THE COLUMBIAN ATfD 'DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBTTItGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. V1 AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. I'lo'irers and Vines In tho Home. Thoro nro ntntiy bcttutlfnt botonlnil oxporlinonts whtch ho cotuliu tiil In houso during wlntor.wlilch tiro imf. im lriceil generally In tho list of (Iowlm mid Vinos In our parlors ami windows. How many or tho Mr re.nlers of tho Telegraph have, tho beautiful vino of tho sweet potato running over tliolr mantle-shelf ? This pretty sight can bo enjoyed by placing a sweet potato In n tumbler or other glass vessel, HI lit 1 'With water, passing u pin through tho tuboso as to keep tho lower end from ono or two luetics from tho bottom of the vessel. Keep on tho tnantlo-shnlf, In a warm room, and every day glvo It huh fir an hour or two, and In a few days rootling will begin to appear, aiming for tho bottom of tho vessel, nuil In two or thrco wcoks the eyo will begin to shoot and rapidly grow and run upon suspended twlno or any llttlo trollU-work prepared for lt. The "Morning Glory" can bo propo gated In parlor windows, where there Is eomo eun, to perfection during winter ; ii, flowers with Its natural colors, and tho. delicate llttlo vino can bo mado to run over tho window. A hanglm: vase is tho prettiest for this. Suspend an acorn by a cottou thread so m to nearly touch tho wator In a glass tvetisoi, (a hyacinth glass Is perhaps the beat,) set upon tho window or tnnntlo, nud let It remain thoro for eight or ten weeks, moro or less, without being In terfered with, excopt to supply tho .evaporation of tho wator, and tho acorn will burst,-and as It throws a root down Into tho wator, a sprout or stem will bo sent upward, throwing out beautiful llttlo green loaves j thus giving you an oalc tree, In full llfo and health within vyour parlor. There nro many of tho mosses which r can bo very successfully grown In tho house through tho winter, and with tho foregoing afford an Interesting and ro fined enjoyment for tho femlnlncs of a family, and a real pleasure for all who .. have a tasto for tho beautiful to wit - ncss. Wo trust to sco a greater lncllna r ' tlon on tho part of tho ladles to Intro duce Into their houses this most agroea- bio addition to their domestic" pleasure. i , -Qcrmaalown Tdesranh. -5... . . ' Cokn n Oats. "I feed my horso if i wotl, but somehow ho looks rough- ,i "icoated und don't seem to bo vory well." fr ......... ..... S i wnai Kinu oi pioveuuur ttu juu Xi . Silt . "tuts, anu plenty or them." Thnt'a what'a tho matter. Toa manv . . TTnlr thn nn.n.inf nf nolo unl (l.n ;y rest in corn would, no doubt, work an lmprovemant in him. Wo havo found out that horses should not bo fed en tirely with oats for provender. They need somothlng else. Glvo them corn or cornmeal part of tho time, or a mix ture of oats and corn, nud sco if they "do not improve. And, by tho way, don't forget to glvo him, twlco a week, ' :.a i:mM nr nnrnrsw.. a a n mm o nn ., Qoxmtni Gentleman. Bone Felon. Of all painful things, tBlacilJx a pone felon ? Wo know of .nono that flesh .Is heir to, and as this Bjyo mo latest recipe sor its euro, winch IsKlven by that high authority, tho VjUondou Lancet : "As soon as the dls-' - ' daCl 1a Talt . 1 1 . llnjitl. ki'A. 4hn onnt n ... .1.1 . , U. v. 1 1 1. 1. II J uttl 1 1 1 w DIW -fly bister, about tho slzoof your thumb .,..11 nHj I., ii I r.. t 1 i TUIUI. HlIU 1C. lb ACUJUIil lUlOlJkllUUIO.Ub ?.tho expiration or which time, directly . under the surface of the blister, may be dseentue lelon, which can bo instantly h jus Willi iuu uuiu. u. ii imuuiej ur . ... i .. i e .. ....... 1 1 irJ Cocoa in Horses. A cough is rath er a Bymptom'tuan a disease, it is of- ,ten caused by tho irritability of tho air .j'unesngra, uuvnsiuueu uy previous uis- .! ease. A chronic couch in a horse Is of- i-, ten occasioned by indiscretion In tho rj u lllllUUllUil, UU1QU1U1 t.UVl Trnnfmanr nr Inllimnvi H alnmn.a nml uionum iari3j,liuiui v Uliliuiuiu-I. XI 13 .aiQnnnnm run niiuAf. nf u, i (DnAn r.nuu suuiuiiuiea ui worms, ioo mucil 2! dry fodder, especially chaff, often aggrn- ari a . l i . ,vmvn u tuugu, uurrois anu inner roots ri.vfim oeuuing a wot ueep, witn moist -.cut ieea, a utile laxativo mcuicine, ana 'knot much work. INftVnH! Prvfl Thn fnllnwlnw rorolnt , w . . 1- . .VftnW. mlnA'.In 1. 1 1. I son, is confidently recommended ho a i, writer in ino uermantown Telegraph, t after using It for many years : . "iJoll a rresu beoi touguo tender, lot ii erftf nri nnrl lliiin nlm it- l.ln ...UK . , - ft.. 1 " I '. " ..1-11 1.11 VJ' iv II 111' II 1 L II -,one pound or suet, one-half peck of an- T'rillMI II'I nnimlj nf i.,vnnfa . . t 1 . ., 1 " " 1 lUI,HUIil. Mil. II 1.11 ;tuti waslied very carofully, ono pound ,w citron sliced, naif an ounce each of una ginger, three pints of sweot cider, J pint of Madeira wine, half a pint I uraiiuv. wilii ennuuii Riionr rrinurnor. fa to your taste. This will mako a Mrgo jar mil.- i Houses, Keep all work and road orses sharp shod, or If there is no ico eep them upon strong caulks, which -pay bo sharpened at short notice. caulks wear dull very soou on iuuuu ntiu uiviuiu uuuciuusiy Spavins, splints, besides d bruises, capped hocks and , frequently corao from slip- nor nn thA.lrn A TJbepui.Tadi.e. To aid farmers Jn arriving at accuracy In ascertaining tho amount of land in different fields under cultivation, tho following table is given by an agricultural contempo rary ! 5 vards wide bv DCS vunU lniu- contains ono aero. 20 yards wide by AS yards long contains ono acre. -10 MUU 1V1V.W VI J la. UIIIJ 1 1111 VUllllll'l.l no ennlfllna rnn ouni n flint iirlitn I feet long contains ono acre. 110 wide by SCO feet long contains ono CO feet wldoby 720 feot long con ono aero. wcitorn correspondent of tho lios- Journal Ucclarea that tho statement u iracK uoiiiera inem. moy consider I snaro and will not cross it. Tlioy t along by tho elde of tho track for lt'H. ,,1111 Wlinil II1IIV I!III11I1 II 1L IIIIIVfirL TuuiiE Is a larger number of nows apers published In Pennsylvania than anyoinerotaioiniuo union. COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOURT PROCLAMATION. . Wn ruras, thoKnn. William Elwell, President Judge nf Ui Court of Oyer anil Terminer nil, I General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pence and Court of Common I'lenii nn.l Or phan's Court In tho 2iltn Judicial District, com imaml of tho counties or Columbia, Sullivan nml Wyoming, ami tho Hon. Irnm lierr ami IsanoH. Monroe Associate Judges of Columhla rounly tlikVfl laatlPil llielr tirnwnl linnrl n .l.iia . I.A iff. lay of December In the year or our ton), one thonaantl, eltcht hundred and aoventy, and lo medlrerted ror holdhiKaCourtol Oyer and Ter miner and Oenernl Quarter Hemloinoflho 1'eneo (Vuirt of Omnium l'leaii and Orphan'a Court, In llloomahurit, In tho county oCCtilumbla, on tho rirnt .Monday, belnit the nth day ot February next, to contluuo two weeks. Notice la lierebv olvcn. Intlm nMn,. i Juatlcea of the l"eaeo( and tho Constables of tho mm. vuuiiijr oiiiuiiiuiH, inai iney no llienand Iliero In their proper pcraon at 1U o'cloclc In the forenoon of anlil fith ilnv ni v..( . uritii .,.nii.n. onla, Inqulaltlonaand other remembrancca, lo dothoselhlnga which to their olllcea apperlnln to be done. And thoao that are liound by reCOimlKatlCO. to liroaeciltA HirnlliaL Mm iH.. ouera that are or may lie In tho Jail of the -.1., t.iuin) in yuiuiuoia, to lie then and Iheretn proaecnte them cwa ahall be luat. Ju rors aro requested to be punctual In their attend ance, aiireeably tothelrnotlcea. Dated at llloonis- tr M v100.111 ay or ueo. in tho year j l s. I of our Um, one thousand clsht hun- i"'J dred mill Knveiitv.nnii.l I i.n fourth year or tho ludeiieudenco of tho United Btatoa of America. AAU0N HM1T1I. llloomaburg, Dec.0, 1871, BUerlli; Q.11ANU JUllOltS, roil rjillllUAUY TERM 1871. Ilr.ootsntino, KU Jones, John K. Olrtoii. Iikaver. William linker. JiKMTox. lVjter Kaso. Oatawissa. 1). 1-. Fortncr. UoaTMaiiAM-l'at rick iirennan, UlchardThorn. toll, It. K Wool forth. Cknthalia, (J. (1. Murphy. Ckntiik. Jcsso 11. Kreaa. t isiiiNut-iiicKK. a. it. ituinn. Hemlock. NehemiMti Uipe... LocuiT.-Jpnaa Karluger, Wllllim Wilson, Ko- landus llerblne, Nuihau lleriier. Greenwood. d. u. Alberuou, Ml fl in. John H. Vohe. Modxt 1'i.easant. AdamWclllver. l'INE. John l'ottcr. HOAltlNOCHKF.K. WIMlnm IUaIuiv. Boirr. Thonias CrevellDg, (jr., Joshua l'ause, ItrMioff M 1 .tit piiTiT junons, FOIl FUDllUAllV TE11M1S7I. rinsT WEEK. Blooms nunn. Abraham W.Pry, Conrad nitten- ueiiuer, i". ii. rreeze, jacou u&uer,IHolomou Hmlth. llEAVEri.-Ocorge W.Longenbcrgcr.reterSliell hammer. IIeston. I. K. Krlckbaum.Stott i:. Collcy. IIeiiwilk lloa. Win.O. Thomas, H. ll.Jkiumnn, Kdward A. Wilson, Daniel Heedy. CATAWlssA. Joseph Maru, Ueorge Marbardt, Flslf ingorekk. John Laubacli. Win, Mears, KUaa JI, Laubach, Jacob Uethlngcr, GnEENWoon. John htaddon, i:iiaTia lluyman, David Demott, Joseph It, ration. Hemlock. Heubea ltomboy. IiOccht. David Yeager. MiFLix.-8nmucl Creasy, llmauuelKelckcndall JIount Tlkasant. l'etcr lllppenslccl. Miles Ikeler. Main. lleuben Hhnroan, Isaac Yettcr. Montouk. John (lordan. Orangk. Hamuel llcurlo. l'INE. Joshua Uobblns. Hco'rr. Hugh Thompson, BECONn WEEK. nLooMSliORo Samuel Slelllcr, H. If. Miller. 11EN1 ON.-John O. Dlldlne, Thomas Olhlilna. Derwick. John W. livana, Ueoigo II, Wells. Ooorgo II. Thompacn, H. L. Freas. IlRlAiiciiEEK. David HhaOer, Jr. Catawivsa. II. F. Clark, Charles Sehmlck. CB'N.T.K,AI-IAJame8 Ktaly, D. W.Mclllck.Thos. O'Connor. ' FisiilNucREKK. II. N. Alnmerman, Henry Hartman. 1 ' FHANKi.iN.-Jolm Artley, Jacob Snyder. Okeenwood. Cyrus Demon. Locust. Albert llerblne. Mifflin. Henry Yohe, KUahall. nrnwn. MAINFi-Joalah Flemiulug, John W.Bhuman. Montour. Lloyd l'axon. Madison.-H. h. Itunnjau. 0. C. Ilunnyan. Mount I'i.easant. Johh V. Oranof. Hiram It. Kline, Oscar Achenbncu. l'INE. Francis I. Masters. (JrOARLOAF.-Waleat Harvey, Henry C. Hes. Scott. Jacob Terwilllger, Charles Lee, Jaiuet Lake. rjiIUAL LIST, FOIl FElmUAItY TCKM, 1671. FII13T WEEK. Eil ward M'Call. et. al. vs. John Swecnr. in. Longenberger, ct. al. vs. Hugh V. M'l'.oy uolda, et. al. Susan Otlhara, use vs. Deborah Dean's Adiar. Aaron l'erscn vs. Hamuli Letby. David Iicwls, guaritlou 8. Collins Sutllff'a Ad ministrators. L. Hurillfs, uso vs. II. II. Creeling,ct al. Alex. Colley vs. Allnas Cole. l'cter Sehug vs. Charles Lee. David J. Waller vs. John M. Slackhouac. J'.rct,.e';i,c. Holer vs. Uldeon O. Hosaler, ct. al. W. 11. KlIllO Pl lit I, .ll.Hl.nn. IU... .'.. James Hess s. Collins wutliir's Admlulstr'ato'rs. C. D. I owler vs. lteuben Miller. 1 "eyoert s. William SImlTer. WUllam Shaller vs. Dauiel F.Seybert. SECOND WEEK, Ilobert Oorrell vs. Harney M'Breasly, et. al. David Heaver vs. -Mnrtin M'llniihnii Charles H.WIlliclni, ct. al. vs. Michael Woods. Michael (irurer. use. vs. s.vnmA ltrir.ii, .Michael a rover vs. Savage & Ilrlght, Joseph Miller vs. N. s. Campbell. Thomas Fry vs. William Coleman. C. H. Fowler vs. George Kin ley. niiwruiefca cc iturinan vs. unariea it. Fowler. Melcniah Miller's Admr's. vs. Klias Uciger. C. H. Fowler vs. Jesao D. lllee. ii. iiowman, oi. al. vb. Manaussa Ilowman, l'eter Haymau, use vs. Jacob shaller, et, al. Ilrambalf & Co. vs. M'Nlnch i Shuman. narvey u. liess vs. Samuel Creasy Admr. oah Mouser's, use. vs. Ueorge strausser. Hhultz& Funstou vs. Alfred lrwlne. Wm. A Kline, vs. James V. (Jlllaspie. Kline & M'llenry ia. J. Itlchsrds & Co. John Temer vs. Dauiel Snyder. James V. aillasple vs. Wm. A. Kline. Isaiah Yenger vs. D. It. Johnson. Clement o. Itlcketts' Admr. vs. David Sweeny, et. al. " Joseph H. Kllno vb. Charles Howard. Cutharlne Abbott vs. William Abbott. Isaac Krwlnovs. l'h!!lport,it. al. West llranch Insurance Co. vs. Thomas Trench. llees Millard vs. Abraham Kllue. John Oray vs. Sanderson Hagcubuclt. Lewis J. Adams vs. Flshingcretk School Dis trict. Wm. A. Caso vs. Moses CoiTman, et. al. Hlmoil Wenlsll as. John llntlmaii. Joseph J, Crawford vs. John Johnson. James Kvans vs. Ueorge llelforu. Jeremiah Hagenbucli s. i'hillp Ott, et. al. Nicholas Seybert vs. Daniel r. Seybert. Joseph It. Shullr. vs. Z. It. Shullz. Murray, AInlack 4 Itaudall vs. Thelmperlal Fire Insurance Co. Murray, AlnlackdllandaUvs.Tlielmperlal Fire Insurance Co. n. Mcndenhall vs. Henry G Ort. Jeremiah s. ltudy vs. Jacob Schuyler. Itebeccu Nagle'a Admr. vs. John Cain. William Arter vs. Thomas Farver. David Wltmlre, Executor vs. Dennis Ilrlnk. Charles Ilrown vs. Joseph It. Vandersllce. Cannon A llro. vs. Wldmyer AJacoby, Joseph Fausey vs. lteuben Delias. "yiDOWS AI'PBAISEMENTS. Tho followimr annralsements of real and tier. sonal property set apart to widows of decedents, have been Hied lu the ollice of the llegislerof Columbia county,under tho Ilules of Court, and srlll be presented fur absolute confirmation, to the Orphans' Court to be held in lltoomsburg, in nnd for said U'ednesday.the Mhdayof leSS eXCentlOllR tn Sllrll CnnftrmnllniiB nr.. nrovl. ously tiled, of which all persons Interested Id said estates wtl 1 take notice t 1. Widow or llnntKl Vi-or l.iln arinltt, Inurn. ship, deceased. 2. Widow of reter Dituer, late of locust towu. bjiiji, ueccuseu, 3. Widow of Bomuel O. rilklngton, late of Locust township, deceased. 4. Widow of Anthony Witman.lato of Bloom townsltlp, deceased. 6. Widow of Albert Hunter, lato of I'lno town ship, deceased. e. Widow of Jacob Ash, lato of Benton town, ship, deceased. , . , W. II, JACOBY. Ilegister, Ileglster's OfTice. i Bloouburg,Jau.,lS71. J T) EQISTEIt'S NOTICE. Notice is AX hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons Interested in the estates of tho re spective decedents and minors, that the follow ing administration und guardian uccounts have been nied In tho oillce ol tho Ueglster of Colum bia county, aud will be presented lor coullriua tlon and allowauco in the Orphan' Court, to be held In Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, the fctli day of t ehruary, 1S71, at 1 o'clock In the alteruoon of said day! ?.cco.un,t of Lewis Iiletterlch, guardian of Milton Jinsteller ami Jennie Masteller, minor children of Charles Jlasteller, late ot llrlarcreek township, deceased. 2. The accountof William Menslnger.survlvlng executor of William Jlen.luger, llto'of JIIIUlii township, deceased. 3. The second and final account of William 51. l!lmtob, administrator of Bamucl Blank, late of Brlarcreek township, deceased. 4. Tho first and final account of A. II. Hlewart guardian of the person and estate of .Millard 1"! Conner, a minor son of Iiaiah Conner, late ol Columbia county, deceased. 5. Account of Thoma C. Fowler nnd Moore Crevellng administrators of Benjumln Fowler, late nf Centre township, deceased. li. The first acconutnl Hamuel B. I)lcmer,execu tor Ac, of Jolm Klchards.lule of Cutawjssa. de ceased. ' 7. The nist nml final account of C.B. Brockway, executor of Isaao Davis, late of Beaver township, deceased, . IhoarcountofWiniamT.Mmman.Admlu istrator of Daniel hhuman.late of ilulu lown ship, deceased. WMLJACOBV, Ueglster. Iteglster's Offlce, I Bloomsburg, Jau. , 1871, ; NEW COAL Y A It 1)7" THK undersigned respectfully Inform the cllliens ot Bloomsburf! and Columbia county, that they keep all the diUerenluuinbera ofstove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Neul A (Jo's Furnace; with a good pair of lloirJo scale on tho wharf, to weigh eoat, hay, and straw Likewise a horse and wagon, tu deliver coal to those who desire lu As they purchase a large amount of coal.they Intend tokeep u superior ar ticle, and sell al the very lowest prices. Please call aud examine for yourselves betore nurchas Ingelsewhere. J. W. llHNDKItnlluT. AUOUHTUH MA80N,' 'PJIE Ullllerak'tlPil will tnkn In nv. X change for Coal and Groceries, the following lismed articles : Wheat, llye. Corn, Oats, I'ola .""i ..uiu, .iniu,oiiuuiuer,UIlu Slue Joeai,ilulle Lairs. Ilav. &B.. lit tha hlcliest push nriroii nt til. Ulocery Btore, aujolulug ibelr coal yard, J. W. HENDKfWHOT, Bloomsburg Mar. IK.'oS-ly. Miscellaneous. DIls, HtlMITIVK'Jl Tfl nil Tl l.'TJ.IfttlA IfJ W 1 KT I'll HRVliiKfor tho last lhlrty.nvo venri devotwl iiiy wholo tlinennd nttontlnn to tho ntiiily of ssH "i-insiri mill t-UIIVIIIlllMlUU, 1 1WI UlfU I Iln aerniAna fully tho emir no that tHinhtlopnrsue-l lo restore ntolernhty bail trap of Ulsonsetl lunaii tuhontlhy MoundnoM. ThP nrnl nml montlm Prtant step i for the pnttentto nvoht tnklni colli, nml tho ben of nil places on tlitn continent for thu pururt In winter, In Florida, well down lullio Bintc, wlicro tho letnemtiiro Hirjiulnr, nml not nl)ect lo micti vnrlaiioui m In moro urviicrnmuiuium, ruiiilku u rt iwlut I pan r. comineild. A uo.n1 hntol 1 IzphL fhprn hi IVtrr. lii n n. Jjwt winter i saw neve nil personi thero wlrnso lutiRn hal been badly dl.eapil( but who. under tho healing Influettco of tho cllmnto and my iiiedlelncs, wtro Kettltirt well. Ono hundred mlleM further down thoilver li n bolut which 1 would rcft;r to J'alntUa, at tho teinperaturo li moro even nnd thontnlry nud uraclutr. luliotivlllo and Iliiteriirlsonro located tnere. I should nlvo tlecldod preference lo MellonvIIIe. It In two miles from rhernrlnke, und It neetrni almost lmiomlblo to tnko cold und patients complain nt times but that It ft good nlicu. m It Imlknli'i ti return of nmtotlle. nml wheu this is tho case they Kenemlly lucrenso hi "", nnu nifii me innus musi iieui. JACltnonvllln.lllbcrnm.Ureen Cove, and many other plncen In various parts of I'lorhln. ran bo safely recommended to commimttlveft In winter. My renimn rorsaylnp so nro thnt pntlcntsnre less liable to take cold there than whero theio Is Mesn eveu temperature, nud It U not necossary to say that where ncoimimpllve person exposes hhmelr to rrcquent coldn he Is certain to die shortly, Thcruloro my mlvleo well down Into thoBtatoout of tuo reach of pervading cast '"' " t-'K1. juRinviuo, or nimosi any other of tho localities. I have urn nod, will bene fit thoso who are tioubled with n torpid Uvcr, a disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore imuiu nrTOugii, uiu tor mono wnone uinsnnr iliseAied a more .southern point is earnestly re For lirteen'vears prior to 1800, 1 was profession, nlly In New Vork.lloslmi. ltnltlmor and l'hiln defphla cveiy week, where I buw nud examined on an nVernKO llvo hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, embruclnn every pots 1 bio MiusuiM iuiiuiiuiir, nits eimuieu me louuuer stand the llnenxe tully, nud hence, my caution In regard to taking cold. A person may take Heaweed Toulo ntid Mandratto I'llls," aud ye die If hu does not avoid taking cold. In Florlda.nearly everybody U usluxHchcnck's Mandrake Tills, for tho climate Is more likely to tuaniiiit? uiiiuui niiuiis iimn moro noriuern iau udes. It Is a well established lacl that natives ui r lunuA rnreiy uie oi consumption, especially thOMe of the soiilbprii tinrt. (In I hit nthor hnii.1 In New Khglsud.oue-thlrd.atlcnst.orthe popu. lallon die of this terrible disease. the Mid titateslt docs not prevail so largely II there are many thonsands of casos there. What avast perceutuice of life would be saved if nniL.haitmi. lives weie as taslly alarmed in regard to taking fresh cold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox,.tc. Hut they ate not. They tako what they term a little cold, which they are credulous enough lo believe will wear oil" In a few dajs. 'I hey pay no attention to It, and hence It lays tho foundation for another nud another Hill, until the luiif ate diseased beyond all hopo for Mvndvlcfl In nprnnnai wlinvn Innrr- nrn nfT.plm1 even bllshtly Is, to lay In a stock of Hchenck's iiiiiuuuiu "jrup, ?ciiencK s nciiwcoj iomoimu Hchenck'fl Mauiliako Pills nud mi tn Florida. I recommend these particular medicines because i uiu iiiuruujjiiiy uciiuainieti wiiu vneir aciioti, I know thai where they are used in btrlct accord nnco With mv cllrcftlnoR lln-v will do thn u-nrlr that Is riqulrod, TIhh accomplished, nature will do the rest, 'Jho physician who prescribes for cold, cough or nlflht'Nveatn, and theti advises tho patient towalk oriltlo out every day, will bo sure tohuvoa corpse on hts haudi before My plan Is to give my thrco medicines, In ac cordauce wjth the printed illrectlons, except In Home cases whero u lreer use of the Mandrako I'llls is necessary. My object Is to L'hotone to mo siomacii lo ct up a good appetite. It lsnl- WHVH n ITOOtl tdiill irllcn n titllniil hr-L-Ilia In nfiiw hungry, I hajo hopes of such. With a relish lor lood hud thu gr.U ltlcatlou of that relish comos good blood, nud with it moro lleh, which Is closely followed byn heallug of tho lungs. Then the cough loosens and abates, tho creeping chills and clammy night-sweats no longer pro&tralo umt iiunuj , nuil mo puiieub gets wm, proviuuu ho avoids taking cold. INow there are many consumptives who have uot. iuu means to ko io i-joriua. i no iuesiion mav be naked. lH t hern lin hnnn fur kiipIi t rnr. taluly thcro Is, My advice to such Is, nud ever has been, to (.lay In a warm room during tho winter, with a temperature of about seventy de- nircn,niiiin Biiuum u iicp rtguiariy at mat point, by means of a thermometer, hetsuch a patient take his exercise within tho limits of the loom by walklug up and down as much as hit stieugth will permit, In order to keep up a healthy circulation or the blond. I hae cured thousands by thia system, and can do so again. Consumption U as easily cured us any other dis ease if H is taken in time, nud the proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact Uinds undis puted on record that Nehenck's Pulmonic My rup. Mandrake Mils, nud Sseaweed Tonic havo cured very many of what seemed lo bo hopeless caws of consumption. Oo where you will, you will be nlmost ccttalu to llud some poor consumptive .... aLSVHVU 1IUIU UIU V) JUttBUl UCUII1 by their use. So tarns the Mandrake nils aro concerned, everybody hhouid keep a supply or them on hand. They acton tho Her better than calomel, and leave nono of its hurtful etlects behind lu f.ict they are excellent in ull casei wliero a pur gative iiiedicinols rtnuired. iryou havo par taken too freely of fruit und dlarrhtcn ensues, a doseol the Mandrakes will cure yen. Kyounre hubleet to sick headache, hike a doseor tho Man drakes and they will reliee you In two hours. H you would obviate tho ellcctofu chaugo of water, or the too free Indulgence lu fruit, lake oneof the Mandrakes every night or every oiher night, and you may then drink water and eat watermelons, pears, apples, plums, peaches or corn, without the risk of btiug made sick by them. They will protect those w ho live iu damp situations niratust chills nml ftvtr. t,v ti...... goI3'onlyP(''riClIy LnnnIess' Tilt,y cau do J'0" I havo abandoned my professional visits to Bos ton aud Jtvf York, Iml conilnuu to sco patients I 'lid this because I had used all kinds " A? fiFt.l-''".lJfl- ver.,se,l reme,s nn,l ,, r,ni, ,e, 1"'.", .v.j IPO.IIIMIIJ, ,111111 V ion 1', ,1, ihoso whowlshiithorouiili examination Willi 'he Itf spirometer will bo charged live dollars, lho ltesplromeler declares the exact condition oi tho Iuues, and jiatleuls can rtadlly learn whether they aro curabloor not. Hut I desire it distinctly understand that lho value of my medicines depends entirely upon their being uikeu strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will say ihutwheu persons takelny medicines nud thelrsystemsuro bronchi lutou liealtby condition thereby, they are not SO liable to takocold. vel nnnimwllli illeniikii.l lutiKS tan bear u sudden chaugo or attnospbero without the liability or greater or less Irritation of lho bronchial tubts. rull directions In all languages accornpony ,nj iiiiuiiiiiiB, mi eAiuitii. mm clear null liny one cuii use them without consulting me, nud IU" " UUIIU. HUJU HllV 111 llC;M, J. II. raCHUXCK.M.II. , No. 15 N sixth Ktrcct, I'hlladelpiila, novH'70-ir. OJIETIIINQ NEW I The undersftrned would hcrehv Rive notice tlmt lie 1ms Just corupletwl A KIH4T CjLAH8 JiLAiwniiu innt no iinnine ir.pimiPM torenrry lug on the busings of UNDKUTAKIKU In all us urnucues IN CIT STYL13, Ho 1ms engnped experienced rersons wlio will talto cbnrce of the hodleB of the deceased as soon as they hlmllle of this mortal coll," and attend to Wfthhina them.shnvlnc. dresslntr. Ac. HhroiuU ftirniKhed aieo to order. At much expense he naa i so procurtu aa IRON ICE BOX, In which bodies can he rreherred Inn cleanly and thy condition. Carriages furnished for fu neral occasions. In tdiort. he Is prepaied to take charge of a orpM Immediately alter death, aud have friends and relatives all further trouble lu regard to It, Jle also carries ou the business of CABINET MAKING Upholster Ins; lu all its branches, repairing furnl ture, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac., &c l'lace of buslnehs ou Irou titreet, helow Main. I1011ICUT ItOAN, Illoorasbarff, July 22, 1878tl. QIXTY-FIVE FIIIST 1'HIZE MED- KJ A ALH AWAUI)EI, Tin: aimvr 11ALTIMOIU1 PIANO M AN U FACTO UY. AHLLIAIM KNABE it CO. MANUFACTURERS OV OHANU, SQUAIin AND UPItlQHT PIANO P O It T E S , BALTIMOH E, 51 V. These Instruments have been before the puhllo for nearly Tl.lrty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained unpurchauilpre-eminmce which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine slng- ing quamy, as wciiusKmn imiiiy m jiiioimiioii. and sweet ues throughout the entire fecultj, 'Ihelr TOUCH lsjllautand elflhtlc.and entirely free from tho btltluebs found In ho many l'lauoca IN WOUKMANHIIII they aro unequalled, using nono but tho very beta tcmonctl mattriol, the largo capital employed Iu our buhlncMi enubllnc uu to ktep continually au luiiuenhofctocU of lumber, Aeon hand. UuAll ourSijuarf JHanoct have our New Im proved Ovkiwiuuko tcALE and the Aurufle , -Ve would call speelal atlentlon to our lato Improvements In UKAfiD MAXOX unit MJVAJW UHANIWi I'atknteu Aua. Jl.lttrt. which brine the I'lano nearer puriectlon than has yet beeu attained, EVEIty TiANO FULLY WAU RANTED i"OU S VKAUH, Wo havo made arrancements for the Sole IVholttale Agency for the most Celebrated I'Alt I.OH OUOANH and MEI.Ol)i;ONH, which we otter Wholesale nnd IJHewt Factory I'rlces. WILLIAM JiNAHH A CO., ocUa70-Crn, Baltimore, Aid, ANTED AGENTS EOU G II 12 A T r O II T v x i: H . And How They Were Made: or the &ti-vaale$ and VViumjjAj our Self .Made Men. ly J, I. AlcCahe. Jr.-l'rolutiely illustrated and beautifully hound. Ine most takttiu Instructive, aud universally Km uli t alter book Issued for years. l asetuatlnic as lietlon.authentlo as history, practical as "four Illcliard," with lessons more elevating for popu lar purposes, than the prorouudfHt philosophy. Agent art) clearing from fMHofl&o ir mouth, lu kplte or hard times. Hells fast and easily, and delivers splendidly. Bend fur Circular, etc., and notice extra terms. JKO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 710 Hansom Hired, 1'hlladelphlA. Fatont Medicines. T II 13 KIDNEYS. The Kidneys aro Iwo In number, slluatcd at lho upper wrl of the loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of thrco parts, vli,f tho Anterior, tho Interior, and the Kiterlor, Tho anterior ahaorlia, Interior consists of tit sues or veins, which serve nsn, deposit for lho urine nnd convey It lo the exterior. Tlio exter ior Is n conductor also, terminating in a elnglo tube, nud called Ilia Ureter. The ureters nro connected Willi the bladdor, Tho btfldilcr Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, v1k.i lho Upper the I-iower, the Nervous, and tho Mucous, Tho upper expcla, the lower retains. Many havo a desire to urluato without tho ability; others urinate without the ability to retain, This Ire queally occurs In children, To euro those aitc'Cttons, wo must bring Into action tho muscles, which are engaged lu their various functions. If they aro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy inay ensue. Tho render mint nlao bo mado nwaro, that however slight maybe lho ntlack, It Is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, aa our JleOi and blood aro supported from these sources, CloUT, on ltiiKDMATisM. Pain occurring In the loins Is Judicative of tho abovo diseases. They occur in persons dlspoaodto acid stomach aud chalky cot""otions. Tim Okavki.. The gravel ensues fiom neg lect or Improper troatment of the kidneys Thcso organn bclng"Wik, tho water Is not ex pelled from the bladdor, but allowed to rcmalu : It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. Ills from this deposit thnt thestonots formed, and gravel ensues. Ditorsv n collection of water lu some parts of the body, and bears different names, accord' ing to the parts affected, via,: when generally dnrused over tho body, It is called Anasarca, when of tho abdomen, Asoltes', wheu of tho chest, Ilydrolhorax. Theatkext. Ilelmbold'a highly concentrated compound Kxtract nucha Is decidedly one of tho best remedies for diseases of tho bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Dysttrla, or dlillcully aud pain in passing waler, Kcanty Kecreliou, or Bmall nnd frequent discharges of water; Slrangurj-f or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Gout nnd Rheumatism of tho kidneys, without any change In quantity, but increase iu color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. I'hyslclr, In these affections. This medlclno Increases tho power of diges tion, nnd excites tho absorbents Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, and nil unnatural enlargements, as well ns pain aud Inflammation nro reduced, and It is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Ta., Feb. S3, 18C7, It. T. Hei.mhoi.ti, Druggist: Dkak Sir. I havo been a sntTercr, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I havo used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent I'hyslcians experiencing but llttlo relief. Havlnj seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian iu regard lousing your Extract Iluchu. of nl- vertlsed remedies, nnd had fonnd them worth less, nnd, Komo qulto iujurlonq ; In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, ami determined to uso no remedies he reader unless I knew of tho in gredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of huchu,cnbebs, and Juniper berries, it occurred to me nnd my physician as au excel lent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, nnd consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I com menced lis uso about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottlo I was nstoulshed and gratified at the ben eficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was nble to walk ont. I felt much like writing you a full fetal em ent ot my case nt that time, but thought my improvement might only be tem porary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would elTect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to you nnd more sat isfactory to me, 2 am now ablo to report that a cure la effected after using the remedy for five months. I havo; not used anj now for three months, and feel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant tasto und odor, a utco toulo and Invlgorator ot the system, I do not mean to be without It when ever occasion may require Its uho In such affec tions, M. McCOUMICK. Bhould any doabt Mr.McConnlck's statement, ho refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm. IlroLKn, ex-Governor, Pennsyl vania. JIon.,Tii09. It, Florence, Philadelphia, Hon, J. 0. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J, B. II lack, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon, D, It, Poiitek, ex-Uovernor, Pennsyl vania. Itou, Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. 11. C. On ie it, Judge, United Btate Court. Hon, O, W, WoonwAiiD, Judgo, Philadelphia. Hon. W.A, PoiiTKU.City Solicitor, Philadel phia, Hon John Kioleu, ex-Governor, California, Hon. K. Hanks Auditor General, Washing ton, I). C. And many others. If hccesury. Bold by Druggists nnd Dealers everywhere, Beware of couuterfeits. Ask tor, Helmbold's Tako no other, Prick 81.25 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for 6.C0. Delivered to any address, Do- acriho symptoms In all communications. Address II, T. II ELM HOLD, Drue and Chemi cal Warehouse, C8I Broadway, N. Y NONE ABE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL -ENGRAVED WHAPPEK, with fao-uimlie of wy Chemical Warehouse, and signed U.T. UKLMBOLD. iirro-iy Druga and Okomicals. A GREAT MEDICAL"-' V Dr. WAr-KEIt'? P I." r. VINEGAR BnrJ.i..iiS Hundreds of Thousands Pear ter-tlmony io their Wonder, ti p. r rmuuraUvo LiTcctJ, K K 2 WHAT ARE THEV? Mtdacf roor Itnnti Tlitkcr Froof Rrlrlta nml It ef u no I.kuorn doctored. iplccd andiwcct cited to pleasotbo tato, calledMTonlci,""Appctlz era." "Itcitorcri," c, that lead tho tippler cn to arnntcnueea und mlh, tot mo a trno iledlclne, inailo from tho Katlvo Rootiand HcrUof CaUforola, frco from nil Alcoliullo HtlmnlantB Tbcyaro tbo (HI EAT II LOO I) rCRIFIEIl nnii A MFC (1IVINJ FUINC1PLE& perfect Iiooorator and IaTljorator of the Bytem, carrying off all polionona iaattcr and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. 2;opcnoa can take thcao Ulttcn according todlrac t.on andrcmilnlODg unwell. 81U0 will bo given for an Inmrabla case, proTldetl tho bones aro Dot destroyed by mineral poison or ether mean, and tho Tltalcrgana wasted beyond lho point of repair. Fur Inflnmmtitorr nnd Chronic THicnmn tlsra nnd (loot l)ysprtln r Indlgcsiloo Ulllouot ltcmlllrnt ond Intermittent Fcicrn llltenacB of tlip lllood, Ltvcr. Uldneyo, and ilnddcrf tacao Itlttcra havo been moet eccccu fol, Bnch Diicancs ore canted by Vltlnttd II lood which li generally produced by derangement crth9 Digest IroOrcaco. PYSriU'blA Oil INDIOESTIOX, Head hchc, Tain In tho Should on, Congha.Tlghtncu or tha Chest, Dlzzlncsa, Eonr Ernctatlom of tho Etomach, Cad taeto In tho Month, DUloui Attacks, ralpitatloa cf tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Tain In tho rrglons of tho Kldncye, nnd n hundred other painful f yc torn i, aro tho oUsprlncBof Dyspepsia. Thrylnvlgorato tho Etomach and etlmulato tbo tor pld Lrcr and bowels, which render them of unequalled iCcncyla cleansing tho Mood of all Impurities, and Imparting new llfo and vigor to tho wholo system. FOR HK1N IMSEAHE9. Eruptions, Tetter, 8alt Lhcum, Blotches, Spots, rim pics, Fnitulcs.Colls, Car buncks,nDg'Wormsl E c aid-Head, Eoro Fycs.Eryiip clas.ltch, Ecurfs, Discoloratlonaof thoBkln, Uuraors and DiscDBci of tho fckln, of whatCTcr name or nature, aro literally dug cp and carried out of tho system In a ehorttlmobylhousoof theso Hitters. Ono bottlo li such cases will convince tho moot Incredulous cf their curstlvo effect. Clcanso tbo Vitiated Hlood Whccovcr yoa find lu Impurities bursting through tho ekln In rimples, Erup tions or Bores t clcanso It wbca you find It obstructed and iluggUh la tbo veins ( clcanso It when It Is foul, and your feelings will toll yoa when. Keep tho blood puro aid tho health of tho system will follow. FIN, TAFCandotherWUUMS. lurlUnglatbo system of to many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor fall directions, read carefully tbo circular around each bottlo, printed In four laa,. guagLS English, German, French and Spanish. J.WALCEIl, Proprietor. It. II, UcDOXALD A CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal and 83 and 84 Commerce Street, New York. C3TS0LD BT ALL DKUCGISTa AND DEALEKS. oct2S'70-tf. liiiiil S3,000 WILL UI3 PAID TO ANY PERSON producing a Preparation showing half as mauy 1 1 vini! genuine permanent cures an Dn. Fxtlkr.h VFOErAULK Hhiutmatic Hi:meiv, The scien tific presertpttonnf Prof. JOS. P. FlTLt- It, M. D., ono ci i j i iiiui ci pmii n oiliest, regular viw kicuium, wtm him mado lhipurantisni n soeclnltv '31 vc.irs. pi-unancutly curing with thi Itemedy 95 lu uverv lot) niittenls Treated no wnrrnntpil under oiiiu, iroiu itfRiviereu I'liMit, a rehiut unpnraiici ed. It li ileaaut Medicine, free from Injur ious irrites (Nwnrn voiicners iroin iieiiowneo Prominent Physicians Indorsing Dr. Fitter ac comnnnv ench Iioltlol. To nroteet Rnirerers from rWk,alegal guarantee Rtating number of bottles warranted to Cure will b forwarded without charso to any person sendlua by letter a full, truthful ilejtcrinllon of r.iso. In raso of fnllurn to cure, tho amount paid will hts refunded. Price SLSOper bottlo J tlbnlllcn,57.f0. Mtnlleal ndvlce Kent uv jener gniii". Aiiurps- mi. i'iji,i'.it. Koutti FOlTitTII Street. PhiUdel- phia.or No. 70 UIIOADWAY, N. Y. Hold or ooiaineii oy u rugs is is, septii'TlMy, Iuouot wish toinlorm you, reader, tint Dr, wonderiul, ornuy other man, has discovered a remedy thntcures Consumption, wheu tholungH nro half consumed, in short, will euro all diseas es whether of mind, body or estate, mako men live forever, and leavo diath to play lor want oi work, anil Is delirned lo mnlto our Kiililntmrv sphere n blissful Paradise, to which Heaven Itself suau uooui n suie snow, lou nave uearacuougit of that kind of humhugKery, But wheu 1 ull you that Dr.Hauo's Catarrh ltemi'dy trdl positive iicure the worst cases of Catarrh lu tho Head. I only afcuert that which thousands can testily to I will pay ?3uu Beuard for n caso thnt I cannot cure. A pamphlet giving symptoms nnd other iniormauou seui irce many nuuress, mis rem edy is BOLD BY MOST DTtUOniSTS IN ALL PAUTH OF THE WOULD. Price M cents. Bent by mall, postpaid, on receipt or sixty cents, or lour packages lor two dollars, llewaro of towtfeifuU and uorthleti imitations. Keothat my prlvato Stamp, which Is n positive (juarantce of Genuineness, Is upon tho outside wrapper. Hemember that this private Htamp. issued by the UnltedHtatesCloverumeut express ly fcr stumping my medicines, has my portrait, uamo and nddretw, nnd tliowttrds1 U.S. Certifi cate of Oenulnentss,' engraved upon 11, and need not bo mistaken. Don't bo swindled by traveleis nnd others lepresentlng themselves us Dr, Sage; lam tho only man now Ihlng that has tho kuowledgonntl tight to mauuructuiethe Genuine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy, nnd I never travel to sell this medicine. It. V. PIEttnE. M. D. obt28' 1X1 Seneca stieet, lluthilo, N, y. s EVEN KEASONS WIIY la the Best Liniment jn tub Would F O It HOUSES. Firht. It Is composed of the most powerful and 1'KNETRATiNfi liquids kiiowuln Chemlstrr, Skconu. Com blned with the above Is a Mr.m cinal Oil, made expressly for this Liniment, and mixed by an entirely new process. Tllinn. TheuseofthejwHcrainndnctirnhiff Ingredients is to drive or foico lu this beautiful MkuicinalOil, which lubricates the joints and muscles, aud Immediately throttles the disease, and compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening and poisonous fangs. Fourth. This Medicinal Oil Is used for the same- reason that a good mechanic always uses oil to make his machinery work w 1th ease and precision. So In the sume way Die muscles nud Joints of our animals should be lubricated If we wish to havo them travel with rapidity and ease. Fifth. H is very soothing In Its uctlon, will not burn or blister tho anlinalllko most of the "rtd hot" liniments of the day. Sixth, Not one drop ot tincture- ofcayenno or red pepper can be found in its composition : for wo hold that no liniment can be efioctlve which hums nnd blisters tho animal until the muscles aie hard nud dried almoirt to a crNn. MKVENTH, Every bottlo IS WAHRANTiiD to give good nan fact ion, or your money will be refund ed. This shows conclusively that tho proprie tors have full confidence in tills preparation, nnd proves lor tho seventh time that U, UB.H. Is the best Liniment In the world for horses. j)i'J)n'iuUoio your Merchant to jmlmoff 2Vno turc Jied J'epperand JIarUhorn, or other trash on you. Cut (tsk ur Q, K V. a, tor Horses, ana take no other. Sold by all druggists. I). O. OAuKY A CO., Hole Proprietors, sepU-70-lyl 17a Washington street, New York, PIIILOSOI'ilY OK MAItHIAGE. A nkw CouiMKor I.iCTUKM, as delivered at Ilia rcmiu.rDiyU'ctiiilcuiHlAuatumlcul. Museum I'Mi Chestnut hi., three doors ubiite Twelllh, l'hllmlellihtn. eiubrurluif the subjects! llow to lilvo mid What lo I.tvo fort Voutli, Muturlty and t)ld Ako; ftlanliood tleneriuly Ht-vlewed; Tliariiusoor Indigestion; Flatulence and nerv ous Diseases accounted lor; MurrhiKO I'lillo soihlciilly considered. 'Iheso lectures will lie furuulded ou leceliitoriS cents hy adilressluut l'eeretary ot thu rHniisylvanla rni.TKCUNlu bnii Anatomicai. .Mlbeuu, itxi Chestnut til.. Ahllaileliilila, I'clinsylvanla, JeKI'7tl-y. AHQAINS 11AHQAINS. WICK SALES AMI HMAt.Ii I'll. UTS. (lo to . , . 1IKN11Y VOST, hast IHoomsburn. 1'a., for all kluilj or tho best hoiuo aud city made ' 1'UllKITUIIIi, ' rUes reasonable and the best work done, Jlu 70 tl ' " III of 9 TOETARE KOI AVaS 031 ht!l FANCY DRINK. PI? Clothing, &o. N EW BTOOK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SUMMIUl OOODH. DAVin MWENiinna Invllcs attention to Ills slock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTIIINU, at his store on Main Street, twodoors abovo tho American Houso Dlooinsburg, To., where he ha, Just received from New York and 1'hllnilolphla n fttll assortment of MEN AND nOYB' CLOTHINO, Including tho most f.isliltnable, durable, aud haudsoino DltUSS OOODJ), couslallng or 110X.HACK, IlOCO,OUM,A.S,DOII..aLOTH L'OATHAND I'ANTS. of all sorts, sliea and colors, Ho has also replen ished hts already largo stock of KALI. AND WINTEIl SIIAWLH, HTItU'El), 1'IUUUED, AND I'LAIN VESTS HIIIltTS, CHAVATrJ, STOCKS, COLLAKS HANDKEltCIIIEFS, UI.0VI, aUSl'ENDEItS, AND FANCY AHT1CI.ES Hu nos constantly ou baud a large and ected assortment of a.OTHS AND VESTING!), which ho Is nn-parcd lo make lo order Into any kind of clothing, on ory short notice, and In lho heat manner, All bis clothing Is made to wear, aud most of It Is of homo luanufaetnre, GOLD WATCHES AND JEW 3UIY, ol every description, flue and cheap. His eaaoot Jewelry Is notsurpaased It. Ihla'.place. Call aud exnmluo hlsgeucral assortment of CLOTIIINU, WATCHES JEWELUY, AC. DAVID IiOWENDEHO. Bakory aud Oonfcctionory. JOHN 0. JACOllY'S IhVKEUY ANU CONFECTIONE11Y! UEUWIC1C, l'ENN'A. The undersigned would respectfully lulorm tho Citizens ol ilerwlclr, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery and llakcry lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, llerwlck, l'u., whero ho Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FUENCIt CANDIES, F011EION AND DOMESTIC FItUITS 0I1AN0ES, LEMONS, ItAISINS Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. iiv wttoi.r.sALn and i:etau.. Anionir thn assortment will bo found Cream Nuts, English nlliuts, lVauuls. Altnonda, Fil berts, Flgi, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, .tellies of dlller Hit klnils, Muatnril, Catsup, l'lckles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit or nil klnila, Corn Hlnteh, Kgg Ills cult, Soda Crackers, Ulster Crackers, Cheese, Moap, Writing l'nper, Agreement I'apeis, En velopes, FJSII AND OYSTERS, And produco of all kinds. Frish Dread nnd Calces eery day. Ice fleam lu Season, Your patronage Is solicited. JOHN 0. JACODY. Derwick, Juno 17, lS70-tf c ON FEOT ION EJiV Tho undersigned wonld reapectfully announce tn the publlo that he has opcued a FIRST-CLASS C0NFECT10NEHY 8T0P.E, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb where he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN & "FANCY CAND1EH, FHENCH CANDIES, FOltElON A DOMESTIC FHUITS, NUTS, ItAISINS, AC, AC, AC. BV WHOLESALE OU UKTAXX.. In shortt a rull assortment of all goods In his line of business. A great variety ol DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, sullablefortho Holidays. Particular attention given to HUEAD AND CAKT.W, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHltlSTMAS CANDIES, OH I ST MAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed, Nov. 12, 1S67. ECKHAI.T JACODS. Books. A NKW HOOK of lho greatest Interest nnd im portance. Written Horn a high morn! and physi ological standpoint, by an eminent physlclau and medical professor, it shows how batan Is working out hlshubllu nnd dangerous designs through our most sacred domestic nnd Boclal re lations, l'ure-mliuled, but outspoken nnd ng gresslvc.tne author handles the ilellcalcsubjects treated of withoultlott'i, hut In such 11 manner ns not to nilnlstcrtnnprurleut curiosity. TheJ'hyi icul lteacmrulionoj the llncc.U 11 subject Justly eulMliig the Interest nnd sympathy of all true, philanthropists, nnd this book. It Is believed, will contribute to that end Just In proportion ns It lina readeis. A circular sent Iree, conlnlnlng a lull description and sj linpsla of 1 lira work with liberal extracts. C. 1 . VENT, 1'ilbllsln r, sCifJ'7U-tf 0 Colleju Place, N. V. 3 lljrflar St., M.T. or M8 W. 4th St.. rlnclnnstl.O. If they want the most popular nnd lst selling luliscrlption books published, and tliornoitlif trallfrmi. Scud for circulars. Theywlllcostyou nothing, and may bo of great benefit to yon, fcbll'70.1y. Washing Machnoa. 'MfciSiii, J)0TY'S WASIIINa-MACIIINE, LATELY MUCH IMPUOVi:i)-AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES "WRINGER Improved With ItOWell's 1'atimt. Tlnnliln rViir. wheels, and the Patent stop, nro now unques tionably fur superior tonny npiiarntus for wash- cost twice a year, hy saving labor and clothes. 1 lie Ldltor or this paper, who purchased n asher anil Wiluirer. Hhim tnhiitinu n,in ,i.AiH value : "Wo havo bad In use In our family for soma I mo pust, one of Holy's Clothes Wiuhels und ringers, nud urn prepared to bear testimony as to its merits. It Is emphatically a labor-mntng machine anil does Its work tn tho most thorough manner. For families who have largo wa.hes these machines would bo invaluable.'7 Coluu 11IAN, Jan, H, 1S7U. I'HICES-A FAIR OFFER. ini,i.i...i,. 1 .... iiiu ...ii 1111111 11. mi 5 iiurintice. v, 111 not inrnisn, or soud lor tho .Machines, send us tho retail price Easier (II, Extra Wringer and we will fori ward either or lioth machines, free nf lrelght, to places wbei p iionnols selllngj and so sum are .in nirj "ii.i'o iittcu, iimi no agree to leluml the. nioueylfuuyono wishes tn leturn the ma clilnea lieo of Jrelght, alter ft mooth'a cording lo illrectlons, ' Io husbHUd, father or brother should jicratt two days In tbo year, when It can bo done belter mirrwvni.lltl,.iiiilv mltli l..Uu ini...u ' iiii.iu i-iiruiiiiiiisiy, nun itK. iaoor,nnn nolii Jury to tIjegamieiitii,byaDotyclulhes Washer, and a Universal Wrluger, ' nuiu on ueaiers generally, 10 Whom liberal dls yuuu uro made. It, 0. IlItOWNINO, tlen. Agent oct7'70-tf. 02 Cortlaud stieet, New Vo'k, Stop AT THU OYSTER DAY ATTIIEOYHTJORJUYI ATTHKOySTKltllAVI ATTlIIiOysTEHllAYl At tho Oystor llayi ''.: '" "VSTKll IIAVI ATTIIKlliMThltllAYI ATTItnOVSTKIt IIAVI AtthuOj.lerllayl STOl' STOP STOP htop STOP STOP STOP STOP Snail nr aim, 11. n-i. 1.... . . ..... .' ' PLAIN 1IO -ME TALIC AND JMEbl- wit lAiauiUN SENSE, nShHl'i?!0!'!,'1'1'!!1'0?' 'llieio never was a book l iiiiii ".iin iJ 11 "'uuycnii sen it, i;very tOSKfi i.V'i", l!Vi,w,,1r 8':"ls 1110 now making if.i!.,! i. '""'l'eriiiouth selling this wonder" ..7.o,ii" i'"',,l,'"tnl"lvo circular sent tuo Anenu'a!''''' i'!"' ," ,,nt'ct " unlveisnl want! money, ATldros,; Kwu "l" muae n kwiix co., iu uroomo Street, New York. JO Dm I OH PRINTINn Neatly eincuted at this omre. Mafias Dry Goods & Grooeries. RAND OPENING till A.N I) Ol'HNINU (lit A.N I) Ol'KNINO OHAND OPEN INO UltAND OPENING I or FALL AND WINTEIl GOODS, FALL AND WINTEIt OCODS, FALL AND WINTEIt OOODH, FALL AND WINTEIt OOOiJS. FALL AND WINTEIt OOODH consisting nt consisting of consisting of consisting of camslallug of DltY OOOIM, DHY UOODS, DIIY OOODS, DltY OOODS DIIY OOODS, It ATS AND CAPS, II ATS AND CAIH, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND HHOES, liuuin nnii mmr.a HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE: CI.OTHINO, HEAllY-MADK CI.OTHINO ItEADY-MADE CLOTH INO, HEADY-MADE CLOTIIINU ItEADY-MADE CLOTHIflO, LOOKINIM1LASSEH, LOOKINO-OI.AHMES, LOOEINO-tl LASSES, LOUKI.NU-0 LASSES, LOOEINU-0 LAMSFW; NOTIONS, NOTIONS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, OftOCEItlEH, IIHOCEIHES, tillOOKKIES, OHOCEUIEH, UllOCEUIES, (lUEENSWAItE (lUEENSWAHE, ItUEENSWAHE, HUEENSWAUE, liUEENSWAHU HAUDWAItE, HAH11WAUE, haiidwaue; HAltllWAllE HAIIDWAUE, TINWAltE, TINWA11E TINWAltE, TINWAltE TINWAltE, SALT, B A LI MA LT HALT, HALT, PISH, c 1811. K1SII, FITH. FISH, OHAI.t AND SEEDS, OltAIJJ AND HEEDS, (IllAIN AND HEEDS, OKAIN AND SEEDS, QltAIN AND SEEDS, Ac., Ac. Ac, AT NEAT. NEAL NEAL NEAL jVtcKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, .McKELVY, af-u-i.'i.w CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. NEAL Northwest corner ot Northwest corner of No rthwest corner of Northwest eoroer or Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streets. Main nud Market Streets, Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of mum uun jiiuraei mrceis, nLooMsntmn, pa HLOO.MSIIUIIO, PA nLOO.MHIItlllO, PA HI.OOMSIIimo PA III.OOMS1IIIIUI, PA. IKON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAILS IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In large qnantltlcn und at lednced tatts, nlway CV 3"a THE HED LION 11KAND, BlACtt AIi T A C A la Kiiimrlor In ntt nllmr. li. ,i... . ... .... .,..,., , 1UIU,IIU1IHV I111H prleo j to bo iouud ouly at M. I. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry OooJs und Notions, lu llrower's Street, llloomsburg, l'n. IninyU'TO-tf. jlTILLER'S STORE. FItF-Sll AKUIVAL OF SUMMEll OOODS. The subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large nnd select assortment of FALL Al.D WINTEIt OOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, aud which ho is dclermluod to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured else Where lu Bloomsburg. Ills stock comprises iiAUlliS- DKKS3 GOODS of the choicest styles aud latest fashions, together " iirgo .assortment or Dry uoods and Uro v. mo, tuuaiouus 01 me loiiowtng 1 rtlcles Carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Casslmercs, ShawlB, Flannels, Hllks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, llollowware Cedarwaro Cueensware, Hardware jjoois anu Shoes, lints and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-GIasscj, Tobacco, Co Deo, Sugars, Teas, Illeo, A,llsptco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS ftFN'l'n iri.v In snort, overvtidna- tiunni.o I... . stores, to which lie Invites the attention of the publlo generally. Tno highest prlcowlll be paid for country produce In exchnugo for goods. H. JI, MILLElt A SON, Arcade Dulldlngs, Uloomsburg, l'a. Q 0. M A R R have Justrccelved from tho eastern markcta n largo aud well selected stock of DRY GOODS, u o u m a t 1 n 11 ur Casslmcrs, Jeans, Beat bleached A llrowu Musllus, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cottou A All wool flannels, ,1c., Ac, A good stock of Ladles di ess gco Is, Latest styles a patterns. Hplaes of all kinds, Good .took groceries, Quconiware, Sloue ware, Wood A willow wilt-,, jgUY THE BEST. 1 life Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boap for cleaning Tin, Brass, Ao, All good sold cheap for cash or pro duce. He would call the attention of buyer, to hi, well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the couu. try, feeling confident that he can sell them good, at such prices as will ensure satisfaction. Nov. 1,'M-tf 0. 0. MAItB. Insurance Agenoies, Q.L0UE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, It. o. Freeman, Bco t'asb copltal over 12,000,000, all paid. J. B. KOUISON, ULOOMSLUltG, PA UENEHAL AGENT, For Luierne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug.aVCO-ly, JNHURANCE AGENCY, Wyomlug,. VlCtnn no.w.0 4,010,U; WXI.HiO 3U),lno 4iO,U0 l,400,IJtal l.WO.wrj ui;o,too BTiO.IXO 870,(j0 eOU.KO 400.000 2(0,000 Fnllon North Atuerlca , City International Niagara M Putnam M Merchants Sprlngneld Farmers' Danville Albany City Lancaster City M, York Horse, Death A Theft....... 05,000 Home, Now Haven l.caj.Ooo A-iuiiYiue, iior.e loeu FHKAB DltOWN, (rtnl, maul 69-ly.a HiooMsnuno, 1 a v Hardware & Cutlery. JAC01I K. SjltTII. J, K. SELTZEB gMITU & HELTZEll, 1 Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dome HARDWARE, OUNR, OUTLEIIY. AC, HO. 400 . TIIIIID STUEET, An.CALLOWltlLI., Nov.t.a-tf.r,nLAUKL,,,nA- JpiRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, 11EST, PUDEST, AND CHEAPEST I SATISFACTION GUAItAKTKKht t.'rt. at'lilln,.nD. 1,1... ini.ii.. 1. , i.i.iii.,iiiinuiinj -,iiuuiriiiiau cy. It has no equal. Hold by all dealers In Faints throughout tho couutry. DARKER, MOORE & MEIN, BfccE&sona to T. JIOKllIS PEItOT A CO. Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., Dealers In all kinds of DKUGS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, DYE9TUFFS, AC, iC. CA.V.T!-N'T0wl"K 1" "10 popularity ol our "First Rational While Lend," other parties have been luduced to oiler n spu rious article ULderthesame name, Thero foro llcware of Couutcrlelts. Tho genu ine Is put up In exlrn heavy tin paint OOtH. Willi lllltPllt. til, Inlllo ttlrn,.ltn. mm too name 01 BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, On each label. For salo by marW.O-ly, MOYEH DKOTHEKS, Dloomshurg. 810,000 OUAllANTKK BUCK LEAD EXCIILS ALL OTHER. LEAD ! Isl. For lis Unrivaled Whlleness, Ja. tar Its Unequalled Immunity, .-I. 1 or Its Unsurpassed Covering Proiiertv Lastly lor lis Economy. 11 53"'; costs LKss to paint wlihntrrK lkao than any other While Lend extant. The same V'Vfihl covels MOKE StlltKAt'E, Is mora DUlt ADLE, and lunkea WIUTElt WoillC. BUCK I.EiD, Is the Cheapest and Be,' HO.Oial GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHEIl ZINCa .Korlls Uuequalled Durability, Ol. lor Its Unrivaled Whiteness, "i 1 ,f'"' lis Uustirpussed Covering Propoily, lJistly, lor Its Great Eeouomy, ''"J- being lho CHEAPEST. HANDSOMEST and most DUItAULE White Paint In the world, U U Y ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TIIY IT AND BE CONVINCE!!. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Manufacturers BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Fainting- CPAGES pijT nuii.Tlts, oh of every descrl 3R ::v.ti ""viin, tii', 1 iiiiLi 1 mt 1 v itiii'vi.' 1-a.y. i-RPkl-H' TllIltTY-KIVU DlFl Uenutl'sl.'."urauw' L"C"P' U'lf"rm, and Samplo cards sent by Mall If desired. tho manufacturers;''' l,rnXtlr FKENCH, KICIIAKDS A CO., H. W, Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, ' Philadelphia. MOYEIl BnOTHEIlS, Agents Jan28'70-ly, f0r Bloomsburg, To, Miscellaneous. QAIUUAGE MANUFACTORY, iJioomsuurg, l'a, Tit n HroAM a lIl.TIIl Have on hum! nnd for mile at tlio mofct rcai.oua blo rates a apleudliX Btoclc of CAHKIAUES. BUaaiKS. and every description of Wagons bottt PLAIN AND FANCY wurruiucu io uo ninuo or me lcbi aim most dur able materials, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work Kent out from the estab- ,,riiiut.'iti win Liu iinn in it nuiu inu ingiiuKT. class aiulsurotoclvu pi-rlect at lb fact Ion, Tlieyhavo uiau M 1IUU MOBUrilHtUl tli H 1, K I O II B of all llio newest mul most lafchlonablo fctyles ials 01 11m ut-at uiimr i' 1 1 mil t'i 1 iii'i r 01 k is nRKfii as ill upjieyed that Uono superior ran bo found In tho country. mw. wi i.!itr F AltMEKSI 11XAMINB AND BUY HE ORIGIN A Ij . BAUUH'S beino The 1'ikst Haw Bonk Phosi'Hate Maiib All others aro Imitation, ii auqii's SUI'KR rilOSl'IIATK OF LIME. .0anE MK FALL, y?MmMta 1870. ii,?..-. ; , 1. m 7 ""'"e. 01 jiaw or untiurued !;.,,1i1.r.'.clf '." Nitrogenous matter, dl.solved lu Tills ir,i.... ,u ... ... ilJiiiVL.;;, I V . e "'"gjh" lionemo.phuleln . -"ii iiuieuiy uvaiuiuie lorni.eilll f.iS. ". "0,,"u, 111 ,uc" proportion ns to lusuie it prompt ami vigorous action upon the crops. jiuuKH . i-iuibiiuuie was applied lho ,p? !i '.?" '.u.'" Indlcutfons, without exceptlou ftonthy w,u n""'tltt Us well tarned repul?. elvethi.Vrticieft,t?l,',l.u ulM!uo' ,0' 11 A U u II & SONS, MAMUyAOTDllKUS, OrncE-No it) a. Delaware Avenue. PHILADELPHIA. 1570-a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers