THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. BLOOMSBURG, PA. The (liihcrnalorlal Nomlimllnn. In vlow of tho momontniH lumust nt aluko tti tho tioniUni: election, tlio duly of tho Domomtti! parly Is too plain to ndtnlt of dQUlt ; mid wo deem It tho dutv of tho irM3 to spoaic out, uouny nnd plalnfy IjpWro tho meeting of tho Heading Convontlou la order to provent an Irrenfirablo mlfewko. wo hail better prevent tho nomViihtten of weak mon, than ba called upon" ttjefond them nftor thov aro norolnatod. Outs candjdatq tdioulfT ho a man of room atlon.' jjuquestioneu integrity ,anu of subliVbltny' ss to throw In strong coutra(howoak and corrupt nomlnoo of tho Republicans, wo navo sucn men. and duty ns well as necessity comiitl'a ui to select from among them We say frankly that wo do not bo- llovo den, Ciwa to be such a man. For years he has been closely connected with cur mammoth corporations, and Is too Intimately Identified with them now lo gain tho support of tho Intellt gent masses. Nor do wo regard Mr. Scholl as proper candidate His nomination at Wllllarasport was not tho work of tho laboring men, but or a thinly auenueu convontloa'ln which tho roal represen tative of that Interest woro outvoted. .Tnhn hlnnv. Williams. Johnson and men oMhat stamp had n real constitu impv or labor reformors back of them which Senators Flndlay and Scholl had not. It Is asserted that tho Hartranft nml Pnmpron men who forced their wav thoro. voted solidly for Schell knowing his endorsement at Heading would lead to Inovltablc uereat. Mr. Schell, also has dabbled too much in rnrnnrntlon legislation, to retain oven tho labor vote. Too many char tors last, Winter nnd previously were naased in his Interest, and It was charg od in the! Legislature that tho object was to peddlccitem out. Lastly, tho neonlo of-'th'ls State "will not forget that when In tiio Snnato ho iravo his voto for v ..Tmn,it swlnuio mat gavo uiu main lino of tho public works of this Stato to tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Such men are not tho proper candi dates for a crlsis llko tills, nnd woregrot to see tho efforts mado to foist them on tho party. How Gushing! Wo clip from tho Washington corro spondenfof tho Press tho following do lectablo piece ot news: Washington, May 8, 1872. A PLEASANT INTERVIEW. Colonel J. S. Mosby, ex-Con fed erato ranger, called to day upon tho President in company with Sonator Lewis, of Vir glnla, and was kindly received. They talked for some tlmo upon public af fairs, and during tho intervlow Colonel J. W. Forney, of Philadelphia, camo in to pay his respects to the President. Ho was, of course, introduced to Col. Mos bv. The latter had his little son with him, to whom ho Introduced Col. For ney, saying: "Hero Is tho man who has abused your father in his newspa nor:" to which Col. Forney responded: "Aoi u.ut,ii aa vuu uono. ,v.J." "Well," said Mosby, "what aro you going to do about tho Cincinnati con vention?" To which Col. Forney replied : "lam going to stand by the old flag and follow tho old leader. Gen. Grant. Wo shall settle our difficulties in Penn sylvania, If there Is any wisdom In our nartv leaders, and so help to secure a cood editor for tho New York Tribune and a good President for tho country." Then said Mosby, turning to Grant: "I will never vote for Horace Greeley. I will undoubtedly support a Demo cratic candidate if my party nominates one, and If It don't I will voto for Pres ident Grant." Tho President was very much pleased with tho Intervlow, and after Mosby loft romarked that "ho looked llko a man who could rido a horse boldly and freely." Colonel Forney says "Mosby Is un doubtedly a good speaker, as ho was a good fighter. His bearing is easy and cool." How nico all this must sound to old fashioned Republicans. Greeley, Sum ner, Trumbull, Fonton, Schurz, and thousands of other war Republicans do barred entrance to tho White Houso to which their votes and Influonco elected tho present incumbent, whilo he smokes and chats to securo tho friendship of the guerrilla Mosby. Grant is now court ing tho aid of tho lato rebels, In the hope of making up tho loss caused by tho division In tho Republican ranks, and hence ostentatiously parados his Interview with tho Southern raider, whoso exploits so much troubled tho dreams of sutlers, paymasters, and oth er embryo brevet brigadiers. Greeley's chances Indeed aro slim when Grant, Sickles, Longstreot, Mosby, and other Incongruous elements aro opposed to him. Such a fusion, however, may provo less satisfactory to tho people than that of honest Democrats and Liberal Republicans. Call for Democratic National Convention. The National Democratic Commltteo, by vlrtuo of tho authority conferred on them by tho last National Democratic Convention, at a mooting held this day at Now York, voted to hold tho next convention for tho purposo of nominat ing candidates for President and Vice President of tho United States, on July 0,1872, at noon, in tho city of Baltimore. The basis of representation, as fixed by tho last Democratic Convention, Is double the number of Senators and Representatives In Congress in each State, under tho apportionment census of 1870. Each State will send delegates accordingly, and wo invito the cordial co operation of conservative citizens who deslro tho restoration of constitu tional government ana the perpetuation of republican institutions. By order of tho Commltteo. AUGUST BELMONT. Fbkp. O. Prince, Chairman. Secutary. New York, May 8th, 1872. 1 1 How It Is Governed. The manner In which tho South is governed at tho present time can bo gothored from tho following artlclo which appeared in a Petersburg, Virginia, paper: "A man from Maine has our post-office; a Ver mont man" represents us in Congress ; a follow from Pennsylvania Is our Stroet Commissioner; our Commissioner of Revenue Is a Massachusetts man ; a fel low from Philadelphia Is jailor; tho Chief of Police Is a Pcnnsylvanlan ; two negroes represent us In the Legis lature a Malno man represents us In tho Senate." The Concord Monitor says Grant's groat strength "lies In his being the em of a groat Idea." An Inquir ing mini Is lod to ask, "what la tho Uea?-W, r, TVibtw. History of a licglslatlio Frnml. Tliopcoplo of this Stato havo hoard wilh surprlsu hiuI doubt tho assertion that (hero aro nets of tho Legislature upon our slatuto books which, In fact, wcro never passed. Wo assert nnd can prove that this is so. Not only do wick ed and corrupt mon accomplish their purposoi In this way, but even great corporations lend their nsslstnnco by debauching clerks, and purchasing our rulers. Tho Legislature, Instead of be Ing a body representing tho pooplo, Is n mere pleco of machinery for carrying out tho designs of corrupt mon. Wo wlllglvoas an lnstanco tho legislation In what Is popularly known ns tho "Grado Bill." Somo thirty years ago, lifter overcom ing nlmost Insuperable dinicultlo3, tho Catawissa Railroad wascomploted from near Tamantia to Milton. Somo tlmo after, tho Sunbttry & Erlo was construct cd, nnd both being under nerlou8 llnnn cial embarrassment n mutual arrange ment was mado by which card from tho Catawissa road could pass from Milton to Wllllamsnort. At that tlmo tho Sunbury & Erlo had no eastern cornice Hon nt Sunbury. Subsequently the Catawissa road procured authority to extend Its road to Wllllamsport, but tho tiinu' was limited toNovimibor,187l. Knowing that the Pennsylvania Hall road company (which had leased tho Philadelphia & Erie mull would not consent to an extension by tho Lcglsla turo of thu tlmo for constructing the additional road thu Company also hav Ing a leaso of that body tho Catawissa Company resolved to proceed atonco and comnloto their road. Tho people of tho West Branch were deeply Inture.-rtud Iu tills Improvement, as It developed now territory, and opened a competing routo for tho trans portation of lumber, Ac. Iu factMuncy and WJIIlumspiirt each took $100,000 of the bonds of tho Company at par, and smaller amounts wore taken elsowhero nlnug the line. Tho routo surveyed and located, no cessatlly crossed at grado tho lino of tho P. A 13. 11. 11.. After tho grades had been established, tho brldgo masonry nnd a considerable portion of tho graila Hon of tho road completed, tho Com pany were Informed that tho Pa. H. R. Co.. would provent them by force from crossing their track. Tho formor thon filed a bill In equity In Lycoming coun ty asking for an injunction to restrain tho latter from interfering with thorn in their crossings, which tho Court granted, and on an appeal to thu Su promo Court by the defendants, tho Court below win sustained. Aud now comes tho Iniquity of tho case. During tho session of tho Lcgis latureof 1871, two different bills woro presentod in theSonnto affecting cross ings at grade, one of which was Indefi nitely postponed, and tho other defeated on its merits. After tho adjournment, however, ono of them was ascertained to bo in tho bauds of the Governor for approval. Senator Buckalcw, who hap pened to bo in Hnrrlsburg, accompa nied Mr. Cummin, tho counsel for tho Catawissa Railroad Company, to tho Governor to get him to either voto tho bill, or at least withhold his signature to it. Buckalow assured tho Governor that it had not passed the Souato at all: that ho knew of tho grado crossing bills that had been Introduced, his attention having been directed to thosubject.nnd no rina Mm bill was nn tore me senate. Mr. Cummin also discussed tho mer its of tho bill, and made tho following points: 1st. It gives corporations and individ uals powers equivalent to a quo warran to, without consulting tho Common wealth, which might bo bound by tho result. 2nd. Courts aro compelled to includo mandatory matter, and determine ques tions of engineering. 3rd. Becauso grado crossings aro tho rule, and properly so. '1th. It is unjust to railroads building, or to be built, Gth. Tho courts now havo power to restrain upon causo being shown. The Governor in reply said ho had noticed tho bill when it first camo Into his hands, and thinking there was some thing wrong In it, had laid it osldo for future consideration, that ho was glad ho had received it so late that ho had tlmo until tho next session to consider it. Ho added that ho wanted all the light ho could get on it, and thought that undor tho circumstances tho bill ought not to becomo a law- Considera ble complaint had been mado to him about tho presentation for approval of bills that bad not passed the Legisla ture, and ho Intonded to call their at tention to it In his next message He then mado memoranda, as ho said, for that purpose. Ho assured bis visitors that tho bill would not bo hastily sign. ed, and ho would gladly hoar more on tho subjoct, Ho was written to flvo days aftor by Mr. Cummln,and shortly after that, let ters were placed in his bauds from a largo number of Senators and members, stating that no such bill had passed. In fact, letters from 22 Senators woro fur nished him to that effect two-thirds of tho wholo number and yet Ooury hast ily signed tho bill. As a sample of tho Jotters furnished him, wo copy a few: LEWisnuua, Pa., Juno 11, 1871. Dear Sir: I certainly nover saw read, or heard of tho bill submitted to me, number 2212 Senato file, If it passed tho Senate It was dono certainly without my knowledge, and my con viction is that It was passed by the third Houso. Tho subject would uu doubtedly havo attracted my attention, as you know from tho charactor of pre vious legislation on tho samo subjoct, or rather proposed legislation, and of tho Intorests Involved. I concur entirely with Mr. Buckalow. Tho bill marked all right but It was nover dono with tho consent and by tho direction of tho Senate. Truly yours. A. II. Dim.. Allentown, Pa Juno 13,1871. Dear Sir: Yours of 18th Inst., en. closing copy of Senato bill, 2212 and in quiring wnotneri navo any recollection of tho passagoof said bill by tho Senato is ui uanu. i am surprised to learn that such a measure has been cuactcd. I nover had anv knowledge that tho samo was before our body. very respectruily yours, Edwin Albright. Lancaster, Pa., July 8, 1871. Dear Sir: Yours of Juno 27 1 found on my return homo to day. I havo no recollection of tho enclosod bill having passed tho Sonate, and my Impression is It nover did, but I may bo mistaken. I certainly nevor read it. or heard it read before receiving your copy. xuujKxuuuy yours. John B. Warfel. MEADYIM.E, Pa., Juno 22, 1871. Dear Sir: I rccolvod yours with what purports to bo a copy of Sonate bill No. 2212. entitled an actrolatlnp tn legal proceedings by or against corporations, I havu no recollection of tho unRsnirn of this bill, The 2nd section relating to crossings of Hues of railroads it seems to mo could not havooscapod my memory i i nil i iruc union in action on It, its tho mnttor of crossing at grade, rec, received somo attention, nun i re carded it as a dollcato matter to Inter, foro with. Yours G. 11. Dki.amathu. l . . I can not now recollect any thlnrr of this Particular hill. I will en deavor to Inform you If it should bo brought to my memory upon reflection a. B. D. TUNKIIANNOCK, I'a,, Juno 22,187J. Dear Sin: Yours of tho 10th Inst, enclosing copy of Sonato bill No. 221! reached mo yesterday. I havo no knowlcdgo whntovcr of any such bill. I nm sure an Important bill llko that would havo engaged the attention of somo of tho vlcllant eves of tho Senato. Its No. Indicates that It must havo been Introduced nt thu last of tho session and tho journal should stato by whom. This bill, If It passed at all. must bo classed with hasty legis lation and is a proper subject for tho governor. Truly yours. P. M, 03TERHOUT. Indiana, Juno 10, 1871. Dear Sin: I havo your noto cnclos ing copy of bill "rolatlug to legal pro cccdings by or against corporations." 1 do not think any bill of this character passed tho Senate. I was a member of tho Judiciary General Commltteo of tho Sonato. I sought to follow aud ox amino all conernl legislation relating to legal proceedings. I am confident no act llko tho ono you cncloso mo over possod tho general Judiciary commltteo oi tno faonnio nr. any mooting wncn i was present. Sly attention was special ly called to tho subject matter of this bill by nttcndauco occasionally on tho sittings of tho Supremo Court whore somo litigation was ponding on tho matter of tho crossing of railroads nt crrado. If any bill llko tho ono you oncloso mo had been before tho Senato and passed I would havo known somo thing of it. I think (ho enclosed bill ncrcr passed tho Sonato. Vory truly Harry White, Huntincidon, Juno 15, 1871. Dear Sir: This Sonnto bill, No. 2212, did not pass tho Senato us I am ready and willing to testify. You nro nwaro with what vlgilnnco I kopt watch on ovory bill of tho kind, nnd it was sim ply an Impossibility for an important puunc mil or tho Kind to navo Docn passed without my knowlcdgo. I havo written to tho Govoruor denouncing It as a fraud, nnd requesting mm to with hold his approval. Yours truly. It. Bruce Fetrikin. Similar letters were received from Senators Evaus, Brooko, Brodhead, Al lon, Anderson, Bllllngfclt, Duncan, Kerr, Knight, Olmstcad, Purmnn, Da vis, Rutan, Turner and Wnllaco. Let ters to tho samo purport wcro sont by Representatives Meek, Chalfant, Wil son, Noyes, Hall, Speaker Webb and others. Iu tho facoof all this testimony, John Geary signed tho bill and then had tho brass to sit down and writo tho follow ing letter: HARRIsBURa, Aug. 3, 1871. Dear Sir: I havo tho honor to ac knowledge tho receipt of your letter of tno mu lust., in which you spoaK or a former totter bearing dato Juno 27th, on tho samo subject. I reurot to stato that tho letter last named by you has not been received. In consequeuco of not henrlnrr from any ono on tho subject of refusing my signature to Souato bill No. 2212, and of heavy pressure aud explanations on tno pari oi tno menus oi the mil, it was signed and is now a law. i regret doing this, but 1 can see no other way now to remedy tho matter, than for tho honorablo contlcmcn you to'crouuGTs y5u'ljavo"sta'ted,"and it win anord mo mucn pleasure to sign such act. Yours very respectfully Jno. W. Geary. His statomont that ho had heard nothing on tho subject is false, as tho dates of tho letters show. Now tho wholo object of this fraud by tho Pa. R. R. Co. was to effect tho ponding litigation In tho Supremo Court, and having tho forms of law, Judgo Thompson was constrained to decido that "for tho present it must bo regarded as binding." Truo, tho Catawissa Compauy havo completed their road, aud tho facts abovo stated were fully shown at Hnr rlsburg lust winter, yet tho paid agents of tho Pa. R. R. and its hired membors in tho Houso refused to pass a bill re pealing tho fraud, or to oven allow it to como up for discussion. Wo havo gono into detail iu this mat ter to illustrato how legislation is pro cured at Harrlsburg, and to show how rotten and corrupt tho men aro there whom "tho pcoplo" delegate to mako laws for thorn. CONGRESS. An attempt was made in tho Senate on Wednesday May 8th to havo the Louisiana Presidential election take placo on tho samo day with tho State election. It was strongly advocated by Mr. Morton, and as strongly opposed by Senator Bayard nnd Trumbull as a more subterfugo to gain cont. .l of tho Stato unconstitutionally and fu politi cal purposes. In tho Houso the question of tea and coffoo having boon brought up, a long discussion ensued, and nt its closo tho duties on thoso articles was struck out of tho bill. Tho duty on coal was placod at 75cts a ton. Tho Sonato on Thursday May 9th do voted almost tho ontlro session to tho discussion of tho General AmucHty and tho Civil Rights bills. Amendment af ter amendment was offered, ugreod to or rejected, mostof tho votes being vory close, aud requlrlug tho casting voto by tho Vtco-Presldent. Finally both bills were rejected, not two-thirds of tho Son ato voting in tho affirmative, tho record standing 32 to 82. Tho Houso discussed tho Tariff bill during most of tho session In tho com mltteoof tbowholo. In tho Sonato on Friday, May 10th, tho Louisiana Election bill camo up, and after further aud earnest protests from Senator Bayard und Trumbull, was passed. Tho Houso passed tho Fortifications bill, Mr. NIblack showing plainly enough that tho harbors of tho country were many of them In nn almost do fouccless condition. Tho bill provides for an appropriation of $1,085,000 alto gether.varloubly dlbtributed. ThoTarJH' and Tax bills were next taken up, tho discussion being in regard to tho duty on pig-iron. A motion of Mr. Dawes was passed making plg-lron como under tho geueral lOpercent. reduction clauso. Tho feature In thoScnato proceedings on Saturday, was Mr. Sumner's protest against tho report of tho committee who had investigated tho enlo of arms to Franco. Ho charged that parliamen tary law audjustlcohad bocu violated In tho appointment of tho Committee, Senator Stovonson presoutod tho min ority report, charging a clear violation of law as elicited by tho Investigation, nnd that thr- carbines sold, so far from being damaged, are now In tho hands of government troops. In tho Houso a motion of Mr. Dawes cutting off debnlo on tho Tariff bill by limiting each speaker to ono mtnuto was carrlod. An extonded discussion of general principles followod leading to no result. In tho Sunatu on Monday last thu Alabamncorrospondoucownssubmlllcd, Mr. Ca.norly spoko nt length ou tho dec tlou abuses practiced at thoMnroIsland Navy. Yard. In tho llouso, Mr. Voor hoes gavo tils opinions on tho political situation, repudiating tho Cincinnati nomlntitions. Mr. Glddlngs was given tho contested seat from Toxas. Tho Sonnto passed' tho enforcement act on Tuesday by n voto of 30 to 10. Tho Houso discussed tho Tariff and tax bill. NEWS According to oftlcial announcement tho President has forced his brother-in- law Casey, the Now Orleans Collector, to resign on account of his political per forma'neos with Wiiriiititli. ''Tho Radical Hoformi'M," in session at Now York, haveorgatilz-d an "Equal Rights" party, nnd nominated Victoria C. Woodhull for President of tho United States, with Fred. Douglas forVIco President. Thomas Buchanan Head died in Now York on Saturday last, aged 01 years. Ho was both painter ami poet, best known as the latter, Ills poem of "Sheridan's lthu-" Is his best known production. Horaco Gneley am i p e s bis with drawal from tho management of tho New York Tribune, nnd will "hence fotth, and until further notice, oxcrciso no control or supervision over its col- umus." Tho editorial managomont of tho Trlbuuo Is nssumod by Whlto Hold New Advertisements. LETTING, There will bo a lettlnz on tlmrcromlsra leuelve propositi!! to rebuild tho abutments nnd wing walls nt llio MUlvlllo nrldeo on Thursday May 30th lS72froin 10 to 2 o'clock. All panics Cvnus RonnKNs, 11. J. KEKDKR, Wm. SHAFFKnl Commissioners Offce, l llloomsDure May 17, 172, Attest: W. KltlCKllAUM, Clerk, Corn's, DISSOLUTION OF CO -PARTNERSHIP. Tho co-partnership heretofore existing under tho llrmnarae of Hnvdor. Ilartman .t inti. solved by tho death of Uenjamln V. Houdcr. Tho uuuua ui mu ikiu urm nro iu mo nanus oi u.iniei Hnydor to whom nil persons knowing them selves to bo Indebted to tho llrmnro requested to ...ItlfcU 1UIUIWIULU IMyiUUUli The business will hocnntlnnml ntllin nlil nliw-n under tho namo of V. Hnydcr. & On. Ksr-YMay 17th 1872-tf UDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, nonolnted nn Auditor tn iili. trluutu tho funds In tho handsotlllram J. Rcedor, Kxccutorof John Zelgler, lato of Catawissa twp. deceasod, to aud amongst tho heirs and legal Representatives of said decedent, accordion to law.wlll meet tho parties In lntorest.nt tho olllco of William II, Abbott In Catawissa, on Saturday 15th day or Juno A, I). XVj'Z. at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. All persons having claims upon said funds aro required to present them to tho auditor properly suDDortcd. orbo forever debarred from coming in ou said fund : JOHN G. FREEZE May 10, 1873-lw Auditor, gHERIFP'S SALE. ilv vlrtuo of a wilt of Fieri Facias lKsnmi out of the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia county and to mo directed thero will bo expos ed to publlo salo on the premises on Satur day, Juno 8, 1872 at 2 o'clock, ft. m ah mat narcei or.meceanunu siLURin in Mam. son township Columbia county and stato of i-cuusyivama, nounueu anu uescriDeuasrouows. Ijwitj-.aii DtJrr.'and Vn t'heHouth by lands bf C. Kramer, containing soventy-two ncros bo tho namo mora or loss, ou wblou ure vrecfed a dwell ing houso ana a small barn with the nppur teuauces. Seized taken In execution and to bo sold ns tho property of JIartha Heltsman. aw AARON SMITH, Sheriff, 'S GREAT TRAVELLING- MUSEUM MEETAGERIE. AND WORLD'S FAIR, IN SIX SUl'ARATK COLOSSAL TUNl'S. Consisting or Muhcuui, Mcnagci-lc, Caravan, Hippodrome, Polytechnic Ba stitutc, International Zoological Uni'ilcn and DAN CASTELLO'3 CHASTE AND REFINED CIRCUS WILL EXHIBIT AT DANVILLE mXSAV May 24th, 1872. OIVINO TWO EXHIBITIONS. Doors open at 7 P. 51, Hippodrome perfor mances commeuco at 2 and 8 1'. M. Admission to tho SEVEN COLOSSAL SHOWS only 50cts: children half-prlco. Tills Is POSITIVELY THE LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE COMBINATION OF EX HIBITIONS EVER KNOWN, and remains abno lutely WITHOUT A PARALLEL In tho history of tho world. In addition to THOUSANDS OF NOVEL and INTERESTING ATTRACTIONS never before seen, uuQlclont ot themselves to constitute a ilrst-class exhibition, tho great col lection embraces also FOUR WILD FIJI CANNIBALS, Captives of war, lately ransomed from Klug ThoUambau by Mr. Uarnum, at a cost of 315.000. LIVE DIUOER INDIANS from the Yo Senilto Valley. THU ONLY LIVING GIRAFFE IN AMEltlCA. The oaly groap of LIVING MONSTEH SEA LUNS on exhibition, kept In m,mlvo water tanks. Tho tamous HORSE RIDING OOAT "ALEXIS" Tho Wonderful AFRICAN HNAKKCliUlMEH MagnlflcentreprescntatlvespeelmensofRAUE LIVING iVILUANIMALS.UIRDS.FISHEH.IN SECTS, REPTILES and MARINE MONSTERS, and In the, d epartment of tho Hippodrome and Circus which Is strlcUy moral aud high-toned, IIW OF THE BUST PEUFORMEIU? IN THE WORLD-ALL FIRST-CLASS RAKE RACK, RIDERS. Including tba Great MKLLVILLE FAMILY EVERY FEATURE W1LLUEEXUIMTKD AS ADVERTISED. TheonlyExhlbltloaln America recognized and endorsed by both tho religious and tccalar press, aud dally visited by eminent clergymen nnd divines. The first and only show in the world that uses n DOUULE CIRCUS IlINO, and requires u Doub lo Circus Troupo of Performers, Acrobats, Gym nasts. Ac. FREE ADMISSION to all who purchaso tho LIFE of P. T. BAHNUM. written by himself: nearly too pages, 82 full-pugo Engraving, steel Portrait of tho Author; reduced Horn ti Mto tl.W WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUQUS, COLDS & HOAltsENEMS. TheseTablcts present tho Acid in Combination with ether efficient remedies, in a popular form for the Cure of allTIIKOATaud LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS aud ULCERATION of tho throat are Immediately relieved uud statements aro constantly being sent to the proprietor or relief in cases of throat difficulties of years Handing. PA TTT-IflW Don't bo deceived by worthless lAU 11UJN Imltutlous. Get ouly Wells' Carbollo Tablets. Price McenU per Uox. JOHN Q. KELLOUG, IS Piatt St.. N, Y, Solo Agent for the U.S. Send tor circular, njjwt AGENTS TOTKDWy?- DIO LEWIS' last and greatest work, OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOI,t,Y lfM END'S BECRET. It U by odds tho raobt taking andnalablo Uoolc in mo num. in id ou & vimiiy iiuporiaui hUu 2 It In liv Ainnrlr.a'H innut nnnulur writer nn iL'Uiiu. a il in. mr inn iiripp. 111a jutithml unci ihiihi Bumcnij uuuu uverBOlU Uy bULHtcriJHiuu the DOonlG lire eauer for tmrh u book Atfonl. the pooplo lire eager for such a book, and will urgoyou tobriDKlftothem. Write for terrau.Ac. fret). UKO. MACLKAN, rublUUor, 733 Hansom Hrcet, Phlla. n'Allw XtflATWV MA1R RAPIDLY Willi Stencltand JUUilJ'J I KftV ITtirrlrnulfllB f 'nlntnirilf. until r.' lciancUiillpiiilloularsFRi;i:. S. M,Sfi:N(Kit, irattleboro, VI, Ii2uwl FUUB. TO BOOK AGKNTS. Wo will send n hnudsotno I'nwnocttis ol "r New lllrulraltd Family Biblo conlnltiltn over 450 llnoHcrlituro Illustrations to any Book Agent frroofcl'liriio. Address NATIONAL 1'unMSIttNn Co. riiiift., ii'jgiw JURUBEBA. M n powerful Tome, specially ndnpted for tuo In Npilnx, when tho laugitld ami debllltiled sys tem needs strength nnd vitality! It will glvo Mgor lo ilio fcchlc, strength (t tho wcatt, ani mation lo tho ilcjoctcd. activity to tho sluggish, est to tlm weary, 'inlet to tho nervous, and health tn tho Infirm. It Is a South American rilinl.whlcli, according In tho medical and sclenllllo periodicals nt Lon don and Parls,iossessestho most powerful tonlo properties known to Materia Medlcn, and Is well Known in its nntlvo country ns havlug wonder ful curative nualltlc9, and has been long used ns a spocltlo In nil cans of Impurities of tho Blood, Derangements of tho Liver and Spleen, Tumors Dropsy, Poverty ol Uio-lllood, Debility, Weak ness of the Intestines, Utorluo or Urinary Or gans, Dr. Wolls' Extraot of Juruboba Is strengthening nnd nourishing; llko uu trlclous food taken Into tho stomach, It nislml latesand dlulises ltsolf through tho circulation, giving vigor nml health, It n-RUlates tho bowels, quids tho nerves, acts directly ou tho secretive uignus, nnd, by its pow erful Tonlo and restoring ellects, produces her.ilhy and vigorous action to tho wholo pys tern, JOHN Q. KL'Lt.OGO, 18 Platl ft., New YoiU, Holo Agent for tho Ulilled St itcs. PrlcoSl per Bottlo. send for Circular. i ll I TEAUIEUh" STUDENTS and others wanted ns AGENTS for TIih richest, rucloit. wittiest, mott rascliuttng and Instructive book Issued for yenis. RlvnW MARK TWAIN'S best, Is beautllully bound, splendidly illustrated, and very cheap. Must provo tho great success of tho fcoasoh. Apply early for cholco territory. Sample pages, (litis tretlons, special terms nnd n copy of our "AGENTS' POCKET COMPANION,'' jnnlteil free. Address, slating experience, lfnny, HUB BAUD BROS. Publishers 7i) Hansom SU., Phlla. niniw A TEMENDOUH SUCCESS T. S. ARTHUR'S New Hook, THREE YEARS IN A IAN TRAP (A companion lo "Ten Nioiit'hina Bau Room,") 5000 Bold in n Few Days I Agents sny they never had a book which sells llko It. Ono Cnnvnsscr took clghiy-ono orders In 3 days, another twenty In a half day. It sells to all classes, ages nnd se.tes nnd Is so cheap that any family can nll'ord to buy it. Ntrr.ngly endorsed by all tho leading men in tho Tem peranco cause Neat Dow, Judo Black, S U. Chaso, J. II. Oruo and others. Send for illustra ted circular, containing testimonials and terms toagents, and secure good territory nt onco. J. M. STODDARD s CO, Publishers, Phila delphia. n2Jlw AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE AND TIMES OF JaoFi&k9 Jr Contains biographies of Drow, Vandcrbllt, Gould, Tweed, 4c., with n financial history of tho country for tho last three years, nnd what Grant knew about '11LACIC FRIDAY." Over 600 pages. Price (2. Address Now York BOOK CO., H5 Nassau Street, New York. Sold only by Agents. A Book for Everybody ! 10,000 Per Mouth. Tho lnstnntanoous success of this Book is not strauge, although It Is having unprecedented sales. THE LIFE OF JESUS, THE CHRIST. BY HENRY WARD 13EEC1IER, Is a work which tho reading publlo havo been waiting for with avidity j all sorts and condi tions ol mcnwclcomolt heartily, as n book to bo road. SCHOLARS, THE CI.EUGY, THE PRESS, nnd THE I'EOIT.K. read It nrnrorl v nn. juj fciiu.uugiiiy, iiiiiiMu ii, siuci-reiy. Tiio point for tho IT SELLS! Aeent to know is that Moro Agents wanted. Intelligent men nr.d women may obtain lucratlvo employment by utaiuK uu ai'ucy. run uescnpuvo circulars mailed free Vcrv llbernl terms tn I7nn Apply only to J. II. FOItU .t CO., 27 Park Place, Now York: 11 BromUold St.. Boston. Mass.: 7j W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. Cheap Farms ! Free IBoiiicn ! ON THE LINi: OFTIIE UNION PACIFIC RAILKOAB. A T. (Mil mi AJT ft 12,000,000 ACRES BEST FARMING AND MINERAL LANDS IN AMERICA. 3,000,000 ACRES IN NEBRASKA GREAT FliATTE VAILXEY, nvflon of tho West, TiiSoa.J? are ,u tI0 central pornoi. . .... United States, on tho list degree of North Latf ...-v, vvu.,m imu ui mo great 'lemperato zone of the American Continent, and for grain rn thrunltedStates7"mB '"""'l"""" W vutin.rn.H ijx i-HiUE, moro favorable terms given, and moro convenient to market than can DO fnnnil A RnuhnrA FltEE IlOMUsrXAps FOR ACTUAL SET- Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 1GO acres. 2i. "P8 JbIt1hKl ln English, German titrlrnaa ww v v wiiVTU Laud Ooniinisdloucr, U. I" H. It. Co., umnna, ncu. COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICERS AND DUtECTORS.-S. S. Detwllcr Prcs't; It. Wilson, Vlce-Prea'tj Herb't Thomas i?MTU. ' lSuf aua' 8eo'y i H- H- Detwllcr, Hi Wilson, Robert Crane. Win. l'attou. john M. ou-icKicr, jacou ti. atrlno. James Schroeder, Goo. Bogle, W. O. Case. Amos - i , . . , a . i , r cji ill. surauco or Agcnoles, nddress J. F. FRUEAUFF. Hec'y. Columbia. P.i. LANDS Tfrr m i i n .... Borligon & Mo. River R. R. Co. On Ten Vears' Credit, nt 0 per ceut Interest. ku.w w f.iuv.imi uuu ior two. vears. nnd tb?X!?, S.Sae;P.lnth yar'y paM-m fun. .i.a.v"S.' ,or ,nnu RDU improve "JWfwltulnthe 1Imlt of t,)U Eonoroug clcilll .u-a wuiu never uuerou, nro not n?,w,Sn?.l,r.oba,,ynovorwlllbe. ' ..inJi101"19 6!vlug lull particulars nro sup SJiSa. K.rall?.:. n.ny w'shiB to lnduco others to vuiBi ft!0 WJV' lhnm.' or to form a colny, ore In- AUu for Nebraska i.anri nt. i.iNnnr. j mpti PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $40, $50, $75 and 100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP! Shipped Heady for ITsc ! MANUFACTUKED DV J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind. CJ-Sond for Clrcular.-o 'TRAD tryr.l A II K The Elcst Miilr UicnnIiis uud UeNtoier, MlllioiiH suy "IlUKIVEl'TJS COCOAIXU." Your OrugglNt hut it. A Centnrv of Trliimnh nver ilvnnuln llt... disease, bowel complaints and various tebrllo and nervous disorders, has Immortalized tho Seltznr Hps, and these vlctorlesaro now repeated throughout this hemisphere by Takrant tj Er- ,,jttiauir ncbTZBii ai'ekient: containing all the elements and producing all tho happy remits of the Great Gorman Spring. S1D00 KI'.lVAItll Fornnvrjisnnfftlind. Illeed. lug, ltchlug or Ulcerated i-ues mill UB 11 IN OH l-ILK t f L-, 1, 1, ...Ita n T In prepared expreisly to euro else. Bold by all Druggists to euro the Piles, nnd nothing i-rice, 8i,im, UAIIIV JIOi:i ANU UVT wltlinut luveHtlim any 'cspllal. Hlek'nnd It-eliln per-ons, write lor lurilculais. No iniuiev re- riulied, A. J. 'willTE. ,IIU Pearl St., New Ynlki iLnii7svATrTTrn-ui!uTirrim i tv at work for ns llian nt nnvtlilni. else. Business Ugli tnnd permanent. Particulars free. (J.bTiNsoN & Co., Flue Art Publishers, Port- 1UUU, tflwIUU, U.S. PIANO CO., N. Y. PRICE, $290 No Agents. Circulars free. RARE CHANCE FOR AQENTH 1 Agents, wo will pay you S 10 per wees; In cabh If you will engage with us at once. Everything furnlshod, uml expenses paid. Address F, A, ELLS & C O., Charlotte, Mien, GIIEAT MEDICAL HOOK of useful knowledge to all. Hont freo for two stamps, AdurosslJr, llQNAI'AHTK 4Co.. Clncnuntl, Ohio, n'AI-tf COCOA! NEfr ur TO THE ao W. ZEE. BK,0"W3ST, GROCER & TEA DEALER, OnimsHotlio Stono lCplacojntl Churcli, corner of Jtnln nnd Ironstg,, lllooinsbtirfj V. If, 11I10WN Is now olTorlnR on terms which chnltongo compotlllon, n now slooicof FRE91I CIOODS, Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed, Teas, Spices, Coflbcd, Sugar, Syrups, iIola?sc3, Meals, Cheese, Fish, &c. VV. II. DKOWIVT kcop.s tho beat Now llrlfjht. Fat JInckorol that nro brought to Ulooiiislmrtj, nnd nro sold ntoxtromcly low nrlcoa. Gonmlscohls Fish thoy nro line anil gooil , ,mul full barrels nro nil full weight. IlltOWN liai n full assortment of tho bot Quoonswaro which ho solid very low. His Iron Stono China nnd Glassware, nro of ovory variety. Vegetables of every Description. Sealed Goods, Tomatoes, PoacheAnnd I'ears, Croon Peas, Ijlnm Ilcnns, Orcon Corn, Chcrrlo, Stritwborrlus, Pino Applo-f, Dried Corn, Uluckbcrrlm, Green GrtRO?, Datmon 1'lunn, Qnlticoj, Pears, Raspberries, Jellies, Flavoring Ev.tract3, Catsups, Mustards, Sauces, Shell Fish, Olives, Sardines, Olivo Oil, Ac, Ac, Ac. r-ITo keeps nothing but flrst-clnss goods which nro warranted lo give satis faction to ovory one. ftS? Produce ami Grain taken in exchange for Goods. tg2f April 10, 1872. 3,' TALIAN 15EK8 A QUEENS. will sell lu June nn I Julvullnilleil nui.ibei' ui R uling ITALIAN SWAEMS OF BEES, in the American hlvo nt 815 per swarm. I will transfer and Italianize bloch colonies nt a reas onable price. Poroltallan liueens for sale. I also malto to order tho doublo 4()-toothed Pcotcn Harrows. Price, steel teeth, 13 ; or Iron teeth SI 1. For further information ad lress. II. II. F.UOWN, MaylO Sin Light St., Columbia co , Pa. pUBLIC SALE or VALUA11LE REAL EflTATE. In pursnanco of an order of tho Court of Com mon Pleas ot Columblacounty, the undersigned, commltteo of tho estate of Anthony W. Davis, n lunatic, will cxposo to public saloon tho premise, On SATURDAY, .TUNE 1st, 1S72, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of Raid day, tho undivided onc-lUth of tho surfaco of nil thut CERTAIN TRACT OF IiAND, situate ln tho townships of Heaver nnd North Union, in tho counties or Columbia and Hchuyl kill, known as tho Hunker mil tract, containing FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN Acres, moro or lois, aJJolnlhg lands of David Davis, Charles It, Troy, Oarrett Vnnblarlgon, lsaao Davls.Potor Fouso and others, (excepting nil mlnornlslu, upon nnd under said truct with frco ingress, egress nnd regress in, upon nnd over said tract to dig, mlno, deposit and carry away all minerals, with prlvUego todeposlt upousald tract dirt, slato nnd other refuse matter tram tho mining of kald minerals: nlso, with tho right of way for men, horses, wagons, carts, mulos, 4c, that may bo necessary for tho digging, mining and carrying away of bald minerals.) Upon tho lollowing terms : ten per cent, of one fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down oftho property s one-fourth or tho purchase money less the ten per ceut. nt tho con firmation of tho kulo, and tne balance ln ono year thereafter with interest trom conllrmatlou nisi. Purchaser to pay for Deed nnd stamps. Possession will bo given upon tho purchaser ho curlng tho purchaso money. DAVID DAVIS, CommUlce. Heavcr Valley, .May a, lb".', N. 13. Tho other parties ln Interest ln Bald land will sell their lutcicstsln tho said surfaco npon tho samo day and upon same terms and condi tions nnd exceptions, maylo-lt N EV DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having purchai-cd tho business of E. P. Lutz iiiiw unci- ui mo otu unnci, u enoicoiissortmcn DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT .MEDICINES, TOILEVAItTIOLEB, FANOV, SOAPS, RltUSIIES.Ac.ic, And a general assortment of tho choicest goods usually found in llrstclass establishments I'hyslclans' I'rekcriptlons and Family Recipes on Hundays, open from 8 a. m to 10 a. m,.and GERMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. fob 972- A. II. FRAN0IS0US & CO. 513 WTAItliKT STZIEDT, PHILADELPHIA. Wo havo openod for tho HPRINO TRADE, tho PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Tab e. Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window ..uuvn huu .u,ic, lUlflui UllttlU, LOllOn, axa. Hatting, Wadding, Twlues.Wicks, Clocks, Looking Ulasses, Fancy Raskets, Ilroems, Baskets, liuckets, llrushes, Clothes Wringers, Wooden & Willow Wnro In tho United States. Our lario lncri.n.dn In lin.lnaD. .inl.ln sell at low prices and lurulih the best iiuallty of SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATE I) AMEIUOAN WASHER. Pilco C3.5U Over 13,000 sold iu Six Months Tcnn3 : Carpets, GO days. All other goods, HO days, Not. nprll20,'72-3m, 1,000 AGENTS WANTED I for our now book. lly W. E. WE1IU, tho noted Pioneer and lUm- "ii.v. a iuu.biii,-i;iiiaiuuuu luscinniuig uescnn tlon of tho wlldnessnnd wealth of the bound less West. Ibl untold rtchen. 111 rnlnni n...V...i Wolves, &o. Crowdod with valuable Information sparkllug wltw tho keenest wit aud raciest humor, rivaling Mark Twain's best, and siilen dldl Illustrated. Will bo Immcnsoly popular iiTu;trutron's7tSrnr ',UBes' . "IHHIAHI) i 11ROS., Publishers, aprliai'7Mf 7ii Sansom St., Phlfa. a mi,"Hmci i ninny loryouwiumisschqico lllirill 1 U U U rl.1;. J1.. .'ua'ro.l.'!J! fdr It) on DIO - I1UU LEWIS' last aud greatest work. OUR DIGESTION, or, M Y JOLLY FRIEND'S HEItET. It Is by odds thp most tuklng and baleablo book III thO Held, 1 It IS Oil a Vltullr ImnnMnnl .nh. Joct. 1! I t is by America's most popular writer onueaiiii. o ins, iorthe price, tho largest and handsomest book over sold by subscription. Agents, tho pcoplo uro eager fori, ulia book.aud will urgo you to bring H to thmu. Write for terms, tc, freo. .. iui .i o,, o l.',lmP,l MACLEAN, Publisher, aprll 80,'72-tf. 7S3 Sansom Strcel, Philadelphia. TO I109K AGENTS. MARK TWAIN'S NEW 1500K, " HOUGHING IT " Is ready for Canvasseis. No book Is looked for mora , impatiently Uinn this, and ascnts will do well to get territory lor It as early as possible, Apply for Circulars aud terms to DUFFIEI.DA8HMEAD. Publlthcr, 711 Bausom St., Philadelphia, OTIOE. The nUbllQ lirehtil-ObV llUtltloJ Lhnl llm mrrnA. mout liereiotoro iixUUuk botweon tlio Coulro nariuaiiuf ItlootuHbar. Va.. Uti hpiui i.iiu. voliod, m to Uio authority of tho latter to n,au ufucturoandsellln Coluiiibla couutv rim k'v. btnuu Corn J'laulor, comic only kuown o.n the "Ilurpter llauter,' anU tho aatU Uompauy navo JOHN SHANNON, Secretary, aprll aV72-4w. PUBLIC. to Agonts Wanted for tho Now Work OUR CHILDREN, nn Ho ,v lo Mnlco nnd Keep them Heallhy. IlV AUGUSTUS K, HAItDNEU, M. 1). Lalo Prolessor In New York .Medical College. It treats of Amusements. Education, Physical Development, Diseases, Accldems, JIarrlnges. Ac, lmnnrtlnr- n vast nmnnnt. nt vn nniiin 4,.,,.: matlon conductive to the Health, Happiness, mid Welfaro of tho Young. Written in a pleas. Ing stylo, it Is exceedingly lnterestlngns well as Instructive. Every Family should havo It, and no Parent Can nllord to bo wlthont It. Bend for circulars Kivuia ion i:iriiruiars, . ,.".1"''F,KI'I) A8I1MEAD, Publisher, dccai'71-tf 711 Sansom Street, Phllndelphli JSOTICE. Alt iicrsons nro rorbldden to trust my wife Jane Apploman, ns I will pay no debt; of hoi i"i.,.i B" , . , '""" Al'l'LU.MAN Ushlngcreek, April L'0, lS72-3w ANNOUNCEMENT THE HLOOMSllUIta LITERARY INSTITUTIi AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open under tho eutlro control of tho BOARD OP TRUST-EES. They have selected as Principal of tho Instl lUUUU ItEV. JOHN HEWITT, a Eeutloman whoso oualincatlons havo boon lUllV testoit nml llrnvntf It, nil,n.n.i,,..iAK.i terprlses of a llko nature j and they ask and !mnS.? J ht to 'Ipmand for lilm nnd tho Instl uillou, tho confidence nnd support of our own cltlzons, and oftho frlondsof tho ontorpnso nnd u..w....u.. ,u.j itiiiu, hi iiuiiiLoi comtori, convenloiico and beauty of buildings and sup roundlugs, no school ln tho Stato surpasses this; L . . ui-.i.tmiuvu it, nuuii not uo seconu 11 tho kind, nuallty nnd thoroughness of Its disci Tho Spring session of twclvo woeks will begl; MONDAY, APRIL Sth, and closo JUNE 28th. EXPENSES: Tallinn nml Hoarding, Including washing and mr the session ol twelvo weeks, U0 oZ ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT . iuttlon for.dny pupils, ono dollar ner week in tno model school, from fifty to olglity cents nor week. Music, Drawing, Painting, extr" Hills aro p.iyablo, and must bo paid nromntiv P"?-Ua f at the, beginning and tna o ther half at J. G. FREEZE, . L. n. RUPEltT. secretary. Prosldent, A UMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATl! 0KJ0S-1I WKIS.S. DEC'D. tn.o!;,? w ",L n'ni'"l''V;al,l0n ' tho estato o: -W..W,,.. ,, 1,1 .u,,,iujgu twp., uotumbl! county deo'd., havo boon granted by tholte.'ste of bald count to Oscar P. Eut of Light Street tuimuuia co., i-a. au persons havlug claims "ri 'onjniids against tho decedent nro reriuesl ed to mako thorn known, nnd thoso Indebted aprll xtfiWr "dVn'lnisStor. TREASURER'S SALE Of UNSEATED LAND3 IN COLUilUIA CO, Agreeably lo tho nrnvkinn. nr ... sciuuly entitled un Act dlrecthig the mode i o't tlco to all peisous concerned therein, that unloss" tho County. Road. Helm.) i,m i State taxes duo on tho following tracts ol iiusoa ti ed lands, sltuato ln Cn lnmi.i,. .,.,,, "".'w before tho day of sale, tho wholo or such paris of on, will bo sold at tho Court Houso In tlio town or llloomsburg. Pu.,on tho I'Jlh day ol Juno, ls7J uud to continue by ttdjournniout, irom day to day fornrrcarages of taxes duo sal.l County, and Acres. Warrantees or Owners. Dol. ct,. Jicaver. Oray William Claik Andrew, tract. Davis Isaao Fry David Little Manilas, Llttlo Hobo u. Morris Daniel, Noyor George, Nuugosser lleorgo Shuman F, L'. Shuman F. 1 bhumau F. L. Shuman Goorgo & Co., Shlpmau 11. W. Heunluger Christian, Hhumau F. L, Shuman F. L. Hosier Jacob, Uec'd., Jlenton, Chrlstman Ann, Wells John Appleman Petor, Pennington Jcsso R. liriarcreek. Applo Paul llrlttaln William A, J. Ullsh Reuben, Reach Nathan, Heach Nathan, 3J 350 S3 1)1 i eo 10 10 1 60 5 to It 50 '5 77 5 00 100 70 100 111 l'J 7 75 100 110 71 3 U0 8 00 1 3J CO 3 U0 21 12 5 r, 1 u. III) at 10 Ml 1) 30 10 87 8 27 4 71 1 80 12 UJ 2IM 11 83 25 4 17 800 19 U3 35 35 10J 100 8 91 210 Jiryan uuy, 12 40 3 Clem W.T. D. Rev. 8 81 2IS 18J ueauiy H. r ., Hoadly S. F., Headly B. I' Hicks Jesse, Rucer Abraham, Pealur Samuel J, Staekhouso Joseph, Stnckhouso Joseph, Stackhouse, Joseph, Suit Adam, Spouenberg Philip, slltlor Jacob. Traugh Henry, Doty & Pculcr. Parks James, Klssuer&Kuorr, Calawima Toumshij. McNlnch James H., L'lowcll Jacob, Jr., 1) roost J. H., HrobitJ. S,, H roust J, S., Hrobst J. S., HIllmyerM.&a,, 17 10 07 mm uo 11 83 3 UJ 10 -M 11 85 3 :u a oi S 01 32 42 17 80 500 10 200 H'l) 121 200 10J 100 Q 7 30) 10 10 2 1)7 233 8 4 83 3 83 2 70 2 GO 100 61 101 I 17 S 81 27 72 111 Hi Centralta liorouyh, iLrts Artcr John, 18 US 5 7B 0 33 2 20 43 00 ' lioyioJohn, 1 Crane Michael, ' Chadwlck Ann T., ' Collins Peter v.. ' Cannon Uernard, 1 Colllhan James, ' Fetterman Allen, GrlfUtli HoDJumlu, ' llluoJohn, Holmes Thomas, Jones Ann T, Mrs, Kline Caroline, Kllno&Helnbold, ' Keller widow, 1 Loveland II. A. Langon I'at'k Morgan V. John, 1 Marks Loyd, ' Marks George, ' MoeuanThoimui. ' Moore Grace Mrs, 1 Nevln Michael, ' Parks 1 Quiuu Patrick, ' Kelly ' Shcphard 11. F, 1 Wltllck Krod. 1 Xlglor William, Hughs John J, 1 Cain Terronoe, Davis Henry, Centre Township. Connor Isaiah, estate Conner Samuel, estate Hewitt & Henodlct, Frit William, estate Good Jacob", 1 20 8 VI 8 81 1 II) 4 18 4 07 3 SO 8 If ) 15 W 8 81 1 83 1 10 8 82 8 HI 8 UI 8 ti 17 27 8 81 17 27 8 IX) 4 20 8 UJ 4 31 15 23 U 01 3 81 762 S3 83 8 28 U 28 S 81 1 7) w 0 a Klffor I)anll. Hamhaeli Daniel, Hill Jacoli estate, Oonyngham Ibwnsfiij), Jordan Robert, wt!',.!:?"' 1 14 .11 w 2 32 53100 oat ut 699 33 80 S9 89 M )69 so rw 113 40 113 40 7.1 811 Oil 81 20 51 9 61 41 00 4100 61 4S 6s 71 . 3 31 103 91 311 21 189 83 M 8.1 21 31 2U & 17 82 13 37 II 82 80 18 331 71) 2 1 23 1 10 3 12 2S 7to 6 H 3 UI X) 23 2 22 80 4 I 80 3 70 . W 3 HI Oil) 4 30 3 10 3 70 4 45 4 45 8 45 13 23 Hot 17U Huston Tlionias ilof W) Huston Jiwyi ' 54 of 170 Huston Thomas Hof S80 Huston Mar?. ' lw Iluchor Peter' 881 8.HI i.'.'.. . f """nson, Illltfhlmor Thoiiias, Wicliorsham Amos. Hhannon William, lllckham Georgo, Harnos Thomas, Ilea A. W. ' 831 10U au 1() 100 112 Ilea A. W. Hen A, V. m so 8 Kllno, Llndonmtitli &C.1., Lludenmuth Goorao 1) Wnlkor Lewis, K " Young John, Hranuau ICbenozor, Ream JoBhua, Dellaven Peter. Miller William, Portor William, Hccso Daniel, Warner Jonn. Heaver A Kllno, ltceso Mlchnol, 401 sit 4JJ 911 Ml 811 0 1M1 17U 118 450 Io.bVv,.T"SUa,ll'1. lLot Marr Henrys.. Rolnbold W. j Westmnn Daniel. Yoctim Frnult, Cleaver Elllah, Cook David, Kllugamau Fred,. Kachclrios Goorgo Goodman William Wnllaco William "' Hart Andrew, l aln Terroneo. Hclmbach Ph lp, Hewlg P.S., 11 Joyco Peter, Knlttle Jonathan. Jlaulro Tcrreuce Marr ,t Morris ' SO ",unu reux, McMauaman Potor Murnhv An i . . ;V"',U' ininony. 1 Lot Murphy Richard.' ! " n,,ir.,,,ily' .T""""". 1 HlllVf'lv Afnni Ma Preston Improvc.'nont Co., J-nshlnncreek 7tii..;.f ,1 II 13 J) II J HID 100 JUO 00 15 57 110 Doty & Poaler. 1 Doty & Pealor, l,i UU 71 I 80 ' ' 21 00 .9 00 lo CO 5 M 5 20 1 41 3 71 0 72 "u7 u"iuri Ikelcr Wlillniu, Joues Junius Htt homon MlchaoJ. Montgomery D cslate. Penler Bamuel J., ' ........ ..uiaiium. Parks James 1),. Molioury Ed., taxes. Lemon Thomas, N Franklin, 57 lloycri:dward, tiO Hower Moses, 21 Lllloy Abraham, 1 Lloyd John, Greenwood. .1 Kllno Daniel, 8 Noltou samuol, 10J 1 1tmau Abra., slale 50 Watts ftllodlluo,1' Hemlock, 30 Campbell L. N 5) Emniltt James, Jackson. Uof2ifl Kile John. )1 of23tl Kilo John, 100 Woolever Jacob, 100 Hess John L Locust, ajO Illlllngton Thomas, Jl Johu Samuel, 51 John Samuel, 101) Rhodes Johu & Joseph. U lteeso .Michael. M Hayen William, 'A of 100 Huston Thomas. JS ol 100 llooso Daniel. A or 100 Huston Mary. O "tSM """ton Uharlolt,., H of 200 Hoynolds John. Hof 200 Myers Mary, ' i of 100 Huston Thomas Hof 190 Reese Daniel. Hof 200 Huston Mary, ?Is!) "natou Clmrlotte. ? of 200 Reynolds Johu.1 Hof'200 Myers Mary, " 55 Miller Jacob, ' 22!i Miller Jacob, nil Iloaver Georgo & J. I. Kllno (il Keller RlchArdf Mtulison Township. 40 Ellis William, estato, 221) Muscr Jacob, 10 91 15 80 3 uo 'M 91 2 7(1 17 80 17 2i 3 31 3 50 I) 74 10 99 2 80 15 01 0 80 14 73 2 60 2 8J 7 68 9 87 2 30 .'I 81 7 20 7 2.1 7 20 7 21! 7 20 3 61 7 20 7 20 7 211 7 20 7 20 8 91 4 01 1 II 1 11 11 75 4 70 Main, Flnchor J. P., Flnchcr J. P., Hosier Jacob, Shu-nan Rudolph, Shuman George, Shuman Daulel, holra, 33 100 100 108 101 U7 (07 100 1U0 150 30 471 0 ....HU...U .o..,..u, uuirs, Smock, Hrobst, letter, Yotter Isaan. ctterJtllauck .jtaxos 237 Y0UlSfJ!;,l?.?'tD'mle, Yettcr & Klaso. Lougenberger George, estato Mtflin. Drown David, sr.. Creasy Henry, Durnbach Naomi, Keller John, N ungosser Ucorge, Imiuerinann Joshua. Yone John It., ' Montour. Glger Johu, estate, ltuiusoy John, estate, Ml. Pleasant, Grimes Lorenzo, McLarty Daulel, Orange. I'rovellug Samuel, Everett Moses, Jones Richard, Kllno A, J Kllno A. J Trelplepleeo Jacob, Pine. HonHeld Thomas. Davis Thomas, estate. Heath Sylvester, Vanderslico Thomas J., Iloaringcrcek. Raub J. Miller, Llttlo Robert, Uucher Peter, llarnes Thomas, Jr.. Frlck & Shuman, Huston Johu, part or. Trlon Jacob, Morris Daniel, Yocum ElLsha, Yooum Ellshn, Weary Gabriel, Morris D. dt M, O. Hughs Morris D. & M. G. Hughs i -Morris I). M. o. Jiuuiu' Morris D.aM.o. iiSwls ' Morris 1). & M. O. lIUKhs' Weary Oubrlol, ""'u. Weury Gubrlel Raub J. Miller. Keller RlcharJ, Hc.iver George ji J, L, Kline, Sugar Loaf, lluckalow James, . Colo Eieklel, Custard Mary, Goss Nathaniel, Gray Robert, Montgomery Robert, estate. Itoherts t Lar,h, ' 3 85 8 07 250 2! 10 5 73 18 41 67 200 175 47 78 102 10 42 261 7 91) 8 30 211 2S2 400 17 I Lot 110 73 2", 3 42 I 29 14 Ui 40 41 30 UO 4J0 1U0 50 30 25 SO Hi 1S 10 7 15 0 38 20 60 3) 20 22S 2 28 2 60 314 10 7 0 32 271 1 U) 3 87 1 II 7U 7 90 1 15 39 3U" 60 3 91 2 72 3 43 171 113 200 81 75 200 205 33 CO It 12 30 20 70 44 95 58 70 300 1W Jiof 119 Kilo John, (163 Wrr,T.lAr r.A-nr Hljomsbur April 5,1872, Treasurer. TREASURER'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN OOLUilUIA COUNTY. Alin thn frtllnlnr. i. Seated ;.nds7reiuri?ed by' tu'o Ux eollScaK'iar3J to bo sold at tho samo time, und tho provlTiou? 01 uu actot Assembly, outl led An A?t re atlSg to the sale of lands lor taies lu Columbia Coiu- -4crcj. lruiranfrai or Owiuri. IM. CD. Heaver, Miller Ellas, Grover stopheu. Halter Thomas, Luce Georgo A Benton. Conner Presorve. ShuluEzeklel, Koons John, Swartwout John, Conner Mathlas, Ma.ters Parvln, HrluUJohu O., Bloom, 81 15 27 17 131 28 U0 17 92 4 2J 0 1! 1170 172 2 40 19 1 Lot Puis 11 E. B., C34 131 390 iicii'ii aiioy, Murm, Joseph P., Briarcrcek. Sillier Reuben, Thomas Joslau, mites Lucv. Vaupell U.lah, Oonyngham, l!i own William, I.'au l'atrlck, Casey Laureuoo, Preston lmproYtment Oo,. Yorkey William, Greenwood, Drolpleploco James, Walls Joseph, Oolo Nicholas, Hosk Clirlttlau, 10O 11175 33 20 US 213 5 1 30 37 20 880 751 10 60 it) I 2 25 lLot 225 220 VU) 1 60 Jlemlook, Susquehanna Slate Company, Jackson, Ralston J William & John, Kesler Johu, Locust, 13 60 212 12 93 64 S 3 Preach Joseph, fi Croul Jaoab. '& 14 71 111 43 93 04 65 123 60 110 10 48 lloneboo Cornelius, 83 Metz CharleJi, Millard William, Myers Jacob. i Lot Hloycr Sarah, ii Thomas Hlrau, Watklns Robert M Yeagor Henry V., Hupp George, eciato. Strauser Charles, Madison, 30 Whlpples James, estate, 630 Pine, Fox John, Mluler Charles, Greonly James, SwlBher Philip, Boarlngcretk, 8 71 843. 160 12S 43 Sherman Catharine, 1 Uloomsburc. Aprll l"44" &eMur.. I 30 !20 191 5 10 1 9J 810 IHJ 330 198 1 I9 CO 127 177 7 02 II 85 83J 680 6 j2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers