THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Humorous. Woman's ltltfMs. DsnnI McKlynn lias een tti IiiUItik nliout 'woman's rights," Rnl nls excited Imagl nation find vontln poetry. Head It I Hurrah! for the time Hint Isenmln', Whin ladli "hall vote like tlio mlu) Ooh, won't the polle be nblnomln' WM nthern and crinoline Election day thin I amthlnkln' Will be the grentday of the year Whin lasses an' lads wilt bo drlnkln' Together the candidates' beer. What' the nse to wrangle wld niddy About who the living shall make t An snre If 'twill plnse her I'm rlddy To give up the hod for her Rake, An' be staying all day at the shanty To 'Unit the domestic, affairs, A botlln the bare an' pertutles, Aa' mendln the rips and the lairs. Thin whin election approaches, An' the lassies are marchln' the strate Wld big bandi of mnslo an' torches, An' lilddy Is stamlln' the trate, I'll bo on the (lde.walk hurrahln' For me own darlln' lilddy McKlynn, Wld a child In my arms, aud a drawln' A cub wld anotner one In, An' whin the Is maktn' her spachel, llefore tho great mln of the laud, Snre then I will lend her my oraches, An' sit by her aide on the sthand, An' after site's done with her talkln' OCtl.thln how the people will cheer, An' tiff to the polls be n watklu' An vouu lor uiuuy my uwir, An'whlnallthevotln' Is over An' Ulddy'a elected, suro thin I'll lire like a pig in the clover, WM Honorable Mrs, McKlynn ; The shsuly I'll quickly be leavlu' An'llvln'wtd lllcgnnl taste. Wld n horse and a shay for me drlvln' An' a nlggsr to wait on the baste. It's nlver a He I am sponkln' ltut thrue every word that I say. It's myself 'twould nlver be takln' The rights of the ladles away, If n lassie thl.ikln' 11 proper. Should shoulder the morturan' brick, Ilad luck to tue thatf that would sltiop her I'd black his two eyes purly quick. The way la for all to kftpo alsy, An' give to the ladles their way; They trip up aud.vole ltko n daisy. No matter what blackguards may Bay, An' thin should the otllco be sakln' Or, twlrllu' the pick or the sptiado, An' for us the llvln be maktn Who cares so the llvln' la mado 1 The Independent Tanner. Let sailors sing of tho windy deep, Let sailors praise their armor, Uut In my heart this toast I'll koep The Independent Farmer, When llrst the rone In robe of green Unfolds Its crlmsou lining; Aud round his cottage porch is seen The honey-suckleanltiing; Wtien bauks of bloom their sweetness yield To bees that gather honey, Ite drives his team across the field, When skies are sou and sunny. , Tho blackbird clucks behind the plow. The quail pipes loud and clearly, Yon orchard hides behind lis bow The home ho loves bo dearly The gray aud old barn doors unfold, lit aniplo store In measure, More rich than heaps of hoarded gold, A precious, blessed treasure ; While yonderln the porch there stands Ills wife, the lovely charmer. The sweetest rose on all his lands The Independent Fanner. To him the spring comes danclngly. To him tho summer blushes ; The autumn smiles with yellow ray, Ills sleep old winter hushes. Ho cares not how the world may move. ,,"0,,",uMs nor fears confound him, Ills little flock la linked in love. And household unsots round him ; lie trusts to God and loves his wife, .."or griefs nor 111 may harm her, u naturo's nobleman In Ufa Xno Independent Farmer. A Kansas politician, writing a letter of contlolcnt to tho widow of a " coun try raomber" who had boon I1I9 friend, says : " I am pained to hear that has gono to heaven, Wo wero boaoin friends, but now wo shall never meet again." " Tub fact Is," said an elderly wife, " a man does not know how to straight on up things. He does not know how to begin. I don't wonder," she remark ed in conclusion, " that when God mado Adam, ho went right to work and mado a woman to tell him what to do." A Mercer county cow thinks sho is ontitlcd to tho championnblp becauso she gives eight gallons of milk "every day, which yield 18 pounds of butter per week. "If we had a cow that gave auch milk, We'd dress her In the finest silk, We'd feed heronthecholcesthay, And milk her forty limes a day,'' The lady principal ot a school, in her advertisement, mentioned her lady as sislantand tbo "reputation for teaching which sho bears," but the- compositor In putting up tho type Inadvertently loft out tho word "which," and so tho advertisement wont forth broadcast to the world commending tho lady's "rep utation for tcacbing thebeartl" One of those things which tho lament ed Artemus Ward called a "goak" was perpetrated in Broad streot tho other day.- A young gentleman who rollowed tho high art of chimney sweep ing, accosted an elegantly attired gen tleman thualy : " Say stranger, can you tell mo in what particular you and 1 are alike?" '-No," answered the gent. " Well, I'll tell you, becanso wo aro both well sooted (suited)." HOW THEY EAT HASH IN ARKAN- bas. An eichango says : Thero is an energy in tho keeping of boarding houses In Arkansas qulto uuknown to Iho North. Tbo proprietor of a private hostelry in a town of tho Stato, iiaving heard frequent complaints from his boarders about tho- rncnlnr ronrrn.n of hash, prepared himself to crush tho rebellious spirit. At tho next morning meal ho placed two revolvers besldo his plate, and remarked: "Whoqvor savs he does'nt llko hash lies." He then be Kan distributing hash, and no man do- An Inoenious Swindle. Western swindlers "raiso the wind" by a process 0 rascality explained as follows : . A man, whom wo will mil a nm,n comes to an honest farmer, whom we may call John Smith, and introduces himself as tho general agent for tho sale of a seeding or other machine, and tries to induce John Smith to become his sub-agent, telling hlra that ho can make . a hanilsomo protlt by tho sale of these , ,lnal 110 lrown) only has sold $270 wuth of seeding machines John Smith has no hesitancy In enter ing into a contract with A. Ilrown which tho latter has in readinoes, prin ted form, as follows : si " 2. o H 5. 9 a n 1 f? 0 li M c " R a c "an & a a 3 & I t-3 ro I a a A b a 3 ri .0 a g. TJ P- it o 2, SB E3 eft 3 o O a CQ K H K - 5- cr 5? M if I 2 s G M 9 Z Thlanotolsnnnarontlvnll rlclit nnd fair upon Its faco, but, Uio render will observo that liy tcarlni: tho paper In two, Just after tho dato abovo ami tho signature, "Smith," bolow, the reading la entirely changed nnd tho left hand piece of paper becomes a promissory note for $275, which tho sharper Imme diately nclla at n good discount, and then strike out for some other section of the country, Busiuoss Cards, B LOOM 1'KUUY. Iha Itlnm Varrv .mrninnv linn liftil Its flllM and Imata llinrnunhly repalreil and Is now In readiness to do all n.ual ferr Ing at any reason able hour. The undersigned will bo In atten dance nt any tlmo to wait upon ruitoiners nt call. apr2l'7l-ly iuilN (I, t)Ulfl Q L A II K IS RECEIV1MO AND NOW orENINO 1 NEW STOCK OF S V II 1 X (IOOB8I CALL AM) BEE. April H,1S7I, (!i;ii:sti: oroan WITH TWO SETr IlEEM ATIIREF. BID W, can bebojghtfor liao at I. NIIir.H, l'luuo Warcrooms near Forks IIoUl. mayl2'71-6in. B LooMsnuua m auulk wo u ks. OUNTON 4 BTEES, (Successors to A. Wllman,) llespeetfutly Inform tho public that they nro now fully prepared to do all kinds nf work In their line of business, upon reasonable terms and short notice Ballsfactlon warranted In all oases. Jin.ll.'71-ly TAliaAINS-llAliaAlNS. quick ANn nwAt.i. moriTH. HAVE OUll JIONEY. Onto 1IEN11Y YOST, . ... East llloomsbnrg, I'a.for all kinds of tho best homeandcltynad.NITUKKi rrlces reasonable and the best work done. Jan 171-If, s HAltl'LKSS & 11A11MAN, In consideration of tosrlng down our works and rebuilding which will bo commenced very sojn we are offering plows, sloven, Ac, at greatly reduced prices. n. v. sua ui'LEsa i b. hauman, Uloomsburg.l'a. Proprietors Mar.l,'9-tr, TNKI INK 1 1 INICIll By buying Oehr's Celebrated Ink l'owders, you can mske ink for less than half tho money, and rar superior to anything yet In use. Will not corrode steel pens. Freezing will not Injure. Hample package satllclent for one pint 01 Ink will be sent by return uiall to any one sending twenly-nve cents to M. W. N IJHH, llox Ml, aprll'71 3m UlODmsburg, l'a. G Ii A T E HOOFING, EVEI1I VARIETY A T MOST FAVOHABLE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AfID CASl'EK J. THOMAS Box. 277, Bloomsburg, Pa. Jal.n 1'7 M AGAZINE3, DAILY tt WEEKLY l'Amii OF ALL KINIH AT THE H30K STORK OPPOSITE THE COUUT U0U82. AUn nn AJisnrlment nf rnrtcmoniintcs. PdSI Hooka and Account ISookt. coiKiantly on liatiil. Books not on hauit obtained on short notice. jsew lioons are cousmniiy ucing auucu 10 uie lllnnrrmhnro' ClrpalftMnc? Llbrurv." AtnoilC tdB latest are 'Quilt and Innocence," "Motherless," fir Harry," "not Hpur ot iiumuicinwair, anu ' Merquem," etc. apr h,71 tf j"EV ORGAN AXD PIANO d It. JillUU .i ORQANd A riANOS FOR SXLK ON INSTALLMENTS. Plan'-s from alt flr-t-clftsi makeri. from $VJ) to Slum). Orir ins from 8iu to S7u0. A Bnlendkl Oman fioclave,2 uet reed-, an 1 tremlo with paneled UlacU Walnut Uase, only tltW, Hlugle reeil, Hainec-tHB a above, 810), I liavo made arrange ments to liavu tho l.itosit mustc on liand as Mm as piiDllshed. Teehers supplied nt regular dis count, Warorooius, Main street, near Forks Hotel, tl. I v . niuisi. QUESTER S. FURMA1S", MANUFACTUREH, aud dealer In CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, PLY-NETS, BUFFALO BODh, llOKSE-ULAKKKTS lC., which he feels confident he cau sell at lower rate than any other person lu the county. Ex amine for yourselves. Shop opposite the Post Office, Main Htrcct, Blooms bur, Pa. AUg. 0, JJBNT1STRY, II. C. HOW EH, DENTIST, Itespectfully offers his professional services to the ladles and trntlemen of 11 looms b nre and vl. Clnltv. He Is nrenared toattend to all the varl ous operations In tho line of his profession, and Is provided with tho latest improved Poucjclain Teetu which will be Inserted on roM plating Hiiver uuu ruuucr uase 10 iook. as wen uhiub nai' urai teetu Teeth extracted by all the new ant must, uppruvou meioons, anu an operations on the teeth carefully and propeily attended to. Hesldence ami otnee a few doora aove the Court House, same hide. moomsbnre, Jan.171 ly JTEW GOODS at the OLD STAND, aro now opening at their old Ktnnd corner of MAIN AND MARKET STltEKTS, IlLOOMSnURfl, a lull line of new gooi consisting of DUY GOODS, ai.OCEItlES, HAUDWAHE, iUEENSWAHE, and nil other articles rc-outrcd to meet tho wants of tho public. may iI071 II. T HE OLD KSTAUMSHED r nnsiTBKE nna ni:i)I)INQ WAltKUOOMHotll. U. LKWIH, urw mo men nest in iiih city, lie is now helllnij l'AUI.OK MlllTH In l'l.UMI. HAlll CLOl'll, UKl'H or Tr.UKY; WALNUT (JIIAMIIKU SlU'W in (til ni Vnrnluli . IVJT'Pllll' W'ltl , M 11 I Ml I ' . 1 1 ktylcsj IH'.DDINO ami MATTltr.KMKH, various sizes i clicar than Auction nrlcm: CAHl'WH, ovtry variety. Come and seo sml be convinced. Yon will save money by giving lis a call boloro purchasing olbcwuere. . 17. It. LEWIS, No. 1130 and 1131 Market Btrett, I'iiiladisi.1'1iia. jNextuonr to corner of Flrueuth Htreet. lnar.3'7l Sin. Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COSIPANV NEW YORK. I'llny Freeman, rrcsldent, II, C, Freeman, Hec Cash capital over t2,000,(XX), all paid. r. B. ROBISON, BLOOMBBURO, PA GKNKRAL AQENT, For Lnierne, Li-comlng and Columbia counties. Aug.zvce. JiXCnANGE BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, iiLoostsBuna, I'A. Tho underslened, sucreskors of F, Wldmycr, would riBiimfully unnounoo that they bavo taken the well.rslHblli.hHl stand recently occu pled by the above named, In llloomsburir, and prepared to continue tho bualnesa of manufac turing and selling, by WHOLESALE AND 1U.TAIL, Confectionery of every klyle and kind. Also, lhey will have at alt times a complete supply oi the best and freshest liread and Cake, l'artles desiring nnythhig lu this line will nnd It to their advantage to call on us. AN ICE CREAM SALOON Is added to the establishment, nnd ln.ltoa nn.i others who rouy patronize us, may rely upou unon recelvlnu rrooer attention. A reiiMonuhin share of publln patronage Is resiieelfutly solicited, llasnberry. Lemon, and other Hvruns. In lui-ira aUU HU1U1I IJUUUWWIS, t'uilHlllllliy on iihiio DIXKKIt A HTIX'KL'L. May6.187l.-ly 0.- 110 WEB, ban op nened a flrBt-clasa BOOT, BIIOE, HAT CAV, AND FUU BTOHK at Ihnnlrl stnnilnn Irfftln Htreet. IlloorriKbiiriT.n fnw dourM above the Court llouite, J I la Ktock Ucoin poBdof the very latestnnd bent styles ever oiler wl to the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tho public with the following goods at the lowest rates. Men'u heavy double Boltxl 8logaboot8, men's double and Hlnsle tap doled kip boots, men'i heavy Ktoeatihoeu of all kinds. men's tine boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double noled hoots of all Kinds, men's glove kid lialrnoral's, women's, boys's aud misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove Kid t wit! imj MUDuuiKii moruiru imiiiuiuuttuu cau snoeK.woiaeu-a very Que kid uuttouea guit' era. In short booU ot all description both peg rati and sewed. r He would also call attention to his fine assort- IUUVU4 Am CAIUFUIW AND NOTIONfl. which ootnnrlsew all the new arm rutnnim vnri, ctlesat prJceswhlchcanuotfatltoButiall, These goods are olfered at tho lowest cah mtts and will be guaranteed to give satisfaction, A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be foind Jan 171 JUSTICE'S BLANKS. , Wo now have on hand a large neatly printed ntsorimtnt of JIIHTICII'H and (ONrtTAliLl ULAMKH, to which we luvlte the ulUullon of Patont Modiciuoa. TTENUY T. HELMUOLD'fJ. COMPOUND P I. U 1 11 KXTHACT t'ATAWnA 0 It A V E P I L L 9. Cym;onen( Piirr Hulil lixtrart llhubai b and HuUl tract Ottmiha Orapi Juice, FOIl LIVEIt COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, Iltt IOUS AFFIICTIONH, HICK OH NIUIVOUS HEAt)ACHlJ,COSTIVKNKSB, llTC. PUltlllA VECinTAIILll, CONTAIN1NO NO MllHCUKY MINLIIAI.S OH D13LETEHIOUH HHUOS. Thcsa Pills nro tlio iiust ilcllglitfully plensaut purgatlc, suporicdlnii castor nil, salts, mag nesia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to tho stomach. They glvo tone, and cntno neither nausea nor griping pnlus. They nro composed of tho flnctt tnaredtcnts. After a few days' uso them, such an Jnvlgorntlon of tho eutlro system takes placo as toappear miraculous to tho wotilt nnd enervated, whether nrlslng from linpru ilcnce or tlhcasc. II. T, Kclmbold's Compound Fluid KxtractCatnwbaOrapo Pills nro not u r ejatcd, from the fact that sugar-coated Plilsdo not dlsolc, but pass through I he stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produco tho de sired ctlcct. T1II1 CATAWIiA (IHAPi: PILLS being plcasaut In tnsteand odor, do not uecesl Into Ihclr being sugTr-conle,!, PHIC1! FIITY CUNTS I'HH UOX. jivxnr t. jij:l2Iiw,d's. 1UU111.V CONCENTKATEl) COMVOUNb FLUID 11STHACT BAHSAPAHILLA Will radically eitirmlnnlo from the sjslcm 8croruln,HyphllN,FeverHoro,Ulccrs,Horoi:yes Solo Legs, Horo Mouth, Head, llronchllls, Skin Dlssnses, Salt Itlieuu, linkers, ltunulngs from tlio Mir, White Hvclllngs, Tumors, Can cerous A flections, Nodes, Ulckets, OlandarMvie lngs, Night Hwcnts, Hash, Teller, Humors oi n Kinds, Chronic lthcumatlsin, Dyspepsia, and ul disease that has been established In the system fori ears. llelr.gprepnrod i:XPIl!i5HLY for Ihonuovc com plaints, Its HLOOD-PUHIFYINO proprieties nro greiiter thin nny other preparation ol H.irsnpv rllla. It gllcs tho COMPLEXION a clear and healthy color nnd restores the pntlent ton state ol HEALTH nnd PUH1TY. For Purifying the lllood, removing all Chronic Constitutional Dis eases arising from an Impure sttlto of tho blood. And the only reliable and effectual known reme dy lor tho euro of Pains and .Swellings of tho Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat nnd Legs Illolches, Pimples on the Pace, llryslpclas nud nil scaly Eruptions of the bkln, nnd LVautlfyltis theComplcxlon. Price, JlWrcr llottlc. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'ri CONCENT uATnn PL VID HXTIiA CT li UCU U, nn: oheat diuhetic, bus cured every enso of DUbotcs in v. hlch it has been given, Irritation of tho neck of the llladdtr nud InUammatlon of tlio Kidneys, Ulceration ol the Kldueys nnd Bladder, ltoteutlon of Urlno Diseases of tho Prostate Qlaud. btono in the Iliad der. Catculs, Oravel, lirlckdusi. Deposit, nud lucous or Milky Discharges, and for Eufceblod and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, nllcn ded with the following symptoms: ludlspoul- lion to Exertion, loss ol l'owtr, loss or Memory, Difficulty of lirealhlng, Weak Nerves, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wakclulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In tho Hack, Hot Hnuds, Flush ing of tho Uody, Dryness ol tlio Ukiu, Eruption on tho Fnco, I'allld Countenance, Universal Lnssiludo of tho MuscuUr system, etc. Used by persons Irom tno nges of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thlrty-llvo to lllty-llvo 01 in tho decline or clinngo of life; after confine ment or labor pains; bed-wctllng lu children. Helmbold's Extract lluchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purllylng, aud cures till diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses and Imprudences In Life, Impurities of tho lllood, etc., superseding Copabia In ntrections for which it is used, nnd Hyphllltlo Affections In these diseases used In connection Willi HELMUOLD'H HOSE WASH. LADIES. In ninny nffcctlons peculiar to ladles, llio Ex tract Hucliu Is unequalled by nny other remedy as is Chlorosis or Uetcntlon, Irregularity, l'nln- fulness or Suppression of Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus Btatoof tho Uterus, Leucorrbtea or Whites.Hlerlltty, and for all com plaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physl lans nnd Mldwtves for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes and nil ages (atten ded with nny of tlio above diseases or symptoms. 11. T. HELMllOLD'S EXTHACT BUCIIU CUHIH PIrtEASIX AHISINQ FHOM I.MPHU- DENCE, HAIUTS OP DISSIPATION, ETC., ill all their stages, at little expeliko, little or no thango in diet, no inconvenience, und no ex posure. It enuses n frequent desire, nnd glvis fetrcugth to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing nnd Curing btrlctuies of the Urelhn, Allaying Pain nnd Inflammation, so frequent lu this class of diseases, nnd txpelllng nil Poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims or In competent persons, and who liavo jtald heavy fees to be cured lu a short time, liavo found lhey have been deceived, and that tlio "Poison" has, by the uso of "pun erful astringents," been dried uplutho system, to break out lu amnio aggra vated form, aud perhaps arter Jlarrlnge, Use HELM HOLD'S EXTP.ACT HUC11U for all Affections nnd Diseases of tho Ullnury Organs, whether existing lu Male or Femafe, fiom what ever cause originating, nud no matter of how long standing. PHICE ONE DOLLAH AND FIFTY CENTS PEH DOTTLE. HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed ns n FACE WASII.and will bo found tho only kpeclllo remedy lu cver:4 species or CUTANEOUS AFFECTION, It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCOIIUUTIO PUYNF-SS, INDUHATIONSof the CUTANEOUS MEMI1HANE, tic, dispels HEDNESS and IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, It ASH, MOTH PATCHES, DHYNESS OF SCALP OH SKIN, FHOST BITES, and nil purposes for which HALVES or OINTMENTS nre used; restores tho skin to a stnlo of purity and softness, nud In sures continued heatthy action to the tissue of lu ve&bels, on which depend tho agrceablo clear ness and vivacity of complexion so mu'jli sought and admired. But liowocr nluablo ns remedy for existing defects of tho sklu, H, T. Hclinbold's Hose Wash has long sustained Its prlnclplo claim to unbounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render It a TOILET APPENDAGE of tho most Superlative and Congenial character, combining In an elegant formula those prominent rcqulslls.HAFETYnnd EFFICACY the Invariable nccompaulmeut oi its uso n n Preservative and Helreslier of the Complexion, It is an excellent Lotion for dis eases ofa Syphilitic Nature, and as an Injoctlon lor diseases ofthe Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used lu connection with Hie EXTRACTS BUCHU.HAHSAFAItlLLA.nnd CATAWBA C1HAPK PILLS.ln such diseases as recommended, cannot be surpassed, PHICE ONE DOLLAlt PEH BOTTLE. Full aud explicit directions ncoompany tho infdlclnes, llvldincooflhoinostVsponslhlo and reliable character furnUhid ou implication, with liun dndsoflhoukauds of living witnesses, and up ward of unsolicited certificates and recoiu- mendatory letters, ninny of which are from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Htatcsmcn, etc. The proprietor li never resorted to their publication In the news papers! he does not do this fiom the fact that his articles rank as HtanUard Preparations, and uo not need lo no propped up by certincates. Ilcury T. IIcIihIioIiI'n C.ciiiiIiiv I'l'ciiai'silluiiN, Uellvcred to any addresB, Becnro from obsei vatlon, Kstabllshed upwards of twenty years. Bold by Prugglsts everywhere. Address letters for In formation, In confidence lo lIli.NHV T. 111X51 IIOI.ll, nrugglst aud Chemist, Only Depotsi H.T.llKr.MUOMi'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. &9I Broadway, New York, or to II, T, llELMBOUi'H Medical Depot 101 Houlh Tenth Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa, UKWAIIK OF OOUNTi:itFi:iTi:n.S. Ask fo IIENHVT, IIEI.MIIOI.D'H TAKE No OTIIEH Hail Rondo, T AOIvAWAIs NA AND ULOOMS- JLi 1 llllllll U WI.UflAIl On nnd rur Nov. 31, 1870, Passenger Trnltn will run as follows! doing North, Arrivo Arrive Uolug South Leavo Leave p, m. p. in. 8.2J Leavo 8X0 4.11 ev.u (.11 9.11 5.50 11.10 Arrive n. in Hcrnnton. P. 13 sua 1.M I.lfl 1.17 1-2.30 I. '.l'L II. 31 0.20 0 7,:o 7.10 8.03 P.81 M0 l. Arrive Plllslnn. 9.11 Kingston KI5 Plymouth K.' Shlckshlnny,.., "M Herwlck 7.S.1 llloom cm tlntivllln - (Ul) 11.0) l.envo ijeavo Mnrfl.M S.H1 10.40 U.I0 10.20 Connect Ion mnde ntHcranton by the, trnl'jrorOrentllend, lllnghnmlou, Albany nnd nil points North, East nnd Wi'st. D.T. HOUND, Hup't. OIITIIEHN OUNTHALi ItAIL WAY, on and nrior May Sim 1871, Trains will leavo SUNnunv ns follows 1 NOHTHWAHD. 12. 10 A.M), Dnlly In Wllllamsport, for Elmlra Cauandalgiia, llocliestcr, llnllalo, Suspeuslun llrldge, und N, Falls, G.5J i'. Dally.fexcepl Sundiys) for Elmlra nnu Hulliilo la Erie Itallwny rium Ellnlrn, f.M r, M., Dally,(oxceptBuudays) lor Wllllmis. ''rl' THAINS HOUTHWAHI). 1 1.01 A , M, Daily (except Monday's) for Ilaltlmori WILMINOroN AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.11 P.M. pallyfoxcrpisundny'sjrorHattlmor Washington and Pulladtlplila. ED. H. i OUNtl. (loneral Passenger Agent, At.VllKli 11. PISK, (len'l. Sllp't. c ATAWIS3A ItAIIiUOAU. IsTo. AHHANOEMENT. 1S70, Passenger Trains on this raid wlllrini ns fol lows t Hall South. Lv, 8.M ," U.1I0 " " U.l) " " 10.VI " " 1II.H " " 10.41 " " 11.1) " " lillp.ln " IUI " STATIONS. Matt Xorth Willlalnsport. I.v, Ml p. in jviuucy. Mill, in. ' Danville, ' Htlpert. ' I'alawlssa. ' Hlngtown. ' Huinullt. 1 lliuikake. ' 'I.UI 0.10 " 4..I) " 4.12 " 4.U1 " !!..'u " 2.20 " 2.10 1.11 " 12.S1 " 1J.4J n.ra. 8.11 J.01 p.m. lll.'H)uooll li.H n. m II.3J " " l.'.IS " 1,'M " 4.ii " .1.11 " 7.IK) " LSI ' 2.11 " & Ul " 2.53 1 1,. Muhniiy .Tunc. Dliie.Taniuqua, Dine, ' Hc.ldlng. " l'ollsvlllc. " i l'hllndelpliln. " 'dluo Mnucli Cnutlk. dluc" llcthlchem, ' ' Phlln. via llethlchem, " j,HSnn, Liberty St.. " 5.1) " Via L. AS. It. It, " 0.00 " hfi-, " " L. Valley it. H. " U.0J ' 5.00 a.m. lloston, " 0.00 p.m P.,tt,trffr,, inlilr ir the 8., train from Will lain. Rport, will have twohouisln New York, lor suii- per, nnu nrrive in iiosinu in, o. u 11.111., iiuven hour- in ndvnnco of nil other routes. New day coaches nccoinp.uiy nil trains be teen Wllllamsport, New York and Philadel phia. 1 1UIUS 1 11 11 II I long 11 U ) oeo. WEiin, supt. KADIXQ KAILKOAD. iMonoay, Mny 13, VStU Great Trunk Lino fiom tho North nnd North Went tor l'hlliideli'hla.Now York. lU'aaluc.l'olU- vlllo, Tamaqun, Abhiand, Blumokln Lubiuum AUentown. ua-itou. uiiunua, i.uiz, ijaucuhier Columbia. Ac, Trains leuvo Tlarrlsburg forNcw iork. as fol Iowh! At -.W, ,li', a, m.( nud 2,00 p. m.t con in'ctlng with 8tnilli.r tratu on I'cnu-tylva-nU ltallroad, nud arriving at Now York al Ht.Ui, t. m., 3,50 nnd y.'tu p. m. repoctlvelv, Hleeplna cars accompany tho 'AD a. m. train without change. Heturnlmj: Iieao Newoknt 12.UJ noon and 5,0U p. m. rhlladelphla at b.30 a ni, and J.'1U p. in. Hleeplng cars accomjmuy tho 5,00 p.m., train Irom N. Y wlllnmt change. JjCUVO jiuuibuuiKiur iiiauuig,! utiaii.o, J maqua, Mlncrsvllio. Ashland, Hhamoklu Al lenlowu and l'hlta'.l. at S.lOa.m., nnd ,UJ nud 1.(11 n.iii.. htoniilnir at Lubanou nnd nrlucinal wuv Hiattoiis: tliB i.Uj p.m. train conuccilnglor l'lill'u rottsvllle ami Columbia only. For PotUvillo HchuylklU Uavcn and Auburn, via Hchuylklll and yusiiuehuuuu i:allroddllcuollurrULurg at j.ju p.m. Ua-st I'cnnsylvnnla Ilaltroad trains leave Itcnd. lug lor Alk-utowu Kafcton and Ntw Yoik at iM, I0.i0, n. m., nud i.Q'i p. in. Ktturntiiit, leave iiw York at U.WJ n, m., noon and 5.UJ p. ta, aud A I leu town ut 7.-0 u. m, noon, '2.U, i.15 am H.'ii p. iu. Way l'asenger Train ieafs 1'hlladelphla nt 7,'i0a.m., conuoctlug with hlmllur tialu on Eut l'a. railroad returning irom itcadlugulti.l.'Op.m. btopplug nt all stations, , l.i'uvii l'nttsvllto at B.00 a.m.. and 2.30 Uerudon at 10.0U a. in., Khamoktu at d.lOaud Jl.lj u. in., Ahhlaud at 7,0j a.m. aud 12,41 noon Mau auoy City at 7,15 a. m. and l.'ZJy. m.Tamaqua al u, m.f aud'Atop, m. lor Vhlludolpbln, New Yurie, no iumg, iiartwuurg, ivc. Leavo l'ulthvlllo la hemiyiklll and Susque hanua luilroad at 8,13 u.m. tor llarrluburg, und 11,1) n. m.,lor rinuUiuvo und Trtmuut, Heading Accommodation Train leaves 1'ottV vllle atS.40 a. in., pusnes Head inn nt 't" 111m nr rlvlug nt 1'hlladt-fiihlant lu.'JO a. m. Hutumln? leaves 1'hlladclphiu at p. m., p..ssln Head ing at 7,Mp.m.,arrlvlugat I'otuvlllo at i,10 p.m. I'utUiuwu Accommodation Tratu.leavt'Hl'otts townat(i,aJa,m.,U'turnlug, Icawa rhlladtlphu at4,:i)p.m. Columbia Hallroad Trains leavo Heading nt 7,'Zi n.m., and tU5 p.m. lor i:phrata, Llttz, Lancaa ter, Columbia, A.c, , ... lerklumen lull HoaJ Trains lea o I'erlrlomtn Juuctlouat 7.17 tf.oja. m., 3.W Ao.oop. m. jeturn lug: leao HchwunkhVlllu, Ml a.m., JiiO noon A 4.4 j p.m., connecting with Klmllar tialus ort Heading ltallroal, ColebroukdaluHallnmd trains leaorotthtowu at W.l0a,m, A 1.15 0.1 p.m. reluming leavo Mount rie.iMiutut 7,uuand n.ia, m., ;i.w p.m, connect 1m; wiiu blmllar trains uu Heading Hallroad. Chester Valley Hulltoad 'JialiiM Jeau IJi.uye port at H.iSJu.iii.ninl AUi aiulJj.Wp. in. rcliuninu. leave Donlugtuu nt tl.40 u. m., K',13 noon and 5.'i3 p. in., counectlug with blmllar Uulus or lteadlug llallroad. On Huudays, leave New Yorlc at5,00 p.m., i'nll phlaat ,ou a.m. und 3,13 P.m.,llho8,ou a.m. train runulugouly toUeadlng;jleavt.l,uttsvllleiS,00a,m., llarrlsburu at AID a. m. aud 'AW p.m. and leao Allentown al and K.:ti p. m.,and leao Heading al 7,15 a.m. aud 1.6u p. in, tor llHirls burg, at &.OO11. m. tor Nuw York, at f.'Juu. mli)r Alk-utowu and utlMO a. m. and 1.15 p.m. loi 1'hlladelphla. Commutation, Jlllcngc. Hi a son, Kchool si.u Excursion TlcUttH to ami irom all polutb, ut re duced rates, Jl.iggago checked throush; 100 pounds allowin each pasuugc-r. j. r, wootti:n, Asst. Bupt. Jt Lug. MacU'iy. Heading, I'.i , April J. IsU, Books. TwcIyb Years Xs Wild Indians & Plains, TliA TPinnrl.-nliln nilvrnliil'PH of HlO famous VJUTi: ClIIKF and 11IG WAHHlOHlho Hed Hklus. Thrilling iieenuutH m ureni Hum's llnlrhrfiiillli r.scfiiK iml Terrible ('oIitcstH with tlio big KHmenndhohtlletilbes, hplritrddescrlp Hons ot the haulm and Biiperhtltlons of that tran?o people, '1 heir Hportn, Lt.nKNbS, I'ltAlii tions. How thevWoonnd WM)cam',Uociou, Woiwnir, dr. .New, rifin ana ropuiar. riiiuia IiOw. Jt Is helllui' bv thu thoufuuls with won- tlerful rapidity. Agent- are mnklng fiom 850 to 1I10O per week. Choice Held yet vacant. Hend at once for hamplo chnpters, llluslratlnns nnd par ticulars ll dt 11, ilUttUAIVU! MUlflllli Jau771-ti, 400 cutstnut hi,, i-niia. anarrliTSt.,N.T.6r3SW.niiStMrinrlniiall.O. It they want the tno.t popular nnd Utst wlllnij lulwcrlptlon lKokJ! publlhhwi. nnd Ummotttib erallrrms. Send for circulars. TheyAvltl cost you no thine, and mayboof greatlxiKtlt to you, lehll'70-ly. ANLWllOOK or tho gre.iU-Kt lutereht ami Im portance. Written Irom n high moral und physi ological standpoint, by an eminent phyblclan and medical professor, It hhows how hatan Is woriung out nis kuniio ami utniyerous ufttinutt through our most Hat-red domi-Hilo and nodal ro latlouK. l'nro-inlnded. but outktioken nud utr grehtilve.tue author handles Iho delicate subjects iieaieu m tviinum yiuua, uunu hui.ii u iiiniini-i it a not to mltiUter lou prurient curiosity. Thel'hy ictil liegcm-ratlon oj the J'uce,lx u hutject Justly enlisting tho Intercut and sympathy of all true philanthropists, nnd this book. It 1 believed, will contribute to that end Just In proportion as It has readers. A circular hent Ireu, containing a full description and synonsU of the work with liberal extracts. C. l VKNT, 1'ubllHher, scpt2'70 ly 6 Colleao l'laco, N, Y, EW FXUM AT OIIANUUVIMjE IRON FOUNDItY AND AOUICUI. TURAL WORKS. UllKAT 1MPHOVF.MENTS IN PI.OWH AND THIUWHINU MACIIINHH. Mr. Jacob Trlvlenlecqbavlng purchased tho Interest of Charles W. I.nw In tho abovu named works, tho business will ho co itliuu-d under tho Una nnuiouf Wii.MAMHeiiuYi.maC". Having discovered several Inipertictlons In the plows manufactured III 1WU, they have strengthened nud improved 1 hem, nud added homo entire new patterns. They will open tuoHprlug trade or 1S71 far 111 advance of unytlilng ever ollercd to tho public, being both piacllcal inechanlcs, and hav ing their work ull dono under their own super vision they guaruntee their work superior lu material und finish to any heretofore ollercd. Dealers should not accept of any oilier agricul tural Implements until I hey have examined our Manufacture, Farmers should try our plows before buylnguny other. They also manufacture AI.l, KINPb OP CASTINGS, usually mnde In first class Foundries, saw and grist mill castings, made and titled up to order, TIIRKSUINO MACHINES nro made a specialty, nnd sonio very decided Irn proviuienls have been Introduced Intothelr ma chines. Prices lower than overs nil kinds nf country produce and old Ilun taken lu exihauge Order direct Irom the iiiauufuctury. Old agen cies supplies! during the winter, Address all orders lo WILMAM SOUUYIjKR & CO,, AaiUCUI.TUltAI, WOHKH, OltANUUVILI.K COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Jan 171. Drugs and Oliomicnls, A GREAT MEDICAL DiSCaVFaV Dr. WALKER'S OiWrOBNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Tlionsanda Utst tesllmony ta thclt Woadcr. fulCarstlTO Lirccli. WHAT ARE THEY? ffl BBS S3 TOXT ARB NOT A VILE 351 B a FANCY DRINK, Msdeof 1'oor Itam.AVhUUro, l'ronf Hrlrlin iiiui jcciuso J.ictioriaoctoro'i.rpicoa naaiwcct ened to flcaeotho taste, cMlcd',Toi.lc8,'"Aipctlz trs," X.c8torcr(H .c, that lcil Iho tippler en to drunkenness and mlii.bnttroivJl.Tio ilcdlclnc, mtda from tlio Natlvo KooUbnd liercf California, frro frnm nil Alroliolte BtlmnUnts. Tbor&ro tho mtr.AT iii.tion riniFijit nna a i-iri: C11V1NO ritlNCiriXaprcct llcnoTator and Itulgoratorof tho Bj-itcm, camlnff off &U rolionoc natter nnd restoring tbo tlood h n healthy condition. Xo person c&ataUo thceo Ulttcri nccordlua todlrsc tion nnd remain long unwell, S1U0 wlUbo eWenfornn lamrnUa case, provided tho tones nro not dcBtrorcd Ry mineral poison or other mean i, nnd tho yltalors wasted beyond tho point of repair, rfirlnflniuintilnry nml (tiroute Ithcnmn tlism nml Cioat, lrfprinln. vr Inillffpstlooi lllltoiiflf ltmiltlcnt nnd lnlcrmltictit rvvrrti Dlbcndtsuf tlio lllood) Llcr, Ktiliiert nml lllnililcrt tntso Hitters tah been moit eqccccc ful. tjuch Dlicnsrs cro fianscd It Vltlntnt Jllootl, which U generally troxneed by tlcra&scincnt cf tho UlcestiTO Orcnns, t" l)VSl'i:r.MIA Olt INjlfJESTJONf Head I nchc, 1'nln In tlio Bhonldcrs, Otnghs, Tightncsa of tho C'hcttt UUzlnetfl, Eour Krnctitlons of tho Stomach, Uadtaetolntho Month, MUoU Attacte, ralpltatlon of thollcart, Inflanrcntloncl tho LungB, Tain In tho ltglons of tbo UldScys,nndhnnclred other painful t mptoins, nro tho offeprlncs cj Dyf pt pela. Thtylavfsorato thoBtoraaclnndstlmalato tho tor pid llrcr and bowels, which raider them of nncauallcd cdcacyln clcanslns thoblodcf alllmpnrltlcs, and, inipartln; new llfo nnd vigor t tho wholo eyitcm. l'ORHKl.N DISEASES mptlons,TcUcr,Salt Micum,ElotchC8,tvrotf,rimpcB, rnftulcB.BolIu.Ccr tunclc8,r.IriE'TVormB, Bcaldload, Eoro r j-cb, Erycip ilas.ltcli, Eccrfa, Dlscolorttljnaof thoBltln.lIumtra and lilseascB cf tho bkln, of whatever name or nature, nro literally das np and carrlc J out of tho system In n thorttlmoty thoaioof thcsjDlttcrB, Ono bottlo li cuch casca will convince tho acct incrcdnloua or their curatlvo effect. Clcanso tho Vlllatod Etoci Vthenevcr you find Its Imparities bars ting throngh tLO Ekla lnrimplcs, Emp tlona or Bores t clcanso It whcD you End It obstructed nnd ilugglsh in tho veins t rlcanso ltwhcnltlafonl, nDd your fccllnga will tell ytawhen. Keep tha blood puVo and tho health of tho tyslcm will follow. TIN, TA 113 and other WO It HIS, larklnfrlntho cyst cm of so many thonsandB.iro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor fall dli ctlona, read carcfnlly tho circular nroand each bot-lo, printed In four Ian-gnagc8-ngUbh,Gcrman, Trdch and Spanish. J.TVALKER, Proprietor. JUL MCDONALD & CO., Drngglats and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, Cal nnd S3andStCommorco ftrcct, New York. C5TE0LD BY ALL DEUOUSTS AND DEALEES. oct2V70-lf.s Iuonot wisn tolniono yow. reader, that Hr. Womlerlul, or nny other nun, lms discovered n remedy thnt cures Cousunptlon.wheu tholuiiKi nio half consumed, in bhat, will emu nil diseas es whether of mind, body or eMnle, make men live, forever, nnd leave dtslh to ilny lor want ol work, nud Is deslKned U ninko our sublunary sphere a bllanful l'urndlse to which Heaven ltseli biiall be but tibldo bliow.iVou have heard enough or that kind of humbuigery. Hut when I tell you that Dr.RaRo'a Catanii Keinedy tvlUjtositne ly cure Iho worst cawsd Catarrh lu the Head, I ouly ashert that which thousands can testily to 1 wilt pay $dix) Howard for a caso thatIeauot cure. A pamphlet fcUftitf hyniploms ami other Information bent lreo t) any addiess. This rem edy Is BY MOST DUUlniSTS IX ALL TAUTa Of TJlli WOULD. I'rlco 50 cents, Sent by iiall, postpaid, on receipt of hlxty eentH, or lour ini-kaes tor twodcilhuM, llewaio of tountcrcits und worthless imttaitons. Hen that my private tfnmp, which Is a posUwc guarantee tf Iicnittnenk , H upon tho outsldo wrapper. Uemember hat this private Htamp. Issued by the United Htat's Government oxpress ly for btamplnu my med.clnes, has my pot trait, name aud addies, anil, tho words U, H. Cert Id eate of Genuineness,! engraved upon It, and need not bo mlMakcii Don't bo swindled by travelers nnd othen reireventing themselves as Dr, H.ifjei lam tho nnV man now living that has thu knowledge and tlsht to manu Cloture the Genuine Dr. Hago'n Catarh ltemedy,and 1 uover travel tobell thlu mcdlclio. l. v. rn;urn,M. d. oct2S70.1y. niHtjnec.1 street, liullalo, N, V. s KVKX iu:akoxs why 13 TUK llEST LlNIMJIfT IN THE WOIU.U foii iiorscs. rtnsT, It Is composed of tho most rowrnrnL and 1'KNETitATiNO llciuhK knownin Chemlstrr. Hkcond. Com blned wMi the nhovo Is a Medi CiNAij Oil, mado cxprmslyfor this Liniment, and mixed by an entirely ihw pincpss, TiIiRH. Thouboof the)oieer.iand jcnetrnttnq InKrediejits Is to drive oi foreo In this beautllul MkuicinaIj Oil, which hbrlcates tho Joints and muscles, and lmmedlalth throttles tho dlseaKo, and compels It to loosci Its deathly, blckenlng and poifonous fnncs, l'ouivrii. This siKnictvAi. Orr. Is tiRed for tho samorenbon that tx Kd mcchunlo alwaj s uses oil lo make his machtn-ry woik with easo and rireelslon. Ho In tho stiito way tho rnubclos and olnts of our animals bhmld bo lubricated If wo wish lo have thorn travel with inpldlty and ctwo. riFTir. His very botttdnK in Its action, will not burn or blister thoinlmal llko most ofthe "lftl hot" llnimontb of (io day, HiXTU, Not ono ilrt-i oi tlncturo of cayenne orred)epper cau be famd In lis composition; lor wo hold that no littineut can be ellectlvo which burns nud Mlstfisthe animal until thu iiiubcltK aio hard and tiled almost to a crisp, Kkventh, Kvery boll lo is waiiuantkh IokIvo good hatist.iellon, or yoir money will be remind ed. This bhows conclusively that the proprie tors havo full eonlldoico lu this preparation, and proves lor tho bevtnth timetliat u, U. IS. H. Is the best Liniment lu tho world for horses, JpjrDon't ttttnw your Uerehnnt to patmojf 'Jnc tureof AVd J'tpper una JIntshom,or other trash on pou, but mk or G, Jl to, Kor Jforscs, una take noother, Hold by alldnui'-ilHtK. D. U, CAUKYsV '(., solo Pronrletors, sept270-lyl Uea4 htieet, flow Vork. 11 E3IOVAL. Tho firm A NnEiir.m havlii" boon dls solveci ou tho lull. ofNuv. Wu.l would lurorm my friends and custoticrd that 1 am NOT OUT OF I1USINUSS, ns has been reportea, nnd call nttonllon to tbo following articles: OOVEHNMLNT DEPOT. SO. 1 PBRUVI.1IV gUASO. OltOUND IlONE.QUAItANTEED PUIIE. risu au.vo in uiiiji. roadretto, lu Dags, Barrels nud Bulk, HAW HONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Price, tOO per Ton, LAND PLASTEU IN DAGS AND HULS. Taii, la 1, 1! & 3 gallon Cans, OIL SOAP, for washing Trees, In 30tt. boxes. COTTON HEED MEAL, Excellent Food fur Cows, Increasing and enrich' lug tbo Milk, In iuus, IJJtf,, Each. OIUOKLINQS For Hog and Chlskcn Feed. OEM EN.T, Agency for Coplny Hydraulic Cement. For Its superior nuullty I refer to J.W, BTAiini Sons, Cumdeu, H, J, A LIUEUAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. JOSIAII J. ALLEN, (Late AM.KN & Nkudies,) Eemovod to i SOUTH DELAWARE AVE. ranr 10'71-lSt, vhiladeh-hia. pEE HILLS. lust printed on uooil paper nnd In tlionealebt styleJ UHnCK'rtandUuNTAULI'Ht'KKlULl4H nud lor nulo ut the Columiiian oillce, The law requires Jiutlccsot the 1'euce lo have ft Kea Hill put up lu their unices, under a penalty of 1 1(1 and double tho amount of the fees clmujfud. m Olothiug, &c. N EW. BTOOK OP OLOTI11NQ. Fresli nrrlval of BUMMKIl GOODS. BAV1I) LOWENHUItO Invites ntlctlllon to Ms stock of OHCAl'ANDFASHIONAIlLKCLOTlIINa, Athlsstoro ou Main Street, tiro doors abovo tlio American Honso llloomsburg, l'rt,, whero no has Just received from Now York nnd 1'htliulelphtA n full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CI.OTHINU, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and hnndsomo . DUD38 0001)3, consisting of UOX, HACK, ItOCa, OUM, ANII Oir-OLOTH COATS AN Dl'ANTH. of nil sorts, sizes nml colors, llo has nUo replen ished his already largo stock of TALI, AND WINTEll SHAWM, HTMPKD, 1'iaUIlKD, AND l't,AlN VliSTH SIIlnTS, CP.AVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS IIANDKKUCIIIKrs, OLOVUS, SUSl'KNDIIIta, AND FANCY AKTICLDl llo nns constantly on hand a Inrgo nnd well-so-ected nssortmcnt of CLOTHS AND V1HTINOS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd lu the best manner. All his clothing Is mude to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture GOLD WATCH1M AND JIIWS.ltY, ol every description, flno and clieip. His case ol Jewelry Is not surpassed lu thls'.place. Call and ovnmluo his general nssortmcnt of CX.OTHINO, WATCH1S Jl.WKLUY, AC. Janl'7! DAVID I.OWENnKKO. Bakery and Coufoctionory. UJOHN G. JACOHY'S HAKKUY AND CONFECTIONERY! DEKW1CK, l'n.VN'A. Tho underslsncit would respect fully Inform tho Citizens or Uerwlclc, and lclnllv, llmt ho has opened ft Coureetloiiery and llakery lu ODD I'i:i.I.OVS' HAI.f,, Herwlck, l'a., where ho Is prenarsd to furnish nil kinds ot PLAIN AND FANCY CANMr.M, ritl:NCH UANllIlM, FOUIJla.V AND DOJiy-jTlC KltUITri OKANOliS, LU.MONS, UAMINM Ac, da, da, S.C. nv wnot.rar.n ash iictail. Anions tho nssortmcnt will bo found Cream Nuts, Kugllsli Walnuts, Peanuts. Almonds, Fil berts, F1k, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, .tellies nfdlller out kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Clmcolato, Canutd Fiult of nil kinds, Coin stolen, tgg Ills cult, Hnda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Snap, Writing Paper, Agleeuicut l'apers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produco of nil kinds. Fresh Dread and Cakes every day. Ico Creoui lu Mensou. Your putronago is solicited. JOHN O. JACOI1Y. Herwlck, Jan 171 tv C ONPEOTIONE1SY, Tno underslgnetl wonld respectfully aunouueo to tbo public that he has opened n FIIWT-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb whoro ho Is piepurtdto furnish all kluds of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC 11V WIIOI.ESAZ.R OU KKTA1L. In short, a full nssortment of nil goods In htu lino of business. A great varioty or DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, snltablofortho Holidays, rnrtlcular attention given to DREAD AND CAKES, of nil kluds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS 0 A N D I E S, OH 1ST MAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b gnatuuteeil. J.m f.l-ly KCKHART JACOUS. Hotels. M oNxoun housk lturuiiT, I'A. WILLIAM 11UTLK1I, I'roprielor, ThU House havlnir been put lu thorough tepnlr is now open lor tlio reception of KUehts. No pains will bo bpnredlo ensure tlie perfect com fortof tho travelers. Too Vroprlttor solicits a hharo of public patrona-ie, Tho bar will be biocitea at all times with nuo Jinuors andcisars, Jan 171 E ENTON HOTEL. V. F. PIATT, rroprletor, lii:.NTO.V( COLUaMIIIA COUNTV, I'A. Tlili well known Ilouso havlnir been nut In thotoush icpalr is now open lor tho teeeptlon of vniitjia. j.u ji.tiiiN imvo ueeu bpareu iu ensure tho perfect comfort of jousts, Tho pioprietor n.Mi i ims a ntae noni mo itotel to itloouisburtf nud inteimetliato points ou Tuesday, Thursday npilE ESPY IIOTETj. IISI'V, COLUJIIIIA COUNTV, TA. Tho undersigned would Inform tho travelling Mihllo that ho has taken the tiboo named estali IshmenLnnd thoioiiifhlv irilited tlm ctimn ir.r llio ierlcct coinenlejicoof hls-mebts. His huder will bo Mocked with the best tlio market allbrds. Tho choicest lhmoiH, wines and ciguisulways to bo louud lu his bar WILLIAM I'KTTIT. Jiltl 171 IlMpy.l'a. glUCK HOTEL, OUANaKVILLi:, UOLUAII11A COUNTi. I'A. ttOim M'HEKItY, Proprietor. Tills well known House. hn.lnLr been nut In thoionuh icpair, Is now open lo tho tiavcllinj; uibilc. The bar Is Mocked with the choicest luiiuis aud ctturs.anil tho tablti will be. at all tlmes.Mipplled wilh tho delicacies of the season. No pat us will be fpaied to Insure the comloitol guests. urausevmo, jau. 4, iwi. Washing Machines. D OTY'S AVASIllNU-MAOIIINE; LATELY MUCH IMPUOVKD-AND THR NEW UNIVEHSAL CLOTHES WIUNGEK Improved with Tlowell's Tatent Double Cog wheels, and tho Tatent Wtop, are now uuques tlonablv far superior to any apparatus for wash Ins clothes ever Invented, and will save their cost twlco a year, by suvlng labor and clothes, The Hdltor of this paper, who purchased a Washer und Wringer, thus testifies as to their valuot "Wo havo had In uso In our family for som lime past, ono of Jloty's ('lollies Washers ami Wi Ingers, and are prepared to bear testimony as tolls merits; It Is emphatloally a labor-auvinp machine and does lis work In thu most thorough mauuer, For families who havo large washes these machines would be Invaluable.1' Colum. niAN.Jau. II.1&7U. PIUOES-A FAin OFFER. If the Merchnnts In your placo will not furnish, nr send for the Machines, Hend us the retail price. WaMicr Sli.Extia Wringer VJ, and wo will for ward either or both machines, iree of freight, to places where no ono Is selling; aud ho sure are wo lhey will bo liked, that uo agreo to refund the money if any ono wishes to return the ma ehlni'S frteorirelght,altera mooth'B trial, ao cording to directions. No husband, father or brother should jnU tlio drudgery of washing with the bauds, titty two das in the year, uhtn It can bedoue belter, more expeditiously, with less labor, and no In jury lo the garments, by a Duty Clothes Washer, ana a Universal Wringer, Hold hr dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. It, C. IIUOWNINCJ, Gen. Agent. oet77t)-tf, S2 Corlland Htreet, New York, H U K A N OE yomlns . AGENCY, , I211.0W; Mno, Vnllnrt N. V - -IJO.OIO Noi th America W.'O City 4V),0(0 Internatloiml N.Y ... l.i,txo Niagara N, Y Merchants m,t)L0 Hprlugtleld 67U,UL0 Farmers' Danvllle.N.Y fiixi.OO) Albany City , 4U0.iMH) Danville, Horse Theft Mutual, Atlantic, N.Y J.lWO.oiW Germaula, N, Y Wu.uuO FllEAH BHOWN, A(ttntt marsni-ly. Dloombiiuro l1 p Dry Goods & Grocorios. c, o. M A t n ImveJustrecclVedfrom tho eastern market ft largo aud well selected stock of DRY GOODS, aONBIBTIJTCJ OF Cass I mors, Jeans, Ho it blenched A Ilrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels, AC, fec, A'good stock of ladles dress goods, Latest styles a patterns, Hpltcs of all kinds, tlood slock gnwcrles, (lucenswaro, Btono ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Konp for clu.mlntf Tin, llrass.Ae, All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. He would call Iho attention of buyers to his well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, feeling confident that lie cau sell them goods at such prices as will Pnsuro satisfaction Jaul71-tr CO MAItH, TVTILLEH'S STORE. 8. 11, MtLLKR A BON, havo removed their fitoro to tho room formorly occu i led byMeiulonhall.on Main street, Illooms burg, nearly opposite tho Lplscopal Church, where t hey nro determined to sell onus moderate terms as ctn bo procured clso where. Thler stock CDtnprlses LAHI1-4' UUi;a3 OOODfJ of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Ooods and Gro ceries, consisting of tbo following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, nths, OasMmcres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, While Ooodv, Linens, HoopHkltts, Muslins, Hollowwaro Cedarware aueeUHttaro, Hardware Hoots and Bhoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looking'Glasscj, Tobacco, Coffee, Augurs, Teas, Klce, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS U1!N Eft ALLY. In Bhort, overylhtng usually kept In country tores, to which they Invito tho attention ofthe public generally, The highest price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods, H. II, A BON, Jtloomsburg l'a, apr G7I !f OMETIIINa NEW I The undersigned would hercbv glvo notice that lie has Just completed A l'lItST CLAHS Ji;AUMi:,atui mat lie bast lie rami ties trr carry lug outho business of UNDERTAKING luall us uiancnes IN CITi BTYLH, Ho has engaged experienced peisons who will tako charge ofthe bodies ot the deceased as hoon as lhey 'shutllo of this mortal coil,' nnd attend to washing f hem, shaving, dressing, Ac. Hhrouds furnished also to order, At much expense he ililS uiw 11 Ut'UUU (til IKON ICE BOX, In which bodies can bo preserved In a cleanly and drv condition. t'lininiiCH furnlshpd fur lu. neral occasions, in short, he Is prejmred to take cnurgu oi a ori'Mi Jiiiiucuiaiciy aner utnui, nnu Mive irjeiiui iiiiu reiaiiMs an luriner irouuioiu re tram to u. Ho also carries on tho business of OMJINE T MAKING Upholstering lu alt its branches, repairing; furni ture, resenting cane hot I mind ,Iim1ih(ac., Ac' 1'iuco oi uusiuess ou iron fMrci i, nciow muiii. ltOHKHT UOAN, Eloomsburg, July 2-, lSTu-tl. ARION PIANO. Tho nnlv perfect Instrument In the World. It is unctnuti uti in Jiicntitsi, I'ower, Jiriiiiam-y ami Duiahilliy, Hpeclal teims toTeachers. Marked lavors to clergymen, tfend for Illustrated Arion 1'amphKH. O. W. FOHTEIt, General Agent, mar 1071 If, Maucu Ciiu.nk, ia. To any person producing any Modlclno show ing hall as many living, permanent cures ns Dit. FTII.KU'a VKCJETAULK ItltKUMAlIU HKMKIlV. Usui inuardty only, A plcasaut Medicine, fieo Irorn Injurious drugs, warranted, under oath, to ha h permaneu t ly cured U5 In every 100 p-it lents treated In tho put ten years. (eo testimony.) It Is the sclei.tilio prescription of I'ipfessor Jos. 1. Filler, M. D , a imiduato of tho University or I'eunsylvauia A. D. 18.!, now one or I'hiludcl phla's oldest regular physicians, and l'rofessor ctf CliBmUtiy aiuf Toxicology, who has juado Neuralgia, Chronic and Inflammatory Uheutnn tlsm tho speciality of his en tiro professional Hie a fact vouched for by tho slgnatuus accom l)any Ing each bottle, of many prominent renown ed physicians, clergymen, and other testimonials. To protect mulereis from polsuuous quack nos trums and useless expenditure of money, alegiil Mgned ginniutee, stating exact nunibei'uf botilts waiianttd to cure, will bo forwarded gratis to any sullerer sendlug by letter a lull descilptlon of alllletlon. In case id falluto to cine, amount paid positively relunded. Medicine fcent auy wheio by expiess, collect cm delKery. Atlllcled Invited to write lor advice; all Information and medical advice sent by letter gratis, Principal oillce-Ji) houth Fourth street, Philadelphia, l'a, Uho Hemedy Is sold ur obtained by DrugaUts. marlir71-ly PODS DELIVEltED vim: op poiitiiiiaoh to nnroxa on llOAT.i IN JMIILADKU'llIA. Jly Uio illsiolullon of thn Arm of & NEhni.EH, nil thu mill r Novtinber, M0, tlio nuut'rslgiKiil hernine soli) owner or llio J'iK tory t(K.'knnd Mnclilneryof tlio Into flriii mitt will continue tlioiiinnutaclurounnhiiloori ertlllzi-rs, Mynersonal nltontlon Is lijten to llio business, nnil iildeil by tho best chemical anil Aleclmnlcnl Hklll tho lilsf 'tna'l'y uf "'y nttlelcs will he TuWOH'rJXOSPIIATE OF LIME, ammoniated'fehtimzeu nro boIU ut a very low price. BKND Fon CIItCULAH. NO, 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, irumiiifccf iHi-tf us tmjtotUil row the JilumLt, V I S II 1 c; 17 A JV o, Pure (1 rouml Hone, Laml Plnster. LVmeut, Hporm, ljiril, Whale, I.ubrlcatlui; unit Coal Oils, Herm. Auauiaiillno anil Parallluo t' uhlch 1 rcst'ccttiilly Invito tho ulteutlou of the public BI'ECIAL DISCOUNTS Til THK TUAI1K. WM.N.NKKDMW, . (.(( tin old ttantlqf .t .N'keiii.i-').) tiBoutn Uolawnre Avenue, Pbtludeliihla, for nr ..,.,. I1I.0OMSI1UIIU JHON COMPANV. inar.37l I3w, B AUK CHANCE. i'uu Rai.e A sf cnnd-iinna "Arion" i.miio-iorlo, liruo S37j. cost 5uu. mis superuo lusiruuient was bouiilit nt nn unction suleof private proporty lu Mew York, anil had been but n lew weeks in use. H Is lu lxrect order ami In fieri respect equal to n new piano. Terms nossltlvely ousn lu ftilvnuio. Address fur onuweelc . raoyS07l-lf Mauch Ctuiuk, l'a. pATENT Miacollanooua. 1 IH'O.M i:lll;l) ANII l'.M)(ltm:il lit .OVKll SRVMN llll.VI)lll:i IKlni nnu nit. ItAWKUAX'K'S COMI'OUNIl ff.Uln KXTnACTOP I-C O S K O O 1 tiii: uuKAT HEAIjTII UESTOUEU! Not n, Secret (Junck Mcdlclno Fonmiln Arounu uio Jiotllc. rnkrAnEn nv Dr. J. J, LAWJtnNCE, Orgmlc Clicmlsl, Wir.sos. North Curollna, KOSKOO HTIilKKS AT Til K KOOT Ol' I1ISKASP. I'UUIFYI.VO THE 1)1,001), HtJlTOUI.NO Till! I.IVIlll AND KID.VP.VH TO A IIHAI.THY ACTIO.V, AND 1N- viaoiiATiNo Tin: ni:u. VOU.4 BVHTllM. This is llio Oocrot of Its Wonderful Success in Curing CO.VSUMl'riOX IN ITS HAIII.Y HTAOKS, HCUOl-UI.A, HYPHII.IS, DYS1T.P.1IA, LI.VKIl CO.MITAINT, CIIItONIO IllinU-MATISM, Nr.lJItAt.OIA, NKUVOUS AITHCTION, KltUPTIONS Oi' THU hkin, HU.MOIH, I.03S OP VIOOlt, DISHASHH Ol' KID.VIIY AND llLADDIlll, .S7,Vl.S7M CAUiWn J1V A HAD UTA TK OV TltK JUjOOD. It thoroughly rrndlc.itos ovcrklndof Humor and Dad Tiilnt, and lestorcs the eullrosystcm to ft healthy condition. It Is beyond fines" Ion tho FINEST TONIO I.V TDK WOULD. Thuusnnds lnvo bpen chtnired by tho uso o IhlsMedlcIno from weak, sickly, snirorlng crrn. turcs, to slrous, henlty, nnd hnppy men and women. Invalids cannot hesitate to glvo It n trial. No Mcdlclno has obtained suclm great reputa tion us this Justly celebrated compound, FOlt TESTIMONIALS I'rom Pliyslcluns, Hmlncnt Divines, IMIiors PrucBlsts, Mcrclnuls,.t.c.,sco K03KOO AMI A NAUfor this year. 1-1Z1CK O.VB DOt.t.M VIM HOTTl.K fou sai.k nv The V,'inciiml Dntrgists in the Unitcil Males and Jtrilist America, Dr. Lawuence's Woman's 1'kik.nii Cunsull Diseases peculiar to Females. Jnu.l'Tly. B Loojisnuna STATE NOUJIAL SOHOOI, MTEKAIIY AND COMMI'-llCIAI, INSl'H'U IK. This Institution oll'ois koihI opportunities In o cry department or l.lteriituro and Science, in addition lo UioKxcelleut NormalSchool Classis. huo practlcoln tlieilsoorHtirveylucundHiii'lii eerlnKlustnimeiiti In tho Held nnd mine, under tho Instruction of tho moH com pel out Professor l'hol.iculty aim lo no very thorough lu tin Ir In struction and to Ionic carefully afler the health nimners nnd morals or Iho students. Thoiules and regulations of the school nr.i such as to command tlio respect ol the students and consequently iliot ninny feel that lhey ran allord lo violate Inws which nro culciil.ilcd lo promote their success nnd linppluess, Tho Mus ical Department uirordsns good opportunities as can l,o found lu uuy of tho largo edits aud al much less expense. Hprlng term commences April 3d, H'l. ror further pirtUulais, address John li. Pukezi:, i:sii,, .sv-eV, or I,. II. ItUI'Ka r. I'rcs't. or IIIINUY CAUVKIl, s.. M l''lnclp ,1 llloomsburg, Jau, 11, lSH-Uiu. JACOI1 K. SMITH. J, It. Sfcl.TZKII g .Al ITU & H E I, T Z E U, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dorm tic H A It I) W A 11 E, U HNS, OUTLHIIY, 4ft, KO. J09 W, Ttrilin bTllEKT, AI1.0AI.I.OWIIII. JHWy "IILAllELPHIA. QARRIAOE MANUPACTOItY, Bloomsbure, l'a. M, C. BIX)AN A WIOTitEH Have on haml and for sale at the moit reasona ble rates a splendid Htnck or cahuiafj3, iiuuaira, and every description or Wagona both I'LAIN- AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best nud mont dur able materials, and by tlio iuohi experlencml workmen. All work Kent out from tho CHlab Uahment wilt bo louud to be oft lie hlgbent class nndfaurotonivo perfect natlsfactiou. They have nltio u duo ausortmeut of HDKIG1IH of all the noweKt and moit lafcblonablo MyleH well and carefully mado and of tlio bebt inaUi" lain. An Inspection or tlielr work i ut-ktd as Mi belloved that none superior cau bo found In tho country, jau 171 F lAUlinilS! laCAMINE AND IIUY T HE OUIGINAIj, hauuh's hkinu Tub FinsT Haw Honk I'iiospjiath Mauk All others aio Imtlntton, 1) A U Q II ' S HAW BONK SUl'EIt PHOSPHATE OF UMK. MRK FALIj, 1870. This Manure Is mado nf llnw or Unbtiined Hones, rich lu Nitrogenous matter, dissolved lu OU of Vitriol, presenting tho llono Pliospluito in n highly soluble aud quickly nvnltable form .and the Ammonia In such proportion ns to Insuio u prompt and vigorous action upuu the crops, Wliero llaugli's Phostiliate was applied Iho past season, I no Indications, without except lol. are thnt it will maintain its wel I earned rcpuau tlon. We request all iu need of a Fertiliser lo give this article u trial, BAUOII & SONS, Manufactukkrs, Orrjoi-No SO H. Delaware Avcuuo, PIIII.ADKLPHIA, 1570 If.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers