THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. 0. E. ELWELL, Kiltor. 3. K. BITTENBENDEB, PnblMir. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Fob. 0.. 1880. County Commiss liners and Assessors. AuJItor General Shell some tlmo since is sued hU Instructions to county commis sioners In regard tolhe nsitssmcnt and col lection of State tuxes. Heretofore- there urn been a laxity of Juty among assessors In ascertaining the amount of "all moneyed In tho hands of individual citizens f the State" which Is "llablo to a State tax of four mills." There Is no excuse for this as the assessors nro furnished by the county commissioners with a statement of the property and things taxable for State purposes under the lavs, and the forms of assessment of the same. The determination of tbo Auditor General Is shown by the fol lowing instructions to the commissioners of tho various counties throughout the State, Ho says : I deem It to bo my duty to call the at' tentlon of all county commissioners, and township fTs!CSors, to tho several duties relating to taxation enjoined upon them respectively by law. Heretofore the asses merits of personal property, especially mon pyi at Interest, In many counties have been very carelessly and negligently made. Near ly all tho requlremtnts olthe law have been disregarded. It may be safely estimated that nt least one-half of the moneys at in terest subject to taxation for State purposes have not been reached by assessors. Thi should not ue so. lne policy of the law taxing money capital Is not to be taken in' to consideration. The law itself is irnper alive. It imposes a Stale tax of four rallli on every dollar of the value "of all moneyed capital in the bands of individual citizen ot the State." It mates It the duty of the commissioners of the several counties tore quire the (township) assessors to ascertain tbe amount, description and value, of the property taxable for State purposes, It makes it the duty of assessors to "require of every taxable in his district to furnish a statement in writing, or partly written and partly printed, sbowlu,; tbe aggregate amount cf money due and owing by so vent debtors to such taxable," etc. It is hoped that commissioners will refuse to accept any assessment which, upon exam am nation, proves to be deficient, or not In accordance with the requirement of the law and that such defective assessments shall be returned to the assessor for cor rection. It is tbe determination of this de partment, that the laws relative to taxation for State purposes shall be enforced. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, C. Feb. 3d ISSO- Those North Carolnlan colored people who are going over the hills to the poorhouseso Indiana will have no excuse for being de luded hereafter. That Is, if any of tbcm can read. Yesterday two oi the Indiana ra dical agents of the exodus certified before the Senate special committee to the motives which induced them to enter into it. One of them was to sell limestone ridge land at five and six dollars per acre to the negroes and another was to colonize them in close Democratic counties. One of the men said he hoped in that way to get "everlastingly rid of the Democratic party in his section.' He will hardly do that. Organizing aud colonizing ignorance in order to defeat party in a distant State is a new thing in ou politics. There is diversity of opinion ai to th propriety of surrendering up the House of Representatives not the llall but tho House itself to outsiders, but so long as such a course is taken it will be well if no more use is made of it than on our last evening: when, the Speaker in his chair and the Rep- rerentatives in their seats, n clear statement was made by an Irish citizen of some of the troubles ot Ireland. It is not likely that just the samo difficulties will ever be expe rienced by this country as were portrayed by Mr. Parnell last evening and our Interest in the affairs of Ireland, except In tbe mat ter of dollars and cents, we may send as in dlv!duals,is and must be purely sentimental Tha government can give no money relief. But at least the information waa hap py in one respect. The House has done no business for two weeks except to pass res olutions concerning Senator Chandler, and there was an appearance of life lasi night. In the Senate yesterday, as on every day for a month, numerous petitions were pre seated agalust an enormity in the way o proposed legislation known as tbe "sixty District Bill. It is a measure ot commis sioner of Pensions, Bently. That Is, he I the person put forward as the father of it The object is this, Congress'has at various times from the foundation of the govern ment passed extremely liberal pension laws, The expense now is very large and will probably be larger. The bill in question nullifies those laws. It does not do thii openly, but by making it an impossibility for any one to prove up his pension claims, (It compels every claimant to bring all his witnesses four or more are necessary In each case to some point in each state to there wait the government. Some of tho "Sixty burgeons,, get ready to hear them. It is device to keep from the soldiers what the government has promised them. It will not pass. HILTON, Limit op Liability ok Iailroam. lne bupreme Court of Pennsylvania rend ered an important decision on Monday of last week, fixing the limit of the liability of the Pennsylvania railroad for damages in case of death by an accident at $5,000. Stephen Langdon was killed in a railroad accident near Pittsburg, in 1877, and his widow Bued the company for $20,000 dam ages. Tbe Allegheny county court gave her a verdict for 15,712, and the company ap pealed on tbe ground that under tbe act of 1869 there could be no recovery greater than $5,000. Tbe new constitution providos that there shall be no limit to tho amount for Injury ; but tbe Pennsylvania railroad con' tended that tbey had never accepted the pro visions of the mw constitution, therefore are not amenable toauy legislation under it. The supreme Court decided iu favor of tbe railroad company. A heavy storm of snow and wind prevailed along the Atlantic coast on tho 3rd Inst. Damage was douo at Long Branch, a grain elevator was capsized in the North river, a boy on a railroad train at Engllsbvllle, N. J, was blown from the platform while pass log from one car to the other, and killed. Considerable damage was done to shipping at i derent points. , Tbe World's Fair of 18S3. A BVNorsis oPTitn iiill to nr. iNTnonccr-t) IN C0.NClrlF.S8, The world's fair committee, of New York. will cause to bo Introduced In congress an act "to provide for celebrating tho one hun dredth anniversary of tho treatv of dcuca aud the recognition of American Independ ence by holding an international exhibition of art, manufactures and tho Products of tho soil aud mine, in the city of Now York in 1883. The act creates tho United States Interna tional commission, a corpoiatlon In thocltv of New York. It provides that'a commls- slon of two commissioners from each state and ono from each territory of tho United States and one from the District ofColum bla, to be appointed In sixty days by the presiuent on tiie nomination of the gover nors of the states, together with the mem beis of tho committee of finance; It recom mends a number of men to be designated as tne united States International commission, which shall fix the date of the fair aud a site within the corporate limits of New York ; that the commission shall meet there and report to congress at the next session a suit able date lor opening and closing tho cxh'tbi ion, a schedule of annronrinln rcrKmnnl.. and other matters ; that they pcrvo without pay and that the United States shall not be liable for any expenses of tho exhibition j that upon notice from the governor of Npw York that buildings, site, etc., are provided for, the president (ball make proclamation of tbe time and place of the exhibition and invite foreign nations thereto j that the com mission may receive subscriptions of capital stock to an amount not exceeding $12,000,000 to be divided into shares of $10 each, en titling each to a vote in the choice ot a finance committee, twenty-five in number, which with the officers of tho commission shall take care of the accounts, reporting to commission quarterly, and who shall be ex officio commissioners jthat the officers of the commission elected by the commisslcn and tho members of the committee of finance shall bnld officii for one year, when there shall be a new election; that tho commission shall prepare a complete classification of ex hlbits, and shall appoint all judges and examiners, guards and other subordinate officers of the exhibition, and award premi urns, and generally have charge of all inter course with the representatives of foreign nations ; that the corporation may issue bonds not in excess of its capital' cured by mortgage upon its property and income, present and prospective, the stock certificates to be prepared by tho treasury department, and counterfeiting them to bo punishable as if they were United States currency. But nothing in this act to create any liability of the United States, direct or indirect, for any debt or obligation Incurred nor lor any claim by the United States in ternatlonal commission for aid or pecuniary assistance from congress or tho treasury of the Unitjd States in support or liquidation ofanydebUor obligations created by said commission; and providing that nothing in mis act snail do so construed as to over ride or interfere with the laws of any state; tnat no member or said corporation, wheth er shareholder or otherwiso.sball be person ally liable for any debt or obligation which may be crea.ed or incurred by tho United states international commission ; that as soon as practicable after tbe exhibition is closed itBhall be the duty of the corpor atlon to convert its property into cash, and alter tbe.'payment of all its liabilities to di vide its remaining assets among its stock holders pro rata. The Grant Mockery. it is evident from our latest advices from Harrisburg last night that the Republican State Convention will to-day go through the moceery or iormal instructions for General Urant for President. We say "mockery."be cause snch a deliverance must bo made in utter contempt of the plainly-expressed and well-known wishes of the Republicans ol the State. It is frankly admitted by the leaders who are under contract to deliver the Philadelphia delegation to Grant, that but ono or the forty-six who are to sneak for the eighty-thousand Republican voters of this city iu tho convention is in favor o; UranW nomination. Forty-five of them sincerely believe that his candidacy would bo offensive to their constituents and likely to defeat the party in national contest, and the leaders who are to deliver the delegation to urant heartily agree iu deprecating a declaration in his favor. But tho mocker. of a solid vote for Philadelphia in favor of urant.s nomination will be given to-day. Mr. Charles Thomson Jones is single and ana alone as a Urant man in the delegation McMauea and Leeds have protested against the Grant instructions as perilous to the party and to Cameron. But when their protests were unavailing with Cameron they nave delivered their flock to swell the tri umph of the omnipotent Senator. Aud what is true of Philadelphia Is true oi tbe whole State. There is not a single county ordistrictiu Pennsylvania that would declare for Grant's nomination if a fair ex. prcssion of the Republicans could be had Pliable committees nave made pliable del egates until Cameron possessed a clear ma jorityofthe convention, and then the Blaine men were notified that they must submit if they wonld not Invoke the vengeance of the dominant power of Pennsylvania. It Is not surprising that thus held in the lion's mouth they hesitate to assert themselves, and that Blaine's apparent strength may be cut down to his seventy-five instructed delegates on the test vote to-day. It is known that about one-hundred of the two-hundred and filty- one delegates would vote squarely against tbe nomination of Grant but for the per- sistcnly passed fears that Blaine may be ex posed fatal resentments by antagonizing benator Cameron's purpose to give tbe State and the country an exhibition of his supre macy, and it is confessed even by most of tbe prominent actors in shaping the so-call ed deliberations of tbe convention that there are not two-score of the whole two-hundred and fifty-one delegates who desire Grant's nomination or who believe that his candi dacy would assure success. Senator Cameron will achieve a great personal aud political triumph to-day as tbe undisputed leader of the convention, But, cui bono? When he shall won his vic tory and comes to count his gains, what shall It profit him? Tie press ot tbe State will declare Ibe deliverauce of the convention to be a mockery and a lie a wauton olfeuse to the considerate convictions of the Re publican people and a fraud upon the Re publicans of the nation. It must make un rest and fretfulness In tho organization where (there has been comparative or abso lute submission hereto and It is not beyond the range of possibility that it may date the decline and fall of both Grant and Cameron and make the Republican party the sacra- fice of Immoderate ambition. Such is the lesson foreshadowed from Harrisburg to-day. J'Aila. Timet ith inst. The report that Samuel J. Tllden and Miss Ilanck, sister of J. M. C. ItMick, Ksq., are to be married this week, Is denied. The Democratic National Committee has been called to meet In Washington on tho 23d of February next, to select a tlmo and place for the meeting of the Democratic Natlocal Convention. Three cities arc com. petlng for the honor of having the body as semble within Its borders, they being Chica go, Indianapolis and New York, It Is ex pected the Convention will be called I'd' some time between lhe3J and 17th of June next. Immediately upon tho announce ment of tho date tho State Committee of of Pennsylvania will como together and choofo the State Convention's meeting which It Is expected will bo between the 15lh of March and the 15th ol April. A correspondent writing from Mercers burg, Franklin county, says that the exis tence of Iron ore In Inexhaustible quanlties has beeu discovered near that place, ltecent excavations on tho farm of Mr. Johu Web ster developed a bank of ore which will yield from sixty to seventy-five per cent, iron, This is but a fair specimen of the rich banks existing on other lands, tho ore ol which Is seen cropping out alme the surface, and which must sooner or later be opened out. With railroads facilltles.oie In Inexhaustible quantities, hundreds of acres of timber and limestone in abundance there is no reason why Mercersburg should not become a lead ing Iron-manufacturing town. The Host I'lTvorTiTiew Of ,t. O. Starker, a prominent anil influential Citizen of Iowa city, a: '1 have had the Dyspepsia, noil Liter Complaint lor scleral years, anil have used etery Remedy 1 could hear of, without any relt-f whnietcr, until 1 satvvour MUluh's Vitalizer ndter tlsed In our paper, nnd was persuaded to try it, 1 am happv lo slate that It has entirely Cured me. 11 Is certainly the best Itemed? I ever knew or.' I'rtce 5 eta. Sold by J. II. KHiports. NIULOH'8 CATAUIttI RR.MKDV. A rnartcllous Cure ror Catarrh, Diphtheria, canker innulh, and Head Ache. With each bottle there Is an Irgcntotis na?al Injector for the moro successful treatment of me compinini, turnout extra charge, rnce fio reh's. UWIU VJ U. 11. ItlilVI W A Mother's drier The prtdo of a Mother, tho llfo and lot- cf a heme, are herculidrcn, hence her grief when slckuessen ten and takes them away. Take warning then, that you arc running n tei nblo rl-k, It they hit on Cougli, croup or t hooping Cough, w hlch leud to lonsiiuipuou, ii j ou uo not nricim to u ui, once, mk loh's Consumption Cure Is Kuarnnteed to cure thc-m lTlce 10 eta., finds, and ll.oo. l-'or lame Hack, side. or Chest, use MHIoh's I'oroua natter, l'rice M cents. sold uy J. 11. itwports JIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OP VALUAllI.E REAL ESTATE . By virtue of an alias order of the Orphana' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned administrator of Ulram Lunger, deceased, will expose to public Bale on the premises In Sugarloat townshp, Colum bia county, I'a., on Saturday, February 28th 18S0. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the undivided one half Interest In certain real estate. Mtuate In Sugar- loaf Umnhhlp In s.itd'inded and described as fo. lows: Beginning at a v,hUo oak, corner of leisters' land, thence byoilurlanH of Joshua Brink north M) degrees .et U2 perches to a post, thence by Fald land north 35 degrees, wt st. 55 perches to a ehcbtnut ttee, thence norrh CO degrees west 70 perches to a post, thence by land of Montgomery Cole south ?4 degrees wen 63 perches to a post; thence by laud of said Joshua Brink south 43t tie grces, eabt 44 pel ches to a post, thence by said land south 24 degms, wettf9 perches to a post, thenco by said ULdtoulh43i-defines east 61 letrhes to a post bv a rubllce road, thence fcoutn to degrees east C3S, perches to a post, thence by land of the et-tate of William McKelvy north Cl? dogrees cast, 3i perches to tho place of beglnntug, contain log fi-Etity-flvd Acres AND 65 Perches, on which is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE Darn, and out buildings, good orchard and good wa ter. " bums and Conditions of Sale. Ten per cent, of the one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the property. Tho ontMourth less ten per cent, at confirmation absolute, and the remaining three-fourths in ono j car thereafter tvtth interest from continuation nisi. A.J. HESS, Administrator. Feb. c-ts Central ). O. jOTICK OF INQUESr. ESTATE OF E. J. TH0BNT0V, DECEASED. To tho nclrs nod legal rcprcsentatltes ot K. J. Thori Un la'eotthe ton of liloomsburg, Columbia county, l'ennsjlrnnta, deceased, to-tvlt: Matilda Lazarus, Auden l.'d, Carbon county ra Miles O, Smllh, lloboken, .New Jersev ; James Smith, Wells- vlllo Ohio ; Ernn'liu Lutz, Ilangor, l'a Llllle Ilorr, Ravenna, Ohio ; Cora "earls, Havenna.tihto; Ilarton Green rind ttm Green, PI) mouth, Hockhnd county, onio ; Emily Zullck, t'ibarinn, Ohio ; Eltt la Lance, Hiclly, Ohio; V, M, 'Ihornton, Saint louls, Mo.i Ulram W.Thornton, Danville, I'a.; Hotanna Edgar, santrancisco, California; siraiutha Kleter, l'eru, Illinois ; in. W. I'ennan, Mugttau, Knoi county, Illinois; t m. Thornton, Mauch Chutjk : Valentluo Thornton, Teru, Illinois; James Thornton, Williams- poit.Pa.j Elizabeth Charles, Lockport, New York! Charles Armstrong, Lockport.Nlagara county, New York; lllrara W. Thornton, Mlllerbburg, Mercer county Illinois ; Surah Urd, .Mount Tleasant, Iotva ; Lavlna Ilagenbuch. Mount I'leasar.t, Iowa ; Jackson Tnornion, nachel Wllllts Mo'int rieasant, Iowa; Mary Kline, Eiuly Day, Alede, Mercer county, mint!; Oeorgo Iluono, Al do, Mercer county, Illinois ; -Mary Smith, Aledo, Mercircouoty Illinois; Amanda (ireenlcy, Wachata Kansas; M. Janettu ltjnn.Tremont, Dodge county, Nebraska Washington Ilojne, Aledo, Mercer county, Illinois. Wukkeis at an orphans" Court held at lilooms burg. In and for tho county ot Columbia, tho second day of Fcbruiry A. D. lso, before the Judges of tho said court, the p-lltlon cf M. c. Moan nndoihersitas presented, setting forth that tho said E. J Thornton died on the 4th day of January lssii, Intestuie,sel7ed in his aciuesno as of too ot certain tracts of land. Whereupon tie Court att arded un inquest to make partition of the said real cstato to and among tho panics entitled thereto. in accordance with the aboro named writ I will hold an Inquest on tho premises aboto described on Saturday, February 28th, 1880. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of Bald day, tt hen and wuero you may attend IX j ou think proper. U. II. EXT, ftb. o.-ltv. blierirr, SHERIFFS SALE- Uy tlrtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. issued out of the Court ot Common I'leas of Columbia county and to mo directed, will be ejposed to publlo salo at tne court House, liloomsburg, I'a., at 10 o'clock, a, in., on Saturday, February 28th, 1880. All that certain real estate bltuata In Greenwood township, Columbia county, Statoot l'tnnst Itatla. bounded and described as wit: Ifcjilootng at a stone In line of land of Ilarnabas Watts, north nny.inreo and one-halt degrees, east one huudred seven perches und nine tenths to a stone, thence Bouth four degreees west fifty-seven perches and nro-tenths to a stone, thenco south seventy-seven and one-fourth degrees west clguty.tb.reo perches ana mo and one-tenth In lino ot land ot David Al- bertsoo, thenco by the rsamo north thirteen and three fourths degrees went fifteen perches to astone, tho plaoo of beslnnlrg, containing nineteen acres and faur perches, ALSO, One other piece or tract ot land situate in Green wool township, Columbia county, feiate of rennsj 1- vnnin, uounuea ana described as follon s i on tbe north by Thco. Latnon, on the east by David DrlWe plece, on tho south by J, G.Glrton, on tho west by lands of David Albertson and Hugh H. Falrman, containing eighty-one acres and one hundred and five perches, on which Is erected a f raino Dwelling House, narn ana out-ouuaings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Jesse Ilrumsteller against A. J, Albertson and to be sold as the property of A. J, Albertson. DrcKAiEtv, Attorney. Terms cash on day of salo, V, II. KNT, faherlff, feb.o, 1S40-U OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. Tho medicine cold for a small margin above tho cost ot compounding. All co&ctt treated by bpeclal prescrlptou. Fur lull particulars aUJrcsj tho Dls- UK. S. I). COIJJNS. or Mrs. 8. II. Collins, La l'orto Ind. feb t-eu wtco NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opora Houa Bloomalturg. ATTKAUTION KXTRAOKDINA UY. ONE JVIGHT ONLY, Monday Evening, Feb. 9, 1880. Union Square Comedy Company of New York. Grand Realistic rroductlon ot wait has universally been pronouncea us Qieilet Dramatic Work of tht Ag Itie TWO ORPHANS. On which occasion will appear Mr. Geo. T. Mnddoi, IMlas Julia eht-Mon, ' K II, Iirlnlr, Fiaiy ttmmons, H W. I'. Mieldon, " Agar lampton, " 11, J, Holmes, " Joacpkiae M-fton, Ac. Ac. c, MiiKitlllceiit Xcvr Scenery, Dy Arers. 1 he Original Music Klrgant JJJ'eclt C'hsr actcrNtlc CoctUDio Ac , Ac rorOLAUPHICB Admission 33, HA nnrl no centi HentsKccuicdsdays In advance at O. A, Clark's Dook store. feb. 6-ltv TCirW PITPIO Consump'lon Asthma. lijY UUlvlli, Never yet failed. Address with stamp HO!U," Froitburg, Md. fcb.6, 'so-ly wco QTATKMEN'T Of THE FINANCES or Tn COUNTY OF COLUMBIA from January fltb, 1S7K to January 1st, IS90. Statement showing fates assessed and balance still due. ASSESSED. STILL SCI. DISTRICTS. pg g 3 F S Denver 7M4I sq uo no mcj as on Uenton 104'0 moo 710 T31t Moo Hcrttlck 14H34 37oo m 8n ?ts"l 31 Ul Illoom t)an 7 00 143 OS HOI llrlarereek 7300 1140 375 w MM cntalvu Willi 73 SO tl 39 SIT IS 45 M Ccntralla so4 ts 5uo asi Ml T5 son Centre Hvaos M5o 43 10 lent II ssm Cuntuglmn..,. 4S0 issw 4&0 rixhlmrcreck. .. 1201 21 9-J50 4 20 (49 tl 7189 FrilUklll m4 30 HO 13 60 917 W 39 00 Greenwood... 14UU3 VJCil 10S4 M7 74 ssso Hemlock la-ii 3- Mio set 812 sv roue Jackson.... 3.rt(HJ 4500 3U0 127 47 40 l.m-11-t HOOU 113 50 HO 70SD2 113 50 Mlldlsoll 111343 711 l TB IS S33S3 SNtO Main 753 33 4 2 00 17110 1IU 52 22 HO .Minim 111KI03 7250 2.115 30943 5150 Montmir 1044 15 61 W 10 TO 55 40 61 (Ml Ml. 1'le.want .. 132 no to no 1140 30203 ssoo orange 1M7 C5 4s M 21 so .57C3 v6o l'llie 4IU5I 57 60 3.16 153 30 57 60 Itoorlngcrcek . 527 01 41 IM 21 70 1 64 1 3 'JIIIKI ."COIt Kill 13 CO 60 SOUS 652 82 41150 htig.irloaf 4.13 01 01 00 8 75 405 7s 6100 32321 55 amocnt urn i on v PISTKICTS. llonton Hertttck Hrlarcretk, Centrulta Couyngham Greenwood Ilein'ock .Madison sugarloiif Corongham.. CatawUs.1 Couynghnm ., Citluttlssa Cohnghain 1519 50 553 97 14403 81 1 KlllS rREVIOCS TO 1S79, YEAH, CO, POO. 1S7S, ICO 57 i9 60 1878, 11910 25 60 1871, 6 C9 1878. 120 01 1878, 134 41 9 60 1S78, 40.1 30 42 10 1878, 800 34 17 00 1879, 79 90 1 4 00 1878, 2 7 21 9 SO 1877, 300 50 S (HI 1870, 90 45 35 60 ls70, 15 41 9 HO 1870, 94 71 1875, 494 00 14 50 1575, 130 30 9 00 1421-63 JJ02 45 II. A. SWEITENUEISEH, Treasurer ot Columbia County, m account with said connty on county funds lilt. Jan. cm, 1S79, Tonm't uncollected prior to 1S79 To am't on hand at last settlement " county tax assessed In 1879 " tax on lieglstrv of voters " ' added to Heavt-rdupticato ,79 " IteuiK-n Davis. Uenton poor overseers for Collies To .1. Caldwell for Stole " Jjhu isavnge, for old bridge " arat paid uy hchuyiklll county " -Mary r.arrwn. for lamp,. " Wm. L. Cole, Uenton poor overseer for collies To Geo. Hrelsch for stove " A. K Glrton for John Johnson ex-tax. ' II. tt'. Kithicr ror fence. " tt'm. Krickbaum Jury fees, Arc " .im't collected on unseated land ' " " on seated laud Assessors managing c. ot dog fund,. " PiunK Jones rent for old Jail " I), and c. H. Jlcllenry redemption money To costs paid J. J. coughlln ('6,040 23 18 23 B2.S21 55 6144 100 4010 200 4 IK) 40 00 2 00 60 00 200 121 2 00 53 50 63 40 1119 20 160 00 3 CO 7 94 12 65 (52,070 52 Clt. Uy Commission and exonerations and returts al lotted collectors for 1878. DISTRICTS. Heaver Illoom,-.... Urlarcrcek, CaMwissa, Centre Flsh'gcietk Franklin,. Jackson,... COM. IX, DISTRICTS. J3-4 110 J20 70 Locust.... 251 17 124 64 Main COM. (74 40 37 50 59 80 53 13 80 09 53 82 24 0(1 82 67 EX. 132 4-1 2 02 3 00 9 19 trt 11 1 98 -MIMIC,.. 1U4 I 99 31 fil 13 IU 17 10 90 18 rn 12 211 5145 2 84 1 00 Montour... JlU'le's't. Orange,... I lne iscott, 984 17 31 32 39 11 00 1S77. Uenton,. . . cus 60 20 kou 95 9J 47 60 .tiam 45 29 10 Y3 1973. Cont ncham 99 00 119 14 1,401 12 (59120 By total commission 1 401 12 " " exonerations 591 20 " county orders redeemed 29.139 co " duo from collectors 18,010 34 n m i 10 meet sum paid rotate tor iiuoia charged on coupoos 20 50 Ity commission to treasurer 1,100 34 " balance In hands of treasurer 1,122 3u (62.070 52 11, -t. at .rra..Miirbir, ireasurer, in account ttith dog fund. Dr. Jan 0. 1 973. To ain't due ut last settlement, ( 95.1 20 Tu amount assebst din 1873 1,5)9 50 ou mnu at insi. Hcuitmcui, u. Clt. (2,492 43 Uy Commission and exonerations on duplicate DISTRICTS. COM. EX. DISTRICTS. COM. EX. Heater (3 15 ((h) Locust, ... (0 90 (21 50 Illoom 4 25 12 60 .Main 21M 8 oil t'atunlssi,,, 3 97 11 60 MIIHIn 3 55 2 00 Cemralla. .. 27 loo Montourf.. 270 3511 Centre 8 83 1 50 Mt rieusu't 8 10 3 60 Hshln?cr'k, 440 4. orange 2 7f 4 50 Franklin,... 177 1.. I'ine 2Ht 500 Jackson ,. 215 2.. Scott, 375 050 1S77 Uenton 245 350 Main 2 37 6 bCOtt 3 02 12 50 1973 Conynjham. 1 32 15 00 (02 71 (152 00 uy commission to collectors ( cm " exonerations allotted collectors, ... 132 00 " orders paid ot 1977 so 511 " " " " 1978 44 75 " " 1979 433 00 " am't paid to county tor ass-sslng. so 150 00 ny commission to Tre.isurer 23 44 " am't due from collectors, 1,401 83 ' balance In hands of Treasurer Isl Go (J 432 43 COStMISSUONEIW EXPENSES FOR 1-79. for tt hlch orders were Issued on the Treasurer. MIsCKLLASEOrS EXPENSES. aid W. II. Jacoby, Ill-cording Treasurers and commissioners bonds ( 22 73 " W. 11. Jacoby recording bright mort gage and deed, s 30 " J'aulR. Wirt, auditing public accts, . 25 00 " A, 11 Stewart, redemption money... . 794 " A I FrlU, et. al Commissioners to dludo scotl township 4515 " Wm Krickbaum recording names of township ortlcers 39 00 " 1-7. I' Curtis Insurance on old Jail and stable 21 00 " Isatih IiovterCom. todltlde Hshtng- creek township 5 50 " i m lmon Coin, tu ditldo Flshlng- creek township 6 60 " Samuel 1, 1'eater, turveor, 9 60 " Wine, .McKlnney, Express, 100 " Mojer Itro's Express , 195 " II. G. ort et. al. hauling safe and freight on same 23 95 " John llroteo tt. al reward and exiien- ses upprthendlng horse thief 32 24 " Juhn tt'. lloilinan costs on sale of Mary lirlght lot 35 00 " t in snj d r bill for tcachera Institute 174 10 " ttm. Krlckbaum's I'rothonotary bill, 119 65 " John G. Freeze, costs Columbia coun ty vs coughlln 6 00 " John W, ll on man taking persons to Philadelphia 11 13 " Johu w. norman one person to l'hll- adelphla 04 60 " John tv. Iloffuun taking L. II. Milton to Danville Astlum 10 00 " John tt. lloffmau bertlng wrlta.Ae.. 11 00 (737 09 COURTS. JURORS PAY AND CONSTABLES RETURNS. Grand Jurors during ear I 09903 Iraterso Jurors during icar s.oiuoo constable returns during 3 ear... 2s4C4 court cner during ear 12500 Tipslavesdurtngjear 19'jou s. N, Walker stenographer at (to per day,. 87a 09 s. N, Walker, Win Schechierly vs. ttouder, 7 91 s. N. Walker Com. vs Vandlke 721 S. N. Walker. Goodman ts San&rer g rji H, N. Walker, Brooks vs Dantllle borough, 34 00 John W. Hoffman sertlng Jury notices,.. 129 00 Kit dobbin Jury commissioner , 2933 Theo. tv , stnlth Jury Commissioner 29 7 6 Joan B. Casey, Clerk to same 1500 (4,9711 29 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES WHERE TUB COUNTY BECAME LIABLE. Justices, Constables and witnesses (1,02202 l(. R. Little District Attorney 164 00 Win Krickbaum, clerk at Court 91 73 Juhn W Hoffman bill or costa,,.,, 0200 (1,330 3 ROAD (1710 20 u 70 0 10 100 . 23 , 31 . 00 . 19 . 60 , 20 , ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWERS AND DAMAGES. sundry persons as viewers tvilaon Thomas damage Greenwood (I, tV, IkelcrdamageMt Pleasant Frank L. Hess damage Jackson John McMtctiael damage Greenwood John Fritz damige Jackson Robert iiusset damage Hemlock Joseph Haines damage Madison. 1'errv Knouse damage Jackson JatLson Robblns damago Greenwood George cavauee damage Mt I'leasant W, K. Johnson damugu Mt I'leasant liloomsburg Iron Company diuiago tscolt and UlLiom y . 10 13 9 . 300 10. 1'hlllp Kline damage Ml Pieasaut Alexander Knouse damage Jackson Joseph Redllne damage Greenwood Henry Yost damage Illoom ,,, Theo. W. smith, damage Jackson Johu Wanlch, damago Ml I'leasant ,, A bruin Manning damago Jackson Mary ttlngroao damage Centre so .. Henry llolltngahead damage cntattlssa... loo .. J, II. trevellng damage 83 82 (1.109 82 COMMISSIONERS OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. John Horner Commissioner I in .. H. w.MclIcnry Commissioner 11 - Jovph K. Sands Commissioner 1 C. B. sesholtr, Auditor , 9.. Hamuli E. smith, Auditor , - w. UMinntng, Auditor .. Wm Krickbaum stating ncc'ta 1878 25 . Harvey Jones hat racks for Court Rouse,,. 2 50 Reuben Ilnrrl". bill rendered 3 22 Isaiah llnjonbrnli 9 stoves u. Room...... 28.. til Jones, lep.ilrs ,.... 180 Illoom Ons toijip-inv for Gas , 07 09 ThomasGorry lepilrs I'rothono'y ofneo... 22 75 U. is. cot c caning court house tending town clock etc..,, 67 60 B. L. Thomas, 1 gross pens. 2 .. C. a Kimuan straps for 1'rothonotary's omco 176 Samuel II Jacoby, repairs 76 C. tf. Jones et. al. bill for work nt office,,. 14 50 J. A. Elchholtz ptmphlct lawon costs loo Itolllm A; Holmes repairs Com omco 1 4 1 Barman t llassert repairing gate 2200 refer Jones, repairs 1'rothonotary's office, 6 60 I'hebeCoi cleaning Court llouso 12 00 lAjton Runyon A Co, bill rendered 7 8 Ellas Mendenhall, Agent, bill rendered,.., 8 64 .1 H. Maize, bill rendered . 8 12 Wra Hitter bill rendered , 44 Jacob DlcfTenbach, brooms 8 .. Fr'as B'own, I nsuracce on Court House . . 125 , . J.G. Freeze, repairing lock and key 1 .. Lewis Bernhard repairing tow n cluck,... 200 I'eler lilllmcyer, bill rendered 7 Jacob Metz, plpo for stove In Register and Recorder s office 4 35 O. A. Jacoby. cr al bill 76 71 strphen I'olio, Commissioner 872 . Charles lllcnart. Commissioner 274 A. 11. Herring, commissioner 891 .. E. H. Ikeler, Attorney looso John u. Casey, Cloi k 000 . (22S9 10 COUNTr JAIL. J.E. Sands Oiling bed ticks (1878) ( 1 51 John Alitatt shark g prisoners 1 45 Bloom Gas Company for G is 32 cs Gross and Brothers bills clothing 3s 10 A, J, Evans bill clothing .. 6 70 tt'm ru' sell for wood 2(0 lacob Delffenbtch for brooms 4 50 K, A. Rawllogs tall )W 112 A. s croslcy repairing 1 Geo Zimmerman bill rendered s 33 Henry lost half dozen chairs 4 . . E. 1'. Curtis Insurance on stable 4 60 Jcro Hide bill rcndned 2 . Rollins Holmes repairs 32 97 Thomas (lorry repairs 7 75 J. S. Neyhart, htullng trees tor ).ttt lot, Kc. 5 87 G. r. Iarn bill trees 9 Joseph R, rohe filling bed ticks 8 25 C. Herring lumber for boxing trees 4 58 m ltltttr painting lence Ac 15 14 ttm W Barrett work at asdabout newyall 131 40 Jacob tt anlch building fence tc 11 25 John Nlcholla cementing walls 4 50 CM Drinker repairing key w llarman & llassert bllis rendered 29 20 Ell Jones building smoke house 43 17 G. M J. K. Lockard coal bills 197 91 hllaa Mendenhall agent, bills lumber 1C(3 s. M. Hess, hitching posts 7 on Datld Jones I812 feet pavement, si one, c... 2J4 95 c, A. Melm bill for medicine lo so John Beagle for wood 4 C, A. Kuorr bill for work at coal house...... 0 . . James Mccormlc cleaning well 1 23 Lat ton Hunt an it Co. bin rendered 12 19 Gallgnan jt cnan repairs on root 82 60 J. II. Mnlze bill rendered , - 1 94 B. F. Gardner bill tcndlrg prisoner 3 ... I. W. McKelvy, bill rendered 4 03 Charles Krug, bill moulding 2 45 I'eter Blilmeier. bin rendered 1 03 II. t . Mciiej nolds, bill tending prisoners, 3t . LdwardSearls painting roof, c 14. v. K. Hughes, bill rendered 20 ... Datld Lowenberg, clothing...,. 2 ... (J. A. Jacoby. coal blll....r 128 97 John tt . Hoffman, boarding prisoners 540 25 Jo in tt . Hoffman, washing, ic . 72 00 v""n " "onuiiiu, Turnkey fees 13 00 tt m Gigger bill rendered 2 00 (1,825 37 ritlNTINO, STATIONERY AND TOSTAQE. Brocktvay ,t Elwcll, court ploclamatton... 80 .. Urockways Etwcll blanks 7 10 " " County statement 72 20 " " Advertising loco C. M, andcrsllco Co. statement 70 ... " " blanks 23 .. " " advertising 10 60 " " court proclamation.... 1000 " " election " 30 00 J. C. Droit n county statement "0 .. " advertising 7 60 ' el 'ctlon proclamation , 3o .. Elwcll Btttenbcnder election proclama tion 30 00 Elwcll Ulttenbender blanks 7 23 " mli erasing 2 50 o. A. I'otter court cnlonder 8 00 GldoonMters county statement 3940 " court calendar 21 ... II. W. Kahter blanks 4 75 c. B. Snt der, advertising 2 34 W, F. Inset .t Bro stationery for office and court 27 60 Geo. A. Clark stationery for omco & court, is 21 F.L. Hutter election blanks 29 90 D. A. Bcckley, postage and box rent 15 18 (575 42 INQUISITIONS. Sundry persons for Inquests 68 32 BRIDGES, IIUILDINO AND REPAIRS. BEAVER. t m. Itlttcr, Davis Iron bridge ( 10 00 BESTON. Samuel Applemnn, Karns bridge (187S) 5(10 J. J. Karns und 1). II. Karns bridge 64 49 Samuel Appteman, Karns bridge is 00 James Conner, Ell Mendenhall Drldge 1 50 T.S.Christian, contract " " 219 73 T. s. Christian. " extra " " 35 80 Russell Karns, lower west creek bridge. 125 C. o. Breln, Karns bridge 2 25 BLOOM. Ellis Eves .t Bro. Plank rock bridge 5 10 tt m. Gigger, Rock bridge 9 3s Wm.Glger, Barton bridge 5o John l.cggatt, flunk Shaffer bridge 19 on J. II. Kesty, Rupert bridge 1 10 Ellas Mendenhall, Shaffer bridge 42 BRIARCKEBK, J. W. Eck, IMc bridge 5 53 CATAWISSA. A. 11, Stewart riauk McKi-lry bridge 10 co John strouse, " " 5s 30 CENTRE, David Blttenbender Centrevlllo bridge.... 683 VISU1M1CREEE. J. B. Stoker, Zaner bridge 19 80 Isaac Labor, llo-s bridge 2400 Jones, Jones & Eteland, Jolcs bridge 51 93 Cyrus Robblns etal. Ammerman bridge.. 2450 Cj rm Bobbins et al. I' Kelley 109 59 Z A Butt, Ammerman bridge 7900 11 W Rnberet nl. Mcllenry mill 010 Charles Kctchner, rat Kelly brlilgo 5 2s John l'ealer, Zaner bridge 63 (IKEENWOOll. Ellis Etes Bro. Jllltillo bridge (197s) 9 05 Samuel H Klsuer, " 4 35 John Loggatt, Ml'tllle brldgo 352 John Leggatt, lola brldgo so 94 u v Heuilue, liohrsburg brldgo 2 72 HEMLOCK. Wm Gigger, rursel bridge c4 II I) Appleinan, 1'ursel bildgo 10 59 Wm Gigger, Barton bridge 1 60 JACKSON', M L Mcllenry, Elk Hun brldgo (H79) 39 f.9 John tt Kile. Elk run bridge 21 on r.zra siepnens, piank uik uun bridge 19... 10 so hzra Stephens Elk Run bridge a 17 .losepn uiribii. tik nun bridge 7 tie tt'm A Kile, Elk Run brldgo 4059 oacoo cunsuan, jacoD Christian brldgo. . LOCUST, John Hcrner, siabtown bridge 8 00 MAIN, tt'm Hitter, Painting Iron brldgo 14 50 Charles Itelchart, plank Iron bridge 39 10 John Nuss, Iron bridge 300 MT. I'LEASANT. T J v andcrslice, vandersllco bridge 1 0 Matthias Kindt, Mordanstlile " '78 600 Joseph Kline, Beagle brldgo 1 fo 1'hlllp M lller, Reuben Wilson bridge .. 55 00 OHANUE. Jacob Snsder, Iron bridge . 3 E 1. snider, Iron bridge 11 m h Runtoa Co., Iron bridge 3 20 I'INE. Joseph'k Shoemaker brldgo 3 12 SCOTT. W I' tt htte, Light street bridge 3 00 Sl'CUKLOAK, B F l'ctcrman, Coles brlCgu 42 50 11162 39 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Support of Mrs. Milton, Pa" Mile ( 10720 Supporttf Hatld Mieu, Danvlllo 177 60 coutlcts in Eastern state penitentiary for 179 ... 4lt 89 (910 69 ASSESSORS PAY. Annual Triennial Locust (21 00 (so 75 Beaver ( 76 (i7 75 Madison 24 25 S3 on Benturi 12 2 29 23 Main 14 21 21 75 Berwck ...19 75 23 25 Minim . 19 Oil "29 23 lilooi 1 . 25 75 iimi 00 Montour 19 on 15 75 Urlarcrcek 21 23 29 23 Jit I'leasant. II 50 23 23 Cataw 1-s.i ... 22 75 29 25 Grange 13 7& 21 73 leniruiu.... 21 25 3925 rine 1793 29 25 Centm 17 7 83 75 Hoarlngcre'k 10 73 15 73 Coningham. 2t 25 33 75 scott 22 75 44 23 risuiugcretK 24 la sugarloaf..., 13 00 20 23 Frank. m 1325 17 23 Assessors for Greenwood., vo 50 41 5 fall leglslry Hemlock 19 75 m 'a fur tou-rs . 117 Jackson II 12 Is 75 (579 69 (778 73 tCALl'S FOR VOX AND WILD CATS. raid sundry persons jjj 73 r.LEUTION EXI'ENSBS. l'old spring election ol'cers 870 71 " fall eh ctlon officers 40021 " f til e'ecllou room rent 132 00 " spring election " 129 to - cuusiuuies uuteriisiag ana attend ing spring election no 80 " tt Kuikbauin et al counting toll iota t 87 . (t,tso 58 i.t-tw jicru.UKU. Amount township taxes refunded- 424 64 BUNK HOOKS. mMann2ilockels,l'rothonolary'somco if 50 " one Index rruihonotary's office 930 " " deed book 11 ofllce.... 12 60 iiv assi'ss uooss nil uo F, L. Hutter, si registry looks .. 1 j 25 " two duckets rrothonulary'a onic 20 CO .. (188 15 Amount county bonus redeemed .. 6500 (0 " couiwus on same paid 239000 Interest paid ou oter Juu county bonds co 23 (10950 23 RECAPITULATION Miscellaneous expenses $ 737 69 wuuris jurors paf, tuusiauicg returns, au,. 4970 29 costs In Commonwealth cases 1330 37 Road and bridge t le w crs and road damages' 1 109 83 Commissioner onice and court house , S2.- 10 couuly Jail un 87 muting, stationery and t'oatage... 575 42 Inquisitions 6131 In id res, building and repairs 116239 I'enlienttary and Ass lum sin 311 Assessors pay. w HH H 135s 41 Fox and wild cat scalps 115 73 Election expenses isam Taxes refunded 424 04 Hlank books jss 16 county bunds, coupons and Interest paid imwi(iuu.wiiui; uuuua IUVMJ 23 . (29161 CO From amount of orders Issued deduct (4 24 64 taxes refunded, and (7 94 redemption money and old bill tor 1878 (94 10, and Cogst) 25 bonds, coupons, and In. terrst on OTcrdno bonds paid, leaves $17707 73, which Is the actual ordinary expenses for tho year A I) lsi. SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED. Uenton , 6 7 Locust Inn Brltrcrcck 41,. Madison 1160 Centra 9 60 Nt Fleet an t II oo Knuingcrcf k n 61 orange (U to Orccntvood 80 ... Pine 11 .. Hemlock M .. Rii(-ArlOAf &l Tl Jackson .., . ii60 (17511 STATEMENT OF DOd TAX and SHEEP FUND. Orders unpaid of l'OT - $ lo IBill M 100 " " " 1877 teo " " " IS78 41 X) (SI 00 Dog lax duo from collectors $1401 M Probable commission and exonera tions off M no 117AR3 Add amount In Treasurer's hands... 191 eo litres total assets $1338 41 Tho Indebtedness Is (63 oo. Thj difference In favor ot said fund Is (1295 43. COUNTY F1NSKCB4. A83Krs. Tax In hinds of collectors duplicate $19010 84 l'robablc commission and exonerations off i500 oo 16110 34 Adl amount In hinds of Treasurer 1132 lo Add value of out Jail property, 85oo oo Hilance due on Gera flower noto 95 no Amount duo from Montourcounnr 178 75 Amount duo from Ronton twp tor Colley 'a 69 78 'I hreo double set of assess books &9 00 Add value of Mary Bright prop'ty Flsh'g'k, 110 00 $21303 17 LIABILITIES. Costs duo on books In commonwealth cases $ 428 5t Amount taxes du the several district! ... 820 01 Amt. ro id and bridge viewers duo on books 1lo 80 Amount count) prlsonbondsunpald 843nooo Amt or county pnsoncoupons unpaid 399 50 Amt, ot rosd damige assessed and unpaid tstlmatedasncartyoBcanbo 6500 00 (41184 60 21305 17 Actual Indebtedness of tho county . January 1st, 16), (19929 II We tho undersigned, Commissioners of Columbia county uo nereu) ccmry mat tne roregoing is a cor rect sutement of accounts of said county for tha year A. U. 1s;9. STKrnitN POHB, ) Commissioners . A. B. lIEItlltNG, J- ot ciias. REiuiiART,) Columbia county. Attest: J. B. Casit, clerk. We. the undersigned Auditors of nolumhlAmtin. ty having been dulj elected to adjust and settle the ocroim s of the Treasurer and t'omin'sston;rs of Columbia county, do hereby certify that we metal tho office of tho Treasurer and Commissioners tn liloomsburg a'id carefully examined the accounts nun uucucrut iiinsame rrom ine otn aay ot Janu nry, A. 1979. to tho 1st dav of Janunrv 190 nn,t found them correct as abote stated, -nd we find a balance due Columbia county on county fu ds cf eleven hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty cents 1(1122 80) from II. A. sweppenhelser, Treasurer ot Columbia countv. And wo find a balance ot one hundred and eighty-one dollars and nitty cents in.i ! mi uuk mnu iuuiiu iu iue nanus oi ll, A sweppenhelser. Treasurer. Given under our h nd-s and seats this tenth day of uuuuuijr,A, lit 19- WILLIAM L. MANNING WILLIAM L. MANNING, 1 . L'HRISTIAN B.SEE3IIOLTZ,- ?' ?' SAMUEL E. SMITH. "f Auditors. C SAMUEL Feb.C,'80-4w Rowell & Co's. Advc's. rPTTTO T A TjT?T mar b found on flle nf niv IIUOJ Al J'jll 1'. Rowell Jt Co's Newipiuwr Using contract may bo made for It IN NEW YORK, feb. 14, 17-lf r MSLTS PUSE EI3 TILLED vsuc aiixtract iluo WITCH HAZEL, Oil, II A MA ME US VIROINICA. Equal In quality to any made, and only half tho price. 0 oz bottles 23c. Pints twc. Relieves Headache, Toothachn. Earache, Sore Eyes Noso Bleed, Bleeding Lungs, Painful .Menses, Whites Asthma. Reduces swellings, I'1ie3, etc. Cures Bruis es, scalds. Burns, sprains. Wounds. Hheumatlsia. Erysipelas, chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgla,A:c NATURE'S UNIVERSAL REMEDY FOR IN1EKNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ifyour druggist has not got it hate him order It oi mo proprietor. CHARLES r.RISLEY, Wholesale Druggist, 04 Courllondt St., New York. Jan 23, 'so, 3m SEALER IK Silverware. Watches, Jewelry.Clocks .Sx. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat- may 17, '79-tf PLASTER, SALT, Ac, Ac. Jan 9, 'so-ly NEW FIRM! The well known C. B. WHITE, Proprietor ot the ORANGEVILLK AGRICULTURAL WORKS, has sold a halt Interest In tho same to J. W. Conner. Tho rompiny have repaired the works, ana aro pre pared to accommodate all who want an) thing in the line of Arlculiural Implements. They have Just .,iiiiiii.-ii-u a new leit iiaim w nue piotv.w inch II po- slble, win beat the right hand. Also surface plows in juuiivrs lor i no same, a new'i nrcsher and Clean er w tth centre shake ot rtdale shoe, called Ihe While Tlircxlicr ami Cleaner, with bothleter and railway potters on a greatly tmprotedplan. Wo manufacture LAND ROLLERS mm cusi, iron iicaus, ujrn riows. double and single Cultivator Side hill Plows, still Cnsnm-s. Tiimlni, of every description done ttitn promptness. te ken i constantly on hand a large assortment of.l'lotv shares for our own and many other plows that are used In the country. We will not be undersold In work or material ot the same quality. 4.11 our work Is warranted togtte satisfaction, or tho money re- rundid. tt E DEFY COMl'Ki 1TION. runners, and inn puouc in general are requested to call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. WHITE & CONNER, Jan. 10, 'iO-ly ORANGEVILLE, I'A, B. F. S1IAHPLESS, D. LEA COCK, 2STEW mtivr. SHARPLESS & LEACOCK, Cor. Centre and Rail Road sts., near L. & u. Depot. Lowest Prices will net be undersold. Manufacturers ot MINE CAR WHEELS, Coal Bre ak er and Bridge Castings, Water Pipes, stoves, Tin ware, Tlows, I RON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. The original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand left hand, and side hill Plows, the best tn the mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. Cook stoves, Room Stoves, and stotes for heating stores, tchool houses, churches, tc. Also the larg est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and retail, such as Fire Brlck.G rates, Cross Pieces, Lids &c. Ac, btove Pipe, Cook Boilers, Sktlllts, cake- Plates, large Iron Kettles, (20 gallons to Itf carrels) Farm Bells, slid Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allentown Bone Manure" THE ONLY CUKE 1 or lllnbrli-., Crutrl, liropay, llrlgbl'K Ilia rui, I'nlu In tin-llnrk, Innklllly lo Itrluln or l.xprl (lie Urine, ( uliirrli of Ibe lllndilrr, Hum. Inn or I'ululiil I'rlniilliiv, llrlrk Uun, Alleclloiia ol' Ilia M'lne, Nrrtous llrbllli), IV- " ti !, , .mi ifiat-uieN oi iue Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Orgsns. It avoids luirriiiit medicines. Is eomfortablo to the patient. Certain in lis effect, and I L'RICs when nothing else can. Atold all other Kidney l'ud, as mauy worthless Imitations are being forced upon Ue market. Wo 111 send ceruncates of cures, and oar book, "How a Life was Bated," free upon tho receipt of your address. HAY'S A ll Is sold by Druggists, or sent by mat! on receipt of price, Si. GO. Distributing Agency at the PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, Llluoiuktburi;, I'a. Jan 33, so-ly d'KfiA made in 87 days, lo page catalogue jSilll I 0i BUCKEYE NOVELTY COT Ml PAD NNUAIi STATEMENT OF 11LOOM POOR DISTRICT, from February 4th, 1879 to January 13lh, 1890. THOMAS ItEECR, Treasurer for District. DR. To Cn'h received from Bloom Du plicate 19,8 $ 431 CI To Cash received from scolt Dti- nllcato 1978 !59 ss To Cash tccelved from Green woodDupllcato 1878..,.,,., S40 19 To Cash r'ctlted rrom Sugartoat duplicate 187s 141 m To Cash received from Bloom Du plicate 1979 , 1731 99 ToCaFh recelted from Scott Du plicate 1879, 490 80 To Cash received from Green wood Duplicate 1879 33 00 To Cash received rrom sugarloaf Duplicate 1979 To Cash In Treasurer's bands rrom last settlement W9, .. 101 51 To Cash received from products of farm 1919 133 OJ To Cash balance duo Treasurer . . 1979 93 OS 13914 40 Clt. Amount of orderx redeemed 1970 8513 39 Amount of commission on samo 1879, . (0 SI fjon so Amount of orders outs'jtndlng reu4i is, v ., a i . Amount of orders Issued 1979 4713 43 3093 SJ Clt. Am't of orders redeemed 1879..,. 8543 69 Amtoturdcrsoutstandlng 1879.. 1549 90 $3093 63 Wrg ,5finliAMK"' Directors Directors of tho Poor tn account with Bloom, Scott, Greenwood and sugarloaf townships. DR. To orders outstanding Jan 13, 1890 1 549 or) Rec'd from Bloom duplicate 1879., 4-3 01 Rcc'd from Scott dupllcato 1979. . 939 S3 Rec'd from Greenwuod duplicate 1979 240 1' ltec'd from sugarloaf duplicato .... 1979 141 19 Am't of Illoom dupllcato '879..., 2 4 07 Am't of Scott duplicate 1879 905 2! Am't ot Greenwood dupllcato 1979 890 04 Am't ot sugarloaf duplicate 1879.. 271 so Am't duo on ureenwood dupllcalo 1978 '.... 320 In Treasurer's hands from last, settlement 107 6i ltecelted from products ot farm 1879 1 123 60 $9172 64 CR. Am't of outstanding orders re deemed from last settlement, Commission and exoneration on 111 cm duplicate 1879 Commission and exoneration on scolt dupllcato ts79 Commission and exoneration on sugarloaf duplicate 1879 Treasu-er's commission Am't duo on Bloom duplicate loss exoneration nnd commlsslun 1st! Am l due on Scott duplicate less exoneration and commission 1819 Am't due on sugarloaf duplicate less exoneration and commis sion t879. Am't duo onfreenwood dupllcato lens exoneration and commis sion 1979 Am't due on Greenwood dupllcato less exoneration and commis sion 187s Repairs and new butidlng on farm 1879 Am't paid for coal out-door re lief, ls79 Ain't paid for coat for poor houso 1979 Am't paid for stAto Hospital at Dantlll- 1S79 A m't paid for bard ware 1879 Am't paid tor coffins 1SI9 Amt paid for ttireo stotes, llx lurts, ete., etc., 1879. Amt paid for mechanics, etc... Am't paid for taxes 1S79 Am't paid for making duplicate 1879 Am't paid 'or publishing state ment 1979 Am't paid foi auditing statement 1979 7 Am't paid for liquor for medical purposrs 1S79 Am't paid for doctors, poor houso and out-door relief 1879 Am't Thos. McBrldo steward's salary 1879 Am't paid tor Issuing orders of relief 187. Ain't paid for Umo and manuro 1879 Am't paid forblacksmlthlng 179. Am't paid for sptajli'g pigs 1S79. Am't paid for Director's salary. 1979 Ampald for secretary's salary, Am' paid' foY'iH'ef.shbo and har ness mending s79 Wm. Kramer's merchant's bill poor houss 1-79...... ttm. KrniM-r's merchant's bill out-door relief, ls79 Wm. Kramer cash paid sundry persons wo ' Isilah McKelvy merchant's' bill poor house 1879. Isulah McKelw merchant's bill 344 12 1C2 49 49 29 94 37 70 87 1102 39 474 42 271 SO 837 C4 320 95 1482 63 113 33 40 23 221 17 27 10 1,0 99 01 m 211 00 87 10 00 45 10 60 99 75 050 01 17 61 20 4 5 82 40 I 40 150 00 50 00 27 47 215 94 221 19 30 1 ; 99 uuiuuur renet 1870 m 33 Clark it Wolf merchant's bill for poor house 1919 jo in S. II. Miller son merchant's bill for poor hous is79 .... .3., S. II Miller & son mcrchant's"biii out-aoor relief, is79 Vm.'VSr; merchant's bill poof 10 00 A'houso1is,7le"lVa'';''i' 'i" M n A. ,11. White 'merchant's" biit'oiitl 13 47 door relief 1879 Jos. K Ejer mirchaLfs blll'tur poorlinuso ls-9 10 ,, .Tas. K. Ejer merchant's b'lli'fo'r ouVdoor relief 1879 ... on Vanllew A- tfiilic merchant's bill outdoor relief 1873.... " ""' WSuselJsl78n!"Cl'a''t'S LlU' ' i raid ThomasMciirtd'e'on' salary 9 95 5 49 12 .. 312 60 I91J2 54 Pursuant to an Act of Assembly nisseri ,i . proved A. D.. I879, by which 1 71 m ia, Vr.V0" thffiloX'n?1!' ".'d meet at tho some, and find ihein correct ai Tset K above" Wm. L. MANNING, 1 OUTSIDE RELIEF. BLO0H. Am't of orders given sundry per sons 1979 .',,.7' Ain't paid state Hospital for Mary Hughes 1879..... 9i Ain't paid sundry persons for COal M 113 82 1099 60 SCOTT, Am't of orders given sundry per sons 1879...... ' ' 1T , Am't paid Dr. tt . A. Case isii'.'.!'. ii i Am t riald state Hospital for Geo. W Fox 1S79 .' j341I I040 OKEENtt'UOO Am't of orders glten sundry persons 1879 Sl'UAKLOAF, Am't of orders given sundry ricr suns 1879 80 93 30 93 i i 60 C3 VALUE OP REAL ESTATE AND PFIlsiivar PROPERTY BELONGING TO sill) Dlsl mop By farm and building valued nt. . uooo to By Catharine Long's property In Illoom ... coo By Judgment on James Dennis's property jj By amt due on Bloom duplicate less exoneration and commission 1879 tti t 11M . By am't due on scott duplicate less exoneration und commis sion 1S79 ... . By am't due on Sugnrloat dupli cate less exoneration and com mission 1879 sn By am't due on Greenwood dii'p'lY. cato loss Exoneration and com- mission 1879 857 Bi By am t due ou Greenwood du'pii- cate less exoneration and com- mission 1879 i5it ot By 11 1 ncres wheat In ground iiil perocrel879 . 143 m By wheat rje, oats, corn. buck. w heat, cloter seed and tlmotuy seed 1879 ' .,, -3 By potatoes, beans, rutabaga's ctVbba r?. ajr. straw, and cum. fodder 1819 otj no By pork and lard, butter, horses," cattle, hogs and chickens, 1879 79900 By all farming Implements used on farm 1979 con on By household furniture In stew. ard s house 1879.... ,, . 99s no By household furniture In 'poor bOUSO 1879 555 isl By j tons coal In 1879 "" IS, By new building and Improve. m,eDtil8Ta',- .- 1182 53 199( !0 88 Tho above Is a correct lnvolco of the real nnn personal property as taken Jan. loth issJ? ana DEBTS AND LIABILITIES. To ami of orders outstanding A : 11549 90 -si oiu i uun 1 reusurcr, dan 13, '80 5 04 loam'tln faterot tho district. 1S355 34 Ii9t o 39 PRODUCTS 1HISED ON FARM 219 bus, wheat 1 1 11.35 per S9S 00 si 00 310 00 111 to 18 00 103 00 12s (MJ ilO OU 9 M 5(13 41) 149 01 SO 00 S3 00 sr 01 IOC 40 ' 80 CO 30 GO 1207 " corn cars 15 " " 278 oats 40 " ' " 3 " cloverseed 0 (10 ' " " luiaLuea an 8150 bundles corn fodder a 4 cts so bundles of straw, 13 its, 111a pura ana laruoASV Cts. 14V acres grain In ground fin - , wis cuvn 2 calves " " 11 so " 108 chickens " " 25 m 612 11.8 butter ' 20 CtS tti 204 doj. eggs " ISctsdoz.. . vii ueaus ur cauuage (4 6 cts. .Jl. vauuHKo tig o OIS.,.., isuusiurnipssrutabagasasso 4 so " beets M sm 1 "beans a 11 w ' i Yz, 4 "onions (SIM . " 5 i-T No of paupers remaining at last report.. is " " admitted .Turin,. loii-ViS"" " " discharged " ":rr.'" ' died ' ( ii U Wm. KltEAMER, ) r IIIUJIAB JtfifiCU.V f Directors A DMINISTlUTOItS' NOTICK 1WT4TK OP K. . TnOHKTOM, pECBASRb, fittersof Aiimtnlstratton on tho cstato cf K.j. Thornton, Into ot jiwn of liloomsburg Columbia co. deceased, liavo been rranted by the Register ot fata county lo undersigned Aninlnlstrators. Alt perfons liavlng claims against the cstato aro requested to present them for settlenent and those Indebted lo mnko prompt payment. C. R K W .1 Bl'CKALKW, I, B. IIUI'irtlT Attornets for estate. KI.I BALTnN. Jan. 10, '80-Ow. 'Administrators. nMINISTUATOll'S NOTU,rE ESTATE Or . W, XCSS, DECEASED Letters of administration on I ho estate of M. W. N iss, lsto of tho Town of Itlnomsbiirg.ColumbH co deceased, have been granted by tho lit-ulster cf aald county to the undersigned Admlr-lstralur. Allper Kins havlntr claims against tbo estate ore requested to procnt iliemfor settlement andthoso Indebted lorncke raiment iMilxit k 1st. B. FRANK ZAI1R, Jan. 10, '80-ew' Administrator. A DMlNlSTItATOHS NOTICE. KSTATK OF BAlUn C; 8IICLT2, bSCEASED. tcttrrsof AtlmlnlstraMonon tho rstato o Sarah C, Miullz, latu ut Centre township, Columbia "oi'ii ty, fk'ceaM'il, hao been trrnntca hy tho Itcjrlter ct Milft county to thn under si gnt-d mlmlDlstrutor. Ah pet Bom liavlnp claims npulirt tne "fttnte are re iucM(jcl to present them for settlement ana tboso Indebted to make payment without delay. SMUEL NKYIIAUI), Administrator, .1 in 2, 19S0-CW Centro tw JTXKCUTOnS' XOTIC13. EflTATK OK ANNA BOY KB, DECEASED. Letters Testamentary on tho cstato of Anna ltojer lato of Ux?ust township, Columbia ccunly, ivnnsjivnnla, deceased, hao been trranted tytho ItejvrKter of bald county to simou lielland .lere mhdi Hoer. All persona having claims against ttio estate of tho decedent aro requested to prem t them for settlement, and those indebted to tho a tato to mak-n paj ment to tno undersigned Execu tors without delay. SIMON IIEI.WKI, IKKI.ER, Atty. JEIXM1AU ltOYKlt, Juii 2,u-Cw, Executors 7XKahon's nohck. E KSTATK OF JONAH FKTtEllMAK, DECEASED. letters tefctamentarv on tho estate of Joniw retterman. lato ot Locust townshln. Columbia couiitv, rennijlvanla, deceased, have been jfrai-ted uy 1 ue neffisuToi hhiu cuumj iu in. reiitnnan, ItuHTt, Kxicu'or. All persons halng claims apalnst the ebtutc of the deccused aro requested to n te-'it them for settlement, and thobo indebted to the es tate to make raj ment to tho undersigned adminis trator without delay. Executor. Kuptit, Pa, Y, L. Kykklv, Att,y. for rstatc. Jan. yt tssu-sflw A DMIMSTllATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF (litOltOR 110t.LENBAClt,DbCEA8ED, U tters of administration on the estate ofoeorco llollenbacb, lato of .Main Tup., t'lilumbhtco., ae ceasid, have bten t'raritcd b- the Register of said county to the undersigned Administrator, to tthom nit persons Indebted ure requested to make Imme diate payment and those hat lng claims or demands against the estate it 111 male them known to the Ad minlstralor ttlthout delay. HIRAM MIl'OARS, Administrator, Calawissa . Jano-ow Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. A ItoUSEIIOM) NKKI) I 1 X"book on Malarial lilseases and line Complaints, sent PKKH. Address Ur. Stanford, ill Iiroadtvuy, New York City. Jan 30-4H-. d GRANT'S? Tdttll AROUND tho WORLD' Oomplnto record. Describes places tlslted, nnd ovations bv Kings und emperors. 000 pares- 2110 must. Price. 12 Mi. Agents wanted, Circulars free. 't. II. KKLI.KY, I'hllada., I'm Jan so-iw. d AGENTS READ THIS ! We want an Agent In this Countv to whom wo will pav n salary of f u per month and expenses to sell our wonderful Invention. SAMI't.H l'ltRK Address alonco SIIKII.MAN CO., MARSHALL, .MICHIGAN. Jan 30-4tv d COMPOUND OXYGEN "Health and Lite." No. I. a record of rcmarkablo cures In Consuuptlon, Cntjirrh, Neuralgia, nnd oth er chronic Diseases bv the new otjgen Treatment, now ready nnd sent free. Drs. STARK BY & I'ALEN 1109 nnd 1111 lilrard bt, rhlladclphla, I'a. Jan ao-liv. d 5,000 Fur n caso ot COUntl. COLD, or ASTHMA that ADAMSON.S ROTA Mlf! RAT.SAM P fl I Bl will-not cure ! Sold by all Druggists 13 II I II and Dealers ut S3e, and "sc. s-nmple buttl.'s, iw, jf-beothattlie namo of 1-'. W, K1NS M tNls blown In tho glass ot tho bottle. Trade sup piled by (leo. C. uuouVYIN K CO., Uoston, Mass, Jan 3U-4W d 30 DAYS TRIAL will send our Elect ro-Vol talc Itelts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for so d.ijs tothosu surferlntr trom Nervous Debility, Itheunmtlsm. l'a iiiislsorany dliea-sesof tho liver or Kldn?js,fthd many other dln'ases. A sure euro guaranteed or no Addrcba VOLTA10Hh.LT CO., Marshall, Mich, .Ian 30.4 iv d a hm:t KrcrKxs ! l(M)o ilil ! I IIEAHLEYS wonderfully popular work, tho T.'tk'V,,-' GEN. GRANT Is pronounced by tho General's Intimate friends tho licit lois'iirired work hencetho sptenTHd success of Agents. WA MILLION people wnnt IIKAD. Lilt's book to-day. Wo need HOOD .HIIIIK A4JUNTS AT IIM'I! ! HEWAltK of imitations. tosend proof ot superiority, samplo lentes, steel jiortralt of Grant, nnd full pari lculars freo to all de siring them. Address, IIUBUARD 1IROS., Rubs., JW chestnut St., 1'hlla. Jan 30-4W. TIT 1 Unci wool, uoiernnd Hook only f 143 to I2S5 T A n IN ORGANS 13 stops, 3 set Reeds. 2 Ktue I imiuu swells, stool, Hook, only tsr??-lolIday iMiltsiiain-r Free. Address DANIKI. V. 11RATTY. W'AShlni Aelf din isl 33 Washington, N. J, d Jan 10 4w (ii:NT. WANTi:n-For tliobest and fastest felling l'ictorlal Hooks and Hlbles. l'rlces rc- 33 per cent. National Fublisimsii Co.. l'hll- adelplila, 1'u. d, 'so-iw $10,000 JOB L 35 CtS, Jan 10, 4w. ON LIFE & PROPERTY. $10,000 will t )lit tn rnijr pertvin Wliu tan t M'HWF. A I.AM I' flltf I Willi our NAI'l.TV AITAIIIMI'AT, Uitl Ire fT Uct. rnrf or 1 1. Ajf nl AVantrd, lUln or Prmtla. 9. S, NLWTOVS RAFETY LAHPm, ltl-JOrtAMTQI, S. V, SaIIIXOVM, 11 VtWtT liUW4T, IN', Y, CONSUMPTION CUItKU. A tdmplfl iieRCtnble remedy tion.jironchitiB.canirrh.Abthina.anil all Throatl usa Lvna j7cuon.. Juno a liOfclllYO mill radlcare ure.for Ncrtous IX'liinty and all NermuA Comnlnlnrs. vhlth Ana Arm ttutil in thoutandlfifrnn. Reclis,!v1th fuli dlr ctlons 111 uviuuiii. x rtriiiu, uc iikukuj ir rrepor- Jan Hi iw rniii.ti. i.isr. I I'm (.'fiiiMT . r, frKiif ,cca George Strieker vs. 1'hlllp Ituntzlnger tt ax. iutiii risuerevai ys. .loon nsner et n . o, H. Hrockitay vs. First National Hauk, Berwick. II. A- tttldcnsuul ts. A. W. Creamer, James Moirlson vs. I'a. M. Fire Ins, Co. o. J). Kmt ler Agt. vs Samuel t llllams. tiankji Moirls ts. William 'lorrey. J. tt Ecketux.ts.MaryA.Urlttalnetal. Chart's hrugts. J. m. 0. Rank ft ux. tumtijl Miller vs W. II. Helnbold. Ditvio Tyson vs. Thomas Geraghty. .1. w. sunkey's use t s. M. 11. and s. F. Association of Hluouisburg, Michael Gruter'aAdm's.ts.aiarla Wolfs al. J. II. Iletler vs, D. L. 4: W R. It. Uo. William Y. Hess vs. t Unton Co'e. William snanerct nl. vs. Catheilno McAnnll et.. nl. oraugetllle M. K V Academy vs. Illram c Eves. Joshua Satage's Admr. vs. Samuel Apnleman. Henry I oak ts. Gideon Michael. Johu O. Christian vs. I'a. M. I-'. Ins. ("0. George Master's Admr. ts. John K, Chspln. coinmonwealihto uso ts. John W. Hoffman etal. cuilur'he Hutler ts. Reuben Houch, John A Jacks-oil et nl. vs. Kil stoetzell. IJIas Glger t s. Hsrbara Glger. N. D. Rluardts. Ferdinand Gaul etux. Ilenry llouck ts. John W. Hoffman. D. K sctbert uso ts. 'thomas Geraghty. o. D. L. hnsteiibauler vs. Joseph ll. Knlttlc. I.iidwlg thiele's Admr. ts. Daniel Morris, lvnna. Caual Co. vs. N. L. Cumpbell, hm inuel Strauss vs, Martha Join son. Joines Lui'ion's Admr- ts tt llllnm Lamon. 1 cut Swunk.s uso ts. Charles Fetterman's Admr, suinuel S. Frederick ts. Solomon Fetterman's Admr, I'eUTS. Hotter vs. Catnwlssa tovtnshtp, '.,?.u """no's Admrs. ts.cmrles Kunr. tt tlllam Lamon, Trustee ts. John W. Hoffman. LIST OV JUUOUS. SECOND WtE. i.iwui uoiiu uiieuigiii, rrea iienaersnott, jonn leuman, Reutiou llairls, Thomas Rickey, James 1 hnttliis. t-'llns lnmlriiliiill ii.h.h lw i. ...... ,.... leruiiin. " uenton Lafayette Keeler. Herwlck-li. F. Crispin. Hriaicreek-U'tlShaiter, Reuben Sitter. Catuttlssa-llenry Miller. Adam Fetterolf. centre Go irgo Conner.Davld Zarr. T. 1. Strauss, Ushlngcreck Ik-am Hosier. Fraaklln John Artley. Greeuwood-Adaui l 'it, J. W, atrton. llcmlock-tleo.W. llltile. Jackson Perry Knouse, John Fritz, Eltsha Rob blns, Jacob Lunger. Locust John Ilerner. Madtson-Jacob contaar, Purvln Swisher. Montour Charles Kck. orango Illrum K. llotvman. Rourlngcreek ttm. ll. Llutlile. I'ctm '"":"a Itol'"ion' t"lu"d Keller, William Jg-XEOUTOIIS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF ELIJAH Ft'UIEIt, PECIASEU. Letters testamentary on tho estate of Elijah Ful nier, lato ot Fine Wwushlp, Columbia county, ra., di (ceased, have been granted by the Register it said co unty 10 tbd undersigned Kxecutors. All persons ha vltig claims against the estate ot the decedent are req uestcd to pruseut them for settlement, and thoso lnd ebted to the estate 10 make pat ment to the un dendgned Kxecutors without delay. JOHN 1", DKRR. Derr'8 P O Col Co. . , UK.NIIV J.ROUblNS.illllVlUe COl CO. Jan ss, to-w Kxecutors. lit b. KNT. me loor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers