THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian Friday, May 1872, FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT EDITOlt. Railroad Tlmo Table ;laikawanna & iiLooMsnuno it. it. North. Boutli. Mull 10:51 A M. 6:18 l'.M. Acccinmoilallon 4:15 A.M. lo:so i. s; Lxprcss (I:S8P.M. 0:87 A.M. CATAWIRSA It. 11. FllOSt nUlT.llT STATION, Oolne North. OoInttBouthi 4:01', M. 11!" A. M. LOCAL. Governor's Ctirlln anil Gcnry nro both Insured In tho ContlncnluT Life Instir anco Co. Till) "Sentinel" having received an engraving of Gen. Cab3, forthwith hoists his natno as Its caiulhlsito for Governor Many of tho farmers In Chester conn ty aro ploughing down their wheat and sowing corn broadcast, others aro now lug Hungarian grass, In view of tho Greeley Campaign EongH shortly to bo produced, classical allusions to "Iloraco's Odes" aro strict ly In order. A llltlo child of Shop, lluuyon of Madison township was recently scalded to death by falling Into a tub of boiling water. Tho eminent criminal lawyer of Wilkes llarrc, Lyman Hakes, Esq., has been seized by softening of tho brain, and it is said that no hopes uro entertained of his recovery. A spurious fifty cent note, about one twelfth of an inch longer than tho genii' ino, is being imposed on tho ussuspect- ing public. Tho bogus paper is well ox ecutcil and calculated to deceive. A mortgage of tho Wilkcs-Barro C, and I. Co., for thrco millions of dollars, required $3,000 worth of rovenuo stamps It will require about threo hundred pages of a mortgago book. WE havo on hand tho very latest thing out in tho way of business cards, with handsomo ornamental border. Wo invito tho attention of our "livo" merchants, to theso ornamental "Bava rian1' Cards. A correspondent of tho Lancaster Express "ono of tho oldest, most ex perienced and most rollablo farmers in that county "writes to that paper that tlicro will bo a wheat failure in Lancas ter county. Mil. J. W. Ai.deii has resigned tho iwiition of Assistant Superintendent of tho Catawissa Kailroad. Mr. Alder inado an efficient and popular officer, and wo havo no doubt the C mpany re gret to loso his services. The Comer stone of the now church of tho Evangelical Association at Afton will bo laid on next Sabbath tho EGth Inst, at 10 o'clock A. M. Tho public aro cordially invited to attend. Kov. II. W. Buck, preacher in charge. A gentleman not far from Bloomsburg Is insured in tho "Continental" Lifo In surance Co, whoso annual premium is 52200,00. Ho Is ono of the best business men in northern 1'ennn. Mr. Brock way is still tho General Agont. A lady recently discovered a frog imbedded in a potato which sho was about to cat. Tho question natttially arte whether tho frog was so lazy that tho potato overtook and swallowed it, or whether it didn't. Discussion is In order. We arc sorry to hear that Mr. II. L. Dlcirenbach, editor of tho Lycoming Standard was seriously hurt in Lock Haven on Wednesday of Inst week by the fall of a scaffold upon him as iio was Koing into tho Court House. Ho was badly cut and brui6ed but his wounds arc not thought to bo dangerous. The Pa. and N. Y. Canal and It. K. company havo given notico to boatmen and beat owners that tho water will bo let out of tho north branch canal after tlio ,i0th Inst., nnd that all boats not re moved beforo that timo will bo deemed worthless or abandoned and treated ac- lorulngly. It appears from tho Annual Itoport ui mo District Doputy Grand Master that tho Lodges of I. O. of O. P. In uiiurubiii County havo 810 members; that there were3'JlnithUionsduring past term; that thero w.w paid for tho relief of members Ac $1018,90 nnd that tho amount of funds in tho various Lodfcs at'gieales $18,970,12. Jt is a gross niHtaUo to indulge ox cltisivcly or largely in a moat diet with aa expectation of makingoneselfstrong. er, since rlco eaters, buckwheat eaters, and thoso who subsist principally on wheat and potatoes, endure soverodo mauds upon their muscular forco far Mater than great meat consumers. Gaugling tho throat with topid wa fer will often afford relief from n troub emio cough. Tho ordinary cough mix urea, troches, lozenges, and other nos "urns, when injudiciously used, load mo stomach and seriously interfeio Willi digestion, thus Indirectly Increas "!? thuovll which thoy w.;ro dojlgued to euro, iNorioE. Owing to tho overcrowded condition of tho wards of tho Pennsyl. vanla Stato Lunatic Hospital, at liar fiurg, no patient can bo received nf May iBUi," 1872, from any quarter, "uleesa letter is first written to tho superintendent and physician to nscer t(1'ii whether accommodation can bo I'rovldo for audi person. John Curwcn, M. 1)., Superintendent and Physician. Weatheii WianoMi-Wheti you wisli " know what tho weather is to bo, go out aud select tho smallest cloud you i keep your eyes upon It, and Hit stT. m"1 "PPw. It shows a "ato of tho air which will bo suro to bo flowed by lino weather; but if it In wmscb in size, tako your great coat wuii you if you nro going from homo, ' , ralliul' weather will not bo far ofT. i reason Is this: When tho nir Is bo. Z "' charGd with electricity, you w ill wo every cloud attracting all lesser 2i0Warc,f lt,unUI "BatUowlnton hoflu , ,nnd' ,a th0 co,,lrary' when g fluid Is passlngoff or diffusing itself, in JMS0 cl0Uil wl" 1,0800,1 fcfak. "S 10 Pieces and dissolving. Our town has not been very lively of lata owing to tho ubsonco of tho farm era who aro hard at workon tholi farina. Our Htorckecpcra havo nmplotlmo for reflection ami calm meditation which Is doubtless boncilclal though notcalcu latcd to Incrcaso their bank accounts. BiiALii Pox. 'fills loathsomo dlsoaso has appeared In Llmostono township, Lycoming couiily. wo aro Informed that fourtcon cases wcro reported last week and tho Lutheran Church was closed on Sunday last In conscquoncoof tho spread of tho disease. Tin: Latrobo post offico was recently entered by burglars and robbod of fif teen gallons of whiskey. Ex, This would seem to show that Grant has already furnished his offico holders with ammunition for tho campaign. Tho Postmaster alono knows how much whiskey tho llloomsburg post offico contains. At n meeting of tho Executlvo Com mltlco of tho Columbia County Agri cultural Society, held Inst Saturday, tho 18th Inst, It was ordered that n Pair bo hold, beginning on Wednesday tho 9th day of October next, nnd continuing thrco days. A meeting of tho Executlvo Coin- mlttco will bo hold on tho Second Sat urday of Juno next to mako tho necess- ary arrangements. One day last week as frelcht train No. '1G was coinintr Into Sucar Notch from Pairvlow, it ran into cnclno No. 107. Tho pilot was knocked offNo. 8.1. tho frelcht enclne. but no further dam. ago was done. Tho accident was caused uy engmo 18 nttomptlug to run across mo iracii aucau oi 1U7. Wo clip tho abovo from an exchange. Can any of our readers tell us how many onglncs thero wcro hi that smash and how tho affair happened? Wo tiled and could not. ANnttcmptwas inado la3t week to destroy tho most valuabloblockof build ings in Tunkhannock. Somo scoundrel kindled n flro on tho stairway of tho Ilqntblkan offico in the rear of tho Wy ommg National Bank, shavings nnd pieces of dry bark being used to Increase the flamos. Tho closing of tho door for tunately destroyed tho draught and tho stairs did not Ignite. It la to bo hoped mat mo perpetrator ofthlsoutrago may bo discovered and punished to tho full extent of tho law. Tiia 17th Annual meeting of the Col umbia County Agricultural Association was hold at tho Court House on Satur day la3t. tho meeting was called to order bv w. a. lioons, President. Tho salarv ot mo becrctary was fixed at $100 and that of tho Treasurer at $75. E. J. Mcllcnry was elected President, u. isaruioy, Secretary, Elias Men deniiall, Treasurer, and B. P. Hartman, Librarian, JohnG.Qulck.David Demott Nehemiah Iteeso, W. B. Koons, Jacob a isiicr, bilas H. Johnson and Joseph P, Conner, wero elected Executive Com- mittco. We havo received a vory interesting iittio work, profusely illustrated, enti tied "Philadelphia and its Environs.'1 It is as its naiuo imports, a description of tho city of Brotherly Love, with well executed drawings of tho places of merest in and around it. Tho book is well worthy tho perusal of readers and will bo found of value to thoso propos- ng to visit mo city. Published by J . Iiipplncott & Co., at fifty cents. On Friday evening last a traveling orator delivered a verv credltnhln peech on the system of Chlncso labor as carried on In tho far western States. His address was pertinent and logical and gavo ovidenco of familiarity with tho subject. Tho man, wo understand, was u shoemaker by trade, who lias been in California but was uuablo to ob tain work thero on account of Chiueso competition. A collection was taken p alter ins address to enablo him to reach his homo near Philadelphia. "AN Indiana farmer, rtflnr frvlmr tr trap, poison and shoot tho rats that overran his premises, bought two goats and gavo them thu runim of vnnU nnil stables. Within a week every rat emi grated and stnld away until tho goats wero sold, nearly two years afterward, when thoy all camo back. A second supply of goats wero procured, and siuco men not a rat has been seen on tho premises." Wo publish tho abovo without vouch ing for its truth, for tho benefit of thoso of our farmers who mny bo annoyed by rats, ir it bo true, dogs and cats will i .. .n . . . uu iu ii discount, as a goat is no moro troublo to keep than a bob sled, if as much. mi tho paeseiit number wo drop irom our lists tlio names of somo two hundred subscribers who nro greatly in arrears for their uapor, and wo propuso to contlnuu in tho same manner to weed out non-payers. Many of tho number imvo never paid ono cent although they havo taken tho paper from Its begin, ning. It is utterly Impossible to pay cash lor tho expenses of nn establish mentliko this and then furnish its piouuctlons gratis. Wo bid thoso drop ped ones a tender farewell and trust that tho proprietors of tho next paper for which they subscribe may prove as i.iuuiu an wo navo neon, Thero are, at least, half a dozen actors In tho countrv now nhii-lm. m at.... Winkle- qulto as well as Jefferson over iiuuuiiuuii uiu pan, anu tnoyaroonlv regarded as medlocres in tho profession, notwithstanding, Pulsion Journal, "There's an opinion as is an opinion" and wo venture- tho ussortlon that itu author Is tho only ono who bolioves iu it. Tho editor of Uq Journal must Imvo Uecomo demoralized by attending ten cent sldo shows at travelling circuses. Ho probably thinks Edwin Booth "mediocroin his profession." Well.well, thero's no accounting for tastes and early educations. SiCNsiin.i:, Tho American Medical Association recommends that all bottles containing poison bo not labelled "poison," so as to convoy tho danger signal to tho brain through tho eyes but that thoy bo roughonod on ono sldo so that tho touch can read tho cau. tion ; nnd moreover tlio most efficient antidote should bo plainly stated on tho label. By Hits nrratiiioniGnt tin, liability of swallowing death In tho dark, Instead of rollof, by a mistake of uotties, will ho avoided: aud if tho nnl. son should bo taken, It will not bo no ccssary to post away for a druggist bo- ioro uuuiinisiering aromedv. or loon. ardlzo a lifo by reliance ou n treach erous memory. Too frequent libations of whisky havo been tho mcniifiof consigning four convivial souls to the Lock-up this week, No particular causo Is shown for llila excess of festivity and It must bo set down under tho head of "accl dental." The roof of tho tunnel near McCau loy'a Station on tho Cutawlssa II. II. was discovered to bo on flro on Sunday night nnd since that tlmo tho tunnel has been Impassible for trains. Tlio mails aro carried over tlio mountain and oxprcsa matter la sent around by way of Milton reaching this placo on lliofol lowing morning. Wo nro Informed that a break lti tho roof of tho tunnol, occurring somo two ycar3 slnco, was repaired with wood and It la this which caught flro, It la supposed, from locomo tlvo sparks. Tin: recent rains havo proved of lues tlmablo value nnd may do much tosavo tho parched and withered grain. They havo also resulted in tlio saving of largo amounts of property by quenching tho flames which havo been for tho past fow weeks destroying timber In tho neigh boring counties. ThrJ'flro near Toby hannn consumed fourteen houses, saw mills Ac, and damaged the timber of ono Arm nlono, Dodgo A Co, to tho ex tent of $100,000. Theso conflagrations exteuded all over tho state. Wo need more rain yet. Tho securing of registered letters In transmitting them from ono offico to another has always been a mnttcr of con siderablo difficulty to tho Post Offico Do partmont at Washington. Heavy envo lopes havo up to this tlmo been used, but it was found that theso did not answer tho purposo fully; therefore, for tho greater security of registered letters, a now registered package envelope, with a registered seal, hn3 boon adopted. Tho envelopes and seals iu equal quan- lltlci, will bo furnished to post-masters and forwarded together, the saili in it teparato envelope. Tho seal is placed on tho reversed sldo over tho lapping. Past masters aro enjoined to tako particular care of tho registered packngo envelopes and seals. An accurato account must bo kept of theso envelopes and seals. Post masters aro required to exhaust all tho old stylo registered packago envelopes remaining in 'heir hands before order ing supplies of tho now. Tho registered seals must not bo used on envelopes of tho old style. Seicnlli Annual Reunion of the IYiina. Itcscrve Corps. Tho association mot at Wilkes Burre on tho lCth lust., but thero was a slim attendance, owing to lack of publicity. Mistakes had been mado iu publishing tho timo and place. Tho local com mittco did all iu their power to inako tho occasion a pleasant one. Tho fol lowing officers wero elected for tho en suing year: President, Andrew G. Curtin (ro-elcctcd); vice presidents, Major J.Merrill, Colonel 11. lirucoltick ctts, and Colonel T. P. B. Tapper; See rotary, Charles Dovine; corresponding Secretary, Colonel John II. Tuggert: treasurer, Captain J. W.Scott. In tho evening an eloquent oration was delivered iu Music Hall by Hon. Win. McClelland, of Lawfenco county, member of Coneross. bnforn dienco of citizejis, after which Hon. W. W. Kotchum welcomed thoKoservesto Wllkesbarro. Ho coinnllinniifiwi iio. for their brilliant war record, and .said that Pensylvania should keep green tho memory of tho bravery of her sons. Tlio exercises wero enlivened by a band of music from Scranton. After tho oration a crand bannuet wan i-ivnn at tho Wyoming Valloy Hotel. Tho association rnsnlvpil in mnnt year at Gettysburg, and Chaplain J. 11. Bealo. of tho 1st Iteservn fJuvnl selected as orator, and Colonel It. M. iionuerson, oi tho 7th lleserves, altern ate. Capt. Brockway was elected Presi dent of tho Board of Directors, and in structed to mako tho proper arrange ments at Gettysburg for tho next an- ual reunion. Wo will endeavor to pub lish Capt. McClelland's oration in our next issue. nights or .Married Women. The Legislature of Pennsylvania. last winter passed tho following act. securing to married women their separ ate earnings, which lias been approved oy tlio (Jo pernor, an d Is now tho lav of tlio Stato : That tho separate earnings of anv married woman of the Stato of Pennsyl vania, whether said earnings shall bo as wages, salary, property, busines-i or otherwise, shall accruo and inure to tho separatobouellt and usoofsaid married woman, and bo under tho control of such married woman Independently of nor nusuanu, and so as not to bo sub ject to any legal claim of such husband; or to tlio claims of any creditor or credl. tors of such husband, the samo as if such married woman wero a femnm .toln. l-ovidkl, That in any suit at law or In equity, In which tho ownership of such property snail be In dispute, tlio person claiming such property, under this act, ahull bo compelled, iu instance, to show title and owiier.-hlp Iu tho same. bEC. '. 'Ifiat to piwcnt any fraudu lent practices under this act, before any marricu woman shall bo entitled to its benefits, sho shnll first pre.iont hor petition, under oath or nfllrmatlou, to the com t of common plea of thu city or county where sho nsides, stating her Intention of theroatlor claiming thu boneills of this act, whereupon tho said court shall tliiect iter petition aforesaid to bu matketl, filed and to ha recorded n tho oillco for recording deeds ofstich eity aud county; and btich record shall bo conclusive evidence of tho rlcrht of such married woman to tin, ,,r tho first section of this act. ltun't Take Stork in J-cIui) kr. Iu tho course of a r.u. loglum of Vice President fJolfiix. Tim Chicago Tribune says, pointedly: "It has been a noticeable fact that, iu the manipulation of tlio various State Con ventions which havo been procured to 'Instruct' their dol renominallun of Qen. Grunt, none. ex. cept Indiana, his own Stato, and llttlp Khodo Island havo Instructed for Col fax. Neither tho Custom hourso nor tho Post Ofllce, nor tho Itovonuo Collee. tois clerks, nor tho weighers, nor tho gaugers, nor tho keepers of General Or dor stores, nor any other of tho Priuto rlan duanW, tuko tiny slock In tho YIco rresuiont. No primary conventions nro packed with his mvrmldons. TCn Murphy pay "$200 to ono man and 200 to another'' to h.pi lm ilnlrumlnj pledged to his ronomlimtlnn. Nn nni. lectors or Assessors, or nowspaper cdi tors uro removed or appointed to pro inoto bis Interests," Mechanic1)' hhm. Tho Philadelphia Luhjw uialea that tho law on this subject has rccontly un dcrgono a mntorlal modification, For moro than thirty yoara past ovory now building creeled In tho Slato was sub Jcct to tho Hon of nil persons who fur nished cither labor or materials on their own account (excluding Journeymen, apprentices and persons who worked for others,) and tho lions wero without priority among themselves, no mnttor when tho work wna dono or tho supplies furnished, and wero subordinate to such claims only as mortgages or Judgments which wcro upon tho land beforo tho ground was broken for building pur poses. Tlio Ledger also thinks tlicro Is no doubt Hint tho existence of this law lias largoly contributed to tho vory great incrcaso of building in that city ; and tho samo may bo said also of every other city and town In tho Slato. Thh la so because- tho law afforded n tangl bio additional security to thoso who might not othcrwlso havo been wlllln to trust to contractors of limited means aud still moro limited credit. But thero was an attendant ovll which It has been attempted to eradicate. An owner might, ufter paying his contractor in full, bo required to pay bills which tho contractor had neglected to pay, and In sovornl Instances such was tho case, making tho building cost far moro than was expected or agreed. Tho recent law seems to afford a security against this danger, by providing that wiicro tho contract for the building shall bo in writing, executed and acknowledged beforo ajustlco or notary, In liko man ner as a deed, and recorded within fif teen days after its execution, tho build ing shall bo llablo to tho claim of its building contractor only, others having redress against him, and without any lien upon tins building. Tills does not apply to buildings erected othcrwlso than by written contract. Tho law was signed on tho Oil of April, 1872, aud will go into effect at tho expiration of sixty days from that time. At tho solicitation or mnuy of my Dcmocuitlo lil .id I havo consented ami hereby nnuouuco ( I will bo a candidate, for nomination for J'rotliouoluiy of Columbia county, at tlio cosu lug 3'. inocrntle County Convention. Jesse Colkman. MARRIAGES. EI.WELrNIlAL.-tn St. l'niil's church. Illooms bum. Jlny V), Mr, E. W. lilwcll, of Towan- ua. nnuuoru coumv, in .miss jjuiiio .m, iNcai daughter of Mr. William No.ll, of llloomiburg. HOOD HAnillRON On tho 9th Inst bv ltov. II. Wilson. Mr. William II. ltooil.ol Illoomlngilalo ami aiihs noni.. uarri-sou oi iowu i.iuo i.u- Ecruo CO. l'a- WlLSON-IIEAItl2It-On u,o (.amo tins-, by tho samo..Mr. iMinc H. ViI-on, ortsweet valley, lulu Jllsi Hellnila I), ahearer, ot Town Hill, l,ueino vw, i a. KIHHEII-SIIUJIAN-On the ICth Inst, by tho itcv. William J. I.yer, air. JncoU Usher, ol Ulugtowu Pa. aLU Karah Shumau, ilalu vlllo I'll. MICHAEI.-ZI.MMKn.MAN-Oii the lOtli Inst by tho&anie, Sir. Joslah Michael, of heaver Towii Milp, ana MlssLlz.y Zimmerman, of Uuttnvlssn i'a. DEATHS. DEWITT April 2Jlh Mrs 13. V. Hewitt, used SO yiaiuS mouths tl days. MARKET REPORTS. Ulooinslmrg Dlnrket Wt.ent ptr bin bxl Xyu " Corn ii.n Ul . w) o . n n Oils. " Klour per biticl Clovi r.ved 1'JJUCKfU Hntler K2-1-K , i n r.-, ij iu C J 10 15 II 10 25 0" Tallow L'otatocK Pried AimlOb llaiiif;u Hides andMion.'deih jirii per pound Hay per ton SPECIAL XOTIOES. Wanted. A girl to do houso work in a small family. Apply at this ofllce. If. (Jo to 1. V. Ilartman's for your Para sols Fancy & Plain. Sweet potatoo plants for sale, (id cts, per 100 by J, Garrison, llloomsburg. Go to I. W. lied Skirls. Ilnrtmnn's for your Itu I- Kaiimkus wlio have wool to sell will find to their advautago to call at Sand's Factory In Mordansvillo as they can bo certain of obtaining thero the highest prices. I. W. to l."u. Hartman Sells Fans from fi cts It li slated that tbeio nro received and liept reirularly on lllo at tho American Newspa er Auvoi Using A"cncy of Geo. 1". ltowell .o New York, no.eks than r2dillercnt Ameilrau Pally .'owspapers,53 trl-weekllus, 1'J beml-weCj. lies, ,Uii weeklies, N scinl-monthllcs aud E-) nioiithliof, maklnt- a weekly average of over S,t J peilodlcals of all kinds which aiorcgularly llled nnd kont open for Inspection by tdvi i tUers aud otiiers who may bo Interested. Tho vlkltorto New York lrom Oiegnn. Texas. I'londa or Maine, cau lludBl this estnolWiiucut tho local paper rubllshed at his home. On I.vnrtvr.onY'8 Tosqur. Enloslums of tho great Nailoual IlCKtmurator of llcaltli, I'lanta tio.v Ilimats, nro on everybody's tongjuo. This gruliiilous inn toce advertMun Is better than nil tlio pnld-for pulling lo which tuoownersofbrgiis bitters are obliged to resort. It lias a hponlaneous heartiness about It which carries conviction to lli.i mind i.r llio auditor, liul It Is a well-known fact that tho proprietors or tho Plantation IUt tkils ImvH never lelled upon newspaper bolster ing to established tho Hiiccebsol a preparation whlcbowcs llsastouMilngiopularlty mainly to. theoral testimony of tho Ihuusauils whnha velth er experienced or been tho eye-wltnessof tlio Im nicnso physical good 11 has wrought throughout thu length, aud breadth ol tho laud UAbloiiiA. Is a Kcleulllle vegetable pup.ira. tion; a perfect substitute) for and moro tin ct In u than Castor Oil aud isjileasant to tako. It cleanses HiBKystem In a inosl reinaikablo manner; does not distress or gripe, but operates whenullotl-cr lomcdles liavo failed. It is certain losupcrscdo I'llls, Castor Oil, Nuicotlo Hyrups and all oilier purgative and exciting medicines. Tho Casturla eonialus neither Minerals. .Morphino nor Alco hol, liv its emolicnt, soothing ell'ect, it nssiml lutes tho food and produces natural sleep par llculaily adapting It to crying and teething clill .Ircn. it cults Htoiuaeh Ache, Wind I'olle, I'ou rdlpatluu, Klatulcuey, C'roui) and kills Worms, Make your Druggist send lor It; lm will nlwrys keep It, as every lamtly must lu.o It. ltcosts liut llfty cents a bottle. iw TiIK if TKMI'EilASci: finds somo of lis most Insidious and dangerous foes In tho many Ho-callcd "toillcs" and "appetizers," mudo of chcun whisky and reluso Illinois, finished up to .suit depiaved appetites, binder the unmoor modi- e lies, 1)11, W'AI.KKU'.S CAI.IlOIINIA VlNKdAll lln rimsaio pone ot these. They am not n bev- inge, but a gcmilno medU'ltie, puiely vegclablo, piepan d Horn I'aliroiiilnlieibs by a legular iihy jileian. l'or all dlsnues of the stomacli. liver, kidneys, bladdir, skin and blood, they aro an In lalllble and unrha'lcd remidy, MayJ-lw IIoivWi: I'SKiiTini; I'liysu kku, Who does tint leuiember the- tlmo when sptlug purgation was cousldei ed Indispensable to sum mcr health? Nn maltcr lor wiy faces, tho lne llablo sails and una, ihubarb, or calomel and jalap, must bo iidmliilstcud, These "spring medicines," the ynnngittn wero tolil.weio to keen thorn halo aud hearty during tho sumnur. Wo all know now that this was a Hilary; that now vigor, not depletion, is what is leuuired at the commence ment ot lliu summer soinllce. As u preparation for tho enervating ellects ot oppressive summer weather, a course ol llostettcr's Ktomacli llltteis Is highly expedient. This famous vcgetablo pre paration has llireo promlneul pionertiest It renovates, liurilies. and uuulalcs all the tunc- tlionsot ihobody. It Is loiuposed exclnslvely of jiuro vegeiainu prouuciions, vt.i uio tsseuu.ii prluelpluof Momngohela ItM'.mid tho most elll eailou. inula and alleratie ruots, barks aud gums known to medical botanists. Hence, His .j n absolutely sale uiidlcln. , i. ui no llucluieuf tho l'haimacopa' (ompaiowlth li either In polity, or Iu 1 1 10 vailely ol its objects, and Its eoninielieuslve results, llappll lor mankind, the theory that It was necessary to piostratu a patleut Iu order locuio foreverexploded, and tho truo philosophical doctrine, that vigor is the guat antagonist of disease, has taken Us place. Hoslctlersllitleistsan lnvlgoinnt, nnd bunco it is tho proper medlcluu lor the leeble at tills most trylug season of tho year, lie blue that on obtain Die genulno aillcle, as ,l,nr nn, ,,tii,i,ti,iihli, vlb. lltillnl Intiu In ll.n 1 tiinrlmt I icAt I , I bo oriiamciitul stum tl. t 111! ,'11. ' graved labcl.and the name blowu Into ihe glass. I .llostettcr's btomacli llltleis Is told In buttles lyiuly. MaylO-lw inmtms or vurvxi. nervous Y.nlnii Man In tba Union, wilt J-ncclve, Iiep, a llci lpo fli it will prm o a bltn ulng eiiiuuu uic, uy nuuicHNiug, in eniiiiiiruor, Box 6173 1'. O, 12 Cedar HI., N. Y. Important Testimony! ino rollowltig letters nre among tho many wo nrocoiiMlantly lecclvlng fiom persons who lmvo uoeu cureu uy Sclienck'fl Pulmonic Syrup, Sclicnck's SfJa Weed Tonic, AND Sehcnck'H Jruiulrtiko Pills. I'tlinngrovc, Hnlcm (Joiiuty, New Jti tey, l-'rnnltAiir 97. 1ry. Dr. J, H.BCHI'.NCIC.N. K.corncrHlxtliaiul Arch streets, riilladclpliia, llenpcctcd Hlr 1 tako plcnsnro In adding my testimony tn that or tho many others who havo been cureilbytlioclllcacyof Hcliciick's Pulmonic ayrnp, ncu ivecu ionic, ami .Manurnito I'llls. f!niisumntlon hns been hereilltnrv erlfl, mi- family, mostor Its members having died ol lint enrlv ages. Mv mother nu. 1 tbren firfit.iinrniib.,1 nt tho ngo of al, ono brother nt W, nnd my sister 1 was, when about lit years, seized Willi liver complaint, which rnpldlydovcloped Into Pulmo nary Consumption, 1 was compelled to rolln- quisu my eiiiiuoyuiciie liuaboi a lliacpsmtlh.) 1 consulted Bkillful nnd eminent nlie Mieinmt and tried many patent nostrums, but without success, so thnt my n lends wero suro that there was no liopo or my recovery, lor I wns roduccii from HQ pounds lo 101, nnd was notable to do anyeuiiig wuiiuul assistance, lly what 1 now look upon ns a Providential In teriinslllnn. 1 was llldllecil to tre vimr rptii,tiu and plnro mysolf under your treatment, nnd so rnpld r.nit tliorougli was iny lecovcry, that it seemed ns though some superhuman power wns nt work, ulid lo-dny I am as well ns al any tlmo uuriiig my nie, i weigu i:u pounds, am IW year old. anil ior soma tlniG havn lieen rivnin,K- tending to my business, bidding lair to live to a gUUIl UIU llgl-. I nm tb.'inlcful to vnu lirvnuit viii.uui,it, having placed mo In n position wherein 1 nm u uriieui. insieaii in u nureieu 10 my laiuiiy. Your Mandrako i'illsarotho nniv m,..!!,,!,,, t over uso now. I thlulc they aro the best in tho world. I can refer you lo hundreds or my neighbors who will crliy all I havo written, and any In. formation nliy of my fellow eljizens may deslro iv.ii ou iieeiy nun given, upon 1'CCCllHOt stamp, by Yours, etc. JOHN C. IIIIWITT. Sivy fVcNt, Flu., rob. li, isya. Dr. J.II.SCUIINCK.N. II. cor. Sixth and Arch streets, l'bllailnliibln. Dear Hlr l'lcaso lorwanl, per first steamer, six bottles HenWcedTonlo nnd twelve hollies i'lil- imjuiu oyvup. Your medicines nro o such valito that I can not bo without them in my household, and Iu lact no family should be without them, I have given them a lair test, and openly de clare theiu to bo oven better than you claim. cry respectfully yours, .Vo W. A. WlIITEHtJlWr. 1'ittr.ArjFi.i'iirA, March I, is Dr. J. ll.HCHUM'K, ltcspeelcd Hlr I tako pleasuro In awarding to you thiscertlllcateof the wonderiul emu jour l'ulnionlo Hyrup and Ho.i Weed Tonic produced. My throat and bronchial tubes were so highly lnllamed that It was almost imposslblo for mo to swallow my food. 1 am on u visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John sou, No. V12 Federal striet, who says your medi cines raised him Irom almost death alter all oth er means had failed, and ho having, ihercforo, full conlldcuco In thoviituo of your remedies, strongly lccoinmondcd mo tn try them, I did so. nnd in ouo week from tho lime I commenced taking them my throat underwent a very gieat ch.ingo for thu better, so that 1 could eat my mtals without any dllllculty or pain. I cau scnicelyllnd words to express my gratltudo lor Uio early relief your lUMiluablo medicines pro duced upon me, nnd I deem it but nunct orgiatl tudo to glvo you tlio acknowledgement ol my appreciation. Yours lcspoctiully, llAClllil, M. .iAfolW. An, l'.O West Thirly-thlid sttcet, New Yolk. SCIIKNCK'H PULMONIC SYUUP, SEA WEED TONIC, nnd MANDKAKE PILLS. iu-jo .nu uu.j iiiuoienies tllUL will euro rulnionary Consnmptlou. It. hchencli has been In constant prnctico over thirty years contliiu ally oxnminlng lungs, aud knows his medicines. If properly taken, will euro Consumption, Ills Maudiako Pills cleanse tho llveraud stomacli; his (Sea weed Tonic dissolves tho lood, stimu lates tho coating of tho stomach, and makes It digest. Ills 1'ulraonlei Hyrup ilpeus the matter, and nature throws It off without any cxeition, lrln nf Mm H l.,-,n ln a........ ,nn., Tonic, $l,!n per bottle, or 7 to per hall duzen, wbuviiuuu J. llil til tuum I't't UUii PltlU'AP.ED ONLY AND roll SAI.K 11Y J. II. SCIIENCK & SON, 13. Comer .SIXTH nnd A11C1I Utrcots, I'lIILADEU'IIIA, And by Druggists nnd Dealers generally. JOIIXSTOX, 1IOI.1.0WAY & COWM'.X, C02 Ancir STHI3ET. Piiir.ADnr.pniA. , , Wholesale Arjcnts. npr-12. 1S7I--ly IXECUTOU'S NOTICE. JtJ KSTATCOI'JIIClIAnL SNYIICI!, llLC'Il, .Alum ivooillll.'llLUIJ' UI1 UIU I'KIUIUUI .ItlCUlCl Snyder late or Locust township, Columbia couu ty.deod,hao been granted by tho itcglstcr or S.lLl nitltllir I., ,-linl... All . . . ' - ..ti.ttc . cut, in, in, JVII l.l-ISOIll having claims against tho estate nro remiesied to piescnt them In tlio r.xceutor in Columbia comity. Thoso Indebted to tho estato either on ...,. , jitiiKitivill, ii.ui iiiku or n.iuie llCCUlllll. Will Itl.ll.'ll IHll'IXCllI I. II... I -.-........ ...I I I.., .......x. i-o.i.wuu ,11 IIIL- l.Allltltl illltMIL ,1,-111 ijiiaui.i-. :h Kxccutoi. aprn .u, is7-'-un-. l?XECUTOU'S NOTICE. XJ KSTATK OV WILMA3I IIOWIII.T., m.l-'n. Letters testamentary on tho estate of William Howell, late of Mount Ple-asant township, Co lumlila county deceased, havo been grained by tllO IteeistnrnfColuinbliirniittlv titl.'tl.iu lI,it,.All and J. M. Chembeilln, towhomall peisous indebted to said estate aro requested to make p.iyment, nnd tboso bnvlng claims or de mauds against said esUitc.wIU mako them known to the Executors without delav. KlJ.Vfl HOWKLL. J. M. CHKJIllKItLIN. aprill!372.iw Kxecutors. B EUNIIAKl) STOIINER .uiuttil till 4lll.llVt3 unit HIV IIUUllU lllitt no haa laUcu posse-sIou of THE OLD in tho I3chaueo Dloek. so loni? oe.-iintp.i l.v and will cany on the business ol a FIR ST-CLASS 11AKKHY, Ho brings to tlio business an experience ol many years rend assures tlio community that ho will .miiiau iuu uesieu ureau, caiees, roils, biscuit, .le. Iiesll every dav. ITnnrnnnues filer, tn l.-o..,. hand a largo and well assorted stock ol PINE CONFECTIONERY, of all grades. French caudles and thoso of do mestlc manufacture, always to bo bail, wholesale nnd retail at lowest rates. Adjoining the Ilakeiy aud Coulectlouery is a well established Whero may bo found Alo' aud Lager, and Ite Ireshments, Oysteisln season und the various It tie delicacies v. hicli suit tlio public taste-. Tbeio is also u FINE ICE CIIKAM SALOON, over the eontctlioneiy store, where ladle-sand gentlemen can obtain tho best ol lie fleam In season. A fall' sliaie Of the l.uhlie rnvlnm Is 1 1 mil tl, ,1 and no pains will bosp.uo.lto ensuie anrii -ii.T-ii KH.N'NKDY't) HEMLOCK UlNMI3.Vr. Tlio proprietor, has, by the nsls tanieot Kinlin nt Physicians and 'i 1'inl-ts sucre. mI. ,1 in utlll.lm. tin, "Tniedlelual properties enntaiued in too un, l-iieii, nnd itesm of tlio Hemlock Tree, and obt ilued a val uabl e piep.iratlon to be applied as a Balvonr Plaster for Rheumatism, Cioup, PnlnorKorencssof tho Hack Chest orKtomneh.Plles.snlt llheiim Kcmvy, Soies. I'lceixlliinlons.Soi,! Coins, 1-rost lilies. Chilblains, Koio llreasts and Nlpplos ltlugworms, Chilling aud skin diseases of in. Ilammatorv nature. i-llAitt.iv , CUiTl'hMO.V, Agent, 7 Hlxth Avenue, New Yoik. n's lw. ic Jiost Paper! Try It! TllO Sl'lKNTIFle AMKKII'AN Is thni lie.,1 ,.st nnil hesl illustiated weeklv nanor imhluiusi. i-v,.m- uuiuber contains liom IU to 15 onglual engrav ings oiiie w uiaiiiinery.iiovei l.lges, i:ugluicringwoiks,Archilecturo,lmprovedl''urm luiplemeuts, and eveiy new dlscove iy In Ciiem isti v. A year's numliers contain s:i mu-es n.i several hundred engravings Thousands ol oI unies aro picscrved for binding and u fi n uee, The prai-Ucal receipts mo well worth leu limes Ihuhiibseilplloii prlec. Terms, M a yenr by mail. Kpcrlnieiis sent Irco. May bo Ind ol all Nlws Dw-ule-ra, PATLNTrt obtnliuil on tlio best teims. Models ot in Inventions and sketches e-xaiiiln. d.aud ndvti'fl lice. All patents nie publlslii d In the Hi le nllllo Ameiican I ho wee-It they Issue. Hcud lor Pamphlet, 111) pages, containing laws audi all elireclioiis tor obtaining Pnteuts, Addicts lor Paper, or concerning Patents, MU.MN A' P..7 l-ail: Itow; N. Y. Ill audi olllej-! cor. and Till His,, Washington, D. U. nls-lw U I VENA WAY TO ANY HOOK AO 13 NT, A 5 , 0 0 a It J3 E N U A C K anil a specimen of thu 8 It E A T INDUS T 11 I JO S OK TH 13 UNIT13D bTAT13H. 13 a 1 'A O l A N D SCO KN 0 1 1 A VI Nil H-Pill N 1 13 D IN 1'3NUL1HH AND (JI311MAN. Wilttenby SO niniuent Authors, Including ItOIIACh UUKI3LUY AND JOHN 11. UOUulI. Wo want agents In every town to solicit oidcrs tor ibis wotk, an llbeial terms. It rolls lo nil il.isi, and no innnry should bo without It. It Is u complete hlstoi) of all blanches ol Industry, prneesscs of miiiiutaclure,, etc. No liko wruk ever befoio imillshed. One igent cold Vis lu ei,jht clays, uuolliur lii In ono weik, nuotlicr ilisl lu two weeks. An early application will secuie a choice lu lerritoiy. 1 nil parllcularsaudtcnns will bo tent lice', Willi a specimen id thliaroat n.'i.v, inn, i, ,,l t-t,, d. ii. jieilllb a I1VHK, llurttoul, COIII'.. lllS-IW JLANK DEUUS. Wo now hvei tlie llnestiiscrtmentof 1IL.VNK Dl'.LDli ou hand and lor sale that were over kept In llloomsburg. Largo size on best rnich incut paper, Common Deeds, llxecutor'n nud Admlulatrntor's Deeds (mail el-io good nnd heap etiiiiinoii Jlceils, Ac. -33C: HIByl".- REMOVAL!! i. w. mm, MUoIIJ W A It E It O O U ii lmvo been rduifivctl to tlio NEW llItlOK IIUILDINCI Ol'r0HlTlthei:i'J8COPAI.CiIUR0if,MAlNM Win 10 oe will keep ngahmnl iHWorthu-nt of THE LATEBT SIIICET SIUSIO, PIANO.S.OUUANS, VIOLINS, nnd all KINDS 01' .MtTfilCAL i.STItUJI13NTH, Also MUSIC HOOK'S foi' nil J.BTH"Jlr.NTB. PIANO AMI) 011OAN STdOLB ALL STYLUS t and micas. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is (ho cheapest First Class Piano in tho market. Having Bienred the Agency ol Uio tlKO. WOODS' ili:.VOW.VKD ontlANH, lur Columbia Couniy, together with tho Cl:r.KllltAT131) TKMI'J.r. ANuriMO. furnishes .nlvniil.iLre!i In iun-etinr.i nni. r.inini elsewhere, STATIONARY OF ALL 'KIN OS. A full assortment of SQUAUE AND OVAL FILUilCI'.S, i t nil slylet and prices conslgutly on iiadd. KTT.CLKOltAVINGH, CHIlOMO-t ,t- COI.OItHI) i-i n in i h, n 1 1-; it i-.c JHeoriJ ah u v I r.WU. 7-Call ami examine. mcl.s72 tlui, -IS. QONNICLL & UATTIN, , Wholesale and ItcLllI Dealers In BUILDERS'. AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, ' Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, nnd PIPE I30XE3, HOUSE SHOES, and HOUSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER und SAND, (J LASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS nnd, TUUPENTIXE, Jlannfiieliiicru of TIN WARE. Agents for Fairbanks Scales ! PLU.MUINa. STEAM and OAS FITTING. -Oide''i by mall snllclied, aud promplly Illled. MS Ptui&si litemu,, upr. I, ls7J:it. lAlS-SOLUTIONOF CO PAItTNEIt- VJ Ulli'. ... v u.llUI'J lllllll',- the 111 iii iianie of Snyder, Hartman A Co is ills, solved bv Uii-de-at'i onieiijaium f'.Souilei. Tlio liool.s ..I Hie lata Hi in uro iu tlio hands nt Diulel Miydir to eeliom nil pers ms Isnowln them, se lves to be liuli bii-d 1 1 the linn aro rciiucstcd lo make Immediate payment. on nusiness will neeoiitiniied at tho old plaoa undei tho name of I). Knyder A Co. d ssynEit, a co 13bi-i May 17lh Is7J-t. A ULlTOH'S NOTICE. 'i'llu lllldersline 1. nonolnteil nn Auditor i .ilw. trlbuto the hinds lu tbeiiaudsol Hiram J, lleeder, llxe-culoroi John lKli-r, lalu ol Catawissa twp. deceuseu, lo and nmnmixt the hells and Iteprcscntativcs ol said deceilent, aceordluu to laiv.will meet tlio niutlos in luterest.nt Iheiomoe ol William II. Abbott iu Catawissa, nu Katuiday liln elay of Juno A, 1). U7.1, at IU o'eloclc lu tlio lorenoon. All persous havinu claims upon said funds uio reiiulifiltoprehenttheiutolheaudllor pioperly s ippmied, orlie foiever debairoa Hum eoiuiuB in o.i said lund : ,. -1HN U. VRV.Y.7.V. Stay so, ISTi-lw Auditor. s. IIEUIFF'S SALE. ilvvlllueof a vi it of fieri I'.iiiIiim Iki.ii,,i nui of the Court of Common I'lms of Columbia e.'iuny nun io iuu uireeieu lu.-ru will no expos ed to public sale on Ihe promises ou (Satur day, Junes, IS7J ut :! o'eloeh, p. in., All that paicel nriilecaollaud siiuaiM in Vmii. sou timiislilp ColumbU county and stato of i-.-uu-o ii. una, iiouiiiieti ami eieteribeei as lollov.'s. In wit : on Ihu West .N'oithaud liast by lands of lioderhl: Dei r. mill ou Uio South by lands life. Kiamer, contalniUK seveuty.lwo acies bo the same mole or less, ou which me ereclocl a dwell Iiik home and a hinail barn with tlio upiuii- HeUeil taken In eNecminiinucl to heboid as the pioperiy of JlKitlm lleltsman. iw AAltOX H.Ml'lH,Mierlir YALUABLL PUOPEllTV FOU HAL13. ,io liudersltfued wlshlUK to lelllo Horn biu.1. iiess nowoilcibiit prlvntB salu his entile, piont-r-ty bltiiuied lu un.nwwile, niiisulluiioi aoue hall Ittterest lu tl.o well known I'OUNDltY A.Nii AliltlCULTUIlAL WOIIKH, losctliii-vltii the Koglne, uiKl other Ma cblneiy beloiiejlntc to the same, also the entire, stock now on hand, together Willi a valuable patrol hoises, tind Ihe wiuons, tlesls, lIurnetM, ,Vc. ul.o hi, town lots on which Is eieele-d hkoikI IruiiioelHellinij, alio, tweuty-tlv,- acres, kuotn as tlio Dr. iiti pioiwrty iiboul ten of wbieli i . cieuied, thu bauineie timbered. 1'ilces leuMonuliie. Jueuu given at any tlmo to Milt piucruwein. Apply tooriuldiuss WILLIAM HCHUYLKlt, oct,,'7Mr. OranuevlllciJolunibl' Co, WRLLS CAHBOdlC TAHUTS 1' UiH ilt'CII't, KILO'S A IHIAltM M 'IHeseTabloU pi en nttlio Aeld 111 Ceililblnal lo i v uti aitier (.fflelftiit remmllf-s. lu n nontilni loi "i lortlio('urolnllTHltOATnnil LtrNll Dl'-ea e", IIOARHKNICSHand ULCKIIATION ol the Ihniel are Immediately relieved and stiO-inenbi in,' oniistautly being ent to tho piopil' t'ii- oi n H' l In cji'-es ol iiirnaidiiiiciiiii "S or .i hi i n ini ft If'PHWr INm'l beUooelvi'.lby iv.iillil ; I lA I II 1 I I inlli.lli.n i. I..,' ..ui.' Will CjttbeiTlo'iUblctK. rrlMrenl .. r Hot, JOHN (1. k-IJI.r.llllll. IN Plntl.Ht.. N. Y. HoluAn. Ill, Ilir the V. H. Send for ciretiMr. n)R 1 rTi-pMrilCI IV 4 ATMiPIlfof "in nreat site. IO HilllltJl ceworineuay. DIO LEWIS' Inst and Ritalcst work. OUR DIGESTION; or. MY JOLLY l-'ltlEND't HLCItlN'. II. la by odds Iho most laklnn anil salable boo'c 111 the field, lit Is on a vitally Important sub loot. It It 1 1 by America's most popular wrllet on lieallli. .111 Is.forllieprlee.lholnrirestandliand. nomest book ever sold by sulmerlplioii. Anonts, the peoplo nro enjjer for such a boolr, and will urge you to br null to them. Write for terms, c ireo ui.ii, .mac l.l-; jn, ruuiisuor, ,ssansnm Street, l'hlla. li'iw M AT1iHr.J'ADK IIAVIDLY Willi Stouclland ill VI! IJ 1 jeer i neeitoutiits, catalogues, sum bios and lull pari halms 1TIK13. H. M. MPBMCIIB llrnttleliAm, VI. n2i)wl I HEM TO HOOK AORNTR. Wo will send a baud-nmo Pro. pectus of our Now Illustrated Family lllbln coiitnlnlujc eiVer l.VlllnoHi'rlplui-o Illustt allons toa-iy Uoolt Agent iivu oi e.-inirKe-t Address N.vrioxAI. I'l-ni : 'ii .-n in.. Phlla.. r.t. n'JOIw JURUBEBA. Is n ponerflil Tonic, specially ndapleil for use in Hprinir, when tho Inugnbl nnd debllltaled sys tern needs strength and vitality; It will Hive vlior to tho iceble, MrejRtli lo the weslt. nnl. Illation Ip Uiu dejecled, activity to the sluirnlsh. rest to tho wenry, ipilet to tho nervous? ami health to the lnllrni. It Is a South .Vmeiloanplnnt.nhlcli.necordlnr: lo tho medical and solentlllo periodicals of Lon don nnil I'arls, possesses the most poweilul Umlo properties It nown lo .Materia Mcdlcn, nnd is well known lu Its native cjiintry as liavlus wonder- uu curiuivo qualities, nnil lias been loner used ns a specific in all cases or inipurllios of tho lilood. Deraniiemeiits of tho Liver nnd .Spleen, Tumors Dropsy, Poverty ol the lilood, Debility, Weak- uvos ui nie. nie Hiiue-, i. ieriuo or I rinary Oi gans, Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba Is strcnathenlner nnd nniirUhiM... ni.n .... trlclottsfood taken Into the stomach.' it assimi lates am' dimises itself through the circulation, giving vigor aud health, It regulate the bowels, quiets tho nerves, nets directly on the secretive o.gsns, and, by its pow erful Toulo nnd lcstorlug elTects, produuis lionllhy nnd vltf .rotis n-tlou to the holo sys. ICI 1. loll (j. KKLI.OUO. if Plnll H., t.-.v Y, rlc. Prl e "I p. Tr.Ae in. -oie .eKein loi nie U lllle u ,-l .le". L'o'.H.'. L-iel I r ( , -1 .-, i j n 1 -i'e Hl-.VTS and oil, AOCNTsiur The ri.-n. -t raelesi, wiliest, moi i.i.'in .lint; and Instnietlv book issued fir yeTils. Ittvals MAllh. TWAIN'rt best, Is bi auidnl y bound, splendidly II ustratod, and very cheap. Must prove tho gieat sui'ccss or tho peaion. Apply early for choice territory, H.imple -iters, li hi ' ti-alions, special terms and a copy of our "AUi:.Vi'.S' POCIvCT COMPAIUON," mailed ff'.'n.-..A,.ld "-'"ting experience, If nny, 1117!'. IIAItDUKOS. I'ublLshels 72i Sausolll Mtl'hll . llllllw A T E JIEiN'DOUfi a U C C E S fj T. H. AIlTIIflffs New Hook, THREE' YEARS IN A IAN TRAP (A companion lo "Ti:n Nioin's ue A Dap. itoo.M,") BOO) Hold lu a Few Days! Agents say they n. vrr had a book , hlch sells like II. ejno Cnnvn.ser too't elgli y-ono orders 111 :i davs, auo'her iwi nly In a hull day. It sells to rill rlasses, ages a-d sexes and Is so cheap that any lamlly can nil' ird to buy it. strongly endorsed by all the lee Un;; men In tho Tem perance cause; Neal Dow, Judso Hl.ocir, H II. Chase, J. II. Orno and others. Ketid for Illustra ted clienlar, containing tesilmnnlals nnd terms toagents, nnd securegood territory at once. .1. M. Sl'ODDAltl) .C I'll, l'llh lll.lln. delplila. nijiw A01-3XT.-I WANTED POIl LIKE AND TIMES OK Contalus biographies of Drew, Vanderbllt. Oould, 'lwecd,&c, with a llnanclal history ot tho country lor tho last tin eo years, and what tjp.ANT knew nliniir. ,lll.i'l.' rlirnivt. Cup pages. PrlcoSJ. Address New Yorl: I3001C cu., iu Nassau atrcet.Kew York, Sold only by Agents. A oo!c l'or Everybody ! 10,000 Per Month. Tho lnstnntnncms Miffrc nf il.iu nnni. iu strange, ulthottgh H is liavlnej unprecedented TIIT3 LIKI3 OF jnsus.TiincimiST.iiY IIJCNHY WARD BEECHEB, ,t',,ii i nu- ,7.p ...i.i, ..v., i... -r. r11"11 "u ut-i-ii tlons of men welcome It heartily, ns n bonk to bo read. .SCIIOLMlS. TDK CLI3KG1Y TIlV PIlEhS and TIII3 Pi:ii'LIJ, read it eJi'ly, en Joy it thoroughly, pralso It sincerely. Tlio point for tlio if t Arent to known mat A OiwiiULo, -Moro Agents wantcel. Intelligent men ar.d su ,Ui,y uuiiiiu lueraiivo employment by taking an money. Kull dcsenpilvo Circular, mailed free. Very liberal terms to Canvassers. .M. uniy in j. ii. I-UICU il'UU., Now-ork; 11 Ilioiutlold St., lie WWashlugton ft,, Chlcagolil. Cheap Farms ! Frco Homes ! ON TIIK I.IXi: OF TIIC UNION PACIFIC KAILIIOAD. . A r,AXI) CHANT or 12,000,000 A c II E s DLST I'AIIMIXO A.i)Tm'Inf,;ial LAITD-j IN AMi:nrcA. 3,000,001) ACUEcTTn NEtJItASKA ISTHK Tlio Gnrtlen of the Wed, NOW r0ItSALl3 Tlieo hinds an portion ol the united States, on tho list degree ol Noith Lati tude, tlio eeutin.l lino oitn0 grout Temperate .one of the Anierionn Continent, and for grain fn tlio Uhell'H'taU's?1'1"13 nl W CHEAl'lltUNPUICE, moro fivorable terms given, and more couvejluut to market tlian cuu be loiind elsewhere, rjtiiji uoMusTVAm ron actual set- TI.KIiS. The Jlcsl Locations for Colonics, s ildieis entitled toil of loo nrres. I' l i e Insses in 1'iiiTHnsers or, .Senulorthouow IJesciipilvn Pamphlet, with new maps, published In LnglUh, Oi'iniiii Sired sn and Danim, malted fuo everywhere Acliliiss o 1'. DAVI.S, Laud Commlss'oner, U. P. II. It. Co., Omaha, Kcb. (lucorporatud ltuoJ COLUM1UA FIltE INSUUANCE CO. OKI'lClimi AND DIItI3rT01!a.-H. H. Detwiler Ircs't; II. Wilson, Vice-Pies't; Hcrb't Thomas Tn"-,i,J-ftl';rnoin",Bec'yi H. H, Dotwiler, III. rain Wilson, Holiert Crane, Win. Pattou, John II. Ilahinau, 311. M. StricHer, laeob H. t.trine. James Scniooder, (loo. Uoglo, W. O.Cnso, Amos 1'. 13ei,Jolm Shorter, II. il. 13s.skk. Tor In surance oi Agencies, ndduss J. P. l'ltULWUKF.beo'y. Columbia, P.i. IOWA & NEBRASKA LAND 3 I'llll Hl.13 I1V Till: BDrliBilra & Mo. River R. R. Co. mzziXiSOMs or acres On Ten le as' l ltelll, at U pei eeul Inlere.l, t-o pmt ot pr.n, 1 1 itl due hi- inn tears, unci tbenominiy oiic-nliuh yearly till i aid in lull. PKODUi.'lH will puj i.r inni and improve men is withiutho limit ot llil. tjcnoroi'.H credit fclh tier terns wero iii.ver olijrua, aio not now. and probably never will be. clltCULAltS giving lull putleuiitri nro tan. pile I Eiatis; nny uislncz to Induce others lo omlBm'.o i. ith thorn, or to lorm n oolony, are lu i id to ask ior nil they want lo distribute. Apply loUIXiK, HAWllLaiiiliVimuVr. 1' t ' lown Lauds, at llUltLlNliTON, IOWA. And fir Nfbiuskit I nnds, nt LINOL f. NHD. I'Oli TA 11 L NOD A J'U UXTA AW $-10, $50, 75 and $100. G'JOl), UUIIAHLE AND CHEAP! FhiD'icil t:e:nl3 Tor I'so ! dANurxciii.i.ii m J. . e HAl'ilAN A CO., Madison, Ind, -Send lor Clreulii! .-ua u-- i . ' Tho JU'st C!;ih' Ci CMNitipr ami tJi-slorcr. .Illlllous Niiy "iiiriiSirrT's cuco.ii.vs:." Ti'oni' tit'ciKist Iiiim It, -J4r. A Ueniury of Tiiniuiili over dtni.ue..,.n. il. disease, boVcl comnlillnU end vuiIjus Irbrllu anil iieivoo dlMrders, line iiumorteliio.1 t'10 Sell an- Bpi.ttuel ITiese vletorUsmu now icpoiit. J tlircmalmut tutu littuUiiuere byTiiHA.Ts Kf- FECVtUCkKT rlk.l.TVll ATKHIKKTI IOUUIUHU Mil uivuivniiMiii nnil I'limiiuinir nil iu i,njy lesults of II. o liieut elerman Hpi 'Dg. Mil i UY ALL DUI'Ui.',l.-. S90B iv oiweofBLn't, III. Ii. hlnu or llfei'i ii Ul.OJlSJttS PH. s that 1IK lltNu's I'll i llEtttl)-. falls lo euro. If is pu'paied uxpressU IV to cure t.hntMlra.Anilnntlilni, else. Hold hv all Dru-rai ,ts. Prlcn. Sl.fio. sr. wlllioiii tnynlnig any nipimi! mI. k nnil in-1 ' mSKnliSrwnto tor psrileiulais, iso innnny i A ti i!-Sla"WAfll'i.D. Ageiitsiiiakeiiioro moll A. oy at worlt for us than nt anything else. Iloslnets light Mul permanent. Particulars free. (I. HrtXaoN et Co.. Jjino Ait Publishers, Port land, M.llue. Uy pi.iKo co., n. Y.TTtTcR, conii ,J5. No .ipav. Cbeulars free. fr'JU 11a HIT Ui.ANcir I'OH AQESTisI AgonU, we win jy you 110 per wroit In cusii iii?,aiw'i 1 '"gJH" wlih us at ojtcr:. Kverytlilng KlAJitk CO., Clisriotte, Mien, frPoM,iVA,J.",190K "Tisefulknn-rtelg. fiJ.iir.'.'j.iif"1. 'eo,or;wot,"'i"- Aeldr nr. llowAl-.tliTK AO nelininti, Ohio. nSlir jyST OF BEALEltS oi' COHflHISA COI.VT1'. I h rcby cortlfy that thefollowlnglUtof e'o' or taken, returned and c!aslilod by me, III re. coielanoo with tho several Acts of Atsenuilr, I , and for the county of Columbia for the ya? one thousand elglilhundreel and sevonty.twn, Ifl Cir. re-' to the best ef my knowledge nnil belter. towk or m,ooMt'na. JtCKjcr. ntore U W fXitnll, Kurnlturo cAWclm, DrnaxUt I) A Beejkley, ftmR I'lopmsbura Iron Co. Htoro II Jtt CO II H 7 11 7 U II II 1.1 ip oi 7 0) II CI 1? W 10 rn " ni 7 II 10 III 7 on i 7 IN 7 r i 7 () l fi) 7 IW 7 (H 7 tn 7 rn 7 11 10 IV) 10 0 I 7 01 ,7 mi ll' 01 7 1)1 7 UI 7 CI) 7 I'd IflOl lloi 7 Do 7 01 7 10 7 0) 7 I I 7 01 7 0) 7 1)1 7 HI 7 0-1 30 00 7 ()) 7 1)1 7 0) i w iiartrnan Bto.-s MoKelty, Keel A Co, Slore M P Ltitz, ntore loyer III others, Driijrjjlstfl ShoePtore Drugflsl Lonrectloner tllll.O - i Sloro Oroeery Orewery Htore Millinery I'nrnltttro Millinery Pianos, &o Htoro Grocery tirwet-v ir O Ifower, NJ Hendorsholl, Ifenry ilosenMoek, W V He 9, Isalnli Hngenbncli, Henry hleim, William tiiucr fs H Sillier 5 Ron. ' .Miss 13 Polonium, William ltnbb. ' JlissHOAle, I W Ml lew, David itionp, Wm II Drown, 1.1 .inn r, k. r A. Mi'.-lt,.!. II Confeoflonery ! t etobblns A l-ven, Kujyon Wnrdin, ,Iams Cadmnn, "WHO Hardware rurnlttire Cloth lug f.'iolhlng Milliner)- Htoro Oroi-orr I '.ivld Lowenborir, J Kvphs. Miss Haroinns. t Ink & Wolf, JIIMolnf, I horuas ebb, Dernnrd fitohnor. t3onfeetlonery 11 Conteotlonory II .'diss A D Webb, 1 .M K norr. A M Ituucrt. jiuuie: score 11 tthoo Store II Tin and Stores ! I Grocery 1 1 TlnRnd RtOve II Coal I'ealers 1 1 " 11 Grocery 1 1 Millers 10 Urooery 1 1 tJoDfeetlonery M Confectionery 11 II Clay Hartman, L K Whary, ' v is i iii i;io., ID-ndersliott ,t Mason, .1 W Heluli-riiiiott.. Paxtoii A Hi i .nan. nAJccoby, 11 .lae ibs, IisUai Id Diobbt, HF.HTOh-TtWKSMr. II Mclleury, J J Mclleut v. Store Htore Bioro Mlllciu 13 li II 11 li to 1211) . 7 lit 7 UJ hamucl Hence!:, Colo it Tnums, llEAV.'.I-.TOM-ItslUl-. Abraham ltlcc, Store C A fhuman, Htoro Win K Longouborgor, Store 7 W 7 111 7 0) (v.eii ,v l-aiion, wioro :Vllen Maun, Hloro 11EUWICK OOBOCQIt, P.owman & Jackson, II M'lloekmnn. Btoro Tobacconist Hook Htore Druggists Htore Druggist Hton, li &) 7 U 7 0.) 7 0) l 'j S) 7 OU ID U) 7 0.) Ill CD 7 00 11161 SIS IM 7 111) 7 0J 2 tl) 7 10 CDHuydor, iceigues .uacia, t je uiur, I II Dcdson. fhaw, Ilrltl.iln A Co, J (I Jacoby, Confectionery II Furniture H Millinery 11 is e neeciier, JIKs Uall H.-rtrali, J & II It Dower. Htore 12 Oomp'y Store (1 Tin und Blflves 11 Tin and Stoves 11 M'f'g Coinp'y 1 Jackson & Woodin, (1 A Ducklnghain, J M Seesholtz, iieeic-ou iK v ootun, Vought & Michael, mttAttCP.KBK TOVN8IIIl .Tnmes V Freas, O rooery - 0.) 7 OU - on 7 to 7 10 do HC Fleas. Miller Ill, Adams A Son, Wm .M Kllnetob, ' Mrs A W13aiou, Ptor Itayman, Htoro Htoru Htoro Mill CE.VTI-.K TOW.NBII ! 1. Low. Ill-OS A Cll. Htore Grocery Store Htoro Orocery Mill Htoro Storo Htoro Htoro 13 l) 7 01 7 0J 7 in 7 IW 7 00 1) 00 7 00 7 7 IO Hamuel HItciie'h, I'lilllp Harris, Jacob Hnousler. Jossolllcks, .1 U CU1U1U, T Fowler, Witmiro Irvlii. H. D. lliuard, DibbyiCUordon, cat twnsA tow .-SHIP. Ifiio.tnro. M .M Urobst, D P Former, 13-0, Win H Orange, J II Seeslioltz, nilbertfi Kline, Weaver, Drown A Jones, 'ihomas 11 Haider I John A Hons, JMHmllh, William Jo'.in. Hloro Btnro Htoro Orocery Grocery Hloro Htoro Btoro 1'urnlturo Htoro Druireist 7 0.) 11 50 7 0) 7 00 7 0.) 21 a) 1) Oi) 1) 00 7 0) 2) (0 7 00 7 00 7 CO '21 00 7 10 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 10 7 0) 7 W Tin und Ktoves 1 1 (Jeoige Jlnnliardt, nuoefl 11 William ilartmau, ' Furnittiro i! I I. ni Pk.Kiin. w nm A II Cloaver. Tin audhtovesll AJltoyle, LO Witmau, H 1! DIcmor, Wlsha Dreisbacli Celt, ij; Thomas, Hhoo Htorn II Coal Dealer Htoro Mil! Millers 11 II II 11 ci;nti:alia noitouait. M CKautner, Htoro Htoro II I) 11 II II 7 0) 21 (XI 7 Ml 7 0') 7 O) 7 00 7 0) li 01 7 10 700 10 On ll! 50 7 00 , in letrry, John Moiau, I J Hoagland, Ja-nes 13 lldgar, David Dlaclr, lll'ortner, o II Millard, lleuiv Tiaui-li. Shoe Htoro Htoro Furniture Grooerv 11 Tin and Stoves II Ntore Confectionery Druggist Store Htoro Contocttonory H Van Hureii, j-;uriiti jionagnan, Ilenrv Mnspi. Conrad Foliud, risnivucuEin. township. J M Aminorman, Stor ' !' M""""". Htoio D .1 M Mcllomv. " 7 Cu 7 IU 7 III 7 0') 7 IU 7 01 ,7 00 7 tU G M Howoll, ii f, llomnil Hums. ii 13Jrt.iri'MoUenry. Jarias Harrloou, T 1' Hwary, Millenr, Htore Htoro lAKr.IrTOlIl. CMoudcnlialt Jtiiro, Millers Htore 11 II 1) (0 7 W UEEEIIWOOD TOM'Saip, D UhltlC. Storo Sloro Htoro Htoro Store Btoro Ulora Htore llogart ,t Kreamer, 12 50 1) On 7 (0 12 ft) 10 0) nco uo 1'JIIU Mis Hannah lleuiy, l'.llls lives a llro, A P Heller & Co, . . , re , i.eiciy, William Miikteis, Win i.i er ,& ton, HEMLOCK TOWSaJHP. i'J1,a,Vf?Rlc' Mill Win 131(11 ue, Mill m Harris a nro. Store William (.1,1, ShoeStoro M o .-. , h Ktiocmakcr Htore I.'e-irTTOWKlII'' II It II 7 I Itn.iv,. ri.'l.l. Q, ('has Ketterman, Store J 11 Vastino, Ktnro Joui'.ttian llau hmau, Mill, ni.SiT, tswro 1 oeltlll A 1 o. miopa 'I houi:. 4 iie-born, Htore JIU'Kl.lN xowjsti ii '. i. S. liwe ppcnhelbor, 1'ieasv a Ilrowu, Wm V Ui-own, John II Holler. Ilon'o a I.atu, u renuvbalior, Btre ;iAHfs, ' MAISTOWNSIJI ". t3ani)lU Oo, Win H Iluuch, Store Oroeaiy MONTUVUTOWltsIl ' l'uxlou A Ilaiman, Deili ; i IUrtnu,kt'o, illilei P It Miirgtrum, Uroc. iy AJ Ainuierman, Btore MOUnrPl.KASAWTTOi. s ,. J 13 Hands, store NlBIH)HWW8njl'. C Kiminci', Win tilii"-i i, Mrs M A Watson, MTnfutry Or.ANOBMWKBHII', Peter Kilt, Wesley lluwmau, David savage, A listcwnrf. Low .t Hobblm, l l( Sloan, Miller Miller Miller Htoro Orocery Hloro Grocorr 1 1 it i1 It JOI1L1SUU, Smith. t lira, Tin ivnil Stoves U Orangevllle MauufaeturingOouip'r il i'lBTOWBIIl', nWLj-onn, Store H, no.vitiN'acnccK Towxiuir, An Owen Cherrlnutcin J II KUuger, Htore Mure X 1 . 7 l-i i lo , .ui.. i- i),oAi"roW3niiii M Cole, Htore BCTTTOWIWUII'. W 13 Dei:eriolii Uro.' Storo Iwitun llaraibucli? . . HLsrfi - 111 7 0U I,1. 7 oi t to Hainuel A WiniiiAu, Blaif Leuian a (Trevellntf. HleTe ft'i !o John W llolllnsiu UHt'owinr; : J 1) WorkheUtr, (I M lll:er. tl V," Crevellng, All While. 1) A Cwasy, .1 K lioi.lBor, Kelehncr Hon, Htull iifel SboelMoio 7 OU 7 to 1 ft) T O) 1 00 7 IKI 7 U0 7 oo tirooory More HUiru SUir HruiwUt 13 - u II 11 uuiers uouen m jsui, Tin aul gloves II AU pernons v(ho nyw bet wrievd U t above alaes Imw ui onnorlunitr th Urn km Mufti will bo held at the Oiwin IHhwj la Bl loiiisbui f, CAHI'AUItAWN, M e- lj-lin tiil,!i JpiHttUtr. Bloro Storo Btoro Btore Hiere Htore JlUUne.; 01) ol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers