ACtRICULTURAL DOMESTIC." Oioltrjr fon llio. Slclo , AuuowitooT, Ilalf.n pint of milk; ono ilcssert-ppQpnfut of nrrmvront i mi trir (o tnstq ; k'Uion pvt'l, Tnko cn'ro lo tol tlio very lest tirriiw root, ns ninny Imitations nro sold. Mix n uosert-spoonfiil with n Utile colli wrt tor till It la qulto smooth, lloll 1ml r n pint of milk; pour It on tho nrrowroot kMU boiling, stirring It nil tho time. Add n lump or two of sugar, nnd n Httlo lomon pool. Vateii AnnownooT. Ono dosscrt ppoonful of nrrowroot j ono gill of wri ter) sugar; ono tnblo spoonful of brim i)y, or ono wlno glass of wine. Mix a dcssort-spoonful of nrrowroot with n Httlo water very smooth, Hitvo ready water In n kottlo quite lolling. l'our It on tho arrowroot till II becomes clear, stirring It all tho tlrao. A few lumps of sugar nnd tho wlno or brandy can bo mixed with It before pouring tho boiling water on It, using tho wlno or brandy to mix tho nrrowroot with Instead of tho water. llmiAii Jelly. -Oift roll; ono lem on; ono quart of water; sugar to, Tnko tho crumb of n penny roll; cut It into thin sllcos, nnd toast them of a palo brown on both sides., -,Put them lnlo a quart of spring water. Lot simmer over tho fire till It has becomq njelley. strain It through a thin cloth nnd flavor It Immediately with a Ilttld lemon Julco and sugar. QnuF.i.. Tlmo,n quarter of an liour.- Two tablo-spoonfuls of oat meal; half n mado of maco;a plcco of Jcmon pocl threo-quartcrsofaplntofwntcror milk n little sugar. Mix two spoonfuls of oatmeal very smooth In a Httlo water, and nut It gradu ally to three-quarters ofa plnt;addft Httlo lemon peel, and half n blado of maco Bctlt over thoflro for aquartcrofan hour 8tlrrlnglt constantly. Then Btraliilt, und add sugar to tasto. Port Wine Jelly. TImo, fifteen or twenty minutes. Ono pint of port wlno ; onoounco of Isinglass ; ono ounco of sugar ; a quarter of a pint of water. Put tho isluglass and sugar into u quarter of a pint of water. 8ot It ovor the flro till tho isinglass is dissolved; then add tho wine. Strain It through njelly bag or n clean piece of muslin Into n Jar or mould, nnd let li set. It Is best to put It into ajar, to cover It till cold, and glvo a picco about tho size of a walnut two or tlirco times a day to tho patient. Thisjelly may bo mado to drink hot tllUSiT- Pilt n tcaspoonful of melted isinglass to ono wineglass of port wine, adding one clovo and a lump of sugar. JIako It hot over nn etna. A IlnoTir. TImo, nearly four hours. Ono pound of veal ; ono pound of beef; ono pound of tho scrag ond of a neck of mutton ; a Httlo salt ; tlirco quarts of water. Put tho abovo quantities Into tlirco quarts of water, with n Httlo salt, and a fow wholo poppers. Boll It until reduc ed to ono quart. Calf's Feet. Time, four hours. Two calf's feet; two pints of water; onoplnt'of now milk; a Httlo lemon peel or.maco. Pot the Ingredients Into a Jar, cover it down, and keep It in tho ovcu for four hours. When cold, remove tho fat. Flavor it with lemon peel or maco, ns prefered. This Is very strengthening If taken tho first thing In tho morning and tho last at night. Ordinauy Beep Tea. Time, three or four hours. Two pounds of gravy beef;' two pints and a half of water ; a Httlo salt. Cut two pounds of gravy beef into slices, and put it into a Jar with two plats and a half of water, and a pinch of salt. Cover It over. Set it in a warm oven for thrco or four hours. When done, strain it through a fino siovo and set It In a cold place, warming a small portion when required. NounisiiiNa Sour for Invalids. Time, two hours. Two pounds of lean veal or beef; a quarter of a pound of pearl barley ; a Httlo fresh celery or cel ery eeed ; a Httlo salt. Boll two pounds of loan veal, or beof, with a quarter of a pound of pearl bar ley in a quart of water very slowly, until It becomes tho consistency of good cry, or celery seed, and salt. Strain It when dono through a- line hair sieve, and servo. This soup will only keep uutll iho next day, therefore not more than tho quantity required must bo raado. Gloucesteh Jelly, -Time, two hours Onoouncoof powdered rice; onoounco of mg'i ; ono ounco of pearl barloy ; one ounce of isinglass; ono ounco oflrlngo root; ono ounco of hartshorn shavings. Simmer these Ingredients in three pints of water till reduced to ono pint ; strain it. Pieces may be cut from this Jelly and taken In tea or broth, or In a cup of now milk,, as preferred, every morning. Qiiuel of Patent Qroats. TImo, ton minutes. Two dossert-spoonfuls of patent groats; onoplnt of water; a wlno glass of brandy, or any other spirit, or of white wlno. Mix two dessert-spoonfuls of patent groats in a basin with only sulllclcnt waicr 10 worK n into a cream ; men pour over It a pint of boiling water, stlrlng it nil tho tlmo; stir It over tho flro until sufficiently thick. When dono, sweeten it to taste, and add cither a glass of whlto wino, brandy or any other spirit, with a Httlo grated ginger or nutmeg. Silver jelly-. TImo, to boil thofect flvo hours and a half, to boll tho Jolly twenty minutes. Ono set of calf's foet ; ono ounco of Isinglass ; ono pint of tho best gin ; ono pound of loaf sugar; Julco of six lemons ; peel of two ; whites of six portra. Boll tho calf's feet In four quarts of water with tho Isinglass until tho feot ore dono to rags, nnd tho water wasted to half tho quantity ; strain Hand when cold removo tho feot and tho Jelly from tho sediment very carefully, Put tho Jully Into a stewpan with tho sugar, the Julco of tho lemons, and tho peel of two, add the gin. when the flavor Is thorugti ly drawn from the lemon peel, put in tho whites of tho eggs well beaten, and their shells broken up, pluco tho stow pan over thq tiro, nnd let It boll for twen ty minute ; but do not stir it after tho egg has been added. Dip njelly bag Into hot water and squeeze It dry ; run tho Jelly through it sovcral times until qulto clear, and then pour it intojlio mould. If calf's feot cannot bo obtained two ounces of gelatlno nnd ono ounco of Islng. gloss will do as well. Court Advertisements . - u...j..tii, . Q.llANDJUlt01lS, " FOU MAY TEllM 1871. ' lllnnm Jacob Dlcfrenbnch, I,, p. imperii llrlarcrcek-Jounthan W.i;ck,Andi.wlvior. JinHon-HomuM o. Krlckbaum Ilcrwlck-Lovl Kuril, Henry O. Preas, ..Centro-H. I), Knorr, Hamiiel Dietlrrlcll Olllict V H.(Powler. Prnnklln Washington Parr, James Koster, Andrew Ijotirinnn. 1 Ishlugcreek John C, Allegnr. k'lrceouwood-HobeH llobblni, Joseph We Uir- Jackson Jackson llluo, Henry Winner, Ijocust Ooorga Ycager. flit, Pleasant Joseph lkcler. Madison Hnmuel Parnsworlh, orange William Bchuyler. Hiram llowmaii. l'lno r, W. Hone. rPltAVEltSE JUItOUS, FOU MAY TEItM 1871. Woom E. J, Thornton, Jonathan Cromls, Illram I'alincr, John Is. Mover, riilllp Unnngst. Hrlarcreek-siephen Klsncr, William Lnmon, James Hponenborg. IIitwIck Amos P, Creasy, John W. nnwmnn. pentnn-slohn H. Kline, Alexander Mclttnry, limver iNioa KUnKorman. Conmnham Tlinm,.a UentiaUa Thomaa Oerahty. CeUtro Wllllnm Hlmfla Chlwln-jacobHwijnk,Jejio John, Daniel C. Oenrhart, ..F'jhlnRereek Ira lllcharJ, Totor J, Wenvcr, Nathan Hinlin, Orecnwowl John Cromljr, George Mailers, Hemloek J, it. rami. IoruHt May berry Hnyder, Mllllln-llanlel llonil. Maine Michael (Irover. Madtaon-o. p.uiirlitlau. Montour Jnme llnlck. llranue-DaTM U flayman. rine-Mlieilrlck Hren, ItlchanlF. Wlilllnojer, llonrlnperoek-lfranklin Viienni. Hojll Moore Crovellnf;. rjrUUAIi IjIST, VOn MAY TKIIM, 1871. Kilwaril M'Piill Pt. al. VU. .lnhu Hvmiiiw Win. Ixiugcubercur, ct. nl. vs. Hugh ll, M'ltey Aaron 1 vnton vn. Bamuel Lelhy. Charlea lu Urceu v. l'eter Hchug. Thomas Khoat v. llcnben OnlUI. H. HurUlM, mo. vi. II. II. Crevellng, el. nt. l'aler HcIiiir va. Charles tee. I, J. Waller v. John JI, Htnekhouio. .V .".!c""c Dt-a- v- Abraham Moore, el. nt, O. 1), Fowler va. Kcuben Miller. llaulel F. Heyhert v. William HhalTor. William Bhafler t. Daniel MeylwrU llobert Oorrell vs. Harney M'nroarir, el. nl. M c"'el tjruTer, uao. v. Harago & Ilrlghl. Michael Orovor va. Havnge .4 Bright, Thomas Fry . William oolemau, O, H. Fowler va. Jeaso 1), lllee. 1 eter Haymnn, use va. Jarob RhalTer, et, nl, Jlrambalf 4 Co. v. M'NIncli & Hlmmnn. llnrvoy U, Hess vs. Hnmuel Ureay AUmr. Himlti i A Funslou vs. Alfred Irwluo. ' A Klluo. va. James V, Olllosplc. John Turner vs. Daniel Hnyder. James V. Ulllnsnlo vs. Wm. A. Kline. Uaincnt O. llicketta' Admr. vs. Divld Hweeny, Joseph H. Kline vs. Charles Howard. Johu Orny vs. Hnnderson Ilagonbucli. .17 rtut"" vs. ridmngcreeic uenool ills trlct. Wm. A. Case vs. nioom Townthlp. Hltnou Wealsh vs. John lloirman. Nicholas HwluM I,..,,!.! . Murray.wiulaek . Unndall vs.TheNorlh Urlllch ... :"'.".n.tlle InsurnneoUo. Murray.Wlnlaek a ltauda 11 vs. Tho Imperial l'lro E. Hatterthualt vs. Frederick F. Slereeron. Jljnicl F. Herbert vs. Kllnelob Walton, ans & Henrlo vs. Republican Association. auchael Mavlon vs. l'hliadclphia A Reudlug iHTD, .tutur.. vi . n. iviine. ralrlck Monaghan vs. l'lillalelphl.. A Heading lUUroad Company. Rodger Dixon vs. riilladolphl.i UcaJInnr llall- ruinl fjornn-mi' Mrs. Maryconuclly vs. Philadelphia & Readlnj Hnllrnad Company. Charles Urowu vs. Joseph R. Vandersllce. David Hhalfer vs. Illram Thomas. Cannon ft liro. vs. Wldmyro Jacoby. Holomou lllney vs. Willi im Walp. ,, iiniiui ..niiiimuii vs. i.ncaawnuua mooins buri. Railroad Comtnttivj Daniel wnyder, use, vs. ,M, a M'Collumun, tl, al. Tllniau Htrmixn vs. U'lUnn Mill. Joseph Fanscy vs. John MIIHuau, et. a. ucui ib. j Less vs. ,i osepu w ise, eu at. A QENT3 WANTED 1 aricii FiRt.Dit anoiim: woukiii , JUCTOIUAIj F A j)l I ll II I II 1. 1:, WITll OVKB 1,000 ILLUSTRATIONS, 50,000 RGFKRIIVCKS, A family ncconD, nnd FAMILY A L 11 t' M. THE riCTOniAL FAMILY ninLi: contains a storehouse of information that can only reach tho lnlnd through tha eye. Itsllhistrntlonscarry one back to the most important era of tho world , and are of themselves a compre)ieuslvo revlow of tho Bcrlptures, representing the most interest lngVlews,Characters,Hymbols,Hlstorlcal Events, Landscape Bcencs, Antiquities, Costumes, liens ts, Birds, Insects, Plants, Minerals, Coins, Medals, Inscriptions nnd Incidents referred to through out tho Sacred Text. They attract tho eye, correct erroneous lmprosstons, awaken new thoughts nnd furnish clearer views of Divlno Truth. As a help to Parents, -Ministers, nnd Habbath-schonl Teachers In fulfilling tho duties of their separnte nnd high vocations and to nil others to whom Immortal souls are Intrusted this splendid Pictorial Volumo cannot bo overestimated. It is tho Edition Most Suitable for tho Family, Most Valuable lor tho Students, Most Instructlvo lor Iho Teacher, Most Approprlato for tho Child, Most Useful for the Minister, Most Interesting for tho Farmer, Most Elegant for tho Parlor, Most Prontable for tho Stndy. THE PICTOIHAL FAMILY MULE, in nddlllon to tho features already alluded to, contains tho Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, a Summary of tho Bncrcd Trulh as taught by the Inspired Hook, together with numerous nnd comprehensive Tables and other Historical and Explanatory Matter, embodying the labors of many oftho most eminent Biblical scholars. It Is printed on tho finest calendered lmpcr, from clear and open typo. In ono largo and handsome quarto volume, and is bound in the mostdurablo and attractive manner, whtlo the prices are sIU clently low to plaeo It within everybody's roach. EXPERIENCED AGENTHaro wanted through out the country for Its sale, with whom liberal arrangements will bo made. An opportunity ol equal promise is rarely or never presented. Its sales will not be limited to any period, but will continue for a lifetime, constantly Increasing with the growth and Intelligence ot tho country. It i therefore, desirable tliat thoso who engago with us, shall dosowllhavlsw to making the business a permanent ono. MI NIHTEIW, TEACHEIIS.BTUDENTS, FARM ERS, Y0UN0 MEN AND WOMEN-lhoso who would meet with tho most prontable of all em plnymcnts are invited to correspond with us with n view to an agency. Not a few such are now averaging from fjoooto t'OOO annual prollt la It sales. There Is a gront want for the book nnd a rich Held oirered, while it will elevate the spiritual condition by constant contact with and conversations upon lu beautiful nnd eternnl truths. AGENTS ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN will be furnished the work In fine bindings. This plan is qullo popular and prontable In rltiosaud lnrge towns. We have an edition of the book, superbly bouud, with massive panelled Bides, which has been everywhere rocclvodwiUi makedfivor.Hub scriptlons for the Pictorial Bible, iu this stylo and In this way, can be obtained to nn almost unlimited extent, as there Is no outlay of money that the Bible reader can make, which will yield Mm to rich a return. We nre also tho Publishers of POTTER'S STANDAIlDEDITIONSe.fKnmlly.Pulplt.l'ockot and Photograph Bibles and Testaments nearly 300 dlrrcrent styles so well known everywhere for their accuracy of text, beauty of finish nnd durability of binding. Always ask for Potter's Standard Editions, and get tho best. Catalogues containing styles and prices furnished on appli cation. For Circulars containing a full description ot Tin PicToniAL Fa milt Biuie, with sample sheet, nud terms to Agents, address " Potter's Standard Bible and Testament House." JOHN E. 1 'OTTER 4 CO., Publisher, 611 and 017 Hansom street, innr 21'71-Stn Philadelphia. JTEV OHCJAN AND PIANO "WAHEROOMB. OltOAKB A J-IAN03 POIt SALE OSt INSTALLMENTS, riancs from all first-class makers, from I.'loOto luu. Organs from IJO to I7U). A splendid Organ ft octave, 2 set reeds, nnd iremwlo-sriih paneled Black Waluut Case, only llffi.ixl. single reed, saino ease its ubove, llun. 1 havo made unatige meiits to have the latest musle on hand as soon as published. Teachers supplied lit regular dis count, Warernoms, Main street, near l-'oiks Hotel, f. I, w, NILES. RECKIIT HOOKS for snlo at tho Colvuiiiam OIHcc. THCOMMBIAN, AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY nlH. Mifflfiollnnnniiti Moil dh I ... j m. I'i i n ' 'illf ' ' U J ' ri Miaccllnnooua, I Ul. bL'illiM'K ADVlHErf CO.- jv nii..irn WIN11 11. to uu to 1'i.oniDA in Having lor tho last thirty-flro venra ilevoteil my whoio tlmonnd attention lo tho study in lllllff rlfsensrs nml ebn.liniirf Lttil I fi fl,.,, i dersuiud fully ihoVmirsfc that ought to pursued to restnro a tolerably had easoof ulseascd lunjzs to healthy soundness, Tho llrst nnd most li.i- r. mil .in. ,iur lliu luiurill III nvold tnuilll coht.unil tho best ul tilt places on thiscouilueiit mi uiiapiu-poso in winter, mi iorida,-wf u iiowu 111 tilts male, whero Iho lum(lernluru Is regular, mid nut subject to such vniiatiuns ns In mora .loruu-rn iiiuiuug.1, ,1-m.iuia II u point lean ru commend. A uoud hotel Is l:rnt ihpre liv l.lor. man. Last winter 1 saw several persons lliero whoso lungs lind been badly diseased, but who, under ttiolienllng liilltienco of thucllinalo una lay medicines, weio gettlug well. Ono hundred utiles farther elown the liver is n point which I would prefer to 1'nlutka, ns Iho iriiiiviiiiiiiu niiiuiuBii-u nmi inuiurtiry niui bracing. Meliouvlllontid Eulcrprlsonro lowliest tnere. 1 should iilvu ii decided prelerenc3 to i'li'iiiui. tuu, ! .mi nines irou river or lane, mid it Nceius ntmost luiposslhto to take cold there. Tho tables In l'loiida might bo better, nnd palleuts cutuptitlit nl limes but that Is a good sign, us it ludieutcs n return of uppotllc, nnd wueii tills Is tho e.iso they generally Iiicrenso 111 llcsh, nnd then Iho limits must heal. Jaciisonvtlto,Ulbernu,iJrecn Cuve.and many other places in vnrious parts ul Florida, can be sorely recommended to consumptives in wlutor, Myieasons fur saying so nro mat pntioulsiiru less liable to tako cola thera than wheru there Is Mess even temperature, audit Is not necessary to say that whero ncousuiuptlvo person exposes lilmsetl to frequent colds ho is t-ertaltl to illo shortly. Theriiuro myiUvIco Is, go well down Into the Stale out of tuo reach of pervading east . .. uwuuiuu, or inmost liny other of tho localities lliavo named, will bene lit tliojo who are tumbled with u torpid liver, u disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore inru.ik or eu.igil, inu lor II10S0 WIIOSU lUllgSUT- diseased n muru southern point I earnestly re For ilitecii'yrarn prior to I8ro, I was profession nllyluNcw xork. lioston. llainiiiiii'o.tii.i pmi ,. dciphia entry ween, wliero 1 saw una examined on ii uveraue llvo hundred iiAiictiirt , a practice so extensive, uiiibraeluc every poislbju pnusoof luugillsease.liaseu.ibledme touuder- suiuu iiiu uiseaso iiiuy, nun hence, iny eiutlon in regard lo Hiking cold, A person may laltol in4..1M..,.,.,0v, ntuuiii-u a i-iiiiiioiiiunyriip. Seaweed toulo nnd Mandraxu rills" una l ii dlu If ho does not avoid tukinj cold. In Floridii.hciirly everybody lauslngSc'lioneli's Muuumlte rills, lor tho illluuto Is luuio lntely to prulttcu bilious hablls than more liortncru lati tudes, ll is a well est ibllslied 1 let that unlives ol Floilda rarely die ol consumpt.un, especially llioie oi the southern part, on iho other hand, in New EliglsiiJ,ou.uilrd,ntlc.i3l,or the popu lation illeul tins lerrtulo disease, lulheMidlo stales It does not prevail so largely still ihero ureiii.iuy tliousiudsofesestlieie. Wi.ul uvnsl pcrcciiluj9 of lite would Im saved ir oi.s lmiw lives weiu its easily alarmed In regard to liiltliu irisii cold ns they uro about scarlet rover, small pox, m. Hut theyuro not, They tnko what they lerm u little cold, wlilctl they mo ereluloiis UMb vut-iiuu ,vui wear on in niuw uavs, ihey pay no nttenllou loll, nud hence illtys the fuiiudatiou lor uuutlar mi l itnuiher mil, until the luius aro dlsettsod beyond nil nopo lor euro, MVUdVlCO to I,eill,ll4 U'lins,. lllll J nlnnir.,.ln.l eiviu sllgiitty is, to lay m a stojk m sj.ieiiek's t uiiuuuiu rty iup,oeueiieA s ne.ivreea ionljnul Selleuek'H AMilliJi'altu 1'illd iiinl t'.i ti I.'ii.i-i.i , I reeuniuiond thesd ii.uiluuUr iiiedlcliicKi boeittse I uui thotoiliniy utqu Hilled with tlleir ucttuil. i miu iti.ti, t.uure iiit-j iireusuuiu strict uocuru nucu Willi uiy directions they Wilt do Hid worn Is required. This lil'CuuipUshcd, luuuru will do tho rest, iho pnyslcUu wii'j pieserlues lor cold, cough or liUltl-sweitts, mid then advises the patient to wane or rlau out every it ty, wilt bo silru tjhavoti corpse on his hands belure long. .My mall is lo clvo mr threo laodloluos. In an. coraauce Wth tho printed directions, except In some cases whero n Ireer uso of the .Maiiiir.iin, l'llisls necessary, My object Is to glvo tone In tno siomaeu to get upn goou iippeiiie. it Is ul ways n icood slali when n palloul benltis to uruiv hungry. I hn o hojies of such. With u rcllsu tor fujd and tho uratlllcsllou of that rullsli I'litml, uuod blood, nud with it moro llesh. wliicii u closely folloittd byn healing nt the lungs. Then the coughioosens nud abates, Iho creeping chills and clammy night-sweats lui longer prustrntu uui. uiiMiij , mm iuu iiiieieub gets well, proviuuj .wHiiieru nro many cousuinpLivcs wno navo not iiiu means to iro 10 t loriua. loo in esttmi may bo there no liono for sucn? ivr. tiilnlylhoro Is. Myudvicoto such Is, nud over has been, to slay lu it warm room during Iho nii.ivi, niwit teiuperuturu ui uuout seventy tie- gices, which should bo kept regularly nt that point, by menus of a thermometer. Let such u patient tako his cxorclio within Iho limits of the loom by wiilklnu unund down its inuchns Ids strengtli will permit. In order to keep up it healthy circulation or tho blood. I have cured tuuu-muus uy tuts st stem, and can tloso ngnln, Consumption Is ns ensllv eureil ns miv nlhrr ,U. etsoif ltistnlieu in tlmo, and tho proper kind u .muiim-iit ts puiSlieu, lJIUlUei.SiaUUS UUIIIS' putodou record that MchcncU'e Pulmonis Syrup, Msndrako I'llls. nud no.iui.,-d Tnnm imirn .... ,.;, V ery mnuv of tvtint tn.mpil t, im l,...,oin.. of consumption, elo where you will, you will be almost certain to llud some poor tonsumptlvo ...... uLniiwuuw nuiu tUO Vt'y jaw 8 Ol lle.llll Ho larns tho Mandrake I'll la nrn,.,t.i pveryboUy should keep it supply of them on liand. Ihey net on tho liver bolter than calomel, nud leavo uouu of Us hurtful eOecls behind In fact they uro excellent in all cases whelo n pur gutlvo medicine is required, iryou have par taken too freely of iruituud dJairhcca ensues, a dose ot tho MnudrnlEcs will cure ycu, II you aro subject to slclc lieadache. tako it doso of the Mau drnkesnnd they will relievo you In two hours. ir you would obvialo the cirectofn chnDgo of water, or tho too freo luitulgencu In lrult, lake onoof tho Mandrakes overy night or evory oilier ulght.nnd you mny then drink water end eat watermelons, pears, apples, plums, peaches or r, ;. '"""it to" 't 01 ueiug mauo sick by them. They will protect thoso who llvo lu ilnmp mtliUllUUS ueitlUKL Pllll H mill loviiru Try them. They nro perlcclly harmless. They can do you good only. 1 iiavo nlinndAiicd mv nrofcsslnnnl vlslfM in una- ton nud New York, but coin Inuo to see patients nni!.'y,"1C0' N. litf.HIXlil Ktleet.rillladel. plilit, every Balurdoy, irom u A. ii. loa P.M. fi ?r . " r.ugii oxnmliint im with tho llcsplrometer will ba clinr.'n.i m,... .i..iin..r The ltesplroraetcr declares tho exact oouditloii tn luut-i, una puiicuis enn reauiiy usirn whether Ihey aro ctiuiblcor not. Hut I desire It distinctly understand that tho valno or my medicines depends entirely upon their bolng taken strictly according to directions, lu conclusion, I will say that when persons take my medicines nud their systcmsaro brought Into a healthy coudltlon thereby, they nro not so llnblo to hike cold, yet no ono with diseased lungs can bear n sudden change of ulmosphere without the liability of greater or less lrrltutlon of the bronchial tubes. 1'ull directions iu nil languages nccompnny my mtdlclues, so explicit nnd tlear that any ono can uso them without consulting me, ana can be bought Irom any druggist. J. II. KCIIENCIC.M.D. No. 13 N SIXTH Street, l'hliadclphia. novll'TO-lst. To any person producing nny Modleluo show. Ing half ns innny living, permunent cures es D Fui.ER'a Vkibtaui.i: umiutiAiio ltr.yup'. L'acil inwardly out, A pleasant Medleluit tree Irom Injurious drugs. Warranted, undrr oatli, to hav. periiiiuieiilly turcdullneveryliepatleuts lleilled 111 Iho ptst ten jears, (-iei testimony.) It is the hctentillo picscilptJoii or rioldssor Jos. P. 1'ltler, M. D ,u Kiailuatis ur the Unlverhlty of lVniisylvnnla A. D. 1S.U, now one or Phlludel. phllt's oldest regular ph slcUns, uud Professor of I'liemlslry nud Tox'cologv, wlio 1ms inado Neurnlglu, Chronic uud UitUmmatory ltlicumn tlsm tho speeialltv of his entire professional lite a lact touched for by the signatures ncconi piuylugeucli bottle, olmiiny proiuliieiit renown ed puysiciuus, clergymen, nuil other testluioiilals. To protect hutlereis irom poisonous qu.ick nos trums and useless expenditure of money, ahgil signed gu irautce.sutlngcxuct niimberolbnttles warranted to cure, will bo forw.irled grutls to nny sutlerer sending by letter it lull deseilptlou of nllllctlon. In casoot talluro to cuie, liniouut paid positively refunded. Meillelne sent any w here by expi ess, collect on delivery. Allllelcd Invited to write turn 1 vice: nil Information und medical advice sent by leller grulK olllce, ill Houth l'ourlh street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'Iho Remedy Is bold or obtained by Dlllgglsls, ninr2i'7l-ly Q.OOD3 WCLWxjivEI) I'REK 01' POHTIUtAOE TO DEPOTd OR BOATS IN PllILADhLPllIA. By llio dissolution of His nrm of Aura &, ,on llio Itlth of November, IS70, the uuderslgnod becamo sole owner of the Factory, stock and Machinery of thu late firm und will continue the iniinurneluro und halo of 1'erl Ulcers, My personal nlleulloii is given to the business, and aided by the best Chemical nnd Mechatilciil skill the high quality or my articles will Lu mutntulued. llio rJUPEIt PHOSPHATE OF LIMK, AND AMMONIATED PEimLIZEU aro sold at avery low price, SIKD FOR CIRCULAR. NO. I PERUVIAN GUANO, li'ummlc-d i'ure eu tmporttd ror the lilwuU. V X S II C II A IS O, PureiqroundBo:io,IjtndPlnstcr,Ceincnt,fperm, Lurd, Whale, Liibrlciillng und t'onl Oils, sperm, Adamantine and I'ariillluo l undies, to which I lcspectfolly Invito the iittentlou of tho public SI'ECIAL IllSCOVNTS To TIIK ThAPK. , WM.N.NIXI1LF.8, (AtthtoliitUinilof Al.t.tN ,V Nl.KliI.M.) 12 South llelawaro Avenue, 1'Wludulphiu, 'oit hale ny 11L0OMS1IURO IU0N COMPANY, mar.8'71 18w. A5ENI3 I Wtsttl l:t Twclye Years imw Wild Indians I Plains, The remnrkctblo adventures nf tho famous WJI1TK ClUKFnml UlU WAUUlOHllio Iteil Ktilm. Thrilling acrotuilHof (ireut lluutfl, JlalrhretuHH Kkc4-m una '1't rritile CViiitentH tvitt tho Lltr uuiiienml iiottlt tribe., HnlritetldcMcrlix lioiiH of tho ImhltH ntul nuicrh(lthui of ttm( TIONH. llOWthevWcOBlKl WEIl.hCAM'.UlrfTUll. woiwnip, p. LS6W, Frthti una rnpulur. 1'Jtitu IsOw, U i m-IMuu hy thu IhouMiiuta wlXh wim derful rupldlty, AkciUH nro muklng from t't to llUtper week. Choice Held rut vQCiuu., HcnO nt iinru ior HUJlljnu cijmimith, jiiiiMiruiuiiH una p ll (Wt'litNtnutHt,, J'lilfa, I- 11,2! P.M. DnllyroxcnptSuiiday'sUorllnllluior. Washington and rnlladclptiln. ED. H, YOIINtl, Uenerol passenger Agcut. At.ptto n.I.'uxi!, Ocu'l Supt., nXTAWisSA ItAILUOAU. ls.O. WINTER ARIlAHlir.MENT, I .TO, Passelier Trains on IhLt rnnit will run hifol- lows I .V.iil Svl)i. Lv. B.gia.m " ", " u.i) " ' IU.SI ' " 10.31 ' " 10.11 " 11,51 " " p.m " li.ii STATIO.N'3. trail Xforth Willlnmsporl. Mttucy. Mlltou, D.iuvllle. Uiipcrt, iVitawlssa. lllngtnwn. Summit. (Juakuke. l:. Miilinnr June. Lv, r,.r,' s.iij tM 4.U i.ui SJ6 IM 1.1 12.51 " u.n " VM " I.'Ji " 3 li Dluc.Titmaqua, Dlue. 1 Heading. ' lVitlsVtlle. M.IJ a.m. " 7.1M1 Philadelphia. I 21 (,dlna Mnucli Ctitinlc. illna" ?.u.i n. m ' &3.I " Dethlehem, ' iitiOucon " ritii 11 Phlla, vl.t lteililoliem, " u,l. it. m " " liivston, "Jl.Ui New York, fl. Liberty st., ' 6.1) via L. .t H. 11. K, 11.00 ' b,u " L. Valley 11, II. " tun i 0.jJ a.m. Boitou, " y.uo p.m P.issentierslnklf g Iho 8.25 train from William, snol t. will havo two hours iu New York, tor suit' per, nnd nrrlvolll Boston nt C.l.fl n.m.. cloven uoiir-innuvanconr nil oincrrouies, New day co-uhea accompany nit trnlns bif tweou Wllllatusport, New York nnd l'hlladel phht. Trains run throush by daylljht. oi:u. WEnn.supt. I KiVUINQ KAlldtOAl). biuinu auhan(u:mi:nt. Monday, Aptil s, wtj. Great Trunlc I,tno from tho North mid Noith West for i'hllndelnhift.Now York. Heimlnc. l'ott- vlllp. Tamatiim, AshiHtut, Khnuiolfln jhanou Columhlu, &.c, 'TramHieavo Harrlabm-g furNeworlc. us io.- lowrit At U.I), H,w, iii ni.( (U.4 -,03 r rn.. con uectLiM with hitullar trains en remisyiviv ula UallrnuU, nud nrrlvlug at New YnrK hi n. in.. nnd io.w p. m. rcroctlveb. aUeptng i-ara nccoixiiiauy tho 3,10 n in, iralui wuiioui cinino. ltclurulti'J! I.rave New Yoikat 9.00 a.m. ncd 12.y"jioou aud C,00 p. m. I'hihidotphhi nt 7..'H, a m, nun o.ju p. m. Hiccpitig cai ncconipauy tho 6,00 p.m., t ruins irom N Y without clmuije. Loavo llarrlsbum lor Heading, I'nttavlhb, iu raanua. Mlucrsvliro. Asliluiid. Klinmoklti AN lcniowu nud l'hlla'd. nt P.lUn, m.,nud 2,03 nnd l,')o p.m.,tttoppln nt licbauan nnd principal way stations; tho 1,03 p.m. trnlu connecting for rhll'j rottsvillo nnd Columbia only, Tor i'olUvlllr cmiyxicm iiaven nun juuiirn, via ncimyiiLiii nnd Hurjuliauna Itallroad.travo JlarrHturn a 3,4U p.m. lijt rennsylvanla Railroad trnhn luirlor AUcutowu Kaiton nud New Yoilc nt &M. a. in., nud 4.03 n. m. Kcturnlnir. lcau New York nt U.Wii. in., JiOJ noou nnd fi.ui in. aud Allenlowu at 7.-0 a.m. KMj noon, J.iv W'a'v l'assoucor Train icave riillndelnhla nt 7,'Joa.m., connecting with similar train on j:asl l'.i. railroad retumlus liom HeadlntJutU.'JOp.ui utopplu at all buttons, t.enva Pottsvllln ut ft.00 nnd P.m. Ilemdon at 10.00 n. m.. Khamoklu at .i. to and J 1.15 n. m., AHUiamt uw.Uj a.m. mut 1,11 noon Aiau ftliov Cltvut 7.11 a. in. nnd l.'2i n. m. Tamanu'i nt s.:j a. iu nnd '-My p. m. lor I'liUailctnhlH.Ncw leavo I'olWvllIo via Mcouviklll nnd Rnmio hauiu Itullioailut8,l5 n.m. tor Jlarrlsburg, mU noon, lor l'lpfjUrovo and Tremont, Uoadlni: Accoinniodatloa Train leaves TotU vlllu at 5. 10 a. m,, o.Tsses lttnding at 7, n. in., ar riving nt X'hllnduphtant lO.V.'O a. m. Itetnrnlns leaves I'll Uadelji lna at 6,15 p, m p-iSKlng Ueutl lu at 7,M p.m., arriving nt l'otttivuio aitf.l'ip.m. l'ottbtown Aecomuioaaiton Train, leave 1'otts tawiiut0.3Ju.Di..returiiliiz. leaves rhlludelnhtf at-l.-Jp.ui. Columbia Hallroad Trnlns leave Heading ut 7,'JJ a.m., and f.15 lliruta, Lltlr, I-incas. ter, Columbia, Ac, rerklomen Itall Itoad Trains If-avo rerklomcn Jnnctlou at 7.15 U,03a, in., 3.00 Aiiuup, in. rctuni luv; leave r'chwtnUbVlllo miiHi", t.U n.m., IVJ noon A i.aj n.m.. conueotlnu with almilar trulnn Ueadiug 1 Lit I nud, Colebiocivdule Itnllroad trains leaveVotttowu at y.t'ja.tii, C 0.H p.m.icturnlu leave Jlunnt I'leas.iutat 7.0Jniid in., ii.oj n.m. cotiuoct liiir witt blmllar tialiiH on Heading Itallroad. uoesier uiiey luinioau i rains leave iiuue tort at H.eJOa. in. nuu i'.u nud 5.i,p, in. icturnluft. eavo DowJiluton nt C.tO n. m.. I" 43 noon nnJ 5.'j p. in., connecting with ulmllar trains oi itoauiHB liauruuu. Ou uuuday. leave New York Pt 5.C0 p.m.. inh. plila at 8,00 n.m. and S,V) p.m., (the ?,00 a.m. tiulL runiilnjionly tolteadlns;))eavei'ottiivllloS,OUa.m. HarrUburg at 3,10 n, m, and 2.10 p. ui. nuu leave Allen town nt tUi p. in., nud lca o Heading at 7,13 a.m. and lO.o't p, in, for Harris burg, at 5.o0a.m.for New Yorlc,nndat0.4'Ja,m, aud 4.13 p. m tot Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Heahon. Peuooi -Li-Excursion Tickets to nnd from nil points nt re duced rates. Waggace checkod through; 100 pounds alloww each imsouser, J, K. OOTTKN, Ah.t. Bunt. Hub. Mach'iy. uoautug, ra., April y. in'- SKW "JUIIM AT OHANUKViljIjI IKOX KON'lHtY AND AOIUCUIj- tuual wobks. aii;AT JMrnovEJinNTrt in ri.own and TllUUSHINU MACHINES. Mr. Jacob Trlvlcnlceo having purehnsed the Interest of Charles Low lu the abovo named works, tuo Viuslnessw ill he co ltlnued uiuier llio llrm namoof Wii.liamKciiuyi Kit a Co. Ilavlni' discovered hceral lmpc-rlLcttons In tho plows niuuiiiaciuteu in ia,u, uiey uavu tiiienguieuect and lmprovi-d tliein.itnd added homoeutiro new patterns. They will open the Spring trade of H71 far In ndvniieo of anything ever ottered to the public, being both practical mechanics, nud hav ing their work nil dono under their own mper vltdou they gunrauteu their work superior In material nud llnUli to nny heretor-ii-e otlerud. Dealers should not accept ut nny other nKrlcul turul Implements until l liey have examined our Manufacture, FiiriiifU should try our plows before buying nny other, 'Ihey also manufacture ALXj KIN1N. OP CASUNGS, usually mado In llrst class roundrlei, daw nnd mist mill castings, mado and lit ted up to order, TIIUESHIXa MACHINES nro mado a specialty, nnd some very decided Im provements have, been introduced lntothelr ma chines. Vrlces lower than ever; all kinds of country producound old Iron takeulu exihango Order direct U'om tho mauufactury. Old agen cies supplied diirluu thu wluler, Addresb ull orders to WILLIAM SCIIUYLKH it COM AOniCULTUItATi WOUKS, OltANQKVII-Li: COLUMUIA COUNTY, PA, Jnn 171. OIXTY-FJVE FIItST VllV.V. MKD- kj aui awauijj;ij, THK OUEAT 11AI.TISIOUE 1'IANO JIANUrACTOHY. "WIIililAJI KNAU1C & CO. MANUrACTUREIlS op QIIANI), SCiUAItli AND Ul'IliailT PIANO FORTES, 11 ALT I it OKI!, Ml). Thcso Instruments hnvoboonbcforolhex.nbllo for nearly Thirty yfars.nud upon their excel lenoo alu no iitttiliieitmtiii'ior7iii4rt!frerm?r!i'ict( which iirouounceit them uiicquulled. Their TONE combines ureat power, sweetness nnd flno slug lug quality, as well us glial purity ot Iiitountloii uud Nweetniss lhrouguoutthucntl.cj.cnle, Thcr TOUCH lspltantand elastic, and entirely freo from tho sllirucsii luuud lu bo miiuy riauoen IN WOItKMANHHIl' they n,n unrquAlled, using none but tho very besl tFttantieil mtUarttil, the largo capital em ploj eit lu uur biuliKSH enuljllng u. to Ueep continually uu Immeuso .Lock of lumbLr, Ac., uu hand. ViUAll onr Urtiara Planott have our Newlm. proMid OVKiumtDKU hcali: uud tho Aaruge Ui-eblr. IrWfl would call special nttenthin lo our Into improvements In UltAXIl J'lAA'IVt antl kllUAKK (UtANHHl lV.TI'NTrn Auo. II, 1SWJ, which bilngt.o lJIano neater porloctlou than has yet been attained. EVKIIY TlANO FULLY WAItB ANTID FOH 3 YEAUS, Wo have made arrangements for the title M'lioUtalg Aaniry for lb. most Celebrated 1'Alt Will l.HOANH nnd MKLODKONH, which wo niter Wbolesulennd Uetalhat Lowest Factory 1'rlccs. WIM.IA&r KNAIIK CO.. ocUtno-Om., MJ. jKMovArr U. fl. FUUMAN, baddler, 11ns removed his shop to Itupert's liloelr, on Main Htrect, or poslto tlio Post Olllce, w hero ho Is Crepuredlodoull hinds or work In bis lino or usluess, at fair prices, (mur il71-lm YVCrSa. IU.ANKH promptly printed to order, WCar nn any cjimmy orpalur, at this OUloe, DxiQa and Ohomicals. aomatmeW-l' Dr. VsV'tttr.T tl VINEGdE BIIlXiiiS' 'HnmTrt(l3 6f Thor.camls 9 n Dcst umimontr lo their Wonisn tl p, n1 nili:urllial.atcti. B Kn '($ WHAT ARE THEV,1? fgg i p U p 1UET AKt K0T A VI1R M il a FANCY DRINK. IfiddAf l'onr Itnm. Wlilkkcr. Prnuf Hnlrttn uud Itcfaso ItUuora doctored, frlcod onaewect tnci to plcaaotlifl taste, collcd,,TonIcc,M,,Arpcti: crft" "Ikitorcw," ach tbat lead tto tippler cn ts drnnkcnnciis and rtiiti.tutftroatrne Mcrticlac, ti&la fron tho NctlTO ItooUcnd llcrbjof California, frco frMu nil Atcohollo HilmulnntB. Thermo tho (JIti:AT IU.OOI) PUltiriER nnd A CllVlNtJ PJtlNCin.Enrcrfcct KeaoTator aci lntl;orator of tttoByitcm, carrying olf all rolBonocl uattcr end rciterlcg tho blood to n ttealtby condition, 1,'opcnon caatato tbcea Hitters occoraiojj todlrac tlon una romftlaloss unwell, 13100 vUlno clvcnfortin lacnrablaciucrroildcd tiJ3 tonot aro not destroyed by lol&cral polcon or e-ther tienca, nnd thd vital crffana wtstcd licyocdtLo j'oist cfrcptor, I'm-Inflammatory nnd Chronic Ithcutnr. tltui ncd IJoct Drcpcpslnt ur Indlcrctlouf Hi Hunt;, Hcuitttctit nml lutci-mlltcnt Fevers IJUcnsi-sof thelilood, l.lver, Htdncyi-i nnd Madder tocco Ulltcru Lavo been raoEt taccccc fiil. Uncb Dlecnscs tro canred ty Vitiated Ulooil, wlilcli la generally trodQCcdbyOcraiircrscct cfiiio DlccEtlvoOrcnns. DYUPCrHIA OH INPIOESTiON, Head cclic, Tain la tho ElioulJcrs, Conphi, Tight cces cf tuo Chest, DlislncBS, Sour lire etc tic n cf tuo Etonocb, HodtCEtslntho Mouth, ElUoas AttacLi, rttl;iltaUca cf thoncsrt, Icf.Lir.Kr.tlon of tho Lungs, Talnlntha lcLlona cf tho KldncTB, and c hundred otlicr pa&fnl r ir.ftctiJ, tro tho oCEprlncscf Cjf pcrsln, la.ylnTlzortto tlio Btcaacli and itimuUta tho tcr jilJllTCr and bowels, ttldch render them of unequalled cUcacyla clcinsin tho blood cf all Impurities, and, lu-rsrt&s new life nud vlger to tho hob lyttcm. rOKHKlNDIBSASCSi Eruptions, Tetter, Ball l.iuu, ClctcLcc, t'rotr, rin:r Ice, 1 uEtulct,rJoll3,, Ccald-llcod, Eoro Eyes, Errfip cl.i,,tuii, CccrfJ, Wscolorctlona of thcUn(Uuiuor3 end DlEcaEca cf tho Lkln, of irhatc cr naino cr hatcrc, tio Ut c rally 1I03 up cud carried out of tho trstcia la a thort Una by tho uao of theso Elttcro, Ono bottlo Li tuch caeca Trill convlnco tho aoet Incredulous of their caratlro cCcct, Clconao tho Vltlttcd Elood whenerer you And its lzpsrltks bursting through tho eltln la rimplos, Ercp tlons or Bores t clcansoltwhcn youfutdltobctrectcd tnd tlcscbh la tho velnfl tloanco It when Ula fad, and your feelings will tell you Keep tho blood rmo aid tho health cf tho syctcm will follow, liN, TAPUindothcrWOUMB, larklnglatbo eystcm of bo many thoueands, aro effectually destroy cd and removed. Tor fall Alrcctlcaa, rend carefully tho circular around each bottlo, rrlntcdlafourlaii gnacec-EnsUsh, German, Trccc'a nnd Spa&Ub. J.TTALKnil, Proprietor. n.n.HcDONALD & CO., EruFsta and Gen. Agents, Can Tranclico, Cl r.3d SI and Zi Commcrca Ctrjtt, 2.c7 Yorlc. E7 ALL MlUCaiSTS AND EEALEE3. oct2S' I no not wisn tolnlorm you.roudor, lhat lir. Wondcrlul, or any other man, has discovered n remedy tliutcures Consiimplloit.wheu Iholuugs nro hair consumed, lu short, will cuio iilldlscaH cs wbetberor mind, body or estate, miiUo men llvo loiever, and leave death to plsy lor wsut nl u-nrlr ntwl I. d.ili.a.l ...nlr.. .In.tnrv snail bo lull a side snow. Von have heard enough or mat kind of humbuggerv. lint when I tell you that llr. Hngo'fl Catiiriu Ilemedyli'ijwjh'c lu cure tho worst cnHCH nt 1'iitnrrh In 1 In, 111 ml. I only assert that whloh thousands can testify to i win i.iiy cjuu jicwnrii ior n case inaii cnumii cure. A pamphlet giving symptoms and other .nun itiiiwuu bi'u, ii 10 uuy uuuiens. iuisiuu edy l-s BOLD BY MOST IlltlTOniSTR IN ALL r.VIiT3 Of lllll WOULD. rrlco 50 cents. Ijent by mall, postpaid, on receipt Itounru ol counterfeits and ttonlilrss imitations. Htothnt inv nrlv.ite Hlnmn. which Is a voaltive guarantee of t.aiulncncii. Is uiiun tlio outside ivijij. .ci. jieiiirmiicr iii.u tins privaio niuinp. Issued bvtllo llnlludHtliU'snoveriillielitaSDrus ly lor stauiDlin: my medicines, hns nir not trait. nnmo nnduddrisii, and llio words U. 8. Cerllll cato or (Icnulneness,' engraved upon It, and need not bo mlslnUeu. Don't bo swindled by t'livelrirs nnd others renre leutlug themselves as Dr.Sngo; I n m the only ninu unw living that tins iiiu auowiciigoauti rigni lo liiauui.u-uiroiiio C7itnac ur Miigu suiutrin Jlcluoa .ana i never lru el lo sell I his medicine. II. V. I'lKIiris. Jl. l. oct2f.'70-Ir. nisoncc.isliect, UuCnlo, N. . s kvx:n ni.AtjoM why la Tint IIest Liniment i tut. Would l'on iionaEs. 1'insT. It Is composed of tho most I'OwunrDL nnd I'KNKTit.YTiNO lloulds Unowu In C'hemlstrr. Bfxo.Nii. Combined with tho abovo Is a Medi cinal Oil, mado expressly ror this Liniment, and mixed by nn cntliely new process. Tmuu. ThonsoorthopMWTuinndprnrn-afii!? Ingredients Is to drtvo or forco In this beautiful MEmoiNAL Oil, which lubrlcalcH tho Joints nud muscles, nnd linmedlntely throttles tho dlseaso, and compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening and poisonous fangs. I ouiiTii. This MrmciNAL Oil Is ued for the samoronson Hint a good mecbfinlc nlways uses oil lo make bis machinery woilc wllh fuse and precision. Ho In tho sumo way tho muscles nnd lolnts or our nnlmals should bo lubricated If wo wish to have them travel with rapidity nud case. FIFTH. It Is very soothing In lis action, will not burn or blister tho llko most or the Hr d hot" liniments or tho day. HIXTH. Not olio firm, nl llnclnrn nfmvpmii. or red pepper con bo' found In Its composition ; .... no iikiii. tu.i.ii.1 niiiiiiciib can no emiciivo which bums und blisters thu aulmnl until the muscles niohurdnnd dried almost to a crisp. KKVENTll. DCrV bOttIO lSU'AIIIIA VTHI In I'lvn good sallslnclion, or your money will bo refund uu. mis bii'iwM conclusively innillie proinlo tors havo lull confidence 111 this nrcnnrnllmi. nnd proves tor thosevculh O. i:.H. H. is iiiu uusi j.iiiuueui in mo worm lor Horses. QflJOil't Uttiiw iJotif Mprrluint In .mhnnff 7'm.. tvreof JteU J'eppcraml Jlitrtshorn.or olhtr troth on tiou. Out atk Jtr CI. l:. U. N.for lionet, ana taU no uiner. noia ny an uruggl&lM. D. II. I.'A Itl.'.V A l'.i 1. . Wnln lrnnrli.lnr sepU'70-lyi i;a WahlilnglonStieot, New York. EMOVAL, Tho llrm Al.lcs A Nvrnr.v.s linvln bpen ilts- solvcd nn the tvth of Nov. 1S70, 1 would Inform iny ineiius uuu cnsiomorn inai i am NOT OUT OP 1IUSINRS3, as has been reported, and call attention to tho lUll.MTIll UI IIC1CH1 GOVERNMENT DEPOT SO. 1 I'KUIIVIAS GUASO, OIIOUND IlONE.aUAUANTEED PUUE. TISll (1UANU IN 11ULS. Poudretto, lu lings, llarrels nnd liulk, HAW DONE rlI03PlIATE OP LIME, Price, Sot per Ton. LAND PLASTEIl IN UAOHAND DDLS. Taii, la 1, 2 dio gallon Cans. OILUOAP, for washing Tiecs, lu OQlti. boxes. tOl'ION HEED MEAL, Excellent Pood for Cows, increasing nnd eurlch lug tho Milk, Ik JUU1, ly ll.. Eai ii, 0 it A 0 K L I N a 8 Por Hog and Chicken Feed, OEM P.NT, Agency for Coplay Hydrnulio-Ceineut. Por Its Miporlor quality I refer to J, W, BrAitu A Hons, Cumdeii, N, J, A LIHEHAL DISCOUNT TO THE TllADIi ' JOSIAH J. ALLIEN, (Lato Alleh & Needles,) Klinoved to K 1 HOUTH DELAYAHE AVE. marlO'71-ISU Puiladklviha. "PUB JJ just prjn JULIA tfnt nn uorl i.Antr nnd In thniiMlniif Btyle.J UhriUK'rtohdCONVl'AliLK'HrKIOlIlM and torbula at tho CoMJMrtiAN Olllce. The law requires JunUconnt tho IVace h haven Fee Kill put up In their oillco. muh-ra jipnalty pfllOaad double the aiaouut of thu lovtt i hand, ' 01UOP1J FOUNTAIN VllXH for alu chtap a this oriice. l e-B una wjmm m fit-Wfsr h its- ! dlotliirifjiXc. mi? TliW 6fb0K 01 dsOTII. Fresh nrrlvnl of HUMMF.n U00M. UAViu,i,owi!Niinua Invites nttciillftn tf) liM rr i : ctikAi'ANi')i.'ABil'loKAi:t.i!(jr.(lTii.ib, nt his Ktoro ou 1 ' 1 I'i. Main Street, two itnor nboTo llio American House , moomsuuri;, ra., whero no has Just iccelvcil from Now York and I'unauclpiila a full assortiuent of JUK.NAMIJ HOYS' CI.OTHINO, II II IncIuaipB tho inosj fwilitonable, duraWo, n'ni) nuuusomo COllKlstlUS .If ' I nox.n.vcK, noco, ctoi.ani) 0iL.a1.oTU COATS AND l'ANTS. of all norts, sizes anil colors, llo linn aldd rcplcn lshcd his nlrcady largo stoclc of l' AND WlJJTnil SUA WM, unm-uij, i-ia unim, and ri,Aiw vl'sts niiium, cii.vvATra, htocks, collaiih HANUKunciiiKtw. atovra, SUSl'IINUIilW, AND FANCY AUTICLEH llo nal constantly on band a largo nnd well-se eded assortment of CI.OTI13 Alf I) VIMT1NOS, which ho Is prcpnrdl lo mnUo to order lntonny kind of elothliig, on very short notice, and In Iho best mmiicr. All Ills clothing Is mado to wear, aim most or ii is or homo manufacture. (IOM) WATCHES AND JEWVXUY, ol overy description, flno and rhenn. lit, men nl Jowelry Isnotiunia-ssodln thlnlplaco. Call and examine his general assortment or CLOTlIlNO, WATCHES JEWEl.UY, AC. J"''' TIAVII) I.OWEKI1EIIO. Bakory and Oonfootiouery. John a. JACOHY'f IJAKURY AND CONFECTIONERY! HERWICK, I'ENN'A. Tim iinderslijncd would respectfully Inlnrm thu I'ltUcus of lleru lck, nud vlclniiy, that ho has opened n Courcctlonery nnd llakery In 01)1) l'ELLOW.S' HALL, Iterwlck.l'n., wherj he 13 prcparsd to furnish nil kinds ol 1-LA1N AND 1'ANOY CANDIES, IT.ENCH CANDIES, roItEION AND DOMESTIC 1'ItUITa OUANOEH, LEMONS, r.AWIH.S Ac, fie, Ac, Ac, jlV y.-HUl.KH.U.i: AMI) l-.ETAIL. Amomi tho nssortmcnt will bo found Crcnm inns,. iign-u wiuiiiiis, I'cnnuis, Alinomls, rn- hcrts. Mm. Annies. Cncna Kill.. .Illlf.u nl .llnr. cut kinds, Mlistnnl.ailsup. Tickles, Chocohlte, CilllUf d 1'iult or all hinds, Corn Hlntcll, Egg Ills cull, fnda Crackers, Oyster Ciackers. Cheese. VelopeS, ' FISH AND OYSTKJ13, And proditco or nil kinds. Tresh Ilrcnd cud Ca lies every dny, Iio Crcnm In Benson, Vour ivitronago Is solicited, ., , . , ., . .TOHNCI.JAC01IY. llerwlc.c, .Tan P71 ty CON F E OT I O N K Jt Y . Tno undcrslgncil would respcctfally announce iu lua j.uuiii; ui uuu iipcueu a FIllST-CLAUU CONl.-ECl'10NEnY HTOltE, 111 tho building lately occupied by I'ox A Webb wuoro iii) is picpnrcuio luruisu all kluasor PLAIN it FANCY CANDIES, I-RENCH CANDIES, FOUEION & DOMESTIC KltUITS, NUTS, UAIUINH, AC., SC' AC. 11V WHOLESALE UU ItETAIL. In short, :i run assortment or all uodH In ui9 line oi uu'imais. . variety ur DOLLR TOYS, Ac, Rullahlofortho Holidays. raitlcular attention Kiti'i iu 1IKKAD AND OAK KH, of all kind, irosh every day, OHKISTllAB CANDIEH, CHIHTMAH TOYH. A tali lo solicited, and satisfaction will b guaiantced. Jan I'U-ly KCKHA1ST .TACOIIS, Books. jUENTd WANTED fo mako Jso to !M per Mouth by selling a ii i: a T v a 11 t van. And How They Weiik Made. Dy J, D. McCnbe, Jr. 1-roliiioly Illusliutcd und Deaiilllully bound llio most, universally smiglilnltcr buoit issued f v.'' ftiivs now a poor scuooiunister llllldo Sl'J.OXl.UJi: lliiwu nnnr l.iill.hlln.l k.illnr I.,.. eamu ii gieai, bunker, u bulclnr'o upprenllco llio . u.u. .hum ill .imvuiM, uu nuKnown me- clinulc umlllioiinro iu secn yenrs with mauy inoio such examples ; how uxuvv, talent, ami j.u ttent industry liaie uluayi hut u-ith .iiccim uten ojierlj txcrlrtt: how tnuitt'i tan Vtt matte honestly una tciliioutsaei tjieevj jiruu-ijite. Hind lorClrcuhu , ttcauu nollLo my uAitii, Uf.j. JlACI.n.N, 7ilf biiusum btrcet.X'hlladelpula. AlJV MHiH. "I HlO fUlltUtl JUlClc-hLrtlHl im loi tuiicu. Wrltleu iioiu u lilult uiuutl und nlis hi oloaicul btundjKjint, by nn i-mliicul nliSfclLiuu una jnodlwil jioiesut-, It tdnmn haw butuu w v.'oililnt; out iilsMibtle uuil Umigoious dcslKU1 UiroiifiU our most suci ud doiat-hiiu uud hocial ro l.illons. l'utu-inladed. hut uutsnoitfii mui n. bTL'dHiNe.tiiu author h;mdlt;nlhoui.-lU'Uluhul'Jtt'U muted ot uithotttulous, butlu bUuhHiiiiiiuurua not to nihilslertoiiiiruiifcutcurlonlty. 'JheJ'hf J-liJjH"tf llio lutett-ht ana hyniiiiithy ot all uuu v Ml toatt louto lo thut end Just in numoillou ui H Iuh rtadeis. a clicuUr hunt irt-c, luntutuluu u lulltlfhcilntiou and nnunMsot tU orli wllh liiJtjral i'xtiacU, C. 1-. VKN'i', I'uullshcr. vyi .o-iy 5 Colico i'lacu, IS. Y. t'f'.f.'J0' hUl " 38 W. IthSt., rinclnnatl, t). ily.Vi t the most nopulnr nnd iiest selling !yflLptl02 bi,!J, rubllshod.nndtliomojllii SSi fT'"' ndforclrculnrs. Tbeywlllcostyou nothing, and may bo of great beueflt to you; IeblP7C-Iy. y ANTED AGENTS FOlt (JSlKA'i' rORTWSKS. And How Titnr WmtK Madk) on tiik Hrima ii.i:sAsnTKiu.Mriis oi' oui; hclp-Madm Mi-.s. Ily J. D. McCabc, Jr. Profusely lllusrrntcd nud bcautliiilly bouud. Tho most taking, Instructlvo and universally sought utter book Issued lor years. Pasclnatlng in lli-llim. authentic as his tory, practical ns "poor ItlcHird," with lessons prouiundost philosophy. Agents nro cloirlng from 81 lo rKMi-er month. In snllo of hnrd limes. Hells lust m.d easily, und delivers splendidly. Bend lor Clicular, etc,, und notlcu extra terms. . (lEl). MACLEAN, PublMicr, TlJHuiis.Kii street, Philadelphia. mar.S71 Sm. Washing Machines. IOTY'S WABIIINa-JIAOIIINE, LATELY MUCH IMPItOVUD-ANI) THE NEW UNIVEItSAL 0LOTUES WJUNQEIt Iiiipravprl wllh Howell's Palent Double Cog wheels, nnd tho Pulent Htnp.nro now unriuis llouulilv far superior hi any apparatus for wash. Ing clothes over invented, uud will suvo tholr cost twlcu a ear, by saying labor and clothes. The Elltor of this paper, who purchased n Washer and Wringer, Urns tcslltlcs us to their valuoi "Wo havo had In uso In our family for some tlmo pan, ono ol Holy's Clothes Washers und Wringers, nnd aro prepared to bear testimony as to Us merits. It Is emphatically u UUor.suelni) machine and does Its wuik In Iho most thorough niHuuer. Por families who havo largo washes these machines would bo luvaluable,'7 Cor-UM in an, Jan, 11, 187U, I'ItI0E3-A TAItt OFFEH. If Iho Mercluintsln your place will not furntsh, or soud ior the Machines, send us liio letall prluo, Washer 811, Kztm Wringer D, uud wo will for. ward either or buth muclilues, freo of freight, to places whero nonno Is solllngi aud sosureuto wo Ihey will be liked, that, wo ngreo to refuud tho money if uuy ono wishes to return tlio ma chines Iieonf Height, ultcrn uoath's cording to directions. No hiubaud, father or brother should pmnll the drudgery -of washing with tlio hands, titty IttodnyMlu thoyenr, when U can bo done bettor, moro expeditiously, with less labor, nnd noiu Jarv to the garments, by a Doty Clothes Washer, and n Untvursnt Wringer, ' Hold bv dealers generally, to whom liberal dls couuu are uiudo. It, O. 1IKOWNINQ, acn. Ageut, octr70-tf. IU Cortland Htmet, New York, iMiffifflirai BA. 'JL5 " i. Dry Gooda S: Grocorion. 0. MA Jt It . , , ,hnvcti.sUcc6.vcd from tho cnslern matket'i' n large nmt well selected slock of ' ' J) ItY O O O 1) f) , , coNSfBtruH or " Casslniers, Jeans, , , 1 1 i i . llest bleached A , . llrowu Muslins, , Calicoes, " Ticking, ,', TabloLlticns ( Cotton A All wool flnnnets, AC, Ac, ' A' good stock of Lldlcs drcs, goods, Latest styles A patterns, ofnll kinds. (Jood Rtock groceries, Queensware, Htono srnro, Wood A willow ware, Hour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Konp for cleaning Tin, llrass,Ac, All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. m Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his welt and cnrcfuHy selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept in tho coun try, feeling confident that he can Fell theut goods nt such prices ns will ensure, satisfaction. Janl'-I-lf 0.0 MAIM. B. II. MIE.MCK A liavo temoved tliolrStoro to tho room formerly occupied byMcndcnlinll.ou Main street, lUooinn burjf, nearly opposite tho Kftlworml ciiurcu,' whero t lity tiro detenu hit d tof ell on risruodrrnlo tcrmi ntcan bo procured eliowhsre. TIiUt btoclc eoniprUt-s i.AUHua mima good.3 of tbo choicest styles nml Infest fashions, toscther with a largo assortment of Ury Goods aud Urn ccrlcs, cons li Liu j: of tho followlutf s ttlclcs Carpets, Oil Cloths, othi, iA8Hltuerr, KlaunolM, Hflks, Whlto (J odd , Haerjp, iroop Hkirtt, itntllus, Ilollowuure Ccdanraro 1 loots aud Bhccu, Hats nnd Capi Hoop 27ots, Utabrolhin, Looking-UlasvcA, Tohacco, CofTco, yttgarp. Teas, Jtico, AtUldco, OlnRpr, Clunamou, Nutmegs ASD IIOTIONH aCIJlUtAIY, In i-Lort, everything usually kept In country tores, to which they Invite tho attention of tho public generally, Tho highest prlco-wlll bo paM for country produce in exchange for goods, H. it. milm:uaon. liloomiburi; ra. apt 571 .f 1871., b im NO 1871. J. 11. ltsmLV, J.H. HlllIMAKi NEW PlltSt ! NEW aoODS ! MASONIC II.UX, CATAWIS3A, l'A. Tile Ullilerslsuod would resnccirullv anniiniico In tho citizens of Catawlssa and vicinity, that nicy iiiivo it'iiscuiiio sinro rooms, inieiy occupiei by Messrs. Yetlcr. Cool t Co.. whero thev wll kecpii full lino of goods to which they Invito iho iiiu-imim ui uu in wiiui iii goous ut iiiu very iuwchi viiiu pucu, AVohnvo stocked up with I'llliSII (10011S AT Wff l'RIC'IX, In Dry Uoojs wo havo LADIEM DUllSa UOOIW, of choicest styles and latest fashions, fHIiKS, ALPACAS, rOl'IilN. IiUSTItE. Also, bleached nnd unblenclud shceiln MIIrtt.IN', l'HI.VTH, OI.NQIIAMS, Tor gents wo hao Cloths, Casslmers, plain and fancy, nlso, Jean, Cultonado. l.'otlons In cudlesi variety. wiiitj: aooj)H: Ac. Tliey would ntteullon l their new stock or GROCEHIES ANJJ lUtOVJSIOXS, generally, such nj PL01IK, PEP.l). -MEA'IN, MACKETtPL,' WHITE I'lSH, HAI.MON, AC. D1IIE1) nnd CANNED PP.UIT OPAI.LKINIW. II AliDWAllE, lillEENSWAIli:, BTONEWAItE, -W.LA Ik V. Villi. A lot of HOOTS and SHOES, llATSnnd UAIH OILCLOniS.nllwidllis. Wo will buy o? tako In exchaago for goods Ciiunlry I'rodiice, such us muter, Eggs, Ijiul, Meat, PolntoKH, Uruln or nil kinds, Ac. I'ur which the highest ninrktt prlco will bo paid In CAHH orgooils. As wo sell cTchisIvely for Cash or Country Ploduee, wo will he tiblo to sell ut lower prices limn Ifsold ou time. Wo have no book, therefore can glvo no credit. Wo sell our goods ut tho very lowest prices and will spate no pains lo accummodatu our cuslo lneis. Always remember Hint wo consider It nn troublo In show goods nnd glvo pllcu, even if you should not buy, KNITTLE & HIIUMAN, npr 1171-31 CutowUsu, 1'n. CT-BlT-IIaTP-.T.LI..i,.i.nw-M-. a-. 10JIETHINQ NEW 1 The undersigned would heictiv glvo notico Hint ho has Just completed A PlltVr CLAHH II EA USE, and that he bust he hirl lilies lorcarry ng on tho business of UNDEItTAKINO In nil Us blanches I N C I T V H T Y L E . llo has engaged experienced persons who will (illi ii barge ol tlio. 'bodies ol Iho. ih censed us soon asthey shiiiiloof this moilnlcoil," nudntlend .V.'.'"i'1";b hl"" lng, dressing, Ac. Hhrouds fiirnlsiied also to order. Al much expense ho hns also procured an 1 It ON ICE II OX, lu which bodhs can bo piescrvcd inn clcanlv and dry condition. CiirilngcH iurn "h"l for ii. uoriil occasions, in short, ho is pii pni Vl olal h rhargo of a corpsn limn. iIIi.,.1u'umL. U.t.V. 'i sao uu mis aim lelaihes uu lurther Houbloln legnrdtoit. Ho also curries on the business of CABINET MAKING Upholstering In nil Us branches, repniilng fnrul uro, ii'sealliig cane bottomeil i ludrs.AC, .to Placo of business on Iron turret, below Main. , , , , llOIIEHT IIOAN, Uloomsburg, July S!,lRil-tl, ARION PIANO. Tho only jwriri Iiislrutnent In tbo World. It ,.V""'A'1!'J,U'', Hlchiiiss, Puwir, lirllllancynnd Durnblllty. Hpeclul lerinsliiTciirheis. Miitked lavors In clergymen, fcend Ior Hlustruled Arlon Pamphlet, ,,.. c- W I'ObTEH, (lenernl Agent. ma? 1071-tf.J MAUciiCiiUMcPA, IJII'LOYiMENT DUItEAlJ J-J or tub Y0UNQ MEN'S CHllISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Odlce, 123 South 7th tit., Philadelphia, Between Chestmitund Walnut. 1 1 you wish lo hlro labor of tiny kind, wrlto nnd tell us Just tho hclpjou want. Tho wages you will pay. The best, una cheapest way to reach your place, and If fur from Philadelphia, you hail better enclose Hall Hood tare. Wu will do our best to servo you and glvo ) ou ull tho Infor mation wo can about tho porsou wo send, Our desire Is to assist tho worthy, und no charges to either party, Address ALEX, BLOAN, n.,. . ,,?aB'.1 .P-midoyment Iluroan , apr 7'71-U 123 bouth 7 Hi Mticet, Philadelphia. pATENT Mifjcollanooua. Ktivtmsmsimn and lafttiont.,. ,; tm. i.iwiti:M!i;'N .ii ,i cosipou.sii ii.uiii EXTrtACT or KOSKO Ol Till: (lltllAT HEALTH ItESTOllEIU Not n Secret Quack Modlclno-l'ormui., Aromitl tlio llotiio. 11,1 I'ltkrAniin nv Dr. J. .1. 1.AU'ItnNcrl, Organic Chcin, WlMusty North Cnrollnn. ' KOSKOO HTMIilTM AT 1IIK UOOT (III hisi mhi: l'UlUrYINa THE 11LOOJ). utwrouiMa Till! i.tvi'.ii .stsn i TO A HHAt.TlIV ACTION, AND I-.' ' viaortATisu THE Ni:n- VOUH SYhTKM. This ia tho Qcorot of ita Woudorful Succosa In CurJng CONSUMPTION IN 1TH IIAIU.Y HTAOl ,i, MCKOKUI.A, HYP1IIUH, DYHPIJI'IIA, tlVint COMPLAINT, CIIitONIC nn nujiATis.M, NinmAi.a i a, NIIIIVOUS AI'l'i:cTION, nuui'TioNs op Tin: skin, humous, 1.033 OK VlClOIt, DI3MASRS OP KIDNEY AND llf.ADDnil. DlSKASnS CAUSi:) Jl Y A JIM) utatj-: oi1 Tin: blood. It thoroughly crndlcalcj ever kinder Humor and Pad Taint, nnd restores tho cntlrosystcm to n henllhy condition. It Is beyond (illcstion the PINK3T TONIC IX TIII1 WOULD, Thousands havo been changed hy tho uso m thlsMcdlclno from weak, sickly, suilerlug ir turcs, lo slronj, henlty, nnd hnppy men nml women. Invalids cannot hcsllnto to glvo It n trial. No Mcdlclno has obtained such u rcpulv llou as Ihlsjustly crlcbratod compound. roit tj:stijionials I'rom Physicians, lhnlucut Divines, Pdllors Druggists, Morcbnuts, Ac, sco 1COSKOO .M.M.V NACfor this year. muck o.v; nor.LAn n:it mrrii.i:. rnnRAi.Biiv The l'rlnclpal Drugrjhts in the United ,Statc3 ami Jlrilhh America. Dii. LAwnnxt'E's'.s;Piui;nd Curcull Diseases peculiar to Pcmalcs. Jan.l'Tly. JM.OOMSUUItG STATE NOIUfAL SCHOOL AND LITEUAltY AND COMMEHCIAL INHTITUTK This Instllullon nfrers good opportunities lu every department of Llteralnro and Hrleiiu, iu addition lo the Excellent NormalHchiml Cla . . have praetleo lu llio uso ol Hurvcylnguud Enulti eerlug liislrumeuts lu tho Held and mine, iimK-r thu lust ruction of Iho most competent I'rnresMii Tho faculty nlm lo l.o very thorough in ihclr in striietlou and lo look carefully niter the liuill mnuiieisund morals of thu students, 'ihu rules uud regulations oftho school ni such as to command tho re'speet or tbo studi-u nnd conseiiuonlly not many feci that llu-ycn ullord to violate laws which am calculuinl tn prnmoto tlieir success and happiness. Tho .Mm leal Depiir'nicilt ullords ns good oiiporluiill i as can bo found in nny of tlio largo cltli iati.1 nl much less expense. Hprlng term coiumences April 3d, 1S71, Pur furllicr particulars, nddress John U, Vukvak, Esii , .svcV. or L. H. UiriMlUT, 1Wi' ot HP.NHY CAHVEll, A..M.,Prlnil ,. lilooiusburg, Jan, 1.1, lsi-Un, JAton If, Kmitii. J, it, Hl.VTt II g M I T II et E L T Z E II, Importers and Dealers lu Poiclgu nnd Dim mm to 4 i-ii' H A It D W A It E, a UNO, OUTLEliY, tt. KO. IJ9 u, TmnDBTKEKT, AH. OAI.LOWII 1 1 janl'71-ly W""A. QAItltlAOE 51 AN UFACTOIt Y, uioomshurg, ra. m. o. bloan & nnoniEi: Havo on hniid nnd for sale nt tho most re nsoiu bio rates a splendid stock of CAllltlAQEH, IIUOQIW. iuni m.i; uwiipuuuoi Wagons both PLAIN AND PANOY warranted to ho mnda orthotics,. m..i .,,nui .ir. nblii uinterlnls, ami by tho most oxperlcme.l ,,..,n.u.-i,. .in ivyru. suiii. uui irom mo eslnii. Usii incut will bo fou ml in )i,,,.r i im, ..i.. - nudsurologlvo perfect satisfaction. Theybaiu nlsoutlnoassorlmcntof HI.HlailH ornll Iho newest nnd must Inshlouahlo slyln well uud carefully inndo uud oflho best liuilir. tills. j An Inspection or their work'is nsked ns in believed that none supciior can be luuud In llio couutry, Jlm .7 F lAUMP.IlSI EXAMINE AND UUY T HE O It I O I N A I HAUOH'H 11EINO Ptusr Haw Done Piiosi'iiaie All others uro liullntlou, Tin. ii a u a ii ' s HAW HONK PIIOSl'IIATE BUI'EIt or luii:. in-- FALL, 1870. This -Vfiniirc Is mado of Haw or Unburncd Hones, rich lu Nitrogenous inatier. dlssohed lu oil of Vitriol, presenting Iho Hone Phosphate In a highly soluble and quickly uvnltab!o!tinii.aod tho Ammonia lu such pioportiou ns to lustiie a prompt and vigorous iicllun upon tlio crop". Where llaugh'a Phosphate was applied liio past season, tho Indtciillous, without exieplloi nre that It wilt maintain Its well criicilri'pun tlon, Weretpiost ulllu need of n Ptrllll'er m give this urtlele u trial, II A u a II & HONS, MANUFACTUltKRfl, OrriCE-Notos, Delaware Avenue, riUIADELPHIA. li'70-tr. amis jr. Ir FTJm B1 ANK lustiirlnttd uud hr nalo lUu oX VfUI'UNillAn Vllll'l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers