jut 1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. rntri? nnr hmdt a at iilin UvLU 111 D 1 A IN . ii i. o o m s n v n o, f it 1 1) a r, .i u i, v so, isj; It Is proper to nay that William ICrickbaura, llie Commlsjloners Clerk, has no lot nor part in lliojnll job, nor Is lie interested In illvldendi wIlli contractors. Itnll Itond Time Table. LACKAWANNA 4; ilLoc-MSllUItO ItAlMlOAD NORTH. S0CTIJ. .0.43 A.M. 7.611 A.M. 7.33 A, M 4.49 P.M , 1.C0 l'.M. 11.67 A. Jl , C.80 r. M. Accommodation Train, Hall Train Express Train UATAWISSA 11A1L l:O.M. north. SOUTH Accommodation Train Ms A. M. 7,117 1'. M. llogutar express 4.00 1'. M. 11,31 A. M. Throngh cars on Express t rain eltlier to Now York or Philadelphia, Accommodation train runs between Chtawlssa and Wllllamsport. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. Tlio Democratic voters of tlio several districts of Columbia county will meet at tlio usual placo of holding tlio general elections on Saturday tlio 11th day of August 1877 between the hours of tlireo and seven o'clock In the afternoon and elect delegates by ballot to represent tho dis tricts in a County Convention to bo held at the Opera House In lilooimburg on Tuesday tho 11th day of August 1877 nt 11 o'clock n. m. to place in nomination one candidate for District Attorney, one candidate for Coroner, and to transact such other business as tlio interests of the Democratic party may require. Also at the same time and places and in the samo manner the Democratic electors of each district will elect one person to servo as a mem ber of the County Standing Committee which will meet immediately upon the adjournment of the Convention. lly order of tlio County Committee. Warren J. liuckalcw, Chairman. ArrOBTIONMEST OK DKlXflATES ACCOBDINU TO VOTK FOR OOVRBNOH IN 187S. Pershing. Delegates. Header w 3 lienton 191 3 licrwtck mi '- liloomsburg I; 219 4 W.. llrlarcreck Catawlssa centre Centratla coiiwighamN.... Conyngham H.... KlshliuYcreek l-'ranklin , (Ireenwood Hemlock... Jackson Locust Main Madison .Mitnin Montour. Jit. Pleasant orange lino Itoarlngcreck neon... ..113., HIS 153 ICO no 1M 0.1 201 49 7.7.7.'. im'"'.'.' '.I!". Ill 21(1 101 117 179 75 till 132 Nl 69 .142 ..2 ...Si ...4 ...2 ...2 ...a ...2 . . .2 . ..3 A party of eighteen ladies and Kcntlemen left hero on Monday evening for William Cole's at the foot of the North Mountain, whero they will spend several days. Cole's is a good placo 10 go. J. 8. I'liilllps and H. W. Kahler of the Co LUMMAM office have become amateur aeronaut", and gone Into tlio balloon business. Last Tues day night they sent one up which made quite a display. Mrs. Mary Holder, nn old lady living near Cleorgo Smilh in Hemlock township was found dead in her bed on Wednesday morning. Sho had been living alone fora long time, and died without any ono near at her last moments. Wo regret to learn of the dealh of Lieut. Tru man L. Cnse, near Albany X. Y. During tho war ho was n Lieutenant in Uattcry V. 1st Kcg't li. Art'y, and afterwards was nn attorney at Wllliuni'port He was n soldier, and a kind, genial man. Wanted By every ono who lias an intelli gent conception of lis value, Health. Health depends upon tho possession of pure blood j and pure blood Is tlio suro posses-ion of (hoo who mo Dr. Hull's Wood Mixture, acknowl edged as n superior blood purifier. Tlio County Commissioners have made a great Improvement in the sheriff 'a office by put ting in a lixed counter, instead of the old move' able table that has so long been n nuisance there. Thesherifl and all who have occasion to do business In his office will appreciate this new and convenient arrangement. Fishing for bass this week lias been contin ued with unabated zeal. Tlio fashionable way is to go to tlio river in a carriage with twenty dollar rod, sit in a boat all day, and then give a small boy a dollar fora string of nice ones which he lias captured with a liome-mado con cern and worm bait. H'Malmm ljcadcr. I'hllllp D. Kramer son of Alexander Kramer of Rohrsburg, died at his homo on tho ICtli inst. of consumption. Aged about twenty nine years. Jlr, Kramer was a young man of promise, and enjoyed tho onfidenco nndrfsptctof the com munity in which he lived. His early death is mourned by a largo circlo of friends and ac quaintances. Tlio funeral took place on tho 18th. A few evenings since we noticed an old man, evidently intoxicated, lying on the steps of the Episcopal Church, whtle a largo crowd of lit tlo boys saluted him with jeers and annoyed him with sticks. If tho parents of sucii small children would keep their little ones off tho street nt night they would not sea such degrad ing sights, and would not bo nearly so npt when they grow older to occupy tho same posi tion as that of tho poor old man whom they were teazlng. About four years ago tho body of n man by the name of Abram Urewer was found in the canal nt this place. An Inquest was held and ft verdict of accidental drowning was rendered. On Tuesday a young tnau by the name of James M. 0. Swope, of llarro Forge, Huntingdon county, appeared before Justice llrowcr and testifiud that he witnessed the murder of the man. He gave tho name of a lioatman whom he said had struck the deceased with n pike and that he fell into llie canal and wasdrowned. It is probable that an Investigation will ho mado at once. lUp. Mr. Moses Kverelt, an old nnd respected cit izen of Orango township, met with an accident on Thursday last which resulted in ills dcatl: Sunday morning. Mr. Kverctt and his son were hauling in hay nnd having a load In the barn they wero making prepatations to unload it into the mow. They .preceded to move the wngon to a more advantagous position, and while thus engaged Mr. Everett, who was on top uf the load, fell to tho barn floor. When picked up lie was entirely unconscious, he liav ng fallen upon his head and shoulders. lien' ton lt'icVy. The camp meeting season is approaching and many of our citizens will soon be making prep arations to -ilc!i their tents in tho woods. Years ago camp meetings were different from what they arc now, for there were no seaside' resorts devoted to that purpose then. Now one can ho fashionable and religious nt tho same time. Sugarloat Id, 3,757 70 By rule the ratio is fixed at CO votes fur a del egate, but no district to have less than two or more than four delegates, and allowance is to be made within those limits for tho largest frac tion of a ratio, liloomsburg July 18, 1877. The Boston 99 cent store is doing a rushing business, and selling all kinds of things. The post-office address of Hey. N. Spear is changed from Orangeville to Light Street. The new berme bank road between hero and Espy is progressing rapidly towards completion. Charles Foster had new corn for sale last Saturday. That is about the earliest this season. Wm. Marr, son of C. C. Marr, is at home vis iting his friends after an absence of several years. J. H, James Esq., has been selected as chair man of tho Republican county committee of Schuylkill county. A large gray bird measuring seven feet from tip to tip of wings and over three feet from tip of bill to end of tho tail, was shot near tlio farm nf Dexter ('nnklin, in l.aporlo Township. Tho largeness of tho bird is exciting considerable controversy among sportsmen as to its species, clime nnd habits. It is claimed to bo the larg est bird killed in the county within twenty-live years. Sullimn Democrat. Many persons believe in trimming grapes just now. The way it is done is to take tho vine, hold in the cluster of grapes and trim them back to the first joint nearest the grapes ; in this way the growth of the vine is checked nnd is forced into the fruit, making it grow larger aud better. It could do no harm tiiii" this pruning process on part of your vine, sc that no injury will come from too much prim ing. Bask IUli.. On Saturday last an interesting game was played between the Berwick club, and a picked nine from here, resulting in a score of 10 lor Berwick and 17 for Bloom. Umpire, Mr. Brown of Berwick. Scorors, Kester and ltuch. The Bloom nine was notiiing but a picked up nine without any practice at all, while the Ber wick team was a well drilled practiced and or ganized club. X The cherry season is about over, and rasp berries, blackberries and whortleberries arc the reigning small fruits. William C. Johnston Esq., for many years Register nnd Recorder of Montour county, is a candidate for re-eicction. Wo have received a line lot of new job and poster type, and are prepared to turn out work equal to any in this section, nnd nt the lotcM rates. Wo have a second hand font of Double 1'ica, and a large font of Great Primer, both complete, and in good order, which wo will sell very cheap. Also n completo font of metal job The Exchange Hotel is now in nerfect running letter, upper and lower case and figure". S order, and roady for guests by tlio day, week or advertisement. season. Thero is none better about here. The tramp nuisance is getting so great that The Commissioners deserve the thanks of the the people of Delaware, Chester and Montgom public for removing the front gates leading to cry counties have a mutual protection nssocia tho Court House. They were nuisances. tion. They will have mounted police, and whenever any outrage is committed the alarm Twenty five cents sent to F. W. Helmick IiO j, t0 he Bivcn ,y ),0rns or bells in daytime, anil West '1th Street, Cincinnati, will procure a copy rockets or signal lights at night. This will no of the "Chromo Waltz'' suitable for beginners. The Philadelphia A Beading Railroad Com pany has issued an order discharging one brake- man on every passenger tram on their road. Mr. Frank Dentler has finished repairs and additions to his residenco on Market street, and the result is that he has greatly Improved his property, GiitATtD House. By authority of Mr. Mc Kibbin, of the Girard House, Philadelphia, wo announce that the price of transient board lias been reduced to ?3.00 per day. doubt be a check to the tramps. Unless there is a change soon tiie same system may have to he inaugurated in other portions of the state. Items. Attorney Oovcral Dcvcn? and Secretary Eynrts paid a visit to tho Schuylkill coat re gions this week. Gov. Hartratift has issued n warrant for tho execution on Sept. lOlh of Allen U I.a ros. of Northampton county. Ex-GovernerTilden and Mr. Wgelow sailed for Europe last Wednesday in tlio steamer Scytlita. A largo number of people wit nessed their departure Tho model town In tho Stnto of New York is Alfred. It has 2,000 Inhabitants, has never had n slnglo glass of liquor sold with in Its limits, nnd .never n pauper to sup port. Thero is n strlko among tho employees of tho Baltimore nnd Ohio rail road at Martins burg nnd thero has been considerable troublo caused by riots. United .States troops have been dispatched to tlio scene of nctioit to put down the rioters. Cardinal Antonclli, tho l'opo's sccretnry died recently, nnd now tho Countess Lam bcrtiui turns up claiming to bo his daughter nnd demanding his vast fortune to be turned over to her. The cardinal's brother? will fight her to the bitter end. Tho little boat In which Mr. nnd Mrs. Crapo are sailing to Europe was met by the bark Amphitrito Juno 23th. Tho pair went nbeard nnd took dinner, stating they were well satisfied with their trip. At parting they were supplied with such articles as they needed, and went on their hazardous jour ncy. Their boat is a twenty foot schooner rigged wlialo boat. If they succeed in reach ing tho other side in safety it will bo a won dcr. They arrested n vagrant, representing himself ns blind, at Newburyport, Mass., last Saturday, who proved to be in his way qui to a capitalist, for in his pockets wero found $2,093 in small bags. Tho money was lu gold, paper and silver, nnd somo of it was Canadian currency; moreover, this pecuni ous tramp had a pocketful of silver spoons, and two valises full of raiment. John Mil ler he gavo as his name, Illinois as his birth-place, and he averred that he had been bund four years. t . i.i - , t ; i t. r i cl! t. 1. ..n... .1 I,., ir. I inn n me nuiisuu in wiiiuu luuueis iiiei -Ul. OCIJUIU.lll. It It IIU.T VI, I . ... Eurone to consolidate hostile lorces naaiint the market gardeners are particularly annoyed house of Stewart, which he has "registered an by the cabbago worm, the following rccipo Mr. V, Cooley for many years connected with the Columbian as assistant-editor; has resigned the position which he has filled wit h entire sat isfaction to llie readers of this paper and his em- ployers,and has accepted an appointment on the. lleconl of the Times at ilkesbarre, under I)r W. H. Bradely. He enters upon the duties of lis new post this week, and if he is as faithful and able in their discharge as he has always been while connected witli the Columbian, the cord and its patrons will have amplo reason to congratulate themselves on securing the ser vices of a first class newspaper man. Gold, silver, copper, lend nnd nil sorts of things Imvo been discovered nt tho Whllo Mountains, Now Hampshire. This Is a good ecasati ol'the year to find them nsit will te likely to draw toufistsHip Irl that direction. Is it not very nearly timo for uncffuit to ttop pistol practice by children? Hero is ti youth f twelvo nt Wilmington, "practicing at a target," atid'casually shooting his little broth er throughMio head. It would bo well if the adult who allowed this child to have n pisto were put through a little Delaware di'-cipliiic. The whipping-post would suit hint admira bly. Times. DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained the agency of this Cr.M'.iniATr.i) Soap for Illoomsbure nnd vicinity. I nnnend tho opinion of somo of our best people as to its merits. "I have used Dobbin's Electric Sonpmndo by I. L. Cragln A Co., Philadelphia. Pa., lor w.aslilng noout ten years, anil mink- it superior to any other. Mrs, C. G, Barkley." 'We havb'used Dobbin s Eiectricboan nnd find it superior to any other or all others." iiirs. w. ii. jacouy, Mrs. II. II. Stohncr. I desiro nil my friends and customers to Give this Soap one trial, so Hint they m'ny know just how good tho J Jest soap in tlio unitcu states is. J. II. MAizn, July 2H, '77-8tv liloomsburg, l'n. Ladles who for years have depended on fill mntincr of txiwders nnd cosmetics for glv- nig iricui nriiiicnu complexions, nuw mm . .... ... '.. .. nr nrnnen.v nrj (l nv t in Kiiprirr nr i:n nmniA couiiir. lliai uieiiirs ouipnur soap tupplles llietn jUno j'i, 177, astuo property ot Dennis U. Welllrer A DMINISTHATOR'S NOTICE. f xstitx or MONTooaiP.rcote, nitiiltn. with, poorly tin ami rosy cheeks, elicited ?br.pur wt oW iErA'ttS iy tno gentle illmuittnon ol nature, fse-iu Dy i'Sj "f):n,rB. uvuin , t , Vmrt Miubfine If. art ow-l. Imte tcn tinted .by tue rt"gti.t;r "t Ilriii'ir sU. 1 11.4 in r .mil v i sker mm iciimn hnr ..u S i-,im i-riiiiMi. ' jid nuuly to J, Uesn cote, M 1110 M1LB ipiTD Dye, black or mown, ot) c. July PUBLIC NOTICE. Tho public Is now Informed that they can nvonchnnco to select their SUMMER CLOTHING from the largest stock of Cloth ing ever seen in iiioomsonrg. unii and seo nnd judge for yourself nnd be convinced that tho old reliable store is still nhend in selling nt the lowest prices. D. Iwen-berg. Now RiiAD This. Nenrlv 3.000 tons coal t i.... m,. sold lost season. Now is the time to fill your rlbutlon or the balance ot funds In the bands of tlio conl houses with tho celebrated Avondnlo Administrator. to ana .among tlie pa"i entitled ty to produce any coal that will give better tlio nth day of AuKust,i877. at 10 o'clock a. m., when satisfaction flnnl delivered In nnv imrt of and whero all persons halng claims arc requested saiisiacuon. ioai tieiivercuip any pan oi t0 present the sarao before theAudltor or bo debarr- rr suMMint Excntsios-s. Parties contemplating a summer excursion trip to tlio seashore or any of the popular summer resorts, are requested to call on tho undersign .1. Summer excursion route books, giving full Information as to routes and prices, enn bo had on application at tlio ticket ofliee. Also tickets to all points west and south-west can bo obtained at cry low rates. Tickets sold over each ono of the popular routes of the Penna, R. It. and Erie ltnilway. W. B. Poust, Agent D. L. & W. It. It. Juno 2!) "w. oath in heaven" to overthrow. It is this that lias awakened the apprehension of Judge Hil ton ? llurridmnj 7Wyrai. In commenting on the above the Montour hnerican says: "A mountain made out of a mole hill. Our Jewish friends will go far to justify the general prejudice against lliem Ac." We were not aware that there was "general for their complete extermination will be found to bo valuablo : "Thoroughly mix 20 parts of superphosphate of lime, one part o( carbolic powder, and threo parts of fresh air-slacked lime. Throw n small quantity of the compound by hand into eacli head of cabbage. Repeat three or four times or of- tener if necessary." By this simplo remedy Prof. Quinti claims to have saved ninety- Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty. when it fades, she fides as well. While it is kept bright her personal attractions are still maintain ed. By preserving llie hair fresh and vigorous a youthful appearance is continued through many years. Those who grieve over their fading luir turning gray too early should know tint Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and restores gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is a clear and healthful preparation, containing neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and imparts to the scalp what is most needed a seine of pleasant and delightful freedom from scurf or dandrull'. aYuo Jlerne (A'. C.) Times. July 1 til. Marriages. 11KCIC PKALKl!. At the Itetorm parsonago In Ornngeiuloon the lit h Inst., uyltcv. A. lloutz, Mr (leorge lieck of Centro township to Miss Martha Pealer of Flshlngcreek township. Deaths. prejudice" against the Jews. On the contrary they stand preeminent ns being sober and law five per centage of his cabbage. abiding citizens. They are never heard of as the inmates of poor houses, and seldom as crim inals. Any prejudice against them comes from narrow minded bigots. "VTOTICE. i hereby notify all persons llisttho following list LEGAL ADVERTJSEJENTSa grind Blonc, hay rnke, tow and pigs, sow, a shnuti-. Hlelsh, ladder. Bird, 2 emulators, 6 plows, drag lmr- ruw, uui wiijtun,eiuiT miner, minimi? mill, iui mn'i rakes, cutting Ixn.'JRis woik harness, sliurlo har ness, v se ifl ny nets, uiaru anti con. sorrel man-, mui llon colt, red cow, spotted cow, brlndle. better, 8-3 of 15 acres of wheat In ground, 2-3 of 4 acres of rye In tlio ground, 2-s or 10 acres of oats In ground, 1 acrool potatoes In tho ground 2-s of 15 acres ot com In ground, one cook stoc, beds and bedding, chatrs, ClIItlSTOl'HEIl KUSIEH. July lo, 1S77-3W UDITOR'S NOTICE. UTAH AHI I.LIM1HH, UB.U 1. town In smnll or lnrgo quantities, nnd guar anteed lull weight. 2,000 pounds in every enso ; nnd wo nlso notify nil that we nrethe only authorized agent lor the snie oi Avon- laioconi in misplace. W. 11. Poust, Agt. for I). L. & W. R. R. Co. Juno 29, '77-tf Hnvo votl tried Kirbv's WildCherrv Couch llalsnm ? A very pnlatcntile compound for the various affections of the throat nnd lungs i, t .. ...i ...in. ... ,. i.. ...... ..... of nsthmn giving instant relief nnd In many cases effecting a pernamcnt cure. Price 00 e.l frmn rnmlnff In fnr n ftlinrn fit nntrl fnnrl. WM U HYUItLY, July I3.1S77-4W Auditor. HpFblScT sale" " 01' VALUAI1LK REAL ESTATE! ,iiin. aiiiiiitiistrninr. in whom all persons Indebted srp requested to mate pnyixcnt, and those bartnc claims nr demands ngirliisl the said rslato III fe llieill KllOWII U HlO S-IIU UUIIimWlttWi Hiiuvumi- lay' .1. DEAN COLE, Coles Creek, .lunoM, '77 -w Administrator. AmHNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. (STATIC 01 MB1CC1 SMITH, PIC'D. letters of Administration on the estate of Itebotsa fimlth, lato of Madison township, Columbia coun ty, have been granted by 'tie Register ot sold conn IV to Conrad Krcamer, of Madison township Colum bia county. All rersons having claims airalnst too said estate are requested to present tnem for settle- mcnt, ana tnoso luaeoica w mane pajmum. mmwu. delay, CONIIA1) KltKAMElt, JuneM, 77-Cw Administrator, JeraeTtown, I. QOUNTY OF COLUMBIA, SS ! The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Kliabetn 0. , intermarried with Peter Kckrote, Ucnry Yon, 1. ydta Ann, Intermarried wlUi Henry redder, Jacop lobe, iJivlna, Intermarried with Joseph redder, .lane. Intermarried with Charles Convngam, Kllen, Intermarried with Milton Masteller, tne uetrs of Ly- dia Yone, ueccaseu, ureeumf : iuu uu v.u v. w. aro hereby cited to bo and appear before our Or phans' Court to bo held tho nrst Monday of Septem ber next nt Bloomsburg, then and there to accept or refuso the real chtuto of Lynia Yone aeccasea, Thero will bo exposed lo public sale, pursuant to an order of tho United states District court by the undersigned Assignees of Nehemlah Itceee, Bank rupt, on tho premises at Iluckhorn on SATUItDAY, AUGUST 1, 1877, valuation put upon it by tho Inquest or Bhow cause whv tho Bamo should not bn sold. witness tno Honorabio William Hwclirroaldcnt Judeo of our Court at Bloomsburg tho clghtcenta dayofMay,A.D.,.S,7. TUIMKm Clerk O. C. June IS, TT-uw M. W. Nrss, Deputy. secured for me chanical derlcea trade marKS,ae slms and com- Infringements, reissues perches to a post, thence by town lots ot John Ne velus, John KLstler, Cnas. Neyhard, John Merklc, M. Shoemaker and (1. Weaver south 17 degrees, cost o-io perches to a point on tho east side of Main street In tho village ot Iluck Horn thence along west 8ldoot said street south 84 degrees east 864 perches ton post, thence by land of II. Appleman outh 87C-S degrees east 193 2-10 perches to the placo of beginning containing EIQIITV-TWO ACRES, and eighty perches, strict measure, and also a Pioco of Ltvncl adlotnttn? the aboe described tract, and described as following I fullows : Beginning at a corner of samo thence by samo south so &-s degrees east 131 l-io perches to a stone In road, thence by lands of s. E. Kvans north S.v degrees west 31 45-100 perches to a stono In road, thenco north 87 6-8 degrees west 131 8-10 perches to a stono Inline of lands ot John Klstler, thenco by lands of I. a. ltusscll south til degrees cast 2t 4M0O J PATENTS1 pounds. labels reR-lstcred: nun lUMriiciituua niu it-vci IN VENTORSorWoWeiJ EDSON BROS., oi u. s. ana iforeip PATENTS, 711 G-: Street; N. W. WASHINGTON, D. 0. cents per bottle and positively warranted to at a o'clock p. m., tho following valuablo real estate. give entire satisfaction or money refunded, tc-w it i All that messuaeo, tenement and tract of Klrhv's .Vlnrrin Kp ipl tnr thn instnnr. rnrp land sltuato in llem OCK lOwnsillD. coiumoia county l nn.l intjrrpi-pnpon will rfwlvn nrnnint attention. nf nml nr-,itn nalna Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: T V7inXTrprM3C should send us a model " - ...... 1 . I - . .11 1 V Pi . Ill 1V Blrot. Kirbv's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas- nnt. sain nnil plfpctllnl. Kirby's Horse nnd Cnttlo Powders nre tho P0"'103 10 0 P09'- tl,cnco br lamU of th0 "f.1 ?' l,..f fnr .(ol- mni,f.rfiir.l T Vnnlah lteeco north 87 B-8 degrees west sll 4-10 them nnd be convinced. Kirbv's Cnmnhor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped hands. Gill's Iiilliotts nnd Liver Pills nro recom mended by the first Physicians. ilie nbovo preparations nre lor sale by nil Druggists nnd denlers in medicine. JUOYEIt iJROTIIERS, July 21,'7C.-ly Wholesale Agents. co.u7Tc6AiincbAL I ! I Wo aro now offering tho celebrated Sus quehanna Coal Co's Coal at th casli prices: No. 0. $1 .Co per ton on wharf. No. 5. 2.C)! per ton on wharf. No. 2. 3 and 4. 2.00 per ton on wharf. ltlackMiiith's Lump 2.00 per tou ou wharf. Ritlllninnits 4.i0 nnr ton nn ivlinrf. 35 cents per ton additional, for delivery to fcrcu,!3 10 a stone.the placo ot beginning, containing any part ot tlio town. Coal Houso Rates 15 cents per ton less. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! No. 0. to Litiie-burncrs 81.50 tier ton Coal screened beforo leaving our yards and full weight guaranteed. Orders left at I. W. McKclvy's Store, at our office, or sent through tho mails will re ceive prompt attention. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. O. W. Neal & Hue May 1, 187T August Flower. SEVENTEEN ACHES EIOIlTY--SEVEN rEItCHE.S strict measure. Both of said tracts, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES and 7 perches, being occupeld;as ono farm and to bo sold as such, whereon aro erected a Illicit Dwelling IIoiinc, largo BANK BAItN, and sheds and out-bulldtngs an EXCELLENT OltCHAllD, &c.. all In good condt tton being One of tho Best Farms in the County. Also, at tho same I tmc and place an undlv tded onc- tourth ot a tract of land In Greenwood township, By virtue of an order ot tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia couuty, tho undersigned Executrix ot tlio lost will and lestament of Frederick Istcr, late ot nreenwood township, Columbia county, 'deceased, will expose to public salo on tne premises on SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1877, at 9 o'clock, a. in., I lie follow log neal Estate to-wlt i A messuage and tract ot land situate In Greenwood township In said county ot Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt : Beginning at a post along line of land of Elijah Lemon and running thenco along Itno ot land ot Eliza Isler north one and one-half degrees, east ono hundred and mty eight and three-tenth perches to a post along Uno ot land of Wm. J. Cos, thenco byline of sold Vm.J. Cox south thirty-five and a bait degrees, east thirty- three and ntne-tcntns perches to a stone, thence by land of Augustus Wilson south seventy-three and one-fourth degrees, west fourteen and nlnetnth The- most inisonlilr. lirim's in tlir. wnrld irn Columbia county, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands ot peiclus to a post, thenco by tho same soutli twenty. linVo siifferii Z from iCViet vi-i -ind T ii or '" ley and others, said to contain about eighty three and ono-half degrees east, sateen and eight v . ,. U , i Alo i . m. .,. rv, acres. tenth perches to a post, thence, by same noutl Mrs. D. Snyder Sr., has greatly improved her residence on Hait street by extending the iron fence along the entire front of her premi ses. S. M. Hess made the fence. We haven't read anything so amusing foi long time as the editorial of Tuten's ltellcfoiite Jlqmblican on Judge lUnck's review of the Elec Loral Commission. In Tuten's mind there lurks not the faintest idea that the Judgo has been even coherent in ids writing and the Jlepublican man says that under the circumstances "we can do naught but pity him, pity poor Jerry Black." This Is truly refreshing nml will amuse tho Judge if he happens to sec the pa per. Tuten ought to have a first class mi'sion to Liberia "for instance." We have received from the Mercantile Agen cy of R. O. Dun A Co., tlieir late circular show ing the number of failures in business fur the first half of 1877. There have been in Penn sylvania during the last three mouths 134 fail ures, with liabilities amounting to S3,3C7,101 . anil since January 1st there hive been .iUO fail ures with 50,052,057 liabilities. During the same period of 187(3 there were 2315 failures, with $1,907,011), liabilities. The whole num ber of failures in the United States since Janua ry 1st is 4.7-19, with a little over $99,000,000 of liabilities. This shows a slight increase in the number of failures for the last six montli as compared with the same period in 187G, though there is a decline in the aggregato of liabilities. The business of the country1 improves very slow- iy- A camp meeting will bo held in C. Knorrs grove, Rupert, Pa., under the auspices of the African M. E. Church, known as tho lilooms burg Circuit Mission, toiiimencing KriJay July 27, 1877 and continuing ten days. Pastors in charge : Rev. .Mr. Williamson, Itev. O- E. lluber, Itcv. Cornelius Asbury, Hev. Win. Ross, Rev. N, W. Evans, assisted ly liishop Wayman. A special train will run bitwcen Williams, port and Rupert on .Sunday. Excursion tick- cts will be issued on all roads leading to the grounds. Hoarding tents will be in charge of .Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Danville, Pa. Grounds free to all desiring to tent, A full attendance from all interested in this work in earnestly requested, Wanted to (let on the Jury. Presently the stillness of the court room was interrupted by the entranco of u man who came in with n shuflling, uneasy step, and with his hat in his hand. He halted aud leaned against tho railing. Nobody took tlio slightest notice of him, however. At last ho took courage and spoke. "Is tho judge in? The clerk immediately awoke his honor, "Well, what do you want?" "I'm looking for n job, your honor. I've been looking for work over a month," "Thero's nothing for you here." "I thought ye occasionally gavo jurymen a job. I don't read ncwsjiapers nnd hem' n MKNSOII' Near Camden, Kent county, Delaware, Mrs. Hannah Menseh, wlte ot Captatn A. C. Mensch, formerly uf Bloomsburg, Pa , aged about 4S years. DkWITT. In Light Street, at tho residence of his daughter, Mrs Jacob Terwll.tger, July 9th, ls77, Isaac lie Witt, Esit , In tho seventy-fourth j ear of his ago MA11KET ItEPOllTS. RI.OOMSI1URC1 MARKET. Wheat ner bushel I s.w mo - .19 corn. new. dats, " " 40 Flour per barrel lo.oo cloverseed 7,"0 Flaxseed i.iil .14 .10 It. . r, .41 .10 .11! 12.00 -S5 4.C0 Butter . Ekes Tallow .. . . t 2.90 Der Ton i0. D - -' 2,U NO. 6 " " S 1,65 Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf t'l wo Bituminous " H u) Business Notices Judge Elwell, Prothonotary Zarr, and M. V. Lutz, with their little eoiis went fishing last Monday. They had fish for dinner hut wo are not informed who caught them. A Danbury man describes a church festival for raising money an operation wherein one half the church buys berries at fifteen cents a iuart and sells them to tlio other half for a dollar. The Republican inquired last week what had become of the third Commissioner who was not present when the Waller contract was made for a jail lot. Tho gentleman alluded to does not shirk his duties, and has never failed to be present at meetings when possible, bnt as he re ceived no notice that thero was to be a melting at that time, and the business wan done at an earlier date than was agreed upon by the full board, it was impo-rfible for him to attend a se cret session of which he knew nothing. J. E. Eichholtz of the Sunbury Democrat in forms us that tho pajier book in the caso of Hester ct nl. will make one thousand pages, in stead of five hundred. He Is printing 200 ex tra copies. Mrs. James Roat, daughter of Reulcn Wil son of Mlllvillo, committed Filicide by hanging on Saturday last. Shu was found hung to a beam in tho back porch of her residence and when taken down life was extinct. Her little girl too young to know the elle-ct of what her mot her was doing, Bays that she went upstairs to get a rope to make n swing, and when she Potatoes Dried Apples Mains Mdes & Shoulders Lard per pound .,, stranger in town I haven't got any prejudices Beeswax?" agin anybody. A paril of mine wrote down llmou'ysce?jL-b-Kvn'6'Ns Vo'iV'coal. iu mo ui jieuu, nisi wi-ck, unu sain lliai uiu r.o. sou niin jury business up hero was brisk an' it would pay to como up. As I'm a stranger to you nnd n little hard up I'll start in and serve for a case or two for half price till you kin seo what I kin do?" 'What aro your main qualifications?" "My strong suit is in makin' a jury agree. No juries ever get hung it I'm on 'cm. I just lay low till they ta.ee the first ballot, then jine tho majority and argue the reit into it. I can discount any lawyer talking. I can show 'cm up pints they never tum bled to before. Sometimes I have to use force, but seldom. Once, down at Truckee, a murder case, there wero n couple of fel lers stamlin' out agin hanging', nnd after arguing with 'em as smooth and gentleman ly as I could for over n quarter of an hour, I went for 'em with chairs, and by tho time I'd busted half n dozen pieces of furniture tl; Loninlaint. .uoro than scventv-nvo per cent of tho people in tlio United States are afflicted with thc.-o two diseases and their ef fects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Costivencss, Palpitation of the Heart. Heart-bum. Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of tho Stomach, yellow; skin, coated tonguo and disagreeable taste in tne mouiii, coming up ot loou alter eating, low spirits, Ac. On to Moyer Uros., anil get a loccntbottlcof AUGUST 1'L.UW Ktt or a sample bottle for 10 cents. Try it. two doses will relievo you. April 27, 77-ly jl "it Has StooiftheTestT If you doubt the wonderful success of Shiloh's Consumption Cure, gi ve it a trial ; then if you TEIIMS : Ono quarter of purchase money cash on day of sale, one quarter In six, one quarter In twel e and one quarter In eighteen months thereafter. Said amounts unpaid to bear Interest rrom the date of sate at the rato ot seven per cent, per annum, and to bo securediby. proper mortgage or lien upon the property sold. CHARLES O. BAItKLEY, SAMUEL K.NOKH, July 13, '77-ts Assignees. ASSIGNEE'S SALE REAL ESTATE t By virtue ot nn order Issued out ot tho court ot nre not perfectly satisfied, return the bottle nnd common rioos ot Columbia county, tho undersigned we will refund tho price paid. It has establish- Assignee tor tho benefit of tho creditors of Abraham eu tho tact that consumption can bo cured, Miller wilt exposo to public sole at tho while for coughs, asthma, hoarseness, wliooti ing cough, and all lung or throat troubles.therc is nrithing'like it for u quick and positive cure, and it seldom fails. 10 cents, 60 cents nnd $1 I .er bottle. If your lungs aro sore, or chest or lack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Pla-iter price 'Jo cents. Sold by C. A. Klciinand X. .1. lieu-dcrshott. WILLIAMS HOTEL" In tho Borough ot Berwick, Columbia county, on tho 15th day of August. 1877, at two o'clock p. m., tho following described pieces or parcels ot land with tho appurtenances, situate In said Borough ot Berwick, Pa,, bounded and doscrlbed as follows, tc-w It : All that piece or parcel of laud Dr. Shiloh's Svslem Vitamer is nr. .louht tho sltuato on Oak street, bounded on the east by lot ot most successful cure for Dyspepsia nnd Liver Arthur Oliver, north by on alley, west by land ot M. complaint wo nave ever known, otherwise we I .jiresuuauuuu u f.,, wUUUU couhl not guarantee it. In cases of consumption I Ing one lalot. here general debility, loss ot appetite and aiso, uno uuier piecu ui iuuu oiu. ocwuu south nineteen and one-fourth degrees east fourteen and three-tenth perches to a post, thence by the same south eighteen and one-half degrees east, tnlrtoen and one-tenth perches to a post, thenco by the same south tw o degrees, west one hundred and nine and four-tenth perches to a post at a public rood, thence north eighty-seven degrees west seven and nlne tenth perches to a post, thence by land ot Elijah U'lnon north two and three-fourth degrees east twenty-tour perches to a post,thence by same north eighty-nine an J one-fourth degrees west fourteen and six-tenth perches to tho placo ot beginning, containing EIGHTEEN ACRES, a:d ono hundred and seven perches. TEKMS OP SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth-ot tho purchase money to be paid at the Rtrttlng;down of the property, tho one-fourth less the ten percent, at tho continuation ot sale, and the remaining three fourths in one year there at tor, with interest from confirmation ntsl., ELIZABETH ISLER, July 6, '77-4W Executrix. TJUBLIC SALE X OF Valuable Keal Estate ! The subscriber will oir:r for salo at his residenco In M tmln township on SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1877 constipation exist, it will restore and regulate street tn said borough.bounded and described as at t o'clock p. m., tho following real estate to-wlt i lio svstem while Shiloh's cure ailavs the in- llnmmntion nnd heals tho lungs. Price 73 cts, Sold by C. A. Kleiui and X J. llcndersliott. All kinds of l-'urnituro at lowest prices at Cul man's. AH I All I AH! J. V. Caldwell still continues to have Eresh Sweet lircad itc, every day, His ba kers do not know how to bako sour bread. Ho will not have any but first-class help. Hand-made Shops at McKinney's. Appleton "A" Muslin 7 cents a vard bv tho bolt at I.utz ec Sloan's. Tlio prico of furniture is way down to rock bottom, You can buy a very pretty Walnut Chamber Set for fifty dollars, and Sold by C. A. Kleim nnd N. J. Ilcndershott. April b, '7 7-ly j over 'em they was glad to come in with a an elegant iet tor seventy-live dollars at Cad verdict of 'inuriler in the first (Wren ' nnd I man s, ,1.. r..ll. ...... 1. ...... l .r.........i t.. wits iriiet will iiuu nut luiit; .miiiiiu. ju . , ,,i . . , . . . 7 i , .i If you want any Clothing call at onco and uios jiuuw vwuii-. i uu,uiiu see llio bargains in the stock ot Ready nun ii you ii just give me a wihk as to now mine uioiiiing now at it. i.owenuerg s you want mo case tn go, in guarantee to r .... & g...... r,..,.. . ., r.u(,. fetch in the verdict you want, or not take a tion in the prico of their goods. You can cent." now get best calicoes for 7 cents a vard wide. Tho man wns told to drop round again in i er1(M ll,r 10 cc"tH a"d I,,aid Gooda a day or so, and they would try and make a vacancy (or him. In order to do it, how- Tho Rockford Watch, tho best American ever, some regular juryman will probably time keeper mi-do lor tint price, can now bo have to bo discharged. Virginia C'iVy Chron- tui1V''" 4? tf ,lewelry 8lort'' Tin: Oruiin or Tin: 1'ouimi of Jt'i.v. "What do we have the fourth of July fur? asked a Hroadway boy of his ma, "Fourth of July? Why Freddy, I'm ashamed of yon. We have Fourth of July to celebrate the husband, I declare I can't think for a mo ment what it is." "Why, don't you know why we celebrate the Fourth ? Who was it discovered America?" ''Chrixtopher Columbus !" cxclaiuicil the mother ad hoy simultaneously, "Right j and when did he discover it?" "Why, on the Fourth of July, of course," re plied the mother j "but I've got the worst mem ory about these historical facts." "Ihalslt," said the wie lalher, encuiirag lligiy. wuiuiiiuuk .UMUYireu ,ll.icm.l Ull llie A linrrililn nnn nf .load, l, .nnl,..m Fourth of July and the nation celebrates .he combuioI1 omlrre,r , San ymncK0 few iiuy in iiuiiui ui iuu eveiu. i' ici.uy, i wniu ymi to study up. I should feel uwf ill inorlilied had you asked me such a question before company.'1 .Spontaneous Cuuihutlioii. Camden J'ott. Tho annoyance occasioned by llie continual came down she got on iu chair, tied the rope to crying of the Baby, at once ceases when tho I the porch and putting the other end around her cause is (as it should be) promptly removed by neck, jumped oil llie chair. Temporary insanl twlng Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. 25 cents per ty is supposed to have bfen the cause, bottle. Jacob Moyer, tho loan who committed tho Monday was, to our minds, the holiest day of I ra,,B on ti,e little (en-year old girl, Annie 73 o'clock drinking steadily at the variou bars in tlio vicinity, and tho largo size of each potation promised to speedily send him back to tho hospital, About tho time men- i.. i ....... the article depreciates ard the surplus must bo "on 116 "aggereu Into the tho room nearly . . I f.. !!.! I i l.l 1- 1 j l . ilisposed of before there can lie an equalization. iuseu'u'o unu leeoiy assen ior a unnk. tills is our present opinion that the siinnlv wns reiuseii mm, ana no tuggereit towaril ilo in Blooimbiirir far exicsls what tho tlio ens jet to light tho stliinn of a ciear lnrs will be paid to tlio finder on return o necessities or convenience of our people de- wlilciijie carried, whilotho barkeeper turned 1,16 pocket uook anu contents to There is such a tiling as having just enough f any given article to supply the demand, and when such is the case there is nocuiifo for com plaint. But when tho market is overstocked the season. There was no sucii a thing as keep ing cool, A shower came up during tho night. but it only wet things without changing the temperature much. James, was taken uy by Thomas Winans on Tuesday and had a hearing before ICsqulre Post, The evidence brought out fully convinc ed the Justice, as well as those present of his guilt. Ho was accordingly bound over for Ids To remove grease siiots from carpets, mix appearance to court, and sent to jail at Wilkes- fuller's earth to -a stiff paste witli cold water, spread on the spot and cover witli brown paper. It will removo the crease In a day or two. A second application may be necessary. A former in the lower end of the county liar--vested a field of Wheat on the 23d of Juno and on the -lib of July handed the editor of tlio Barre, a charge of this kind not admitting of bail. The little girl was very reticent about giving In her evidence, doing so with tears in her eyes, which spoke loudly in her favor. ICeho. Runaway. Mr, Mason Kdward' two horse team, attached to a spring wagon, in which Sunbury Gazette a loaf of bread made from the I were seated Mr. Edwards, his wife and a Mrs, wheat. Katt work. Miitonian, flouhl, of Beach Grove, on coming to town last Monday morning, took flight from a passing But few black bass of large size have been I engine near l.he lop of Sybert's hill and ran caught this season, so far as we have heard, I with great rapidity for near a mile, throwing most of them weighing less than two iiounds. out all the occupants, Mn. Edward sustained On the West Branch a couple have U-rn taken the greatest Injury, though not thought fatal weighing four anil a half pounds. Mr. Kdward n was cut and bruised on the rlgl I side of his head and Mrs. (lould escaiwd with Fourth Street wtst of Market Is rapidly grow-1 out Injury, The team in their mad career, Ing. There are already a number of pretty res- came in contact with ti, D, Jucoby and l'hln Idences erected there, and pavements will be I peas Knorr, who were in n Luggy going up the soon laid,' When grnUtil anil a littlo more built I road, breaking the buggy in fino pieces. The up it will be a desirable portion of the town to I team was here caught without doing further live In. I damage, Jferu-id- JtulepenJenl. days ago. The victim was a man named Ilarloy, and the account in tlio San Fran Cisco Post is as follows : "Witli a seeming a pocket hook contnlniiii? Ml.'Jfl in inntiev. insano desire for drink, he continued from a note of f97ti in favor of Thomas Kocher, Lasting Gaiters, SI. 00 at McKiiineys. Fine Underwear at Lowenberg's. LOST! On Sunday morning. Juno 21th. in Cen tre tonnship.on the .und from the residence of i liamas Kocher to the Lutheran church, signed by James Kocher, dated October 5, ism, also a note oi i2() In lavor or same, signed Edward Henry, dated April 8th, 1870, and also a note of $0 in favor ot same, signed James lioyle, ilateU September f, 1875, also store orders on Jackson it Woodln of about All persons are hereby notified not to pay tho ahovo notes and orders, as iney nro iny properly. A rewanl ot liveilol niand, and hence It seems that a proper diposl- to attend to his duties, A moment after he tion of the supernumeraries would he lo wreck I heard a low moan aud noticed a Hash nf fire their barks with the wave of a club. Go where and turning around, ho saw Hurley Calling you will on our Btreets, thero aro big dogs and to tho lloor, his head enveloped in black, little dogs, white dogs and black dogs, game thick smoke, while (lames issued from his dogs and curs, and so forth anil so forth. There mouth and ears. A horrible smell of burnei: are dogs and puppies that howl sjul whine all llesh filled the air. Not a moment was lost nightlong, and while we admit that it may bo iu attending to thesulferer. He was beyond June k!), '77-3iv Thomas Kociinit, Witmires P. O. $1.20 Foxed Gaiters at McKinney's. For a Nobby Hat go to Lowenberg's. Large rockinc chairs for tiorches nrn nil the rage. Cadman has them of nil klinn.M Dwmil , ," , . . .7 7 1 .. .. . . . . ultU;K,IlimIy euarreu unu iiartiv coverea witn i now hn iir,ii.i,t iv.r j r.n m....... i.... ..... ,.,i i .v,,i t i,,i,intt,i i . .-. ,. ' ... , -- - j & in niuisi. soul iiis eyes were open, ills uiucr ijiuco iu uuuuiuu s. drawn out yeip oi a iiounu. there may be wouth was completely roasted on tho inside; sucii thing as animal conversation and if so but- witll tho exception of his lies,! ami hands, no part of his body bore marks of his horrible death, A letter found iu pocket, addressed to M, Harley or Hartley, luruisheil tho only clue to his identity. we have no objection to one dog saying to an oilier whatever he pleases only so he does It in a quiet genteel way when the sun is shining. But we most strenuously protest when these canines restrain their feelings until the world lias gone to bed, and then send up a yelp under our window to let their friends know that they "Down to Hard Pan" Boots and Shoes nt AlcKinney s. Selling Summer Clothinc nt cost or li t . " . " - - - j.uwenoerg s. 2 Button Kid Gloves for Cfl close out an odd lot at Lutz it Sloan's. ,'iuiuwui ,iiti,iui juBMius mo raa-l li'. ........ mi , , , ,, -n -...'"I" 7". callW oftlm I.01.lslRnn H,tm.,l llnn..l ... ".A-V''"'-i.wu P.'P.J0 lear tf'IOI" uru uwukv. uu iwmwcr uuiues irum -fiursei - ' -'u--,Hf i ing iraue. wm. v. Kester. Apr,27tf Street and Kmokctown, ami roon all the dogs ll,m replying iu our articio ou tuo subject last week, says : Ladies' fino Shoes, all widths and sizes T . .1 ., I at t,.lf It. kci us miner cuusiuer any accusations """""'tj against a republican by a democrat to be a commendation until it Is proved to be true, which, judging by the past, In ninety nine cases out of a hundred, can be done." Such logic la Immense, but then we all know the editor of the Jmericun. within cannon shot, (would they were all will: In gun shot) take up the chorus, and talk hack and forth, until there Is no such a thing as sleep. Wouldn't it be n good Idea to put a tax on dogs that no one would pay except the own era of valu able stock, then kill the worthless ones and muzzle tlio good ones? You who have lost bleep and meat think of It I JOB PRINTINO OF EVERY DESRIPTJ0N EXECUTED 1'ROMPTLY At the Columbian Orator. follows, to-wlt : Beginning at tho corner of lot num ber ono hundred and ono, thence by tho same one hundred and elghtf-ono and a half feet to Third street, thenco by tho tamo forty-nine and a half feet Htt'KUETACK, n rich and fragrant perfume, to lot ot Alexander Thompson, thence by tho samo IVSPEPSI. DYSFEPSIA. DY.SPEPSIA. Dyspepsia Is tho most perplexing of antiunion ail ments. Its s) mptoms aro almost Infinite in their va rlety, and tho forlorn and despondent lctlms of the dlseaso often fancy themseHes the prey, In lurn, of every known malady. This Is duo In part to the close s) inpathy which exists between the stomach and the brain, and In part also to tho fact that any disturbance of the;dtgestlo rum lions necessarily disorders tho liver, tho bowels and tho ncn ous sj s- tern, and affects, to somo extent, tho quality of the blood. E. V. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of lion is a sure cure Tlits Is not anew preparation tobo tried and found anting i it has been prescribed dally for many ears In the practice of eminent physicians with un paralleled success ; it Is not expected or Intended to euro ail tlio diseases to which the human family Is subject, but Is warranted to cure dj spepsla In its mostobstlnato form. Kunkel's Bitter Wine ot Iron never falls to cure. Symptoms of Pyspepsta are loss appetite, wind and arising of the food, dryness tbu mouth, heartburn, distension of tho stomacli and bowels, constipation, headache, dizziness, sleep lessness and low spirits. Try the great remedy and bo convinced of its merits. Take only Kunkel's, hich ts put up only in tl bottles, liepot W9 North Ninth street, Philadelphia. Ad Ice by mall f re", by sending 3 cent stamp. Try one bottle of Kimkel's ron and be convinced ot lis merits. Sola by drug gists and storekeepers eerywhcre. WOIIMS. WOltMS. WOHSIS. lternovfd alive. Tapo Worm removed alive in from two to threo hours, with vegetable medlclno Head all passing from the system alive. No fee. (Ill head passes. Tho Doctor neier falls to removo Tape, heat. Pin and fctomach Worms. Ask your druggist for a botilo of Kunkel's Worm Syrup. rlco tl per bottle. It rner fails, or send to Dr, Kunkel. tjss North Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa., for circular with full Instructions, by enclosing 8 cent stamp for return of same. Kunkels Worm syrup Is used for children or adults with perfect safety, as It Is vt getable, Iluy It and try It, one hundred and eighty-one and a halt feet to Sec, ond btreet aforcs ild, thence forty-nlno and a halt feet to tho placo ot beginning, being lot number "ninety-four," in plan ot said town, on which ts erected a FRAME HOUSE, Also, ono other piece or parcel ot land situate in said llorough, beginning at a corner of lot number twenty-one on the south side of Front street, theaco by Front street forty-nlno and a half feet to lot number twenty-nve, thence by lot number twenty live one hundred and sixty feet, thenco by a lino par allel with Front street forty-nlno and a half feet to lot number twenty-one, thence by lot number twen-ty-ono ono hundred and sixty feet to the place of beginning, being lot number twenty-two (Water lot) as marked and numbered In plan ot said town, on which is erected a two-story DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE. One other piece or parcel of land In said llorough on Front street between Market and Mulberry street beginning on Front street at lino of said Miller thenco along Front street ten feet to lino of II. M. Ilockinan, thenco along said lloekman's llneelghty feet, thence to lino of said Miller ten feet, thenco along lino of said Miller eighty feet to Front street. Also all that lot ot ground sltuato on Front street being 'contiguous ln-lots marked and numbered In the plan of the said town numbers '-Fifteen and Six teen;" lot No. 15 beginning at tho comer of lot num ber Five on Front street thenco oiong the same for-ty-nluo and a half ret t to corner of ln-lot No. lCJienco along tho same ono hundred and eighty-one and a half feet to tho corner on Second street, thenco by the same forty-nine and a half feet to the corner of lot No. 5, thence by the same ono hundred eighty-one and a half feet to the place of begtnnlug. Lot No. 16 beginning at the corner ot lot No, 15 aforesaid on Front street, thence along the samo forty-nine and a halt feet to corner of lot number set enteen, thenco by the same one hundred eighty-one and a half feet to Second street, thenco along Second street forty nlneand a half feet to the corner of lot No. 15, afore said, thenco along the same one hundred eighty-one and a halt feet to the placo ot beglanlug, together containing sixty-six perches ot ground on w hich ore erected a All that ptcco or parcel ot ground situate in Mif flin township, bounded and described as follows : Be ginning at a stone corner ot land of Christian Lutz, thenco along line ot said land north 78 7-8 degrees east 147 perches to stone, thenco by land ot Peter Met ier north 12 5-3 degrees west so 6-10 perches to a stone thence by land ot same south 77 degrees west 06 and s-10 perches to a stone, thence north 17 degrees west 1 s-lo perches to a stone, thenco north 87M degrees west M 8-i perches ton stone, thence by laid of Samuel Schmoyer litv degrees eastM 8-10 perches to a stone, the placo of beginning, containing as ACHES and 54 perches strict measure, on which ts erected a New riank nouse. There two are good Bprlngs of water on the premises. Also, one other tract In samo township bounded and described as toUows : Beginning at a stone cor ner of land of John Wolf thenco north w 5-8 degrees east 14 4-10 perches to a chestnut oak, thence north S3 degrees east 57 s-lo degrees to a stone, thence by Und ot rhlllp Metier and Stephen lletler south ui degrees cast 174 perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Georgo Swank, south 76 degrees west 23 2-10 perch es toa stone, thence north 13f degrees westio perches to a stone, thenco south 70 degrees west 29 perches to a stone, thence by landot John Mow rer north I3i degrees west 41 perches to a stone, thence south ,76 degrees west so 7-10 perches to a stone, thenco by landot Peter lletler north is de grees west 114 s-io perches to a'stone.the placo ot be ginning, containing 65 ACMES and loo perches strict measure, on which are erected a Frame House, hank barn and out-bulldlngs. There Is a good well ot water at the door. Possession given in the Fall or next Sprlngas may bo agreed upon. Tkkusoi- Silk. Ten per cent, of the amount to be paid at tho btrlklng downot tho property; one half less tlio ten per cent, when possession Is given, and the balance In one year from Apr"l 1, 1878. ISAAC ANDKKA8. July 13, 77-Sw A 31 farther Reduction in tlie PitlCE OK PAINTS, OILS, IlItUSIIKS, JAPAN DnVEIt ft PUTTY Sclteiick'N Sou Weed Tonic. In the atmosphere experienced hero during tlie urainer months, the lethargy produced by the beat takcB away the desiro for wholesorno food, and fre quentpersplrutlons reduce bodily energy, particu larly thobo suffering from tho effects of debilitating diseases. In order to keep a natura healthful activi ty ot the system we must resort to artificial means. For this purpose Schenck's Sea Weed Tome Is tery effectual. A few doses will create an appetite and give Iri sh vigor to the cnen atcd body, For d yspep. fcla, It ts Invaluable, Many emliieutt physicians have doubted whether dyspepsia can bo permanent ly cureu uy mo urugs wuicn aro generally emploj id for that purpose. Tho Sea Wceil Tonic in Its nature Brick Dwelling IIouse.Brick. Store, Brick Drug Store, Frame Ware House, Frame stable and other out-butidlngs j and also all mat piece or parcel or una on Front street afore- saiu on soul n-west sido of lot of II. M. llockman. thenco along Front Btreet twenty-two feet to line ot lot ot A. U. Wilson's heirs, thence by the same sixty feet, thenco to lot ot II, M. llockman on a line parallel with Front street twcnty-lwo feet, thence by the samt-lxty-slx feet to tho place ot beginning uh wuieu 13 eits.ieu u 1I11ICK DWELL! NO HOUSE and outbuildings (tho last piece of land herein de- Jllll is totally different from such drugs. It contains no I scilbed is llncumbered with a inorurmre tn faior of corroaho minerals or acids j In fact It assists tho I w.M.'Lowln the sum of ono thousand dollars.) regular operations of nature, and supplies her detl-1 Terms anu Conditions ov Silk is Follows t Ten cleucles. Tho Tonic in Its nature so much resembles I PT cent, of tlio oue-tourth of tlm nurrhau. ni tho gastric Juice that it Is almost identical with that to bo paid at the striking down of the property.the lluld. The gastric Juice is Uie natural solteut which, one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho conhrmatlou in a healthy condition cf the body, causes tho food of salo, and tho remaining threo-fourths In ou jear to bo digested , and w hen this Juice Is not excreten thereafter with Interest from continuation nM. De- insunicient quantities, indigestion, with oil Its dis-1 ferrod payments tobo socured by bond andmort tresslngsymmptoms follows. The Sea Weed Tonic 1 sago on the premises. The last described piece hi performs tho duty ot the gastric Juice when tho Ut-1 ba sold Bubjeet to the mortgage of E.W. M. Low and ter Isilenclent. Schcncks Sea Weed Tonlo sold bv I the Interest due ou the same. July all druggists. AflENTS Gr.n j nnn n i r .. WANTED. JV tl) S-VV X-ei' IMOIUIl A N'BW, CtHK iNO COHCISE . Universal History Commencing with the earliest periods, closlmr M arch, 1SI7. 8 volumes of the World's great, tira .5 History Id one. asciknt, Jlimu-s Aula, aud Mm" jkn, lucludliig history of Centennial Exhibition, Inauguration uf Picsliletil llues and Turkish dim. cullies. A book of thrilling Intirest ami iimvfrSa need. Sills fufclir tbuu any othir. lituuuiul uius. tratlons. low nrlees. unlet eaiex. . .i.- i.L .:ti...Z lar8 free, Address J. c. .Mccl'HHV A. Co.. I'Mladel M, E, Jackson & son, Attorneys. Berwick, Pa., July ljili, 1ST7. J, W. EVANS, Assignee, C RESCENf IT you xvnnt lu save IVoni lo lo t!5 pel' rent In the cost of 1'AINTINO, tend for our prices uf the following : Strictly I'UltE WHITE EAD, MONToun wiTms lead SLATE PAINTS, ALLCOLOIIS, IKON l,AINlU,THltEK"cOL01tS, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. I.I.VSI'.KD Oil, ti CHALK I'WTTT. Best Faint Brushes, COACH JA1.KI&H, HOUSE VARNISH, Furniture Varnish, T A volume of thrilling Interest by the eminent htstc- rliuil. 1' ltli, . I. L-t-T- . .iu ..,... ...... . . lurks j socHI, Political, and Iteirglous History and Condition : their hoine-llie. mi-lt-il rnvtmnu n,..i n... "v ...wuw war, uiu issues uv SIIUO - ihrtstlan sgalnst Mohammedan the mlcbty in terests or ou.tr nations lot oh edi iilogroLhU-aif the imiers, Biautmtn and uenerals; all Hum v Iucb- SIMK1T8 OF Tl'ltl'KNTIKE, Orders and Inquiries by mall will reciiie prcrapt attention, sauule cards aiidDne elist furnished rlttiig tlio ltusblans aud without charge. ay. IS.-ly. HKN'HY S. REAY, Rupert, 1'a. Phia, Pa, UhUh-a,,, o, Ch,c.& IIT IWrSr, W,e7m Td "DLANK - - Jujiujw, IT-iaw lUUliAito mios., Publishers, 133 sansom street, 15 Comi TVlfiB' l'ATENT HAIR ClUJU'ERS lUMa- June . '77-w . - ns or lasuion. Send for I we.i.n-dnjff, jj loriawatthetxitMiiiMOtfloo. 1 LANK MORTQAOES for sale cheap at the Aaopu-u dy au Uie qua ilrculir. K. ivjmh. Kn T)APER BAGS ron balk AT'JHE H 1 UEIANOH-KK,
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