JUUJUUMWIMLH THE COLUMBIAN, Ot.UlinlA DXMOCHAT, UTAH OF TTIK NOI1TI! AHV COLCM BIAN CONSOl.tltATKn.) Itsucd weekly, ovcry rrlilay morning, tit 11I.OOMS11UIUI, CuLVMUI.V COL' NT 1, I'A. two hoi.i.ahs per yenr, payivbto In mlviinco, or fturluit tho your. Alter tlio expiration ot thojenr fl.M UI to aliltrKCu. To snliscrlliers nut of Ilia couutjr ilia terms tiro II per year, strictly In nilmnra 11 i II not palil In nilvuncu nml 13.0'j Ir payment, tin ui'tiyeil liii.onil tlio yenr. .... -,. Ni nniwr illn'iintKnl-n, nrrrpt nt tlio milton of llio puMlUiu'M, until till nrri'itrniri" nro nnM,liiL Ions tontlnncit crnlltfl nllcr tlio rxilrntloii of tlio Unit year will not iMitl.rn. .... Allaianers sent out o( tlioHtnto or lo distant pou nrttees limit lio paid lor In advance, unless a reSioii Hllilii person In t'olinnlilii eoniily assumes to pay llio RiilraTlpUon duo on demand. .... l'O.sr.Ml K H no lonjjcr exacted from sttlnci liters In tlio county. JOB mUSTTHsTGl-- Tlio.tnljtilr.Blicparlmentof tlio ('nt.vxntAM livery complete, mill our. I li l'rlntltitr will compare favnrii IV with that ol tlio laritu rlllei. All work tlono on iloinnnd, neatly and at moderate prlees. 1 Columbia County Official Diroctory. PreslilcnUnilfro-Wtlltam Klwell. Associate .tntliros-lriiiii lterr. M.(l. Hughes, l'rotlioiuiinry, .vc.-li. Frank z.irr. Court Klenournphcr-S. N. Walker. lteitHler .v. Itecunler Williamson II. .tacooy. District Attorney .lolin -M. Clark. Hlierirr- Siirvofor Isaao Hewitt. . 'Ir.'.isurcr-Ur II. W. Mrtteynot.R Commissioners .rolin llcracr, H. . Mcllcnry, ''"NHnml"s"oners'Clcrl:-Vllllatn Kilckluuiii. . Aiidllors-M.V. II. Kline, .1. II. Casey, 11.11. Drown. tiiiroticr-1'lmilesll..Mmplie. ,,. Jury Coinmt33loncrs-Jacol) II. liltz, William II. Umntv Hiipotlnlendent -William II. Kii.titei1. Mown Poor lilstrli'l-IHrcrlors-ti. I'. I.nt, Senll, Win. Kramer. Mooinsliunj and Tliomascri'M'lIni;, itcoil, 0. 1'. lint, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. ltlomnslmrs llntikttiK Company .lolin A. I'unslon, Vresldenl.ll. II.Hro'7, Casliler. Firs' Na'l.iual Haiik-t'liariesll. I'nxton, ''resident ' 'i'uHiii'm!" Cimiii'Muiual Salne Fund and Loan Assui:lalloii-i:. II. I.lttle, rrcsldenl, C. W. -Miller, YiKiinsiiiirKllnlldlnsiiiiilKavliiM'undAssoclallim -Win. 1'eaeoelc, l'rvsldeiit,.l. II. lloMsen, Seerelary. lIlcKiiiislmrk'.Muiiul S.iMns Fund Assoelailon-.!. .1. liroer, I'resldeni, 0. U. Haikley, Secretary. cmrucumuKOTonY. IlllTIST tllllllCII. 110V..1. l'.Tusllii, (Supply.) Hiindav Men Ices-Ill it. in- andOJi p. m. u.!!.....! II .. lit . i-r.tver Meelln?-i:very Wednesday evcnlns,' at C; SeatHfree. Tlio public am lmltrd to attend. ST. MATTIIUW'S UlTllklltNCIll'llClt. JtllllSHT lll'V.J. McCion. Himd.iy Mert lees-iu.'u u. in. and Otf p. m. I'l'iver Mi-oiliitf i:cry Wednesday evenlnB at t,)i Seats' tree. Kopows rented. All aro welcome. I'llKSIlYTKIllASCllUUCll. Mlnli'or-llcv. HMrnrt Mllihell. Sunday Sertlces-low a. in. mid 6t p. m. suuiiay m'iiooi -j ii. hi. Prayer .Mcoilmr-litery Wednesday cvenlns at c Beals'freo. No pews rented. Slranirers welcome. MRTIIOOIST Kl'ISCOIMt. CHl'llCII. Presldlmr Klder-llev. N. H. liucklngliain. Minister ltov. .1. s. McMiirray.l .Sunday Sen Ices lu,tf nnd x y. m. HlhluClass-lltery SloniHy cwnlnKnlCJf oclnei.. Volllitf .iiensi rraer .iietiniiK i.,i. i j tieiiff.il rraycr .Mectlng-nvcry Thursday eteiiliiK 7 o eiocK. lir.KOHMEnCIIOllCH. Corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor ltov. T. F. HolTmcler. itesldence-llast street, opp. Third street. Sunday ScrMces x a. m. aud 7 p. in. Sunday School 3 p. m. l-riu er .Mectliitf-saturday, 7 p. m. . .. ....., ,.t in.nm la nlwiim rnnm. III U Ill.lll. ... i.'.i". ...- sertlcpsetery Sunday ntternoon at o clock nt ileiier scnurcu, .muui&uh vuiioi..i-. 8T. I'ACL'g C11EUC1I. Hector Sunday Services 10X a.'m., 6H p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. services preparatory to Communion on lildaj ctemn? ueroro too hi.phiiiu.ij uivu.h ,.iUu.... I'ow s runted i but overj body w elcome. EVASOKLICAI. C1IUI1C11. Presiding r.lder-Hcy. A. I.. Ilceser. Sunday sen Ice 3 p. in., In tlio Iron Street Cliureli, Priii el Meetlnst-l.'very Sabbath at ! p. ill. All tiro lnt lted. All nio welcome. TiiEcucnciioi'cnmsT. ntiirt iirirk rhureh on the hlll,"- i-.m v., ni i, Wek.li liantlstChurcli-ou Kocl; street '''ueKUlarm'eelln!; for worship, ct cry Loi d'a day at. "ts rreo;"anU tlio' public are cordially InMled tu nitena. ISLOOMSliUlU DIKKC'fOUY ni'iinnt. ntnil'.HS. lilank. nit nnnteil anil nentlv bound In small book's, on hand I and lor salo nt tlio Coi.l'Mhian onice. 1 eu. la, isi-ii 11 I,ANlv DKICD.S, on l'arclinK'nt-niul I.inen I lMner. common nno ror Aiimiiiisuiimio, i.ntu tors and trustees, for salo cheap at llio coi.ujiiua onice. rAHHIAfSK (1R11TI KICATK8 iu.turinle . and for salo at. the coi.ciinitN unice. -ninw r.nr tin. iinsnei anil . usiiers nauuiu c.ii'i'ij Kelt es Willi lliesu ueeuasuii ui n.va. -rim'PICI.'S imil Cnn-taliles' Fee-Hills for sal J atthoUoi.uMiiuN onice. They contain tlio cor. reeled fees us estatiUMied by tlio nisi aa i ii (! si.il uio iiiioii tho biibject. lltery Justice and Con stable should liavo ono. VKXDUK KOTKS just printed ami for sale cheap at tho Coi.m'm tN olllce. MUKCIIANTS ANDUUOUUltS. O II. Mil, T.Kit J; (loods, urocciles, (itieensware, Hour, ball shoes, notions, etc., -Main street. TIT. MAl.lC, Mammoth Grocery, fine Clro . cerles. Frults.Nuts, PioMslons, ic.Maluaud Centio streets. HOOTS AND SHOES. H1 llrtt llio 1CNUY KI.1C1M, Mnnafaetmer ami ilealer. In boots nnd shoes, crocerles, cte Main bt., lllooinsbure;. 171 M. KNOillt, Dealer in Hoots ami Shoes, J!j . latest and best styles, corner Main and Market Mrccts, In tho old post olllce. CLOCKS. WATCHES, fiC. di V. SAVAflK. Dealer in Clocks. AVatehit V.J , and Jeweliy, Main St., Just below tho Central PltOFIlSSIONAI, CA1IDS. 1.1 1! lk'KT.KIt. Alloinev at Law. lfoonis ill ill Hxcliaiiuo Illoek, id noor, llloomsbuie;, l'.i. u) C'( (1. 11A11KI.KY, Altorney-at-I.aw. Ollieo j , In liruwer's Lmllillnt;, and story, Koonis 4 & 5. 1 It. WM. M. ItKIIlClt.Siirceon iiinl l'hvsi IJ tlan. Kllects. Ollieo s. L. corner r.oei; nnd Market T 1!. EVANS. M. 1).. Siinrcon ami l'ltysi J . i Ian, (lillleo and llesldenco on Thlid btieel, corner .lellerson. J. li. MeKKlA'Y, M. )., Snrueon mill Thy blclan.iioilh side Main hlieet, below Maiket. T It. K011IS0.V, Allornet-at-LiiH it '. In llaitiiiau's building, Main street. it-1. aw. Ollieo s AMUKL JACOISY, Marble nnd Urown M one Wot i;s, lusi moomsuurg, i.ei tut -i i u.iu. HOSHNSTDCK, l'liotograplier, over , f lark H Willi's More, Main sited. II It. II. 0. HOWKli, .Surgeon DentW, Main St., above Hi' Com t House. misci:i.i.ani:oiis. D AVID LOWILNIIKUU, Merchant Tailor Mulu St., ubotv Central Hotel. IS. KIJHN, denier ii, Mint, Tallow, etc., , Cenlioslieet, letwecn K'coudaiiirililid. rpilOMAS WlCllll.Coiifeclioiiei'vaml lLihcrv 4. ttholesuloiindielull, Um hango lilock. G W. CO HULL, l'liinitiiro Jtooms, (liree , story bilck, Malntlmel, west ol Maiket St. OIIANGEVILLE DIltKCTOHY. II. HMUltlNO, Carpenter nnd builder, , Main htteet below Pino. A HUGE HOltN. TVr O. Si W. II. SIIOKMAKIUt, Dealers in il 1.. Dry (loods.droeeilesatid (lenei'til Merclian Ulso.' 0ATAV1SSA. w M. II. AIUSO'IT, Attor.'iey-nt-Law, Main bireci. T V. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second JJ btrcet, nubbins' building. w M, L. EYKHLY, AVTOUNKV-AT-MW, Catawtiia, l'a. Collections promptly inado nnd remitted, onieo oiiXxi1Iai Catutttssu Deposit lunk. Cm-as OTICE. Vrnm this date tlui H)oomsburL (las Coninanv will put In tu'itlcepliosulllr,tcttil uiidfuinlsuutid bet IlieiO'H lit lour iimiiira eucn, 'Ihu coiunauv uuto on band 11 lot or iras Inr suited or paint li g roofs, und jiosls or other timbers placed underground. jtipu iu c Oc. 151&- J'rleu 10 cents (icr gallon or tf.10 per barrel. W. MII-Llill. VeCt lltJSliMS OAUDtf. rlt. A. TUHNUll, iiuMilcnco tm Mmkot Plrect nno tloor below 1). .1. Wnllor'H. unii n,-nf rinii.i'u i iriic Mtm p. f mire hours f rom to J li. m. fur treslinenl of diseases of I he live, 1-tr All calls mem ornay prompuy niicmiui m. Apr.2J':ri-lf J. 0. UUTTHU, viivsii;iANsi)iioi:oN, (imce, North Mntket street, JIiir.27,';i-y llloomsliurif, l'a. JyK. 11. V. (lAHDNKi:, J'inHUJlAi ii oiimiiAw, lll.OOMSIIt'lld, I'A. (inieenboto.l.SchujlerA Son's Hardware More. ApMrir.lt AMtJICI, KNOlfli, A l l' U i: i I'i V-A '1-1, a w, HI.OO.MHIIUIKI, I'A. onire. llartmaii's lilock. corner Jluln nnd Market SI reels (id. s, 'ir, "R. i:. oitviH, . 1 lllll.l.l-. l-l..IV. oi ncE lloom No. 1, "Columbian" HnlMlng. Sepl. is,!1-:.'.. Q AV. Ml 1.1, Kit, A l l II 1 1 .1 1 . 1 'AT'lul orUfoln llroncr'Hliutldlnc second lloor, room No. llloomsljurir, l'a. Julyl,"3-y Q 11. ft W..T.llUCKAI,i:V, llloomshurff, l'a. Onieo fin Main street, llrst door below Court House Alar.ii,',! y V. iO J. Jl. CIjAISK, Al iuiuriivjii'iian , Illoomsburcl'a. onico In Knt s llulldlnp;. April ln,Tl-y A, rilRVKMNI) SillTII. IIHIVKV KW1MI Silllll. A.CI CUKVKIiliNO SMITH A SON, ATTOKNUYS-AT-T.AW, llloomsburg, Pa. S"A11 business entrusted to our euro will reclcvo prompt attention. juiyi, u y 1 1. JllLT-MKYKll, .. ........ .m r . ... oincK Adjolnlnt' o. li. a W. .7. uuckalcw. llloomsburi;, l'a. Apr. 14iC-ly. K. 11. 1.1TTI.K. 11011 T. 11. LITTLE, 11 H. & It. II. Lrrn.E, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, llloomsbnrfc', l'a. twnnslness before the IT. S. Patent Ofllco attended to. onieo In tho Columbian llulldlnt'. ly as T ItOCKWAY & KIAVKLI,, A T TO It KEY S-A T-Ij A W, COLi'MiutN lli'ii.Dixo, llloomsburg, Tn. Members of tho I'nlted stales Law Association. rviiipctiniiH iiuiiie in ntivn.irt, of America. Au'ents for Continental I.lto insuranen company of count ry. Send lor deserlptlt o pamphlet. tr .NOW tOIK. Assets lieilliy Jl.'iuu.i'eu. hiuwdiiii mu -yiMJAM llltYSOX, ATTOHXEY-AT-LAAV, Ccntralin, I'd. Feb is, '76-ly. The Cook's Companion, Iinprovotl Kitclion Slicing Utensil A novel Household Al llclfi for slldnL' liUKAO. MnlT Stl'StOB, N00U1.1S, VKOSrAUl.tS, FllLITS, CAN1IV, AC A," 'I'l-.o Jlaehlno Is easy (o regulate, nnd very simplo iniise. li. ii.i'H nn but little room In tho kitchen. (illOCEIlS, IIUTC1IKIIS, IIOTEI. KKKl'KllS llllll l.tlUlV Famii.v should liato one. Call and bco them work ut tho Furniture Store of I'i eil. mill e lean at, 1 liar. E. It. 1'UltMAN, Solo Agent for Coliimbid county. May 20-!im Iiloomslmrg, V.t. GO TO THE SIGN OF THE X 3ST 3D I .A. 3ST at tho new tobacco btoro on Main Street, below .Mnil.ct. for (rood Tobacco aud .Setfars, tthero Ceoife lllnun eariles on n brisk ntralnst poor Mock find high prices. '1 liosc who buy Uiclr ho.ira at lilm cm bu but'ii SITTING In (rroatest comfort enjoying tho fragrant weed ttlthuutfearof sllllne; Oft HIS SCAU'INd-KNIVES. .nine 'M, '7ii.-:uu. The Arall Street Indicator, THIS WEEK'S IPSUIC SENT FREE. Contains Plclorl.il lllusliatloiisof Hulls and Pears. Also, full and complete Inst i net ions how to opt rate In Motks and Moek l'rltllegcs, Capital hits and suggestions. Also, n list of valuable Premiums lo Clubs, ".send for It." M'CKWAI.'lTlt & CO., liankciK nnd llrokers, P. O. llox 4317. 10 Wall St.,Ncw Yoil; City. Miir.3I, 'iC-ly AMKHIOAN AND FOItKIGX P.VTKXTS. (lit mohk & Co., successors lo Chlpmiin, Homier Ic Co., oliellors. Patents piutuied In all eountiles. No iihs in AtivtM'K. Nuchiirge utilessthe patent Is granted. No Iocs lor making I'lellmll'iiry exam bullous. Niiiiildltliui.il tees for obtaining and cnti ducting a rehearing, lit" a lecent dcclMuu of the t'ommusloiier ai i. icjected application-, may bo to uted, special attention gilt n lo Intel fiieneo cases beroio I lie I '.lien I Olllce. o!cliMuhs befuiel'iillgle., iiirilngemeiit suits In dllliieut Slates, nnd all li'lgu tlon appeilaliilng to Intentions or jiatents. send stump lo lllhuoio .V. Co. for pamphlet of sixty pages. LAND CASKS, LAND WAKRANTS AND SCUIr. Contostt'il land coses prosecutod btfou-tho U.S. (Join-mi !.aml oiitcy and lopnrtii.ii.t at llio Intcilor. I'riVfUf Mini eiaiins iimnub' mi piivniipiioii nanus timl lioiiu'hU'.nl citM-K ntlt'iak'd tu. I.uid wilp In -in, Sit and idi tu're pl ccs fir salt. '1 IiWciip l.s ahsluu- du; ami ita nu luc.ut'ti iu uiu luuuu ui inn imulhiImt uiioit any (iuveinituut Kind bUhk-Lt to MUatu eiitr. ut 1 'J.'i pcracrt'. ItHof npial aluoulih Puuniy Mini uananiK. i'ihi hiauip iu iminuiuiv vu. ior pUlllpliU't or Ulbtl uctluns, AltltUAHS OF PAY AND HOUJiTV. onieers. soldiers and sailors r.f the lato war. or thelr helK.aio Iu many eases entitled lomoiii' noiii l no L'otel liiiieui. oi ttuieiiiiiey uutunu hnutt leuee. Willi) full history of sertlee, and stalo nmoiintof n.iv and bounty lece veil, imcluso sta iibliK.umoio Co.. and a lull lenly, after exuuiliiutlou, will bo giteu ou ueu. ruxsioxs. All onicersoldlers and sailors wounded.runlurid or lojiiicd In (ho I.110 war, hutteter slightly, can ob tain u pension oy niiuiussiutf iiiiiiiuiu .v 1 u I'uses m-iAecuted bytillmiuu a; Co. before tliohtr premo Court of the I idled Stutcs.tliocouitofclulms, and the southern claims cumiuKsiun, ICach deiuitment tt our buUiej Is conducted In a bciuraio niueaii, unuer cnargoni iiiusauio exivri eneed iiiitlesemp'.ojed by (he old III 111. Prompt ut (cm luu luull business entrusted Iu (UI.MOlili 4; en, Is thus sccuicd. Wo deslrutu win buccess bydu bertluglt. Address, (III.MOIU: & CO., cs V btrcet, Washington, U. 0. JanSl.'IO-tf. ItFAB IHIOWN'H INSURANCE A GEN' CV, Kxcliaugu Hotel, lilootnsburg, l'a. CanlUil. .i:tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... c,tMi,ooa Uternool. Lciuloii aud (llobo SO.'H 11.000 lloyulol Liverpool lafoo.ooa I. iiiicanshli'o li.oon, w Klro Association, Philadelphia 3,100,000 American ol Philadelphia , .-. 1,100000 Alias of Hartford . r 0,000 Wyoming, of Wilkes liarru tai.ooo I'uriuein Mutual of Danvlllu , 1,000,000 II. uillll.i Mill mil , 15,00(1 Homo, New York , K,o 0,000 Couuncrelal llidou , 17,000,000 tlis,&s,(ioo March w,7I-y THIS I'Al klt IS OK 1II.K WITH ROVELL & pHESMAN . Adverllslnfl V Agents, THinn A CHESTNUT ST., 8T.L0UI8, UliOOMSBUHG TANNERY i K. A. III". It III AO "1" KSIMTTKHLLY nniiomices to tlic piiblio .LVi that ho has reopened X,iJiitf$ (old stand) lltnoinsiiuri;, l'a., ntihe IfrvJ Foiksotlho Knpynnd l.litld Slice! ' TL-"',. where nil descriptions of (v.:wJ. w lciiiher will bo ni.idoln the most subslanlhil nnd woikmanllko maiimr, and sold nt prices (o suit tlio times. Tlio lilglivsl pilculncasli w III ut all I lines bu paid for 0 11 K K ' 1II11ES of every deserlpllnn In the eonnlry, loiiniri' Is lesis'Cl fully siillelled. llloom.bun.', dot. 1, Hi! Thepubllcpat' CARRIAGE M ANU-ITAGTOllY III.OOMSIUIIKI, I'A. C. SLOAN & lUtOTHEIl M, TTVK on haml nnil for sale nt tlio niosl XjL reasonable rales a spicnuiu biock oi and etcry description of Wagons notn 1'i.min nnu FANCY, Warranted (o be mado of tho best and most durable ,..n...i i itu nn.iiiv iiir, niimt I'vnerleneed workmtn. AllWOrKSeill mil nuill lliu r.-.iiii.ii-.iiiiiini. ..in "i tound to bo of thu highest class and sure to eite per fect satisfaction. They hnvonlsoullneassortinciitof SLEIGHS of nil Hie newest nnd mot fashionable styles w ell and carefully made and or tne net,i material. An tiicitini'tlnn nT tlil'lr wni k ts linked as Khbe lletedth.it none superior can bu round Intliecoun try. Oct. s, wr. tr. MISCELLANEOUS. BROWN'S HOTEL, Hloomburg, l'a., 1!. Mohtier, I'ropilctor. Accommodations Ilrst- class. U.S., to 11. ru pc r uay. uesuiurani imaeiieu. Octobers, 'to-ii pENTIJAL HOTEL, A E I H S T-C LASS HOUSE, Oct. s.'Jsty JOHN LAYCOCIC, 1'rop'r. -VJ"KW SALOON AND HESTAUHANT. 'I ho it r dot sinned has opened a Iltst-class Katlnir House In tho lAchanee block, foimerly on upled b.t II. Moiiner, wncro ins lusiouuis win nnu eteiy Ililli(,'lii Ids line. MII.TON CIIAIIIXH. Feb lS-9m. Q M. BROW N, bus temoved Ids Hoot nnd Shoo Store from llrown'ti llnti.t tn ut. ilnnr ntiowi Wntriiiisi'llrr and sliarttlcss'. Tottanda lioots a bptelalty. licpalilnsdonoutshort. nouee. Q M. DIlINKEli, GUN aml.LOCKSMITH. Mttlnp; Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. Oi'kha Iloi'&B llulldlnt,', P.louiin,buiir, l'a. Oct l,'"4 ly pXGIIANGE HOTEL, niinslto tlio Court IIohnc, UI.OOM.SIIUltd, I'A. The I.AnnmandllESTlnnlliespedslntheeounty V. It. KOONS. l'rupi let o r. oct.s.'T.vly HOW E L L, DENTIST Ollieo In llartman's mock, i-ccond lloor, corner Main nnd .Market Streets, May vo ly. BI.OOMSIlUI'.d, I'A. J. THOltNTON "i- would nnnouneo totho eltl'ensof lllooms- l)Ui i; and vicinity that lio has Just leceltednMUiind cotiipieto tissonmeni or WALL l'Al'i:i!, WINDOW SHADES, nxTCiics, conns, tasseiji, and all other eoods In bis line of business. All tlio netvestand most approved palternsof thiidiiy ore atttnys 10 uo iounuinuisesiauiiiiiineiii,.Maiiibireei below Market. oct. s.-.l llmtt'lili '. StHllilftM Cnpontl... l-...P.n. ... . wllh cf-i-i irlliiliiB, ut.Uu.l nfw.itk., ami .11 Titltll.lcin rfuiniui'. 1 ."I1. !!.lr""l li'S'l'l'' n Hllr lrc .v mi.l kQrliiiCLt LAIlUB.lrlci. SMALL, t l.llr.r,, IiiHl..Mnn. ll.f Ir.rt.'K. I .UIIr.i.rep..MI.II, Ini II..I.II h.-n In un n,tl1H 1 t 1 .Mt.ltlpn, loi-Hll find w ii. i.r ...li I f ir r-lnlfii with r.rlr. . i..l iiriii, C,G, BLATCIILEY, Manurr, 50GCommcrco St.,Phila, March si em. Ci THE EYE & EAR. DR. G-. O, McDERMOTT makeH tlio 1 1 tat iiuiit or DisoascB of the Ear 8c Eye A Hl'i:ciALTV. and liiisoprnod at WlllIaiiif-oit, 1M, an institution Tnr Hi' nratluclil and ctiic ui nutliiits suirnln from such UUcusfH. onu n l otirs. t nt l h a. in., l lu i. uinl a losn. in. iiu un t't iitiun rv-t (. V. AI:Ii:it.lI(tTl', .11. II., 73 lMttln St., Wllllamspoit, 1'.'. Aj ijlss r.i.i. PURE TSA-IN SEALED PACKAGES llii eet from ('l.iiiu und .liiiinii. l)Iil.IVj:iti:n at Yot'ltoWN lnuill, ri.sh from tho (.Ai;ii:.s of (luirditnWTll. Imported direct by THE WELLS TEA CO. 201 Eulton Sired, X. Y. -:t 'Iheiliniculi v of getting pure Teas of really line inlaid) lu the t'nlled states, has Induced 'I'm: Wkl.l.s 'I i: t I'n.. to shin t it'll Teas lu sealed naekaees i riLt trout the gardens in wiilch Ihey mo gruttu, and us a fiiilhergiiaiiinteu of t lit I r Is lug delitired Inlhelr giiiulno slate, they t till list the salo of tin in only t tollable AL'oiits-tho naiuu of llio nemrst AuTtitt .ton Is pilntednt tlio loot of lids ndvcrll-oment so that tho teas pass HuoukIi none but icspunhlblo li.inds.iind will bo do'lvcrcd ut .tour own door as flesh us when they li lt llio guldens ol China and .lu pun ; tho pi lie afsols pi luted on each package, so iiiiu in, emu run occur, liven liodv bins Tea. Uterylioily wishes lo buy It ut Ilrst hands-tho best fpiauncs ui inoiottcsi puces. Uteri body desires it lii n.thev find n Ten sultnbli to then tastes to bo certain of getting tho samo ill ili'ie tuitii) s. You can hato till these advantages by bujlng ol THE WELLS TEA UOMl'AXV lloeauso they liuport their own teas, and sell them ni tt iintesaio prices ttiiuout. too bix ortigui liner inedlatu irolitsiisunllvehaii.'eil. Iieeauso tho ipialllyls better ut tho price than Is sold by uuy other bouse. Hit.iimi Un Ir long extierlenco In China nnd Japan ennuies iiieiu tu iuum, ueuvr hi'ieciions imiiioiui' nary Pealere undtoltniKjit them with greater ud vanliures. Iteeausu they absolutely cuarantco thonualllyof all I heir goods and ktepthem to onu Invariable standaid, so that you can always rely on them. ltt-eauHO they du busluexs lur cash only und thero loro inako no intra proilt from good customers to etiter losses by bud debts. llocause thrlr agents uro responsible and rcllablo men tthodellter Teas precisely us leeched Irom tho Com nan v. Iieeauso hat lug oneo tl led llieso Teas, you w 111 not lieeii in Ki, riaet, ueiu nci euiicr, WANTi:D A Drucirlht, or oilier llrst-class mrr. chunt, luctery town and clly In tho United States, m tviiom iyiii iiu giten tuu Diii.r juib,-iei lor tuui locality. Addles, for terms and full particulars, TIIK WKI.IJl TK.V CI). P. o. llox Ma. m l'ulion Bta-it, N. Y UUIJ XI, ,U-lll, Tho Latest imil Best. "Ut Mv NAim Us KiMi.r kioskn,''!! lieaullfu song and chorus by II. 1'. Dunks. Mailed postpaid lor us cents by WM. II. HONKIt Jt CO., Muslo 1'uhlUhers and IH'ulers, ' Juncv- ISir. 11W ClUblnut bt., 1'hlUidelpUla, pipste 1JLOOMSBUJIG-, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 187G. DEMOCRATIC STANDARD Poetical. tiii: TWO AXIIKI-S. I1V JOHN 0. WH1TTIE1'.. God called tlio nearest angels who dwell wltlililm nbovo ; Thotendercst one was Pity, tho dearest ono was Love. 'Arise," ho said, "my angels I A wall of woo nnd sin Steals through tho gates of llcntcnnnd saddens all within. My harps take up tho mournful strain that from a lost woild swells, Thosinokeof totment clouds tho light nnd blights tho asphodels. Fly downward to that under world, and on Its souls of pain Let Love drop smiles like sunshine, nnd Pity tears llUeralnr Two faces bowed beforo tho Throne, veiled in tliclr golden hair; 'our white ttlngs lessened swiftly down tho dark abj ss of air. Tho way was strange, the night was long; at last the angels came Where swung tho lost and netherworld, red-wrap ped In raj less tlamc. Thcro I'lty, shuddeilng, wept; but Love, Willi faith too strong for fear, Took heart from (lod's nlmlghllness nnd smiled a smile of cheer. And lo I that tear of Pity Quenched tho llamc tt here on It fell, And, with tho sunshine ot that smile, hopo entered Into hell t Two unveiled faces full of Joy looted upward totho Throne ; Four white wings folded nttuofectot Hltnwliosnt thereon I And deeper than tho sound of seas, 'more soft than falling Hake, Amid tho huali of wing and song tho Volco Eternal spake. 'Welcome, my angels I ye havo brought a holler Joy to heaven ; encerortb Its sweetest song shall bo tlio song of sin foigltin!" Miscellaneous. (IIIV. IIKNDltR'KS' LKTTr.ll Ol' ACCKl'l'ANC'i:. Inihanapoms, July 24, 187fi. Gcnthhicn : I have the honor to nclcnowl edge tho receipt of your communication, in which you have formally notified mo of my nomination by tho National Democratic Convention at St. Louis, as their candidate for the oflicc of Vice-President of tho Unitcc .Stales. It is a nomination which I had neither expected nor delicti ; ami yet I re cognize and appreciate tho high honor done mo hv tho Convention. Tlio choice of such a hotly, pronounced with such unusual tin animity, and accompanied with so gencrou an expression of esteem and confidence ought to outweigh all merely personal de sires and preferences of my own. It is will; this fieling, nnil 1 trust aUo from a tlec s-nse of pitldit! duly, that I now accept the nomination, and shall abide tho judgment o my countrymen. It would have been impossible for mo to accept tho nomination if I could not heartily endorse tho platform of tho Convention, m giatlficil, therefore, to bo able imorjui vo cally to declare that I agrco in the principles, approve tho policies, and sympathize Willi the purposes enunciated iu that platform. Tho institutions of our country havo been sorely luetl by tho exigencies of civil war ami sinco tho peace, by a selfi.-h and corni management of public ali'airs, which has shamed us beforo civilized mankind, iiy unwiso aud partial legislation every industry and interest of the people have been mad to sillier ; ami iu tho executive departments of tho Government, dishonesty, lapacity and venality have debauched tho public service, Men known to bo unworthy havo been pro niotcd, while others have been degraded fo: fidelity to ollicial duty. Public ofllco bu been mado the means of private profit, an the country has been offended to sec a class of men who boast tho friendship of tho hivorn protectors of tho Stato amassing for tunes by defrauding tho public treasury an by corrupting tlio seivants of the people. Ii such a crisis of tho history of the country rejoice that tlio convention at .St. Louis hu bo nobly raised tho standard of reform Nothing can bo well with in or with our af fairs until tho public conscience, shocked by tho enormous evils and abuses which prevail shall havo demanded and compelled an un sparing reformation of our National Ad ministration, "iu its head and iu its mem bora." In such a reformation tho remova of a single ofllccr, even tlio President,! comparatively n trilling matter, if tlio sys tem which liorcprcseuts,uud which lias foster cdhltnui ho has fostered it, is btiflcicd tore main. The President alnuo must not be made tho scapegoat for tho enormities of tho system which infests tho publio service, and threatens tho destruction of our institutions In fcomo respects I hold that tho present ox- cutivo lias been tlio victim rather than the author of that vicious system, Congressional and party leaders havo been stronger titan tho President. No ono man could havo created it, and tho removal of one man can not amend it. It is thoroughly corrupt, and must bo mvept remorselessly away by tho election of a government composed of clc- icnts entirely new, and pledged to radiuil reform. iir.For.Ms ni:i:ih'.i. Tho firsliwork of reform must evidently bo tho restoration of tho normal opciation ol tlio Constitution of tho United States, witli all its amendments. Tho ncccs-jities of war cannot bo pleaded in a timo of peace ; tho right of local self-government as guaranteed by the Constitution of tho Union must bo every where restored, and tho centralized (al-mo.-! personal) imperialism which has been practised must be dono away, or tho first principles of tho republic will be lost. Our financial system of expedients must bo reformed. Gold and silver aro the real standard of values, and our national cur rency will not bo a perfect medium of ex change until it shall bo convertible at the pleasure of the holders. As I have hereto fore said, no one desires a return to specie payments more earnestly than I do; but I do not believe that it will or can be reached in harmony with tho interests of tho people by artificial measures for tho contraction ot the currency, any more than I believe tha wealth or permanent prosperity can be cre1 atcd by an inflation of the currency. The laws of finance cannot bo disregarded with impunity. The financial policy of tho Gov ernment, if, indeed, it deserves tho namo of policy at all, has been in disregard of those laws, and therefore has disturbed commer cial anil business confidence, as well as hindered a return to specio payments. Ono feature of that policy was tlio resumption clauso of tho Act of ISTfl, which lias em barrassed the country by the anticipation of i compulsory resumption for which uo pre paration has been made, and without any assurance that it would be practicable. The repeal of that clause is necessary that the natural operation of financial laws may be restored, that tho business of tho country may be relieved from its disturbing and de pressing influence, and that a return to specie payments may bo facilitated by tho substitution of wiser and more prudent leg islation, which shall mainly rely on a judi cious system of public economies and ollicial r'trenchmenls, aud above all on tho promo tion of prosperity iu all the iudtistrioi of the people. I do not understand the repeal of tho re sumption clause of tho Act of l,S",r)tobea backward step in our return to specie pay incuts, but the recovery of a false slop ; and although tho repeal may, for a time, bo pre vented, yet tho determination of tho Demo cratic parly on this subject has now been distinctly declared. There shoultt be no hindrance put in tho way of a return to specio payments. "As such a hindrance," says tho platform of the .St. Louis Conven tion, "we denounce the resumption clause of the Act of 1fi""i, and demand its repeal. I thoroughly believe that by public econo my, by ollicial retrenchments, and by tvie fi'ianeo inabling us to accumulate the precious metal.s,resumption at an early period is possible, without producing an "artificial n.'iircity of currency" or disturbing public or commercial credit ; and that these reforms, together with the restoialloii of pure gov eminent, will icstore general confidence, en courage tho useful Investment of capital, furnish employment to labor,and relieve the country from tho "paralysis of hard times." oris iNiuvrp.iii-. With tho industries of the people there havo been frequent interference. Our plat form truly says that many Industiies liavo been impoverished to stibsitllzo a few. Our commerce lias been degraded to an inferior position on tlio high bca-;mauufactures have been diminished ; agriculture has been cm bairassed, and the distress of tho industrial classes demands that tbeso things shall be reformed. Tho burdens of tho people must also be lightened by a great chango in our system of public expenses. Tho prolllgalo expendi tures which Increased taxation from five dollar per capita iu 18(50 to eighteen dollars lu 1870 tells its own story of our need of fiscal reform. Our treaties with foreign powers should also bo revised ami amended, iu so far as they Icavo citizens of fore ign birth iu any particular less secure in any country on earth than they would bo if they had been born on our own toll ; and tho iniquitous coolio system which, through tho agency of wealthy companies, imports Chinese bond men, and establishes a species of slavery, mid interferes with the just rewards of labor on our Pacific coast, should bo utterly abolished. Iu tho reform of our civil service, I most heartily ludorso that section of tho platform which declares that tho civil service ought not toho"btibjecttt) change at ovcry election." and that it ought not to bo mado "tho brief reward of pat ty zeal ," but ought In bo awarded ' for proved competency imp held for fidelity BEARERS. iu tho public employ." I hopo never again to sco tho cruel and remorseless proscription for political opinions which has disgraced tlio administration of the last eight years. Had as the civil service now is, as all know,' it has some men oftricd integrity and proved ability. Such men, and such men only, should ba retained in oflicc: but no man should bo retained on any consideration who has prostituted his ofiico to tho purpose of partisan intimidation or compulsion, or who hasfurnished money to corrupt tho elections. This is done and has been done in almost every county of tho land. It is a blight upon the morals of tho country, and ought to bo reformed. ourt schools. Of sectional contentions, and in respect to our common schools, I have only this to say: tho beginning of tho last century, a few I i corrupt. The slow poison of this admin That in my judgment, the man or party that planks having been sent to Dr. Gibbons, of istration alas 1 not slow enough has pene- would involve our schools in political or sectarian controversy is an enemy to the schools, l he common schools are safer un- der the protecting care of all tho people than under ttho control of any party' or sect, They must be neither sectarian nor partisan, and there must bo neither division nor mis- appropriuion of the funiUfor their support, Likewise I regard tho man who would arouso or foster sectional animosities and antauo- t , I Vtsms amcg his countrymen as a dangerous e.-icmy to. i,s country. All tho peoplo must bo ,.na.le,0 feel and know that once more there i.s established a purpose and policy un- der which all citizens of every condition, race nntf oc, will bo secure in tho enjoy- mcnt oi Whatever rights tho constitution and law Rehire or recognize ; and that m contiove.Iu'tliat may arise the government : t ........:,i.. ... .... . nwi K- ...i, ui,muuaii3 toniiuuiiou- al authority the just and powerful guardian of tho rights and safety of all. The strife between tho sections and between races will cease as soon as the power for evil is taken away from tho party that makes political gain out of scenes of violence and blood shed, and tho constitutional authority is placed in tho hands of men whoso political ....ir !.. .1... .. 1 , tteuaio reipures mat. peace aim goou oruer ..l,ll l. 1 """" uu I1" titvijnm-ii.-. ciov. tilden. It will be seen, centlemcn. that I am in entire accord witli tho ulatform of the Con- volition by which I havo been nominated as .. i;.1.., ! - c -t; . l . it caiiiiiuaiu ior mo onieo oi ice-i resilient ot tho United States. Permit me, in con- elusion, to express my satisfaction at being issociated with a candidate for the Presi- deneywho is first among his equals as a representative of the spirit ami of the achievements of rel'iuni. In his ollicial ca- I... I-........!... .!. . roei us mu r.eeiiiivu ui tuu great siuiu ui etv i oik-, he has, lu a comparatively short peilOll, leiorilieu llio ptlUllC service ailtl IO- lueed tho public burdens, so as lo have earned at oneo tho gratitude of his State Hid the admiration of the country. The people know him to bo thoioughly In earnest; ho hits shown himself to bo possessed of powers and qualities which fit him, in an eminent degree, for tho great work ofrefor- mauoii which tins cotiuiiy now neeus ; and if he shall bo chosen by tho pcoplo to the high ollieo of President of tho United States I believe that tho day of his inauguration will be the beginnine of a new era of peace. purity und prosperity in all departments of our government I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, THOMAS A. HENDWCES. To the Hon. John A. McCiemnnd, Chair- i ...I,,,-.. ,.r i.- n :.. .i.- iii.iu, iiini uuiein ui uiu wuiuiMiucu ui llio National Democratic Convention. A lluiihuiy Tragedy. m'iii,.U'.siii:i.mi:ii itit.s ni.M.M:i,r jut 1)0(1, Von of doso days Mrs. Schlaushcimcr Sho run ou.1 and It was Schlaushcimcr sitting on his pacu, ..icMiigii.it uisueois in tier air up. Ut.il lm l in In in I . j tiinti.lt it..,l .1.1 win .v- M'it0 tutb un tiiuiiitw uuu om.liiua t.ttl 1,1 l.A.i.l rt.t ...i.l ..t . tttiv (tia ttvttt ifii) unit vij uubt ll .i'l l 1i t, r . n i . uai uo uyura nog piie nie, i nai uit my- sen nut a man nog i ,, . . , , . , tJiiu uero tiis a lootuo rooning iiiosinreet up, uud eferybody let him go shoost so fast as uoy couu. unit .tus. cniausucinier goi frightened, und sho say : .Tumi iuuii mm got KertvicK a uociur ,,v ,, , ur i i n i r i , -..jr. t iingiH uiu ueioio lie """ "l" ,ul"" vv l.r... I......,-.. ...1 r. ..uU,.n.u uuu, viieieier )uu tits. x ou know dc noosbaper say dot veil you plte yourself mit do snakes, or liydranfopia, do only tings vat vas for sometings goot, vas plenty visky a whole gallon full." So sho put him iu ills little bedt, uud vent und got dot visky, Und Hchlaushclmer vas awful sick, uud if lio vould hear von dog park in do shlrcdt ho vould park too, Den Mrs. Schluashcimcr vould had to glf him sum visky to mako him sluop parking. Den sho nays: "Schlausheinicr, vcr you got piled?" Don ho nays: "On do sidewalk," TIIK COUJMIIIAN, VOIi. X, NO. 3.1 COI.U.MIIIA DUMOCHAT, VOL. XI.l.NO. Den she says : "Vot part of you, I mean, is tlot bytlrnntfopla?" Don lio says : "It vast all ofcr nilt mc." Den slio says: "Let mo sco vera tint tlog plto yoii,so I can put on it n mustard blaster ami tlraw dot bite omit." ''Den bo says : "You don't can't draw him omit, mid may o you caught do bydrantfo ......?. ... I pill iiiiil don't got visk-y intlelinusociiougli." Donsho says: "Let mo go for Dr. Sun- j"i nenschmidt. Den bo says : "Xt ; docs no goot llolog- na sausage vas iicttcr bring some; 1 van loongry." Don she says : "I should link dot vas do vorst tings vot you can emit, Schlaushcimcr, for do hydrantfopm." Den ho ayn, "Don't you know de brlnei- ple of homu'palhro dat samo tings euro dot samo lings. Veil I cot pile on de outside py a ih)g so I vill vnccinato myself on do inside mil a sausages. Dot s tic only ting pcr.sldes blenty visky dot vas for it some I goot. Veil, so soon bo cat tint sausago he park n I Icetlc. Den ho says, "Dot's n jroot slghti. Dot vaei'.imiation took right avay. Give mo a lectio mora tlsky." Den bo got shlcepy, put rfery timo she start fur the doctor ho vould vako nnd park nnd call for a lectio visky. At do last ho was sound shleeping. Und sho vent and got I manner, by a vigorous assault upon tbepow Dr. Sonnenschmidt. crful comhinatitins of political peculators Doctor Sonnenschmidt says, "vcrc dit Schlaushcimcr pito himself?" I Mrs. Schhiusliciiiicr says, "On his pack, near ids ankle." So dey look on his pack und his anklci hut dey didn't found no pile. Von lloyle, in Danbury aovv. .Mahogany. As this material, asido from its use in other directions, plays an important; role lu tho printing and electrotyping business in s country, it being employed for a great .variety of purpo.es, tho following extract 'm tho Church Uuwn may bo read with in. tercst : "o mahogany tree was discovered just a '""o beforo tho year 1G00, and not till near- W century later was it brought into Euro- PC"" "e. The first mention of it is,that it wa3 used iu tho repair of some of Sir Walter Kalcigu's ships, at Trinidad, in 101)7. Its finely variegated tints were admired ; but in that ago the dream, of El Dorado caused matters of more value to bo neglected. Tho first that' was brought to Europe was about London, bv a brother who was a West India Captain. Tho Doctor was erecting a house, and gavo tho planks totho workmen, who rejected them as being too hard. The Doc- tor then had a candle-box mado of tlio wood, hi3 cabinet-maker also complaining of tho l.-rrlnr. nf the timber Tint wi,n finW,o,l the box became an object of general curiosi- ty and admiration. Ho had one bureati.and n,. n f ii,,ni-inni,n, i.n.i .,i. ... ...n..ib..,.,ii ...iv. auuuii;i mmo of tbis hemtitn woo,i . nml tho dc. SPiscd mabocanv now bcoamo a prominent arlico 0nuxury and at tho sam0 time raised lhofortunClJof the cabinet-maker (Wollas- ton), by whom it had been at first so little rcgiirdt.d. since that time, rivaling and al- most displacing all other ornamental woods, mall0g!Uiy has 1)Ccomo ovcry,vhere hidlspen- .jt.i- ,i u ,. n, ...i,i .,,.., i 9lble,iid I", all overtho world, converted . whatever nf useful nr beniitifnl mv promote the convenience and comfort, or de- light tho taste, tho caprice, or tho religious sentiment of civilized man. Tho mahogany tree is found in Florida, and may thus bo claimed as indigenous to Tilden ami Hendricks (tho latter a well-be-the United States ; and there is no reason to iovctl statesman of Indiana, fully abreast of .1 t.i 1L 1 , . .... ' - uouui mat it may ami nereaiier will uo lmile.l ,iml nlllt I l-.ltml in limnl nrl.o.,fnnn I I w -"... ... b...w ...... uimEU , ..,,Hn .. ,,,,.. , ,,;,. in " -"-"J " ,.,., .. rnr,ta nf . T(l,mnu (l. West T. dia Islands, Honduras and Yucatan. l'Ml Krown " H 0,10 of tho monarchs of 'he forests of tropical America. Its vast mim; !lml "native arms, rising to a very loi- I tif linlirlit mill uiif-nnrl! in. mill. i.rnAf.r,,l uivnr... i j -t "i"- b " .-.v...... .n.v.ii "vcr immense spaces covered Willi ueauu- K1'1 foliage, bright, glossy, light and airy, clinging so mug to the spray ns to make it almost an evergreen -present a rare combi- "Alton of loveliness and grandeur. Tho leaves aro very small, delicate, and polished I lll-n ll,n:n nf llm Lini-J Tl.n tWo.. ..-it ... ...v .......... ...... ...... -" suiaii aiiii wniic, or grcenisu yeitow. i no mnt is u ii.uu, ttuuuy eapsuie, nut Ulllim 'bo egg ol a turkey iu size and shapo, and contains hvo cell, in each ol which aro in closed about fifteen seeds. A few facts will furnish a tolerably dis- tinct idea of tho size of this splendid tree. llio mahogany lumberman, having selected tree, surrounds it with a platform about tenu ieet uuutu mu giumm, uuu cm. it above the platform. Some dozen or fifteen of ll'C largest part of the trunk aro thus lt. i et a single log not frequently weighs tri,m 'x r ievcn to fifteen tons, and some- UniM measures as much as seventeen feet hi length, and lour aud a hall to hvo and a half feet iu diametcr,oiio treo furnishing two three, or four such logs. Some tree havo I yielded 12,000 superficial fect.and at averago I i!nna 1 ...1,1 r... vHm.i sr..,.-.. I 'nvw .n.vi.o ,,..,u pum mi hiw,wiw, .uecsis, liroautvootl, Loudon, planolorto manu facturers, paid i'3,000 for threo logs, all cut from one tree, and each about fifteen feet long and nioio than threo feet square. In low and damp soils its growtli is rapid; but tho most valuable trees grow slowly among roeks on stcrilo soil, and seem to gather compactness and beauty from tho very struggle which they make for an existence, In the liaha.nas, iu the mo,t desolato regions, oneo iiourisiieti tiiat curiously veined and I lUUtU isil'l'llliu )lll'iv Ulliu KI1UWII li 1. . 1 1.. I l" . U"f...lI- 1 l 1.... ... . I lAIUIj'U lit .UUUl'lilt DUUli, LlUt WU1U1I I1U9 I I i . . . . long since uccn exterminated, Jamaica, also, winch Used to lio a Iruillul source ol I , . . niaiiogany, and whenco in l.oanot less than 621,000 feet were shipped, is now almost de- pietcu. l nut which Is now luinished rrom there U very inferior, pale, and porous, and i is less rsicemcd inau mat ol L'uua, San Do- i miiiuo. or iiouutiras. I ' " " lienerai urant thinks that as lonciw there I . ... . .. . i a Uristow man lelt aiij'whcro in tlio do- partnicuU tho prospects of Hayes aro bad. Ho intends to clean out every one of them nnd put in men of tho Pass Shcphcrd-Spen- ccr stripe to work f 'r tho Cincinnati candi dates anil reform. Tlio llellcfunto H'tiiWiman, printed whoro dovernor Curtin lives, says that "lio explic itly declares himself for Tilden nnd Hen dricks and intends to stump tho State of In diana for tho Democracy, Tills we know to bo truo for wo liavo it from ids own mouth. That is where he Htand" Ono Ineli, (twelve lines or Its equivalent In Npnp relltync)ono ortwo Insertions, fi.ws tnrcoinsci lions, t'l.oo. srACK. im. UK. f- . r-r i. (inolnch .mi t.w H.oi fnm tio.tu Tlireo Inches r.jii l.oi WW is.i ro lticnra s.tsu "" i".'"' l our Indies I.iid u.' iii"i ii.i "' ouarter eoiuinn ..v.w it"" i.'" "" w iT.ia I...-. .. t . tarn t a 1,11 Oil In I lift fill fJI 'Ml Ono column . '. '. . '. '. '.a i.w scioo w.o ctj.iw loo.ou Yearly advertisement tiaya'jlo iiuarterly. Tran sient nilt ert laeineiil tnuil lie paid lor before Inserted oxiept tvliero part res Invto accounts. IjpbaI ftdtertlKements two dollars prrlncliforthreo Inset Hons, anil nt that rato for additional Insertions nlllioiitrefereneotulenRtli. ...... Kxoculor's, Administrator s and Auditor- notices three dollars. .... Transient or I.neal notices, twenty cents iwiue, recularndverllsi'meiils half rates. (mils In tlio "Imslncss Directory" column, ono dollar er car lor each lino. Letter from .lamps M. Srovcl III Itoply to Kllian Allen. OAMiuiN, N..T., Aug. 1,1870. Ethan At.i.r.N, Chairman Liberal National Committee: DiiAit Sin: You ask mo in your letter, m.. ..n ,n iiitr, r..... ..nt.... ,,.1 rn. "" lu "1'J1 "i i '"" t"K Ior Jlnyc3 n,,u Whcclor." cannot tin it, and I will tell you why : In 1S72, wo fought that good fight In- gcthcr, in which I was jiroild of your com- panlonship. Wo then smiporlcd Iloraco Oreely for President a pure man a good man, a statesman nnd n patriot. J he Do- mocracv. at ItaUiinore, forgelting their am mositles, joined us in endeavoring to restoro and rebuild upnn (ho foundation of tlio nincndments (o tho Constitution, which then promised, nnd yet promisr, a re-growth of constitutional liberty, through which puro Inw shall ho tho measure of perfect freedom. flow Austin lilalr (a man respected nnd ro- vercd by Mr. Orecly.i says of Mr. Tildcn, "Ho makes no compromises with corruption, and never seeks to avoid tlio enmity of th6 rings. As a practical reformer, he has led the way to the restoration of hnnc .t ami ceo- nomlcal government in tho only possible who have possessed themselves of tho reins of government." Hut you sav "Mr. Tilden is honest from calculation and not from nature." To use a homely proverb, why do you 'look a gift horse in the mouth ?" What right havo wo to go into tho motives of a statesman who lias tmnrisoned or driven in- t0 cx0 ciellntic municipal robbcrs,and then - . trampled in tho dust tho powerful and defi- tint Canal King of tho .State of rtew York? While wo have been leaking reform, Gov, Tilden lias been ALTINO reform. 'ino people cried aloud lor a cnangooi measures aud men. Massachusetts, with. auueu tuousanus in every state, Hungering and thirsting for honest government, asked ior isnsiow ior rrcaiuent. tvowcro ioia that lie would apostatize and Johusonizotho ltepuuucan party, aim morion ana tonK- ling and Logan, cunning m their extremity, dodging tho real issue, havo given us Eu- thcrlord u. J I ayes, un Known to mo nation save that ho was threo times Governor of Ohio. o havo nothing to say against him; but does ho fill tho bill ? Tho stream cannot rise higher than tho fountain. Tho fountain trated the great cohorts of office-holding Ite- publicauism, from the Cabinet to tho custom house. Will Mr. Hayes bo stronger than tho Convention which cried lo 7'riumphc to Grant's administration when the people had repudiated it with a unanimity unparalleled iu history? It seems to mo "no!" Tho campaign of 1872 was based on generous sentiment aud .1 i:.. t.. , ir , buiuhi puucy. ill auppuillllg iiujea JUU ftl back x g0 fonV!ud j Wc aro at ast a ;l0. io.mu nennle. There, is no North, nr. South; but the machinery of Republican nolitics waves over ns at oner, a truncheon and a "bloody shirt," (as if the war had not ended eleven years ago); and seeks tokindlo old animosities while inaugurating a policy of passion. ...... ... To this policy, which Haves must bo now- ....... . . t : "it eness ikj resist, i uuyu never ivuil uuu i. never can give my assent. The people caro little for tho money epics- tion That has no business in this cnmrmiD-n. il.o ,l..n,1 .,, ,n,,f nf ,l, ,,.,. 1 stand to-day where you and I stood at tlio Cincinnati Convention of 1S72. Wo belicv- t ed them sincere then, when, conquering prejudices, they joinetl bands with us in 1 fighting a corrupt administration. And I believe them sincere now when they promise tho pcoplo an honest ailminu- I . ration. Suci. a i.urorm would snlUfv Lincoln or chase, or tireely , or .Sumner, llut ltcpubli- caj3m no. nieuns Conklin". and Morton. and Sargent, and Logan as the power behind tho throne it mcans"tho continued domina- tjull r un arr01;aut and unscrupulous aris- . ...... . ' tocracy oi oaice-holdeis ; it means poiccr v itlioiit con-cience, and it mistakes audacity for ttalctmaiuhij). Politics is not a profes sion ; it is a duty j and becauso I believe it my duty, I shall advocate tho election of "Tii.iniN and llKNDiiiciw." Sincerely yours, ' James M. Scoviu,. 'pll0 wavH ofth0 i,ondon Rmall boy aro ne- culiar. A countrvman camo to London tho other day to see tho reception of tho Princo of Wales. A friend, as they parted at tho station, cautioned him against losing his money iu tho crowd. "Nobody'll get my money," was tlio reply. "I haven't but a pound, nnd that' in my mouth.' V small hoy heard this and followed the rustle and, when tho opportunity oflcred, suddenly got h,, fr01lt of j,im and ijea to Im.K (,mo I . 9. . pennies which be had himself dropped say. ing as be did so, "You ginimo that soyrin." A crowd collected, of course, and wanted to know what wits the row, "Why," said tho young hopeful, "I waf goin' along 'itli ono pun sixpence in my hand, a carryin' of it to mother, and this 'ero feller knocked it out of mv lintul nml nut ilin snvrln In 1,1a mnnfl, " 'pll0 COi,utrvman tried lo explain, but tho iw ,l i, -,.t. iw.,.l ti.f mnti,i,. was i hu momI, and t.10 i.onest ilriti. ,. ,.ublic forced him to disL-orce. and tho bov I uPtit nn liiu wnv rn n c mi " J"""b Tim v, vnr- 'i.ih. nti n,nf ti. n. : ,.. 1.: .....r..ii.. ... I 'v,iiv..,n,u I'.tii3 i.s ueiuu OUIlltCllllllV lilB- ,.ii!,i r. ,i, i, t. o'tt.i ll01nilmtiQ j,M m)t dUtutbed 1)ew0cratio harmony iu tho least irio,i oi.,i,., .,0 ii, Kt i n,ii, hm.a. . i.n.. i i.n ,.e i jfcmvirH , tuu leuuin ttcpuuiiwiu uiau m 111, .,., III. nn nur wt.ln tl.tu limn In.l un tl.lnt that wo can win tlm firht nevcrtbe- i - - - n less " Tho notorious Kill Kembloof Philaelel- plila is n member of tho National Ecpulili- licau Committee. It might bo supposed that no member of that body could givo any points in political business to its Chairman, Chandler. Put wo uro disposed to think that even Chandler may bo assisted iu his operations by Pill Kcmblc, tho promulgato and prsctiscr of tho laws of Addition, Divi sion and Silence. ICcmble is n lino manager for tbo Kcpublk'tui parly of Pennsylvania iu tills campaign, Ar. Y, tfun. lit ) .1. f ! 'l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers