THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSE URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II LOOMS II II It (I, fit I II A T, Aid. (I, IW. Ilnll Komi Timo Tnhlo. LACKAWANNA IILOOMHIIUWI 11AII, IIOA1) NOIITII MOUTH. Accommodation Train,.. Mull Tr.Mii Itxpreas Train . 0.11 A.M. T.30 A. M 1.11) I'.M. 6.31 V. M. T.OO A. M. tun 1'. M ll.tu A. M CATAWISSA ItAII. HOAU. NORTH. Accommodation Train ti,is A.M. Itcifular Ktprcss 3,M 1'. M. fount t,30 I1. M. 11,33 A.M. 'I'lircitiK'li cars on Kxprens (rain cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between 1'alawt.ssa and Wllllamsport, DKMOCUATIO COUNlY CONVUNTWN. Tlio Iiemorrntlo Voters of tho several districts of Columbia County will meet nt their usual places of holding tlio general elections, on f aturday tho Uli day of August, 1bJ5, between Uio hours of throe ami noven o'clock In tho afternoon, and elect dclegaU'H liy hallot to represent Uio district In n County convention to bo held nt tho oporn IIouso In lilooms- burtf, on Tuesday, tho lOUi day of August, 1MB, nt una o'clock, p. m., to placo In nomination ono can- dldato for Senator, ono? candidate for l'rolhonotary, ono candldato for Heglster & ltscordor, two candi dates for County Commissioner, two candatcsfor County Auditor, nnd to transact such other ImslnosH ns tho Interests ot tho Domocrat lo party may roipdro. Attn, nt Uio Bamo tltno finil places and In (ho samo manner, tho Democratic clnctors of eiicli district will oloct ono person to servo aa member of tho County standing Committee liy order ot tho County Committee, WAItltliN J, nUUKAI.lW, Chairman. AlTOllTIONMKNT OP llKt.MATKS AlVOKllINU TO VOTE foil (lOVKIINOlt IN 1ST',!. llucknlew. Di'logiiteo. neavcr n llonton ll 3 Herwlclc M 1 llloomsburg K V'2'2 i V til M Ilrlarcreek lt.a 3 Catawlssa 120 1 ('oiiltii ir.n !i (Yntralta lis a Cuiiyngliiun N 11.1 ' Cuiijiigli.iin S ftt i l'lshliurircek si'.) , I I'r.inklli M -j elreonvvood K1 3 Ilcinloek 140 2 Jackson loi a ljcust M t Main HM Madison leal :i Minim lm 3 Montour 01 a Mt. Pleasant... (mingo l'lno HoarliigrriH'k... Hcotl Hugarloaf .a ...14(1,... !!!itiiil!!' 'j a a n ll.siS 01 Hy Itulo tho ratio IS IKod nt Co voters for delegate, but mi district to havo loss than two or more than rour delegates, nnd nllowunco Is to bo mado w Ithln those limits for tho largest fractions of n ratio. lIlooniHburg, l'n., July 10, 137.1. Mr. K. I.. Mvkhs, collector for tho CoujmiiIan, will wait iihjii thoso Indebted lo thlsonico for tlio pur poseof receiving tho nmounts duo. Wo trust that thoso Indebted is 111 bo prcpareil top.iy what they owe when ho calls, built not, they will again bo called upon. 11 will scarcely bo demanded ot us to offer iin apology for making collections, hut for tho satisfaction ot thoso desiring It wo will Just say that ns wo havo to pay cash for every llilng aa wo go our purso Is not long or deep enough to hold out unless It Is lepleiiUhcd with some degree of promptness. Scarce local news. Tho days nre Incoming perceptibly shorter. Dog days end Thursday the llitli in-tanl. August, the only month in 1&75, will have two new moons. An abundance of rain fell during Iheforo put of the present week. The present month will havo five Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. The brick woik on L. T. Sharpies,!' new building is progressing rapidly. Service pipe is being laid in thu Lutheran jluin li, preparatory In the use of gas. W. F. Ilalstead is lo supercede D. T. I'mind in tliesiiperintendeiicy of tlio Lackawanna and IJInonislmrg railroad. Thu Itjplist .Sunday School of Hlnom-burg held a basket pio nicin Neal's grove on hist l''rid.iy. Jt was largely nllcnilcd. Tho Columbia .County Agricultural Society will bold their "Oth annual fair nt l!loombiirg on tlio ll'.lh, Mlh nnd loth of October. The Democrats of Union county have n in- ruled Thomas Ktheiymclotei Dr. lliber,of lllooins Anug, for Associate Judge. A good selietion. A l.ugo number of people of Jlloomsburg nre packing up their paraphernalia preparatory to taking up their residences nt Mounlain drove to enjoy a couple of weeks of camp meeting. Tho Central Kxpress Company havo estab lished a temporary office at Mountain drove, to ho open during camp meeting only. A gieat convenience to those wishing to nttend. Mr. Surdam, of Diisliore, whoso injurv was policed last week, has recovered. He was prob ably nun o scared than hurt, and as local news nro rare in that ipiarter tho reporters write witli .magnifying glasses over their eyes. Itloomsburg's fair tailoresses and n largo Utunher of their friends held a basket pie uio in Kuorr's grove, below town, on last Saturday. The !iy was spent in the usual pie nic style, und in the evening u grand bop was indulged in. Jlloomsburg subscribers will please hopaiticu lar to report any omission initio properdilivery of theirpapers. Carricrsaresubjccttoforgdful lids some times as well ns other people and it is even pouiblu fur Ihem to bo careless. We can only apply tho necessary remedy when subscribers repoit tho non-receipt of their papers, Williamsport can claim the oldest Inhabitant of any city in northern Pennsylvania. Joseph Misbow, residing on (lilmer street, scored his 101st year on (he Slliof la-t March. Ueisquilo . aelive and enjoys good health. (Jaxttc it Hull- itin. The drove Meeting held in Neal's woods last Irialurday evening, Sunday morning, iiftcimxm and evening, by tlio Kvangcllcal congregation, .was a success. It was iimiouuced on Sunday (that the melting would be continued until Mini- Mlav iiiL'bl. but owing lo tho ram no iciviccs wero held. Dr. Jlobhins.of Catawissa, was not nearly so Jiadly iijurid us reporlid last week. Only two itoes of iU'W foot sustained serious injury nnd only oneiflUow nas amputated, Vi'u leain that his wounds are rapidly healing and that ho is not likely lo experiuu'u uny serious Inconvenience hereafter resulting fiom Iho Iiuit. Lucky ts napo. Tho races at tho Fair ground last Saturday weio well attended by tho spoiling fraternity. Tour horses w!io entered nnd a number of oth ers on llio ground llmt wero not intcred. Tho (list pursu was won by W'.H. l'aux's sorrel liorso of llloomdiurg, thu nectuid by "Jiill lVnn," of Danville, and tho third by "John K." of D.m vllle. A terrible nllllellou has fvllcn iin lU'V. John Hewitt nnd lady, of lilooinshiug, in tlio oflwo most interesting children by dl tlieria ono a daughter ngid lo years and four months, and tlio other u sou aged nlKjiitfmir years. Tho stricken parents havo tho heart-felt (ympathy of nil our (ssiple. ..!. ..I.. 1. ..I.Ll.t ..a l.ii.rlllnt-lllU. 1 hey si'urUcd.'wcruoxhalcduiid went to Heaven." A new post cilice, culled Mllllln Cross ltoads, has been established in Heaver township, Co lumbia county, nud Solomon W, ISriHlbender lias Ixen appointed I'oslmaster. A. H. AVhilo lias leen npisiiuled IVtmasUT nt Light Street, In placo of Mrs. Do Will, who resigned on account of ill health. Tho lady dlMhurged Ilia duties ed" thu position in a most wdllnblo manner, ashernieetstorwillliodoubt Tlio how Hull of (Jcnler (Iranra No. CO. til Center township, will lio dedicated on tlio 21st elay of August. Victor H. l'lolett, Dr. M, Steele, HoVi NharrclU nnd Itcv. Spear nro expected to bo present nnd will deliver nddressin. Tlio pat win of other Oranges im well as tlio pulillo gen erally, nro cordially Invited to nttend; dinner will bo served in tlio liall liy tlio ladle. Tlio Bcntlenieii announced ns speakers nro nblo men nnd will do full Justice to tlio culijcct. Tlio ltupctt Hotel was entered ono night last week by burglars nnd after rummaging ntiout for some tlino lliey left without Inking niiythlng worthy of mention, On the same night, nnd It is supposed hy tho satno parlies, tho house of Mr. Y, M. Monroe, of tlio same place, was civ tercd nnd n lot of silverware, consisting of knives, forks, spoons, Ac., were carried nway. As yet, nothing has heen ascertained ns to who tho rohhersnro. Wo nro indebted to Col, Isaao Itruncr, of La pott, for n liberal sampto of lllnekberry wlno manufactured by liim for medical purHos. It Is perfectly pure nnd free from seslimcnt, of cx cellent llavor nnd very palatablo. Its tonic properties nro superior, yet mild in Its general elTecls, nnd is u moat ndmirablo remedy for sum mer complaints nnd other disease peculiar lo children during tho hot season. It Is sold hy the proprietor in nny quantity nt lliornto of $2 50 per gallon nnd Is n most pleasant its well ns cheap remedy in ullcaseswhcroatonic is benefi cial. Tlio Minneipia Bprings, on tho If no of tho Noitlicrn Central railway, few miles north of WiHinmnport, nro becoming celebrated ns a slimmer resort. Tlio accommodations nro represented to bo nil that can bo desired, tho enjoyments ainplo and tho water possessing; oxtrnordiimry tonic morits und curative of rheumatic, dyspepticntid billions complniius. Tlio nttomhinco nt tho springs this season is unusually largo, nnd tlio ipiality of tlio com pany, wo tako it, respectable. A few days or w eeks of relaxation from business, espe cially in tlio heat of summer, Is of great ad vantage to over-worked and closely confined men nud women, nnd what they spend In going to an ugrecahto watering jdaeo they save in doctor lulls uml medicines, to say nothing of tho iiicreasi'd strength ami ener gy they acquire. Try Mimicqtia. a ni:w nwiNiMN(i pontile. Tho latent swindling dodge has been made public, Iho novelty and ingenuity of which is really admirable. The device consists iubriiig" ing two telegrams and u signaturo book to a wealthy man for his signature, thu page of tho hook being so cut nud underlaid willi a blank check, that the signing of the name twice would give tiio cli'Ver opeiator a I'lici'k both indorsnl ami signed. A business man narrowly escap ed the trap, which failesl for lack of a little foie- thought, as the paper beneath, not being secure ly f.itcncd, slipped enough to attract attention as the name was being signed the second time. I'bis small circumstance defeated the prelty plan, anil saved the discoverer a big deficit in his bank account. It is curious how much thought and ingi'iiuity is expended in obtaining moiu'y by dishonest means, and how often the bet laid plans are fiuslrated by a slight accident. .Viiunyi'. JIAHt! 11AI.U A game of bac ball will be played on Iho hair giound to-moiiow afternoon (Saturday) bitween tho dood-for-nolhing nine and the Never Sweats, of Illooiiburg. Tlio material e'ouiposing tho two nines is for tlio most pait raw, hut tho ganio will no doubt bo an interest ing one, and everybody interested in base bal should attend. ' Tho ground will ho fieu to all who attend. A. match game of bao ball was played on Hie Kair ground last Saturday afternoon, between the Champions of Orangcvilles and the O. It's. of Illoomshtirg, which resulted in favor of tho former nine'. The playing was witnessed by a largo number of people1, and was interesting and exciting. The score stood 13 to ID. The O. K's. fulfilled an engagement witli tho Danville Nine at D.mvillu em best Tuenlay and were again ileleated, the scoro being 1 to 1. I'beO. K's. were highly ciitcrtniucd.nt the Mon tour lloii-o by the Daiivilleelub after thu game1. The d. V, N. 1!. 1. C. of liloonifbiirg havo accepted a challenge) from a Wilkes-liarru nine of the same name game to be played next l'ri- dav tho IHlh inst., on the l'air ground at Ihis IIEKWICK. The inJijxviiJivif, published at Ilcrwick grows eloquent over the beauties and excellencies of that borough, and we have only to add that we freely endorse all that it says, to wit: There is not a town, perhaps, on the banks of the Susquehanna river, from its fountain head in Otsego county, N. Y., lo its terminus in Iho Chi'sapeake bay, more desirably located than Ilcrwick. Keir its elevated position, pure air, mountain seencry and general perspcctivcncss, it lias few equals in the country, and all it requires to elraw the tourists hero who leave the large chics during the heatid term, is a large and comnusliuus hotel, l'rcini this could bo oh.-ervesl the falls in the river at this placo one hundred feet beneath and at the same time scan tho beauti ful agricultural districts of Salem and Ne'i-esi-beck townships in Liuerue county, and Jtriar crcek and Milllin townships in Columbia county, with all their rural scenery anil healthy retuats. In connection with these, an hour's drive over a pleasant road will bring you lo Council Cup, a prominence that rises some seven hundred feet V. .... .1. . 4...- I I.... ...I... I! - - anovo llie: csiisqueiiuiiiiii, hiium- winnings .uujici ei'ptiblo for many miles through a rich and fer- 11 u I'ouulrv. tlio sign l ol which is worm a voy- iil'O across the Atlantic. We could speak of many moreplaces or atlia tiims, within n short iluvu over beaulimi ruaiis mat lean out ol licr v. irk in all directions, and if we had tho facilities for act ommodation as heretofore staled.we should be enabled In exclaim in thu language of our Jilnonisliurge-eiteinporurics that our town ishlleil willi stiaiiger.s." Seasonable ltecilies. Tho Lewistown (luzilk says to meet iiupdiies from a nuinber of lady frii'iids, wu give Mow several wipe, some of wliicli havuheeu In use in our family for years ami we know to he good: Ulackberry Wine1. Mash tho fruit, and strain through a eoari-o elolh. To tho expiessed juice ad. I an iniial uuantity of water, and to eveiy gallon of Iho mixture) add three pounds be-st blown sugar. I'ul it Into e-overnl slone jars until Iho lerincntalioii is over and tlio liquor becomes nci fully clear, It should then hocarc- n v i ceantcii irnm me icch aim uoiiieo, 1 .1 I. . .!... I Klderlierfv Wine'. Measure your bellies nud bruise them, to every gallon adding emu quart of Polling Wilier, lei Hie iiiiaiiiiu r-mini iwiiiiv- four hours, stirring occasionally; then strain the li.ninr Into a cask, lo everv nation adding two IWlllllllS of suear: cork tight nnd let stand uutll Iho following October, nnd you will havo wlno ready for use without any liirlhcr straining or boiling. Another method Is to put the entire mixture in a kittle und bring it to n boil, skim nml Iini cool fill lliokeg tlirce-fourtlis full and let it ferment for ono weekj then fill up the cask witli freshly made liquor, and when done fermenting bung up light, set nway in llie cellar, where) It should remain mini r eoruary or .narcii ubm its inn d be racket) on. mo Kegs seamen nut. nnd Mm linuor either returned to Iho keg lo remain permanently or bottled for use. Wu iiri hr niilliiiL' in ncnii onus insiean oi ihuiuu . 1 M.l .f ...I.. Cordial. -Tako any convenient quantity of libuUlierries. andittw in a preserving kettle for loilfmi hour, then strain and Uiil again for half nil hour, ndiling one) pounil oi sugar lo every tin, n I ten. nsi iim s in in in inn la.sui. niim ......... , eool, udil onogiiioriiiuiegeiiiiiiiuvoji"'" '""""J to each email of juice, then uoilio nun corn '''I'.'l'.'h rlu-rrv llraiidv. Selis'l tlio ripest cider berries you can find, nnd after picking them from the stems, to live quads of berries add two emails of water, boll well: then mash and strain a eolaiider. After all Iho julco U ex irncied. add two uuarts of water, hall an ounce of whole eloves, half an ounce of whole) allspice iii-ii er I ill lllltlHf'L'il. OHO of cinnamon, a Utile lemon and orango celliig. Hull all uel Ihrco hours over a slow lire-, tlicu add fivo pouudsof sugar ..ri,.r .u.llllir .tmln ibrniiLdi u llniiucl hag, then mid some of iho Uesl .Meaiongaliela wLUkcy, or gooil brandy, aceoiding lo lasle. The) alsjve will keep for yearn, und will lw found an excellent prescription in bowel und either complaints. dipt. Wm. Duiilnp. way-bill clerk of tho l'hlla dclphhi Si Heading It. It. has been rusticating in llloomsbiirg for n few days. Mr. Dinilap is very favorably impressed with lliolieniity of emr town. A natural consequence, by-tlic-way. On Inst Thursday morning n rural gentleman, after disposing of Ids market stuflj nud whosu thirst was aggravated by tlio sight of ono of lllalclilcy's cucumber wood pumps that was standing in front of Hunyan's hnrdwnro store ns n sign, conchldeil that ho would have a drink from that self sama pump, nnd taking a tin cup from ids wagon, marched luridly up, grnspcsl Iho hamllo in one hand and held Iho cup under llio spout willi Iho other, commenced pumping as only n thirsty man will, hut found that ho was sold upon hearing tlio bystanders laugh nnd tho nbsenco of water. With a long faco ho left tho cucumber pump nnd sought revengo in the Ccu tral Hotel pump. Mnrllnl Deeds of Pennsylvania. Mr, Samuel 1'. Hates, who wrote tho official history of tlio Pennsylvania Volunteers, has just issued n new hook entitled tiio Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania, which Is said lobe a work of much merit. Wu havo not seen a copy, nnd though wo nto disposes! to marvel whether n New Knghmricr could do justice to Pennsylvania history, tho work is highly spoken of by critics who havo examined it. liy request wo select the following from Iho published notices t This book contains In n condensed way, tin) rogrcss of events in tho United Slate which ed to civil war in no Way partisan, but in n fair, statesman like manner, supported by cita tions from leading public men on both sides of tho controversy. It comprises tliespirit of Pennsylvania history from Iho period of its setlement, nud essays to elucidate nil thupioniiiiciitquestionswhich havo entered into its progress in civil polity nnd ma terial resource's. It recounts many of tho leading nneceloles of tho Into war, which now help to lorm a pan of ils history, Thu author hastgivcn biographies of tlio Officers in all hranclies of llio service. such ns represented lliegrand old Keystone Stnti-, in wliiclitlionaincsnl Hancock, ile'.ide,Uriland n se oro of others figure largely and interestingly. Hairbreadth escapes und heartrending scenes nro told and depicted, and in every sense tlio IhmiI; has been got up to fill a wanting link in Iho bistort' of nur Statu as well as of ourcountry in general. It is claimed that if every other book wero blotted out of existene'o, Ihis would reflect so e-eim-pletely the spirit of Pennsylvania hitory, ils origin, progress, education, physicit features and resource's, nnd mure particulary thu part IViinsylvania bore in llio late war, ami the real pie'stions at issue, tlio reader could traco nearly every material fact, and in many respects it will serve lo tho general reader thu purpose of ii library. it is a work in which every inhabitant should feel a pride, illustrating, as it. loe.s, the glory uml power of ids good old Commonwealth, Thu work is embellished willi over 70 lino steel engraved portraits of Pennsylvania's sous, a full-page steel engraving of Iho "Itepulso of tho Louisiana Tigeis," on tliu evening of July lid, ISO"!, a slee-I engraving of ''National Monu ment at dellyshurg," and four maps showing tlio rout of the armies from r'resloricksburgto dettys liurg, and their positions em e'aeh day of lie; all exieutesl by (lie best artists in the country. This book will sell at ili.i.'), .if) anil SMft, aeeording to slyle of binding. A. T. Davis & Co., publishers, 7'iSansonist. Philadelphia. toss dp eiitAPr.s and Tiinin tisi:. It is astonishing lo see lariionuuntity of grapes of llio fiiust quality, and largo elu-ters, that aru ich year ma-hcU up lor N me at uio t ineyarei I' A.'Speer, Passaic, N. J. Mr. Speer raises the Oporto grape; also purchases large quanti ties from which lie make's his eelcbralcd wine, without tlio admixture of alcohol or spirits. This wlno is limnd by careful analysis to lio the bet wine in market for invalids and debilitated neis ins. It is called Speer's Port drape me, and is sold by all druggists. CbimVr. 2t Cor. nnl. ...Ill 1.,,., nf O. t f.IrlOn. hfinipRS manufacturer, Main slieet below Market, a handsome, set of new buggy Harness. These harness will cell all over the country for $::'i. Thi'y have a silvcr-niounlisl saddle, round Ira n's, fair leather quilted lines, and are in every respect a liist-class set of "gears." They must ho wild and S'ir will buy them. Call early and secure a bargain. New Prints, 8 and 10 cents, jn-t received al . W. Ilartman's. We notii'O Moyer lirotlicrs are getting in store lh largest lot of Window Cila-s ever brought lo llloouisbiirg nt ono lime', this glos is been iMiught verv chwip lor cash anil will lsj sold correspondingly low. . . A largo lot of 1 trass ICetlles just receivesl at . Schuyler it Sou's. Clark .(-Wolf have a new line of P.lack Al ai'as which thi'y aro selling very low. 1..j...l hit r,..U'.1 m lY,ih siiimlv of Aiiiilis. It.niiii'ias. Oranires. Lemons. Pino Ap ples, oic. Examine Ids stock. Do not foreret to look at tlio new lies at I. W. Huilmun's. A new lot of L'oodstyli! daik Calicoes at Lut. it Sloan's for 8 cents per yard. i Class of superior quality for pictures n spe cially at Mover Prothcrs. Win. Morris has reniovesl his Tailoring eslali- ! .1 t il... v..!...... r..-,..firK. ...... ntili'il I.V It. IISII1IICIIL 111 UtU IIIIIIIM ...(l.lkl.J -V y. Stohner, in tlio Kxchango block, whero ho is fully prepared lo gratify the desiies and supply tlio w.iulsof all his customers. July 3(l-'2t :birlt A Wolf liavc the largest lino of High Pack Cumbsin town. 0. S. Viirman lias on hand at Ids Harness 'mhw.i-Iimm .ill L'h.ils uml Ktvles of siiii'lo and ibiulilu light nnd heavy Harness, I'lv Ni ls of ,l,..i.riniii,ii. I'll' Shel ls. Laolilankets and Dusters, Whips of every conceivable kind, 'IV.im1.j MVh-i Im.!' H ies. VnliseK. Shawl Straps, anil in fact everything usually kept in a first-cla.-s slnro of Ibis kind, dive Mr. l'nniian a call when in neisl of anjllnng alxivo nieulmueil .....I ,1'tll u'.v.i, i.u.iH'v l.v mi doiio'. as his prices arc calculated to suit Iho limes. New Water Ptexif at Lulz Si Sloan's. Hurl's Shoos at Mi-Kidney' only. I. W. Hartinan still keeps a nice assoiliuent of Ladies' Shoes. llimol is receiving fresh Watermelons, Can- telopes, Hanaiias. Ac., daily. Clark & Wolf are selling Handling Kdyings very cheap. WvotiiNei Skmin.miv an-h CiiMtii:i:iiAt. ('01.1,1.111:. Aeesiiniuodalions for 1SKI Isianlers mil as mailt' day si liolars. bliidints pu pan d for eollige, piofessloual study, leaehing and bu siness. Ihoioiigh iiisiriieiinn nun uiMipiine'. ianking, wliolesalo and retail business, railioad- lug, ill', piaelicallf taught. Next lei in opens September 1st. l'or catalogue, containing a hcauttlul steel engulfing 01 1110 iseiiiinary nun for illustrated ('oiumercinl Journal nddiiYs liev. D. Copeland, Principal, Kingston, I.uerneeonn ty, Pa. On coninieieial liiattcis uddiess L, L. Sprngue. Ow A Larc assoilmenl of Ladles' Ties, Hamburg Knibrohlcrios and oilier Fancy donri.s lo auivo at LuU it' Sloan's the last of this week, A full lino of Slims nt Clark t Wolfs. fin t') K. H. Furinaii's for anything in Iho .'..-..II... .. II... 11.. Ii.iu r11l.11.14l lirli'i'S lo lit. I i ill iiiiiii iiiii.t ' - r""-" lowi'st ponsihlo figure', und Ids sloek is of llie best iiiamiiaciuie, dreat reduction In Dress Oorsls nt l.nUSi SI ii.i.'u SUM. 'iii.iihu 1 el-tils isr vaiil hum oilier goods equally cheap. l.,u,1 ,1 r,-.wh IlllTiIri, flf hltl'hl klvll'S C'liiidreii's Suiniiier Suits at D. Yixiun's. AImi Men s und Hoys' Llothlng, all ol whleli 110 is selling cheap. 1 Army Shoes nt MeKlnney'f. Pewter Sand for salo nt Uufwr.i.'H. Try tho 2,d0 (iailers at K. M, Kuorr's. Tobacco nnd Confectioneries, wliolesalo und re tail by M. M. Uiihscl, Towundii Hoots at McKinncy's ('lark it Wolf havo tho largest Assortment of Neck Titfi In town and at 1110 iiwesi rnces. A new Culriuet I'niplro Sewing Machine, a 1 ....... t r.,i i.riiihi ni luiniii lie. lorsaie very eueiii J if cullesl for nxiii nt Cailmaii's. Chcesol Cheesol Chcesol Pino assortment of Cheono at Kussel's, Lull1. Si Sloan havo now tlio Largest stwk of Table) Linens In town nnd expect innrooiiHalur unlay. On to ltttHHHI.tH for your (Irocerli. Ho Bells for eyush nud will not bo undersold. l-'lno fjlilrts, 'i'kd, Collars, S.C, .at McKln-m-y's, l', takes Putter, ICgg", Lard nnd Produce! In exchange) for goods. Hosiery very cheap at Clark it Wolf. (Into H. M. Knorr'n for tho best quality ofHhocH. (Iraniilateil Bujjtir for salo nt lltmsf.tH. denuino Mason Fruit Jars for sale nt M. M. Jlussel's. Water Proof at Clark Si Woirs. Hoots nnd Shocn mado to order by experi enced workmen ntMcKlniiey'i) If you want a first class Farm Wngon, If you want a Platform Pleasure. Wagon, If you want an liliptic Soring Wngon, If you want a PliMsitro Wngon, If you want your Wagon put In good trim, If you want repairs dono goesl witli short notice', do lo J. It. l-'Ai'H. Oat Meal for sale at Uussel's. Call nnd try it. When you go to Philadelphia stop nt tho Allegheny 1 louse, No. 812 nud 8U Mar ket street; having been recently renovated, Prico only $2 per day. A. Ilr.cic, March ll),'7o-ly Proprietor. COAL. COAL Old Kstiibllulied Coal Yard. 0. W. NrcATi Si line)., Wliolesalo Si Ketall Dealers In nil sizes ot tho best qualities o( Kcd nnd White. Asli Coal, nt tlio very lowest mnrketratcs. Ilnvucoiistantly 011 hand hirgo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, llituminous, urn! Linicburncr's Coal. F.spoclnl attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Urnin and Lumber taken In exchango for coal. Coal delivered to nny part of tlio town nt short notice). Orders left nt 1. W. MeKclvy's store, or nt our ollico, will receive) prompt ul tontion. Ollico mid Yards nt William Neal &8oih' Furnace, Kast llloomsbiirg. Your patronage) rcHpectfiilly solicited. COAL. 7 tf-W COAL If you want 11 good Hani, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Codec Java or Itio, If you want good Cninicd Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for llio least money, If you wunt tho lust Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in tiio droccry and Provision line, go to'H, Mailt street. tf-2.r. MARKUT REDOUTS. liLOOMSIIUItO MAKKKT. Wheat per bushel f l.-J) Hjo " 'J'l I'iiiii " so eials mi rl.iumerhaiiel T.011 iMuteiwi'd i.isi l'l.ivseed 1..K1 llulter an i:ggs is Tallow us Potatoes f.o Dried Apples In llaius Hi Vi in! tier tiouiii is 1 1.IV J H I- loll S0.H) Timothy Seed 4..'si QUOTATIONS 1'eilt COAb. No. 1 on Wharf t l.en per Ton No. 6 " " t 3.T.1 " No. 1; " t "Ml " " luacl-Miiltli's Lump on wharf $4,110 " " " liltiiinliious ' t C.01) " " alJO'l,ATI(lNSoi'WniTi:,POWi:LLiliCO. IIANKKHS ANII 1UIOKKUS, NO. s'j M)UTU Tlllltl) hTltl'.r.T, l'IIIiai)i:l.I'IIIA Ai'ucsr4, lsir. cm. ASKKI). 211 ' in I'Jii la iiutj Wi IS 13 lo'J Ml, en. 131 an 41. M HUH U. S. Ksl.c. !-w, e. '(it, M. and N ... " " 'c,i, " "... " " ' v.i, " " " " " V.'., J. and .1 " " " v.7, " "... " " " v.s, ... " 10-10, eniixin :::::: i.v; la 1S4- 2IH,' 19l, 'ii ...... IM,' .... ir.t, It'. 1117 W yn'rt r.l r,i , i:in tie, sr.), IS'i rsi)., le-l 1 an 111. its, New r.'.s, Keg, lssl..., lss Child Mltur l'eiiiis)ltanl.i tieaillng I''lpllla.V. i:i Ik Ulilgll Nallu'illli.u " Valley United It. It, of N. .1 lllllJreek N01II11TI1 Central tV11tr.1l Traiisiwrlatlon Nesquehollllig O. & A. Mortgage el's, vj TOWN AND COUNTRY. urn rls ! o'clis'k .vi mlnuti's-set-s 7 o'clock ft nili, iiics. o eloi.n Is now quoted at a premium of about I'.a In other words green backs 1110 about 13 .er cent, below par. o Punk 1)i:ks, on Parchment and linen paper, com mon and for Administrators, Kxecutors and Trustees, fur sulu cuVap at the 1,0 umiiun oniec. is I.UT TIIK PKOl'l.i: SPIIAK. JUNiiATrAN, Kan. It. V. PiBiiiK, llurr.ilo, N. Y. : Dear Kir Your Favorite 1'rescrlptlon has dono my wlfou world of good. Shu has lukcii nearly two bot tles and has Ml bette r Iho past two weeks than at any llino In Iho past two years. No more .crlodlc;d patns; uoiioof that aching back or dragging sensa tion In her slni.iaeh shu has been to fur scleral jears. I hate so iiiueh coulldcnce In It that I would lj n'lfectly willing to warrant to certain cusloniers of ours who would bo glad to get hold of n II. f al any expense. 1 hate tried many Patent .Medicines, bill neter had any occasion to extol one before. Very truly jours, CILO. 11. Wlinisei. .Mrs. i:. It, Dai.v, Metropolis, 111., willes: "Dr. It. V. I'lercu-My stslerls using the l'.uoilto Presulptloii with great beiieltl." Mauv An l'lii.siUK, u liiuan, l'a., writes: "Dr. K. V, plerco Wliat 1 hat 0 taken of your ined- lclne been of 111010 benellt to 1110 than all otheis mid hundreds of doctors' bills." Dr. Plercii's l'.ivoi lio Pi escrlpt Ion Is sold by dealers In medicines generally. o wiii:iii to AiiviniTisi:. A.T.stew.ut says llio lK.,t. adieillilng Mediums ho ha eter foiiiiil "am the old established organs of llio two political parties, al Iho several county sits throughout tho 1 idon." "These'," ho s.i)a "riaeh every faintly of tlio leasl account In their several counties, and are more e'.irefull) read lliau auj otln r cl.1s.H0r Journals." If -Mr, Stewart's Judgment isof value, then Is no illlllculty In deciding which p.qsT II Is fur Iho hilereslof business men to adverllso In 'lliiit'iii.i)Mr.u DuMociur, uiun which this paper Is pal (tally rounded, w.tsiMtalill.shed In 1S3.1, and Iho CoiDiiiiiM now enjoys 11 wider circulation and greater piosH i lty II1.111 II over did. It goes regular ly Into two thousand families In 1'oltuiiM.i und ad joining counties, and by niostot them Is read from III llrsllo tliulasl line. It Is llio only reeeigiilied e.poiientiif Hi-Ally llvo llioiisand Heir.oerallo voters In the county. It gives advertisements a lasty dis play, thai makes them atlraetlvu lo Us pat runs, thus ehsuiliig gi eater I'eilalidy that they will pcruso them, Wlill.) Ils lou Is undoubtedly much llio,:esl la Iho cuunly, Iho advertising rates of tho e-oi 111 tK nro no higher than llioso of olher papers with barely half mid note nil not one-fourlhthunuiu-l r of biili.n'rlls'rs. Pacts llko thesn ss-ak for them H'lees. No shiowd business man will neglect lo lu sell his adveillv-ineuts hi Iho I'oi.ruut in. tf. n Many who urn suflVrlng from iho etfects of tho warm wc.tllicr and uro debllltuled, 1110 adv Ised Ii)' pliyslcl.tiis to lake nindcralo aiiiomitsof whisky two or Ihrco times during thu day, lu u lltllo whllo thoso vvhoiidopt Ihis adv leo fiiqueully Incieasn tho muuliereif "di Inks," and In tlmobeeoiiio conllrmed liieLrlates, A lie vi rage which will not create thirst for liitotlcatlng liquors, und which Is Intended espe cially for Iholienellt of ilebilllateil persons, whether nt liumo or iihroiid, Is Dr. su henek's sea W eed Toiiie, Ciiiitidnliig tho Juices ot many medicinal herbs, this preparation du-siii.t create an iip)'tllo fur tlio he tuxlcitlng cup, 'llio nuiirlshing und llio self-sup. polling prone riles of many vplimhlu nalitral prclue. lions coutiihied lu It uml well known (0 nunilcal men hate 11 luosf slreligllieldng lullueiicc, A single Isittlo of Iho T011I0 will demonstrate, Its tiluahlu qualities, l'or debility at Islug from sickness, oter oxen Ion or H um uny cause tvliatotcr, a vvlueghussful of Sea Weed Tonic taken ufter meals w 111 strengthen tho hlouiueli und cieuloun nppe llto for tvlioionomo food. Toutl wliourouliout leatlng their homes, we lies I re lo say Unit tho excellent elf eels e.f Dr, Schciick's beiisonablo remedies, Sea WeedTonlo, nnd Mandiiiko Pills, uro pui tleuliirly e lilcnl tv linn Inkuu liy those ivlionio Injuriously nlleeled by a change of water and met, kii juTbon snoum leatoiiuiiiowiin out taking a supply of IhcheKiifeguardsuluiig, l'or sulo hy ull DrugfUes. Till! 11R3T I'ltlNTINO Ot'FIUI!. Tho present Is a good opiiortuiilty to remind tho frlondsof tho paK.'r, nndUiu puhlta gonenlly, tliat tho ejoMJMiiiAN .Ion l'uiKriNii OiHcM hns no BUinrlor In IhUwetlon, nnd, In homo reajs-clfl, U wltlioutnn equal. During the List year wo havo completely te noned our t pest nnd mado largo additions, nnd It Is no hllu Ixiaal U) nay that tvu hato now tho Heat l'rcssos, tlio Itcst AHsortment of Tjpo, thu liest Htock ot Paper, Cards, fto., and tho Host Workmen In tho country, our workmen nro specially adapted for their places, nud wo mako It a point to nlways glvo our customers a ncnt, correct and satisfactory Job. W 0 do not claim to do work fur less than others, but will warrant It to ho as cheap as can ho dono uny whero mid lehl a deivnt prollt. All who aro In need of Job Pi luting of any kln l -I'laliior In Uolois-wlll Mini It to their Interest to glvo thu C'omimhIAN Ollico a trial. Wo havo on hand every vailety of Harris, Paper, Ink, i:ntoluKs, Tags, ftc, that Is likely to li called for, nnd can furnish uny quantity or Mjloot work on short notice, l'.tuillr.g lo order. If. 0 "Hiey enrol" What cure 1 Ajer's Cherry Pes;, toral torn cough. Aycr's Pitts for a purgative, and Atcr'sHarsaparllla fur tho complaints thai require an alterative modlclno. o A Tni'H 1IAIJ1AM. Dr. Wlstnr'3 llalsam ot Wild cherry Is truly a balsam. It contains iho balsamic pilnelplo of thu Wild cherry, IhobaKunloproperlles or tar and ot pine. Its Ingredients nro nil balsamic. Coughs and Consumption speedily disappear under Its tuls.imtu Inthience. M cents nnd fl a IjoIIIo, largo bottles much tho chciqicr. l'Uiut'Y tiii: m-itTNtm w uvu It Is a Hnu qua lion ot health, that thu sources ot tltaltty, tliei "springs of life," should bo free rrom contamination, Thu fluids which, by lliclr action upon tho food, transforms It Into blood, and tlio great tllal nutriment limit, must bo pure, If tho muscle h, tho bones nnd tho brain nro to Is) projieily nourished nnd kept vigorous. To thu end tlio stomach, tlio liver, tho bowels nnd tho kldnevs should perforin uninterruptedly their Various film; tlous, Htm 0 If 1110 disturbed tho vital llalds speedily bienmu tlllatcd. Tho host, nny, tho only blood deptui'Ut whteh purines them, by overcoming thoso bodily Irregularities which produce them, Is Hosteller's Stomach Milters. Tho principle upon w hleli this salutary alterative) acts ts its slmpl.) ns It Is philosophic. Tim oilglu of most diseases, and In variably t hoso which alTcct Iho organs above men tioned, Is weakness, caused by Insufficient assimila tion of tlio food. Tlio Hitlers speedily rectify tho causoof tho dlfllculty by residing tlgoroiisdlgos tlon, so thai nil pans of tho physical strucliiro uro supplied with an abundance of pure, rich blood. This Increases tho activity of tho discharging organs, nud enable them to throw off tho elfeto matter, which, rankling In tho sjstciii, distrojs health. This bodily rcfiiso hating boon got rid of, and xr fectiLsslnittatlon re-cstabllshud, llieio Is nothing to prevent n healthy uml active icrforiiiatico of tlio tarlous f uiiet Ions. Such being thu cese, It Is plain thai tho Hitters aro not only tho most reliable stom achic, but an eradtealit of llioso diseases of tho liver, bowels and l.ldnrju which conlamlnato tho Hpilngs of life. -0- i:. P. KtlNKKI.-S lUTTUU WINK 01' IllON, lias never been know 11 to fall In (ho cuio ot weak ness, at tended with svinptoms, Inill.spo.slllonlucxcr II. in, loss of uiemnry, 1 1 1 men It y ot bii-atldng, general weakness, horror of disease, weak, nervous, tremtj llng, dieadful linuor of dealh, night sweats, cold feet, weakness, dimness of tlslun languor, universal l.esslliiil.) of thomiisculai' nystem, enoinioiis appe llte, with djspeptlo sjstem, hoi hands, Hushing of body, ilrjn.'ssof thu skin, pallid counleiiaiieo and e'ruplluns 011 the face, purlfjlng Iho blood, palu In tho bad:, heaviness of tho ejellds, frequently black s.ts llilng beforo tlio eves with temporary Milliislon and loss of bight ; want of altciilluii, etc. Thesn sj mptoms all arise from 11 weakness, and to remedy that use Ik 1". Kuiikel's Hitler Wlno of Iron. It hover falls. Thousands aro now enjoying health who hate used It. (nt tho genuine. Sold only hi fl bottles. Tako only II. 1'. Kurikcl's. Depot and of llco, No. -iV) Noilh Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ask rur Kuiikel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. This truly valuable Ionic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of llio community that 11 Is now deemed In dispensable ns a Tunic medtelne. It costs hut little, politics tlio blood and gives tone to tlio stomach, remit ates the svsleiu and prolongs life. I now cud) ask 11l1l.1l of this valuable toulc. price fl pcrliutlli'. i: 1'. hiinkel, Sole l'ropililor, No. avj North .Ninth SI., below Vine, Philadelphia, l'a. Ask for Hunkers Hitler Wlno of Iron, and take no oilier. It Issoldonlj hi il h Hies, with a pliologr.ipli or the propihlor on each mapper, all olher Iseoiuiliifell, Sold by all ihiigglsts. Tai'k Wokm hkmovcii Ai.ivr. Head and complete In two hours. No fee till head passes., l'lu and .stomach Weunis lemovcd by Dr. Kiinkel, KM) Noitli NI11II1 St. Advteo fiee. No fee until cured. Ask. for Kuiikel's Worm Svrup. I'l Ice, I, and guaranteed, Send for circular. SALE. lY VIKTl'i: OP A W'lMTnf Lovnrl IMcI.xs, Is.silOtl '. IJ 011I of tho Cnuitof Coiiimoii rit'.ts iiijtl tn uiu (iirceteil, u III ln eniseii tn pubiio s.ilt'atllio i ourt I 1IUUM. ill lilUUItlbUUlK, i"i SATUltDAY. A I 'OUST 7tii, IS70, at inn-o'clock, p. 111.; all I Mat certain messuage, lene m. lit and Iraet or piece or land, situate In (he town ship of tititilu, In lliei'iiiintyot Columbia, and slate aforesaid, lit-tiigeoinposed of slv plices or paicils of land, hounded and desri licit as follows: ruts r tractor pan el of land, l'glnulng nt a red oak corner of landvf Wm. W. Hiow 11 and running tlience iioilliittteeuand 1liiic-iun!tcts degrees, west llilitv and sW-tcnllis perch. -s to a stone, lliciiee south spct) -eight dcgri'i's, west thtrty-seten peri lies ton slone; thence nuith twenti-une and llvi'-slxths uegrees, wesi seicnii-iouriien lies 1011 sioiie;ini'iu e, lit I. mil of (')irlsll.iu Wolr, soul listt -eight iiiidtvvn Ihlr.Is degrees, west llitrtt-iwo and seven lentlis perches lo a slune; I hence, by laud of llie aroiesal.l Win. W. Hi own. south (wentv-tliree deeiees. east teen and lite-tenths perches loa stone; ilieuie soiilh sltly-seteii and oiie-fourlh decrees, west ten M'i'i lies in a stone; iiieneo soul 11 siiy-i wo negiees, ivesl ono and three-tenths tierches to a comer: llieiii'ei south teiily-sl degiees, east i.iieim.l ttve tenths perches to a comer; llielicu south slty-clglil degrees, east elght.teiiths of a pi reh to aioimr; ttieueo sotitli 11I110 degrees, easl throe mid elglit tenths iH'rclies to 11 comer nt abiill.ttngittieiui'soiitli iweniy-iito nun 11 nan iici-ees,iahisiiiiin ouc-ti'uiii jierchi'S lo 11 conn r; llieneo siiiith flfly-tlve degrees, east three perches 10 11 Mono corner; thence south tw elvo degrees, four and seten-tcnths iHTiiics tua 1 orner; tlientu south thirty-two and tlireo-quar-lersdeeris-s. east four and six-tenths iicrches to a corner; llieneo soiilh ti n degrees, cosl oim anil tlve lenlhs iciihi.H lo a curlier; llieneo Uiuthsevuity seveii and I tin u-quarters degrees, eiesl four and lite lentlis (KTelies ton slone; tlieiicw south eighty-four mid Ihrei'-qiiarters degrees, ease llvo and two-tenths porches lo adoublo wnllo oak conn r; llieneo south sKlt-i lu'lil mid ono-half degrees, east ilfleen perches to tlio plant of tH'Kluiiliig, containing twenty-slv ncres and unu hundred and 1 Ighteen lurches, tv here on Is erecte d u two-story uml 11 ludl ItltICK llOUSi:, A HANK I1AUN, Wagon IIouso and Outbuildings. SHciiNI) parcil or trail of land, beginning ut a red oak corner on tho bank of llio Sus.pich.1m1a rlver.l hence soul h forty-three and threu quarters de glees, east tlilrlt-elgltl iwiches lo stones; llieneo north slty-foiir degtces, cast nine unit Iwo-tenllis iu.t ,-!... tn a riH'ki tlience soul h fourteen and nne-li.iir degrees, i-ast tweivo and four-ti'iilhs ieicliestoa Slolie; Ult'lil o soil 1 11 i'ihiiis.ii iii..i iiiiei'-ini.u ii'iw .ir- grees, west Iltty-onn anil four-leiiths lo a stone; thence, by hunt or I'leas Hrnwn, south sctfii t v-t lire o and 11 quarter degrees, wesl scvciily-oho audslx-lenths perches to a stone; thence, by land now or lain of Abraham I less, ninth nineteen and three-quarters degiees, wesl ivventy-seten uml set cu-tent lis ticichcs Ion stone; the neu nuith thirl) ttiree degrees, west Mitt-four is'irlies 10 aslonn corner on t he b ink nf t hu Siisipieliann.i rive r; llienee, along tlio s.1111.', ninth sIMj-lfireo and a quarter de crees, cast ninety 0110 and lliree.i'nllis jiorchislo tho place of beginning, containing forty-suten acres ami seveiily-ono perclu'snet. measiir.), Tlllltl) parcel, ls'gluntng at a pine, llieneo uorlh cljrliti -three degiees. east six und sK-tt'iitlis 'r dies to a black oak; I hence, by land ot I'lcasHroivn, soiilh tweiity-sl-e degrees, east fourteen and nliio teuths iH'iches to a stone; thence, by land nf Henry Hellas, south setenly elght degrees, west tuciilj slxaiid one-half is'rches to a slone; thenco nortli live mid one-half ileirrees. east tweiitv-ono neu'lies lollio plain of iH'glniilug, containing scion acres ante ono iiuiiuieii nnu iii-iuj-si 1 muu'a nci iiii'.id lire. I'ol'ltTII parcel, beginning nt a white rak, thence, be l.nul of v. W. Hrowii. soiilh eluhtoslv and 1.111- half degrees, eleven aiul llnvo lentlis peuhes lo a slime; llieni'i' noun im-nij -ii. nt. 1111.1 inns.. quaiters degiees, west eleven and slt-U'idlis k''. ..1.1.1,1 .1 ei.ri.erH be' l.Lll.l of llelll'V Hell. is. mil til llfly-llve and fliree-pialters degrees, wesl tlltrll'i'll ami lllie-lelllll imtciios hi .1 s-jiue; llieneo soulhelglilv-sovenaiid nne.h.ilt degrees, wesl Ihli tv.slv nnd six-tenths is'ivhes lo a stone; tlience. by land of Stephen II. Wolf, south twcnty-i Iglitil... grees, east twenty-six percliistoiistone; lliencn, by I. unlet Samuel snvder. 1101 Hi eight) -llvo uml nnu- half degiees, east ii'iiely-seven and seten tenths is'i'i'iies 10 a coiner; iiieuco iionn iiuis-n 111111 a ler ileirrees. I'llsl I hd.ll't'll llCri'lie.S toil CorilC'l': lhelll'O Inn Ih liviiitj-slxdegn es, west llvo mid sot co-tenths iH'ienos 111 1110 luaeo 01 iiegiiiiuug, i-oui.iiuiiig nine. 11 co nines and lliiee-foiuttis of a nereli. I'li'i'll n.neel. U'eliiulm; at a stone, thence, hv laud of Stephen lie.uli. ill, soiilh i'tght)-iilno and 11 ipiailer degrees, westoiiu hundred and Iweiily-lvvo H.rcnenlo ll'.l liith, I III III I. Il.'llil lull let II .l.'lilim, wesl tlin o and llneo-lenllis 'iehei to a corner 011 th) hank of tho Siisqiielianii.i liver; Iheiico along said liter norm llltv-ilht and liireo-uu.iilers de giees, cast sixty-Hum) iierchos to a corner; llieneo north llfiy-tvvn and a quarter degrees, east mij. seven and tluvo-toiiths isnhis lo u slune; llienee. by lauded heirs or Abraham Hess, south twenly. thri ll degiees, east llfty-tlto and flvctenllis in n hes to Iho placo of IH'glniilug, coiitaliilug twenty acres uml sIMt-toiir en lies slrlel measure. SIXTH p.irct'1, lugluidiig at a sionolu n public mad leading from Urovv'ii'siiillttnMllllhiville.lheiice, bv iho h.111111 und hind of I'rcas Hruw 11. south cIl-Ii- lis 11 anda quarter degni'S, w est ten and ilglit- lelllles ielilies 10 iv siouu in s.11.1 ro.111; iiicncti soinu lUhlccn mid oiio-h.llt degiees, east six and four lentlis iH Tihes In a stouii in Iho puhlli: road leading tloiii said road to Yoho's mill; llieneo, by Mud of heirs of .I11I111 llrntv 11. riccfuscil.uorlhsl -tit-sot 1 11 nnd aipiarler degriTS, east leu iiiidiuie-tentli lu rches to a stone; llieneo north tuolily. three degi ess, wesl fourteen and llvo-tciiths perches lo asloue: Iheiuv, livl.iiid nf Christian Wolf, south slttv-eleht and Ihree-ipi.ulers degrees, west two unit llvo.lci.lhs is rclies lo Iho placo of beglniilng, coiilalidng nun hundred undeleveii pciclics. suld iuiiivlseoiilahilng In nil one liuiidiid mid lwcnvf(vviiacivs,tcn and lliree-foiirilis iK'is lies, nioio or less. Seed, taken 111 I'MTUIlou uml to ho sold as the property ni Mepueii 11. vtuu aim .siuuu vtoir. susiiln'sOlllcl', Mlt'llAI.I.OKUVKIt, HloolllSblirg, July HI, 1S7). Shellir, DIYOItOB iNOl'lUK. I '.1 nny II. Jenkins by In tho I'oiirt of III I HUM II iciill Wllll.uu T, siiumau ts. Comiiioii pleas ot Columl'l 1 ciiuntv. Alias siil.piuu.i lu PI John H, Jenkins, liuev-, Tn John N. .hiiklus, ltesnoiid.'iit t oil will hleuso Inku nollci) thai tin) I'ourl li.isor ilelid pulillealtoii lo 1- liiaitoon sou In show iuiimi why a intuitu, a tlneuln matrluiuiitl should i.oi lie di creed lu the ulsitueaso. Will retuiiiublo on Iho llrst Mon.l.iy of Septe'luber, A. 1)., ISTft. Personal service hating billed Us'auso of tour ub- bi'iiie. .Mieii.M.i, uiiciVKK, llloonisburg, Aug, l,1tt-4t blieiltl' CHEAP JOB P1IITI1 AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tlio Columbian Printing Estiib- liahmunt is amply supplied with tho necessary Piesser), Types and other material for executing till kinds of Printing at low rated and in the most expeditious ami satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bi.ooMsnujiO, Ya. When special material is required it will he promptly obtained. I?ooks and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Loiter and Bill Heads, Envelopes wilh Business Cards, Business, Pie Nie, Wedding anil Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, ifcc. Will all bo supplied and oxcuted in superior slyle, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro cmployci ami tho best material will always bo furnished, A liberal share of pubiio patron age is respect fully solicited. Bi.ooMsituito, Junu 18, 1875r i.avton nuAYum HARD WAI1E STORE. -1 LA VTON RUNYrONr,y&CU, JiLOOlNISBlTllCPA. keeps constantly em haml rt I-'ull mill CoiiihIcIo Stock nf HEAVY A.1STX5 SI-IEXiF HARD-WARE, which Wo will hcII to the Public nt Prlcc.1 bo Low m lo elefy coinctltioii. OVJIl HTOC1C (XINSISTH IN 1'AflT 01' IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRIOULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Ormlcsi nnel Latest Iniiirovcinciibc, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Uurdon'a Horeo and Mulo yhocs, Horse Nails, etc. PATENT W1IEI5LS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallobels, Axle, Spring, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, ntul a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS', hiilding Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Jest Colors, PAiro Oils, etc., aa low its they win bo boughtin tho county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Mnrlt), lST6-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCOESiiOHa TO J. F. W1DHMAX Si CO., .rivrtrttiprnii ft Kci iiund tho W3I ei w .. r?. r,. B;Via t.. "tf : j it litnlctfl, Ooiikos, Tweezers, 1'llora, jjl'ntfi uml Ke-tflen, Piuiie ami Ktierfl, Ml tiling Kir nil sorts of Lnijerd. Wo hiivo nliio nilelcel to our.Stock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS, GLASS, PUTTY, GVK,I3SrX5SX03STES, ScC- OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all lis ISrutiehc'H, Carefully Hele-cle-el anil l'lircliiiMeil low fur Caili giving Ail vantages leirSe-lliug which can nut hu excellcel liy any other Hardware tore in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AND Wo GUAHANTRH both in PUIC'U ami QUALITY of our Omuls. The Largest Store in the Country. J, SCHUYLER Starch li.'fs-y e im: 1 isra-Tonsr . TllO ltCMIKClTON SKVVIM1 SlA- ciiinb lias fprung rajiLUy Into favor as itosse-isslnE llie I et com- inatios eit Kooil iiualltlcB, namely ! Ui;lit ruiinluj,',smoolli, NoIai'lt'fsS, liapl'l, DuriiWe, with pe-rfi-ct liock Stitch. It Is a Shuttle Machine, with Automatic Drop mil. Diwlun beautiful anel construction tho M-ry licbt. GOOD AG EilsTTQ WANTED. ADUHKSS, Reiuineton Sewii HK.4XCII orricus of nK. - ',. l!oiiiliif,'tiin e Sons, li'iiiiiilini Senium . l'a., e-iiiiugtiiil Ag I to., Mays, CeiiiKlii Ciilils, I Slim chilis, Sine Thruat, In lliii inui, ('rniii, Whiiiip itif CiiiihIi, lliiarieiii.c I.iverC'omiilainl, Pains or Soreness in the Chest or Siile, Wccilhii; at the Lungs, anil every ntTi'Cllon nt llio Throat, t.unra anil ('hint, ares- e-cil-lly cureil liy tho us of'lui. WirTtK's li.ei.sAii ok vii.ii 1'iiKiiiiv, whteh iIihis not ilry upu cousli ami Icavn lliiii'.iiiso IkMiIiiiI, us Istho eiiMi with uimt n-iniilles, lnit lonM-nslt, cleann's Uio luinrs ami ull.ijs Irrtcu- iuii, uiua nwiiiiiiii eiui e'ausu ii inn coiiipianil. Consumption can be cured liy a timely resort to flils sl.inil.iril renii'ily, nsls pioved by huiulitiLi ot It'sllmimldls It lues reivhiil. Niinoceunliiiiiiuli-ss signed "f. lll'TTS" mi Iho wriH-r. wi cents amUl almtllo; l.irifi) lmitli's inucli Iho cheaper. SK'I'll W. HIWI.I1 A SUNN, l-rnpi te'lors, llittton, Mass. Sold by do ih m u'eii eially. Jan.vv, f.viy A rOUTU.N'K IX IT. Kvery f.iiullv huvs it. V. Sold uy Aceiitn. Addiess, ei, H. WAUvllll, ITile, l'a. AGENTS WANTED. ' Mfnnr wotnon, ft wink. Vnmf furiilBltl.UnliHiHlt'tii iititKinl lioitnralilu willi tiii l lei.. 1 A Irt tu"o rlrrnltir Hiitl Vjl1u.iMi "lmalfrt,. rHi-ml smirmU tln'f't on irftal r nrd. Jiou'ulo- V. it, I11XI,Stu T.,hUW TOHK. MOM! AnKXTH wanti:d. MARTIAL DEZDS Or rEUHSYLVAUIA. PIKST KDITION KXIIAUSTKl). "Oompri'hi'lislve, lit and honorable)." N. A. A tl.H. (!a7i llc. I'litlrele-lphlu. 'Tim Hlotfraphli'S uro lulm pialsi'd fur Ihi Ir iie'Ctirui-y." 'Iho Press Philadelphia, '-liver lln.i iui-s; no library complcto w II limit u." -Sunday 'lluies, I'hlludelplila. "Vnur uevoiuit of eieiijtburir Is llio iliust, fullest and tho very liest history of thu Kn-nu-ht battlonf modern times." -ol, .1, I-. Nleholson, Plillailelphla. "No suliller should lio wll lion t It.". IU t, Mu). Hen. Mludll, Phlla. ilelphla. "A Just tribute to serMe-e-s." A, II, I'lirlln. "Tho li'st UhiIc 1 hmiijia seen." Ceil. J. 11. Parsons, llarrlsburi;. "Your (litlnburi; Is Hit. Iiistt.wt ,..l irth.nt i.,l I el .1.. ......K v" V. Address T. II. li.WIS ; CO., PublLshers, 7J an m'lii pi., i mi.iiii'i).iuu. WHKKKVKlt IT HAS I1EKS TIIIHII ,T(JRU H li E A has established lti-lf ns a perfect re-giiUtor and sure leiuetij nil iiiMirili-171 III UIO BYSll'm WTISlim 11 0111 1111' proticr action of llio l.lvernnd llovveLs. rriSMiT.M'IIYSIiMinuliy slImiilAllnk'llH) tsv-e-rellvn orirans, Kumiy unit gradually removes ull Im purities, und ifL'ulalcs ilioenitre hjsIi m. IT IS KOT A HCHTOUKI) IlI'lTKIIN, bin Is a VEGETABLE TONIC u hlch assists digestion, and II1119 sllinulalies I he up-IH-tlto for fisKl uiHamsiiry lo lliv hroruld Iho w eakni s or lusctlvo urfiuis, uud gles btre-Utrth lo all llio Mteil forces. IT I'AltltlUS ITU OWN llKrilMMPShATlllV ,w Iho larifi) und rapidly liii-roiisliii; sales tel Ify, 1-rleei Olio Dollar u Isil lie. Ask Jour elrutrulHt lor II, JOHN. HTON, IMMjOWAV : Co., 1'ulUderiiUla, l'a. Whole, nolo Age-uts. nv. I CIIAlll.KS W. HUNYON OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, LARGEST STOCK OP HEAVY SHELF HAHDWABK In the County. SEE FOR YOURSELF. & SON, Bloomsbui'g, Pa. Heviiniitos No. 1 Macliinc for faintly use, In the tumid vejui OF ITU EXISTENCE, U1S IHCt With a more lunn incuease ok hatio Of BALES THAN ANY UAC11INK ON THE MAIIKET. liKMiNnTosNo. 2Maehlno for MAviTKAcrciiiNii anel tuinllyuse (reiuly for Uellvery only alneo June, 1ST4), for range, perfec tion, and variety ot work, 1? without a rival In family or WOHKSIIOr. SEISTID FOE CIHCULAK MacMiiB Companj, Ilion, 1 Y. nc;rox cxjmi'axii:s. ust 2h3 llroiidwayKcw Vork, Arms. MiullMin Siiuan-, New I'ork', n-uIuk Machines. It'lili'iiKn, kit Matn st,, Scwlinj .Miicliliie-8 anil Arm9. ii mv V V linsliiii, 3:1a ViLshtm,'tun M., M-wInt; Mnelilniu. llilliA, A. 1. i liiilniiiiii, ii Writ 4tli St.. s-ulnu Mnchlnea. I'lli a, vei tieui'M'i-. SI., si vMne Muculnct. Allanta, (la., I)e (iUe's upe-ru llousc. Marietta Street, SewlnjrMacliliii'S. Wavhlnffton, 1). a, r.vt Seventh St., SevvtiisMaciiliies. iJHiHvlll.'. Ky., Weit .tcniTsnn St .Si'ivlnjr Miu hints, riill.iili liil.i, Mil I'lichtmit Stn-et, Sew ins; Machines. St. IaiiiU, i'iri N. roiirlh StreTt, " " lVlllllt. lilt WlKsluaril AM Iilli', " " Ihill.inapiilK THMurl.i'f Street, " " lUlllinuri-, N. Charles Slieet, " " EOll SALE! Valuablo Town Property and Farm at Private Sale ! V hall', MW.;niil, one of tho Kxecutors of iii.eiiiu. e iieceaseii. liners ni privaii) Iho fullovvliii; vulu.ible pro) e rly, lei wit; OXU TWO-STOUV IIUICIC DWELLING HOUSK, with out-bulldliiirs and lot attached, situated on Mailt Slnn'l, llloeiiusbiirtr, This house Is suitable fur two f.unllles. emu two-story frauio dweltlnsr house, with oiil-biilldltn;s, Iriiini! sliiblo and (.nest lot al tached. This proK'ity is iipjioslto the residence of tho lato Hi'. Yost, At. mi, nun two-story frame dwelllnir housowlth stalilii oiit-liiillilliu,i und lot attached bttuateil on liock Si n e t, lllooiiisliiiii;, l'a. ALSO, sit vacant, lots situated on Fourth Street, A I. mi, u valiiablu farm bltiuited one-half nillii Horn Iho town of M'i:vveiisllle, l'a. uld fariut-ontiiliis in. aeiesor land, l'or terms of salo apply tn einolteil! V. COUUIII.I , r.iecutor, l-'e-li. U, 'I&-r.ui. r.loouisbtirtf, pu. SAhK OF YALUAliLE REAL ESTATE! rpili', suhwrihor edfers for sale tlio follnwini; .1. ilehcrllHil real cbbilo sltiialoln Monlourtovvii Ki.ii,Ciliiiubi:i county, l'a., ono mtlo from t'atuwlssa, tlimi miles from llluuinhliiirtfuiitlfcuu-11 miles from DaiiMllo ; one tract coutidhlnir 111 ACUIi3 AND Ut) PKK0IIK3, mljolnlnc lands of liwls ltotli, heirs nf Wm. (1. Hurley, olher hunts elescriud below, Aiuln-vvs, e'lark und others, 011 which aroi reeled ivOoeul lions.', Ilaru and olher out-bulldlmrs, In eresHl coiulltlun und repair. Also 0110 other Hint tidjotnlni; Iho uUivo do scrllsil tract, Win. UoU-rtu, Joseph 1'ry, Daniel lj. van and others, eontululiij; 120 AOm-55 AN'l) liil 1M-.UCH1-M, Also ono tract of wooil land cuntuliilnir 1DHTY Ae-lilis, adjolnlni; tho iiIhivo elescrllKil tracts, liiwls Itoth, John WeeiMTiind William ltolierls. 'llie iiIiomv elesiTili'd prok'rlle-s will bo bold separately us ubovn elene-rlliee1, or Hie whole tn unii tract If ileslresl. If Iho above imiin rty or uny puit thereof bhull icinaln unsold unlll Tlmrailay, Soptoniber Otli, 1875, It will on that clay Ihi put up nt public sale on Iho prcmluM ut u n'cloeik in. '1 Ihi oUimi nroivi lies will Is) bold on Iho follow Uitf eeniilllluns, ellher ut privnlu or public cutei t TuilK'4-riul.if Iho purchase moi.i'.v In Ihi paid oil the day of bale-, liahincc ot (.111 Ihlld of II111 purchaso inouov ontbe llrbt day of April A, lsfei, whin iHiscesslon will lie Riven, tlio riliialu 1111; two-lhlrila ol tho puicliawi money lo bo becuied by bond uud iiioiti'uirH 011 I be property, rim TUei-'llllltlisor the pun huso money EObo curcd may, ut Iho epllon ct iho purchuser, leuuilu In Iho proiKTiy froinlhreu lobtx jeais. Intneblon kanieto Ihi mld iiiinually, WM, MCAU JaxbjK. Kvkii, Aiicllonecr. llloomsbuii;, July no, a w ulso elo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers