TWlTon T ,TT Mill AN AN'D DEMOCBAT, ELOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA If? 'iTtlttntBiinu BR0CKWAY& ELWELL, Editors. A M.lNtiY SPEECH. Tho Centennial Mil lias yasseil, mid by tlio voto of Southern Democrats, Thcro can lio no bettor answer to tlio furious Hcpub. llcah editors who would ngaln fan Into n blnzo tho smouldering embers of sectional hnto. And Itr'ls-notnblo thnt tho most fcro cioih of tlicso editors nro men "who never sot n, squadron In tho field, nor tho division of n bnttlo know, moro than a spin ster," As an offset to this Incendiarism wo glvo the speech of Mr. Hobhins of north Carolina on tho Centennial Bill: Jin. Ciiaiuman : In North Carolina (hern lives nn old mnn who in 1801 had bIx sons just grown up to manhood. At tho nrst tap ot mo urum tue six wui wem ju tlio iront to light lor 1110 cause 01 mu soum (IUITE AN ITEM. It ! Btaled that Ono hundred and six thousand, seven hundred and forty-three. dollars and fortv-four cents Is tho cost of suppressing tlio lots in iiazioum ciitlyiKiu county nasi spring, WASHINGTON' IiETIEK. and BLOOMSBURG, PA. Frlduy. Fob. 18, 18 70. Democratic Slate Committee of 1'onnsylvanln. llAUnisntma, Pa., Jan. 20, 1870. In pursuance of tho meeting of tho Deni- pnltnStnlnPr.i.imlllnn I linrnliw irtvn nnttrn I Tlinv iliil lint slntl to mason lUUcll about it A .i ! -PH.. .1. ..,... i. Nnrth (Inrnllnn called for them and they line mo in-moi-rucy u. uuuo iiiiwinjii i xt"tnf,un ,Mr hern at tho their delegates, will asscmblo at Iho city of I nrstliattlo oriltill Hun. and from thcro to great defect of tho Stato military system op r.itifvi.tfir nil Wodiiosdav. tho 22d (lav of a. .....,(. i,,. r..nn...,i ilmt klnmlv nml inn lii tlm lilitlipr milts of force, however j .... .- .... . .. j , j i,iii,iiii,,h,,ji iitvj iiiiiuiit.ii ..,. i ,.v.... ---n . . . 11 I I r...l. .,.,! f 10 ... fiir ll.n iinr. finro Irnr-l- nf wnr nil flip, U-nV llV C lick- for tllCrO am 110 ICSS tliail tCll (1IV1S10I1S. thmo of clcctinc tlclesratcs to represent tho aliomlny, Fredericksburg, Antletam, Chan. There is no room for doubt that a consollda yoso OI electing delegates iu rcprcscm mu ..!,. ri,i.i..mol,5n nnltv.lmrir. W 1. 1 nr. tri two or I ireo would hell) tho fctate. Stato of Pennsylvania in tho ensuing Dcm- , ' . petcM,un? There wero not Too many cenerals are as bad as too many oprntld TJntlnnnl nilllVenllnil. nild to ailllOint ..I- ...l.., .!,., ,.nt I,. A,,is,nnltnv-tllnrn, nml wlir-n the, Centennial ItiXDOSltlOll ... j -1.- HIA l.lieil lllJ tU. ... ..I ",'....... ...... , www.. ...... ., ... wero but two. Four wero sleeping in their comes with its great paraue. ino met m bloody blankets; ono at Antictam, another forco itsell upon tho puuuo niinu, mm iui I.. Vlt... T.. u-r.rn nt A nnnlllnltmc iiininr.tronornU and flVO hricauicrs, eilCll tCommuntcated.) HAr.iti8P.uiui, Pcnna. Feb., Mill, 1870, To Titn KiHTons or Tim Column ani Among tho many Kcprcsenlatlvcs select ed by tho tax payers of Pennsylvania to represent their interest In tho present Leg islature nono havo served their constituents muro faithfully than lion. K. J. McIIcnry ono of tho llepresciilutivcsfrom your county. From tho commencement of his term of oflico down to tho present timo ho has ably represented his county with honor and great electors and do such other matter and things as tlio said convention may deem necessary and proper. Hekdmck 11. WmoiiT, Washington, 1). 0., Fob'y 15, 1870, Special Ourrcspondcnce, Tho Senate, on Friday passed tho Ccnlen- Oflhat amount tho bulk went to n lot of nlal appropriation bill, nnd It now goes to useless and supernumerary Major ami tho President for approval, which it will get Ilrlgadlcr Generals and their StaIR If our beyond a douht. Senator Norwood ot ucor- military system is to bo clllclcnt tho number gia, mado an earnest protest against Its pas- of officers should bo reduced to correspond sago and delivered a speech which for sound- with tlm number of enlisted men, ness of login nnd strength of argument has Tho Army and A'try Journal commenting not been sinpasicd (luring tho session ; trom I crcllt to hlnnclf. On all important qucs on Pennsylvania's military forco justly ob- a constitutional standpoint, it was tinan- t;on, ,js voto jm, i,cen rcCordcd on tho sldo serves! swerahlc. Tho voto when finally taken, 0r rlrrlit acalnst wrong. Ho is not ono of Tho result of his inspections shows tho stood 11 ayes to 15 nays many not voting tlM0 win , n,immc,i 0r nirald to discharge total forco of National Guard In Pennsylva- nn(i Bomo pairing oif, In tho samo way, i.i, j,,iv f-litullv nnd net his part with ino question ns to an oxicnsion oi uinu '"f firmness and constancy. Ho possesses a tho building of tho Northern Pacific It. mind superior to fear not working for self- camonp, nnd an net was finally passed interest nml corruption a mind governed granting such extension, and providing, by tho principles of, uniform rectltudo and among other things, mat tuo sam company integrity. .Self-denying to littlo private Sn- snaii, within six monuis, ino wuu tno ecu retary of tho Interior, its acccptanco of the provisions of tho act, or bo forever barred, The "provisions" involvo tho possession by this corporation of millions of acres of pub- S' TAT15.MUNT of TI1K FINANCKS ov Tin: COUNTY OF COI.UMlltA from .rnnuary 1st, 181B, to January 1st, JOHN SNYDKlt, Usq., Treasurer. 1)11. is;is. .Inn.' LMlill l ......... ... j nlfi tn Im S20 nllleers and 9.'J73 enlisted men divided into 178 companies of infantry, inn ni nnvturv. nun mix hi lirmicrv. aiiu 111- Luitry is iurther divnieil into nincieeu rip mcnts and six unattached companies. Iho "noitlllStJTIIE CRAHIjE AND THE IIU.VVE." Toward tho closo of tho lato vvns Commander-in-Chief, nnd had powers Vested in him never beforo given a General in tho Armies of tho United States. Know ing that tho speedy collapso of tho Confed eracy was inevitable, and that he could win oven if tho lives often Union men had to bo given for ono rebel, ho "fought it ought on that lino:" nnd in speaking of tho desper nto attempt mado to recruit tho Southern i Army mado uso of tho memorablo remark that "they had robbed tho cradlo and tlio grave, lie domain donated by tho United Statc3 Government when subsidies wero in order. battle scarred, to seo tho ilau co down for'- with a full stall, aro too i many lor iimuiecu i, i ff ct con3Ui;rcd ns a how ever which they had followed with such tin- regiments. An examination oi uj faltering devotiou. Uno ot thoso two Biir- vlvors stands hero and speaks to you slwsaveryeasy reniedy, in reduction of , - - r now, rank. All but tho rirst ntni eeconu ijivik- ... mu -" - - . .,.i i.,. (i,t i, i., nniiiierli nfwnr Inna niirtht (n lin reduced in rank to bricailes, nnd d nloinat o appropriation but was re- war uratu e , ;m """" ,Vi. -, .it.ii. fr!)()0ii ,., , i... . anu wants peace, no waiimrecunuiiiauuu , iuiubuuiui ui mum wm-v... , f , porieii uy iur. luinuuii irum mu imriuii.- ho wants good feeling; ho wants fraternity men will not. with tho utmost stretching, , Committee, when Mr. Dlaine, thinking everywhere in this country. Ami that . s make more ftU. five or b PJes Po . hU tor out two major-generals and fivobrlgadcrs livered a spi?ech on tho llnauco question, a js rccord speaks fur Itsell. Let his parly while taking nn extra star on tuo snoumers n COpy 0f which, by tho way, had loitnd its i1011or hU faithfulness by a unanimous re ol s x moro major-gcnerais. c uouui, .u ,nto th(J hatu,s or jIri Tnri,os ,vll0 wa3 110,1Ji..t!oll nmi tho'peonlo will endorse his tho reason, .Mr. Chairman, why I jiroposo to voto for this b ill. becauso 1 thlUK us icn- tercsts nnd pleasures but earnest for tho ubllc welfare nnd happiness. Through that nctlvo and energetic spirit of his tho bill asking an appropriation to nid tho State Normal School nt your placo will without tho least doubt bo presented by tho commlttco on appropriations to tho Hoito with an allirmativo recommendation nnd p.w tho latter with very littlo opposi tion, Wo think it can ho said and that with truth Hcprescutntlvo McIIcnry is tho right man in tho right place," ono of whom the people of his county can well bo prom: dency is to produco that peaco which we nceu, iv ny navo w e not nau h i A'T A1TOMATTOX, Mr. Chairman, when wo wero waiting to seo whether old Undo Kobert was goim to toll us to chariro or to surrender, and dii not know which, I went into a littlo church which stood closo bv and thcro lay a largo Hiblo on tho stand and I opened it. Tho woids which foil first on my eyes wero these, , V , T So' & of "tho 1-1 1 fcmolWi Mr. l-ltio, and change and induco them to give up tho I to convict him of ins fallacies "out of his rank which at present lias nothing to back owll mouth." There was nothing cither it. Moro than eleven vears havo passed since nnd they seemed prophetic : "Lo, tho win 4t,., t nn nM(U rn,iat niinnnaiif. tin. I tcr is passed: tho rain is over nnd cone . !, . t!!..i- tlio flowers appear on tho earth: tho timo in . .o irgu f . . . -f .rf , and tho University, and was shielded lrom a trial voice of tho ,..rti0 i.carj jn our land." I Why is it not peaco? WHY HAVE WE XOT HAD l'EACE for Treason, ou tho charge of lien. Butler, tboucht. Mr. Chairman, it was prophetic by Gen. Grant, the Soldier. , y- .Since then, Longstrcet, who mado the " famous charge at 'Gettysburg, commanding '- ono of tho three Divisions of tho Confeder ate' Army has been Appointed to tho best position in tho Senate, Brown of Georgia, "A rnvimv nf thi wholo report compels the conclusion that Pennsylvania mihtia needs re-organization oven moro than New York militia. Its littlo divisions need con- anliilniimi iia mpM n handsome Stale appro priation, tho cavalry nnd artillery to bo con solidated into regiments, eacu miner u n petcnt chief. This ought to be done pretty quiekly, ij Pcnnsth-ania docs not expect to be shamed by the Acid JCuyland States next July. Thcro is time to do a good deal. Consolida te,, .iui,n,,.l,nnr nnv nml uniforms, a Tho soldiers fought tho great question out silar'., jns,)CCtor, a merciless board of cxam ith bayonets nnd musket3 and cannon ? tnntfnn. will dn wonders beforo May. If it now or striking in tho address of tho former. Ho merelv went over tho samo old path which has been travelled by so many other politicians nnd .used tho samo old clap-trap argument about the isitto of legal tenders having been "necessary to tlio lifo of tho nation," lauded tho "national bank system" of which Salmon P. Chaso was theoriginator, as ono of tho greatest creations of human genius, Ac, besides a great deal moro in the same strain. If tho issue of legal tenders was necessary to the life of the nation, its courso by an increased majority at the polls on the 7th. day of next November. NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. PICA.S, Dicer's Kxlra Karly. Iwaily Corn, nonns. Tomnlo. cucumber, iinrt all other seed lor MarUet riardiwrs. families, Ac. Send stamp tor Dnxr s ('ii unicnuar ror is, wuu prices. Henry A. uncr, .nLUcsiuui street,. rnuaueiiuuA, I it tu is -liV. "jVfKW SALOON AND HISTAUJIANT. n'u. ,n-n,nn.l n Mm, .1... 1'nitnt 1BU III Ul'ISIUIItU inn ll ,t.t-,.i.-- j.tiiiiiK House. Ill the Exclumiru DlucK, formerly (xriipiii ll.y eeiy ll. Milliner, wlicru his customers lll tliul thing lu lils uno. lll,iu. v.ji.mi,i.c. Fob 19-sm. jvhp built tho Andcrsonvillo prisoners, was aro jaw bones. Gat laughter. I have ' '. . n r . . I nn mrtnrUv. ATr. niinirman. tn narticinato but they havo quit fighting. Itis bccauso j3 not done, judging from General I.atta's application much resembles tho heroic stylo a few restless political agitators still waut rei,nrt, tho Stato will be nowhere at tho Ex- 0f treatment once so popular, that of blood l.nAn fit. ll.ft fl .rli r n ful t lini r Hill V WP.mnnS '.li j. i. 1 1..,. vnt.v,nt tln kui . --v,'v f : T'rov'isioual Gov. of Ga., Moseby, who nev er exchanged prisoners, because ho cither shot or hanged them, is now Grant's con .fideut. We had supposed that war closed when . Leo and Johmon surrendered, nud were gratified that a murderous guerrilla war was pot inaugurated. Tho Republican Party finds itself divided on tho questions of TarilT. Currency, and other vital questions, and in despair falls , back cn the tho thread baro issues of the ' war, which wero settled by tho soldiers on the banks of the Appomattox. Morton's "Bloody Shirt" h answered by Senator Bruce, the colored Senator from 111. llimi.lV 1 ..11. .l.t.i., .u l'i,. ..v. 1'n.u in mat Kind ot oattic, anu i am opposeu iu it ns any unworthy ailcrpieco to a granu drama. I want pence. It is urged, Mr. Chairman, that wo need to save this money this million and a half dollars. We do need enconomy, but wo need also concord, confidence, good understanding in this coun try. 0 1 it we had faith cnoush in ono an other, if there; wa3 faith in this country, in its different sections, and among all its peo ple, tho money would como forth from tho colfers where it is now hoarded, tho hard times would pass away, and general pros perity would return. position, for it has but ono regiment line FirstWliinh cm fairlv bo called first-Class, whilo New York can show about fivo fully letting, with this important difference, that whereas naturo camo to tho rescuo and iu timo usually restored tho depleted constitu tion; with our political blood letters, tlio weariness first superinduced in tlio body Tho present Legislature should recognize I oolitic bv tho issunnco of paper money, has yiLUAM BKY.SON, ArrOUNEY-AT-LAW, Centralla, Pa. ronm't outstanding for 1ST4 anil pre- lnin vein-s fin,."'.' " I'n mu'l. nn linnil nMnst settlement 81 S'i To nm'l ruiinty tax nssessed for lsts. ...... 2Mj' j1 1 lu Pnld A. Smith boarding prl 2, .ii, drover " "'J .','; U, " 1SJ3 1T9IM l timiu,, Mnnl. In Imnlfl. TlflS. "nnnr f flO Hendersliolt K Mason, conl. ....... .... Ijicknrils 1 'eter Jones repair nt Mtililo E, Jlondciilmll luinlier tor Rtntilo .1, Seliujler A; Son hill rendered M. Walter et nl Inking olil privy down...., , Kesty.v: llodlno et nl build now pi ivy M.miei itnwninn, (iriniiuiK ftu To nm't of tax from tlio registry of voters.. To ,1. K. ilerner for filabtown firiclRO iilnnk To l.imps, inatllngs, Ac., sold nt Court 2D 117 l -r. t S3 I'o P.ivld Ycatrer for Mlnbtown tirldiru plnnk To sol. Veiiifer for Mjblon n lirldiro plunk . . To .lucol) llartmnn, lax, Hemlock, scaled lands If To Wm P. Long, tax, Ornntre, sealed l.imls us To llloomslrarg Hanking (.'ompany, noto ins- enniileil 1.4CS OO To Jlartln Downs, tax, neaver, n. s. lanu... To Ituckle, t.x, llcnton, W. s. land.. Tn li.inlol Ciilllliun, tax, Conyugliam, U.S. land ... ., To.lolin llntloy, tax, Contrallu tr.s. land... in ii. i. .ieiu uoius, iu., in'iiii'i, n. i, To w llilam Morion, tax, liencr s. 1. To Wm. Kbner tax, Hemlock To Miliimnn tract, tax. Heaver. U. S. land... u A. A. ov. rliulter. tax, lleiifon, seated.. 'I'n.lnhn llor. l-eruilileil.. jo u A. iiney. ior ino i.u mi. uuai nun iruu Cu..cotintt lax. Com nirliam forlsTS To LunisdiMlialii, liilrtxo timber To II. c. Power, for lumber trom Jail lot, Ac, TO l.ll .lones, lor siono nuu mmuer lruui juu Int. Ai' To lumber sold Xortliumberland county Uno unugo To 11. !' Z.ur, jury fees To .lames McIIiikIi, t' s. land tax, Cenlrnlla To 1'. Me.Mamim.ui, I. S. land tax, conjng- bam To Illeks Kitchen, timber from Patterson oriuge To.l. iiachinan. plank tit Slablnwn bridge... To. I iiha Eur, lumber ot Kline's litldgv To P.iulel Kosteiibaudir, plauk of .-labtown CI 4 en 4D 8U li '41 1 (M 71) n l Ml 4 85 115 45 'i mi 0 ti 1 M S 02 lie Oil tP9 lirldiro ... Toaibllratlon room. on fee To loan of .loshii.i 1'etterinan, no da s To Montour comity on suit from county To mn'l paid nwsoors, and for blanks, Ac, dofmul To redemption money on band, K. A I! To redemption money on hand, s. r. II To redemption money on baud, S. 1-'. II..... To icdcmptlou money on hand, H. F. II fi oo 1 (JO t M 0 23 1 (10 3,1") li) ill UI) loo ro ?4 .14 i 41) 14 115 s j i;s cn. lly tax liueolleeted for 1; l!eaer.. Itenton Iierwlck Ploiin IU lare reek ('UtllHllS.l Centralla Oenlie Conywrhatii ... risblngeix'ek... Franklin, (Iivcnwood Hemlock IDS , I 4W B'J i.MI lii 1,1)117 01 vn co 4511 SO 7'JJ SI 1,IM Bit ISM . M 42 , 721 05 762 72 7B. .Jackson !.oetist Madison Main Mimiu MnntmiK, Mt. 1'lensant. . orango 1'lnc lio.irlngcrcek. seott Sngarloaf $11,121 44 Sir.s no DM 49 .Kill 4J1 45S 47 iisa 07 82.1 r.d Kl III) 27 17'J 10 7;w no C27 70 115,777 93 . . tM C,i .. 119 27 .. 7e: us equal ; uonncciicui iour l-uihu sachusetts two or turee, anu luiirymuu one, nt least. Feb 18, '70-ly. Y EltllATlM atm'OKTINO. mo here, it is true, sent mo to help econo mize, but they sent mo hero also, or clso I havo misunderstood them, to promote peace and help bring about reconciliation and good understanding. I voto for this bill, tho evil and provide tho remedy. IS 1UI1C0CK UfJlLTY The testimony for tho prosecution in the whiskey caso in St. Louis lias closed, and on iHonday morning (jcu. wimains ad dressed the jury in opening tho defense. Tho people who sent Tho prosecution havo connected Ilabcock with thete frauds by tho testimony of i?cvcr- al witnesses nnd by telegrams and letters. Hut of courso as "llab" is Grant's sec retary, tho President and his retinue are Mississippi : Blaine, by the speech of con- also, Mr. Chairman, as.a North Carolinian, doing all in their power to clear him, ns a creBsmau Bobbins which wo reprint this! mirth cakomna conviction might not bo a healthy thing for weet, I has a larger interest in thoso glories which some other gentlemen, inis is a lucky The last, and supposed to bo tho fatal Rro celebrated on the i f or n ot jiiiy ycar for the unrighteous, however, and we charge against us is the Tribune dispatch to ,nokl thc word ..indenendenco" at Meckleii- slia11 ,,ot bo MlrI,rlsC(1 to hear of the acquit- tho effect that a clerk of thellouse Committee linrirli. T.etit not irn fnrfntten that shn shed tal of liabcock. Ifconvicted of course ho on Ways and Mean3 named his child John the first blood for liberty at Alamance. Let will bo pardoned for Ulysses could not possi so valuable an as- bo sent ns Foreign struction.-.Finance "Crooked Whiskev." I thin nftVm l!pvnlntinn tnwunl final vietnrv minister to boino important fetation. Who Tariff. "Hard Times," and all other vital I at King's Mountain. And wo aro coming Questions turn on this noint. t0 1110 Centennial, jir. uiairman. . I nrrt nnnr" nnfl onmn nf will nnmn it. Tt irnri , unm ll.ot tl,n nfnrnn,M Plort- I , ..... v- .muu.uvu. .UUv w'"" I teirs. rememuorinir tho past, let we are named and had christened a child by the comintr. the sons of the men ot Kinc's on Ways and Mean3 named his child John the lirst blood lor liberty at Alamance. ict will bo pardoned ior uiys: Wilkes Booth I On this vital point hinges it not bo forgotten that her sons, the moun- bly spare the services of .i . . . 6, with thoad of a few gallant sons ,'. ti.i,.-1, ,:u ( the fate of the nation. Currency, -ltccon- o'f Virginia and South Carolina, turned the 8ls.ta.,lt- 1 erhaps ho will knows? nanrt of "John Wilkes" after the celebrated English apostlo for freedom of that name who aided to stem tho tide of British op pression, Tho child died, and over its corpso the party of "great moral ideas" propose to carry tho next election. Blaine and tho Tribune aro after poor old Jeff Davis, whom Iloraco Greely bailed, aud tho Republican Press havo resurrected the corpse of tho Clerk of tho Chairman of tho Committee of Ways and Means named for tho English patriot John Wilkes. In the attack on Davis and this innocent babe, the Itepuhlican Party show their Mountain, nnd of Guilford, and of Alamance to shake hands with the men of Braudywine, and Hunker lull, and -Monmouth, and re store peace to that country. it has nr.r.N said Mr. Chairman, that tho soldiers could set- tlo this thing if allowed to do so. Well that will he a cood timo for them to settle it. I want to go thcro and shako by tho hands tho bravo men I used to meet on the field. I admire them, I love them, I respect and I honor them. O, sir, with what reverence I stand always by tho soldier's grave, whether ho wore tho "grey" or tho "blue," becauso there sleeps a man who dared to dio for his principles. lUreat Applause.! 1 think of SKXSUlhK. Tho II011 so has negatived Iho bill to give tho Grangers $00,000 out of the stato Treas ury to erect a building on tho Centennial grounds. Tho proposition was wrong in principle, becauso no ono organization should bo selected from tho others to enjoy Stato favor. Besides, in these times it be comes Stato and Nation to economize and retrench in every possible direction, been increased with tho passage of time, aud seems now farther than ever from a return to normal monetary conditions. Tho Sec retary of tho Trearury has, within tho past few days, presented the first ray of hopo to the eyes of the hard money people, when ho reports an amount of silver coin accumulat ing in tlio Treasury which, in default of some accident, will bo sufficient to call iu much of the "slim plaster" currency now afloat. This is "in futuro," however, and his expectations may bo blasted. Thcro is an amusing, is well as a serious aspect to this financial question, which ap pears when Itcpublicnn statesmen (s.avo tho world I) with unblushing effrontery defend tho legal tender and national bank systems with one breath, and attempt to saddle the heresy of inflation, of which they wero of necessity tho originators and authors, upon tho Democratic party in another. The Re publican parry was in power by an over whelming majority when tho act was passed, and by means of that majority, they became laws; and yet tho Democrats aro to bo held responsible for tho, mistake. It is truly a- musing. Tho foreign monarchs and rulers who aro expected to attend Uncle Sam's lev ee at l'hildclphia this ycar aro coing to Terms: Actual traveling, boarding, anil other ex penses ; five dollars n hc.sslon for laklng tlio report ; una ten cents n folio (hundred words) for writing out Into long-band. )lierci inoinimcr l einirieii in unu ua.v i-iiiaiiir c.xeeeds fifty folios, tlio llu'-dollar leo w HI bo remit ( d, nnd llio troncrlblng Into long-hand charged nt llfleeneenls a folio; but hi all such cases, If fewer than llltv folios nro purchased, llio Uo clonals Trill bo charged. Address: S. N. WAI.KKtt, A. M., Court-stcnogra- plier, lilooinsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, locdilenio Iron btreet, between Third nnd Fourth, onue with K. i:. orv Is, Lsq., coiciiman building, opposite tho cast gato to tlio eourt-housts ard, drsl lioor, in st uoor iu i ii;ui. unicc-uour, trom iweivo to ono o ciock. TIIK AfiOXY OVEU. Tho hill appropriating 1,500,000 for Centennial purpo.-cs has finally passed tlio U. S. Senate, by a voto of -11 to 10. It will undoubtedly be signed by the President. these tinners. Mr. Chairman, without bitter- This action will infuse new lifo into tho desperation, becauso in the language of ncss, becauso you cannot tell mo that any enterprise, and Philadelphia should be hap- rt . ii . n . -li.iii. n i ii. I inon I i fill m vnm m tlinf u-nr Tlno A trtnn- I ' 1 canueonlo of ours is raoncv 'lovimr. monov W amHts Prcss occasionally give us their getting, too fond of merely material inter- ideas on other subjects Grant, they "havo robbed the cradlo and tho grave. THE LATEST AMERICAN' EPIDEMIC. It appears as though tho peculiar con struction of the American mind requires constantly some excitement, something be yond the routine of every day occurrences upon which tQ, feast itself. Baso ball, cru&adcs, spelling schools and a thousand other subjects have in turn had their day, and gone over tho land like wild-fire, oc cupying the attentioof the highest nnd the lowest, in city aud in hamlet. So regularly havo these causes of excitement arisen, and m extensively prevailed that they have justly been put upon the list ot epidemics. To-day the object of interest is tho revivalist, and our intention is not to deprecato tho work that is going on, for undoubtedly great good has been accoinplished,buUimply to inquire I amity and concord. as to the causo of the interest that is being every whero manifested, Tho nnmes of Moody and Sankcy aro known throughout this country and in England. For innny months, these gentlemen labored in London and produced nn unprecedented religious excitement. In Brooklyn they met with equal success, nnd in Philadelphia a build ing that was capable of holding 12,000 peo plo was scarcely sufficient to accommodate their audiences. It has not been our privi lege to attend any of these meetings, but wo havo carefully read Iho reports of their proceedings, and if tlio language used by Mr. Moody in most, if not all of his ad dresses, is correctly repeated in tho papers, we must say that tho iuflucnco which they seem to jxert is incomprehensible, Mr. Moody's stylo of speaking is abrupt, ills languagois badly chosen, his grammar bar barous, mid many of his expressions border very clobely on slang. How it is that In telligent and cultured pcoplo are drawn to gether and incited to religious exertions by such of his bermons as wo have seen, is be yond our comprehension, We must there fore look to something beyond the languago csts, too sordid ; aud it needed tho great les son ot self saenhco that it is worth while to die for sentiment and for principle. Our dead heroes have taught us that lesson. Yes Mr. Chairman, we are coming from Cupe Fear and tho Albemarle, from tho lowlands and tho mountains, ion will hear the bag pipes of our Scotchman and tho buglo of our mountaineers swelling the blast ot the na tional jubilee. WE WAST TO SHAKE HANDS with the gallant soldiers of tho north. Wo hopo to see such a greeting of soldiers and patriots ot tho isortn and couth as will show to the whole Union that tho flood-tido of sectional hatred has ebbed forever, and it remains no longer to float any freightage of unholy and unpatriotic ambition. And we want to show to the multitudes of visitors from other nations how Invinciblo wo are when tho heroes of the blue nnd tho crav stand together in ono common phalanx of Ihere. mv countrymen let us renew our vows of fervent devotion to that common country which the righteous Arbiter of all things has decreed shall be forever one and undivided j and, turning our backs upon all hitter memories of the A Handsome Testimonial of Esteem, The employees in tlio auditor general's department surprised their chief last night, at tho United States hotel, by presenting him with a beautiful and costly gold headed cane, appropriately engraved, iho testi monial was given in honor of tho fifty second birth day of Auditor General Tem ple. Mr. G. W. G. Waddell, chief clerk of the department, mado the following remarks on presenting tho cane to Mr. Templo: Gcnhuai. : Tho performance of the duty assigned to mo to-night by my associates is indeed a pleasant one, By your considera tion of our personal interests, your desire to mako us happy and contented in every re spect, and aboyo nil your example of true nnd unswerving application to tho duties re quired of all of us, you havo won our con fidence and esteem, aud thereby led us to look up to you not only as the head -of the department, but as our friend past, and leaving our gallant soldiers on presentation oi mo testimonial oi our regard both sides to reposo in "trembling hope" on which wo give to-night, wo wish to show "tllO bosom Of their Father and their God," L, nmlreeintlnn nf vnn n n friend .mnn lioncst man and a competent and faithful officer, and by it pledgo anew our fealty to ou and our wishes for success m your per sonal business ns well as in tho administra tion of ycur office. The testimonial of our regard which we present to-night has a history. It is taken from tlio timbers of Fort Duquesiio, the foundation of which I bellovo was com menced on tho 2d day of December, 1701. In tho excavations mndo by tho Pcniifcylva- let us go forward with courageous hearts and patriotic aspirations in that path which duty and destiny havo marked out for us. Much npplause MJZEKNE TKII1ULATIOXS. Tho annual question of tho division of Luzcrno is again agitated. Tho schemes aro too numerous to detail. Ono plan is to run a lino below Pittson and make two Counties. Another is a tripartite division, with Scran ton, Wilkes-Barre, and Hazlcton as County seats, tho latter to annex Beaver Township in this County, and portions of Carbon nnd Schuylkill. To obviate division it is pro posed to hold itinerant Courts at Carbondalc, Scrunton. Wilkcs-Barro aud Ilazleton. If no satisfactory division of tho County can bo made wo venture tlio following sugges tion : As tlio Court has ample power, let it set r.. .!! ! 1 -1..1I P r,..- of the revivalist, and we can only account uus ? ,ur ' ' ' ' " for tho epidemic bysomethinglii tho manner of saying, rather than in what is said; by tho singing of Mr. Sankey and his tremendous cholj-, or by tho fact thnt people go to their meetings much as they go to Trinity Church, because it is just now tho fashionable thing to do. Which U it? INFAMY HEWAIIDEI). Wo learn that the nomination of E. O. Hillings to bo U. B. District Judgo for Louisiana was confirmed by tho Rcnato on Wednesday of lost week, after an exccutlvo session of two hour". The majority for the confirmation was four. Ho is tho infamous creature who aided Durcll In his atrocities In LouUiaima, Durell while drunk, Ymado tho midnight order to orreat the Louisiana Stale Legislature, but the outrage was to transparent that he was compelled to re- slim to mye impeochmcnt. Hut the party take tho samo action in regard to Scrunton, Wilkes-Barre, and Ilazleton. This would remove tho principal troublo in regard to litigation, savo costs,--and glvo each neighborhood a defiulto timo for tlio trial of causes. We hope our neighbors will con sider this matter. WHAT CONSTITUTES MllltllKI! Many persons are under the impression that murder is tho instantaneous death of human being by tlio malicious or fel&ulous nct'of another, or where death results twenty four hours thereafter. Blackstouu defines murder to bo "Where n person of sound memory nnd discretion unlawfully kills any reasonable creaturo In being, and in tho peaco of tho Commonwealth, with mallco prepense, or nforethought. cither express or Implied." Tho person assaulted may Jive ,..Vu ,,r innnilm I. ut. if death result from nr-iT.sltv which compelled a Republican ,. , . . .,.-,,. Trmlltnted and with. f!eiinto to ndmlt the illegally elected negro ImuiatIon it is murder. We nako this 1'incnuack, gsggcu " v" . (mcat to correct a common error. havo a good laugh on us, when ns of course they will they visit tho Capitol of (ho na lion and behold tho unfinished monument oi Washington. How they will sinilo at the childishness and inconsistency of a coun try which while partaking eternally of the blessings of liberty, and whilo appropria ting the public funds for a private corpora tion, lias forgotten to honor tho memory ol tho very man through whom they aro ena bled to enjoy the ono and to give away the other. Will not the sincerity of our profes sions bo called in question even by tlio heath cn of tlie. far cast, think you ? Amis vermis. Mr. Edmunds, having perhaps this idea in view, presented a petition tho other day, numerously signed, winch was referred to Committeo on Public Buildingo., asking nn appropriation to fini-h tho Washington Monument. This is an old subject you will say; yes, its ago is tho only objection lo it. I wish thcro could bea man stationed on eve ry housetop in tho land who should daily and hourly proclaim to our people that his monument is still unfinished, and should urgo them from very shame if from no high cr motives, to bo just before being gener ous nnd to transform thrt mighty, ungainly monster south of the Presidential mansion, from its present resemblance to a shot-tower or tho reservoir of a water works company into a grand nnd shapely monument, wor thy to commemorate to posterity the name aud fame of tho "greatest man of all this age," You havo heard so much on this tub- nnd in tho Jcct ,,iat 11 maysecm imcKiieyed ; yet t ue- fv any man, inview of tho recent appropria tion for tho Centennial, to stand besido this mass of siono and mortar, in its present condition, nnd refrain from just such com ments upon tho utter inconsistency of our people and legislative bodies. Let every newspaper in tho land take- up this question and iu each issiio keep up tho refrain like Cato, ''Dclenda est Carthago," until the country is driven, if not persuaded into an honorable fulfillment of that which every precedent in tho past history of nations, teaches us to do our duly to tho illustrious Washington, Shepherd loft tho city during tho past It is rumored ho went largely supplied with tho "wherewith," about 10,000 iu fuct, thouxh what uso ho will find thcro for so largo a sum, a community which loves, hon ors, nud watches him with a constantand alfectionato solicitude, Is entirely at a loss to conjecturo. Tho juries out thcro aro evi dently not of tho stripo ho has been accustom SHERIFFS SALES. 11V VlllTUt OF A WIUT OP IT. FA.. Issued out ot tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to sale nt tho coutt hoiiieln nioomsburt; on MONDAY, MARCH 1!J, 1S711, nt 1 o'clock p. in., tho following lots or pieces of land situate lu isny, broil township, Columbia county, lo wit: Lot No. l, fronilnj-ou south side of penna. ca nal, neljolnlnjr lotot wm Carson on tno casi nnu others on tho west, wbeii-on Is erected a 1V story frame duelling house, with tho appurtenances. ALSO, On other lot, Nog, fronting on Canal meet, cor ner on alley adjoining I.tndot renn'a canal company, whereon Is erected a 1,1 story frame dwelling hoibo nnd stable, with tho appurtenances. ALSO, Ono other lot. Xo 8. fronllniron Main f-trcet, cor ner r Cnnal stieet. nniolnlmr lot of .losenh Allller. whereon aro entted time two-storj namu Uttelllnir houses, w 1th tho nppuri i nances. ALSO, um' uiiil-i iui, ..I, -,, iiuiimiK "i, ..mill nu . - .-- Joining lot of llobeilllast and others, wlieiconls ert-uieiiil lwo-siui.v iitiniu iineuiiiKuoiisu mui si.i ble, Willi luu iippui tenanees. ALSO, Ono other lot. No r,, fronting on Second street, ad joining lot of Thomas Cievellug, .lr., nnd othen, wnereon isereeieiiu siorj name uhl-uuiiiuiisl-, w ill) mo unpurieunneeH. ALSO, One other lot. No r. fronting on Second street, ad joining lot of 'I bonus Cievellng, Jr., whereon Is ciectida luo-htory rrnmo dwelling housoor ollleo nvd dry-housc.wlth ibe nppui tenanees. ALSO, fino other lot. No 7. fronting nn Second street, ad joining lots or Win. Abbott and Nanc Crou-llng, wbeieon arc eieelcd a two-stcir fraine dwelling house, planing mill, shop or storjgu house, Au., w 1th tho nppui tenanees. 8el?ed, taken Into execution, and to be sold ns tho propel ly of Thomas W. Kdgar. .ii. iiiiin &ii. Sheriffs onice, sheriff. l-LU. IS, ISlli. For K74 "Sugarloaf 'llcnton tor lsia 'Conyugliam tor lst3 l y county orders redeemed son. commission allow edeollectors l,24i n; " exonerations allowed collectors n't '.'! commission allowed treasurer tic at " countv tax to meet stato tax nuota 51 l " lly noto paid 11. Hanking Co. ,v. Hit 1,500 CO uaianco in naniiot treasurer unu pain o er 4M f 1 1,141 i -ino uau iiond oi conjnguam uupiienio tor is has been snort and Is now In course of collection. Penton of ls"a, Hugailoaf of Isitniclu tlio hands of attorney for collection, with part already paid on loruier. JOHN SNVDnii, TltllASX'ltnit, IS ACCOUNT WITH POd 1U.ND. IsTS 1)11. Jan. To ain't uncollected settlement.... . ' " assessed for ls73 fl,M2 si 1, rti CIt. lly am't duo on duplicates, IS' fix llemer llenton is mi Iierwlck 21 5) lsioom is ro llrlarcTuek "ii tn cnlnwlssi 14 31) I'entnilU 20 oo Centic 11 CO Conjngham it no l'Wilngcicek tin su l'rutiklln 11 M (Irecnwood 14 (o l cmiock 17 oo Conjngbam for ts73 biiganuai ior ls. l ltieksonH Locust Madison Main Mlllllll lonlour. .Mt. Pleasant... orange 1'lnc Uoarlngcicck.. scolt bug.uloaf lly am't duo ttensurer at last settlement.. " orders paid or ls.u ' orders paid of ls73 ' orders paid of 1S74 ' orders paid or 1S7.1 " ani'l paid assessors, blanks, , to " commission allowed colk-ttors numerations nllowed colleitois 14 commission allowed m-asuier " balance on hand and paid over Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 , llroadwuy, Kcw York. ' (Opp. .Metropolitan Hotel.) JlASrFACTl'l'.EKS, ISirOllTEltb AND DEALER? IN CHROM03 A'1 I-RAMI'S, STEREOSCOPES AXD VIEWS, ALliUMS, GRAl'IIO.SCOl'KS & SUITAULi: ll'.Vtft. nln rnilrnnd for its frelirlit denot. on what is - " " ' ' I , i iii. . r. . i . . called "Tho l'oint," in tlio now city of Pvee aim wenueu ins way to at. i.ouis Pittsburg and upon tho sito of tlio old fort, the timber from which this is taken was found imbedded under tho ground. In this, tho year of glory of our government the centennial and more especially tho glory of Pennsylvania, wo felt that no moro fitting testimonial could bo given to ono of Penn sylvania's most honored sons than that Pliotopjtottrials. We are heaihinarters for ever thing In tho way ot Stereopticcras and Magio Lantorns, Ilf lug Jtnnufactuiers of tho MICIIO-SCI KNTIl-'IC LAXTK1LV, STHRKO-PANOPTK'OX, I'XIVKltSlTYSTERKOPTICOX, ADViniTlHKlt'SSTKlUCOPTICOX, ARTOPT1CON SCHOOL LANTERN, l'AMILY LANTE1IN PEOPLE'S LANTERN, Kach stjlo being Iho best of its class In tho market I'ntninriiM of Ijintc-ms and slides, with directions for using, sent ou application. Any enterprising inau can mala) money wunn jingio uiuieru. ... ... r XfayCut out this advertisement for refer- encejS&J ... ,. ,. Important TO Gardeners AND Agriculturists! "P.MPP.imn WILLIAM" CAlillAflE. Timbi-kt. lartn-st nnd most nrolllnblo variety of wlnler cabbage known hi Kiirope, and Unpolled Ui r.l,,ru ,,.1.1,1. lll-lV llV IIS l.l.Sl Sllllllg. WllC-IC. will) tho most oiUlnary eullivallon, It Uuutlshea i as- lOIllslilllglv, altauilllg uil euounuus iu nun kuiiii, lu tho market at prices most giatllilng lo Iho pro ducer. In transplanting, great care snuuid no taken 10 K1VO SU 1 C elll SP.1C0 ior Klinviu. . Doiiii m uus, ..iu .i,i,.i, .. i,ov uoIam.,,! ti nnrrioj n. tmMr cd to iu this District, where llko Aiano the i . .i i'i i ii i . i.. Vlnl.fintl- iifnlilnn times when tlio scalo of Ul'o of tlio mouth ot a Hour barrel, Is tbu nveragii ininemoryto those dark and bloody days visi-uoti. oi oiucn nines, wueu uio seam ui I rUu or tiiUc-uoica ari;tr. ono pack-ngo or thoseed when many of our forefathers who aaerward J'Wico naianccd uncanny, it re.iu.rcu uui wm J,Jf r d; took part in tho revolutionary btruKKle m nuumon oi mo swurci ui uuuiumy "i u and 4 ihrco cent sunups. guarded their homes from tlio ravages and plentiful supply of cold, to weigh them " ....... - ... I ilmtfti In tun ilnnirnil il ( rnrt inn cruelty of the hloo.J thirsty foe, and by tho "uT,;o";c;llia,OIl , the appropriations for experience ineru uujuuvu mvc-u wciiiiciiBi foreign agents, consuls, ministers, etc.. lias for active participation Iu the revolution I caused no little ilustratlons in Jtciuhlican ...1.I..1. .. ,,r .,nl(r, 1, rlli nml l'.innav rn. I rUllk'S. OS lliat liariV I 01US Ull 11IU OlllCCS, UIIU mum uinu uu. ......... j .... - , . . . , , , ,,,,,., I I I I WOUlU IUIII SCU IIIU liiesoill. lilfcw ruiin 111... nia undying fame, ''nernulsltcs" eiltto. continue. They mado Al mv mn IPI1. IfPMPrnl nil thill tllfi iilLV I . :.l t, 1.111 ,,. .1,,. n. 41IIU" hvo n 1 I HVPrv I HUM LII IllIICIIll UlU Ullli UUI LlIU ill" second nnnlverbary of your birthday, on be- exorablo Juggernaut of reform cannot bo t.-l -r ...un.lnl.a on.l m.,nir In nroaont I ktnvpil If tho UelllOCraCV WOUld hold lltt 11UU UI I V uaauvmno iiim ihidv.ii, ... j.. w..v.. --"j - , t . , .. A, rV..r ra.,n power, and their opposition was of no uvail. you wuu mis . ...... .,.v.. , , .umbers of tlwcnos tlons and gratltudo,nud with it I express tuo wish aro mcru 'BllecDurea for political favorites, thnt vnnr dnva mav bo lourr spared for a lifo nnd without tho sHulitest influence on com- of usefulness and honor and that prosperity mcrco. llelknap asked for 20,00p,000 for ' ... ..... i I........' tho War Department for tho ensulm? yonr, ana success may uueuu you I whlcU la jut 1.0g0,000 for each rygfment .... -1" wo . """r;' r,,t.i,f n-i,e7,ruVril ii tbreu cent slaiuns.or IM Ull leillllC Ol l UIIU HUTU M-ll. irunnlvU limited. Partus deslrlug lot hold a caucus, presided over by Mr, Lamar, in which tho tluanco imesiion was tno prim rllml Millect of discussion. No lino of pol icy hru, ns yet, weu uiuuo out. lack- oien rwvciih r.nrii of seed wo wind a sure remeuv ni.n list 1110 ravi ire.s ui inn uuuu&u uj v uuier pesi, on uuuj; uuu vuiiuc-i riuio MamnTll fini.IAH INDIAN CORN. Wo planted last spring on Img Island, n jmall (luantliy (which we obtained with greul dlllle ultviof this glgantlo unit us yet very rare variety of Indian co.rn. In bepteinber, by actual ineasureiiic-iii.uiiiiiju intiiuriij ui inn nmii.1. cn'i-i .v,i . ... -height, and silll gi owing, with from II to s enormous cai s of corn growing ou almost every stalk'. 'r. vi.a.i ni tin. ruin if tiiiii tiiisiieiu of carcoru per ucro, nhlhi Iho fodder crop wus'hnmcnso and ut 'wecoillXhavo sold tho entire crop for u. big prlco to a New York seedsman, but iktillnert to do so, pro ferilng to keep thotlop for tho uceommiidallou of our numerous country pations, ho will nnd It to their Interests to scicuiu ut least u small sj-lei tlon of this ruro variety for tho coming spring planting. I.lvu ngrlculturlats. who bellovo lu "i-iDiiiiiiMi,'wllh a umaii i-ijiriiii ir.ulilaiorH nro noorthlngs.l bol wuys bc-lw een tho rows w 111 Ik) astounded by the re Bult. Wo w HI bind by mall to any address 1 package. Mr. Temple had not the remotest Idea of ,ieinnnd, but will do to, of course, with H the intention 01 uis inenus. ju wu " . "V'ia. . T. ir. t euro till cr o ' lie tfi rareiirds khouldholuc-lay their ordt-rs. All need told by us warranted rres i of his big heart all ho could do was to thank the donor for their kind remembrance of him and topromlw them thnt lio would ai wyi highly treasure tho testimonial, and to germinate. No goods fnt t IUI ii. 1). Cosh for either ct auov must itccomnauy nil oruera, I uoooi ttaaress A-K1.1A. eijniu is uv robtft-tta. iiMtaitli6UibC,tt,V. S'.'.S'JO 31 111 lis rm , 73 I'D . S M . 11) I , IS f.0 . 1 . 13 OU , ll! Ml . 10 III) , ill fill , 17 .1) . '21'. Ml . 12 mi COUNTY JA1t boarding prl 10 IS 8117 10C2 SI OT S87 Titos-, (lorey repairs lo hog pen Jno S, Miner building stable , . llorey, Menrtciihall ,et nl extra to stable .tones, Jlenrtenliall et nl Jail fclieo.... II. Iirookset nl nt Jail stable H.tmuel drover ntjall stable Hitter M lllcr ct nl material uurt paint ing stnblu T. ll, ihnns bill l'cler lint, platik hogpen..... .1.1'. lluttcr, inedlcal bill Peter .lones tuble for J.ill I llagenbuch stovo repair 11)10 tin 8 45 20 (HI B780J 470.1 nam l"5 4 0'2 12 00 1(181 12(H) 410 (100 lilll- US fhjiooa 1'lllNTISrt, STAT10NEUV AND rOSTAUE, Paid Dally Patriot, llarrliburg ....f j. m. vnnucrsuce, noueo m cumi..... " court calender, 1 qra " hlldgulelllng eouiitystaleiuent II, I.. Dleflenliacli.eo. statement ' notices or court " couit nollces, Jurors, c.... STATEMENT OF Port TAX. Orders unpaid ot 1Vi7.. 1 oi ism . ' " Of 1S74.. " Of 1975. ft 00 , 8 00 , 85 (M , 051 49 11,050 42 400 40 1H0 47 JOSO 87 O'JJ 55 Tax tinrolPrted ............fflj Com nnd exonerations CRtlutntcrt oil. 150 oo Add nm't In hands of measurer ff Total nsscts Ilxecss of tlamngo over said fund This leaves thy fund J217.70 better than was nt list ncMlumcnt. .. ... . ir sheep appraisers would seo to It and causo all kill-sheen dogs to bo killed, or mnku tlm owners or such dots pay tho dam age, (as by law they nro required,) tlio fund wuuld soon bo so that all bills for sheep (lamago could bo paid ns presented. COUNTY FINANCES. assets. Taxes duo and uncollected J10.014 ot Probable com. and exonerations orr l5C) 0) in 4.'.S 77 183 fill Add nm't In Treasurer's hand.. Add nolo of (lera llowcr bridge letting.. ,I1KS blank " court notices, jurors, &c, " bridge lellings " not Ices to collectors " election proclamation.... " blank oat lis " utibMcilpllon '2V jcai-s... " blanks 11. JI. Warden county statement.... " iidvertlshig " brld'io lettlngs " ltepubllcau .1. 11. llrown election proclamation... Iiroekivny KIM ell court notices.... PUnks .to 1). A. lleckley stamps postage Ilverell fc Potter, blanks (leorgo A., stationery Independent weekly, blanks c. II. isnj der, Independent , it 50 111 IK) E0IO 4 01) till IHI 1311 (10 II 32 00 32 00 4U0 33 to , SO 00 35 7J C.'iO 1060 , 15IIIK) 4000 4 50 1 25 , 12-iUO 1700 (.50 , 2 SI 75 00 3175 , 700 1(150 iioo 30 70 11 60 SO J (1,01300 Total assets f 15," MAmmiES. Am't ot money borrowed of .t. Fcttennan. Ain't of taxes duo tlio several lownsblps... Am't redemption money uncalled tor Ain't road damage assessed, estimated...... Am't It and bridge views duo " Ain't commonwealth costs duo on 831 frt m ot r,oo oo 2iHI oo 1S1 DO 14,407 CO Itcal assets, January 1st, 1SI0 ftl,S31 Cs W'c, the undersigned commissioners of Columbia eeruiy inac ino iorc-gouiijia i.eui tuo accounts of said county for tho countv. do hereby certify that tho foiegolng Is a cor rect stntemenioi 5 ear A. 1), 1975, 1SQ.U1SITI0.V3. Paid v (1 Murphy on John Woods, Conj'ng- ham !h C (I .Murphy on W Jlumull, Uonyng- hnin C (I .Murphy ou Thomas lloam Conj-ng- liam t! (I Murphy ou 1) Hughes, L'onjng- bam O (I .Murphy ou i:d. Holly, Cen tralla 0 (I .Muiphy ou .M I'lynu, Cell- nana U n Murphy ou T ham O (I Murphy ou T ham C (I Murphy on 1' ham t! (I Murphy on J ham 0 ll Murphy on !' nam , t! (i .Murphy on 3 persons, ii.iiu ,T .1 lirower on Infant, lllonni ham. l)i Ittcrlek on C. 11, Wliary, Ceulro J MeKllibln. P -Mortem, T llnan D.uld Walsh ktsliell and .McKlbblnon M Dougherty, P. M V W A t'aso on O 11 Vluuey, P Mor tem J 11 Mcliclvy on Intant, P, .Mortem llryuu, Conjug kelicr, ' Conyiig-ii'eiiejV'conyng-'cic'ary"'"conVii'g-Mtirray "con'jiVg- Conjng- 1362 13 is ms 1315 12 7S 1123 14 77 1-2 7S 1370 13-l'J 13 03 1301 1-2 a" 10 87 21 1 0 -100 5000 10 00 10 00 fn.A8 Jiciir.sitv, ) Com. joiix nnitNiiii, of j. i:. saniw, ) Col. Co Attest! Wm. KmcKUAt'M, clerk. We, tho undesigned auditors of Columbia counly, having been duly elected In adjust and settle tho nc counta of Iho treasurer and commissioners of Colum bia county, do Hereby eeriuy inai wo invi ui uio oi llco of the treasurer and eouimlsoners In Illooms burg and carefully examined tlio accounts nnd vou cheisor tho samo from tho lirst day or January, A. 1). lst. to tho lirst day of January, 1S70, nud llnd them correct ns uliavo staled. Ami we llnd a balance duo Columbia county on comity fund of four hundred anil tiriv-elgbt dollars Hill! SCI till., -m . .ii ,..iii-. -..i,, ...tu ii.f.i. .....ii. Miyder, Ueasurer ot said county, and we llnd a bal nnco lrom Titasurer John fnirtci', In Iboclnglund.ot ono huiulied nnd nluctj -six dollars and forly-seveu cents ((IDii.17.) (Mi en liuucr our liaiuia uns unu uay ui oauuar,.. 1). 1S7C. j:. ii. iiuow.v, uotinty jr. v. n. Ki.ixn, joiin' li, cahiy, J Auditors $010 40 . 2J: 7 III 7 (HI . 1,3111 to . 74 O I . Pool SO 53 . !l'2 (0 . 7) S.1 . VM 47 lUUlMES, IHILIUNU ANU ItEl'AlllS. HEM ON. Paid Jas Conner plank Karn's bildgu " ' " " llenton brulgu " ' " .Mendeiihall bridge " Sain Applcman repair ' " " Dan llartni.iniep.ilr west creek "-t iii.oom. Paid Jas Conner plank llupert bildgo " peter Jones icpalrs ' " ii .. .. p.arton " " J W llolfinan " nation " " Jas Connnr plank lloc-k " " Peter Jones repair " " " .1 W Ilollinan " " ' " Townol Itloom" fchafl'er ' " I, U ltUn-rl " " " " .lobn heggott plank " " 'J Peter Jones repair " " J W Ilolluuii " " " I4M13 1 1 21 a o.t 701 161 '20 -IS 0SO3 65 07 0 50 3 511 MM 1 5 21 1 60 . lis) 2D 00 ll '2i 050 J-2.S20 31 COMMIfcSIOXllliS' IIXPIINSES l'OIt 1S75. MISCELLANEOUS KM'ENSES. raid J. C. Smith, on stato road, P.i larcrcck . lonn ii. i.) nn, copy ot "ace oi .is.sciuuiy (leorge A. ( lark, leb-grams, laves W. 11. Jaf oby, Indexing deed books on neeount ,1.11. t-'illz, collector hugailoar, allow ance Ii, 1'. ( lark, attorney, vs. W. II. Jacoby on Indexes Stephen Knoir, pltichlurfor county.... Wm. II. Mi) der, county teachers' Insti tute 11. 1-'. .air, prothonolary's bill W. 11. Jacooy, lecoidlng iruas. bonds.. COlT.TM, JL'liOlW PAY AMI) COXbTAW.US' 1UK.IS. Paid grand Jurors during year i -s 3i " iravcrso jurors (lining joar ,.'J.i) u " constables' rel urns during) car '271 sa " tliisiaves during ) ear 170 no " Janitors at court 3s '.'.1 ' lourl erlerduilngjear 13-2 60 " stenographer tor courts (-2) lso 00 " euuil caleiider, C2 nuartcis) 17 cO " Wiei in sen ing Jury notice fur 1S7I ami ls75 255 l"ii) " Koons, boat ding Jury, Ilogait tilal.... 140111 " Jacob II. l-'ilu, Jury coin 21 is " Win. 11. Utt, Jury cum 17 so " W. Kiickbaum, ck-ik com 15 oj 3S 03 1 21 1 11 SOI) CO 10 00 40 no 1 to 1 1t! '21 114 115 4 73 tl.lji 04 1 1111- $3,503 13 COSTS IX COMMONWEALTH CASUS. Paid Com. vs. Isaiah Hall f I s " itaiKioipu tesier a ii 1 " A. is. l iossley ct al 60 1 " leorgo It. I less 1 111 1 " Penjamlu (lolf. '21 s7 ' " 0. II. llagenbuch si 1 " Pat. Delaiiey 10 '21 ' " Joseph W duel 3 no ' " h. ,1, l'aux 10 02 ' CI, Iron lll-hllue..... 17 01 1 John Vincent 10 2S ' ' John Moirls 1100 1 " citbarlno Harry 10 '.") ' " Wlell Melllck 1 3.1 1 ' li.vl Mnlv . 0 01 1 " 1 Hah 'llioinas "2 22 1 J11I111 M c Ureal ty 15 1:0 1 " Wells dross 14 3i 1 " Joseph Valisliklc '2-1 00 ' " Wuier mini an 4 50 1 " 'ibomas ATintidorf 11 so " jstrausset lllrd s 10 " Jacob OS " CharlcH rosier ill 00 ' Ann (ilteii is si ' Howell's 1'ainlly a 00 " " I). Koslenbatuhr 75 " John lleeser 2(5 ' " Ulehard lltlsloo 1 s5 'commonwealth costs losherlir, '2)c-ars. 4.1 to 1 " dUIrlctatt')H us no i " prothonotaiy 13 so 1 11 " J J lirottcr. lus- tlco -1 no ' eommonweallh costs to Jl C Woodward 13 03 S20 45 110AP AMI UnllKlB VIEW'S ANU I10A1) II IMAGE, Paid sundi y persons It II v lows ' 1) c Aloerison, iiiceui.uu.. Thomas Cieiollng, M'otl PenJ.iinlu Zelnler, hcolt..... Samuel Itobetts, hugailoal Peter llJgeubueh, hcutt r 11 Mellenry x eo, Jackson... - Wm M lleece, (lieenwoiid ba1 1 Samuel nimby, .Madison LlUabcIh Lllls, l'lno ' ti I! Mnlth, Piluicriek ' J 11 Veller, .Main , ;- ' Samuel Young, J.u ksou & (ireeuwood.. ' JWAlbellbon do do 110 61 00 ni lis 75 S3 73 JO 01) 101 25 23 00 150 00 60 00 61) do 260 00 '25 00 85 00 40 00 f 1,103 2C cosiMisbioNLiis on-'ici: AND UOUKT 1IOUSU Paid county Auditors 174 ' i lerKsiauiiguvtiniut " 'ihatcher a (ieaihait Couit houso Gas mi uu s, bal " Thatcher liearhart chandelier Law " Thatcher" iieaiiiari' tias ilxtuius olllees " llloouisbui'g (las Cu. service plH) 11 .1 " rur(ia " Sundry persons ror ; Jl, Waller cleaning al com t house and " ll,vlMiller'cieiiii'hig at coiir't hb'u's'o and )ard ; : '' M. 11. Cox clcanltig at court houso nnd " J. ifiiVrVo'iVcieanVn'g'iit' court house und yard ., " II. W. Miller 0110 wrench " M. I! Cox Janitor " 1, llagcnbhuch stovo repair. " Mi-s. Ingold cleaning couit houso " Williams et ul cleaning ollleo io ' J. Jl. Iloner rc-pahs " Jl, c. Wooilw-uid police C. llouso " llulllns & Holmes siovu L. Llbi'y " A, c. llabb bill rendered " p. Jones book casu II. & 11. ollleo ' W.Whlaudlllng public nects ' II. .Mi ndenliulllilll u nderod ll. U 'I homas iigios.1 pens.. 11 lilooui L. en. bill for c-ourt huusu " P, Jones bill work ut court houso " (I. Husscrt clock It-pair and rope-.. " It. lloan casu K desk 11. H. ollleo..., " L. llunyoii nails io.,,., " 11. Hugenbuch'J door notices. l ii A i-lnik- viil nntn-r COU1 1 llOUSO. ... Hitler & .Miller Pulnllng court housu.. . Alni-r Iti-n'ri Putlll bill C, A. Kletiii faint bill......... Dreher, Iteayfico, I'uhil bill , 11. v. Zarr Varnish C. M. in Inker repair privy lock,,,, Louis llernaid pild bill. cloik tepalr II. II, .Menogh bal. palming bill J, 11, JI11I20 bill rendered 8. II. Miller son bill rendered,. H, It, '1 homas bill icndered ,, L, H, I-'unnan 12 htraia forZarr,... John (I. l-'reezeccinrsnlly. . Wm. iJiw ton commissioner - Joliu Herncr " ........ John Knt " ,. Win. Krlchhaum clerk-.,.,.., 5100 25 00 1002S 1109 43 28 Ull 00 72 sO 155 34 S50 1760 150 0C2 1 00 C7 OO 50 S3 11123 1057 10 00 1000 4020 IHO 10 02 30 0 1S7 4 00 VJ17 18 75 T15 700 2 40 650 2380 174 87 14 80 V2I 72(H) 300 50 6 00 6(l 30 00 602 4 44 165 31.0 .. 10O0 , 20010 , VISO-l , 2ISI-0 , 800 00 XTOTICI-: OF AITUOATION 10K ciiauti'.ii. Nullco Is hereby given. In accordance with tho net or assembly appioved I lie '24th day of Apill, A. D.ls75, inai anappueaiion win 00 nunie oy 1110 linuersigncu elllensot Iho lommonwcallh of PennsjUnnl.i to 11 law Judge of Cnltuniii.i county for 11 charter lncor- ....... I.. '1-1... ..p....p n...1 n.lnl l'roleci;oii Association, on tlio I Ull day of l-'ebruary, A. I). )s7i',. PIlTlllt SWANK. 1'ltANKI.IN ItAlllO, UNOCIl ll.MIDIll!, JACrtll l.OMI, DAVID I.O.NH, reb.IlS-3tr JIDW'D A. UU JIUJ1UUAY. 7XKCUTOIl'.S XOTICM. laleot CataMssatwp Columbia county, deceased, ll LHTlTK 01' (llliaOE SlIIC'K, MTEASED. Hc-llers testamentary on Iho estate or (leorgo shlcK have been granted by Hie register or said counly, to II. J. IK (der of l atawl.-Mi Columbia cotin t). Pn, i:eeutoi', lo whom ull persons indebted tn said estate are mpicslcd to mako pa)ineut nud thoso having claims or dcmand-i against Iho said eslale will mako Ibem known lothe said llsecutor W'lllioul delay. II. J. ltMlhlllll, l'eb.l ct llxeoutor. A! DM 1 X I STI t ATOU'S NOT ICK. ESTATE OK JACOn SIIEAHMAV. UECEISE1). betters of Administration on the estatuof Jacob Shearman, l.ito or Heaver township, Columbia Co., dec-eased, hale been granted by tho lleglsler ot said county loNalh.inl!iedlH;,or Ileavertivp All peisons having claims against Hie eslate ot Iho dece dent ate reipiested to piesent them ror settletiicnl, and thoso Indebted to lln'oslate tomaku pa)meiit to tho linderslgneil administrator without (Icluy. NATHAN lllli:i)lli:NNi:it, Jr., l-'cb. 4,'70 Ot, Admlnlstrntnr. I'ATAVMsdl, Paid II J lleeder u-palr Jl of Catav. hisa bridge 1 S eager plank JlcKc-Uy's bridge 1.1 P swank lepalr " " 5 (' I-' Hauler " " 0 11 J lieertcr " l-'uruaco " FI'UIMICKKKK, PaldJI Jlcllenry repair Sllllwater bridge. '2 " .1 1-' .Meiienrv lenalr " " 10-281) " llolir . Mellenry shingles " " o;.ii " W .1 '1 1 leplcplci c ieialr " " 7iki " John 1)1 esliei-iep.ih-Zaners " 073 " W L Jlaiinlug ct al lepalr Zaners " 7(o " John Diesher 1 e pair 213 ( LU liobbhis- lepalr Hess ' oon " " " ' Jones " 23:i " Jlannlng .e eo contract Hess " 1,3i'jr.o " " " adilttlolial Hess " '2JIHJ " J 1' tealiuvo " " 500 lUANkLIN, aid J II Zlmmei'iiinn lepalr Yocumbildgo 41o (UlEKNWOOll 'aid (1 lleagle rtpah' Jljcis drove bildgo.... 200 " J0I111 Leggoll lepulr lola " 3 iu " Tho-illeeeo "ne.irllurg " 316s " Jl M Kllno " 300 " tiiiicc-niy ' ', (iiveuly " 100 ilEMIOCK, Paid V llldlman, plank Piirsell bridge 2012 LOCUST. 1) Koslenbander repair lMher 1-' bildgo snno D Kostenbaudi-reoulract Koslys 1,'24sihi (1 eager repair stablowu " 221 J sii)di-rrepah-Sn)der'.s " 120 11 Wagner, Wagner " 10.1 CLAilley" co l.lno " 207 61 Mil l I IN. Paid Ll Sw eppenhelser l epalr Jl 111 bridge. . . . 3 01 MT. I'l.EASAM', Paid Jno Jlordan repair Jlordan brldgo S'J 37 Mill repair .Moru.111 ouogu 1 2,- l'lilllp .Miller plank nboto HJIbrldgo.. 812s U lleaglo lepalr abou " " no " " " " " ' 2 60 JC Jlordan" " " " 100 Jl Kindt " " " " Ho J WelllMT " " " ' 037 Jl Kbit " W'nnleh bridge a 50 ,. .. 11 iieluwllw ' 121 J Jlordan 1 epalr below 11 W " 4 00 huudry pel sous, to Poor Houso brldje... 121 1)1 OltANOE, I'ald Jl Jl Applcman repair 11 Jllll bridge 0.10 lien 11 elimau iilgoiK-n " r-i Jl II Patterson lepTi- P.illi-isou " 720 Peter cole rep.ilrratlerson " soo 1'ulhneri-Pen lepalr " " 410 JlanulngMo contract " " jaoio " " additional " " Mm Sundry persons repair Kllno " '110 50 POAUINUCIIEFK. I'ald D btlno contract neiv bridge... bugailoaf. AdICXTS. 100 Klegant Oil Clironio' mount ed, sle 9x12, for n. or 20 forth Cbromosof every descilptsin. National Chromo Co., Phlla, Aiikvis Wanted I Jlodals and Diplomas awarded for.lolmans ( 'Q R 1 A j MBIiHS. M)0 Illustrations. Aildresi tor new cheulars. A.I. lluhnau & Co., 03) Arch street, 1'hlla. l-'eb. 1s-iw 1,000 Agenti, teachers, studonts, men nnd women wanted 10 sell Cestbsviu. (Uzkteeii Of the U. H, Shows grand rrsulls or too vears' progress. A wholo library, "llostou, (Hobo" Not n luxury but a neces sity. "Inter-ocean" liest selllug book published. (Inodpay. Want den, Agt In every city of lo.ouO. Adihesa J. U. Jlccurdy c Co., rnua. tel). is-iw GKXTS wanted for our new and Illustrated ot the dav. Address, llaasls fi Lubrecht, llinplro Paid Jas Conner, repair cole's bildgo. . . A c oiorep.ur coioa uuugo 1 41 s eo J5,4M 11 1-ENI1EN1IAHV .t ASV MJM. Paid support or JIrs .Mellon, Danville , - suppou 01 11, suea, iianiiuo 1 com lets cast penitentiary $100 00 174 (.0 201 01 f035 61 f ASsLSeOUS' I'AV. Paid nssoBsors'fni- making snrlng assess ment und icglsterlug voters $721 75 (CAM'S. Paid fox nndnlld cat scalps JUO 40 EI.ECllON EXI-ENSES. Paid constables attending spi lng clectlonHM " eonslabloH alt ending full eleellons " elec'llou olllcera, spring 1 led Ion " ( lecllon onircrs, fall e-fec-lloiis " loom rent during) ear C (I llarkley, 11 Judgo " 11 l'Zair, clerk lu 11 Judges Jiss co 4s 00 .H '22 403 110 201 10 11 60 11 50 TAXES I1EKUN1IED. lly nm't refunded during year lly redemption, money eufd CLANK BOOKS. lly rtuplloalps, '2 sets, Hog books, Ac. lly books for Piolhonotar)'a olheo 11,230 82 807 37 14 83 1222 '20 47 42 62 12S t'J9 77 HCCAHTCIATION. . VIserllnnenusexnenbeH 11.151 01 Courts, Juroin nay and eonslablo returns. . . 6,50s 4J ('omuioiiwcullli cosls 620 4.1 II 2c II views and 11 damages 1,103 20 commissioners oiueo couri uouso v.v-m 11 l-nimlv hill.. stntioueiy, jiostago and printing.. liiuuhllloiis Hrldges. bulldlugH and icpalrs Peiillentlary und us) lum Assessors' pay Scalps jaccnohi-xpcn'os Tuxes refunded Plunk books - Ain't orders lssuod. 1.210 C3 1, is (10 204 13 5,403 1 035 6 724 75 110 40 1,230 8'2 B2'4 20 W 77 J $22,007 63 . Deduct from amount of orders Issued 1211 lefundid byJloutour for court expenses, and (822 20 taxis 1 (-funded leaves (22,1113.03 tlio real expkiisos of thu counly SlItEI-Olll'KllSISUe'EU llenton.. , 140 00 Jladlson 10 00 lilooin 01 00 Montour. b 10 lirlarcreck 40 60 Mt pleasant ...,13160 Flshlngereek 03 vs ornngo u, u 00 l-'rankiln 23 00 Pino ... 8 10 (irieuwood a 50 Itoarlngereek 10s 41 Hemlock , 4S 00 Scott - 22 6' Jackson,.- a 75 Hugarloaf OT 60 LOCUM , MW . CHNTENMAL .MAP Ol' uuips and religious chait.s, Pennsylvania, also other Tho best selling articles ,Mp IMabikhinent, 107 Liberty btreet, Nuw York. rel) is-iw Af A "VPlM Agents for tho best selllncf iVi 1 111 1 ) Prl.o Package In Iho world. II contains 15slie,-ts paper, 15 envelopes, golden imn, penholder, penell.lpaienl )ard measure, and a picco of lewilrv. single naekaeru Willi n.dr of elegant Hold Mono Sleeve Uuftnns. postpaid, 2.1 cents. 5 tor $1. 'I his iui kngo has been exauihiedby tho publlsls. era or tho COiumiuan anil tumulus repiesenled ui 111 mu inuiii-ji, 1, .lie lies t;ieu .iiuy iu auuKeills. Circulars free. HiliDi: K CO., 70 Broadway. N. Y. reb ls-iw l'OIt COUGHS, COLDS, HOAKSEXKSS, AMD AXiL TIIR.OAT DISEASES WELLS' CARBOI2IO TABLETS Put liponlv 111 1I1.IT P.OX1X vi'i'i'Icil siimI Sure Ktiiuctly. Porsalo by druggists generally IIULLOW.U'ii. Co., Philadelphia, V t, nnd JOHNSTON a. 1)2: Co. reblS-4w isenil I Catalogue ' for 1 anil l-'iee Jlapsof ic-u 1, ,, -iiv JIar)l.indii J. I'. Jlanelia. and 111 SmvrniL Delawaio Delawaio MIXI1 l!e.iiling. IVyelininancv, Fascination, soul 1 luu 111I11'', mesmeilsmi and marrlagn gulue, showing how cither sex inny lasclnato und gain tho love and infection of any icrsout hey c noose, ln&luiilly,4oi)pages. II) mall, 50 cents. Hiiht.tCo, lou s. itn stieet, rntiudeipuia. leu 1 iw. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. WANTIH). AdllNTS In evert town to canvass for Dr. Corni l's new nnd nonular IIISToltV ol-' PllN.v- SYLVANIA, 110m the enillest discover) to tho pies ent lime, A splendid book, coinplele In ono volume, li.i.i'siKAirn, and published at u prleo within reach of the pioplo. Araic clianee ror allrst classcan vasscr. Address the publishers, Qiuker cily Pub Ushlng Co., '217 K 210 (lulnco St., Philadelphia. L C'U I-1W Six PAT11NT lN"l'IlIt LOCKING GRATE BARS Nnuufactured by tho Imiiisiiclcr fiaalc It a ! Coiup'y 'Iheso bars hnTobeen used nnd approved in up waidsor 5,1110 nu null's, lnractorles, sleamuis nud locomolivts, alul uie bupeilor lo ull uUieis lu (luriiliility nnd cconiimy iu tlio use of Juel. Satlslactlon guaranteed, llererences In all parts of I . s. onice, 102 llroadway, N. Y. P. o. pox Isoo. l-'i-b 4-4W Iimncme .S'iww 50,000 the Oenuine already sold. This Veteran llxploie-r ranks among the most hemic llguits of the century; and this book one of the moslieiunikuhlo or tho age. Thill ling In Inleiesl, Illustrated piotufccly, and being Iho only cniho and authentic lire, tho millions nru eager for It, and wide-awake agents are wanted ipilcMy. l'or proof Midterms address Hubbard 111 U.S., Pubs., 723 Sansom St,, Philadelphia. DrtCo. ITcb-i-lvr. SHERIFFS SALE. 1IY VIIUTi: OY A WHIT of l-'l. 1'a. Isssucrt nut of I be Couit or Common Pleas or Columbia counly, nnd 1 01110 directed will bo exposed to balg at tho court Houso ou TUKSDAY, JIAI1CU 7, 1870. nt 1 o'clock p. in. nil that certain lot or land rltuato lu the town or llloomsburg Columbia county Pa-, bounded on Iho south by lands or (I. Weaver's heirs, on thu west by JIurij's alley, on tho north by fourth street, and lioutlng ou Jlarket street on tho east folly. tour h et, wherion Is euctedtwotwosloilert fiamo dwelling house and out buildings. 'Iho lot Is well frulted Tho properly will bo bold In ono or two lots to sTilt pun hut it. belied, taken Into execution, nnd to ho bold 03 tho properly of Jesso Coleinuu, OTICK. no undersigned would hereby el vo notice, to nil narlles lndebtod to him. on note or book uc-eount. tu como to rw ard and be tlio ut onto or the accounts will bu placed In tho bunds of tho proper olilcer fur lol led ion. l-'eb. 4-tf. HTEP1IKN KNOllll. IN THE MATTElt OK TIIK bl'ECIHO I'rRrtlHUANI'K OP CON111ACT OE JOHN JlOS'JON, VLC'EASEI), WITH WILL IAM U I'AIIKS, To Jlathlas lioslon, Davidson, sulllvnn Co. I'm Karl llostou, l-'alrinount, Luzcrno co. I'm Heiiben llostou, I'lshlngcreek.columbia Co, I'a: (I, I). Shull, Kurl bliuliz, anu llohr Shult2, minor children of roily Miultz decoased, who lune I. K, their (luaidlan au i item, A. W, Weuver I LU Wt-uur l'lshlngcri-eki Columbia county ; JIary f'lrcr, Naull coke, Luemo county ; and surah K, llhioid, bllll water, Culuinlila counly i You nnd each of )ou uro hereby cited to bo and npiHjar beroro tlio Judges of tho orphans' Coui I Col umbia county, Pu, ou tho lirst Monday ot -May next, then and theio to show cause If uny.wliy adecieo of bpeeluo 1'cTforinance of contract should not lie inndu In the JlsUtto of bald John lioslon with tho Bald William L. Parks for tho balo by nrtlclo of ugrei incut of bald John llostou to bald William u puiksof u certain tract of land kltuuto Id Jackson tow nthlj), Columbia county, l'cntuylviuUa, ..... II. V. ZAIIJt, ling"-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers