.-81 SitMfeut 31LOOMSHUKQ, PA. rrtilny, Nov. 12, 187 5: Tlictinii'lal Vole It seems lr the returns tlmt the voto of (Jov. Ilnrtriitin. Is lew limn ttmt of liti two romictiturH. Although elected it Is by n iiluriility nml not by n majority. If tho votis cnst ngainitt him hml been given to one man, tli.it pennn wntiM him- been elertcil, Happy tlioiiRbt When yon want to brat it in. in, nil voto together. It swim also that tho liuijnrlty for .Jtulgo I'crMiitig outside of tho city of 1'lillnilclp.hln' is over C000. Tho Stato thcrcforo is dc mocr.itie, nnd it is in spito of want of lead ers i 'ito of n fair nnd ariuaro iilatfurin, in uplti- of a camlidale who had no confidence in hts own "sitcce, and had not tho manli ness to daro to unt himself at tho head of the movement for reform, which in proper hand, might havo swept tho State. What then might not ho done with so gallant a party if ils professed leaders could rise to the full hciBhtoftheocc.iiou,and throwing asido all self-seeking and personal preferment, ' marshal and lead it to victory,. Even in tho selection of a chairman, it is aid wo were fossilized by a disagreement between tho candidates. Weighted from thp start, it w.u n gallant struggle against discouragements j and what was, if possible, atlll worse, the certainty of outrageous frauds in Philadel phiafrauds of a kind, and by parties who for years havo made their perpetration a business ; and yet there is not a man nor u set of men in Philadelphia with penetration and jiluck enough to discover and punish tho perpetrators. Leading democrats of Philadelphia have been all their lives cog nizant of those wrongs, and yet they go on year by year unchecked, almost uiicon demned. To Philadelpiiians, Pennsylvania lTes between the Delaware and the Schuyl kill, and all beyond is a howling wilderness. If, with superhuman efforts tho democrats beyond tho Scliuylkill roll up a majority, tho Pilgrims nnd Repeaters wipe it out with a stroke of tho pen, and tho democrats of Philadelphia are dumb iu bewilderment. Quosquc tandem abatcrc, Philadelphia, patientia nostra t Thousands for election expenses millions fur tho Centennial glorifications over Car penter's Hall seventy-four millions of a city debt, and ten thousand, moro or less fraudulent votes. And next year it will be twenty, if twenty are needed ; and made by the same meii who for years have dono the same work. Tho mills of tbegods grindslowly, but they grind exceeding small ; nnd when the rush and roar of indignant voters demanding an honest election comes,God help the men who have prevented it, a3 well ns those who have stood by in stupid imbecility. Wanted, a Leader for the Democracy. Campaign Management. Our strictures on tho political manage ment of tlio Democratic party in Pennsylva nia has been generally endorsed by tho press of Pennsylvania, but we nro asked "What use is there in opening tbe question now 1" We answer that it is important that our action in the future should be guided by the lessons of tho past. During the campaign jmt pvcr.we did not wisli to raise any ques tion that might divide or distract our forces, liut wo believe that if a physician is re quired to prescribe for a patient ho should first know his disease, Pateut medicines will not answer. If our diagnosis ot the case iscorrcct, our leaders have the dry-rot, aud tho sooner tho people know it tho better. The patient is not dead, but ho needs skil ful attendance. The quacks must be dis charged and tho patent medicines aban doned. Let us commence tho campaign of 1870 NOW. Organize every County aud election district at once. Send fossils and bummers to the rear, and let active, earnest men take tho lead. Wo should abandon tho idea of itinerant conventions wandering to inaccessi ble points and have a Standing Committee of live, active workers, located at a central point, aud free from personal or local in llucnees. Complimentary nominations, complimentary votes for Chairman or other purposes must be stopped, because polities ii business, and must be conducted on business principles. Kemeulcs far "Hani Times." Wo havo always contended that the hard times was mainly traceaWo to a blundering financial policy, and tho extravagance ol puMic oflicials. Public expenditure nre yearly increaaipc in volume, salarier. are doubled and a horde of uselcsi officers re tained. If tlio hour demands economy in the household in buslneisji afi'airs it also demands it iu governmental nllairs, 15ut present distress may ba much alievia ted in two ways. J'irst, thoso who havo means should pay t'aelr debts. Even if they nro small in amount it would afford relief to laborers, mechanic, and tradesman, and enable them in turn to payoff their indebtedness. A lew dollars may appear trivial to a banker, or capitalist, but it is all important to tho Ia boring classes whose substance comes fiom the accumulation and prompt paymeut ol comparatively small sums. It puts so much niansy iu circulation, nnd whilst not dis tressing a roan of mean"gives. effectual relief to thoso whoso incomo is dependent upon the prompt payment ol small amounts. Second, It is true that gold nnd silver, or currency, nro recognized mediums of ex change, biit thero aro other ways of paying indebtedness, equally effectual and legal, without tho uso of "legal tenders." The farmer who owes us can pay in grain or Hour, because if wo purchase it in tiio market, we must pay cash. Ho liquidates his debt, and wo are not compelled to go to tlio dealer. The butcher can puy in meat, tlio mechanic ill kind and eo thero will bo ;i mutual ac commodation without any money beinjj iiaid. In a word, if those who havo money will pay it out they put it in circulation aud en iibioothcrstotuo.it. If those who have commodities to soil will pay their creditoi witii nucli of tlicm as can be uo,l, It wiper out u debt, uud is equivalent to cusli to the creditor. Let our peoploact on this advice, and ui' half of the prcscut distress will Lo obv'a'ec'., If economical rulers and wise legislation I adopted, tho other half would bo rewedie I 40 108 nti lf.O ir.n 38 170 6'J 1!) r, l n to 125 II II i HI 17 ;t7 tut f.8 58 &- :tii 113 12 R o Ch 117 80 ID I i!l! lt.T 115 M 110 lGO irs !;j 2." 1!) 10'.! 152 111 I'll 177 101 17!) SK) 1112 SO 0!) 112 100 Heaver Uonvlck Kenton llloomsburg Iv.... Do. W.. Driarcrcek C'ntinvissii (Viitralin Centre Convngham X.. l)o S.. l'ishiligcrcek...... Eniliklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Lnctt't M ndisou Mni Mlljlin .Montour Mount Pleasant. Orango Pino ,. Itoaringcreek Scott Sugarlonf 35 120 1013 io; majoiutihs 2114 2107 After tlio liattle. Tlie smoko lias cleared away, tho dead havo been buried, the wounded aro under proper treatment, and wo can tako a calm review of tho situation. For fifteen years tlio KepublicatH havo held tho field, and were strongly entrenched in power. Ono by ono their main outposts havo been capturcd,aud last year there was a rout along their whole line. A despcrato rally this year, aided by power and plunder, has en abled them to recapture a few points, but they have lost to terribly cVewhcro that a grand chargo next year will lead to their utter annihilation. The campaign of 1875 closes as fullows rturcmjciN. Usmociiatic. Illinois Iowa Kansas Maine .Massachusetts .Mlehhran Minnesota Nebraska Nevada New Jerspy New Hampshire.. North eorotlna...., Ohio ... Orciron i'onnsjlvnnla lthodo Island .... south Catollna..... Vermont Wisconsin Alabama Arkansas call!ornta Connecticut Delaware Florida (leoreia Indiana Hl. Kentucky tiOtilstana Marylnart Mississippi h Missouri . 15 New York si JlTe.xns ' Virginia. j West Virginia.. . 12 , 8 . 11 t Itcp. electoral votes. ...lioDcm.elcctoral vctes, .104 It will thus bo seen that tlio Democrats lead their opponents by a majority of 20. Hut the above table is instructive from an other point of view. Every Stato-iu the Democratic column is reasonably suro in 1870. Not so witli thoso in the Republican list. Maine was only retained by 5,000 after a despcrato tight. In Massachusetts which used to give 80,000 majority, and was con sidered not only tho birth-place of Repub licanism but its stronghold, tho opposition lost tho State in 1874, and this year aro in a minority on tlio popular vote. New Jersey although lost to us through local divisions this fall, is strongly Democratic, and in 1870 will wheel into column. Ohio and.Pennsy lva nin,aredebatable states, and would havo been won this year except for tho blunders of out leaders. In Wisconsin thero has been a second Democratic victory. Whether or not the majority of 600 or 1,000 by which the State is carried shall bo for Taylor or Lud- ington, or tho Democrats or Republicans elect a majority of the State oflicers, when tho character of the canvass is considered and tho opposition which Governor Taylor's course in tho railroad war has provoked is weighed, even should hobe defeated which we do not think probable the Republicans must now surrender tho State, This outlook, whilst discouraging to our opponents, should give renewed courage to our friends. We are not beaten but cheated; and are in first class trim for tho grand on slaught of 1870. Let us go to work and or ganize now. Result in the State, Every county in Pennsylvania line now officially reported the result of last Tues day's voting so far as relates to the contest between Ilartrauft and Pershing. Tho Prohibition ballot-s have of course been counted, but many of tho counties have not announced the number polled. It seems probable from those received, however, that Browne will have between ten and twelve thousand. Tho majorities forHartranft and Pershing aro llartranft. Pershing. 531 193 0,5G9 287 95 1.07G rflSl 1,407 1,055 1,451 813 lleghany Armstrong 5,401 481 383 415 2,201 70 2,010 Adams Bedford Reaver Berks lilair Bradford Bucks Butler Cameron Cambria Carbon Chester Crawford Dauphin Delawaro Erie Forest Franklin Indiana Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Mercer Montgomery Philadelphia Potter Snyder Somerset Susquehanna Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington Total Pershing cso l,870i 1,990' 1,955 Ccntro Clarion Clearfield Clinton 75 120 1,845 Columbia Cumberland Elk Fayette Fulton 2,113 700 551 825 297 1,152 69 327 572 2,170 1,400 1,153 140 ti.X-H 9591 1,251 010 35! 17,282 111 319 Clrecno Huntingdon Jefferson Juniata Lehigh Luzerno 1,300 55G! 2,034 007 Lvcominir Millim McKoui 30 1,909 Monroe Montour Northampton 13 321 2.B94 317 154 Northumberland 870 Perry Piko 19 022 50,283 38,002 SchuylHll 1,338 ftlltll vim Way no Westmoreland Wyoming York 337 Majority 11,021 8) 1,287 245 3,022 ToMl 38,002 State Senator. Tho following figures show tho majorities of Robert P. Allen over Wm. Lyon, in this senatorial district : Lycoming .3fi4 2,317 Columbia Montour Sullivan 621 395 Total 5.G00 Chalfttiit's majority was r!010 Mr. Allen, it will bo seen, reaches 2,690 above tho majority given for Mr. Chalfant i ho carries every county by Increased majorl tit, and in Lycoming lias nearly two thousand more than tho nvcrago Democratic majority, and doublo that given lor Per shing. . . . Seventeen persons were drowned at tho Jslo of Orleans, iu tlie St. Lawrence, during tlio btorm on Sunday last by the upsetting of a scow which was conveying them from a steamer t tho slioie. They wero mostly residents of the Island who here returning from market. During tho same storm Johu Campbell, chief officer of tho tteamer Can adian, and a laborer, named Ilurke, who was working on the Bams vessel, disappeared, and aro supposed to havo been wnsliod overboard. DHTnlCTg, THE COLUMBIAN AND aoLXJiyrBiA. aotJisra?-sr BtntcTrindurer As-octe. Judge, State Senate. 2 ? fc r I ti ft; 3 I Si 1(7 "J I 1'J5 J8 C '4 40 111 80 107 .10 77 10d 1W 3D 222 153 10U 155 111 33 l')3 39 91 HI 105 ! 239 135 131 127 5 1 20 22! 153 115 151 11(1 37 lO'J 131 IKS 37 151 17(1 1 n lo 1(11 108 171 119 llll 169 57 HIS (10 US ISO 159 '.13 2(11 58 24 it 51 151 158 !)3 251 10 40 ( 1 53 l(il l(il 03 257 51 48 41 158 125 150 42 10 21 49 It 15!) 1 10 100 12(1 158 40 145 110 215 I7ti 102 177 75 89 135 81 43 14 98 42 15 37 3!) 58 50 25 10S 11 110 16 !M 40 10 37 33 60 68 20 35 109 205 175 1011 178 79 88 127 SO 50 137 100 109 42 1(1 37 31 57 65 20 39 111 12 220 178 105 179 SO 93 132 219 III 103 179 79 92 120 85 00 135 100 SO 69 50 30 130 111 111 110 1C0 12 150 12 3730 1023 10S 37S1 1593 1023 1598 39 3801 1531 1631 53 283 2330 199S Our opponents acknowledge freely that we would havo carried Ohio but for the In flation platform that loaded us down, like pack horses upon n narrow mountainous pass. We swallowed the pill iu Peiinsyva nia against tho protest of tho people, uller battling for hard money for lifty years, aud we havo failed to digest tlio iinpallatablo morsel. It lies heavy upon tho stomach and parali.cs tlio nervous system. Uradford Aryus, Ye, and Bradford county forced in to swallow the pill. The Eric platform so far as relates to finances would never havo been reported by the Coinmltteo on Resolutions but for n change of voto by Ilcrrick, of Athens. Home News. Chief Justico Waiteisa prominent can didate for Presidcnt,and is urged by a strong organization on which Grant is said to look with favor, The losses on hulls and cargoes by the recent gales on tlio lakes will amount to about 5300,000. Tlio cattle trade in Colorado, at tlie pre sent time, is more active than it has been for many years. Mrs. Lincoln, who is now stopping in Springfield, Illinois, takes occasional short walks upon tlie street.,and sccnis to be some what improving from her lato depression of spirits. An ingenious contrivanco to evade tlie liquor law in Maino uu been discovered at Bangor. It consists of a barrel within a bar rel, furnished witli faucet, which, when turned ono way supplies sweet cider, and when turned in another, supplies lager beer. A man in NewIIaven,who was annoyed by tlio frequent calls of tramps, observed that they inspected tho gate post before en tering, and, upon examination found there a mark, whi:h lie rubbed out. Ho has not sinco been troubled. The parents of William Proudfit, a stu dent in tho Polytechnic Institute nt Troy,N, Y., who was killed recently, propose to per petuate his memory by erecting an observa tory, to bo called "The Proudfit Memorial Observatory," in connection with the in stitute. It will cost about 510,000. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster was admitted last week to uactice law in the Supreme Court of Iowa. IlerliMsbaud is also a lawyer at Clinton, Iowa, and botii tho husband and wifo aro partnors in the firm of Foster & Rice. Mrs. Foster is said to bo a logical, learned, and persuasive advocate. Mr. J. Edgar Thomson, lato President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ,who died in May, 1874, left a portion of his es tate, valued at over $1,000,000, for tho edu cation and maintenance of female orphans of railway employees whoso fathers wero killed whiio in tho discharge of their duties. Thero are claims against tiio estate which if allowed will prevent tlie carrying into cfi'ect the desiro of the testator, Tlie Titusville (Pa.) Herald says that a very largo amount of oil has been shipped from tho region during tho past two mouths, only a portion of which has been worked oil' and sold by tiio refiners. It also says that several wells are dry in McKean county and also in tho Lower River Districts, The respective counsel in the forty-seven tluusand dollar Treasury robbcry,Pcrry bur glary and Snyder rolcaso cases, at Washing ton, mado a test this weok of tho legality of tho Grand Jury. Thoquestion involved was whether ono of tlio jurors was under G5 years of age, as required by law. Last night, tlie petit jury in tho case, after a retirement of six or seven hours, rendered u verdict sus taining tho legality of tho Grand Jury. This confirms the indictments. Hanover College, near Plymouth, N.II., was greatly excited yesterday morning by tho arrest of ten or twelve students, on com plaint of J. B. Parker. They had attended an auction balo of books at his store, and ho alleges that they smashed his windows and luriiiture,and assaulted himself and his clerk. The accused gavo bail for their appearance at the March term of court in Haverhill. Parker, who wished to go to Plymouth on tho next train after tlio accused, bo as to bo present" nt tho hearing, was hustled in tlio ticket office nt tlio depot by a mob of tho students, uud locked up until the train had left. Two merchants at Nashua, N, II., wero recently running each other on stockings. Tho Hrst trader marked down tho f pecimens at his door, nnd, after his rival had passed and noted tlio change, resumed tho former prices, Tlie trick was repeated every morn ing for a week or more, until tlio second trader was selling stockings which cost at wholesale twenty-five cents for fivo cents, Tliis was the first trader's opportunity, lie engaged tlio services of several girls and boys,and,bcforo tho cecotid trader was aware of tlie fact, his whole stock of stocking had been transferred to tlio counter of Ids rival at fivo cents per palr.and wero being sold by him us "a bankrupt lot: at a great sacrlfico" and yet at a splendid profit, Pule of the I'utlllc. WAfeiiiNciTO.v, Noy. 8, A private dis patch received hero this evening announces tho total loss of tho steamship Pacific be tweet) Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, by foundering at tea on last Thursday, The dispatch says all on boitnl wcio at, ANOTHKIt BUKVIVOU ItlXCPKH. BkU I'ltANCibi'o, Nov, 10. A dispatch to tlio Merchants Exchange, from lort 1 own- tend, says tho United Stales revenue steam er Oliver Wolcott, at thrco o clock on Mon day morning last, picked up one of the crew of tho foundered steamer, Pacific, on a rait, thirty miles insldo nf tho Utralt of Fuca. He says Captain Howel) was drowned from tiio same raft, nnd that the Pacific was struck by a vessel uudcr full sail. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBDRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA official zretttirims. rrothonotary. Itcg. rte c. Trensu er. 5" 4 s ,."3 l 5j to' & t3 193 39 95 115 192 41 232 111 142 120 118 35 138 133 181 62 88 121 195 39 201 103 105 108 117 37 108 39 83 103 195 39 227 150 13d 133 11" 37 171 158 118 67 5 1 81 101 67 60 3 21 118 67 141 169 93 219 49 05 3 Cll 41 155 169 61 3 61 90 2(12 65 50 40 102 124 140 62 93 202 46 45 155 128 160 42 100 121 197 14 90 74 10 33 34 58 OS 20 35 115 12 111 14 9(i 41 15 3(1 31 67 111 14 97 41 17 30 37 60 01 20 219 179 100 179 00 217 177 102 179 72 93 120 85 10 93 13 17 85 20 69 31 129 121 157 13 69 30 140 111 159 13 3701 1700 61 1700 30281091 132 3815 1515 1515 2300 1G91 1931 Marriages. llRHHOII-l-'ltAtN. On the 31st utt., nttho rcsl deneo of Mr. .toicpli IlrcUei by tho Kcv. Wm. (1. tailzie, Mr .tohn U. Ilrelsch of Cut.iwlisa township to.MhslAdlat. I'raln.ot Klujtown, Schuylkill co. HCSKEL-KVKll. At tho brldj's residence on tho Ith ln-st., by thi) sam", ltcv. David M. llenkul of Mt. Pleasant, Cabarraa county, North Carolina to Mia Ritsto It. Kycr, daughter ot tho l.Uo ltov. Wm. .T. Ilycr, of (,'atan hsa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, REGISTER'S NOTICES. Notice I licrchyKlu'n to nit legatees, credi tors nml other persons liiterestoil In tho estates of tho respective ilecertt-'nts anU minors, that tho fop lonln ailniliilslratton anil kuiMI.ui accounts hate been lllcJ In tlm olllco of tlio I'.OKlstur ot Columbia county, ami will bo presented tor continuation -mil allowance In the orphm's Court to bo Held In liloomsburif, on Weilnt-a.iy, tho stlnlayof Decem ber, 187.1, at 2 o'clock, i. in. on said d ly: I The final account ot Allied I'ck, guardian of Kran. ces Kliiler, minor rhlld ot Nathan KUtlcr, lato tif Columbia county, deceased. a Tins second and llnal account of lleuben Miller, ex ecutor of John I.lndcn, lato of lirlarcrcck town Bhlp decease.l 3 'lhosccond and flnat accountof I faj cite Crcasv and Henry HhalTer, administrators of l'etcr 11. Wenuer, lato ot lirlarcrcck towns'jlp, deceased. 4 The first and llnal uccounl of .lolui A l-'iinston, ad ministrator of Wilson Allen, into of Madison town ship, deceased, n 'I ho account "f James Wardln, executor of Wil liam Wnrdln, lato of Centra UmnHilp, deceased. O 'Hie llrst unit final account of Isaiah (lower, ndinln lstr torcIAshel l-'owler, lato of Urlarci eck tow n shlp, deceased. T Tlio account of Samuel li. Johnson, administrator of Daild Johnson, late ot lleaver township, deceas ed. 8 Tho account of Henry V. Vandcrsllce, administra tor of John II, Vandcrsllce, lato ot the town of ltloomsburtf deceased. The. account tf '. w Miller, guardian of Isabella Mason.mlnor child ot Uobcrt M.ison.lato of lJloouis burtf, deceased. 10 Tho first and final account of Aaron W. Hess, iruardlanot Ummn Hess, minor child of Charles II, lless, lato of MUlll-i townstdp. deceased. II 'I ho ncco'int of William II. Roster, administrator ot sjivosior i eaicr, jaio oi nsuuigcrecK lownsnip, deceased. Itcclstcr's Ofllcc. 1 W. II. JACOI1V. iiioonisuurb', .Nov. s, isis.) Hefflstcr, WIDOW'S VPPRAISEM I2NTS. Tho following apprnlsomcnts ot real nnd icrsonnipropenysci. apart to wioow-koi uuccuciiis una been tiled In tho olllco of tho Hcirlster ot Col umbia oounty, under tho Itules ot Court, and will bo irescntea lor aosoiuio connrmaiion to too urniiuns lourtto bo held In llloomsburir.ln and for salilcoim- tv. on Wednesday, the Mb day of December is7. nt2 o'clock p. m ot said day unless exceptions to such continuation aro previously llled, of which all per sons Interested In bald estate will take notice: 1 Widow of lilchard F. Keller, lato ot Locust town shin, deceased. 2 Widow of l'hlllp Wllson.lato of Fishlngcreek town- sh l). deceased. 3 Widow of Abraham Adams, lato ot llrlarcreek townsh.p, deceased 4 widow ot John Hwlslicr, lato ot Madl3on township, ucceascu. licKistcr's onice, ) w. II. jacohy, llloonisburif, Nov 8, 1675. HegWer. Catawissa, Pa., invite the attention of cash buyers to their unusually large and at tractive stock ot which they offer at popular LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Handsome line of Dress Goods at 25 cents per yard, in all the new shades, Goods usually worth 31 cents. Still better gooita at 35, 37 h, 50 cents to $4. Sha.wls of every description, single or double, at very low prices. We call especial attention to our largo assortment of BEAVER CLOTHS for ladies coats and saccules. Sev en piccoi, just opened, at $2, 3, A, 5, 5,50, and $G per yard. Turkish Toweling, corduroy and white matalhtsso cloth for children's cloaks and saccules. Water-proof cloths, all colorB, from 87 i. cents upwards. A spe cial bargain at $1.10, worth $1.25 We havo tho largest assortment of ladies' and children's fancy ho sierv and men's underwear to be found in this county. Ladies' and children's Merino Vests 50, 75, 87 cents to $1.50 Gents' undershirts and drawers from 50 cents each to $2.25. 10 dozen ladlea' 2 button kid gloves, black and colors, at $1 per pair, warranted. Full line of ribbons, neckties, ruches, collars, cuffs, belts, combs, and tho largest assortment of fan cy goods to bo found in this sec tion. Bargains in Blankets, at $4, $5, $5.50, $0.50, to $8.50. . Prints at S, 9, and 10 conts. Cotton flannels at all prices. Host brands of bleached and brown muslins as low as can bo found elsewhere. l'leuso call and sao us and wo shall endeavor to convinco you that wo can sell you gootls as low as any establishment outsido of New York, Buying, and paying for our goat! in 10 days, enables us to offer very low prices, ami you will receive polite attention whether you purchaso or not. thi: roi'ULAU oiihap cash stoiu: W. V. JONGS &CO., CATAWISSA, PA, Nov. 9, 1875. Auditor. I1 S e lp3 J97 89 20 195 193 Commissioner. t, o ft -3 o V $ I S ,h5 S fc! 198 193 39 01 6 89 01 120 5 1 . 195 195 39 25 1 215 220 163 1 20 2 114 117 165 2 9 110 117 38 05 61 160 185 107 25 118 118 67 41 lfil) 102 60 2 159 169 3 93 93 22 204 203 51 00 49 49 40 3 109 3 168 100 127 7 47 165 151 42 8 111 109 14 2 35 219 219 97 8 2 179 1 40 2 3 1 105 105 10 1 1 175 177 39 9 14 70 70 37 0 19 1 93 if I 50 92 4 131 132 58 6 0 85 85 20 U 59 69 30 170 139 139 111 1G0 1C0 12 r5 s 39 00 39 20!) 203 100 102 07 16(1 11(5 112 161 09 118 121 147 133 169 150 93 93 21(5 252 33 16 122 71 122 101 109 101 30 170 67 63 3 01 60 142 03 16 211 201 100 103 160 70 105 100 179 178 72 00 70 93 80 6(5 GO 47 81 01 33 20 209 GO 100 12 503115 31121871 SGG KleeTcd. Si T)UHMC SAM OF I VAI.UAHLi: ltfiM, 13T.VTI2 Tho undersigned, Administrators of tho estate of John Mensch, into of 1'rankllii township Columbia county, deceased, 111 expose to publtc salo on WEDN'EsiDAY, DEOE-MISER Otli, 1S75 on tho premises In franklin township aforesaid n tract of land situate In Kninkllil to n-,hln, adjoining Limpet .iiieiiiei .Menken, ncnumin torn, aouaiiian I.ohrman and olhcri, containing 115 ACUEd ANU 20 PEUCIIK3 of mod uualltv of land In irood state of cultivation. uu which 11 eiecu-ii a largo una comm niious niticic 1)wi:llino house, outhouses, bank barn, sheds, Ac. .alo to common at in o'clock a. m. of said day, when conditions ot salo will bo matin known. MICIIAHI, MHNSCll, jkssi: Munich, franklin twp., Nov. stli lw. Administrators. " SIIERIFFSSALE. " rY vniTcr. op siixuitY whits issued 11 outof IhoCOiirtof Ciimmon Ple:M imd to mo directed will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court House, In Uluorasburg, on MONDAY, DEOEM1IEU 0, 1875, at ono o'clock, I". M., Alt that certain farm or niece of land nltuatn In lirlarcrcck low nshlp, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows: llCKlniilntf nt u stone corner on line or laiui ot .Mart, tnenco by tho same norm ugniy negroes oust eleven nnd eight-tenths perches to a stone, thenco south ono degree, east ten nnd two tenths porches ton suinc, llienco north i-lghtj degrees east twenty-eight uud two-tenth) nerches to a stone, theneo south enn deirren eavt ion and 4-10 peiches to a stone.thcnco by laud of J. VMxm norm setcniv-t-igiii, ami iv nan uegiees east one hundred and four nnd one-tenth perches lo a stone, tlienco by land of James Lainon north ono degrej wi twenty-tour nnd el-jht-tcnths perches to a posr, thence north seventy-six and one-fourth degrees cast twcntv-IHo and nlno tenths perches to n stone, thence by land of William Van l'clt north eight and onoruurth degrees west elghty-soM-n perches to a hickory tree, tlienco south eighty nnd three-fourth degrees west ono hundred and sevcnly-nlno unci soven-tonth perches to stone corner nt tlio east side ot the public road, thence by land of said John Hcav ncr south thirty-six degrees west thlrty-IHo nml eight-tenth perches to u stone, tlienco south one degree east twenty-c-Uht perches to a red oak.thonce south elcu-n degrees west forty-bit perches to the ui.u u ui ueuniiiiiii; : uuui.iiiiiiit inn. niiniireii nnn thirty-nine acres mid onu hundred lierchcs. strict iueii.-,ui l, iiiuiu ui ie, Willi Lull iippul icnaiices ; on which aro erecl.-dn two story dKclllng house, barn anil outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution, nnd to bo sold as tho piupcny oi uouii w. iuiwk, ALSO, All tho follow-inir real estato. to wit. Rihintnii in tlm township of Scott, county of Columbia, und statoof t unit.-, iiuii.i, uuuuuuil IUIU uecriocil US I01IOWS,lZt on tho north by land of John Vanllow, on tho east by lands of William Marrnnd l).ntd te.mi thn xmim itv main road and lands of David Wv, on tho west by lauds of Kceso I'alnnan, upon which Is erected a two story iramo nouso aim ouumiiuings, cuntalulug ono hundred anil twenty-llvo ncres, mum or less, seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the piupcity ui murics Lee. Afife'O. All that certain lot ot land situate. In tho town of j-sij, "vui. luwnsuip, uoiumuia county.bounded.tiy Market street on tlio west, lut nrsmmmi umipi,,,;, on the north, lot of Stephen Achenbach on the east, framo dwelling house and outbuildings, with thaap-nurlcnances-. 1 seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tlio Jim.-, i, ui v., i, irump. ALSO, AH that certain lioiisr anil int. nt Iiawllngs. situate In bloomsburg, on tho south-west :,Y. ui,u "o" oiiocus, uujoiuing Minon . Shlves on thu south-east, nnd tho Cuthmie einireii un tho south-west. Fronting on Third street seventy feet, more or less, whereon nre erected a larco brick ''welling house, meat house, stable und other out- MUUU1U. ALSO, Fourteen acres nf rrrnuml. mnro m- lnt-a cinmt. in Scott township, adjoining lauds ot I. s. Kiihn on the auuiii-ucsi, me. rciiuivania canal on ttto north, II ti. Creu-llng on tho east, ami tlio .Susquehanna rlu-i on tho soutu j on which is erected a slaughter Houmc, ALSO, Tho Undivided one-half Of tho Onera rrnnm llnnsr. and tho north half of tho eeli.ir ntwi tip, nnr..nt thn Opera building, situato in Illoomsburg, Columbia county. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold us tho yivpcitj ui mwuru uiiwunys, ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground situato In tlie to a n u, a,..,i,i7.i, auiiv,a imwi'-iiiip.o'oiumoia county, bounded on the north (4o feet) by land ot - homas i: iiaruur, on mo cast (lr, feet) by public road to p iper mi l. on tho south n s teen nir i, r u n m' aud on the west Cil feet) by fourth street; on wiilcii are. erected a ono and a half story dwelling house, astablBiuidoutbulIdinL'S. ' belied, Wi'ten Into execution, and to be sold as the l.iu,n.ll, ui l l 1.1V lllUIUpSOII. ALSO, All that certain pleco of land In Scott township, ColUmb a COlllLtV. hittllll"l On llmnnrtl, hu.mii!!, road, on tho east by land or lllcir.rd Karnswortli. on thu south by land ot Monro Crevellng, and on Ihu west by land ofilcorgo Tr.iiisue; containing about one-fourth ot an acre, moro or less, whereon aio cii iLtiiinnuniury irauiunouso und out buildings with tho annurtenancos. Seized, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho ALSO, All that COrtlln mPSSllArm nml fnem frtftMlnlni )no lmnrta'U and thirty four acres mom or less. MU ii ueortfo nunc, lunlel KUm and bounded in iurt ibo by M-iiiing crecX, beliif tho tamo prcmHoa con veyed by K. (1. HleketU and w Iftt to ivtvr ltoiUt, oa WtllCllH L'l'L'CtOd 11 fr.ltnrt ihinllln limwr o i'it.i- hirn niirl niitliiil1,ltntrj ALSO, Eitfht acre? of tlinbor Mini, bo tho samo moro or ifssln lho township urorumre, mljolntn hin.I.sof iitituitLvtiui, itjM-pu nisuuri, iiames j.vlm. d.vtman nnd oiluTs, buliiL' thositnu juvinlses con- trC'tllPr W til tlln li,ir.illMnin..tj ,.n,l .... " , , . v -ivumimi iiiiuiinill liui lUUiUIVU.i, belcU, taken Into execution aud to bo&old a-itho ALSO, All that certain real estato sltuatn In l-'lshlngcreek 'ownslilp, bounded ns follows : on tho north by The odoic l-itxier, on the west by Philip Aiiplcman, Jo seph milmer ontluieast, by Alfred I're!tou on tho south, containing ono hundred and twenty-seven icrt-s, moro or less, whereon uro erected a two-story House, u barn, und outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho gj.vjtii,, ui UU1.UU ruoer, rr, ALSO, All that Certain lotnf crrnitnil hltittnln tln.l.i. JJ'fi1! I'ernlclf. In, tho county of Columbia, ami state of I'ennsylvanl.i, boundetl on tlio math by the south by sixth' on tho wist by L' belonging to tho building association, known oh t Jiaushel property, Mtu.it In tlio borough ot iierwlck a'"fcsdi on which aro erected a dwelling house ALSO, Two other lots bouuded on tho north by Klglith ;; ! . ' v"iiuui. nireei, souip nyseu-iilil street, anil west by lot or liurtres (larrlsou: said lOtS being fOet bV lS'Jiy; teel In leninl. ' Seized, taken Into exi ciiilon, and to bo sold as tho I- i-iii u, jiurguici, rurhg aim Amos r.irks, ALSO, All Tllfl rnllnWtni. Prtl fltt.tAlnii.il ...,.. township ut neater, county ot coliiinbla, and unto of , uuiiiviuiui. uuuuueii unu uescnoett us rollows, t Izi on tho north nnd cast by lands of Jesso Jackson, on the south by lands of tno hell s of Tliomns bhu.it iiiuu, anil on thi; west by l.imte of Henry Hostler uud I nomas Lut, containing i Ighty acres, moro or less, whereon aru erected n two story frumo dwelling house, bank barn und wagon-house, oulbulldlugs, with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold ns tho piviwi; oi nuvouo, iiiiueriiier ami ttiuuni suillh. ALSO, All that cettnln real estato situato In Oreenwood township, Coluinbli county, bounded und described as follows i by laniH of Jolm C. Itlcli, north is. do. greos nest vi perdies: by lands of Jolin llotjljlus' heirs, north lj, degrees fast ua perches : by lands of Jesso Kestcr, south w degrees oustico iiercliesj of ae ivunn-r, Miuiu uegicts east co liircnesi thenco south SI decrees west is nerchui ta ulaeu of beginning! cuntalulug forty aires uiul flity-two iieiunea, niuru ur less, on wiucn nru erected u frumo dwelling liousoand outbuildings, seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho piupvuy ui puruim Kesicr, ALSO, Alt thai t-erlaln piece of ground situato In Utcust townshhi. Columbia coiiniv. bounded bv lauiH of (loorgu tluntzel on tho north, of John Kllno on tho south, of (ioorgu Heater on tho west, and ot nil tho east, containing ono hundred acres, moro or Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho I'lui'tTij ui juiwi uuoues una Joseph itnoucg. ,. ,, , iiiciiAisLiutoviat, hherln'aofflco, Blicrltr, illoomsburg, Nov. C, lbTS BLANK KOTES,willi or without exeiuiitloi for sale at thu Couimbun o.'i'co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TXKCl TOH'S O HM . Vi I. rURiu'.ii'iiN -ti.tuT. rr.rmsr.ti. I.'k'.liii" of w it i tuwi-li1p'liiiiiM I t-ouiily. ik-ccaH- ((, hi.' In ' ii itiMtit" 1 ny ill" ii";iitroi h.iih ran n- IV 10 -I. M. I . It HICK, 'I omnium, i- imut.iiiui, iu whom nil M Indclited nro nviuwited to 111.1U0 imunrnt, nrnl tlioo haMnif claim or demands iiiriiliKt tlie wiM ctKltil o will tiiako tlicm known to tl.u twMlixecutur without ilotuy. ,.i- Xov.6.-v. i:ecitlnr. 17XUlTTOU'S XOTtC'H. I1i v-sTATK in' kstiikii tuiiBKB, tircmsr.n. "uiHti'Mt ' innnuryoiiHniMt itmllM ir ilirli'r lito if MHdtsoiituHiiMilii,l'oliitnlilicouiity,docc'iWd, haviiliccn KMiitert ty tin) ItPifKti'riif suM comity to 1) A, WlNoii, u( M.idlson townslilp, (.'olimiW.i coun ty. I'a , Kvemitor, to whom nil pprsi ni Indi'ldud to stilt iwt'ltn nro loiiH"tfd to iriukn pijtiifnt nnd Uinvi hntnir I'ljtms or (Icininds nif.ilnst tho mild Mate lll niako lliein known to tlio nld .ociitor Ulhout delay. U. A. Wl ... Nov.fj-ct, I.xecntor. TN' Till'. MATTUll OK Till: UKAI, 1.1;'- I tato of nur'on W WnpU'S, lato of Ucutro lownslilp, I'olumbla county, deceased. little nn Jlrirs to nirept or refuse the Ileal ' tatcal the ra'tnt on or iltoie cattie 7i the mine nho'thl not tictold. Tin" t'Kiiitnoii-Aoiltn of I'onnivlv.uila to Susannah WiiiiKh. (wlibrt). Iinrtjii (I. Wutiles, Ann i:itnlx-tli Vupi.M, Sarali I.UUISU Wnpti'S, Mary . 1 wnpics. mi faiiiiah Wnplfsnnd lliiiina'i Wullnro Wnph;', heirs of Durton w. Waplcs, iiueea'cd. You nnd each of oii .110 luTolij I'onriinnded to i)- nnd (iipoar hi'foro tho drplian's Court of sal I count to on lu-ld nt lllniMntlitirj. nil I 10 1 rsL .M.NIIA OT 1) ;L'1.1 ll':i( next, A Ii. is;r, then and mere toaeccptorri'tuw (o tHKO HU' ll'Hl t'Millo in n.iui iiuiiuii .i)iiui, uu- ilecfnoil. nl tho nppralu'd valuo or show cuuse why tllC IWinL' MlOllIU 11UL OU ttUlU lly tho Court, 11, 1'ltAMK ZA1III, lilOJiniburifi ov. a, ls75. fieri COURT PliOC L AM AT ION. TtrilEltE.VS, tlio lion. Wit.MAM Et.wr.i.1. t President Jitdje of tho Com t ofojcr nnd Tnrmlner and (ieneral Ja 1 Delivery, Co-u t of Quar ter Sessions of Iho I'eacoand tho Court of Common 'leas und orphin.s' court In tho sotli Judicial Dis trict, composed of thu countl.'s of Columbia and Montour, und tlio llonf. Hum DEitu nml Isiao S. MoNiion, Asstjclato -liui 'es of Columbia county, havo Issued tlielr precept, lieai lug dato thelsthday of Seit., la tho jearot our Lonl one thousand eight hundred und seventy-rive, anil to mo directed for holding n Court of oyer and Terminer and (lener.il (juartor Sessions ot tho Peace, Court of Common Pli as nnd Orphans Court, in nioomsourg, in tne county ot Columbia, o- the llrst Monday, being Iho Ctii day of December next, to continue two weeks. Ndttc-s Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of the lVac, and tho Constables of the said county of Columbia, that they bo Uien and therein their proper person nt la o'clock In the forenoon ot said Cth day of Deceinlier, with Ihelr records, Inqul- It Ions and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their otllces appertain to bo done. Ami tlio.sO that aro bound by reeognlanco to prosecute, against the prisoners that nro or may bo In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to be then und thero to prosecute themns shall be Ju it. Jurors nro re quested tgbo punctual In their attendance, ngrecably to their notice,. Dated nt Illoomsburg tho 3th day ,1 of Xot ember, In tho s ear ot our Lord one .. s. thousand elL'lit hundred anil teventv-tlvo nml In tho nlnetv-nliilh tear of tho Inde pendence of tlie United states ot America. Sherlil'sonice, MICHAIX OltOVKIt. Illoomsburg, Nov. s in Sheriff. LIST OE CAUSES I'Oll TUIAL AT 1)E ci:.mui;utuiim, is;r.. riKST wnr.K, 11. Oorrell Co. vs. Joseph M. l-'reck. lAindcr Carmen's use vs. William Applcman. Andrew Crawford vs D. W. Johnson. William II. Crawfortl vs. D. V. Johnson. Christian Wolf vs N. & W. II. It. It. Co. Stephen Wolf et ur.. Vs. N A- W. It. It. Co. John Loggott ft A .Trick is. ISther ties ct, nl, (leorge K. Trj on et al. v s. Jacob Drown et al . (ieorgc K. Tryon etnl. vs. .Martin I.ubold et nl. George K. Tryon ct al. vs. William Clark ct al. George K. Trjon et ul. ts, Isaiah Hand et al. George K. Tryon tt al. vs. Christian schack et al. Wellington Hughes vs. 1'. Sponenberg. K. II. John's ndia'r ts. Aaron Grover. KUKcndlgtsD. Morris. F. S. smith vs School Directors of Denton Township. Wm. Harris vs. Derwlck Rolling -Mill Co. I). I. Morgan & Co, vs. Samuol Johnson. W. 1'" Andrews ts. I). F. Scybert. Ui Kcndlgts. J. I). Itlce. Levi Klnley vs N. S. Campbell. SfCONII WEEK. Jacob Schuyler, endorsee, vs, J. M. Barton ct al. A T, ikeler vs Jonas Doty. John Ileacock vs. Jonas Doty First National Hank of Illoomsburg vs George Cava nee, et al. Charles M. Mnrple's Eir'H. vs i:nos Jacoby. Samuel J. Case vs Jonas Doty, Wilson Gibbons vs Jonas Doty. Jl. G. Hughes vs Jcsso D. Itlce, M. (I. Hughes vs. Oscar P. Knt. L. F. Davis vs Jonas Doty, Jcsso Hartinan vs Jonas Doty. William Abbot vs. William Miller. Vaallno lloono vs II. a. Crevellng. Johu J. Mcllenry vs 1). I.. & W. II. It. Co. IlenJ, Wlntcrstelnvs, William Houghton, Stacy John vs, II G. Crevellng, Kilos Miller et nl. vs. P. ,t li. mil lioad Co. Jolm McCollum's ex'r v.i George J. Luce et al. Thomas Mcnrnw vs. John Orow, Tho Screw Mower Itcaper Co. vs J. S. Tiirnbach, 1). I'. Scybert vs. Philip Applcman. .Mary McAlamey's uso vs. S. P. Caso-et nl. It. Itobblns vs. Sharpless & Son, I. S. Kuhn vs. J. K. Grotz. J. It. Kvans vs. n. Olgcr. M. Charles vs. .1. 1). Itllm ct nl. F. Ktchert's uso vs. W. II. Itclubold ct al. 1. Vottcr ts. Jacob Gltllng's mlin'r. E, W. Soulier t s. W, Schechterly. J. Evans vs. I. II. Hagcnbuch. N. ilraudon ts. William T. Shuman, A. Colo's uso ts. T. I). Cole. A. Colo's uso vs. T. II. Cole. A. Cole's uso vs. T. II, Co'.o. H. W. Mcltcynolds ts. J. A, Losce. S. Illoom vs. Allen Monn et al. S. II. Wolf vs. Partin Kel Icr. W. Mllnes' cx'rs vs .Michael Grover, Sherltr. It. T.iylor.ct al. vs It. oorrell. Jeremiah Tjaj lor et al vs llobcrt oorrell, Itobcrt Taj lor et al. vs. Jiobcrt Gorrcll. Jacobs, llluterllter vs William Mcnslnger. C. IP Brockway ct nl. vs I). It. Appteinan. James Dyko vs. William Howell A. K. Sharretts ct al. vs It. c. Howell. A. K. Sharreti et al vs David stroup. William Howell vs James Djko. Wagner, Starr Co. vs. William I'cttlt. Benjamin llicks vs. Goorgo II. Freas. Daniel Kllno ts. Charles I.eu et al, W. K. Longcubcrgcrvs. conrinl Bredbender. David LcwW vs. John Dlltz, Catliarlno lies' uso vs. John StlntJ' Juries for Sept. Term, 187o OHANU JUUOKS. I)loom-M. Wjukoup, Daiilel iiowman, llenton-IIIram Ash, Michael Hartinan. Herttlck-A.S. Pnlilliw. Centre Ijifajetto Creasy, Samuel Crevellng, catnwlssa j, i shuman, Daniel Gearhat. Klsldug Creek-Isaac Labour, John Wcntier. Franklin-Montgomery Uoeder. Greenwood-KIIJah KIsner. Ileuilock-lIU OhI, Samuel Alo I)cust-Joscph Sanders. Minilu-Jusephtl.Hwank, Samuel Snyder, W.V Brown. l'lne William Karshner, Asher Fullmer. Kcott-J.lt. Fowler, F. P. Kellcy, Chirlc llrown, TItAVEItSE JUKOK& lIKSr WEEK, Bloom-A. McDowell, J. 1'. Wldcman, C. M. Browp, ii. r. uariman, James c. llrown, John Lcacoek. ocorgo Correll, 8. II. Miller neuiou r.ari uosion, JOuno.DUdlno, B, F.Kaincs, William Appieman licrwick-llenry Bower, Alfred liowcr. Urhu-crtek-licnry Doak, William L, Freas, David suancr Jr., rrcas rottirr, CaUttUaa-ll I', Fortner Centrnlla James Djke. i-ishliigcreek-Aaron Hess, Benjamin Golder.Jo. nas Doty, Joslah Hess, Jacob o, W lltou. Franklin John lioup. Grienwood-James 1 Preston, John I'attcruon, iicury jicu, Hemlock -Mathlas Whltcnlgh; Jackson-Ilenlainln Sat age, Augustus Bverhart Locust-Henry Heaver JlllUtu-ll. F. Workliclser -Montour William M. (iulck Madlson-Georgo Beaglu Mt. t'leasant-Mathliis Kindt Orango-Georgo M, smith, stlas Slmnian, Samuel Hugeubuch, -Mlsuaet C. Vuuco, I'luo-John U Cotuer Itoartngcrtek-llcnry Hoffman Scott-Jonah Townsc-ud, Jamos nice, Jiobcrt Unt, Henry Cretellug, il. c, Kelchner SECONU WEEK Bloom Joslaki KnUtuu, James Ilcnwood lionton-Charles Kecfcr, William llolmoi Beaver Mosos Bchllcher Briarereck Abraham Jackson, Joseph Lainon, It, II. HHIcnhou.se, Johu II Suit Cutawlasa chasKrelgh, I, II Seesholtz.ll.F.CIorK cvi.lro-lsaao crjiler Conyughtim-Ma'tln iJiughllii Frunklln-Mlchaet .Manhart, Audrcw Lohrman (Ircenwood-'l'heodoro Lemon, M, M, Appieman, lilchard J, llteB.DlcintT Datls, John Uggott, John (1 Gil ton Hemlock-John Miller, l'etcr s. Brugltr, Mathlas llooio Mt, i'leasant-Jucob Mellck Madison A, J, Curr Main-John Harmony, Bojd Vttter Orango Hainucl Henry, Moses Jivcrctt Kcott-J, J. Keller, Huston lioblson bugurlout-Il, Kile, A UMTOK'S XOT1CU. state nf Syh'nkr Cfrm'rr, Me of Van Win townthip, (teCftwl, The tndrrUned. AntIor lo to;"!"' II " mm i' S in it lo A. intnltmt..r? o x 1 "Scr i- iv. r il'wawl, wliutti'ii l to tho dnt 07 of dl nppo ntinent m His" " In rnM I m. n rtu div, thMMli day f;t Noveinlifr. If1".", "'fi run n tlio iiiiiira rr Dii in . mid a ti. m.. when nnd wnprc on ! i ii.vn.i.tii 1 1 m unmi' lirf-irn tint AiMimr, or ue iinlnil 1 ' pvi'-unl tlio snnv hrfurn tint And (or, ni Jelurred Irom cumin m L'JY- YKIIM!! Oct. 1S,W-4W Auditor. A' n.MIN'lSTltATOlt'S NOTK'i:. KSTATF. 0!' JOHN HWI-IIU.I, l.tm or ainnisu. TAn'Vaiini tellers of AdmtnMrnlh.il nntlie eslnto of Jolm Sw slier, late nr. miuhsou lunn-jnir, count.!, diseased, linvo been griiiitetl by the llrgls- townslilp. All persons li.nlng rl.i ins ngalnjt the estate of Ihodeeetletit nrereiUi'ted It) present the n for settlement, nml llinsn liitlebted lollin eMtile to inako pat-mem io inu uiuiuisibihu -' without tlflay. D. A.wA I M)X, OCl. S, t-lil ,,uiiiiiiisi,mu i D.MINMSTltATOll'S NOTICE. KSTATK OP e P IIEtlt.ISS llBCttlSltn. CTter.s of Ad iiilstratmn on tin' ist to nf v. 1. Iteilllne, into ot tlreenwooil towi.shlp,i oliimiiliti;., deceased, hatti been granted bv Iho lte?ister nf wild counlv, to J. s. lietlllmi nml Kilas WattH, ot ureen wood township. All persons tinting claims ngaltist tho est.it t.f tlio diwdeiit. are reipiested to in'osont them furKillleiuent, nml those Indebted la Iho e-slute to mnko lunmcnt to thu uiitterslgiiedatlinliilslralors wlthoutdeaj. .HHKI'll s ItKDI.IM-:, KI.IAS WA'ITS, Sept 22, 'ts-flt. Atlinlnlatrnlorst. JOTICE TO CUI5DITOP.H. iVIIIMilMS. iimler tin. nsMc-nmcht of J J. lloig- land, of Centralt.t, forth" bi-nclllof credltois, the b.iiri 1I1117I11111I h.m nnnlletl to thn Court of Common uso ot tho assignor nnd Ids family certain articles anil tilings 1101 exceeding 111 viiiuti iiiiuo appraise ment thereof three hundred dollars. Nnw, there fore, notice Is hereby glten that application will be made on iho llrst tia or December icriuoi coun next, to have released from the assigned estate for tlio-Use aforesaid, ti.e 111 Holes and things In salil np- nraln'inent spccltlcd. Vnv. r. jr. J.J. 110AGLA.ND olumbla County Mutual III tlio Court of Common I'leas of Columbia coun ty. levari Facias. Nus i.t ami 11", septctn. SatbrgFund s Loan Ass. vs. Steph'-n II. Wolf and Mai la, his w Ifu ncr term, 131.1. The nnililnr nnisilnted by tho court t" miko dlstrl- bnlttui nt the fluids Inenuit produced hi tlio Blic"-. ill's H.1I0 under thonboto writs, will ntli-nd to Hie duties ot his appointment on Saturday, the "Tth day of Nnvcmli r. lsl.1, nt 111 o'clock A. .M.;at ids onic In the town of Hloomsimrg. it lien nml w hero all nil ties Interested are required to make thelrclilinskiiowii or bo debarred from coining in upon said fund. iS.t.11l l.l, IS.M'lili, Nov, ft- -it. Auditor, PSYtilOM.VXC'Y or SOUL CIIAUMINO. How eillier see ma. fiisilnato and gain the tutu and iiITciiIj isof unt person they choose Instant ly. 'Mils simple acquirement all can possess, free, In mall, forisie, together wllh a marriage guttle, i:gys tlan, oracle, dreams, Lints to ladles, tveddlug-iiight shirt, Ae. A queer book. Add. ess, T. tVllllam ti Co, i-uos., i-niia. Wi "T ' n I? 1" Agents for tho best selling A I IW) Prize Pack-ago In tho world. It contains 1.1 sheets paper, 15 entelopes, gulden pen, penholder. penUl.riiatcnt tatd measure, nntl npleee of Jewelry. Simile iaekago with elegant prlztspost pald, m cents, circular freo. lilllliL. t u., tii-j jiro.uiw,iy ,s i. WANTED. Good, 1:1:11 natiithN ANii women to solicit orders In a niisr-ettss paying business, oitl establlslied and reliable house. Lxcluslto territorj. Liberal In ducements orrered and coiistiuil employment given. iieiercnecs nsio cuaiacier retpucj'u. roriuu par ticulars euclOMi .1 cent stump and address IIII.Dltlll ll, 1 DI NG K CO., Nov. 1S. lw Unton City, Kilo Co., I'a. WIFE NO. I0 BY ANN ELIZA. YOUNG, Jlrinham Younti's rebclinus wife Tho enly complete expose of nil tho seciiets of nititiiiAM s iiAinni ever written, norii ill Mormon tsin. ANN ei.ia now exposes to tho world, as no oth. er woman can, tho seciiets, mvsteiiii;s ami chimes or t no nornuio system ot polygamy, rrom tho very beginning. Nearly vuo Illustrations beautify ttio work. II Is tlio best selling book published. 10.11 11 moro men anil women can havo employment, and mnko from to $10 daily, all live Aijes rs nro tvi lt lug for Illustrated circulars tilth laiiue ieiius. Sent 11 uu. uu iiul tiei.iy, uui iiuuress DU.1TIN, Gii.ti.tN s CO., Hartford Ct U'r Aim guaranteed using our Wi:i.L AL'GUi: Ont'J and Dllll.i.s lut a luontli paid to good Agents. Auger book free. JUz Augur Co., St. Louis, -MLSSUUI I, A OENTS WANTED. MEDALS AND J-jL Diplomas awarded for DOLMAN'S NlltV i'nv roiti tij j!ts,t:s ts 0 Illttitratlons. Ad truss for new circulars. A. J. 1IOL.MAN X. Co., 03D, .lien auvci, 1 uuaiicipiiia. Til 15 $50,000 KONANZA- S5.00to$50 00orMu'': tunc, i-'ull p.irllctil in sont frc, Addrosn ilNOLi:- 1U t. UL. u, Oil uil birCL'fc iSCw vorK. SENT FREE! ! IO dollars t( 50Ulull:ii'M. nxplinatorv Circular linwtiu in n iM,-,.!i,i i Stock Privileges, has paid and .till pay Largo Prmlls. Interest six percent allowed on ded'jsl s subject to s glit draft. Bix-Kwu.TEii ft co. bankers and brokers, i, Ull OklUtl., ,su,v 1UIK, 1', U. IIO.V, UI I, COUfilH, COLlisl'uOAUSKXKSS. AttTO Alii HIIaOAX DISEASES USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS rutuponiv in lll.UK IIOXIIS. Tried iiiiil Miro Itciiictly. tio?';K:l!?.Llr"st''l'il'1 W'erally, and JOHNSTON nui,irt,ii,ii a, .u., i iiiiaucipnia, ni. Immtwt Success I .10,000 of the Genuii already sold. 1 ho tin lillu ' story of Iho noblo lite In Jho wild land of tho Nllo mjstery, ophlr's gold, tho i.ions- uur, ami millions ot siipersiltlom beings rapine uescilPllons, spleudltl illustrations Mll- nuin iiiuu ii, tt o w-iini, ageius qillcklV, prollts mil, Send for terms. HUUHAlil) Blios., pubs', Vis, San ouui ai,, j una., i $5.00 TU $J0,000 iiasncen lnvcsteiun stock prlvlligcs and paid 900 por cent, profit. "IlOW tO dl It " A bOOlC nil Willi Ktr,-r.t ennt tnn TltU-MlildUfiK .t co., bankyrd and Uroktus, a Waif A CiKNTS. 20 OIL CIIItOMOS mounted JV Mzuitxll, for Jl. Nnvoltlp-j and C'hromos of I i i'ii " auvum vurouiu coinpuny, rjill- m4tijiuii.i t a. A I IMl) Itl-JADINO, I'SYCIIOMA X t) Y I'ASCINATION, SOfl, ClltRtllMI llESMEUIStf. ami -Miurlago Guide, showing how either sex may fasct. nalo und gain tho lino and alfecttun ot any person they chooao Instantly, 4"U puges by mall M cents Hunt A- Co , ni south ith street, Pliliadelphia, p." SlO to ?n00 !a WnU ?"lcot ""e" loads to a for .7 ,V t"""' A page book entitled! "t en and Idioms ot Wall stieel," explaining eterj- li1 V 'I1 VV II1 Ii1 'In"N lliemisn ,t to. lnnkers ,'ij - i l liuw unu orokeia, New Voik. liruadituy AGZtna v j lEWTEMWIIAfL HISTORYoftheU.S. Tho groat interest In tho thrilling history ot our roumry makes this tho fastest belling hook u er pub- .i,-u, t. .uuiiuiis u,i-r i iiuo nisiorieiii engiiiv Ings. and ao i pages, with nfull account of tlitiini. proactnng grand eeiitoinil.il celebration, send for a u,., ij,,,it iu, i -a,,,i i-i ins io ugeuis, NATIONAL I't'BLlsHINll CO.,Phlla., Pa. '-AS. Aeenia wautt-d. (Jood clmnco Mr mnv-, tny money, to lurllca u-im ittvotn uhotn (iruat American Ten Company, 31 k 3a V'e&py h. N.Y SHORT ' UT TO WEALTH. i uaucos lur uu amic anu iemaio ii'.eni.sLSii.ii enn. tassers, l-'rco Intorinatlon, and freu samples Willi every order. P.o.boxnM-j iiimur, ,v hi., io, n orm St., N, y, Nov. 6-4 w. pUINTEK'H NOTICE. t'crsonslndibtcdtotho undersigned tor advertis ing or ot her printing mu,t settlo up Immediately,!.! liaymcnt or note, subscribers In nirears for thi Coi.uhuian aro also requested to belilo promnty. In cash or note. Thu undersigned, or somebody for dm, may at nil limes bo found dining business hours, at room No. 1, t'ui.i-iiiius building, occupied by H. II. Ortls, U'l , as a law omen. ' Oct. 1 . Tr,tt H. i. iiir.i'FUNli cil. VTOTICE 0E"IJIS.S0LUT10.. Iiiomercantllo business lieretnforoeirrleil on bv tho nrui of cii unberlln a Kltclien In Iho tillage of iJipy has this day been dls.,olted by uiutuulconicnt Thu business will hereafurbo earrlod on bv J. It Kitchen who H auiLorlseil tocolect all debts duo tho ilrm and pay nil Indebtedness of Iho same. C.K.l'IIASlllLliLl.V, Oct- JD.'IB IW J. II, huchi:n. EXEcuToirysXTr Tho uniL-ralgnod, executors ot the list will und testament of (leorgo Uingonborgcr, dee'd, will ox IVW,1,",8'1,"1,0." Ul Pieinlsos, Id Main luniiohlp, Columbia eintnt) on " TUEMUAY, .NOVE.MIIER lGth, 1870, nt ! o'clock I'. JL, tho follow log described property, to w It t All that certain tract of land, situate In the town Khlri of Main, CoIiiinl,U county, 1M luiiu.dwl and do. scilbed ns follows, to nit t .Nu thwardlv, by tho pub lic raid leading frumuaawlssa to Mlllllu . Illu; east, ttardly, by laiidjot Daniel Miller southwardly, by f.ill nu road leading from Kspyio Mulutllloi tvust wordly by lauds ot Guorge Balsch, coiilaliilngl S .ICl'CS Ol' t.'ooil 'J'luillCl' I. Mill. Tenn.'i made known on day of ralo. .lUtl.s MeM.LAllNKV VM.I.O.SlH.MtllSlt('Lli. Oct, 83 ts, Kt.-ulurs. TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! THK NEW Y0KK TRIUUNV", " I'tC Jutliiir) Ahtnirtn it '.. 71 . On receipt, ot 3 and lids advertise ncnt l'n i-i t Y TulnUNR will be sent, iiiisluge palil, until , . , br nisi, ism, or fur ili.su, six copies 1 for .",. 1 -. n s for U0, llilrtt-i.ne, Address Jan. 16,'iii-ty. Till: TIlllll'M:, Net- 1.,,. A I)MINITIIAT()U'H NOTICE, J V. tTR OK H MUIAHET IfllllV, Dl.l'IIA-KD. I"tlei'S ot Administration "ii the est ,ie ,.f Mir. giin-t c irry, late nf ceittrulla Immngii c. unt . ef ilolumlil.i, stnto tf t'eiiiisj ivant.i, tin eased, havi been imiiited to tinnlt-l F, curry, of contrall.t boroiltfli, 1M to whom nil ih-ihoiih Imlebted to Paul ostatoiuo ri'ipieslett In mnko ii.i.wmnt, nnd tli'-o hiving eliilms ur demands will inal.e kimttn t .0 same wlthuut delay. llANIBI, r. Ct Itln, OctSJ-ilw A hnb I ' r rxTiruTon's NurtcE. 1 1 ESTATE Ol' Kl'BAS MNVRV. lirt EASEIl. Lottcrs tt't.tlnrntirv nn tlm t .1 it,., if s.it.. r . ne.i, Lut' ot Hlooiinbiir',eiliiiiilil.iO!i!iut .dec-, i d. have b -i-n gr.inled by the l;eUti r M siltl cunt u, eler iirugier, i f iiiotiiiiMiiirg, i oltiinbiaeoiiiin.Pa.. Hxei-ilttir. to tthtiui nil nei-Hoim liulebu o ,ii-, i-i :,n, oil to muke pii.t itient, nnd tho-e hi ue; i-inpe , ur ite- maims ngiiiusi the s.dti I'stntn will make them l.nowii to the suit! Uxrcutir wliht tit t . l.n. rmiiii iim'tiMr', Oct. 22,-iiw. ; ri'ii1 or. S ilEltli SALl IY VlUTEEof u wiits nf Vetnlltiiini V.x pomisuiitt Fieri Vaelni Issued nut nfthe (outt in common Pleas of columblaeouiilv, nml In inn ill. reeled, will tie sold at public oittcrj on i e-in, ..I cs on TIIUltSDAY.NOVEMIlEIt 18, 1870. at ten o'clock, a. hi., the following rent estate to-wit ! All that certain piece of ground -Inut-lli ni ,t t towinhlp, Columbia eoiintv, boilinled nn the horHi by ljudsof A Hut dor, mi tiio went nnd tint bv Iho same, till the south by Hie I., t: II. Ii. It. i n.. enn't lin ing twoiicre.i ni'ireor less, tvhereoi are c. ect.'d it nailing nun aim uu machinery uud our uuilJln,.- and Seized, taken u evecut on anil tiilm ml. I an tlm property of D snj dcr ,c co .Mll. llAI.1. IlKllt l.U, Illoomsburg, (let. 1, 1S75. rheiirr. SIIERIISSALe. bv viiuti; ()f srsimv wntTs tw,n,i ,,, of the coin l of common I'leas of Columbia cmini , unu io me iiirecien win n uiposeti in s.ih nn I m (tarry Lots of Jesse D. Kiev, In .Scott to.vmiup nt 1 u clock, p. iu on TUESDAY, NOVE.MI1ER r,0, U7 all that certain iiulltldcd onc-hllf of n lot of l.mil situate In seott township, t'oltimbla count ,1'. liign Itineslono IJuany, boniiilcd nn the e t 'i quarry lot of Marple ,c 1'iirsel, nn the mil ih b ' i i'f Anron Hoone, on thn west by a'ltith -r quart i if Jesso D itlce, known ns the Green qun-r i t, iiith by luiils of Aur.m llooncnntl nihei- l.m i ,,r Ii'sse I). Ill,", on which nro ei-eeied two ii- , hu'ises, still house, stable, oniee, hat-scales t t-w iiuie Kiiiis, neing i no iiniiitiiieiione-iiairor t'i- , r. rv hit inlpeli lseil lie .1. II Itlen nf i'hii,.j t .... t.in. tlio nppui tenancesi Ai.su; Iho other undivided one-half of the mifv in. nboto described, li'lng too uu llvlded one li.tir if mid quarry lot purcluscdliy the said. 1. 1) Itlce rum rcier Binig, wun mo apiiurieuanccs. A LSI); One other niece of land In snld tmnwhh, iirnii, i by lands nf Isaac Whllo n thosoutli, cm tne e.i i i. lands of thn Hspy I.lmo and Cement Co , nnd e'lii ts on tho north by laiulsot Nathaniel II. caniiibi II . -nl on Iho west by land ot l'nrsel ,v Waplcs nnd iho quarry lots ubote described, containing abjui four acres. ALSO ; Ono wharf lot. fclliiatn on tho North iir.nneii n,,,i In said township nf Seott, bounded by lands of dipt Wunles. G. W. cretcllng. and nlher.s. eitii.iiiitt,. i.V. quarter nf an ucre, moro or less, being wharf lofnur ihaseilofdeon'o llldlay's executors by tho said .1, n. .mi, AL0, Two other wharf lots stlu.itonn iim vnni, iii-.t.t. enmil In said lwp.,ailJolrlng lands of cipt. Wtnii s dee'd, crevellng ,t Mottry and uUit-i, containing uuuiiL one uau acre. ALPO, Ml that tract of land situ tie in Mniiisnn immtt i,, Columbia county, I'a., boiinded and di scribed us rul lows: r.egiiiiilng.itii pool on the H nek Itun r ad leading triim .lerse.ttoitn in orangetl te, In line or land ot Perry christian, thence ny th-.ume noun forty-idno tlegroos e.ut fcirty-two and seven-tenth pernios io u post, incueo ny iiiosam.s east tltiv-one perclll's tun wlllte-ntk'. thenee ti.iitt, ten .1...,...... east by lands ot Samuel Meredith nlghty-st pen-hci to n post, tlienco bv samenorih thtitv-twii tie Tees east foi ty-ttvu perchui tu n p i,t, thenee by lands of in, .uu ,,1-iu. er sevenie-Jlic lleglues West pft, thiee. porches to iipnsl, ihem-e hy lauds nt Daniel wenuer soutii niuriceii degrees west soveiny.'.K IKjrclios ton post, tlienco by tho sanio soiitn sWU two doerces west eljiitv-iivn ,..r..ii..j tr... i.. tho ntoresald mad, tlienco by sat.l ro id south twenlv degrecs east titty perchea to the iilaeo or beglnnlm . containing llftj-fiiurneres undniie hundred "mil s- -v enteeii pen lies unit allow .nice, wlifivun ts cin-ted a iraiue uweiiiug house, large, bam nnd jiubulldlngs ALSO, Another trai t of land ntllnlninf tlm mh ni,n,-, scilbed tra.-t nt land, on the north, Meiedllli on t.io e.ust and other lands i f Welllier on the s mill, tn-.n I intls pu.chascd of W. Wcllltor, eontalnlii ' about II ncres. sclrod, taken Into execution, nntl lo be wld ns I he pruperty of Jcsso D. Idee. . , , , , MIC1IAIX Giiovni:, Sherllt's (Hiiro, Sheiirr Bloomsburg, Oct. tS.tsjn. 1 " SI1EIUFFS SALhX B.t tlltue uf writs nf I'leil r.icli'-.. Alias i'lell ruet as, t end. I. v., ,v Lev.u I Ku las, i.,stied out ot the curt nt Common Pleas and to ni" un eel til, w III be . miim-iI to public b.ilo on the premises on THUltsDAY, NOVEMllEIi lstl.,1 ':,, atono oclock P.M., tho following real e.-t.d.-, to Alt lint certain farm or tractor land situate in seoit toivnshlp, I'nlumbl.i cuiinl , on the uurtli. ni binkol tho north braiieh of the siis piehanua nt.-r befteen the towns of llloonisbiirg and 1. in 1 unit ed on the mirth by land of. I. Hart, y i-,-, vellu. u Hie cist by land of John siiuin.ui on tin- it, Vi bv land of II, G, crevellng and i:dw,ird l!.n lln -. i mi talnlng about lit acres, more or leh.i, w-m, in, . piiiteiiance.s, and wheiewi tne eioeied on, 1 ,rge i v storkd brick ditelllng luiuso w llli Mansai-d r.ior, u u lieatlng rango undwaiir uttiieiiminl-, nlin sianin anil wagon Iiuiidj and all oiitsl lo bulldliu, beion -lug to mid corresponding with said dwelling litniv'. Also nno two storied framo tenant house utidi.n- . bank barn w Ith sluds an-lotliei- oiitbiilltlln . lain! in good state of culllvattoii. 'Iho iiropni will h. sold In two pan-els, ur to Uui best udvanlago tu pur chasers und creditors. ' seized, taken Into execution and to bo told as tho property of Danl-1 snj der ALSO, On tho samo day at two o'clock P the toltju lng real estate will bo sold on tlio prciiils-s one lot In tlio to.vuot L'spy, bnundt-d on the t ,.nn by Main street, on tho weft by an ull't, mi tin. north by nn nll-y, and on the east bv liu, of tt iiliaui scheclitcrly.ltelugsjs; fuel frunt and lis , f.i-r ,-e,i. whereon Is erei tod n two suiry brlek ilwullln;-, Oai 1. and framo btable, with outbuildings. ' ALSO, One other lot In said town, bounded on tho south by nn alloy, on tlio west by uiiiul-.v, on thu nil 111 In second street, on tlio eat by Wni. (I. (iirlon belni Si); feet frniit bv U.nj foot di cp, whereon Is Ciei.t cd a l,- story butcher shop, oiiico mid outhul dlugs. ALSO, Ono other lot of land Iu s ild town, bounded on tho north li) Second Mreet, on the east liv Thos. W I'd. gar, on tho south by an alloy, und on the west ii. . A, (irecu. and other properly of II. u. cretellug. bo lngsL feet front h iw , f-.vt de -p, whercuu is elected a ttto story frame stable. ALSO, One other lot of land, bnuniieii nmim n,,,., i, .. Second btivet, on the west by Lightstrct-t ro.ul, oil the south bv property ot 1 ,..wiui-n, uini on inu east n uiln l G. Cretellug ti Int. nn MiiKimil ,ii "' - on i.,;iii, ii roan, t.iiereon is erei i -il a tw ii story framo dwelling uud outbuildings. seued, taken lido execution und to bo sold as the property of H. o. Crevellng. ALSO, On 'ho samo day at 3 o'clock 1. M., Iho follow-In-i-eiil esinte will bo sold at public halo on in, pivm- All that lot of i ed on thu south 1 t lot of ground in tho town or i:,pv, bonnd i south by Main street, on the n , -i ny dec i- iiiangsi.oiiiiioiiorihbj uuiiiiej ami un tho east by an uhei , being Co feet front inoiv ur 1, . , w here on mo elected u two blurt framo iIh. uiiik, liamo stablu anil oiilhidldlugs wtth the nppurien inces! sckciI, taken Into oxeuutlon, ami to bo bold as tho piopcrtj of Bll llaitinan. ALSO, Oil tho samo day at I o'clock p. M., the f .llotvlii" rcai I'Maie itlll bosoldut publlo salo on Inn i.teiu- oiiolotKltuiito In tho towliot l'spy, boundetl on tho nor n by Main etrect, t n tho east by an alley, on tho south by nu alley , and on iho west bt Neht-miah Itlcharas, being w leet Hunt and - - feel iieep.tt in ro' cm i.ro t roctotl a two story Iramo duelling fiiuse, a, framo btablo nnd uulbuliubigs. 1 ALSO, ono other lot fcltuato in lljpy, boundeil on iho suitth by .Main btroct,-on tho oust by a street, on tho noitli by an alley, and on tho west tiy laud of Builei l.tlgar, being loo feet front und imi feet deep, where on in o erected u tw o biory Iramo house, wagon hotiso eurpenter shop, tco-houso Ac. ALSO, One other lot bltuato In bald to n, and botindedon thonnrth by an nlluy, on thoiast by an, it, i noni us and on tho west by A. Ilucl.nian und Datld Wldl inlre, on tlio north by ul her laud of Ahrainsn der, coiitalnliig aeies wheivuiiaro erected a ft tnno barn, bhed and outbuildings. ALSO, Ono lot Of land Insiil.l township, bounded nn tho easltiy l.lghtstruet load, nn thu south by 1- 11, li. It. on tho west by laud of .Monro crevellng, andim tho north by other lands of Muoio Ci evellng, con taining lw acres, more cr Icui. ALSO., Ono lot of land bounded on ih'a west by I.lghtstrect road on tho south by I h d. u. k mi u. , um bv piiblle mad, and on tlio north by In mi of ihu helm or Juliu ItuuUun uiul Josso W, Mend, coiitalnlin, it ueius. seized, tukeii Into execution, und to bo sold in tho propel ty of Abraham siuiior, AlJsO, on 1'ItIDAY, NOVEJIIlElt 10, JS73. on tho proiiiNes, nt -j oclock l M., the follonlii-i rial ostate, to it : All that ei'itnlu inessn ign or tenement ini't ,tor liouku nnd lot or parrel of mad situate In lit I in reek to i nshlp, Col, Co., bounded uiiddcscilU-d us fnUows, tlzi lloL'liinliig ntii stone on the south ..ide of tl.,. L. K B. It. It. unit a corner nt IVd of 1 yilt.t Mponi-u berg, tlicuco by said rail road north Ni degrc- s tt i st s ami four-tonlh perolu-i, north bJ1; digre, s i t li pcrchus to a blono In Hue nf land or 1) inlcl Pursel llienco by same and lantl of Win. L. l-'in is boiith 7 . ilogreos 1'iistci uud eight teeth iieuhes tu u Hue stone, theneo by l.uid of thesuld Stephen Thoiaa-s south Lbs, ilogieoseubt Tand four teulll peri-u, -1 j it. lino stotic, noitli UM,. ilegi'i'i sunst ill nnd nine I u. I pi-ii-Uos to tho iiildilw of tho North Brunt h tiuiul. tlu'licii uloug thu siiiuo hoi lit 77 degrees ut.t timet b-10 in-rches noi lit h', degrees eul, is und c-iu per ches to a stouu.diy land ot I.. din spuiienberjtheueo bv IU" saine nui ill si t.. itegu a went 4 und V ni , r. chin in a bton(i,und norllit1 ilivtei s tve-t in uiul V I Iterciies tu u htoiio, llto r.l.u-n of beginning, t-uu. tulntr.1' s neiMS u.mUI Is-rehcs nt land, mat m, ,. ure, with tho iinpurieiiaiiees onwhlt li Is iivci, da, bilek ilwdlliiii lumse uud Itu'iic slor, bun .e St-Urd, l.iki'ii lull iixt cut inu, 'tud to l,e sold a- tlio prnpiilly of Jacob Kuc-lu-ruiid Simla his t.lr . UKIIAUI, i'l-tii.ll, sheriff's oniee, sueurr. Blooni'iuuig, Oct. tl, 1975
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers