjicrLnnm nily turtnl 1 7 ;tJi."c. It willi-t k'.I times, tad LuJLrt.U rlrrutiiutaii ct"i, nit I'i l.anucny with tt luw tl.t.t fovvrin tlis fi iitrK'nyitcri, I'ui KUlncCymi'lutJt.f eltlur Nt tlili 4ini)iouiiil li uiuuri'au.J. bjdh E, Pinkhnni's Vegetable CompounJ U I'lriwinil ot Li mill 535 Wet !orn Avrtmf , ! yr n, iii.'H .'ro$l.oi. litilciircrCl.M. Ki.tlyii.aillntl.a foruiof 1 ilKal-tatlii tho fun if Lnaiit:i, n n-rt'l.t t r 1 1 1 0. tl,A i-cr t-T, fi-r either. M.'a, mkllA.l f ilyan.Litdll tt-.-Jcf I:n ; -y. Uud for jjoj jhlit. AJ.lresJftJuloTO M,nt,ut tht jhi;wp t rti'ii:ychou:aboithiit i.vniv i viwn.w Ll-.11'ILIA Tliey euro C t t!:tl. 1, JlihoiiMK- uiiJlon).a.yc-ttl 'lAvir. fijt.i ta.-irLoi. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A 10., General Agents, Ihih,, Pa. SlILII 11Y i;CYtBB30?H3HS Bl:oasturg, Pa, i ln'.J. u.u Ml I 1 '.t'"1 1 Hep UiUcrS. iji ali, U-) l.u.) L. :J If.Miniejnun ni.l m.i'i ilt'i-T fri"il p y II.- ,5 ill u. .1.' jilKin ir j i" J ir- j ,. 1 ir . r nr a i.jiii.-.uui. u.-I.n u I i'i '-I. a... u ...'a -tin - 0.1 1. Usl uf M..k' tt V''i.. v, r in'lnro, ffSfc TluniMril'dl f i . ni-. 5v 1 l.atcl'nirtia. .1 'v.-luut.. ' 17, IVi Vl " '.. 1 01 tukr I. on rtopumers Dlttor,. MiM ',"V"'." nnn W"' anj lrri'!.Utv l.ln cti r a Or l.i,ri,rm(tl , i f, uu( i,i'iui.i' Vnn 111 bcl J niT-pniI'lahii! riinsll't .ire, ji U I Ml 'inarcutki. 5j Hop Liitera jj h IfyrnflrfF'm-' 1'f Ul .... . t- T r'y urn k riM, f J in It may' k! 1 anvoyour' f ma nor uintu inc. it r"3 31'I'U (0., r.tHbf ti.r(, r, drctis. VU A T "citli'. (trl. j ii io, "wi ir CANDIDATES To las iro success sUouM luvo th I'llaters urse AliSOI.D'S I'ATKNT liUAUr CD 1' KLKOIIOX STIl'KEK lililXKS. AllttNiS WMNTHP for our popular New Hook The Ia:-is:r!al :- istcr; cf the United States. Us t-i'imuiv, Mii'iuf.a'tiirfs, Mluliik', lMukln; Insur.iti-'t' tic AL'utits lunku tiito Urn rer week Seu.l !"r ?-tcll U-iius to ilunr Bill MiulUlilti,' Uo. Co irer70-s Sicrers ths Grfat European VH.J. U.SUtON'H SI'tClHC UEMClNb. 1)'. I. li. simn-oiiV SniTlilc Mi'illdtr Niinnslthf uur rorsiK-iiuituiili'ii. Imptuenuy, VeakiH-stt and It.l lU-t'UVfi H'-'Ulll'lT fnilll Slf- foUhL', (8 INf r( tn Mi'ulilO. iiiiiniiiJity, . fdta nx et.v. aniruor. l-vv sltufii', In rrosblr-n of spirits iui'1 ruu iut ng M ( lllil UI ' III .M'i H "' Ml "'11 '1 Hack or Sldf. us ut Memo ), 1 rt ina tureud nir-OMJdl (AS(H il'U'l t- e (UMiiptlmi, 1 ty iv itu i in iv L-iu or U'tti, No wan i how biiili'tul tlit sjMi in may b.' troti kino, a biiAii ri urn-1 ma . u ui.l lesi nn (lions aun rucun ix-aiMi utui liappiinsn cine Mcnldrif is lelr.K with wui.rtt'tlut succtKS rainoiiiHs hji.i irce to an. rne roriuiinaua tt lull t ill 1 1 U uinr I rlw. siwolil2 tixa iK4r iiiu-k.iirc. or blx naokarca for 0, u. Will b hf nt by null on 1 fOHpt of moLey, il iress at (inlri, .J. II MM IS -N'-s MKD1UINK UO. No-t. lot a Ml l 6 .Main htrt'tt, UufTalo. N. Y. uiu in I'loitiuhuur vj joua u. impons. ocu 16, 'w-ly. VliilTIN CAKIS, LBrrifltUKADS U1L1.UKADM, Veatly ami Uinly pfinto.! ai tha 0i lum tMN Oft'rfl FACTS WORTH KNOWING. J fllmir. Tlnrhn. llnutlrakp. Etllllnstk and manw nthpr of the best inttiicinea known uro so' skillfully combined io Tiukek's (Iinqcu Tomc, The Uit il eitth anil Mroogtu lieitonr ' Ro nprfpet la tho composition of rinBin'a Qihoeh Tonio that no tliwuse can lot( exist where H is used. If ou haruDypepfu, Head; ich, Rhumtnm, neuralgia. Oowal, Kidney or Liver Duorder, or if you ntod a miM stim ulant, or appetizw, tho Tonic is just tho nied ; Icine for ou, as it U bichly curativo and in Tlfforatlntf but never intoxicating. ir vrm Am Rinwiv wusliiiit bitjv nun ton- umption or any aklrarHS. if you havo a Painful, Cough oraboJ Cold, I'i reek's Uinoer Tonic will buruiy neip you. it p'v" V i "!u rtfior to tno iwnie nna np-u. n htuuu cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. It lUi Baud llumlrnU or Lluif It ssj; Sate losrs. If you are feeling miserable don't Tf alt until you aro down sick, but uao tho Tokio to-day. no mALliT wliat vour disease or syiuDtozujt may b It will Kie prompt relitf. Itemember I 1'iUKER'a Uivacn Tonic la not; a rum drink but the Uett and Pure it Family Medicine ever mais mmpounueu uy n new ;proces, and entinly different from Bitters, cinRtr prenarat iona and all other Tonics, Try a 60c. Uxtie, Your drueelst can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Ilcat anil Moil Economical lUIr i'reuiof exquU'nely perfumed and perfectly hwmles. Ulll llnari Ilcitore Cray or Failed Hair to lu rieirul youthful ff-lor and appearance, and It vimnted to atop tu filling, uul iu growth and brevent baldneu. , Afw application! of tha Halsam iT aofwn the lair. deanM ell dandruff and cure itciung and trn BiaunUlheUaJp. &oldbyaUdrugfuutf 0(. tKt 1, ' -tf B. F. SHARPLESS, Cor. Unire and Itall Itou) Ht., tour L. ti li, Depot. Lowest Priw: will net ba undersold. Maoutacturtr it MINX CAHWtiEEI-S.CCittl Urtak er ana lirlilo Casttinri, Water npes, stoves, Ttn. ware, l'or, IKON PENC'K, and all X&ii ot Iron (md liraadC lUsga. TLu rr'tlxal Moiitrose, Iron Loam, lUbt liand, loll lianil,Dd side hill Hows, Uie boat lit themuk rt, and all ktuO. oi plow repairs. Cock storca, lcooia stovea, and Stoves tor Leatliig ttorcs, i cuool houiea, clurcUes, io. Also ttio larg tistitocltoJ repair! for city lUnea. wUoleaala and retail, luch aa Ftro Srtck.tlratta, CroM l'lw, Ufo to. 4c Btofo rtiw, Cools liollere, ftktlHU, CuVti. Jlalm, Urg Iron Ketltta, tw tralKat lolx fcarreU) Vura hub, si M KOlua, Wagou lit. "Allontown Bono Manuro" LLtKK'N, p) O H U 0 Q M ' S Islliii M Imi i.Auo:tTnY, 77 W.3d St., Nov York City Lit. i.i' Jins:. iivv. 8. M as w I tups sfin.1 53 iwii-'wuirriyirff i . Ji7iic tt)trtin!- Eidiin, Drop;,: y rT.v,.J IUrl,i iUloustiCB, Vtrvovn Htlil'lty.ttc, Tho Bart EB1IBDV KNOWN t: laa 1 !0,009 AdK.NTS It ITli.SOt.t) Rl.NCil Hid 9.000,000 Bcttios. 77dJ Sirvp Fos3csc3 Varied Prnpn t'.ts. It t!mubilr t!-o Vytynllnn In t'lc 'iltif, which finvrct lliontnrrli iir1 ttyir nf tlm food Into ill up oho. A dPflclrniM It) I'rtyiitln rnURPn W ind n.ij Pi.utlns f ih - I'm 1 li t Mtoiumh. If tho pi"cllch.n l l-htd lt.:rttf-Ui nirly nfirr raiiu;; tlio fi-'riututaiiuu ul l jud 1 pre vrntrd. ii nrit iipfininn j.ivrr Itnrtx upon tltn HIitrteTl. It ltrinlrt I tie Hnwil 14 It I'urlllct tha Illoud It (itiU't- '!ie Nonui flyctrm. It I'roitiit n lilfl'-il' Il Ii oui Nt.r-, in itirti,rtii n:i J Tnt tBi.rntr It fiirrlC4 rid I tit' (lid lltiioil htid tilfkcx I'eir It uprn the pote i f the Uiii mid htdwtr Ilfullii rt-rrplriitlou. It nui-ruhrr tL htn Hilary Ub . er polcoa In the H'joJ, i eneratcs Srctili.l rjiil is, ond all tijinner of kiln d!?raw. rnd li miat humors. There arp no fj-u-iu tmj! la it ELiatuarturp, and It can ih. tilrn by t;.einwt d.lUtui .lu, ot by tho trtol it. t fdCLlo, vrt! bt.uf iijittJ tn at ttntton to . trtcttons, rsi:s cp iAr.Q3 rorrLr:, h::e 03 ct!A-L somr:, - so fieaii tha VOLUNTARY TCCTirONlAUS pf Persona 'ho haie fcrtn CUR.!3 by the uo of tb i- fiminr LAlTloX TO llUiKllirSTH. Uow.iri' of coiititcrrilt Mcilli'lni'. I rmp'oy no iiciitrt or tofeo Iclt trade from dru'Kls. Iict Miilli'iiic rr hu. j:ilon. w yr nrrrcotir.t . l'a llt-nrstr: I hail lii-i-ii tl li.r n lonir time with a ruin In mv Monnuli, ond fuutiil i.o ti'lk'f unttt I lioLTiiti ustt u vour Iiiilian Hlooil s.irun. 1 lltid It llie best i lli-tiii' In u.!'. and t enn rt'ciiiiir.ciul It to nil, on nnu younir it Kuvrn in my noiiars in iLicora" bills, and one 1 1 rij.i bottle did me more good nun me uoitaiH worm oi oiucr muncini'. .Marlani Labarr. All Aitoniihing Cure. Monroe. Wioinln county, l'a, Dcir Mri I had beenanilctt'd with a Coujli, Lois or Appttlto and Hibefcla Tor ten y -arii. I could not preperly ntlen 1 to lay b'lslnebs. aud heatlnj vt your jusiiy erieLTaieu iii'ii.ui iiuiou ) i iii, I i.-auntu tn try It, which 1 Hid. .mil In a hhmt time wan much Improved. 1 now have a irood Aiipetlte, and hae enjoyed food health utti li.ce I commenced Its use. J. libarr. riick HiaJache CurtJ. lluw man's frei. k, Wj omlau county, l'a. Dear sir il had Wck lleadiche aud oy llie use or your Indian Woodfjrup I was greatly relieved. I recommend all to try lia aluable rruiK-rtti s. J. w. liurnitt. The ltemeily iliil mure tli.ui lle Kxprcteil, NeUiry, Lcoialne county, l'a. Hear Mr: Tho Indian Iiluod syrup did nioio lhan I expected It woul I and It has cured mo or LUer Complain t. 1 uc It as a M udiunc aud would not be without It. Mrs. Mary Charman. Headache ami Dizziness. Willlampcrt, I.) coining county, l'a. Dear Mr : Your Inolan Hlood si rup has cured me ol Headache, witness and I-ossoI AprK-Ute, holhat I am now able to work In my factory. My wife de rived more beuirlt from its uso than roia any other medicine. Henry Husiil. Would not be W ithout it,. Uiiamnpfari, i.ycoiiuur ' ouuvy. m. Dear sir: The Ind an llloodMvruD Is tho llCbt I pier used and I would not bo without It, It Is good ror uu eompiainis. John liurkuart. Diseats of the Stomach. Katun. Wyoming county, l'a. Dear Mr: This Is to leitlfy tlu.t I had a Weai. Siomach and could eat no me it or any heaity rood whatever. Itv a rrleiers ailv ce 1 lummenccd the ilont .lour Indian IlkmU Hprup, which allvr a bhort, elfectitully ulleved mo and 1 can now eat aujiiunir i cnooe. our jiup Ki'ea uuiuraai sansraci.ou, KlUabeth Uadsall. All that it is ri commended to be, opera House. Columbia, l'a. Dear Mr: 1 have used your excellent ludlan liiood Syrup una It has proven Justas repiesented. lean lecoiumeuu n io an. Win. Hocus w, Wholesale .Mtichaut, Mil sued. Unit ituniis lleeuiiinienilaliun. TLPfulluwlnffaildth'.lr testimony for tho Indian liitou syrup: II. I.. Uriun, tmiliieer 1' I! 11. .1. (l. Mnllli, at Ualdwlns steel Works. .Mis. su.der. nr ColuiAbla, A. llleutl.ot Washtnloliburgh. Jehu Keios, of Sato uaibor. Would cut be Without it, lieuton. Columbia cu ndy. l'a. Dear Sir: I have used yoir excellent Inpun in oou svauf ana have receivea inucn oeneni mejo. trom. 1 could not get along w llhout It. Mrs. llaibtr. Never Fails to Cure. Kast Lemon WiomlnirCo. l'a. Di ar sir lor lhrto years, and urider lirLfesAloual tleatment inosltf tbollmo without be Inif teiiilltetl, Ai last 1 was Induced tu try your inuian ifuion hVKl'l anil unera soon inai. i louna my belt la betber health than 1 had ieen ror six years. Mm. Tuerou llall Sure Cure fur 1-iiver Complaint. KohrsburL'. Columbia Co. l'a Dear Sir j 1 his Is to cerllty thai, your Inhun I lAjooSYKcehas Ixen used by ma, for Liver com. pla'nt, which had been troubling me ror a long nine 1 derived more bentllt fiom the use oi Ihe sjrup man iroin any oiecr ineuiciue. i uearvuy reeom mecdlt, and advise all sufferers to glvult a trial. h V .smith Loss of Appetite, llohrsburg Columbia county l'a. Deir sir: I have us d yuur excellent Inhun r.noon svki'i for 1 ossof Apiailte and Wcuknessof the Stoiuacb, with vi ry benillcljlresulls. 1 believe vour nadlclbo tu be tho greatest blued purlller know n, and auvtse all who may bebutTeilngas I was toglvoltttbpi.ed)llia:. Mrs. K Avery Pains In Shoulders. Hi hrsbuiv. ColillHbla cotlLtv. l'a. Dearsir: Inls Ii to citify thatiour Indian lluion SYKl'l' has greatly relieved ine of I'alns lb the -.eoulder and chesr. which I had been aUHUed with for years. 1 recommenait very iiigiuy. Mrs. Mary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. Iliar (lap, Columbia County, l'a. Denr Sir -My Kathcr has been iimrlng wllh Kidney CouiDlurnt fur a loin: lime slid had been un der doctors' matment, but tho doctors could not effeLiacuro. I have teen sutject u a Numbnths aud M eaknoss lu mv IrtAim. We obtalnt d some of vour Inva'uabla Indian luon sykci trom your Agent, Win. II. 1'utier. and It has curtd my father comnieli ly, aim my arm is uiucu ii'iier. ii. uutn uui troublo me half bo much. Your medicine Is excel lent. Joslan John. Female Complaints. Hear (laD. Columbia county, l'a. IH'ir sir: This is to certify lhal I purchas'd s me of your Indian Hiaod Kmcr tor my wife for Intla matlon anl female Complaint, and It has given her rcuei, J K Ilerner Iiest Medlclno Kver Uaeil, Hear Had. Columbia county. Pa. Dear sir: My little son was troubled with bla water passing from Mm constantly, day and night, I coi suited two doctors and gave hun medicine, nut without effect. 1 bought aotne of your celebrated Indian IIlood Btkcp, a short trial of which, cured ulm' . Lambert Camp. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Numlda. Columbia Countr. Pa. Dear Sir: For many years my wlfa was aftllctcd with Dyspepsia, and we Bimnt conlderable money without receiving benenu We procured some of v our Indian Blood Srhttr and she began to improve in neaun irorn ine ume aue uoiueae.u n. use. Solomon I) Snyder I.Iyer Complaint. Ccntralla, Columbia Co. Pa. Dear Sir t This la to certify that 1 was unwell and could scarcely attend to my ork, I trunk my Liver was affocud. 1 procured some of your Indian Ulood STHcrendnow. afteraehoit trial, feel likoanew irun. 1 reoominend lu use to ail. Daniel Goodman. Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, Hyde Park, Luierne Co., Pa. Dear Sir 1 Your valuable Indian liLooobvapr has effected a permanent cute In toy case. 1 had been amiciod with the Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, but atn now entirely well Mrs. John Thornton, llllloui Stomach Cured, tlyde Pork, Luierne Co., Pa. Dear Bin I have teen troubled with uuioua Complaint and by the use ot your Indiam Ulood sraorltUaaelleeluallycuredme. John H WllOuna. Dyapepiili Cured, UjdaPark, Luurneco., Pa, Dear Mr t Your valoiuo Indian Ulo brattr tai eiuedia.iJuyLpaia. Mw.BB14ktol Uveir OouiriUl&t. ivu Kir i-l Mi. Mja IrouWsl wlik . 1. )4nlu, til I vraipor lulLeoliy cured fcytoltl uti. 5) . I Mm lira 11 rL -ST Ti -c r BL00MSB0RC STATE WORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. SKM w,thabo,i,.fu,,Ub,,yof,, S,ffitnnh,Hlil.tul nn.ieuyofaccoss Tu.icliersexnerlcnce,l,eillcletii, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and tlioimi-n. Expense? moderate. 1'irty ecld s "i vv deduction to all cxpocttuj to teach, students admitted al any time, llootna reserved w hen ileslicd. Courses of Btudy prescribed ly tho state I I. Model School. II, Preparatory, III, Elementary. IV, Cl.i"ieal. A.liunet Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Mmlc IV. Course In Art. V. Course in 1'li.yical Culluro. Tho Ktemnnt irv scletitlilo niul CI mli'al Com sen are I'ltDr'KHtON U and Students gridiiatinj therein, lecelve state Diplomas conrcrilng t ho to low In Jr?, ZHll llie sciences ; Master ot the Classics, tlraduates la the olhcr Courses receive KormaT Certlllcates their attainments., signed bv the onieels of tlio lloard ., signeu uv ine uuieeis or mo ii'iiiii The course of Miidy prescribed bv the state stliK.ral.aaaiiii riiidihelrt.ilents.asludents. To all such It promise Catalogue. adiln s- tltn Principal. HON. M il, 1. 1 I II i:t.v til. I.. I're.lcti nl lliianl Sei.1.1, 'Til. OF The "BTbhcwI ooiB., The liiilcvoil Siylos, in mens' youth's and children's glothhtq. MM W I MA TM ! MA TS t JUST RECEIVED. FEAMi SlIEf BATHE) LOWESBlie. IVtercEisiiBl 'TssbEoi A. tnvnt9 OiiUiltea', SSlxDoeBLshsiB', Pa. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, .11 III li Mn el allot c Irun, BLOOMSBURG PEN'-A. DKAI.Elt U Drug, Mcdifim, C ht'inifalFun vy ami Toilet Articles, Soaps Hnislics, PjioiigcH, 101 i'mncry, etc. h tlcJrir h ' jilt mli Uu run full (-ou.pounildl aud onJcrserswiriU with uU' ni.d i!tt a'di. lmn itbuqiI ihfeicloua riuin the u uiitry will nnu our block cf nuUIcli ccinj.Ii iv vurrui-ti U tr r.uliAt-unU or tbo bcfct ijuallty. JOHN II. KIN'l'OltT, Jan vs. so-ly 1'rtitrlflur. liKA'M M' it ,iii:iicim:. TRADE MARICTnKdltlCAVTKNd.RADKMARK unttlllDK cure for St-inliiiil wi'ukn wj, NMrmatorrht'iv, Iin IKiUncv iiinl alt ills. 'asoilint fullow.aa a wiiucikc or belt Abuse; as Loss if Memory, I'nlurtiAl jis-itu l'a In In ICrORETAIINe.tUo Huk lizzl!.LeAFTLR TAKING, of Si'i-Mi, 1'H'iu.iUiro urid uum otuu1 urn- east" l'adto insiiiir or (oniuiiiptlon, nmla immature (Ira.rt. 8il'"ull lu our jum-plik-t wMclnvti deMit to er il Tie 13 mull io t i r out'. Irf'lhe KM-clr!c Mf illctruMs t-oUUy nllflrup irlsts nt fi mt piikk'o or Klx jmtkapt-Hror or will he brut rieo b mu 1 un rrct-lil oi Ibt inoitiv by ikI drcttlQi TUB UUVY MCIULIVK CO., MtehaiitcV Klock, Dttrolt, Mich. Suld lu Uooms-Mirp h C A Kletin. ea iuay7,'tK-ly iTWHrTEiEWINGYACHlM' Whereas, the world renowned reputation of tie White bowing Machine Inducer many unscrupulous comp-Mltots to resort to all ktiidi of mean tricks tn Injimt lta r-pulutlon, we WiiiTii Machine eiccpt. from Ita regular autU frtiod dealers, wUo will be Bustalntu by tha tgiPjwluif wurraiity, WEWAKltANTTHK NATUItAL WttAH AND TKA.R Or TliK Whim Sbillla SfiwiDE MacMae, I'l.ATK Nl.'MUKIl l(i;t:l:ill tllll FAMILY I'l'lllfk SB, " Nil IIKI1KHV AllltKK'lU Kl-lil' TUG KA & IN UEI'Allt lTIlt V K TKHV (IK I'lVI. Y ILIUM FltUvl THIS II vTK. VliRH UV ClUKUti. This warranty exeepu tho brt.kai'O ot needlta bobbins and ahutllaa. This warranty will net bo sustained unlets the plain nuiufxr above ifl'ui curesponaH vvllli Ih. number ou tho si,uttle raoe&Uda. newsre nl dfractl or mured nuioboi. wiiiTif sswi.Nii uAcmnstyv, Th "WHITE' ShU Eswiiig UuUnc eiulkvi"elrv IWt. aa laWr lauU; S.. w)a aeulM wr iVlLk evory vf.uety u ork. mm- i --'T'rESvsu. ltM of Tml 'i' . oi i""'- . . i.,.,.. in n,nM ni , i.,.i iv.n..m.. a aidin iiovempiug meir punuis, nuu.iu........ of TuiKlern. rC11S.i rnkm'OL'll B'BiSitekM dbrd ee dl "to AND Paper Hanging. VM. V. l( ) ni nt i- IIIUM ST., I1KLOW HXON1), 111 bdMMIl III), l'a Is picratcd to do all klud of HOUSE r AlWl IN Q Plain and Ornauienud PAPER HANGING, UOTU DIX'OUATIVI! AND PLAIN. All III ml- l l'liriiltui . itf'iuilix'd. uml niixle iim fooil iin nt-ir. NO.SE IICT KIIIKT-CLASS WOIiK.VKN MMOYKI Eitiuiates IVTade on all Work. W.M. K. liODJXE. Oct. 1, 1679. C. 32. SAVAQ IB, HElLkK IN Silveiwaro. WatchcE.Jtwchy.Clccks.&c. All kinds (f Waubes, noois and Jewelry neat may It, T8-U ,V.rT?IT..EHGYCLOPnD!A KOVV TO B E iu'or":;,!rr,.! Ti: voua own f?aJ5ri:s,4n.TO LAWYER lip iSK e.h,r ,5 , rf.y.. ,mWAgi is:z v nlnlir ni 11. i-uiJ , iirCul.rai.a Uran. AI.UI..IK- I Au-eiH. V, .1 I. I. A,.,.ri 1'. IV. ZIEGLM 4. CO , 1.K0 Ar.h tt , I'UIV, 0V.VI in.. ulj tlgisr. L'eitl tt Vlesni ml PM&de'.jM&. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO, GDI Jiroadway, New York. Maoul&ciurcrs, importers Dealers lu STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings, Chromos, Photographs, And ludred foods celebrities. Actresaoa, etc., PhotographMaterials Wo are Htadquarteis Jor every tldntf lu the way ct Stor&optieonji and Magls Lantwns, Back stylo bclnrtkf jest 01 Ita class tn the market lieautlful I'uotoiTap'vlo TTansparencti s of blalu ary and Kntraviiitu Io' the window. Convoi tllaaa. Manuucturers ot Velvet Frame for Miniature uacou-ei class lnclurea. Oataloiruea ot Lasterhl ar.d slide, with diruo tl( for using, aent on rtcelpt cf un ecuia, Mn tw.1) TirvuTwiMi f Naity Ot.r) e.n.,i) .,.m,,l ii ,ttf turnMilnglnt.HI- K. 1'. HIU.MYIilt, Secritary. Weaver & Co's Ads Vir7 flTIJir I'oi.Mlinp Ion 4; .Hlimn. iNllVV LlHtr., Keverjet failed. AdJiess villi btntup 'lluMLVTiostburir, lid. feb.rt, 'sn.j 1 vvaen THE DAVIS. mro Mm ?i Sf rT lil " $1,000 REWARD, oni; th n svxi) nou.Aits l'Ur.Mll.'.M iliiil 'o .NY 1'KliSON th il will i'ii ih GKKAT A JUNOE OK WORK" on ANY OTIIKU MACIIIN'K. W1I TTIIK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without busiitty, II will iii.ike aide hem on sleds, Ac, hem all maiinerof ti as woolen (roods, as suit ineilini, etapo, or if.HiiN rtirileiilt to hem on other mnclil ( s. It mikes a more (laitle Mluli than any other in icldne. It vdil tui n a htm and put In plflnvr at same ilmo Itvvlll turn n In in. sew lunld en the rlfht sldo and sillchon trltntnlnif ol cne operat on. It III do ( IIIlk bias or uralght, illheroneotton or woolen irnods. It vvlllfili acrcss smins on any poods. I vvl'l blDd a I'nss or Skill and tew on rnelnif, el'her wither vvlihoui thtwlni; siilches; bind Dress Hoods vv ll h 1 he same inatei Inl, i llher t callops, points, .iuansor st aij;h'. '1 be old) machine llutwiil bind Hats, Cloaks, or other mtlcles with bins, satin or silk, f i oni Js to a Inehisln wl.ilh, without basting. It will kiii her wllh or with .ut sevvlni; on. It wiiiKiithor between two t li ci and tw on ut tliesamo time. It will makearunient.d stlttha pillow slip on to the faelngcit llie .in.ellme. It wllUhlrr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trimming either with or with out sew Int; It on. It will rniku plalUd trlMiiulwr eliherscallapedor btrnlght and sew apiplegon at thosamo time. II will inaku knife plaiting. J. SALTZKK, Oen'l Ageut, llloomsburK, l'a. oct. 1, 'fcO-tf. CANCERS CURED At Crire'r Cirrr-r TrfttTrinrw A-Ii.-- M V HtMIKhDS I V 1'EllvilNH lioinnll iarls if the ........... wu...( ult'ilMlll Ul- e.ise and ale now llvlug wUni's-cs iliatthei have iH-i ii iieuto ironi aitiiiiiie mu untimely ilea It. Doelirs VUilHeis snd the I'ntr tlialtitfric WMle .... h iit.i . ii ui.ii n, .lUUIlirMIIIIS, I UAMi x i UMI l.l.OUA, Addison, .N. Y. int. 1, 'su-ly 7 VALUABLE HOOK FRKK. "A treallsH on chronic 1'teasi s, ' i inbraelng cs tanh, 'Ihiout, Longs. Ilciui, Muiiuali, I.lvir, Hid. lieys. I'I lu.iry and limale Illsi .im'S ; also lies; brut Ine to any .iddi-efs. Kveiy unfer rliom tlnsedls. east hi iin leeun u. hi,il or till-. Liu k to ihe mid. r- nihi.i'u, u iijMi-uiu! i i.iii;e i Apenu ee, tnm I Mil by liUl.lillll- I I U l. ll il glltUi ns Wl.ullSlllv 111 Ids rMII. iienilhlalnp iona) poMngeluC. V, l.lvlUi-tloli, il. I'., vis,". MirulirbUut, lohno, iihlo. uprll 2. 'su-lv iin TAB GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. Tluiii-ands surieilng fiom Hjspephla. Ilabltua! 1'oMiiei.ei-s, i iver anu hiULey t'ou plalnis. Sei. fula uu.. r.ui..M-iiu -i-un ,,iii in,!, u,i ni. (iiis new and wi.iuleilu dlvcoverv.whkh iiHiiiilsi.,is..i.,.ui..r. oi and healih iisioier, basiiitii'ial lu nn-d-rn med lilne rntii.r'iit Mexican lteine.iv was nrst intru. daitd Into fulltoibU in is;y, where lu ufw munths' It elfieied to many woi oiilul eiues asio cieatea il. in i ml toi ihe medlilno irum Mulne to Horlili. it it me oiuy u.i uiciue m me vvorhi lompoui.diii fiom ihe nailve pianis, roiia and lurbs ot le.k-j It eures ull liunii'is, rum I ho v,oihtSL'ro!ulj,io .iciin mon LP tih, pimple, or iruptljii. while It clean niul biauililes thuioinpleliiii. I a diseases of Hie Mum ath, moid, Ilvir and Kldnejs It lu. iiermineiitly ei.nd Ihoiisilidsif Imielih eses vvlnie all nthir novvn leuiidushad falkd. line dose will tin e any Caaetf M.k lie uathe. 'Ivvo dons v Id bunk up anv ordinaiy ii.uihorcold I ersmis snireilng wllh lu unburn, sour summrh,i illlouvmbs l.'osllvi lifM., I lies, l'iil llutloii of Ihe lleurl, Low sjilrlis, and kindred aneiilons, 1.1 und Ihu .Mexican itnitdy a .wilt sun sure rillei. 'i in, iteuulue Is placid belore the publle, i bder Ihe following name' Horbaline Bitters the Oroat Mex ican Remedy. Call tn jour drueglt and git a lottlo tf the Mexican Ilemeay.and convince yourself that It Is the Iiest Medicine In the World, H.elmUe.turplUdby Jtbn Keithan, Whrlesale DrugglM. N. V. corecr 6lh ond Walnut struts, Clii. ctnnatl, O. General Agent for the Unltf d States. "prlH, 1S6Q-Iy w&co $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. Ao So To C. ILftt U 1)GW 0 Clletillvelv u-r.rn vn CKELDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LO.S'0 A3 THK METAL, Whh I, wn, Inimlinrit by llieui, sad l.j MiiUh t.ioalion, am. .unl baa Ueu .,vol u ireiil. .u ijsiij. 'i i.i. in,,,!. in ; Iiiair, m bwlilt. Uinn worn tin tin tonner l-ade. I Is worn r.u Uu. and to.ily .lioti tlia Melal 'lip cu actuual u , w. would q ufced. They all I. nr. cur Trad. Mark A. H, T. lo. Hiii..liaitri.iitonip. '"' v.iei.ii h..uM ASK TOR EQ0E3 v.llh iMi CEAUTirUL KLACIC TIP " ."!"!! j'l'V.liT1'.''!l.';rl"-lr fl.ll.lren. augli.'BO Uvr AGEHTS WANTED OTJPCT, i;0,:,?. tlliir.Alullilli. tver liivililul. V. I I ki it a uuu ff iliKklnis. vtuu Ili; 'J(U.; romplolii, in Kllnlnultl Itajll .IfuHllat.iatva ui ull.niy. vurkfurv bhh lltroUttln.y. u ifr.i iu.iL.i. si.,,i li lir .uli niluil,.Vvriiuiblj X 1 1 1 liij; AllttJillM. tw. VVw. .ia.w.t Sept. 10, w-lio aid eTsloaThi. ULooMSinnirj, ia, Uuutacturcraot Carriages, Btiggios, Phaoions, Elelghi, flATlXJlia WA0ON8, fcO, 'Flrkt-oUu work klways on hu.0, Ukl'AlklNO NiiTLY tXlMk. Vrttf:s tMucM lu suit Uttb Umu. RAIL ROAD TIMF TABLE? jSjroitTJIKHN CENTUA1, l'.AlUVAY Wixncn TtMn taiiu:. On and nfier tundiy. May mi, nsn. n, on the Philadelphia k lirle Itu Iroad Dlvkonvv 'i1' as follows 1 u ft WnsTWAHD. Krln.MiilI leaves l'hlladelpiiia i,.. " " llarrlsliurg isstf? William, port S"! " dersey whore ,Si " I-ock Haven 5 J" Niagara Kxprcss leavcsl'lilladeli lila imin " llnrrlsburg l.,IS " nrr.atvvliiumsiwt neimvi) sj, u ? Fast Lino loaves 1'hll ldelphla u 0 5 " Hurl-burg ijSS " , nnivcat svi'ini,ipon tssR ! t.Kkllavtin lid'" HASTWAIII). I'nclllo Kxpres.1 leaves Lock Haven t,t am " villllanisport l'v,i! " niriveat llaiiHi mg lu.iSm ," I'luWIiipiiTa "!pm l)aj ti. X pi hs leaves lieliovo lltOnt " toikllmen II 5im ," " llll.iimport IJ.oi " nrrlvoai it mtbiirir swKn ' " Ihlladclphla 0 4 ri ate Mall leaves Hcnovo ' s taSn !! atf. ""pin " " w llU'i-aiorl U b tS siilycsat larrlsbntg fam ., . ,, , I'lil'adelplin T on a m I'ast Line li avea w l'li.mwport luvii ' ai rives at lliiirlsimrg B'uain " " I lilladilpuli 'I'ijw Kile Mall Day Kxpnss llnst nuke coiiueciotisniNoMhiiiiiUiiiindvvlihli: u , ,, Irali.s fur Wl'kcsbnriu and ricrnuton, " Kile Mall West, Niagara L'xpre.s West aM Fhi Line Wis' nuke close toi.iiccllon nt im.iiusMt Willi N f. li. vv trains berlli, ".uupvift Slsgari Kspiess Wc-t and Day rir mi mikeeiiiecoiiiieclIun at I.otl; Iiavtu liiiii.k v It. l(. trains. ' 1 Kile Mull e.i't and Wtst connect al rile mu, trains - n L. s g M. s. H. ll ; at Ci.iry vmi , ii . V. II. ll. j at emporium wllh ll y p 'n nndntlHlttwoodwiiliA. V, li. li, ''". I'nrlor cars will run between I'lilla irinhu m v Mam-port on Mngura I xpicss we. Land Pa V. pleas Haat, blicplngcars on all nlnlit Halm WM.A. IIM nw'ix, l.tntralsutit. JOUTllKltX CKN'I'ltAI, llAHAVAY I'UMl'AN. llu und afu r November flitli. IMS. tr.ilnj n.n tn- Sunbury ustollons : ' NOIiTIlWAl-ir.'. Erie .Mall u. m., arrlv e Kltnli a i ) , j " Canardulua n.ajp, a HoelH tei r,,,; n Klagaiu Jii i. ltcnovo accommodation 11.10a. lu. arrlvi Williams. port i.u p. m. Elmlra Stall 4,16 n. ra., arrive Klmlra n.w a m. bairalolipresst.lna. in, arrive liurTalus.Ma ii bOUTIIWAUI). llunalo Exprens tM a. ui.urilic llarilsburg " llaltlmore ..10 Ll.alraMa'.l 11, ID a. m., arrive llarrl.burf i.u " Wasldntiton 10.31 ' Ualtlmore fi.dO " Wahhlngloti Uarrlsburg accuinmodatlon burg lo.fiO p. tn. arrive Baltimore ' V.ashlcglonil.13 Lrle Mall U.M a. lu. anlvc Uarrlsburg 3 us a, m, " lialllniores.hi " " Washington lu.M " All dally except Sunday. V. M. UOYD, Jr., (leneral l'aaseager A ecu A. J. CABSATr, ( Mansjct piIILADEU'HA AND ItEADINU KOAD ARKANOEMEXT OF PASSENGER TIIA1NS. May 11, 1ST. TRAINS LK1VK RUPKBT AS 101 1 0W8SCMIAV kXtETTID For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PuttbillK Tamaqua, Ac., 1 1 ,45 a. m For catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 7,21 and 7,.15 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,05 a. m. and 4,iu p. m, TRAINS KOR RlrtRT 1AV AS rOLLOWS, (StKPlT 11 CBPTKP.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. ra. Leave Heading, U.rjsa. m., fottSTllle, !!,!;. m andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 8,60 a. ra. and 4,00 p. ra. Leave WlllIamspurt.D.U a.m. 1,15 p. in. and 4,:o p. m 1'assengers to arid from Mw Yorltaud I'lUkoel- phla go tbroua ..Ithout change ot cars. J, E. WOOTTEN, Ueneral .Manner C. (I, HANCOCK, (leneral Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, lsio-tt. D KLAWAKK, LACKAWANNA A.S't WESTKItN ItAILIiOAl). IlIXXiMHItUKU DIVIHIDN. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:So A. H MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1S73. NOHT!t. STATIUNH. SOt TH. p.m. p.m. a ra. a.m. pm p.n 9 :o 9 3 9 17 9 04 s 6S S 51 S 40 seranton ..... -iiellevii.i 9 35 a mi 0 1 9 14 4 ) 9 371 Tajlorvllle.. 9 45 9 11 l-Sf v 30 . .Lackawanna... 3 tl 9 91 I'm .ton ... '.' II 0 15- I) 9 44 t 41 S 43 4 '1 9 It 3 40 9 19!.. West Pulsion...1 341 9 Hi .... Wyoming 10 07 19 41 .Manny.... 19 0 Ileum It 3 30 111 Klui;t ton.... 3 10 8 44 Klneston.... 57 ! S 33 8 13 . IU I'i . 10 33 3 5 7 10 3 15 I IS 3 10 I 111 3 15 IU 3 91 T 35 3 90 T Jl ..l'lv mouth June. I 3 90 8 66 ... I'I) mouth .. to 9j Avonda 0... 8 11 S in 7 61 7 3S 7 'S 7 85 7 IS 7 II 7 10 7 IK t ru C V) 3 11 3 04 1! . 9.19 3 34 9 M fl nl v.. nllni.L'it 111 &1 8 39 .llunlock's 1 re'e'k. 'lO 4 9 3 35 s ll 8 ih . ... Miickahlnny ii rs !S is s 17 ... . tuck's 1'eriy....1 '11 OT in s a o iv ...,ieaiu iiaveu. 111 is i ie s w 4 is 14 4 J ; 4 89 I 11 4 S3 1 30 4 41 I ll 8 l' nerwick "11 9. 1 lirlar creek ...Willow drove.... I l.lini- Kill . 1. 9 4 1 67 1 61 1 40 1 97 7 4 It Ksnv , 11 : 7 SS, .Illoouisbuiir 11 45 4 49 IJ 7 3J Uupoll Ill 5 4 Kt 'l C 4.'. 6 W 1 15 i w t auiwiasa iinuge.j 11 67 19 18 5 Oil 6 V t. 1S 5 ll 9 IS til 30 I 6 45 I I 411 IJIIIVIUO ' Chulasky . . .Cameron.. . 0 46 Northumberland. 19 45 p.m. p.m. a tn. p m n.m a.ta W. K. UALfTEit), .-01 1. S iD.irtntendeut's Odloo. Srintou, June m, "lyAiNwmuirr a en., WUnLKhAI.K (IHOCKll, I'uii.APsirnu, Dealers In TKAS, SYIIUl'S, COKKKK, ijl'UAIt, 5IOLA!E8 HHX. SPICKS, DICASS ACPI AC , tu t S. Corner etvi.d anj reii Mavis. t.rders will iikeivn oroii ji rf.rMit- WSSiSm For wail. iSf yfitAM PftU" 3itny 1-evir ton wLATARnH.CCLDS r.rvlllltle llliver 11 Jf,cBktPii,tAUlt 'ho Halm 11 &r? :C,!lr,.inu-tils . draw Fen r t old in tM n .rtii le U,ll tno . -irill? S.'Sr"1'1' '''""..T'JSd sytuieiibrane a l or I aim""") ,u."asnn illv " " uailMe lino 1 ' it ihu ear, rubblug la ihoioughly IU,VA CKKAM I5.VI..M li rrcilvlng the eidorftment if tho tumr r Jt ilruggM, and phvsh Inn. Never has ant.ul. I' a;? ram h merit brin pn diced for the treatiii'-tit ' hfiubiatal ill-euicH as mis never-lalll g "A' v 'r,; U uidvursally ut know lecgi d as btltg ull ' claimed for It. ! i appllc lluu Is easy i dpi"; ant. Ciu lugnopuln Issoothinu'. obd Is I t '''I1: ceding the use of po'ioeis, liquids snd nutrs ico 50 tents, on lecrlpr of 0 ceois will nn 1 a p..cluk free, Hent for elicuiar, wllh full iiiforiiuti'ai. KLYS CllElM HALM CO., Owego, .N Al Ukuli.ula by Nkw Youk-mcKmssou & llobblns. tlftll ,!';'' C. N. Crmenlon, W. II. Icheinilli. i 1 o , D V. fir.AC . Li telle, MarstiCOarvlnelarrsuttw l'raier4 Uw. and others ,,, 1'uii.AbtLeuiA-siulih, KUue & Co., Johnston, Hoi loway A Co. bc'HANixiN. l'a Matthews Hros At lUTAlb uv AU. VlUHOISTS.. oc'. SI, ,b0-l PENSIONS. EVKIlY 801.1)1 Kit disabled In Hue ol duty wound,, or Injuiy, Is entitled 10 pension. I'KNSIUNN INCHKAsKIi Many ar drawing ls lhan entitled 10. Ihousanns ol Heirs enlltled w 1'enslon and liounty. HKJtorKU CASKS re-o"'1f A UAN WIN KD I 'ASUS flOlshoa-Ooplel Of lost charges obuined. Claims ol every doacrlpllou 14v" eculed 1'ATKNTS I'HOL'l'kLU. Address with itainp, 11. H. 1IEKL1N CO., Attorneye, sept. 10, WMlnj w Aoo liox 699 Washington,!!, u mlTTTAT Morphine Habit cured lnlfAjf 1 U ttl days. Nopayimcurod. Dr.J.Stf mma, Ubanoii, o. waco aprll PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS ON BHOnTEST KOTIOE NI) AT TUB ttUxm. Wb,HMV Nlsil MOST UfiAsONAttiiii TXSWa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers