THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLQOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, if m it n J- uji UULUJOIAJN. " 1,0 M mi. ! v it I n a v, .1 in. as, is;n Hall Tlmn LACKAWANNA & IILOOMSIIUItll IIAIJ, l!OAD Accommodation Train W A.M. ,Mn11 Tr'lln 7.40 A. 11 Impress Train l.Ml'.M. " " MJIMt. CATAWISSA UAH. ItOAl), SOUTH. 7.40 A. It. rt.'sl'.M 11.61 A. It Accommodation Train o,m A. M. SOUTH 7,80 1 M. llcgiikir Ex-press ,. 3,t.s V. It. 11,33 A.M. Through cars on Express train tlllier in w v or Philadelphia. Accoiutnodatton tralu runs i,"Jj"i'J".''!?,Slil;Vj;,'t";tjll Tlio Ulooiinljurg 1 Wnmstcr, "wlch Is Ucck Icy," gets n salary of $1,500. Mr. Collin., our mcmlier of Oongrcn, volcil ngaliifl the appropriation. We regret to learn that Kouert V. rjlnrk,li.ij. Is now nml Ims been for sumo time past danger ouily ill. V- J'1ra( of Mnncy, drew n prize of $1, Toiila rwH.-tili"0"1' Stat ,,rawn 1,1 Kl- Kcprencntatlvo ltyan, of tl.U County, lias been placed on tlio Centennial Committee. It num. bcra only scvcnty-slx member. Hasten hai a woman m cro-cyed tliat when she wccM the tears from her lift eyo .Iron on licr right cheek. "a arc gratified to learn that Mr. Sterner J, going al tnmc Hmc 0 au;Uo (,0 miiJ!lneo 01 Third street near Ir. Kvnns house. Bradley oc (lordon, of the Montour American have dissolved partnership, the former retain! ingllio paper. I)r. jtraillcy's father has pur. cnanti .nr. Viorcinn a intcret. vvo navo received Tin; Tuna Almanac with Iho compliments of tlio I'hilailelphi a compilation in everyway wor thy of iho journal that ecmU it out. liio nilvcrtier has "the hlnl in hand" in hi regular iraiic ; hh newspaper nnnouiienncnt givo him also a fair chanco for the "two in tl; Umh." It is rumored that tho Danville, JIazlcton .t AVIlkesbarro Kailroad will bo extended to Drif- ton, where It will connect with the Sandy iiun branch of tho Central Railroad of Now Jersey Wo would call tho attention of our readers to tho township ami borough elections to bu held in February. This year unusual eare should be taken that none but the best men may be se lected to nil the various offices. The length of time it takes to change tho mail at this placo is a jn.t causo for complaint. J hose who make the change need not nccosari ly stop to read letters addressed to themselves, nor all tho postal cards. Judgo Scott, of Catawiasa, has Wn re-elected President of tho State Agricultural Society for our centennial year, and Joseph Conner, of Ci li tre, ono of tho additional officers, llolh of tho appointments aro deserved. On account of tlio Centennial no State Fair will bo held this vcar. I. i. iNiucr, agent lor pianos and organ", lias a second hand Mason it Hamlin organ, which can bo Kecurcd at a bargain. TthastHo banks of keys, fight stops and four sets of reedJ, and is in good condition. JiM the thing fur a church or lodue. tf. An old physician asserts that an orange eaten every morning half an hour before breakfast will cirectually destroy tho desire fir alcoholic drinkn. He says that ho has never known it to fail ertecting a euro of the nin-t confirmed rates of inebriety. Now who. would ak fur a mor agreeable medicine. AVo would lespectfully inform our neighbors of the IlepuMicun that it does not answer our ar guments to (Uote porno other person's opinion. Ju editing tho I'ot.l'Mr.lAN we shall lull- what wo deem to lio right and pioper, and whin con vinced that wo aro in error w ill gladly make the necessary corrections. Tho HqmblietiH weakly attempts to defend (he continued robberies and defalcations by Unheal officials. Its last point is that Floyd and Cobb did tho mine; therefore tho Republicans can ' follow suit. Iiunun-c logic I lint we ak Ihim to coivparo tho figures under Democratic and Pcpublic.ui rule, and give us an answer. -v- Judgo Curry, one of the associate judges of Montour enmity, died lat week. lie was a de scendant of ono of tho primitive settlers. Ills grandfather was killed and scalped by thiInilians on tho river between Danville and Neirlliiiinlici land. His grandinolbct was taken pri-onirnt the same lime, but escaped by creeping in-ido a hollow log while the Indians wero sleeping. On Sunday night, the Oth in-d., the residence of Oil. W. W. II. Davis of Iho Doylelon Democrat, was broken Into by thieves, and aiti clcstotho value of S-U0 taken theiefrom, A silver lea set was carried away by tlio burglars, who gained an entrance by prying open the kifchcii window, ami gitling into the pmtry, opened wine and preset vo eloH'lsaud eonvivial izctt to finite an extent. Thirteen tramps were accommodated with lodging at Iho lock up one night Ia4 week. Chief of Police Voodaid saves tlio 1'oor Dis trict considerable cxpuii-o, by funiMiing Ihcso transient gentlemen wilh quarters in town. L-it winter they went out to tho Poor house, and got supper, lodging and bicakf.i-t. Under tho present arrangement they fuini-li their own refreshments. Wo have received from tho publl-her threo pieces of niu-ic. "Who's Pat Knocking ai de Old Pack (iatu" Is a song and chorus. Price, 25 cents. A waltz "Peniember deeds of kind ness" price i!0 cents, and a march, ".She's brigh t in tho Stars in Heaven," price 20 cents. The two latnro very pretty pieces for begiune H. Send (10 cents for Iho ihrcoto F. V. Helnieh, ''78 West Sixth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wanamakku A IIkowk. Tho largest cloth ing house in America is that of the linn whoso namo heads Ibis notice, anil Is located at Sixth and Market slret ts, Pldla. Pead what they say lu their advertisement on Iho third page of tills paper. They will do all tbey promise, and will givo each purchaser a guarantee that their goods are sold us low as possible and then will take them back insido often days If unworn and iho customer is not satisfied -.Will them. Daiik Consiat. Tho men at tho Continen tal colliery, operated byPobeit (Sorrel! .0 Co., tinned out on Monday against three-ipiailer time. Tho breaker is slopped In conscipience. Wo get plenty to eat. Pyon lias a store hero whero tho men generally deal, and when pay day comes they aro surprised lo find that lliey havo no money to draw. They generally post pono pay day until late in Iho inonlli, and then, adding two moulds' utoro bills together, tako tho amount out of tlio pievlous niontli's pay. llWiiiMiaii. Postal Cjiakois". 'f do people of idls com munity are lnucli indebted lo our foimer towns man, Millaid F. Conner, route agent, for tlio fluingo by willed wo now reeeivo the New York and Philadelphia mulls at Pol) p.m. Other cliawge s uro proposed which will givo us Increas ed mail facilities, and wo hopo they will bo adopted. Tho Lackawanna ii llloomsbuig road would ado aid tho business eoinmuiilly inued by giving us two malls a day eneli way. It needs no additional trains, and Iho Increasing business on delr lino warrants It. Qn tlio day of Inamruratlon. Henderson, n clerk employed In tlio offlco of tho Secretary of imcrnai Aiialrs, mndo an amtilt on (IcorgoJ, iiolton, whllu that gentleman wa silting nlono in ins ollicc. llo was seriously injured. Wo navo iicard no cxcu.o for tlio net. Tho shoo store of K. M. Knorr was mlem! liy burglars on Friday night last. It Is not known how much was taken. As this Is the second (lino Mr. Knorr has heeii lohhed, it looks ns though tho thieves wcro particular ntiout wnnt tlicy wear on their feet. They know that ivnorr lias ono of tho linc-t assortments In town, o liclicvo thero is no clno to tho robbers. 1'r. II. T. Ilclnibold, tho notorious Itiiclnt man, has been remitted to an Insane asylum by 11I.M...I.I..I.!. !..,.. . . ' . ...i.mi.nuH.i juugo, uiioro whom lio was brought on a Habeas Corpus. Stromr cflorts wero mado to prove tho Doctor's sinlty, but If iiiero was nny tlotibt about it, it must havo been unpolled by a communication from him pub "siieil In tho 3'imcs of Tuesday. Hols ns wild as a March hare. The president of the Pennsylvania Kditorial Association announces that In pursuance of tlio resolution adopted at tlio recent meeting of tlio Association in lliis cily, do das appointed tho ouowing committee on the modification of tin libel law: J. O. Hnwlcy, Heading IbyU; W. I. Pobinson, Public Spirit, Hatdboro, C. P.llroek way, Cfit.UMiilA.v, llloomsburg, W. Cooper Tab ley, Delaware county Jhmocrat, nml W. A. ltir perl, Conneautvlllo (hurier. Piiutai. Assault. A few days ago, as Dan- iui i eutroll, or Miuno towmbip, was returning from a trip over tho mountains, n couploof men got into ids wagon lo ride. At Homo point on tho road beyond ,Toeph Shumau's thev assault- C(l III m with stones nod Inn t.i.,. C.,1,MJ !.. lug the little money he had about him some v0. J lis faeo Is lenibly lacerated, and there are several contusions of a serious naturo about his Head. One car is also severely toin. Thero is no clue to the assailants. Tho trial of Landis still continues. Tho de fence havo proven his insanity at tho llmo of killing Carrulh most conclusively. Ho will bo acquittal. The trial of tho threo men at Maucli Chunk for tho murder of Jones, tho mine sunerMiten. dent, will probably f ml differently. The defenso will rely on an alitii, but the prosecution havo knocked tho foundation from under them by tracing tho whereabouts of these men for see-ernl days beforo tho murder. A few first class exe cutions in that section may havo a tendency to check tho lawlessness that das produced a reign of terror to tho peaceable inhabitants of tho coal region". Tho citizens of Milton laised S220 to lo pre. scnled to tho file companies from a distance who aisted in putting out the recent largo confla gration in that borough. $100 of it was sent to a Lewisburg company, whereupon, at a meeting of the I.cwisburg Firo Department, tho follow ing resolution, among others, was passed : Jicfnlml, 1 hat our Chief Entrlneer he directed lo return said money and request that it bo de volcd to thoe most deserving who lost their all by the lire fiend. Tlio money was accordingly returned bv Chief Engineer Pates. Tliis was a very crcditablo transaction from the beginning, as it showed that the Miltonians appreciated tlio services of their neighbors, and it al-o showed that ihn I.cwisburg liiemen desired no necuniarv com- iin-ation for doing what they regarded us their buy. Tho young ladies of llloomsburg aro unto llie spirit of the times. The year 1S7C, being livisihle by -I, gives them tho privilege of play- the ijnuant, and hence a heap year parly was given by ihem on last Tuesday evening. The liou-e of Col Freeze was thrown open for the occasion. The ladies took upon thcm-elves all tho duties of o-corls, calling lor the gentle men at their lespeclivo abodes, and carrying out the wholo social programme in revered order. Dancing began at half oast eight and unlinueil until Iwo o'clock, tho only interrup- iou being cau-ed by the serving of refreshments'. The whole allair was well carried out, and all regretted the announce meiit that llic omnibus had called for the gentlemen and that it was imo to go home. There seems lo be a doubt in the minds of some, wdicd wo aro sure any of the ladies will dispel on application. Wcro the cutlcuicn Ji-Mni orcewrn that is the question 1 Vim: Awakr for February is a very notice able number of this rapidly-growing magazine for the children and voung folks. The tngiav- are unusually line. Tho magazine opens with an excellent picture by Miss. C. A. Nor- thain, illu-irating a charming Valentine story by Mrs. Mary F. Pradley, "How They Made- It Pp." Of Iho two serials, "The Cooking Club," by I'-Ha I'm man, tho editor, is full of lee per wUlont than commonly goes tolhcmak- ng of a juvenile story, while "Young Pick," y Mi-s. IOastman. is delightful. In depicting iclual lillle-ehild-life, Miss Fastmau has few ijuals. Fanny Popcr leiidgo, the accomplished raMer, funiislies an entertaining paper, Among tlio P.irsecs." Put tho two distin guishing feature's of Wide Awake this month o tho long letter in the "Poets' Homer' scries, lalivo lo Mrs, A. D. T. Whitney, and tho filial paper of tho "Pehaving'' seiies, Tho liter is prepared by the author of "Tho Ugly 1 ill Papers." It is not made up of stale in unctions and Llicslcrlield maxims, hut tlior- oiighlv live and modern, liko ido Awako it- elf. None of our )oung people can allbrd to ie without Iho magazine wdilo IhcM) articles poll etiquette ale being published. Tlio re maining coinems aru vaueii, sioiy, poem anit iiper, several admirably sustained ilepait- nents. Dr. Tourjeo s musical page contains a int of infinite value to every person who teach es music to children. Only lyiOO per annum. I). Lolhrop A Co., Ilo-lon. Pecoiih Youn i:i;im, For Ido benefit of our readers wo will just state that there is a very noneous idea prevailing in tho minds of boiuo persons in relation to Iho recording of deeds far real c-tatc. They appear to think that if they liavo a deed in tdeir poession lor any piece of property tdeir tlllo is perfectly safes but in many cases tliis Is n great mistake. Thero are laws on our statuto books on this subject, and hundre ds of persons havo been put to great trou ble and expense, and not a few have lost their tironerly entirely, by not paying proper alien- lion to Ihem. If a person has a died forn piece of land and is in actual possession of it, tliat is a notico of ownership until Iho contrary Is shown, but If ho Is not in possession of it, and his deed Is not recorded within six months after Its date, and tho vendor should sell it to another person who knows nothing about tho first deed.lho sec ond purchaser would hold it, eitder by Having bis deed recoided lirfat or by getting possession of the land. Again, If a man neglects to havo his deed recorded, not being In possession of tho propel ty, and judgments should bo entered up agalnj tdo vendor, lliey would becomo liens against tdo properly, and the man wdo das paid Ids money and hold this unrecorded deed mlglit lo-o Ills land. And again, deeds aro frequently lost by burning and otherwise, and rendering great trouble nnd expense necessary lu duplleat Ing tho deed or perfecting tho title. Kvery good business man scuds hU title papers to tho Pee order's office tno lirt opportunity, and no lawyer or judgo will penult any deeds of real estate to be laid away, not even In an Iron safo until Ihcy havo been recorded. Ourndvlcoto parties holding old deeds which nro not recorded imd to all those getllng new ones, is to have them lecoulcd at once, Kspeclally Is tliis nee e,ary in low, s wdero fires und robberies aro ol almost chilly occurrence, which might and does frequently ,m 1 away traces of title that aro not preserved en tdo publio record. CENTONlAi. IIISTOllV OF PENNSYLVANIA, Tdo Wllllamsport Sunday Ifi'mcs nays t Tdo nbove Is tdo lltlo of a work for wdlch our towns man, W. It, Illcrly, Esq.j has recently secured a copyright. Tho work, wo understand, will bo n completo Illustrated lilstory of tho Kcystono Stata fiom 1033 to tho present time, embracing tho struggles of tho pioneers and their relatl6ns with lh Indians in pcaco nnd war; tlio part our Commonwealth bore In tdo battles for Indc- peir.lenco and liberty tlfo growtd of ourinstl tullons, nnd the lives of our warriors, statrsmrp, scholar, Inventors nnd economists. It will con tain six hundred pages nnd over two hundrei' embellishments. Tho author has qnlclly worked at ibis during tdo last year, examining every original source of Information available, and judging from Ids well-known a'jllity and Industry as a writer, as well as Ids knowledge of general dlstory,wo may expect n valuablo contribution to tho literature of our Slalo. Kxamini! Tin: Oa? MnTf.Rs. A recent care ful lest of it gas inclr proved lo tho satisfaction Of all the parlies concerned that it was found to over calculate the consumption of gas six per cent, Thero was no reason, judging from iho mere casual inspection of that ono particular meter, that it was more or less dcfcclivo and tin trustworthy than the thousands of similar ngen eles employed In arriving tit an estimate of the amount of gas consumed by thoso who arc fur nlshed with them by tho gas companies. Willi all tho confidence which Is naturally reposed In tno latter by tlio consumers, It would bo a re markable slreted of charity to suppose tliat gas meters obtained in tliat way would sliow n dif ferent result; nnd tlio careful continuation of tliat in question, which, as far as wo can per celve, is the first which haj ever been subjected to a test, has not disappointed any ono who has speculated on tho probabilities of tho conclusion Under Iheso circumstances, therefore, it might bo advisable, In order to avoid future errors of its liko character, to havo all tlio gas meters sub jeeted to an iinmcdialo and careful ovcr-haiilliitj. a enrar diet foii hahd times, In llieso limes of slack occupation tdo experimental deductions of Investigating economists become valuable. A working mechanic with reduced pay, I havo tried hard to keep up with tho times by lessened expenditure. Having read tho newspaper ac counts of tho man who lived on So a year, gain ing twenty pounds, under a regimen of corn meal, we tried that article but found it insipid, and finally nauseous. Tho indorsement of buck wheat as a sustaining food by an eminent judge nduccd ns to try it; wo found buckwheat non- susceptible of variety in cooking, and wo soon lalled" on slapjacks. Potatoes failed to keep up our bodily strength, Xcxt wo tried oat starch, wild tliis result: My wife, son and self confined ourselves to ra tions of three pints of thick porridge per day, varying tho "dip" dressing with butter, sugar, nutmeg, ltmoq-juico or molasses. Wo enjoyed excellent health, with regular digestion. At tdo expiration of two weeks I found myself four and a quarter pounds heavier. My wife had gained three pounds, whilo the lad dad increased over five pounds. Our food outlay for fourteen days was exactly two dollars and eighty cent, or less than snvn cents per day for each person. We are now pursuing tho samo course, wilii an occasional "mixed meal." Ledge,: TO tiCHOOI. IilltucTOns, We have frequently called tho attention of our municipal authorities to tho acts of Assembly approved on tho UOtH of April, ISC2, and 20th of April, 1871. Tho first of these provides that it shall be Iho duty of the school directors of each town to publish annually a statement of moneys received and expended by them, together with the nniount of tax remaining outstanding, and other fads in regard lo their financial manage ment, the same to bo made public through tho medium of handbills posted in the most frequent ed places in tho district. The la-"t named act contains the following lan guage, and we trust its provisions wilj bo heeded by those concerned. The law may bo found on page OS of tho Pamphlet haws of the Common wealth for the year referred to: "The corporate authorities of every munici pality or district, shall, annually, in the month of January, prep iro and publish in at least two newspapers, of said niunicipality or of Ide county in wlilcli tno samo is situate, if so many bo punt ed therein, a statement showing in detail the actual indebtedness, the amount of the funded debt, tho amount of the Hooting debt Iheieof, the valuation of taxable propeity theitin, and the assets of the corporation, with the chaiacler anil nalure thereof, date of maturity of the respective forms of funded debt thereof ; and a neglect or failure to do so shall bo a misdemeanor, punish able by a -fine not exceeding 81,000. "A cnXTt'UY Al'TKIt." TAUT MNE. Keeping pace with its predecessors in the beauty of its typography and Illustrations, Part IX. of this most excellent nml desirable work is now issued fiom tho press. Prominent among the most effective of itseharmingengrav ings aro the Charitable Institutions of Phila delphia, its Hospitals, (iirard College, Univer sity of Pennsylvania, the Xew Puilding of tho Young Men's Christian Association, and tho Lincoln Monument. Part X. will bo published beforo tho close oflthe month, and the subsequent i.-ucs of the work will bo given to illu-trations of import ant localities in tlio Slate, wilh tho exception of tho final number, which, as a fitting close to "A Century After," will contain views of tho Kxhibition llulldiiigs from original sketches. Mr. Stoddard's graceful, descriptivo letter press of tlieso beautiful and wonderful triumphs of architectural genius nml tho entire correct ness of the drawings will be to the fortunate pos sessor of this tasteful volume an enduring sou venir of tho great Centennial Kxposition of kC. To bo completed in Fifteen Paris, al fifty cents each, A splendid chanco for agents, who aro wanted everywhere in the State. llesidents of localities where agents havo not been appointed can sub-eribe by addressing Al len, Pane C-Scot land J. haudetbacli, Pub lishers, No. 2Ii3 South Fiftd Street, Philadel phia. A largo vessel was recently found sev eral feet below tlio surface by bomcworkmen at Chatham, England, who wero making; ex cavation. Seven guns, n quantity of shot, soino tobacco pipes, and n coin elated l()2;i wore among tho articles louucl on board, A new branch of industry Is being; set on foot lu Nova Scotia. .Several fish-packing houses, finding their occupation gouo for tdo winter, nro now at work in packing rabbits, partridges, unci other game. A good market is expected lu England for this class of canned goods. Victoria WoodlmUnndTenuloC. Claf liu appeared before tdo ticiinto committee) on claim to nrgo n claim for damages on account of arrest and imprisonment hi New York In 1873 for uttering nn obsccno publication. Tdcy alleged tdut their arrest was illegal, nnd that tlio cost of thclrclefense against tho prosecution was over $50,000, nnd that their net loss by tho suspension of their paper was 110,000. Oil City lias n sensation. A preacher moved mvny from a congregrotion which owo d dim f 100. Boiuo tlmo utter (ho bum. was dubscribcd und placed with ono of tlio trustees nnd tho piutor to liquldato tho in debtedncbs. A registered letter, said to con tain f 100, addressed to tdo former pastor was put into tdo postollico at Oil City, lu due tlmo tho letter was received nud opened in tho presence of three witnesses but tho scrip was not thero. Tho postolllco ollicials liivcstagutcd tho matter and havo got us far as tho porsona sending tlio money, Home News. If Ornntwcro only musical, with wdat cmprmcmcnt lio could ting tlio "Still fco gently round mo steallngl" A'. 1", World. A salmon weighing thirty pounds was lately caught In nn irrigating ditcli on n Cal ifornia plain, fH'c lulled from his natlvo river. A grocer in Lincoln, England died recently from tlio effect of a wound Inflicted by a bantam cock, who spurred dim on tlio thumb. "Punch" understands "raslilonauio cx trcincs" lo mean high liccls nnd low foro heads, but lio.neglrcts to say that Ihcso cx trcnics never meet. In tlio court hottsont Sunbtiry may bo found it desk nnd caglo quill which dates back to 1772, Ho say Iho grand jury in their olllcial report. Tho Altoona opo.m houso 1ms been en gaged for twenty-ono consecutive nights for revival purposes. Ilov. E. P. Hammond will conduct tho exercises. An individual in Heading admits that ho has been a fool for fourteen ycari, having wound up an eight-day clock regularly every day for that period of time. Tho lloston liquor shops liavo decreas cd seven hundred under tdo license law, nnd inero lias been it decrease of twenty per cent, in tho number of arrests for drunken ness. New instruments for instantaneous slaughtering of cattlo liavo been tried at tho Ilradford, Yorkshire, abattoir with success. They wcro lent lo tho lloynl Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A lawsuit has been in progress in Sal ma, hnn., for six years. It is tho caso of James flarvln vs. W. U. .Tejincrsnu. Thero havo bccii three trials, and it finally closed Inst week, w!th;a vcidlct for tdo defendant lorS27. A flold fish saved n Vermont hotel from burning tho other day. A lamp exploded and sot firo to tho table, tho heat cracked tho globe occupied by tho goldfish, tdo wa ter put out tdo fiioand cooked tlio fish. lion. Hcistcr Clymrr, member ot con gress, of Pennsylvania, das been designated cliairman ol the national Democratic cam paigu committee. Tlio announcement of tdo full eomiuiltco will bo mado in a- few days. Tho mayor of New York lias received .in enyclopo containing $300, nnd a noto Haying; "I his money belongs to tdo city" Can it bo that it is a remittance from Tweed to bo npplicd on his account? If it is, thenho only owes $5,000,700. A sad drowning accident is reported on tho Hudson river. A Mr, Uriggs of Cox sackic, N.jY., his wife anil two children wcro crossing tho Hudson river, ho pushinc n hand sled on which tho mother and two children wero seated when all disappeared Iirotigh tdo ice. Tho bodies have not been heard of since. A. women aged foity years, named Wil- hclmencJWellc, was arrested in Hulfiilo, New York, on tho 2Sth ult., charged witli mnrder- ng her stepson, aged fourteen. Ho has been missing siuco tlio 2d. Tho body was found in an old well, on tho premises, inn undo state, except a shirt. A chair and other weights wcro attached to bis neck. Property belonging to him and revetting to or own child in caso of his death is thi-.sup- posed cause. -Tho New York llipprodrome, wditdcr Moody and Sankey now go, will bo divided nto threo compartments, ono with seats for 0,000 ono for -1,500 persons, with an inter mediate room forty feet wido for Mr. Mooch', Tlio building will bo healed by fourteen furnaces, there will bo eight hundred singers six hundred ti-hor.-s and six hundred Chris tian workers in attendance Tlio work will begin February 1. Shenandoah claims to havo tho cham- ioii hunter. Alter visiting tho woods rcg- every day for two seasons, do lias at cngtli captured a rabbit. The Jlerulil hays: 'To sum up tdo amount of damages connect ed with getting this rabbit, would puzzlo tlielhardest disciplo of Euclid, Among tdo most important aro ,tho keeping of .seven dogsor two years, three suits of clothe.s.four- tecn pounds of shotaud iower,!?00 doctor's bills, to say nothing of a number of inci dental inconveniences." Fredrick G. Miller, a former sheriff of Clearfield county, left his homo on tho ninrning of Iho SOtli of November last, for Indiana, Pa., anil no traces of him hassinco been found. Mr. Miller had but ono arm (tdo left arm being oir near tdo shoulder); was of round, plump form ; about 11 vo feet nino inches in height, and weighs about ono itindred and ninety pounds ; full and rather icaltliy looking ; smooth face, and woro a wig ol a liglit clicstimi color. U is possible lis mind was temporarily disturbed. Ilr. l'iei'ce. "Success is never achieved without merit. A man may make a poor articlo and sell it once, nnd there being 40,000,000 peoplo in tho United Slates; tdo nalo to each ono would bo enough to make it decent fortune. Hut an articlo that holds tho field year after year, and tlio sales ol winch increase regu larly and rapidly must havo absoluto merit. nr. ii. v. rierco ot Jlullalo, N, v.. occu pies our entiio eighlli pngo to-day with his various articles. Wo admit it, becauso wo know tdo Doctor, and know of his articles. Wo know him to boaregiilarlveducatcil phy sician, whoso diploma hangs on tho wall of lilsoince, and wo know that lie lias associ ated with him several of tho most eminent practitioners in tho country, Wo know that panics constat mm, by mail anil in person, mini .ui uiu umua iii cue; union every ciuv, nnd tliat tdey nro fairly nnd honestly dealt with. This grand result lias been necmplishcd by two agencies good rcliablo articles which, onco introduced, work easily their own way and splcndcd business manage ment. Tdey havo succeeded becauso they ought to havo succeeded." If you would patronizo Medicines, scien tifically prepared by a skilled Physician and Chemist, uso Dr. Pierce's Family'McdieineH. Discovery is nutritious, tonic alterative, and blood-cleansing, and nn uncounted Cough llemcdy; Pleasant Purgntivo Pellets, scarce ly larger than mustard seeds, ennstituto an ngrecablo and rcliablo physic; Favorite Prescription, a remedy for 'debilitated fe males; Extract of Smart Weed, a magical remedy for Pain, Powcls Complaints, and an unequalcd Liniment for both Iiuman nud liorsc-llesb, whilo his Dr. Pago's Catarrh Itcmedy is known tho world over as tho greatest specific for Catarrh nud "Cold in tdo Head" over given to tho public. They, nro soul py uruggists. 20 VKAItS A Bl'lTrsnEU ClTI'.IUl Iiv THE aoi.nux Jiwuavi, nihcovniiv. Dr. It. V. Pierce: kr sir, Twenty years ngn I was ship wrecked on tno Atlantic ocean, nuU tlio cold nnd exospure caused a largo abscess to form on each leg, wiucli Kept continually ills. c barging, i was aiieniicu pv doctors in Liverpool, Havre New Orleans, New York, nnd at thu hospital on Statcn Island (where tlio doctors wanted totnkoono ipg oil), pin all v. after snendlnir hundreds ot dollars. I was persuaded to try your "Codicil Medical Discovery,'' and now, in less tlmn tdreo months alter taking tho first bottle, I am thanklul to say 1 nm completely cured, nnd for tho first time in ten years can put my lelt heel to tho ginuiid. I am nt homo nenrlv every evening and sdull bo glad to satisfy any person in tuo iniiii in mis Humiliation, 1 am, sir, yoms respectfully, WILLIAM ItYlint, 87 Jefferson Htccet.Huilalo, N. Y. Fi-om the 'Jbltda JllmU Business Notices Ileal hair switches nt O. O. Mnrr'. Ladles in mourning enn get black cash mere, Peruvian clotli or Jtcuheltit cloth nl I.utz & Sloan's. . All Coal slated and screened beforo leaving tdo old established coat yard of U. Vt.HiiM. et Pro. 32tf Geo. A. Clark will reeeivo tdla week it new lot ol "AM boxes ot celebrated Pnpetcr its which bu will oiler lu tho trade. New Oilcans llaking Molasses, choicu Syr ups Iroui ISO cents to -VI u gallon. A liuu as sortment ol Young Hyson, Imperial, Japan uudhlack Tens at Al, M, lliis-i-i's, New Callwies, Spring Styles ul Lutz ti sioan h tins ncok, Men's nnd boys' Chun Hoots, Kip Hoots, unit French Call Hoots, tdo best in market aim ui tno lowest prices nt i, ji. Knorr s. Snow Excluders for sale at McKlnncyV, New calicoes nnd other goods tills week nt j, u. jMarr s. C. W. Niiai, it lino., spare no expense to send out nice ejoai. tutr TO WAN DA POOTHI TOWANHA ilOOTS Tdo best and moot reliable for overv ono to buy. Try them. For sale nt Mclviu- uey's. New gum diapers nt C. C. Marr's New bhlrt Fronts and Muslins nt Lntz & Sloan's this week. Men's Pucklo Arctic.anclall kinds of Pub bers nt E. M. ICuorr's. For. Salk. A douso nnd lot on East street. Apply to S. 11. Miller. Jan, 1-1 3w. G. A. Clark announces tliat nltboiicb bn does not keep "music" on lmnd, yet ho is tuiisuimiy uiuenng. cenu nun yourorucrs. nothcr lot of Ladies Drawers nnd Vests. ou cents cacn at i.utz a sioau s Alarire stock of Tobactfo. of thn fnllnu-ini brands. Peach nnd limine- rinlilnn fl,,,, Gondola, Priglit Golden Government. Passes cnoice, .uoiioc in pans. u,uuu cigars ot ... i. .... .' uiuereni varieties wnoicsaio nnd retail, (Jon fectionary wholesalo and retail at M. M Pusscll's. Gofjtl nlrrrn tn lift lmil nnlv nf fl W Neal & Ilro. 32tf rVntnnnlnl Riirimloaj ttofro flfl nntila n picco at M. M. Kuiscrs. $2.00 will buy a pair ot Hutton Shoes nt ii,. Al. Knorr s. A full lino oflncw Alpacas at Lutz & Sloan s tuis week colored and black. Don't bo worried and annoyed with not onlv n poor quality of Coal but dirty and plaly besides, but buv of C. .Nkal & Pno. who deal only in the best qualities. 32tf E. Pultcrlck & Co's. patterns, tdo best in use, at C. O. Marr's. WATER PHOOF Poots at Mclvinncy's. WATER PROOF Faumeus, Attention. Husscl takes Putter Cggs, hard and Produce in exchange for goods Furs, Plankcts and double Shawls, at .utz ft Sloan's. Rubber Pools at McICinncy's. RimniATisM, A'atraiia, Lumbago, Scia tica Rheumatic Gout and Nervous Diseases lositivcly cured by Dr. l'itkn JUicimiatie' llcmedt and Pills. O A. Kleim. Solo Acent. llloomsburg, Pa. Dec. 17, '70 ly. For Mince Meat, at PI cents a pound, and a fine lot of Cranberries go to PiibseH's. JIachino needles and oil at C. C. Marr's. Kinxr.Y Dimci'LTins. Sicer's Port Grape Wino is ono of the be! diuretics known, it gently acts on the kidneys, .stimu lating and infusing in tnem new vigor und urges them to throw from tdo system all tdo worn out particles wmeli it suilered lo re main would poison tdo blood nnd create disease, livery disease to a certain extent demands a diuretic, every part of tho system must bo in working order to maintain health, and the kidneys especially aro tho main avenues for thn escape of the poisons of the system. I'hysicians Have, alter strict trial atid-duo examination, found Speer's Port Grape Wino to answer tlio purpose admira bly, and recommend it in cases where a diu retic is needed, lluswine is raised in JNcw Jersey, and sold by druggists generally. Ian. 1 iui Jsio iw. Dr. JVhrs Kidm u t'ordinl removes de posits of (Irani, Oitntli, Acid,', rilcntuni, of Urine, ((rial J itriner ot tlio JHMucr nud k'idiicis. O. A. Ki.r.iM Solo Agent for Ploonisburg, Pa., Dec. 17,'7i-ly. . Fort Ri:nt. A large new Store Room, Hall, and Dwelling nnaitmcnts. New brick buildiut; on Main street near Market. Terms cheap. inquire of Ul-.O. V. SaTlSKMSli. i;ec. JO, '(,i-tt. Tm; Ma!Xti:na.nci; ot' IIi:Ainr. Tdo maintenance of health is often moio elilii- cult than its recovery. Vitiated conditions ol tlio atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, extremes of heat or cold, and constant ex posure to rough weather, aro al so many provocations nf disease. Thero is but ono sure way of ell'ectually guarding tho system when tints subjected to influences prejudi cial to health, und that is to establish. In judicious tonic and alterative medication, vigor ol tlio body and regularity oi its junc tions. Tho properties of an invigorant and corrective aro happily combined in Hostet ter's Stomach Hitters, which, nt tho same tlmo that it infuses unwonted vitality into tdo system, overcomes nil tendency of tho stomach, liver boivels and urinary organs to deviate from regularity in tho dischnrgo ol functions upon which tho wclfaro of tho en tire physical organization is dependant. Health cannot bo moro effectually main tained than by using the Hitters. jan7-lm COAL. COAL (lid Established Coal Yard.. J. l . ri ex uucj, n ooiesaiu ex. jceiuu Dealers in all sizes ol tdo best qualities of Pod nud Wliltn Ash Coal, nt thn verv lowest r .it -.,. c. ,, i M .1 l r. i : 1 market rates. 1 1 avo constantly on hand largo stock's ot Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmith's Anthracite, Hitumiiious, nnd Lhneburncr's Coal. Vjiptnl ntlmittm, ,.v-n In ihn nrenfir.-l. tioh of coal ixforo leaving our yards. Orain nttil l.iottltnp l.iL'oti In ,Y(1i!mio for rnnl. Coal ile ivcrcd to nnv part of tho town nt short notice. Orders lolt at I. SIcKelvy's store, or at our oldce, will reeeivo prompt nt trillion. Ollico and Yards at William Neal ecbotis ruriiace. Kast Iiloonisuurg. lour natronairo respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 tf 25 COAL' pONSUMlTION' CUKKl), An old pliysicinn, retired from nctlvo prac tice, limine lmil nluceil In his lmnds bv nn ICast India JlU'lonary thol'orimiliiofahinivdo Vegetable) ltemedy, lor tlio speedy nud perm anent (Jure, ol' Consumption, J!roncliltls,Ca tnrrb, Astbmn, nnd nil Throat nnd Lung Al I'eotious, nKo n t'tisltivo nnd ltndicnl Cure for Xorvoua Debility nnd nil Nervous Com plainta, after linving tborougbly tested Ita wonderful eurntivo powers in tlioufands of caiea, fecla it hla duty to ninko it known to Mifl'ering fullows. Actuated by this motive, and a ronscli'iitloiiH ilo.-irc to relievo human MiiTerlng, ho will tend (free of charm) to all who deslro It, this recipe with fulldircctlnns lor preparing and mcccusfuly using it. Bent by return mail by addressing with stamp, miming this paper. Dit. AV. O. Stiivkno, JIunroo lilock, Syiacuse, N, Y. Deo. 21,'Tfi-ly. Vhcu yon gei tn 1'hlkdclphln stop nt tho Allegheny Jiou-e, No. 812 and 81-1 Mnr ketbtrevt; hnving been recently renovated, l'rico otdy 4-2 per elay, A. lli:cic, March iy.'76-ly " Proprietor. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! OUST 28, 1S7Q, ws BiiAt.t, orrx ovr.n ONE II UN 13 11 EI) PIECES!!! Purchased with particular rctcrcnco to tho wants of tho Ladles' tor the baiilt srriTisro trade In neat, Usty nnd doslrablo iloslijns. Parlies buying FULL LENGTHS OF 4J, 9 YATtDS &Q., CAN HAVE SPECIAL RATES. CLARK & WOLF, BLOOMSBUHG, PA. to s- l)c two peel HENDEIISHOTT'S DRUG STORE Is receiving a choice selection of HOLIDAY GOODS, consisting; of DUUOOIST'S SUNDHIES, TOIMIT AHTIUI.E.1, i'i:nFti.Mi:itY; KXGLISII frOAl'sJ, l-llKNCHlKXTItACTH, 1'OItT MONNIKS, CIOAIt OASES, CfJillW, uni'snns, CIIINr.Si: AND JArAN-ISE tlANDKEnCUICFS, Key West and Havana Cigars, and lots ot Kino Ooods. IS IT YOU Who said that you would liko to get such Clothing as City People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold? This will tell you how to do it. The very large Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save Enough In buying a Suit at Oalc Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of sfghtfteeing besides. Wanamaker & Brown atand by this Statement, and so will you after one trial. Character ol the Goods wo sell! For Men & Boys. T "AO be sure can be relied misrepresent ie cL not retail. We bear no ill-will to any ono, and state this only because some dealers sell poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom ers we are responsible for articles bought of us. By our plan of Ticketing the right names of the materials on our goods, no one can bo misled as to qualities. How Wanamaker & Brown treat their CUSTOMERS. anywhere, and will be paid back also, that the monev x wishes, for any reason, to return the Exactly where the Store 1$. counicneu pooas. mere is dui one uatc uau in Philadelphia, it Ii a large building, the size of four ordinary stores, and Is on the South-east corner of blXTH SIXTH SIXTH SIXTH SIXTH-SIXTH and Market Streets. Those who cannot come to tho City. W K send made man to the Express Co. on receipt of goods, and the privilege of examining them is allowed before paying, Where gsods do not please, we will return the money and pay tho expressage back to Philadelphia. You should be sure to see eur name vn the building and ever the door Of you enter WANAMAKER & BROWN.. BOOKSELLER A Dealer in Ltiw Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supjilies not On Short Notice at tlio Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. 8, HI8- TOWN AND COUNTRY. Sehenck's I'ulmonlo sj rup, tor tlio euro of consump tion, coughs nud colds. Tuo great Mrluo of It ripens tho matter anil throws It out of Iho bjbUni, purines tho blood, and thus effects a cure. Sclionck's Sou Weed Tonic, fur tho curoot ely&pcpsla, Indigestion, Ac. Tho Tonic produces alieallliy action of Iho stom ach, creating an apjiclIU', fonnlng chyle, nud curing tho most olistlnulu cases of Indigestion. Schcnck's Jlaudntko rills, for tho cum of liver com plaint, Ac. Thcso pills aro nlleratUc, and rroducoa healtliy action ot Iho llcr without tho least lUngtr, as they aro f reo from calomel, and et moro enicaclous lu rcsiorlug a healthy action of tlio liver. Thcso remedies aro a certain euro for consumption as tho pulmonic syrup ripens the matter and purines tho blood, 'Iho manurako pills actuii tho liver, creal o a healthy Mle, and u inoo all diseases of tho liver, often a causo ot consumption. Hiosc.iwe'ed tonic bU es tono and Mrcngth to tho stomach.makes agocHi digestion, and enables tho orgaus to form good blood, and thus creates a hcalUiy tliculatloa of healtliy blood. Tlio combined action of thcso medl tlnos, as latin explained, will cuio every caso of con. sumption, It taken lu tlmo and tho uso of tho modi- clues persoecred In. Dr. Khenck Is professionally nt his principal ee, corner HUth and Arch sts, Philadelphia, every Mon. day, w hero nU letters for aiMoo must bu addressed, o TakoAjer's Pills for ull thnpurpasos of a purga. live, forcoiistlpuilon, Indigestion, headache, and liv er eoniphilut. Ily universal accord lliey atv tho best of nil purgatives tor family uso. o It Is no wonder that Invnllelsleuo fallh In speclllca when ho many wnrlhless iredltlnesaio advtrllsed fur the euro of MiUotis diseases, but which, when tiled nrei "found wuntlntr." VoIiaolo eiver, of tho llrst falluio (f Uigur's of Wild Cheiry memo eougns, colds, and pulmonary disease, Wceutsand tl u bolli? laivo Uillles much the che aper. -civ-"- "fasC .... . -l .,rlW.- a, TEA STORE Is now opening tho very choicest Imported and Domestio Grocoriea forrtho Holiday trade. ITALIAN l'i:ACIIE8, I'ltKNCII and SPANISH OLIVES, SAUDINEH, BAP BAliO CIIEKSK, FItENCH AND TrrnKEV PltONCS. All kinds ot Ualslns, Forelgn:and Domestio Fruits, Nuts and Contectloncry, nnd another lot ot nno Now Crop Japan Teas. of what we sell we manufacture our noods, some of them in our own building, i'hev are well cut. icwcd and finished. Thev upon, Storekeeper out of the city us when they say they sell our goods, mholesiilt. but confine ourselves tu Tllfc. price In plain figures and nothiHgoJF The same price to acquaintances and straneers. To city people and country people equal advantages. With each article sold, a Guarantee ts given, that the Price Is as low as It can be bought that the quality is as represented; in full. If purchaser within 10 days goods, unworn. THIS Is important indeed, because, unprincipled people having stores in Philadelphia, coun terfcit our signs, cards, advertisements, and stop strangers on the street, tvith false directions about where the store is, so that they may sell their patterns of material and prices by wncn requcstea. Persons can have - un coods sent bv Exriress. bv send ing thctr measure (we furnish easy directions that any ono can measure by,) and describing color wanted, and nrice Hettreii. P.-ivmrnt rnn Ik m.ida IMD STATIONER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS on hand can be furnished Most Reasonable Rates. Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. WUEIIK TO ADVEItTISE. A. T. Stewart sajs tho best advertising mediums ho bos ever found '-aro tho old established organs of tho two political parties, at tho beveral county beats throughout tlio Union." "These," ho says "reach ccry family ot tho least account In their several counties, and aro ruoro carefully read than any oilier class of Journals." It Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is ot value, thero Is no dimctilty In deciding which vapcr It Is for tho Interebt of businessmen toadvertlsolu Tho Coi.LsiBU Dkjiociiat, upon which this paper Is partially founded, was established inlSSO, and tho CoMisiutiN now enjoys a wider circulation and greater prosperity than It ever did. It goes week ly Into two thousand families In Columbia and ad joining counties, and by most of them Is read from th-llrst to tho last line. It Is tho only recognised exponent of ucarly mo thousand Democratic oters In tho county. U ghes ndu rtlscraents a tasty dls play, that makes them atlroctlto to Its patrons, thus onsurlng greater certainty that they wUl peruso them. WhUo Ita circulation U undoubtedly much Uie larjcst lu tho county, tho ndcrtlslug rates of tho Columbian aro uo higher thati thoso ot uther papers with barely halt and beveral not one-fourth tho num. ber of subscribers. Facts liko thess speak for them selves. Ho khrcwd business man win neglect to In- bcri 111s advertisements in thu Cou'muun tf. Is hereby given that tho following named persou? havo tiled with tho Cleik of Iho tjuarteT hesnlons of the Fuato Ihetr lKtltlons for license which wlllbu pivsi'iitedtotliocouit on Wesluebday tho nth, day Frederick M. Gllinoro, Bloomsburg. Michael Dougherty, Montour. Samuel lliigcubuch, Oruugc, John H. Munll, CentlV. Wm. II. Koous, Dloonisburc. M litem fharlen, "uiuu. L'harleh'riioniasllnkrr.n.'.ivr r luting House, l"uvern, Ealing House, htepnen WiHHirliig, " Nullum llivdlieiieler, Sr. ' ltoU'it Hesgie', Gree Andrew T. Ikelcr, Hem Tavern reenwood, eiiton. i W Ultum (ilger, Bloeiusburg, Jan 1, 1 SIC-to 11. 1'llAS'K ZkMI, Cleikij. H, BLANK NOVlCK.wilh orwilheuM cieiuplioi torBaioatUieceu.uniiioii:u TTTfn.'ttl.Hti . I y t ... . i iTinuieT nnu iicnerni ja'i lwiivcry, uourvoi Hu ler Sessions of tho Peace and tho Court of Commo trlct, compostil of tho counties of Columbia am Montour, nnd tlio lion. Iium Deim and Isaac 8 TbM- . In tl.A von. nf nil T..r.l r.nn nlnl.t holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and tlcnernl ifuartcr Sessloni of tho I'cace, Couit of Common Mens and Orphans' Court, tn llloomsburg, In tho county of ColumbU, on tho llrst Monday, being tho Tin day of February next, to contlnuo two weekg. Notico Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices ot tho l'eace, and tho Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that the bo then and therein their rroper person ntto o'clock In tho forenoon ot said tth day of February, with their records, Inqul. sltlons and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their ofllces nrpertnln to uo done And thoso that aro, bound by rccognlzauco to prosecute against tlio prisoners that nro or may bo In tbo Inll of tho said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there toprosccuto them as shall bo Just. Jurors aro re quested to txs punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notlcos. Dated at nioomsburg tlio 1th day ot January, In tho year of our Lord ono I- H. Mhousnnd eight hundred and scventy-Mx r and in thn ono liundrudth year of tho Indev jK'nncnco oi tuo umicu suiuih ui Aine'nui. Shcrlll'sOnico. MlClIAKIidltOVEIi. llloomsburg, Jan. T to Sheriff. Juries for Feb. Term, 1876. GKANU JUllOltS. Ilcrwlck Adam Michael. llci.ton-John Bwartwout, Itcubcn Gibbons. liloom-L. V.. Waller, Samuel II. Jacoby, Philip Unangst. Catawlssa Bamuol Long, Jr. Centre Ud. llnrtman. Conyngham James Kcely. rishlngcroek John A. McIIcnry, Daniel Force, Joseph iAmmerman, Christian Ash, Joslnu Coleman, Franklin v. (l. Fcnstermachcr. Locust Ccorgo Denver. Main Samuel Drum, Jr. Madison Ooorgo W, Supplcc, Mifflin A. Schwcppcnhelscr. Mt. I'leasant Henry Ale, Ocorgo Jacoby. Ornngo llcuten Sitter. Scott It. J. Millard, Sugorloat Cahln Kitchen. TUAVKItSR JUItOUS. FIRST WEEK. Denver O. W. Culp, Jesso Johnson. iicnton reter Kase, Drlarcrcck Lewis Deltrlck. Illoom II. C. llartman, W. II. Vcttor, We. rciv. cock, Frank p. Kline. Catawlssa Samuel Frederick, Jomoa C. Kcoder, r. O. Fcnstermachcr. Centre A. K. Simmon, Allen Shcllnammcr. Ccntralla C. O. Murphy. Flshlngcreck Win. Ikelcr, Ocorgo M. IIowclI, AL frcd I'reston. Franklin John Movrj-. Greenwood John S. MatliCr, Shadrach Eves. Vm. Lawton, Samuel l'rcas Locust Joseph UUllg; H. D. Snyder. Main-John K. lleltz, D. II. Fethcrolf Sladlson-Daltls Sterling Jliniln Aaron Andrews, Charles Mowrer. Mt, I'leasant Joseph J. Crawford Orange D. K. Sloan, James St. Ilarman. Scott O. M. Garrison sugarloaf David Kochcr, AbHah Fritz, T. D.Colc. SECOND WEEK. Beaver Vcter Schltchcr. Ilcrwlck c. O. Jackson, Ocorgo K. Moyor, Wm. M Stephens, Jacob Olosson, Lort Dredbendcr. Denton John Smith. Dloom-C. J. Thomas, J. D. Wilson, David Detz, C. Dlttcubcndcr, Stephen Knorr, Wm. O. GIrton. Catawlssa Samuel Dlcmer, Mathlas llartman. Centre Joserh Conner, Henry c. Danon, E. W.M. Low. Flahlngcreek Michael Belshllne, John Zancr, Ell l'ealer. Jackson Daniel Voung. Madlaon-Isaac Wogner, Wm. J. Allen, Solomon Barnliart, A. K. .smith. Mllllln A. J. licrnlnger, Wm. rarr. Montour Alfrod Arnwlne. Orange David Achcnbach, Hiram Kline. Doarlng Creek J. 11. KUnger, Isaac Chcrrlngton. Pcott-.I. M. Ammcrman. Sugarloaf J. 1). cole, James Shultz. 1ST OF CAUSES VOK TlilAL AT SlEllllUAsY TEKM.lbtC HKSTVSEK, 1!. Gorrcll S Co. vs. Joseph M. Frcck. " Uriah Chcmberlln s D W Johnson. Lcnnder Carmen's rulra'r vs William Appleman Andrew Crawford vs. 1). W. Johnson. William H. Craw forel vs. D. W. Johnson. Chrhtlan Wolf s. N. 4. W. I). II. It. Co. t"phen Wolf et ui. vs. n. & W. it. It. Co. George K. Tryon ct nl vs Jacob Drown et al corgo K. Tryon ctal. vs. Martin Lubold ct al. (ieoi go K. Trj on ot al. vs. William Clark ct oh George K. Tryon ct al. vs. Isaiah Hand et al. Ccorgo K. Tryon et ol. vs. Christian Schack ct al. E. 11. John's adm'r vs. Aaron drover. I). I. Morgan Co, vs. Samuel JohUbon. w. I Andrews vs. I). F. Sei bert. Lc 1 Klnley vs N. L. Campbell. T. ikelcr vs Jonas Doty. John Heacock vs. Jonas loty Samuel J. caso vs Jonas Doty. w uson Gibbons vs Jonas Doty. L. F. Dals vs Jonas Doty. Jesso llartman vs Jonas Doty. John J McIIcnry vs 1). L. .t V. it. it. Co. DunJ. W Interstcln vs. William llou'-hton. Elhw Jllller ct al. vs. I". ft It. Hall Ituad Co. John McCalln'a c.Vr vs Geurgo .1. Luco ct al. SECOND WEEK. Thomas McOraw vs. John Grow, Kesty & liodtno vs. S. J. Faux et al. Mnry McAlnrney'H use vs. S. 1'. Caso ct nl. I. s. Kuhn vs. J. K. Grotz. I. Vettcr vs. Jacob GItllnrs ndmv , W. Souder vs. W. Kchcchlerlv. N. Ilrandou vs. William T, Miumau. A, C'olu's uso V3. T. D. Cole, T. T. A. Colo's uso vs. T. II. Colo, T. T. A. llolo's uso vs. T. II. Cole, T. T. II. W. Jlclteynoldj vs. J. A. Loseo. s. illoom vs. Allen Mann et nl. W. Mtlnes' ex'rs vs Michael Grovcr, sheriff. It. Taj lor ct al. vs It. Oorrell. Jeremiah Tu) lor et al vs Ittibeft Gorrcll. Hubert Taylor ct nl. vs. ltobert Oorrell. Jacob s. Hinicrllter vs Wllllam"Menslnger. James Dyko vs. William Howell A. H. Shanctts et al. vs It. c. Howell. A. E. fcharretsct alvsD.ivld Stroun. Wagner, Starr t Co. vs. William Fetllt, Uenjamln Hicks vs. Goorge II. Freas. Daniel Kllno vs. Charles Leo et al. W. K, Iangcnberger'sailtn'rvs. Conrad limlrxniiir. Danlei:smlth:vs John II. Kemblo. Illco 4 Michael vs David Krvmo. Daluty i: Oram vs William K. Fisher ct nl. nraay ico. vs WlUlam K. Fisher et al. James Cortw light vs William K. Fisher ct al. William Mtlnes' e.v'r vs Mooro Crevellnir VIUlamsport llubber Co. vs D. Snyder & Co. Linn & Brother vs B. F. Dallman. Chrlstlon E. Conner, by his father, Ocorgo Conner, ,a tiuuit J.UU1UU, John Yeager's adm'r s M. O. Hughes. J. J. ltobbbas Co. vs Ocorgo M. Lockard et al. John WooeUdo & Co. vs Daniel M orris. w , sankey vs Joseph LUley. I Turner vs Elma Kester. First National Dank of Bloomsburg vs Mooro Crove- ung , W. Inln's uso v s. Jesso A. Loser. Hlmon Haub nnd Georgo llaub vs Samuel Ilctrnor. uico & nagenoucn vs William Carson. Aaron Johnson yb Thomas Shuman, P1UYATE SALE OF VALUA11LK HOTEL ntOPfiRTV. , TllOUtlllorslcntjIrirrcrs nt tirlvntn unln thn llntm prajHrty known as tlio Half Way House. In centra Township Columbia county, containing TWO ACHES V,!,llfu.,f'r0 fftcd a cooel barn nnd outbuildings hinVl,, ?.0!1! ? ul." romt between lllooimi. Dec. 8!, tsIS.-tf Umo uldBOi La .,!,lro.r'ic'.iSU1,u.lUl, ,0'll! undersigned cn Uook ?,?wu.tirPw w. Juu ut ,h'8' "f" roiiuited to cull aueWotUu uy notu or othurwlbo befoul JunUHrylit. isio, s uiur that all unsollle-d accounts will bu Wo. od In Urn hantlii ct au oltleer for coUettUm. 1'.J.iWlilllltlt,M.D. ,.l,!llu, "Jt'lated viui mo Dr. Wm. MoKelvy. wo SS?iTR,l5f.,-li V? lunnlJtotll Piofelyonal cii lsin .Vfedleluu, fcuigeo, and UtieaUkH. J'ublla pairouugvUiuspectluliyvo'liltr.d. 'v""'0 uulu SWlMtlOt S MoltKLVY. Joimjj town, Nov. ts-dw, ttoTki.'jo m:asu. ""iTo lintel In OraiiBevllle, Columbia counir. rn.. nuuuu u eiiu utuvn neiHi si0iiu,now trt-eui led by J u Hi mij rte lo be let lor the ear beglnuUic April 1, U. Afliu H. ifNlillin kuuwii us thu JtuvblleuHl stand, now tTUlcdliy Alt'. I..... Jan T,TC tf, Hloomibun , 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers