In 1j UULUML A IN - - - i m.ooMsn nun, Kin iiat, nv in, h;s I Hall lloail Timo TnliK LACKAWANNA & HLOOMHlltllltl UAtI, HOAli NOIITn. POtlTH. Accommodation Train ,M5 A.M. Mall Train...,, 7.31 A.M Express Train 1.M I'. M. " " tun r. M. CXTAWISSA HAir. ItOAtl. KORTII. Accommodation Train A. M, Regular Kxprcn 4.00 r. M. f.M A. M. 4.49 1'. M U.6J A. M sntjTn T,3T 1'. M. lt.83 A.M. Through cars on Rxprestraln either to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runsbctween Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. Wo oiler a cpecial discount of 10 per cent lo old and new mitwriliers who pay In advance. $1.80 will pay for llici Coi.uniiian for one year after this date until further notice. Thl Joe not apply to subscription now duo. Our sub scribers wilt do in a fivor by calling their neighbors attention to (bo fact that the CtUVM MAN can bo had for $1.80 in advance, the only $200 paper in the county making the oiler, tf. Oeo. A. Clark li.n some new window nwn lug. .lohn M. Huekalcw wa foicman of tho (I rand Jury, Mrs. Knt Is building an addition to tho storu room of W, C. McKinney, Court adjourned on Thursday morning meet Saturday at II o'clock it. m. Hon. E.J. home. McHcnry spent ltwt Sunday at K. K. Orvis and A. U. Smith Kt., attended the National Convention In Philadelphia this week. The liloomsburg (la Company ha declared a semi-annual divldend'of three per cent, pay able aficr June 1st. At a meeting of the Town Council held April 30th, the tax tate for the coining year wan Us ed at 8 mills. George Riscwick has obtained the contract to carry the mails between the post ollice und the railroad station. The Montrose Democrat ha changed into a s-ml-weekly. We hope the experiment will will prove successful. The Berwick Independent saya the Jackson A Woodiu manufacturing company in that place have received a contract for building two bun- dred hbusocars. The soda fountain at Moyer Brothers and Hendershotl'a Drug Stores have been put in condition for the summer trade. If you want to keep cool try some. A railroad ticket lo Chicago anil back for sale at this ollice very cheap. Good until De cember 31st 1878. tf I Miss Mellick and sister, of Pill-ton, have moved to Bloomsbnrg, and have engaged in the business of dressmaking and sewing, Resi dence on Centre street near Fifth. Jacob Aid filled the ice house formerly own- eel by Lharle I' oster, last winter, and is now prepared to furnish that cooling substance to those who desire it. The Young Men's Christian Association of rm r t- 4 r r rt a - this place will hold nieetiogi next Monday, change, drafts, promissorv note or oilier in Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 13, 1-1, 15. Hev. struments negotiable by the laws of this Com S. A. Taggart,8late Secretary, will have charge tnoiinc.ilth, excepting only bill of exchange of the meetings. The work on Main street below Market progressing. The bed is made with broken stone from the new jail, and when completed it ought 16 be in fine condition, if the wurk properly done. There are over fifty applications for execu tive clemency before the Hoard of Pardons. No action has yet been taken in Jack ICehoe's case. A spe'cial writ of error ha been applied for in tlie case of Dennis Donnelly whose execution at Pottsvlllo has been lixed for tho 'J2nd of t month. A. L. Fritz, a law student of Hon. C It Ituckalew, wa admitled lo the practice of law on Wednesday last. He passed a most credila hie examination, and wo welcome biui to llie fraternity. He is of good moral character, stable-, and well founded in the principles of jurispru dence. The annual meeting of tlie Col. Co., Agri- cultural Society for the election of officers will be held in tho Opera House at liloomsburg, on Saturday the 18th of May, at 1 o'clock p. in. T. J. VANnLUSLICK, Secretary. May 10 2-w CKNTBAI.IA, April SMi, 1878. 1 hereby can- tlon all persons from buying or bartering willi aCentralia and Conyngham Township poor or der No. ?30, favor Michael Sullivan for $100,- 00 the same ha been stolen from my possession and will have it cancelled. Jaiibj D.vixy, Treasurer. Under its present management, our Normal School grounds are being artistically beautified As they are to a large extent n place of popu lar resort, our people should not only take a just pride in them, but contribute secdsjplaut. Ilowers, eic, for which Steward Wells will be duly thankful, and tlin whole community bene fitted. In tho trial of a criminal cae early lids week, one of the counsel suggested that tho willies on the stand was so Intoxicated on a certain occa sion about which he wa testifying that bo wa e ick at his stomach. The witnem denied il whereuion the counsel said that if tlie witness was not kick from drinking, liemu-t have laken an epidemic that caused him to throw up. The CoLUSllilAN .of last week contained a full column report of tbu National Greenback meeting held In the Opera Hou.e.with a aynop si cf tho speeches. Our object is lo give all the news of all parlies mid creeds, though we may diller with them In opinion. Members f the National parly who desire lo know uliat is going on must depend on Ihe Col.f muiak for their information, as uo other paper In the county contains it, m m nt f..l .1.1.. lllli 4111V HObHKVIirc. 1MB nousewlle, when she Is giving Her house is spring cleaning, should bear in mind that tlie elear inmates of her house are more precious than houses, and that Ihei' systems need cleans ing by purifying the blood, regulating tho stonl- sell and bowels to prevent and cure -the disea tea arising from spring malaria and inla-ina and she should know that there is nothing that will do il bo perfectly and surely at Hop Bil ters. tlie purest and beet of all medicines. See other column, Death Fkom Hopk JuMfiNti, "On Thura . ay v.ora yaui, age. uoou. ..e-.e.. diiug iter of W am Can , was taken v olt-iilly i l i i , . ..' . . .1 1... rw .., I ..l... t ..oa.. r.v. .,u..i. v-; 71"" ","' " """"I rr.,, ' : , . Olio forjier that medic, sk could s gg s. uul V"'"ul " " , ,". ' mnriilni. lusl. H hi, was exceetllne v brhiht. lova- ,, , ,,,,,.1 il.. u.e pret y c ue., ... ... o . - . " a..., auniireei aim pe.teu , hor hood. Her sickness win the direct result of . . 1,11 it i .ope Jumping of w del, a e was ,1 ngly louu unei amuiitous tu .u, si...iy uttvn tetn, Al " mfe,ng otlhe vc,lry of Hu VmV Ei'- mn.l r.itirl 1..1.I I, 1 1 1 1 . ,s ti .itu ,t .iieiiiunjir Illgllt, 1',, If , IWnkcr, II. P. nrul (len. K. Klwell were elected Jay itelfz-ttc lo Ilia l)ioocnn Con- venllon to bo lieM In Heading June filh. Among the old books and inner on cxlillil- lion at an entertainment iilven recenllv in Dcllc- fonto for tho benefit of the episcopal fvindav School, was a Iittn Hible miMllifil in 1177. and a History of America publlbed In 1571, bulb t.wntd by Mis A. 1). Weed, formerly of lllooniLurR. What a Lovely Flower Is tho llllv (if tho val ley, and how closely rcimbllmr It In purity I the complexion which has been cmbellljhcd with Olen's Sulphur Soap, that wholesome nld lo beauty, Silver Locks Grow Dark frcm llie no of Hill's Hair Dye. April 19 Iw. Another victtm of that dread disease, scarlet fever, wri burled lat Sjlurd.iy. An Interest Ini! little daughter of C. M, Vandersllce, lifter n conlinued illne, seemed nlmustoiitof dinger, wlien she had a relapse und died. The idlllcted pircnl have the synipatby of tho community, There are several other en.1 of scarlet lever in Inwii, and (he ili-o.ise llioiieli not spreading. due not Mi'iu lo ab.ito in seventy. The l'rotlioiiotary of Lynuuiug county ap pears to have just discovered the plan of taking receipt from attorneys who desire to take pa per on fill) from the nlliro. The same, plan ha lice-n In operation in Ihl county lor year, and we arc surprised lo learn luat in so largo n county a Lycoininj; where there are so many papers to keep track of, tho system lias jul been adopted On Saturday last tho Xnlinnnl Coiiiiiiitlc.', of Montour county, met in the Union Hall Hotel. John C. Millioiiae in the chair, and 10. (). liidg- way, .V-cri-t.try. After some tli-cii-smii it wa agreed lu calln nia-. Ci.tinty Convention on the Kourth of July. K. 1C. Orvis, A. O. Smith ami Hervy K, Smith, National fiom niooni'liurg. were present, lach midu a few remarks by way of advice, elc. W'u lemeiubcr a part of Mr. Smith h. remarks. They were a follow "The two organ (in Illoom-biirg) have com menced lo growl, and the people have com menced to think, and when they commence Ibat Ihey become Greenbacker.." That's so. lite- Ol'lf. Novki, MotiK or I'lsiiisei. A gentleni in re- lated to u a few days since a novel method of fishing with bladders, giving Id own exper fence and success. In lake fishing, or where there 1 no current, it would no doubt work ad mirably, He said a friend and himself pro- curcil twenty five or thlitv lilnl.leis blown full am tied a hook and line to "the neck of eaeh. lHiea the books, and threw them out on a lake to fish for perch and black bis, lie said the bladders soon begati to move lively, as the Illi took the bait and moved oil'. Tliey could not draw them under, but could swim rapidly .draw ing the bladder after them. They picked up their fish by means of a boat, and bad a lively time with fine success. TtntwuUi Jlrpublican, Days of Grace We understand that it is (plile common for drawers of check on bank and banker to make their check ptyablo at a elite subsequent to tlie elay of issue, and con tend that these checks are entitled to ehys of grace, like promissory notes. The following is a copy of the law upon lliis subject: "Day of grace shall be allowed upon all bill of ex- and drafts drawn at sight, and checks drawn upon bank or bankers, whether payable upon presentation or upon some elay or time subst - iuent to the dale of issue." -Pardon's D'ujett, page 1981. Last Saturday forenoon Jay Claude, a little eight year old son of li. F. . irr K-q , bad a very narrow escape from instant death, lie, witli another little boy was on the hill uver looking the ereek, gathering ferns, when be reached loo far, and fell over the locks on the railioid track of the Irnud.ilc Company. Hi head slruek a tie and friii-tiiii-il the skull. He wa found by two young men who were fishing and carried to the bouse of Willi im Ivlgar at the bridgo Tho wound wa dressed by I)rs. Mctw.'Ivy and Heber, and in the alternoou the little fellow wa taken home. Strangu to siy, (he shoe k did not render him iincmi-cinu. He i improving, ami if nothing unforeseen occurs, will recover. This is tbu third accident that ha happened on the rocks, one resulting in death, and should be a winning lo parents and children. ItLoojisimnn, May 0, 1878. A meeting of stockholders of the Sixth Dis- trie t Normal School was held at the ollice ill the Hall. On motion C, Barton wa appointed Prci lent of the meeting. On motion 1, W. Hailnian wa appointed Secretary. On motion I, S. ICiihn and lMward ltan- lins were elected as telleis of the election. On motion Wra. Ncal, J. A. Funston, Win El well and K. Mendenball wero nominated on the part of the stockholders for election Trustees for three years, On motion Una meeting lecommcnded C. (. Barkley, I. S. Kuhu, C. 1!. Cuckalew and C. Ilartou a suitable persons for the appointment by the Stale as Trustees, On motion the meeting proceeded to an cleo lion. The result wa the election of Win. Ncal, John A. Funston, Klia Mendenall and m. Klwell. 1. W. IlAllT.MAN, Sccrclaiy. MAHKUT STMEKT IMl'lIOVKMUST. ANurilllR I.AI10K llU'SIXKAS ISsrAllMSII.MIl.NT TO lit: i:iu:uii:ii. Burlncss improvements on Market Ml ci I bteadily contliitie, nolteilhtlwiding the dullness and the general complaints of hard times, llns is true, uiuro especially of the blocks between Seventh and Ninth street'i on which, since 1S73, several fine business bouses have been erected. When sales have been made in this locality the prices realized have been fully ii lo any previous time. Properly on Market trect is held ut even higher figures than on Chestnut street or elsewhere In the city. An ..,...... .t Imiimi-nnmit Is i.mi- i-iiiileiil- j q( our jUlUt lru, ,),, im.J tehich, will beonoof Iho finest that our lly ha yet witnessed. Messrs. .Straw bridge eV Clotbler.of Eighth and Maiktt street, have just completed a contract for thu erection of alive- story stone building on their properties, Jos, 805, S07 and 800 Market street, adjoining Uielr present store, at Ue corner of lJghlli street, and on completion the whole will be thrown into one bulldlug, making one of tho finest in the city, with a frontage on Market street of over ninety feet. The Improvement I one t lint cannot fall to be a credit, not only lo Iho stree t Kviry.hing about the building "ul . ' is In be of Iho best and incs4 suh-tanllal chariio- UTi c.u,fu fc(U(y )lll4 Kt t-tve,, , ,vcry .1 tail of con-trmlion. All Iho Ute.t impiove valors, which wilt make tho upper floors as ' l . . .." valuable and coiivinliut us the Inst (looriuell. ,,.,iu ,,,,, ,,,, ulH I.I ulamt June , , , , v' ... , , ,, I mom is tnu cuiupie.e.1 suite win ut ; mtuU lM Vl bo thrown open 'irss, Jliiy II,. THE COLUMBIAN AND I'OUItT ritOUKItlllNllS. Court ppeneel on Monday, May 0th, al leu o'clock In tho morning. Hon. William Klwell President Judge, and Hon. I. K. K'riekbaum mid F. L. .Shiunan, Associate-, on Ibe Hindi, The atltndaiice on Monds.y wn largi-, all Iho constables, mid juilli-es being In lown In make their return. Mcllrlde, M. K. Cox and I! F. F.dgir wero appointed Tip-lives f,r lirl week and (i. . busier and U. 1. Hughe for second week In-port of sale of .fame ICostenbinder e-on- firmed iiM, lleport of sale real e-slate of Hiram Lunger leciM'ed confirmed nisi, lteporl of reviewer on load in Millliu tuwn- ship confirmed nisi. Citation awarded In the estalo of Jacob Shear man elecvaed. UONIHY AfTnilNOO.S. Commonwealth vs. W. II. Anl. Itecognimice of defendant anil W. O. Holme eirh in .",00 fur appearance tif W. II. Aid at next court. reception filed to the account of II. W. Van- derslice, Administrator of J. H. Vandcrslice. deceased. On petition, Joseph Giger was apjiointed su pervisor ol Centre township. Comnionwe-alth vs. Klijih Hummer and Ji-o Wilson. AaiiU and II tilery and miUcum mischief. Grand Jury itlurncd a true bill. Juiy called to try Ilson, Summers not he'lig lu Court. ll-seiii acted a hi own counsel, and conducted tjie examination of wllncc. Jury found him guilty, and on Tuesday morning tho (imrt sentenced b! in to pay n line of $50 011, pay the cost of prosecution and undergo an Im prlsoninent in Ihu county' j. ill for three mouths. The defendiiit Suiiiiners rune into Court an 1 wa delivered up by hi bill. He plead guilty nd received the nine acntcned that wa im- JJo'ed on Wilson. ConiMionweillli vs. Jeremiah Hide. Thl ws a ci t" I Tf ny hehl over from last term for st n enre, Court sentenced defendant lo pay a fine ol $."0I) the co of piosecution, and tin dcrgo i ut i lisonment in county jail for 30 dtv On motion n. t. It. Buckilew fur n commit Ice to ex iuiine Andrew L Fritz for admission lo tho bar, Court appointed John (!. Free.e, C. (,. IJirkley and J. 11. Kobisou. On motion of W. II. Abbott, .lame Soirlet an iittorney of Danville wa admitted to prac- lice in the several Courts of Columbia county Heport of reviewers of a road in Jackson township neat Willhiu Paiks, agiinst a road confirmed nisi. Kepoitof re reviewers of a mail in Jacksin township near Daniel Young's, confirmed nisi lleport of viewer of a roid in Greenwood tonifchip near G. W. Ikeler's, confirmed nisi Commonwealth v. Ilenrv Holder. Assault and 1! ittery. Grand Jurv n lirrii it'true bill Older -f sale; conlinued lu tint estate of Jo seph P. I .inner deceaee1. Pi-titinn lor it bridge in Fihittgcreek town ship. Court appointed Aimer Welsh, Hicks Ki'theu and Dtvid Achenb'ich a viewers. In the estate of William II. Brown deceased, order of s tie conlinued. Court appointed Stephen Uiover, William Ult and Nathan Miller viewers of a road In Milllin township. Commonwealth vs. Henry Holder. A'sault and Battery. Defendant guilty. Tues- iy morning Court sentenced Henry Holder to pit a line nt!?IU.UU and cost til prosecution. Report of viewers em a lotd in Catawisa township confirmed nisi. Ctimnionwealfh vs. Wellington Weidenaul. 'oriiication and Bastardy, A true bill. Ue- cogni. nice of defendant and Is iiah Yciger each in the sum of $00,0O for appearance of defend ant at next court. Commonwealth v. Daniel Mark. Mayhem and Asut'ilt and Katterv. This was :t else th arose- out of the demoralization of 11. I -I-. 1 i execution day. Daniel Mark, the defendant, was charged with having attacked tlie pro-ecu-tor Rudolph Hester, in a saloeiu in Illoouisbtirg on the alternoou of that day, and in the tussle ut ensued, bitten Kesler's nose. The emmon- wealth proved that there was a fight between Hester and Mark, and that Marks first attack ed Hester, l'bo theory of the defence was that Mark fought in self-defense. The jury returii- stale'd verdict on Wednesday morning finding the defendant guilty of an assault and balterv. On Wednesday morning the ca-e of the com monwealth against Harman Bright and wife charged with an assault and battery, was called. The! defendants pltaded guilty and the ca-o w.t heard by the coiitt. Mis II. J. D. Kiitan a '.tiled, and stated that the defendants had as- Milled her and her mother in iho Savage Hill school hou-e, Fi-hiugtrcck toitu-hip, on the .Stli of March last, and gave the particulars. Harittaii Bright, one of Ibe defendants, testified that bis wife slapped Hannah llulan because be (Mis had called her a liar four weeks before. He) did not loi'eh Mis Kiitau. He said the preacher Harvey bad ki-cd ds wife, ele-uietl it in the iieighboihood, and on Ihat night after eliurch made a ublio confes sion of tint ki iug. The diflieully arose from Ihe hi iug business, -though ju-t how, did not The e-ourt sentenced (be ete to ,y a fine of tittuty dollars and the tost ol prose-ciiliou. Till: MllilSII-T'S llOIMIS. We give below lie leMilt of the Sheiifi's Sales on Momlay la-t. 1. Luca Fahringer to M, (i, Hughes $2.1,00. 2. J.C Smith to Alex. Stewait mid J. A. Fun-ton, $220. 3. J. C. Smith lo M. L. Jack -on, ,"00. I. Swcppenhei-. r lo Ly.lia A.Schreck sr.oo. 5. Jacob Billtnbender lo O. llarp-ttr $5000. (i. Conrad llrtdbe-nnertoC. W. Miller $25,110. 7. Divld lleederlo W. II. Beeder sGlO.UU. 8. W. V. llobbin to Beiitou M. S. L. A. ;o,no. 0. Agn.w Smith to A. I. Turner:?! 102 50. Other sales advertised were continued lo Sit- unlay May 11th at 1 p. in. INqtll.-ITloMs. Pioperty of John Creay extended at per ttnuiiui. Siiilou P. Ka-e i-oneleiniied. Wm SeliulU cxlendid ill S-220 p,r annum Win. Millies list. Iho lime ijiuiry, extended at per annum. N. D. Kile, extended at Soil, per annum. w il. lieinuiiii, eiitiiiii.i at t-iuti, per an num. A 111STAKJ! coiiiii:oti:i). While riding In a Nbigara slrcet car, at Hull' alu, N. Y said Mr. A to .Mr. II, "I was nils. laken the other day." "How?" said Mr. II You remember we were talking of l)r, Piene and hi Invalids' Mid Tourists' Hotel, and I piedioiied the Doctor's u hi lily to cure calarrl ur consumption, and staled that, n 'friend had used Ids nittllclnes with but litllu or no felief. To satisfy you I wrote my friend, and here Is ids reply" i MCVl'Vn, Ul.,.Ujutllh, 1878. FmiiMi A: In reply lo yours, just received, u-klng what ell'ect I)r, Pierce's mediilne had on me, I would say, three years ago I expee'td lo die with consumption, had long suffered with catarrh, my throat and lung wi-ru b.nllv idl'ttt od, und my sysliui wa rapidly breaking down, I hid 1 1 is el many physicians and luuedic wilh out benefit. Having neii too. I rt suits follow tho use. of l)r, pierev's Mtdicliies, 1 n solves lo give them a thorough trial. In six months lime I was entirely cured, No uudioiiie Kind higher, lu my estimation, than Dr. Pierce' llolden Medical Di.covery and Dr. Kage' ('jtarrh Bcinedy. They not only saved my life, but have made ine a hearty and strong man. Very truly yours, 8. M. lnww, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, COUNCIL I'ltOCKKDINtH. ' The regular mOtlng' of iho Town Count II wa held at ihn council chamber on Wedus liy evening lal. The President and nil tin! I members were piwni. Tim minute of the last mooting were lead aid approved,' The coiiiiuillee appointed to confer with Ihu Gi Company with rtferenco lo a ledilctlon in rale by extinguishing the g.n at an caslier hour, re1- ported lint no chinge coul I bo mule, M.-sr Kthhnnd Hvaus, committee on mile-rial mtdu n report ami were continued with power to pur chase initerlal. The following hills were tip- provtjd and ordered paid. Hill of M. U. Wood ward, re-furred back last monlh, for $I'2,C0. Bill of Town Andilnrs $15,00. Bill of das. O. Brown for publishing aiintiat statement $2(i,00. lllll of Breitkway & Klwell for slaleinrnl, a-d Ordinance No. 22, $30.01'. Bill of Constable Thoma, for April SI 1,24. Police bill for Apill $0 00. Hill of Djugla Hughes for haul ing cinder on river mid wh referred Is the stieet commissioner. Hill of Gas Company for April wa ordered piid $8."i,2i. Mr. Bibb moved thai a committee bo npioinled to it-certain the cut of lighting the streets with coal nil would be. M--rs. Slmrpless. Itabb and Drinker we're iipH.tntcd. Mr. Shtrplest Iiitv-1 that Ordinance N'-i. 21 prohibiting tho rmm1ii at lirge of t-iule be repelled. A vote was taken ami Messrs. Herring, ltibh, Hv.nis and Sharpie- voud jc-; Drinki-r, Holme and Klwell voted no. Several building p. null Wem granted, and rompliilul were inade about bo ird sidewalk wliicli were in bid condition. Strtet Commissioner wa instructed to notify alt parl ies to put tbe'r sidewalk iu gnnd order. Tumi treasurer ofiereil T. J. V-nderslit-e Sr. and Joseph Miarple as sureties on his boml. Kur elie) approves!. Hvan .lout wa appiiiute-tl an assistant policeni in. Adjourned. TI1C CATTI.i: OltDlN'ANCi: Xt)T IIUI'KAU:!!. It appears from the report of Council pro ceeding that a motion wa mule by Mr. Sharp-lei-. to repeal Ordinance No. 2t, seconded by Mr. Klwell, The motion wa cirried by Ibe custonnry I to 3. A llieie are some who tiny allow llieir cow lo run at large, undtr the mi apprehension that the oidin.iuce prohihiling it h ts been repealed, we give our understanding of the matter. 1st. An ordinance i a statute of iho Town. It is passed in a certain m-uincr pree'i'ibail ht law, and goes on the ordinance book. When an act of the Legislature bcenmis-n -tw, it can only be repealed in the. same formal manner in which it va pa-eil, and hence another lav is emcted declaring the original tu be repealed, which repealing act goe on tho statute Iwok. Thl i a long established parliamentary rule, and the precedent wa recognized here when Ur ilininc" No. 11, prohihiling cattle from running at largo w.t repealed in 1S73 bv Oidinance No. 12 S. when the hum between which cattle might nut inn at laige, were made from 8 p. m. to it a. in. it wa rt.piired to he done by hii ordinance which bi'came Ordinance No. 20. The precedent is therefore established by all parliamentary usage, and by the practice in this town, Tho manner in which it was attempted to repe-al Ordinance No. 21, by a .simple motion, wa- not the proper way. No order of publica tion was made, and therefore uo legiil notico can be given of the repeal, and no ordinance on be pissed or repealed without ten days no tice as rtiiiirtd by law. Ordinance in. 21 Ktan.r on the statute book of tho town, and it will remain in force until another ordi nance is entered lliere which repeals it. If tho gentlemen who favor Ihe repeal will give notice at the next regular meeting that an ordinance to repeal No. 21 will he prccnled at the following meeting, and at the proper time pass on ordi ti nice of repeal, which shall go into efect after ten .lav public notice, their action will be j ... .t i. i. i -ut.. . .... iii-iiiei PKiiieis nun, luc e..iuii7 inn 1- Iii lorce, ami 11 Hie uincers ol the town wish inei people to look upon Ihcin as law abiding citi zens, who enforce tlie laws of tho eorporatien, Ihey will see that cattle are shut up, until anor- linance is passed in a legal way that shall per mit them lo run at large. If the ordinance as it slands i not observed, there is a remedy liy mandamus from' tho Court, compelling public olliccrs to do their duty. UCE.Ni-K. Wednesday afternoon wa the lime fixed for pplications for liquor license. In the follow ing ca-os remonstrances were filed. William lilzcr. ltloonisburtr. Tavern liantel . linijtilns, r.loomiiunr. I- store lioj.i . e uiiains, lierwicii uotuugii, tu.ern Ueorire P. Jlllter. " II. House Milton Clui'lcs, liloomsburg, i:. House The following lieing new applicitious were held over. I'homas 'lorltr. ('entr.UU II. House Muiou Charles, Peaiertwp., H. Home Saturday next at 0 i.Vlock a. in. was fixed for hearing witnesses on reni-iustranc? and new hou-es. The question as to the power lo sub- pu-nae witnesses in such case being raised, the court said thai they had the power to issue sub- pienaes, and to enforce, them by attachment if not obey til: The following license were grant ed. .la.'nli I,. Itlrlou, Utcsiiuurg, " .1 4,11 It U'ncri-K, ieorgo . .MuiTiiTi lacnb II. Kt-lli-r. lierwlek linrousli, talawlssa twp., Hentoii, (Ireenwooil twp., Henton, K-ott twp., e'eniralta liorougU, HkKim-iiiirg, liemlck liorough, Madlsoutwp, liltsimsburg, I'alawlvsa twp., -Maine twp.. Locust, Tin era Alnliew T Ikelt-r. Itol'i'it llengle, lliiiiiir.' I'aikcr. 1 1 1 1 .nil Hess, luliii ht-krnle, lotiamia o't'oimer. n. A. Jacoby, 11. lu rgi-r, K. llou1. 'l'a em i:. House Tat en. Uesle-j In dliio. U II. (lllinoie, a. K. Htiawii. II. It. Vi tier. Isalali Yeager, liaulel Ut-lires. ...i..KOs.euu.iiite'r e;u e attiwissu. ,1. 11. l.tiiicreiiLiereer. Main. it, II. I.UJl, a, k. t-niiiu, W. It. 1'iilih', Win. I'eltrer, II. W. Iiiuiubicli. Madl-ton twp., Montour two . reiitiitll.i Ismnigli, e-atawissa iwp. K. Houso k. . 'riiickeiuiiuiar, Tolin 1- Kline. Connghaia twp., ."entr.lla borough, Tavern Isaac K'lward. ll.lhlel K. Curry, Aarun V. lleis. minimi ...p.. losenii il. leiiuiuaii. liea.-rtwp.. .lohn Kile, Migarloat twp., il. until rick-. iieuuis-K, (.i-olgi-V. Llllt iwi... Tatin Tavern Kinnndii I'naiigsr Cenlle Iwp , Wellington K, Weldcii.aut, Ceutrulla Pur, I f out in mo. I Till! jIIIXKV UUbSTIDX. Money of the JJnilcd Slates, or paper money, commonly called .ali.uial Utecti-back-, is issued by tho (joveriimunt mil i not luadu to ict.t on a t-pccio lusts. Iho gtectihaoks aro not icdeeined iu coin, or payubhi in ineial money. They tun a legal tender lor all nobis contracted, and establish a unilorui currency to tho tiatioii, mil fulfil nil tbu u.-es better than money ol' melal could, (except duties upon iiunotts. which ought and could liavulcen included.) As a mcasuio ot value to aid oxcliaugcs, the national gicciiuat'k', as n curreucy, po.-sc none ol tlie cliaracienitics ol a coinmodtlv. or an uiticlu of'mcichaiidize. or of manufac ture, in any proper sen-o, 1 hey aro mouoy, and havo iirovcl to be the truest definition of money, by their u-es, that tho world has K'cu or handled since coiniueieo or exchange have nxi-ted. Where la the man that can ti ixl fault with greenbacks a our national currency ( or ,,wlio would uk lor a return tit tho stato banks, founded as ihey were on t-no- ciu basUj people would trci'ublu withiilarni ut iho possibilitylof tuch a buikwaid Hep by our liutioii, -iiuiiey luauei i.otii inciais l a CUlll moditv bought and fold for lnanul'ucturiiiL' purposo.. A lnlllion watch cases are inaiiu- lactured yearly tioui the precious metals, not to inontion tho tiumeiom arlioles tor oina incut, U'sidea thu platiug of iiitiuiuevublq utensils ; und thus much of tho gold and til ver coin llnd It way Iplo the molting imt, tho twenty dollar coin in your mirwi to Jay, may next wcoic uo in your ni'iiiiiuor pookot us a watch. In your noekut to-dav n tiionov. in thu melting not to-morrow a a coutuiodiit! lluw inoousislciill la it unv woueler that a metal mi limited in its supplv, and yet u-cds" extensively an article I'm t-li inlaal and iiiauufui'ttititig jmriio.-eH, has failed in its functions a a emulating iin-'liuiii, und that Iho people in every civiliued country on the lilono liavo icsoneu to credit ami iouihI pa iinriifiin r.i-iiDi,iiii tnn.iniiii pecio Lasis? What u basis! Great flriiulti is tho only nation that can now linastnl'n epecio bans, unci tho has only fitly couW of tn Ann 1.... .lll e vutii tu uuu i.uuuicu uutiuis vi jmoui. (Sre PnllcrsWn SciMicu of Finance, Killn-1 Imrgh 18t;s.) . I'factiMl wtpflrieiiciUilfcide llin rlnwtion, Iliat metal inonoy oatinot supjily lliu rtqtilr nimils of a tvnplo' ctirrcncv. or in it ine'.isuro nl'valu", I i lliidlitato CTphani MiiHit (T'ld nun coin a or- ini niioct it vnnif l' nil tin coin wore melted and mulo into lun ii would not alfeet its priiw, in a nmu I of th bullion brintr the. samo price, ns a pound vreiohl id'eioiti sold, wiinfliina Imllinn is nt n pn uiiuin The preei iil' metal will 'w'on r) III prii'.' nii.l valtt.i I'm- iii.inntiii-tiiiin': pur ioso il'nhntiJ'ini' I in in .in-v. Gill i-ntcun-lu "ll'y, and i If dlv nolhing bin lui-ichanili'i liiniglrt and sol I in tli m irket lb ei ili zed wnild. Gold ."in. .1 by our f liiieititiient i rumitiod wlio'ii sent ,tn other mtimi-, and tear. the -nine price sent dirtclly from tmr mint, und tluctii.ilcs in pricu h frequent ly as ninU other coniinodities. It is not now, and never cm ho a proper Mandinl of value. A proper measure, of value to aid exelnnges caunot, in iu very nature, posses the charac ter or ; it cannot ha a produc or a commodity In any proper some of the word. It cm Im of tin valito for tiny oilier purpose ecrcpt money and It ue; and paper ru-ttng on nation 1 credit must he tho material. Mony mail from metal and niotiav mado fiom paper, citciibiling logetlicr, is called it mixed currency, but the paper mony i ro- nllyllio only curroiny by whieh exclian.-c tile Hind1, while the Hiatal lipiney is employ ed a it lia-i for the paper inoncv lo ro't upon, which i it lnni-kery, a delusinii and u snare. It would lie ju-t ns pinper mill sale fur u pyramid to bo stood i, it point, instead of its natural hao. lieu li.inkors talk of specie bai, with only a few cents in the yaultj'ir each doll tr of paper in eiirculition. it i lor thi purposo of quiotitig timid men nlld deluding tho masse. A han ought In to ho as large a the lop, and genci ally spe-ak-linr, alwavs i, or tlm -tmettiro will not staiid without being propped up. All our old hank-, -talc and country, Indole the late war won held up or upporti'.l by legislation; itwa on credit and tho confideiico of thu m ism', and by the aid of logi-lition that those eiiutmiipt Ibl jti-tittilion for lending money wero lijiilt mill Supported It wa idio word then to talk of a spocio bai. To-dny for a man ) indulge sneh idea an 1 prrtumt to bo in lii miher -en-es is nn exhibition of olistinacv. Paper money licrfornn all, wliilo specie per forins none of tho function of money. Ii fiom any c itt'o a demand for pccio wiiMnado up iii a b ink, it wa oinpoMed to conduct its Iialitlities, anil pay com lor tho impcr money piL'-ontcd, (ho unall pile of metal innnoy boon diininishol, nndthf )iapor took its place, and when no moro coin was available and more paper w.t picscuted foricdcinption, tbooank tninbled. No matter how great it a-'ol, or how lich thoMnckltolilcr, it fell and who . over any ui.cck or drafts oti banks not mi Iit'lided. ctniii into iho hand of the ni-peiid-eid hank, they presented ihcm for pavuipnt. in order to -trciiglhcn lliem-clvc. Thus nil tho hanks in a panic wero compelled to sti pend to'cther; nono could .stand, a eai-h bank helped to pull down Us neighbor, and lo f-'ivo thcm-elvo Kicrilicctl their t u.toincis. The Mi-pcn-ion of -pecio iviyiueut wa ie g'iidt.1 a a f.' caliiuiiy; the lingo air ca-tle collai-eil. while stagti.-ttinii and di-lin-t folloHcd. I'ioductivoi!nt.'rpii--.s l-e-lcd in iillcne.-i for lack of inoiiey.and the workmen reduced to beggary for want of work. The rich pos.-C5sod tbumwlrcs of tho liousss and property of tho weak at a quarter of their real value ; crime incrca-cd ; tho court hous es were filled with greedy biwyeis full of em ployment ; neighbors and friends mctl nieli other t' pay other creditor pro. ins ilium fir money, and thus tiying to com pel impos sibilities. Bu.siiiftss ioticos. 311 miner Hats ! Summer Hat I Ju-t received A full stock of Straw Ouod for Men and Hoy at lotveiibcrjj's, -. A job in "Scent 2 button kid Glove all size at I. W. Ilartuian'.. Xciv Dres Hood nt Clark it WolPacnl Trimuiiny in Silk and Worsted. New Fan and l'.ira.nU at Lul.A Sloan's. Torn Suit of' lothe made up iu ei.y stylo go to Iiw cohere;'. OvmtcoAT I,.isl'. All overcoat wa ta ken we suppn-e by inNlake- from the Cen tral 11. del. The borrower will please return to JOIIX IsAYCUCIv, Proprietor. 1'ara-ol, Fan, (Hove, Ties, liushiiu, Lintiti und I.ace, Cutis and Collars. A larae and full I,inti ol Notion at the very lowe-t prices at Clark Wnll'a. Ilootlie.ijqu.irter at .Mclvinuey's. 'The Dollar of oln- iiiddie" or lhej:rpcii back will buy tho best llcady-mado Cloth injr at Lnnenhf rji's. ' More New Goods at f,ut'z it Sloan'. .Itit in a full linn'of- I;.nlle Summer Shirts at Clark it Woll's. Ailmission free at McICinney's, W'liito rc7ts,"'hite VesU, l.incn Vests, Duster, Ulster cud Alp.ic.t coit just re ceived at Isonenberir's. I,art;e stock of Dre- Tritumins at I.ulz it Sloan's, Summer (J.isiiner for (Jents & Iiovs cheapest yet out ut Chirk it Woll's. When you want 11 Nice Suit l'or Summer wear tin lo Low cnbori: 'h. Kor Dres Good (jo to I.ulz it Sloan's. Iluy ihe Palent Shirt mui l!n-om that wo.t't iniH lor one dollar at Clark it Wolf. 1idie' reudv-mado l.inu Suits at Clark .t Wolf's. Picture! (rallies ol all kiutl and sizes al ways on hand tit Cadnian'. R .lacobv i receivin linn ti.h frnm tlin lakes. Call at Mi'Kiniit-y7Tir Shoes. New ParaoU and Uuibrelhtjut received by I. W. llartman fiom IS cents toO.tlu. Price 31 percent, less than last) ear. Print Ti and 7 ceuls per yard and a full of Domestic; Good at Clark it Woll's. liilbbers ut.McKiniiey's. I. W. llitrtinau's tho chcune-t nhir-n In 1 1 uuy (, The display ot Jewelry. Silverware Vl atclics. io.. ut I'. S. i!,ite' s n 1 bv nil In lie the choicest to bo set 11 111 lilooiu-liuri: Kepairini; 1 tl.iuo by him in the best, nun Her mid at the lowest possible rates, Ladies' Shoes cheap at Clark .t WoITh. ('adman say ha sells ho sella Furniture at tlio lowest rates, antl ha a largo assort ment always on hand. linots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. For Dre-s Good go to Clark& Wolf's. Crampton's Palm Soan is thu best latin. dry snap in this or any other market. For sale by Jacob It. Maize, may 18-3w Crnmntnn llrolher's Palm soan nt .Incnb II. Maize's. It is tho bed. Try It. may li-lSiv Linen Goods and Gnw Cloths nt Clark .t Woll's. lleautiful Pro. "Good, with Princes anil Silks to match al I. W. Hartman's. Mi'Kirtncys Houe. fhoe r-loro below Court Trv it-IIuy it I'ulin I'aliit l'iilni Ku.'tii At Jacob II, MiiUe'n jit Jacob H.'.MalzoY may U-ISw i 1'. B. lialcs iiiinTn itprtnlty til repotting uatcliFH, cioc-lw, jewelry; tiilverwnre, or imv tbli't; t-Uo in liU line til' liii-iiur-n. lit. iii wiij'B insures n lirnt-i'lnf job mid 1 piouipt with Ms work, ' NoTiiisii bpQm'oirCsnimi.ii.i.K ntKEnw ttunfarred utit'ii len of IhuiiBuntls tf mrrnei eoukl orlgluatu mui maiululn U.e lepultitlm whlfli .JU s Mirkapiiiiiut'iijuy. Hit a, ioniXuud CI Urn lo t it'ifetuhlu ulieratlrea, with tho loei:deol Futuut im mui Irmi. and 1 His hiekt irTictual ot all mini .H-9 ( nir-rouiiiV, ur liluort UUni.ler-.. I i.t. lurmlj -mei -iiui add ujtan in luivm. 'Hu! up.-m, It pio lutvs uiiiM Mid uiinil'le i id or h m u i, Sui, Hull-., imuiura, I'luuii' '.J.iiiii 'unn si In ie - .'llb.-i Ullit lUl.tlMOriWlK .li :-!'!'. I IUly UI III liluud, U)IUIi.. ia,,'i w t -i i.iihulio. iuiila(l"ii i .,i.- j.,i i.ii.,.iu,.,i-, i-e'ini.tM llutn.'-; nut illi i; lllll, iilnl U II tmll'Iil 1,-r,' i.'l -I lilulllj. 1 u, illllljlu II ,- I , , ,1 ., i ,,,l,l. Kt'.m i. up U.e c .f ui, nhit.. s tu .I pn 1 1 . n, In alth, uhil ;u,.,ii . i t-i ,i, , j, , ,1 jeaill Ui--lieeulniit, n-ivo ti-.', eiimitn-C i Mi, nvatlAUl.- uitdlcui (vr the kutter(DKM. k, uh)m re, Pun sale iiv all Dkauk. BLCOMSBUBlt STATE MORMAL S G H 001 ISiXTlI NX) HIM A L .SCHOOL i) T iS T Ii I CT. Bloomsbnrg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tilts M.'ititnana' prewnt cnn-tltiiltil, o"e-i-stiir- ver' best tarlltlli'sior rrnreH-lnnnl ami Claaslcal learning. ''.llntf spin'loiit, inviting anil cniiiiiiiKllntis ; i iuiti'li li-lj liealed bj mk-iuii, well voiitllaled, lighted by giut, nod tumlslteil a boiu.tltal upply of pure.sort aprliig watur. ijsMlt.iii in'alt.litiil, jinn ease ot iuvim. Tutohprsoxrictlericcil, i-airii-nt, and alive in their work, lilrsctntlnu, llrm lint kind, uniform and thorough. Jtrpcnses ni'Hi;ra... tuiy conUt a wuek ileiluel.lon to ull expootuiK lo Uauilc. Miitleiils a.lmlttud al any time, llouias res'-n.-il wln-n Ucslre-tt. Coin's. of Btndy presei Ibutl hy the nun- -. I. Mml"l .School. II. Preparatory, til. Elementary. IV, Chuwionl. Adjunet Courses i 1 Academic. Il.Ooinniereial. III. (Inurse in Music. IV. Cwirsa iu Art. V. CVmrse In Physical Gllltrre. Tito 15lmenfry fktontltlf nnd cias-ieui t'oursn eori.'Ml.ittdllii; lliiUTei-s : .Min.LLr,r in. l-..,tnii-iiia ; Muster tli.'tr attainments,, sttrnerl lie ttiet.fili -rs or tlie iiuarii The mui 1. ttti.i tuv l aul'iifiif, itdares- til.. Prlunltwl. H.r. u ii.i.i.iii i:i. i-:i,i ,'pt. , ;a. rit'slilftil llt,arl -NOTICE TO CONSUMERS i I'ii 1 1 ;i l.r.l, tt'.ll- TIN TAti TOII tt'l'tl lias j 1 d in.iiij iiiiit,.ttoiis tliti-'otto lu rlaccdonl -"in- huiki-i, we tlierefoie e.iuttun all C'liewers a oaalnsl imit-li.t-liii,' Hiieli lrultaUona. a All dealers hut in;: 01 m-lllnir ntli.-r ptuir lol.acco ; lviirlii a liard or n.eudlle latn l.ieuder tneuiselve UttliU' to tlie penalty ut tne luw, slid all jieri-ons vio'ittlne iiurlraili- murks are ptuil-Uabli' t-nne jCand,ulliellt. MtiK .Wl UV lOUHES - t (I 1 1. i-;.i. P ill" cetllw l.lll:lr.l..llil) TIN TAIl T- uiiAcco i nn iv. iiisiinirutsiitd iiv tin 'iau mi 5 r.tcli lump Kit Ihu u oi'l i.tnc 1 1.L 111 1 -stlicr 11 a nun tori t ilinrco soliiin 17. end tseaily "11 1 icrsoits t mploiecl In iaetoriet, g TuM'8 pul.l noVmu't lu MAT about IB.ssj.ikk). sad Siluilnn Hie past is years, uver r,HK),nN). VI l.eso goods sold liy nil Jobbers nt inajiuiactill eis f- rates. mareliS, 16T8-Sm Ilico Ucan make money ranter st we,rk for us at iin.ttUiiH'clbn CJitpiUlrtor tutiulred ; wt- will siait yuu. ! ier day at home mado by ihe tdustrloua. Men, won. en, boja and glti wanted every w 1 ere t. work tor .is. Now I the la.ft Costly outMiand leiins rice. AddressTncK x. Co., AtiJU-l.i, Maine. M.111I1 ti, ';a-ly jVOTICK. .mm HM' i iiciTify giwn inn 1 p.nrnan'ti cr Aim! I!.mtuf tit'iitim 1 ou tiUlii. ul eonstttbltt Balit n fti rii. Apiltstit. lsih, Hie follow hijf iKi"son:il prom rty M : 1 colt, 1 liHftT, 1 tiiiii, ii lig, I cujiljoartU i U d ttinUuMtlliii:. 1 sluk, r nrrt ft of LT.iIn lu ttm uruuiut. nil vt v.lili li I iue louno 'in him duilntr mv ld-av iiu ami 1 iirivi ui n an n,rh.n'- irnu im'k'ijUiiff or imu'iirtiv wlUi Uic atwiuini..(tljiMipt'it. .MU-1 MtUKXItV. ISrtrAKTAt.ll MI.V.Kir luajl t lutti I pi nn renew or cnausu tliocoiurof tliclr sUrudMcx.biLtc, WixiLKN. vr Cot 1 ux, itta nominal cunt, 1 in purlin t; r.twend lonely uliaJt-a tytlic i-m,t our M agio 'Iinti. MltltofAXVcoiAiii ntntftirlUc ; JUUTcrrntcolorBfur 2jo, focutl 3c. Btamp lor (ampin ami circular. Ahbct, Our Smprovcd Pest Poison is a baf3 euro ana encap uettroycr of ft W fi a A a V lJW rnrrant Wnrni. ami nil Tmrcta thif. RWfrrV Vr,'u.1 V'gtUit'ui. V. irraiiif.liokiH IS IH'OI V.IH-TQ 1MI1H (trx'Tl Kill) J.(.x (t.-rit nn' In mail fri', ttua for tirLuUrnh liunclrtds ot v tiliiKiiihilfl. OurGabbagoWorm Destroyer U sot at Txroisoot"P, but pure death to tlin wurm. hftniil fur trUI F'nt frco in rtt-eint fif 15 cvdia, JVttlAUl:i;TAU-rt At m. Dlccotini t o ihe Tri.du. lkliAllNKV cUl.Mn Al WOUKS, 1- J-MFi 11. I'M, AirciiU -0. TosJIW. 0-"rr, u i vriUu--tt.1 ?cw VurU. nni :ttl, jiu JwAco If i mi mv ii man ut b,Hwwi, wcaivt'Di'cHiy Uw s-lraln ui ,tiur uuut'b, uoiu Miut'iuiut.'- ana lake HOP HJ.TTKRS. ttcis, totthijr ovi-r your c bruin it ;.d m'Mi w.iii- If om nw i man f It ttcis. lotlhiir tAi-r your laid uljlit work, in n suic bruin utM neiu1 inko IHfV BSTTERs. If you mv Miung, ami suiTt-Hnir froui UTliun or illv f i.ti in. t.,kt' lmils- HOP BiTTSSRS. If j on uiv tnairlt'il orwtiuir. )ItI or uuinj,. snfliTlnc tiulr. ilt I or iuin, snl i or luiitfni-lunf imlxH "kllt'SH. tHkO I mi u jKwr iioftitii ir iaiifriNiitnj!f f n ulna of sUkiifSH. tHko HOP HLTTEPiS, ! r ou ur -m in i d- rloni Hit. -ill ihtti-it iu-i iiui uinr smt:iii in i a- ricnunir, itiu'nf; t oinuir.iiniy , luniinti iiini-i' tllillT, IIIKU H.ic ou ihspi-psla, ktilni', m- niljun i umiihiliit, ii m t uhiiil itioii, iit r, j itl t.lktt uitt'iiMi' ui i iiv Mtiiii.irn, i aw 1 1-, i Hunt, iim r, or urnes? omvlllt) i-rni ir u.u t.iku HOP HITTERS. Hjouun- flin.h nliii' .iiv wctk mui low eplr- iu'u, in ii : iiu ii. itiMst upuu H. our driiL"-l'iK U ciw ii HOP BS'l'TERS-. II III i huit iit lU Ii lun t-.nt'j httjitlr ds. Dauchy & Co's. A&vt'n. Sure Reward. n vr.tits to iiv t'oit i rutsi. so sno rsa -aens. Ii''C li:iti.1 ,11st !n 5 tin.I In .ltlclil Kltti in lilt. ..Illll.i!) K'i'- : in nt il (lie ;iiiiui StisjiIeN ami In. tlianti CiiiiiiiiKl i:iiiiin.Y. 'XITLTJ tehpecx. !trtiif; s 'v i roj) ji't'iilj ol tllllEl.'l' im il III II Kill llll 4'ltCli lilies -no '-liojMii'r." la'NM-ll "lltl-eMS-.llll-. tin: -Ithtliv Makkkt. enoui i' am until i uiii-i i-1 1-ii -iiiittiiuii mi; C 'KN I UK III IIIK.IKAM, Ki'ixl tor tuiutl)lilt!l:iiitUi- (inman AilUre-.-si , O. lll liintlT, 1 anii rintmsBioskl: I1IMM) KAl'Ill. illl ll, uprll IU, lsi- uiv tl f 1 1 HI iliiuuilSlHI'. Llfix, Hum' uud 1'lnri.l I'aill I.H'., M i till h.llil'-. Si-e'e'i.uiOo Si Cu Hlud. ItluoK, N. Y. UlliJ in, m i It -t .. 1)1 I VA Aiwi e 1 IMAjN M UK WAU Willi lliMil-.l 1 1 1 li A t in i-if i, i.i Ke UealtA't. ijiist ew-i'i-rIor full lli. hKT KIIKK Itl'f-iv limine 11 WO ur Ol.l. AN ii ut mi lm. M elwil ir. li.'Hll.t'n e.-ti brit- ti tl I'l.Min- mill UllflUJ, uHUD IHU lllKllliti-lt ! I'lllll- li i ii' . i iiiijii im in I liltalis art' iiMltillh nl li. pllf- n! Mn-l Hiu-LtMlllll Iiiiiisi' lu Aliii-lli;ll ! f mil iiii iii i il t. fi't. euiii ngei willioiii a elolliir. fe..l.'SimM in .III (-.'..shi.ii. .1 ulilillHlh 1.UMI--1 nt le-e'tt livt r l-iv. iu, iliaht Heihv-u.HMl j'iuuiiH hlll6 le nUip L'n'ureU it t lr s-.K'iu. villi, in ui. minute ijui-- 1AL " -. i . K. ;uUui uow rend) . Ad.lletb V. WunhlButun.New Jersey, lOTi-tw d l or 11 e. O.I TAT I 'that Mtiiliirtl'i. Itntl.ei.1 t'ure lot, I mat I'll mil hut UiMuUI l'UkAlinsP' S..UU euie. Koliaiiietaf Henry We U. b I . 'ili. fM't AU- 1 It-tu. r-. 1., iv:... wineu, rial, -' WAtl.'tv.U'l.l't C IOV.-U. SI. lulu. I'uMAoliails iilni in-uilfce by mall. I'liCts ullh uiiplin d limuloi tl sold evirll,ll. MtKK IVlTkll. 'ruiiiieiors, iM"o, turn, may 10, ltw el Cclobratad X.ibrry liXTl'.KtitUX li X 31 V ! a. I11I Ud to anv room ItlgU nl' low e.'lhliif. 1 uueti'il lo taliU ie licit lu u-t'.tiod n.iMd.) Lu. n I. luiU'Uox. I'tlll llLV Mil. 1 hum HI.. IWI. ti.Jn- wittioin 1 L'litu. . litiiiutiy. ijuli. as 1 ui.ii ul, 11L ua k-'-. uii'lul ', I in- e- J 01 -'. 'I lut Irnlito uvtA-Ut -.1 111 inli.i ii.t la .'i'.li tliualiuur iu uJ '1 lt nut t Mi-i uUu; li llbU I, l ll.l.'Ui IU. 1 ill 1- itM'd It .1 1. i'ii t..inii 1-ui. 'iiu'iii .11 uf t ,1 P. I..,-- . .... .1.1, .11 -H .1, t' mvi( I"" In-li lu'i" . it i HnieiV, eaaiiirt 1st n rk- ur or tip el. .hi eslt-iiaton 1 u, u 1 .1111 4 l ii. 1 r or .11 irnu liiiti 1,1 U liiiik', mi I cauuut n mi jrn.- iiy, lt'o. --ion Iimiiii iiRi oitantit'liit f ult I . li Is Mil 1 ' .1 1 till I ... . - twit -.1 .1,1 . 1. l I ,. 1 , I A'- 1A1S s ' s- t . . I0'.'J3 At Ut Ot 5kl I'llCM J Ul-llut - ..I-' - 1 f 1! PA. ore I'HJt'msioMAl. and SMidontt irriliistn llioretn. receive Htftt HlplouMis, conferring te tollowln of the Nc leuiccs : siasteror Lilt, uiassies. ura-iuaeoa or 1 rusts-c. il Trnslcc- DM 1 N IST1 SATO 1 t'.S NOT I C H. I.STATB OV ntMHBVI! CONKKR, PFCKAStl). letlt-mrt Atlmlnl-trallon on Ihn estate nf Ilvaerve fouaer, late of Iteiiton Immslilp, ct'lumbla cniinly, I'a . ueeeas.-.), Imve been pranted by ifnj Heirlter or H-1I1I eontitv to tlte nnrti-ielmtixl Aftisltilsiriiltie nf j !.t ennsburtf. Mi pt-rsonR lia I tier . 'latins aeiiliis. ntc t'M-tr.i or ine netwiieni sie reqiinwsl 10 re-efii llieiu f. r s. til. rueiit. ana lliose Indebted to tne es tate 10 make pin mi-iil. lo ttie unfltTSlirliid Adminis trator dcUu. l!U .tONtM, Mlnomtburg, sprtl s, '7-6r Adnilnutr. wr. I).M I N fsTKATOI I'S NOTICE. F.STITF. OK Jon.1 PNYDE1I, UfcC'D. U'tters ot adnilnlMrutlon, on Ibe estate ot Joliu Hnjtti r, late ct iminco township, columMa co I'a., liavo been jrntnied by tlio Itetrlslor ut iks Pitntila co , to s-atuiu-1 Zllnii erinan, AdrtitatsLrutt.r, uturungBtwp., to whom all rwntons Indebted, ure to niak.- tiniuedlate painint olid tbuse liai mg .-litlms or deiiuiii'ls aicftlcst tlin said es.-tt tiltl make (iietn known to tbeui'ui u' ult ibis traiur wltb.ait delay MMt'EL ZIMMFUtMN, Adudiil tliilor, tif rll 12, siw ' 1 rang twp. 1 1IOMAS II. IIAHIHIN AI.I1EI1T llAKlMAN HARTMAN BEOS., iitiALiir.s is 'f KAS, CAXXK1) Fl.l'IT, XOBACCO. suurr, CONFECTION-EKY. Spies: c: all kinds, Glass k Cuccr.sw FINE GROCERIES, Foreign nnd Domestic Fruits, AND GI.NKKAL LINE OF Family Provisions ItusseH's till hUllll, iH'i'mi'r I!).ik:i, 4tli iloor U'lowJIaiKet Uriel, lilnomstitiie, I'a. SP- OotHls di'llee-icel lo all parts ct tho town Art'll '7. 'TT-lf A OHAKOS TO KAK3 SOL'S H0S3Y SUS3. "ruin.lf IM-tr-iy r r I cini- Inn r iii " Nowri-nily. Wilie fi.r Ait'i.e nt uiii-i'. JulIN sb' l.Y 4; i.'u., l'ut.lM.i r. va, siintcm mi-it. 1'hllu.le i,ltl.i. hiiieh Vi, '" JwAeo i 'tin: timk rn six ritr.TKititiTii- 'IIHIY mi: III!, l.lll K'S lllim'l' LJ1 WCJliK 'lllll MJW U.UVri;A'lLII llls'leiltv Tie i-ia.riisi n niry link lor tlie r.nni-tliuiila ll.lil. Ml i in. n-iitii. to in'ii,!-. unit W.'.dll at 1' lur toiiipl. in t.iiittt. tr in et niMtr our m iwo foinpie, m il rani.' Aditrenb I), c. ... miuni ii in iisin r. minimus:, pa. Pun I lull u, nij whatiuiirsoiikawthUln. inaieii 16, 'tb ni lur CMri V honors nt nil World ' I . i i - KMiiuition. Lai fsv Cata1 ihiuks nun e iKcl-i Alt. Mini ni iv -Dlf iltiri'il lulei". nrul inu.ll liitornintlon i.ri.-r i-iii-r. mas. in. ji- ii.mi.i. oiniAM iu, liohiuu. New York or Chi- cutfu. d apillso, 'To -Iiv AwiuUil Aulir t .-Al-. in mttUitv, nut tx,tlti-nif nnit Luttinn ch H-i-r .i ,we,(. , , -, ( ,:..,,, -r ,. 1..1 ti,, , .-.ft tiiml.'. As tin. slr.p tt .il.-iii.tlt isc! . n. iiti.'i I ii ml. run ,!-, s..i il.i J ic.iii'. , ' it . vi-ry t'liut. l-nlil l-e alliU-sl.-iT.. ?nl lorsni. , trot, (.1 1 . A. jAtk!JX lg Ml..., Ulcl.llUI, - ;. v. vkiii.!:, (iiiiiral Am., piiiiuiii-iiiiiin. apitl 'W,"t-4iv d utati:.ikxt MelBK-i r-i'llUdlKll, "veituer of roorlu r-ecount wuu m-uitT tuwut-uipior tueyear ii ACDlTOKft HKfOHT fit. 11. to Kri am i. or cinjilli-iiio for year tsT", 498 1 Tueasl' rt'.'.-tveil fiuin lieo. lotion....... T500 tij uMiitiTiti inns ai'uwe.i sno MtiiM' ut duplleate and liond 6 IE " iiiului.'uuniu ot & fei-hullLuiiuiui-i- a pauinr tliTt, " luatmeuaiiee ul Mary Llt.Ui ruinlh a , Paul"'!' 1 07 " lii.iliili'liaii.-u of ihnry blioLK) a liiwr 41 sj fish paid state Hospital (ur keeptuir Jim. Hullur .Tltil") " si-i t lei h ti nd paprniH'h of Overwer ot 1'oui- ami euinialNiiuu on ilupllwle . . 41 in " e.'Uhi ii of Cleo. linker In 0. " vxp'-iiMw e,( eofllii, Ac, (or Neiicy l rets , 31 a; " ixih-iuimi of Jiir-n tliluinn a paniiur i ; expeuni'- f My., JUi.hJ, u pauper.... 4 Ou " mall paid Jiwilc of Pein e lor oritur. 1 t?i aiidiilinr and .ut'Uliinjr ut 1 ounu. ... s . 11 Pnluiii-s. due love iiklilp vm tf'i (11 w; ic 1 ftltk UKUVUT, BtUUIt, Atulliuu, ISAAC KUiMIKI llANeud PBIKIt WIKItOI I!, Ku pervUurj In iieiouit villi eieriHWuw.pfor )eareucUliKApmiiiu, tW. 1 Dlt. j o am 1 u.- uupiii iii.. ior iu l ii ta - 'atluluttiu.hlplri.ui pioituui. i'r, mil II Uy .-A"i,trail6riieitra t'f ,liuil Ull IUWM.,.., ...... ... " teeuiUkon ItwtW. " ' inaienul (or roiulH.,, ''"ftouiTl1 (UtUM I miHus ;; rhu LuWl!w'Jyw'VlSu.,.'.:'.'.;:'..'..'.: Hhutvsl, kliuuiftii UuoUtmlilro .e!?rteri.'.'.'.'.'.'.: " I- WJiiirtOTIlM., ...... mis H4V Tu hut T4 PTI!1I KVHUt. I.IUK I'lTttai.!., AtttJIUrt IsUlHV. n. ) Apill Wl, n VIS" .'AKtV. UPTTRIMm, - H'l.llK.Mlh, V Tlli.M, -.' . tl' m.l ( lituply 1 rli.ttti m tin. l , 1 v uian ueim. J oil n:i vi iv,: ui' i.VH.Y DKSniVTi-ON 1 VaaTIKU iUiMl TLV A.T lUt, UolsLMlJlAN Umti. VMM " A.UUUUI.U. li'.iiu I .1 1 xtMnutiun I r 1.1 mo eue.-t- luvuki rowim svtuw vot'.i" llmo ror ,1 milNlHTHATOlt'H NOTICE. KSTAf OK Clllt-KS IL KUHU, DE0AltD. l...'"rs or AilmtnrMrsllon mi UMmsta4etCi Krtrsi II. Klin . lide of ur..euwl Kmnsbtp, twtoia- '' ro declined, I'kw ien (trann-d by tit HP(ru'rf. r -eld etmniy to lew. e'. J.v.-s ot haibo lowDKbip. All p. 1 -on havtnir elalma rutalost b. catuM re iwumkci to priweat lli'iu orsetUomebt nut UtOM Indebted to uuute payment wtriiont. delay. Jti-nrit WS', mar. s, 'T.on' AitratnttUWer. recti wood eownti.s. DMISISTKATOB'S NOTICF. KKTATK OP ANMK It. KLI.K, ISZV'O. Iettcratf BdirdnWrsllon on tl'eiMniaitt Al.nltl it. Kllno.late or titeenwoo.. tnwnsblp.coiuAiVftieoati- 13-, ea., have been mantra Hv iho Henlsler or eiouno- bin cisiutv to .leMi'uht'. Kvea. Adtnlbf .thitdl. to whom all persons ibdebied ur reqUesUMI to malfe-imutedlnt- pa. rae-.t, tutd Uiom' luvini; etutina or da maiiil afrntnst tbe 'il1 ettMto will iuKe-tMtn' mown to lliu under lined Admlrjelr.i'jur wlUtlKJt , delsy, JOSJSI'lt o. KVitft, srtie'.i.tsl.sds.e. I'inrel) u,'i cw" Cireen'. uuU (uwushlD. I 1ST Ol'' l'U'M,S TOP. TKIAI. AT J1AV 1'Kli.M, ISTs. .M .trover tlim'- i lt.ili II Wolf. J'ntflel Ki'.l-r u-lliir" v. v mi. k.iiMfetoq I M eiroet-r R.imr't. is. Mru:aivi ItHgtmbtretn , -lohn II tiuoditi.ui tt ) tilt Fuutier ' Itlli.Ll.iVR l i mavp-u Altlns-'B . t HfitiT l". Ootjiier vs. Kuutnuel cotiritf'BWlmYt M.try G Vanclerntlee vh. Adraliam -Iiytler. Kiuekwoy urn I l.ut n. E.ttlO -Itulu. llanlel Lelliv vm. lteurv K nano ul, ul. 4e Nl-l lii.ien h. i iii) una Ceuttalt' I'oof .'.Mine. i ii-n- .lotm II tteott V8 Pt inliaril suilmtr ' (leorjre A ItmeUv . .lotcpli .M I'reclc. -,iSf' o n UiM'kwoy s. rtrtt atluiiftl Hunt of HevwlrK' William KrlckliiHiin'. iv vh. 1.T Miarjiieas cloVr'-' I'. nnella Iteiuiw p. .-clizi'i-X II titer. . i. Couina hi.HiiK k Uantel swank. ' ' ' M II HpeiB H .Ttiliaa Duty el-til. " - - (iiMricr 'Tlioiuas ik. Mont. Mllclicl. Klljali 1 emc lm its. .1 II Matltloti. -' c e llllam Klnirnioii . Jlotilffnmery cox, 1'utiltk li.MiH-sH.Votijii;ijiuii and Centralla roor" lllstlltt. , . Illram Him v. W K sterner rt 11.x. in KluiiKioii y. MonlRiiinery cox t-t aU . - . .loliu m hell in. .lohu uinUerllter et lit. luhtli w McKi lv ute v-. w tillurn fcliatTer ct al, " .luliii Jact'tiH vs. M C l oudwarcl et nl. 1-li-bt Nui louul Hunk of liloouibouri; vb. John tlruber'a ftdtn'r. Hugh V Sleltejnolda u. Union I'Case. - 1 uiaiiKeiille .Mutual Snluic t unil uud Loan Also;!j'-, n in t samiiL'l 1. hits? et u.x. Slorrls M'teiiet .t. tiouierihotatts. Allen Jiuiiii v. .loliu sti'itnan . ex r. I't-njiinilii hvi.ti' A. inn- A. 'Hi. rntm t:tftckhous-lJr., -1. A 1'iti.l. "111 n M.e. tuavi:ki-k junous. tlllCO.MJ W t.EK. ' iluoin -w. II, llillard, u. u. rretui, l'etcr Jones, I. Kuhu. lieaier l't ter Ktiilier Jr. JrJd' lemtik in. f. miKlitfc. Oeorgro v. Mauser, wnc U. ItarnuH. rlareieek .lohn Gortlner. Ciitiiw laHii llano t.l t-er. T v. Dark, C. 1'. Hnr- uer, jo.fpti ev alter, u. it. waiter, M. o. Hughes, 'enti r-.I. 1'. lllnk, -Hen sliellhauiuier. ' 'en.ralhl .lliin.-H llnirerti' CntiviiirUaiii Jaitieh Relley. Kh-hluKeri-ek lsatalt Ittiher, Win. Traxler. lire. nwcKiU Itli'liiiiel .loluihon, -Insepli Patterson.- wrirll llutllni, Itlcliaiu Kitchen, Iald Al beiiMtm. llt'inluck seili Slioemaker. .lai-kt-oii i:t-k -1 t'ole. Inao Lew!.. l.ut-ll.l Mlehilt-t lloivi-r. Maitlsoii Davlil Hi-molt. Jlalue Ot-oijtn shuinaii, (it-oiee llrc-ltch, J B. Nuss. ir.ii)K'-Hi-ui-)t w. Apple-maii. Pine Itobert Potler. 1)M I XlSTItA TOll'S XOTICii EHTATIi UK JOHN KVKI.IMI, WHttWff i L.'ttt'r.Ut - llllillllR.1lllt.011 I Ii ll.i. JAtirtKft lilnl.Iul.- ul plhlillit;. leek lilwii-tilp.OiL co.,dtiOtikecl,' luitubeuii Kiuiiiuuui tho KttMer m Nitd .'onetrto ihe umii AGiiilnl&iiatui'.ici hum all peffons IndehU'it me iviiu.iiiiU to mko IminrtislupiiJinent aiilthoDe hmtnifeialtosorileniaiielii tu, ainMlUi- es tai.' will maku ihtm UowntottiB r.dn. nktintcr Mil Hunt delay. 11. A. JIAIMKKXAIv AOmiiiuttraior. nuy (el, IS7B-CW Iforto.J'a, A ssit;Ni:i:;s xotici:. .Notice Is l ei.tij f Iven Itikt iloeHoerl:iiiilitn uppoinit-ii i.i-i-igi ee ti iiod -. iiovei-ct ininnifVii 10- the heni nt of cudltore, e. All tcrboj tlcre lore. 11'd.l.ied to tie Mild In Vid 1-. llt-wtr, U1 n 1V0 1uM11.1i' iu Ut tain as-lgpie aiid tlu.e lirrir n alum or demands, villi makes known inn ism. with out, tlelry. . I.. Evkki.v AUtiice, Au'y. for AHlgoee. niaj s, l;b-w S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineor, General Suivejing and Engintwing EuEiiicEB attended to witli Ckre and Dispatch. I am preiared to uialoi draw logs, IVW. .iuui-i m u eK-.i, itt-aae, iri b, or ine ftliore eoiuLltoJ ui noe-etsiary ot Erlirc!, I-Kte:, 2reac:s, Bcil4isj, Zs&m, PfJIl'ii, urn all llnrla u ant hlr.erV (or ute o( cut at Oourt. or for uppiteatiotw to m-ure rawnla. Pitit tun sveiiiptt. " loftrebiff, HT- E NU l"l Oils' KOTIUK IKIA'IK OK DAVllll. IliUKkUll'll. PICKAjUU. lelliih TeMniiientary on lliuekwie o( IXlnll lliujeli . h. laid or tvnfe lowni-hlp. ColumMa Uo. . ii vi.- ti, uv! !. u ut riii d by the HtMrWarut ill rouble u tm.iii.rtKi; ii.. ,. , ,.;..,. iiL..7r oj5 Prann II. Ii-genouch 1 imt. Mde. Etwiawis. lit 1 whom ull lerMuiu i,.i. 1 1. .1 1,. 1,1 um. qtu-kted tu make pumiuui, und Uium. dailiw clttliun ur iit niaiidn nuulu-i Ihu aatd eut will nmke tin.'u kuowu lu liu- raid eteuturu wlthcui, iei.iy. I I.KI'M ick H'tiBviircil, I!py. I HaMv 11. i.A..ii.Niit;c:l,iJnti mKe, nprll '.fi " - juiei xeuton. PtATBBWATCniM. nATCTIEM.CVnpnt CuriStK A Co.; Ckleajo. tmeli. n-ty GolliiiLs' VajtiiiUlastor " Is Simply Wmnditrfal. Uu.fl, klwil' 1. April to,;n7;f ' lcOBnUler I'MXIMir'XlteJla 1 ' i Kit Uuj uma mSlti ever Haw, IM ifBiC ,. OittiultiiirtttAMAr T-T" (.'. NcAjoiMm. ib uaii uuun . y Lt, liaii dowi f Wy uut ije.0.1 ilniu all otUi' uutFv, ra. ll MWKlVi sihoui tur tim trw- it wit ytrnr. ti 4 toewtvw VWUiv Xii-'nAliji'ijjjfctritM tor luul ios. 1 .1 . f yi aukti aiuut. uud - . ire, i.un WWHtMllMlt. I- 1 - . ... , I,..,' . i.iNKJSil WUiiii,i.i.,.ii.ii,i . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 s I l WfckB.-. , sold liy ull Dm-. I lis 1. M. l'S1tr.t-lAUh ImiI-H. lull 'JU. 1 i. ROW ELL & pLc . Advertising Atjcmt. lHIRrti CHESTNUT fcTS. 6T .0U13, hu 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers