i I i, ' "AT jr. n 'V 1 THE noT.TTAnT A V nUNOOHHOMDATKII.) issued weekly, every Friday morntnt, at IIUJOMSHUHO, COt.UMtltA COUNT?. l'A. J ' .r iitUt'Ve'or l" P'"n ' " nr" t t'laroimVy151' nolonsrerox"ct"1 'rom subscribers In job 3?2ai2srxi3sra. riii- .lnlAltif Department of the Com-mman Is very erar-lete, and our J b I'llnllng wilt compare favoru. W. iii nut t in,. urge elth'S. All work done on dimiati.l.tientlv and nt moderate prlrrs. Columbia County Official Directory. ('resident Jiitltre William Kin ell. , As. kMuIc. Iinbrus-I. Uiii kliiiutii, F.IMuiman. I'm- iionoi.ir. , cc li. Prank Zarr. Court si unr.iiitier i. N. Wiilker. l'Kt"rt dec )iHlr Williamson II. .lacoby. District Alloincj-liblKit l(. Utile. iheriir ,iulin v. Huffman. suivu or -iitnuul N'evhiril. Traas irer-lir II. vv. McltujnoMs. . 'innmini'M-iolin ilcrner, s. W. Mcllenry, J)pll SiuMs. Oo.nmJ.i!)ncrs' Clerk- William Krlckbaum. Ail1ltiir3-.M. V. 11. Kline,.!. II. Casey, U.I1. llrown. Curonct' lsiiah Jenifer. lurv OoiAnitssloucis 11 llol'blus, Th"odnro W. Fmlih. ii)juU Superintendent Wlillnm II. Bnjder. Illo.) a Poor District -Directors-It. s. Knt, Pcott, Am. Kramer, ltlo'imsburg nnd Thomas Iteece, loo t, Secretary. Sloornsburg Official Directory. President ot Town Council-0. A. Herring. Cleilv-Pniil K. Wirt. ciiler ot imiico las. C. Ftcrner. President uf has Dump Uiy Knorr. Secretary -C. vv", Miller. .. . Kl j j usourg lUnktng compnny .Tolm 1. runs on, iv.-ilden', 11, 11. eiroz, Caslilcr, John peacock, 'tel ler. Kli-i Nil lonal nink -Charles It. ration, "resident Vo'lumhla 'count v Mu'inl Savins Fund nnd I.oan iss.vlu lou-K. II. Lit. to, President,. v. -Miller, ,'ltirli)'fi?i)urif Iliiltdlny nnd Saying Fund Association -win. t'eauocK, iiusi-icihi". ... .. ; llloonisbur-' Mil tal SaMiu mnd Asoclailnn-J r llrower, I'reslden , P. B. Wirt, secretary . ClltJIlCtt DIItECTOHV. r.A-TIST CI1CKCII. llov..T. P. Tiistlti, (Supply.) .,, , Htin.1v scrvlcss-l'.jf a. m. nnd syl p. m. U.,nrl,. Uil.ru.l .1 IT1. Pr.iver Meeting Bvcry Wednesday cvcntn;,"ltl$ Sois'rrce. Tho public an Invited to attend. ST. MATmKW'H I.VTllKltAN OltCRCU. Minn er-iicr. o. It. s. Mtrel.iy. sun lav serflces inj n. in. and TX p. m. i'm.er Mou Ihs-Kvory Wednesday evening ul IK Seats free. No puws ren'd. All arc welcome fllE.inVTKHIAN ClICHCII. Mlnlst er-tlcv. Stuart .MP "le'll. , Sunday Services iox a. m. and otf p. m. similar schoul a. in. Pra.er Moo luj-Urery Wednesday evening n' njj 'sen's'free. No pows rented. Strangers wclf one. MBTII0DI9T ErlSCOfAI. ci.' licit. Presiding Kider-liev. w. Evans. MlnU'er-llev. M, .. snijser. futiday Serlces-1 and ays p. m. S",.?.-:;'';,!. .vntn at. o'clock. Voung 'Men's Pra'.er Met) lns-facry Tuesday eioM?aTprayer Mc'tlng-Evcr- Thursday evening I Q'CIOCK. nFKOitMF.n ntrKcn. Corner nt Third and Iron Btreets. iMstni1 ltev. W. 1;. Krebs. Kesldencc-Coriier 4lli nnd Cat hntlr.e sirects, Similar servlces-in,vj a. in. and i p. in. sundae School 1 n. m, prayer Meelliig-Snturdav, I p.m. AH are Invited There Is nlras room. BT. PAl'l.'S CHt'HCn. tector-ltev L. Zahni r. Linda. Services a a. m., TJtf p. m. sundar school!) a. m. First sur lav In tin month. Holy communion, s rvlees preparatory to Communion on I riaaj re dug hcrore tint st Sunday In each month. Pews rented i but ever j bod . welcome. BVAK0K1.1CAI. CtlL'KCll. Presiding i:ider-Uer. A. U llectwr. Mtnl-ter Kev. 'leorge Hunter. s 111'ln! -,.rMet ii. in., In the Iron street Church. Pni it Meetlng-lSery Sabbntli at '2 p. m. Ml are Mulled. Ml are welcome, ' 1IIK (IIUBCII OKCIIKIST oiti.. itrtflc rtnireh on the hill. - Known ns the Wolsh Ilaptlst Chun h-ou Kock btrn-t lteaul.ir meeting tor worship, every Lord's day at '"Pals r?io?and U.epubSoare eordlallv InMtcd to 11I(OOMSI1UIIO DUIKCTOUY. O' lIOOI. OltDKItS, Uunk.'lu't printeil ami T i.iutlv hound lu small books, ou hand and roe -..vie at tho Columbian onlce. i-vr im lii.'I.'DI nn Parrlitii.Mit anil Linen I ) Paper, common nnd for Adinlnls' rawre. Kxecii- fc.rs net trusues, ror saio cueapuv mo Olllco. f MUUAC.K t'HUTIKIOATKS.iii.ti.rinted 111 andforsale at inouni.uMiiiAK "in"--. -; tr ut "lie tlosesl and .1 ustlees should surply them- 3CU08 Willi tneso necessary luucm TIT.riCKSaml Constables' Fec-HilU for sale r) at tliefoi-rMimv pfllee. They runtuln the eor rVot" 1 fees as esta ,sl.ed by the last Act of the w Tilujoupon thoibJect. F.rcr- Justice and Con. 1 101.1 SIIO'11'1 Ui'vu uiiw. T7" UNDUE NOTES just printed nnd for sale 1 , Cheap UL IUU I.UUIUUU.1 w.nt. 1'ltOFEfiSIONAL CAM)?. ( (I. BAHKI.EY. Attorney-at-Law, Office In Mower's building, 2nd btAry, Rooms fS v.lt WM.M. ltEHUlLSurceoii and I'hysi I el-jn. Olllco Si TS. corner Hock and Market s.iuits. li. 1'A'ANS. II. V.. Surgeon and l'liysi clan. (Oftlco and lickldence on Third street 11. MelCHLVY. ST. D..Surccon and I'hy Slelan.uorlhsldaMaln street, below Market. I'.. KOBISON, Attorney-at-Law. In Hurt man's bulldlug, Main btreet. Office "OAMlTEL KNOUH. Altorney at Liw,Officn In llartlliau'S uuuuillg, iiuiu Hireei. IUWKNSTOCI' I'liolograplicr, over Clark wuirs store, Jinin direct. MIbCELINFOL'S. rAVIP-LOVHNnEr.G, Jlcrelnr' Tailor U lain St., anoro central iioiei. T S. KU1IN, dealer In JIe.it, Tallow, etc 1 Centre street, ieiweea poeunu imu i uu u. UUSIXEfeS OAUJ)S. II. WALLEIl, Attovnoy-at-Law. IceressC'Cf PcnsUns cUained, Collcct'.cn: na: onice, Second door from 1st National Hank. HLOOMsUUHO, PA. an. 11, 1SJS D R. J. 0. IIUTTEK, VIIVMICIAN SSUItOEON, oolce, Sortli Market street, Mar.7,'T4- llloomsbure, Pa, J U, FUNK, Atto iK'v-nl-I nw. lucioiikc I'eli'ion.s Olluiiictl, Ciilleeticili!. Made. liI.OOMIUlltH, PA nn'.ci. In Kn "s HrjU'iso. D r. i. u itAiin, I'Il4rriOAl4 DKNTlfeT, Malnstrret, erposlte rph.eopal Churili, IilKmE burir, Pa. :f-Titliexlrottedvvllhout ratn. auf 24, IMy. JJiOCKWAY &KLWF.I4I., A T TO It N K Y S-A T-I, A W, Coivm(iun UniDiNd, Mooinhbun?, Pa. Meirtrk of tho United t-tnles Ijiw AaMnlatlon. Uolltictiona made lu uu t.tt tl .Mi.trUa nr Euieji; 'Qi 1 H W.J.DIKKALF.W, ArroliNKVb- T.L.VV, Uloomtburg, Pa. Oflioe on Main Wieet, tlrkt door below L'ovnllouau J, M. 0I.AI.K, ATrollNEVK-AT-LAW lllw.msburff.l'a. Ofjlw In nt a IluUdlnir, - O V. IlH,I.MHYK!t, AmillNEV AT LAW. (iinrs-)n Ilarnum'a imildlnir, Vain itreet. liloointburi', 1'u. u. ihth. T' II. A 11. It. U'JTU!, HOBT. 8. LITTLE. lu ATTOIINEVB-AT-WW, Uloomeburg, Pa. TTT Y. KI&1EK, HIFIIChAKT TAlLOli. ltoomNo. la, (ii iHi Hot us lien uii-o, Dloomtlurf . liu IV, JM6. I - 11 f ' - - . S11iBS7'EUr.arroprt.tm. Q W.M1M,I511, All l)ll EX-AT-LAVV onieeln nrowcr's building, second nonr.room No. ltluotnsburg, I'n. HOWELL, DENTIST. Ofllco In Ilnrtninn's l'.lnek, neeond floor, corner Main and ulnrkct Streets r.t.oi).t.siitii!n. pa. May it If, J15HVIiY i:. SMITH, All Ull. V -AT-IjA V, office In A. J. Kvan's Nkw iicildiho, IILOOMSIIL'P.O. PA. ember of Commerclnl Ijiir nnd Hank Collectlen As sociation. Oct. 14, 'JT-tf p XI. DUINKKIl, OUN nnd LOCKSMITH. pewiug lncuincs una jircuihitj- oi an Kinao re- cUlred, otkka Hours liiitliJlng', lllooinRburg, J'n. jurnsn amkiuca assuuaxck co Tl.o hHsctb cf li.cfco chl cornomtlt iih nrn nil tn- VofcUainMU.in MxuiilTli.H tudure liable totho MoUtTait; Hiit'B on t lip U'fct rl'-kfiaro nlcno arctrtnd. llHtS PHUMITI Y OLd 1I0J f &TI.V f rtlll I fl nr.d niilrt im 9HI it Uil UI II I (111 lit U k'J V 11 'I "VI 1A. 1 IVNAIT. "IH' Clal Atft'llt ittirl t OiLtttr. It'iMi.sljUltr. Ii 1.11 a. i ni- tiu7t'i m in Li'iuim ia rinmj hiuuiu jvnr(nI7P paid by one cf theli o-mi citizens. iiov.iu. -ly l;EASl!I0VN'8 INKUKANUE AOEN J CY, h.xchant'O Hotel, Dloorasburg, Pa. f .nr.ltnl slna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... .,mo,ckjo Jrertiool, London and (Hobe , .1I,M 11,0 4) , 13 "O.llliU 10,'KHI, IMJ . 3r ih),ikm) . 1,"JIM,WMI covaioi i.ucritooi l.aiicaiishlre r.re AssoLlatlon, I'hljadclnhlu farmers Mutual ot DunvUlo; Dantllle Muti.nl Home, New York ISll.C'l,IIIIO As the ncenttes are direct, rollctesnre written fur the Insured w II nuul any dela J lu the office at lllooms- uiuk. i 'iren w.'it y II l' II A HTM AN D. ltkntfcSl NTS TUB FOMOfllSO AMEHIOAN INSl'KANCK COMPANIES: Lycoming of Muncy PcnnMhanla. ortn imerican ur i huaaelpuia, t'a rnnklln. of ' " ennslranlaof " urmer3 or i ork, ra. anorer of New York- Manhaltiiuof ' unicc on .Market street No. d, llloomsburg, Pa. oet. so, 'JT-ly. UATAW'te.SA. yil. L. EYEKLY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Catuwtssa, Pa. collecllons mon.Dtlv mado and remlttpri. (ifflre onpostte i.-atawissa Deposit nank. 6m-38 ,1.11. Abcqtt. W. II. Itruw.v. A IIII0TT & 11II AWN, A t topnoys-at-Law. CAT V1SSA, PA, Pensions obtained. dec 21, '77-ly P ENNSYLVAN1A BAILEOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND JN1TED STATES MAIL ROUTE. The nttentlon or the tr.ivelllntr nnbilr Is resoect- fully United to s me or the merits of thNtfreat high way, in the confident nnsertton nnd belle t that no other line can olTer equal lnduceiii'.nts ns u route of uiruun iniMi. in Construction and TIIK Equipment KAILUOAD Ktand oonrpjvspdt fit the head or Amerlcunralhvavs The track is double the entire length nt the line, or steel r.illslald cinheqy oak lu. which aro embed ded In n round.it ion of rock ballaht eighteen inches lndpth. All brldt'os nre ot Iron orfetone, and bulit unoh tho mt npirivtwl plans, IU imncer carp, lwdlo eminently nafo and Hiu-tuiitlal. are at tho turno tliuo luodela ot comfort and elegance. THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In mo on this lino well Illustruto thefar-K'eliiL'flnd merai policy oi 113 management, in aecoraance wmi whtch tne utility only nt on improvement and not ltrt cost has been tho question of con sddu ration. Among many limy 00 notieeu TH3 BLOCK SYSTEM OF SAFETY SIGNALS, JAN1IEV COUPLEH. BUFFER and TLATFOEII THE 7HAH:01T PATENT SWITCH, AND THE WESTIITOHOUSK AIR-BRAKE, formlhs In conjunction with a pert: vniunuii-1 1 tic iv and road-bed a combination of BartgnanlK acralnst aeeiuents wnicu nave renuerea tueni pracueuiiy im. Hjsaiuiu. s ll Pullmun Palace Cars are run on all Express Trains From NVu A'nrk, l'Iilliideldilnf Ilultlniuro utiil IlltlllllttlOII, To FhlniKu, CiiirluiMitli I,iiii1mv11Ic, lniUiiuapoUii wiTJiorT ciia;i;, and tn all principal point In tho Mr West and Houtu with but ono change of cars. Connections are mado in Fiilon Uepots, and aro assured to all Important puiuis. THE SCENER.Y 01' THE PENNSYLVANIA KOUTE U admitted to be unsurpassed In the world forgran deur. Iteautv and viirlttv. Kuivrlor rcrn'shment fa- Pitt Ken aro nrovlded V(nnlo(-H aro rnurii una and nuenuve, ana 11 is un nievnuL-ie rehuiv mat uinpuy uiy rcnnunuuia jiuuruuu iuutv lorm A PI.EASINO AND MEMOUABLE EX. PEKIENCE. Tlckeifl for sale nt tho tow rut ratPH at tho Ticket onicexoT the Company lu all important cltlea and (owns. PRANK TIIOMrfiON. I . P. FAItMEK. tienenu Manager. r;ei rflBFeDjrer Affeni, . K. KTIOEMAKKII. PflJW. Acent MMdlO Dlfit.. vi 4?ioriu imra ruuei, iiurriiours, i u. uD. i, is-iy. TIIK OltKAT KNOUrill HUM F PY I GRAY'S SPE0JFI0 MEilvlb.E fHADE Mar Iseaneeiallyrecom-TRADE MAMK. jiTW inenueu uu nn un n. tulllii ciirn for kr-iit. inntorrhrtL. Iinniv tencv, and altdlst-a-bea. bucuas lxbH of memnry, Unlvernal w iJissltuue, Putn In i th llnrk-. ltlnniiK 03CIOW Tamgn .. u. 1 leiua- . f WM,,- lull) vim puu",v. many olhcr lseas.e lliatlead to Invinlty.cousumn. Iloiianda Prcuuilure (trave.iill of vvlilcli asa rule am Mill caused b) ilov luting from the patliot naturu nniiiiviT Indiileei ee. Ibe Sim tlflo Medicine Is tho n-fiUll or me hiiiuy ami iiiau ,v vara 01 eAiH.iitiiw IiitieatluirlbesotlHClaldlsi'akea. r uu narueuiaia in uur iHiuieiiieiH.vvuieii vve iiebiru to and free by mail to ever) one. l nn .nemo leuieiiie ia buiu uy an iiruL'i-MS ul tl r packice, or H paikacesfor t or will bo bent y mall ou urcipt u ine money Dy aiiareKsiiis Till! nllAYMKHICINRro. Ko, in, Mechanic's Ulixk, pi t rut, illtb. Mil in lllocintbuti; byC. A. Kklre.and by all iirudiriMB ever)vvi'rr. 1IUIIL-1.. r.vvin, 11 liun.-M.iv 4VV-uia, 1 livauuil, bCpt. , "8-tf IIKALTII AND HAPPINESS, Health and lUprine&s aro prlcele m Wealth to their pobsebhorn, ana iti mey arc wiimu ineieacnci ev ery one yiuv nui uw WUHJUT'S LIVER PILLS, Tbe only suro CUHE for Torpid IJver, Dj epensla. Headache, hour Mntnmh tonallnatlon, Debl'lty, Nausea, and all bullous eoinpUilulBand lilood dis orders fvone genuine unit sa sttftied "Wm. vrljrlit, PWla." It jour 1 ruirKUt lll not bupylynendKi 1 C.HI. lor ouo w vi 4.iiv, i.vmi m n.iu I BL. 1 ULUU iu. i i-i ur The Sciisidc Library. Choice tKioks no Icnjjor for tho row only. Tho Wst fttnridurri novels within tho rench ot oven uuo. Hooks tisimlly poldlrornf to $3 tlvcn (uncluinffcd nnd miuUitdgt d) for to nnd so cents. 101. AN bio Mte, by Mis Mnlock loc UK, Hani Times by HurieM nick, ns ino A UrnYt' I-ndy, liy 4Ml-tn Mulnck 'iw i4. i eejiu nay. iy luini naiiim ltre 1U3. At tho Sign ot tho bllVtr 1 lutein, by t L Knrjeon loc 1(6. T he intcr of the On-ylnnds, by Mta lknry Woon 20 107. luucte-o'-dnis by It I TarVoa tiic 10m,i he Sen Klnjr, by (.'njitulu arryat 1ic ii v, i iiennor h mury. uy m n iruuaon vhs HO. The (ilrls ( f teviTshPin. bv Ktorrnro MarrynttOo in. a i our or mo norm in Kiutity iiajn, by .lules erno :t?- tbird Ctt?h. br fhnrtos I'pndt' lin.unlitcu uriiln, bv It t, Kiirjt'on in. I'tirren lutKimtn, ny .inv -i ti itrauucii ii . unin mo Maze. u MrHotM ttc. TuuIIlc. by I, It Uu ford 117. '1 ho ff tnalo Minster, by H I lea lis. ureal hxnvctttiloiiit.hy C IMokena 110. ivtronel. i, oy by l hircnee Mnir.ut lzu. Hrmanco or a roar Young ion, by o Fcu- lllet in.) K) '.on lo VIHJ 1110 Ul. A i lfe for n Life, by Miss Muloek Ml 'Ilie Prlvat'f-ri-iiinii,byiiiiitiiiti iarrint 1'At. Irish Legends. Py suintic-1 1irer 121. squire in rljn s Heir, liy Alls II Wood lw Mtir llattoii, bv Mrs titiskell 11. I.temai or my i'ather's Mii.oy 1! 1) Illnel:- moro Pie Hie lue vn. Mr Ludy I.ndlow. hy rs dnkell H Cousin Phillips, bv .Mtsili.H.ell lm. 'I ho Vninlcilug Jew, (1st halt) by nisreno suo VOe The wander tur .Tor (id ban hr Hueene Sue sue 1.'". .I IIII' IIBIMIl HI l ll'lll n( ni i mu ock 1.11. M i ll .el Mr.uin. b) .In1'-! Vi ri.u 1K2. .tark 1 Ititi.ti, li cu .rii s I i-v. r ua. The Huthets of Itoscmary Iine, by H I, Fur JtOtl U4. My Paothi r's lfe, by Atiu'll.i P. H livar Js in.. Aiiiitlurs Husband. b MNm ,uluok inc. Kutle Mewii't. bv Mrs til nhnt.t 13T.A i:tnt lu u Cloud. b ciwresLevfr 1 s. What 1 e i est llir, .lube s Pa; no 13'j. I omtf n's He.n t. b II L KurJ.'Cn mi 'I he Lady I.tMe, b) VMM K bra'Idon hi. .vnsu'ri'.aii t.emir, nr capiinii niuiat Ul. 'Ihu llindof th" l'ninll), bj Miss su.l.ek 143. The llminteil To" r 1 y Mrs llenrr Wnoil 111. 'I he Ti.ln I.li'titetiauts, bv Alcxantler liuinas lee j. itiur i.uiiiuii ii money, uy Annua II. nil- 1VU1IL1 110. Chailes O'Malley, tho Irish Dragoon, by Lerer. ( IT n'n Xto nr. Ilutt In, the lieefer, by Cnptnln Vnrn-nt ns. a ItluestutkliDf, bv Atii.li. Kdnaids 119. Joshua Vnuil, bj ll I, I'm Ji ou Kin. .Midshipman 1 as. , by Cupulu Marrjat. 131. 'I he KusKiu Kypsy, by slex Dun as 152. Atlhuro'Liarj, ty cluilej Leier 163. Wniilor Wife? 154. A Point of Honor, by Annie Kdw.ird-i I.Vi. The t ountof Monle-crlsto. Ah .x iiiiinns ir.a. The King's (iv. n, by dipt. Marrvnt 1ST. Hand and (lime, by Ami Ha H. Kdwards ito. i reiisuro i rove, ny .-ainuei i over 16.'. The riiuntom shin, by Captalu Marryut in... ihu itiai-K junp, u) .sie.iiiiiicr iiiiuia.s Hll.l In- v orld Weil l.o-L K. Lj on I.luton 102. Mitrlev t hnllottn l'.iont hi rrntiK .vii'uiuay, ny Luplnm iisrrvnt. 1M. A 10'IUir IMff'sMnrv. Ibirrlel Ikerrn In.-.. A Modem v Inlsn r (Vol. 1.) Chi velv NoTel lc.fi. I ho i list Altllnl. b tleonre shikI 107. 'I lie (,iiu -i.'n Nei.kl.ife, bj lex Dumas His. Cm Cretan, by luiik-s I cvlt IK). M. 1'nli ek's l.ve, by Charles Lever 170. NVv p. n Korster. by cnptiiln Mnrrjat 171. Hostage to Portuiie. bi VKs Priiddon 172. cbev alter do Mai-on Itouge. bv Dumas Hie 173..lap'uel In t-euuli of u I'.ther by (Jnptaln .luirj.ii. vee 174. Kale ii'Honochue. br Charles Lever 2iie. 175. 'I be Pscluol Many tales, Capinlu .Marryat lira 176. 1'erelral Ktcue by C.iptalti Mair.vnt luc 117. (ieoiTo Cunterbury's Will, by Mrs. Henrv Wood a c 17a. Hare (iood I.iiek, br H. 1" Vr.incllllon lde u. -ine nisiory era crime, nr victor Hugo lee l'O. a rm.il.ide, by vv ilklo Collins vie 1S1. The countess de Charny, A'i"c Dumas wo 1H2 .Iiilletstiiianlltin.br Mrs. Cameron p.e 163. Kenllvtorth, by Mr nultcr t-eott sue ls4. 'I he Little s-nvuge, by (Jnptaln Marryat lue 1S5. "i.ood-l'.ve Swi-i llii'iin ." In lllirula i'ioii..tnn Hi 160, David Ceppel llfld, by C'hatles DUkens sac 1st. Nnnon, bv Alexander Dumas i(e iss. 'i he Swiss Kiimlly liobliison lee 169. Henry minimi, bv Miss I'.rnd ton lue, mo. Memoltsof u Pbjslcl'ii, by Alex Dunms soe lol.Thelhreot iituis. by ( nptjln Mi.trut 1 e 192. The Conitilrntors. bv Moxander l)uni:u id.- 103. Heart ot Midlothian, Mr Wnltir Scott line m4, inieniions, o nun nee Miirrjntt in,' 193. Isals-1 of Havarl.1, bv le.aiider Inimas le.' 190. Nicnoias Mckletij, by Charles Dickens vho 197. Nancy by Hhoda Hr.ni'hion lo.) i9s. el.ler8 in cannua. t.y i at-uiiu Marrvat loc 199. cioMers and th Hiatlh, b. (.has ile.iite see MHJ. The 'Monk, by Malthew (). Lewis, M. P. (Monk Lewtsr. ti.e 2.11. C'alhnrln I'iuik by aIhx Dumas tec 2H2 ,vr. (illlll's i ( ve Mori bv (.mriri. i: lot itv 2'i3. C'olsttrond the lldirtu.b.v Chr.s. unno 4. The Young IJnli'lo. VV. 11 (1. Klnestnn 19. ui. i t.e mjbti'ilvti or runs, (tEt halt) by fcujeno CUU VI) 203. 'Iliemuterlesot Parl3, (2d Lain by Euscuo M10 2 c sue. Poison ef.Anis, by Plcrence .Vansat loe SU7. Tho Children of Ihu evv FoiestbytCapt. .Marmit inn. 20s,Norlh and south, by Mrs. Gafkrll sue 2iw, A Jewel of u Ctrl loe 210, Youeg Mu-giavi',lir Mrs. Ollphant n.c -411. lllllllU.ipil l OlOOll, IIV "I'lHUV 11V iiic. iingiujier irenrn. k, nv lirckinann-ciiilrian i(.' VSIS. Harnabv ltll.hro. bv Cha5. Ilic, us .'ne 1U. VVln-towe, bj Mis Letlli .id.ims Hie 21.1. II rds of Prev, by Mis. madden soe 210. IgenJs . I thn Hltitk vv nidi, bv .Ii mes flrat tlw an. 'i ne ? in v eriuu s cr liev. Ainos p.arton, lj ueorijeKllot m. 218. Dombey nlul 8on. br Charles lltekpos ill 219, .My Own child, by Hciono- M,irrynt 10 i.voigu v.uiiieiuurj a win, ij .vnt, miiry WorilT 1 221. l'oorZ-nh. bv F. W. Ittblnson 'iii. LrtHtot the Vohlcins b .1 F. doner 'Ibe Mairlae Vfidlot, bv Dumas in. 1 ne in er Mayer, ny .j. r. coorer HV6. 'iwo lustlnles. bv Wllkle collln-i U'M. 'Iho 1'nth Flndu, by F. J. Coojer -.1, lltllillUII, Hi ,111" .tUHHK Vi. t Im rrwrt's lauhtf r. hv linmis siia. 1 ho Plonei rs, by .1 Fi iiiiivne coivr 23D. uttln tin. ud and tho .MurcIiMiu, by tmida" 2:d, The Prairie, by J. Fenlmore (Vojier ?,Tt. Tbo Pdot, t.y J. Fenlm'.rt Cooper 21. 'Iho 'Itbdr :ietollKlh'ns ol Irene Macslll- cuddv 2S.1. mi open Verdict, bv Ml P-ra-'dcn 23ii. Khepherdt nil and lnalteiu Fulr, by Wa'ler lU"-unt and .lames Itlen 17. U'nt.fO'rlTiir Hi.tr liv Chitliu t'd.ili. tos. neaiiuT, oy .mil i iwivannifii lUK. No 'I lioroiiffbfiire, by 1,'liailes DUkius nnd V 1IKIII V.IJ1IIIIS 240. The I nun I bu'b bv Ml.s Mulnek '41. Irii'Mrln. bv "i ulda" ill. 1 1n) linen teilbi is, by William Week !i43. Da lav .Mcli.l.b.v t ui.y Ilnrdy 244 TbeTliteiMluarrt'.niiii by Pumas Sli. .lack Manly, by Juines nr.mt ilia, l'eu Woflli.irlnn, bj t'l.nrlea licado 247. Mat tin t'huzleiMI by IHUeUH S4V). Iirmd and L'uei to and K 1st is, by II. I Far- jmjii 249. ! ll raHlemulni'fi Oaue, bv "Oulda" 21ii. No Name, bv V llklo Cnllllis 2H. Lady All lej'H 'e. n l.bj .MUaM. P. Itraddon uu -414 nam 10 neiir.i.y i.iotiritii.ua .vi, t lane ll'e 2-a. i-i me van, oy ,M i; Mirllnff . . tile '44. ine tieio iiuu. nv -i ss i lauuun ii.i Udbalr, by Hlnlit lit n. II. l.l.irnell p c Y3. Mini tiuKotini s imuiriiiers, ly .Mrs. Henry "i 237. 'i tun iiov or Ncrcotrs. lv ij vi-r i iiviiis i hi uueiiepH n e 2.19. vutiiiine vov, (1st Halt) by HPnry Potktnn VOe im. Hii-iiiinu ua, iii nun) ui iienry urn kioii iee 20u, charlotte's IMiullamc. by Miss M, K. llriiddoii vih. i. i en Mineral les i amine, uv iituro lu. 2i'.2. 1.es v.lieiables 1'nM ite, l y Huso ,ec :r3. les MHeratiieuMatlus. lv lluj.i nn ytvi. I e.4 MUerables t PennH, by iluiro Itie sill. U'S Mh ra' les .lean Valti 1111. bv llucn 111.1 26. Jacob I'liltlifnl, by fai tain Muroat lue sin. 1 ur 1UF.1 ui uu. iiuiiuoiiH, hv .iiri. .vcvvinan P'O 2C. Foitj.nvo (luaidftr.eu. bv Iluinas vifl nw. n il a.a lime Is Hie, bj 11I101U Prouzhton lt 270. The Jilt, by t luia Hondo lue vii. uie tnary ui a I'livsician, it nam ty sg.nuel wsrren 2ec 211. 1 no luary 01 a I'lijti.ian (2d nam by Samuel . .1111.11 xuu 212, 1 ne Liickct on ine iieariu, by fharles Dick ens tee 273. tnarIiV5 ovv, byrnnr. Marrrat lue 214. 1 en 1 uoui-atiu a ear,( rst nam by t-amutl w arirn strfi 274. uu 'iiiousanu aiear (Sduainby nlnuc v 111 ren 200 via, n ruauuvv ou ma lurcsuoia, oy .nary teen Hay S70. The Pat'o of the Puke offavoy, by Alex, 100 j.iiiiiun 277. llrother JaTib, by (leerge Fliot lue 110 21 -.is. ii lfars iiiier, nyiex, iiuuias v7t). A Iraflnl he Morin. Ir 'OuM 1" lue smi Hie IV reck of tho (!ri4.Vi nor'' IIM. Ijulv Varultout's Troubles, by "Oulda' 2sl Piair Jack, by i aptaln Marryat liiit lue Idl! 1 "t'uiy iram .viif r, uy ruu.as S4. DllviT Tttlst. I)V l')iiirl,.a lllplna 21 ltll) 2V. Cometh Up as u Flower, by llbuda llroushtonluc vsl. Afti-r Hark bv VV'llkti, 1 'nl'ln. iil.. xm, 1 eitfiiitiu iiriiii;u 2vi. Hiei'lunnlDL's. by Mrs Henrv Wotd 2-9. A I'hrUtmas Carol, by c. Dickens 290, Dick Polt.i'V, bv James Ui ant VHi.mivf, ry .nisi .viuioci. 292. "'He Cometh Nut.'bho fald," by Annie 1 honui 293. loin 1 rof-ble.by Satnuei Lover 2iu,'i tie I'Kiivu s, uy .viish .vtil'oi'K 211.1. 1t tor love, bv ,vi Ur ddin Vjii. Tun burke of r ''ours," (1st hull) by Charles iver 9. 'I uni Iiuike of "Ours," (2d halo byfhailes L.ipr - . 29T. The Haunted Man.bj ( hailcs Dickens 201. 1 uj'tan Paul, bj Ahx. D itnas- V99. 1'y ltoiy, by James Pejn 8.4), liy Ci lia's Aitoi, by Jomiti Uesout and Wal ler 11110 20c For Bale by all booksellers And XewsileainrH. or sent postage rrepuld, ou receipt of price. OEOlinK MUNl'.o, rubiuner. si, 83 and S5, Vandowater at., N. Y, P.O. Hoi rear. BUg 3, 7I-4UU - r can n.ake money faner at wcrk for us ihun nt I auilhluebti Camtal not leoulred: uu win UHatt yuu. IU is r daj ot heme made hv tho Industrious. Men. uolntin. tma mil Hrlu wauled everywhere to work for us. Now Is the tluio Cosily outtlt and terms free. AddressTseu 4t Co., Auguita, Slatne. Jlarch a, 18-1- Accordtmrlo the recommendation of thn nrami .lurv. wo will offer the llld Jail rrurwiitv lur suit, nn rilUUj, llUHJlli.1 H, 1OI0 ui iuu ucium u, in., ut lull t.uuib iiuuw ill luuuutbuurir. l unuiupua coti im seen ui ine onice, eil.AM w. iciu:.Nity, '1' John HKitNUK, Js Coin's, JOi. K NIL'S. Comiulssiouers' iilllcc.Uloomsbuig.l'a, oct,I8 1-iw Attest I N il. K1UUK1IAUM, Clerk. BLOOMSBU11G-, PA., FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 71 B'JWWJPJPfUrrMIST GIL E S' filNlMHNT I0D1UK AMMONIA. 'Jiircw alt Batn In Man and llcuNt TKSTIMONIat-! rpnt.Am'fli-TRiitriiiliUi iif tboWomli A Won derful I'mi' Mm iturs my win- mineral ;wlih this ivm luif vuuifmuui !iiHwas ftuenaeu o tiijrior nr- itirumiui, u.uo me ilim-aMil iuku ta s h iu tu ifHURui" tR-.ited; trU-d them .dt ; wore baudaes and prwwirls wlth otdy ttmporary relh'r. lk-r nr- iis uu-- jiuu. it ii ui'pueu nr. m w i.iiiiintnu lui-uj iiniHt'umie. miu ia now well. It. McltMlMOTT, 40 Vebtl3lh H.reet. New Yotk I tmd twelve Mrokes or 1'araiysls. My leL'.arm nna t jn-rue weru iijviusq : was oblltrud to usw cuth. eUr kT my. Doctor (.1th l lniuient ludlduof Ammonia . Ii ts cured n o. u bl answer uny inquiries ol III IV il I uJllltJ-l-H IU.I.Y KllUiV Ul IW lOHH AI'I'H . Nil' 111 Itr.infnnL (Innn. CliPStliut lllll. l'lllUd-lphh, MMI Vi. '7H. V. y. .iIIls. Uri lnar rlr-l used jour Iodide or Ammonlu I.lnlmt'iit on FlemTcu pi' hlndpas.tern Joint, lie iiud In en quite Umo j (he iITect was vtondi'ifal j s'ai wi.l;a no.v qulto tll. Very av BlH'CttUii) juurs, A. U'KtCH. r. S. t am now mlnif Jt on LlttKton'hrUhttore le. a larice ihue boll on a aluablo yount? horsa was ieinued by '-lies' l-luliavnt lodMe of iidnoiil.i. MIKl'llKKll KNA1T, . 'nrpts '"i si "i tu Jiv-'., Sew 'lurk. AHTitut Tho torturer and iuf niea I endur'nUor Rlx i ai ttniie but thofw who lue s'lff-red lib thl- b rrdi e dls'-a-u inn Know. ty Mb' was udtTit ble. ill Jestiet.i,Ion I IM.-d tiles' L.riUmrul lu id ' of mtnonla. Ir aw m bUut relief. l'ted tr lu teriKilly an well hh externally. T llOrf. lilt ANKIAN,- 1ST west '.'Tthsticet. ev SorK. T wai In n dreaaiul eonniuii. .lolnts swulti-n, pain Intense. Injections of rnorphlnu lulu my vi Ins r.illut to relieve me. tillns' Ijdldeof Ammonlu toik nw.i the depuMts truni mj Joints Iwuntoery omj who auiura to know what wlilcme them. Foiimyl'r r.oniuor, North Iljdt) I'.Hk, iJimmotl.oto. vt. Another S-ufTerer cured. bl-.eimin'ed iroia tho MaatjliUaetls tieneral Hospital as l-curablc, wlih Inlla (" aor; rheum itlsin lu in: should M.tlmreM and feet; Kurrertd bunulty ti-r Ihie1 .wars trleu everilhtn ; loi all hone Dr. (illev Unlmout Iod ide of AmmuLla t nvcted a comp.etu cue. hl.LKN "MITII, No. "a Pr.vno street, Full Klvtr, SIum Sprains. Bpllnti bnds-.s. I amen. In hore-. tiller' Llidm-M lodldd of Amimiiil i n ii Tfeet -tpe-eltle. No person uhoownaii hoisu sli utd ivwlih out It. M. Konas-H fC9 sever. th ttv;nue New )urk. In niv f.imllyt and for ths'eK. I h ive ushI ((lie's Ui.ii.ii'Ut i(.i!ldeif Mi mudi. lr K ufisurt-M -eti, iLod I am h lrpibrd ,ii lite iu.ni did. ret i maUnles In which It !-.ap;,lieaMc. It guUi ul uiosii nll faction. .Toil 'J ('Al.TKIt, uperlnterrlcut Jjxttern I'onn3iH.iidi I.xptjrilnon tal l'iini. r,t) u. iid $i : nnd In quart at & In Mcli there Id a k' real. su1:j';. 'trial s.lzo Veentt. OM) BV AU. DltUiiOISTS. N. .1. HKMlKUlUn'T, Air. lue Illo.PiiiMrtf. ma 41, 'is- for 1 V l".V'.'. I I! 1 u i 1 I.OO . Dior.. til' )it .. TUO EOlt I JU -7 IIt(! e 23 Jijrt'i. ta any fprpon r'l.;t t V 1 a c' ti"t rill vnor mr., V 01' 11. uattaillk.tnnill.iijtuf 1.- . r - n"ft'-rr- - "t tX vr tr. rt ri m ki a, iZu-Z& niVi-rrib mvtirsr- u v.itttaia 'i"y- u u i i " -nt nuraif mill In t till niUbj II ir , It. Tout:. CHtliirtl", Aitrr. .'. IJ iu' iMm Its Imai fll ltd e: t ti ti t . t' ' Ma o- vVt' -t Iniulrol byl'.fii' rn .ipi-. tn a ocm-it to J ' i.i crtaaa V?r l o i rf - i n -i I l v.' . ,. I . i i. ctcm I 'e nrf.v Ur - di . n, niii TtJirni-i'i umltoBO to I. iu n:i 1 1 ul ' ' , J- 1 ' ulateB I'n vtil p la r 'i ' 1 r IM . r!, r-c rpcu mil nrA i. l1 ' . l. J k. t,i4.4iv lUticstailr UalLiytaisi-j''. i TIIF, GZIVl JUIEDY TO?. COXiOS. riJlIin. Jf )uu t-ro ea-l.tiox iroj i l'..!U-l AT.UKN it ftjy tiller 'Wu.i from l-M'MV lWH.),g.tab tt-c In I nr-l'.ib.Gei.l i, nni 'i i ) 1 1 ti io l-Tl Ut:orL.i'iI'iw ivta'-. ittlt.. .tvL-ii - (-yt'4 CHUt. t' 1 l-i rv-r)f".n-..!r a uii n ' ' j ; fnr no i'uii. nmuur I'.'juia'Jii .. .Tin L..c lottiulvt. Ul.rili.iW'l. IKTinjQl Jt, B .fkl Uu .ll.i. ' M I, I'utunlaliruU-. r I liV- ihtut t t'.u, l.lioi i-t..'1'c. I wniLcr A: lMurr il , Co., rnip'f.i, Ji'ruoy I iry, (t'r.tPinlM'r Sil, UTS. Kn tntiiTtiM rnn toll hat 1 1 Mvob-idutt J li r tl o jui.t 80 yean from it I . (ill. 1 1 1 , 't i . i ul M. fi . M. nt tliuim.y Ii.nt tl,it I .(. j1 t u t b'niJ u;Mn tnyff t. ( coul l rift iirtlk li .if ii n.i 9 wltl im Mii.iUij luutiio Bfuny u htcli wi'jlil lr t, i i r ' fitf lUn - About cno y-itr u i l ,ih 1ihUi il ti iry r twittln cf jnur lldilll r Hi4l mi t, J t l bUtotiHU it'ttr t.iklliK Itur bottle I turn t-ntirely curxl el litli ii-- iw.' bid nnw pnliiTin oifi'.li nt iMoliti i nd Mn-tutli. I aJ UtoaUiliailtiltj tiQlicttt t fry t tl n..I .r, ilia. U. 1' I L'liltld, i:t Bumox Et. DOV'T GO KOnLl.XO AIt(lMi. A ft TPjulaHnff iiTHlIclno I ci n t?nn5i!illy rtw tatiK'iiil .lt.iii.tM, 1 hutit HHit t in it y Ui oily hi id Luow otliiri uho lino ti Ii ill-, ml u 1 ii on uiiif it u '1 am n-lltiblo. it don't m i ' t ti outi 1 uu I tlNitpixiltit yu by uiHklng ni 1, but H mt. u.n to Luali vt. uud c rouibllibui that wl.nvinitft It txtTt VM. i:. DUV ALL, nitcrbcatl, L. I. op Yi:.Uj sTA,m.n. I imeJ onlt tin fi Mt Pill t notl ct.n trutiirully nny that U han euruJ wd vt UUi'itSll &nJ UlLi H .ii.-- cf tear itnuJln. 8, C, KOn, V.Ti , Lebanon, N. J Vt.VrX W U ft Til lTf3 ! For Sale at N. J, 2DE.XJC3- STORE. IPSB vv ho Is ai.thorlzoJ to cuaranteu VIllOKENi: to nrnvn as repi evented. ian.18, 'fs.-ly. Private Sal, A FA1IM CONTAINING AUOUT 109 ACEES, mostly cleared, and whirton ore erected a i,Ai:oi: nmcK mvi'.i.MNG nousr,, n Frame llonk Hum, W'ocon Hiril.nnrl oilier out-lnilldhiKs-a well i,f Mill water nt the hous-n and uiiu at (he 1 urn, 'lliere arenlsoa large number of Ah pie, Peach and iherry Til es and a good IIION-STOSC STONR (JUAHHV. ALSO, A LOT OP GROUND nr the corner of Third and I'entre streets, being one hunilnd niui Ihlity-lwo feet an 'I hint Hivctiuid two hundred mill tout li en and oue-lulf fiet on t'etitri', w hereon ul e e 1 ecU'd u Cargo llrU'U mrcllliitr IIoiim', with tiTK.ii lliiTiso Ari'iiuif?. ard In thorough iep.ilr. llmliiKu Well, I IhUrn, lie-house, Cooling House and ill loiiviidc-nees. lulh kltuutu within Hi- limits of Ihu Town cf iiiuuiiisiiiuir, ituu uiieicu to lu bold ou eusy ulu uu eouahle turns. JOHN (1. FllHLZK. Jii)OUiin o. renu'.i. aug. 'M, 'Is-Sm ASK FOlt THi: Williamsport Hand-fflaflB Bool?, MANUl'AOTUItr.I) IIV J. E. DAYTON ct CO., AXsTX) WW Hcfiflersiiolfs N. B. All gooils of their innko uro stiunjied on tho bottoin. tepU it, It Jm - ajVUB WUU.WM19iA&WVW Poetical. "KKfX A STIFF MVVVM Ml1." nv rnains cahy, There has someMilnj; gono wronc, My Lraw boy, It appenrn, For I too J our proud atrusiflo To Keep hack Iho tears. That Ik Mailt. When ) on can not (live trouble tho slip, Then bear It, Etlll Ket plg "A Miff tipper lip.' Though'you cannot recipe niKappr lnttcent nnd rare, TlHiicxt b st thins to do Isto learn how to bear, If, wh"n for tire's pi Ues ou'rc runnliitf. jou trip, Oet up fttnrtiiffatn "Ktep n ptirr upptrlip!' Select Story. ntm I'lioxr imiiim. From Hallou' Dolfar .l)r,ntli!y. Thire.'snid lies., sluing down emphatl (ally 011 tho door step and f inning lier-elf with her vv nlr trnv hat. There, that front room tniMt unit shall bo furnished, I wish it might he, observed ll.irric, dub- lotisly ; 1 lit I limit leel inuph incnuragcd iibottt it as yet. If I were oil, Ilessie, I'd order the suit in reps, anil n tapestry carpet. I rimarkid, ari'fitically. I 111 afraid wo ran tint mute nil. . nl Aiimiterm ami satin brocade. H.'.vv mticli money have you, Hatric? .iskul li-ws, ignoring my ipitsliou. t'lve tlollars and furlythree cent., was Harries reply, after tin inspection of her Pekctl'Ook. And you, I'lo? I havi' t, ti I'olhir-, l.mghed I. We shall not be able to rival tho llentons, I uniufraid Dfsiu dear. Tho l!i nlons wcic our next door neighbors, lo it reiiiurkcd,wlios( generous parlot was at nine the iidniiratinti and the de-pair of hall the hoii.ekeepeis in Xorvvoodvllle, 1 he lientons ! ixclaitued llessie, with su- peru scorn. Do you suppose. Florbellj, that I would sit down in our front loom jf it boro tin- faintest lesembhince to that up- luHElery shop or the Ueutous ? Do yon im- iigi"i Of course not ! I cried, with uplifted hand., warding oil' any more indignation, I don t smnnse uti vthi nir at nil. I!ut what is sent yon t niggling with that impossible- front room again V 'Tisn't impossible, retorted Hess. I have 20 all ny own ; that makes S3.) between us, Now, if you girls will follow my directions, we i an take that f.'lo and furnish that room. How? I queried, helplessly ; whiio Har- He evidently though' it of no use to say any inure to a girl who talked such absurd non- son-e as luriiishiog a nrlor with W.i. Wo were thrie orphan sister., keeping hui-p ti gi-lher n no iiiiome o lidieulouslv until that any outlay fur new furniture, was quite out of the question; ahil yet the one desire of our tlnee hearts was to lurnisli our parlor, a pretty room, hut bare as any barn e li.ld a cimvenleinly nppi.iuicil kiiclun, nnd a cool, i lean dining ri. in, win i in the ul'lf moons with our vtmir Our bed rooms wire comfortably furnished ; bin nir me paitor we nau ii'.l si much as a able. To mnrrovv our qn iib-rlv ine-nine wiis due, but tltst wo must have to live nn for the next ibne months. So lhe tbirtv -five did Isis lelt ovr from this quarter was all we could po-sibly count on, at. d that seemed too small n nun lo think of iu connection witli the furnishing of our front room. H..-I-S was our iiead and shoulders, our riir-t linnil. our mainstsv ami her rann. Millies in the way of getting something out of no'liitig were truly remarkublo, ns wit 'i. s.e.l .v the (net of her po-.ei-siog morn money at tin- cud of tho quarter than both l.i r M.trrs ; though we had all the same al lovvance f'.r our p ronal expellees, and liis sie's were the heaviest, on account of h.r being tho latest and icniriu ' tho .110,1 inss material. Yet. in soite of i!,,.,i(.v i-miins. the fi.n.i.bi,,.- nf that front mom seemed exceedingly problematical. ril.rn (,,. ni.nlrll.lillnn In tl. Cm. I. marl: 1 He. i.Uni,,,. I,, tu,,tv dollar. th" step. I deposited my ten beside it, and Ilarrie folloxetl willi her five, Then we luokt d at Utas and awnitedan explanation. J have read in tho niairazine, said Hess ib.uit ii woman who furnished iter parlor for lilt dollars, and had tho prettiest room in town Hut we only havo thirty-fire dollars sug gfsted I And forty-threo cents, supplemented liar ne. Well, that woman bought porno lliinss which wo need not buy, replied Hess. To bo mro, she had a set of lovely old chairs which belonged tn her great-grandmother. :md which had just come into fashion ; nnd somebody gave her a pair of picture, and somebody else presented her with a statuette; and Do stop, Hess! I cried imploringh ; while Ilarrie went off In a violent explosion ot laughter. I don't suppose anybody will give us a dcti.ro or beg the privilege of keeping,! . . - .... 1 I piano in our front ro un, said Itajs. enn didly; although that liappennl to the woman In the magazine. What I want is Hen Hrad- shaw h plane anil saw, and Hen himself to operate theni, nnd an old barrel or two. I eiipposo Hen miO his tools can be had for n thank you, remarked llarfis, nnd thero uro barrel enough in the woodhoiise. They aro good enough, too. What are you going to do with them, Hessle ? ' , You sIihII He, said Ilo.sle, smiling wisely. t prtfcnt let us go up In Merrion'. and get some of that lovely straw matting for tho lloor. Straw matting will do very we I for the present, said I; hut when it couii-h cold weather We must not begin to think nf cold weath er In May, interrupte'd lles.e. Perhaps by November souio good lurk w ill lirlu us a carpel. In niniiutr malting is a positive luxury. We went to put on our things, nf course, preparatory to visiting the carpet store, for we at w Bys obeytd lle sie s ordcis When wo re urnid fn m the expedition, we v-eie acccn patleilbyaman with a wheel banow ; und in Ihur burrow were twenty' 29. 1878. six ynriN of Muo nnd crenm cn'ored mnttlng ni n nice quality, vvlilcli lie, lmil bouglit for fifty cents n yard j hIso right rolls of pretty yrny wall paper, nt fifty "cents a roll. WLen tlio paper vvns up nnd the malting was down our front room win very clean nnd cool to look at. I!ut we could look-at Iho pretty inattinir and lilue-grny paper in Merrion's store just 11. well, paid Hiirrle. And I don't see where we aro to get any furniture. Our ancestors did not Ihivp its any nntiq'ie chairs. vv ill iiiiiku the cttrtHins first, said I5ts. sic, elieeri'iilly, enming in nt that moment, with her hat 011, anil a bundle in her tiands. I vi-jii.t been down strett and bouglit the material.. And Il-vie opened her bundle and ills. plav od nrull of snow.nhito muilln and somo pale blue eretonne. I paid forty cents it yard for the inuilln, slip said, and I bought fifteen ard. Five panls In ti window will be plenty it is so wide. And thecretonno will make charming slimles. It was sixty cent', and here arc six yards. We'll make soma lumurniiiins ot it too, fir tho winJovvSj'iiid lur that ugly wood en tnttntel-lii-lf. Yuit ran make soino blue nnd white tasel', llurrie, like tlioo on your tidy, but lurgir. And lure are tho fixtures for the shade..' They cost a dollar and 11 half for tho three. So we hung tho I1U10 shades in our three windows, with a blue and while croched tas sel puulunt from each : and over them vse draped tlio full while mu-lin curtains with pretty blitu lauihrcnuliH at tha ton. Ilarrie sacrificed her freshest blilo ribbons to loop the curtain. , although Ilarrie is a bloude.and blue riliboin are very becomintr. twisted among her golden ringlets. Why it is charming ! she cried, admit ing regarding the effect from the doorway. Now llessip, bring in your furniture I lien will hring the table this evening, said llessie. And I can proinNo a loungo and two arm chairs and a pair of ottoman., There I my ideas ami the money will give out togflher, Hen did bring the table ; a great round pine iill'.iir of Ids own manufacture rudo enough, certainly, but ho planed it smooth, and staitnd the legs with amber, iu inilta Hon of walnut ; and even that (lid not mat ter much, for xery little of them showed when lie.sie hail covered it with a sheer cloth, abstracted from the dining-room. There now ! nho replied, in lriumph;could anything be neater V It will hold piles ol books and papers, and that s all we want it for. Who's going to lift the cover to see if it is walnut ? We will cover it with white cloth for the summer (thank our stars we ve plenty of table linen 1) and next summer I prooii-e to save $10 from my allownr.re.-to buy a cover for it. Iliad lien make it nice and biir, because I hate a small table ; I like pno that everybody can gather around and bo sociable, After the table followed, at intervals of a day or two, the other articles which Ile-sie hail enumerated. 1'irst, a lounge perhaps ir would he better called a sof.i compo-ed ol n long rucking box, with one snlis kuociC ed out nnd n -quure block tindereacb corner, Thcee square legs were stained wilh amber, in imitation ot walnut, like tho tnbln legs. ll'vie expended all the rest of her money for blue-anil white clilniz a dlstractingly pretty psttern, and bought at a bargain, Willi mis she c.iv-f ri d that unpromising ofa MuhT.tr tiie cushion wilh corn husks; and lue two bit; Mpiare pillows were oratneoted at i.ieh ciiruiT with Ilarrie's pretty tassels Upon my word, the sofa was as pretty an nr'jcle as the llentons had Hi their house. Tin ti ueu brought us too large casks or or lii'gsheail, or whatever you call mem sawed down lengthwi-e to the proper heights for a scat, and then "awed off crosswi-e, inn I a bo ml fitted in. These also were covered with the pretty cliint?, and well cushioned with husks ; and they made the coziet arm Chairs Imaginable. Ilarrie finished them off With crochet and netted tidies. IVssie'sot tonuus were simply tvvnso.ip boxes cu hion - od on top and covered vyitli chintz Wo look a few chairs from the other rooms and add sl-to this array. We cut engravings out of old magazines nnd framed them wilh straw and ps,so partout ; took the fine land scape painting from the dining-room, and ""g"1 11 llie l'"lor ' " orougnt down her pet ehromo ol tho Oenci from her uni-rnnm anil placed ll uetweeu me i.i-iero windows ; lastly we filled two great conch . kIkUs With grOWltie VltlCS anil HHpeil'leil them at each corner of t he high, old-fashion e'' "'""'-"'. ow pretlily upholstered in blue cretonne: nnd our front room was finished I say nnthingiibntittheilowerswith which our room was adorned, but perhaps they did more than anything else tn make our mom attractive to ns nnd to all our friends, It was cool and dainty to the eye, nnd all summer our friends kept telling lis hmv pleasant it was tn come, in thero and sit down. Sun and Millie Henton camo in of ten of an evening, and they thought it prettier room than their mother's grand par lor. And all for 35. And -13 cents I says Ilarrie. Patinei'ishi ami IXtrayagiini'f The case, prima facie, is always against pauper. 1 ho accidents nt ine sometimes cist a man or a woman high and dry upon the sands of ti helpless poverty ; but usual ly pauperism comes through n lack of t lie l'"""' vir'p'' It U not alway, that i'r wastes his reyenues in drink, or oil.- i.r immririilmp. . lint, toinpwln-rt in hts ca reer, lorty.nlno times lu lilty, It null ue found that he has been extraraeaut ; that he lias not exeicised self denial iiudrr tempt tiin ; that lie ha lived up to or bejond Ii mean', or has ventured upon risks that tho lowest grade of business prudence would condemn. Now who is tn bear tho penally of thcse'slns niid inistakes ? Hnw arc they to be prevented iu future, if those who com mit them, regardltJ of consequences, are to be coddled nnd taken care of by those who have de tiled theinseve and laid up n lit tle wealth If (.loud, rugged, grand old Thomas Carlyli 1 H i ti In-I.ii'g In read amid the inavvkirh siiiliiueuinllty ot this latter day, such il healthy utterance 11 this from hi sturdy pen ; "Let vvastt ftl'liers, Idlcutrs, llupruvi- ib nro take the Into which God ha. appointed them, that tK'lr opposite may uiiu have a chanco for their fate.'' As it Is, our phil anthropists try to make us believx that tho special business of a thrifty man ia not in any way to t njny the fruit of his prudence) nnd enterprise, but to ihlt-Id the sblftlee people arouud him from iho results of their 011 imprudence nnd luijirovlutiic.'. J. Holland, fxTiiiue r vr VeceinUr. Four One THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XII, NO. 45 One of Stanley's Tight Places. In TJklm bit tho guides ran away, and Stanley found himself on the edge of a wll- ilemess with but ten days' provisions. He had trusted Ids guide., and purchased a small quantity of find. Ho endeavored to pierce tho wilderness, but his track was lojt la fl tnsze of elephant nnd rhinoceros trails He could only depend upon his cotnpas Hie second day found aiunglo of acacia and dephorbla, through which the men had to crawl and scramble alon tho ground, "un der natural tunnels of embracing shrubbery cuttlug the convulvull and creepers, thrust ing aside stout thorny bushes, and by various detours taking advantage of every slight opening the jungle afforded." Thoro vvns no water. Overcome with hunger and thirst, the command began to stragglo and faint, borne managed to reach camp where medicines and restoratives brought tliera to strength. Five, never returned. kOne of them was found dead in the wood., and of the other four it is believed "they hopeless ly wand-red on until they also fell down and lied." On the filth dav they came to a vil lage, but the vltlige.coiiipriscd only four ne grots, their wives and little ones, nnd had no food for such a large command. Stanley learned that there was another villagu twen ty-five miles away name I Suiij, and he sent a picked band of 20, the strongest and mo.t enduring, to visit Stina and bring food. He scoured tho woods for game, but there-was no game, A lion's den was found, In this den were two joung lions, vvlilcli wer.1 killed and skinned, l!ut of what avail were two lion cubs to an expedition of starving men ? Surely here was death at last death, defeat, annihilation, and this proud expedi lion which had set out so gloriously from . inzibar, resolved to force the mystery ol a uontinent and tight its way to the Atlantic, why, all that could happen to It was to per il in an African jut.glo of lions and ele phanls, to perish as so many had donn be- ire, leaving only the liiuno oi S'anley to be lidded to the sad, dismal roll of martyrs to fricnn discovery. "Hcturning to camp," says Stanley, "from Iho ftuitless hunt, I was struck with the pinched faces of my poor people tli"t I could have almost wept, ii I might have done so without efeiting fear of our fate iu their minds." Stanley hid medi cal Mores, which in such an expedition are sacred trust. He opened a sheH iron trunk mid made it serve as a pot. Into this pot lie doled about five pounds of Scotch oattne.u - perhaps the most precious of all his posses sionsand three tins of "revaleuta Arab'ci ' nnd made a gruel. "It was a raro sigi.t,' he says, "to see those poor famine strieknn people hasten to that .Torquay dress truni., and n-sist mo to cook that huge pot of gru- to watch them fan the fire to a fiercer heat, and, with their gourds full of water, stand by to coul the foaming liquid when it threatened to overflow." The porridge kept the expedition alive for forty-eight hours, hen Stanley heard the musketry of his re. turning embassy coming in from Suna iihl food, "lhe grain was mnrt speedily s(izil by tho hungry penpl, ami so animating was tho report of thn purveyor) that soldiers one and all clamored to be led away that af ternoon." Life Without Food. Tim woNDr.nrui, rxisTr.Ncr. and Intel- i.ioi:ncf. of moi.lii: fanchiiu ninf. YrlAllS IN A TKANCTJ AN EXTRA- oitniNAL'V sr.vrr.Mr.XT MAiir. uy dp.. ciiAKi.r.s i:. wr.sT. Miout four weeksago there was published in the columns of the New York Herald an account of the extraordinary existenco of Mis Mary J. Fancher, of Hrooklyn, who ha subsisted vv ithotit food for many cars. The publication attracted considerable at tention nt the time, an I the following a Idl tional evidence bearing on tho case, given bv Dr. Ohar'es K West in a "Herald" re porter, will he of peculiar interest ; Dr. Vest said : I first lwatue acquainti-d with Mary J. Fancher, kiimvu ns "Mollie" Fan cher, Septenihe 10, 18(10, She wa then four teen year ol aj;eiud wa brought to lirook ly ii Heights Seminary, of which I am the proprietor, by her aunt, Mrs. Croby. Sho wa a beautiful girl of delicate constitution, gentle and very pleasing, a fine scholar, nnd was about ready to graduate when I advised her to leave school on account of her health. Sho left in April, ISO!, nnd took lessons In horse-hack riding. Unfortunately sho was thrown, and had two or three of her rib bro en. She sin otherwise badly injured, but recovered ulliciehtly, however, lo git about nirain. Jn IstiO she met with number accident. On stepping from a street car in Hrooklyn her skitt was caught and she ivn dragged over tint pavement a block, liy this accident her nervous sjstem was so shattered J Ih..ll,n nov-.r rera.VHre, from it. itr.-ets. tbe earlv t.tirt of 1S.M she would throw her self into all sirtsot contortions. She would bring her head and feet together and roll over the lhe tin .r like a hoop. She would atm.,1 nn her tne mid .nil, lite a t. I.. This wa in the month of February. When in ll.t. violent stslrt il. wnnhl renllire several w,ih i,r nnrin. iht month she lost all her seLses, even the senseof Innr-h Sin. wnslhen niven chloroform relax her jaws so that she could take food, which wa forced down her throat, but her stomach would not benr it, In May of the same year she asked for food. A small piece of cracker and a tea spoonful of punch were given her. This wa the first food she had taken in seven weeks that she vvns able to retain on her stomach. She lost her speech that same , e, i- . ii lil.iiiiii, duo . it-, i cu in umins iiuiiiik this period, They would come and go, and when in one, she wa, tn all appearance, lead, In Juno nourishment was forced by t pump into her stomach, which made her leadly sick. A a result her throat closed, and she wa unable to take any nourishment " " ' , , a"nCt Ue rC"U"y oruttcr a sound. For twelve jenrssho ha liuj' hM a Aown r,,'.v ir0" ' ' t'1" bot lalniu one position, for nine vear iu Iho t'" ' the Urluklug veel, will nervo this rigid or paralyzed state, her niu.clesouly re laxlng when uuder tho influence of chloro- form. For the last threw years her Iiuvm been in a fUxible state. Her suffering while passing into this new condition extraordinary. During this long slckne there have been time when the had not uso of one of hci senses, For days, she been, to all appearance, dead, lhe slightest pulse was not detectd. There the water is fbangeil every dnv, Otherwise was 110 evidence of respiration, Iter, limbs I' "ill quickly make their drink oOenslve to wero a cold as Ice, and had it not been for 'hem espeel illy In hot weather. Poultry some heat la the region of her heart she W'uild. would havo been burled. During these - - 1 twelvo years sho bus virtually lived without It wn 11 .covr red nt the polls of a town.' food. I'ieces of fruit and water have O, Introduced into her mouth, but scarcely 01 iuem mane their way to her stomach, RATES OF ADVERTISING. J MCI. lu. In. ill. en. 11.60 .W1 15 00 4.(0 6.10 l.tsl 4 .Ml T.00 11.00 T.oe (.w) U.oi fM 10.MI 1B.'I IT. 9iO it.m 1S.I. to.i !3.t One Inch ti.oo Two Inches . ... 8.00 Three Inches . ... 4.10 Inches f.()0 usrter column , coo all column 1n.no ls.oo I mo tr..oo (0 Oil column ...... .oo ts.oo to.oo to.tu HO.I. Yearly Advertisements natablo nnarterV. lr.li stent advertisements must lie paid for before I nseitcu except where parties hare accounts. lual adertl.emenlstwodollarterlncnrortnr.B Insertions, an altliatrate tor .ddmonallnrertlogs without refcrcr.ee to length, Enecutor's, Anlnlstrntor's and Auditor's tiottfO three dollars. Must be paid for when Inserted. Translentor Local notices, twenty cents alii regular advertisement half rates. Cards In tho "fiuslness Directory" column, cut doUar per year for each line. sen.lllvo I this organ that It would not re tain anything. With the) exception of slight intervals she has been totally blind. Her eyelids vvero closed for nine years. When she passed from the rigid to the limp state, her eyes opened nnd remained staring. On the 1'ourth of July last the eyelids closed again and have remained so to the present time. When I first law her she had but one. sense-that of touch. With that shn cou'd read with five lime the rapidity of any one by eye'slght. Sho read by running her finger over the printed page ns well in dark ness as In light. With this sense sho could discriminate lhe photograghs of friends, tho faces of persons in tho room, &c. She never sleeps. Sho does her most delicate work In the night, preferring night to day, Her rest is taken In the trance state, which answers for sleep. Sho performs none of tho ordin ary functions of life unless it be that of breathing. Sho receives nothing and gives out notliingj miles it is insensible preiplra tion. Her circulation of blood Is sluggish, and, as n consequence, there is very little nn- imal boat. She sho says she cau not die. such, in brief, is her bodily condition. 1 o me her mental st Un . mnro extrordin- arr than her physical. She has the power of second sigh'. Ad places are all alike open to mental vision, distance interposes no bar rier. No retirement, however secluded, but yields to her penetrating vision. This pow er of course. Is confined to objects and pei- sons that interest her. She will visit the lamilv circles ot her friend lu distant towns .mil tell what they are doing and describe their personal attire. I'ersons entering the home of her aunt, whether acquaintances or :rangers, are instantly rccgnizd. ny ar ticle which ha been mislaid she sees and tell where it cm In found. She dl'crimin a c the most delicate s'ta.ks of color. She works in t mbruiderv and wax without any pattern. Her wax timer uro models of beauty. She never studied b ituny or took u lessou in wax-work, and yet she never tnskes mistake tn the form of a flower or leaf. AVtc 'ark Herald Cluneal: butties The compression of ladles' feet to less than h .it ihtir natural si.e i not to be regarded a a mark, or ns a ennsrqueuce, of tho infe- nnlyni tl-9 sex. It i really n mark of euiiulY. VariuUs accoun's nre given nf tho origin of this custom. One is, that an em peror w ps jealous of hi wife, nnd to prevent iirilr.m (.adding abroad, put her feet in iron stocks. Another J, that a certain em-ri-s Tan ke(B. n 1 100) was born with olub f. oi, an I tn it s'ia caused the emperor s-u. i . od ct adopting her foot as the modi I nf bi mill slid requiring the compress ing ot leoiale infants' feet so as to conform to the imperial standard ; while a third ac- ccounti that the Enpercr Ls yuu (A. D., 001) wa mniKiu himself one day in the p slice, when it appeared to him that be niinlit inuir-ivi! tho fett of a favorite concu hine. He cusmiI her feet to be so bent as to raise 'Jje ni-ti p into nn tin b, to Ksernble the new iiionii. The figure wa much admired by the courtier', who soon began to intro duce it it, their tamillis, It I slid that ait'itiii-r eiiipHiur, 200 yeais later, placed a stamp.nf the loltu llower (water lily) on the leof the small shoe of hi favorite coucu- bine, so that nt every step she took sho left on the ground the print nf the flower : hence, girls with small feet are compliment ed nt the present day a ''the golden lilies." The operation of bandaging nnd compressing tho feet is very pninful ; children cry very much under it. MortiCcation of the feet has been known to result from tbe cruel prac tice. Custom, however, imposes it as a nec essary attraction iu women. An old gen tleman at Canton, being asked tbe reason why he bad bandaged his daughters feet, re plied that if she had large feet sho could not make a good marriage. hat Law Can Do. Four men in Indhi, partners in business bought several bales of Iudinu rugs, and also same cnitou bales That tha rats might not destroy lhe cotton, they purchased a cat j and each adorned with biul and other or- name' t the leg thus apportioned to him. The cat, by .vi accident, injured ono of its leg. The owner of that member wound around it a rag soaked iu oil. Tho cat, go ing to ) near tho hsirlh, sot thgraou fire. and, being iu great pain, rushed in among the cotton bales where she was accustomed to hunt rat. The cotton f.nd rugs thereby took fire and they vvero burned up a total loss. The other partie brought a suit to re cover the value of the good detroyed iigainst the fourth partner, who owned this particular leg of the cat. Tho Judge exam- d the cao and decided tliu : "The leg ,i.n, 1....1 t. . ii.i t. i . . .v.. II '"""" ,mt''Su" n was null, .a. - cuum u0 1,16 Ie8 ! ' UP " .eg aim ran wuii me otner turee egs. "B lureP """"" ""BV"ere" re' eu.1?8 "ro 1 ' ",0 . 1 ,uu nr !"".uu ' The 1 ",Jur"' " ulM lu uo '. t'ireo parsner who owned tho three Iegt with which tho cat ran to tho cotton will W "ie wl"'18 v"lu? '"' "'o bales to the part- '"'" wa the proprietor of the injured to lrK. L'"7'" " luillc for To Wis. Some kind of tonic in the drinking water f ,.f I..,- .1, ,.,1,1 ... 11,1., .. .t,i r .i. ... ... .,..,., -II...,,,, HV ...-, 'C1..'14 VI 11U l.l be Uted for their beuefit aud to aid their ligestiou. During the moulting proce'B ; aud while .i,u .,..,o ,.,,.,ii r .,i, t. . , ,, . , ... ,, ,. , lug though not actually diseased as some . . ,lmuu. i . ,1, r,, ... , guid and oimnitcd tijipearunce they are ouc of condition decidedly. Common tincture of Iron, a few drops ill ly, mixed with the fiesh water given them I - l'u"l,"" " 4V bit of asafectida secured within the m'-scles mntuln or bucket which they drink from, is very good. And In colder weather when wero the moulting time i passed A pluch of Cay- - s rune pepcr in lite water is desirable and ben- the cficlul, has Whatever Is used fur this purpose, it should be placul in their drink afresh, when been '"'I' l ewr county, alter connuerauj any voting had been done, that Iho election Bo m"" " '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers