THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSii UIIG , COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TUEOOLDMBIAM. ii i, o o .M s ii ii it ii. r it t ii a v, oi-r. i , is;.! liull Komi Tlmo Talilc. LACKAWANNA llt.OO.MSIIUtiO IIAIMIOAII NOKTII. BIJL'Tll. Accommodation 'f rnln Mali Tratii Ilxpri'ss Train ,0.15 A., M. T.MA..M. T.SD A. M t: i V. M , 1.40 l'.Jt. 11.MA.M Mil P.M. CltTAWISSA HAII. ltOAl). NOIITII. SOl'TII Accommodation Train Mi A. M. 7,00 1 M, Itotfular r.rprcss K.M 1. M. 11,35 A. M. riiroiit'h curs on Kxnresi (rain cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawl9sn nnd wiiuamspori. fnlnflkf n l. M" I M llf triltUl ik toi.tiMn H .iltl.r. wilt l. wrdtled wild th aa.o.l lb. ho.1 tt mj A Ilnfll. Tkt Arm will Klio All kit lit.frtl.lng cunlntU. fc'co Idling of llio litillilliig of Slato Normal School lulvcrtlscnient. Tlic f.tll term of tlio Orangevlllo Academy will open on llio Mtli Inst. In np'ito of llio bug", potatoes nro paid to bo plenty every where, mid in many localities the crop is said to ho llio largest ever produced. Italpli I!. Little, Kw., brother of II. II. Little, Km., of this place, lias been nominated for l'rei ident Judgo by tho Democrats of Sil.npicliaiin.i county. A corrcpondent of llio Sullivan Democrat turn "Iiporto is a email town but tbcro is n big country surrounding it!'1 Tho latter fact will tcirccly bo doubted. l'maniiel Connor, of Clreoiuvooil, wo regret to learn, wan killed on Saturday last, by being thrown from 11 wagon. We have not learned further particular!. The Nonesuch and Hough and 1 lenity ba?o ball club played n gamo at Calnwiwa on the 'Jolli. The former won by a scoro of lit) to 15. .Scorer, John Gilbert, Umpire, W. A. McKiill. A pirtial eclipse of the sun camo ofl accord ing to programme 011 Wednesday morning last. About 0110 half of the face of tho run was rbad owed by tho moon. .. ltcv. llucUingham denied to tho Prohibitory convention that he bad authorised the Hrpvblican to say that ho bad no Bv-nip.itliy with tho move ment. Well, there, is a "lib" out somewhere. The Christian Conference in Hosnionat present at ltohraburg is u hiiccc., at least in point of numhcrii. Tho Scranton delegation was coin pelltd to lay over at this place on account of in adequate accommodations. The Conference will lemaiii in session during the balance of tho week. There will Lea meeting of Democrats of the town of llloonisbtirg, on Saturday evening, tho fcecond of October, lit half past seven o'clock, at the Commissioners' office, for the purpose of or ganizing n Democratic campaign club. ly order of tho Vigilance Committee, W. J. HfcKAi.KW, Chairman. Judge Warren J. Woodward, of the Supreme Court of this State, spent several ilays in Iilooms burg during tho present week, visiting Hon. C. Jl. Iliiekalew. Judge W. was formerly a resi dent of Illoomsburg and President Judge of this judicial district. In point of ability be is one of the foremost men in the State, either as states man or expounder of tho law. Tlic llriar Creek and Centre Oranges of Pa trons of Husbandry will have a Iia-kct I'ic-nic at the camp ground, on land of Joseph P. Con. ner, in Centre township, on Tuesday, October Btli, 1875. Addresses will be delivered ill the forenoon and afternoon. V. 15. Piolelt and other speakers will bo 111 attendance. All Patrons, mid olbers mo cordially invited to paiticipite. J. Wu-i.i:v Howman, J. P. CoxNint, Commitltco of Arrangements. Centre townshii, Sep. 'J'.l, 1875. JOHN' THOMPSON. Vfiday evening, October 1st, this popular and accomplished comedian will appear at the Opera 1 i 1 u -( in this place, in tho medley show of "Zvkcn, the Showman." Mr. Thonip-on is al ready Known to many of our citizens, anil as lie comes with a drama of sterling merit, and a su perb company, he will undoubtedly have a full house. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN: The refusal of Mathias Hal (man to have his name go bcfoio the public as n candidate fur County Commissioner, on tho Prohibition ticket, I lie namo of J. A. Robert, of Montour town ship, has been substituted instead for that odice. I'ktiiu A., Chairman County Cammiitce. thi: nxciiANcii: hotel. Ono of the most popular intitiitio,is of our town is tho ICxchange Hotel, kept by "mine huvt," Major W. II. Koons. It is first -cla-vi and in its workings perfect in every detail. As a criteria!! tho laudations pronounced upon it by the traveling public, as well as the public in general, is sufiicient. Tho gentlemanly clerk, Mr. A. JJ. Miller, is always alert and active, with an eye single to the comfort of tho guests of this famed caravansery. SAD TKIIMINATION 01' A I'AMILY ITl'I). On last Sabbath Samuel Ilogart, of Itnhrs burg, was brought to Illoomsburg, by Constable Hugh 1'erman, and lodged in jail to await a hearing for tho killing of his father-in-law, Abrani Kline, n hotel keeper, also of the same place. Tho particulars of this unpleasant affair arc, as near an wo can learn, as follows! bora long time there lias ken bad blood exi-ting be tvveeii liogart ami Kline, and 11 September 7lh, after somo bitter woids, Ilogart ordered Kline out of his store. Ho went, but returned again, ht 11 liogait attacked him with a pitch-fork, in Hiding a wound near tho left eye, width, It is said, was partially healed at tho tinio of his iliulh, In this connection wo havo two stories. one that It was tho wound from the folk, and another that It win fiom Injuries sustained by Ihefall. On but Saturday evening, however, Klluo diid, after lingiiing nineteen days. l!o- gait will have a healing on Monday, October Ith. Wo foibear giving any of tho numerous rumors In regard to tho nfliiir as tho healing will 110 doubt dcvelopo the truth. NOHMAL KCIIOOL llt'II.llINO. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Normal l-'ehool, held at the eiflico of the Secretary, on Monday evening last, 011 a report from the President of the lloaid, that ho had received drafts for all tho insurance money 011 tho build ing, Mr. llaiklcy oll'crcd thu following! JlesuticJ, That tho thanks of llio .Hoard of Trustees of the Stale JSoiiiial School are Iieiehy tt'iideiiil Mr. l'leas llrowu, agent, and the olli ecrs of tho Aetna, lloyal, J.ancii-hire, Liverpool. Loudon, (llobe, Hambuig, Ilremen, Atlas and l'iro Assoeiutlon, of Philadelphia, Insurance Companies, in which policies wero Held upon it,., v, yi.,,i 1.,, 11,11 nir liiinieil ml llio 'lib thu (iriniti Kplinul lilll(illtl". jnst., for tho pieuuptness with which they havo iiuiio seiiiemeiiis 01 1110 iipecniu sum m iiiiuiice, amounting in tho aggregato lo fliO.OOO. Vdopul, lUmhal, That tho Hoard of Trusters aro iman llllitiulvlii ie'i.if tlio r. InilldiiiL' of tho lllooms. jlirer SiOiln VnMiinl S1I1011I. anil niuii ovo of tho cnttluti of tho same', with tho exlonslon of thu A ..... ' . . .1 I ... I. ...!.... ironi 10 jii-j led, aim leaving 1110 oaes wina upon tho old foumbitioii. and nuking thu bulbb Jug biiekjtmr stories high, Tho building ionimlllco was diiectid lo re ceiyo proposals for llio tnllro structure-, and abo for tin) sepaiato pints therefore, with a view lo Ibo allotment of llio contract at llio lowest rales, The hritk of tho burnt building have" bit 11 clear' d oll'uiid about 100,000 nro saved In good m- dllion, 'i'lic L'le.unds w ill at onto be cleared oil' and every ncccwiiry picparatlon bo inado for building. Jf Ibo weather conllnnes favuraldu It i ejcpetttd that Ibo new building will bo under ioof wllldn sixty days. Tho Tiiislecs. 1110 pw ending rupldly, but surely and safely, audabet' ler building than over will hoon bo up and in IMl'OllTANT oriNION ON L1CENCKS. OriNioi op ,H-noi! Ui.weix tiie bciuect op ma- (IIKIInNtHV I'OWlll IN 1IIK t'OlllTSONIUKSlIIUr.CT OK'HOTEI. LKKKJES. lleforo proceeding to bear and decldo upon tho several applications far hotel licenses now presented to Us for adjudication it Is proper that bolh applicants and citizens generally should bo Informed, as to the views held by tho court upon tho subject of tho extent lo which tho court may exereiso a discretion upon the subject of grant ing or refusing licenses. It is tho moro neces sary that our views bo announced because some Judges havo held that tho discretion committed lo litem Is wholly nrbltrary, while others bold that the act of 1875 takes from tho courts all discretion and requires lliem to grant all licenses ayplicd for wlehout regard to tho public neces sities. In order to ascertain both tho power and the duty of tho courts in tho matter of granting and refusing licenses It i nccessnfy to consider sev eral acts of Assembly relating to the subject, llritlly stated, the legislation upon this branch of tho cxclso laws Is 11s follows i The net of lllh March, 1R31, (paniph. p. 117) gavo tho several Courts of Quaner Sessions pow er lo grant licenses according to tho regulations therein contained. Ono of these restrictions was that "no court shall license any inn or tav ern which shall not bo necessary lo accommo date the public and entertain strangers and travellers." In 1850 a law was passed specially providing a mode of procedure to obtain a license. ISylt the courts wero required to fix a lime, by rule or standing order, at width applications for licenses shall be heard, at which time .ill persons applying or making objections lo applications might bo beard, by evidence, petition, remon strance or counsel. Tho act of 'JOth April, 1833, requires the Court to licar evidence other than that presented by tlm applicant, and lo grant or refuse the license in accordance with the evidence. In 1S.VJ another net was passed providing for a full hearing of the applicant, and of thosu who might remonstrate and declaring it lawful for the Court to refuse the license when in its opin ion the hotel or tavern in epiestion was not nec essary for the accommodation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travellers. l!y a proviso to this act tho exercise of discre tion as to the necessity of inns and taverns is confined lo that given by tho act of March, 1831. Again, on tho 2'il March, 1SG7, the Courts arc autliomcil to hear petitions anil remon strances and to refuse tho license whenever in the opinion of the Court it is not necessary for the accommodation of the public and the en tertainment of strangers and travellers. The act of 1872, known as the Local Option law, elid not repeal any previous law; it merely suspended the operation of the license law, for the liino being, in the counties which voted "no license." When that law was repealed by the fust section of the act of 12th April, 1875, the former laws were again called into active opera tion in the no licen-e counties, and were then the rule throughout the State, unless they were repealed by other portions of this act. In delivering the opinion of the Supremo Court in Sehlaudecker vs. Marshall 2a. P. V. Smith 203 Agnew J. after slating the several acts of Assembly on the subject of license says: "No subject has been productive of more difier- enco of opinion and practice than this in the Iifie.Te.11t judicial districts in the State. Some judges holding It to be obligatory on tho court to grant every license where the applicant has brought himself within the provisions of the law as to the terms of his application, and others boldingHiat they are not bound to grant any li-cen-iM whatsoever. Clearly neither opinion i. right; the di-erction which the courts exercise being ,i tound di-eretion upon the circumstance of each cae as it is presented to the Court, and not a general opinion upon the propriety or im propriety of granting licenses." He cites the several acts of assembly from 1S31 down to 1872 and from them deducts the conclusion that "it is the duty of the court to hear and determine each case on its evidence and facts ; to nsceilain the fitness of the appli cant and the necessity of the houso for the pub lic accommodation." To bo a rightful iudi;mcnt it must he exercised in the particular case and upon the facts ami circumstances before the court after they have been heard and duly con sidered. It is noticeable that tho now law, except in regard to the amount of the license feu mid (lie amount and condition of the bonds required of applicants, makes no mention of a single requi site necessary to the obtaining of a license. As to the citicn-hip of the applicant the filing and publication and contents of the petition tho ceititicato of character, and tho action to be taken by the Court upon petition, remonstran ces and evidence presented, and also In regard to transfers and revocations of licences, it is si lent. Unless, therefore, tho former laws upon these subjects remain in force, there is nothing to guide the practice of tho Court, or govern ils decisions upon license questions. It is a well settled rule, that a statute can bo repealed only by express provision of 11 subse quent law or by necessary implication ; and this can only be when there is such repugnancy be tween the new law and the old that they can not stand together. "Wherever," says Hlack, C. J., "two acts can be made to stand together it is tho duly of tho judge to give bolh of them full cf ftct ; even when they aro seemingly repugnant, they must, if pus-ibb1, have such a construction that ono may not repeal tho other, unless the latter ono contains negativo words, or the inten tion to repeal is manifest by some intelligible form of expression." ISrown vs. County Com missioners 0 Harris -13. There are no words of repeal in tho uct of 1875, except as to the Local Option law. The natural, if not necessary inference therefore is, that the Legislature intended It to bo auxiliary to, and in aid of tho purpose of the old law. In stead of evincing any intention to limit or di minish tho powers and discretion of the Couit tiased nnoii evidence, as conferred by former laws, it expressly re-enacts in the saino words so much of the act of 185(! as requires "the Courts to fix by rule or standing order a lime at which .indication for licensts shall be heard, at winch time nil persons applying or making objections to applications for license may lie heard by cvi- lence, petitions, remonstrance or counsel." I lie hearing thus required was not designed to bo a meio idlo ceremony. Its purpose is fully e'X' plained by tho acts of 1858 and 1807. It is madi thereby to extend, not only lo the fitness of the applicant, hut the Couit Is required to r.c the license If in its opinion the necessities of the public and tho cnteitalnnient of strangers or travellers do not require a public house to bo kept at Ibo point designated. If tho Legislature bad Intended that tho character of objection, to .1 license, should nol bo as broad and compre hensive as befuie allowed, it surely vonld In some way have, at least intimated such inten tcutloii by appropriate word. In tho absence of a clearly expressed or Implied Intention to ablegate Ibo laws which have for forty years authorised tho Courts to benr and pass upon nai'li implication nccordiiiir lo Its merits, I hold that no such intention existed. it does not, in my Judgment follow, that any restriction or limitation of llio powers or duties of tho Couit was Intended by the increase of tho license fee'. On Iho contrary It Is manifest that llio Legls. latino Intended, by continuing tho powers and duties of Iho Cumin in heretofore', by increasing the llcciifo fee and iho amount of bonds, and by adding beuvler penalties for violations of the law. mid 11U0 by imposing furllier civil llama lbs. " lo restrain nnd 1 egululo Iho salo of liquors." In Iho case till.', tho prtscnt Chief Justice holds Ibis language, "Whether any or all II ceusts should lie granted Is n legislative not a Inillclal iiuisllon. Courts bit to administer tho Tho law of tho land has: delcrnilncel that li censes shall exist, nnd has imposed upon Ibo Court tho duty of ascertaining tho proper in stances in which licenses hall bo granted, and therefore has gtven it to llio Court to elccido upon each case as it arises in due coursoof law. Tho act of deciding Is judicial and not arbitrary or wilful. Tho judgment must be based upon llio facts of each caso as presented, Wc bold thai these views nro applicable to Iho satno extent elnco tho net of 1 875 as before. Tor Iheso reasons wo will iicar nil that may bo offered for and ngalnst these licenses In order that wc may disposo of tho application accord ing to their respective merits. Public interest is now centering on the ap proaching Fair, and tho number of exhibitors will bo large. In tho way of horseflesh that enthusiastic horseman, Major W. II. Koons, will tint be behind, lie is a true horseman in the full acceptance of tho term, with a just ap preciation of llio points nnd value of iho nnhlo animal. Ills stables, which are attended to wltii great care', contain several trotting horses that havo attracted considerable attention nt neighboring Pairs thu present season. If Iho perpetuation of a good slock of the equine race was in the hands of such gentlemen as Major K. there would be little danger of the deterioration that is now in progress from over-running, and other causes. I'UOIIIIHTION COfNTY CONVENTION. UMxrasDi-iui, September i ls75. Pursuant to .1 call issued by J.M. llnrman, and others, a niiinticrof tho voters of Colum bia County convened lit tho Opera House for tho purpose of effecting a county organiza tion of tho Prohibition party. Tho convention was called to order by J, M. llnrman, member of tho Stnto Central Committee, nt 2 i m. Prayer was oUcrcel by ltcv. Stuart Mitchell. The convention was then organized by electing P. 11. H.ildy, President and L. 11. Kline, Secretary. On motion, n Committco of three consist ing of N. P. John, ,1. A. Roberts nnd Ci. W. Corrcll, was appointed to draft resolutions exprossivo of tho seuso of the convention. Tho Secretary read a communication from Hov. N. S. Iluckinghnm, correcting n state ment made in tlic last isilto of tho Jtcimbli can ns to his position in regard to this Con vention. , The Committee on resolutions presented the following report, which was unanimous ly adopted : WllimnAS, While we recognize all tho ac credited moral agencies for tho reformation of tho inebriate, and the general education of society on tho question of temperance, and make use of all tho means known to an enlightened philanthropy, wo at the same time rccognizo tho fact that the licensed traf-' fie in liquors sustains tho relation of an ef ficient cause to drunkenness and all its dire ful concomitants. That tho dram shop is the chief counteracting forco of all temper ance efforts, that it both creates the evil de mand and furnishes the vilo supply by invit ing and fostering the drinking usages of so ciety, that it is in fact tho stronghold of in temperance, and behind which tho enemy is invulnerable to all ordinary modes of attack, and WiiKitKAH, this stronghold can only bo readied by the forco of ballots, and all other political parties aro hopelessly unwilling to adopt an adequate policy on this question, therefore Hcaolccd, 1st. That wo heartily approvo and hereby endorse the platform and princi ples of tho Prohibition party adopted at Ilarrisburg, June fltli, 1S75, and that we ac cept as our standard bearers for this cam paign ItonnttT Auiii.iiy HnowNi: for Gov ernor, ami Hlijah Pi:nnyi'AC!;i:i'. for State Treasurer, and that wo will uso all honorable means to secure their election. 2d. That tho repeal of tho Local Option Law by thu Legislature of tho State of Penn sylvania was a wicked disregard of the will of a majority of the people in 11 counties of tho State, and of a respectable minority in the remaining 20 counties, and that both tho great political parlies of the State aro equally culpable becauso cither party could have prevented this violation of tho rights and consciences of the people. 3d. That we have lost all confidence in these great political parties so far as sympa thy witli the temperance cause is concerned. 1th. That wo deny tho insinuation and charges mado by our enemies, that in this movement wo aro designedly or ignorautly working in tho interest of either of those po litical parties. 5th. That prompted by convictions of du ty to our fellow men, our country and God, wo declare our purpose to vote the Temper- anco Prohibitum ticket, and will use our personal iullucnco in its behalf. 0th. That wo immediately proceed to or ganize this county by tho formation of a county committee, consisting of well tried temperance men. P. it. ll.ildy was elected chtiirm.111 of tho county committco with power to add to the cotnmitti'o ono voter from each ward and township in tho county. The convention then nominated tho fol lowing UUU.Vi l TlUMr. State Senator K. M. Towksbitry, C.ita- WlaaU, Associate Judge J. M. lfaruuin, Orange, Commissioner J. A. lloberts, Montour towiiihip. Treasurer G. W. Corrcll, Illoomsburg. Protbonolary Perry ISlack, ltohrsburg. Register and Recorder P. R. Il.tldy, Cat- awissa. Auditor M. M. Applematt, Greenwood. Tho Secretary was authorised to kindly re quest tho editors of tho county papers to publish tho proceedings of this convention. Adjourned, L. IS., See'y. Wo havo ever been an ndvocato of frugal ity and economy, but upon tho same princi ple that requires pcoplo to clotho themselves decently and keep their faces clean, wo In sist that every thing should bo done decent ly and in order, ami in a creditable way to tho people concerned, Wc nro led to this couro of remark by tho action of tho Co lumbia county Agricultural Society. In the direction of liorso racing, and somo other humbugs, its officers nro liberal nnd even prodigal. In reference lo premiums on the productions of tho county they tire parsimo nious and mean. 1 ho press is nlmeist utter ly ignored, nnd except for tho generosity of tho editors tho publiu would scarcely know that a fair was ever held. 13ven in tho print ing of hand bills they are so close fisted as to prices that printers cannot afford to give them a decent bill. That of this year is ut terly disgraceful to the county ns well us to tho society nnd olllcers wlioso names aro printed or daubed upon it. This much by way of indicating a reform that seems neces sary for tho credit of the county and every body in It. Tho writor of this bin now no pecuniary interest in tho subject and may therefore speak plainly, without tho sugges tion presenting itself that hois endeavoring to iirnmoto his own interest, A liltlo local of a few lines in 0110 of our columns is tho extent of creditable adveitis. ing tho officers of llio Society seem to think it is pioper to do. A political change In Pennsylvania propor llonato lo that in Maine will give Pershing nnd l'lnh it u iimiority of fifty thousand. All llio sign nro propitious. Mr. 0, 13, Myers, lale foreman nmt local editor of tho CoLUMMAN,hastnkcnchnrgoof tho Mountain Ikho, nt Shlckshlnny, nnd will hereafter bo its principal editor. Mr. Myers is a good printer nnd business man, nnd pos sesses promising ability ns a writer. If sup ported, as ho will no doubt deserve, lie will soon inako tho 1'cho a valuablo nnd crcdlta- blo locnl Institution, nnd with tho nddltton of somo experience wilt becomo n successful nnd popular writer. Tbcro is no moro crcd itablo sentiment tlinu that which disposes generous hearted people to nld and encour ngo young men of good habits and lattdablo hopes of working their wny to prominence nnd usefulness. Wo hope, thcroforc,thfittho pcoplo of Shlckshlnny will appreciate our young friend and fully exhibit tho virtue wo havo alluded to. Col. Grotz somo time ngo presented llio ed itor witli a sack of (lour manufactured by tho Metropolitan Middlings Purifying Company at llagcrstown, Maryland, from which wo had somo of tho best bread wo have eaten since bltto stem wheat went out of fashion. Tho process, wo aro informed, first cleans tho grain of every particle of dust or dirt in fact thoroughly scouring it and then it is shelled. It is certainly a very superior arti cle. Wyoming Seminary nnd Commercial College-, Kingston, Luerno county, P.i., has accommo dations for 175 boarders and 200 day scholars. Students received nt any time and charged for bnaid from thu lime of admission. Students pieparesl for college, leaching and business. Commercial course and telegraphy unsurpassed. Common Kuglish studies thoroughly taught. College preparatory couisc eeiual lo thai of any other school. Send for n catalogue and 11 Com mercial Journal lo Rev. I). Copeland, Ph. I). Commercial students address Prof. L. L. Siraguc. VIST. CULTUIti: AND WINK MAKING. Mr, Alfred Speer, of Passaic, K, J., so long aim lavoruoiy Known ns tiie wine man 01 rew Jer-e-y, expects n larger yield of crapes lids year than usual, and has reduced tho price of ins lour year otit port so as lo bring it witlun tho reach of thu poorer families who need a pure and rich wine for medicinal purposes. Mr. Spier's mode of fermenting nnd keening Ids wine differ from the usual methods. This is tho reason why it is so much superior in quality, but it requires four years management and changing of temperature in order to make such a perfect fine wine as it is; the knowledge of changing lo various temperatures at difi'erent times, anil at the right time, is where ho has the advantage of getting so rich a wine without the use of liquor. Large quantities of Speer's Port Grape Wine havo been ordered to South America, and by Kuropeans. Physicians rec ommend it as superior to nieist of the Kuropcan wines. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Daily Kxprcn. TOWAKDA ROOTS 1 TO WAXDA ROOTS! Ruy them, try them and you will always want them. Tor sale at McKinucy's who is solo agent for Hurl's fine Shoes. Ladies, when you nro in want of .Goods drop in and see how low Clark et Wolf aro ollcring their large block for cash. You can get Hill's Semper Idem or Fruit of the Loom bleached muslins, ono yard wide, at Lutz & Sloan's for 12 cents per yard or 12 cents tier yard by tho bolt. Ap pleton A brown muslin 11 cents per yard or 10 cents yard by the bolt. Good dress cali coes 8 cents per yard, best finality 10 cents. HATS I HATS! HATS! Latest Styles! Lowest Prices ! Largest Slock! At I). Lowenbcrg's. Lutz and Sleian havo received their new goods and arc opening them at extremely low prices for cash only. Now open, a full stock of foreign and do mestic Dress Goods, the best and largest ev er had by us, at prices extremely low for cash at Clark et Wolfs. Roots for fall trade at Knorr's just received try them. Wanted, a man to work on coate,also girls to work 011 pants and vests, for Win. Morris .t Co. A full stock of hosiery, botli woolen and cotton, very cheap at Clark et Wolf's. The Columbia county Fair will pehcld at Illoomsburg, October, 13, 11, and 15. Tho prospects for a grand exhibition are flutcritig. JCxcursion tickets will bo issued on all the ilifi'ercntrailroadsleadingtothis place. 2t C. C. Marr has the largest strek of 13. liutler ick e: Cu's. Dress Patterns in town. Ladies, you will find a full stock of shoes very cheap at Clark et Woll's. Ca-h and Produce buys cheap atC, C, Marr's. Xow Goods nt Chirk it Wolf's. The largest Stock ill the county to select from at 1). Lowcnberg's. Pewter Sand for salo at Ru.ssi:i.'ri. Wo havo tho biggest bargain in Ribbons that was ever offered to tho people of this county for cash, at Clark it Wolf's. Sash Ribbjiis 0 and 7 inches wide, at 25 cents per yard Good clean Coal to bo bad only of C. W. Xeal et Ilro. 32tf "Xew (ioods at Knurr's for fall trade. New Wolf's lino of liaby's Cloaks at Clark Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! of Cheese at Ru-selV. rule assortment Clark eV oil sell the liazar cut paper patterns, j ry mem. 1'or a stylish Ready Mado Suit go lo D. Lowenhtrgs. Go lo C. O. Marl's for nice Dress Gouds. l'utMi:us, Attention. Iti'sci:!. takes Rutter I'ggs, Lard anil Produce in e.chuuge for goods. For a Nobby Shiit go lo D. Lowcnberg's. Don't ho worries! and nnnvesl with not only a poor quality of Coal but dirtv and slaty besides, but buv of C. W.Nuai, & Ruo. who ileal only ill the best qualities, 32tf RiK-el is leeelviiiir fresh Watermelons, Can- lelopev, llanaiias, iVx',, daily. Worsted fringes nt Clark .t Wolf's Go to Rus.SHi.L'ri fur vour Clroceries. Ho sells for cash nnd will not bo undersold. Klegant Coats and Vests, Latest Style, In Ready Madcs, at 1), LoweiibergV, Flannels in great variety at Clark it Wolf Fine stock of Rubbers at McKinucy's, Under wear for Ladies und OenU at Clark & Wolf's. Farmers in want of first class articles of Threshers and Cleaners; nUo, one and two borso Tread Rowers, call on or address J, M, UiibhUcr, Light .Street, Columbia County, l'a. !lui You can get a reversible Ottainnii t-liavvl ut Lul. & Honu'ii tor 8ft cents, und nu em bossed felt kkirt, hulles nine, for 7ft cents, ('. W. Ni:.l. it lliio., spare iioexiieuso liisetid out iilco Coal, ll'.'lf Clruniilatcd Sugar for salo at Ruksei.'s. Felt skirts nt Clark et Wolf's. Meal for salo at 1 tinsel's. Call and tiy it. When you go to Philadelphia stop at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 und 81-1 Mar kct street j having been recently renovated. Price only $2 icr duy. A, Heck, March 10,70-ly Pioprletor. (ienulno Mason RusseTs, Fruit Jars for sale at .M, M. COAL. COAL Obi I'.stnUMieil Coal Yard. O. W. Ni:al h lllto., Wholcsalo fc Retail Dealers in nit sizes of the best qualities oi Red mid White Ash Conl, nt the cry lowest tnnrketrntcs. llnvoconstantly on hand largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Hlacksmith'fl Anthracite, Bituminous, and Llmcburner'n Conl. Kspecial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards, Grain nnd Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to nny jinrt of tho town nt short notice. Orders left nt I. W. McKclvy's store, or nt our olllcc, will rccclvo prompt at tention. Ofllco nnd Yards nt William Ncnl ft Sons' Furnace, Fast Illoomsburg. Your patronngo respectfully solicited, COAL. 7 tf 25 COAL Win. Morris it Co., nt their new store In tho Kxchango block, havo just received a grand stuck of Men's nnd Hoys' Clothing, Gents' Fur nishing Goexls, Hats nnd Cap", Clothes, Cass! incrcss iCc, nil of which nro offered to tho pub lic or will bo made up lo order at the most rea sonable tales. If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure ngun, If yon want an Fliptic Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want vour Wncon put in cood trim. If you want repairs .elono good with short notice, no to J. it. f At'?. Something new in Ladies ties nt Clark it Wolfs. Call am! see them. All Coal slali d and screened before leaving tho obi I'stabli-liesl coal yard of C. W. Nr.At. it lino. !!2tf Marriages. On tho 23illnst., at tho resilience of tho brldo's father. In llrlarcreek: township, -Mr, AltTIIUIt KTN KLE, to .Miss ALL1U LAM ON, daughter ot Wm. Lamou, Esq, Deaths. In lTslilntjcrecl; township, on tho 53tlot September, i!rs.SAKAH A. IIEAI.Elt, consort of l'ctcr Healer, agcil fs) .years, 11 months anil 4 il.iys. In Kingston, l'a., on Friday, September 10, IST.i, at tho resilience ot Jtr. Jesse Heard, CHAItl.ES A. l'T'IXMKIt, sonot lieorgo .1, and Sarah I'ullmeri of Flshlnircreck township, ot typhoid fcuT, agel 19 years, 1 month ami ft! d.i) s. Tho thanks of tho bereaved parents and relatives arc returned to Mr. and .Mrs. Jesse Heard, and other Kingston ladles, for thctr kindness to tho deceased white there.) O. sj. f MARKET REPORTS. RLOOMSIIURG MARKHT. Wheat per bushel ltyo ' Corn " t 1.31) .'J' I oats " .r.D Hour per barrel - ctovcrsccd Flaxseed Hut lor Eiors ".on ".1111 l.N) .3) .is J'S .41) .10 .115 .VI .IS 20.IK) .25 4.W) r.u tow Potatoes Dried Apples Hams sides .fc Shoulders bard per pound Hay per ton lleeswax Timothy Seed IJUOTATIONS FOH COAL. No. 4 on Wharf f 4,00 per Ton No. 5 " " 3.M " " .No. 0 " n,ei isiacksmltirs Lump on wharf $ 4,on " " lueuiiiinous o,uv " TOWN ANDCOUNTIlY. "Tlmo tries all things," and lias proeen that Wis- tar's llalsam of Wild Cherry Is the remedy par excel lence for tho cure ot coughs, elds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, phthls-lc, boro throat, in- llueiiza, and "last, not least," consumption, fiu cents and It a buttle, largo bottles much the cheaper. 0 IMPORTANT HESfLTS PLEASANTLY ACHIEVED. Although tho days of Irrational inculcation aro happily pausing away, and Intelligent physicians hao ceased to measure tho Mipposctlc'l cacy of a remedy by the Wolenco ot Its effects, thero btlll Hu ge rsainong tho older practlttonersafew of these pre illleellonsla favorof "heroic" treatment, which It w ould be lucky for their patients If they had aban doned, one of these Is a fondness for administering drastic purgatives, suili us blue pill, calomel, Jalap anil castor oil, A contrast of the effects of these drenching drugs with tho mild nnd benellelent oper ation of Hostler's stomaeli Hitters, Is tho very best argument that can bo adduced against tho wisdom of such destructive treatment. The old fashioned cathartics convulse tho stomach, and relax llio bow els so abruptly and copiously as to weaken them. Hosteller's Hitters, on tho contrary, never grlpo tho intestines, but produeo a laxatlio effect resembling the action of nature. At tho same time they lemove tho cause ot constipation, by arousing the dormant liver to secrete tho bile necessary to llio regular performance of theexcretlie function, and enable tho stomach to thoroughly digest the food. Indiges tion biliousness ha lug bei'ii thus o ercome, a regu lar habit of body Is tho necessary coiiseiiuenee, which tho occasional subsequent useot tho Hitlers renders ierinanent. Every dlsagieeablo symptom which, In the absence of perfect digestion mid evac uation, harrasses tho sjstem, vanishes under Hie liulueneo ot tho great national stomachic and altera tive. Health and vigor aiu twin blessings that fol low Its use. E. F. KUNKEL'S HITTEIl WINK OP IRON. C.Ives tono to the stomach, Improves tho appetite and assists digestion ; excites thu bowels to healthy action, expeUlns all the foul humors that contami nate the blood, corrupt tho secretions and offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action uud strengthens tho nerves, Imparting that glow to life t hat proceeds ulono from perfect health. T uous ands In all walks of life, testily to tho virtues of this excellent medicine in conectlng the derangement of the digestive organs, (let the genuine. Sold only In II bot ties. Ask for E. P. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. IHM'KI'.-IA. Dlsl'KI'sIl, DVSCKl'SH. E. P. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron, a smv cuie for this disease. 11 has been prescilbcU dallj for many years la tho practice of eminent plijsletans with un paralleled success. Symptoms uielossof appetite, wind undilslngof food, dryness In mouth, head ache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits, eiet tho genuine. Nol sold In bulk only l bottles. Do jouwnnt something to strength! n jju, ora goodnppetlle? Do jou want to getitdof neivous ness ? Do uu vv ant energy, sleep well, or bo cured of dvsnensl.i. kidney or liver disease? Try E. P. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. Every boltlo guaran teed to do us leeonimeneled. Sold only In l bottles. Depot and olllce, 'J Noith Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ticttho genuine, hold by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's, nud lake nu olher. T'Ai'B Woiiu Hemoved alive vv Ith head complete. In from tw o lo three hours. No fee llllreniuved, by K. F. Kuukel, SW North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Seal, pin and stomach worms also removed. Call and see s advice free', or send for circular. Ask jour druggist for Kunkel's W01 m Syrup. Price, f 1 per bottle. o SCIIEFCK'S PULMONIC SYHl'P, Poll THE Cl'lll OF lO.NSl'.MPTION, COl llHS AND COLDS. Tho great virtue of this medlelno Is all that It rip. ens tho matter and throw sit out ot the sj stein, pu rines the blood, and Ihus effects a cure. SciiF-xeh's Ski Wkfh Tosie'. ton tub Cniu of Dvs- 1'Cl'SIA, IMUIIKSIION, AC. Tho Tonic pioduces a healthy action of thostom ach, ci eating 1111 appetite, foi mliig chj le, uud curing thu must obstinate cases of Indigestion. scims'iKS Masuiiakk Piiiji, 1'on Tim cliik of Livtu C1WI.AINT, Ac. Theso puis nro ulterutlve, und produeo a healthy action of tho liver without tho least danger, us they uru fieu from calomel, and set mure effueiuus tu re storing u hetillhy action of the liver. Theso remedies aro a certain euro for consumption, as the pulmonic Sj rup ripens tho matter and purl lies I110 blood. The Muudrake Pills act uhju thu liver, create a healthy bile, and remavo all disease of tho liver, olteua cause' of consumption. 'Iho Sea Weed Tonic glv es tone and strength to the stomach make s a good digestion, and enables the organs to form good blood i and thus ere-ates a healthy clrcuu. tlou of healthy blood. Tho couiblued aellon ot these medicines, aie thus explained, will cure every caso of consuiiipttuu, r taken In time, and llio uso of llio liiedlelnu ueservcd In. THU MPLTIPI.ICATTON OF DISEASES. Diseases multiply, onu begi Is another, A tilt' ling Indisposition may, therefore, orlgliiatoiuuiiipll cation of dangerous maladies. Indigestion begets far 111010 formidable dlseosiui; a mullltudu of all meats me traccablu lo constipation ; fever and ague unhinged the entire xvstcm, and Is therefore the soureu of the protean ailments which affect portion of llio human oiganlsin. iiosictter sstom. nch Hitters, how ever, whether resorted tout tho In cepttou of those dlsordei s ot thu sloiuue h, bowels or liver, which give tilth to tho majoiltyof diseases and disabilities, or taken when they have ilpeued tutu foriuldabio maturity, ato alike poweifultu cure, The process of recovery Is, of course, lunger when thu malady has gained headway, but It Is 110110 the le'ss certain, Dyspepsia, const ipallou, biliousness, kidney complaints and Intermittent fuver, Invaria bly told to the oiw rut Ion ot the great alterative and Imlgorant, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE 1 It Is of tfieat linDortiiiiic to J oil what kind of manure joiiupilj I-jhii vvhcot Lands this fall. If you want a iroud crop of heat nejt season, nnd n heavy clop ot (iros lo fullon . use BAUQH'S Eaw Bono Super Phosphate 8TANDA1I!) WAItliANTEl). Put tip In soon. bags. Tho baso Of this old Established Article Is Itavv or Unburncd Hones, nnd Its strength cannot bo cx huusteil with tho crop of Wheal, but wlllprovocf. fecllvo on tho follow tug crop of (Jrass, and will also permanently Irnprovo tho soil, Farmers look to ourown Interest nnd rrovolf what wo say about BaugiVs Raw Bonn Phosnliato 1 Unto or false, and notify us ottho result. Mako application lor It early tojour nearest Dealer In Manures, and If jou cannot securo II through them, Bend j our orders direct to j our friends BAUOI-I & SONS, Aug. 10-2t, PHILMIELPIIIA it IIALTIMonn, TXl-X:UTORS KOTICF 1 'J FSTATK OF Hltl.ll' wfifoy. nrxEisF.n Tetters testamentary on tho estate of Philip Wil son, lato ot Mshtngcrcek township, Columbia county, iltcrased, have been granted by t Ira Hcirlstcrof said county, to. lulla A. v llson and .lacob e). Wilson, of 'Islilmrcroek tovvnshtn. Columbia countv. P.i. Kvec. utois, lo whom nil ktsoiis Indebted In paid estate nu ii-ipicurii hi niiiKL piiyiiieiiT, nnu inase Having i-i.iimi ur iit'iii:inus uninsi- me una esiaio win masc tliem known to iho said Executors v Ithoiit delay. .ll'I.I.V j, vv u,is,, JACUHl). WIIMIN. Aug. at, 'iMt. Eveciilore. 7Xi:CL'TOR'H NOTICR. KSTATBOF JOHN MICHAEL. PFCF.ASRn. U'tlprs tpstnlnr-liliirv mi 111,, istnt,t rif.lnlm Mtrliml lale of .Mlniln ton uship, Columbia countv , deceased, havubeen granted by iho ltcRlster of s.itd county tu lolin II, lie tier, of .Minim township, Columbia coun ty, l'a, Executor, to whom all pel sens Indebted to said estate nro ieiuesteil to make payment and those havlni; claims or demands ngnlnst the said estate will make them known to the said Executor without delay. JOHN II. UKTI.KK, Aug. lo-ct. Executor. ESTRELL Ali" GUANO A valuabb Bird Deposit, Imported Into the United states ion EAUGH & SONS, PHILADELPHIA AND HALTl.MOltE. This fluano possesses tho most reinnrkablo charac teristics as a cheap fertilizer for all drops. Tho analysis of four cargoes showsauaicragoof rs,H.T per cent, ot Hone Phosphate of Lime. The tests have been highly satisfactory, nnd when 5 on onco adopt the article, you will use 110 olher In preference. Packed In Hags of 2110 its each. Price, $38 Per Ton. J3AUGH & SONS, Solo Proprietors, 20 S. Delaware Ave., Pliiltt. 103 South Street, Baltimore. MaiiM: How Lost How Restoredl JUST published a new edition of Dr. CUL VEItWELL'S celebrated essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seinlnjl Weakness, Involuntary sem inal weakness, Impotency, .Mental and physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc,! also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits Induced by self-lndiilgenco orsextual extravagance Piles, sc. SSjl'i icc, in a rmkd envelope, only sit cents. Tho celebrated author, In this admlrubto essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty 5 cars' successfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous uso of Internal medlelno or tho application of tho knife; pointing out a modoof euro ntonco simple certain, anil effectual, by means ot which every suf. rerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cur himself cheaply pjlvately, and radically. irrriila Lecture rhoukl bo In tho hand3of every youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, In a platn envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt ot six cents, or two post stamps. Address tho Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLIXF & CO., 127 Howcry, New York, Post onico Box 4,5S0. April 10, ';s-y A tile, Pa. FOKTUXK IX IT. Fverv family huvs it- Sold by Agents. Address, li. S. WALK EH, TIIE HLOHD. Tun PmicviAN Sviut vtialles and enriches the blood, tones up the sjt lein, builds up tho broken; elown, eiire-s UsiH'psl.i' Debility, dropsy, i hllhnml revcrsjchronle tll.iri hro l nervous affcciluns, bolls humors diseases nt the kidneys and bladder, fe male complaints, ,tc. Thousands havo been changed by the use of the remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to .strong, heap hi, bappv men and women; nnd Invalid- cannot icasunablj hesitate to glv o It a trial. e At iion, lie suiu jou Ki t uiu -i riniu.i Svi'.ce" mot Peruvian llaik.V Sold by (lealeis gener ally. A t!:!-p.igo u.unphlct, containing a treatise on Iron nsani' 1lle.1l iigi'iitnnd other valuable papers, icsiimoni.tiH irum oisiiiiguisneii pin sieians, e icrny men and others, will bo sent tren tu any address. sktii W. Fmvi.K 4; soss, propi letors, set Harrison Avenue, Huston. DVKUTISIXCi: Cheap: Good: Systema- . All persons vv ho conoemplate making con llli liowspaoeTS lor the Insertion of adver fraUs will tisements, should send 25 cents to lleo. P. Howell x Co., 41 Purk How, New York, fur their PAMl'llLET HOOK (ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 20ih newspapers and estimates, showing the cost, Advertisements taken for leading pnpiislii many Slates ut a trinieiulous leuuctiou irumpuu uaners' 1 nils, e,n ins 1 to. .iiiu. ii ,u-ij . .li'jL Wink. MUIIT SCENES INITIIK lillll.E. and a m.ignlllclent NEW HiMiK Just from Press, Ad dress, .1. C. McCUKDY .V CO., Philadelphia, Pa, MIND SEABIKS.PSVOOKAWOY, FASCINATION, suul manning, Mi'smeiUm, ami Manl.ige tiulde, showing how THlici'scx may fascinate ami gain llio luve and alleclluu ur any person inev inoosu niM.ini ly. Price by mall, M) cents. Kciocuihcr, tills Is not a meie eiieuUir, but a book of 4eo pages. Address, 111 NT & CO., Hi1) souui mi et., rnu.iucipni.1, r.i. "M.FAKANT AND 1'HOFITAIILF KM PI.OY.M ENT.-"He.uiUfid I" "Charming I" "Oh, h.iw- luvi'lv!" -v lint .ire Ihev- worth!" e Such aro uxci.iuiatluus by lhiu.u who see the large elegant iti'U t mi tins iriK " nv i lu i.i nine m una .vice - lean chrome Publishing Co. Every one will want them. It icqulresiio talking lo wit tho pictures, iiu'v hin-nk fui tluin.sile-s. canvassers, airents. anil ladle's nnd gentlemen, out of einplojiueiit. will llinl mis llio in'si opening ever oueren 10 niase mniii'V. I 'in' full n.u Oculars send sumnfor coull- circular Address, F OIXAsoN & CO , Us Washington street, liosion, .vuiss. AN AtTUAI lll'SINlS INbTlTl'TION ANU TKLEOltAflllO INSTITUTE. For Information call ut omcc, or fiend forcoixtas Adfrktiskk, JuucJO-ly S? 3 W I I A 2 m iV; is ego IsTBW RECENTLY BLACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLINS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, RUCIIINGS, BACK COMBS, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS FROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. s w m i & & NEW IALiTj PHI NTS TO ARRIVJ3 THIS WEEK AT TIIE POPULAR CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES & CO., CilTAWISSA, PA. LAYTON HUNYON. HARDWARE STORE. AYTON RUN YON, & keeps constantly on hatiel it Full and Complete Stock of KCE. V"2" -A.3STID SHELF HARDWARE, vvliicli vrc will sell to tho Public at Prices so Low in to elcfy competition. OUlt STOCK CONSISTS IX TAUT OUj K RON, NAILS. PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades nnd Latest Improvement., BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, &c. PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebels, Axles. Spriii;g, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, and a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS- 3uilding Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Cblors, Pure Oils, etc., as low GIVE US A GALL AND SEE FOR YOU11SELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Mar 10, 1ST5 tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCESSORS TO J. V. W1DEMAN .& CO., (Gimlets, Gouges, Tvvcezcrs, Pliers, llWMS Pots ami Kettles, Pans anil Friers, i 3&AU things for all sorts of buycrx. Wo have also WHEELBARROWS, G-Ij-A-SS, PUTTY, a OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its Pranclies, Carefully Selected and Puroliascd low for Cash giving Advantages for Soiling which can not bo excelled by any other Hardware toi-Q in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AjYD To GUAltANTKK.botinnlPniCr. and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. .M,irci,ivT-y J. SCHUYLER' & SON,! Bloomshurg, Pa. FASHIONS Smith's "Instant Dress Elevator." Vfvmv ThU of nil. It U mio s 1 hi CI' 1 n in if Upper Part of Hi ..uinrUI 'nt any other niiUf vatorfiidla- You I ran lain Tour klri 1 wtul r"ln( rand- Sit fll,-r joufntep Itntlncd. IlkMih .ktrUmmih Filth. i nv mtca. iuu men 111 ,.4ii, nl... tt It LiOopflintiiLiriin suiu oi lio i-ifit, Kimc.orlUbbon. BhlonaWo Manner, n drwt u if fullness i t. fn-Hnir tb Utrnlahf frnrlt It 8&VeB mOt K -1 HilLi-iLLl mill! J! Jl lho Ten Times it Coat, it can t ,3TJ3: puttcm, v IIICII C(H)U3 Ul uoccd irum Udo Dreaj to unotner. Frlca, 45 etota tcU. JI ailed. OI ocrSKlft, Ot-i; j'nuurn, uu ( imh inmli t. u t ti. Nu. ol iimlcnklrt. 37.15: inttt ru, iaiM-ti mi rrti ii'i i' niv.-. Kill" ltfhoi tilVXV I'ltri; a- Vrti:UIIMl l-uv irr-m wliu Ht'inlH 91.10 itiUH, im ouo cui-,K bubsctli'llou to iUu A. BURDETTE SMITH'S f orlil of Fas FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature Sluzln Conies 25 Cent. Sotiwrlptlnn I'rlfc 81 i )-nr, im't-l'"! '. Inrludlntc n lirrmium of T o Dollar.' orili ot iuttcr.ii freo to well fruusenutr. W Kii.l mir f!EUTIFIO.Tr.- fr (111; "'""""J vpnn rm-lfl ff .uUMriill,ni, ITVV II iir lt S V.l.r.VATOKS will bo flviri IN I'l.AClr Oiu Xiolar. urlUot l'lU'nil.irueslrcoj. Tho JIOXTIILY AV011T1 tflTl 1 A titj rTVJ'.fl llin Vfl-V tlllGfct.l inn. i iM'iiuuiiii, uiti-nrthu uiiisiuiiiii lu'Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar In' loiiinl in IliU fininli'), mill I'M'ry ju-r- h.unii copy. cents, sun ulio Infill Willi Inking it, will sulihcrliitlon rrlci-, l.iu a year, iost pulil. M'.VKK ilisioulilllli) it Willie it is luti, onu elollar'a won licit rnlttrns ulveu to cucli lilll'il. buli.seiliii'r neo us premium. $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Give Away '. Wo will bIvo in ROM) ceilNto 0,1 We will slvo iWD tiOLI) COIN to iSJper-pei-sotit wlm u na in tlin lnrsikt nuiiilier ot sons vvlioimiil im lln lawbt immtitr eif MiU hiitisertliors toour "Woilelfct Vublilous, ' at mltern lo uur "Haaar,"ut Jl.lOtaili, betoro I'ae'li, tH'toio -Mnreli 8, 1-7I. iMuri h l.tbtit. vvsiuunvvsi 10 1110 i,euer-uie,i 1110 Uiiircht clut). . nil l.urp'it cluli Sil I.111 iri'st cluli Itli LaiKi'H clut) Mil Ijuni'ii cluli 'Ill l.aiKiht 1I11I) "Ill Lau'cH. t lilt) Mil l.llll-1'ht (-lull Dili,'i-H clul t Hi I arirnH cluli ,.0 M.WJ U 1IUIII 1 U1I1, . SIM.H) Illl.Olll l-Olll. . 1-u.oi) in coidtnln. . 130,1.1) 111 Hold colu. . llo.iHi lii liolil e-oln .. Ili'.ao In liolil coin.1 . lu liolil reilu. , IMO In liolil eolu.i .. rei.ixi In (iota ciilu.i , n.'i.iioiiiiiniiicolii.i . . .! 111 (iulll coin. lltli l.aiKi'H cluli.. 11111I ho 011 tei tin- 1V.II1 lurKit club, Mil' tri-t 11 iiri'iiiliiin fur cvciVMiliHi-illicr joiiki'ihI us. AND cvvry kubscrliicr ttetaii premium, 111)111 of tliiho liolil coin 1'rcwoiiiHulTi'in will Im touml ut lull K'liulli In llio (-I'lileniU r num. Ut, U'M'Ii'h llio uaiiioH .ami I'. "., iolilii'iM.Hot mi in mius tu wlioni wo havo uu paKI ft, lan. 00 lu iiol.l, nccorilliitf tiiour pii'Vloiihollcra. Voucuu willo lo ono or all nt tlicui, unU tliey will tell you Hull vto tlo ns.vro prouil.', Arnill) 1) li'sJMlway Isinwuil jour own nibhcrlnllon loelllicrof our Mafailiios,vv lieu 1 UU 11 Jjl'JOi jou will not ll.u itit iiuinUraiul yourccrtineati'HOf prcmliium, vvliicli Mm can klion, ami at oiieii Ik-kIii (.i-ttlm; subaci lU. ru, or bona t ceiils M ceii . for onu copy, hi ml Hump for r.mlilon 1 utnloKUc, . BU It V. O. Hoh 5065. THE K15NNESAW GAZK'ITB, A MONTHLY I'AI'Ell, 1't'Kl.ISIILU AT ATliANTA, UA. o- Dtvoted lo llallroad Int. irhti, literature, Wit and Humor, eentH Kr year. Clirotnu to every nub bcrltcr, AJJu'ta KKNUtsAW GAzuTrK, Atlanta, (la, GOODS RECEIVED. CHAIILES W. HUNYOK. CO., JlLOOMSBUKG.l'A. OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, as they can be bought in the county. , -rt Keep on Hand tho -A?ts- LARGEST STOCK HEAVY AND HARDWARE In the County. added to our!Stock EELS & SPOKES, - - R.T3STX5ST03STES, cScC. SEE FOR YOURSELF. and GOLD COIN Presents! Ooiinmow nstho admlrailou of lUneo etjles that w ur lo rrnntr c f'uuiLt t.l inaV.0 lllllll equal beauty. It Ucmoof tlio will tlrnl it pai-ncsses just Urn tocrctcliana t!ut tmilhil-l.lil. .Klli.n. i 1.11.. tlm tkll 'lit fir iHTll'Lt iU( Wltm rnrfitVir tiliilor ftubu : thcovciVlrtJnlraitJ to for"naUlarufllccacU which may imj ot .iu liiqtilrci ltyaulJof tt7 I IllltU PUHi .'. "-'I lu cloiU morttl, 25 nt. with cloiu monci, w ci. t L Asioiiovvst to tuo e.etter-up or llio Luix-it club... .fMHieo in Gold coin. .. Sio.niin colli coin. ., lrji.oo lu Gold colli. . IVK.oo In (told colli. .. M'.eti lu Gold colu, . ivou lu Golil coin. .. ro.ou in (iuld colu. . w.hi in Guiit coin. , ts.011 In liolil colu. ., xb.oo lu Gold colu. Sil Uirscfct. cluli.,...,. W Uirnibt club 4tll l.Ul'Blht club 6H1 1 arKcHclub...... rill Uutil ilul mi uiri;ee emu Mil ijirncH club lltli IjiriiiM club V Hi Uirife-He lub uml bn lliu 133il l.ilnct cluli. lllll UWkl ciuu.. h.-.ihi in Gold coin. DE'IT SMITH. 91-1 Itioadway, New York City. GEORGIA FLORIDA 1'arttcB vvantlotr In. tuiinutlon about Hiould subberll'O for UioMoummi Nk,publUlieda aiuuiitui, uu, jiunj.tiu; vvcehiy, 1. ieT uuuum AilviltUim dekliluu custome In tlieto Matva. Minuld uso Uu colums. It Is tlio U-sl paper lu tlm boulIuaH. bpcclmcu copies ent on receipt ct s cents, Address J. 11. DJ'iiLI, buvaunali, lia. B1.ANK JlOllTaAGlS forealeclieuiiatlli C'OLVUDUIiOniCV, Jaw of tho land, not lo ri'iKud It." !.U,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers