THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. What is Vcyrclino I It Is ft c-mip.umd nxlracinl trmn barks, roots nnil liTln. IIH Nnlnro'i Hhi ly. II Is pirreollv lurm-l.-n from any ImiI erfect upjii tlio syslo.n. It Wnour iHlilnsr mil stronirthoiiltig. It nets directly upon the blood. lliuten tho nervous system. lliHmyou good sweet sleep nt night. II Is niintinoon for our aged fathcri nnil mother.., fur II gives them strength, Hlein, -as has tioon proved hv 111 inv tin aired person, ilillTl.l IIK-II lll'l.rn.ll II I'll US llll'lll ftlllllltf H H VP1 It IS tlio ffrcnt lltood I'lll'lllpr. ll. N n rnvntlilnir rmnn. Or for our children. It has relieved nnil cured thoit sinds. It Is very pleasant to tnko i every child like It. It relieves nnil euros nil diseases originating from Impure Wood. Try tlio Vkuktinb. ttive It n fair trial for your complaints i then you will sny to your friend, neighbor and acquaintance, "I'ry It! It lias cured mo." RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Tlio following unsolicited testimonial from ltav. O. T.Wnlfcor.rornicrly pastnrot lliiwiloln sminro Church lioitDH, and nt present wilted In Providence, II. I., must lie deemed hs rcllnhlu ov Idcnco. No one should fall In observe that this testimonial lithe rcstiltot two years' evporlniico wltlitho usoof Vimiisit In the Ihw Mr. Wnlkcr's family, who now pronounce It Invaluable! 1'KOVinKscit, U. I., 104 Transit St. II. H Ntkvens, Ksn.i I feel bound to express with my signature the high valuo I place, uisinyour Vkiiktinh. My family have usd It for the, last two years. In nervous drbuity ll Is Invaluable, nnil I recommend It to all vvhfaay need im Invigorating, renovating tonle. (i. T. Wai.vish, Formerly pastor of llowdoln Square Church, lioston. THE BEST EVIDENCE,, Tlio following tetter from Iter. K. s. Ilcst, pastor of tlio M. 12. church, Nntlck, Mass.. will bo read within, tcrost by tunny physicians; nlso thoso snrrei Ing from tin) same disease its nnilcled tlio son of the ltcv. K. s. licit. No person can doubt tills testimony, as there Is no doubt about the curative power of Vkoitink. Nitici, Mass,, Jan. 1, 133. Mr. ti. n.8TrBxa: IK'ar Rtr Wo tune good reason for regarding your hoktink u medicine of thu greatest value. We feel insured that It has lieeutiie means of saving our nun's We. llo Is now seventeen years of ngu; tor tlio last two yoars ho has Mirrored from necrosis of his let.', caused by scrofulous nrrectlon, and wnsso far reduced that nearly u'l who saw hlin thought his re covsry Impossttiio. A council of nblo phjslclnns could glvo us but tho faintest hope of his ever rally ing i two of the number declaring that ho was be yond tho reach of human remedies, that even ampu tation could not savu htm as ho had not enough vigor to ondiiro tho operation. Just then wo commoneed giving him Vuiktinh and from that time to the pres. cut bo bos been continuously Improving, no has lately resumed studies, thrown nway his crutchos and cane, mid walks about cheerfully and strong. Though there is still some discharge from tbo open ing where his limb was lanced, wo hnvo tho fullest conrtdeuco that In u llttlo ttmu be will bo perfectly cured. lie has taken about three dozen bottles of Vboe. tink. hut. lately uses but little, as ho declares hols too well to bo taking medicine. Hespcctf ully j ours, K. s. Host, Mrs. L. a P. U EST. Prepared by XX. It. STEVENS, Boston. IVIass. VEGETlNE 13 SOLD BY .All Druggists and Dealers jbvi: iiYtviiGiti:. Julyl4,-lm. COMPLETE BONE MANURE I" OH Buckwheat and Fall Crops COMPLETE I0HE NAMR! MANUFACTURED BY BREINIG&HELFRIC LEHIGH VALLEY iiunnu For over 10 yoars this bruud has held Its lcputa n la contact with nuny competing fertilizers.! ONE (II1AU11 ONLY. - No variety of names with accommodating scalo of prices. HKCOMMKNDIU). By farmers' clubs, agriculturists, planters and FOR SALE BY A, J. Albertson, ltohrsburg. Itupert. Cu taw Lisa. It. L. ltcav. J. II. Seeslioltz, Kress Bros.. Berwick. E. Thompson, Danville. C W. Woddrop, litrersldo. The following testimonial was received scleral years sgo. A Kakmkiis Cud hecovuienm hie Coki'letbBonb AIANC1IK IS ink IlkbT 1KKTII.IZEU IN 1B. Orccnwood, Columbia Co., Oct. 15th. Messrs. TlntiMU X manual. Oentltmen : We, tbo undersigned, having used Jour complete Bono Manure tho past season, pro cured of jour ngent, A J. Albertson, hereby affirm iiiuLeinoieti jerinmr in use, wo tuny recom mend It to lui nieis, for it Is all that j ou claim lor It, Yourt, 4c. W JLLI AM VNOEIMI.E MA'1 1IKI!. JOHN STANTON A . lltElBLll'KIN, OtO. OUt'lON, A. S. FA HIM AN, 8HHHMEHB- I jCOUNTER,PLATF0RW WAGOH WBMK mum OX? AGENTS WANTEDS ainy rui I'Kict-.LUiT MARVIN SAF.E85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY JV.Y. '72 CHESTNUT ST. PHI LA. PA. ipffBANKST.CLZVE.O. vnicuill, T0..1y. THE TMUMPII TRUSS CO No. 834 Bowery, New York, TO WHOM WAS AWAltUKD TIIK I'ltunuuifi .mi:uai. FOlt THE Best Elastic Truss and Supporter At the great A mortem Imtttute Fair (ikStlOM ISIS.) C-'uki Uvrtvut ix Fuox to to ) luvn, AMiGmiu 11,110 I OK X CISC TlIlT C'itiKOT CCKK. Ilicy nuploy a nrst iinis Ldy Hurtum. Term wuloruto. Cures 'I ho ukua! dtscouuu lu I'htroiui of lluHbuudry. Kxaudnailous Free, orders tUul by ii.uU. Hi nil ten cent for Ifcacrlptlvo Book, to Dr. O. W. II. IH'IINIIAM, Ooncral NuueibitoudcnL (Branch OBlco IMS CUcbtnuC I'lUladwIphU, I'a.") Nar.Vii.-ly. V A LUATbLE "P lt"0 PER TY at MIIVATE BALK. The subscriber oCvn for Mite, two kinoll lots, on cub which uro crectul u fruuo dwelVng hoiuo, MuMe und necessary outbuildings. Also i J ir vacant lots, adjoining tbo abtivtt aud u torirer Mia. Thexi loU are on Iho Main road near KlUlrtaltr, KUUIinr Creek UiwtaWp. rot Una tt'iplv to Win. I KUJEII. iinj 6, ,T.-(u. biluwator. In. Tisiumrajn w Agricultural. Hood Thing About l!yc. A writer hi Chicago Time nays 1 "Ityo will grow nnil product) lino crops Inr north of tlio ilcgrco of latltiulo wliero wheat will fall, It Is, Indeed, ntio of tlio most linr dy crops tlint nro ctiUlvntcd, In region wliero full-sown whent Is almost sitro to bo killeil, fall-sown ryo Is nlmost sure to siir vlvo mid do well. Throughout tho prrtlrla regions 0 Illinois very llttlo wheat went through Inst winter without injury, hut ryo camo out nil right, and generally produced good crops. In mauy places where wheat was ploughed up last spring, ryo yielded twcnty-livo or thirty bushels to tho acre. Hyo will grow and produco vcryfmo crops on soils so poor that llttlo clso will yield enough to pity for harvesting. It dcligliU In dry, sandy soils, and will yield n return for tho labor nnd needs, 011 laud that will produco llttlo but whlto beans, Thcro nro many thousands of acres of land in different parts of tho west, that yield hardly nnylhing, that would produco paying crops of ryo if it was sowed. Southwest of this city ryo Is grown 011 laud that will produco no paying crops of any other grains, Hyo is 0110 of tho best graius to sow wliero it is desired to seed tho land down to timothy, clover or other grasses. It has llttlo foliago as com pared with oats nnd wheat, and according ly docs not shado tho ground so much, It allows sulliclcnt sunshine, to reach the soil to catiso tho young grass to grow very well. After the crop of ryo is harvested, tho young grass is not llkoly to bo burned up, ns is the enso when wheat and oats nro cut, and often tho young grass is entirely lost. Uil-Cako for Milch Cows. A correspondent of tho Toledo !tri Journal gives tho readers of that paper the benefit of his experience, ns follows: Dairyman in this vicinity, where contin ued feeding of milch cows is rcqnisito from five to seven months of tho year, who havo not tested the virtue of oil-cake ns an econ omizer in fodder, can scarco believe how profitable Its results nro especially during long, cold severe winters. Owning about forty cows eoveral years bIiicc, all of which were stabled during the winter season, the writer's attention was called to the value of cotton seed oil as an economizer of fodder, nnd n trial was given it, a ton or two being pur chased nt St. Louis and shipped to Toledo in January. Several bushels wero thrown into 11 barrel, which was then filled with water ; and when the oll-cnk e had become dissolved about a quart of the fluid was poured over the quantity of middlings, cut hay, or whatever fodder was given each ani mal at one feeding, great care being taken not to give too much, in order not to cloy tho appetito a result which follows if cau tion is not observed in this respect. Tho consequence was that the cows grew sleek, oro perfectly healthy, gave more milk, and required far less food than beforo ; a very desirable result at that time 11s the winter proven! a long one and feeding had to be kept up until the middle of May. So long ns I continued to remain engaged In tho dairy business I never again gave up the use of oil-cake, although it becamo difficult to ob tain tho cottou-sccd oil-cake, and I tried lin seed oil-cake, using it in the same manner, with good results, although I prefer the for mer, but would always use tho latter when that is not obtainable. When fodder is bcirce ami dear the value of this experiment is great, indeed, especially in winter ; and I would advise all who are engaged in the production of milk for city markets to give it a fair trail, well convinced they will not regret it. So far as regards an increase in tho quantity of cream, I cautiot say from experience, though it is alleged to produce cream of good quality nud of iucrcased quanti ty. Thosewho sell milk and keep cows for this purpose cannot fail to derive great benefit from the use of oil-cake in the manner above loscribod, as it is a saving of money, while it aluo serves as au nid in making it. Wliy Seeds Fall. In tho first place, however, we will ex- nmlno the causes of failure. -If small seeds uro planted too deep, they cither rot in the damp cold earth, for the want of the warmth necessary to their germination, or, after germination, perish beforo the shoots can reach the sun and air ; so that which was designed for their support and nourishment proves their grave. If the soil Is a stiff clay, it is often too cold at the time the seeds nre planted to ef fect their germination ; for it must be tin derstood that warmth and moisture are uec- ,cessary to the germination of seeds. Neither of these will do alone, ceeds may be kept in n warm, dry room, in dry sand or earth, nnd they will not grow. They may be pla ced In damp earth, and kept in a low tem perature, and they will most likely rot, though some seeds will remain dormant u long time under these circumstances. Hut pluco them in moist earth, in a warm room, and they will commence growth at once. Another difficulty with heavy soil is that it becomes hard on tho surface, aud this pre vents the young plants from "coming tip,' or if, during showery weather, they happen to get above tho surface, they become lock en 111 ami make out little advancement un less the cultivator is careful to keep the crust well broken ; and in doing this tho young plants are often destroyed. If stiff, tho soil where small seeds nro sown should ho imule mellow, particularly on tho surface, by the ndditlon of sand and light mould. If seeds are sown in rough, lumpy ground, a portion will bo buried under the clod', and will never grow ; and many that start, not finding a fit Hull fur their roots, will perish, A few nny cheapo thcfo difficulties and flout isb. dnvy' (hlnluijue. Cuow. A crow was killed recently in tho orchard of Mr Harbric of I'lymoth, Me. and iiuiu opening his crop, more than twen ty uesU of caterpillar eggs were found, show ing that tills tnuuh-abused bir 1 bad dluei' on aboirt -1,000 or 5,000 caterpillar eags Tho ciovv is not otilv a scavenger, but very useful nlsa in destroying insects and worms that prey upon crops. The damage it some times does to young corn is moro than coun tcrhalantjod by the fccrvico it renders on tlio farm. I'taifie I'atmtr, To Oan Swuirr Coun. Tlio corn bhould bo picked when just milk ripe. After husk Ing, the kernuls are cut from the cob with n gauged knife und the cob scraped to get all the juices. Next it is placed In tin cans without ndmixluro (though sometimes a lit tin sugar is added to poor corn) and scaled up air-tight. Thou comes tho "processlnpj1 or boiling, vlx; subjecting the can and con tents to the heat of boiling water from ouo to two hours, according to tho size of Hie can. Tills can only bo determined by experiment. Next they are taken from the boiling water and a small hole punched In the top of tho can to allow tho escape ot the gasscsj and instantly reclosed, ufter which tho can is replaced in the hot bath aud allowed to remain as longer longer than at first. IMPORTANT TO ALL. 3D DEI. SWu"Srr3STE, Tho discoverer nnd coiniioiinder of tho fnr-fatned Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and other valuable preparations, entered upon his professional rarccr with tho important ndvantnRO of n rrfftilnr medical education In ono of the oldest and best schools in rhtladelplil.i, and, perhaps, In the world. Ho subsequently nerved n faithful term of practlco In the Philadelphia Dispensary, nnd for ma ny 1 ears attended In the Hospital. In thesu Institu tions ho cnloji'd the most ninplo opportunities of ub talnlinrnnlii'lRlit Into diseases In all their various forms, ns well us for asccrlnlnluir tbo best methods otthel treatment. In oirerlnir, therefore, to tho peo ple of Ihol'iilled Slates tho fruits of Ids oucnslm professional cxperlcnco In tlio medical compounds as tho best results of his skill and observation, he feels that he Is but pronerlnir n noox to every family tliroiirhout tlio hind, rcstlnif, as ho docs, confidently In tlio merits nud ctllcatlnus vlrtuoof the lelntdlcs ho herewith commends. 'Ihovast nmountol ti'sll. ninny from all parts of the world lias proven "1mm;. Itllt HWAVNI.S CD.Ml'Ul'NI) SVIllfl' OK WII.H CIIKIIUY" tho most crttcnclous remedy known, nnd ll Is admitted by our most eminent physicians, und nil w ho liavn witnessed Its wonderful lienlliiu prn crtles. Tho Wll.l) 1'HliltllV In all uKes of Iho world nnd In all countries where It Is know 11 lias been Just ly celcbratco for Its wondorful medicinal qualities, but Its great power to euro soinoof tho worst nnd most distressing diseases nmoni: us was never fully ascertained until the experiments of Hint sMIfull phyi-Uian, Dr. swavne, had demonvtraled tts high ail.iptatloii.ln comblnnlton with Pino TnuTnr. and other equally valuable vccelable linrredlciits, wlili h chemically combined renders Its action tenfold tnoro certain nnd bonetlclal In curing all diseases of tho throat, breast ami Iiintrs. lilt. tfWAYNH'S VILII OIIKIlitY COMPOUND sttlkcs nttho root of disease byptirltjlnclho blood, restorlnif tho liver and kid ncjs to healthy action, lnvliforaunjj tho nervous nnd shattered constitution. If jour driiffitlst or store keeper docs not have It, do not bo put on by any other remedy that may bo olTercd, but send to us dt n et,and wo will forward a halt dozen to any address, frelitht paid, on receiptor tlin pi Ice, II per bottle, or $t tho half doron. Address lelle rs to 1)11. MW'AYNK JC SON, a:w North Sixth street, Philadelphia. No charso will bo mado for adv Ice. Ask Your nrugprlst lor Tlicm, l'i'iiiiilcs mill nil li" vii 1 11 r henllh should never Is; without Ult. SWAYNK'.S TAK AND SAUS.M'A 1HIXA P1DLS, as they purify the blood, remove all obstructions, cleanse tho skin of nil pimples and blotches, andbrtnif tho rich color ofheallh to the pnlo cheek. I'emalo irregularities nro restored to a healthy condition. They are n certnln euro for sick and Nervous Headache. Asa Dinner nil, nothing can exceed them : tnko one. tvv o. or three, ns may lie found necessary; unllko olliers, they neither gripe, produce nausua, or any other unpleiuant sensation, whllii they me as lioweitul as 11 Is lwsslblo torn medicine to be and bo harmless. Thcsu l'llls cleanse out tho disordered humors, enrich and purity the blood, remove all unhealthy bilious secretions of the stomach and bowels, causing a perfectly healthy state of tho liver, and nro undoubtedly tho best ca thartic and autlblllous uicdlcino jet dlscov ercd ; aud we uro determined that tho sick thall havo thcin at n price w Ithln tho means ot the poorest (iSS eent n box of an l'llls.) If jour druggist or storekeeper has not got them, do not bo putolT by any others that may be ottered in then' place, but scud to us di rect, and we will forward by null, on receipt of the pi Ice, w cenU a box or ffvo boxeses 11. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's Ointment, Is particularly adapted to nil forms ot skin dis cuses. Cures even when till oilier reme dies and treatment fall. Cures Tetter, Scald llrnd, Salt Hheum. ltlngworm. Barber's Itch, i'hnples, sores, 1'rarlH Itch Army Itch, Sore Heads. Blotches, scurvy, Humors, Piles, Chronic Erysipelas of tho All Kruptlons, face. SWAYA'E'S OIXTJIIENT Seems to cure every case, leaving the skin smooth una clear vv imoui u uicmisii ueuiiiu. Itching Files Is generally preceded by a moisture, llko perspira tion, distressing Itching, us though pin worms were crawling In or nbout the tectum, particularly nt nlghtwhcn un lresslug.or In bed after getting warm. It appears lu summer us well ns vHircr, oftentimes shows Itself around tho private puits, and Is not con Hned to mules only, but Is quite us frequent that fe males nro sorcy unueieu, parucui.iriy in nines or nregnancj, e.ienuiug iniu 1110 vagina, proving uis- ressinir uuhusl urvumt uiu puiveiH 01 eiiuiiiuuce. ,'ases of Ion" standluu-. pronounced Incurable, have been permanently cm ed by simply applying SWAYXE'S OINTMENT. EXTitACTS Fitoii Lin-rats. Dr. Swavne & Son : Gentlemen The box of oint ment you sent me by mall cuied me entirely ot Itch. lmr Piles, which I suffered with forilvo veurs. Kn- eluned llnd titty centa for another box for 11 trlend ot miuu. .vrtuKKw J. ubacu. Furmwell station. 1-oudon Co., vu. Itov. Isaac Holland. Webster. Tai lor county V. Va. wi lies : November Si), 1ST5 I have been a sufferer from Itching Piles. I procured u box of your ointment laslbnrlng which gave mo Instant relief, ivud feel conltdent It w ill encct a permanent cui 0. Kueloscd nnd titty cents, for which please tend me another box uy iuuu. An Eruption of 8 Ycnra Standing. I was troubled with an emotion of elL-nt vears itching. Intolerable at times ; tried mnny prepara tlonn without finding lellet. Through tho use of Swayne's AU-lleallng Olntmeut I urn entirely cured. dOSKl-li UIMSEKX. At llortsman & Bros., 5th and Cherry, l'hua. X was entirely cured of Tetter In Its worst form by Dr. Swnvne's All-Hmllmr Olnt. iiieut. mid bliull be happy to explain lay to all iv uu uiuy iuu upm mo. iijuheb .neiviNi.KY, vv est .nu JIOICI, S3d Street, below Lombard, Philadelphia. Sent by mall to any address on rccelnt of in Ice. m Uescrlbo svmntoms In all communications, nnil ml. dress letters to Hit S'.YAYNU 4; SON, Philadelphia. roil SALE BY ALL Dltl'flUISTS. Sole lToprletors and llanulacturm of SWAYNE'S PANACEA, celebrated all over tho world tor Its remarkable cures of Kcrurulii, Mercnrl.ll and Kjphlutio complaints, and meases where Syphilitic vlrnsof thu parent causes development oi Syphilis or scrofula lu thu cniiii noiniin; n is ever pioveasu euectiiulin com pletely eradtcatlni; every vvbtlifu of these daii;eruus complaints ami nil diseases arlslni; from Impurity of the blood. Il.i particular to obtain the eeunln'1, ns prepared by lilt, s WAY Nr. .t mN, s:ui K nth M.,l'lilhidelpliln. Sto that tho niuuo Is sni-lled conectlv. sUMVM!. i iuuu m- 'if 1'i.ianuiii u nuiuutviiak culluar I1UII1U in inu inarsei. IS Y0DR HAIR FALLING OUT Oil TiUlNINO UUAY? II' Stl IM Ntir FAIL Til U.SK Tho must Itellablu Hair Itistoiutlvutver Introduced to thu Amei lean l'coplo Tor Hestorlnt; tlruy llulr und Preventing ' llaldutKS. Tho ifit-nt Luxury of tho lireus ltoouu Loudon llulr Color lestorer 1.0UUUU nnir uoior iteatoie Londoii Hats Color Kesloin Loiidon ItalrCo or Iteslore U. nil. m Hall- Color Kesttre I .or. dun Hair Color Iteslore Ujii. I. ui Jiuir t'olur Itestore LohUuii llulr Color IttDloie Uiinlon llulr Color Iteslore IaiuiIjii llulr i:olor Itestoie l.oluluu Hair Culur Itestoie ljllidun llulr (?ulur Iti'stim. Ixjiulou llulr Color Iteslore Loudon llulr Color Iteslore Uiiitlou llulr Color Iti'Morc Uuiduu llulr Color liesMrcr Uiinlon llulr Color Itebturer Uuidou llulr Color llestorer l.oniioii color itestore Uuidou llslr Color Itestore lAiudon llulr Colur ln-btuie ludun llulr Color lleslorvr ludun llulr color Iteporter 1-Ohdoh llulr Colur lttisiorer Loudon llulr Colur Itestorer London llulr Color Itestorer London llulr Color itutorcr 1. It will restore fray hair to Its original color. It. It vvlil uiuko tho hair grow ou bald beads. It. It will rctloru thu natural secretions. 4. K will reinovo all dandruu'ui.d luhln, c. It will make Uiu balr bolt, glossy and llcxlbla t. 11 will pieneno Uiu origins) color to old age. T. H will proveut tho hair from falling off, H. It will euro ull dbjcutA of thu sculp. 75 Cants per Bottloi A bottles ti. Kent by express to unyuddross on re ceipt of pi loo. Address orders to lilt. bvV AYNK & HON, 330. North HUUl Utreet, I'hlla., I'a., solo proprltlors. SOLI) 1!Y ALL DKIIL'UISTS. Jbimi, it-ljr. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS Or INTJUIlErJT TO Hvunr ONS. lt. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORQAN CHAIR, with an nJJasliblo bsck, msdo to support the buck of tlio Killer vtlilto leanlni; forward In tho ordinary lilon for pliylng, nnd by RiliiiploarrsnKemcntlitchrtlrraltntiscliwsrd itul at tho iimo llrao a dowsirtnl movoment, follows Ids motions anil supports him In say potlllon without lutmfcrlng lit tlio I cut with tW freedom of lilt motcraonU. Aug. 11, lSTC.-Clll BAUGH'S GROUND BONES, A0IDS andOHEMIOALS l'OU FALL SE HIDING. :o: Lower Prices, Samples Sent lure, Anahsis Guaranteed. EXAMINE AND 0II00SH ntoM Tin: roi.i.owiNO Old Established Articled, BAUGH'S GROUND RAW BONES XfcS0 itarsi n teed Puro.'aSaflr n baits on board of Cars nl works at Iho following Cash Prices. loo Tons and over. .io per Ton HO " to tw ions, 30 " " 49 " 3! .. .. lij " sa " " in " " ID " till " 1 " " This llono is Qrottnd l'tiroj is not steamed or baked, nud the solid bono has not been selected from it. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPHKK-PIIOSI'IIATK Made frNm Haw or Unburncd Animal nones. t7ic; for Gtsh, ami CWt only. Wo are now selling our H.vw llono Supcr-I'hospato on tho follow Ing llCAUANTKKIl ANALYSIS: Ammonia, - - From 3 to per cent. Soluble and Precipitated Phos nhorlc Acid - - - " 0 " 11 " " 'hosphato of Lime, rendered fuiuuit; - - - - sv At NKT Cash Wholesale Prices to Healers nnd Farmers. F. 0. 11. In I'hlladelphla, at tho following Low Piticus: loo Tons nod ov er, J.T per Ton, its. ,5 " toti9Tous, . 51 " 74 " 37 ' 30 " " 49 " 3S " " " " 10 " " 29 " 39 " 1 " ' 10 " 4U " " " " Standard of Quality Strictly Maintained Whllo wo announce n reduction In tho price of our icavv uuii surjut riuisi-iiAi I'J, we vvuuiu n- speetftilly represent to liealera and farmers that Its suinu.uu oi ipuuiiy nus oeeu siriunj iiiiiiiiuuiit;u. Tbo proportions or soluble and precipitated l'hos- nan they are In thu in tlclo wo are now sc lllng hi our customei's. This statement we make us a binding guarantee. BAUGH'S ACiiiirii.iTi:i Phosphato Rock. Tvvelvo Per Cent. Soluble and Precipitated rliosiilioriu AciU. We believe Our Acidulated Phosphate Rock to be soneilor to most of tbo Acid l'liosnhiito now In tho market. Farmers that havo used It tor seveiul seasons aio well pleased with It, and thu demand for 11 13 nipilllV lllL-IL'Il-Mllg. S&rBT. B. One Dollar per Ton Ad ditional on all Prices If shipped from Baltimore. Chemical Supplies OF ALL KINDS, Always on hand, and sold nt tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES For puro and irood Articles. tir-HKNII FOlt l'ltlCII I.IM'S. land"plaster We Blind only from extra quality of Lump, and our brund has t;lven the hlfhest sutUfactlon lor tho last tvv o j ears. Price ns low as uny. Send for Price Lists und Circulars. BAUGII & SONS, Manufacturers; & Importers of Fertilizers & Supplies, io. 20, S. DclaiW.arc Ave, I'llll.AlllXPIWA.. 1. 103 South St., Baltimore. Julyiil-Jm. Irllr'lnllr'ir'lClsr'lirVIX'l J J oiirr 'I GLASS A ft 7M COHANSEY GLASS MFGCO. MFR'S WINDOW ClASS.BOTTLES &C. Arcrbalim lteportiug. TEUIIH t Actual travc-llhg-, boarding., and olhrr xtttxa-, ii, v uuiiujB u bt-ssiuii, luriuKingiuurepori: mid ten cents u folio, ( hundred worm, ) lor writing out Into long-hand. Wliero thu waiter reported In oia day equals or exectds Ully folios, tho mo-dotlur Ii will Is) reuiltu ed, und thu trunscrllilng Into loug.bud charged tit niivt-ii nuifl u iuuu; uut, ui uu sucu cusi's, ii rewcr than lift - folios arc purchased, tho tin dollars will bu charged, Addiess. H. N. Walker, A.M.,. Court-stiuoc. rapher, llloomsburg, Columbia coauty. 1-tnnaiira-nla. ltcsldence, Iron street, Ulwu Third and Fourth. , uniee. With K.i:.Onls,KHt., ColiimWan-bulld. log; tntrance.uppoHlUi tho east guto to tho court- lif.iiu, vitnl Unit IW.r tlru. !... .7. (itilce-liour, fronijtwelvu to baa o'clock.. j IS 1i.TA.1V ' OT ) TUHS . lYlfclAL ' i j .,1V -"A.v il.. . . PC nNLI.0f j ft "aW i ma o"lS mmimM uANf. s2?yS APLATFORM ROCKER ON CASTORS, Willi llio loiirj esr movement of tlio ntiTiijli-, without tho projecting meters to rasrotbrr furniture. nd the bancs of room.; being, In fact, the only Platform Itockcr mado thst list a ptrfoetly ratlrfsctory movement, llanufacturfil for tho trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for rale by the principal dealers tlirouchont tho Untied Statci. (JT If not kept by any dealer In your town, end to ui lot l'rlco List and Catuloguo, EV HTOU1C 01' OLOTllliNO. AND Gontlemon's Droas Goods. DAVID LOWHNIlUUO Invites attention tobls latscnndclcKantstock Cheap aHd FasliionaLle Clotliine., athlsstoroon MAIN HTliniiT, IN THE NI'.W 1ILOCK, 11LOOMSI1UUO, 1A., whero bo lias Just received from Now York and rhll ndelphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludlnt tho most fashionable, durablo and! IllUlllijUUlU DRESS GcOODS, CON.SISTINll OF 150X SACIC, FHOCrC. OUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS AND PANTS OP ALL BOUTS SIZES AND COLOltS, He has also replenished his already largo fctock of CLOTHS AND CASSI.MKItKS, STHII'EI), FltlUKED ANDJPLAIN VHSTS, SiIlllTS, CHAVATS SOCKS, COLLAliS, HANDKEItCIIIEFS, (1LOVF.S, ISUSPKNDBHS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment ot Cloths aud Vest in gs, which bo Is prepared to make to order Into nny kind of clothlnp;, on very short notice, and In tho best manner: All his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND .JEWELHY, OP EVEUV DESCIlIITION, FINE AND CHEAr, HIS CASE OF JEWELHY 18 NOT SDltPASSED IM TIIJ8 PLACE. t CALL AND EXAMINE HIS QKNEHAL ASHOItT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENBERO, .luly 1,'73-tf. ALBRECHT & GO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. llio Ai-nnrciiT & Co. Tianos nro-first-class in every respect, boint; con Biilercd tho leading I'liilailelpliia mako by musicians nnd competent juilccs. Through their extenslvo fiiciPitics, Messes. Alhuecht & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpassed nny where, nnd still sell them nt prices within tho reach of nil. No l'iano is permitted to lenvo their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most minuto particular, henco their guarnnteo of five, years is n thintr of vnluo. All lato im provements of iniportancoaro found 111 thcso instruments. ' Miysits. Alhheciit & Co. havo re ceived tho most ilattering Tebtitno nials from L. M. Gottschalk, I'hanz Aut.Oustavi: SATTr.11, J, F. IIimmeijs- HACII, WlIiUM WOIJilEl'KEH nllll many other eminent nrtists, besides being ablo to refer to thousands of privato purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies mid teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed und ehipped safely to any part of tho world. goT Vot further particulars ns to references, prices find terms, address ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Arch Stroot, Philadelphia. July 14, i7c-'y. YULCjN 1H0N WORKS 1IANVII I.Vf. VIlNTOlll! COUNTY. I'A. -T7"JLLIAM Jl. LAW, Manufacturer of TV Wrought Iron llrldgns, Hollers. (luMioldtr, ltmiroot liulldlngii. Wrought Iron Hooting, nooning Kriinuii. Flooring und Doors, turn dates and Ituc- lig, uso vvrougni iron j-ipiug, moclb nnu an nni' ot smith Work, Ac. ltepalriit promptly 'attended to N. iiiiruw mgs una Kstunniessuppueu. Oc, , ists-tt "Sr. is. 40flPiT dy at borne. Samples worth ft tyl ul i.J roe btinsom a J'urllaud, Miduo. Hrctaia,'ic-ly, vfiuuscribofortLoCauiimlRn ComjmwAH RAND OPENING ! ERAS MEND I4NIIALL Twr t ft.t 1 1 IAVINO resumed tlio binlncss of Mercbnn discing at his Old Store, on maw BTiiKCT, ur.ooMsnunci, NRAK TUX FORKS ItOTRI., McstrcHto cnlltho attention of Ids Friends and tlio uuuc KcncrMiy.o his NUW, I'UM. AND VAUIIIU STOHK fll? nOOl u x u u xv w J s - JUST OPENED, And solicits nslinro ot ptibllopatronairo HIS STOCK CONSISTS 01' DHY (IOODS, tiiioci:itii:s, iUi:nN8WAitn, WOOIIKNWAItU, wii.LowwAiin, HOOTS A- SIIOLS, HAIIUWAltl.., l'LOUlt AND fi:kd In connection with his stock ot Mcrcunmllso ho constuntly keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressed anil Unteseil Lilier, AND SIIINULUS OF HIS MANUFACTU1IE. Bill Lumber mndc it spccialUy. CALL AND SHI!. Oct. 3, 1STS tf. BLOOMSBITBQ MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, JIAIN STIIl!l:T, ltlSLOW -MAltKUT. Manufacturer of and Dealer in alt kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOBKS W'ouso the best AMKItlCAN nnd ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMIiS. HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, &c. r.vcrv variety ot Mnrblo cutting neatly executed at ino lovvesr. inariceL prices. A lnni? nriict tea! oxnerlrnco nnd nersonal attention to business nmkes Iho proprietor contldent of giving sallsfaet Ion. All outers by mall promptly attended 10. 1'. II. l)OK V'JI. afiyjV. 11. Work (Itlivered free of clMrge.Vs3S. Aug. 21, 'I4-ly. T. I.. UUNTON, Proprietor. AINWJtIHT&CO., WHOLESALE UIIOCKHS, N. E. Corner second nnd Arch iitrcois, I'niLADEi.riiu, Dealers In TEAS, HYRUPS, C0K1''EB, HlTflAIt, MOLASSES r.icE, sricss, hicaub soda, tc, ic. reorders will receive prompt attention. tl.T-tf 110LLENS & HOLMES No. 17 Centra Stnvt.; Finite Gas ai Steam Filte IMANUFACTUHEUH or J? 1 1ST W ARE, OALVANIZKD IKON COItNICI!, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises. cV. Healers in Stoves, RatiK- es, l-uriiacos, lialllinoio Heaters, l.oiv uovvn Urates, Mantels, I'U.MI'S, Wentlier Strips, etc. Also G-AS FIXTURES or iho lsti-kt. dehlL'ii. Kiieelul attention raid to re- lulling Sewing .Xlathliiesi ti'verj ilescrlntlon.Kcnhs, Locks, in 11 llllllglliu', nej nilllig, c. i iivuie imi deuces llenle.l by Mcam lit abiimll costiibovn Hot Air. l't'b vn,'n-ir. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMOXIATHI) SlU'Klt I'IKISrHATU. (Mi culars and nnnlysls mailed free en application. l'or biilo by Dealers generally, and by Iho Importers uuil juiui'iiueiuiers, .IOSIAII .l..4I.3.i:'.S kOMi, No, -1, South Delaware Ave., I'liilailelpliia March 10-6111 TrJISfAPErAjSKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, YER&SON" 733 Siksdh St, PHILADELPHIA, Wiiu uro uur authorized uiontt uud ulll recti ro AdVkirtlartueiJlai ut uur I.OWICST CASH ItATJCS. OAltDINO. ho subscriber Is now tircnared torccolvo tKmrdeis at Ids house In Huailugcreok township, slluuUilul 1V11UV IS fcUUTVIl (Ul fTU t I1IIIIS. 'l UU 11UUHU 13 COII- ducted ou Teniperunco nrlnclnles. no lutoxlcutliiir lluuors being sold on tho premises, flood rooms. encellent in I table and tho tendons of a nrlvuto Terms reasonable. J. II. Ki.lMIElt. May 6, 16.-tf. ltoarlng Creek, I'a, Pltt'SIDENTIAL CAMI'AHIN Cans, Ciines & Torches hkii rou iii ihTimi ii cincii- Mil AMI I'lllCk LIST. CfNNlNdllAM A' HILL, U AN U fAll'I'UllKlia, No. 201 Church Ktreel. I'lllIADKLPUIA. Juiytw, i.-;ia, miri NW NEW GOODS t A 1-IKA.VY STOCK, dicaper than Ever! S. II. MILLER h SON Have Just llccoivcd tho largest nnd best supply ot nTTTI 1 Tl 1 1TT1 T3 I (ITTTfUT 1 TIT H litter Mi UmUMDhb w - v -r-v IT "N vv Trv a JLKX lUUXO, They linvo over offered totnclr friends and cus tomers, (jlotlis, Csimores, and Sn-tinotts forMKN'd WBAlt, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAR, CALICOES, MUSMNH, OA.M11RICS, nml every vnrlety of Dry (Inoils iloslrcil, STOC1C OE Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST I? AMI LY GltOCEIlLES, inclinliiiK all the varieties of COEKEES, TEAS ami SUflAKS, OOUNTKY P.UODUOR, anil a general mpply of articles tisiful for tlio talile always on liaml. CALL AND SEE. Country jiroiluce of all ktmls Mien ill ex. change for Roods at cali prices. ocl.30,';i-lf CALIFOIiNIA the cincAtio .tNoitTii-wiarniiN iiailway rthrnrnq under nnn ninnntromenf Iho tlrent Trunk linllwnv I.lni'M nf tint WMST nnd Ntllt'l ll-VI2ST.nrul. with lis numerous briilieliesimd eniiiieetlnns, tonus tho shortest and quickest route between I hlcagn ami ull pulnls In ln.lson, Wimhinin, Noktiikiin jiiciiiiian, AUNNKsorA, low, Nkuiuska, California nnd tho western Territories, us Oinalm and Callloi iilii I.lnc Is Ibn short est nnd bet route for all points In north ern I 1 nols. lown. Iinkotit. Netirnska. vvvomliig. rolorado, . M-vada, Ulan, C'uiiioriiia, Oregon, cuina, lapiin una .vusiraiia. us Chicago, nisiillNun & fit. I'atil I.lno Is tho short lino for Norlhern Wisconsin nnd Minne sota, and for Madison, ht. Paul, Mlnneapolls,I)ululh, auu uu puiuis in iuu grcaL .aoiiu-vvcu im IVinonsi nml SI. l'ctcr I.I no Is tlio nnlv routo for Winona, liochester. Owntonna. Jlnnkato, St. I'eter, New lllm, nnd ull points In houiueru aiui central .viiiiuesuiu. lis Giceil Hit) anil Itlariilictto I.lnc Is the only lino for .Innesv lite. Watcrtovvn. Fond Du .ar iisiiKosu, jvppieion, vireen uay, uscanaiia, im-- raunee. .vian ueue. iioiu-uiou. nancocK nnu iuu liiko supcnorcouniry. iia FrcciKirt and Diiliilquc I.lnc Is tbo only routo for Elgin, itocktord, Frccport, nnd uu poicis via ereepori. us Chicago anil ItlilivnuKcc I.iitc Is tho old Lnko Shore Koule, and Is tbo only ono passing through I'vnnston, lH;e I'oresl, Highland Park, Waukegau, ltaclnc, UciiOshato.Mliwuiikee, l'nlliiiaii I'aaco Cam arc run on all throuirll trains of this road. Tills Is tho ONLY LINT, running theso cars be tween Chicago nnu ht. I'auitciucagu ami Illwaukee, or chlcniro mid Winona. ' AI om.iha our sleepers connect with tho overland sleepers 011 the Union l'acltlc Hnllroiid lor ull points west of tlio Missouri river. on tho arrival or tno trains from 1110 castor south, the trains ot moi;nicngo.v.foiui-vvesiern nauvvay leave chtcaco ns follows- l'ou Council lli.ins, (Diaha ami Campoknia, Two tlirougu iraitis ti.tny, wiiu runuian paiaeo uravving room and sleenliu: cars throui:h to Council lllnlth. nmsT 1 Alii, anii i.iinr.Kjiriii.ii', lwii iiiiuiii;ii inline uauy, witu ruiiiuaii puiueu cars uiiacucu 10 00111 trains. l'OU (IKEF.M 11AV ANllLAKB SLTEIIIOII, tWO trains daily, with I'ulluiau pal.ico cars attached, und run ning lliruugu 10 .Mitniueue. run Mn.wAi'KKi. four throiicli trains daMv. Pull man cars on night trains, pailur ihalrcais on day 1 ruins. l'OU Sl'AKTA AND WisosA nnd points In Mlnnosotii. one through train dally, with l'ltUutun sleepers to vv inoiia. l'ou Hi uroi K. Ma l'recrort. two through trains dally, w lih Pullman curs on night trains. lil t Ul'l lULK N1 1..V 1 JlUVKi till Ll IUUU. LU Ihrouch tialiis dallv, with l'ullinati carsou night Irani 10 .vicuiegor, lowa. l'ou sioux Cn v ami YASkTON, two trulns dally,l'ull- man eats lu .viisoun v uin-y iiiituuuii. full Lakh olnkva. tour Irulns dallv. l'ou Hock lnni). steiii.imi, Kenosha, Janesvim.k, nnd othtr polnlh,iiu fun havo from tvv 010 ten trains uauy. new vork omce, r.o 410 iironuvwiy; tiosiou oiuee, B statu street: Omaha ofllie, 2K1 Kiirnliam street: San l'rnnclsco otllce, 121 Montgomery street; Chica go ticket olllces: 02 chirk street, under Sherman House; comer canal and Madison smuts; KI117I0 street depot, corner w. KI11.I0 and Canal streets; w ens Mieei uepoi, corner vv ens nnu Kiiuio Mreeis. l'or rales or Information nut iittnluablo Iroiuvour uomo tickciageuis, nppi 10 W. 11. Stknnktt, Maiiv 11 llrutiiTT. lien. Pass. Ag t, Chicago, Cen. sup't,ch!cngo l'eb. 4,'7C-ly SILVER riiATED WARE. Eloctro-P'itcd Ta'olo Waro, AND Ornamental Ait "Work IN tlltKA'l' VAltlKI'V, M A y J KAGT U R i: I) ItY THE ia 55 0 Uro ml way, Now York. 'Iho best I'laled Spoons and 1'oiks nro thoso Sliver I'laled lieuv lest on the purlH wliercrifcessnilly tho most vvtar comes, mid homing thu 'trade Mark. 1817 HOC WW liltOTilWtS XII. N. II.-This great linpiovcment In Sllvcr-Plated Spoons and I'orl.s Is applied nllko loeiuh grade of Plale, A t,Hiiiid1.o..,nsordered. Tho Pruci ss uud Machinery lor iniinutiutuilng these goals am l'at- euted. Tho Extra or "Stand.ud Plato" made by this Company Is stumped A 1, Minply, and Is plated 20 percent, heavier I him tho ordinary mat ket stand ard. , :w rirst Piemlums nu aided nl all l'ulrs wliero iiibllilled, nt in World's l'alr of lis lo Ameilcuii Iiisiliiiio r.iir, is:.-i, Inclusive. March 10, ';u. cm. Awaulitl tin llit'lit'rt Mt'dal at Vienna, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., fi'Jl, Itroadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MAMTACrUllKllS, IMIOIIIKUS AMI DKimiS IN Ull HOMOS AND I'ltAMICS, STIiRKOSCOl'ES AND VIUWS, LIIUMS, ClltAlMIOSCOI'KS SUITA11LH VI i:vs. Pholograpliic Materials. Wo nro headquarter for everj thing lu tbo way of StoroopticoiiEi nud Mngio Lantorns, Helng Manufoctureis of tho MICHO-RCIKNTU'IC LANTHHN, STICUICO-l'ANOI'TlCOX, UNI VKIWITY 8TKKUOITICON, ADVHHTlSKH-aSTKHKOITICON, AUTOITICON. SCHOOL LANTUHN, FAMILY LANTKltN i'UOl'LWS LANTKHN, L'acli gtj le being tbo best of Its class In tlio market. Cutaloiruos of Ijinttrns and Slides, w till dlri Lllons for using, uent ou uppllcnllou. Any enterprising man can mako monoy with a Muglo liintern. iif"Cut out this u(lverti.cnicnt for refer eiiccJJ.ff - Feb. 18,l0-7in THE "MOODy SHIRT." MADK TO OltDICK ONLY. A I'UltFKOT KIT (1 U A It ANT HE II, (ientlemen deili log Shirts will drop us a lino and our Agent w ill mil uud get Iho inoasurcinenl, factory ho. us Ijukawunna Aveuue, AddrUi l'.o. MUOIir, Mai ch Hi,ic-ly bci anion i'a. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES nilll.AllKI.l'ItA AND ltHAl)IN(l JtOAI) AllItANUHJtKNT OK l'ASSUNOKIl U'ltAlNS. duly in, ISid. TaAtKS i.hvr acrnnT AS rot-i OWB (SfNPAV t.xc kithd Vot Now York, I'hllndclihln, Heading, 1'ollaMllo Tninnrpta, Ac,, 11,3.1 a. tn Tor Catawlssa, I l,M n. m. nnd T,3o p. m. l'or WlllI.tmsport,tl,!S o,oi a. in. nnd 4,oo p. in. TnAiNstoa iturnaT i.kavk as ioilowr, (aumiATEx CBIT ED.) Leavo New York, 8,t5 n. tn. I,c.ivo Philadelphia, 0,10 a. in. Ix?avo Heading, 11,3 1 a. m., I'otlsvllle, l?,1n p. m nndTnmaqun, 1,30 p. in. Lcnvu Catawlssa, fi.iu r,,vr a, in. nnd 4, on p. tn. Ix-avo WiniainiK-Tl,!i,a I lutn, I2,(.n m. nml r,m p. m. 1'ns ngers ind from Now York nnd I'lillado phla go througti without chatigo of enrs. j. j:. woori'EN, .lan.1l, HM tf. (icnernl superintendent. NUimiKltN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and nflcrn'ovembcr !oth, 18J3, trains will lenvo SUNlltlllYnsllowHt . KOHTlIWAltD. Erlo Mall f..2il a. m., m rive Klmlrn I1.M a. m " Catiaiidalgua... 3.3Sp. in Hochesler " Niagara V ju " Itenovo accommodal Ion ll.lnn. in. aitlvo Williams Itlii.r.'ip. m. Klmlrn M11M I.1& u, tn.,nrrlvo Hlmlrn nu'na. m. lmrfalii Express 7.IB a. in. nrrlvo UurTulo a.t.n 11. tn. SOUTIIWAIIK. Iluftalo Express a. in. nrrlvo Ilnrrlsburg n. tn " Hull Imoi 0 8.10 " HlmlrAMall lt.ln a. in., nrrlvo llnirlsburg 1.t.o p. m " Wnslilngton 10.30 " " Il.llllUIOlOIWO " " Washington " Harrlsburg accommodation S.iop. iii.unUo Hauls burg loxo p. m. nrrivo iiaiiunoio v.von. 111 " Washington CU3 " Erlo Jlnll 12.65 a. m. nrrlvo llarrlsbiug 3 us a. 111. " Halt Imoro 8.10 " " Wnslilnctonio.en" All dally except Sunday, 1). M. HOYl), Jr., llencrnl Passenger Agent A. ,T. UAHHATT, (icncral Jlniinger PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'liiladcliihln & Drio U. It. Division. SUJIMER TIME TA11LE. and nflcr SUNDAY, Al'R. 2.1, 1S7C, iilns 011 Iho PhU.idcliihln k E1I0 Hall V. Iho trains on tho Phil ltoad lmhduu u 111 1 1111 ns follows: WKSTWAIW. r.IlIEEXPr.ESSleaves New York s 3.1 p. tn rniiaueipiiia tun p. in " " Haltlmoro 1.20 p. in " " Iliirrlsburg 0.1U a. ill " nrr. nt Wllllamsport 12.20 a. 111 " ' Lock Haven 1.10 n. in " " Krlo 10.30 a. 111 EIIIK MAIL leaves New York 8.2ft p. m rniiaueipiiia 11. us p. 111 " " Italllinore o.lop.m " " llarrlsbiirg 4.2.1 a. 111 " " Wllllamsport 8.3-ia. m " " Lock Haven e.-iiui. m " " Itenovo lu.un. m " nrr. at Eric 7.3j p. nx NiAiiAiiA kxi'iikss loaves I'hllndclplila.. T.20 a. 111 " " llaltlmoie T.SUa. in 1 " " llarilshurgv..,10.45n.iu 1 " arr. at Wllllanisport.. 2.1iip. m ' " " Uick ll.avcn. 3.15 p. 111 1 " " Hcnovo 1.1ft p. rn ' " " Kane ti.oup.iu " " llurralo SUNDAY EXPIIIWS leaves New York 8.2.-1 p. m " rniiaiieipiiia linsp. 111 ' " " llnltluiore 11.10 p. 111 ' ' " llnrrlsburg 4.10 11.111 ' " arr. at Wllllaiubiiort 7.40 11. 111 :o: EASTWARD. PlIIL'A EXPItHSS leaves Hrlo . cm p. m . 2.10 u. Ill . 3.0.1 p. in . CIO U. Ill .11.111 p. M . ti.&i n. 111 . 2.U.1 p. Ill " uick Haven... ' " " Wllllamsport..., ' " urilvcs at llnrrlsburg ' " " H.iltlmoru " I'hlladelphla.... ' " " New York DAY EXPItnss leaves Kane o.osa. m ' " " Itenovo 111.10 n. 111 ' " " Uick Haven ll.von. m ' " " Wllllanisport.... 12 40 p. ui ' " nrr. at llarrlsbiug 4.10 p. 111 " " " I'hlladelphla T.20 p. m ' " " New York 10.15 p. lu ' " " Haltlmoro 7.2.1 p. m ' " " Washington 8.62 p. 111 EltlE MAIL leaves Erlo U.2it a. m " " Itenovo s.M p. in " " Lock Haven lo.11.ip. m " " Wllllamsport 11,1.1 p. 111 " ll'iirlsbiirg 2.4511.111 " " llaltlmoi'u ".3.1 a. 111 " " l'lilladelulila T.l-u 11. in " " New York 10.IO11. 111 FAST LINE leaves Wllilamsport..., 12.3ft a. tn ti.M a. 111 7.3ft it. 111 7.3.1 a. in lu.v.'. u. m " uir. at uiirrDourg 1 " ' Halilinore , 1 " " Philadelphia 1 " " New York SUNDAY If XPHIS leaves Wllllamsport... 8.13 a. m urr. ui iiuiTihuuig 1I.4U11. 111 " " " I'hlladelphla.... 11.311 p. 111 " " " New York 0.4.1 p. 111 ' " " lUltlmori 7.2ft p. 111 T'-ln Mnll l'.,.. VhmN I. ,,r.,.o VI'.il. tvl- lln, .... Accntn. West ami liny Express last maiio cluso con- necnon nt ivoiinuiniienaiiii wiiu iM & n. n. it. irains for VVllkes-llurruaud scranton. Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West, Erlo Express West und Lock Haven Accommodation West mnku close connection nt Wllllamspoit vvltli N. C. It. W. ujlns north. Erlo.MailWest.Nlugcra Expnss West, nnd Day Express East mako close connection nt Lock Haven Willi It. E. V. It. It. trains. Kilo Mall East and west connect nt Erlo vv u trains on L. s. .t M. S. It. It. nt Corry with o. C. & A. v. It It. at Eimioi luiu with 11. N. 1 . & 1'. It. II. and ut tliUlwiHjd Willi a v. it. it. Pallor Ceis will inn between I'lilladelnbla nnd Wlllhiiiisport 011 Niagara Express West, Erie Ex press vvt'&l, 1 lllllliiuiniii.i express J.ttsi. nay ExrrtsH East ni.d sunuav Hxin ess East. Sleenliu. I Lilia Ull till Illlll. uiuiia. .. . - - WM, A. BALDWIN, oencral Supt. Dec. 17,'75-tf J) 1C LA WA 11 K, LACICAWA NN A AND WESTEIIM 1CAII.I1UAH. Itl.OOM.SIlUnCl DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. an, Takes circa nt 4:50 A. MONDAY, NOVEMIIHIt n 1S75. NOHTII, STATION'S. Scranton liellevue TaMorvlllo,,. ,..Laikawiiua..., Pilthlon . West 1'lltston., Wv inning Jlultby P.eiinelt Kingston Kingston SOUTH. p.m. p.m. u.iii a.m. p 111. H US a i.s a si a -i'j 3 I! II 31 a uit a n 3 '.'.I a 111 3 17 3 it : u x O'J .'I 04 3 ll 1 II I U 13 2 ta !t .11 i U I III I 10 1 to I .'.3 1 IS 1 43 1 4U 1 US 1 111 1 1! 1 ll p.m IS ti us U 4S II 63 i i 0 if, t ft c :i S 1 1. 1 7 Ki 7 41) 7 41 7 S.I 7 SI 7 7 IS 7 in 7 IB 7 07 7 11.1 0 ret II M 11 15 ii tso 0 !fi 11 on 0 O'J a f.i .-. i. t r. ts r 411 r si 1, is r v.i a no r, 13 4 r.'i 4 tMl 4 tfi p.m. u 1:1 0 u 111 u 26 2 31 i ss i 41! I ft 1 M 3 14 3 17 3 111 3 17 3 VI S 27 3 1st 3 37 3 43 4 KI 11 3.1 c 41 U b' 0 t.6 7 01 7 00 7 ll 7 IB 7 li5 7 sr. 7 411 7 4S 7 63 11) IKI 10 (IIS 10 11 10 10 111 50 10 ti III 27 1U 87 u su ti is 0 ti 0 11; u en ti H Ml S t.C ...Plymuulli Juiicl 10 3'i ....riviiiuuiu . Avohdulo . 10 35 S M 10 40 PI 44 10 VI It in 11 17 11 H3 11 31 11 30 11 Ml 11 43 11 61 1 1 67 1'i 'i Vi 07 Vi 10 1 t 12 .Vi Vi 80 s -is; Niintlcoko.. ll'.lluiduck'Hirick. h t r 8 Wi H 30 S 111 S 14 8 Us SI1 7 f! 7 M 7 4(1 7 4 i 7 36 7 3d' 7 l! Milt kslilnnv ....IIKk's 1'eiry... ....Ileal Ii Haven,, . ..Hemic; Hilar curl.- ...Wllluw drove.... l.tiiui ltldgc Espy ...llloomsburg Iluisri Cntuwlssu llrldire, I 16 H 46 4 ii s tn 4 lit U 1.5 4 37 11 611 4 41 0 63 4 40 7 OS 4 6 1 7 to n I i 7 40 n is r. 14 r to D 3S 6 47 6 61 0 10 7 45 7 6'1 S 60 h 'a S 411 8 47 ..Clark'H Switch.. 7 11 h.iiiv 1 a 7 04 Cliulasky, 0 46 ,Nuithiiinbcrland.l 1 o 1 iiineroii Vi 61 ia 11.111. p.m. p.iii. 11. in VV. I". 1IAI.SI 1VI, Mini, Superintendent's onicu, feci union, Dec, 10, ls6. 3?A.I3Sri,I3Srt3-a GLAZING AND PAPERING. VJI' v- UOniNK, Iron Klrect l.clnw sec T T ond, llloomsburg, I'a., Is prepared to do ul kinds of PAINTING, CILA.INQ, nml I'APKlt HANGINGS in iho best fctylca, at lowest prices, and alnlicrt notice. I'artlCB having such work lodo will mvcmctity calling 011 me. All'worlc warranted toglvu satlafoctlon, soil, Itcd Orders WI, V, 110D1NK. YtlllifU Si; id we. to (I. p. HOWKI.I. CO., Ki I'amihlitor 1111 4igir, toiitulnlug lists otiio iiiivspuiicra, and calminUii showing cost ot udvi rUs 8. Watch Hi, T-ljr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers