THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. rattening Hog. Tho best tttno to comtnoiico fattening ia in tho months of September, Octobor nnil November, nnil tbo worst hi Do comber, ,Tnntmry nnil February. A cer tain amount of footl Is neces.nry to keep tho nnlmnl warm when tho thermome ter U at zero. All this Is saved when It rtrtmls between thirty nnil sixty de grees. In nddltion to this, tho absolute loss of food by freezing to tho spout nnd trough, and tho Inevitable mlxturo with snow and slush, Is never loss (or dinarily) than flvo per cent., not to say nnythlng about tho troublo and cost of continually tlmwlng frozen swill, and bringing it to tho tompcraturo thnt It will ho mostaccoptablo to tho uncom fortable ami semi-torpid animal. Tho eastern method is to commonco fattening by boiling potatoes, pump kins, apples or other vegetables, and mix a llttlo bran, shorts or provender with the cooked vegetables when hot, thus thoroughly cooking tho meal. It is then placed In tubs or vats, and al lowed to slightly ferment, when it Is ready for uso. Tho amount of meal is gradually increased till near killing tlmo, when meal well cooked is given alone. Tho meal Is composed of oats, buck' wheat and corn, or any coarso grain, or of any two of them, generally finishing with corn meal alone. Thus treated, they fatten ranch faster than on dry corn and at much loss expense. It costs moro labor, but at a season when it can be well spared, and it is well recom pensed. Tho English system is still more di versified. They uso all kinds of vege tables potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets, peas, beans, barley and oats; Tho grains steamed or ground ; tho vegeta bles cooked and mixed with slop from tho house, dairy, distillery, browery, etc. Even grass and clover Is cut and mixed with tho feed, and almost overy substance of light cost and any nutri ment is nicely prepared and finds a ready market In tho maw of tho om niverous hog. A celebrated English breeder give tho following directions : givo them a vari ety of meal, such ns wheat, nialzo, bar ley, and whatever Is most couvonlont to mix together. Ilavo it all wotted with hot water, and sprinklo it with salt. What is mixed one day is used tho next, thus giving sufficient tlmo to allow tho food slightly to ferment, and cool sufficiently to feed with. This Is our winter plan, but in summer wo mix all with cold water, and feed with cold food. Between meals give them wholo maize, and mangold wurtzel or swedes cut small, a little coal and soil occasionally, and allow them plenty of clean water. When pigs aro put up for fattening wo find nothing better to feed them with than barley and maizo meal, mixed together Into slops, water always kept by them, and a little mangold cut fur them occasionally. It 13 very bene ficial to wash and brush them as often as convenient. This Is quickly done by experienced hands, and will amply re pay tho trouble, but throughout tho northwest, it is tho practico to feed car corn In a dry state. It i3 not tho best economy, and yot corn is so easily pro duced, and it is so handy to feed, espe cially in cold weather, and when the hogs havo been properly summered, and their teeth and health good, success is so certain, that it will doubtless bo a long tlmo before it will be abandoned. If tho com was soaked, steamed, or ground, it would givo you a better return, and if mixed with cooked veg tablcs, still better. From tho western system of feeding, ten bushels of corn will increase tho weight of a good hog about a hundred pounds, and sometimes moro. So tho comparative valuo of pork and corn am bo so easily estimat ed. With tho eastern system, It will do much moro than that. Pics eat tho food much better when it Is fresh. Tho very common practico of leaving a quantity of food beforo them constant ly, so as to bo suro they havo enough, is very wasteful, and very bad policy; so is Irregular feeding. Strict regulari ty as to times of feeding, quality and quantity of feed, aro very desirable. Twice feeding each day is better than three times; but whatover the number of times adopted, they should bo every day alike, and at about tho same time each day. Onco giving too llttlo then too much sometimes omitting a meal, then giving an extra one, or feeding at irregular times any of these practices will detract materially from tho value of tho pork barrel. American Slock Journal. runner's Horses in Autumn. Farmers' horses nro often neglected In tho autumn perhaps wo should be Justified In saying abused. Tho heavy work of tho season Is done, and, though there are alien st dally jobs for tho hors es to perform, It is frequently consid ered well enough to drop their grain, and let them thrive as host they can on tho pasture. Another serious complaint the noise would make, had he the poW' er, is that proper and timely shelter is not furnished. Thcro is scarcely a night after tho middle of September during which horses should not bo shol tered in tho stable Preservation of their health and economy in their keei: ing demand this. Suppose- it is cold, windy, frosty night wo will not dls cuss tho absoluto cruolty of exposing these faithful servants of man to a fa rious storm after feeding awhile they become chilled and resort to running to get warm: they accomplish their ob ject, but often at tho cost of a stumble and fall in tbu dark, n cut or a sprain which puts a blemish oil them fur life. Then, being warm and tired from run ning, they aro Inclined to rest, and the chilly air operating on their heated blood and relaxed Blnows tends to stif fen them, render them spiritless, and often.induccsa severe cold. Jlural 2Tew Yorker. Duckwhkat Cakes. These aro po cullarly adapted to cool weather. The appetite crave them, and they supply tho system with warmth to enablo It to resist for a long tlmo the fellings of nun ger. But they must bo inadojust right and hero is u prlmo rccelpo : mako u thin baiter with a quart of flower, half a cup of yeast, warm water and a llttlo salt. Let it riso over night. Bako on both sides on a griddlo. A little of tho batter left in tho rising dish will servo for yeast for tho noxt batch. It is bet ter to add a teaspoonful of salaratus bo foro baking In the morning, and it is very essential that this bo good and strictly pure. So tayt and Exchange. THE YOUNG FOLKS. Tlio I'oor Miller's Son and the Cat. Onco upon a tlmo thero lived In a mill an old Miller who had neither wlfo nor children, but tliroo nnnrcntlces In stead; and after they had been with him soveral years, ho said to thorn ono day, "I am old , and shall rotlro from business soon; do you all go out, and whichever of you brings mo homo tho best horeo, to him will I givo tho mill, and, moreover, ho shall attend mo in my last Illness." Tho third of tho apprentices was n small lad dosplsod by tho others and so much so, that they did not Intend that ho should over havo tho mill, oven after them. But all threo went out together, nnd a3 soon as they got away from tho vlllago tho two oldest brothers said to tho stupid Hans, "You may as well ro- main horo ; In nil your lifetime you will nover find a horso." Nevertheless Hans went with them, and when night night came on they arrived at a hollow whoro they lay down to sleep. Tho two clov er brothers waited till Hans was fast asleep, and then they got up and walk ed oil", leaving Hans snoring. Now they thought thoy had done n very clover thing, but wo shall soo how thoy fared. By-and-by tho sun arose and nwoko Hans, who, when ho found himself ly ing in a doep hollow, pooped all Around him, and exclaimed, "Oh,- Heavens I whero havo I got to ?" He soon got up and scrambled out of tho hollow Into tho forest, thinking to himself, "Hero am I all alone, what shall I do to get at a horso?" Whilo ho ruminated, a llttlo tortolscsholl Cat camo up, and ask ed In a most friendly manner, "Whero nro you going, Hans ?" "Ah I you can help mo," said Hans. "Yes, I know very well what you wish," replied tho Cat ; "you want a flno horse: cotno with me, and for soven years bo ray faithful servant, and thon I will give you a handsomer steed than you oversaw." "Well," thought Hans to himself, "this is a wonderful Cat 1 but still I may as well seo If this will bo truo." So tho Cat took him into its enchanted castlo, where there were many Cats who waited upon It, jumping quickly up and down tho steps, and bustling about in first-rato style. In thoovening when thoy sat down to tablo threo cats had to play music; ono played tho vlollncello, a second tho violin, and a third blew a trumpet so loudly that its cheeks seem ed as if thoy would burst. When they had finished dinner tho tablo was drawn away, and tbo Cat said, "Now, Hans, coma and dance with mo." "No, no," replied ho, "I cannot danco with a Cat 1 I never learned how I" "Then take him to bed," cried tho Cat to its attendants ; and they lighted him at onco to his sleeping apartment, whero ono drow off his shoes, another his stockings, while a third blew out the light. Tho following morning tho servant-cats made their appearance again, and helped him out of bed : ono drow on his stockings, another buckled on his garters, a third fetched his shoes, a fourth washed his face, and a fifth wiped it with her tall. "That was done well and gently," said Hans to tho last. But all day long Hans had to cut wood for tho Cat, nnd for that purpose ho re ceived an nxo of silver and wedges and saws of tho sumo metal, whilo tho mal let was made of copper Here Hans remained making himself useful. Every day he had good eating and drinking, but ho saw nobody ex cept tho tortoiseshell Cat and her atten dants. Ono day tho Cat said to him, "Go and mow my meadow and dry the grass well ;" and sho gave him a scythe mado of silver and a whetstono of gold, which sho bado him bring back safe. Hans went off and did what ho was told ; and, when it was finished, he took homo tho scy tho, whetstone, and hay, and asked the Cat if sho would not give him a reward? "No," said tho Cat, "you must first do several things for me. Here aro beams of silver, binding clamps, joists, and all that is necessary, all of silver, and of these you must first build mo a small house." Hans built it, and when It was dono he reminded tho Cat he had still no hbrse, although his seven years had passed like half the time. The Cat asked him whether he wished to seo her horses? "Yes," said Hans. So they went out of the house, and as they opened tho door thero stood twelvo horses, very proud creatures. pawing the ground Impatiently. Hans was glad enough to seo them, but as soon as ho looked at them for a minute the Cat gave him his dinner, and said, "Go homo ; I shall not givo you your horso with you, but in threo days I will come to you and bring it with me." So Hans walked oiT, and tho cats showed him tho way to the mill ; but, as they had not furnished him with new clothes, ho was forced to go In Ills old ragged ones, which ho had taken with him, and which during tho seven years had become much too short for him. When he arrived at home, ho found tho two other apprentices had preceded him, and each had brought a horse ; but tho ono was blind and ttio other lame. "Whero is your horse, Hans?" Inquir ed they. "It will follow mo in threo days," he replied. At this thoy laugh ed, and cried, "Yes, Hans, and when It does como it will be something wonder ful, no doubt." Hans then wont into tho parlour, but the old Miller said he should not sit at tablo becauso ho was to ragged and dirty; they would bo asham ed of him if any ono camo In. So they gavo him something to eat out of-doors, and when bodtimo camo tho two broth ers refused Hans a share of tho bed.aml ho was obliged to creep Into tho gooso housonnd stretch himself upon soino hard straw. Tho next morning was tho thirl d.iy mentioned by tho Cat, uud as soon as Hans was up thero came a carriago drawn by six horses, which shono from their sleek condition, and a servant besides, who led a boventh horse, which was for tho poor Miller's boy. Out of tho carriago stepped a beautiful Princess, who went into tho mill, and sho was tho tortoiseshell Cat whom poor Hans had served for soven years. Sho asked the Miller whero tho ralll-boy, her llttlo slave, was, and ho answered, "Wo could not takohira into tho mill, he was so ragged ond dirty; ho lies now in tho goose-house." The Princess bade him fetch Hans, but bo foro ho could cotno tho poor fellow had to draw together his fcmock-frock in order to cover himself. Then tbo ser vant drew forth somo clegunt clothes, and after washing Hans put them on,so that no king could havo looked moro handsome. Thereupon tho Princess do- sired to beo tho horses which tho other apprentices had brought homo, and one was blind aiid tho other lame. When alio had Men them bIig ordered her scr vnnt to bring tbo horse ho had in his keeping, nnd ns soon ns tho Miller taw it ho declared thnt such nn animal hnd nevor befcro been In his farmyard. "It belongs to tho youngest apprentice," said tbo PrlitVoss, "And tho mill too," rejoined tho Miller; but tho Princess said ho might keep that and tho horso ns well for hlintclf. With theso words sho placed her faithful Hans In tho car riage Willi her and drovo away. They went first to tho llttlo house which Hans had built with the Bilvcr tools, and which had bccomoanoblocastIe,whcro In everything was of gold nnd stiver. Thcro, tho Princess married him, and he was so very rich that ho hnd enough for all his life. Philadelphia Directory. JgAOLE HOTEL. HUT North Tumid Street, H, D. CUMM1NGS, Proprietor. STABLISHED 1703. JOUDAN A BROTHER, Wholesale d roccrs, nnd Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE. No 219 North Third SU Philadelphia. C. II. HOliNIi. W. B. KINO. J.H. SEVUC11T. TTORNE, KING & SEYBEItT, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. No. 421 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders tilled promptly at lowest prices. January 3, 1809. TT W. BANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO. SNUF F, AND CIOAK WAHEH0U8E, No. 110 North Third Street, Between Cherry and Race, wcstslde. Philadelphia. JjUtANK & STItETCH, (Successors to I. H. Walter,) Importers and Dealers In O.UEENSWAHE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. 231 N. Third Street, lletween Raco and Vino Sts. Philadelphia. an! Stretch. acn'l Partners. J. H. Walter. Special Partner. Je2l'7(Mi. M. KEI'HEAItT, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS & FURS, No. 603 Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) PHILADELI'lIIA. JOHN STROUP & CO., Successors to Stroup & Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. 24 North Wharves and 23 North Third St 1-hlladelphta. JICHARDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, rUOLADELFUI . oct. 22,'69-ly "yiLLIAM FISHER WITH THOMAS OAR SON 4 . G. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS & NOTIONS NO. 18 NORTH FOURTH STREET Philadelphia. tune 4,'m-Gm "WAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES ki6e, spices, ni card soda, ac, ac. WOrdcrs will recrlvo prompt attention, may 10,07-tf. Business Cards. JyJ M. L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pa. t W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllce Court House 'Alley, below the Colum bian Office. Bounties, Rack-Pay and Pensions collected. liloorasburg Pa. sep.20'tf7 JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllce Main Street below the Court House. Bloomsburg Penn'n. J H. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Court-House Alley, below tho Coluu iiian Office, Blooinsburg Pa. c. B. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DLOOMSRURO, l'A. 3r Office Court HouBe Alley, In the Co- 1? J. THORNTON LJ would announce to thecltlzensof Illooms- uurganu vicinity, timt he lias lust received a full and complete assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, yiXTDHKH, CO It Da, TASSELS, mid Ml other goods In his line of business. All the newest and mnst nnmnveil nnttprna nf tm Iday are always to be found in his establishment. inar.S ' Mntnut t.Ainw mom Main Ht. below Market. QHESTEIt S. FUItMAN, IIAHNIB3, HADDLK, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CARrKT-IiAOS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, BU7rAXX H0BE8, H0BSE.RLA24BKTS &C, which be feels confident he can sell at lower rate than any other person In the county. Ex amine for yourselves. Shop third door below the Court House, Main 1I1UUU1.UUIK, A U. Aug. 5, 1K70. pOWDEIt KEGS AND LUMBER, W. M. MONROE 4 CO., Rupert, l'a., Manufacturers of rOWDEH KEUH, und dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, give notice that they are prepared to accotnodat belr custom with dispatch, and on therheapes jyjEROIIANDISE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and the publlo generally, that al umusoi DHV GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, 40., are constantly on hand and lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD HTANIJ HLOOHBUUnO, BT JAMES K. EYEK trAlto, Bole Agent forKiais' I'lioBrHATK or HMK. Large lot constautly'on band. lebVOT, gllARPLESS & IIARMAN, KAQLK rOUNDRr AND XAHUrACTUniNO SUOV, STOVES & PLOWS WHOLESALE A RETAIL) TliK CKLxmiATEU UONTHOSK IBON 11EAU AND TUB 11UTT0N W08UEN 1IIAM fLOWS, Castings and Fire Brick for mialrlngrltyStovev All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order upon abort notice. U. F. BH ARI'LESS ft J. H. HARMAN, Bloomsburg, l'a. Proprietor: Mar.l,'6-tf. K I I) N E Y S , The Kidneys are two lu number, situated at the upper part of tho loin, surrounded by fat, nnd consisting of three parts, vlsy the Anterior, the Interior, nnd the Exterior. ' The anterior nbsorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which sorvo asn deposit for tho urine and convoy It to tho exterior. The exter ior Is a conductor also, terminating In n slnglo tube, and called tho Ureter. Tho ureters are connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vlr,.: tho Upper the Lower, the Nervous, and tho Mucous. Tho upper expels, the lower retains. Many havo a desire to urinate, without tho ability s others urinate without tho nblllly to retain, This fre quently occurs In children. To cure theie niroctlons, wo must bring Into action the muscles, which nro engaged lu their various functions. If they nro neglected, Gravol or Dropsy may ensue. Tho reader must also bo mado awaro, that however slight may bo the attack, It Is suro to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from theso sources, Uout, or Rheum atisji. Pain occurring In tho loins Is Indicative of tho above diseases. They occur in persons dlsposod to acid stomach and chalky concretions. The 0 ravel. Tho gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys Theso organs being weak, the water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain s It becomes feverish, nnd sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that tho stone Is formed, and gravel ensues. Dropsy Is a collection of water In somo parts of tho body and bears different names, accord ing to tho parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused over tho is called Anasarca, when of tho abdomen. Ascites; when of tho chest, Hydrothornx. Treatment. Hclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, nnd gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Dysurla, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urlno; Goutaud Rheumatism of the kidneys, without any change in qnantlty, but increaso In color,or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. Physlck, In these affections. This medlclno increases the power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy excrclso by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, as wall as pain and Inflammation are reduced, nnd It Is taken by men, women, nnd children. Di rections for uso nnd diet accompany. Philadelphia. Ta., Feb. 23, 1S07. II. T. Helmbold, Druggist: Dear Sir I have beou a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which tlmelhnvo used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively odverlUud, I consulted with my lamlly physi cian lu regard to using your Extract Uuchu. I did this because I had used all kluds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, nnd, some qulto Injurious ; lu fact, I despair ed of over getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted mo to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchn, cubebs, and Juniper berries, It occurred to me and my physician us nn excel lent combination, nnd, with his advice, after an examination of tho article, und consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its use about eight mouths ago, atwhlch tlmo I was confined to my room. Fromtheflrst bottle I was astonished and gratlfled nt the ben eficlal effect, and after using it throe weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much llko writing you a full statement ol my case at that time, but thought my Improvement might only be tern porary, nnd therefore concluded to defer and see If it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It would bo of greater value to you and moro sat Isfactory to me. I am now able to report that n cure Is effected after using the remedy for Are months. I have not used any now for three months, and leel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Uuchu being devoid of any unpleasant tostoand odor, a nice tonloand lnvlgorator ol the system, I do not mean to be without It when ever occasion may require Its uso In such aMec tlons. M. MCCORMICK. Should any doubt Mr, McCormlck's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wii.-BiaLKU, ev-Govcrnor, Pennsyl vania.' Hon.Tnos. I). FtoutNCE, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. B, Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D. R, Porter. ex-Governor, Pennsyl vania, Hon, Eur.IS Lewis, Jndge, Philadelphia, llon. R. C. aniKii, Judgo, United States Court Hon. Q. W. Woodward, Judgo, Philadelphia. Hon. W.A. Portkr, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon John Biolkr, ex-Governor, California Hou. E. Hanuj Auditor Gcucrnl, Washing ton, I). C. And mauy others, if ccesnry. Bold by Druggists aud Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's Take no other, PRii B-tl.25 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for (0.6C. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms lu all communications, Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, Ml Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENGRAVED WRAPPER, with fac-slmlle of my Chemical Waiehouse, and signed T. HELMBOLD, I'fO-ly T 11 K I H 1MIIMIB TST rS 83,000 WILL HE PAID TO ANY PERSON producing a Preparation showing half ns many living genuine permanent cures as Dr. Fitleu.s Vfoktaulk Rheumatic Remedy, Tim scien tific prcerlptlonof Prof. JOS. P. FirLUt, M. 1)., ono of Philadelphia's oldest regular Phvslclans, who lias mado Hbeumntlsni a specialty :17 years, permanently curing with this Remedy H In every loo patients Treated! sowarnuitod tindor oath, from Registered cases, n result uuparnllel ed. Hisn pleasant Medicine, free from Injur ious Drugs (sworn vouchers from Renowned Prominent Physicians Indorsing Dr. Killer nc company each bottle). To protect sufferers from risk, n legal guarantee slating uumbe r of bottles warranted to euro will bo forwnrded without charao to any person sending by letter a full, truthful description of caso. In caso of falluro to cure, tho amount paid will bo refunded. Prlco Ji.!Wpcr bottle! 0 bottles, $7.60. Medical ndvleo sent by letter gratis. Address DR. KITLl'.H, South FOURTH Street. Philadel phia, or No. JUl BUOADWAY.N. Y. Sold or obtained by druggists. sepW7(My. H OW TO CUIlE CONSUMPTION. the ruiLosoriiY op mi. suiiencics QllKAT MEDICI NE8. Will people never learn to know thnt ndlscftsetl liver and Rtornach nec pRRnrily disease the entlro Bystemt Tho plainest Principle of common nenno teach tuts, and yet thero aro hundreds who ridicule the Idea, nnd contlnuo In tho course which almost inevitably brills' tliem prematurely to the grave. Living ns the mnjorlty or people do, at complete vari ance, with tho laws or nature. It must bo appar ent to all tlmt.Rooner or later, nature will re venue herself. Hence wo find that persons who indulge to excess In the uo of very rich or indi gestible food or Intoxicating drinks, inrnrlahly nnv il heavv nrnaltv in tho cud. Tho stomach becomes disordered and refuses to net; tho liver falls to perform Us functions, dyspepsia audits altendnnt evils follow, nnd still tho ttutrerlng in tllvldimlsperslsttn clinging to tho thoroughly ex ploded ideas or the past. Dr. tiCUKSdVti med lclne.s nro recommended to all such. They brine sure nnd certain relief wherever they nreuicd , ns dlreited, and nil that Is necessary to establish their reputation with every ailing man or wo man in the land Is a fair nnd impartial trial of them. Let thoiso who are skeptical on this point, und who havo permitted interested persons to prejudice them against thews now celebiatod remedies lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, nud be governed by the principles of rea son nnd common sense. If tho system is disor dered depend upon it. In nlno cases out or ten tho seat of the cl-sorder will bo found in tho stomach nnd liver. To cleanse and Invigorate the stomach nnd tostlmulale the liver to healthy acllon. uso HCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE TILLS. Tho dally Increasing demand for these pills is the best evi dence of their vnlue. Thousands upon thousnuds or boxes nro sold daily. Why? blmpty becauso they act promptly nud efllclentiy. Invalids who may not tluu It convenient to call on Doctor HUHENUIv In person nro Informed that full nnd complete directions for uso nccompany each package of tho MAM)ItAKE PILLS, PULMONIC SYItUP AND HE A WEED TONIC. Theo medicines will euro consumption unless tho lungs nro o far gouo that the patient Is entirely beyond tho It inav be asked bv those who are not, laminar witli tho virtuoH nf tlinsfl crent remedies. "How do Dr. BUHENCIC'S medicines ellect their won derful cures of consumption?" . The nuswer is n simple one, They begin their work of restoration by bringing Una otomaeh liver and bowels into nn nctivo healthy condi tion, It is food that cures this formidable dis ease. HCHENCIC'S MANDRAKE PILLS acton the liver and stomach, promoting secretion, nnd rnmnvlnt; liin lilln mid slime which have result ed from the inactive or torpid condition of theso oigans, nud or tho svsteni generally. This slug gish state or tho body, and the consequent ac cumulation of tho unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper digestion of food, aud. as a natural consequence, creates disease, wnlcu re sults in prostration nnd ttnally In death. KL'llKMIK'H PULMONIC! H YItUP and HEA- WEED TONIC, when taken reuularlv. mlnsto with tho foud.nid tho digestive organs, mako good rich blood, nnd ns n natural consequence, givo tlesli and strength to the patient. Let tho iaculty say what it may, this is tho only true euro for consumption. Experience has proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt, and thousands nre to-day alivo and well whoa few years eluco weio regarded ns hopeless cases, but who wero induced to try Dr. fcCHENCICH remedies, nnd wero restored to permanent health by their uso uueoi i no nrsi sieps uiu piiyiciuu suuuiu iuhh wlthHconsumntlvo patient is to lnvlgorato the fiystem. Now how is this to bo done? Certainly not by giving medicines that exhaust nnd ener vate mtdlclnes that impair Instead of improve tho functions of tho digestive organs. Doctor HCHENCK'.S medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of nil substances which are calculated to lriltuto ov weaken them. They create an appe tite promote healthful digestion mako good blood, nnd. as a conseauence. thev iuvlGorato nud strengthen the tntiro system, nnd moiees- twiitllv tlifiKn nr(M which urn tl KmL If this cannot be done, then tho e.iso must bejegarded us a hopeless ono. ii ijio puysiciau imus il lmposimu io inunu u patient fkkIi HUNGRY, if the dltensed nerson cannot partake of good nourishing food nnd property ineii is luipussiuio mm nu unu gain in flesh nnd strength; nud It Is equally Im- possiuie io tiring a paueni 101ms couumnn so lone ns tho liver is burdened with diseased bile. and tho stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost mo in si request mauo 10 mo pnysician bv n consumptive natlentls that bo will pre scribe medicines that will remove or allay tho cough, night sweats and chills, which nro the muu attendants on consumption. Put this should not bo done, us the cough Is only an eQort uMinluiu to relieve itsflf. nml the nleht sweats and chills aro caused by the diseased lungs. The rcmeuies oruiuariiv nrescriiicu uo more nuriu than good. They Impair tho functions of tho siomuen, impeuo neuiiny ingestion, ana ognv iiiiu luujei iimu tuia tuo m -situ aw. Thero is. after all. nothimr like facta with which to substantiate a position, and It lsunou meiti uiul ur, rjuiirji'iwiw reueri, teuriyuu wuu nave lunen uis meuiciuo in nccoruauce wmi nts dirt ctloiis havo notonlv been cured nf comminu tion, but. from the fact that these medicines act with wonderful power upon the digestive organs catlents ttius cured sneeditv train ilesh. Cleans ing tho system of all impurities, they lay the foundation for n solid, substantial structure. Restoring theso organs to health, they create an appetite. Tho food Is properly assimilated; the quantity of blood is not only Increased, but Is mado rich nnd strong and lu the face ot such a condition of tho system all disease must be ban- id j it; ii. Full directions accomtmnv each of the medi cines, so that It is not absolutely necessary that patients should see Dr. BCHENCK personally, uuiess iney ucsire 10 uavoiueir lungs exntniueu. For this purpose he is at his principal olllce. No, 15 North Hixth Ht.. corner ot Commerce. Phila delphia, every Saturday, from 8 A. M. until I Advice Is clven without rhurtre. hut for thoiough examination with tho ltesplrometer the churge Is S5, Prlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tmilo each, Sl.fio per bottle- or 87.50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills¢su uox, For sale by ull uruggiBts. apr ,u-iy The underslened would hercbv cive notice tint ho has Just completed A FIItsT CLASS IIEARSE.nnd that ho bustlie facilities forcarry Ing on tho business of UNDERTAKING In all us urancucs IN OITV STYLE, Ho has enanaed experienced nersons who will take charge of the Indies of the deceased as soon as they "hhutlle of this mortal coll." and attend to washing thein, shaving, dressing, dc. Bhrouds furnished also to order. At much expense he has also procured an IRON ICE BOX, In which bodies can be preserved In a cleanly nud dry condition, Carriages lurulshed for fu neral occasions, in short, be Is pre puied to take charge of a corpse Immediately alter death, and save irlends and relatives all further trouble lu regaru ioh. He ulso carries on the buslnets of CABINET MAKING Upholstering in all Its branches, repairing furnl tine, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac.. Ac Place of business on Iron Street, below Main. ROBERT ROAN, Bloomsburg, July 21,1870-tl, EN REASONS WHY Is the Best Liniment in the Woiii.ii FOR HORSES. 1-ihst. It Is composed of tho most 1'Owkukul ami 1'knetratino liquids known lu Chemlstrv. HEcnNii. Combined with the above Is a Mum riNAi. On, made expressly for this Liniment, and mixed bv an entirely new nmreks. TlllKD. Theutoor the powiilanil jmrlraling i, tin. a ur lun-U 111 1I11M OeUUllIUl Mkuicinai. Oil, which lubricates the Joints and muscles, and Immediately thrntlte thn ilLun.. and compels It to looBen Us deathly, sickening nnd polsouous fangs. Fourth. This msdicinai. Oil. la used for the same reason thai u good mechanic always uses oil to make his machinery work with ease and pi eclslnn. Ho lu tbo same way the muscles and Joints of our animals should be lubricated If wo wUli to have them travel with rapidity and ease. Fifth. It Is very sootblnir in itmutimi win not burn or blister the nulmul like most of the "rid hot" liniments of the duy. Sixth, Not one drop ol tincture of cayenno or red pepper laube found In Its composition! for wu hold tuutim liniment can be etlucllvo which bums and blisters the auliual until the iiiiiHuit-n utv uuru uuu urieu aiinosl Ul a Crisp. Wkvknti!. Every bottle Is warranthi to give good satisfaction, or your mouey will be refund, ed. This shows conclusively that the proprie tor have full rontldencu In thlg nr..rMi.nlin,i and proves lor tho seventh time that G. E. s. B.' in v ue. j.iuiiueni jii me wurm lor norses, VlrDim't ulluw vour Merchant ta mint nr vii. tureo Jltti l'rjtjicr and Hartshorn, or other trash on you, but ask tor a. K. II. H. lor limits, ana take .u rwiu uj.uuiuuiuuh D. G. t)Altl:V L'O.. Hole Prmirlelnr sept270-ly 178 Wushlugtou street, New York. gOMETHING NEW ! CEY exss Dry Goods & Notions. JEW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of BUM ME It 000 DM. DAVID LOWENBEItO Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND KAHH10NA1II.E CLOTHING, at his store on Main Street, two doors abovo the American Houso II looms burg, Pa., where ho has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND ROYS CLOTHING, Including the most fnslilauablo, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of nox, sack, noca, gum, and oil-glotii COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, sire nnd colors, Ho has also replen ished his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand a large and well-se-cctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which he Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of U Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olocry description, flno nnd cheap. His casoot Jewelry Js notsurpassedjln thislplace. Cult aud examine his genernl assortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENBERG. Q C. M A It It have just received from tbo eastern mnrkeU n large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, OONSISTINO or Cnssliuers, Jeans, Ilest blenched & Urown Muslins, OJ Icoes, Tickings, Tublo I.lneus, Cotton & All wool flannels, tc, &c, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles a pattorns. Bplaes of nil kluds, Good stock groceries. Queens ware, Btono ware. Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boap for cleaning Tin. Brass, Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to bis well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho coun try, feeling conndeut that he can sell them goods nt such prices as will ensure satisfaction. Nov. 5,'09-tf C. C. MARK. B UY THE BEST. THE RED LION BRAND, TJ Xi A C IE ALPACA Is superior to all others In color, quality nnd M. P. LUTZ'S Ill tlrU 3.M.1D n.i.l Vnllnn. I.. new building uext to the Court house, Main oireei, iuoomsuurg, ra. Imayis.o-tf. jyjILLElt'S. STORE. FUl-SiU ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS. The subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another largo aud select assortment of FALL AMD WINTER Q00D8. purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owesingure.anu which he Is determined to soil on as moderate terms as can be procured else wnere in moorasuurg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together wnn a targe .assortment or Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following articles Carpels, Oil Cloths, Olotbs, Oasslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queensware, Hardwan Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-GlassM, Tobacco. Coffee, Sugars, . Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegi AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In snort, everything usually kent In country stores, to which ue Invites the attention of the publlo generally, TUe highest price will be nald lor country prouuee in oxchange for goods. B. H. MILLER 4 SON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Fa. QONFE0T1ONERY. The undersigned would resnAfitrniH-antmnn to the public that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, lu the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb where he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, 40., 40., 4C. BY WUOLIlil.1 OB RETAIL. In short, a full assortment of all goods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, OURIBTMaB OANDIKB, UU1STMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed, Nov.23.l(iff7. ECKHART JACOBS. AGENTS ffiatil ttr Twel?e Years ssWM Indians a Flaliis. The wild udventures aud thrilling experiences of Geomf P. Bidden, who, tired with a (hirst for a knowledge of the red men, their sports, tradi tions, wan, ureal buffalo hunts, dc, left a hoine of luxury, sought ninijolued the Indians, became a lumuus uarrier, Aunfer, and Anally chief of 11X1 lodges. This new work, replete with stirring re. cllalsof real IudUnllfe,ilur(iifl(Irriii,Aalrtrrail(A cui) wnuslna scenes, Ac, on tinted paper. 70 spirited engravings, one of author In hunter's B.?1 W,!J l'o (fUBcrly doufcla for aud read with avidity. Be wldu uwuke aud send early for Illus trated sample psge, circular, terms uud cholue "'"..-.n A. H. HUBBARD. Publisher, iepl6'70-tf. gu Chestnut St., Phlfa. G.F.VENT ?f the'v'wfnV Itl-Sf. aPJl .. 0. feblHO-ly. JoU - P HINTING Neatly executed at this Ornn A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING i&uToVcT01"1 l Tu" " HtS Dry Goods & Grocoriou. riRAND OPENING IT Ull A MM nl'KNINO GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPF.N1NO or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, PHY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIW, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND iCAIW, HATS AND CAIW, BOOTS AND SHOES, HO01B AND SHOES, HOOPS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIJ1G, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOO K I N O-O LASSES, LOO KIN G-O LASS ES, LOOKINO-GLABSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, UUEENBWARK tlUEENSWARE, liUEENSWARE, tlUEENSWARE, UUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH, F1TH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, 4c, 4c. 4c, AT HfCKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'S, MCKELVY. NEAL 4 CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main anil Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOO.MSI1UHO PA IiIX)OMSI!URO, PA., HLOOMSHURG PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND KAILS, IRON AND NAILS, in laree Quantities and nt rcdnced rates, alwav on uuuu. Miscellaneous. Midi T)OTY'S WASHING-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMPROVED AND 1HE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES "WRINGER Improved with Howell's Pntpnt TVnilil Piw. wheels, and tho Patent Stop, are now unques- huiuiuh mi oui'ciiur lu liny apparatus lor wasil- Ing clothes ever invented, and will save their c-ui iiTiee u year, oy saving lauor and clothes. The Rilltnr nf 1Mb rn,... u-l.n ni.PAl.non.l Washer and Wrluger, thus 'testifies as to their value ; "Wo have bad In uso In our family for som time past, ono of Doty's Clothes Washers and Wringers, and are prepared to bear testimony as to Its merits. It Is emphatically a labor-saving machine and docslts work In themost thorough manner. For families who have large washes inr..niiw,jimH wouiu uo invaiuauio." uolum PRICES-A FAIR OFFER. If the Merchants In vnurnlflrowlll nni rnmi.ii or seud for the Machines, send us the retail price, Washer 14. Extra Wfinitpr n ntnl wn will rnr. ward either or both machines, freo of freight, to places whero nonuo Is selling: and so sure are wo they will bo liked, Hint we agree to refund j , iuuuij u nnj uuu wibui'g iu reiuru mo ma, chines freo of freight, nller a inoalh's trial, ac cording to directions. No husband, father or brother should jimntt ... i.unriniK millllltt 1IUUUH, 11 1IV two days lu the year, when It can bo done better, more expeditiously, with less labor, and nolo Jury tolhegarmeiits.byaDoty Clothes Washer, uuuu universal ringer. Bold bv dealers geneially, to whom liberal dls IUUU1. UID 1UUI1U, R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent. 32 Cortlaud Street, New York, octT'TO-tf. THE HYPERION HAIR CURLERS. AN INDISPENSABLE RT1CLF. FOR THE LADIES. ' (Jtalf nted Julu WA,18J7.) This Curler Is the most prriect invention ever of fend to tbo pflbllc. It is easily ojierated.neat In ap nea ranee, and will not lu (uio the bulr, as there Is no heat required, nor any luel utile substauce used to rust or break the hair. Manufactured only and lor sule by MCMILLAN 4 CO. No 03 North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Sold nt Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion Stores, N.B. Single Box SS cents; 3 Boxes. assorted sites. U3 els. Malltdrcc to any part of tbo unit ed States, upon receipt of the money, Jel!l';o-5)ui. L L E N & NEEDLES, 42 South Delaware Avenue, 1'hii.adki.i-uia I ESTABLISHED IN 1&I1. Continue the manufacture of their old standard quullty SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND AMMONIATED FERTILIZER; Both of which aro sold at Low Prices, highly reinuucrallvu to Ihu Farmer on Dealer. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. NO. 1 PEBUVIAN GUANO, (Genuine Gove-nmeul from Chlncha aud Ouan ape Islauds.) Pure Calcined, and Laud Plaster. Hydraulic Ce ment, Candles, and a full assortment nt Burn I mj and OREAMMiOILHat luwist luurket rates. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Should the dealer near you, not keep our arti cles, send your orders to us aud they will receive prompt attention. For Sale by tho Bloomsburg Iron Co, aug57U-13t E. S. 0 A S E , 0 O O P E It , RUPERT, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Coopering In all llsbranches well and carefully doiie. Particular attention given to the manu facture nf meat barrels, kruut stands, pickle tubs, wash tubs, ac. Rcpalrluj attended to. Rupert,, lU7Q.Sn!. ""uuoulu' Hardware & Cutlery, jAt'011 K. SMITH. . TTt 1 g M I T II & 8 E L T Z E It, " Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dorotm 11 A It D W A It E, OUNB, CUTLERY, Ac K0. 409 N. TIHRD STREET, An,CALL0WHH.L PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, 07-tf, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, uioomsourg, pa. M. C. SLOAN 4 BROTHER Have on hand and for sale at thn n.n-i i tiln rates ii siilemllil Htnplrnr " sona. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of tbo best, a.t ... . I ablo materlnls, nnd by tbo most exnnit7;l workmen. All work sent out frora i tlie OWI Ushmcnt will bo found to beof Ihe highest 5!l nnd suro to givo perfect satisfaction. Tu'yKl uinu n ii uo wbui uncut ui BLEIGHS ofnll the newest nnd most Inkhloimble Mil,.! well nud carefully mado and of the best niuii.l Anln.nMltnn nl ll,.t. i-.-l. .- ... . Ii lln...ii1.lin, H Ull country. ""V. ."!," ? Uel Nov. mKMr, Insurance Agencies. Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. Pliny Frcemau, President, II. c. Freeman, Keel i-asn capiint over &z,uw,uuu, all paid. J. B. ROBlSON.BLOOJlSBUIin pa 1 . . -j GENERAL AGENT, For Luicrne, Lycoming and Colnratls counties. Aug. 20,'69-ly. pSUKANOK AGENCY. "turning - li:o.ixi as'11"- i.w.d Fulton. North Amorlca "y 130,0 1 International... .. l.ico.iil Niagara Umi Putnam . supU Merchants . tuj,il Sprlngne.d 570 Farmers' Danville AiDany uiiy ., mi, Lancaster city ao,K York Horse, Death 4 Theft.... 65i: Home, New Haven I.oijmJ uanvine, Horse Theft FREA8 BROWN, Alien!, mar8 69-ly, BLOOMsnuaa, I'll JjURST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST' SATISFACTION (lUARANTEEI)l For Whiteness. Dilmlillltv. nnd llrllllan- cy. It lias uo enual. Sold by all dealers In Paints throughout uiu country. . BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, SUCCESSORS TO T. MORRIS PEROT 4 CO. Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., Dtnlels iu all kinds of DRU OS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, DVCS1UFF3, AC, AC. Caution. Owing to the popularity ol j our "First Niillouol White Lend," oilier I partleshavo beiu induced tooilera pu-1 nous nrticie ui.uer mot-lime iiniiii-. miic foro ltewnrn nt f'nunlerlelts. The eiDU- iuo Is put up In extra luavy tin paint I pois, wnn pateni metallic who uauuir., 1 uuu iuu name 01 BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, On each label, For Bale by mar2i'T0-ly. MOYEK BROTHERS, Rloonlbburg. F ARMERS! EXAMINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, llAUGH'S BEING The First Raw Bonk Phosphate Mil All others are Imitation. B A U G II ' S Ti kxp nnNK SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LlMl FALL, This Manure Is mado nf Raw or Untwl nones, ricu 111 .nitrogenous matter, ui.x' "1 uu 01 vnrioi, presenting me 110110 rnu. i"""-i nhlahlv solublenn.l riulcli I v nvnltable foro! 1 tho Ammonia lu such proportion ns to Insn'l I'll Mil lb Ullll VlUlirOUN UCIIOU UpUll luru'l-- i v ueru xiaugn s i'liospuate was ni'i"" nast season. Hi a Inillrnt r.niu without exrep nrn thnt. It. will iniilntiilii I a utmII enmed reFi Hon. Wo request nil in need of u FerllH'l give mis nnicie a trial. B A U G H A SONS, Manufacturers, Office-No 20 8. Delaware Avenue, PA1LADELPHIA. JllS'-O-tf. ANEW BOOK of the greatest lutere.isDjI portance. Written Irora a high niornl ond Pf J working out lils subtle and dangeroua throuDh our most sncreil ilnmestlo anil ociaj latlous. Pure-minded, but outspoken ana gressivo.tne author handles the dellratetuiJ treated of uithoul plovcs, butinfcuchan)"t not to mlnUtortouprurleut curiosity. J"" ten! Jlegeneratton oJ the ltace. Is a subjf" If enllstluu the Interest and sympathy "j.v. Philanthropists, and this book, It 1 will contribute to that end Just In pwffl", II illw IIUUCI.. 4 C1ILUIUI 6CHI '"! " u a full description aojl synntiKls of tbe v.or liberal extracts. U. F. VENT, I'J1'' HI teut'CTO-tf SColIegel'laWil r n t n n v. n J MISHLEIt'H HERB BITTEIW' .. This celebrated toulo and stimulant store Ihe digestive organs to u perfect ) "",, state. It will thoroughly eradicate all "' mutter Ii om i no uiooir, cieauso me e"""Vi,e uud produce the most vigorous action ui lereut organs 01 me uuuiuu '-jf Urmt Pnrlfleraud luia llble Rem Dyspepsia, Cholera, Cramps in the Headache resulting from u deranged Htw .,n,l ula-i Hint ImriikKlin iiiseuse Sick IK", imin.....uu 'ri.n ..Tot unit lu all iiariu; land the medical iaculty prescribe Mlbl'jv 11 ERH BITTEIISfor Ihefr patients wlio'"". oa with these uiseases.suouiu i""""" ,j . sceptical that I his proprietory V,Iuffiol inciiiinn nun., wiiieli thev can rely as enii-aclous lu curing such diseases a" , enumerated above. Sold by alldruggi""' one uenar per Dome. . BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES. POSTEIWi AC, Neatly nnil Cheaply Priuted 1- ..... r ...... L...,,afTttbe COLUMBIAN 0FK"2J TROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM PHILADELPHIA TO BLOO1 n,l Inlnrme.llllta nolnts. OOOdS forward care and despatch aud at low ratts. ,.,ti Goods, at Philadelphia, must he d"",, ( Bltner 4 Co's. fell Market Street, tori" tlcuhus, app. to BOHUYLER. P' Aug. 20.'68-tf.. R. Uepot, BKW",U liiif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers