The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 26, 1877, Image 1

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Issue. 1 weekly, every tTIJay morning, at
1 I,jjA"iUM Uol.ttMIIIA cuU.Nl'i.l'A.
t i not lira lwr yoar, piynbto la advance, I r
dartiw t "ie" Alterina 'oxpirollnnol Jlieicir
ti m will be oliirgetl. To subscribers out ot tl o
L tn H are J per yeir, -trlctly In nilvnii o
-ti i if ii it. n lI 1 in a itiidcu aim i
aauyoaud una
inunt I o
W ,', -r .S'Ji"K".Vcpt at the option cf tie
;:...! hi iirr.m mires sru Tulil. lint loi a
Siatl'iTu .roHts itftr tno expiration ut the tint
year win not- ie Bi.yi
. .... ..... .In., .tn il.'InAtifl.
posi'AiiK Is no longer exacted trom subscribers In
tho count).
Too fobbing tlepartiiicnt of the Columbian Is very
co u ilft.i, mil our J l milling 111 cump uc fuvora
v "i it.ittit Hi'! law cities. All work tluneou
m uiJ, neatly nod at moderate prices.
UliiinerVenioutot Ilia state ortotllitaiitpost
iiiv'es must bo paid fo.- In nilviinic, unless n rci pun-
alUle person lu Columbia couuty assuuits 10 pay mo
lH I lit Mf lit H ft
tihiiMh, (twelve lion or it eqrjtvslsat tn ls"eti
rruiiptuue or two Insertions, li.w Urn teen
,. St'SCS. IK. ttf. IM. IT.
OtlIWll It .to KM MM
Two inches I.te 8.011 7.00 MO
ihrtr Inches.., .I.te t.M IM li.oa UJ
Four Indies T.oo l.M Ho It.uo MM
ij jiricr column io.ko m.m
halt column 19.011 ll.uv iq.ho SO.M see
(Jim column tu.o lo.ts so.ui
Yearly advertisement payable quarterly. lru
f lent advertisements must be paid lor belors Intame
except where parlies have accounts.
. Legal advertisement two doliarsperlnchtorUtros
Insertions, and at that rate lor additional UMttloaa
without reference to lengtb.
Kxecutor'n, Administrator's and Audj.or's actlata
three dollars. t
Transient or Local notices, twenty tents alias, .
regular advertisements halt rates.
rards in the "Business Directory" eoluma, eae .
dollar per year for each line.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Juitgc-Wllllam niwcll. ., ,
Ass)Clato.Iuilgcs-lram licrr, M. a. Hughes,
rrotltunotarv, sc. 11. t-'rank Znrr.
Court stenographer rt. N. Walker,
ifrettcr -V lieeoMer Williamson ii. Jacoby.
District Attorney lotin -M. Clark,
sheriff- ,
Murva or-lsaac Hewitt.
Trjasurer-Dr II. W. .Mcltrynolds.
O'j irnhsloncrsiolin ileruer, . . Mcuenry,
1 l?o n'ailSSoiiem' Clcrk-Wllllam Krlckliaum.
Au lltors-.M. V. It. Kline. .1. II. Casey, Ii. II. llrown.
Cironer -flurles il.Murpli .
.lury Co.nuiUiljneri-JacoU II. rrltz, William II,
tnt Superliitenilent-V Ham II. snvrtcr.
lllojnl'oir l)Wrlct-l)Irectors-o. 1'. Knt.ioo't,
.V111. Kri.ncr. Illo r.nibur and TUomas Crevellng,
li o t, o. r. Knt, Secretar .
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
riloo.nsburg Tl.inklng company .lolin . Funsion,
I'ri'tll. n , II. II. uro 1, unsliler.
Kirn v.i mnk-ciiarleslt.I'ax'on,' resident
J. r. Tustlii, Caililer. .
Columbia Counit Mu ual Saving I nndnnd Loan
AssoIa lon-K. II. Lit le, Preslden', :. . -Miller.
Secretary. . .... . .
Ill id n-i liirg DulldlnT and Sa lng Kunil Asiocla' ton
-ir.n in.,m.L- Provident. J. ii. iinhUnti. Socrdnrv.
linomiburgMu ual s.iMng fnml Aswla Ion .1.
j. urnivcr, 1'resiacn , u. u. ijarKiuy, oine uij .
Ilsv. .1, r. Tus In, (Supple.)
811nd.1v s.tvIccs-i M n. m. nndejp. m.
Simla school-on. m. ,
I'ravcr Meetlng-IIvery Wednesday evening nt Ct
soa Bfroe. Tho public are Invl edtoaltend.
Minis er-llev..I. .'cCron.
Sim I ly Si'rvlci's-tovj a. in. and OJtf p. m.
811n1l.1v chool-l'n.m. ... , . .,
i'ra crMeo ln,'-i:very Wcdnesdai evening at 0
Suatifree. Nopews rcn "d. All uro welcome.
Mints cr-l!ev. Sluari Ml "lull.
Sunday Services- on a. 1.1. and p. m.
U.....I ... U..hnr.l(l n 111.
I'ra er. Moo lug-i:very Wednesda cvfnlnga' tX
Kca'sfrec. No pews rented. Sirangcrs welcome.
MKT1I0D1ST KPHCorALcncncii.
Presldln? Elder Her. N. S. llucklnUam.
Minn er ltev. .1. s. Me.Murruy.
jundiv sertlcos 1 nndij,1 p. m. ii ,n
li)io'ciJsi-Hver .Monday evening a' .v o'clock.
Voung Hen's I'ra er .Men lug-i-.very nicmuj
Atri.nlM.n rtl fi'clrwl..
(leneriil IT.iycr .Mcetlng-Cvory Thursday evening
1 o'clock.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
i'astor-ltev. n. I), (inner.
ite-dhinco-O'iitril llotvl.
sund ty Sonlces-lOtf n. in. and 7 p. in.
Nitnd.iv school-9 a. m:
I'raver Meeting saturdav, 7 p. m.
All arc InvlU'd There Is alwajs room.
sund.n Scrvlces-l"K a. m., p. m.
Miiutay School a. in.
I.,...,, u.... 1 tl.,. in., nth. iin i-1 nmmunlon,
Services preparatory tu Communion on rrlday
jveuing ueioru inu m miniwi nn-.n i.,v......
l'ewd reuted; but ever) boil v welcome.
Presiding El Icr-ltev. A. I.. Heesor.
,i.ii in- 11, il' r A Irvltip.
Sunday Service- 11. 111., 111 the Iron street church,
I'ru er .lei'tlng-Kery Mabbatli nt 4 p. m.
All are UiMteu. Aiiaro iveicuine.
Tiitcncitcu orcui'.HT.
Meets tn "the llttlo ilrlck church on the hill."
known ns tho Welsh Haptlst church-on nock street
l'negularmeetlr.g for worship, every LordM day at-
seats tree; and tho public are cordially Hulled to
Tyi. A. I..,
Residence on Market Street one uoor uciow
U. .1. Waller s.
nn,n u ir.!t,i' ririii stnre. onice hours trom
to 4 n. m. for treatment ot diseases 01 1110 nye, i.ur
and Throat. . ., .. .....
All calls night or nay promrny aiieuutu tu.
OCHOOl. OUDKItS, ManU, just printed am
T neatly bound in h nan nooks, on imim ii
for sate at the Columbian omcc. IVb 15, isip-tf
II.ANK UKKDS. mi I'.iielu.iiiit ami l-men
tS innnr rnmmim nnd for AllmlnlS mtOrS. I.'XCCU'
lurs and trustees, for sale cheap at the Coi.vmuiai.
Ti "r A It If I AUK CKIITI l'lCATKS i'M m in!
IM nnd lor sale nt the Columbian omce. Minis,
tern of the (loirel and .lustlces should supply them,
ne C3 w ith theso necessary ai tides.
TUSTICRS and Conitables' Kee-Itills for sale
tl at the COLUMBIAN Ollice. Iliej euilinui 111c iui,
rected tecs as established by the last Act of the Leg.
Mature upon the subject. Every JmtlcBandCon.
stahln should havo one.
rHSnUE NOTES jnst printed and for sal
T 1
nusiNEks cAitns.
It. J. C. ItUTTEIt,
physician tsunonoN,
omce, North Market street,
liloomsburg, Pa.
E. 0KV1S,
1 irwntil-i.r. TiT A It
Al IUIl.ll.l'lll-.i"i
orcicK Uoom No. 1, ' Columbian" llu'.ldlng.
Sept. IS,175.
, ni n. ,1 ,1 T 1 rr T t vtf
A 1 1 u i; . r. 1 -a i-ij iv v ,
lll.OOMsmtllfl. PA.
omce, Ilartman's lllock, corner Main nnd Market
Ai . Ull.i I. II. I ul. , '
onicctnllrowcr'sbuIUUng, second floor, room No.
lilooinsburg, Pa. julyl.Ta y
"h.U.ICNK. " L.E. WALtEIt.
Attoi- neys-af ln-v,
omce In colcmbian UUII.IHN3. Jan. ID, '77-ly
This distressing nnd dangerous complaint, nnd ts
premonitory symptoms, nelccled cough, night
sweats, hoarseness wasting tlesh fever perinnnent
Iv eured by lit. "Stvayiie's Compound Sy nip ot w lid
IilHiNCIHTf-a t'remonltor of rulmnnnry Con.
sumption. Is ehar.ii'terleiltiv catarrh or Inllamatlnn
of the mucunus lnembrono of Ihe air lmssages.
honrseness, pains lu tho chest Tor nil llroncldnl
nflecllons, sore Ihront, los ot mice, coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
llcmmonhagc orsplilln? of blood, mnv proceed
from the lannx, trachln, bronchia or lungs, and
nrUn frntn vnrlnlls rnnirs. n lindUO bh' SlCnl CVei'tlOn,
plethora fu'lness of tho essels, weak luces. over,
(training nf tho lolce, nippresfid evacuation, bb-
siruction 01 1110 spicen ur liter,
ComTJCund Svruu cf Wild Cherry
ptrlkcs nt Mio root or flUcnPO hy )i.irlf Intr Hip Uoot,
1 in-.-fni luti- ilin tif-ri nnu ci vtt iti
US ITnrPlCHll I'Owrr nui nniy u.ri vuij (.iMiitii
x hrrn n irrmlttiil n ifTiilUR nciion is I fi'iicu.
liKiiriiru. in- niiiu
llHfltU's. Hip duIso re-
artt, tliostnmnrhh tmnrov
inrl asslmllato Ihu foot! and
lilooinsburg, Pa.
omce on Mnln street, flrftdooi below Court ltousi
n F. J. M. CEAltK,
dle t-e where
r nner Its use mo eougn is
snents diminished, the pnln nib?ldes, Ihe pulse re
turns lo lis niurni smnnaru, ine
ed In Itspowi r to digest nnd assl
Illoomsbnrg, I'n.
(imec In Ent s r.ulldlng. April 10,'71-y
. cnr.vr.LiNa smith. nEitvET nwivn smith.
llloomnburg, I'a.
in-All business entrusted to our caro will reeleve
prompt attention. juiyi, ,s-y
Ifi 1'. 111I.I.MEYEK,
-mit'n. in, r lit"
AI 1U1I,1I.1 rfv , ..".
Orrtcr-Ailjolntng C. 1!. W. J. liuckalew.
llloomsburg, l'a.
Apr. H.To-ly.
R. 1J. I ITTl.r. "OH T. II. I.l 1 1
II. tV It. II. 1.IHI.I-!
nioomstuire, I'n. refore the IT, s. Patent Oftlce attended
10. onice In the Columbian lmlldlng.
A T TO It X E Y S-A T-E A W,
Columbian Hill PIN, l'.loomsburg, I'a.
vnmiiers nt the 1'nlted stales Ijiw Association.
I'ollettlons made In nnypnrt ot America.
yiU.IAM liltYSOX,
n. i.i-i' i.rirnn linn n liliror lltlll I KM I IT mill 1IV III IlilfUU
fuppltf (1 to ir, out of wlilch new rccicative and plas-
iic ninicnai is nmuu
1)11 ;VAYNK urmtuntol ntonc of th htMcdl
pni rnn-(TM in thf 1'. niwi vni enenirrd In an nc-
in ft nrnnirp fnr m.Hiv pnrp. linn tlmt
liii preparutlons are rrt'imrcU upon fetrlclly sclcntltio
Reliable Evidence.
Ur. otvAVNr Pear sir: Heel It to le due to you
nnii nirr, rim. liiiin.i nil v lii elve Ihe fnllowlnctestl-
monv iepecilng the wonderful curiitlvu powers of
Miur Cniiipouiiii mrupt r im i nerry ami Mirt.ii'.i
rll'u and Tur I'llls. I wnsnnilitcl with a Mnlent
cough, pains In (lie side nnd dienst, night, sweats,
Mire threat, my bowels wereeosilte. appetite nearlv
giu.e, anil mv t-ininncn fo very wcuk in.u ui. i'u.isi
etin was nt it loss to know what, to do for me, as ev
etvihli'gl UtpiI In tho shape ut medicine was rej'-ct-
i'(i; M'lt iillieii'iit, nines n iiiiu i'i niuuu 1 ii.iii,.i.h
fur months In this awful condition, nnd gate up nil
hopes nfiicr reooteilng. tlhls lime jou rcuim
lui'Mled Ihe use of jour strup and 1 Ills, which im.
medlsteli- bfgan tn soothe, remfoit nnd nll.iythe
violence ( f tho cough. Mrenglhewd and healed
lungs j In short, II has Hindu a pel feet citron! me,
nnd I nm n iw n le to pursue mv (lallylabor. p
per-on ilnubtingth'Mpiiii ottn-nnove sir
will please ea I on or nd Iress mi. nt the f.tclorv
EllWAllllll. 1UVMIX.
Khgltifer of tieo. sweer.i 3 Polti-lt.
IMdgo i oiul. below iillaee. Plit a.
oir2u tears hate elapsed, nnd Mr. llnin'oti Mtli
remains a hearty mint to this thiy-seplembei .nth,
niYsiriANs !u:commi:xi) it.
Ur. 'Ihoiiins.l. II. llhnnds. llutertown, liirkst'o.,
'u..wrlles: Your compound ssrupof Wl rt Cheny
sti-innrt . Inti e been selllli'p nridreeom-
inendlnir It to mv intlenlslur iiisn.v years and It nl
tms urines (lllmclomln obsiliuili' emiglis, brim. rind nsthmnllinl nlT i tl. ns It leis made scm
rcmvrkaiiie cures in uns s'-ciion, nnu i ronsuier u
the iM remedy wllh which lam ai'ipnilhUil.
I rice 11 sixnoines lorfi. u 1101 soiu o.t ojur
r'lugglst.wo will ferwfid half doen by cxpresr,
f;eitr ,1 puiu on itcelpt t'f pi Ice.
Iirrieerthestmptomsliinll eommunlcaltons, nnd
adlress litters to im. SWAYM. .v mix, m onn
IX'ltMreet. riillildelt'lil.t. oenargiMtiii ne mane
for ndt Ice. sold by druggists nnd dealers In medl-
tncs generally,
Centralia, l'a.
r.bls, ';c-ly.
cheap at tho Columbian omce.
Hi. latest and bust s'yles, corner Main and Maikit
streets, In tho old wsl omce.
E. SAVAGE. Dealer in Clocks, 'Watches
and Jewelry, Main tt Just below the Central
Office In Ilartman's lllock, second lloor, corner
Main and .Market Stmts,
May 1:0-1 y.
liOWN'S HOTEL. llloomslMirg, l'a.. !.
Stohlier, I'l
. fl.SHofl.
October, '7fl-tf
Ing Machines nnd Machinery of nil kinds re.
palrt.l. OI KHA Housk llulldlng, moomsuurg, ra.
Utl 1,
1 A
I 1 Mnliiirr, Propiieior. Accommodations first
cuss, ii.m in per day. itettnuraniniiaciieu
CI O. BAItKLE V, AttorneyRt-Law. Oliice
. In Hruwer's building, Snd 8U)ry, l!0;in3 4 4; .
Oti.15, '75
DM. VM. M. llEI!Elt,SiiiKeon and I'liysi
elan, onice S. E. corner nock and Market
r 11 KVAXS. M. D.. Suririon and I'liysi
I elan, lonice uud Uesldeuee ou Third stuet,
corner Jeiiei son.
IV McKRI.VY. M. I).. Sureeon and I'liy
Elclan, north side Main am et, below Market.
1). ItOMSOX, Atluiney-al-Liiw.
in ll.11 tmau's building, Main btreut.
KOSEXSTOCK, I'liottigniplur,
:iarK wun sMore, .naiiiiiiit'et.
U Ma
Merchant Tuilm
alu hi., aboto Central Hotel.
T S. KUIIX, dealer ii. .Meet, Tallow, etc.,
JL centrH bireei, 1 iitvcen 'eoiiu uii't imiu.
go to
I'ndcr i:cLai.-e Hold, lilooinsburg, I'a.
Oct. 13, '7..-1J-
burg ni
,.,.111,1 .innriuneit tntlirt Cltl7eilS Of niOOinS-
irL-nmi vteinltv lhalho has lust received a lunauu
complete asset tuiriit ui
and all other goods In his lino of business All the
liewestlinu meal at'piutrii iiutt-iiiawt V"-"; ''.1
ulways to be iounc, in ma est-auiiautueui, wum nui,
neiow -Aiarhet. .
OppoNilv llic Court House,
Thd Laroesi and IIest In allntpects Inthc county
Oct. 8,'7!-'y
W, I). KOi IN.
That dieaded olstase.fvom which so many person
liter, Is fmiuently the came of
spcedllyie leted, and iireotten tcrin,inentl cured
Swayne's Tar antl Sarsaparilla Pills.
l-ntris nr., fftt'n rretentpd bvthe ue of these
Snrsn pal lll.i Pill", oH.thimiKU the blood
the iiiipuillles 111,111 which they ailse. l or Costive-
luss Hit ru Is iioining so eiietiuai ns nwiijiu- s tui-
s.1,,k,.iu,rllhi !l!U.
I hey ale purely tegeiatiie.aiiii 1 ci -jiet mi j on me
l.ltfl IIS lllll" AlllSS Ol t.UIUIllt I, llliuin. mi, 1 tmiL-
suits I10111 taking.
triilress Ii II, rs In till. SWVYS 4. SON. I'll Ude
11I1I11. ,u charge tor ndvliv. Sent by null on ncelpt
of puce, rnee 'Jjeenis a oo; live nues tor ? 1. ash.
jour Drugylst fur them.
The revival of the fast mall brings tip again the
illowlnz capital piece by John H. Yates, which wo
believe llrst appeared In tho Rochester "Democrat.''
Liy by the weekly, lletsy, It's old like you nnd I,
And rend tho morning's dally, with Its pages scarce
ly dry,
While you and t wero stcepln', they wero pilntlng
them to-day,
Is 1 ho cltv by the ocean several hundred miles away.
"llow'd I get It I" llless you lletsy, you needn't doubt
and laugh,
It didn't dropdown from the clouds nor come by
I got It by the llghtnln' mall wo'vo read about you
The mall that .Jonathan got up about a month ago.
We farmers llvln' round the hill went tu the town to
day, "osce the fast mall catch tho bags that hung besld'
tho ways
iulek as a Hash fromthir derlng clouds, whoso tern
pest swent tho sky,
rite bags were caught on bonrd tho train as II went
ronrln' by.
Vo are seeln' many changes In our fast tleclinln'
veir t
Stracgo rumors now are fcoundtn in our hard-of-hear-In'
Ere the sleep that knows no wakln' comes to waft us
O'er the stream.
Some great power may be takln' nil tho self-conceit
from steain.
'ell do we remember lletsy, when tho postman cir
Med malls,
Win' horseback through tho forest, 'long the I ir.e
tv 'nrtHn trails.
How Impatiently w 0 waited w 0 were earnest lovers
For our letters eomln' slowly, many miles throujl
wood nnd gl"n.
Mnnv tlmrs, j on know, wo missed them-for the
postman never came
riien, not knowing what had happened, we did each
the oth"r blamot
Long tii'iso lover quarrels lasted, but tho (lod who
melts the proud
tlronghl our Urasln'hcnrts together and let sun
shine through tho cloud.
Then, r,t last, tho tidings reached us that the faith,
fill potman fell
llefore the foi ct savage with his wild, terrific jell,
Mi 1 your leltershy and mouldered, while thesweet
birds s 'ng nlinvn.
And I was siyln bitter things about a woman's love,
I ,uig uud tedious wero Ihe Juurneys few nnd far lie
twe'n the mslls,
In Ihe dajs when we were eourttn' when
tlinshed with wporten Halls;
Now the whlte-wlntred cars are fljln Mong the
shores of Inlnvt sens,
And joung lovers read their letter) 'mil lirxury nnd
We have w Hnos-ed many changes It our thrw-score
years nnd ten:
We no longer sit nnd wonder at the dl-rovcrlcs ot
men ;
Mi the shadows of life's cvcnln'wo rejoice that our
Are not called to meet the hardship that embittered
hair our Joys.
Like the old mall through the forest, youthful j ears
go slowly tij ;
Lieu the fast m ill ot the piesent, manhood's j cars
how switt they tij ;
We nro sitting In the shadow : soon shall life's
brittle cord
Soon shall come the welcome summons from the fast
mall of the Loid.
iiy julia y. l'liirr.i:.
Pil'iriM'tfi" TTFIYfl
J' OY, H-vchiinge Hotel, Lloomsburg, Pa.
r.tna. Insro., plllartroid. Connecticut.. o,!.ii,mi
i.lverpool. London and illobo.,
Hojidot i.ittrs)oi
Ijineitnshli'e ,
Eire Assueial Ion. I'hlladelphla..
Mii-ilcin of I'hlladelplila
Athis of llariford
Wj ornlng. cf Wilkes llitl re ...
fanners Mnt11.1l cf DnmUle
Imiitllli' MiiiuiiI
Hnme. New York
Commercial Union
March M,'77
n.i 1 ii.ii 0
.. 13 w.u'ai
. lii.onn, oil
, . . 3,l'wi.rnti
... 1,1ml oeo
, 0,0110
... l.uua.w
75 0'h
.... s.r. (i.iiiti
.... li.OiKi.non
r.M. II. AliHOrr, AtUT.ii7-ut-I.aft, Maui
Cataw tssa, Pa.
'PI1E UXDEltNkiXTU itrrescnlingseveiHl
! ofthumosl coiin ivutlte nrd reliable A r n 1 1
eltii Fire liiMirnnce Ci r.lpnid"S, won'-l b-- leuv in
oiler his sert lees to the elilieiisof liloomsburt. nnd
vt -Hilt , leqtiesilng n reasonable fclmiv of the public
""'c"0 - .1 ..i.wrii
Illcntritbirg..lulv II1, K7U.
Oii.ii- lu llrowir'h lllock.
Collections promptly made and remitted, on'ce
onpujlto Catawlssa Deiwalt Hank. "in-as
ea"emen deslringShlrtswill p'ease drop ua a lino
tjad 0 u Agent will tall und get the measurement.
P. b. .MOODY,
t-tiii 111,, la
1,1,11b le.ic-ly
Important to Fanners.
and ererj body In wont of
w ht ireeted kuna nt cr nearlho Tawr MlU.on II. and are now prepared to sell
lmntttierv rcasonablo prices nnd of good quality.
Orders by the car prompijj rilled and shipped to
any station ou the aboie road.
A lull lloo of I.CMHEIt,of all kinds, dressed
orlntne rough, Sblng'tn, Utlt and
btj! Timber to hlch we Invito
the attenUon of
iners. .
Ordera received and Oiled tM Jjl-Vt' Filt
Hviirla attention to buslneia wo hop to uTTia
thaieolpubucisttronaje. ,
IJU it.-. . UUirr
. ... I 11 A
I VI. 1DIU."
C lumbia County
I'm-mAi-i,. urn ltnni-Af rjtnv. rem-iwd nrll llrst
1S76. Iseomenlinllylocnitillu thocciitntl partot
the town, nliil dot s it general 1IANKIMI bu-luess.
Monet receititiou tifiHiMteunj, n 111111,-. .1.,..
out notice. Ss'hU niruugeiiieiils made with depos
itor, and Interest ullowed on time Deposits.
June DrafU on Arte l'ori and I'MlaMphi'i.
Collections mado on all imiwitani towns in tin. u.
.1.1 lowest nitesof pxcbaiigc. Ponds and stik
i..:..i., n,i ti.iit nr,.l eniinoos enlleeted. Evert se
curity given to rtejiosltora that can bo onered by nil)
Discount Days: Tuesday and ItIimy.
Aug. 10, "item.
Itching Piles
Is gciicrnllj pieceded by a moisture, like perspira
tion, illsiitssing Itching, its though pin worms were
tranlln.' In tr nbonl Ihe rttluin, inrlleulaily at
nlghtw hen un lresslng.ur In bed niter gelling warm.
It appears In summer 11s well us win er, oflentlmcs
shows Itself around I hi prt- ute pal Ik, and Is hut con
llni'il tu mail's only, but Is quite us frequent that fe
males are tur-5 amicteit, puittciiliirly In of
pregnancy. eMendlng Ii 10 the v.igliui, piuMiu dls
Iresslng almost bi'vund 1 " mweis of eiulurauce.
Cases t,f longstnudlhg, piouounced Incurable, hate
been permaneiitlj euitdbj sluiplj nppljlng
Svvrayne's Ointmont,
I was Fori Iv allllcleil wllh one nt the most dlstres-
tlnir ut nil i.L-i.iHs, i'i uiliu- tr 1'n.rl-n. or more
cnii.inijtilj known us Hilling Piles. Ihe
times was alinest Hiileiatl", liierea-ed by scratch
ing, nnd nit ui.fitiiuei.tiy became quite sole. I
hniii-htn i,o.v l( hw.nies oththiehi: Itsusee-ave
uuli k lollc-f aud in Mult time made a pel fecit lire.
1 .-nt. oiiw slii-ii uiidMtulH tl. and 1 would uhlse all
ho ill c stlflel II g w 11 h I his til.- trt s- lng 1 onq htlut 1 0
luoeuie swutiies tilhlment itl tn.te. I h.i'l Irlea
pumlptlor.s almost limuniemble, without uniting
ttuv iieimutietii letiti.
ri'in of l.'osdtl A Chr'st. Hoot end shoe lluuse,
.oi tn sccona sutet, rniuueipiui.
Svrr-yr.o'c All-Hcdir.s Ohtacat
It al-u a spcj'il f if ItIM, l' 11, iali ih-H'n. wald
ili'Utl, er--l t'llis, l.iro'r lien, oionne, ui ni.-iii..
iTUMt, eui r.ious irupiions v iitiii) tiuu ai.u
hariniess, tten un n.e inost icon ' union, intro-i
eetiis, or sl buci f.-rji.s'. in tw I. .tl1 to any
addnss tn i.celpr of pru rienanu c iv uj
Hit. SWAYNL Jt t.ON. 33') N. Mil SfPhI!,
r-rT.rr-gT,'"ff '' -' s-it-.--tyfj.trimg-iii jfn
I'.itarihlinnallecii 111 of ui" no ci- r.i "ubrane 01
toe 1. up. thmitr. eliitt. i .. ac i:nn .nled wi'h dull
leavv be..di,che.i.bsiiuctloii ot ine nasal p..ssagth,
weak cu"i, vni erj nnd li.I'.:mi d, h.u' 01 .ougli
leg, lot leer the 1bro.1t exi'-t'tor.i'lnn cf nHelisllo
mailer, niell and I asm oit Inipiiliiii, slurped up
feellrig In Hie hend, incessji.i blowing 01 iiw unse,
..,,,1 si-iiirilnms lire llki'lv to Vi'l'l dh-
ii..f.-liir. niidnutllseitseH mine e unniou. nnd m.n
less undersltnil by l'Mslclans. Mne-lenthsct the
cai sof otlenslvebreaih are occasioned by Caluiru,
"SwnjuoN CJtiturrli HeiiU'ilj"
1:1 a certain ond permnucnt cure, and v niraiited in
iteri ease, no matter how ohtilnuttf trlongsinud,
Ine. It can be obtained only U leldresslug im
..vV tvvp a- mis:, sai N'nitli sKlh slleit. Phli.tdtl
ni,iA tfniud tnnnv nd.b ess on I ho teetlltof tho
i rice, one rtollur, wllh full tlluttlois for use. also a
lUHUCeOUOl Ot tUOUIt 111 llllU O.OIHU Ot ll.,lu.m..o
slngconililJlht. Wti reptut It : II Is L did all 10111,
p.iilsim Ihe bestreinedj for Cattiiili ever illseoveiu)
l.inenilrf-rt lltiill be f iblJtllieil Olllt bV eildieS.tht
llll SW 1 Ni: a SON. CM, Nolth SIMll street, Phil
,H,.iniii w 1111 11 r,-iiiitLuiice. us wo do Lot blaee It li:
the kinds ot dealeis. Ihe sumo nswe Honur other
reparniu.ns. 111 wii'iuv tui um t itwnn. n. 1.1c...
la eslulevoubttwtliu uaveilUement In the "Co-
umtlJU" lilooinsburg.
Tn Ihe Worklnir l'ln. We are now prepared to
fnrniLii nit elassts with constant tmplOMuent at
bomclLewhilea the lime, or Icr their spiirfmo-int-r.ts.
liuslnessiiew'.llclilai.dpiontable. Persons
;.. i.i.n-L.,v ..okilt t.iitti Irrun tA) cents to fA ler
evenlnv, ond it proiiorllonal sum by devoting their
whiilotlineto Iho buslntss. Hoys nnd girls earn
nearly us much as teen. Tint all who see this notice
"V.. .'.!; ,I..If ,tilrt.s noil lt IhO "JS!3.SSe
;..i a 1 1, 1 d ,inn,,rflll, li nlTPR 'In SOf h AS lire IlOt WCtl
satl-md we IU vnd one dollar to pay for the
trouble of w riling, lull puitlculurs, samples worth
set eral dollars to commence w ork on, n nd a copy of
I owe- nnu nre.iut, out, u tut- ik. v".
I ...... n, t.t ii,hltrntlnns. all sent free bv mnl . read
er. It iou wont permanent, predtaUe work, address
tletirgO MinhOn AU., VlViauu, Mu.e
Sept. 6, H.-llm.
, LANK NOTEH.with orwlUi3
1 ur tudo nt tho colouiax oavrt
Send S3C. to tl. V. HOWELL, cu., new r
Pamphlet ot 11 0 pagis, centalnlng llsta ofeeeo
iiswBDapera. and estluialea eltovt Ing fust of advert Is-
Ing. D0. 8.
dl- l- tOrt lr hy at home. Samples -worth II
$0 IO V-O (roe. BrLsaon Co t.l'arlbuia, Maine,
ilircui i-iy.
Why Dye ?
u iitiilter Itutt dray ttr the
Kutr mav be. It can Iw lestored In Its original color
and 5 ouihlul nppea ranee, by utelog
London llair color restorer.
A Itemei'y to lieln.
state the Human Hair
In a'l Itsjouthful
color, lustie, softness
and bosuiy.
Hulr Itestorer
Hair nestorer
Hair Itestorer
Hulr Hestortr
Hulr Ke.u ur
llalr Itestorer
Hair Itestorer
llalr Itestorer
llalr Itestorer
411 persons lthouNnlro lo Ittiuuly
ot personal appearance, should not neglect that
nuturul necessity, the hair, ily mauv II has been
oMiriitied until It liiisbteoinethlnkray printliely
tairtniH, '1 he Ixindun Hair color llestoierro.tores
..utun,u iiitsu-H. mnl lninsiLsa bcaltliv andinaturid
color, thickens the, hair, emeu .daiidrunland aU
tt.-i.v. uttlv erunuonaoh the scalb. mAklnirlt wldtu
and clean, aud luiurlng a luxtirhint growillof hair
In ItaiulureliOUlbtul color. I'lUeti cenll. 1'rlu-
tipiil Pepot lor the U. S.,
Juno M '7-ly
Tho Judge knocked tho aslics from lii'
tipnr, and rose with tin emphatic Mieml'
All tho others drew a long brnitli, nnd
brmi";ut their chairs down from their tilted
position. Grahnm had been tcllinjr n ftory
to while away tho long hours of the Christ
mas night, anil Graham was a magnificent
'Your turn, Judge," said Graham with a
slightj.tiigli, the Hush slowly dying out of
us face.
"Heat Graham's if you can," sa'd Ecn-
ner, rubbing his hands together with great
"You don't know the Judge, Eenner,"
said Williams. "Ho used tn equal '-Mr.
Mid-hipmiin Eay' in tho number nf his
adventures, and his grate in relating
The yntms lawyer, whoe soliritiiet of
'Judge had been bestowed upon turn 111 the
enrly dayp nf hi cnllppe life, from his up
frnaturnl gravity nnd his sententious' nay nf
leeiding questions that bored him, drew
back-a elinir with u nourish, nnd then pi'sh
ed it toward the. fire, ngain and rat down.
I'll tell von what it I, boys von need
not think I'm going tn be bea1 bv Graham
I l ave a fitnrv to tell which is iu-t as goo.
his, but then it mav losn mint thing in the
telling. r'ineci v.e parted Rvn yeaii n(n
have been itilcrvic.ving 15 acksteme, Oliilly,
and others 'of that ilk,' and it srood ileal of
the romance Iris faclccl nut in that way. von
perceive. Ill" then, awo ftgrecd to meet in
five years mnl t'omparo 1 t xin'rieitcc, if
wis merely tn hnvo snmothin' tn tell, so I
did mv best In linvtt nil itdveiiture Hem!
' Perhaps yon all icmcn'oer what my col
lego days wcrJ Youdif,' Hunip'i! Then
It will miv" me tho truii'Mo of lelling yon,
though I h.vd studied up a fine bit nf pathos
about them. Howuver, 'it dun't luuttur niiieli
A it go 011 now. lic Jtict. Ilinugh, I mu -t
speak of, ami that is, iie lii'.aueinl riiutlltifiii
of your present orilnr ill lhr.e college day.
I never said anything about it then, beeausv
I was a deal Ion proud ; but tn tell you tho
truth, boys, it rcipilred some screwing and
some pretty eloia calculations to make my
allowance cover my modest wants. I re
member I used lo bo not a little envious nf
Eenner nnd Graham when I saw them scat
tering money nrpund ,willt tncli a lavish
hand, and I with my fine natural abilities,
pond looks, nnd exlraordinary stock of com
mon sense," and tho Judge straightened
himself back.and laughed in hi rare, genial
way, without finishing his seuteoce,
"However, to pass over that, and enmo to
Ihe time when wo till left college, ith young
honors thick upon ua. Weren't wo proud of
cmr diplomas, though ? Hoys I want you to
tell mo truly whether you ever took your
sheepskin nut of its case after the first six
months ,"
"Haven't seen mine since two weeks after
commencement," murmured Graham
"Don't know whero mine is," suit Eenner
nnd the others intimated that their expert
enco entirely coincided with his,
"That's just it, boys." pursued tho Judge.
"I tried to get n situation by exhibiting that
imposing document, out niter u cood mnnv
trials and na, many fgnominlous failWa, I
put the pious fraud away am left, elf beluf,
college graduate. I went In on nry merit'
tl(eti, rcsodvfd lo win or perish. Sn the, 'at
tepipt. It teemed that I would, have to ac
cept tho latter alternative. I liad neither
tlmo I fell in with Steve llanald, who wa
11 about tho sumo condition with respect to
funds. I believe none ol you ever savr lilm,
did you? I wish you had known him. He
was half, and that accounts for some
ccullar traits in his character. A magnifi
cent looking fellow, with n certalt kind of
fascination about him that you.couldn t re
sist. I couldn't, I know. Ho led mo into
all kinds of scrapes that I never would have
thought of going into, and it was impossible
to blame him. lie had such it merry, light-
hearted way with him when he chose, that
took me quite by storm.
Well, as I said, our condition was about
tho same, financially, so wo joiucd together
and rented n room in n very cheap but re
spectable neighborhood. We kept bachelor's
hall there very comfortably for awhile.while
I hunted employment, and ho compounded
wonderful Trench dishes nut of nothing.
"I suppose in ray search lor employment
I had started out with some foreign power
or Postmaster General, ot something of that
kind. My aspirations, !after declining for
scvcial weeks, like a decreasing series in
Geometrical Progressions the lelc noir of
my boyhood at lust pointed nt an ordinary
erkship in some mercantile establishment
as happiness beyond comparison. Even
here I was doomed to disappointment, and
then I gave up the struggle. I had spent
my last dollar that morning. All day I had
walked from street to street, lrom square to
square. My limbs wero aching with the uu
accustomed exercise, my brain was in :
whirl. I knew 0110 man whom my father
had befriended years ago, in tho days of his
prosperity, when the man was in great dis
trcs. Since then, Fortune's wheel had
turned, and my father had died in poverty
while Mr. Laclede was onn of the money
kings nf the." city. Can you understand why
I would not go to him until every other re-
totirce had failed ? Even then I went slow
ly and reluctantly. I stood before the door
in the g.vlight, w telling the crowds as they
came and went, and tninking some very hit
ter thing', it may be. in. knowing that
tliev would snmi close un for the night, aud
asked tn speak with Mr. Laclede.
"He received me in his private office,
where he was looking over and filing papers
and he left me stsnding near the door, and
went cm with his work, afler once looking
up and saying, 'Good evening.' There was
something repulsive about him, I thought, I
letermined to try fur the situation first.wlth-
cjut saying anything who I was. So I slated
my business very eniieicly. He raised Ins
spectacles upon his glistening forehead, re
ferred from me to a paper he held, and lrom
the paper back to me, and then said :
'Young man, there is no vacancy, and
even if there were, for the past two weeks
then- have been, on an average, twenty ap
plications like this per diem. You had bet
ter a'niilv somewhere else.''
"My hand was on the door knob, but I
turned around and looked at him. With
out knowing clearly how the words came, I
said plowly :
"I am Kenneth Lane, sir. My father
helped yu once, in the greatest extremity of
your Ule
"His face llti-hcd a little, and he inter
rupted testily :"
"Ah, certainly ! Hut you see, Mr. Ken
reth Lane. I can't wioJe situations."
"I don't know what else he was going to
sav. I shut the door.and passed out.through
the long rooms, pat smiling clerks who no
doubt read my errand nnd its failure 111 my
face, and out into the street. 1 do not re
ember anything eNe, very distinctly, ex-
cent that I seemed plunged suddenly into an
a' ley, and from that into all kinds 01 .-n
Thoroughfares desperate place, mat
would have shrunk from at any other time.
trnn ennseiniis of rushing along at
times, and then of blindly groping my way
ilramrinx mvself along slowly and painfully
It was in one of these latter moods when I
was seized nnd brought to a halt by two ill
fsvnred villiaiis.whn proceeded to go through
inviioekets ill gallant style. Apparently
disgusted with the general emptiness nf
thnp receptacles, they turned mo around to
the light.
"Drunk." said nneof them, 'or else 0 fool,
T tlon't know which.'
"C' eovey,"sald theo'her. 'You're
mi innocent, you air, and you'd better skin
,,i nt this afore you get a tap on the
Inn I !'
"I fk-ip'icd nut of tliw. and pom' foum
nivs:f ',ivlng tho eity behind, apd coming
out 011 tl - I 'oad field-, lying white and slill
beii'.alh t' " i''jht nf Iho moon. Then my
scne began r-Munilug, and I -at down by
tho fide of t'" rev!, bared my head, nnd
tried to look rs,lpily at my -itii.UInu or
r.uher mv w.'.nr nfouo "
'Well, suppose a carringe "comes along
vour first job is tn wing tlieMrlrcrTafter
which you can talk with the Inside passen
gers at your leisure. Incase It's a rider, or
a foot passenger, you can deal with lilm
easily enough. Hut then ycu've got to have
a quick 1. aud on the trigger,and jou haven't
got the pluck you know.'
Haven't I V I cried with a kind of
reckless daring. 'If I was armed I'd show
you before to-morrow. I don't owe the
world much gratitude, nmL I had ns well do
something despcralo. aiid get hanged, and
done with all.
"Oh, as for arms, I could let you have
mine,' said llanald, not looking at me nt all,
but back towards the city 'Hut I don't llko
much to do it. You'd never use them.1
''I need not go on to tell you, boys, how it
all came about, but in less than half an hour
Hmald was on his way back to the the city,
while I with his pistols in my pocket, was
triding along the green lanes that led far
ther nnd farther out into tho country. I was
lesperate,of course, and a burning fever was
bounding in my pulses, confusing all that I
lid. It must certainly have been that, com
bined with llanald's influence,' that BCt me,
Kenneth Lane, behind a hedge,witl a pistol
in my hand and a murderous intent in my
heart; while the moon shonfl'whitely pver
the broad fields, and the long ribbons ol
roods that lay between them.
"The first that passed was a man whose
face I could not see. I had my finger en the
trigger I was just ready to spring out up
on him, when suddenly well, Graham, he
commenced whistling that same little. foob
ish lovo.tune you used to be. always whist
ling, singing and playing, at college. That
made mo grow very weak, and I couldn't
move. It brought back al.1 ypu fellows so
distinctly. Hy the way, I wonder if he will
ever know hotv near that little love tune
saved his life? Talk nbotit the value of
little things, the stars might all have fallen
from their spheres, and never have affected
me ns did the few simple bars whistled by
that traveler along the moonlit road.
'I recovered mvselt after n little or
rather lost myself again and began to. won
der nt my weakness ; and then, just as I had
stiaightencd myself up and laken anew hold
on my resolution to do something desperate,
I heard the rattle of carriage wheels far
away on tho moonlit, white ribho 1 load.
In-tantly I was on the alert, with every
faculty quickened I raised my pistol and
examined the lock, wondering at the same
time whether my sentence would be hang
ing or transportation, or imprisonment for
life, with hard labor. Before I had settled
the matter in my own mind, the carriage
had come nearer. The wheels were rattling
furiously. Who could it be, driving at such
a breakneck speed? Then suddenly it came
in sight, and at the same moment I heard
the terrified screams of women, saw that the
1 river cvas missing from his place, nnd tha
the horses were running away.
In an instant, forgetting everything
else at those cries of dMress, I dropped my
pistol and sprang into tho road. Just for a
moment the startled horses paused, and in
that moment I seized the bits. Then com
menced a fierce battle with the frantic,
plunging steeds. I was thrown down, tram
pled upon, but I clung to tlieni n ith despair-
ng energy. Ten m.nutes ago, my only
thought had been to lake life: now', my on
ly desire was lo save it. to it was, I clung
to the horses and kept them there, until I
felt stronger hands assisting mine, and then
the wild struggle, tho broad fields, 'and the
whlteroad all faded away and lelt nothing
but darkness and silence.
"When I awoke well, boys, I thought
Aladdin's lamp- had certainly come back
upon Ihe cnrlli, and somebody had, been
using it for my benefit. Ifl had came back-
to life in our room, llanald s and mine, I
might have concluded that the whole affair
had been a horrible dream, and so said noth
ing more about it. Hutit certainly was sur
prising to find myself in a strange room, on
a strange bed, with a rosy old gentleman
leaning over me on one aide, aud a rosy old
lady cm the oilier, their faces expressing the
most lively solicitude, while a grave- medi
cal gentleman first felt my pulse, and then
rubbed thu palms nf his hands together
with great salislactioii. Nor wa3 my aston
ishment decreased, when the rosy old gen
tic man mid :
"The dear bov ha come through. Allow
me to lake vour hand doctor. We owe so
much to jou."
"Whereupon he shook hands voryln.trtlly
with the doctor, and then with the old l.idy,
and they all seemed extravagantly glad of
my recovery,
It was mtuiil-iiing, too, In the days that
followed, while" I was lying there- Umi wtak
to move, to seo how I was waited tin nnd
cry holiday took me back to the home ol
my preserver, where Mr. and Mrs. Lyndrny
rented mo like a son, and their fair daugh
ter smiled on me at rare intervals. At last
I was admitted lo the bar, sicco which I have
oecome well, boys you know the test."
"The most promising young lawyer in
thejatate," said Fenncr, emphatically.
"Hut what about the'daughter, Judgo?"
said Grahnm. "You surely aren't going to
lnve us in the lurch, afler we had all con
cluded thero was going to be a spice of ro
mance about It."
Brought t Tern 1,
"Sweetcake William,' cried Judge Co,
of Virginia, yesterday.
"Yes," answered a slight young man ris
ing to his feet and stroking a dyed mous
tache tlth a hand burdened with rings.
"You are charged with assault and bat
tery," said his honor, "in having belted a
man over the head at the Diamond Orotte
saloon last night."
"Jcsso," calmly answered Sweetcak
Oil. ves. tho dautrhlerl" said Kenneth William. "Ye see, jedge, I walked back U
Lane, with a blush. Then the rising young llie Eame an1 out twenty In two bit
lawyer drew himself up with thegradcand CUIP8- 1 Pur "ve on ,ne utu- six to
uride 'of a young god. "My friends," he wIn nn' coppered the queen to take the
-aid, with unmistakable sweetness, "if you eight with four an' a half. Then I pot four
will go down to Mr. Lyndray'a on -the first on the ace straight, fur I was bound to make
lay of the new year, and vou will 'see me "cratch, being down to my seams, as it were
united to Ethel Lyndrav. mv nucen amour with tho hashman and tho land lady. The
vomen." five on the four an' six was raked In. I
"Hurrah I Three cheers for the Judge Bnt awlly wlth m? bet 00 the 1ueen '
and his bride I" springing to his feet and eight, an' looked around to see how the ace
waving his cap, and the cheers ere given was gcttin' along, when I saw a stiff walk
with a vim that brought back their college inE' away wllh il fur a ,eePr' 1 didn'
days afresh.
Life in India.
Tho next day I landed at tho City of Pala
ces, and shortly after had an audience of the
Marquis of Hastings, Governor-General and
Commander-in-Chief of India, to whom I
brought letters from his niece, Lady William
Hussel, Mr. Cook, of llolkham, Lord Lau
derdale and Lord Holland, These served
me in good stead, for thero happened to be
a vacancy on ills personal staff, to which 1
was immediately appointed. The following
say nothin' but took it outcn bis fist, all in
good nature, an' win a ten by copperin' the
jack. Hy this time the deal was nearly out,
an' the deuce, tray, nine, seven, eight an'
ten spot was cases 'Copper the odd an'
take the even,' see I, layla' down all I had
just twenty-eight big dollar. I knew jer
honor "
"My good fellow," interrupted the judge,
"you are speaking Greek to me. I know
uothlng of this jargon."
"What's that, judge?" asked Willuun
slightly puzzled.
I say, my good fellow, that this hasn't
week I accompanied Lord Hastings to hi
country seat at Hanrackpore to take my turn anything to do with your case of assault
of aide-de camp in waiting. Wo dined al and battery. You gamblers are becoming'
I ill the afternoon. After dinner, two phto too turbulent altogether. I have a good
tons, each drawn by four white horses came mind to make an example of you, sir. It
t the door. On one side were ranged seven would he well for men ofyour class to re
elephants, gaudily caparisoned, especiall) member that you are not allowed te carry
the one destined to carrv tho "Lord Sahib," on your immoral trade merely upon (
which bore the title of bahadiir fe-enerallvi. ferancc. When civilization, sir, advance
mil had "a livery more gaudy than its fcl
lows." On a word from the mahout the br-
liadiir went oil all f turs to receive its load.
ladder was placed against its side; Lord
Hastings ascended nnd made me seat my
self beside 1 1 1 111 . My first ride was not alto-
getlicr'itgreeable. The equilateral movement
somewhat in these western outposts, the
country will be mortified by the spectacle
of legalized vice which now disgrace the
stale of Xevada, and renders it so difficult
a tak to keep the rising generatlou fron
following the evil examples whteb are con
stantly before their eyes. Proceed, sir, but.
if the animal, in its walk, tno much resem- drop your professional slang, and remember '
bled that of a ship in n heavy swell. I re- that the court knows nothing about the
member being struck with the beauty of an game of faro or any other gambling de-air-plant
which formed n succession of fes- vice."
toons over our heads. The elephant was or- "Oh, ye don't," said William. "P'raps'
dered to gather it forme. The delicate man- Ve don't call to mind the night you and me
ner in which it separated tho tender parasite snatched a $15 sleeper when a drunk didn't
from the tree with Us .trunk could not have .ttVv enoueh to pick up a split on a bet o
been outdone by the most delicate of human I thirty. P'raps ye don't remember when I
lingers, une. evening my attention was nr- staked you at three this inorin' over in me
rested by tho behavior of the elephant that new Drop In ? P'raps you and Jake Small
was to carry the Governor-General. It would Lju't snacks in ropin' in snooxer"? P'raps
not stand still lor a moment, but kept con
stantly snaking the little ornamental bells ..silen(.c r roared the court, glaring at '
ui u. aa iM . un inquiry 1 lound tho Brinning crowd of caricatures outside
that the "bahadur' being indisposed, this tUo rM Tuere etcm, to be nothi.g 1.
uimiiut nufimcu ita juui;e, uuu iuur, us con
this case, William. You leave the court te
infer that you were being cheated, and you
lifted the stiff under the ear. You're dis
charged." A'.Woman'sejjfUtloB.
Never use a lady's name in an Improper
place, at an improper time, or in mixed
company. -
Never make any assertions about'btr that ,
you think are untrue, or allusions that you
feel she herself would blush to hear.
When you meet men who do not scruple
to make use of a woman's name in a reck
less and unprincipled manner, shun them,
for they are tho very worst members in the
but "his much approved nnd esteemed good community.-men lost to humanity.
masters." Hut the subject that most into- Mnr tt.8ood woma.n 1 .tcter has been
rested me was his military life beginning ru'utd D"n u '-
from 1773, when as Francis Eawdoii, Caps ufactur?d X.ome .vlUl"' "d
tin of gaenadiers, he had two bullets wllere u 6I10U"1 U.' . .
through his cap at the battle of Hunker's !,re8eaco 01 those wuci.ejuogm.nt coum nu.
imiiiiiii7..i,.n 1 ,. . 111.. ..... actcr tuein irom uuummn
iv -u. vi, ... riiairLioiniit Atlll- 1 . a t ..
c .ntratlHg the armies of Ilengal, Madras and br.gB.niC
tortious arose from the pleasure it felt at the
gaudiness of its apparel. When I approach
ed tho conceited beast it was making a noise
with its trunk like the purring of a cat, I
used greatly to enjoy these elephantine rides.
It was gratifying to a youngster to be on fa
miliar intercourse with a man, who, as a
soldier, orator, or statesman, had been before
the world for nearly half a century. On
public occasions Lord Hastings was. the
most stately of human beings; you then saw
only the haughty ruler over a hundred and
odd millions of fellow creatures; butlete-a-tete
in a howdah he was totally different,
ould talk freely on all subjects, nnd make
no secret of his disputes with the East India
lirectors, who wero everything in kis eyes,
It wjs clumpy enough, toy', I ran tell maJe much of by the whole family. They
vou. Tho eeiisc of failure i horrid thiiif, r,,;, nio after awhilo howl had saved the
and it had full o"Ss,ibiii nf nm then. I jives of the roty old lady and her daughter
wa io mi , and had li'.toJ m "ell for 0110 ol wi, wcrtf in tho carriage that night, and how
tlie higher, nobler work, ol life, jii't to be j w,n dragged out froai under the horses
thrown bd"k and told that there were no v.i- Lnuised at.d bleeding and with my left
evii-ies. Itighf then ami there I felt that !lrm broken ; how I was brought ther?, an
trewer powers in my brain, w.iicu could I ncvcr rceovend tou'ciousneis at all, but
Bombay, on n given spot on a given dav, he
annihilated the l'indarrees and wholly sub
verted the power of the Mahrattas. There
was one subject in which tho General and
his aide-de-camp took a common irterest
we were both ecthusiaftic nimlreis of
Stmkepeare. As wo vere tolerably well
up in our author, we used tn recite to each
pagated, and the smallest thing derogatory
lo i woman's character will fly on the wings'
ot tho wind, aud, magnify as it circulates,
until its monstrous weight crushes the poor
unfortunate victim.
lit spi el the nnmv oi woman, for your
mother aud iter aic women, aud as you
would huv., their fair fame auUruliU'd and
other our favorite passages, and occasionally li"-ir names uneuibitlti. d s'v Utf iiauiltrer
with such emphasis that I often wondered uiiim; longue,ueea te. m uoujou.
what the mahout must have thought of our
seeming altercalinns. Like Iloeneo Wal-
pole, L ird Hastings was a stout apologist lor
Uiehiird III., ami tllirvrvl fiom the vl. w tl..-.:
his favorite bard has liken nf hi character.
He contended that Ilichard was to be jj.lf
wctds may lull g upon the mother, the ! .
ter or wife of so'.ua kibe creatu.'.
A harmless old lusatte bnardipg- In a
Washington (l'a.) family who tragically re
citeb ''Sicrcniner t'lTatoiU," anil haa a Snake-.
ed by the moral.? standard of the iig-j In I spearc with John Wilkes Booth's nam lu
.l.t..t. t. it 1 ! tt l... .u.. lt:,.li,,.r
tvnicu no meti, ami nm iiy ours; nut his i ii, is s?niiioimtiy paitttico uj sue,
humanity was on n par with that of Edward I Levur as the living assassin ol I reMdew
IV., nnd that in his short reign of King he Lincoln. His identity is based on the dou
did much to mitigate the tyrannical mens-1 whether Hooth was killed, on thecoincidi
lire of hi. elder brother. I was nmusevl to I eitca of the crazy man's appearanco at Wash!
hear him defend Eii hard for t'Ltlirg ofl'the I ington, nnd his mode of life since, as wel
head of his anreVir tho Lord Hastings ef as on thn identification of Booth by friend
, , - ir ... . j. .. I... . . ...I . ...... . .. ...,,.t
will me ii name nun piuti. .-uiionh " went u'l intti a raging lever, auu iiy utxi to tuitiony tie ii.iugiii sen prer.erv.iuon luuy I wno laiiniuny Kept nis secivi uum m
they wero only given th" opportunity. .All, Jeath's door for weeks. They told me how wnriaiited Ihe deed, Lord MUmarlc't lice-1 assassin's mind gave way.
boys, there was the liltterne.s ot 11 1 i j ialkcd in my wild delirium now arraign- tolltctmnt.
miirht as wel bo n highway rotiucri x aaiu i.,,. ir. Laclede for base inerat tude. then - - The Widow and THE UOUQUCT.-
oltuiil rlesojiriiiclv. InnnvliiL' that lUuald was uuon mv track Htg NlOHT C.WH. An American lady nrettv widow, whose husband has been de:
' i a-'-o , . , , i a . ....
ti-et.-tt. i.t ttilmt I tl.lnl.-l' sni.l h voice I wherever I went at that he was uroinirto "au "eeu lismng inenat in Canada several vears. received a beautiful liouqu
close beside me, and when I started and make me commit murder. Then I was wait- the St. Lawrence at Cape Vincent tho other day. The man that sent it hsj
turned, there was.Slevo llanald sitting there ing behind tho hedgo with my. finger upon 11,1 week, and courteously invited tho cus- been flying around her with an farneatnrl
as coolly as if wo had walked to the place the trigger of the pistol, listening to the rat' t"u"" uaggage. 1Uere worthy of a dry gomls clere, ana it. was w
arm n arm. I never had quite liked Ills tie oi carriage wneeis . lar away upon the " """"B i'puiet m mo extra delight mat ne saw uor pass n,
- - I . . .. . .1 lrii.,1-. Ii n .1.,, .. I.l. .... 11. I . . ..... , . . A i
ntliko wnv of wntoWnff ami coming on me roaU, ami the next moment l wa crying ". V") Baj"t tnat eTemng wun mo Douquei oi noirenrt
. .. . i i . I .1 ... t n, A ...... I .1. .i I I 1110 I) me-! tinH)fL(4l t Iih lurivt rnnl' ond I !..
minAviirrft. out it mui never biameu meue-iiuui. vuciu nciu imiuc. uuu iuiv i i ... .b. i ui jjc uauu.
foi n ns it did then. wh( save them ; nna 1 would strivu to rise, p"b '""' neap OI stockings, aim over- "Am so pleased to see you with them,- i
'iVhv Ptevel' I exclaimed how came d would lall bacfc exhausted only to begin oi uress inuienais, ponnceu taid he, and a thousand little cupids dim-
" . 1 ..1, .. ..:.. Ulton a dozen tinttes.nt l-tench lii-mnle. I .,!,! li I.!, .i.ll.i
- - a I I'. At. IU .... OIU..V.
"Do you call thisKncaring apparel?" he "Yes," she replied, "it was very kind
otibere?' an over again
"flh. I've kept j-ou In sight nil tho evo- )"u picture boys, how I had Allen
..inr, I thnuffht vou didn't seem ctuite right. P Paradise? After all there u 'n divinl
""to " - I . -a . .1 la . i
so I fd llowed. Devilish cool, that, in old ty l" suttI''8 our cnu'V "US" new won as
T ttcteAV. wasn't it?' we may. xuey iiaugainereutne wiioio story
I 1 1 IP1 . al. 1 . it -
Tl... noestlon bronchi mo back to irom .uy ruvtugs. iitere was ..oiiiing le.v to
f . lit iffta lArrllilo ' I fif.1i! ltf
griCVol.i'. "' . . . ' . , , . Hint nlirbt beside tho hede-e. nnil vaI ..
fnther started him In business wiien lie nau " :: . : . T . ' . '"-v
not a triced or a dollar in tho world. When
I think of that, I could almost swear
ge'anco on vl mankind for that man1
"Yca.'saiirrfcnald, 'but remember your
Amotlcan puverb,' Tho world owes you a
"I'll never be ablo to collect the debt I' I
returned, bitterly.'
asked sternly. "Why, yes." replied the In vou: I alwava knew vou liked him : I
lauy, iney are mylhutband's night caps." tall them to hu -rave
A lawvpr ulm i1rtfa nnt .ip1!va In law n I
Dhvslcian who does not believe in medicine. 1 K al'"XK rule ougnt to be
a clergyman preaching doctrines which are Invariable with every good bouse-ketper:
false to his own convictions, these are drud. iual ,no ueu,u lup soiu not
could ue g.ud and lender, 1 hey restored fa )ower orJer uian the Irishman car- be mado "Cept when lt U lo l diretly
I ulritnirtli anil irtn tilirtnil in mo 'I'Iiak ... I M . ... I .1 1 .1 II II. r.11u tll. J
ven- "'" , "'.' . mauD ry Ing his hod of bricks up the Udder. James ""ru' " "",U'T
abaie I "'"s' " v. - cihB nuuureu j i.'rcenaa Clarke. I lurn 1,10 """"issvs every lew aays, who all
I n,l Wtmn I Irn. .1.1. ln . 1... I . I ..... 1... .1 .1 I
1""- "" "".i"iiim Tn e inns. n , tn ..en It in. ..,.1 ... sctnuuuii K.iu.t uitapuvu Katnilini on
old gontleman fouud me aBpleudld position, unscajonablo motion is but beatintr the air lhem' Then wl,ed Put n ordri l li
and 1 continued my law studies in all iny incon I shoets and blankets baying tbe dry beat ef
leisure moments, wr, l.yudray gave me a . the k tchen fire n them, there wl 1 be small
most cordial invitation to make his house TurtN'lso Tim Tables. A vcnertble dl-1 risk of that chill which the travellers dread.
my home, and treated me with such loving vine, who had been dining out the hirrht Wo repeat It. a room kept undanintdt sweet.
confidence that I must have made myself I before, went iuto abarber's shun onn mnrn. I and sun wholesome, with a b,l .nil
"But ynu wouldn't make a good highway worthy of it, however ignoble and unwor- ing to be shaved, He saw that tho bather I pleuty of well alted bedclothes. Is wlthia
robber, you know,' caid Kanald, musingly, I thy I might have been, bo It was that when had been cettlnir mom drink tl,.., . the. reach ofall tn l.e th.Sr ..a t.
Ililoughtugwpthoeartli at nu leet witn a j Mr. Laclede came and oflered me a position for him, lor It made his handshake very I U that sensible visitors ask, It is betlir
tsWlfilck. You haven't the tight kind of I as book-keeper in his establishment, I was I much, and naturally Indignunt, be began I than a hot etove in the roeu.or hot bottle,
money nor lrlcnds. and there t fere nlentr ,rl short Wlf
youug men with wealth oai osition, r,ady 1 pluckTs eaabled to decline tho houor, with the old
to fill cyery vacaucy. I jiretty ba.'d up I "What a& diVW It tako V I asked with I speech a little more proudly uttered.- 'I am
lur mouvy. yuu kuww. uuu Ji was ttDint Hit 1 a anon isAiiru.- , .... ,u.. ,
to give him a little moral advice, eaying; lUg, or Indlarubber granalee ia tkebfi,
imu viuiig, urnik-. "ie,- said the barber, I ana wno so complain of tals let Um cs.
'lit makes the akin remarkably tender." plain.