Bloomsburg, Friday, Deo. 9, 1870. H.M. riSTrKNdtlX no.,17 l'arlc Row, nntl G to P Howrli, (Jo 40 Parn. now. nre nur only nnlliorlud Ailvc-NUlii Aumtsjn New York. .1. WinsTKii, No. 60 North I Hi street, Con, Whtiik ili,('o.,No. (107 L'liMtnut Htmet, and FnAKKMK Hall, oil lliotnut Street, nro onr ouly au.tliorlr.ud Aneiita lu Philadelphia, tf County Convention. Tho Democratic voters of Columbia county aro requested to meet at tho us ual placo of election In tho several clcc tlon districts on Saturday Di-c. 24, 1870, betwedn tho hours of 3 and 0 o'clock, p. m. i to choose two delcgutuj from each district to meet In County Convention at tho Court House, in Hlootnshurg, on tho Monday following, Dec. S!C, 1870, at 11 o'clock, a. in. This call Is mudo pursuant to tho di rection of tho Standing Committee us given to their Chairman at a meeting held In September last, and U for tho Amendment of tho Utiles of Nomina tion and for tho' transaction of such oth er buslncM as is proper ton Convention. , W. U. Koons, Chairman. LoCAli Imfokmation.-' Persons in tho various towns and other localities of Columbia county will very much oblige us by transmitting statements of local events whenever occurring In their vicinity. No attention need bo paid to tho form, or words In which conveyed, as It is only tho points of Information that aro needed. tf. Oiiand Concert on Friday ovening, at tho Hull of tho Normal School. Danville has u population of 8,129, showing an increase of 1.744 In the last ten years. Ui'WAim or vwtiti.v aro studying Ihcili gy StHtes with tho vknv preachers. ymi g Hulllt-U hi U i eil of I) c ulling Wa.sti'D. At litis iillli-f, an iuHH gent and active hoy, to learn the print Ing bu.slnei-a. A lad from town, 12 t 1 1 years of age, preff rred. t f. M. H. Taooaut, formerly of Nor thutuberland, and present chief clerk In tho Treasury Department, is being .urged as a candld.ito for Stato Treasur cr. Almanacs for tho year that is com ing bavo already mado their appear anco. Preparo for an avalanchoof these pill promoters, provided free gratis for nothing. Ladies wishing a handsome Emboss cd Cloth Skirt, can bo accommodated at M. P. Lutz's for $2 CO. Asiilano was again visited by i destructive fire on Sunday morning. Five buildings were destroyed and olght families rcnderoT homeless. Loss estimated at $10,4100. Many of our exchanges say that horse thieves aro unusually activo all over tho country, and many valuable horses aro reported to bavo been stolen Farmers and others who bavo valuablo horses in this locality should bo vigilant or they may receive a visit from mhiii of theso prowling nocturnal bcouudrels. It la bad to seo a. family without books, and still worse to find ono with out either books or nowspai ers, yet such households aro not near as scarce as Bomo suppose Tho occasional new book on somo topic of tho time, with a steady supply of good newspapers glvi a charm to lifo not otherwise obtained Scientific men have recently discov cred that the poison taken into thosys tern from tho continual smoking of to bacco, will cause death in one hundred and sixty-seven years. Wo warn our readers who havo been smoking neaily that time to break themselves of tho habit at once. The Sunbury Dtmocrat pithily ro marks : If the scheme to rob the Stato of Pennsylvania of tho I'ennsylvanl Railroad bonds in Its Treasury .succeeds will not tho Radical party, witlin R.d cai uovernor, and IvkIusi' in, he re sponsible then for? IIi-i.ii, II. Vl. thiel'1 cry of Kndu-m lit vv-(ipuiri taken fur what It is worth. S. S. Convention. Tite.ui um 'nn vetition of the Columbia couut S. rf Association, will ho held lu this place, on the 28th, 20th, and 30th of Decem ber. Tho S. 8. Scholars of tho county are requested to makii their delegations as largo as possible, and all friends of tho causo aro requested to bo present. Ho efforts will bo spared to mako the exercises Interesting nnd profitable. Adveiitisinq. Tho advantage and economy of liberal advertising is abun dantly proved by tho fact that no man ever failed to do nn extensive business who took that plan of securing it. Mer chants and other retailers who keep their wares constantly before the people aro tlioy who carry off tho main part of tho business in every community. Any ono may convinco himself of this fact by simply looking around him. The effective plan Is by standing ad vertisements enumerating tho major part of the articles offered forsalo, with the placo of business, &c. Theso aro looked over and consulted constantly by readers of the paper whenever they want to make purchases, and especially by thoso residing at some distance. To mako it most effectivo, now small ad vertlsemcnts should bo added weekly, Local notices nre efficient in their way, but do notcarry tho weight and import anco of tho others. Business cards are, of courso, of tho first importance, for constant reference, Any man udvertl sing extensively ami dealing fairly will do well in any legltlmato business that is otherwise sensibly managed. It may be said that publishers say theso things becauso it Is to their Inter est, but tho proof mny bo found by ref erence to known casos. Besides tho direct Interest to to both tho business man and the publisher, ex tensive advertising also largely enhan ces tho importance of every town nnd by attracting ultcntlon to it brings other and new busluess, thus adding materially to the general interest. Es peclally Is every property holder inter ested in extensive advertising, If ho do sires to add to tho value of his property for' tho more business that Is or appearx to bo douo, the m iro demand will there bo for property of every (le-criiiiln Tho night miuu of mil K-sj,N i Ctn ii (xUt when niut-li hiKi Mixli-i; is il but tho contrary la equally uuu. THE One DoiiLAii will buy 10 yimls of Ciillco, at at. P. Lutz's. Musical Convoutlon, tiny nntl ovon- Ing sessions, at tho Unit of tho Normal School. Every body sliotilit attend. A raro opportunity for Instruction In niusloat tho Hall of tho Normal School. All singers and nil who wish to bocomo singers should attond. Mi P. Lutz is Belling tho " Aloxan- tier" kid gloves In black, white, and colors for $1,25 per pair and warrants uiem not to tear. "Wanted. Two or three smart girls as apprentices to tho tailoring business. Apply to Wm. Moitnis, Main St-.abovo Miller's store. The Musical Convention now In ses sion at tho Hall of tho Normal School will closo with n Gkand Conceht, on frltlay evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. Admission &j conts. Let all attend. Thf. little city of Wllllamsport has a funded debt of over $000,000. nnd a floating debt unestlmated. Such Is about tho condition of every town and city In tho Stato under Radical domi nation unredeemable, crushing debt. Mean temperature of November, 1870, at Blcomsburg, Pa., observed threo times dally: Maximum on the 2d, at 2 p in., GG Minimum on the lGth, at 7 a. in., 25' "Average of tho month, 43 9 20'' II. Z. Pwihon l.-Hmii. W miEN.I. Wood- w Aim, President Judgi of the ll'rks ii'inty C'Xir's, tins again resumed tho i!'i li'-uf his -lll -i. after a sovero Illness of -i vers i i, mi, Um, Wenni pleased to i-i-hts H.iniir Iniiking so well, and ap- pnri-itlk' enjiiylnir his usual good health. Heading Gazelle, 3d insl. Since the terrible conflagration In Tunkhannock, which destroyed nearly tho wholo town, tho borough authori ties havo given orders that nono but brick buildings shall bo erected In placo of thoso burned. This is a wiso move, and ono that should bo adopted In towns generally. Uuitdlngs should al ways bo mado as nearly fire proof as possible. M. C, Sloan & Rno. have justly earn ed tho reputation of making the best Carriages in tho country. Just now their entiro energies aro devoted to manufacturing Sleighs of tho latest styles. A number havo already been dlspos' d of, and a few moro remain on hand. For stylo, finish, durability and cheapness they aro unsurpassed. Call nntl see them. Some romorslcss scamp stolo his thanksgiving Turkoy from the editor of tho Valley Spirit. Tho plundered Knight of tho pen charitably remarks : "Wo hopo that ho returned appropriate thanks to the Devil for piloting hi in safely through tho business." Wo com miserate I Lives there n man with soul m dead, Wholo himself hath said Tilts Ills gobbler, lavishly fed, 1-11 eat, In tho editor's stead 7 lu this region editors follow tho moro safo and cheap plan of sponging other peoplo's Turkeys I Attention is invited to tho adver tisement headed "u valuablo Book." It contains much interesting and Impor tant Information to every body, and es pecially to religious people. Tho N. Y. Observer Is a doublo sheet newspaper, four pages of which aro devoted to se cular nows, and tho other four to relig ious affairs. Torn apart it forms two papers. It claims to bo the means of communication between all tho evan gelical churches throughout tho world, and that no country and no church is unrepresented by its correspondents. It is, however, deeidtdly devoted to protestantism and of course hostile to tlui Catliolics. Terms $3 ptr annum. In I.uck. Mr. Howard K. Snider, in I'liifiitiyeo . f lir- Philadelphia & R .ilti g "o., residing at this P iv, wc.o 'B-t week the recipient of $1 (H ), being Ins share of an award of 17 Out) sterling mado by the British O ivernment to tho family of Jacob fiiiider, Jr., deceased, for his Invention of a breach-loading rifle. Tho award was originally made to Mr. Snider in 1857, but owing to his death two days previous to its being announced, and thudlfllculty attendant upon establish ing tho family's claim, payment has boon delayed until tho present time. Shamokln Herald. Tub Agricultural nntl Industrial As sociation of tho Cutuwlssa Valley, met nt IlitiKtown, 011 Saturday, tlio -Glh ult. nntl elected tlio following ofllcers to BL-rvo till the spring iiioctltis, 1872: President, Win. Grant j Vice President, Jacob Brt-Uclt j Secretary, T. J. Foster; Treasurer, Philip Kolb ; Directors, D. M. Nesblt, J. M. Haul), Henry Brelsch, John Fenstermacher, J B. Iteber, Dan iel 5Iorrl9, Auron-Hahn, Dr. II. D. Ituiitschlcr, John Munrer, Ileury Hum ble, II. D. Boas, Joshua Rumble and Adam Urelsch. Nino hundred of tho one thousand shares of stocts aro olretidy taken. Tho first exhibition will bo held next fall, and, from tho interest taken In the matter by thoso who have formed the now society, no doubt it will bo one of considerable merit. The Tunkhannock Republican of lust week says, that on Tuesday last, quite u large cuiiiiiany of men, mostly from Philadelphia, accompanied by u corps of engineers, started on u great exploring expedition up the Mehoopa- n y creok, to usccrtuln the extent of coal deposits, and tho expediency of build ing a railroad to them and tho vast fluids of timber that lie between this and the head waters of Bowman's creek. Should tho prospects prove favorablo and a road be decided upon, it will open upn largo and beautiful country that hitherto has been considered almost useless and known only to the daring hunter and trapper. Perhaps tliero is no part of Pennsylvania so wild and romantic as tho table lands lying be tween the North and Wrst branches of the Susquehanna. With its beautiful lakes of inllta in extent, lying upon the highest mouiitiilns, Its lovely cu.-eades und em-hmitlng sivnery, an titm wphoru tq irtlled only by Ihu hlyhlrtiuls of Swlt fci-ihiml-lt ii V'l (l xtlm-il t bu the ru- - rt ol tu i vilnl and tliw pleusuro I oeunvio ul tliu world, COLUMBIAN, AffP The Dancing Season. Tho cold tllrrltta Urn fllji tiflllP nnln,1nr r. ...n... wr 4"Ji'Ji"K in u vvij. suggestive of dancing, This popular pleasure during tho "heated term" Is confined Almost to picnics. Now that there has been a clmugo In the atmos phere balls andhops wlllsoon bolnaugu ratcd.and tho nights will bo mado vocal with orchestral music. Soon tho prl- vato parlors of many of our citizens will bo transformed Into scenes of mirth and gaycty, " Where youth and pleasure, meet, To clinne tho glowing hours tf ltli dying foet," Dancing has many friends and many opposcrs. Somo regard Itas Inimical to Christianity, whllo others contend ft is approved by Scrlpturo, nnd call bo In dulged In without tear of evil results. They also-contend that It contributes to tho gruco nnd conduces to tho health of thoso who dauco with moderation. Whatever confiding opinions may oxlst ns to its propriety, the art will always havo Its votaries. Railroad Signals. Tho varieties of tho "toot" of tho locoraotlvb, and gyrations of tho nrms of tho conductors by day, or lantern by night, aro about as intelligent to most pcoplo ns. first class Choctaw. Tho following will gtvo tho reader a correct idea of their sign! fication : Ono whistle 'Down brakes.1 Two whistles "Off brakes." Threo whlMles "Rack up." Continuous whistles "Danger." A rapid succes s!on of short whistles is the cattle alarm, at which tho brakes will always bo put down. A sweeping pass of hands on level of eyes, Is n signal to "go ahead." A downward motion of tho hand, with extended arms, "to stop." A lantern raised and lowered vertically Is a signal "fur starling;" swung at right angles or crossways the truck, "to stop," swung In a circle, "to buck up train." A retl Hag waved upon tho truck must bo regarded as a signal of danger. So of other signals given with energy. Hoisted at a station Is a signal lor a train "to stop." Stuck up by the roadside, It Is a signal of danger or a train ahead. Carried unfurled upon nn engine, Is a warning that an other engine or train is on Its way. LOCAL NOTICES. The Singer Sewing Machines ahead of all others! Eighty six, seven hundred an-l eighty ono machines mado and Mild tho past year 1' This number exceeds by thousands the sales of any other Machine, nntl the demand is silll Increasing! Threo thousand per week aro now being Hindu and sold. Tho reasons why. Ueeunse it embod ies essential principles not found in any other machine: becausoof itssiuiiillei- ty of construction, ease of operation, uniformity ol nreciso action at any speed.antl capacity for thegreatest range nun variety oi worn, nno or coarse. Parties wishing to should not lull to oxumlitu tins nest ot all hew inrr Machines. Aclivo Aireuts can bo found in every village, town and hamlet lu tho United Ktates. J. A. Dohan is tho agent for Colum bia County. It. All persons indebted to tho under signed on subscription, advertising or loti work, arc rrnuestetl to call unu set tlo the biiiue before or during December Court. U. ii. 1JKOCKWAY nl5-lw. Eon Sale. Onu No. 8 Wm. Penn Cook Stove nearly new, will bo sold cheap for cash ; Also ono Parlor Stove, small size, witn pipe. n4S-3t "W. II. Jacoby. The Columbia Countv Teachers' In stltiito. for tho vear 1870. will bo held at Bloomsburg, In tho new Public School Building, beginning at 10 n. in., on Monday, the 20th day of December, and continue during live days. livery teacn er In tho county should bo in attend anco. n!8-lt. New FiltM, new improvements and new prices at urangevuio l-ounury, Mr. Jacoii TniVLEPiKCE having pur chased tho interest of Charles W. Lowe, in tho Orancevillo Foundry and Agricultural works, tho business win Do continued under tlio llrm mime of William Schuyler & Co. Bee advertisement in another column. nlO 31 A IIoivk for Rale. The undersign ed will ell hi horse "Hon" cheap lor eah or m Kotluhle paper Age 10 years, color white, good ftitler, and ti nplen did roitd-ilrr ; hard to brat on u short or long drive; perfectly gentle; dots not frighten nt the curs or anything else; sound limbs, wind and cyts. For fur ther particulars inquire of V. H. JACOIIY. n48-3t. Bloomsburg, Pa. Receipts of "THE COLUMBIAN' tor November, 1B70. It WPnwple 4 Co 6213 (0 moleur Society 1 to ( O Murphy 2 (0 .1 J Itnnblnu S3 45 ConjiiKhuiij tchcol 'Fl1 Kyer ft f dinrlet J CO Holibfus A Ever 17 JOH L i I Wrlliht II t- Cole t 6S Kktofji ji l inz i in 'A iiiiartman KM H ( l ilUlnyli li 3 III, II l Appieuian i to 3 75 32 41 2 60 t 10 75 3 00 1 UI 2 00 to 4 10 21 31 II 10 1 eler llelltr CO li WKnviler C ard llrk8 1' II lJroney JcKhlicf n,a.tcr 1'oih Judith Fixher Jm t1 iihI Pank Wlu It Vciuott 1 (C I'M tVrn Hnyder 24 J II Arnmerinan S3 Unae Ilnneubtich 2 (t), 1M UDnughirty 2 b hft J J- linfeoli i 10 John 11 raiker 6 t' lllnnlia 1 Hi W II Jaeoby 1 til.' l-W Hinder lints roo WelhrlllCo 10 3i Fndir-ek Vox l-a Atrfoeinv a liu, rox a Webb 10 45 A J Crawlonl 3 71 Kn Wm Caiualmn 1 Kl JWNIleii . 3 50 W II hut Win) lntvid Lnwenhcrc It Kan ui 1 Johnfaon 1 fx W 11 llclwlc 6 tftlll A Illillack 4 55 1-kt of John F Ihrr 'i in h. lloun r 3 so (Ho 11 Ilroun Ii K4I John 11 Hurley 2 00 I'M ofJiiH Kniwltt 4 uv Stephen Mlehal John llruner 'Jrrdan a lirou 1 .U 1 (U O W Miller 1U TH; M.ry F. Tatter .on YM waiter Muhou Fit Hal ella -Col E 0erlon ltMeaii!oui i eoiife Ees Jnmi. I. tiliirn Hi uUn hitler John AllHult l)r J J I eler Kbt ol Iiuii er Job Lilly F.ti hlatikB En David Bmlth W E Dletleilch 2 Wl, 41 00 2 (-0 (I 6S 1 10 3 CJ 2 10 to 'Win Hpuenbvch 3 M KllasKhumau 7 60 ,Vra llulmu U iKH i JucouAbh 2 do ,1-0 Wadtuortu Wi O eo II llrown 3 00 4 00 SV A 1-chueiipeuhels'r 3 30 r si i eier nieiicit i MrsH Keller 1 HI 2 2 601 J II Hlecker 2 00 2 01 1 0( 6 ' EH Ikeler Asslg'e 2 VI l)AFllily 3 00 Thlllp Aeheiihach 4 do liaiinaUZaner 3 on 1 10 1 M V W Khirpe Co UUMarr 113 Eat ol Jacob Qoho 10 ( MARRIAGES. HIDAl.L-KlLLIAN-At Town Hill. Luzerne county, on the 3d Inst., by 1. (', W adsworth, Esq., Mr, James M. Hldall to Miss Emuia KU lalu, all of IluutlDutun, A NOLE-IItVIN-On the Id ln.,at lli resl il, lice of Caru'l Creasv. Esq., MiUlluvllle. by llev, A. Ilrlttaln.Mr. lien y J. Auislo to .Miss A una livlu, both ol MiUlluvllle, COLE PU.S-Oii the 2d lust., by llev. N, J, Hpear, Mr. Joseph I. Cle, to Miss Cordulla H. lllls, both of rJUiill loaf. YEAQEH CltAl On tho 1st Inst., by the same. Mr Lloyd I'. Yeaecr, of Hoybcrtsvlllo, to M Iss Tacy L, t ralg, ol Arecnw ood, JIlI.LS-HAINIi'-At the 'WahlliBtou Hotel, hiinliur), l-a., mi the eenluii of November 2-d, by llev. Mr. Evans, Mr. Jesse IV. Mills, of lllnoinsburi;, to Mtts Mary Jaue llalues, of Co lumbia county, I'a, til Al.i UAUi'.nnui ii in niiiuiiitiuv.uii 17lh ult., by llev, A. lirlttalu, Mr,, of i-owlersvllle, t MIssLydlu Huitcubuch u ceuire lowusuip, loiuiiiuiutuvimf, WA11K-MFAIIV-At Urlarcreek, on tho sotli t... a ,l..i.k Unit ktn Mr Win II v. WttXu, to Mlu llftilnaU 'X. Miury, both of DEATHS. WELfVEU-IU Madison, Nov. 30lh, Mrs, Mary f. Welever, In tho 41st year of her age. CQdWIl-In Plue tiwus'ilp, Nov, 21th, Mrs. K li.iflh Oosper, aed I years, 7 mouths and llilajs. 8TEH.M- It-Iu llloomshurK.ou November S2-I , IS70. AbrtdiUUl me(LU, UI41U ti j curs, o muuim oa 17 uy. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, MARKET REPORTS. Illoointlmrg Marlret. Wheat per bushel 81.(0 it ' . . . ' I HI Corn old " 0" now 7 Oats. " .,.... 60 Klour per barrel.. - 0 mi Oloversetd - 8 (Hi Flaxseed... 1 M ituiior ,. Ems (.5 ..... "5 Ill Ml 10 25 17 W ..... 10 oil . t321S.1 IM Tnllow Potatoes linen Apples Ilnms Hides nnd Hlionlders,. ijiru por pounu Hay per Ion iron No. I Scotch ptir,,n.. No. 2 ...... Uloom,.....H.. LUMI1EU. Hemlock BornIb por thousand feet 1-lne M fnnnlnchl 916 0" lSa'J' Jnlst, Scantlltie, Flank, (Hemlock) Shingles, No. I per thousand ii a . 1ft in , ft 00 . 7 (l Hiding " ft 8 1 00 I'lillmlelitilii .Harlot.. KLOun Northwestern suncrh no at 61.759 Sft.OO Northwestern extra fG.iS Northwestern family S0.2$3H.7i llyo flour.. . JVi'l Wheat-Pennsylvania red, -p bu Sl-'tt Holilliuril " " 1 1. SS WeHtern " " 1 37 1 m riYK Pennsylvania rye. V bus CollN Yellow, " 1.10 Mixed, ' 03canic OATS fbus T.i I'JtoViatONH Mess l'ork,Vbbl 6-0.50 Mosslleef," 1.3 0 ures-eo nous, w c sjrvy -lllllllLI'll 1111111V . Hams" UHnuH Shoulders V lb lj'(lf-V'iC UlllU. fiw , .uui.ivl C'loerhted Wbus -fi.7 Tlmothyseed V bus tt.50 Flaxseed " tlW Cattle Heer Cattloir 7JjJ tos -o Cows, & bead -375 siiEKl'-f ID 0 Uoas-wiootts 812 -V' 13.V-- Tho Great Pictorial Annual. Hoslctter's United States Almanac for H71, for distribution, trru!, throughout the United Slutos, and nil civlllml countries of the Wtstcrnlltml sphere, will bo published about the Hist of Jan nary, nnd all who wMi to understand the true philosophy or health should read and ponder tho valuable suciiesttous It contains. In addt tlon to an admirable tre.itlso on tho, prevention nnd cure of a ureat vailety of diseases, It embrans a large amount of Informa tion Interesting to the merchant, the methnnlc the miner, the farmer, tho plainer, nnd profes sional man; and lh- calculalloi.s havo bfeu mado for mch meridians ami latitudes ns arc iiost suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and cxtraordlnaiy -.miliary effects of Hostetler'sstomnch Hitlers, thi-stnplo tonic and altera! lvo of moro than half tin; clnls- t Inn world, nre fully not forth In Its p.iges, which aro also Interspersed with pictorial Illustrations, valuablo recipes for the household and farm. humorous anecdotes, and other Instructive nnd amusing reading matter, oilglnnlninl i-eleeted Amoug tho Annuals tojippear with tho opening of Ihe year, this will bo one of tho inoit useful nnd may he hml for the asking. The proprietors, Messrs. Hofetetter A. Smith, on rteelptofti two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mall lonny person who cannot procure ono In his neighbor hood. Tho llltttisnro sold lu every city, town nnd village, and me extensively uted through out tho entire civilized world. 'dcotT'O- n Offles Of J. B. DOBBINS, 420 North Eighth St., Phllncla. VEGETABLE' A color nnd dressing that will not burn tlio hair or injuro tho head. It does not produco a color mechanically, rta tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying new lifo nnd vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, liuo hair. Tho best and safest articlo evor offered. Clean nnd Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. novll'70-bm. A DIUINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. t EMTATK CIV AT.IlKltT IllINTIin. Ill.r'll. Letters of Alltnlulbtlutloil on tliu CNtlitn nf Albert Hunter, late of rine township t'oiuni bla county deceiised, have bei-n gruuteil ly the Itei-lster of said countv to John w. Hunter. of Wttiierly, Carbon counly, l-a. All (htmuih uavmu rjaiinti ncaniM ine ettiaie oi me ni'cuiieiii nro lequesteu to present them for settlement unu mohe inueoieu 10 in, esiaie 10 iiuiae pav ment to the miutrfcluueil. nitmllilsltntur. or u II. Little, Km at Ills otllce lu lllocMii-burg, wiiuoiii ueiay. juiin v u i i.if. iiov-q'7U()v. Adnilnthtrutur. AD JI IN I ST ItATO R'S NOT I C R ESTATE OF UEHNAKD DorOllhltTY. llEC'n, Lettera ot ailinliitstrattoii on Ihe estate of Iiernard Uouuherlv. Into ol com nulr-in toun hhln. Columblt lolintv. I-eliu'a. deeeaheit iine heeu urunted by the ttti:lti r of ahi county, to llaulel Doughertv. ol Conj nijhani tonnr.liIp, Collllilhla county. l'emiHylvauln. All persons oavlHu c IiiIiiim or (iciuamU autunst the decedeut are re(iiehled tomaUetheni known.nnd iiiosu inueoieu lu iiiiiki ruivnieni. DANItL lIllUOIIFlnV, nov2.V70-fiw. Admlnlvtrator ATOTICE IS IIEIUIY CilVKN Xl that the lllooin Fiiruaee anil Scott Tnun public school houses, lota ami luilillure, will ho Koiu ai puiu-c saie, to uie nii-iiesi ami icm - ii der. 011HATUH1IAV. the 31st DAY OF HWIIM rEl(, 1S7U, at one o'clock 1. M.. loinnu lulnit at me. kcoii. -jown properly, (.omutions. ine fourth of the iniichaso money to bo paid on striking dquii oi me. properly; one.rouitli In six months- liom day of sale, vlth intenst on Hie tiiiioi.nt ren-aiuiiii: unpaai, and ilia bal-inc-lu one jiar vith Inttust noniseiond puwneut. uy oruer oi jamru, j., u. iivi.i, uov'.'6'70'6w. secretary. ATOT1CE IS IIEItKBY GIVEN J.1 that an application will be made ai the next ineellneot the (jelierul Assemble ol Hie Colu- nifcinueallh ol reuusylvaulu lorlhe lliiorpom tlon of a bank, In iieeordatirewlththeldWHol the Commonwealth, to be entitled Hie "( alawl-sa lliinslt. ami Kavii.r Hank." to be located at rata w issa.col. i'o..Ia..wllhiicapllalofulty thousand dollars, w 1th the right to lliciease the s'line to one huiiilreil and nity thoiHauu doiiarn, t'atawlssa, July 1, WO-tin. .OONISTirivrOItS' NOTICE. f EiTATKOFJACOI! Ahll. llbt-'ll. Letters ol administration on the eslato of Jacob Ash, lato of Ilenlon township, Column), county, deceased. hao bciu aianled th Hei-lster ol said county to Isaac K. Krlekhautn and Jobeuh Ash. of llentou t'olurutila couuly. All persons liavhiK claims at-alnst Ihe estate ol the decedent ale requesHil to pusent them for settlement, and those Indebudto iheisiateto maue paymeni to tnu undersigned, aumiuisii-ie tors, wuuouiueiay. IHAAC K, Kltlt'KUAl.Jl, JUHEl'lI AMI. dec2'70-Cw Adinliiltiator.s. A DMINISTItATOH'S NOTIC1 r EHTATK Or MAKV CltKASY. 11 EC I. Lt-ttribnf atinilntstratlonoii tlio tututuof Mary VlCltajf, irtlU UI .tlllillU in, wtilliiuiir, ti'innj dee'd,, liae bt-cu yrunttd by tho lU'Rlbtcr of ham cminiv. to Saimioi (JrcuKV of MlfTllu townnlilo. All litrboiiH having clulniB ordeniunds ayninst the ifetedtnt aro renin tiled to luiikethem know n uuu tuobu uiucuit'd 10 iniiHtt imviiu-ir. uovl3'70-(ir. Adialuibliulor, QENTS WANTED FOR P A li A O K A N Ii II O V 12 OH, I'lIABES OF LONDON LIFE. Ill n, J. Klrwun, (he ucd-Aiiowu Journatltt 'hie Venv LAiiawr Commissioxh I'aid, This book Is n bcautliul Octavo of (Hi pages, emliHlllsheil with l.ljO a 11 urn it ii 11. nod a ttlicn ex. ecu-td map of London dtsluiud and exemed expressly for this Mork by eminent artists. It contains u lull, araphlc, und iiutMiil stall incut of Ihe iSipil. Ame'. and Aimo'ioiu of Ihe Kieat Mi tonpoliB ul tho World. Its pliUmsere liom riui .ie ami )el UMieiiu aim lomauue uuu i almost ehalli liees one's cr.dlllll . Itdlsnhl) in bold ulltf Ihe ai'iialdt'i: mlseiyot Ihe piair, nnd Ihe ricLless luxur ol the rich. 'I lie li-oil saleable book In market, Ciuulaisaiul sample pages stui ii ee, .tuuresv, 1 llI.LKNAl' A III,lt-S, dec2'70-St. llaitforil, Conn A feu- moro AfiENTSare WANTED for ono tllO C'llKAl'KSTUt'd I'tsT HlMllls I'l tl.i Mofid, All'. II. .1. JIJ.MH.Iit .l TATU it A h JI 1 S T () It i.'l (IHlnn it clear description of nearly eteiy uuowil species oi iieasis, iiuus, r isnes, insei-is, ltentiles. Ac. A .. enlivi lied by lINHIspirlled lllus. tralloiiuaud rephtu Willi exeillni; ami uiitiisInK aueedote.4 of thwir iiiaulfoid iieeuliarilies, 'rim cream of the famous London tour uuinetdl UUU, W llll UlUUUIC HUilllM'UP, lit 11, 1 ,11V ! I'l HI oilier ( Islllitiulsheii nallirallsls, .Sullinl, Auusz, tt OOU, w 1ISUU, A U" II null, utui iiiuiij 1111111 - .-,1 tritntile to AeentH ala.ul sei t it- luirlt. Every biHle Is deliulded ullii II. old ami MUlim. Ill lowll or country. Noihlni; like It In the ttvliT, Aleuts repoit prollls Innii titof-.ii )eriiiiy,aud sill In coumctlou the latest and btstiHliilou of liibles extant, tier-d lor 11 usirate I clr i lai-and our most liberal ttruis lor Hm au'l lld A.Jl.JlLllll.tUD, I'uMulier. tlev2'70-2U ' cucstum Uilln. rptlK UE-JT l'At'EH, AWtl T1(K MioT JNDUOfiMttN'Tri! This fluattor's 11 Numbers RENT EIIEE to all tmuicrlbltig, l-eforo Iiee. Zi, 1870, for next year's Kilty-Two Numbers or MOORE'S RURAL KEWA'ORKEtl, THE UI1KAT II.t.CSrilAIKII IIUIIAL AND PAStlLY WUr.ICLY, l Olt TOWN ANII COUNTUV. Tun ItriiAI. now In Its 2UI venr. Is not only tho Irfirgest, tiiist and Cliniiooiit. but by far tho It-it iton-t'lrrulailnjr .lourtial of Its Class in tho World! National In Character, Ably Edited, Hit perbly Iiltistratod and Prluted, It Is tho REST AMERICAN WEEKIA' I It Is tho Standard Authority onnll branches of Aiiiiituirtrui'., llonricui.TUUK, c. As a Liter ary ami riimlly Paper It Isa mvorlto In many of tho best lamlil.sall over tlio Union. Canada. Ac Inileeil, McniKK'rt Uuuai.ku un ItUaHiiln .Sjihcre, Hiid Istbu Ingest Illustrated Journalnn tho Cou llnent ench number containing Hlxtecn Plvo Columit Pages, (double tbost.o or mostp'ipers ot Us clas.i It lsie paper for tho East,Wesl, North dUdHoutli. THUMB, INDUCEMENTS, AO. . TP.UMS 93 a Year of SI Numbers, and oulv fc-i au ItiClubsol Ten. This Ouartera 13 Num- uvrs ft-ut KHEE. asollered above, uur club In ducohlenlH lor lK7l aro unpiecedented. Hpecl mens, Premium Lists. Ac., scut free to all forming Cluos, and wo want a lle Club Agent lu every Town. AiWress D. 1). T, .MOOIIE, II Park llow.New York. T M1K NliVV YOU1C .METHODIST, AN EK111T I'AIIll WEKUI.Y. Now In Its eleventh nubltshes sermons, n t-erlul Htoiy lur tho Family, u new Children's htoryovir wick, Chats with IhuLltllo Folks, Idlorlals hv tho bent Methodist writers and other., ''orelxu nod Doiuestiu Correspoudence, lud lit-narinieiitsof Itel nlousaud Secular Ililel- llneuct-. Prlcu tf2 Wl u ear. Liberal puMulums or raso eouimisiifins 10 eanvas-crs. r-uoscrip-lions lomiucncn at my time. For specimen, en ,'l'iHfl ii ttvii p. lit stiiiii ii to oreiinv nominee. Ad dress Till', MEI'IIDDIST, III Niisau Kt., N. V. .1 OLI DAY JOURNAL FOR 1871 xXcontaiiis a Christinas story. Splendid Plays, M .ale sport. Ac. ts pugesi lltustiated. Sent l-nuoli ri'Celnt ol one titauili lor tiottsi;.. Ad dress AD.Ols .M CO., Publ'shers, Hott"ll. MASONIC IJUOKS. xcMitn WantcJ. mm ul lorllrcuUr. Address .. ivti- Pirn I'. It" lit. n -t 'oiif V,.rlf 1 C'liitI' I'M As OUT Mull Yeftily Hull crlhpm A to AptilHim'H .lour-ill, imbilMn-d Weekly. l vwi Months HuIjm tlptlon OitAi !i. The Moii'hs tf NovMiitier iitul 1) reint'- .7l),nii'ii grutls to an Miui't uierK i em miuu it, i tr mo fur iu, Any nno iiesirouHcn iiiukiiiku irwu oi iiH'jnuii . to in whether thev MKu It. run havo It for WO MONTHSon remitting uh riKTY CilN l.s. I'JflUlirSdUK A MI-JtlCA. i-oiiKlMlliif of KUlelltU Idly I'xi'fiiu il view n of Aaicrlriin M'eiipry, C"m Itll'IK'Hl 111 NfilLMUMT, 1. AI'l'LETON fc Co., Tlllj- IMu'ts, Ni'W York, 11-UOIir. IJ. LKK'H I, in:. N nrly rendy f lor j'tii'iiDUmii tho i(Kfiai'.y or a us. Hour, by John t-hTi;s okk. author of "Lite or SniiicwnilJiu"'fon)" "WtarliiK Ihefiiey," vie. 1 vol., H vo tfrK, juyt'f, IltitMritU). 'lu ho Mihl by MlM llptlon. AOllNTM WANTED. ii, Am i-iiur v t;n runii.iiert,ew orK, OlLUlvl II An V. I'omMvet ks. HcjmI two w i rcitcuur. .1, mi vy, r. uii is nu, n. i. RAVELERS i,rrn and Acrnj;NT in&uuanck COMl'ANY, of lliirtront, I'onn. ChhIi a (Htf4, i,oitio Or nts liIFE nnd KMIOWJIISAT l'oltcleKofali aiiio il torn h. Aiimlu fceclirll lou iutt4 AUo Insures nurtlnst ACUIUllSTS f. nialticr Of rill) or total dlvilitlltv. l'o'l i'k'M will ten ly the t-nr ti month, lias pnld w per d ly tor iilx Ycurs tu ben ths to jiollev -holtlcrs. Hits T WANTM TIMK AMI I.AIMtlt by uui'Mipiu old Axe. Hviul 31 " 10 Wl'l'ir-I COi'T A- 11 Kl Wl LU rittsburh, nnd thev Will m ml n tip-top A xi( i- xorr -nee pun. Jimi 11 1l.1v u.t in ui 1 ''uu n 1 'I 1 iiv K. 1 l.V.i1!- X O X K X 1' u o s 1 v ! MIjTALM KKltOSKVK LAMP, rsalisoluttlv mil'o Ironi cxidoslou or bitaltina: burns any foul nil, good or bad; yivta moie light, no otlor. and uses ess oil. It Is vtrfutiii iwH-vrulowe 1110 licnt is iietter th 11 is prodmul by tun other lamp" 11", A. 1'tti't Mit&sarhuicds A(tfueultnml CoIUyc, It is DeileetlV nnn-exi'iosiw. Lives 11 oeiter Usht umf is mnsa tcoiiomiful iluin any other lamp In tut." H'. 11. Iliv, title up. I'tttKaiouhChkatjo. Tho nimaUlnL! douths and llres lroui mass l-inips exploding and brtnlilt'K creuto 11 jiieat dem.iuit lor llils lamp. It 1'AYiS to hell It. .Sold by raimisseri; Aleuts wanted everywhere. Wend for circular and terms to MONTGOM KItY .SCO., Cleveland, oM i JJatclay !rt. mw roru. QCiF A Wf k Salury 1 Youiitf men wanted rt) its local nnd IruVelitti'T N.ilCMneu. Adilress Vvlih btunipjlt, 1J. WALlvKK, 31 l'urls How.N, Y. -:10 A DAY, sull, LATr.V it CO., l'lltsburg.I'.t AOKXTSI KKAD THIS! I IJ WIl.I, PAY AOHNTM A SAI.AltY of 30 I per ittlc nnil, or nllnw a luru eu-n-mlsiloli, In sell nur uiwiiiul wonderful inven tions. Address M. WAUNUIl .V CO., Marshall, MIc-1i1i$iiii. i , im. ri-M t III'. VLiiI'.TMil.i: 1S70 lOiiU l'CliMOA'AHY UAIiSAM." '1 he old Manil.u it rcmi dy for ( onlis, l'(ilnvi,'iii- fsiim)iton. ".YvtUing btthr." Clili;h Unos. & Co., lioston. cifKJsuv iM:riV)UATrTuoum:s vVre superior to all others for Couwhs, Co'd", Ai-thmii, llrotiehlal ami Luii dlillcuttles, are hx et'dlnu'ly pal itahte,havutionoot Hint niiuseathn; horriidu ctiheh tusto, tiro vey oothInK aiid act Mtii- a .harm; Ministers, Htmitn-M, m d l'uhlic speakers will tin ttiuy ate tispcflally adnplut to thu voce. S.ihl hy Diuaulsts. AIo laisuTON.". d'. v. idt) Livnu mu tor ('oiiMtiiiptKn and ScioluU; uso no otlur. UI"' A.VH UlM'lljATOltY l'OWl 'Klt.-He-nnivt h voperlhimi1 hair In yf uunutei, with out 1 luiy to tlio hkm, hcut lv mail lor rl.i). LMMIAJtVS ASTHMA CUKK ltelleviH iiiiM violent paroxysms In tb minutrs hi tl t lie' is a t ft dv f im . 1'ileo tz hy mall. Till: JAl'AM'E HAIR STAIN (ulnrsilo m litlieiH iii til Imlr a hentittlul m.ACK or ino'VN. li coi'Mslsot only ono pt ep.iriition, M L.-nic hy mail AUdu-NX s i , U. HAM, X,72l lux tie i-lliet. l'hlhtile pldu.l'.l, Lhcilhus ftL'Ilt ute. Sold by till 1 utig MM, nOV", HAVANA I OlTIUtY. ll'ils e.ihtd and In orma' ion lurnlfthed hy UKOiUii; I'IMIAM, 1'iovldcnce, It. I. VlAoU: Kiitis. It'i! thine S-ml f.r t-lrcular to iu . niosi H,tJi vt a-iimigion ni.iiiouKi n,. i -i S V( HUMAN' V. Any lad or pt-inieman can I himIii- f i.t ro r month m dim tin lr own liHnnl- nt- ss ni'il 1 d pi ndeiirM, by oh nlnlnu fhYt IIO- S1A.('Y,1 AM IAlJ'.orOUM II kmi:. iinj i I't-t s; ilolli. loll InstiiKiions to neihln powii oi mtn i r animals 11 will, how to Mes merise, Ite-me Tianet or Wilting Mediums, D.vlmilioti, Kpliiiuailfm, Alcl tmy. Philosophy ot C'lnt nmnd iJiiann-. Itilphum Young's liaiem, (in i!f to Mkiiu.ivt', U'., all (Oiilnin il in this honk; IIH'.mu Mld : prhc hy mall, in cloth 8I.V! , piiper eoeisSl. Noucr. Any jieiwm willing In art uh ttfLiit wll it celve u t-unit 1 eopv of tho vtrtUjru. Ak im ini ilal is icutil'til alt desinuis o fct ntf el emp.oj mem ishoulo Kt-nd lortlio hook, t nrlnslnu lu etc, lor poHtniic, to T. ", KVANM & CO., 11 Suut i MhHtUft.riiliuuilimla. A UAUD. A rlcitvnian, while leMdlng in Pout h America linn mlilomiiy, dlt-cow-ieit tt ftW ami tlmplu it nit'uj nrwie oieio .sitmius uiunri-', r-unj hi t hi 1 niseis ru nt fhe IT rlim r mid N mi mil Or nuns," nod the whole tiain oi dho deris Pnltiht on h Lant lu! ami Iclnm hahits, (iu-al nuhihei'u ltftt net n euitil hy tins iiouio irnieiy. riompt til hy aoesir to hint III imi aluU'leo ami uulor litmite t ulll m ml tlio let-ipe lor pitparlm: and u.-wi.ii tins m dn-ltiH in itM'.dfil tin t-fipe, loaity imh ui n noils It, fte of chnrtje. Aildut Jo."?. Kptl T. INMAN, uit.i'U K fihln IIoiim-. New Yolk ( Hy. dcco-tl. C OliLKCTOHS! Il, ftniH uf Cfiiiniv rnti'i fur bTO, are ri'iiulii-il 111 i,' I he am, .111,1 ui tlalr iioiciiix Un 1 lnii Um Illsl Ul.ll 111 lll-.t l-lltllt, Hllll, if I'llMsillk', llio ioiiiil tu. hIm). TIuim- lif.UI lug iliiUciiliK prior tu 1 ti, um it 1 hi t.l In lull iiru miiilrtil tuti-lllo nt thuii.i!if tliui-, mi pi unity ol 111st Tin- mon ey will In- i,t-eiiiil to imy lirMgo cuiiluiLl-i, tirlilife 11 ILlllS, iC. W.M. (. orii'K". I I'UH'H IllllMIINS, Couitillkk'rH. II. J.ItKIUH.'It, I Attl t-WM. KllUKllAUMiC'lcrU, HUVlS'71-it. POCO JIKTAl.MO 1'AIXT. Tin l)i-i, I'lifiii'i st unit luiiMt ilurulilc Taltit in tin-iiuirUt t. r-ulil liv all l-.ilm Di'iilcm. Heml lur l-i lit- I.ll 111.1l lriuKir tu U. U. I OWMAN .t CO., 47 Hey Hticit, Niw Yuri!, or Trenton N, w Jt-ri.ey. nuii.iu:it-i, iiAiinwAiu: dkalkiw and l'LlOlllhlts unit lur llliihtraHtl e'liiitlouiin of Terrii-Uoim l'li.e.ililii"iyTuH.clilinney I'luci, UiiluVli Vuni'H, An., till'. l. lltnv.MAN AU'O.,47 Ivy tt,, Now Uk, ur Tieiiuui, New Jney. ilet-.i';o-iiui. piUVATH SAI.I0 OI' YALUAIll.i: I1EAI. KSTATK. The iiiiili-rbline 1 on,-iHiit private siile.uFAltM hltn-iln in iiranuu tuwiilili, I'uluiiibta comity, t'ONTAININd BUVUSl'Y-SIX Al'ItlM, all lniiruveil l.iml. nnil tltnler guoil eulllviitlon, wliereun aro eroo'i-il n I-'JtAJIK DWICUXa nousu, anew I'llAMIlUANK ltAUN. anil other luces. iiiiy tuiiliuililinifi, imii i:ihhI At-Ile urcliuiiiH with a wiiii i ot other ehoiie trull, anil u n-ei-t.ii'iiiu li iiutiiln in riinulufc miuu ut lh- ittor. Km teliiifc.ioiiillllolu, iVi-.,iiiil tiithe uiiiler-fcll-iuii D. i:. HA) MAN, Uuiligo towniilili, Nov. 4, 1S70 llu. 1 AImVmVAIVNA AND IlTiCJOMS I J I'.ritll ll.MI.HOAll On nuilvlt.r Nov. '!!, lt-70, f artonger Truluuwlll run n loiloMhi Uoliif'Koi Hi, Arrive An lvo p, m, p. in. KunilllolJ 1141 -J.15 (lollUHoulli I.euvo Leavi ii.ui. l.eino I'llUluli.. Kluusioii ...... IllOtllll Hiilekkliliiuy lll'IWll-Ji ItllHlU ILinvllle .. , .. C.ll ... M3 ... Iit ... 7.S4 .. .. 7..S ..... O.jJ " H lu 1.1'U I r I. l.ii I. 17 Ul 1V.0I II. W 110 1 ea m lti.1.1 4.1U l.iO 4.11 9.11 u lo AirUe i.'JI 7.-.H .31 11.07 Alll u.lll in.y L'oiinei'iloh iiiuilf ut hi laiiloii h ihe 10.40 a.m. trul i lm Imki lteiiil, llliiui'Miiiti.i., AlUuij unit mi inn ii. iiii'ti, , mi uuu i.e.1. I. T. lliiUND.fU'l, H OU.-K 'iO HUNT. i It . tan t anil itmirrilile IU ue anil lot to rt lit. i n l:i ii t ml In tl,. l-i ni e i , i a ii ol llu .o ii. 1 if-utibiou t,icu at any lime. Apt'ly at UiU 41 IU CV, UtV. IViHi MISCELLANEOUS. pllIVATH BAIiI2 OF VALUAI1I.E ItEALUHTATF-. Tho Milisclhcr oinrs for fn'c hit fttrm ,ltnn' lu Iliiiitlngtoii toitnshlp. Ltiioine coiiniy, on llutitltigton creek, tnomllea lroui Juhnslown. CONTA1N1NO AUOUT CO AOltES. Flvo ncrei of which nro Umber land. A rWotl la rue frntuo hotiso, barn and the tistial oUUiulIa Ings, A (otistant suppcy of puio water very eoiiveiilent lo thohouvo. A lino orclmmof up pies, pr aches, Ac. For full particulars apply on the -preintaen 10 (jllAHLLH JloUBkUl, ltuntliigtnn, Dec. 2, lS70-lw,- V U ft Ii I 0 8 A Ii K o r v a ! u a ii m: n i: Ah vb t a t d Tho underKlKned will pxporp. to pnhll-n mlo on tlmprf intRcn oiiHATUUDAV, I)lx'i:.MUKHaith. 1870, ntlU o'clock In thu foietioon, the jllurlrig valuablo real trstnte, tp wit i a certain IIOUSK AND LOT OF GROUND, Pitunte lit Montour townshlii, Columbia connt.Vi bounded by Jnnds of Humtu l Try nn tho north, mat and no nth, ond landn of Math Ian IS. Allu mu on tho west, ealU lot CONTAINfi ONH ACIXli OF GROUND. Tlio liouso 1h n"nno nnd onolialf story frame, a frumo sttblp, piU hly, Ac, nnd ukoo! poring ot wutor near (ho door of tho dwelling. AlOa CKIITAJN THACT OF LAND, fillimto In Ihe, lnwiiMilpnml county nfr1rfa,t' bounded by lands of th heirs of.lohn (lir, on tho north, MrR.HuiiuieU). Mi incr ti the aM, Huiuucl I ry nud Mnihlas H, Apph nmn on tht houth und west, CONTAINING to ACIUCB, moro or lest On tht tract theie 1m n good liiuo Htouo qnniry and IiIIiin, and ui which mv ertt td h laiKo TWO-.STOUY imiCJv 1AVUU If-O a finma Kitchen, M"te tsprliiR tmiut, a laie liftnk hoin, wneon tvlKd, corn-crllin, ., ojd wn tcr itLd it pond orclaild on the piemlbi h, 1 ho hfiM"!' aud lot nl-ov- deverlbcd Will hp 'ld siihji ct to thf iloMfrnf lliiniinh IMfttcrieli wld nw ot Jchn Ij'Ltltrii rh. U((ehed. iih nnn the nhnf dihcrlbid twut of tind, the intercut of Fultl ilowtrs t of-rum iintiunii to tH'it uluow ouut-ie iter nit iunef oy uu inr(OHfHr or pur chioterR. rommitetl liom thu 4tli dav ol Mnv A. 1). l.k7l.niitl at ( uh fnlloM h I on hi .linn iinrl lot jutil.f prhieHal: on tract ol land S..YK5Ji; I riiieipui, i nt i invipiu miiiih nt ui nm to t n iinileiHliiHl Immediately hi on the tin. th nf snt! llanr.ah lHrllcrlch. 'ihe eondlllons will bo mndo hnntvn nn day ol Mile. ISAIAH iii r.iTl-liU It Mriilmir lwp.,If c,2 l.S.l'-4v. HV FIIIM AT OHAMGKVJliliK IJtOX KOUXDHV AND AORUIHL-I TUUAIi WOKKJ. OUUAT nit'UOVKMKNT.S IN IM.OW.4 AND THiuisiiiNu maciiixi:m. Mr, Jacob Trlvlepleco havimj purchased the Interest of ChailtH w. In thf ahoe naniod workH, tho host nest wilt be c-onllnutd unoertho flnu name of William sciil'VI.kis Co. llnvin discovered several lmperlectlons In th" plow muum.ieiurcii in 7,, inev nave siiei.Knu-no-i an I lmprovttlthrm,nnd added -omc entire new pMtetns. 'Ihoy will open tho cpiinj; triwl" of lsl air in anvaueu in aninin cur mi reu ioin public, belut iHith piiit-liciil mf hanicH, and luiv ih'4 their work all dineuiidei tluirown sup' . vUlon they Ktiaraotto then1 wnrk ,;.erioi In nmteilal and llni'-h tu nn heietol-ii. "Ueied. Hi liters should not ace- pt of any ot her itKiiiiil tural implemt nlH until tht v ha i-1 a u.vuh .l oin Manulaeturo I a run rs should u ur pows bufuro bui ins ti other '1 la uIk munufa -tuio ALL KINIH Of CAsii:;utf usually mmln in Hid thins Foundrfe, taw nnd grUt mill eastings, nude and IhUfl up to order, TU mlIINO MACIIKnKS aro mado a specially, nnd somo vervderldPd lm nrovements nave been lnlrinliiced lntn tlidi- ui w chines, 1'ilces lower than oer; all HIihIh tT eouniry piouuccanu oni iron in Ken iihi nan 30 Order dliet t lrom tho miuiufaclmy, Oht ngtn- ties supueu (iiinuu u.u wiuitr. Atldiess all orders to WILLIAM tSCIIUYLEH & CO., AGHICULTUHAL WOliKH, OKAXdCVlIXK COLUMUIA COUNTY, I'A. novn'Tl-tr. TVTOHTHKHN CENTKA1 JIAlir L WAY. Uu nuil after Juuo Ulh 1870. Tran.s will leUVOSUNltUKY Hlfollowh i KOltTHWAHD. 5.33 A.M., U.illy In Wlllhiinnmrl, tor J:lnilin ('ntututliilKiin, Uochci-ltr, UuKnlo, siiapi'iihloa iiriiiK.', "nil . i mis, 3.10 1-. i I)ntly,(excrit Suiiil.iys) rr am. Itutliitii vl: Krle Kulhviiy tiom rtmhii. 0,15 r. m., Dally, (exrejil Suuilajs) lur WUlUii. port. TUAINS ROIITIIWAUI). 11.13 A.M. Dully (exci'jit5Iimdai-si lor Ua.tiiuni WILMINGTON AND I-IIII-ADKIJ-III A 11,23 r.M. D.ilIy(f.ici'ptsuiKiy.sjlor I:villliiitr Washluutou ami l-ullnileti'lilii. i:d. k. oi no Ocm-ml l-nsveimor Aplt Al't'KFl) H. Kiikp; llen-1 Sliiit.. G HAND KXFChSlTIOX. Toil TIIR l'AMl 'ONAI1LK WO'LI rOMl'LlMKMs Hi.- MUS M. A. 1.1M' II. So. iioi, N W. corner i;ieeulh and c:iej;mit htteets, l hlladelphl.i. FArtUIo.NS KOlt'llIR TALLANn WliKR OT U70, Wladesalu and 1-1 (all. nhlrh Paris ami the flt.t mauui.ietorhs sup,) , IneHht'S, Mautlti , Cloakt ami Cobtuiiifn tor Ladltb uud Children A hpeelal tlepHltuifUtol plain and el-anil trimmed pattenns of the I.iteist i'aiirtlnu and l.iifll.sli sl les, ut per ilw' ii. Il you want a hHiidsoniely-ilttlnt. we l-madc Mill, at flmrt notleetBO loMis. liimk-r'- t 1 laNto till irlmmlUKrt and .tut hlltchis. M iirnli k. TraveltE't; and Wedding ounllh, WalUutg aim Ktiiicy lohtumes, DULrta AND fLOAK TitlMMINOS, linTro.s", Uii AM KNT-. compiling tho latent tails noxoHP's In Mark and colored r rlhge. (tUiip-. Knei,o, l.o.i'S, Moueib.dlovef-, Urld il-Wit-aihs, Vt in. Kh buuh new ivhadeH lu Velvet, iMitiu and 'Jalbt.i itib bnilR, Kll'l'tS, 't cktltS, MADK UPLACIHUIOIW-OPANH DlT(II' -i-iK LAtli 1 Oil DlilJs-s 'iKlMMiM.. Polnle Applique, Vaient leunes, ilutubui K'lj liis,aiid lu-seitloiib, Pl.iclt (Juli'uro ami '111 rend Lactfc, m w in d(Mi;n anil moih'iab In prue. tlH'KK 1MJIAN (iHNAMLN'I.H. ram, Lndi, Mat, t uhloiis( Mu I t-bs, r-si 1 ami KaiiLy UootU.ttUtttd b Mib, 1 tKaia. Lit cant lino of Whlthy Jet GoodP. In setti, IheastphiK, Laulm-s, lUlar-t s and ItiiuvleM. h pit-11 did lire ot I'l em h Jet (inoiU, l tpl-.l and I reueli Gultt is l Imni.s, Mot e llutlojid, thaiiiti, Ac., which lor prlco ouiieiy iuijiu, cannot lie upaed, Mi until in vihlilhB our city ate resptcttuhy lu vllt U to exam no, l'iiiUmjaml Uoireilntr. ("uHiuc nud lMthiw, AUo.h 1 eilecl ishtem ol I'nhs Culllns taught, Patleins btutby mall or expreM to nil p.irU ol the Union, MUS. M. A. UINl'LU' i, N. V. Corner i.leveuth and Chotiiutblb ,PHU octU'70-am, DKIjAWAKH, IiACHvAWANSA, & VKVI'i:llN UAiUtOAD. Wlni i r airrfi,ae m. -nt. Nov. IfcTO. Tialu. Iiuvc an lollonu: KASTlVAllll. Vx Ac Ac i:.. .Mall STAT I ON H. jinn pri-wi coio. C'Ulll, I'UKI l-.M.lVlll M. it 1'.. lllvln. AM ,r New vor :. I.v 1.13 U'viil Uurtlau At.) H.l-li, ..Ll!lMO-!U'M IlulioUen K M I.M I. HI I , lt. ....Newiim.. K.l'l II. Waiiliinuton via Cell. lilt, of N.J New orlc. nun 7.40 0.00 &S0, I. II 1.UZ 1452 6. IV (J at l.ititrti At) New lliinintoii.... Oxforil ...llrhliit vllie .rillluilejplllll ,. .Tuiilon ...1'lillllni.litiiif ll.l'. 11.41 .1.1 ill 7. i) S.Oil K..IU 4.10 S.'i- 4.U1! i;.::5 !.:'. f ir, h'.ii H.llji 11.111 7.lijl 1.UII s.iu B..l S 14 Muuutiku (.'lunik... IU. tm t-.37, Iirrinj .. 5't:'1!!- , lie Inutile , M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lletliel ... Wilier (Iii 12.10 1-ioo! I. Li I.I.I I.li7 11.3.1 Ktuiiul!iurii, ll.l ii fiiiiiuiievuie II.MI Ileury Villi- 1,2.1 11.171 OuUlilllll l.lii'll.on roiki '1.10 HM2 Tiiliyliiiniiii it.:n huol Uiiuulsburu u.lliilu.ui Moscow 3.U, II. -Vi 1)1111111111- i mi vi.jji 1,10 ti. is; 3 ID Vi.lW 2.111 111. I, -.'.,H 10.4 P.M. K.40 ft.OO 2.11 li.'.i tM-iautuu ?.5Ul...t'larU'ii siiiiuult.... x.51 ...Alilnsloii h.3.i ...KiieturjMlle S.15I Nli-llttUuil 7-.',0 Ilopuuttolli 7.S7 MolltloKe 7.1U New Mlll'ilil 7.ul Ureal lleu.1 .'Ulij KM 7.41 ;i. is u.ts 0.41 .) ..11 :t. lm O.M' ii.'H i.i'l1 H..U ItLOii l.2i)i 0.O" iu.1,1' 4. 'it, lint, ii.ui 4.f.7 l-t.i5 I1..V) ,l 1 I". W .i..yiilii.o7 l.i tl l-,M.!i,...K H.H 1,57 (1,10 l.'fil S. Ill I.-" 1.67' 1.U7 i.hl.Ul'l a.nii-it i.siIa.mI.v.m.I Truln-, iti) llul Mun ai Htutlolib whelu Hie Tinui U ouiilleil. Co.NNlxTIONi). At New Ilainplon Willi Ciiitrull'.. U. of it. S. 'llu- Mall a ml l.M 1 ehi 1 1 alii ftiiiwuiiluiiil west waul eouueel wlih tiulun lor New VorM, Klnut Litli, 1 lulu liekl, houiei Ulu anil 01 hi r 'aitoii',. At Wuililuglun mill Moril A I m .1 11. 11 Mull mill l. It hu UlllUHlllultoelimi' :,li-l i' li.'tlne eounei'iloiiM Willi trtitPH lor New 01li Ni-.. -itt, MoirlKtoiui, Duer, Walello", llaei - if-li-uii Ae At Mauutilvu I huult with UiU 101 ie 1'- iii.-iu-e 11.11. I'lobO colllieellollh uie mmte hv .n-l mill 1 xireii triiliu, with I111I111. lot I lill -.1, ii luu. Iiiuton, l'lillllpt.uri', lu ii leu. ili. l.i 'um. No. 2, pu.ulliillli leuell I lilluile..l.tit Mi I am Ut-11, ty bv. 4, Ma KuMittion. I'umi 1 ui ' m. No. 4, 11 11 he in l'liili iii I'Liti in uuu ! 1 . ' Uie il.H0 p. iu, tuiiu lor llaiiuuoi'i alio W. Ii 1 uUtu. At MllitlltU Willi 1iCIMU1IUI1U Ill'ioill-Liurv A Drl.iwuio A II ml. liu llul Uum i,. 'liiili.iuu lheo louilb tui'.niel vlUi-lAifiia.ii-. lot I'll, -.ion, Wlilich-liuri- jiii.'-.ey. iiuviiifcouii,', I'l.i.i e. till i.haut. Alelil'ltlil Ul.ll t'ujdoi il, At llluKuanuoii Willi l-.iifi. lutiiwu.. Mi 1 (uiiiieu Willi 1 xpl.k Ulan 011 lilt H 1 UUV1UK lit 7.1 p. In. will, 11 bltlilH 10 . . . I 1 rlvinii ut llutlu 11 al S.t lu 1 n 0-11 1 l.lieM No. ti loiiuteli. w tu u W"' 11-uiu t.ii uuiku, lli,iieii,aua Uiuii-a. A-outo a huMjiitluuiiiu iiulllloiul, Kimrlmtiih noay luuiutli way 1 utwiiu liiiitfliauilui. ami lliuiiy, liueliiiM-H lliiiiUituilou ul .000. iu,, ami ulllVik at AlUmj ut 8.16 p. lu. hi ruellke, lliliblialuton A N. V. 11. 11. Tinliu foi h)l-aeUKtiliue 111 bu.ln, ui.a -.: p. m. 1 11- tloll' h IHI lu.) nn Ut) t.l 11 M .hull' -- 1 I., W l.UOlAWUi. V.J..llAl.!.-i' -. Ueu'll'uu, unaTkt, A mm, &U11. PA IilFi; INSURANCE HOMESTEAD INSURANCE CO., O If 1 K N XSYLVASU, OfiroB 701 Chentuut Wtreot, Plilladelphlu. W.ifcSEYFEnT.rroii't. LAWrttSNCE MYKIti, V. Prca't. 11. E. DAVIS, Btip-tof AgenolM. . -"'" ' " "Zd Thin Company ormiriliieil l,y tcartlng rtnfeoniitlvej ol Ike Industrial intcrt t of thi r5tit, widely known u aueeeanrul nnd responsihl business man, rtelrlng to place Life Insurance with in reMb of all, his ndoplad system of SOKSHLT PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, eombllnv every man to provide for his family mctweof his (hJith.fttao-rit no trifling oa donro-at: modi needed feomvo In Llfn Insurmlcc, entirely new lu this country! desliined tu protsct In tiH4tu! deAtb, Uie tmreUi tu S It A R F, II O Ii I) E R H IN BUIIiDINQ ASSOCIATIONS" . AND AM. Who havo borrowed .money cr purehmicd property pay Bill) 111 llutlilioeiu-. extsndlni over n series by CAHCKIdUNa ny bulunee ol iDdeutednem THIS COMPANY 138UKS AI.Ii BINARY oityo op urKANit '6 OCCUPATION. AKDNlSlCAS 4JW'ull infi-rmntlon am to Plans and Feature,. 1, contained lu l'ainplilels winch will be forward ed by mall on application to tbe Home OBloe. Active and responsible men wanted aa Agents. , . I M. BATES, 1JLOOM81SURO, I'A. AOEkT FOIKOLUMBIA OtlUNlY. - b-I-iii-noiiK I'.iii-ittuK Ag-iiie.- Iii either I.jcniuinK.i Unton, Oeniie, Nortliuiuliarlanit, Jloulcur, . Coluwbia,b-iiliivi.n, l.iuiimd ,'r'J .uaa Conuili a, will phase adilress WILLAlll) A. MIiI lAHiH.t-relal Accnt. , No.4 W1M.1AU ST. WlLMAHelOHT, Va. .' HloOliisluirK, AllRllM IP, 170-Clll. . i Hv vli'tUH of Snndrv wills atVl. Pn.Hbtl Iv- tsutiil outr Hih t'rturtof Common HetM of Co tumbi&eortttty arid to tudltftMitl will he poiwnl t.b.ilei'j pnotlc votiftuo'oroutciy nt tno Court LLiiiii'n'rltH'li in ttiealler- I noon ol Momiy pfi- wn, WWII, me roU'-wliii; rem esuno, mi wn : All Hint t'i.',iihi tiiijt, of Ian I, I f un lo In tho tow. ship ol i-i, ulU'iibU tvtnni v, ia onu lauihiK ihoiit iu a Krf, rnor ls-t l ntutl 'd tm th- n 'ih 11 v i xu U .if .! -l.u Lot by, on Oim eAt by 1 iti'fs i I'tiU'l-. ln,o 1 m an ith by (ttiuN ot Win. Tiioiii in a-i 1 11. 1 .. w3t ov It-nil 01 .tofepli Ti 1 ih, Hitb the apoiirt'fineoH; nlto, all thai eer 1 l.i ti.Mjt ji IhihI si tt iii i it th- birn Mupiut'l eo in' jimruiaKt, niiaoili'a on the nor'.n iiy inn-u t II ii"v i i,vi ., n.i th cit-t, oy lamN ot j mnn 1 t t't I'Miiio. on I,.-- i'ii'i- nv lanus 01 t h (tries Hi'ti. ruiMti, on iln wm uv l-nds ofHllnM ,l(hinoo. r'liitinnin 1 iihnul I o A UK, tnorrt or tesN on vrnlHi erertea a Kit M OW'llLLPNa llul ii;, tiMine b-irn, wtt'i lhiMipii.irii-nRiH'i', 1. 1.1 1 n to uAei'iiLi'iti. uud to bu so 1 ah tho prunella ol N eslc 1'erty, ALSO: At ill- ot- tun Mul oln . a ;vun Imc f land -it .it- lu i!riM -i 1 L i" .1 inc, I'nmlil 1 11 1 nt .1 1 fit" e 1 ; ' 1 . "AI t 1 .t- hilllih J i.n li ' III li l.i )l ,M li., ti - ' 1 lllll Ml p ' Ji-liu u. Ju- ''I'l' 'II I'l lllll'IS ' 1 1 -ii.. liu ii . y ,1 ru'i- I ., - . I I llll"!,. uliv unit i'i s .1 'I'll Mil in l..!i .I In. 1,1,. I -i; I .1.,. M llll "till d .'.la, I'll 1,nkQU hi cxei-utt mjuid t oj s'hla-i the propLrt ol Joshili Tn-mm-, ALhU; At tli-- f un.o time un i U ", t-ui h ol (rrouud, Kltuiiie lu tlio tow u oi in hj.m . ai. 4, t) j uin ted tuni tiPHori'jfd uh lolhtw Li- ,i iit Pi .it too corner ol lUd,-.o All aud Vv htu wi.oi .11 y, uud running thtmcuono bund r til nud t-vui lu-l.t'iree lUhw ahmg Whit. u h'h .Uu-j , ibuu- o ui right aufclttn to iii-fiiim ity iol, iheiic p.iiftlltdto WnH" tU'iti h aliov, Hiem e uionx KiiU auey sixiymix ft-oi, to Lho pi ico it OeglMiiny;, unilutmng itevQt) thous.ili'l. eunty-ei((ht uud outJ-hait feqaaro feet, together wiihthu ii.ipurtoanucoJt. Ill eil Iuk ihetthoMj dL-i'ribu proprtyt tor tho con veiileiii'H ot purcUiseni, It will be Ulvidod Into two parts. tiUol, tahf-n Jn 'xcoutlon and to bo o!d tw thopn,ptiriyuC; . tli L, ri niunuii. ALbO : At ihu hauiotlmo and place, all that certain hotiHM, hituuui lu thu town ol lilooirnourg, un 'Ihhd hii-tri, suuth fci -o, aud ne.u- Uio Wi"tem terminus, awJ-nuliM lot now oeupet1 by Mllt-m halter on tho wel ; wtia honwo Loins about bli tutu oy twi-nt-jiix lol. c,uoMlnri-.M liliili.oO a lot nity lout trout, b two hnuureUnd tnx toot dep or LhoieaiioUiH, Hviiuti. uikoo 111 t ffnUou aud t bo mIjIh Ihe piopt'liy ot Tcer U ciiil'inr. aiOKUfA At MIU.MII, UJlb7-St. M.en,1. UABLK MILL. i'llOPliHTY Fhiurmg nil 1, thrrg iini-i oi' .u jo, - v. n runs old MoeU rrfiioh hurrs that etui i"t tm tuiiMit"t for maKuik clunco lloat. Svv muui uiut iim i aud thdtt, tlio IMlKOVliU TCIUIINi: WATLIl Wllt.Lljy water ntlle't nt lo uti tl.t- w'ioIm , u c ipui'y ol mill al,'i-.f to -j,' t--i la. lr U p .niitu ' in one oi uie u- uu kl e. A Um run i cu-i ui. mi tvaw nil'l ui: i-n -t in tj d "t- i in Hi. s i, ii I tan - ACKIvS K l.-YXD, APiOi: enn u ttui.. i. fiwl (, til I'll. M I lu t-'Ii'l 1 I'l . r lVit Iicr.-i it . y w it hi t iiiipiri.f i nl'. ii i. lirumjiti f nl y, ii Htidn ni in lAi sv. ; , ii7t'.Jiu, : w fit all Cu- i , : 1 1 w ? 1 1 1 tii ' 1 1 i ir tli i i i ,ii-. , 1 I'lNNKY.. nviiie, Pa. IM V .V T M 1, I - l ft I. A U a ; ut.. A 11 U U vt i:, i'i' tl a firm Tli" tiii.' :-i--'l of; s -it (. u illttu'e ,itl,"i.-t t-jU nk u i, i o. iiuui i in. ui Hum tlo- oLi i-su, tjn.hSi. t'otint , i Jut i .I'M uon- tHlUW? SIXTY-OK & A HAM-' ACKEK. lieronu W uivcifd i uod U'Vtl n Jioui?, n Imii? lujwb.unaud other neeestuuj out hu lid 1H, A GOOD AITLK ORCHAIiD f r.ndt'H fruit, nnd J i.eer fah'.nK splug o rat thu duiKM'lth a prlu Uouso. About tvthlr b ot the Iau.1 Ucieiu.d nnd In good hUltt uf oaltlviitlou. Kor itiritmi inlormutUni apply to John h llnrMt, Un uhi townihlp.Col. LorM?. W. liuntt Uauvllle, Montour Co., l'.i. I'DfHt-vdoii uhvu on tho tXxat ihty of April W oet-lVO-'mi. V. W. HVK'1 iL'hlk: sal: Ol' V.LCAl)Li: I'll JlUl.UY. Thaiuuh trljrned v, 'II . (ho proml -oi, m rA'i l" ut ID o'ulm'h, A M , I'lupt i r; , '-tt ante to tMii'iH . it.- tr 1 iv I . Ui r ih,o 1 j (Ki i '1 lK t MliUt . I, in- i.illj' inj hiu i.'lo -t 'ofcpm Hp, Coitunol i I - HolCl. H..J1!lllfi n Hi, Henry li . -i el ( .1 KiHKl Lu.1 .! Joi.s b ink ami 1, TWO rTo!tT A. uuivi:. .io l ' Lu.lilti iy s'ntp, a tit i 1" .J.l ' .U i i-U'- d l.ttis tti he udli,l ol 1 hti. puivh si- 'm.v il' pi II, P71, tin-' eiii il ray- st-.-.iiu w Ui be . H.nt;Liu, P' i.. iij! i i'i on un d. , ol ' m.-iir y ! ti.1 p.u .n.i t'ie i i.nnti iitt .il t. li j ,ii '.Mil AlOMl Nt. 1 ii lm I Loi u .t, Nov. U, iT pniVATi: VMS - VAIiUAUl-r UI.A!, LSTATF. 1 l.o un lei'h'.ue l i .u i- at pllv.i v h ilu .ai" CO ACUFS OK VAUW15I.K I,AXJ, kltut to luIUnton (. n-'i-ii, ( rU,n.t .tt e.inntv, ooun led ty Limit etl. Kliiif, Imnicl Khli Itv, Jki'oP Ah, J.i i i' p.i mhllin' nnd i.ihern l'Mlteen aci. K of wi i li I-. eh aied lhUd, It al0 contatuhu i,ood oimj j ..uliir.d, A FiiAMlS UOt&j: AND BAUK anil a uii4r ri.Uluu tirtt ul:i-t il i Uiij of vuter. AI 'i HAW L.KIil 'loa hit! i we of tho i With oalf, wlta pine, Oi trniv, i'ii Mil Blgne.t, 'ihi- 1 1 ( 1. 1 1 i tttrti'li wl ' tut v v. Bern (. -fJi 'i ' t iil to llni uiulf. i r o; utiut t ill nt- iiv WM. AVl'I.fc-MAH, r v i; 1. 1 ; a ti K V J 1. 1 n 1. 1; It J;.V I. r.n 1 ATI, I III tlllll in lie 1' I Ul-ulilK Mllllll,OU 'IV l 'ji tl l-UU'lte in l ,t ti, 1 .'i:i av, i i.i i Jiw.ii ,, . Ill tile loiillooli, i.u. I I'OXT.MMMi AUOUT 114 AGUES, II II V nl h,i h tote i leiireil, ihr lltllMlj iiiulitn il with lock 1 lu- i onvluili I'PlPi: uujplur, No. 2 CUN I.. IN IN ASiob'T 80 ACHES, ou'l !fOiviii... tli )..'iiLiCd !i liov- ! it Y. llu KOotl limler. .No, ti l'OVlAlXJNU 55 ACJltH, Ih'i li Lit I ; .ii'lol hitli ) v, tl Va U'-t H ur- ei. i .1 Uh tieu w lute o itt uud et t tUUt. Tliu i .No. l h hi uim it u aooi trani ktotlhv Rnd tuni luio. 'iivet No. J u, fln brick ouse. luiuk I uin uud iu nicfiwry put bu id. ihk1. A -upph ul pure uatt r on No. 1 nnd No. i. An it iiitlituiit ul Mull liet'H mi ench 1 11 dn ..i -t. LUA&oliC M t. Mulu l FOR THE PEOPLU. It. Wi DQItntliEr.Beo'jr . -i OTHBRtl ui yeis, reranlntni UNPAID lu rote of llKATH. rnivowmi NTroMoius ATipw iiaes of iDTRAVhl, Oil ltllDU.N' H. It 1I1K DOMESTIC n n w i x o .ii a c ii r n e I'OB MAM'. IIY iiLooMsnuna, pa. MJIiliEUHUGlteS tt CO., 3innwicK, pa. This Scwlus Jliuhlnc inns stiller nnil easier Ihauany other, 11 lm-i lewc-r parts, It has acoj' steel ihuttlo Unit will never wtnr out. It ha Illako's I'litent table Mhkh to me ehoiri. JIh use -'4 AfinlK witntetl In unoccul.U Territory la t-yj 1 1 1 n,j 'mi iii, J.i v .Ian , .Maijlnii-i. Hi law-are ifa Vtli'iiilu, Wl Mrgliilfioiia District of Colliru- liU AlMre-.a UIAKK & CO., fcCItANTON, I'A." MjilO'TCly T EADING TIA1LKOA13. ' wisteu Aiiiuvnar:in:NT. iloNPAY, XoV. 21st, 1ST0. Great Tiunk Lluefiom the North and North Wtt fnrPhlludelphlft.New York, UphuIiir I'oltH' ville,' TomuqiiM, A Mi land, Hhamolilu Ieltinuii MlentoH'n, I.-tKton, Kphinia, Litlz, LancaMcr Oolumhl&,.d:cM I'ltulim .... l-a tlarrKlniru fAI- Vfilrr Vnl-I un 1,1.. Iowh: AtU.P', Mo mul I",..) u. m am- 2,V) p. in.ff .'ulueeiiug wiin hiniiiur irauiH t reniioa uhi, and ttrilvhiQ at New YorU ai l,m, u. m 6.50 ami ityo p. m, rt-i-ptvtivi 17. "hu-jiliiji iuik acompanj the il.JU a m t jut hi without ehantce-. lteni.niny: Ltuvo Now York at 9,00 a.m. ami 1,1 cm and 5,"J p. m. l'niludolphia at NlS h m, and 8. iO p. in. Sleopina curs aecornpny tUu 5,oa p m tikiluh troio N without ohuM;t. Iave Uiirihumrie tor Heading, t'bitfcvlhi 1 iuhiiuh, Mtmri-AlliV, Ahhlund, hhamokltt AI ltiiiowu ami I'hil.t'ti. at ,iu a.m., anil XJU and n.mMHtoppltmut Ijelxinou and principal wuy HtallotiK. the 4,ti,ripm, tiatu conntM'tiUB tor l'tili'A PbthiVllltf ColiiUihta only. Tot iv.imvill Hehuyikin Haven aud Auhuru, via Schuylkill ami MUiiui!liuuitH iWUroud.ltuiM llarrllurf vl l.l.i p.m. r'HMt IVniiHylvun nlunrtMd train lravt UOw 1d lor AlleitUiwti lUttttoii Hnd New Ytirk at 5.uo, IM'J. a. ui.. 1,1 noon ili. m. laturulng, Iohvo Ntw York al U.iv 11. 111.. J.'.tM noou una 6.0 i. 1. una AHtutotwi hi 7.-0 a. m. noon, 2.W, J.v wu h.41 p m. Wav ltteiuor Truiu leav- rhlhtdclpiua al '.Ufu.'m., eiNiiit'etiuif wilh hiiotUr truln 011 Ku&t la. iuUiohU ivtutuiuj itum Heading at 00 p. m, t jppiuif ut ull btallou. i.chm- I'-nuWllo at ti.OU a.m., And 9,10 p... Ucrudoii at. PJ.lo a. m.,Miamukin al &,4UumI U.J) u. ui AnblaiiU u17,j u.m. aud P.'.V) uooii Mah no Cili ut 7.51 a.m. aud l.ii5 P. 111. TMimutU- wl h. in , und i 1 1 p. m. fur PhUnOulpht', Now oiK, Uo.idiuif, Uuruwburif.&o, l-.OHVt PtltUWlltt Vlrt i-HJiHO tUtil UUd SllKgUt)- hdLiUh KailHuut ntti,U h,iq. mr ILarrUkbuiH hiiJ -' niiu,fot' ftuuurnNuuud Tieoioni, il3Uttijt ACOUilUOUMllUU lrblU UiAVtM I'tll void at6.1wi. la., tutfk Itvauiuu i Y.t . nt.. hi riving at Fhlhuitrpblatit P'.dL-u.ui. niunuuu cavtH rhhudaiuhiM i 4.40 1 . iiMbiiiw bend lUMHt 7, p.m., rrl lug hi l .ilt.. lllf WlU pvUI, t'uui4tu AeoouiuitAtuit.. 11 1 1M. MJk 1'4,IIJI iuvti hi t,iu a.m.,, iuu;jtuK, fatt- 1'Uiuo It htn i.ut" p.m Oolai ibitt Uautto irnii i ' 7, lum,, ttun I'.ni, fen t.i 1 'iit-t lul. t ulUUlliiu Ai . ht i.aiLt ak t' 1 kioinnn Unu ItoHii 1 1 1- 1 i. 1 ifetujj ti.i .lUl t U"li .tt T.iu ,i5 M iu ,1 w Mt-t . 1 .. r lm 11 iiut Uiie tfthvtbl.i i'l " 7 i-.-Jti k.Iw., 1E.6J nuuii a i.iu., wmutm!!.; u .it kiuiiitf u- litudiUK unlrucuh Cut tirWiWunlf 1 ai'ioittt titu h Ji-uvxHdUtoMU HlVitih, ui mtlv--ul m.,lrl4 rpiuKliiiv-Mot ut liirii.iiJi ut Tt-aaud ll.Vo u., m. tiiiuiUu' w h iiuiMi Ui u kiiii littt.tlii,iuUit4ti), t ' 1 1 ti r Hilt ) 1 il.JOttt'jlKtll lHk l l.'lkV 1 o. 1 al h,:uf f. ui.uiul it mi d b,l p. ie uimn. lenso l'liwuliiKtub al tJ& v,, ii., V-, l tu i. UiJ .In 11 ul, nimt i K will, kin ili.1 UkiiKOp UntdtUtf Uulliuud. Un HuiulMi , leiivt' Nw oik u' "'Op.m. I'l:!. ptitu hi ,Ut h.Ui. nno 1 .11 .;i e .',to a.nt tioji iminiinnh 11 Ht-o 1 1 t'lMMlleM'Hm.T H.nUt.ur kt 8,j( a n i-iu oj p. iu. alio lca Aileuti-wu m k.4a p. in., Uhvb tUu-UUiB if.iA u.iu.nbU Ku-p.Ji'.mr llairi Kuia, at uVh. m. for Ni w Yi'ik,.udt, ttbtl 4.W p- o ftihudvlphlii, Oowmutetii'ii, MliLHtib, t-tMn, Kthun -i KxcuivKu iivktu to nnd uom uli poluU, I if duoHti rHitwi. ... , , jtKRKuv t ii ktd ihr. tifih; iu) pounds nl ov rt ei . ii piir-..i;er, i. A. NUOUo if 1 11 . t - viimtudvi HooUiUtfi l'u t Nov UiU. 1. ,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers