A MINK I'Xri.USIuN. ovkua iirjNiiiir.D lives BAOitinor.D run' ItlllLK ACCllllixT ttf A (.0UT1I WALKS COLLI tit V. Dispatches from I.otulon giro (ho partlcu Ian of nnother terrible nccltlent for which the fitltlsh mint rue fsiiious, This tlmo It wruln the now tllatk Vein l'it,nvnnl by the London nnd Smith Wales Colliery Cotnpnny nt Hlsca, And tho Ima tit life li estimated tu high ru 12S. The l',f!. Colliery has met with accidents heforo. It milled from care lessness. A iiiltuir uncovered his lump for the ptirpoiaof Untiling IU plpo. Tlic re sult ul tliU ipc.Vlc-M violiitlou of the ri'l was ml explosion, which eailted the death of 142 of the miners Uic it six mills from Newport, n town ol county Monmouth' Newport Is ft placo of upward! of !)0,000 In habitants nml Is tho outlet for tho coat mined at Utsca and other collieries, and has magnificent docks and wharves and an im mense, export trada ol coal, iron and tin, Tho explosion In the llbck Vein pit occur ed at ttveuty minutes past ono o'clock yes teuhy motuiug. At that time thtro were, according to various Jailmates, from 107 to 123 miners at work in the pit. Immediate ly all was excitement nnd couluslon. Tho explosion was very heavy aud shook the earth aroucd for a long distance. The sul en roar fat beneath told tho story of disas ter. It dors not appear as yet that there, was anything new In the character of this Rrea' disaster nor in tho cause, which produced it. Tho gas In the pit, which is very deep and winding, becarno ignited, and the explosion occurred. Tho plain fact is all that Is yet known. The news of the cxplbsior. spread rapidly and as soon as tho dreadful tidings reaclud tho cabins of the miners the whole above ground population rushed pell-mell to the mouth of tho pit. Nothing could then be seen save tho dull smoke which Issued from the mine. Tho wives and relatives of the men known to be In tho Black Vein rent the air with lamentations. The scenes aro Oe liribed as heartrenderiug in tho extreme. W omen tore thcrr hair and shritkcd,whllo children ran about crying and wringing their hands. There did not seem to be the least possibility of saving any of the miners, but nevertheless work was immediately be gun to restoro ventilation. Towards morn ing this work was partially accomplish and preparations were at once made to send down an exploring party. This is,says a dispatch fro,m Newport, a most hazirdous service, as the gas may still be lingering in tho works in dangerous quantities, but volunteers have freely ofTered and the party has been organ ized. The crowd around tho mouth of the pit is immeuse. It Is regarded as a fortuuate circumstance that no signs of fire' have as yet appeared. Afier an examination of the lists the overseers of tho mine express fears that the loss of life is much greater than at first supposed and that probably 123 miners have perished. Nothing can bo surely known respecting their fate until afier the return of the exploring party, Old miners at the mouth of the pit, who aro familiar with its workings, galleries and passages, say that chances are all against the hope that any of the miners will be found alive.and that those who were not killed outright havo prob ably been imprisoned hopelessly by the mas of fallen rock aud coal and sutTocatcd by the foul arr. Tho excitement in tho neighbor hood is intense, and tho authoritlei and con stabulary aro at hand to prevent any violent outbreak. If the speculations as to the num ber who have perishrd ahall provo only ap proximately true,the Black vein disaslerinust b i set down as among the worst that have recently da.kened the annals of coal mining in England. At about 8 o'clock, the bodies of three un fortunate miners wero found near the bottom of the sliaft, and tho exploring party discov ered that the force of tho explosion was ter rific, blowing to atoms thn ventilating fan in tho upcast air-blast. When this news came to the surface tho grief of tho women and children gathered around the pit be carno even more intense. Old miners said that there was now no hope that any of the men could exist. Many denounced the owners of the mine for not providing better ventilation and for all manner of real or presumed offenses; but it is probable that the Black Vein pit was as-safe as the ma jorlty of mines. Meanwhile the crowd grew larger and it was piteous to look upon the agony of the relatives of tho victims. Some were very violent and the grief was express ed in shrieks and wild outcries; others sobb ed mourfully and others Etared fixedly at the black pit and only their white cheeks told of their agony. Their suspense was some thing awful. They were hoping sgalnst hope and awiting the report of the exploring rparty. A careful examination of the company's looks bhows that oue hundred and twenty mjn desecended 'into the pit for the night shift. A Cardiff correspondent telegraphs as fol lows; 'There is some confusion regarding the number of men in the pit, A recent calcu lation lessens it to eighty, but I am Informed that it is not impossible that over two hun dred collies had gone down. The pit Is 2S0 yards deep. All tho machinery was new, but-the Black Vein seam is an old one and is well known in connection with previous explosions." Sir William Ilaicourt, Homo Secretary, replying to an inquiry in tho House of Com mons, said that he believed oue hundred and eighteen men perished (by tho explo bIou. Some of tho most terrible accidents ever recorded are those which have taken place In the English mines. In 1847 the Oaks col llery, near Barnsley, was the scene of the death of seyenty miners. But this was noth ing to the explosion In the same mine on thn 12th o f December, 18GG, which resulted In a loss of life, reaching tho appalling to tal of three hundred and twelve. A sec- ond explosion followed as the searchers pressed into the pit, and twenty-eight of them perished, Explosion alter explosion succeeded, making it impossible to enter the pit, but at 6 a.m., on Mth the signal bell at the top was rung, and two men, Mammott and Embledon, going down, brought up Samuel Brown, oue of the search ers, who had keen wandering in the in clines for tweuty-four hours, falling over the bodies of the slain at every turn till at .last he groped bis way to tho shaft. The flip raged so furiously that it was necessary to fill up the shaft. Yet so little effect has n calamity of this kind that ou tho next day at Talk-o-th'-Hill, North Stafford, a man went to his work with an exposed light, and eighty-five lives went out In a blast of flame and poison. The last serious explosion that occurred in England was ou January 21 last, when G2 out of G8 men in the Lycett colliery at'New'castk-uuefr-Lyne, Sla(Tordahlre,were killed by an explosion, The coal In this col liery lolongs to the Banbury, or fiery seam, iu which all the great Staffordshire explo sions have occurred. From the last return tt accidents and deilLs in British 'mines, compiled by ouo of the Inspectors, It appears that xlattsg the tvt yean "oudlag 1W6 the total number of persons killed was 5,601 Of these fatalities 077 aroso from explosions, while no fowcr than 2,2.1 were caused by falling roofs and sides, 7713 from shaft accl- deuts and 11, 055 from other miscellaneous underground cnsualllle, tho remaining 443 leaths being caused by accidents above ground. The loss of llfo by mining accl deuts In 187G was P33; In 1S77 It was 1,203, and In lS7Srose to 1,143. (inllly of Wrong . Some people have, a fashion nf confusing excellent remcdlm with tho large mass of "patent medicine!'." nnd in this thev are guilty of n wrong. Tin re are toino adver tiser! remedies Hilly wnrtli all lliat is askctl for them, and one at least wo know of Hop Hitlers. The witter has had ocalou to use the Hitters in just such n climate as wo have, most of tho year in Bay city, and has alwajs found them to bo first-cfasi and reliable doing all that Is claimed for them. Irtbunr. Mrs. Tom Thumb is described by a corres pondent as she appeared recently in tho Biirf. She Is now a perfect matron in rnlna ture. Her face, though still pretty shows her age, and n quaint, motherly expression. She is a realization, in n small way, of fair, fat, and forty. 8ho woro a suit of bluo gray flannel, which was jaunty and coquettish be fore It got wet. llor arms were haro to the tops of her shoulders, In each of which was a pretty little dlmple.and thcro was a shape ly taper down to tho wrists. Her small feet wero uncovered. Sho had n comical digni fied air, and she steped into tho surf .villi tho nir of a knee-high queen. She waded boldly until sho met tho firjt wave, which soused her, flopped her down, nnd rolled her over and oyer, and finally threw her up on tho sand. All tho style had been instanta neoucly drenched out of her clothe , but, ''take her altogether, she looked better after the ordeal than did mostof tho bigger wom en." Her husband is enormously fat, wears whiskers, and shows all of his fifty years, His brothei-in-law, Major Newell, who was a dwarf of very small propmtions wheu lie married Miunio Warren, has sinco grown to a statute of five feet. "Future happiness." All thoso who havo the future happiness of children at stake, hould know that Dr. Bull's Babv Svnm contains nothing injurious. When Chittenden had secured Qarfleld'a services for tho Chicago paving ring, ho wrote to McClcllan and DiQolyer as follows: "To-day's and lo-nights work has secured the assistance of General Garfield. You can not overrate this accession. He is tho chair man of tho committee on appropriations and holds the purso strings of the national treas' ury. through him must come every dollar of appropriations. I need not say that I uow feel cerlalu of success." This accession enabled the paving ring to lilch$ll,2")0 000 from the public treasury. Impure Blood, General Debility, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, unhealinc sores, and other diseases demanding a treat- mtut essentially Tonic; Absorbent, itera tive. Blood Cleansing. Blood Makinc and 'Health Restoring, yield readily to that most perfect anil elegant ot medicinal prepara tions, Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative. Price CO cents and $1'. For sale by tiie.l'ro prietor, W. Champion Browning, M. D.,1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all druggists and dealers in medicines. Tho Now YorloSun estimates "That there are over 100,000 Sunday schools in tho world that 1,000,000 teachers are engaged in them and that they are attended by 10,000,000 scholars. In the United States alone 7,000, 000 of these scholars are reported." After all a gentle purgative is the best means of curing headache, liver couiplaitit, biliousness, &c. Use "Seller's Liver Pills." The latest Hancock man says that that initials of Hancock's name r-taud for "Will Succeed Hayes." He has hit tho nail f quare ou the head. A lady in East Liberty, Pa., whose face wa3 covered with sores, was cured by using one b"bttle of 'Dr. Lindsev's Blood Searcher, ' The enormous wheat crop of Arkansas of last year is completely overshadowed by tho tremendous crop now btlng harvested. The following we over-heard yesterday. Lizzie "Why, George; how exquisitely you do smell." Georgo "Yes; I am wearing a Day's Kidney Pad." Thero are now inore mackerel off the Massachusetts coast than have been seen be fore in sixteen years, and fishermen are hav ing a happy time. Elixir Vita; ron Women. Mrs. Lydfa E. I'inklism, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., has made tho discovery! Her Vege table compound is a positive cure for ftmate complaints. A line addressed to this lady will elicit all necessary information. A Sunday schoolteacher asked a little girl who was the first man. She answered that she didn't know. The question was then put to an Irish girl, who answered, "Adam, sir, with apparent satisfaction. "La I" said tho first child, "you needn't feel so grand about it he wasn't an Irisman?" "Your "Simmon's Liver Eegulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science. Gov., Jno. Oill Shorter of Alabama. "It has proved a good and efficacious med icine. O. A. Nu.tiug. Literary Revolution and UNIVERSAL An Kncvloptedia In 20 VOLS, over 1U.O00 cyclopaidla ever hefore jiuhlished in this country, and uold, handsomely and well hound, In cloth for $10, in half morocco for $.0, and printed on fino heavy paper, wide margin, bound in bait llussia, cut ton tor u an youd all precedents in hook puhlUbing, may Jtevoiuiion THE LIBRARY OK UNIVKHSAL KNOWLEDGK U a reprint entire of the hut (1S7U) IvliuburK culllon or "UUamber s i.ut'yclopa'Jia," wltn about iu per per cent ot new matter added, upon topics of special intf rest to American readers, thus matin? it eoual In character to any similar work, hctter than majority who consult works of reference, and Held Mprrlitl Valuiiim In either style for examination Kprrlnl iilu'uiiuia to all early subscribers, and oxtra discounts to clubs. Full particulars with doscrlp tlve cataloffuo of many other standard works equally low la pi Ice, bent free. Leading principles of the Anicricuii liuuU i;xcliairB'o. I. Publish only books of real value. I I. Work upon the basis ot present cost of making books, about one-halt what It was a few ) ears ago. III. Bell to buyers direct, and Bavo them 50 to CO per cent, commission commonly allowed to dealers. IV. The cost ot books when made lo.ooo at a time adopt, tne low price ami sell inu large quantity. V. Use irood type, palter, etc.. do careful Drtnttnir. fat and heavily-leaded typo, spongy pupcr and gaudy books appear large ananue, anu vvnicngieaity aau 10 tunr cost, nut ao not aua to mur laiuj. VI, To make (1 and a friend Is better than to make $5 and an enemy, STANDARD BOOKS. IJbrory of Unlvcreal Knowledre, so vols, $10. Mlluisa's (libt oil's lit me, 0 ' ols , t Macaulo 's History of England, vols., tl.M. chamu-r's uj clopuxlla of Jing. Literature, 4 vols.,tK. Knlgh.'s History of KnUnd, i vols., 13. Plutarch's U'csof Illustrious Men, 8 vols , tt.W. (lelkel's I Ifo and Words ot dills', to cents. Voung's Hlblo Concordance, all.ujo references (pre paring) w. Acme l.llii ury of lllography. W tents. Hook of Fables, .lop. etc., Illus. to cents. Milton's complole Poetical Works, to censs. bhakesiware's crnplete works It cents. Works of Dante, translated by (Jury, to cents. Works of Ylrcll. i ronslsted by Dryden. 4 cents. The K or uc of Mohammed, translated by Kalo SS cts. Adventures of Hon (juliutc. llius., tu cents. viruuuia isikuut., nius , ou cemis UunyauM lllgilm's Privress llius., W cents. itoblusou Crusoo, llius . to cents Munchausen and uuiuvern Travels, llius., to cents. Btorlos aku ballads, by E. T. Alden, llius., 1, Acme library til Modern O.asslca, to cents. Remit by bank draft, money order, registered letter larx-WKOM&aps. jiddreta MOUN B- ALDEN, Mauwer MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNM, MASS. DticavEiien or LYDIA E. PENKHAM'S VE&ETABLE COMPOUND. Thn l'mlUT" Corn For all Pemalo Complaints. Tlilai'rcpnrritlon, m lti tiimn ulirntllos, cornl-tn of Veffct-tiilv IVojuji tic; i'.iut nt o linrmHiM i o tho mont del' lento trmiUit, L'pmon0trlAltt.oiiitrIti oft til Com-vjooJi.llwh-fi3iiLt'J,aarcll( Id lmmecllataj ntvt w!iiuHMimii.froiiti i ."J, 1 1 htitly-nlneoABcalnnhoTi. dml.ap-rmcm nlciiixUefriTtod.nsthouNuisli will tw tiry. (irtn 'iunt uflLsi'i-ovtriiticrltltUto-ilayro eomoienOnil mil! ireict UhhI hf tho lict th7Llclaiis In tlio country. It will otiro wititxly Iho worst form of 'filling of tliu titru4, Icnctn rliajn, Invylitar and r-aluful MmttntAtlontAllOrarlanTrouMoH, Inflammation and Ulceration, noodlnSi nil nplacmftit and tho ccn K'I'jent spinal wwiknowt, m.dli tttecliiltjf AtUrtod i t'Q Ciixagc cf lift, ltvllldfmolro nnd expel tumor i fro n tbeutemaliianenrlBtACO of duTctopmgnt. Tho to:nlwy to cnnctfroui humors there li chocked very rpowlilkylMttso. In fa-t It 1 m proved to lo tha (Treat, ft nnd lt lTinody that Jim oTor hocn illpcover c 1. It i-crmwitM tvery rnjrtlou of tho i-ttcm, and give tn-w llfo and v'.-ror. It femorn faint nessjlatulcacy, dft. f troys tdl rrarinj for tUrauia&ta, and rcllorca wcaknens of tho stomach ItcnrwDloatinff, ITcadachPS, Nerroiw I'rostratlon, General IxtbiUty, Ck-cr-lciKricNt, Peprrmlon nnd Indl COtilon. ThutffcHntf of hcarlnrj down, CAUstnjr pain, wdsht ar.il LacViclH?, Id blwoya rernuinently cured t J Itsuso. Unirtalltlmcs,nndUDdcraIl clrramstan ecu, ft't In linrtiiony wltUtho law that eovcrni the lomaJoBj-Etcm ror Kidney Complalnti of cither mi thht compound 1j unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Masi 1 Ylco (1 00, E-X bottles for &P0. Rent by mad In tho frrtnof pUW, also In the form of Lozcinvn, bu tpcclpt of pilfo, tU0, per Iiot, for el'Jicr, Mrs. nXKUAU fretlyaa-TVcritlllcttcncf Inquiry. Bend for pam jL!et Addrcuaiabovo .Vjiifni tht paper, l,o family should bo without LTDIA I'- I'lNKHAJt MVKtriLtS. They euro Conjugation, IUllouiuem nndltiritldity of tho Urcr. 3 cents pr box. JOHNSTON, H0L1.0WAY & t:0., General Agents, Fhila., Pa. MlU) 11V L'OYSR BROTHERS., Eloomsfcurg, Pa. TDUS1NESS CA1JD3 visrmu cakos, Lsi-rim HEADS 111 LI. HEADS, POSTSU8, AO., 40., Neatly am! Cheaply printed at tho Coi.CM uuv .lh Testimonials old received every day by tho pro prietors of SIMMONS UVKI!HE(ll"I.Al Oll.lrom per BOiisoIciueilton and prorntnenco troin all purls or tho country flttesriDjf to the wonderful curathe properties ot this i-reat, medlclnn. No other prepar ation tut Urn Kegulator has ever been discovered that wnulil effectually cure Djsrwpsla and Its kln UredeUls, snil restore tho patient to a pirfec'ly healthy condition or body and mind. The rapidly Increasing demand for this mcdtclno and our larxe sr les In consuiuer.ee, Is lideed eufilclenl et idenco In itself of tts B'-out populirliy. Perfectly Kom$u Harmless. it can bo ined any time without fear by. tho most dillcato persons. No matter what tho atiing, and mav bo clvcn to children with perfect safety, as no bad results follow lis uso, nolnir no possible Injury. As ainlid Tonic, eentlo Lnxallvo and hunnloss In viuorant It Is Innnltely sup.'rlor to any koown reme dy for Mal.irlous FCcr. Bowel Complaints, Jaundice, Colic, Itestlcssnefs, Mental D.'presblon, Mck Head ache, constipation, .Nausea, UUIousness, m'M'Ill'MA, .Ve. Head tho following named of persuns well and wldo ly known, who testify to tho valuablo properties of Simmons Liver Uepulator or Mcdtclno. Hon. .Max. H. Stevens; John W. Ileckwlth, lllahop of tjeorpla; iipn.Johu !. (Jordnn, U. S. senator; Hon. John Qlll Shorter: lit. ltov. Macon Pierce; J. lidar Thompjon; lion. II. Hill; lion John C. llrecklnrldce; Prof. David wills; I). 1).; Hiram Warner, Chief Jus tice ot (la.; Lewis Wunaer, Assist. I". M. riuhv, and many others from whom we hae letters comment In upon thti meultloo as a most valuable household remedy. rL'HW.Y VKilBl'AIU.rj. 1U low price places it In the reach ot all bo they rlchorpoor. If jcunro 6UITerlnjf and cannot nnd relief, procure atoncofrom your Druggist n bottle of llofrulator. Give It a fair trial and It will not only afford relief, but permanently euro jou. Ills with out a elnglo exception. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine la tno worm. Orlulmi iimt (ieniilno MiNCFACTrRFn ONI.V 11V .1. II. y.lIII.IN CO., PHILADELPHIA. I'rlcii 1 1 ,00. Fold by all Druggists. April 10. 'so-ly. 0 XrAD' ITTErtS Sono ait Iiijiinciloti ou Iineuo ny invigorating a feeblt) roxistltutlon, rcnovnttnir i ilobllltated t'lmliue. and eDrlchlrjc a thin ana la- mitrittou3 circulation with llostetter's stomach IHtttTfl.morinest, themotlilffhly functioned, ana iuy inuat pupuiur tuuic uuu jiiuvtniivo m exisicufo, Vor sale by oil drucelsU and dealers cenerally, October 3, 'l-iy KNOWLEDGE naeec: 10 rcr cent more niattfr than anv En enterprise so cxtraoruinary mat its euccesi. be te fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary any other suited to the wants of iho great altogether the latent Encyclopiedia in tho with prlvltcco of return on receipt ot proportionate Is but a fraction of the cost v hen mado too at a tuno and strone. neat binding, but avoid all "naddlnsr. blrrdlriir, which are so tonmor.ly rt sorted to to make American ratrlotpm. to cents. 'fame's History ot Kocllfh literature. Ii cents. Cecil's Hook of Natural History. 11. 1'lctorlal Handy Lexicon, 85 cents. baylngs, by author ot KparrowcrassPapers,tO cents. rs. llemaa's I'oetlcal Woiks, T5 cents. Kltto's cvclepa'dla lilb literature, 1 vols., 13. Itollln's Ancient hlstorr, II to, KinUh'u Dictionary cf the Hlble, llius,, lis, Works ot 1'lavlus Joseplius, 12. comic History of the U s., Hopkins, llius., to cents. Health by Kxerclse, Dr, cieo. If, Taylor, to cents, Healtn for Women, Dr, (leo. II, Tuj lor, tocenu. Library MOKOUDe, io tents u number, II a j ear, Lltirary MataJlne. bound volumes, 60 cents, Leaus from the diary of an old lawyer, tl, Ecacli ot Uie above bound In cloth. If by mall, po s tage extra. Most of the books ore also published In Hue editions and One bindings at higher prices, Ilesrilptlto rnldlosuo unit Icruis Iu Clubs keul frv ou rtquesl. or by express, Fractions ot one dollar may be sent v.,.r, im Mt mt i ii ma ii TriF AMUHluan nuuri Munanur,, Tribune RulldlBff, New Yarkf DR. CLARKX Indian hi Syrup. LADOnATOnY, 77 W.3d St., New York City SJLTl Of JIM IT CUT. " tTBABI K12X.1 i.lijttc, Illieutna- jriflni, Mironny, jatlioustttng, A'ervous IirbUlty.ttc, Iho Bost REMEDY KNOWN to Man I 70,009 AGENTS HATE SOLD SINCE 1870 9.000,000 Bottles. Tliis Fyntp Possesses Varied Properties. Tt ttmnlnte llio Tytyntlne In thn Pnllvn, VrblFlijCODTPrls thomnrrli nnd attgnrof tho food Into itlncop. A tr flclener In I'ytynllne cntmen Wind lindPoarlnK of th food In tho tomacli. If Hie mcdlplno N tnUru Immedl. ntely nfler catlnj: the fermcntatluu ot food U prevented. It nets upon the T.lver Itncts upon llio Kidneys. It ItectilnteM tno Bowels It Purines ihollloodi ll Mulcts tho Ncrvnui Hyttem. It Promote DlcllAn. It Mourl.lim, Nirrnethen. nnd TnTtcorntr It enrrlcn oinlio Oltl lllnod nnd mnlici nrw. It opCDn Iho porrn of tho oklu und Induces Ilealtbr I'triplrntlon. It neutralizes tha hereditary Ulnt. or poison In Uie tlood, which cenmtcfl ScrotuU, Lryelpelis, and all taanner of skin diseases and Internal humors. Thero are no cplrlta employod In Its mannfacturo, and It can bo taken by the most dellcato babo, or by the agod and feeble, cart only Iting regain J in at Untion to directions. PSICE OF LAE0E BOTTLES, $1.00 IEICE 05 SHALL BOTTLES, - EO Read the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by the use of the BLOOD PURIFIER. . AUl'iON TO DltOUOfSTS. liewaro of counterfeit Medicine. I employ no agents or runners to solicit trade from druggists. DcH Medicine Kver Used, Eaton. Wvomlnrr county, I'a. llenrslr! 1 had been troubled for a lonrr time with n fain In my stomach, and found no relief until I began inlrg your Indian mood .syrup. I nnd It tho best medicine In uso. nnd 1 can recommend it to all, oil and young. It saves many dollars In doctors' WlK and ono lirge bottle did mo moro sood tnan live oouars worm oi outer meuiciiie. Marlam Labarr. An AstonWiing Cure. Monroe. Wvomlnir countv. I'a. Dear sir : I hail been onilctcd with a Cough, Loss of Appetite and Dyspepsia for ten years. I could not properly attend to my business, and hearing of your lusny eeieuraieu inuiau uioouayrup, i icsuuru to try It, which 1 did, and In a short time was much linprovod, I now have a good AppcIKe, and havo cnjoyid good health ever since I commenced lis use. tl. iiuaii. Sick Headache Cured. ' llowmiti'K Creelr. Wvomlocr countv. I'a. Hear Sir: I had Sick Head who and by the uso of your inaian niooa ryiup l was greany reuoTou. j recommend all to try lis valuablo propcrtUK. 3. W. liurnctt. The Ittmedy did more than she Expected, Newbciry, Ls coming county, I'a. Dear sir: Iho Indian Wood Sjrup did moro than t expected It would and It has cured mo of Liver t'oinplalnr. 1 uso It asa Medicine and would uoCbo w ltliout 11. .Mrs. Mary Charman. Headache and Dizziness. WlUlamsport, Lycoming county, I'a. Dear Sir : Your Inolan lllood sjrup lias cured mo of Headache, Dizziness and Lossot Appetite, sothiit I am now able to work In my factory. My wife de rived moro beneflt from its use than from any other Medicine. Henry llusscl. Would not bo Without it. WlUlamsport, Lvcoralng county, I'a. Dear Sir: The Indian lllood Syrup Is tho liest 1 over used and I would not be without It, It Is good for all complaints, John Uuikhart, Diseases of the Stomach, Eaton, Wyoming county, I'a. Dear Sir: This ls to certify that 1 had a Weak Stomach and could cat no meat or any hearty fond whntHVer. Hv 11 rrlend'K adv ce 1 commenced tho uso of yo.rr Indian lllood sprup, which after a short ir.ai, eiieciunny reiieeu inu aim j oim uun eat anything I chooso. Your Sjrup gives universal satlslaction, Elizabeth Hadsall. All that it is recommended to be. nnara trouso. Columbia. Pa. Dear sir: 1 have used your excellent Indian lllood yrup anu it uas proven Justus represenveu. i cuu recommend It to all. Win. Itochow. Wholesalo Merchant, 5th street. Unanimous Itecnniniendation. The following add their testimony for tho Indian lllood hyrnp: It. K. tlrcarr, engineer V It Ii. J. (I. smith, atTialdwtns Steel Works. Mrs. snydcr. of Columbia. A. Hrener, of Wnshlngtonburgu. lohti Kccjs, of Sato Harbor. Would not ho Without it. llenton, Columbia county. Pa. Dear Sir: I havo used your excellent Indian llroon H Titer nnd havo received much benerit there rrom. I could not get along without it, Mrs. Barber. Never Fails to Cure. East I raon Wyoming Co. I'a. Dear Sir I was slelc for three years, and under prcfesstonal treatment most tf tho tlmo without be ing benellted, At last 1 was Induced to try your IsmiN liuiOD Svmir ajid altera short trial, I found myself In bettor healtn than 1 had been ror six cars. Mrs.Theron Hall Sure Curo for Lilver Complaint. Itohrsburg. Columbia Co. Pi. Dear Sir : This ls to ctrtlty that j-our Inoian firxion Svrci' h.is been used by me, for IJvcr com plaint, which had been troubling ino for a long tlmo 1 derived moro bencilt from tho uso or the s rup than from any other medicine. 1 heartily recom mend It, and advise all sufferers to give it a trial. Ll'sralth Loss of Appetite. Itohrsburg Columbia county Pa. Dear Sir: I havo used your excellent Imius m.oon hvkdt for I oss of appetiro and Wcokness of tho stomach, with very beneficial results. 1 believe vour medicine to bo tho greatest blood purifier known, and advise all who may bosufferlogasl was tu givo it a sptoay trial. Mrs. E Avery Pains in Shoulders, ltrhrsburg, Columbia county, ra. Dcarsir: Tnls is to certify that your Indian Hlooii Sykcp has ereatly relieved moot I'alnsln the snoulder and chest, which I had been mulcted with lor years, t rceommcna it very iiiguiy. Mrs. Msry Welsh. Kidney Complaint. ccar nan. Columbia County, ra. Dear Mr: My Father has been surreriug with lll.lnntr ..nmnlnrnt fnr n Innir limn nml hurt fti-en un der doctors' treatment, but thS doctors could not ciTuctacure. 1 have been subject to a Numbness and Weakness In mv Ift Arm. Wo obtained some ot your Invaluable Indian IUaou Svuer Irom your Agent, Win. 11. Potter, and It has cured my father completely, anu my unti m inucu uciu-t. it uues uui trouble mo naif so mucu. iour meuicino is excel lent. Joslah John. Female Complaints. Hear nan. Columbia county. Fa. Dear Sir: This Is to certify that I purchased s-mo ot your Indian iiuiuu tiYKVi' tor my wue iur tuna, mat Inn and Fcmalo complaint, and It has given her J K Herner Best Medicine Ever Used. Hear Can. Columblacounty. ra. Dear Sir: My utile sun was troubled with his water passing from him constantly, day nnd night, I coi suited twodoctors and gave him medicine, liut w ltliout eneet. i uougut some oi juureeieuruieu Indian UtooDSTKCr, a short trial ot which, cured mm, . Lambert Camp, Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Nurnlda. Columbia County. I'a. Dear Sir t For many years my wltn was anttctcd with Dyspepsia, and wa spent contlderable money without receiving benent. We procured some of vour Indian HmuDKTKtipnndEho began to Improve iu neanu irum uie time sue vuuicui,'u i uso. Solomon D Snyder Liyer Complaint, centralla. Columbia Co. Pa. Dear Sir : This is to certify that 1 was unwell and could scarce ly uttoud to ray ork, 1 t hlnk my Liver wus affected. 1 procured some of your Indian Huiod DTKUr uuu Jiun. Ulicr a siiui . mot, mi ii.naucn man, I recommend Its uso to all, Daniel Ooodmon, Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. Hyde Park, Luzerne Co ra. Dear Sir : Your valuable Indian Hlood syrup has effected a permanent curo In my cose. I had been anilcted with the Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, but am now entirely well. Mrs. John Thornton. Bilious Stomach Cured, Hydo rarV, Luzerne Co., r. Dear Strt I have been troubled with lituous Complaint aud by the use of your Indian Ulood Stbvp It has effectually cured me. John N Williams. Iyspepsia Cured. Hyde Fork. Luzerno Co , I'a. Dear Elr : Your valuablo Indian Ulotd s vacr has cuied me ot Dyspepsia, r Mrs. 8 B Adklns. Liver Complaiut. Uyde l"ark, Luzerne Co. Dear Sir i-l hare been troubled with plaint, but i was permanenuy curea oyusuif Taluaole Indian Ulood atarr. Airs. O P llsrll&mne. VH H Ban li BL00MS80RG STATE WOEMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WAlEeR, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tllissoiloouaiat. present constituted, oflen Iho very wt r.aui liuildlno-ssnacious. lnvltlnir and cominodious : eomilcttly hentel by steam, well ventilated, llshtcd by gas, spilnj water. o. modemte? tTfty Snts ri TvieoK dmiT.eu to ail oxTecl(ng to t. o.'.h. BtuJenM admlttod at any time, llooins courses ui smuy jitiuwi uj .uu cww . I. Model School. II. l'leparotory. III. Kleincnlary. IV, Clastcal. . i. .... n... i v,t,r,. tt fvm,n!,i TIT r.iA i., Mn.lfl. IV. Cniir?aln ThpHomontjvrr Pctentlno and Classleat Courses mmnVtinff r"ercs i Master of tho Llomcnts : 1 f ho coureo of stu ts liberal, and the t Mentlfle and Classical courses are not lntorlpj- tt i those of our 't to 'ew, ., alitltneiriaieniSiiisiuupnis. luutiBmuuinuiiuauij CTlONff."ewVMxlH Prr.Me.1 llonr.l Sept. 8, '7fi.- rnTTn niT t tt ttitt - OR, AMCJOSY BRACE. Some Reasons why these Suspeuders are better than others. 1st. Tlicy eoBBlsfiiiB no rubber. S8. They will wesar longer than a iey olher .suspender. :3d. The cords run over uSBeys, smd consequently tieere csan he no chitting or wearing them out. '1th. There can he no strain on any ol'thc huttous, it heing the onSy sell adjusting suspender in Bsc world. FOR SALE BY BAYED) LWEIBEK(GL Merchant Tailor & Crents9 Oultilter, lIBoomshurg', la. WICHLS7SHEPAKri & O.MeCreeMicli, A v Astonishingly Dumblo tnd vonderfulh aimiIe,u-lng lewi lii&n half the UMial (rears and ileltii. PORTABLE, TRACTION, anil STRAW-BURNING STEAM-ENGINES, with epocLJ ieaiaraj of l'owcr, IarabiUty, Bafity, liconoray, and Btaaty otirolr unknown In other maki'8, Mi nm. icr Out (11 it nml htciini-lover Mfriaratorn a upcciullj., I'oar fUcj ol Beparatow, irom rli to twelro hontn twweri alm livo htylod lm pro vert Uluuntetl llor ho 1'owtTb. Thirty-Two Years of Prosperous and Continuous Business by thin house, without chano puaranu-i) for miprior good and honorable dealing. O It II Wnlll TLA wanJiiTut auecon and nnnulru'ttv if UHU I lUll I our YnutToi l!chliierj hm tlrlTen otlitr luocLiiiCB to tba trkllt henea varluai DitLktra r now ALlemnt. lof to bolll and talm cB tnltrier and mongrel itulutioai cf our iKiooua E"1"- BE NOT DECEIVED If mch ei-tMTtmpDtal ml vortbteu machlperj If jou bur at all, rt tboOHjtlnul"md th MUenulneM ftoia ui. CFVot full iturtlcutara call oa our dealers, r writa to nt tor Uhutrated L'lrooiari, which Tfl mall fret, Addrcu NICHOLS, BHEPAED & CO., Battle Creek, Mich. April IbbU IIW J l: KltU.IOI A- lllttl. TurbolVllli,rn., AiiiH.fn, A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A treatlsQ on Clirontc DlseavC8,M crabraclnff Ca tarrU, 'Sliruat, Mings, llearf, btomacli, Uver, Kid neys. Uiluary and Ftmale Diseases ; alto nies; sent (reo to any address, Kvery suffer? r from tlieso dis eases can bo cured. Hend fur this book to ihe under slg-ned, a pUy&lclan of large experience, endorsed by bubdredff of leading citizens ho testify to Ids klu. send stamp to pay postage to t 1:. Livtuggton, i, 1J., l5tf t-uperlor street, loledo, Ohio, anrlla, iio.lv wjtcn theWa1n1emedy Thousands sutTcilny fmm ll-snensla. Ifnbttna? CoMlveness, I.Ucr and Kidney Cumplalnts, Hcrorula and kindred diseases, M ill hall with de'lzlit this new and wonder f ul (Xlf-co ery.w Ulch &s a dlsvaso conquer. ur turn neuiiu restm er, uua jij eiiuui iu muuci n ineu. lelne. The ureal Aioxlcan ltcmedv wan llrsl Intro. duced Into California In lalo, ttherc In a tew. months It eHected so many wonderful cures as to create a demand for the medicine froinMalneto Honda. It H ihe only medicine In tho world compounded from the native ptauu, roots and lurbs or Mexico, ll cured an (turners, irom uiu worbincroiuia.uj acom mon blotch, pimple, or eruption, while It clears and beautifies ihe complextuu. la dlbea&es of the Mom acli. lllood. Uvcr and Kldneis. It has permanently cured Ihousnudscf bOKlebs cases wlure- all olher known remedies had failed, one dose will cure any case of Mck Iloadache. 'two do&es will break up any oi dinai y cough or cold, rcrsons surrering with Heartburn, waterbrash.sour tltoinach,lillllousness, Costlencss, l'lles, Putnlutlon of the Heart, Ijow Bnlrlts. nnd kindred arlecllons. will find tho Mexican remedy a twin and sure relief. 'I lie cenulno ls piacca tieroro tno pubiio, t'huer tne ronowic t name: Herbaline Bitters tho Groat Mex ican Remedy. Call on your druggist and get a bottle of the .Mexican l!emedy,and convince yourself thai itls the llest Medicine In tho World. Tho tradosuppllcd by John Kccshap, Whf losale Drutrt'ist. M. w. coiner ctn and walnut bi reels, eta clnnatl, o. General Aeent for tho United States. sprll s, lsso-ly tea Highest UeJil at Vienna and Fhllaiel;Ma, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., GDI Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers Dealers In VolvotFrainesjAlburas.GraphoscopeSi STEREOSCOPES AUD VIEWS Engravings, Chromos, Photographs. And lndrccliroods-Celebrlttes, Actresses, cw., PhotographMaterials Wo aro Heodquartcis lor cverj UUne; In tho way ot Steroopticonc and Magio Lanterns, Koch sty le blnz th oest of Its class In Uie market. Heauiltul I'hotoirrap'no Transparencies ol btatu ary and Koeraviritrs tc the wludow, Convei Ulass. Manuacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Ooaiex Glass Hclures. Catalotrues ot Lanterns and slides, wuii rUree. tlons tor uslnff, sent on receipt of un cent, iia ,V)-iy .ni..tnt. nn,i nitvn tn their worn. DUcloMne. firm but kind, uniform and thorou,ii. Expcnser aro I'lllKKStlUMAI,, and Students graduatnn Maiter of tho Sciences I Master OI tho Classics, urudu.ucs in ino oiuer v,u.u aua .w. v uiuiiitioiviwimih r'""! f Tr.i.trr.. nnnnrn'MTM'n (Ill U3i I Ilia IHUUI lillUI J 44IIVI rl tUUI J anil Traction Engines. THE STANDARD ot exoollsnco throughout tha Grain-Utilntj Hrl t, MATCHLESS foi Grain SsvItv, Tho Bnvlinr, Vat fort Ulfintitu, ji.tpZl an.l Ihorouah lurk. INCOMPARABLE in V"J('yo(Materla!.iVrVr70. ' MARVELOUS for raiiZj luptrtor work in alt Unds of liram.Rou universally known as tlia only KncreHMful Thrfuhor In VIht 'I'linnthv- (ilnvar. ami nil nilinr KhmIi. Culiiintilnlonlnnr, NoriliM nml Union rniinllrH. MKAY'S Sl'IX'lI'Id .lllilUCI.Ni:. TRADE MARICTI1K(1IIRATKNI!.VBADEMARK riMtl IIPMPIIV a..' itnfilltne; curo for Seminal weakness, spermatorrhea, Im notencyand alldH- eases that follnw.os n beiiuence ot self abuse ; as Ixiss of Memory, universal 1 asFltude. rain In BEFORE XAKIKt.the llaek, DlmnessAFIER TAKINO. ot Vision, Hicinaturo tdd Aee, nnd many otlu rills cases that leadto Insanltvor Consumption, nnda Iti mature tlraie. rwi'ull partlculais In our pam phlet which wo deslro to lend tree by mall co every one. I Jf"l ho specino Medicine ls sold by all druir. ttsts at tl per package or six packages for t or will lio sent Ireo by ma'l on receipt ol tho monoyby ad dressing Tllfi llltAV JIKUIL'INK CO., Mechanics' lllock, Detroit, Mich. Sold In bloomsbure; bv V A, Klelra. ea may T, 'bC-ly the joiinson' nr.i'oi.vixd iiook-camh. Mado ot Iron, lieautlfully orna inented. Adjustable shelves. Cheap ami struni?. Cannot (ret out of older. Four slioi. Bend for compteto circular and price list, B.Mid 25 cents for our new Illustrated Catalogue ot School Merchandise. Kvtry 2irenl ar Tiiuhtrr ihould have it. BAKEIt, PRATT & CO., Ilcadqjiilen'for ill School Supplies, IIS A 111 GttlM) STIIEI.T, XKlf YOUK. EieptiH, ly Tbtj rtmirktbla mrdU rlnt w'lL curt 8palui, tpllnt, Curb, CaJloui, ic, or tuj eulMgemcm, ajatl will rnnuvo ibe bunch without tillattrlug or ua log ft lore. Ha rfiiutly cvrrdlKOvmd equal H fur certAintj t actiua la ikp pfn thm 1aiiinria anil is. I morlnr tbi bunch. Vilca 1 1 00. Semi fur lllua. j-trtteUciriutarfcivlnf poaitlvt proof, aod your ucmirH ,Tuitiuurrfi. IvrilUUiri H 1U In Curt I uld bv Irruiriilili. tit tut ly Ui, I). J, Kendall L Co., Enuiburg i'aJU, Vermont. JdOYKU liUOTHKUS, liloonitlurg, Pa. PIMPLES. , Iwl) null (fiee) tha reclr tor ft simple Veceta. Mo Ilului that win i-emovo Tun, FUKUKLES 1-i.M I'LKi sua tUotcrics, leavloir the tklu sell, clear aad UVUUIUUl I IUMI IIIDLIUCLIUII!. in. tir.lll l.Mni. a li.v.. rtiintgrowtUotliiUronaLaia head or smooth, race. Aduress. lncloulnt; s cent slinnn. lu.n. vnn,iaif .... UUAnnSI-N. V. ' -v..m,w., alico March so, em, 1IUY THE BL ATOHLE Y PUMP for Cisterns or Wells of any denth I'lalD. IlTm, I'OrCClalD. or Cunnor .ln.rt llrnnda YO. 11. yiv tin' . "i CMif-J t v b-wi i,-jr Uitj Hardware Trade, Country starea. inmn in.v.H UlattUey Manursclurer. soa Mirket itSiJ Thaui." oelnhla, I'a. Aqueduct i-lpo tor Farms Minos. Tin. series, etc, trma I to e Itches In uore, son TurnM MMti iivjvm IT. """" " "r with a bountiful supily of pure.soft auu lutmsucu wiui u ju,..i. uW reserved wheu desired. Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. 'therein, rc-oelvo state !M..LonJ"r'!;f lPn!.0? P. 1'. BIUMYBI!, Secretary. Weaver & Oo'a Ado Wt (ttinntea ll la tTry , mitten not tt how tone tUud ln(or howdvc1l7rnciPd.lt (1et )iinnl rcller, ntlcuiri tha mwt i-l.renio cri. Id frrtmee to ttirre rtki, tf micd itdirn t td, t nlltHiwd tjiituNr -r tFitfmnnl!i cw le rlvn It rt.rd, tui kII uk ! m irUl, to tout lore Hint It wlteur nlicp all other ritfti hut filitl. Fold hy lt tiller J rocdlclDca 0 Wiiti rrtfttK Jirnt fr rti tmt t cf rrtoi ht JUniMVlT7,(Jfnfrn.aKiiit forl.S HnMi:;ia-V ) VmnUln St., Itallhimrf, Sid. ii k trtiU nrk oJ algnttur nf Dr J. U Da SlK OB sept. 19, '!)-ly. J W it CO. JNSTITUTIi EatabllBhcdln 1 fi72 for Uio curo ot Ciuhxt, 'liiiiitim, IJlccru, vritUout tbotiBoof knifo or I063 o( tluod and Uttlo paui. ror luiormaiioii. circular a ana roii-roucns, addrtss J)r. 1. 1.. I'O.NI. Aurora, Kauo Co., III. sept, ia79-ly. JvfUo. THIS HEV "PT.ARTTn TI?TToa nuuAk' M. v A.HUUIJ J Ilu Tad dlffrrlnt from all olhr, t yaiwiBnt, wuh rwnnajuiiDf llall In ctoUr, hi La lUtlf to ll tMtllctii oftbaLmlT, wbila tha (All In tl' !b,.Bt!;'. 11 b,U i"""'' W " mjM.'.nl t.Jlo.1 c.ir. e.r. Uln. H I. Msy. durjhl n f cbe.p, ttintj n.Mll. UrvuUn tuyicsiun iruss uOiiiiMDOi sepr, 13. 'ia -ly; J w a co. OPIUM HABI Cured Fainleusly. The medicine sold for a small margin above tho cost of compuundlntf. All cases treated by special presciloton. 1'ur full partlculais address tho Dis coverer, lin.S.Ii. COLMN'S, or Mrs S. II. Comn3, Ijt Torlo Ind feb e-om wtco TCTilW nTTT?I! ConsumpMon ,t Asthma. 1Xjv VjUXVIj, Never j'et failed. Address with Btamp hum n,"r'rostl)urir, Md. feb.c, 'S0.yl wAco STltANQi: BUT AVONDUltrUI.I.T TIlUll. Vl'hen Dr. IlrigKs witli contciom prijc, Ami earnest zeal his mind applied, Thn science deep to npen wide, Of soothing siul of healing. Ho tonk of many sub?tsnces kuown mat would ncl or still ncnmri, And soon composed by still alone His miraculous iiunimi ltiU.im. Tormetited with Ilunioii, Corn or lirui.e, Thousniids of suflerers lienrd the news, Tho remedy Hint meets the views Is Dr. UriirgV Iiunion lialsam. Sold by O. A. Kleim, llloomsburp, Tu. A Word lo Ihe II we. Try Dr. dosinli Rriggs' Catarrh specifics on following condi tions: We will pay $100 fur a caso they n ill notiure; $100 lor their trjual asa cure; $500 if anything poisouous is loiiod in them.anil $1,000 if in any respect they aro dim-rent from representation. Sold by (J A. Kleim, liloonibburgi Pa. From a Cildralsd l'hjelcian of JIarr la oum. J'a. Dr. Joslah l!nV.r lino- us.. Somo four months sinco a lady applied to tno for something to relievo the pa'inol'a tmtiblt sonio bunion aud a fcnteif d torn, and having heard your llunion lialsam highly spoken of, I directed her to call on your agent J. II Holier, and get n box. She ilid so, nnd now Informs me llio cure Incomplete, sho having suffered no pain after tho firat application Believing liriggs" Bunion lialsam of great value to thosowho suffer from corns, bun ions, Ac, I unhesitatingly recommend it to the people of tho country. Sold by O " 4iviiu, iJIU'MHMJUi, x a. Catarrh that hathotic ieaAthaUcource Of Illltllflhltv tvllrlt lrl,,...., ...Ill r. P ver and Kidnev Hmody, if I couid not get it without. It hies cured me of gravel and inflammation of tho prostrate gland. WPflL- l.nlrnat.l n.n...l ,ll.ll!. , .r. I a Yi, V V h . ucuny. com by u, A. Kleim. Illoomshunr. !: 1 Dr. Jonah Mag iiunion JlaUam is the climax of medical science, the oply discov- , csrin mat win rmllcally and perma nently cure these troublesome, aud painful torments, whose throbbing pains and un sightly protrusions is asourcaof untold mis sery. Iiunion lialsam also cures hard aDd olt corns, sore insteps, Ac. Silver Corn Piaster U a model of eicellenie. Deodori zing I'oot Lotion Is n boon to sweaty feet ami dispels the offensive odor from them lUdica euro fur ingrowing nails is the won der of the wor d. I t blood and corruption gushes from the sides of the too at everv step the radical cure for ingrowing nails gives instant relief, and the severed cafes are cured in ten days. Sold byO. A. Kleim Iiloomsbiirg, Ta. 3 ivienn, Sict,Mrvoutor Hilliout Ieadachc.m. ous sulTer this most ttniveisal nllliclioii of the human race; all elates are troubled. Iho bead never aches when the various or eans are working in harmony will, nature lhere can be no hendselm li ti,o i. ch nery is in a healthy condition, llriega' Allevantor is reliable for headache and nu. ralgi.j never fails. Sold by O. A. KWm llloomsburg, Pn. Jvieim, Sound the Jluglc.-lUnW the tidings oi the glorious victory. The day of sufPeriru' rom Internal Illeedipg.Kxternai and Itch ng j iles j pa,t. Dr. Josiah Urlggs' Coin tlua Ion Pile ltemedies are In every respect reliable for the, curo of hemortholdsfo pUes r il 23 ly ' hloon"lurE. 1'. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thin Office ON BHORTESr NOTICE ND AT TUB MOST REASONABLE TERMS 1 m 7' 5. ' .u.'v Ilu" raMicauy cured S'' Pr'Jo.8lnA 1,r,e8 Oalarrh Specifics. SoM by C. A. Kleira, Uloomsburp, Pa Mr. Am M Moan, of 'Ircnton, N. .., tarn mtL3M T lamaiMMimirTrfl 1 Warner's Sale Kidney and Uvcr Cure. A VPfffWblo preparntton nnrt thn onl- inrn rrmi'tly In tfie wnrlrl for llrlalir lrUw.? HryrctitlmonlnU of the big licit order In nn. if Of thee statements. JKWJ-'or thn euro of lltnbrtrB, call for Wit. Iirr Stt'i llliiiretr -nn. r KtWot the enro of liriitli nn tttfloiiiir rthrnsp, call fur lVarncr'a Snro IllUiifv mid Llwr Curp. ' WARNER'S SAPE UlTTEttS. 1 ltUthpbPitlUorMll'iirinrr.nndmimiiifltr.. pvvty function to more nealihful ivctlou. at.,) Ulsttitisn !en?nt In all tllspiupa. ' M it cures Nrroi iiiou nnn ntiicrnuinlTrtHu Itfiiia And UIsorhm. Includimr l'isii... c rrs, nnd other Norm. '.T"l,Pn "nuinrwonrifl nininnrti, ('ouitlltittlin, Iklrilnr, jftiiMii ll.Tt etc.. tiro cured by tlieNitro liitirt-. nii uiiquated M nn appetiser and regular tonlr. hulucs ui twu oiMia t I'litva, oue. ana si.uir. WARNER'S 8AFE NERVINE Quickly Rive ltrt and Nlerft to thoBiiirei nt, rtirpi iii'itfliH-lie end Neurnlitlu, preeii n i.liiriiav w nm. mm eiievi"Bn'i mi i- . f rnllina brouirtil on bv excpsMve rirltiif . nvt,. work, mental shocks, and other ranses, l'owerrulaslt Is t atop pnin ond fl(Klh( 1M. turbid Nerven. It nver Injures tho ifsitm, iioinesor iwoBixeaj prices, ouc. nnij 91.00, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS An an tnimedlnte and ftctlro dlimui t,r I Torpid lWer. nnd euro C-JttiTni, Dvir (ptU Ell. luuanaaa, i uioni Dllf rha, MaUtU, Fevir una Agus, mm m 1 ( tie ustU Hhi'itvv r l, , bowels do nut op rai freely and r1 uiur haatUrflllitMiuIiatt, h wall lltiiaa fnr Ihur h Mtrli.lrlfalirl.nl. i. rarnv ra tuft Itrnit rtl ac j ! Itrdlrlnr tri tl -i H. II. Warner & Co., I'mprtr-loM, R00HE8TE11, N, T, trrsri.4 tar r.w. iii.t I. nf T..tlmorSl.. jsasoitii oct.siisD.iy RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES JyTOKTHEKN OENTKAL KAIUVAY WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, May no, tmi, the trnlrn on the riilladelpkla K Lrln itu iroad lllliliiii will i nu as follows : WESTWAHI). Erio Stall leaves Philadelphia 11 .1 p m " " llaribrjurrr 4 5 ui. " " Wllllani' port 8.,5ui.i " " Jersey Mhoro U 07 a H " " lack Haven 9 4a a in Itenovo 11 a a in " arrive at Krlo . oa p in Niagara Express loaves I'liUailel phla 9 uo u in " llnrrlsouii; litiiarn " arr. at llitamspoi t tts pin ' ' LocKllateu 4vupia " HCIHIMI & 4 ii tu Fast Uae leaves I'lilladt lUiU 11 u a in ' " 1 In i Isbllrg- s..r. pin " arrUo at Wlillnnisport 7 25pm " " Lock Haven 8 4iipm EASTH'AllD. Pacific Kxprcss lea cs lack Itaf n B 4.i a m " " Jersey SAoro Tlfiam " " Willlamspoit 1 51a in " arrive at llartlstiuirr tl 411pm 11 Philadelphia li. M in Day Kxprcss leaves Itcnovu Dtiinin " " Lockllacn 11 loam " ' V llllamsport VI 20 p in " arrive at UarrNburi; 311pm ' ' ' I'liUaddpMa 041pm Ei lo Hall loaves Honovo 4upm " " Locklluon lisopm " " UlllIarr.Bport 11 10 pin " arrlvesatlKiribbmir 24511m " " l'ldladelpliia IHiam Fast Line loaves s lillnrnsport IS-sam ' arrives at llariHtjunr .IMiam " " l'nllaaelpnla T4oam Krlo Mall west and Day Express East mnko Uo-a conntcilonsatNortiiHiiiljurlandwiiliL.JC II. It. II. trains for Wllkesuan u and hcrnnton, Krlo Mall West. Nl-lffara Exurii3H U'Pft nnd r.nt Mno West make close cunnecllou at Wllilouisport wltliK (' 11 W lralnenc.il. Willi N. c. It. V. trains norlli. Nlai?nr.i Express West and Hay Exprrt,s Eait make cioso connection atLockliaten wiuili. E.v. it. u. inuus. Erlu Mall cast and West connect at Erie with trains on I.. S. &M. y. It. K. ; at Corry with O.I..S A. V. It. It. ; at Emporium with ll. N. Y. si P. 1!. It. nnd at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between PhlUlclphH and Wlllamiport on Magara bxpiess wur. and Day Ex press Jtasr. bleeplnucais on all r.litht tralnrj. WHI, A. IIALUW1N, (Jcnernl faupt. OIJTIIKHX CKKTItAL "itAII.WAY COMPANY. On and aflor Nnvomlier 2(U.li. 1!Tfl ti-.iln will innrrt Sunbury as folio hh ! NOKTIIWAIU). Erto Mall B.so a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .6 " Canandalgua. . 3.r p. ra liochesicr r,.is " Nlagaia 9 411 ' Honovo occommodat Ion 11.10 a. m. anlvo Williams. port 12.55 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.26 a. m. ButraloEiprcssUSa. m.arrlvo llufTalo 8.to a to ' KOUTlIWAltl). Buffalo Express 2.51) a. rn. arrlvo 1 Ian Isbnrg " Baltimore s.4H Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. nr., arrlvo HarrlsburR 1.5a " W aslilngUin 10.51 " llaltlmoiuc.30 ' Washington Ilarrlsburi; accommodation buritlo.5np.nl. arrlvo Balllniori) , " Waslitaeton 0.1.1 Krlo Mall 12.65 a. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburf s.t)5 a. la, " Balllmoro 9.4(1 " " Washlnston 10.55 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral Passenger A tea A. J. OASdATT, aener.il Manager jpiIILADKLPIIA AND ltF.ADINCl l!OAD AHUANUEMENT OF I'ASSENG'l'.B TRAINS. May u, 1679. TRAINS LEAVE HFPKRT iS FOU OWSfgCNnAT KXlErrED ror ow York, Philadelphia, ltcadluff, J'ottsvilln Tamaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 1 1,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,55 p. in. For Wllllamsport.d.ss 0,03 a. m. nnd 4,uo p. m. TiiiiNSKoa uoriBT nm as rorj.ows, (scuruy CEPTSD.) Leave New York, 6,15 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. ra. Lcavo Reading, 11,55 a. m., rottsvllle,12,Mp. ra and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. " Leavo Catiwlssa, 0,20 8,oo a. m. and 4,no p. m. Leave Vlillarasport,9,45 a.m,s,i5 p. m. and 4,ti) p. ra rasaongers lo arid from New York and l'hiudtl. phla ro thi ouga itUout chango 01 cat s. J. E. WOOTTEV, O. O, IIAKCOCK. General Manar General Ticket Agent, Jan.l4,is76-tt. VfE.VyAKE' IUK'AV'ANNA jj nwiwiil JiAIl.ltUAU. IILOOMSKUKO DIVISION. Time-Table No. s. Takes effect at 4:so A (SOUTH. a.m. p.m. p.m ...Scrauton.... ....... lit lie viia Taylorvllle., , ..LackawHnna,.., 1-litston . Wcstinttston.., ..... wv omrng .......Maltbv 9 35 9 43 9 1 10 07 X III O tu 2 111 U 2 'ti t M 9 Ml 0 ill 2 83 0 41 2 41 6 43 i 49 6 tO 2 tJ 63 67 0 C.9 llennetu ....Kingston lvlnL'arm 1(1 18 8 15 7 10 10 S3 3 15 7 19 3 10 J IS 10 2a 3 15 7 5 3 21 7 S3 til 81 3 211 7 41 Plymouth June ...4 1) mourn..,. A vondalu ...... ....Nanllpnkn .Uunlock's creek. 10 42 3 35 8 01 ..nicksninnyM, 10 65 B 60 S 19 ..uitK b rerry,, .... Peach Haven... ....... Berwick .... ....Briar Creek..,.. , Willow tlrove,... Lime Uldge Espy.......... ...Bloombburg ltUDCrl 11 07 4 03 8 43 11 13 11 21 4 10 8 w 4 18 9 03 4 25 7 13 4 29 7 ti 4 83 7 3d 4 42 7 41 11 89 11 43 4 49 8 in 4 65 8 i.2 5 00 8 61 S 18 8 VI 9 IS HI uSO 9 D 13 9 11 61 11 67 19 IS Catawbua Bridge. i'uiiv.ue..H.n, .....Chulasky , Cameron ..... Northumberland. S.m. p.m. a-rn TKAD, nupr, oaiiiriiueuuenvB onice, Ecranton, Juno 10, 1819, AINWItlOHTACO., vvuumSALB UltOCEKH, Puiuuil-Plill, Dealers In TEAM, BYilUrs, COFFEB, SUGAlt, 110LAKSE3 Sit X, SI-ICIS, 1IC4B1 soda, io., Ac . B. Uomer Second and Arcn streets, IBirdon will receive prompt attention. p.m. p.m. a.m. an 4 12 9 io 9 ii 9 17 9 .17 9 08 9 80 8 53 3 51 9 91 8 51 3 40 19 6 46 3 41 9 1 13 41 12 : 8 S3 3 30 9 01 8 13 3 10 8 41 8 S3 3 20 8 55 8 19 3 It S 47 8 04 3 01 8 39 111 1M S 23 1 88 1 39 8 17 T 82 3 31 8 II 7 25 3 2d 8 00 7 IS 7 14 7 10 7 UI 2 C4 7 41 0 M 1 57 7 88 60 1 61 7 83 45 1 49 7 29 0 27 1 37 T 11 6 10 00 1 CO 6 45 P.m. p.m. a.m. 7
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