The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 02, 1879, Image 1
Llll'MlltiBIMOCKAT.STABOFTIK NORTH AND COLUM' l Ola."1' " B,.nvrtl.tni'Ttl. Issuod weekly, ovcry Hrlday morning, at iifio,.!Sllt)ll(), COLUMMA COUNTY, l'A. , wn noLMss per year, 60 eonta discount allowed! imuinsidln "If""''0' Aiierinooipiraiionor the C ir tl mvi ho charged. To subscribers out of the ;Ai !n ' ttioVnnsaro i perycar,trlctly In advance in n i ' r discontinued, cvopt at tlio option of tlio 'niii.lltmuTH, unttl nil arrearages nro paid, but long fS ,l .Vdits ntler tlio expiration or tlio fire! . in n iniTwnto''tot tlioHtato or to distant post i iuiust bopaldforln advance, unless a rcspon iii ue nennnln Columbia county assumes to pay the " ' ......... .t..n nn ilronnlilt. posr AiiBIs no longer exacted from subscrlbcrsln -if iiHii-ji JOB FIXISTTIKTO. . ',. '.f.. undour t h PrlntlngVYllleompnro tavora- "Xu.mK i no ...''hlr .: iii partment or inn uoixhdian is very Columbia County Official Directory. ! hI.V ni tmtifn-WillIain Elwell. tti. i i.ite .Indites-1, K Krlclcbaum, 1. L. Shuman. r it mm itarv. Ac. William Kilckbaum. i i n i,'ianh'r t. N. Walker. ( x i ir l"r -Williamson II. .laooby. iistnct AUiiiney noit-ri n. i.uuu. ,li, nif John V. Hoffman. H J, , 1 1" -um'i'ii N-ylnr.1. i,.p -il A. swennonbelser. Jin fl mors -Stephen l'olie, Diaries Ulclinrt, '' t a'nX .'j'nori' Clerk- !. II. Casey. VMllurs -. II. Smith, W. Manning, 0. 11. See. i 'Voinmlssloners-Mt Itobblus, Tlieodoro W, L siilUh. i r..t ., i:ni,.rtritindent William II. Snvder. I Hi j,n Poor imtrlct lilroctora II. H. Knt,Scolt, I rt ( Kramer, llloomsburg and Thomas Iteece, i Bloomsburg Official Directory. rV'3'dont ot Town Councll-O. A. Herring. ( ll'rk Paul c. Wirt, c if lor oi puiloo .tn. e sterner. PrtMitiiiit of (las Company 9. Knorr. SecVctary -0. W. Miller. m n mmrir lianklnir Company lolin Funnton, Pr nl, 11. II. UroU, cashier, John Peacock, Tel- I fr. Hr Va tonal nank Charles H. Parton, '"resident 1, P. t ."In, e. ashler. ii aula coiinly Mu'Ual Saving Fund and Loan a -m Ion -B. II, Utile, President, U, W. .Miller, I' urj. i mb'irg llulldlng and saving I'und Association -"V ueoek. President..!. II. llobtson, Sin-'relary. in i ..iirc Miinial Having I'und Aisoclailon J. I in. cr, I'ruHiueni, r. k. win, secroiary. CIIl'UC'lI DIltKCrOUY. BAPTIST CIICIICIl, V v. ,t. p. Tuslln, (supply.) s nd ly Services la v a. m. and o p. m. wind iv Hcliool -o a. in. pr ver Meeting I'.very Wednesday evening at 0 c ock s isfree. Tlio public aro invited to at tend. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTIIFKANCIICUCII, itl-itn er -l!ev. o. I), a. llarclay. Sunday services t a. m. and 1H p. m. smiilav school o a. in. l'nv er .Mooting livery A'ednesday evening at 1 seats' free. Nopews rented. All are welcome. rHKSnVJCKIANCtlL'IICII. Minister I!ev. Stuart Mitchell. sun lav Son lees lo,"4 n, in. and p. m. Siinilav school 9 n. in. I'M cr Mcoi Ing Every Wednesday evening at. 6 rhvk. soaiafrce. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MKTiionidT KriseorAI.etifiicii. Presiding Kldcr Ilev. W. Kans. Mlnlsier llev. M. L. smyser. Sunday Services lux and ox p. m. vundai School 2 p. m. mole Class -IJvcrv Monday evening at otf o clock. Vniing Men's I'rnier .Mcoilng-Kery Tuesday vj -nlngat ijij, o'clock, oeneral Prayer Mectlng-Evcry Thursday evening 7 o'clock, KKFOUMROClirKCH, Corner of Third nnd Iron streets. Pastor-Ituv. W. K. Krcbs. Hesidei.ce Corner 4lh and Catharine sireets. suiniiy SerUees lujtf a. m. and 7 p. m. S'indav School 9 a. m. naycr Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are United There is alwaj h room. ST. l'Al'l.'S CUt'llCU. 'lector- llev L. Zahner. sundav serilccs tux a. m ys p. m. iinil.ii. sohnnl 0 n. m. Mr. I sundav In tlio month, Holy Communion. S"rtces preparatory to Communion on I rlday noningbcrore tho st Sunday In each month. Pews routed ; but over bod v welcome. KVANOELICAI. ClIUUCH. Pre ddlng r.liler-llcv. A. I,, llecscr Minister llev. (leorgo Hunter. Sunday senleo s p. m., in tho Iron street Church. Pr.n er Meeting 1! cry sabbath at 1 p. m. All are Invited. All aie welcome. TIIR CIICIICIl 01 CIIKIST. Mi cls In "the little lirlck Chureli on the lull," known as tho Welsh lliptlst Church on ICoct: street eastif Iron. .... Kegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af ternoon at BJtf o'clock. seats freo; and the publloaro cordially InMlea to : attend SCIIOOI, OUUKHS, lilnnk, iiift printeil ami neatly bound In small books, on hand and or sale at tho Coi.cjidian onice. 1 ) LANK DKKDS, m l'arclinijnt and Linen I P.i nnr. common and for Administrators, Kxecu- lirsiua trustees, for salo cheap at the Columbian omce. rA'UtlAr.K CKUTII'ICATi:S.iustiiriiiteil 111 iindforsalo at the Columbian Olliee. Jllnls- II-IU'U I II 'J l.lPJ'tl .1,111 U UIIVI . Tl, D..l..J 6( ties with tbeso necessary articles. 1 USTICKS ami Constables' Fce-Hilli for sale I nt thn rntriiniiH nntcp. Thev contain the eor- I reeled fees as established by tho last Act of the Lpjf- I(vMuroupon tno suojeci. j-.ery ousncuuuu suh tuble should have one. V KXDUK NOT ICS just jinnteil ami for sale cneap at too Columbian oiuee. HLOOMSBUIiO DIKKCTOUY. PKOFESSIONAL CAHDS. N'1 (!. UAHKI.EY, Altorney-at-Law. Olliee . In llrower's building, 2nd story, liooms 4 & 5 I It. H011IS0N, Altorney-at-Law. OlUce ) . In Ilartman's building, Main street. QAMUKI. KKOIIU.,Oilice I ij In lliirtman s Iluikilng, .Main s'tieet. I) It. WM. M. UKIlKIt, Surgeon ami I'liysi clan. onico Market ueet. AbovoMh i;ast It. KVANS, M. I).. Surgeon anil I'liyrf. . clan, (onico and Kcbdlcnco on Thtrd btieet, f li. McKEIiVY. SI. 1).. Surgeon ami I'liy- I J . siclan, north sldo .Main strict, below .Market. jlJlt.J.C. ItUTTKU, omce, North Market street, Mar.;: '74 llloomsburg, Pa. Id It. 1. L. KAHB, rilACTIOAL DENTIST, Main Street, onnoslto Lnlsconal Church. Illooms- P'lrk-, Pa. iv Teeth extracted w llhout rain, aug J4, '77-ly. J1ISCELLANE0US. M. D1UNKEH, GUN and LOCKSMITH. M'wlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- litred. OrKiiA Hovsk llulldlng, llloomsburg, I'a. AVID L0WEN1SEU0, Merchant Tailor f .Main St., aboo Central Hotel. S. KUIIN. dealer iu Meat. Tallow, etc.. L Centro street, between second and Third. KOSENSTOCK, Photographer, over . . Clark Wolt'sbtore, Main street. U UOUS'lUri I'ltEUNI), Practical lioineo L'V.t)alhlc Horso and Cow Doctor, llloomsburg, I'a. i au. 11, 'iy-(t y Y. KESTE11, MEKCIIANT TAII.OIi. 1 KoomS'o. 15, Opika HorsK IlllLiusa, Iiloonuburg. rtuiv.tR.s. JtilTlSlI AMEUICA ASSUIUNCE CO NATIONAL Fllin ISSUItANCB COMPANV. Hie osttts of these old corporations uro all In- h u iu pr.v.uilllir.n uuuuieuuuiu iu iuo izoltl of File onlv. IVodi rate lines on the Lest risks ore nleno accepted. "'Ms i'komitly ana ho.slktlv anjiiMi-a ai.a pum li toi ii ns determined b) ( uuisius F. Knait, tpe- i i item anil Aiijusier, irooinsourg, i-eiui , I lie (ItlziLsof Columbia county should patronle Biei-'tLcv ul.prn lnssifl. If tinv. uro ndtusted and I lid by one of their own citizens, nov.m, 'J7-ly blSEAS UIIOWN'S INSURANCE AGEN 1. CV, Exchange Hotel, llloomsburg, I'a. Cnnltfll. F-lQa. Ins Co.. of Hartford. Connecticut . u.&uuioo Utrpooi. Loudon anduiobo 20,ik o.irio 'of Liverpool 13 6oo,ouo tiueansniro 10,ihw, is) ro Association, Philadelphia s.ioo.uoo Itmeri Mutual of Danville Iwllle Mutual 75,000 juic, new lors. o,guo,ooo I A" Hie agencies are direct, policies aro v. rltten'for lusured v. itnout any delay In the onico at lllooms- tft ftql iwi IMlrch J(,'77y V. 1IA1LTJIAN lAMFIlIt'AN INRint XKr.K rfiMlANIEHj llEPKESKNTtl TIIR IOIJJ1WIK0 IlCfimiBjct Muncy Pennsylvania. j'a American of I'UUadelphla, r uiisjli'anlaof ' wuitrs of York, ra. I ..i..v.ul r,ow lork. '..uttiu,uor .. (t"n J'arket btnet No. , llloomtburg, I'a, T.IE 0KAX0KV1LLB AUADE3IV Vou can get a Thorough Kducation v. UU the LEAST OUTLAY OF MONEY. I'or CaUiloguc, address ths I rlnclpal, C. B, BtlOCKWAT, 1 ,,. ')EdlterSanaPrerrleter. LAWYEIIS. E. WALLEli ' Attoi' Increase ef rentiens rttalncJ, Collections male. Onice, Second door from 1st National Hank. lILOOMSIIUItO, PA. Jan. 11, Ms Attoi nuynt-Lnw, Increase of Pensions Oblaincd, Collections Made. I1I.OOMSDUIIQ, PA. onico In Ent's Hcii.niNa. jItOCKWAY A EIAVELI,; ' A T TO It N E Y S-A T-J, A W, Cou'MBiAN IlciiniNo, llloomsburg, Po. Merrbers of the United states Law Association. Collections made In any part cf Arrcilca or Kuropo Q II A W.J.nUCKALEW, ATTOIt.NEVS-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, Pa. onice on Main street, nrt door below Courtllouso JOIINM.CLAHK, ATTOIINF.V-AT-LAW, Moonifburg, Pa. onico over Schuyler's Hardwaro store. P P. I1ILLMEYEK, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, OmcE-ln Harmon's llulldlng, .Main street, moo iloomsburg, Pa. II. I.1TTI R. 1 II. A It. It. LITTLE, KOB'T. B.LITTIK. ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, Pa. 0 1 W.MILLEIt, ATTOIINKY-AT-LAW Oflleeln llrower's building, second floor, room No. llloomsburg, l'u. B. El SANK ZAltll. ALtornoy-at-Iaw I!L00.M.S11UI!G, PA. onice In I'navost'9 'Ifii.niMi, on Main street second door above Centre. (!uti lui consulted in German. Jan. le, '70-tr CATAWISSA.'- " y-M. L. EYEHLY, ATTOUNEV-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. collections promptly made and remitted, onice onposlte Cataw lssa Deposit Hank. 6m-as V. II. Abdott. W. II. KlIAWN. A1U10TT & II II AWN, Attomoys-at-Law. CATAWlSSA.l'A. Pensions obtained. dee 21, '77-ly ESPY PLANING MILL. Tlio undersigned lessee cr tlieKspy Planing Sllll, Is prepared to do all kin da of mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, BlMs, etc. madoloorderon Bhort notice. Satisfaction guar, antecd, Chaklka Kurd, Illocmsburg, I'a. BLOOMSBUliG TAMERY. G. A. HERRING 11 ESPKCTI'ULLY announces to tlio nublie that ho has reopened SNYDEIl'S TANNERY, (old stand) llloomsburg, Pa., at tho Korks of the Es py'lit Mreit roniH, where nil descriptions of leather will bo mado In tho most substantial and woikinimllko inulilu r. unil sold at nrlci4 In suit Mm Una s. '1 ho highest price in cash w 111 at all times bo ad for ORE EN HIDES of cicry description In the country. Thopubllcpat ron go Is respectfully solicited, llloomsburg, Oct. 1, lS7s. Pensions U1 Mrtdlers, wounded or injured, can now obtain pension-.; under tlio new law to e Trom discharge. Address ai once WtU stamp (or blanks and new Njldlera circulars. W. 0. IIUUNINOCUA; CO., llCSmllbnieMst. IMTTMUMUJ, ttr oldest Chum Agency in thf state. April-, lbTiMm J.U'o Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. SOHf Keturnsln aodaysonsiooinvefatert Of IMj tlctal reporu and information I'HEE. Ulit proilts veuklyon stock opllon- or tnitoL"rft. Address T. 1'uTTtn. Wmnr x. Co.. Mankkus. :w Wall St., X. V. d April 83, 'TlMW I'ai-NinrM riiruititi vuu n ako .now men uiooa and wllltomplclt'lv clianpo tho blood In tho entire s stem in threo mouths. Any person who wld take l pill each nlirht from 1 to 12 weeks may bo restored tosouud hiulih If such a thing bo possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. I. . f IJIIIIMlll VU. If illlUUI .Jlitlll Aprils, 79-4W d A CIFT WORTHY OF A HOTUSCHILD. Acoovof lllintii'H fniiintiM lllni.lriitecl IiuI.i'n- neriiin AImiiii for 1 H7n. tnireiher with a codv of his lllusiraleit paer, the Hkovvimi woitin, wlllbu seal u ej 10 nnyuue mio iwu senu uicir auuien uu u one cent rosi al card. Address, J. (HHMix iiuowji, 21 (Irand Mreet, Jersey city, how .lersey. u. .vpru 19, V. 41V tdylOiuIiT ! Ht'Toro Itujiup; u pjla,xo or i t pan; Do not tall to si nd for my latest mi page Illustrated Newspaper with much valuable luloimatloii FltKV. N'l!W VI ANfis. l'Al. 1S.'. mid unwurils. SV.W lllt- UAS.s, fiis to Hid. HKM Hi: to uiltii mo before buy- lug tlsewnire. iihiawk oriwiTAiims. .auuh-ss 1) N1KL 1', 11KAT1 V, Washington, N. J. Aprll11,';j-4iv d 1 HUNT. 'ANTi:ii-For tho best and fastest selling 1'lUorlJl Hooks and lllbles. J nets re duiedssporccnt. Ntnosib Itblisiiino Co.. Phil adelphla, Pa. d April 11,'JS-lw 1A ll'A CMflfiA Invested In Wall street JU 1 U OiUUU Moelu makes foitunes ev ery month. Hook sent free eiplalnlngeieryihlng. Addiess MAXTElt & CO., IUsksks, 17 Wall street, New York, d aprll uimw AOHNTS WANTED for Smith's lllblo Dictionary ana iiiii.3iA.N-. prr.rrnRTAT, rtrt.p.s rlceBlreduced. Circulars free. A J. HOLM AN & CO., Philadelphia, d April II. '79-4W BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. 'Tliern Id nn dmilit. nlmllt the LTeat SUberlOrltV of thin nilkluoM'rcoininon porous plasti-rs and other external remedies, such as liniments, elec trical appliances, io Askphsslelanslii vourown locallly utKiut It. Ills Hondcrlul. soldbydrug. gists. Price !5 eeuls. d npr, 11, VJ-lw HEW RICH BLQQD UflW TO HIT THEM Libit!' p.'tjtth. .Lit. H.OOil.OOO 111 . J," .1411" lul 4)iiii11iim, Alirllll.'IHw U lie H. T, HELMBOLO'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHO. PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES op Tim BLADDER&KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or Uusi ncss,Sliortnes3 of Ereatli.Troublod with Thoughts of Diseii.e,Diiiiness of Vision, Pain in the 15ack,Chest and Head, Rush of Wood to tho Head, Pale Countenance and dry skin. Jf these symptoms are allowed to j;o on, very frequently Epilep tic. Fits and Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires the aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which "Hclmbold's .Buchu" D0K3 IN EVEltY CASK. IIELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUAL.ED Hy any remedy known. It Is prescribed by tho most eminent phystclans all over the world, In Rheumatism. Spermatorhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head 1 roubles, Paralysis, General 111 -Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, tc. Headache, Pain in the Should ers, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stom ach, Eruptions, Rati Taste in the iWouth, Palpitation oi the Heart, Pain tho region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symp toms are the offsprings of dyspepsia. IIELMBOLD'S BUCHU Invigoi'sitrs (lie .Stomach. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Rowels and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life mil vigor to tho whole system. A single trial will bequite suili- cient to convince tho most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six ICotfU'S lor $5. Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients" may consult by letter receiving tho same attention as by calling, by answering the following questions : 1. Glvo your name and postonice address, county and Mate, and jour nearest express onico ? 8. Your ago and sex 7 8. Occupation ? 4'3 .Married or single? 9. Height, weight, now and In health? o. How longhao jou been sick? 7, Your compleiton, color of hair and cj cs ? 8. Have ou a stooping or erect gait ? 9. llelato without reservation all jou know about J our case. Kncloso ono dollar as consultation fee Your letter will then receive ouratten'ton, and we will give; you the nature of your dUeaso and our candid opinion concerning a cure. Competent phjslclans attend to correspondents. All letters should bo addressed to Dispensatory, Vi 17 , KUbert street, Philadelphia I'a. II. T. IITJLMDOLD, Druggist and Chemist, rlULADtXl'HlA, l'A. SOJ.O UVKIIYWIIEIIU March I,l8ia-y BLOOMSBUliG, PA., Poetical. "Tis tho Last R030 of Summer, Tls thelHt rose of summer Left blooming alono ( All her lovely companions Aro faded flnd gone. No lloweri of her kindred, No rosebud Is nl?h. To reflect back tho bluslio, Or give sigh, for Ugh. IU not leavo thee, thou lono one, To pine on tho stem s slneo Ilio lovely aro sleeping, 00, sleep thou Ith them. Tims kindly tsralter Thy leaves o'er tlti bed, S here Ihy males cf the garden Lie scent lss and dead. so soon mny I follow, When file ndslilp dTay. And from love's sh'ntngctrcle The gems drop away I When tno hearts lie w Ither'd, And lono ono. aro, Oh 1 who would Inhabit This bleak world alono ? The Old Story of "Ben Bolt." HY TnOUAS DCXX KN0LIS1I. Don't you rem'mber sweet Alice, Hen Holt, Hweet Alice whose hair was o brown, Who wept Hli delight when you gave her a smile, And trembled with far at your frown? In tho old churchvard In tho valley, Hen Holt, In a corner obscure and nlone, They have fitted a slab of tho granlto so gray, And sweet Alice lies under the stone. Under the hickory tree. Hen Holt, That stood at tho foot of the hill, Together wo'volaln In the noon-day shada And listened to fppliton'smlll. The mill-wheel has fallen to pieces, Hen Holt, The rafters have tumbled In, And a quiet tint crawls round tho wnlls nsyou gaze, lias followed the olden din. Ho you mind the cabin of logs, Hen Ho'.t, Atlhecdgeofthopathlesswood, And thclm'toncaH tree with Its motley llmbi Which nigh by tlio doorstep stood? Tlio cabin to ruin has gone, Hen Holt, You w ould look for tho tree In vain And where onco tho lords of tlio forest waved, (I row grass and tho golden grain. And don't you remember tho school, Hen Dolt, With iho master, so cruel and grim. And Iho shaded nook In the running brook. Where the children went lo swim ? Grass grows on the master's gravo Hen Holt, The spring of tho brook Is dry ; And of all tho boys who were schoolmatcstheu, There are only you and I. Select Story. The Secret of the White Chest. From All 7ie Year Around. It was just the houo I wanted. In size, find situation it suited mo exactly, as the phrase goe, literally down to thegrourd. Facing Hyde Park, and placed back from the high road, with nothing in front of it but the broad strip of garden belonging to the terrace in which it stood, and tho open stretch of turf and trees, it was the very abode for a London season. Its rent, too, was extremely moderate ; it was in sound repair ; drainage without a flaw ; fixtures, furniture and decorations in the be-t tate j the owner only desiring to let it occasionally because he went away from town each spring. Why, then, did I hesitato to take it ? Why did everybody hesitate to take it? For the last seven years and more it had never been let. All the house agents at the West Knd had it in baud one after another. The terms had been reduced each season that it came into the market, and still there was no finding a tenant for it. Kverybody who went over the houe was charmed with It. The entrance being in the rear, all tho best rooms had a delightful southern aspect ; and going up from lloor to floor on their first visit of inspection, everybody grew de lighted the higher they got. The apartments increased in cheerfulness, if not in size, the outlook from the windows became more ex tensivo and airy, while, when ono reached tho top story, and ncended by a narrow stair on to a caded flat roof, with a high balustrade running round it, the view was, as the houie agent expressed it, "quite un ique." Nevertheless, everybody having reached the roof, anil having looked round lor n minute or two, descended with a firm de termination not to take the house. Now, what was the reason ? It was not haunted, no ghosts had ever been seen or mysterious noises heard -such things were never hinted at. Thero was nothing about it in appear ance like the gloomy, forbidden mansion in Severn square, concerning which so many queer stories are told, and which, liko the house in question, no one will take. Xo, It was the very reverse, in all respects, of that long and stid untciiated abode, I had heard the rumors about tho Hyde 1'nrk house of ten when I had been in London, and my curiosity had always been piqued, so that now, when I wanted just such a house for the -p.non, I determined to go and look at it lor myself. Finding all satisfactory, ami just as I ex pected from bottom to top, I was stepping out on the roof with Mr. Crumble, the agent, and was saying to him : 'Well, I can't conceive why people won't live here,' when my eye fell upon a curiom object erected upon the leads at the rear and surrounded by 11 high railing. It looked liko a huge skylight or glass lanUm, about ten feet long, threo high and three brood, Hut instead of forming a light for a btalr case or room beneath,it seemed to have been built for the purpose of covering another curious olject, which, occupying nearly the whole of the space under the glas", was plainly visible through it. This was a long white box, resembling a seaman's chest more than anything, only much lar ger. It rested upon four legs or feet, which raised it about a foot from the flat surface of tho roof, It was painted a creamy white, and varnished, and, apparently not being intended to open any more than its glass covering, had no hinges or lock to lis top or lid. 'What the deuce is that V said I to .Mr. Crumble. All 1' replied that functionary, with an odd expression iu his face, "that's it sir?' 'What's It, pray ?' 'Why, the secret sir.' 'The secret ? how Is it a tecret ? what do you mean V 'Well, sir, what it is, what it's meant for that's Inside of it.' 'Do you know.' 'No, sir.' 1 ' Doesn't any one know ?' FRIDAT, MAY 2. 1879. 'I supposo somebody doe, sir, but wo don't i we aro forbidden to Inquire, or to at tempt to find out J If wo knevv,wo should bo ablo to let tho house, perhaps.' 'How long has It been there ?' 'A long while, I believe, sir, ten or twelve years. Ileforo my lime.' Mint who put It up?' 'Well, Mr. Gayllng, we suppose ; nobody eenn to know exactly when it first appeared there.' 'Hut the servants,' I protested J they must know.' 'Oh 1 I have heard there wero uone In the homo at the lime J they wcro all dis missed just beforo It was put up. Mr. Clay ling never keeps many servants, sometimes none. Nobody lives In the home when he's awny, but ho always leaves tho keys with u. He Is alwnys changing his scryants, Mr. Oaylln.? is ; I havooflen heard him say that he likes new brooms., 'Who Is he, or what was ho ?' 'A gentleman In tho naval line, I bellevo sir ; they arc rather rum 'uns, I'm told.' 'Humph 1! I said, 'very odd. Hut tin you mean to tell me that no ono will llvo hero because they don't know what's in that box V 'That Is partly the reason, sir.' "Absurd 1' I was going on, when tho man continued : 'Hut there's a clause in tho agreement about it; that's what does it, sir.' 'Explain, I said. 'Well, hero is tho clause,' and he pro duced the document j "perhaps you would like to read it yourself.' Thus it ran : 'And In taking tho houso for tlio rental and at the terms specified as above, I here by solemnly pledge my 01th never, directly, or Indirectly, through my own agency or that of others, to attempt to meddle, with or disturb the whlto cheat under the glass case on tho roof, or to seek in any way to dis cover for what purpose it was placed there, or what it contains ; and I further guaratiteo that no person in my employ, nor any one entering the hoine during my tenancy there of, shall make any such attempt, and I here by undertake that in the event of their be ing detected in doing so, to forfeit the sum of C1,000, and in accordance with this agree ment have, in proper legal form, lodged the said sum with tho banker of Thomas Gay llng, the lessor, as a guarantee of my good faith.' 'Hut for that clause,' went on theageut, as I finished reading it with somo surprise, 'we should have no difficulty in letting the liou-o.' 'Pray, is the owner out of his mind,' I asked in a minute. Not that I am aware of, ir ; ho is a very pleasant, afiable gentleman, Mr. Gayllng is, only as I say, a little rum on some points j nothing will induce him to strike out that clause, for instance. Lor' bless you, sir, parties never entertain it for a moment when they come to that part of the business, they drop it like a hot potato.' 'Humph 1' said I again, itsqueer, certain ly, but! don't see why one shouldn't ac quiesce; it doesn't matter a rap to mo what's inside the chest. I should never want to meddle with or disturb it, and I'd take very good care no one else did ; I would padlock tho trap-door on the roof, and that would settle that. Ah I' I continued, af ter walking around tho structure and look ing about me a bit. 'Ah I I see ; precautions have been taken to prevent any access to this roof from others on either side, by this iron chevaux-de-frNe; yes, no one can get over this. Well, it's an odd freak, but I am not sure that I am going to bo balked by it; I'll think about it, Mr. Crumble.' And the result of my thinking was that I signed the agreement two days afterward, having conformed to this peculiar stipula tion regarding tho depit. I had no fear of losing the thousand pounds ; the interest on it was a mere addition to the rent, and the houso was so exactly what I wanted that it would even then be cheap to me, with my largo family of motherless children. Nevertheless, I do not deny that after all was signed, sealed and settled, I was con scious of a lurking curiojity and suspicion regarding that mysterious erection. What could it contain 1 I was constantly saying to myself. What strange freak could possess tho man to take such strong measures lo guard against any penetration into the se cret measures, by tho by, which in them selves were rather calculated to provoke in vestigation, to draw attention to everything he wi-hed one to overlook? Was Mr. Gay ling a miser, hoarding up some unknown trea-ttres in this strange fashion ? Proba bly that was it Well, if it was, no busi- ne-s of mine after all. My parliamentary duties would be too urgent, I hoped, to 'et me dwell upon much else, so I would dis mls it, and beyond putting a padlock on the trap-door of tho roof, as threatened, I took no measures to prevent any of my hnusehold indulging in speculations. I at leat would not direct attention to the mat ter, as Mr. Gayllng did, and contented my family and domestics by saying that I didn t consider It safe for people to go on the roof. Now, in spite of my resolution, I found myself perpetually recurring to the strange chest. For the sake of quiet and air, I had appropriated the two back and front rooms at the top of the house for my bed-room and study, and thus slept every night just be neath the white chest. Ilefore I had been in tho houso a month It began to act as a night maro on me, an incubus I could not shake oif. I was op pressed and depressed by it In a way quite uuaccountable. I was puzzled at myself. I could not have believed four weeks before that I could ever have become soalfVcted by such contemptible restlessness, disquiet, and distrust. These feelings at last reached such a pitch that I finally changed my bed-room. I would not sleep aiiy longer directly un derneath this accursed, mysterious fabric. Another mouth paed, during which more than once I was tempted to go secretly on tho roof and look at the thing again; there was no harm in that, that was not forbid den in tho bond, and I need hardly say, I saw nothing lo provoke any now comment. About a week after my last visit to roofa lengthy debate kept me late at the House of Commons, and walking home for the sake of fresh air, I found the midsummer dawn breaking as I struck Into Park lane. Reach ing Oxford street I was ktarlled by observ ing Iu the western sky a strong light, not due to reflected sunrise. At tho moment I saw it a fire engine passed me at full speed, and presently the first sign of thecommotlon which a coullagratlon causes In tho streets became evident, No man undergoes this experlcnco when ho had been away from homo many hours, and seta the red glare arising In the direction of his own houso without a pang of anxiety, If not of terror. How well founded was this sensation in the present case was mado evident cro I had walked another two hundred yards. Yes, merciful powers, It was my houso that was on fire 1 I can scarcely record what followed ; I only know that somehow I found myself in tho mldt of ihe police and firemen. That I explained to tho superintendent who I was, and that under his escort I soon ascer tained that all the inmates of my house, my children, their governess, and the servants, wero iiiafety, and had been taken Into a neighbor's at the rear. ; that as soon as I found this to bo the case, I, accompanied still by the superintendent, mounted 'to the top of an adjacent residence, whence the fire men wero directing the hose upon the flames. Onco on this vanta?o point my mind re verted to tho whlto ohest. Was it still there7 Yes ; the Haines, though bursting out from all the windows of tho upper stories, back and front, had not yet done more than wrench and crack portions of tho glass case. For a time it seemed as If this would be the most that might happen. Tho water seem ed to be getting tho upper hand, and as it fell in torrents 011 the hot roof such clouds of steam were thrown up with the smoke as would have completely hidden everything from view, but that our position had been skillfully selected, and was well to wind ward of the burning mass. Hut presently, amid the roar of the flames, there came a dull, heavy rumble for a moment, and then, with a tremendous Jcrash, the roof fell in. With it, of course, went the fragments and frame work of the glass case, aud tho now charred and blackened chest itself. I had my eyes upon it at tho moment, and dwn it went deep into the obscurity of tho denso smoke and steam which always succeeds to tho climax of a conflagration. For several minutes nothing was to be discerned through the overwhelming wreaths of black-gray fumes. Hut presently, though tho light from tho fire had been quenched, thero be gan to be visible, by tho aid of the increas ing light of the morning, the depth of this pit of Acheron. Yet it was not so very deep after all, for the firo having originated on the second floor, the falling roof had only crashed down as yet as far as the drawing room, and there, when my eyes had become accustomed to the spectacle of the indescri bable debris, I plainly beheld resting s'ant ways across u stubborn remnant of wall what had been the white chest ; it was now split and smashed and its contents wero reveal ed. Good heavens 1 what was it that I loolud down upon ? I turned my face away fur a moment with a shudder, for there, protrud ing through the splintered fragments of its onco creamy white woodeu case, was a large leaden coffin, which in its turn melted and bursting with the heat, displayed within tho unmistakablo form of a shrouded corpse. I was in the act of drawing my companion's attention to it in horror, when suddenly there flow up around it with redoubled fury such a mass of flamo and smoke that it was entirely hidden, and soon tho fire had so spread and burst out again that thehorriblo spectacle of this unintentional incremation was shut from sight, and the house was fi nally burned to tho ground. I pass over what immediately followed af ter I had mado my way back to my friend ly abode where the members of roy family were snugly sheltered. In a few days they were settled again in another home, fortu nately not very much the worse for the ter rible scare. In due course tho time arrived for looking into my losses, and when I was doing so I received a letter from Mr. Gay llng, who had come to town requesting an interview. I was glad of this, for I foresaw it must lead to somo explanation of the strange circumstances surrounding the agree ment I had signed. My curiosity as to tho contents of the white chest had been rudely satisfied, it was true, but what had been the reason of placing such an object iu such a place ? And this I was determined to find out. Unexpectedly, Mr. Gayllng disclosed it to me immediately wo met. "I have ask ed for this interview, sir," he said, abruptly, "because I am a ruined man." "But," I interposed, "I am tald you were fully insured." That has nothing to do with it' he an swered ; 'no insurance can restore the A'3,000 a year which I lose by what has hap pened. I am simply going to lell you cer tain facts ; because when you havo heard them I shall put it to you whether you will or not, out of your ample means, feel that somo compensation is due to me. The fact is that it ha been during your tenancy of my houe, and through accident or negli gence on tho part of somo one for whom you aro reiponslble, that my rum has been brought about.' "I don't understand you." 'Listen, sir,' he went ou, 'and you will. I was brought up to the sea, and followed it till mid-life, for I was entirely dependent on my own earnings. My only relative at this timo waj an uld uncle, also a sailor and a most cccontrio man, as you will presently seo. Fifteen years agi he suddeuly came into a largo sum of money ; I never knew how, but ho retired and took that house. He had only been in it three years when a mor tal sickness overlook him ; ho sent for mo. 'Tom,' said ho, 'I am dying, and I don't liko It; not so much at the thought of death as at the thought of buiial ; a sailor's grave 1 would not miud, but to be boxed up and thrust into the earth ; no, no, Tom, I won't stand it. I look to you to see that it doesn't happcu, and I have taken measures to make sure that you do see that it tliesu't happen, I've made my will, Tom. I've left you all I possess, but 011 one condition, and it is that you aro my heir so long as I am well above ground, and no longer mark the words, 'well above ground.' Directly I am buried, or my remains aro allowed to mlu gin with mnther earth, as she is called she was no mother to me, the sea was my moth er, for I was birn at si'a all my money, mind, goes to the beauieu's Hospital, every penny ol it,' "Hut what am I to do?' 1 askol of my uueli-; how shall I be able to carry out such A strange condition 1 Have you to express- ol it In your will ?' "Yes, inleed, I have,' ho answered, 'and legal and binding you II find it, as express ed In the words, 'so long as I am well above ground,' 1 TIIR COI.UMIUAN, VOL. XIII, N0.19 t'OLOMMA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XUV, NO. 10 ' 'HuJ what am I to do with you 7' I again nske'. "Oh, run mo ur aloft, masthead me, any thing you like, but don't bury me.' 'Well, went on Mr. Gayllng, 'to make a long story abort, I found that the conditions of tho old man's will wero binding, and his executors and himself hit upon tho plan of hoisting tho coffin onto theroof of his house. Under certain conditions we found that It was possible far us legally to do this. So I dismissed my threo servants, employed a country undertaker, my old ship's carpen ter and a foreign glazier, In order that tho matter should not be talked of In tho neigh borhood, and personally saw the arrange ments carried out. You can now understand my reason for not having It meddled with ; yes, sir, and you can now understand that the conditions of the will must lake effect. No signs of the coffin or Iho body even was to be discovered In the ruins of that house. I havo had rigid search made to no purpose, the old gentleman's remains have been con sumed, have mingled with mother earth, and tho money passes, as a matter of course, to tho rfeamjn's Hospital. 1 have not a penny in the world. What can you do for me?' It is not necessary for me to say what I did for Mr. Gayllng, butfinding by a visit to the Doctors' Comuuns, and by other evi dence, that his story was substantially cor rect, I felt his case was a hard one, certain ly a strange one, end I acted, I hope, not ungenerously toward hi 111. IIUMKSTIC HECEII'IS. twenty rourt pnovenus in cookino. Miss Dods' lectures are full of little bits of information that might properly be call ed culinary proverbs. Here aro a few of them : Thero is a greenness in onions and pota toes that renders them hard to dige-t, For health's sake, put them in warm water for an hour before cooking. The only kind of a stove with which you can preserve a uniform heat is a gas stove ; with ityou ca.i simmer a pot fur an hour, or boil it at the same rate for twenty min utes. Good flour is not tested by its color. White flour may not be the best. The test of good Hour is by the amount of water it absorbs. In cooking a fowl, to ascertain when it is done, put a skewer into the breast, and if the breast is tender the fowl is done. A few dried or preserved cherries, with stones out, are the very best thing possible to garnish sweet dishes, Single cream is cream that has stood on the milk twelve hours. It is best for tea aud coflee. Double cream stands on its if lie twenty-four hours. Cieam that is to be whipped should not bo butter cream, lest in whipping it change to butter. To beat the white of eggs quickly, put in a pinch of salt. The cooler the tggs the quicker they will froth. Salt cools aud al so freshens them. In boiling eggs hard put them in boiling water. It will prevent the yolk from color ing black. You must never attempt to boil the dress ing of a clear soup iu 'he stock, for it will always discolor the soup. In making any sauce put the butter and flour in together, and your sauce will never be lumpy. Whenever you see your sauce boil from the sides of the pan you may know your llour or corn starch is done. Hoiled fowl with sauce, over which grate the yolk of eggs, Is a magnificant dish for luncheon. Tepid water is produced by combining two-thirds cold and one third boiling wa ter. To make macaroni tender, put it in cold water and bring it to a boil. It will be much more tender than if put into hot water or stewed in milk. Tho yolks of eggs binds the crust much better thau the whites. Apply it to the ed ges w ith a brush. Old potatoes may be freshened up by plunging them into cold water beforo cook ing them. Never put a pudding that is to be steam ed into anything elso than a dry mould. Never wash raisins' that are to be used in sweet dishes. It will cake tho pudding heavy, fo clean them, wipe in a dry tow- 1. To brown sugar for sauce or for puddings. put the sugar in a perfectly-dry saucepan If the pan Is tho least bit wet, the sugar will burn, and you will spoil your saucepan. Cutlets and steaks may bo fried as well as boiled, but they must be put into hot but ter or lard. The grease is hot enough when it throws off a bluish smoke. The water used in mixing bread must lie tepid hot. If it is too hot, the loaf will be full of great holes. To boil potatoes successfully : When tho skin breaks, pour olfthe wajer and let them finish cooking In their own steam, In making a crust of any kind do not melt lard In the flour. Meltiug will injure the crust. Iu boiling dumplings of any kind put them in the water one at a time. If they are put in together, they will mix with each other. SIGNIFICANT SIGNS. To call at a friend's house about dinner time, and find him absent, is a sign you will bo disappointed, To drop hot sealing-wax ou your fingers is a sign you will be angry. To receive advice of your motber-in-law'B projected visit is a sign you aro going to leavo home for a time, To meet a bolting horse on the pavement implies that you aro going to run, To dream of being run over by fire-engines is often a sign that you have hid pork chops for supper. To pick up money is lucky. If a mau say, "I hardly like t3 ask you old man, but It a stgu ho wants to bor row mouey. To collide with three consecutive lamp posts and fall oyer au apple-stall Is a sign you are not a Good Templar. To lose money or jewelry is unlucky. The Princess Louise Is just dying to see that llrooklyn regiment and dearChaplai I!cecher. Tho boys are getting their unl forms cut low In tho neck, RATES OP ADVERTISING. srici. In. k. In. cm. Iv ono Inch .11.00 is.ou is mi lut 1 wo incites 1.00 4.00 mo s.eo ji.ojm rhrce inches 4.10 7.00 rour inches r.oo 7.00 000 is.ui to.u oiwrter column e.oo s.oo 10.00 tMt Half column... , IS. 00 m.oo eo.ot une column 90.00 ss.oo 10.00 co.oo loo.ot Yearly Advertisements navAbld nunrtirlv. TmD slent adrei tlsements must be tislrl fur before Inserted cAcvjib wutTu panics uare accounts. Legal advertisements two dollars per Inchfor three Insertions, an at that rate for addftloBallneerlloEl wiiuoui reference 10 length. Knecutor's. Amlnlstrstor'a and Auditor's notices threo dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a lint regular advertisements half rates. cards in the "Husinrss Directory" column, on aouar per year 1 or eacn line, Items. The tramp Isn't rich, but ho ran aflbnl to spend his summer In the country, Gallows executions may bo called bus- ' pensions of public judgment. Approaching a crisis Walking toward a restless girl baby. If a girl marries a coachman, she must not bo surprised If he Insists on holding the reins. Ono of the brightest things we have no ticed going round lately is a highly-polished circular-saw, An Ohio cow last week broke a man's neck by n kick, A mule that witnessed the casualty went behind the barn and wept. The Idea that fruit eaten at night Is de leterious is proved by tho bad effect It had upon Adam for eating au apple after Eve. "Bob, why Is your nose in the middle of your phiz ?" " 'Cause it's the scentw, sir." It is the easiest tblni- In thn world for a man to commit suicide in Texas, lln has only to call another man a liar. A rnrreanimlpiit wlsha. In lrnntv nlmlli. er a circulating library ought to be kept in a stationary store. Young men who aro tempted to respond to the cry of Westward, Ho I should not forget that thero are several years of good hoeing left iu New Kngland. "Darling, in't this au excellent photo graph of me ?" "Why, no, wife; there is too much repose about the mouth." It may be Interesting for some people to know that it costs twenty-five dollars to take a dog across the Atlantic, and that the animal is taken at owner's risk, unless spec ial contract to the contrary is mado with tho steamship company. 'Tis pity, and pity 'tis 'tis true, as Puck remarks, that we Hatter ourselves we aro extremely liberal when we say a thousanel dollars's worth of good of a man after his death, to whom, living, wo would not have loaned a "V." &f Fomssed Trump "Will any gen tleman" llrnwn (to intended almsglver) "'tyoti give him auy thing he's been here before to day'." & P. T. (loftily) "Will you havo the kindness not to meddle with my business affairs ?" l nnnll.mnn .l,n n.aa Inttni n nltlal v ;cuncioii .... .3 ..... . iju.w drive last Sunday, 111 his shabby buggy, drawn by a melancholy horse with long hair was glared at by four bankrupts, who rolled grandly bv In $800 carriages, diawn by . 1.!..- .r..i.i- .nma 1., i.i....inn.i i.- simu&iu uuuuic icivuia in uiu-fiiaicu uaiu- esses. Copper money is coined for exclusively religious purposes, it enables a man 10 leei he has contributed to the spread of the gos pel without drawing too largely on his in comp. Tho cirrus is coming again, and once more we shall have the pleasure of witness ing the cheerful spectacle of seven church members taking one little two-year-old child to see tno animals. Ciicumstances alter cases. Tho man with an ulster greets you noiv with, "Quite chilly yet, isn't it ?" Hut the man with no overcoat leads off with, "Deused .sultry al ready, araitu." Asa valuable remedy for Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Torpid, Liver, and such diseases we can recommend Dr. Hull's Hai ti more Pills. They are for sale by all drug gists. Prico only 25 cents. "A teacher of a brass band is a tutor. and so is every member of the .band a toot er," remarks the rCeokuk Constitution. We nave heard ot a member of a brass band "blowing on the big base drum," but wo thought the report was an invention of tho enemy. Colorado Winters. The winter of Colorado begins about the middle of Feb ruary, and sometimes continues almost to the middle of Mav. The most terrific snow storm known there in years occurred about tne urst 01 last .May. "Whv ilnn't vntl trrtt pir. n tcllli Mm .. ..j " (5. v ...v.. ...... ll.u. , wns Hskr.,1 nf n vntltli wlin.n uMinnlmatn n'la in tho habit of hectoring him ; and the wir-o young man replied, "I never cross the tease for fear he might dot my eyes." Do not allow the Raby to llancuish and suffer, but uso Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and check its sufferings. For sale by all Drug gists. Price 25 cents. A Mississippi editor announces : "Two yeaisof journalistic life have reduced me to tne lowest eiregs 01 poverty anil misery, ana to-aay 1 staini oeiore this community a prominent candidato for tho poor-house. A Jersey City man was recently arrested for smacking his wife across the nose with a red and yellow worsted uiotto bearing tho words "Home, Sweet Home." A son of the Siamese twins is aihievipg high honors in an Eastern college. whicU leads a lunuy man to ask : "Why shouldn't they rise in the world ? His father was well connected." According to etiouette. in Michigan, a bride can bo married "without gloves." But mars nothing, in some parts ot the crack er" country, down in Georgia, they can bo marneu witnout shoes. A bowl of disgust comes from the mi ners .tho have lately arrived in Leadville. The supply of labor is so far in excess of tue iiemanu mat men are aosoiutely sutler- ing lor me necessities 01 uie. A clock having struck the hour of one, a tender-hearted woman exclaimed, "O, what a cruel clock 1" Why so ?" nsked a friend. "Because it struck its little one 1" The fall of Adam was not as humiliat ing as it might have been. There was no body around to say, "Come here, sonny.and I'll pick you up." The New England Methodist pronounces against holding cniiip. meeting oyer Sunday, on account of the frivolous and disorderly crowds brought together. When a boy walks with a girl as though he wer afraid some one would see bim, tho girl Is bis sister. If he walks so close to her as to nearly crowd her against the fence, she Is the sister of some oue else. Spring is coming 'round, after all, and really seems inclined to behave rationally. She is feminine, you know, and mutt flirt a little. Besides, she has been taking a cruel vengeance on men for their frequent sland ers of her sex, and has nearly dislocated their necks by the sneezing she has made, them do. Will somebody explain why the man who sits perched at ono side of tho I louse of Representatives aud never makes a speech is called "Mr. Speaker," while the man who talks and talks aud talks, until every body is tired, hasn't auy title t Suppose it's ono nf the little jokes handed down from our fathers, who didn't dare to laugh at It them selves, but risked it for their children. A Thiuti'.icai. Drum The Norris town Herald observes : "A St. Louis c er gyman says tho theatre will teach nn man to die. Hut 11 uian doesn't go to a theatre to learn how to shullle off bis mortal coil. Aud yet he can learn something about dying at the theatre that he can acquire nowliere else. He can see a man die in great agony, and three minutes later appear before the curtain aud thauk the audience for their kind at tention etc." l4