THE COLUMBIAN. II 1, 0 0 31 K 11 1111(1, I'll I DAT. OCT, I, ls;j Hall Iloml Time Tnlilc. LACKAWANNA ft ULOOMSIICIK) ItAIL IlOA!) MIRTH. SOUTH. Accommodation Trstn, A, 51, soua.m. Mali Train USA.M 4.43 l'.N Etpross Train t.f.T 1 HI. 11.4? A. M OATAWISSA HAH, UOAU. NOKTlt. SOl'TIt Accommodation Train n.s A. Jt. t,m p.m. lletfiilir Rxprcss M V. ,M. 11.41 A. M. Through care on Kxprrammln either lo New York or I'lilUdelpliln. Accommodation train runs between Cituwlssii and Wllllainsport, II. 1'. Vmnultn Is our aiitliorizeil collector f"oiiit solicitor, lie. I visiting nilitlilmrliift vll- now, unit e.tllihs: on subscribers who are in sricars for a year or more. Ills receipt are Minting on tliu proprietors. Wo liopo our MeMiiI will be prepared to Rcltlo evlun lie calls. SuWripllons can lie pilil hero In produce. Our collector will take cali only, tf Try AlhYO All Coflia at Conner's. '!(id the L'tiflnefs loenls this week. II. C. liiltenbeneler nnd Nebraska. wife liavu fjono to l'elcr Iterelie. was in town on Weilnoselay In terviewing soma of the Greenbick canillel.itcs. Treasurer McKeynolels and William Krick. liium, County Clerk were In Harrisburi; on of flcial business this week. New windows and fiamss are to be put in the Lutheran church at this place. PAY YOUlt TAXKS A FTElt SATUIt. DAY IT Wllil- HE TOO L.VTK. Main street in Scott (own has been uiucli im pruved by raising the middle of the road, and making a good road bed, Do no1 fall to examine the fine stock of Haul ware, Cutlery, Paints, Puinpi, Ac, of J. Schuy ler & Son, when you attend the fair next emk Over 600,000 bottles of Dr. Hull's Cough Syr up arc sold every season, anil thoiisatuls of per sons saved from an untimely grave. After this week James lteilly the barber will reduce the price of h.Mrculling from 20 cents to 15 cents, lie will give you the best cut for the Iiast money, to be bad in Columbia county. A. B. Tate editor ol the Star of Hone, of Wil- -Jiatnspeirt delivered an interesting lecture at the Gopel Tcmperanco meeting on Tuesday even ing last in the Lutheran church Itollins k Holmes will have a fine display of ranges, sloves, gas and steam filling, tinware, monuments, mantels he, at the Fair next week. Stop and sec il. o Tbo Baptist congregation of llloomsburg hav ing leaed the table on the b'air Grounds will he prepared to servo wnrfn meals at all hours during the Fair. We hope that Mr. L. Ilernhard our popular, walcb maker and jeweler will exhibit some of his fine watches at the fair next week. If lie docs, they will be worth looking at. Philip V. Weaver, E"(., lias been admitted to practice in the several Courts of Luzerne county. Sir. Weaver's many friends in this section wish him success in his profession. .Mrs. Pettlt of Philadelphia, sister of Mrs. D. J, Waller, Sr., died suddenly at her homo on Tuisday morning last. Mrs. Petlit was the last surviving sisler of Mrs. Waller, two others hav ing died within a short period. WhydoRO many parents think children trail ble'ome? because they cry; and why do chil dren cry? becaii'o they suller. Dr. Bull s l!iby Syrup will relievo at once all pain that Baby hood is subject to. The Kescno Hook A Ladder Company pro pose giving a danco in Kvans' Hall on Thurs day and Friday evenings during the Fair All aro invited as no invitations will be is sued. John Cain, a well known and highly esteem ed citizen of Stony town died on Sunday morn ing last. Ho bad been an invalid for some time. Tbo funtral look place on Tuesday after noon and was very largely attended. The notorious Jack Thompson alias Craw, ford was arrested on Tuesday last by Chief Sterner for drunkenness nnd fat driving. Af ter several hours stay in (lie lock up ho was tiken before President Herring and elischaig cil. In spito of flannels, coughs and colds will make a lodgment in the system. Hut they are nut tenants at will. You can dispossess them with Hale's Honey of Hurehmmd and Tar in less time than it takes a sheriff to execute a writ Sold by all druggists. Pike's toothache drops cure in 1 minute. The foun lalion or corner stone of the Baptist Church now in course of erection at lierivlcli was laid by Kev. O. M. Sprutt, D. D of Phila delphia, on the afternoon of Friday, the 27lh ult. Itevs.T. E. Clapp.of Williamsport, Jamn Dickson, of Berwick, S. M. Ziegler, of Lewi burg, and others took part in the services. The addresses were eloquent, the singing good, the prayers earnest, the contributions cheerful. The Great Moral Drama entitled "The Wine Cup or the Tempter and Tempted" will be pro duced October 10, 11 nnd 12 at Danville Pa, for the benefit of the Blue Itielge Temperance Society of that p'acc. This play is Raid to stir pass any that lias ever been placed on ihu luge in this vicinity, requiring over one hundred ladles and Gentlemen to fill the caste. Clarence Keller, havlni! been in this office Mor the past four years, has finished his appren ticediip, and become a full Hedged "jour." Ho will remain in this office for a short lime, but Is ready to accept a position elsewhere. Mr. Keller is a young man of excellent habits, nnd Is a first clas workman, Any office securing his services as a journeyman, job printer or lo' cal edllor will draw n prize. We regret that we are not in n situation to retain him here. A goat has taken possession of an island In "an l'ranricq Bay at leat the Aocs Letter says so-and practically isolates it from civill zation ly butting oil" everybody who attempts 'o land there. Thero is also a family living on l'i which lias displayed distress signals for weeks past, and Is supHned to bo starving to death, but no boat can go to its 8'!lance. On the other hand telescope in- veal the fact that the only boat on the island Is ijing on the beach, with its bottom stove in by 'he goat. The matter has betn before tbeSu IWisors three times, but they have been una m to decide what to do. The cost of living Is even less now than Ik '"re the war, Units are even lower than In l&Gl, and many articles of dally consumption rre never n less price. Flour, prior to (he 'Ullton, brought $6.60 a barrel, and is the ""no price to day. Molasses sold at 531 cents. id now sells at 65. Butter was a trifle under loe present cmotallon dilleo In 1801 averaged cents, and is to-day 20 tents, Hams were ; against 101c, at present price. Fuel low ow lower than then, nnd the average for coal ir 1878 is less than ever, It has touched $3 tr ton, while before the war It averaged $6 60, (.id In 1825, 1837, ami 1EG5, could not be had tesa man $iu. HKNATOlltAL CONFEltBNCE. The Democratic Senatorial Conference for "Is district, composed of Columbia, Lycoming, Montour and Sullivan counties met at Wil Hm.poit lal Tuesday lo nominate a candldalo lor Mate Senator. The conference wis held In io Coun Ioiho nd was organized by the elec-ionofl- lMkelcrE-,,., Chairman and O. II. lleiglmrtl !,,, Secretary. The following Is a list of conferees. Columbia-l:. It. lkeler.Gco. E. Elwell. LMomlng-0. II. Itelglnrd, II. H. Blair. -Montour-J. It. Phillip,, K0,ett tWi Hulliv.w-l:. It, Jackson, J. (). Wright. Noinlnallons being In order, Mr. Phillips mined Tl.oe. fjlislfint of D.nvlll.ij Mr. Jack sen named Geo. I). Jackson of Sullivan; Mr, Elwell named E J, Mctlenry of ColiiinbH, and Mr IJIalr nannd John Pint of Lycoming. I'he first six billots UmI two votes u piece for each of the four cindid.iies, I'm.,! that up to the 20lh ballot there was a little caused by Monlout and Lycoming voting (or each other's candidates, Mcllenry and Jackson each receiving two all the (line. After the 20th bal lot an adjournment was had until 2 o'clock p, m. In tlio afternoon the balloting was (ha same, and the 30lh ballot resulted in two votes apiece for each of the candidate. At -1J o' clock there was another adjournment until 7J In the evening. Geo. K. Elwell being obliged lo go home, Frank Wolf was substituted. In iheevcning session ten more ballots were had without accomplishing anything, and the conference adjourned until Wednesday morn ing at 9 o'clock. Latkst, October 3d Xoon. A dispatch iust received from Wlllianisnorl states that one hundred and sixty-six ballots have been had, and no choice yet. PAY YOUR TAXES. AFTEH SATUIt. DAY IT WILL BE TOO LATE. .The Greenback Conference for this Senatorial ilUtrict was to have been held at Williamsport last Tuesday, and delegates were present Irom all the counties but Columbia, A. C. Smith nnd his conferees claiming that there was n misun lerslanding as to the time. It was therefore postponed tinlil Thursday. We noticed that two leading Republicans of this town went to t ll I lam - port on Tuesday. At Danville they were joined by Captain Lovett and others, and 'it Williamsport were met at the depot by Peter Herdics mm Friday, "Thode" Hill, nnd all were taken in Herdic's carriage to the Herdie House where the Clmenbackers had their bend juarters. This means simply that the ltepub- licans are endeavoring to arrange a fusion lick' et with the Greenbackers on the Semlorsliip, and Cameron is at the bottom of it, hoping t secure a vote lo help him back to the United States Senate, James Herdie a nephew of IV lei's is the proposed candidate for the fusion ticket. Whether the arrangement can be ef fectul or not remains to be seen, but if it is, th chairman of the Columbia rounty Republican Committee had better call In bis issue of $1000 reenhacks that ho has been circulating so free ly, nnd stop making fun of the National party. The Republicans may have to sleep with Btrange beil fellows before the cami aign closes. Just think what a harmonious crowd Smith and Or vis and the Republican would make workin; together for the success of a Greenback Repub lican Senator 1 The 5Stb Annual Session of the Xorthumber land Baptist Association was hehl last week in the Bloomsbiirg Baptist Church. Kev. E. C, I Iouck, Moderator ; Oeorge S. Banger, Clerk. Thirty-eight churches presented the annual tatement of their condition. We gather from these letters that a healthy state prevails, but that no large increase in membership has been njoyed. It is also apparent that the financial listress so general throughout the Slate has not eft these churches unscathed, Slill the letters ire hopeful as to the near future. In the evening of the first day Rev. G. M. Spratt I). D. preached the Introductory Sermon lo a crowded house, and was followed by two iddresses Ihe first by the Rev. Thomas Swalm D. I)., Secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and the second by Rev. L. (1- Beck, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Baptist General Association, On Thursday morning a business meeting commenced at 9J o'clock, and during its session the body listened to an adelress by Rev. A. P. Bell, I). I)., of Lewlsburg, urging the claims of the University at that place1. At 11 a. in, Kev. ,T. M. Williams preached tho usual doctrinal sermon theme, the "Atonement. In the evening a general meeting devoted lo religious work was held. It was of deep inter est. The Ministers of other Denominations were present, some of whom participated in the services, em i-riday business 01 a general char acter was transacted, and the meeting closetl with a spirited conference and prayer meeting. It is quite evident that this Denomination is a live bodv and intend business. For many years past they have been gaining ground year ly, and as they possess a fair share ol wealth, social position, and a Ministry well trained, it is epiile clear Ihey will he a power in the future in the four Counties in which they are chielly located. These Counties are Northumberland, Lycoming, Union and Columbia, S. Catawihsa Ri:v(ii,ts Ahainst the Rino, Post-Master Willils of Calawlssa on account of increasing age and infirmities, concluded recent ly to res'gu his responsible imsition. Among the anxious patriots willing to fill his plate was Calvin Clark an estimable and competent gen tleman who was endorseel by the boily of the Republican party, Ju-l at this point Mr. Ilicklev, "wich is post-master in Bloom-burg," and general manager of the Republican parly in this Ceitinty, steps in and indicates to Hayes' ebel General lW-Ma-ler General that Dr. L, B. Kline should have the coveted position, and lo nnd behold, Kline got the commission. That caused a rumpus in Calawlssa, An indignation meeting win at once called, and, headed by the Bind, parade'd the streets. Resolutions were passed denouncing the outrage, and a committee was appumlcd to see Cameron, Well, by expe rience we know that Beckley and Cameron carry their grbts to the same mill. Still we await levelopments. A stable belonging to Mr. O. C. Sharpies', Calawlssa, was destroyed by fire last Monday bet iveen 12 and 1 o'clock. Had thero been any wind at the time it is possible that n number of Iw.dlings would also have burned in spite of Ihe cfljrts of the citizens lu save adjoining prop' erties. The little hand engine was on the scene uml "sipiirled" nobly. With a people like Cat awissi possesses, steam firo engines are of small consequence, as every cituen is n whole lire company within himself. The firo was caused by a little sou of Mr. Hiarpless who helped himself to some matches and went Into the sta ble to play. He says he got cold and built a little fire with some hay to warm himself by. The result Is alre'ady known, Xo Insurance, CutawiMi Item, The Columbia county Fair will be October 9, 10, 11 and 12. The managers have made the most complete arrangements and have pro vleled a very liberal premium list. They havo numerous ussurances that this will bo the most successful fair ever held In this county. The Keystone Tournamcntof Danville will give one of their matchless exhibitions on Thursday and the programme for Friday and Saturday can not fail lo please. M. W, Nuss, Secretary, Wantkii, Chickens, potatoes, Hour, oats, any kind of farmers' produce laken on subscrip lion at highest market prices, We make Ibis oiler to take pay in produce for the accommoda tion of cur subscribers. Wo prefer cosh. tf iOOLUMBIAN AND WKATIIKIt 11KV1EW FOB SKlTEMDKll. The following Is tbo meteoroloelcal mmmur at Calawlssa for the month of SeptcmUr, 1878 J complied from observations by W. (1. Ycttcr. ilaromelio pressure Illohest readlnir on the 2Slh, 30.50 Inches; lowest reading on the 13lh, 29.5S Indies; monthly mean Inches; monthly range 0.02 of an Inch. Tempernturo of tbo air Highest reading on the 18th, 85 degrees; lowest reading on the 23th, 39 degrees; monthly mean or average for the month C degrees ; monthly range 40 de greets; greatest dally range on the 18lh ami 23d, 20 degree's ; least daily range on the 6lh, 8J ilrgree". Moisture Mean relative liiimblily 77 per cent ; nuiuber of davs on which rain fell 11; amount of rii'n fall .100 inches. Wind The prevailing wing was from the south we st and the highest hourly velocity dur ing I he month was 30 miles from ll i c southeast on I lie I3th Inst, Miscellaneous Phenomena Thunder storms occurred on the 3d, 4th and 5lh J frost on the 23d, 27th and 2Slh the former being the first of the scaon in this vicinity. PAY YOUIi TAXES. AITEB SATUIt DAY IT WILL BE TOO LATE. TUB TltAlin llOIXAUM. The trade dollsrs evblch weigh 420 grains now pas for only ninety tents in most parts of our country. The legal tender dollars, however which weigh only U2i grains, pass for their lull face value. The trade dollars were coined by the Government, In pursuance of nil act of Congress, which made them legal tender "for any amount not exceeding fie dollars In any one payment," As the law made the silver dollars containing lli'J grains a legal tender for an unlimited amount, the money speculators have combined to depreciate the valuo of the trade dollars, and they have succeeded in reducin them to rinety cents. Even postmasters anil other government olhcials refuse to receive them nt par. The government having coined the trade dollars, and made them a legal tend er for a limited amount, it certainly seems a little queer to see its officials refusing to take them for their fsco value. It is to be hoped that when congress meets these trado dollars will be made a full legal tender (lie same as the 412 grains dotlar. Monitor, THE CAT MKN'S CONVENTION. We can see senile pleasure-, if no reason, in the convening of a beby show, but we confess wt could never see the slightest cause, reason able or otherwise, for a fat men s convention, unless it be the fact that misry loves com pany. For fifty or a hundred men, whose sev eral weights range from two hundred to three hundred pounds, to hold a e-ouvenliou simply because ol mi ininli surplus avoirdupois, is al. surd to say the le.i-t. It beeoui--s dniihW so when we relict lint eiliesily is a diseas nai wouni we Hunk ol as many persons emu eiated tiy consumption holding a convcnli'jri to comp ire their relative weights. There is but one groin il upon which we would advocate an other fat men's convention, and that is that they will meet to discuss the merits of Allan's Anti rat, the only known remedy for obesity. It is safe and reliable. Sold by druggists. John McAnall Esq., of Berwick died sudden ly on Saturday morning last of Pulmonary Ap oplexy, in the sixty third year of his age. He nwoke in the morning in his usual health, but was seized with violent coughing, before leav ing his bed. He arose soon after, and evhile at breakf.i-t the coughing returnid nnd a blood vessel was rupture-d, cau-ing iiMant death. Mr. McAnall was a prominent citizen of Berwiek, and enjoyed ihu respect of all who knew him He had been jusiico eif ihe p lace since 18C4,inil was Burgess of the town nt the time of bis death. The Iron Building and Loan Association of Bloomsbiirg P.I., will 1 barge full value for all new slnies of sloe-k i-.siiid by them after their next regular meeting S iturd.iy October 19, 1S78 In (his association withdrawing stockholders aro entitled to receive after the tlo-e of the lir-t year the amount actually paid in on Ihe stock together with ten per cent, per annum of the net profits for each year the association 111 ly ave been in operation after the first year fit time of such withdrawal. E. R. Drinker, President; J. J. B.-ower Treasurer; and Paul E. Wirl, Secretary, New York city is agitating the subject of a grand world's fair as a centennial celebration of the inauguration of Washington, the first Pre si- lent, to be held in 18S9. As our centennial was so fruitful with good ivsiills lo our manii factoring industries, ue- having since exported goods to parts of the world in evbii li our prod ucts h el e hitherto iiiikioun, we say, by .ill means let us have I'liolher lug lair. I.VDV DnuiTll'lEH. La lies, you cannot make fair skin, rose- cheeks mid spjiUling eyes with all ihe cosmef ics of Frtiiii'e, or beuutltii rs of (ho world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such gocnl health, strength and beauty as Hop Bit ters. A trial is certain proof. Sje another column. 1 had a severe attack of e hills and frver. 1 tried quinine, arsenic, and every remedy that 1 could hear of. (7i7m' PdU and Linimeid made a complete cure of me, Mr. Bu'Kwlut, Demist, 22 E.IS'. Fiirlr-liirl street ANOTItElt (llt.VM) VIUTOItV. The While Sewing Machine wis awarded ihu diploma for (he best sewing maihiiie at the Riiiglo-vn fair September 20, 1S7S, over the Singer and Weed, Call and examine the While before purchasing. J. Sillier, general agent ; olliee at J. K, Eyers store-, Main siruet Blooms burg, Pa, Sept 27, '7S 2w. Wiiei'e 'fin (Ires un t'uuuil. Tin is 0110 of tho earliest metals known, which is etmtiary to what, not many years nco, was tho general opinion ol'scicnliiii! men. Tno rcscaiches, however, which within tho last twenty years, have been instituted with regard to tho earliost traces inhabiting Ku rope, havo conclusively shown that weapons and implements of bronze (in alloy of tin ami coppe'rj were probably tho metallic aiticles earliest in use, after tho?oconipood of copper alone, and before tho introduction of iron. In tho curious 'Mako dwellings" discovered in .Switzerland, not only bronzo implements, but bars of pure tin havo been di-covei cd. Tlio propoittou nf tin varies from four to twenty per cent, about twenty per cent being the most common, Tho principal present sources of tin arc,lir.stCornw.i!!,wlicte it is now almost exclusively procured fiom tho mines instead of wahiiig, or ''stream work ;" second. Saxo ny or Bohemia in small quantities, and exclu sively from mines ; thinl, Banca and other islands of tlio Malay Archipelago, the Malay peninsula, as well as paits of ll.ndostau nnd llurmali ; all the productions from theso now furnishing the greater part of the tin com mcrco known generally us "Straits tin," being derived from stream works: fourth. Now South Wales, Queensland, and other parts of Australia, together with Tasmania, Spain, Ho livia and .Mexico, also furnish (or havo lately done to) wtno petition of tlio commerce. Green laud, Japan, 1'inlatiJ, Siberia, Ice lain, nnd Mudogascar and bouia other localities have also yielded tiu in greater or less quantities. SELLERS' LIVER PILLSi I ti. tyd aU dtrmicmibU af lbs Llt.r It. ad 1 -'Biiitrr 1.0 .r ru,cur4 rover Llttr Cvwpltlol, i F Hftttlnion,. " I Cka raniuDDe H-llara' Stlla 1 T blcS euUMllvil iBfl40ult mark AoJr.aa 1 F Tbaj L,iaTedfeui,Jrd,tliullimlB4scUieat.llla. I ' Tboa Adam. Blx SauJr. kauiuekf. Srlaa lid. a rSol. Suld brail Pruial.uand eauulrjr Stars Kaau,a,l II K 8KLI kkS CO.. Srapa. eitlaburab. Sa. aprlv, Wy" e o wi DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tho Telegraph auil other KepuMican news papers nro laboring very liarel to pcrsuado tho ex-Republicans who liavo joined tho Grew backers to return to tho Hopublican party. Democrats who Imvogono into tho Greenback organization should keen an eyo on tlio move ments of Republican polilicans who tiro less to bo Grconbackcrs. Tho tiurposo of tlio latter l.s lo leavo tho Orcnback organization nt tho last moment ami to taka a tunny cx-Ilopuli-licnin back to their old parly as possible, Tho -";"" MiMiiiuiiKij e.-Aio-uM ems uesigei on tlio part of tho Hcimblican emissaries in the Greenback camp, lct no Democrat permit iiimseii in mi cuc.itcii ny sucu tricKcry.-r-rhbnrg Patriot, 1110 warning does not como n day loo early. Tho ftunvcnicnts offlio leading Orecbackcrs nil show that il is (ho Democratic; party tlioy lestro most tn mime, and they tnnynrore it in tho last moment by a bargain with iliu Itcpul-lican- leaders. There is only one saf placo for all who want a icturu to economical govcrment and better times, and that is tho Democratic party. Exchange. "It Is a mistake," says Ex-Governor Sey mour, of New York, "to siipposo that our bonds aro mostly held by capitalists. Largo sums belonging to children nnd widows, un ler tho order of Courts or tho action of trustees, havo been invested In Government bonds. The vast amounts held by firo nnd lifo Insurance companies nnd savings banks arc in fnnt held in trust for and aro the re- Banco of tbo great body of nctive business or laboring men or women. Tlio wholo amount held in thostatoof Xew Y'ork, In tho various forms of trust, will not tall be low $200,000,000. If we look Into other States we shall eeo that only n small sharo of these bonds aio held by men known as capitalists, but they belong in fact, if not in form, to tlio business men, the. ac tivo and tho laboring classes of society. Tho destruction of these securities would make a wide-spread ruin and distess, which would reach into every workshop and every district bower humble. A Dublin critic reviews 11 book, and then says in n postscript : "'Passages that I con sider to be unsuitable for tho perusal of little boys nnd girls aro to bo found in pages CI, 03, 04, 133, 1 17, 143, 151, ICC, 221, 223. 212, 213,314,313." Littlo boys and girls will thus bo saved much trouble. UII1IT)A T.1";. "! Kidney U IV H feSB compound , It lias been B H 0 tefurotliopabllciioyeam ana useei tr an claaaes. REMEDY ilU.tT'H .IKMEIiy htUS&TOli from tinrrcrlno' dlHc&Bo and death hun dreds ho lima been , BlVen tin hV .htafflana 1 to die. 1 raiti of itV-Wfl llRMEl! uren i nil 1)1- I tho Kidney ! ltjAddrr, and Urinary lropav, Gravil, DUbrtcp. a appetUet braces Hp the Bytem, and renewed health a ChftrcBalt., IllNT'H'llK.'ilEliV cure 1-aln ioiuriiiiicH or i.iiuii, upnrrui ur mi ll Jlritann. lllJ.NT'fH UKMEIHV In purely Tcge PMl'llc. and the utmnt .reliance may do placed In It. ritlHIY for Ihn bote fliaeatei and h a uorer boon k la prepared HX HUNTS Knnnn id tail One trial will con- bend 'tor pamphlet to REMEDY WM. V. CLATIKP. rnovtUEiCE.!!. I. Marriages. i)EHNIN(lElt-KlEFTEIt.-.n Denton township on tlee aotli lust , by Hev. II. S. Mcnelenliall, Mr. Samuel V. llernlnfrer ot Kohrstmri; to Miss Itetiecca KleTer of Ktijomsburtr. Deaths. MllOtnt. In Flshlogcrcek on the If.itli lust., Mr Peter Jjeuour, iibccI 81 scars, a months and 10 eljys. M A1UEIREP011'C3. IlLOOMSHUKG JtAKKKT. Wheat per bushel . jo Itie ' 5, Corn, new, " mi oats, ' " u Hour ner barrel c .nil cioee-rseea M.ese't'd l.M lltitUT vo Heirs u Tallow m Totatocs ail Orlcet Apples n Hums is Miles &bboulelcrs 1, Lard per pound es iiiey H.r eem B.eiei lioeswax 25 Timothy been 2.eai t;euiAiiu.s iuk coal. No. 4 on Whart i 3,im per Ton NO. 5 " " t li.75 No. c " " t " Utacksmlth's Lutup on Whart t 3,iO " " imumlnons ' t4 vi A ItCMAItkAIILC UESULT. It makesi no difference how many Physicians, or bow much medicine you have tried, it is now an eetabllshed fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given complete sat isficlion in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persons who are prtelisposed to Throat and Lung Affections Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Severe Coltls se-ltletl on the llreast, Pneumonia,Wboop. Ins Cough, Ac, who have no personal knowl eelge of Hose hee's Oerman Syrup. To such eve woultl say that 50,000 dozen were snlel last year without one complaint. Consumptives try just one bottle, llegular site 75 cents. Sold by al Urugeists in America. Sept. 0 tf. IN THE WHOLE IIISTOHV op medicine, No prcpara' ion has ever performed such mar vellous cures, or maintained so wido n reputa tion, ns Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is rec ognized us the world's remedy fur all diseases of the tin out nud lungs. Its loig continued scrim of wonderful cures in all climates bus made) it iiuiecrsally known as a safe ami relia ble agent to employ. Against onliuaiy colds, which aro the forerunners of more serious dis finlers, it acts speedily and surely, always re-lie-eing hull'eritig, ami often saving life. The protection it nU'emls, by its timely use ir. the throat nud lung disorders of chihircn, make it an invaluable reineily to be kept nlwnvs on band in e'very home. No pe rson can nll'ord to Tjo without it, uml those who havo onco used it ne-ver eeill. I'rtuu their knowledge of its com nosition and cllccts, Physicians use the Cherry Pert oral exlensieely in their practice, and Clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely cer tain in its remedial effects, and will ftlivnjs curt) v, hero cures are possible. I'ou Sai.k hv all Dkalkhs. jl no 1. Business iNoticcs A 7Wje JMar will still buy n elollar's worth of Clothing at I), Lowenberg's. Parties wanting to get clear ot 7'raie; Dol lars can get full valuu in clothing for them ut I), Lowenberg's. WI.3TWAHD HO f WKSTWAISD II O I'arties going West will find it to their advantage to purchase their outfits of cloth ing, trunks, bags and satchels cheaper than ever ut 1). Lowenberg's. Kail styles of Worsted Coating-English Suitings just received at I). Lowenberg's. Tho latest Novelty In Hats. Call and see Tin: Uumian Hat just received at 1), Loweuberg's, KALI. HATS just received for lioys and Children at Lowenberg's' Men, l'oekct books in largo variety at Clark's Hook Store. Tlio disylay of Jewelry, Silverwaro Watch es Clocks etc., at 1', S, Itatos' is said by nil to bo the choicest lo bo seen in Hloomsbuig.He pairing isdono by him in tlio best luuuneraud ut tho lowest possible rates. Catton Flannel 7 W. Hartmau's. cents to 18 cents at I, The placo to get ojslers raw, stewed and fried is ut Oilmoto's. Visitors to. the Fair will find a nice room for ladies, where they can git a meal at small cost, and done up in any style. No one knows better than CJ II more how to serve the public iu his line. Dou't forget the place, Main street, oppo site 1), Lowenberg's. Clark k Wolf haves now tlnlr ilnff full find wlntet stock in store at prices lo meet Don't fall to call at I. W. llarman's lor cheap gooas during tho Fair. ''ni,'s '"tnWnation Specks' aro lliebcstnnd can bo had at Clark's Book Store). Try our il.Ildg'lnvc's'tTiebesrin town, at Clark & Wolfs. If you havo any tiling in tho shapo of Jew elry, Silvenvnte. t Clocks nr Watches that needs repairing, bring it alone when you como en eno 1110 fair next week imei get it repaired by P. S. Rale's, whodocssuch wotk at tlio low est rat';s, and insures it to give satUfactiou, Trade dollars taken V. C. McKlimcy's. for 100 cents nt Clark it Wolf, havo tou many goods to mention, Everybody Is invited to call to see ami buy, Lulz k Sloan have the largest and clicaprtt assortment ol Bliawis ever opened in liloouia burg. A big lino of Ladles', Gents, nnd Misses Hosiery anil underwear at Clark & Woll s, 25 pieces Flannel 12J cents to 50 cents at 1. YV. Jlartinan 9. A full Wolf's. stock of ladles' Shoes at Clark fc Wall paper and Window Shades at G. A. Uark s. Prices rcduccel. Try "Abovo All" ColTeo at Conner's. Corsets In all tho leading styles and prices at uiarK ev woll's. l'cns, l'apcr, Ink, Slates, Pencils, and every thing needed by School children at Clark s nook store. A largo line ol shawls, and skirts at prices 10 meet any, at uiark eY Woll's. Groceries of all Conner's cheap. kinds will be fouud at Waterproofs readvmaele nud water nroof cloltis very clieap at (Jiurk ex Wolt s. Tho larccst stock of Pocket Hooks in tho County at Clark s Hook fctore. Special bargains in Matalasso coatings. Heaver cloths, Caihuieres etc., at Clark Wolf.s. V. S.Iiatcs makes a Specialty of repairing Watches, Uocks Jewelry, silverware, or any thing ebu In his Hue ot business. Ho alway insures a first class job, and is prompt with his work. A large line of Ladies' ready-made Coats cheaper than ever al ejlark ec w oils. A new lot of Teas just received at Con ner's to be sold cheap. A largo line of fancy .epbyrs,sbetlaud wool, Saxony wool, etc., al bottom prices ui Clark & Wolfs. Tho Flench Crjstal Speck for two dollars. The best Auieiican f'peck lor one dollar, the Cheapest speck only twenty live cents all, for sale at Clark's Clark et Wolf are selling black and col ored Trimming Silks very cheap. Lulz efc Sloan havo ordered mora Dress Goods, Trimming Silks and other Goodi, to como iu tho last of this week. Speck's tor 25 cents at Clark's. Try our 50 cent syrup, tho best in town, half sugar, no acid, at Clark it Wolf's, School Hags and Straps, the cheapest made to bo had at Clark's liook Store. 'The best Cheeso always on hand at Con ner's. A store roemi HO feet deep chuck full of goods nt Clark & Woll's, To see is to buy. ' A very largo assortment ofScrap Pictures at Clark's liook Store. Lulz et Sloan aie selling nil colors of Left quality of Gennatitowii Wool for Scculspcr. ouncu. All tbo late'st'iinvelties iu Dresi Goods aro obc bud nt Clark et Wolfs. If you don't see what you want at Con ner's please usk for it. A full line of tbo famous llergmann zephyr8, canvass splints, mottoes, slipper, sofa anu chair patterns at Clark it Wolf's. Albums Clark's. for Kerns and Autumn leaves at Clark et Wolf are selling a good 10 inch brown Cashmere, all wool at SO cents ptr yard. You can pet J. k 1'. Coats lic-t Spool Co! toti ut Lulz e.V Sloan's for 5 cents a Spool. A Quarter team of good noto paper for thirty five cents at Clark V IKiok Stoic. Kid Gloves, Ties, Hows, Scarfs, Xetts, barbs, laces, Kuchings, Collars and culfsin endless variety at low prices at Clark et Wolf's. Good Japan Tea at 30 cents per pound at Conner's. All wool lilack Cashmere 3(3 inches evide only 4S cents per yard at Clark et Wolf's. Wheu you cmne to the Riir eh not neglect to stop at Caeliuan's and tec tho bargains in t lmtubcr Suits and all other kinds of Fur niture. DOMSIN'S IlLECTIUC SOAP. Haviug obtained the agency of this Cui.r.iir.AiT.D So.u for llloonisburg and vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our best'peoplo as to ils merits. "I have ut.ed Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I. L. Cragiu it Co., Philadelphia, I'ii,, lor washing about ten years, anil think' it superior to any other. Mrs. C. G. Ilarkley." "We have used Dobbin's KlectrieSnap and find it superior to uuy other or all others. Ji, rs, W, 11. Jaeesby, Mrs. 11.11. Stobner. I elesiro all my friends and customers to eiiee this Soap one Trial, kit that they may know just how good the ileal soap in tlio uutleel states Is. J. H. Maize, jtily ll!, 78-ly llloomsburg, Pa. PlanneN, blankets, prints, muslins, ging hams, tiekinir, shirtings, etc., just received at Clark .V Wolfs. Hoots and Shoe3 cheap at McKinney's. Crampton's Palm Soap is tho best laun dry soap in thlsor any other market. For nalo by Jacob II. Maize. mav 18-3ev McKinneys fcboo Store" below Ctiurt House. Try"ft-I!uy it Palm Palm Palm Soap At Jacob 11. .Maize's at Jacob 11, Maizo's. may 3-1 Sw A new lot of those famous Kighniie shirts at Clark et Wolf's. Itubbers at McKinney's. Crampton Itrolher's Palm soap at Jacob II. Maize's. It is the best. Try il. may 3-lSw Clark et Woll, are elling the best Ger mautowii wools made In this country. Noth ing made to eiptal them. Admission free afMckhiney'sT" A largo lino of silk and elienlllo fringes just received ut Clark et Woll's, Call at McKlnuey's for Shoes. Talbo linens, towels, nankins, dovles A-o just received at bottom prices at Clark ee',.ii.. Hoot headquarters at McKluney's. llig bargains in Canton Flauuels, Ul,link els, etc., at Clark et Wolfs. 1 A Lmh is-. "v:tWm tfmSBmtv ivKTiiKAiHii rii.M i & naMiiBi fa C- 3rr sftso--; itWtAF''-:---, . ..- ,.s? BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tllt; SCHOOL, as at present constituted, orcrs Iho very hest faculties for Professional and Classical lcarnlntr. sprint; eviiter. ".'"'u,"l"AlJac'ou3' 1UB ana coininouious ! comptca'iy Heated oy steam, w ell ventilated. IlKhted by iras. isie-uuon ne mniui, an.i ciy oi access. i eweuere otncncncca, cmclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thoroueli m n "'gjlf r.le",lct'!"1t0 all expectlns lo teach, btuacuts admitted al any time, lloolas rcscr ed vvlicn eleslrca. lnorouKu I. Moelel School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Acaelemic. II. Commercial. III. Course in .Music. IV. Course In Art. Tlic Momentary Sclyntlllc nnd flalcal roursos tWSlaWM I LV.V, e." V,l-J11"" "J iiinaii; s nigral, nftnd ftK td thSir M e is niSFSSnn 2 Tn u ,S,t rim, '1 cent and unicle' itnei ine-ir e.eienes. as stueie-nis, To all such It promises Calnloijuc. ailelri's. tho I'rtnclpal. IKIN. WII.I.IA.U i:i,Vl!l,l Pretltlpiit llonrd cp. s, -,et. A SSIGNEE'S SALE or VALUAiiii: REAL ESTATE ! TurHuant to an order of tho cmitt ot Common Pleas ot colli mbl-i county will bo sold on WEDNESDAY, OCTOIJEU 1G( 1S78, at 10 o'clock a. m by M, (J. Iluffhe asslrnco In trut for tlio hencilt of tho creditors of lille lirothers (Amos ItlltMind Mloner Illlc),tbo following described real estate, sltuato In the town of Caiawlasa, on houthnreot, tMjondcd as follows: on the east by hinds of .John (iliror, went by lands ot Mrs. II. Clark, on the north by lands or Dr. -I. Kubblns, and on tho bouth by .south htreet, whereon Is erected a KUAMK DWELLING HOUSE. Tho Raid property Is located In i ery desirable part ot catawls:i, thu house lslartro andcomentent, i'heruurea clniern aud other conveniences on the lot, tnirtthpr with all necessary outbuildings. The builtllnetHiiew. TKIC.MS OV HAI.K. Ten ner cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at the (striking down of the proiN-rty: tho one-fourth less tho ten percent at the coiiilrmatlon of Bale, and the rematnlnpthree rourthsln una jcur thereafter, with lnterebt from cuMiruiduuii niisi, M. o. liniUKS AnnoTr & Huawn, Asslffuecof llllo l.ros, Altornej h. bept w, H-ts PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE RF.AT, RSTATR. ! Tlio undcrslffned, oppolntea Assignee for the ben- cnt or tbo cmlltora ot 'ia, 8chu ler, w 111 sell at pub- He saIc on the premises, on Saturday, October 19th, 1878, at 10 o'clock n. m., all that certain LOT OF GROUND situate In the town ot OrangevlUe, county of Co!um bla, nnd htato ot rcnnsyIvanla,bounded on the north by lot of Low and Savage, south by I). K. Moan, on the east by Mil I strict, anil on the west by David Herring, containing one-fourth of nn acre, more or less, vrhe'reon Is erected a teeo story FUAMK DWELLING HOUSE, and other out-bultellngs. There Is an excellent well of water on the premises convenient to tho Kitchen door. TEl'.MS OK SALE. Twcnty-flvo per cent, to be paid st the striking itonn of property; twenty-llio percent. January 1st, IST0, and tho balance April 1st, 1679, when eleed nlll be delivered nnd possess Ion wllllsi gl-en. W. II. SMITH, Asslo-nco of Wm. bchujler. Sept, so, '7S-ts. excelsFoTdye TOIKS LEWISBURG, pa. WM. DAVIS, Proprietor. Vlss. M, Perrlcksnn, Notion anel Fancy ttore, llloomsburg, A gent. AM. KINIW OP (1ENTS (lAKVtKSTS CLKANEI) I)Vi;i) A Nil lMtKShKIl WITHOUT Itll'I'INU AND MAIIE TO LOOK ALMOST UejL'AL TO N13W. LADIES SHAWLS, CLOAKS, D.1ESS2S, SILKS OS IlIEBONS OLBANSED OS DYED AND FIHISIIED IN THE BEST MANNE 1. kiii (ii.ovin cr.i:.N-i:ii. Teathers Dyed nnd Curlcel In a sp'cnellel manner, ivclal attei.tlen to wholesale! goods. Price induced to suit tho times. Sept. 20, '.s-'.'m. in nnr ac.-hnt-. WANTi:ti. only thuse lyit'tiu ho i me'ieii liiKlneeSs and desire 10 iiiaku from s2 to Ml,", ner el.iy need apply. Se-nd 1 cent sUiinp for particulars ItHV. r. T. HICK, Milton, Isurlliuuibe'rIaiiJ Co., l'a, asic roit tiu: MANlTACTCftm) flV ,T. E. DAYTON & CO. AKT 3D 15. All gooils of their make are stiinipetl on the bottom. Sept. 2.), 'TS-Sin TUB Git BAT BNGLIrfH KBMBBY 1 OKAY'S SPE0JFI0 MEDICINE TRADE MAR Is especially recom-TRADE mark. Iili'liueu ie.s ten minimus- euro fur sem inal We'HklieSS.SpeT- iinilurrlieie, liniio tenej, unit allellv-ii- be'S, SIICll US 1.0S-, of niemeiry, Unlreri-al lassitude, 1'ielu m tlx, 1!.,, L- 111, till, s.s u oturc old Age, lend alter lakinr. many other diseases thatlcad to fnsanlty.coiismiip. ltouieiielR I'leinnturo eiraee, all nt ee lile'ii as a rule! urn Hrsteausi'il bj ileelatlng frum tin' inilinf imtuie leillieiVeT llliOllft'iaV. I HI" Jsi-viiif umieiiir it tier ri'siiltor a liremiudy ami many J ears ot eiivrlenee Ir, lr,..tllm. Ihok., .1. f?lll fltseaM-S. full n irllcul.irK In our pauiphle-ts.w inch e de-slro tOK-nei tree by niainoeierj unr. n't i, wrciM,. ii ,11, ln is su Ul hv al Ilrileelsts nt fl per pui'kige, or slv purkiu-es Ie.r fi, or eviil K' sent by malt on rercipt oi me iiionvy ny ueuiie'Njiug THK (IliAVMEllIl'INRCII., No. in, Mechanic's lllock, 1'i'irell, Mleli, Snlel lii liloeinsburg 1 V. A. hlelte.und tj all uru.'glsls eeerjwlieii'. Hauls a Keelrg, liolesale Agents, 1'lltsburg bept. c, 'is If Important to Lawyers, JustlevHOf Hie IVace, Consiubles, llM'CUtors. Ad mlnlslratoi'rj, liuaidlan, 'lownshlponieers, unel bus! wss men generally. We liae on hand a large assortment of le'gul bunksfur the use nf iter nejs, Jiisiice'Sflnitriin Ktable'8 blanks uf all kinds, Note and Kccctpl bjuks lur xv. I-KICK LIST. TTOHNE . 's'llLANKS. Precipe for Summons. " ' H. f-'a. " " ltulo lo toko Depositions. " choose! Aibllrutors. 1 cents apiece, er II.J4 per hundred. i'etltlon for Appointment of (luardtan. " ' iflallnn Ituluto take Deivisltlons. Nurr tu De'bt. wllli Cuufesslon, " Assumpsit. Mechanics I.l.ui. 4 cents each or 13.50 per hundreel. I'etltlon for sale uf Ileal kstalo s eents each. Jl'h'llLti'ls lIl.ANKs. Subpa-nas, Summons, Warrants, Kxecuilons,&Ofo 25 ciiia each. .eases 6 cents each limn He'i'fls lei Pareliniiiit Deeds 16 Agi'ieuuiils ... s 11 orphan's I'ueii t Sales vej lor 11 (si t'eiiisttible s salens , , . 8 cenu eaeli MoiiguKe and llond IS " M All kfiielsot Nolen 1 " ' lleevlpts. Notes, seliesjl orders, 1'oor Oiders, Store orde rs, neatly tumid, constantly on hand, or made to order on fcfioi I nutlce. Weaio picpare-dlo doneater ubeorkthananj other oiucolulhls county. HIIOI'KWV Kl 111, Kdllors nnd l'ropi letors , Of Uiel'OU'alBUN. llloomsburg, f'a I.AISK NOTKB.willi orwielicusimpuo. to'uvlo at the 0)ioiu eitiou. PA. aro IMtOFHssiONAL, anl HtudenU iraluatnir tbr-reln. rocelvn Slato Dlntomas conferrino the followln eira'duatisa?hCeelhu,;& and Hi"' ;ii'iitlllc ant Classical courses are not Inferior to Ihosu ot our best Collescs. n- 11 N ono ot 1110 Pr,m" M1 ot "ll9 Scl,uo1 1" help to secure-It. b 'i eH,,1JCIU, y?"n Sooel abilities nnd K.el ptirpose-s.-lheii, who desire tu aid la developing their powers, and abundant oppurtunltles for well paid labor alter leae IngSchool. For of Trtisipi-M- ADxMINlSTRaVTOIl'S SALE OF REfa ESTATE! The underelgneil AelmlnlstMtor ot Jijlin, late ot Ile'iitun toeenslilp.ile'ccassd, vUlp.ipose to public sale on llm pieiuNes on SATL'ltDAY, OCTOHEK 5th, IS78, at ten oc'lexk, a. m..the following l.tiT (if tlKOUNl) In Ilenton town'hlpbounejeil on the) norlli by lands ot Joseph Asn, fainucl Yost anel lian.el eiiultv n tho cast by land! of William Ipher.on tho south by luufl3 ot Jonas uoty, Illrnni Depcsi and John Karns, on tho west by lanels ot missel hhultz, conUeliilrig Ono IluiKlrciI ami Vo- r Acrcx more or less, on lilch Is i rected a FUAMK IIOUSK, IIAHN 1 anil other out-bulldlngs. Soldlsubject to tho paj mer.t annually or the) Interest ot the dower to the wl In v ot John Ue'lshllne and at her death to tho pajinent to thee hetrs. Tbkms of Sai.k. Ten per cent ot one-fourth of tho purchase money to be- paid at tho striking eln i ot the property, tho one-fourth less the ten per ee'lit at contlrmatlon ot sale nnil the- remaining three fourths In one thereafter with Interest from conllruiiitloii nisi. .i m. r.KisittiN'i:, W.J lllCKAl.r.ev, A'lialiiUtralor, Atfy. i.ji- IMatu. K-i.t. 13, 'IS-ts. QEXBUAI. KUXTION PltOCI-AMATION. I, JOHN W. IIOITMAN, High ShcrltT of To lumbli eouuty, elo hereby make know u and proclaim to tho tiuallUcd ele-ctors of Culumbla county that a general election Mill bee held on TUESDAY, THE FlfTH OI' NOVGMHKIt, 137S (being tho Tile's day neu following tho llrst MuaJay ot said month at tho seecral districts eelthln tho county, to wtti Beaier tonnshlp, nt tin' public houso ot Josei' h 11. Shuinan. lienton township, at the public nouse of lllram Hess, In the town ot llcntoii. Kast lUieO'n, at the Court House, In llloomsburg. West lllooin, at Ihe Court House, In llloomsburg. Horough of llcrnlck, nt tho storn ot John McAnall, In tho borougu of item lck. Horough ot centralla, ut tiu public house of Wil liam Pelfer. Hrlarcrcefc township, at the public school houso near Eeansellle. Catawlssa ton nshlp, at the public house of Samue Koslenbaudcr, In the town of calawlssa. Centre township, at tho school house near Latay ctto Creasy's. North Conynghain District, at tho school house near tho colliery of John Anderson A: Co. South Couynghain District, at the house of John Monroe. Hshlngcreek township, at the school houso near C. 11. White's. Franklin tnee nshlp, at the Lnwrcnco school houso. dre-emeooel toeenshlp, at the house of Joseph H. I'atton. Hemlock township, at the public houso of Chas. H. Dletterlch, In the town ot Iiuck Horn. Jackson township, at the houso of Ezeklel Cols. Locust township, at tho public houso of Daniel Kehres, In Nuir.e-lt.i. MlBiln tuwnslilp, at the public houso ot Aaron Hess, In the fovea of Mlflllnrtlle, Madison township. at the public school house In Jersi'j town. Mt. 1' township, nt the house of It W. Melllck. Montour township, at tho public house of ltcubea ' ltaucli, tit lluisTt. Main township, at the" public house ot Jeremiah E I.onge'nberger. roarlngcrcek township, at tho house) of John II. i KUnger. i oran' toeeushtp, nt the public houso or ll. ej, Conner In oraugee tile. line! township, at tho Centro school House, lately IKeel by a veite' tt tho clllens of said township. tu nshlp, nt the house of Allans Cole. seolt township, ut the public house ol Win. I'cttlt In Rspy. At eehlcli time unit plaevs the qualified electors ee 111 elect by ballot tho following btateand County oftteers, Wr: one ikTsiui for novcrnor ot Pennsylvania. Ono lersou tor Lieutenant Uoecruor of fciinsyl vanla. One js'rson for Supre'nie Judge ot I'ennsjkanla. Ono pi'ison for becie'tary of Internal Affairs of ronusjlvanla. t)uo ne-rsou tor Member ot Congress tcr tho Elee enth District. Ono person for State senator. Teeo iH-rons for Kepreseiit.itUes. One persem for Prolhoiiotory and Clerk ot tho Courts ot Columbia count). ono person for itcglstt-rund ltccordcr ot Columbia county. oneiHTson for Treasurer of Columbia county. Tlirco peisons fur ComiaUsloners of Columbia county. Iliiec persons furiMunty Aulltirs. lllsfuilherdlres-tedthat the eihction polls of the soe'craleltstrlcis bliall bo ojiened at seven o'clock In the forenoon, and shall coiiltnus oiwn Ithout Int er ruptlon or ndjuurnment until seeeno'eloe'k In tho c elilug ee hen I lie ikjIIs 111 be elosi'd. NtiTlt'B IS IlKllKllY lilVEX, Tliat e-iery pcrsoii cwptlug Justices ot the I'caco and Able run ti, Seilai.cs lubllc nnd l'ersjns In tlio mllltl.iscreti'n et tlio state, eeho sh ill hoM or shall within tevo mouths liaee held any e '"a or appoint ment of preiHt or trust iinde r the ITiied st.iU'S.or e t this state', anel city or corporate"! rtUtrlct, w he thcr a conimlssli'iie-d onicer or otherwise, a suborelliuw oille'i r or age nt who Is or shall lie emplojed uneler Ihi' legislature', i:ccutlee or .luellclary Dcparlme nt uf Hits Mate, nr ot any city or ct any Incorporated ellsirlet, and also, that every memU-r of ceengress uml ot tho stuto Legislature, and ot llio scli'Ct or common council ot un rity, or commissioners of any is! district, Is by law Incapable ot lioldlng nreNere'lsliigntllii!s.iino I lino tlio ofllce or appoint ment of Judge, Inspector or clerk of any election n this Commonwealth, ami that no Ins.mctor, Judge or other uftlcer of such eleeilon shall bo eligible to be thi'U eoioil for. The Inspectors ami Judgo of tlio elections shall meet ul the ivsvi'inei places apijlnte'J for holellng tliu e li'i Hem In the district to winch they respectively belong, be fore see en o'eles'k In tliu morning, uml e n il of sulel InsiHitoni shall appoint one clerk, who bli.ill t' a iiualliled enter of sueh district. Tho etialtileel eoti'rs of the several districts Is this county nt all general, township thr ough and siwclil eli'cttons, aro ncrrtey hereafter authorlsesl oud i equina to eolc by tickets printed or written, or pnrtlj prliileel and partly written, n'vi r ally cuessllieel us follows! ono ticket shall embrace the names of alt Judges of Courts lined for, and latie'lleel, outside, "Judiciary;" ono ticket shall era. brace tho names of nil the Stato oflicers eoted for and to tsi labelled "state;" ono ticket shall embrace the name's of all county officers ie,ted for, Including tlio office of senator, anel .lembers of As-' sembly. If lotesl for, and members of Congress, If voleed for, and be labe lled "County ;" ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all toevnshlp officers voted for, and bo labelled "Towuihlp;" ono ticket shall em brace the names of all borough officers voted for, and bo Libelled "Horough." end each class shall bo deposited la separate bal. lot boxe!, JOIINW HOtTMAN, sherlirs ortico, Bloomsburg, sheriff, sept, ll, fs-tf t iraf wrua neunii JJ V1SITINI1 CAKIiS. LB C-I'BH UK ADS, iliJblirAll.-,, 1'tiaVmiH. 11.. eatly ami Cheaiily jiriuteei at the COLl'U- uian umce. and furnished with a bountiful surmiv nf rmrr.ienft Expenses V. Course by furnishing lutein- Dauchy & Co'n. Advt's. Sure Seward, r vi-.itts io I'tv rnt v r.vitM. $1 TO $10 rEE. ACB.E. ! Ii nnil ,liilc l.iiiKl In .llfclil Kiiii In tin ulillliiii ACM: C i.i nt rtiif ;riiiiet Uiili tmil s ii eltiuiii lt:illri:iil t iiiiii:iny. riTiiH rnnrccT. htrtiDK soil smc e inpti pii'iifyof tlliilii'i-iii ii emclit-no clilncli IlllS HO "lllllILrS,' ItCSMVU T1IPAMS ITKK WATFR IISADV MARKf He.lI0e)lA -IIAU.KOAU eOliri KTSO TIIIIOl'OU TUB I'KNTRE Ilf TUBllKASr. Sfixl Co I' it:ttiiUft , English or German Address V. (I. Ill IIIIAUT, 1 AMI 1'OMUlIONEK, OlUNll HAl'IDss, MICH, aprll H, his-v.iv d f)- 1MM1V rl!iw with i.nin-MOe., Plain orfiold. 40 itn njles. AKt Hueiitlt too. Hull ,c Co., Hudson, :. V. el bept. 13, '!S 4W 20 ?; Iirotii-i Car i- mutt i-u 'rtect beauties) witUname, 1 1 it Mi i Caui co. AhUlana, tl hept. 13, "9-4W )K. O. I-.. H.1UK UKKK'4 tUt'lh t'X DKAFNFa-iond Dlfl- I hAtsoF tuo Kak. nud tholr proiH.T lu-atni"!!! ospe , rially icutiDlQK k-ar. Uow in t-vlt.iiinuijl.itw reflet rroin tbo iiiuiif.Ls.intn'Bso Uili, ami aper rctii Iut nle-. aiit friUJiii'it.cure. A ItooK every fiuiU. s.Deiuiiiv i. -ihi r.v 1 )alt. Andress ur.C. E hllOh.M KhK, Aur.U aniycon, lioftdlns. I'a. iwpt lt.Tsi-tw a Pur im nnd wtu lin .-ml.' PhU innkcNPw ltlch Ulood, mhlviHy rininru tut yUj In the untlr ttM in t ttm jt (lis. Any l'ro.i whu will take i ill t'jch iilhl truui l to1 w ecks may txs restored I'tltii - mul In if U' h a thlrir be posfdble. lencl by null fur KLur tiiiiiitN. 1. S. JOHNSON t CO., i .alitor .id. (1 sept. 13, r haminrr Utb tiT-V il'n . t . v IHi .-! . UllufllUM IJsSt&ZiS., Anrtod Kiyhet yrm tt Ctnteir. a Kinoxftion for fir el.iiiup i)dttie ami txccllent o"ei la mj rAor u - rr of mveUmng tint Atrmmg, The t nt Iumcr ctrr ninte, Ai mir ttu "trip trndt-t b k icmvy tui.ial(tl on ititYnor L'ondt, i-i ttiitt J m'i Jktt la f ti ry I'lua. -l by nil i1el"i. ht ti 1 lnr"fntr'i', ''ie, w C. a. JiCKios & Co., Mfr., 1 -jurnburr, I. I". l( IU, I'., .t iirrul Aiil., I'hihulrli bla. . t 13, ;s 4W ll Miw ui:aiy : 1 UK llllAMI Ae'lllLYSMSSTS OF STANLET 7 A AND lOTnBHS O.M.V s8.75 lly lion. J. T. llsenLsv, the Prince ot descriptive authors. A full hle-tory ot his explorations lii Atrleannd marvellous Journcj dow n the Congo. A new Kxcitino book, Hhistimi with wiui aukn tckks and tiikii mmi sersss of kamukk. Is profuse-.. IV uiusirueii i no public kaiimily uwail it. ills i selling woiiderfullv. . f1 A TTTTnW"e"sre ot misstatements of Inlerest i urku ixe-iiif.1 parties, but send for i-KOOr-of gen uineness and full de'tsjrlptlou of I his work.also tern a. HtuBAKii Lisiis. rubs, a ncvrmce 117 A TrrVT7T. 733, aoiHom btreet,U Jill IO wniUUU r'hlla Sept. 13, 'is 4w PIANOS! ltet.Hl prlco sliHHI only V.JTS. iiuor e'rguns. puce! fsei emiy iva .iiht friv. Iiiinlcl I', lleielii. Wasldnglon, N, J. el brp. 7,4t WHY GO WEST 1 Senel tor Delaware. I'urm I'alalegue and Maps J. 1 V. .Manciia, liove'r, Del. d hep. 27 '7S-JW BAGlv IICShON'a LA1T1NK IOKllfH I'LAKK is f'.r l.tiiieiiuss or weakness of Um ihiuK, ltlieumatl'-'ii aiiil nil local acUu J v puns, the i"t rt'in- ru K'.ortn, it wasinvent - (1 tn ovHfi'omt' the Hto-A- action of tlio ordluarv ruruiid I'Usters It relieves luiu nr once, and eim-s wli'-redUifrpl-iMfni imiewn rcllete old eerywlu'i-o by uru'liia. 1 rice cenu. bep. ST, "ts a PTm?P ;uum. .iriri:, Aro kr nt swettby riiHOILa V Lid 'RESERVING- FLUID W. ZINSSEIt York, K CO., d 179 William btliret, Neev bep, V7, 'Is -lev Tbs ActldMoto ALCOIIOL Fewsd at Las:. The rather Matthew Remedy Is accit.eln nnd biseily cur' for lutemieTieiice. It Octroys all appeiliee for ule'iihullc lle,uors uud builds Up lllo he-reeeut syele-ls. Allrr il Uebiiiieli, or nny lllll'liipertlll' lliilitlueliet', II MMILK '1 KASlDOM't'L wlllremcee nil uiiuiial and rlOlcul depression. It lsijcures.'very kind of KhVKtt. tivsrsi-wiiauelToa-I'lniTV of llio l.iene hM b all elruguts. l'rlcul er boii;e. rainpmei e.n 'Aie'ouo', us Ktleow, and nultis'iiie,' us a ellseiise.' ts. lit freeou W'rlllugto t'A'l'll t It MATHKrt TFiimiAVCK A; JltrlVel. , M llond btreet, a Y. U bep. 7, "7-iw eUKN'l'si e ANi Kl) nsni rre fur lilt "sAlirir-e I I ft U K ., fi',v MIW IIIIIIK! ! UHjllt DAW.N IvI In ihlHiit-vv eitiuuie the 1'eipulnr Author of Niiiur seiMblNTiis Hiuik ii.nrii)K wlili elelrt mid thilll. Ing f iree nnil elfsiueiie-e Hie eee'nlsot saereit Truth, nnil ud Is lebtlmouy tei Hue be'reuty, pstheisand -uiiliinliyi.f I im stories or tho lilMe. Agents will llnel 1 1. is Hook Willi Ils bpiiUdlig thiiught-s, clowlag sijle, Is-auMlui r'ligravlii.'.. uli.l lleh bliielliigs, the 1'M lu tli" market 1 kkvis Luikkai. t'lKe-e'LAies 1'KKK. AllJleas. J (. MlS'flillY. ,V ''"., I'llll i l t'1-l'IIU. I ll ll bep. !I. S-IIV PARIS, 1878 AT EVERY WORl D'S Exposition FOR 12 YEARS Highest Honoi3 I laic Iseu awarded the) Sweden, rhilaeia, 1870 1 1875 Santiago, 76; Vienna, Farit, 1873' IS67 Kami & HAiVlUN CJAIilNKT OHfiANS, Althi' I'nrU l.p,e.lihni this jear ihe-v are aw-ur ele',1 I'lIK (HlLI) .MMIAl, the ll'gbeest If eululsnso al the ot the' Jtti Tbe'v haee telbo ree'elv. ul tin IIIIAMJ l.eil 11 MKIl.M. lit' SVe'tllKN t MllHVAY. LIS NllOTIIKH AUbalVAS H'l.AN. IliVH Ltl IK A1TAK1UI lllllllbbl AWASH Al ANY WllsUl'b ti- I'elMTleib isUn, )ur iiisu it pniiieiiib uy lusiaiimenui, luieat i'A'i AIjm.IK's, with newekl Hyies, 1 1 lets, AC, flee. MestlN 4 (lAMi INnltl.AN I'll., IIIUTUN, NHV .Ullk lilt CllltAl.U, bep, SI, Is lev el 810 TO $1000 Muckaui V .tfouubesrv. i month. Itesik bent Ire-ei explul llige-eenthliig. Aeidiwi 11 e XT Ult A. Cel., liAbbsus, ll Wall btreet, New-York. d uug. see, 'Js-siw Sanford's Jamaica The. euly comblDatlnn of the true Jamaica itlngvr with choice Areimieile and t-'reneh Iiriuiely for i'lioleru. e. holers Morbus, trumps and I'uiiis, Uluirlioe'a and i jscn. ler J , D) enusiia, Hatulene'y, Want of Tone and Aeilelly la IheStom tieti and Pnwelb, and ueututng ths Juliierie eif t'iifllie-e ' t ve ttle'r,'ex-J met Climate- Ask for . AblVKI' S Ji.llie UIKOIII, el Ginger. ug.Jei, 'Js-4v PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Ufliee OK SlIOKTEeST NOTIOK AND AT TUB HUsT KEASOUAIILE IFllWa Illlli!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers