THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Agricultural. Injory to Mannra Uniler Cover. The practice of keeping and storing man ure In cellan and slietls li often recommend eil, the reasons given for adopting sucr a course being that It Is saved from nil W by exposure to the rain and weather. This looks well In theory, but In practice I have found lint stable manure either from horses or cattle, with the usual quantity of bed ding Intermixed, when protected from the fain, will heat and.firo-fang o ni to Injure ts quality seriously, If the pile Is large the loss n.lll be comparatively much greater, for It wlfT heat worse. Fur a few years part I have bought the manure made by two or throo liorsei owned by n gentleman living In the village. The manure is dropped Into the basement under the stable'.and of course no rain or snow ever falls upon It. The con eeqtienco 1 It brats and burns so badly that there. Is hardly any moisture left In It, anil it Is so light that a pair of toxfii can draw n cord ul it taslly I do not consider such manure very vit'uabte, and do nut pay much for It. I generally put It In my hog pen.and think that Is the best wav to dispose of It, I will say, however, that I once bought a idle of cow manure under n barn that had been accumulating for a year, which was a prime article, as the crops grown where It wss appbol havo provtd j but It was clear droppings, without litter of any account. In my own cie I bavo two barns, with stubles in each. The manure made In one Is thrown out as fast as uiu.Iq into the open turn-yard, in a bni.ul, heap, and remains there till needed f.jr eprlng crops, Tl tr,adlng of the cattle, and the rain falling upon if, preve'it it from heating much, and there is not enough rain to leach out its good iiualitiet. The nituuro made la tho other barn is thrown out into a shed, where it is not exposed to the weather. In this case it heats badly if allowed to accumalate; so, to avoid lens, I cart it out frequently. I do not believe that stable manure loses any of its valuable qualities because the pile is expos ed to the air, but I do not belive that stable manure which is largely composed of litter, when kept under cover, losses much of its value by overheating. As We Were And An We Are. A COMPARISON OF WAGES AND THE PRICES OF PROVISIONS. Tax anything but beer,' was the utterance of a German statesman, which indirectly en forces a large economic truth. Beer is ni.t nn article of pr mo household necessity, but Teutonic custom has made It bo regarded in Germany. If we vary tho statesman's mean ing a littlo, we may say that while few peo pie look at tho large truths of natural econ omy, everybody appreciates the simple fa.'ts of household expenses in which the larger truths find expression. We are sure, there forn that the following comparisons showing how certain necessities of life have fallen in price will be readily understood by people without any dissertation on the causes : Prices of produce and provisions at Chicago on the 1st of October of each year from 18G0 to 1878, inclusive : Mm Pork. Lard. Wheat. Corn Price per Price per Price per Priec. bbl. lb. bush, ncr bu. 18C0, 18GI, .1802, 1803, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 18(18, 869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, $18 00 18 00 9 00 13 60 42 00 38 00 32 00 23 50 28 75 32 60 25 00 13 00 14 25 14 25 20 87 22 50 1G 60 14 25 7 00 125 71 71 10 18 29 17 131 18 18 151 9l 8J 71 14 131 101 8 01 85 21 85 38J 05 75 41 2 21 32 '67 90 64 86 102 1 06 1 23 1 18 1 00 94 1 11 1 0G 1 10 87 64 47 35 36 82 55 44 43 34 Let us suppose that a householder on the first day of October in the year before th civil war went out and bought a barrel t pork, a pound of lard and n bushel each oi corn and wheat. Discarding fraction parts of a cent, we shall find that they would have cost him f20 05. If the same man had set out 10 ouy me tne same commodities on the first day o last October they would hav cost him $9 14. Ho would, therefore, hav gained $10 91, or about fifty-four per cen turn. We of course Jo not pretend to say that the head of a family is cither apt to go into tho market and buy a bushel of wheat or that if lje buys a barrel of flour or it pound of lard he will find prices fifty-four per cen turn less than they uern iu tho year before the war; but it u evident that so large a de- clineaswe have figured iu the wholesal cost of four articles of present nece-sity, in which competition is evidently unlimited ii-ust tell first or last, and has already told in many places, on the cost of living. But to show still further tho changes in retail prices, let us take the following quota lions, obtained a few weeks ago in a city of 11,000 inhabitants in Massachusetts: I860. 1805. 1878. $8 00 $20 00 $8 00 23 GO 23 12 30 12 50 1 50 60 11 10 10 4 12 (1 12 8 14 33 8 $9 20 $23 13 $9 17 Flour, Baiter, Vork, Tea, Sugar, Fish, Bfnns, O-ittna cloth. This table comprises a wider range of nr tides than tho other table given before. They will show a decline as compared w i tl an'l-war prices and an enormous decrease o the prices paid duriug the war. All tli eso computations are evidently In complete without comparisons of wagis which for the MaesaohutetU city give tb following remits : 18G0. I8G5. 1878 r irst-clasa mechanics. $1 60 2 61 2 S'Cond.class mechanics, 1 17 1 75 1 Common laborers, 1 00 1 60 1 That the foregoing estimates are, it any thing, too low, tho following wages, given by the largest manufacturer of iron at New .Haven, in Connecticut a branch of indus try just now much depressed will go to prove: 1859 and 1860. Laborers, Unskilled Mechanics, $t 00l 25 1 00fn,l 12 1 121 50 1 752 50 3 00(n,4 00 2 00(g3 00 1878. .Mechanics, Skilled Mechanics, Extra ekllled Mechanics, Foremen, 1873 Laborers, $1 66(2 00 Unskilled M. 1 251 75 Mechanics, 1 762 25 Skilled M. 2 60fe3 60 Kxtra skilled M. 3 60(a.6 00 Foremen, 2 608 00 ?1 001 76 3 01 2 60! ,5 00 00 A trustworthy estimate of the increase of Iron workers' wages in New England fixes them ut eighteen per centum more than In 1EG0. Mechanics are but part of our popu lation, and New England is only a part of the United States, Yet if comparisons In distressed industries give such hopeful re sults in tho region of the country most thick ly rettled, wo may well believe that striking an average In the whole United States, aud alo allowing for higher local taxes would how that labor commands at least as many comforts as It did just before the war, when complaints of hard times was almost unheard f. In some localities in the coal regions, for example thero can be no doubt that there Is real distress caused usually by over production. Exceptions of, this kind will scarcely disprove tho rule that our tollers nro better off than they were eighteen years ago, and that they will find this out for them telves If they will overcome the extravagant otlons Inbred by long years of flush nnd fever, Miscellaneous. Utnrrnl Wttihigiitou's UrcuMJranilfathcr. Perbnps no placo in 'the old country' Is calculated to be of more Interest to Ameri cans than tho parish of Ilrington, In North amptonshire, Its old church containing as It Iocs memorials the most curious and sugges tlveoftho Washington ancestry, while nt Althrop House ami tho vitiligo of Littlo Ilrington there are mementoes of tho same family no less Interesting. Tho palish of Ilrington Is situated about six miles from Northampton, nud coulntris tho villages of Great nnd Little Ilrington, Nobottle, nnd iMtbrop, the sent ol tho Spei.cer iiimlly a family that has beeu ii power in tho state and has influenced the tide ot utT.vIra ior many generations. Great Ilrington (or Ilrington, as it is called by the natives, from bryu, hill, and ton, town) is a vlllago of suine hundred to a hundred and twenty, houses, and Is the sent of the parish church. Little Ilrington and Nobottlo nro mere ham lets. The lormcr is about bulf a mile from Great Ilrington, mid is noteworthy as con taining the liouco formerly occupied by the ancestors of George Washington Tho church at Little Ilrinatou au an cieut structuro dedicated to tho Virgin- bears the traces of many alterations and re storations. Originally of the stylu known as Decorated, it now has the appearance of a Perpendicular church from tbo repairs and additions made by the families of Ferrers, Gray, and Spencer during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It cousists of a toner containing five bells, uave, north and south aisles, modern south porch, chancel, and north chapel. Tfco north chapel Is divided from the chancel by three pointed arches, completely built up with monuments, and from the north aisle by an arch closed with a wooden ecreeu. It is lighted by three uni form windows. This is the mortuary chapel of the Spencers, and exhibits an interesting ard almost unbroken series of tombs and effigies from the time of the Tudorg to the present day. Ot the mural monuments one of the latest is iumarble, sculptured by Flaxman, to the memory of Geogiana, Countess Spencer. Another is to the memory ol Bir John Spen cer, the third of tho Althorp line, who mar ried a Ivitson, daughter of Sir Thomas Kit- son, a London merchant, and through whom he became related to the Northanls Wush ington family. There is a tradition that when Charles the First was a prisoner at Uolmby House 'the fair house ot Holmby' eituatedwithinstme three miles of Brington, and distinguishable amid the trees to tho southwest from the church-yard,he used to come and receive tho communion through tho altar rails, ho being more or less excommunicated by the chap lain of tho mansion where bo was a state prisoner. Tho church is supposed to bavo beeu erected toward the end of the tliir teenth centry, and mauy parts of the inter! or resemble portions of Henry the Seventh's chapel at Westminster. This arnse from the circumstances that the same architect had been employed on both. But more interesting to Americans tban the tombs of the Spencers, or the traditions of kings, are the memorials of the family which gave birth to one who was more tban a king amongst men. Ou the pavement of the chancel beneath the shade, as it were of the splendid Spencer monuments, is stone slab bearing the inscription : Here lietb the bodi of Lavrence Wash ington souoe and beireof Kobert Washing' ton of Solgrave in the Countie of Nortbam ton Eaquicr who married Margaret the eld est daughter of William Butler of Tees iu the Countbs of Sussexo Fsquier, who had issue by her 8 sonus and 9 daughters, which Lavreuce Decessed the 13 of December A. Dni. 1616. Those that by chance or chojeo of this hast sight Know life to death resigns as daye to night ; But as tho suuiH rctorno revives the day bo (Jurist shall us though turudo to dust and clay. Beneath this inscription, uef ply engraven in stone, are tho amii of this Ltwrence Washington, impaled with tliosj of Ills wife This Lawrence Washiug tou was the lineal aucestor, presumably the grtat-grand-l'ittur of George Washiugtou, the first Prtaldout o( the United Slates. Near this memorial, but In the nave, is the grave of another Wash iogtim, the brother ot Liwreiice. Alfred T. Story in Harper s Magazine or Murch, Reputed Origin of the (lame of Chess. A great mauy centuries ago 1'ersu was rultd by a shah or emperor who was exceed Ingly fond of war,and by his absolute power brought his empire to the brink of ruiii through this passion. A dervish enjoyiiigthereputation of aholy man set himself to work for the purpose, nf inventing some ineuus which, piactd in the hands ol the emperor, might serve to Inn him from the passion for war so destructive to his own as welt as to the people of the neighboring countries. The fruit of the holy man's reflections was the game of chess, in which all the ranks o an empire were ingeniously lepresentcd; the pawns signifying the common people, the knights ; and castles (rooks), tbo aristocracy and military powers,the bishops, the church all of which unrounded tho royal pair to protect them from danger. The pawns, like tho common people, be. lug the iniot numerous class; though the! power lnuiviuually is limited, play a very important part In the game alwajs in the front rank either for attack or defense. By this the dervish sought to impress tho sbati with the Importance and value of com mon people? to his empire The military and aristocracy, represented by tho knights and castles, are Its numer ous, although individually nnro powerful, tho same may be said of the power of the church, here represented by the bishops. The scheme of tho dervish was success ful; the shab was much delighted with this beautiful and ingenious gime, of which ho became so passionately food that he aband oned his habit of warfare, whereupon peace and prosperity sprang up in tbo laud. Iu rememberauceof hi good services the shah offered to the dervish In return the ful filment of nuy wish ho might mention, Tbo dervish, that he might embody still another lesson to his emperor in accepting this prof fered reward, and show him the power and importance of little things as compared with great rulers and all their possessions, chooe a little grain of wbeut for the'first square ou tho chess board,two grains for the ecoud,four for the third, eight for the fourth sixteen lor the fifth, etc, for all the sixty, four squares on the board. The shah smiled at the good man's sim plicity In this modest request, but wbon all was compulol he was cot a little taken nback to find that thero was by far not wheat enough In lils empire to make good his promise. By patient but cnreful calculation wo have found that taken the weight of a bushel of wheat at GOlbs, tho 23d square alono would yield ten busliel,nnd the filth square, twen- tynno trillion", nlno hundred and ninety bllllons.two hundred and thirty-two millions, five hundred nnd fifty-five thousand, fivo hundrod and twenty-four bushels, and tho total sum, tho linmcno number of forty thrco trillions, nlno hundred and eighty bllllons,four hundred ami sixty-five millions four hundred nnd sixty-fire millions, one hundred and eleven thousand and filty bush els, wheat enough to construct a square belt around the globe of seven hundred nnd seventy fivo feet In height and seven hun dred and seventy fivo fret wide. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. STRAftE MARK V'Stf Ciii tN all Pain In illnn and Henst lR.SriMONlAl.St Pkolaikos Vtrm fl'iiUltitr of tbo WomlO A Won dcrrul Cure. Mi(3 jears my vita bulTciviI 'with this H. I IIUIC I'UlIlf limill "II L " til HlU'Udtll UV UlHJUJi HI ter doctor, w cut to tuo different huspltftU wluro fo tualranio tri'iiteilj Uledtui'miill; worn t"undairs and pi'SA-irlcn with only temporary relief, llcr life was mUeraule, n'n applied lir Uts Lttiliuent. 110 r rUt?f va.i immediate, blio is no v v. (Ml. 11. 3.CPKKM0TT, 40 West 13th street, Now Vork, I had twclro strokes of I'tiraihla. Mr lee. arm and Unguo vera uselew i was obliged to usa u cath eter every day. Doctor (Hies Hutment lodUeof AuitnonU Ins cured u e 111 answer any Inquiries so that uil iJTllc'cii may know ot it. John a it el. toriii brRDiorii, uoun. Chestnut lllil. t'hlludi-iphb, April 22. 'ft. W. M. GlltH. Ka.. Dear Mr I userl lour Iodide of Ammonia Liniment ou riiraTc.i.olc'a hind nu&teru Joint, who hd been quit Uii.e; the effect was wonucnui; buo wilks now quito veu. ery re spectfully jours, a. KI.CTI, 9. I am now uslnt? It on Llttletou'arllit tore leg. A larpe shoo boll on a valuable young1 horao was removed by u lies' Liniment iodide ot a imnonta. Carpets, 175slxtti ava.. New York. Asm ma The tortures and wronles I endured fur six years, none but those who have suffered with this terrible disease can know. M y life was misera ble, in desperation 1 tried U!es' Ltnlinent lpilde of muuiuuiik. it. kuth inc lnniam, renei, lisvu ib iu tcrnaliy as well as externally. 1 1IUS. IIKIHIUAH, 1ST west 27th streft. New ork. I was In a dreadful condition. Joints swollen. pain Intense. Injections of morphine Into my veins failed to relieve me. (Hies Iodide of Ammonia took nvav the depoilti from my joints 1 want every one who suffers to know what will cuie tbem. r OHDVCK LOTH HOP, North Hyde Park. Lammollle co. vu nother Sufferer cured. Discharged from the Mi33achusrtui (leneral Hospital as incurable, with lutU nmatory rheumatism In in shoulders, fingers an J fept; suffered fearfully for thren 3 ears, tried cv cry thin j ; lust oil hope. Dr. (Mies Liniment Iod ide ct Ammonia effected a complete cure. No. 73 Prane btreet. Fall Hirer, Mass Horn In. Frill uLs brtilxeft. Lamentut tai hornet. Olios' Liniment lodlda of AramonK Is a iierfect rp- cirtc. No poison who owns a horbc should be with out it. M. KODENflj 569 seventh avenue. New York. In mv f.imllr. and for tho stock. I havn unetl filled Lin imp nt loulde jf Ammonia. It U insurrjaHWd. and I am surprised at the many different malaotes I n whlcu It u applicable. It gives the utmobt satis faction. JOHN J. CAKTER. Superintendent Eastern rennsylvanU iCxperlmen- uii r U mi. t,o n. nd 81 : and In Ouarts at 13.50. In which there Trial sui "a cenii . hold bv a:x Druggists. y. .1. ltr.Nl)IItIIUTT, Agt. Tor DIooinnbarR. may41,7S- Jtfylt-jgrmttnd thorough fcktod-tmrtfyinir proper ties. Dr. I'terce'i Ooldtn Medical Discover cures Wotob. IIapM cr Erapuan. Mercurial miwasr, Mineral l'oUKiof, nnd their effects, aro eradicated, nud vigomu health and a sound constitution estab llshnl. Ernlpebk balt-rlicam, FcTer Bore, tremiy or ItOMgh bLlM, in aliort. all dlseawi caused by bad I UxhI, ure conquered by this powerful, purlf) luff, and Invito rating medicine. Especially Imu It manifested lit potency In curing Ti-tter, Jlo Vub. Holla, 7abnelfis irc Lje. ikroruloua Hnre dji1 HweUlnn WhlU SeUiaa Gottra or ThhsU Nek. and Kfiircd Uludi. If yon ticl dulL drowiy, dcbiuuted, have tallow color of uklrt, or yellowUli-trown fpots on face or iwijt ircqiuui uutuaviiu ur uiBcincaa, oau utie ill mouth, InUm&l heat or dillla alternated with hot ftuEhcMow eplrlts, and gloomy forebodlnrra, lrn jrular 1 Duuen evriorti'nrid. An a rrnxtlr for nil turU rau. llr. PU'rct'a Uctdcn Medical Discovery baa no cqaut, &i It eUccU perfect and radical cures.' u iuu cum ui urviciuiiii err twufH ami ino early atajtes of CetuuaaptlM. It has astonfthed tho Medical faculty, and cnilncut physicians prououncu It the (rrcatcst medical discovery of tne ajre. Wlillu It cures the severest Coughs. It strenjrtheni the item and partflea tb blood, bold by druggists. IUV. PILm'E,M. D., ITon'r, World's Dlspenwry and Invahdi ilolcl, liuftalo,. V. ' THE"U,,CMHM1C- No use of taitcg the law, repulfiWr. nanHoos plllq, compofcd of cheap, erode, and bulky lnirredlinU. These i'dlets arc crtj larsrer than mtutard Media. itclnjr urI TcawsiMifc no particular ram w rv qulrod whllo uu liem. Thev oneratn without dli turbanco to th eonitltatton, diet, or occunjtlmi. Tor Jaudlee llettdaehe, CWtMlptla Impure IiLmuI. 1 n tkj, EkMlifi. Ttht im of the 4.1mI. iHcdueM. Sour EraetolUM from Ik KtaaMekk. ilad lute in th Uootfc llUUua adurLa, I'aln to rrclon f UMmi, lntenuil revert Mooted foetlasT about BUauca, Itttab. bf Uiood to II cad, take Itr. Vleree'a flcaaaat luraUva 1'rlleta, In explaaatlon of the remedial powtr of tlienu I'urt-atlvo Pellets ovi r $n frvat a variety of Ulsensi'S, It may bo i&td that tbele ltdln upoa tb antraal ecoaomy fa ualvcrtMd, nai m fiUod ar lUMeopia taclr aiutatlve laiprraa. Afrit iocs not Impair the properties of these fillets. Ihey aro Bucar-coattd nnd Inclosed In f was bottles, their vlrtuts betnff thereby prt&crrcd unimpaired ft r any lencth of lime. In any climate, so that they aro always mh and rtUablo. This la not tlie case with ul iu rit nn In ehean wooden or tiabteboard boxes. For all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative, or l'nrsrattve, la Indicated, these little t'clleU v.111 gUe IL V. pfiCKCK.M.ritor'iu W and lnTiUiOd' UoUl, UuiLdo, ,. Y. 1 hi nii end1! Dispensary CATARRH acbe.dlscliarpu fall lug luto throat, sometimes profuse, wuury, ttilck tnuroua. tmrtdent. olfenblve. eLe. In others, a dryness, dry, watery, mak, or InBamed eyea, stopping up, or obstructkm, of the nasal pat laitca, rlnglnit in lurs. Ueafoesa, hawking and coutfli Idk toclaar tho throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcirs. t olc altered, na&al twang, ollcnslve breatli, impair, d total denrivation ct aama tit smell and tatU-. dlz- tlneta, mental depression, loss of appttlte, Indiges tion, enlarged tODSlls, tickling couiclt, ttc. Onlv a tew of theae symptoms are Uktly tu bo la any ;osd at one time DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical cures of the wortt cases ef Catarrh, no uatter of how lonjf sUndlntf. The liquid rtmedy stay l snuffed, or b tier applied by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Douche. This li the only form of tnstru aient jet Invented with which fiuld niHlUlnei-an l carried moil vv and fEMFECTLY AriLiKD to all narts of the affected nasal passaers, and the thum pers or rarities communicating thirewtth, In whkli Hire nnd ulcers frequently exist, and from vlthli Jtu 1 turrhal discharge generally pncet-ds. its tiwa .s phafaut and easily understood, from dlnctlom. ccnnipauylnK each InstruoienL Dr. bAfiL's Ca tarrh ftemedy cure rt-cent attacks of elJ la tbo lleod by a row applications. It li mild an 1 plcab int to use, contain! ns; no strong or raustl dru-r or poitons.. Catarrh IU medy and Tiurbo m14 by draff Ibta. K. V. l'mtcOi. f., ITop'r.W'orlu's Dl- jeowtrj anu iiivaiiua" (tuici, i. a. OUg. 80, IS E-A.I3SrTI2SrC3-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. TITAI. P. BODINE, Iron Street Mow sec- 1 r ouu, iiioonuwurg. ra.t ib prepared to uo ft'l PAINTINO, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING Is the oert styles, at lowest prices, and at short nuuoe. Parties harlne such work to do will sm money calling on me. All workrwarranted Ugte saUstactlos. Orders solicited WM. P. BODINE. Oct. 1.1S7I. mm m laJt PELircs.m o o o m. BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOHMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. "''ffilKniltHftil, nu cw of kcccss. Toncucrs exnorlnccd, cniclent, anJ r.llvo to their work. Dlsctpllnc. nra i but kln.l. "nlforra and thorough. KxpenMf moderate. Kitty crnta u week rtert'ictton to all cxpcctlne to touch. Students admitted at any Mm. Itooms rescrrcd when desired. Courses of study prescribed by the Male t 1. Mwlel School. It. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Claiwlcal. A'ljnnct Couraes : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Diyslcal Culture. Tho racnientary. Scientific and ClasMr-al Courses ttro ritOKEaIOXAt, and Students maduatnit therein. rlra SWte cnrreaiwii.llnglx'greesi Master ot the hlementa! Master ofrtho sciences; Master ot tho Classics. Uruduatcs In tho other courses receUo Normal t.iriuicjic their nltnlntnentK,, slcued bv thooniecpiot the Hoard ot I'mtei" . .... ,.n..(wi Tim courw (it Mud J orescrlliod by tho state la liberal. anHlin .-lentmc and C!as!r.i! coursus are not Interior to I how of our tost LoiieKCS. . ln(em. Tho htatorequlresa higher order of citlzemhlp. Tho limes deiundlt. Ills oneot tho prlrao objects of this School to help to cc "f VRSrtimc sent and eniclent Tcachera for her schools. To this end It solicits ynun? persons uf good abilities and IP' PurPO-" For and their talent, as students. To all hucIi It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities tor wcU paid labor alter lea ing mcuooi. Catalogue, address the I'rlnclpal. HON. WII.MA.U i:i. W). I, I., I'rrslilrnt llonrd of Tt. .tuo." Kept. 8, '76.- BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! CALL AND SEE OLOTHiira IIST BLOOMSBUBQ. Mens' Overcoats from Mens' Suits from $6 00. Good Working Pan(s 90 cents. Good Wool Hats for 75 cents. Winter Caps from 40 Boys (Japs irom 25cents. Good Working Shirts 50 cents. Mens' Vests from 50 cents. Good White Shirts, linen fronts 65 cents. Mens' Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. CALL ANO SEE FOR YOURSELVES THE BARGAINS At the PaguJiaF Mare Qi $7 A HAY to agents !eanvass ng for the l'lr .!! Vl lor. Terms and outnt tree. Ad- drM P. o. VI 'KK11Y, Augmta, Maine reij. tt ii-iw r Qfl Fancy Curdj. Chromo, SnowQake, AC, OU no '1 alike with name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler uo. Nassau, N. V. r Feb. T,'69-4w 077 a Month and etnonses guaranteed "to Agents, vii outnt free, suaw s Co. acodsti, Mainu. Feb 7, 19 -4 w r TO AliVHHTIsKHx-'Jend for our select list ot l ocal Newspapers. Sont tree on npplteatton. Ad ores UE(). ! HOWELL CO. 10 Spruce St., N. Y. Feb. 7, ;r-iw r THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE "Vibrator" Threshers, with uraorxo MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, AnA Itnn Thresher Easa.i, Had onl by NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BATTIiX: CREEK, MICH. tact CUiuiiij, mat lor Urtaf Qrala frota WtuUfa, ' 6UAIN RalBrwlll not Snbmlc to the nornxMM WMtxtcciOnilaA lu taierior work doua if IM Miw nudiluca, wImb mm Mtd o IU Hflmar TUK F.NTinK Threahlnr ExpraMa taattoltcB I Id a lim lutl sumuuneiu t. mj L Usa Kzlra Qrata IAVU bj Umm lui(mv4 lUciaaca. NO BmlTlnrSbafks Ioaldn the HrJ rlur. ftailnly tr Ituut BsMitan. Ilrkaia. L-tOuk. aaJailnch Uo-vMtiac and rrsJsvwMtluc rorapli rklleua, rarfvrtly adaptsxl to all Xltvlaaoi Con11tioual UraUt, Wil r Dry, lea- r Soai I, bai r ItouaJ. MARVELOUS far 8lialletlr of Parth SUku M UUrlnl w SnlurUici. FOUR Sizes orBepanitsr. Mnde, rnm. I.I lr,a kl tolMl.i llo. Ha, m. I.i to. rvwrr. I. umicIi. STEAMTewerTkreskera Beecl.ltr. . tcui M(m1m hum ..prwl j tor r..r. ODIt U.rlr.Ud Steam Tkmkn En. rmM. wil. iw. Jxmnm.1. .id UiuIkui. vii Ur Urw. uf .(few mak. kuj. 1 '!.?'"' WorkmsswUm Elrnet n.UJi, r.nMiiuaf PvH, Iuuumimm tVulMM.I, t la., r M Vuum" TlvwUr OuUI. m. luwmUi, IR FamloularmH.Mjl fn r Doalero .-mpII.ulsii4vuiwviviiuk(lrN, Jao, 10,-Cm feb.1, Wy TOTICK a. otlce is bcrebr elven that on lae Sth day ot Feb ruary, isiv. i. r. r. urover. vouzhi at umtiuioiea sale the toUowlne propertjr of W. II, Attn, and bare loaned tbem to the said Aten during my pie s. ure, and bertby raullon all persons against Interfer ing ltu the same one bar horse, one bar mare, one cow, ouelbet double harness, ouebed and bed ding, six chairs one cooking stote, one set Black- tuiiii u b wuis. ouv ejjnug wakou. feb. U, IS-Sw y, P. OBOVER mis nrta is ox mi s with R0WELL & rHtSMAN . Advertising Agenti, TMIP CHESTNUT T., ir LOUIS, V. T 'VIBRATOR' SKttkU. $4 50. cents. NOW SELLING obtainedor new invention, oror improvement t on old ones, for medtealor other compounds, trade tnarKi and labels. Caveats, Anignmentt Inter ferences. Appeals, Futts for Infringements, and all casts arising under the Vatent, prompt hi attended tn InrrttilottM that hnvnttren ana ly the Tatent Of fice may still, in most eases, be jmujiua by us. Veiny opposite the r. S. Patent Department, and engaged in patent business ex clusively, we can make closer sean hes, and secure Pattnts more promptly, and tcith Imader claims, than thnx whn nr remote from Washlnnton. etna us a moa- sfl ei vr Mitten of 5-.J vour device: us kmkv Kxumwtaiions ana nut is t as 10 pateniaollUy, frees nf chary c All correspondence strictly con fidential. Prices loto. end JvO CIIAJIUU lJV XI'A.S PATE XT JS SJWVItniK We refer in, Washlnnton, to Hon. Vor I matter General It. M. Key. Hex. F, D. Poicer, The Otrman American National Jiank, to t$cla's tn the U. S. Patent OJJlce, and to Senators and Peprmentutives 1n Congress: and especially to avr client tin every State in the Vnfonond in i'anaihi. Address Opposite PuUut ttftt, liuehingtun, J), (k H. C SLOAN & BRO. HLOOJISIIIJItG, PA, stsnufactnrers ot Carriacos, Btiggios, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFORM WAQONS, 4C. Flrst-elasa work;always oniand. ItEPAIRINQ NKATLY PONS. Prices reduced to suit the times. Jan. e, lsir-tr. jyOUNINQ I'APEU. ALL THE NEWS FOK BHEAKFAST. LIVE EDITORIALS, Full Associated I'roNN DcNiintchcii COMPLETE LOCAL REPOltTS. NEWS FROSI THE ENTIRE WORLD, Arrangoments have been completed tor tho Issue of the Pally "Record of theTlnus," of Wllkes-Uarrc. a., as a morning paper, containing full Associated Press despatches from tho entire world, with special reports from Washington and HarrUburg. It will reach BloomBburg Inlline for deUTeryto subscribers each morning by noon and wUI be regu. larly snrved to patrons at tho rate of Fitly Cents per Month, tn adranco. 1 The Bret number will be Issued on Monday morn. l rtiiciii. n.uvcu iu every town aid tuunlst. For further particulars address RECORD OF THE TIMES, WUkes-Sarie, Pa. feb. 14, 78. DEAR SIR; It you are In want ot anything In ths way of DUNS, HULKS, KKVULYK1W, PUTOLa. Asamuultlos.Giui Matertal, FlshUgTatkls oranroUwrPiss i-m)iti.q r.7l .Vr: my Urge IUUBtrat4caUkigiiH md rrlce Ust which t uuUrsss Years Uuly, JoiUsaio.NU uiui v..V" won.ii, 1'in.ii'ksu, J'a, ft. 14, 77-lm, JwJtso is O. 33. SAVAGE, PEALRH IN Silverware. Watches.Jewolry.Clocks.&c, Removed to tho Post Office building, nrsTdoor above tho Kxnange noiti. All kinds of Watches, clocks and Jewelry neat- ly repaired and warranted. may it, 19-11 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! Wo will sell tho Very Best Family Sewing' nXacnino For Twenty-Five Dollars IX CASH, on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, with walnut top and drawer, and necessary Attachments aud demerit at any Railroad Pepot In tho United 'Free of Charge. These machines oro warranted to do tho whole lino of Family sew lng with more rnpldlty.inore ease of management, and le8 fatigue to the operator than any machine now In use. t-end for a Circular, jivery macume warnuneu ior inreo j eura, Agent: wanted in Un.ccupied Territory. Centennial Machine Co., Liimted 723 FlLBEKT ST., PUIPADEII'HIA, PA, OCt. 4, "75-tlm. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer ASHLAND, PA General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to wiiii Care and Dispatch, l am prepared to malvo dratrint's. Plans and Models In Wood, Brass, Iron, or the above materials combined as necessary of Bridges, lilac:, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all kinds ot machinery lor usJ of cases at Court or for applications to secure patents. Patent, secured march ss.s- IMPORTANT TO YOUNQ Tho Bryant & Stratton Business College, Uo. 108 South 10th Stresl, PUhd'o, Offers niiHurpiiHr;i rnolllties for uciiilrliiK n tiBlneK odu cniiou. Ntuttbiita ciin enter nt any thus.. Ho Tacntioiiiu liluBiratetl circulars tree. aug-tso. ts-Mw A & 8 The most extensile Manufacturers of Billiard Tables in existence. The J. M. Brnnswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS ANO 724 Broadway, New-York, Newest and mott elegant it) les c( BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil. liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate teds, perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Address whichever house is nearest your city. Tit 3. M. Brunswick k finlk 0t Feb. 7, li-w Ucan mako money faster at work for us than at anything else Capital nor, required; we will HSy,?' "'..x'r at home maJ0 by the Industrious. Men, womon, bojs and girls wanted esery where to work for us. Now Is tie tune. CosUy outnt and terms tree. Address TBcS t CO., Augusta, Maine. March s-ly THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON KXB ai Ac Ol FICE OF LADELPHIA Cr. Clsr.lnut and KJvh.s. sit. Who receive Advirilsrmenti lor this Paper Mat ). Imr Kil fe kOli'H MKVll KdAIi BLANKS' OF ALL KINDS J ON HAND AT TUK COL lljMWASs OF0 unri BtTiYfifrVn rm Tho Seaside Library. f t.Al.A lli.nn lnmrr-p Tnr tlm few Onlf. ThO best standard imvcH nlihln tho reach of every one, Ii"ks mually sold from li to M Klrcn (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 ana u ceuio. 101. A N' bio Life, by Miss Mulnek lis. Hard Times by .Charles lilckens 103. A liravo Udy, by .Mls MnlocK 104. Peep o-Hay, by lohn Iianlin 105. At the sign of tbo bllter Hsgon, by II u ltd. 1 ho master of tho Orcylnnds, by Sirs Henry w'ood . .. , 107, lilndo-o'-tlrass by I) I. rnrieon 10s. ! ho Hoa Kin?, by Cai-tnln 'arrjnt 110! The tilrls of roi'erhnm.'b' Klnrtnce Marryatioo 111, AToun.f tho World Iu Klghly Hajs, oy .Julr Verno 119. tinni I'nhh. br Charles llendo lis. (lolden tiraln, by 11 1, Karjeon 114. Darren .Marxuntii, ny miss .11 hiuuuwh 11 . uitlilntho Mate, by Mrs II Wood 11(1. rnullno, byl.H Wnlford , 1 it. t in. Kiniiin Minster, oy R lies lis. drnat Kxpfctatlons, by O lilckens 119. Pctroncl, by Hcrenco Mnrrjnt uo. Hcmanco of a Poor Youi'g Sian, by O leu- 100 soo 100 loc soo 100 10c 100 10c 111. A Life for a Lite, by Miss Mulock 12J. '1 he t nplftln Marryat 1S3, Irish legends, liy tiamuel Ijivcr m. squire 1 revljn's Hetr, by Mis II M ood lis Mary liarton, by -Mrs flimkell , Krraia j or my Father's frlii.hy It 11 Mack more U7, .Mf Udy Ludlow, by Mrs tlavkell II foiMti l'hll'lis. by Mri Odiiki'll lis. ! he Wandering Jew, (Ibt ball) by Eugene 90c 119. Thn Wandering .tew (?d halt) by Kugeno Suo soc im. Sermons out nf rlmrt b. t'J' il-s Muiock loc 1st. Michael MrocofT, bv .lutes Vt rno l"" 1.17. .inrk- mriiiin. hv t'hsrlcs U'vr 183. The Duchess of Itoseuuiry Lane, by II L Far Jton 131. .My mother's V. He, hy Amelli II Kdwnrds n siislha's llusbnnil. by Ml Miilrck Ml. Katie Mownrt, by .Mrs Ollpliniit lit. A Kent In a Cloud, bv I'lmr es U'ler P 8. W bnt lie t'tiM Hit, tiy .Inmis Pnjne 139. London's Heart, by li I. Kurjccn 140.1 he Ijidv Lt'le, In MKs M i: I'.raddon 141. .Masti ri"n beiuly, bv Captain Marrjaf 141. The Head ot the Family, by Miss Mulock lis. 'i hp llniinti'd Tnffi r. t v Mr. Ilenrv WtKid 144. Tlin 1 win i.ieuiennnis, uv juejanuer uih im 145. Hair a million 01 money, uy Ameim u. i.u wards 110. Charles O'Mallcy, the Irish Dragoon, by I.CUT, (Trlp'o No) 147. llott In, tho Kct-fcr, bv Captain Marryat 149. A Mua Stotklng, oy Anole Ldwnrds 149. .lohiia Man el, by II I. Karjeon 150. Midshipman as . by Captain Marrjat 151. The Hussion (lypsv, by ilex Dumas 152. Arinur o'l-nry, uy cuanes ier 1M. Ward of W Ite 7 154. A Point of Honor, by Annie IMwards IM. Tho 1 ount of Monle-t rlto, Alex Pumas 150. 1 he King's t) n, hy Capt. itnrryat 157. Hand nnd tiloTe, by Ainilla 11. Kdwards 159. 1 reasuro Trove, by Samuel Iiver 159. The Phantom -hlp.bycnptnlii Marryat 160. Tim Illack T unp, uy Aiexunue r iiunins lol. Hi" World Well Lot, E. l,)r.n Linton Ifil. fililrlp.' f h.rlotle I'.rnnt.H 1113. Frank' Mlldmay, by Captnlri Marrvnt 104. A onng He's story, Harriet llorn 10.1. A Modern vinlsi(r(Vol.l.)Cheely Novel loo. Tno 1 asi Muini, uv uenrgu nuim 107. The tue ti's .Necklace, by ' lex. Dumaa IC, Con Cregan, by 1 harlea Uver 109. St. Patrick's Kve, hy Charles Levor 170. Newton Eorstcr, by Captain Mairyat 171. Hostage to Fortune, by Miss llraddon 1?Q flifirnllrr rip UlnUlin ltnlicrn. hv Dumas ita .Innhpt In Search or a Father, bv Cantaln Marryat 500 174. Kai o'Donoghue, by Charles 1 ever soo 175. The Pacha of Many 1 ales, Captain Marryat 100 176. Perclvnl Keeno by Captain Marryat loo ln.deorge Canterbury's will, by Mrs. Henry Wood 17. I.'aro ood Luck, by It. K. Francllllon 179. The History of a Crime, hy Victor Hugo 160. .srinnlade, by Wllklo Collins 181. The count"n do Charny, Alex Dumaa lsj .lullets ( Mrs. Cameron 13. Kenllworth, by tlr Walter Scott I... limi.llllUi'llTUSli HJ wicioiumniiji.. .uu 1S3. "uood-l)e swei theart." by Ilhoda tlrougton 100 uavia copporneiti, oy v;naries incaens 1S7. Nahon, by Alexander Dumas US. T he Swiss Family llohtnson 169. Henry Ounbai, bv Miss llraddon 190. Memoirs ot n PhMclnn, by Alex Dumas 191. Thi; 1 hree Cutters, by Captain Marrj at 192. 1 ho conspirators, by Alexander Dumaa 193. Heart of .Midlothian, sir Walter Scott 194. No intentions, bv Florence Marryatt 195. Kale of Itavarla, bv Alexander Dumas 190. Mehdi s Mcklehy, by Charles Dickens 197. Nancy l.v Ithmia lirjughton 199. m tilers In Cannda. by Oantaln Marryat 199. Cloisters aud the Hearth, by Chas. Heads 100. Tho Monk, by Matthew (1. Lewis, M. V. (Monk Lewlsr, IOC 201. Catharlnn Blum, by Alex Dumas 209. Mr. (film's 1 ovo Story by (leorge Eliot 203. (Holster and the Hearth, by Chas. seado 204. The Young Llanero, W. II. o. Kingston 201. The mysteries of Paris, (1st halt) by Eugene 100 lis! soo 190 Sue 200 )5. The rnntertcs ot Paris. (2d bam by Eugene suo 21)0 200. Poison of Asps, by Florence Marryat loo 207. The Children ot the New Forest by Cant. Marryat 10c 209. North and South, by Mrs. Oaskell 2"c 209. A Jewel ot a tflrl 100 210. Young MUbgrase, by Mrs. Ollphant 211. ltandolnh nordon. by "ouldv1 212. brigadier Frederick, bv Erckmann-Chatrlan loc 213. liarnaby Hudgo, bv Chas. Dickens 20c 214. Inbtowe, by Mrs. Lelth Adams 100 215, 11 ros of Prey, by Mlis llraddon 20c 216. legends of the Ithick Watch, byJrmes orantio- 217. Tin sad Fortunes ct Itcv. Amos liarton. by neorge Eliot 10c 218. Dombey and Hon, by Charles Dickens too 219. My own Child, by Hcrenci Marryat 103 220. (leorge canterburs's win. by Mrs.; nenry wootT 20c 221. l'oor zepn, by F. w. Itooinson 222. Ijistof the Mohicans, by J. K. Cooper S'23. The Marriage Verdict, by Dumas 224. The Deer slaver, bv Deer slayer, oy .1. v. cooper 2i5. Two Destinies, by W II kin Collins 220. The Path Finder, by F. .1. Cooper 227. Hannah, bv Miss Mulock 22. Tbo Hegent's Daughter, by Dumas 229. Tho Pioneers, by .1. Fenlmore Cooper 230. Little orand and tho Marchioness, by "Oulda" 231. The ITalrle, by J. Fenlmoro Cuoper 232. AJiark Night's Work, by Mrs. Oaskell 233. The Hlot, by .1. Fenlmore Conner 234. Tho Tender Recollections of Irene Macgllb cuddy 235. p n open Verdict, by Miss Tlrnldon 230. Shepherds all and matdens Pair, by Walter Pesant and James ltlco 237. Wandering Heir, by Charles Heads 239. Heatrlce, by Julia Kavunagn 239. No 1 horoughtare, by Charles Dlckena and Wllklo Collins 240. Tbo Ijiurel Hush, by Miss Mulock '.'41. Trlcotrln, by"i ulda" 242. Tbo Tin ee Feathers, by William lilack 213. Dalsv Lady Ilordv 244. The Three Guardsmen, by Dumas 245. Jack Manly, by James Orant 246. Peg Woillngtou, by Charles Hcado 247. Maitln Chuizlcnlt. hy Dickens 249. bread and CLeeso and Kisses, by B. L. Far Jeon 249. Cecil Castlemolne'a Oage, by "Oulda" 250. No Name, by Ukla Cnlllns 251. Lady Au'ley's secret, by Miss M, E. llraddon loc x-r jiuru 10 (.eurgianna .M. craiK 253. A Tiuo Man, by M c. Stirling 251. Tho Octoroon, ny Miss llraddon 255. Lothatr. by Right Hon. II. Disraeli 25. l.ord oat burn ' Daughters, by Mrs. Henry Wood 257. Thar Hoy of Norcott's, by Lever 259. ITivllU. The Ducheas 259. Valentino Vox, (1st half) by Henry Cockton 200 259. Valentine Vox, (2d half) by Henry Cockton 200 200. Charlotte's Inheritance, by sius M. E. llraddon 20c 201. Lea Mlserables Fantlne, by Hugo 100 202. Is Mlserables Cobctto, by Hugo loc 203. Les Mlserables Mantis, by Hugo 10c 204. les Mlserables st Dennis, by iiugo 10c 205. Les Mlsera'les .lean Vallean, by Hugo loc ion. Jacob Faithful, by cantain Marryat 10c 207. The Last ot tho Iladdons, bv Mrs. Newman He 269. Forty-live Guardsmen, by Dumas 200 209. i'ed as a Hose Is She, by Ithoda liroughton 10c 270. The Jilt, by chas Ileade "S,i"uu jjc 271. The Diary of a Phj slclan, (1st hall) by Siaiuel Warren 20c 271. T ho Diary ot n Physl.lan (2d Lain by Samuel Warren one 272. The Cricket on the Hearth, by Charles Dick ens ir. 273. snarleyyow, byCapt,Marryat 100 274. Ten Thousand a Year,( 1st half) by Samuel Warren one, S71. Ten Thousand oYear (2d half) by oomuei Y!5. .... - .. mo 11 urcanuiu, py jnary cecu 10c 10c 100 270. The Pago of the Duke ot Savoy, by Alex. Dumas 277. Brother Jacob, by Georgo Eliot 278. six Years Later, oyAlex. Dumas .v ixriii ui iuu fLurm, uy "uuiua 10c iw). The reck of tho "Grosvenor" 160 2S1. Ijidy Marabout's Troubles, by 'Oulda11 10c 292. Poor Jack, by Captain MaiTj at 100 2-j. Twenty Years After, by Dumas 200 284. OlUer Twist, by Charles Dickens 100 295. Cometh Up as a Flower, by lihoda TSroughtomoc 296. After Dark by Wllklo Collins "ugnionioo 287. 1 elzhton (Ir.nim 10c 2110 10c 100 200 288. ThnChannlngs, by Mrs. Henry Wocd 299. A Christmas Carol, by c. Dickens 290. Dick Kodnev, by JamesGrant 291. Oiuo, by Miss Mulock 292. '"Ho Cometh Not,'uhe Said," by Annie Thomas 293. Tom Crosble,by Ramuei lover 294. The Ogllvles, by Miss Mulock 295. Lost for Ixive, by Miss llraddon 290. Tom Burke or "Ours," (1st half) by Charles loo loc 200 200 290, Tom Burko of "Ours," (2d half) by Charles Lever jqq 297. Tho Haunted Man. hy Charls Dickens loc 299. captain Paul, by Alci. Dumas ioc 299. By Proxy, by James Paj n 55 i SLa 8 Arbor' Jame8 Unt and Wal icr mcQ .JS ?J0 bJ" 1,1 Bjoksellers and Newsdealers, or sent postage prepaid, on receipt of price. OEOltQK MUNHO, Publisher, aue 3" ?S 13 aai !5' Vana8W"tr sr,, N. Y. TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS. (A Modictne, not a Drink,) CONTAINS IIoiiH.liiichii, .Mundrako, Uaiulclion, And the Purest and Rest Qualities of nil other Hitters. THEY OTJHE All dlseasos of the Btomach, bowels, blood, llrer o'oManrdrnkK SIOOO 1 1ST QOLD ir'f'nV.",?.'?!,'!0.0 thW vsiu not cure or help them! ""'"""f ,,l;Pure w Injurious found In m bik!iyanUdrdvrff,i!m.Pr.n?p Blttra ai' nootier P'er before you sleep, Take n' -U?P 9tu'Jh a"' an1 fain Xtliefl . - -.-..., yi,t UrtU XJC.4 TOR IILI IT MOT1K SROTB11UI HE WHITE, nmimn HNsnlimn TII I1KBT OX' ALL, Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, 1 -J Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim ttt StlKO tMt VERY T1IJST OPCHAT1SO gUXCKItST Mil.I.INCJ, IIANl)O.Hi;T, AND Host Perfeot Sowing liachino Ht THE WORLD. The eret I popularity ol lha Whlls Is the most con. tlnclno irlbutt to Its cxccllonca and superlorilr oier other machlnei. and In submitting (I to thi trails we pal It upon Its m'tlts, and In no Instinct has II ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In Its favor. The demand foriheYVhllo has Increased lo such in extent thai we are now compelled to turn out Ji. Complete Carsrln-cr 2vocliiao eyviy uzos nuAwcu a.z tiio S.Q.jr to cu-ppljr tb-a aemonal Even machine tl warranted (or 3 yctfrs, and old lor c-sh al liberal discounts, or upon easy eayaiems, so sun ine convenicnsg ui cusiDmcrs, wioxsTS TAinxB ni nioccums iniii:;:, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. M 358 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohle, J. Saltzcr, Agent, RLOOESBUHG, PA. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES ATOKTIIEKN CENTKAL EAILWAYl WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. November 10. lSTS.ttiri trainJ on the Philadelphia & Krlo Ita lroad Division will rutl ua tuiiutva WESTWADD. Erie M all leaves Philadelphia It 55 p m " " Ilarrlsburg 4 2iuia " " William port 6 85 a m " " Jersey Mioro yo, ara " " Ixjck IIacn 9 40 am " " Henovo llo nin " nrrlvo at Krle 7 nr, n m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 7 20 a a ' " lUrrlsburi; 10 on a in " arr. at V llllnmsport 2 on pin " " Lock Haven 3 23pm Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 11 4r a m " llflrrlsburi? 8 85pm " arrive at MTillamsport 7 25pm " " Lock Haven 8 40 p m KASTWAI1D. Pacific Express leaves Lock Haven 6 40 a m " " Jersey haore 7 14am " " VMlllamsDort 7 Mara " arrive at Ilarrlshurr llOfinta " Philadelphia 3 40pm Day Express leaves Ick Haven 11 20 nra " ' Vllltamsport 12 40pai " arrive at IlnrrUburi; 41npm ' Philadelphia 7 20pm Erie Mall leaves llenovo RSSpm " Iickllavcnl 9 45pm " " Wllllansnort llo'ipm " arrives at Ilarrlsburp; 2 45am " " l'hlladelphla 7 hi am Fast Line leaves Wltllamsport 12 as a m " arrives at llarrlsburR 3 61 a m " " Phlladelpula 7 40 a m Parlor cars 11 run between Philadelphia i Wlllamsnort on Nlntmra Exniess west. Krle Kxgih west. Philadelphia Kxpresa east. Day Express al ana unaay express east, aieeping cars on au an trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, (leneral burtl "VfOIlTnEItN CENTRAL ltAII.wJ COMPANY. On and after November 20th, 1S73, trains nllllcl Kunuury as ioiiovh : NOKTITWAHD. Erie Mall 5.20 a. m., nnn c Elmlra 11 .t " Canandaleia. . 3.S5p J Itochestcr r.,13 Niagara 9U Henovo accommodation 11.10 a. in. anlvo Wllllsl port p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., nrrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive lluff alo a. n SOUTHWAltD. Buffalo Express 2.60 a. m. arrlvo Ilarrttbure 4,Wil " Baltimore Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrlvo IlarrlsburgLSOll " Waihlnulon'..JIl " Baltimore ojso " Washington 8.M I Uarrlsburg actjemmodatlon 6.40 p. m.arrhc HaJ bun: 10.50 d. m. arrlvo Baltimore !.iul " Washington c.ll Krlo Mall 1 J.65 a. m. arrive HarrUburg 3 05 a. o " Baltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.S5" All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Oeneral Passenjer Ae A. J. CASSATT, General Mat J T)HILADELPILV AND HEADING KOJ AKRANGEJIENT OF PASSEXCl TRAINS. Nov. 10, 1S76. TRAINS LX1TI BCPXHT 18 1'OLI.OWf (SrNUlT EXCll For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Poll! Tamaqua, tc, 11,45 a. m For Cauwlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,ss p. m. For Wtlllamsport, e,2a 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TRAINS FOB EUFBKT LXAVJC AS rOIXOWS, (Slkt'l CKFTED.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a, m. Leave Reading, 11,55 a. m., Potuvllle, l!,s and Tamaqua, 1,45 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. a. I Leave wllllamsport,9,45a.m,2,15p. m. and4,sc Tassengcrs to a rid from New York and Pa&l phla go lhroug.1 without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTDl General simvu V. U, UAHUOCK, General Ticket Agent, Jan. 11, uis-tf. D ELAWARE. LACKAWANNA li WJISTJtllN 11A1LHOAD. BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. Time-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 M OUIll P.?. I MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1S7S. NOHTn, STATIONS. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. 9 85 9 43 9 ti 10 07 v so 4 12 8 46 8.37 Hcranton ........ Iiellevuo Taylorvllle., . ...Lackawanna..... ITttston .. West ITttston... Wyoming Maltby -Dennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth.... Avondale ...... Nantlcoke 111 ill it s so 2 H 911 2 41 & 23 17 2 09 8 68 3 61 8 61 S 46 I 46 8 41 30 9 21 9 19 9 11 11 41 12 iS 8 80 3 10 8 83 8 13 10 13 10 34 3 1 sul 8 23 8 20 8 55 10 29 111 I 8 II 8 04 7 51 T S3 8 12 8 04 2 51 289 1 94 8 47 8 89 8 28 111 34 11 .Uunlock's i reek, ,10 41 19 4ul 4 10 I ...Shlckshlnny.... iu n B 17 ....Hick's Ferry,.. ....Deach Haven. .lierwlck llrlar Creek ...Willow drove.... Lime ltldgo. Espy ,,,Iiloomsburg liurjert II 07 III 13 7 ti 8 12 8 06 1!S IB 11 f 1 IS 7 14 7 10 7 01 9 04 6 56 1 67 6 60 1 61 6 45 1 46 III III 6 15 13 411 4 1) 4 81 6t) 6l Stl 7 U T 88 7 S3 11 89 11 43 II 6 11 67 12 18 7 29 Catawlssa Bridge. I 11 ....uanviuo ....Chulasky ....Cameron u' 6 00 1 00 p.m. a 45 .Northumberland. 19 45 p.m a.m. p.m. rl W. F. nAIfTKAl). f nrT business you con engage in. f KtVV I IH'rdaymadobynnyworMroy lJtT4 I fcpr rlotit InthSlrnwnltH' 4 tloulars and samples worth 5 free. Ininroj'l spare time at this business. Add ess ui iiauu, aiaino. maicu ., THIS PArERp'! iilinc ".1 AdvertUliiff Huifuu no bpruc p't ...u ( tiiitUtfeiutractiiuaUomuauurit j M 1 NEW PENSION IiAffJ 111 runel... t... ... Iln ttarL' At dSl '1 charge, ltelected cases also re-tifiird. and applicants, send two stamps fur ne "' N. W. FITZUEltALD.'llOX US, WathlClfll! m. ,,-in 4nw
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