THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Miscellaneous. TWO WONDERKUIj CLOCKS. feed One. of tho most curious clocks ever made was totnpletcd not many years ago by Karl Keller, a German miner of Pennsylvania. H 10 nearly resembles tho Strasburg as to seem almost an Imitation; but Keller de clares that he has never seeu tho great clock of Strasburg, and that ho never even heard of It until his own work was nearly comple- I of . . . . - t 1 " . 1 I . ., . 7 ,7 """"' In ""'" nou Kins, ino ursi p.ecc u, """ mis curt uur unu tuiitiurui una I'. ru uv-cvj t tun euiiuuiunuwH r . Keller wa, occupies three whole years In the construction of th wonderful time- r.ece.uunns.ue im o u, .ore. "'",, . uay nun u u u c u j in uis unucriaiiR u. ."yet uum . and sleep. He was a man of very milled education, without any of the advantages ol travel orwme ouservauot , ana me wiioi worn oi this curious cioce was periormeu with no other tools than two common jack-1 The clock Is eight leet high and four broad, has sixteen sides, and Issurmounted ny a giooe, over wmca is u cross. xuere are rour mai-piatoi, an carveu .n curious, cmuieiuiiuc ugiri-s ui must unuiue iir-sipu. Ooe of Ihe dials shows tho day of the month arolher, tho day of the week j a third," the minutes and seconds; and the fourth, the nour oimeuay. adovo mo uiai-piaies, a gallery extends about hall way around the clock, ami in me center oi mis gauery is a carved wooden figure of the Savior, while m encii enu is a smaii uoor opening into iue body of the clock. Over the right door ! an eagle, and over the left a rooster. Twice a day, that is, at coon and midnight, there is a sweet chiming of belli, during which a small door at the right opens.twelvi wooden figure.", personating the twelve apostles, march in proce'sion, with St.Peter at their head, all alongjlie gallery, lach in turn, as ho passes the Lord, bows with face toward him, and then, resuming hi former position, walks slowly forward till be .nUnn U .1 . .1.- t.!U .1 ll cnbuca luDuwi ai mu icu, wuicu miry an i . ru tj . 1 . .V t 1 .l , enter. When Peter salutes the Lord.the cock . .... I cows ; and when Juda, who in tho reat with one band shielding his face and tb other grasping a bag, reaches tho cock, il crows twice. At the extreme corners of the clock, placed on pedestals, are beautlfull) carved statutes or Jloses and ilias, and in the rear are two obelisks of tho Egyptian style,inscribed in hieroglyphics snd design ed to symbolize the ancient period of hit lory. The clock will run thirty-two houtp, and by special attachment, the procession of the apostles may be repeated whenever desired. ISM me most ustonisning tning l evci heard of in the way of a time piece Is a clock described by a Hindoo rajah, as be longing to a native prince of Upper India, and jealously guarded as the rarest treasure of his luxurious palace. In front of the clock's disk was a gong Bwung upon poles, and near it was a pile ol artificial human limbs. The pile was made up of the full number of parts for twelve perfect bodies, but all lay heaped together in seeming confusion. Whenever the hands of the clock indica ted the hour of one,out from the pile crawl ed just the numberof parts needed to form the frame of one man, part joining it(ll tt part with quick, metallic click; and, when completed, the figure sprang up,seized a mallet, and walking up to the gong.struck one blow that sent the sound pealing through every room and corrider of that stately castle. This done, he returned to the pile and fell to pieces again. When two o'clock came, two men arose and did likewise; and fo through all hours of the day, the number of figures being the same as tho number of thr hour, till midnight, the entire heap sprans up, and marching to the gong, struck, one after another, each bis blow, making twelve in all ; and then fell to pieces. lues I I'iles I Piles! Do you kuow what it is to suffer with piles? If you do. you know what is one nl me worst torments of the human frame. It cures constipation, and then it tonic action restores health to the disease bowels, and prevents recurrence of the disease. Try it without delay. MAPLE SUGAIl MAKING. The best sap weather Is when the wind is south-west, with fleecy clouds by day, and clear nights cold enough to freeze a little, The sap willrun as long as these conditions prevail. A south wind threatening rain toon stops it ; though if a sott snow fall' instead, it will ruu rapidly. The sugar maker has no use for rain ; it wets his jack et, soaks bis wood pile and increases the quantity of water to be evaporated, and the water running down the trees, steeping most and lichens on its way, and falling Into the .sap, gives a dark stain to the sugar that nothing abort of chemical means will re move. In a gocd "run" the sap accumu lates, and the fires must be kept going all night. There is no particular fun in this when one has gathered sap all day, but the great store tubs must be emptied to make room for Ihe next day's gathering ; so after supper the one who Is to boil till midnight wends his way to the works through the deepening twilight. The familiar woods look sslemn and mysterious in the uncer tain light. The owl takes grat interest In the sugar-maker' fire at night, and perched on a tree just outside the circle of light hoots loudly at intervals for hours. If you have two pans, and propose to boil a largo quantity of sap, you will have no lelsuro to speak of. You fill the "feed tub," and set me jauceu ai me oouom 10 run as large a stream as can possibly be evaporated, then you urge me ores to tne utmost, llie pans bubble and foam : the fragrant steam rolls away In clouds. 1 ou see the light ol other n res in tne distant woods wnere other lone ly watchers like yourself are at work, and after awhile the waning moon comes up and her light struggles In among the trees. If the air is clear and still the tinkle of the falling drops of sap can be heard at a dls- tsnce of many yards, a clear melodious sound, like a single stroke on a tiny silver bell; and as the pitch varies somewbatac- cording to the size of the bucket or the depth of sap, or fir some other reason, you may enjoy a unique concert if twenty or thirty trees stand near enough together to enable you to hear them all at once. Now several drops fall at once, then the intervals gradually widen, then nrrrow again, while others chime in, giving rise to a sort of ir regular rhythm and cadence, no one no tices It in tne day time, and the distance at which It is audiblo at night is surprising. The only other sound Is the rush of the creek m the valley far below, swollen with the tribute gathered by the sun from every enoiv-bauk within Its basin. Married ladles will Cod in 'Dr. Lindaey's LI jod Searcher juit what they noed. Try it. CUniNO AND FEEDING CORN FODDER. Cornfodder, ns wo term .it. I very good for farm stock lien cut fit the projur time nnd well tirrparid for the barn. I do not think thN fodder lms been appreciated at ita Iruo VAlue, though there lms been much thought nrd written on tho subject. When I was a boy I never saw nn ncro corn treated In the same manner that every farmer practices now In Vermont aj far ns I know. It was not uncommon In my young days New Hampshire for farmers to let the bulk of their cornfodder stand until It ,loroUgil1y rpened or killed bj- successive f , , , froiK Ihe ton staiks were removed about s tcmberflrst of , monlh , yfars Wh tho corn colnmfnceit t0 h. ,hc.e slock, were bound lu small bun anJ 8lood on tll0 ndjactnt grass land and w,jen nkg foi,Jer j, ,he bulk of ,he tM m remained, and by the exposure and ripening was ruined. When ,ho cor WM harvc9le(1 the caUlc woulJ eat( RnJ 9Q lhey d coru n0, one ,,er cent. 0f nourishment can ba found. Oue man says he plauts a small klnJ of conli lbat lbo fw,Jer ,mly R,sl) b(J of n fine quallly. I think 1 can suggest an m)rovelnent on b9 ,,lan x ,uvo & k,nJ of fght towwJ corn wb,cb is as large as anyofllie kind I have seen. I get over a hundred bushels of ears per acre with ordinary culture. Hut tho stocks are small, not growing much if any more lh. fp.ti.i.u. A vpnrP,.vn ,nP r ,,,, ,,, ,,,.r!ni, .m i nur ., , . oxen and cows. gnd j can ett,ny clrry hl my arms at once e.erT tolb tbev left My usual way of preparing this fodder I? as follows: Cut the corn at tho ground when about half glazed or hardened ; while the stocks aro yet green bind about seven or eight hill in a bundle, and put from three to five bundles In a stook ; set them firmly on the ground and put a band around the top of the stook. A short rain or two will not injure them, When sufficiently cured husk them in the field, or cart to tho barn and bust there. You will be pleaded with ., . , .,, , . . , , tho corn, which will be ripened and ready ., ',. 1 nr inn rrih. or tho crib, I usually cut my oats when the straw is about half turned, and if I have good luck in curing it makes very palatable food- After threshiig, I take of straw and corn fodder and with alternate layers mow them in some convenient place, and feed out in November and December. There will be but little waste, and cornfodder must be very dry if this mow does not mould, as it probably will in most cases. Il'it the cat tle do not mind the mould, and eat this prepared fodder readily and do as well as on good hay. Fanners can feed from a mow ol cornfodder as above and from a mow of hay alternately if they preier. Vermont Corrtip. of the Gerrnantown Telegraph. Father is (ie.tinr Well- Sly daughters say, "How much better father is since he used Hop Kilters." He is gettine well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurable, and we are to CM tnat bB useJ yur tsitters, A lady oi Rochester, N. Y. HULL KUN. Some one wanting to know, has been put- tiog It plumply to Gen. Joe Johnston why he didn't follow up the advantage of Hull s Run by the capture of Washington. 'There are two reasons.' he said, 'myself and the Potomac' I had reached the age when knew that an American soldier could not ford a river a mile wide aud eighteen feet deep.' In brief Washington was on the wronS bank. fortunately. There is a season of failures, everything failed except Days Kidney Pad. TUADEL'S STEVENS. When 'Thad' Stevens was avoune man in the Pennsylvania Courts, ho once lifct hi case by what he considered a wrong ruling of the Judce. Di-uusted. he banecd hi law books on the table, picked up his hat and started for the door with some vigorou words in his mouth. The Judge feeling that his dienitv was assailed, rose imnre' ively and said : 'Mr. Stevens I' Mr. Ste vens stopped, turned and bowed deferential ly. 'Jlr. btevens, said the Judge, do you intend by such conduct to express your con tempt for this court ?' And stevens, with mock seriousness, answered, 'Express my contempt for tKLs court ! Xo, sir I I was try ing to conceal it your Honor.' Ilegulate the Secretions. In our endevors to preserve health it is of the utmost importance that we keep the so cretory system in perfect condition. Tl well known remedy Kidney-Wort,has speci fie action upon the kidneys, liver and bow els. Use it instead ot dosing with vile bit ters or drastic pills, It is purely vegetable and is prompt hut mild in action. A Paris omnibus, one of the very large three-horsed kinds, recently broke exactly into two pieces. The first half went with the driver, who was unconscious what had happeded. The hind part remain ed poised on its two wheels it is not said how loug but all the passengers had time to get down, Fortunately there were but few. Only one was seated in the exact mid die of the vehicle an bid lady, who when the division of the omnibus occurred, was deposited somewhat suddenly on tho pavi meut. A memento of the great Napoleon atTal' lobassee. Florida. Is a cilt china teA.cun adorned with the Emperor's monogram aud a colored representation of the harbor o: Otranto, Italy. It also bears the date 1813, The relic is thought to have found its way to Florid in care of the son of Marshal Murat, who went to that Stato in 1821 Again Victorious At the International Dairy Fair, held New York, December 1873, a committee the most expert butter makers made the rnost careful tests of all the ditlVreut llutter I Colors. The result was the unanimous award of the prize to Weill, Richardson fc Co Perfected llutter Color. Again thlsorigi mal aud perfect color secures a victory as always does wuen tuero Is lionest and lai competition with any of its competitors, Sold by Druggists and Merchants, Take no other. FOR SALE ! A VALUABLE faum situate In Madison town sLlp, Columbia co. near New Columbia, coatalnlns 137 Acres of Land, There Is a TWO-STOIIV FJtAMK DWELLING HOUSE, ASprlnirand Good Well of Water, a LAIiau NEW llASK UAItN, A YOUNG APPLE OKCHABD, and other Fruit Ti-ees ou the premises. For terms and particulars apply to AAHON SMITH, Jan. U,'60-3m Buck Horn, I'a. atarri 9: t'EVEfl-FAILING RELIEF AFTORDED BV SANFORD'S I! AD1G1L CURE, IT t ft iVt that pun no laHtinttntflil by ti tnoit Tifpcttuble ti-itlmonliili vrt-r utlirej lti fivur tI finy ptvprteury medit l'ie, ihui liAiix-At. Cvcit run Catarbu doe In ercrjr cmi ft it or tl ttittitnt ami pi r mancnt retlrf, NomnUff oi Lowlontr nitminif, or how itTora tho dicnfl, the flr t tloso pitt-imch e i lenco of luvHluo in tliu ttcatmcnt of Lataninl ftitvctir. tit At eonildcncu Is nt nnco Trit lu Its nhility to ilo nil Tint t cltliiifd for It. Ih.' le-tliimny of plijMrlsna, driK kUH. an 'I patients Is tinsnlmuus In this rnpi-rt, nml tltf nc cnmiilatlnitrvlJoiiro Is in point nf rrpvtiniiiilty flor to nnyjevtr nt foro obtained In favor nf n popnur remfrtTi Tho proprlrtortt, tlicreforr, mny Jatly fret protid of the poniifon thi Kaiucal Cvhb has attained, and ttlioTo It worthy of It npatatlon. 10 YEARS A SUFFERER. From Hon.Theo. P. Cogert, Bristol, n. I. Musr. "Week A. rorritnt Gentlemen, Feellnc thorooKhly ronlnreft or tho cfllrsty of SAsroRiB It Attic a i. CcnR roc I'atakiiii, I am Induced to drop rtm n lino to nay that although 1 hn.elefn sceptical or nil tho nostrnma ndu rtifttM as "radical curt-u," I lime never found anjtlilntr that promiics luch relief aad Oltlmato euro as that of H i?. pom's. I hao been nlUlcted 11111 thu dreadfol dleae for more thnn ten )oart, and not until rvcintly .. Ill to Inducud to pracverowlth any until I read tho letter Uftlrnr Qto or lx tottles 1 am thoroughly convinced of lis rnratiro propcnirfl. iiopmtr mn oinrn' itmimri afflicted like myself will ho induced to make the trial lis curative propcrtlrs. Hoi iiffllc ted like hit bp If will ho hem similarly it 1 am. gentlemen, very truly, etc. Til0. V BOULUT. DEtBTot, K, L, July SI, 13TT. CATARRHAL AFFECTIOHS, Pach fti Sore. Wcul:. Inflnmril, tied, and Vfatery Eyc l Vlccratl. And Inflammation of ttie EAn Klnicln2 in 01 me f.ari liinitinK hroAtt KloniTAtlon or tlie ro!H't in tne llcaat horo inroati l-.lontrallon Jvula and hTTcllcd TonellA ratk'ls. llzzlnr. Cloadi il Memory, Lot or erv"Til IierreMlcm or M Irlts, aro nil car.'fiiUy aad pallr treated M-ltli till rotiipily according to Ircctlons wtilcti accompany cadi b dtlc, or ttlli be m.llKil In n ,11n nn rrilnt nt tnmn. Kach jpvkapo c ntaln llr. hnnford'a lmprorcd In riiltn? Tnbe, ltli lull r Iri'ctlona for lino In all eaten. i rielim ,oii iiv ail roicaio ana lietan i'mp(rii hronnhout tho United Mates and Canadas. W Kkks As ' General Aa-cats and Wliolclalo Druuulst. lloston, M&ss. Affords tho most RWitcftal relief in llhcnmii Hsm, "Weak frplnc, Local Pnlns, Ncrvoufl Af fection., Local Hhctimntlsra.Tlc Douloureux, ;crvous Tain. Affections of tho Kidneys, Fractured Iltbi, Affection a nf tho Chest, Colds and Coughs, Injuries of tho llaik, Strain and Bruises, Weak ltack,NcnousIanof th Bowels, Cramp in tho Stomach and Limbs, Heart itTectlon, Enlarged Spleen, Jlrulses and X'uncturcs, Rheumatism of tho wrists and Anus, Asthma, Gout, Local and Decp tcatcd Talus, lUn In tho Chest, Stitch. In tho l!uk, Tain in tho IXlp, Varlcoso or Enlarged Vein?, Crick in tho Hack bud Neck, Vain and Weakness in SI do nud Itack, Hoarseness, Soro "hroat, Lumbago, Whooping Cough, Sharp alas in tho Dreamt, Heart Disease, Quinsy, DUtjctc:?, cad for Lanicuec 3 lu nny part of tho Kod7. Xylcof0y..Cpnt As!: for COLLIN'S' VOLTAIC PLASTER, Seld l-y nUWholcsalo r.nJ ntuUlDrugtstf thvou-aox'.t tho Unlied M ites nnd Cr.irnlai, nnd by WEEII3 I'OTTEI, Proprietors, Hoston, Mas. JunU, TO-ly. PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS; Constipation and Piles. 1H. K. II. CLARK, Rota Hro,Vt., mt "iaca.of i:ium:v tkociiix-s itu acted IlLe a cbann. It hu cured exuny vcr? , Lod etHi of I'IZXS, rnwl lias uctr fulled to f acteClclcnllr," L, niON FAlECmLD, of ftUAlbBP,TW g, u'Mt lof prlveleTau After iwteen .i yearn of rrcnt u tiering rrura rue sou tlTtnc It complettlr cured me. C. S. llOtl AIJOX, otTcrltlilre, , '"one paelvas lias done wonders f.r u In com pletelr curls a severs Lher and Klduey Complain t IT HAS WONDERFUL Wli I 5 1 nrcicsn it act.- on the MVr.II.TIIE IlOtt'lXS AND KID NEYS AT THE MA3IU TIME. Because It cleanses tho system of tho poisonous humors that acveiopa In Kidney nnd Urinary diseases, B1I Jaundice. Conctlnatlon, Plies, or In Rhcumatlom, Neuralgia and Female Ulso roars. KIlNT.Y.VonT U 11 dry i(rc!aMo con pound and tfm by mi.I hT Mt-ll prcptJd. Onpparaatre wlllnia!.(i!xi;tii CnifMlltlnc. Bur It at tho Hrves!". Trlv. 1.00. 3 nimiiift'in. t. h 7 1SI9- SPCEli'S PORT GRAP WIN Used In the principal Churches for communlsn purposes. K.33LLSKT 0 1 HEISS A1TD WEAKLY P3SS5i:s AV0 1112 A3.D. Speer's Port Grape Wino ! FOUR YEARS OLD. 'Iihls Celebrated Name Wine H made from the J )ulcoof the Oporto (iraiie, raUedln thlsiuuuty Its Invaluable Tonic and Strengthening P operties are unsurrassed hy any other Satire ttlne. Ilelng the pure Juice of th1 (irape, produced under Mr. hpeer'B own personal supervision, Its purity nnd genuineness aro iruaranteed. The jount-est child may pa-take of ttscenerousoualltles. nnd iho u eak. est Invalid use It to advantav. It U partlculirly tienenctai to tne aged and debilitated, ad suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex, it Is In every respnet A WINE to HE UELItu on. SPKEU'S 19 Tho 1.J. SHEHItVls a Wine of Superior Chiracti r, and partakes of thecolden nualltle. or the crape. from which tt H made. For 1'urlty, lllchness, Flavor and Medicinal 1'ropertles, It u ill he found unexcelled. SPKUH'S P. ol. aei aiKly. This lilt ANDY stands unrivaled la this Country, ueiuv lur Buprnur lor uituieiuut purpused, IT is A ri'KE distillation (rem the grape and con. tains valuable medicinal properties. It has a delicate lliror, similar to that ot tho grapes from w hich It U distilled, and Is in great favor among ursKiass laimues. bvn that the signature of ALFHEll tsl'EEIt, I'asstlo .n. J., is o er the cort of t-acu home. SOLD BY O. June 37, isia-tt A.KLEIM. THIS I'lfER IS OK IlLE WTI R OWELL & fKtSMAH Advortislnn V Aaents, 3 OGLLiNS'H VOLTAIC PLASTER 3 I! frUtKJiCHrfll.wUT ST.., T.L0UI, hh DR. CLARK OHNSON'S Indian hi Syrup. LAnon.vronY, 77W.3dSt.,NewYorkCity rjfl iDMrSi ALL. if rtSiigl il (THAD!! IMt. ,Twpepln, Liver vwmsts. M- tvtrtv tgnc, Minima, Miiuipiy. ISrnrt tHarttvr. Jtlttousnrns, il'trrous ntbUlhj.ttc, Tho Best REMEDY to Han I iOEMs sold ,I'CI; is;o 9.000,00 Bottles. This Syrup Possesses Varied Properties It atlmulntpa the 1'ytynllntt In thn HnHrn, rljlrh conTrrti llio nlnrrli nnd mi par nf tho food Into c,ncor. A deficiency In ljtynllno rnDncn Wlml nnd Sourlni; of lh" food In ibe stomnrh. Jf tho mrdlrhif ! tnUru Imntpdl ntclr nftrr rating tlio lcrmeututlau of food U rrr tented. It net upon tlie T.trrr Itnctn upon Iho Iittnry It ltccntiitr Iho IIoitcU It Turin cn Ihr ltlon.l. It ulet tho rrTouSritem. It I'romair Ulccptlon It ourlilic, Mrrncihrn nud TnTlcarntrs It cnrile off Ihr Old lllnod nnd mnUrm nevt. It opcni Ihr pnrrn rf lbo fckhi uud lnducr Healthy Pmpiration. It neutralizes tho hereditary talrt, cr poison In tha Hood, which cenrates Strofida.l-rj-aiptUH, and all manner of fckln dLocarcn and Internal humcra. There are eo splrlta employed in Its manufaerare, and It can bo taktn ly t..oiaoat dellcato habo, cr by the seed and feeble, tun only Uing rcgatreJ in at' ttntiat to directions P2ICE CP LAHOS E0TTLE3, $1.00 IEICE OS SHALL E3TTLI3, - - 50 Rid tho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by the use of the BLOOD PURIFIER. Uct Medicine 12ver Used. Elton, Wyomlnceountj-, l'o. larPlr! I bad br.m troubled for a lontr time with n t'oln In tuv Momach, and found no relief until I lc?an usli g jour Indian Hloott sjTUp. I find It the ti'st medicine In uve. and I can rwomme-nd It to all, oli nnd yountr. It savi's miny rlollara In iloctors' bllKfth'lnnc larir bottlo did me more rood than live dollars worth ol other medlctne. .Marlam Lasarr. Cure. Monroo, vvomlns countv, I'a. Dear sir: I had been afflicted u-iih .1 couirh. I of Appetite and li.vsnepsta for ten earl. I could not properly attend to mr buslnesi. 'and hearlnir ot our Justly celebrated Indian lilood yrup, I resolted to try It. which I did. and In a short time was much Improved. I now have a fcood Appetite, and have njoyed good health ever since 1 commenced Its use. j. iADarr. ick Headache Cured. llowman'9 Creek. Wvnmtnir countv. Pa. Dear Sir : I had sick Headache and by the use ot jwui iuuiuii itiuu .-j rup t was preauy reiiuvu. j recommend all to to' Its valuable properties. a. v. Burnett. The Remedy did more than she Expected, Vewterrv. liMmlnrMintr. Pa. Pear sir: The Indian lilood torup did more than I expected It would and tt has cured me of Liver uiiupiainr. i uvj it asa Medicine and would not ne w unout u. Jlrs. Jlary Charman. Headache mid Dizziness. Wllllnmnnrf. T t enmlnr rniinti. Pil. rear sir: Your Initian lilood S rup has cured me of Headache, Dizziness and Loss of Appetite, sothat I am now able to work In my factory. My w lie de rived more beoellt from Its use than from any other uieuiuut.. Henry Husscl. Would not bo Without it. WHMamiport, Lvcomlng county, ra. Dear Mr: The Indian Hlood svrun !3 the liest I ever used and I would not ba without It, It Is good for all complaints. John Ilurkhart. Diease of tlie Stomach. Baton. Wyoming county, Pa. Dear sir : ThW Is to certify that 1 had a Weak Stomach and could eat no meat or any hearty food whatever. Ily n frlenl's I commenced the ucnf your Indian iiioik! sprup. whU-h atwr a short effectuallv relleed me and I can now eat anilhlntr I choose. Your Syrup universal satlstactlon. Elizabeth Hadsall. All t li nt it N rccoir.metided to he. Opera Hotpe. Columbia. I'a. Dear Sir: 1 hae used ur excelleht Indian lilood Sjruu and It has proven Juntas repiesented. I can recommend It to all. m. Hochow. Wholesale llerchaut, 5th street Unanimous neivimmemlatimi Ttof iltowlng add thtlr testimony far the Indian ii umt ruu; 11. K. tlrt-alT, entrlnpfr l It Ii. .1. (I. !in!th, tit luuinln Mecl Works. Mrs, -nvdor or Columbia. A. l.rener, of in trton burgh. John Kcros, ot fato Harbor. Would not bo Without it. ronton, Columbia co'ttity, Pa. TVnr Mr: I used otr excellent Inpian iiixmjd svhit nnd nave rcfieii much wneilt ineTC- ii um. i coma not gei along umioui it, Mrs. IUrber. ever ruiU to Cure. East Lemon Wvomlntr Co. Pa. Pear Sir i I was sick lor three M-ars. and under proiessionai ireatmeni most ci tne time wunouc ue luir bcneiltctl. At last 1 was Induced to try sou: Indian moon sviti'p and altera bhort trial. I found mjseliln tetter health tlian I had been rorslx sears, Sure Cure for Ucer Complaint, Kohrsburtr. Columbia Co. Pa. Dear Sir .This U to certliv that vour Indian 1'ioDSVKt-r lias been used by me, tor Liver com pl mf, whl'-h hid len troubllni; me tor a louj? time 1 derled more benetlt from tho use of the .syrup inauiromanj oiner meuicine, i neanuy recom- menu n, aim uuiso uu huurrera vo fni'ii it inai, L P smith of Appetite. Itohr&bunr Columbia countv Ta. Deir Sir: ! have uscil vour excellent Indian Uiod M'Kr.' for I oss of Mipettte ami Weakness cf the Momacl:. wUh very Iwtitllclal results. I beUeie our medlctne to lu the greatest blood purifier huuiui.uuuu'nist'uii vruu uid) 00 buuenutf tts 1 wa iu gi.o 11 u fjeejj iriai. -Mrs. r. Aery Pains in Shoulder. Kchrsbunr. Columbia county. Pa. I?ar sir This is to certify that sour Indian Hlood s ki'p has irroatlv relieved me of Pains In th shoulder aud Chest, which I hart Ih'f'u afflicted with lor ears, i recommend u very ii'fhiy. Mrs. Alary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. Bf ar tlan. Columbia Countv. Pa Dear Sir -My rather h.ta been surrerlng with Kiunev complaint nra longtime arm n.iu bi-en un d-rdo-tsrs' ireatmeat, but the doctors could not eff,. t a cure I hae U'en subject to a Numbness and Wcekness In inv Left. Arm. We obtained some of vourlnva'uable Isuiav llujon hvkit Iroin your AL'ent. m. II potter, und tt has cured mvl.uH' completely, and my arm Is much better. It dx-s not ir-moiemeuuit so mueu. lour meaicine is excel lent. Joslah John. Female Complaints. Hear (Jap Columbia county, ra. Dear sirt ThN Is to certify Hut I purchased sAme of vour lMUv liuioii m-kti- for my wife for Inna. matlou ani l-'emtie Complaint, and U has given her rent 1. J K Herncr licst Medicine Ever Ued. liear tlap. Columbia county, i'a. liearMr: My littlH son was troubled with his ater passing from him constantly, dayandutgbt, I coi suited I wo d'ictor and gat e him medicine, out uuhout effect. I bought some ot t our celebrated l.vpi iN iiLoou BYK11-, u snort inai ui wuieu, curei hlui. Lambert Camp. Dyspepsia nnd Indigestion. Numlda. Columbia Countr. Pa. Hear Kir For many i ears my w If was aflllctc ulih lltsntnta. andv,e SDent con.lderable money without receiving ttenent. We procured some of iour Ism.N liljoop YKUl anosne uegan iu improve in neaitu irom tuu lime sue eoiuene. u us use. Huloracn I) suj der Liyer Complaint. Centralta. Columbia Co. I'a. InnrSIr: This U to certify that I wasnuwell and could scarcely attend to mv work, 1 think my Liver uasurfeeted, I piocured some ef sour Inuun Hloou nYnt l ami now , uner u suui l iiiui, leeiiikeuucw man. i recommenu us useiuu i. Daniel floodman. I)yspepia aud Neuralgia. Ilvde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa. Dear sir: Vour valuable Inpuk llixwu hvsee has eff,s?ted a iermar.ent cure In mv case. I bad been aflltctcd v, tth the Dyspepsia and ;turaJgia, but am uuivcuureiy wen. Sirs. John Thornton, lllllous Stomach Cured. Ilvde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa. Dear STi I liae Ueu troubled villi lllllous Complaint and by the usu of jour Ispiin Utxxin avair una tueciuuuy cuieu uie. John N Williams. CypeIa Cured. Hi do Park. Luzerne Co . I'a. " Dear Hr Your iniuable Inuun I'.lood bvair has cuusmeoi Djspepsia. Mre. 8 U Adklns. Liver Complaint, Ilvde Park. Luzerne Co . I'a. Dear sir t-.I have been troubled with Liver com. plaint, but I was permanently cured by using jour VUlUUUie 1MI1AN UUUVU DIBir, Mrs. a F llsrUnsame, BOO 18, tSTMy wico CURES BLOOM SB URG STATE W 0 S Rfl A L S0H00L SIXTH NOIIMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County? Pennsylvania. Rsv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tllisscilool. aiatpresent constituted, otttrs the very best facilities for rrofesslonr.l and Classical learning. ..... , n!iildtnKs"& i completely heated by steam, well untllatca, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful suoily of purc.sUl I. I.-?.. -L . ....... n nnnaa Tn,.1.n moderate. Fifty cents n week deduction to all uspectinu to teacu. muucdis aamr.iea at any iimc. jsooms resertvu wneu uesneu. Courses ot study prescribed by the iitato t I. Model School. II. l'rep.irjtory. III. Klemcntary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Giiirse in Mnic. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in I'hyical Culture. Tho Elementary Scientific and Classical Courses in PIlll'lIssIo.'JAU nnd students grailuatng therein, receive stato Diplomas, conferring the followln corresponding Degrees i .Master of the hltn nts: Master of the sciences .Master ot tho Classics, uraduatcs In tho other Courses recelio .Normal Certlilcates thelrattalntnents., signed bv lh'1 Dnieers orthe Ilo.iril of T'lst.'i', ... The cours.. ot stud y orescrlbi'd bv the state Is liberal, and th f Mentinc nnd Classical courses arc not In'erlor to those of our best Colleges. Ti e Mate reaulresa hi iher order 6f eitieii-utp. The times dnan.tlt. It Is one of tho prlmo objects of Ihts School to help to secure It. by furnishing Intelli gent and ertli'lent Teachers for her schools. Tothtscndlt solicits young persons nf good abilities and good purposes.-thosu whndeslre tolmprove their tlmi Hti'l their talents, as Mudents. To all such It promises aid In de eloping their powers, andabundant opportunity for well paid labor alter leaving school, iui Catalogue. nddres the lTlnclpal. t. m,Tv,M IKIN. XVII.I.IA.H i:i,M.I.I.. I'rralilrnt Honrd of Trusieep. F. I'. BIUJI, I.H, Secretary. sept. a. -;o.- IDOlsPT DELAY But come at once and look through the largest stock of B&Qdy-MajLe) Clothing IN THE COUNTY. IF WE OAXXOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, wi-; CAN' SELL YOU THE CLOTH, on TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND .MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE BI'TTER'AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTS, OASMMERES, SOLD BY THE TAllD. iNTow sellinpr at the RELIABLE ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, COrV Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A. being ' V.ry STRONG, SMOOTH, a EXCELLENT THREAD." puenllDanr Home industry, V MONTH cuaraiileed. 112 a dav at home made by the Industrious. Capital not required ; we will fetart you. Men. women, boss and irirls make money faster at work for us tlnn nt mnthlnrf f.K Tl, u-nrl-tj light and pleasant, and such as anyone can so riirhtat. Those who aro wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once nnd sen for themselves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now is too time. Those already at work nro lastng up large nuns or money. Address HtUK & to.. Amrusta, Maine, oct 3, i-iy Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ( Ftrrmtrly Jr. Cralo't Kidney Curt A vegetable preparation and the unlr turn reim-dy n the world for llrlitht'a Itl.viiKr, lllubeun, nnd AIX JUduvj, Liter, uiiii ?TeUnioDlaii of the hlfihest order In proof Ofthene statement. -S51orrlh?.SUI .f Jwtc call for War neri Hiifo Illubclr Curt. nr-For the cure nntriiEht and thentber olieuei. call for WAruer' ftulo lilduev and LlTcr Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the best lilood Purifier, and itlmulates every function 10 more healthful action, aud is thai .1 benefit In all diseases. ' II cures Srrofulou and other Nbln Eruii lloua and Diseases, I u eluding Cuui-era. 11 eerm, and other Korea. Ujilfllii, UeukneMortheNloniaeli, ConatlpAllon, Hluliua. Ofiierul Dfbll. Ity, etc., are cured by the Safe llllier. Il la unequaled as an appetlzerand regular tonic. IiotUes of two siivs i prices, &Oc. aud Sl.oo. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qalckly (rives Heat and Meep to the lulTertnr, "rft 'PwfMWw and Keuntl-riu. prevenu Lplleptlet tla.anj relieve Nrrtuui lru Irutlou brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes. . l'PwJ?rul M 11 10 t0P Pal uothe dls turbed Nerves, tt noytr injures the a) item, w hetber taken In email or lance doses. llottltaof two sites; prices, ftoe. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimulus for a louimii. sutoua Dlsr- ttak, M&UrU, firtr a&l Afttt, and should Ibe used whenever Ibe bowels do not operate freely and regularly. olUf fill. r4ulr tark ul 1wm fwr Ikervtifk urk. l'rt ti rt. bot. I itild lit Um(KLu Dcalrr I la ftMlt.att triSr, H.H. Warner & Co,, I lrprlrtor. ROCHESTER, K. Y, U MM tor 'MpllUt FAllrca. .ly Thli retnuitble mrtlU ielcf ll curt tspsviDi, Splint, Curb, Ckllom, ic , will temot the buuca wltkoul tilliterln nv tiut. I log a tare. 24 remedy cvtrdltcoveredequsliltfur ccrtslotrof actiua In tup ring the limni tadrc Vrica ktJll. iwnd lot lllUI I-trttnl clrculsr fivloi pcxitlv proof, sod youi nciri t titrnt sddroi. ICendall's Hpuv In t'ura Is euld by HruiraUl4. or ttlllJr, 0. J, KtctliU a Co., taoiburg t tU, uutoaU M0YK11 IJnOTUEltS, liloomslurg, I'a. : vF7l" iW JWmSsMW-s Iparis. Philadelphia. NEWK I BOSTON. "t 'j ..rnurl.inl nnielflnt. n II 1 ftll?0 tn thplt Wflrlf. XOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, etc., iNor Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, ifcc. Gum Clothing, &e. STORE OF THIRTY SEWING MAtJUFACTURED at : MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. mRTtBR0MUTtD)4SrurS.!MIL Highest Meial at Viecaa and PhiladelpUa. E. & H. tTaNTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, Nexo York. iliiuufaclurers, Importers & Dealers lu Velvet Frames, Alburas.Graphoscopesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings. Chromos. Photographs, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials We are Headquarteis for everjtWng In the way of Stereapticons and Magi: L:ntcrns, Faehfetjlebelnifthebestof ltsclassln the market. Heauiltul l'hotoaranUle Transnareneits ot Mutu ary and EDcr.iv.nfs for the window. Conex (llass. Manufacturer: of Velvet Tramea for Miniatures and contex Olasa llciurea. Catalojues of Unterna and altdes, with dlrec tlona for using, bent on receipt of ten cents. Jan 9,'sO-ly Tun Johnson iicvoi.viNti Jt.l rf Irnn, twiiitlfully ornft. in-uited. AUjustab.j feholen. theaji and btnui. Canuut irtt out of older, l'uur RUes. Bend for conpletti circular and prlco hit, r-end C5 cents for our new Illustrated CataLvuu of School lephandle. J-'trry lUixut or tliuulti Kaw it. IAZE3, TEATT & CO., Hsadjjjrten for a'l School Supplies, It! t lit GlllM) STI1LI.T, M:iV TOIIK. kept li, ! :ty?T?i:Tj5t r'ri-lio Pure.t and Heat Meillrltie turn: K ArnirVir..ion of ltnp. Itilrliu. Mnn lii'i Ii ,i.l 1 V I l Ulltl" I, I . I. ii' nt i i.i . i Mm r Ifi'rntmuiuujUfc I 'j ni i-iii- ' 'r li? p'M 4 a. , y..l'.riMaln ... H iJ.Tii IU'umi -.1. i I -ffSJ l&.uv . Ai n i,,mt litti.i.tam l -i iii i . r i rr ii it J 'in Ti t llti?s ti- prTpiom nr1 i , Hwi an .i m ,..a (r v'iUl Tlt i,t lM- ii,.,. i ft i V t-llt'tvti i 'unii, fctilr.latlf a ii ji i - I, j 'i v t r I . . 1 ,i ,..d hundjtdi. t H.00 vi. 1 ' t-f 1 ft.rn cfethfvv 111 r t rir' nf! i" i ml rt, il., 1 1 to ti Jtifp I'ltuis. ' 3 Mr" ri t r, lTonptft rnliDotlr ('rnrtTrft.nj!; ii ri'tii.b. till 1'un tar.1 lien J 1 1 i, (. , i ' .t:ieIiiv;iU.I Pi lpti.1 ii ii.l 1 1 nn.." ., , Niiti imnoa or uu .! y houM U v it Uut t In m. n (ill noiii I'tluH il it y, rTia.52r k! J.IMrrn. HOno Hop t n fori 'in iti-ucf Bf.i r miwji b ilot'HraAblcl'rui u. ii u-id l-rclfttiltio euro foi ,:hmi, t Mu-junil n . i t'.cs btiptTlur tot Up. LP II n 8' " Jurai k it) i ii o; VA: wu i May 8, 19-tt, FITS CUIIKI) Promptly and Permanently, 1 send a bottle of my celebrated rem edy, tth a uluable treatise on thla duease, free to all buff ere. ra k bo bend we ueir i . v. ana &xpresa aaareaa. Dr. II. U. KOur. No. 163 Pearl St. Knur Yort. Nov H-Jm aid lif O.I . I. tiooi.-cAr-i:. tl DlsclDllr.e. firm but kind, uniform and thorou.'n. Expcnsef Weaver & Go's Ads u ha o the beet V '.ill's f' r awi.h, ovirawaL'cntt are now niAiii? fi in to ?1 .1 a ilny. Srml p'amp for iinrifcularn. AUdrcas AtlLNTS HKUALU, Hex H, 1'hlladtlphi ,Va. PICT 3 TO ALL ra II jr 111! i I no imwrr thu Addrcia AGENTS' l!i:i:.LI,j;oxil, I In : 1.1 1. AGENTS! READ THIS! Wc will Jiay Anenta a salary or allow n lar o com. mNlon to sell our now and xvomlcrlnl In riitlotM. Wo mean v.liat u o Nay. I r imp'o frro. A01;MSMII:I!ALI), Box n. PliIlntitlphla, Piu APCFiTO fur all tho liehl ami arM-ftrlliiiif JiUL.ll I 0 pictorial StthHc-rlptloit llooUn uAMTrn nn il'lc. Jjxe no time, tho Wftli 1 LU tUmnmt Is simply imtnente, end Ur rifory being ripldly taken, will outsell any other book. TllOgrcntct opportunity eur oiTcrtd to prriiiN out of rut pi o) incut or Uo do tiro to add to tin lr Income bycuLagini; In nn hon orable and iirolltnbln business. I'rlcis rc duct d friMii lOtoM Ipit cent. Address AUCN1 LitALit, ioxv, rhiudelnnm, i'a. CTT 57,TI7l,T3 AVaro nt iriniinlnc ZdAJU 15 JEaJTSl, titrer 'ont l'rlt rM. Tho utter w orthlcft-ncFS of the etull ad crtl? td hy n number of firms in New York. Cincinnati and Jostan,comiK,l t ho v orld-rcno" nra Tremont ipoon Co.. of I'liiladelphiii, to offir ,T.cry ono famine itts of their Voy lUt Wnrc at price much loner than any jew this otL Ood5. any jeweler pay for them ot w holesalc. Wo mako thfd oiler for n t-hort time simply to introduco our Tho ((ItoNo)) and X OlIvnM Ilrnmla IMatcil Wttro sent at following rates i Jia fpon, SI ("j dox.; Tableupcton, $2m Fork", fJCO: It itcrKnhca, I T3 ; Sticrar bhclU. S1.75J rtitcd 1? 1 Knlcs S.3 Tlpiieil .criuait MIt or 'X "hltiioiiN, g'J.TSj 'leaponn, gl.fjO; 1'laln (i. .S. Tab'cri.oiit, $.Mi Tcappoon-, SI. 40. d mU pent prepaid ou receipt of money or pofneo ftanip". Tltn.MONT M'OOX CO., Hot B. PhlladclpbK. Ta. Sample by 3Inll For 2.1 Cent. They nro i.ittilo Just like any pood (aster. coimI UritiiniiU Metal, eooil (itas-ininl Bottle". Ktery .iteiit ( tin cnsll) hell 25 groi of tlico perfect Toys, hf foro (liristma-. .luet the article fur fount erMrres Airenttniul streetnieu. 1 do zenb) Kprrsigt,.iU. 1 gross Ii) l.prc.s $1 1.(10, He aUo hare n Collnpsltitf ( up, uliirK telcsropPH t fir ether and ran be carried In tt I'tirkct. file liy Mail il.'ic. I duen byl.preH $.'.;.. ft do, by l.xpri 62I.U0. Alltlienl.oio froniU ure not el, attrarthe, ilirlily polMicd and will hdl rupl'lfv. AdilresH plainly, iiJi;m(ivt M'oox co.. It.iv B, l'.'iijjcl;i!ila,l' tt f (unmctce It In ttry cie, m.ttcn not rf how n itantt lnptr In. difily tonifd, It gtn limiui relief Hnrlcjrei thi rnntlci ronii f.., In fntu ct.e to tl.ree erki If u.t-J aottirr u t-d, I u.ln iird Mimlrr ft le.iiti Mb, u f chtii if dofrvl. Utall e and U irtal, In nliilti Hiiiliw .Ur wU'Unll (.ihrrnif.n te falltii h, la y nil rti i- i u undi.iu u N-ni cr 'iilf fafitt rree t n rn U t i.f j ri t y JUOliW UT.drnernlii'.'t'iit fori s aiuMnni-'iis t:tO t'ruiil.liii M lt.iltiiiiuii-, Mil. Cyxtt (rl.uire bar ImJw mik l4 aL-uaturt cf hr J W Da lit on ri r &ept. 19, '79 ly. I W & CO. INSTITUTE. rBtabli8hcainlST2forthocura of tan t-r, 'itiiiiorti, I'lrtTrt, Hi-rnliila. nnd Skin lli..iic.o -without tho usoof kmftj or lot, of bbtoliindlittlo Ialn. i or infonnatlou. circulara aiil reft-'rences, addrefli lr. I. X.. I'OS l, Aurora, Jvauo Co., 111. sept. 19,-79-ly. r w A co. THI9 IICW iPJ,ARTIf!'l'l?TTsa fltf Hu ft Tad d Ferine frr-m all other, i TSCNSIfiLCK ln""."JJf lltelttu ftllivaiU jtt cf the ttndv, blla the f ueueraisis Held airrijaT , j Llib, .n1 i -.. taio. Jtiseaij. durablsntebcap, jaio, JHJeaij.flUratlr.fcbp, I HIT , , fuul t ira. Ffinlsfnn Tphco Pn . Lt.Hn in -gyvvwil HUJj l,, lylllUaiiWi .l. sept, u, '79 ly, J w a; o. N N SUMPTION can la? cured by the conttnueil uv of omun'at'od LheroltandLacto l'ao-phite of Lime, a cum for Cou-umptlnn. CourlH t'ohH, Asthma, lironchltH, and all serufuloiH dUeaseit. AUc jour ilruzeM for Hamuli's und take mi other If he has not got It, 1 will mmhI t bottle anywhere on receipt ot tl. tend for Circular. CHA. A. OsMl'N. 13 &eicnth Avenue, New York. !ovJl,'T9.-0m J'co, ' y l N I f - ll end money. JtitsU. Ifrtt, Jtttjc lit II.- (.ll ., S I . 111 S:i,i Viv. It firnnifcff or i JAMES KOWri & SONS, it laO.aV rt, j"flA Hnl St., TiALi iitu;. . XS J 'iSUt'ttO'SS, JM, i v A; co PIANOS Cover. Mool and IKiok, only fun totiis. pa-ans, 13 boiw. 3bets needs, s Kuco sel.s, sioul and Hook. trhsinn nr. can, htoul. Hook, only tSd.75. circular bent free, Address, lll'.NNELL i: JULLEIt. Uwbtuwn, I'a, REWARD IftS'S; J'lind, ltitiiiii,(r tllttrr.t. J l'ilnithaillilllim-Ml'ilB Itt ini dy faiUUicure. Uiiua iiiuui tlmte tf lief, curt s casta of luntr btandmir to 1 fltnlc, and cintinary rani In S data. CAUTION vr.MvrAni f rial. Ion H la ei.ira a S. of Arnn. I la bl.tflt u I1U cf&tonti u. I " f; ! ' ''"J1"'. I !.' , 1 1 biat'o. hold f.r .11 dnip.j.ta. h.;ul 7 niall bj J.V. Mil I , u.M. II,,vwr. ii.bU.uid AcbU u., l'laUi..l'a, ov,Jl to..iy aid GILMORE & CO., llalnblUheit Ihlli.) Pensions, Increase of Pensions, and all uher classes of Claims for Soldiers and Sol. dlers' Heirs, prosecuted. Address u Ith btatnp, i . .. OII.MOliE CO., deo 6-tl Waihlnston, U. c. TT SCNSIBLI PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thia Office ON 8H0RTEST N0TI0E A 1) AT THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS i OLD AUD HELIASLE, s T- CI . ... T t a t tn-.. -r ft.. a ouiuuara xuunuy i 'tn ,,y fjr tWv... fcftV- .H-.W (J9 ifiV., Vlu - mm VS-P Live,! il tu 1 1 cip v5 ti "S' I, ., ir moro inan io years,; n.nli. SEND POD O I 13 CMl hn Ic. t.w. tsawrnDn. M.n.. bboabw?! j vi .. ... wr,... new Ton c .7 AiTHRH.r,isTit, rmctt uMHsmumuttsuutui! Am II i. 'm-iv. RAIL R.OAD TIME TABLES jORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. June 29. ISIti. the tratad on the Philadelphia K brio Ita lroadDlilMouwlil n4 as louon s : WESTWAHD. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia 115 pm " llarrlsburtf 4?.'aia " " Wllllani'port (.rtum " " .lersey hore ti e" a m " " Lock llaien m-iara ' " Kcnovo lio am " arrlvo at Erlo 1 55 p m Niagara Expiess leavesl'hlladelphla b im a m Iltirrlsbur Il'irjata " arr. at wiinarasport swpin Lock llaen 3.Wnm Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 50 a ra " llnrrlaburp; 8 d5 p in " arrive at Wllllamsport 7 a. pin " ' Lock Haven SJOpta EASTWARD. Pacific Expresa leaves Lock Haven T ra a tn " " .lersey shore 7 ..J u m " " llllarasport snam arrhe at Ilairlsnurg lan'ipm " Philadelphia Bwpta Day Expresa leaves " " Ixick Haven H2i)aui V Ullamsport 12 40 p m " nrrheat llarrlburL' 4b)n.-i ' ' Philadelphia t2opiu Erie Mall leal es Itenoio sjnpra " Lock Haven tistipta mia-nsport ii in pin ' arrlesat llarrLsburc 2 43 ata M Philadelphia 7 w a in Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport 12.i5ara arrUesat HarrlbOur 3.'Jiaia " " Philadelphia 1 4U a n Erlo Mall westand Day Kist make u- eonneciiuus ai .uiiuuinueriunu wnu l.. & li. n. trams for w likesbarre aud scrantou, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West and I'a'J i.iiHi ..eLiuaKu nusu eunneeiiuu iiiiiui:ip uii u. n. . trains norm. Nlacara Express West and Day Express Ftefl make close count ctlun atLockllau-n wlthli. Km it. It. trains. Erlo Mall east and West connect at Frio Mil trains nn l. (, s jt. s. it. it. : at corrv lth o. i a. V. It. It. ; at Emporium with 11. N. Y. & P. Is. t nnu ni jinnisooil with A. v. it. it. Parlor cars will run between Thllalelphla ail ni.iinpori on .Magara r.xptess wesr, anu la l press fast, sleeping cars on nil nlcht trains. WM. A. 11ALDWIN. (ieneral supt. I "TOHTIIERX CENTRAL RAlLWAa XI COMl'ANt. Ou and afi'-r November yith, ls3, trains will leail nuuuur iusiuiiu.vs : MlIlTlIWAUD. Erie Mall 6.20 a. in., arrive Elinlra ll " Canandalgua... 3..t5j.. Rochester 5.1a Niagara 9 4n Ilenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. arrUe Wlhuml port 12.55 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a.m., nrrUo Elmlra 10.20 a.m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m, arrive lluffalo s.50 a a SOUTIIWAltl). lluffalo Espreus 2.50 a. m. arrlie Ilarrlsburg " llaltliuore S.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. ra., urrUe llarrlsburg Mi " Washington to 3i " Daltlmore 6.30 " Washington Harrtbburg accommodation burg 10.50 p.m. arrlvo lialtlmoro ' Washington 6.13 Erie Mall 13.55 a. in. arrive Harrlsburg 3 15 a. m " llaltlmore 8.40 " ' Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. I10YD, Jr., (Ieneral Passenger Agei A. J. CASSATT, General Mana6( piIILADEI.I'HA ANU READING ROAtj ARRANGEMENT OF l'ASSENGEEl TRAINS. May ll, 1S79. TRAINS LRaVB KCI'EKT AS I0I.LOW8(SrNDAV EXCirTI! For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, rotlsUV Tamaqua, c, 11,43 a. m For Cataw lssa, 11,45 u. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. m. For Wllllamsport, o,2s 9,03 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS FOR RrFKRT LEAVE A8 FOLLOWS, (SCKDAT 11 CKFTED.l Leave New York, s,45 a. iu. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a, ra. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. ra., Pottsvtlle, 12,3'J p. t and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Lea e Cataw lssa, c,2o s,50 a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Lea e VllUamsport,9 45 a.m.2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p. u Passengers to arid from New York and I'hllaUil phla go througa ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, (Jeneral Manager C. G, HANCOCK, k (.eueral Ticket Agent, Jan.14, Is76 tf. D E LA WARE, LACKAWANNA A.NE WESTERN KAlLItOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. 51 MONDAY, JUNE 10, 187S. juitH'nscaui uio uivcr, fiwmncst 4j JJ nnd JJowcls. It fa 1'urclr .ai 5 ,t .t.t. ti vri J DeblliUtco-It h ft? frA p j Q$ i STonio. .fif f BfllMSv1 2 mm iSBB sum mm SOUTH, p.m. p.m. a.m.1 9 30 4 12 9 46 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 b 5s 3 51 9 21 8 61 3 46 9 19 8 46 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 :t 8 33 3 30 9 01 S 13 3 10 S 44 8 23 3 20 6 55 8 12 3 12 8 47 5 04 3 04 8 39 7 61 2 51 8 2S 7 8S 2 39 8 17 T ."l t 34 8 12 7 23 2 23 8 (Hi 7 IS I 14 7 10 in irj 7 44 6 66 1 67 7 Ss 6 60 1 51 7 33 6 43 1 46 7 29 6 27 1 !7 J 11 6 15 00 I 00 6 15 p.m. p.m. a.m. STATIONS, SOUTH. a.m. p.m. p.i scranton llellevue Tai lorvllle.... ...Lackawanna.... l'lttbton . . West I'lttston... Womtng Maltby Henuett Kingston KlUL'atoll 9 35 l 10 6 2 16 6 2 24 ! 2 SO 6 2 Ss 6 2 44 6 2 4'J 6 2 63 C 57 0 9 43 9 63 10 07 10 IS 3 16 I 10 S3 3 15 I ..1'li mouth June ...l'l) mouth Aondale 3 10 I 3 13 7 3 21 7 3 26 7 3 85 S 10 2) 111 34 10 42 rsanticoko, .Hunlock's reek. -puicKsuinny..... .nick's Kerry,,..: 10 65 3 50 8 11 UI 4 03 5 11 13 4 10 8 11 21 4 IS 9 .oeuiu uateu. ...... Herulck .. ..Uliar Creek 4 JO 1 4 29 I 4 33 7 4 44 7 4 49 8 4 64 8 ... mow urove.,.. ..ume mage..... Espy .. lnoorasburg,.... Hubert 11 39 11 45 11 6 Cataw lssa llrldge. 11 67 6 OJ S 12 18 6 li 3 9 IS 9 u30 19 45 6 15 ... .iidnwue ....C'hulasky,.. ....Cameron o.m. cm. a.m w. V ir A T US' it i f 1 Mint. oufenuieuueui -B unce, scranton, June 10, n y.UNWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GHOCKItS, PuiLABiLruu, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUPS, COFFEE, SUOAK, MOLASSES, BICE, SriCIS, BICABB BOD A, &S., tO, N K, Corner Second and Arch Btreets, prordera will receive prompt attention.
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