l AND C-DMSHED nVKHY Fill DAY MOUNINO ,nS COLUMBIAN IlUILDtNO NBA11 THE COUI1T nousn, nv CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, ICriltor nnil Proprietor, las-Two Dollars a Year, psaWo In Advance. JOB PRINTING ill descriptions executed with neatness and mspaicu ill reasonauio raics. Bloomsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. 1 M. nuTEIlT, n cmcr ill stoves A;llnware,Ilii i poll bind;, Malu st, west of Market. vUlilJ r-nil MTCTZ. drnler in kIoVph nnil tlnnnrn plain Bttcct, nbovo court houbo, vl-nlj CLOTHING, Ac. VJl) LOWDNIlKnG, MerchnntTnllor.Maln 'M uoor uuuvu jiniericaii House, vi-ihj MOKtilS. Merchant Tailor nmt Agent lor it Nnw l'crhaln Hcwllllr Machine, rnrnrrur lire and Main fit., over Miller's store. v3-nM DltUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. MTTZ. Drumrlst and Anolhcearv. Mnln hi.. telow Hie Post Otllce, vl-nll vr.tt ltltOSb. Druggists nnd Aliotheciirles. grower's bloek Mulu st. vl-iHJ CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. IlYZtlPFINaF.ll. WntchcR. Hnerliiplm A- ewelry Ac, Main Htiect near Went ut. 'i u!5 Oil I', urmui ill ,iui'kk, nineties III1U leiulry, Slum at., Just below llio AuiorUuu Vl-Tf is UF.IlNHAKD. Watch and Clock maker. far southeast corner Maluaud Iron sts,l-H t f I'ATHCAltT. Wnlch and Clock Maker.Mar- kilstuct, below .Malu, vl-nll BOOTS AND SHOES. if millWN. Hoot nlul KhnplnnUpr. fVnlip istreet, rear 01 nubbins & U) cr's sioie. vl-nll fin 11KTZ. Hoot nnil Hhoemuiicr. Mnln si.. ,elowllartniaii'H store, w est ol Mniliet. vl-JJ UY KI.L'IM. Manufacturer nnil ilenler ill Roots and Sjhucs, Gluccrlts, etc., Mnln htrtet. HlC-UIUSUUI&t tl-lllO PKOFESSIONAL. II. C. HOWDU. Sjurgeou Dentist. Main st.. Btbui e Uie Com t House, vl-nll w M. M 111. Ill it. Miiaeon 11 ml 1 hislflun. Exihauge Mock o er We bb'a book stoi o 3-ius , B, F. KINNF.Y, Huigeou Dentist. Teeth tirncicd without i alni Main si., nearly on- Sle hljlsiopul Cbuicli, vl-uhj it. lKKLIUt. Attorney-at-Lnw, Olllee, Sid Inor iuijxcuuugc.ijiijia,uiui uiu i-,xciiiingu ViJ-Ui U. HAKICLEY. Attoiucy-nt-Law. Olllee. 2d Dour In Lxchanbo Hlotk, near the "Exchange vr-n;i McKF.LVY.M. D..Huri'enn nud riivhlelnn. Eullhsidu Main hi., below Maikel. vlllU It. r.VANH. M. D.. buiianu nnd Phsslclun. luutli hide Main hti tel, below Market. vl-ull I: HU'lTFlt, M. ). (surgeon and l'liyhlclan iiaiKti hiuei, nuoic lain. vi-uu . IUiIIIfeON. Allorliev.al I.aw. Ollleu llnit- liau h buUdlot;, Mnln htui I. MMiLD ILLINEItV & FANCY GOODS. rMXItMAN, Millinery nnd Fancy CSoodh, ij jiohiie j.iihfonai viiuicn, riain hi, vi-nia Sh MZZIi: HAItKLHY. Sidllntr. ltamsey fculldlng Main htitit, vl-uU A. 11. WKHIS, rnncy aood, Notions, kious, nnu hiniioneiy, ieii.iitgo iholk, jiuni i M. DUUItlCKfeON. Mn Inery and Fancy pxids.MuIll ht., belowMniilet. vl-ull .:. KL1NL1. MUllurii i nd raucy OooiPt Klalllhlliel below Mai Let. Vl-uln JULIA A. & HADU IIAKKLBY. Ladles' tluakH and DrehB l'attein.., houtlieahl coiner caud westhH. vl-n4J : MlShLS IIAIIMAN Millinery and Fancy iult., MalUbt., b( low Ann ill an House, villi I IIOTKLS AND SALOONS. i.UMIHA HOll L. l. II. Slclmtr. Mnln s kbe-U' Court House. ln Kks IIOTIX, by T. Hint. Taylor, enst en1' BLMYKIt & JACOIiY.l'mireetionerv. Ilakirv kud Oj hler Saloon, w bolihalti and letatl. i:x pit Illock, Main streit. vl-uU 5EU0I1ANTS AND GKOCEKS. . MAHU. llrv (JooiIh nnd Notions, soutli. i&UornirMalnaud IioubIs. vlm3 p.ni.r)iiuiii..iieaier in i-ry uoons, uro trks, Itools, bnoes, Ac, corutr M.alu nnil . MX'KLUY. Hoot and SIioh slore. boiikn f tatlouery, Mnln St., below Market, vl-nlJ BAC'OHs, Conieellouery, croccilcs etc., Main II., lit low Iron vl-lii IlKXDFNHAI.L, (Jenernl Sloeltot Merebnu iw nnil Lumber, eoruei of Main slriet and imruHU. V1-1UI liiilctule and retail, Kxiliaiige IHock.'vl-u'li !,'II0Wl.It, Hals rial Cnps, Hoots uuilbhnea. r u.i, iiuuiu V..IUII. ILOllhU. VlUi . bnnu'vi? llr.. n,.nl.,.. ger Mali, B'i, Ana Court liouso alley', vl-ul.1 tr-. ' " I'", i hut in tiry uooos, uro- IpliK, etc., cor, Mnln nud Ceuti e Ms. vMH3 OIIITON. nrncprlpu .. Provlslnnn Mnln piect below .Minuet. vl-nll . EYF.lt. flrnfprli.t uti.l noiprnl Mcrpl,.,,i N. Main ht.,nbove Wcbt. ' vl-11 ftLVY, Ni:AL A- CO., dealeis In Dry floods, tueirles, Flour, Fe(il,hiill,Flhi.Iiiiu, Nails, I. t. cor. Main and Maiket Us. vl-nll PTMllti-.U A t-ON, dialer In Dry Goods, v.-iiiiih, liueei-SMiiie, i-iour. Mill, hlioes. sn,, .Aiiiuiiu iiiuea, iiiaiu hi. vi-uio MISCELLANICOUS. 'IlMAN. Mnrble Woiks. onpilnnr lii-lnw lOEtolllic, Malu btnet. V1-UI3 P0.VSI!iJHa LUMlli:il CO., manufacturers Pjl dealers In Lumber of all kluds j riuulng v, lUOllllllUUU, VilllU lOSTKIl.Glno Maker, and White nud Fancy puuei, neoiiuwn. VII117 I.CHItlhTMAN, Hnddle, Trunk a Hnrnihs- f-uner, oiuve s iiiueit -iium nireei. juuj ' ltOUHINS.il nunr dealer second ilnrir iw.m lortbwtst eoruer Mulu uud Iiuusts. Vl-uU "iii,i'..iiAis, Agent lor Mtiiibon h uoiiner ulurLlBblulLBltod. uVvll) ITHOUNTON, Wall l'nr, Window Hliadea puAiures, rturiert oiock, juniusi, ("Ik, Miitu Jjtrett, west ol Market ht. vluil .min'l T. 1... T...., !.....,. JjOSENSTOCK.I'liolograiihcr, over llobbins -.a mole, 1U1I1U hi Vl-lJ I KIIHV .(....I... In H...I1..... ... r. u'alicy,riarofAiiierlenu House, villi J K A. FUNSTON & CO., mutual and cash K.-.'ii'iiihuraucoconirnuiib.iJiower h jiuiiii "Inhlnet. vl-ull ton DIF.FFIONHACH, Hroom Factor'. Or. E'intat Ills rekldeueo unit Millers Sou's r i.uiuj.iiy nueu, liislgucu wisteru urusii VI-UIS. CADMAN, Cnbinelmnlter nud qinlr. -.,.Wiiua .nun, birict on, jrou. yo-m.1 fcAMl'LlJ & C'o.,Mnclilnlsts,l'jist lllnoiiis- ( V,n . ... t. tiniuib's lUUllUUIBIll'l t lwlilnery maJu nud leimlred. vii-ma Bl.ltlVn, nr. ... ... . liitirwiv ueaier in iiano, orenus nnu 'odun,Bt O, W,l'orcirlurulturo rooms Vl-1113 lk FifA n01IV' Miiiblc7nnd"llrown lston7 I iih,t.if'.,W,,,.,ry Fubllc, uorlbeutt corner Leud Market st. M-nl1 1..- MHnHUBUuiBiirl (IIUU, Vl-UlO llAllli . 1 l Vlllr..: ' "iir hi loriinure, iiuiias, ceuer ("""i ware, nenr llio Forks Holel, vl-nl5 Buck Horn. deal rulers ill illy uiercliandlse. Ti-uli u loutu ma ol lowu, VOLUME IV NO 33. Orangovillo Directory, & C. W. COLKMAN, Mercbant Tailors nnd . Ucnt'S flirtllRllI ni irnnilM. Mnlti Hf..,ivt ilnr to llio Hrlck Hotel, V1-1U7 II. llF.mttNG llltOTIlKll.Cnrrenlcrsnnd . Uiillders, Main si., bcluw Flue. vl-n.7 HOWDH.t HIMlltlNO, ilenler In Dry Goods, Groceries, Lumber aud general Meicliamllse, Main st. . vl-nlJ )U1CK IIOTF.L and rerreslinietit Saloon, bv J HolirM'llcury cor.ol Main nndI'lnosl.,v-in'7 D ,11. O. A. Mi:OAllOi:i,,l'liyslclim nnd Murcenn, Mnln sl next door to Good's Hotel vl-nri AVID HIIUUINU, Flour amt Grist Mill, nnd wmci m sriun, Mill nireei Vlt47 II II. AC. KDLCHNF.lt, Illacksmltm, on Mill atrcct, nenr l'luo. vl-n!7 1 L.MpWAllDH.riiyslclnnnna Kurucon, Mnln ! Bt.,llrst door nbovo M'Heury's Hotel. vl-n'JS TAMDHU.HAltMAN, Cabinet Make: Mid Ull i dertaker. Main HI., below l'lne. vl-nl7 JM. IIAHMAN, Snddlo nnd HallieSH maker. , Main St., oipsite Finnic Church, van 1 1 SCHllYLDIt A- LOW, Iron lounners.MaelilnNts, and Mauulactuiers of plows, illl HI. vl-n4 MILKH A. WILI.1AMH ACo,,Tniinersnud Man ulacturers ol leallier, Mill Hlreet, vl-u!7 yAMUKLHIIAllI'l.KHSi.MakcroriliellayliursI 10 Oralu cradlo. Main Ht. vi!n5. WILLIAM DHI.ONO Hhocmakerati.i manufac 11 tuier of Hrlck, Mill St., west of 1'iuo vluio Catawissa. B F. DALLMAN, Jlerchnnt Tailor, Becond SI. Ilnbblus' lllllldllig. V2-H1S 1) it. J. K. IIOIIIIINH, Hiirt-eon nnd I'liyslclnn iseronuisi,, ueiow aiiiiu. v-llis IILHKUT & KLINi:, dry (joodi, groceries, anil J general meichandlsc, Alain Htrent vli-uli: I II. KIHTLKlt, "t'attawlsa House," North 1 . Corner Main nnd Second Streets. vinlf Ki:iLi:il, Illllnid Saloon, Oysteis, nud Ice, :j. Cream 111 hensou MaltiHt. '2ul2 II M. HIIOHST. ilenler in General Mprchalidlse ill. Dry floods. Groceries A-c, v2-nls QUKQUF.IIANNA or Hrlck Holel, S. Koslen- kj bander l'ronrlelor.soulh-pnst ronier Mnln unit s-econdHtrcct. vi'nIJ 1). HINAHD, ilenler iuHloves and rln-wnre, Malu Street. vatila w M. 11. AHHOTT, Attorney at law, Main St. v-n:- Light Street. II, F. O.MAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door nbovo school House. vlnltj IOIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In iJ Hoots ami Shoes, vlultl T J. Linsint, M. I)., KurKcoii nnd Fliyslrlan. Olllee at Keller's Holel. Mai! 1 )l'.Ti:U KNT, dealer In Dry Goods Groceries. 1 Hour. 1-ceil. halt, rish.llon. Nulls, etc.. Main hlreet. vlnlS R. S. r.NT, ilenler In Stoves nnd Tin waro In all Its branches. ' vlulO Espy. 1". IIMIGIl A1ID.A UUO.,dealer in Dry Goods, Glocelles, and giuiial Mereliaudlse, vl'ull JSPY HTDAM FLOUItING MILI, C.S. Fowler, l!j l'mprletor. vi'nlu I I). WDIiKHDI.SHIt.HootuudShooHtolcnud nianillil;tiil v. Slum mi Mnln Ktrofl nu. posltu Iho hteaill Mill. "Jul rn W. i:iGAlt,Su'Uebaumi Flailing Mill and X' iiox lauiuaeiory, vuu Business Cards. jyj M. L'VICLLK, ATT01tNj; AT LAW, Ashland, Schuj Iklll Comity l'n. Q W. MILLEll, ATIOKM.Y AT LAW , uiuro i ouri House Alley, neiow inu i olujii- I1IAS' IIIIW,,. lllilllltlpu 11.11 If. I'.ivr ,1,1,1 111 lull, lis toiletted, Hloonisbuig l'a. bep.'Ju'ttf JOBEHT F. CLAUK, AllOIIKUY AT LAW, Oftlce Main Strict below tbo Couit House. Itlooliisbuig l'euu'a. J II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OHico Courl-IIouse Alley, below the Coma iiian Olllee, UIoonibburB l'a. Q B. IUtOCKWAY, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, llLOOMSIlCRH, l"A, 3-Ot'Fii'r. Court House Alley. In the Co- 1.VM1UAN building. Jnul,'C7. J J M'UUUjVi UxN ould uiiiiniincu it IhocHlzDiiHnf IIIooiiih- u ru mill vicinity, that ho has lust received a lull uud complete, nsboitment of WALL PAl'LIt, WINDOW HIIADES, FIXTUIthS, C0KD3. TAS.SCI.S, nnd all other goods In lino of Inihliicss, All tho newettL nud moht miL)iof (1 rattciiiH of tho tiny aro alwaj b tu bu lomul In his I'stiiblUhnteiit. c IlKSTKIt S. FUHMAN, IIAUNT-SH, HADDLK, AND TRUNK MA'NUFACTUJUUt, aud denier lu CAltniT-DAGH, VALIHI, FLV-N171St nvrrALo jioiics, uoi&k-i:lanki.ts Ac, which ho feels confident ho enn pell at lower rnte tlinn any otlier perbon in tho county. Ex amine for jourt-dvch, HIiop third door below tho Court Houte, .Malu htreet, Itioonibbuig, l'a, Aug. 5, 1MU. P I M V L E S. Tho Ullderstaned will ebpprfiitlv mnll fi'UVEl to all uboMlsh it tho lteelpo and lull directions or preparing and using a simple and Htautilul Vegclablo Halm, thai will Immtdlatcly umovc In,. 1,'tii.blcu IH,.,..li.u lll...nl.... n...l ..11 Hons nnd luipuritli soli tin r-klu. lea vlngthesauie ton, i-ii-ui, I.UIIUII11 nun iieiiiuiiill. Ho will also hend lsill.Fl ll strnctlniiH for tiro, ducing.liy verysi niileiiitnus,alu.uilaiitgruwtli of Hair on a baldlii ad or smootli laeo in less thau tblily days lioui Hist applleatiim, 'iho nbovo tan beoblalned by letuin mall by nildresslng '1 llos. F. CHAl'MAN, ( lieinlst. i u. nux oia, iu,i jiroauway, sew lour. Aug. (l,'t,0-ly. pOWDEH KEGS AND LUMBEH W.M.MONU0EACO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers o POWDEIl KEGS, wild dealers in all kluds of LUMBEIl, Klvo notice that they nro prepared tonccoinodat heir custom with dispatch, nnd on the cheapen rjOIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST II A Y It A K E IN THE M A II K E T. VAMTAtU'lltn AND toil BALK 11V N. AV. SAMPLE A CO., COI.UMHIA IKON WOI1KS, UI.OOMH llUitO, l'A, CALL AMI L.AUNi: IT, Illoomsburg, June IP, iSTO-tf "WriDMYEH A JAC01JY t EXl'HANGFnl.Ol'Iv.ni.OOMHHUllO.rA aro ngeiiis fur the kale of " HroiK way's" Justly celebinted Crinni mul old hloi k Alts, u bell lliey Mill sell as eliiap as country brewtti nils' wlioln and hslf lioiieN eoustuntly on linud, 'Uil ali lu brewed by William E. Hrockway,3l5 loitS liloonnburs, Juu. lo, l.TO-lv,' lifylllP lfl f 1 III JPi fill-. Philadelphia Directory. E 7AGLE HOTEL. M'JT Noimt Tiiimi Stiieet, 11. D. CUMM1NGS, rnorntETon. ESTABLISHED 1703. JOItDAN AllUOTHEIl, Wholesale, Grocers, and Dealers in HALTl'ETltE AND D1UMSTONE. Ko 219 North Third St. Flilladelphla, C. II. 1IOHNE. W.H. KINO. J. 11. SEYUEKT. J.JOIINE, KING A SEYBEHT, viioli:sai.i; uiit goods. No. 121 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Ordeis filled promptly at lowist prices. January 3, ISC. II W. BANK'S WHOLESALE TOllALCO, SNUF F, AND C1GAU WAHF.1IOUSE, No. I III North Third Street, Hctween Cherry and Itace, west hide. Plilladelphln. JjMlANK A STItETOII, tucccssors 10 i. ji. waller,) Importers and Dealers in QUEENSWAHE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. 231 N. Third Street, Hetweeu Itncu and Vino Sts. Piiii.AUi:r.riitA, aHlsuirir. Oeu'l Partners. I. II. Waliei:. Special Partner. Jc2i'70-tl. T M. KEPHEAIIT, O WITH BAKNES, BKO. A HEItHON, EATS, CAPrf, STIIAW GOODS & FUItS, No. C0J Mai krt Street, (Abovo F'lilh,) PiiiLAm-LrniA. JOHN STBOUP A CO., Successors to Stroiip A lirother, WHOLESALE DEALEKH IN Flhll. No. 21 North Whimes and SS North Third Ht 1 hlladclphla. jlOIlAUDSON L. WKiailT, Jit. ATTOI1NEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. piior.ADKr.Piii . Oct. 22,'(i!l-ly 1LLIAM FISH HH with T II O M A S C A It S O N A t . WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS & NOTIONS so. 18 KtiitTir rnuiiTit siheet l'liiltidelpliia. June l,'f,9-0m "yAINWIUGHT A CO., WHOLESALE OltOCEIIS, N, E. Corner htcond and Areli Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, HYHUPS, COFFEE, SUGAIl, MOLASSES DICK, Bl'lClS, 111 CAllll fcODA, AC, AC. 4r0rdrrs will rec. ivo piompt utttution. may 10,67-tf. Hotels. r-piIK ESPY HOTEL. a. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Tho undersigned would inform tho travelling public th.it h bus taken thonliove numed estab isbment and thoinimbli' ntllipil ilu, siiTiin lui the peliect eonM'iilence of his guests. His Under will bo stocked with the best tbo market airords. The choicest liquors, wines aud elgaisalways to WILLIAM I'ETTir. Apr.2!,(,!)-lf Espy, l'a. PjKICK HOTEIi, OltANGEVILLE, COI.UMHIA COUNTY, PA. BOHlt M'HENBY, Proprietor. inn tii nimwii JiuiiM', Jiuvjiiy neen pm in thorough Kpair, is now open Jo tho tiasclllns Ihiuois and clcaiH,aud tho tabid will be, at all No pains will be Kpniid to insure tho comfort o ytU'istS. uratigeviiie, dec. iu.'tylf. "AlOXiOUIt HOUSK iX uurizuT. 1A. WILLIAM KU'ILKlt, Proprietor, iiii iiuuie iiuvbik ueen pui jji iiiorouf,'" rejiair is now optu iir the meptlou of i;ueitK. No 11.1 I til. 11 111 I.-. S..1.1I....I i.. .I,-.. .V-C, .n't nl llio Imtnlni. T.. l-,,.,., I, !,.- lnl.Altu .. f-luno oi public pationnne. 'iho bar will be Mocked ht all tliiies with tine liquoiH and cltjarii, liuilil iwu. B ENTOX HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, I'ropriotor, Ilt-NTON, COLUMlilA COUNTY, l'A. aio i tiiis a n in ye noin 1110 Jioiei to iiioniutuurg nun iiiii'i mi iiiiim tiiiis mi i ut'rmay, imirMiiiy and Saturday of each week. rua li"7U-tf Stoves and Tinware, N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOI'. ISAIAH IIAGKNHUCH, Haiti Street one door abovo E. Mcndenhall's Store. A largo nssnrtmeut of stoves. Heaters and llangcs constantly on hand, aud for salo ut tbo lowest rates. '1 inning in all its urauencs carefully attended to, 'Hid satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholesaloand retail. A lai Is leqlUbted, r.V,UMr g'TOVEd AND TINWARE. A, M. UUPEItT announces to his friends aud customers that he continues Iho nbtno business nt his old place on MAIN HTKEET, HLOOMHHUllU. Custoiueis can bo nceomiidated with FANCY H10VEH of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware and every va nity of article found lu u Hloe nudTluwaro Es tablishment lu Iho cltles.uud on the most reason able teims. Ite iilrlngdoun at tbeshortest notice, 2) DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. JOOTS AND SHOES. CLAUK Jt. 1I110WN, CETI1E hi HEFT, AIU0INIC1 THE tlOKE OJ1 KOIUil.SH At Lli.ll, A lull and completo ffsoitment of nady made bouts and sboibior itieu. womeu and culltlren Just liciliid and for sale at mibiuiablo rules. Varlellib lu biiliall elasses ol lustuiuers, 'Hit, In si ut uuik douo ut short nothe, us herelofore. Glo him acall, aprb'7u-if, D E N T 1BTBY, II. C. HOWElt, DENTIST, Hespectfully olTers his professional services to the ladles and guutlemen of llioonisbiirg and vl clulty. Ho Is prepared to attend to all u.i, vari ous opelullulis lu the line of ills profession, aud is provided with lb lalehl Improved Pokcklain Teeth which will bo Inserted on gold plating silver and rubber base to look as welt usUie nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new auil most approvid methods, uud all operatlous on tho teeth curelully aud piopeny attended to, Itesldeuee uud oltlco u lew doors abnve the Court House, biime side, llloouibburg, Juu.31,'Uttf ABGAJNS BARGAINS. QUICK SAttS AND SMALL I'llOriTS. lULU AllWbl. Go tn II EN It Y YOST, East Illoonnbuig l'a,, lor ull kinds of the best home VutVlTUUE. Prices nusciiublu uud the but work done, Jlli'iU-tf This will known He. use lmlnK been imt In tluuouuh m pair is now optn lor tho HTcptloii of vUitors. N lahiK have l ien bpHted to enstito th.i tn.tli.t .r.liifurl tt miiklu l lui i,rnnrli.lnf BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, (Poke Joqli;i). Tho Gorman Fatherland. Which Is tho German's falherland? Is't Prussia's orSwnbla'slandt Is't where tho llhlne's rich vlntnge streams ? Or where tho Northern sea-gull screams? Ah t no, uo, no I Hli fatherland's not bounded so 1 Which Is tho German's fatherland? llavnri.i or Styi la's land ? Is't where thoMarclan ox unbends? Or whero tho marksman's Iron rends? Ah 1 no, no, no! Ills fatherland's not bounded sol Which Is tho German's fatherland 7 Ponieranla's or Westphalia's laud ? . Is 11 whero sweep tbo Dunlan waves? Or where tho thundering Danube raves? Ah 1 no, no, not His fatheland's not bounded sol Which is tho Oermau's fatherland? Oh, tell mo now tho famous land I Is't Tyrol, or tho land of Tell? Such lands nnd people, pleaso mo well, Ah I no, no, not Ills fatherland's not boundod sot Which Is tho German's fatherland? Conio tell mo now, tho famous land I Doubtless, It Is tho Auslrlau Htato, In honors, and In triumphs great 1 Ah 1 no, uo, uo 1 Ills fatherland's not bounded sol Vhlch Is tho German's rathcrlnnd? Ho tell mo now tho famous land ! Is't what tho Princes wou by sleljht? From the Emperors and the Emperors' right? Ah I no, uo, no I His fatherland's not bounded sot Which Is tho German's fatherland? So tell mo now at last tho laud I Far ns tho German nccent rings, And hymns to God In Heaven sings That Is the land There, brother, is thy fatherland I There is the Oerman fatherland, Whelo oaths attend the grasped hand Whero truth beams from the sparkling eyes And lu tho heart lovo warmly lies; That is tho laud There, brother, Is thy fatherland ! That Is tho German's fatherland I Where wrath pursues the forelgu band Whero every Frank Is held n foe, And Germans nil ns brothers glow 1 That Is tho laud All Germany's thelatherlaud! COLUMBIADS. "Hoy, what is jour name?" "Hobert, sir." "Yes, but 1 mean your other name," "Hob, sir." The "Iceland Shakcup;" tho "Alaski Itefrlg erator" nud llio "Alps Icebolt," are newly in vented summeis drinks. HniNGHAM oun doesn't ngreo with his mother-in-law, and she fieriucntly attacks him in platoons. Itotton i'jt. An urchin being lebultcd for wearing out bis stockings at tho toes, replied that it couldn't bo lielped "toes wiggled and heels didn't." Punchinello saysthi' new three cent pistasn stamp has a portrait of General Washington Willi General Green in tho background. SinceuitvIs speaking ns we think, believing as wo pretend, acting as wo profess, perfonnln; rs we promise, nud being ns we nppear to be. A hFiivAKT girl in Toledo, frustrated a burg lar's plans, by throwing lilm out of a gal ret window to tho sldewelk. He never recovered fiom the shock. A ci.Eiiai.MAN, coming out of the water Willi a woman ho bnd baptised, asked her how slio felt in mind. He was not a little surprised to hear i.er answer, "Ilully." A Chicago man has been sent up six months on account of an abortlvo attempt to steal Tap per's "Pioveiblal l'nilosopby." The sentence should have been to a lunatic asylum. A clfuk In uu Erlo hotel has n maguillccnt scheme in view. It is n elieulur hotel, to rest on n phot like a loeomotlvo turn-table. The object is to give every guest a "front room." Heaiumi n physician remark that n small blow would bunk a nose, a rustle exclaimed: WtH, I dtmno about that, l'vo bloived my noso a number of limes, nnd never broke It yet." Not having heaid fiom tho debating societies in lelatlon to tho conundrum; "Why do liens always lay eggs in the day time?" ucontempor my answers, "because nt night they are roost ers," An Inebriated man walking along tho streets at nlght.rogarded the moon with sovereign con tempt: "You need'nt be so proud ole feller," ho said. "You're full only once n month, nnd I am every night." Why," asked a governess of her little charge, "do we pray God to give us our dally bread? Why don't wo nsk for four days, or flvo daj s, or a week ?" "Wo want it fiesli I" replied tho in genuous child. A noulk red man, named John, recently set tied lu New London, Conn,, stands six feet two inches In his mi ccasons, and ills Americanized descendants proudly luiiulie,"how Is that for High Lo Jack?" As a lawyer nud a doctor were walklug arm In a rni n wag said to n friend, "These two are Just eiiual to one highwayman." "Why?" was tho resp onse. .'Deenuse It is a lawyer and a doctor 3 our money or your life." An orator, who had raised his audiciieo lo a gn at height by his lofty soarings, exclaimed I will lioweloso in tho beautiful nndexniess. ivo language of tho poet I forget his nnmo-and and I foiget what ho said, too 1" An expel lenccd physician lias discovered, In tho course of a long and varied practice, lhat every ouo wishes to go to heaven ; also, that most people aro willing to taken great dealol very disagreeablo medicine first, A I'EKSONAI. sketch of n Western Senator clos es ns follows: "Ho enn not propel hlmsell through tho muddy pool of politics nt a higher rate of speed than lhat of n rudderless pollywog liirougn n Itelllo of cold mush." Si'EAKiNO of n recent gale in the vkiulty of hlto l'lne, Nevada, ono miner remarked "Why, It's a reg'lar typhoid;" whereupon a companion pat roniringly remarked to tho by staudcr?, "ho's au lgnoraut cuss, ho means ty coon," An anatomical observer nsserted n few days slnco that there were four hundred and eighty, nine thousand and eight liuudred and ninety ouo feathers on tho wings of a butterfly. " don't behove II," said one of his hearers, "Then count them yourself," was the reply, A nonbST liod-carrier lu Now Hampshire re cenlly carried a o.irrelof Hour fiom Ihesidewalk to the third story of a new building, uud return ed with it upon his shoulder to the street, whero he sold the Hour for eight dollars, and received n linndsomo sum from the lookers-nu, AN Irishman of Duumore, Pennsylvania, on being appealed to fur his signature ou a petition for "Free Cuba," exclaimed, "Ah 1 1 know wat you want; you wauttoaunex Canady,and git Cuba, then when tiicrucomes another draft wo poor Utvlls will have no placo logo to, I'll uot do It," "Deah, me," exclaimed Sllgglns, "that new Burgeon gave Sriuautum's boy n uew Hp from the child s own cheek I What u painful opera Hon it must have been!" "I've had a pair of Hps laden from my cheek more than once," re plied Mis, Ktlgglns, "aud It wasn't a painful op ntlon at ull," "Jake," said a blooming joungladyin ludi ana to her lovor, one Huuday evening, 'if you mean busiuess by romlng here twice a week, 1 waut to know it, for I've Just had au offer from another feller, aud shall taku him up In two days if you d on't pop." Jake instantly "popped" nud the wedding day was set, LAwvil'.s have a ludicrous habit of Men tllylug themselves with their clients, by bpealc- Ing In the plurel number. "Gentlemen of the Jury," said n Western lawyer, "at the moment the pollcemau says lie saw us1n the trap, I will prove that wo were locked up In the station' bouse, lu a state of lutoxicutlou," A l'lTTsiii'iiu magistrate, who unites with his olllclal fuuettous tho busiuess of au undertaker. holds court lu his warerooin, and deals out Jus tice Willi one hand upon a plate bearing tho name of some person deceased, nud tho other upon a book of orders for funerals. Tbo litigants bit upon colllns while their cues are. I being disposed of, ftluiccllancotui. Till: GAMBLER'S OAT. Ouo cvoniii(,', a number of us wore seated in tho bar-room of tho only hotel lu tho vllhiKO of Frofjtown tho civil ians' portion of Camp Floyd, In Until, ilurlii"; tho uiiplensiintncss between tho Government and tho Mormons, In 1858 warming our shins beforo tho Ihiko ilro that blazed In tho old-fashioned llro place. Tho evening had waned, and was fast nppproachiiij; tho small hours, when tho footsteps of a horso approach lui; tho liouso was heard. Tho night was dreadfully cold and bleak, th6 wind was howling across tho nlknll plain, driving tho falling rain against tho windows, causing them to rattlo as if ftomo ono was throwing shot against tho glass, and it was so dark, why, "Egypt's dark sea" was not a cir cumstance to it. I havo no idea how dArk Egypt's dark sea was, but 1 havo seen tho remark somewhere, and It sounds liko a good simile, theroforo X uso it particularly as I havo got stuck for a better. Suddenly tho animal halted lu front of tho house, and a cheery voico called out, "Halloa l Tho landlord went to to tho door and partially opening it, peered out into tho darkness, but not being ablo to discover anything, said : "Anybody there?" "Yes, I am; but if you will bustlo about right cheerily I won't stay hero very long." "Go your way, if you want to, I am suro I don't desiro to interfero with you." "I ain't going away, not if thero's a roof over your house. I como to stay, and am going to or havo a fight." "1 calculate stranger, you can got ac commodated with a lively shako up, if you aro spilin' for a fight. "Not edzactly spilin' but somebody will havo to superintend a funeral if I am kept out hero much longer. "Don't know about that; but ono thing is sartin, jou can help yourself come in, or stay out, jess as you feel like. Wo ain't particular," and tho landlord closed tho door and returned to his seat beforo tho fire, and pulling his Powhatan pino from his pocket. proceeded to fill it with tobacco prepar atory to enjoying a smoke. A minute had scarcely elapsed beforo the door opened, and a large, powerful man entered. His hair hung in ringlets down his back and clustered over his shoulders. His face was almost hidden behind it bushy black pair of whiskers, and beneath a broad-brimmed hat. Ho appioached tho fire,whilotho rain drip ped from his buckskin garments, leav ing1 a little rivulet upon the floor. " 'Joying yourself here, ain't you ?' he said, ns ho looked around and tooku mental inventory of those present. "Trying to bo comfortable," replied the landlord. "Woalwnys does." "Denied Independent, too don't kecr 'bout Vommodntiiig anybody either." 'Not pertickler. Got tho dead wood on overybody. There hain't no other lioiHo in this iiero town, and they all has to como to mo anyhow." "You is the landlord, I reckon. Can't you give a fellow something to eat? I'm as hungry as a coyote." 'Cood's gone out, and I don't think thar Is any tiling in tho kitchen, 'copt- ng somo cold wittles. You can go in thoro and seo what you can find." Tho stranger took a candlo, lit it, and proceeded to tho kitchen, the way being pointed out to him by tho landlord. After ho had gone out, tho landlord roused an Indian boy, who was sleeping in ono corner of the room, and .sent him out lo tako care of tho stranger's horse, which had been left standing in front of tho door. Somo fifteen minutes passed away, when tho stranger re turned from tho kitchen, followed by a largo black cat. 'Whoso cat is that, and whero did it come from?" asked tho landlord. "That ar animlle b'long-s to mo, and was brought from Now Mexico. It is a smart eat, it Is." "And tho ownera lucky fulIow,"broko in a laciturn old gambler who had been smoking his pipe all the evening, with out uttering a word. "You is right, old fellow; a black eat always brings good luck, and that cat has been my constant companion for tlireo years. Ho's better nor a dog, nnd just as much company. Why, ho knows more nor a man. Don't you, Sam ?" Tho eat Jumped upon it's master's shoulder, aud began .to purr and arch its back, as if It greatly pleased at tho praUo bestowed upon it. "I say landlord, havo you got any chickens? I'd like to havo ono for breakfast." "So would I," replied tho landlord, "but I can't get it. Thero ain't any ono In this region as lias got chlckons, 'ccpt ing tho Cumol of tho cavalry, opposite, and ho keeps n guard standing over tho stablo In which they roost," Tho stranger again took a survey of tho party, aud then said : "You look liko a good set of fellows. Now I'll tell you what wo'll do. If you aro agreed, wo will havo chicken for our breakfast, and tho Curnel will suf fer. What say you all?" "It would bo a littlo loo dangerous to attempt to nip them chickens," said tho gambler, "although 1 must say I think a piece of chicken would tivsto mighty nico." "Whar did you say tho chickens roos ted?" askod tho btranger. Tho landlord told him, and tu ho did so the stranger stroked tho back of his eat, anil repeated tho landlord'H words. Having concluded, ho said, "Now Sam you must get us ono of them chlckeiu, ami you havo got to bo kcerful, or you will loso ono of your lives." Ho then opened tho tloor, and tho cat walked out, Tho stranger narrated several won derful feats that had been performed by his cat, uud thereby managed to whilo away somo Alteon or twenty minutes, when a scratching at tho door was heard, Ho got up and opened It, aud 1870. In marched Sam, holding a chicken by tho neck. Every ono In that room was dumb founded, for they had no Idea that tho cat would accomplish thcblddlngof his master. 'Sam, ono is not enough; wo must havo another. Bo a good fellow and got it for us," said tho stranger, ns ho again opened tho door for the cat to go out. Tho company had not been done ex pressing their astonishment at tho wonderful knowlcdgo of tho feline, cro ho returned onco moro with anotlierilno pullet. "You aro o noble fellow, nud deserve something, nnil blamo If you shan't havo tho heads of both them birds. In thu meantime, you had better lay down in front of the ilro and dry yourself, or you will havo tt bad cold In tho morn ing." Tho cat walked to the hearth corner and quietly culled himself up and was soon fast nslecp. Tho stealing of thu Colonel s chickens evidently pleased the landlord greatly, for he immediately brought out hisjug and brewed a largo pitcher of punch and invited us all to partake of It. Wo drank punch, told stories and sung songs for two or three hours, nnd then went to bed, nnd when wo separated, tho stranger took his eat with him. Tho chickens weio given to the cook, who served them up tho next morning for breakfast, being careful to burn tho feathers and such portions as could not bo cooked, to prevent detec tion, should a guard bd S3nt around for tho purpose of hunting for tho thieves. At tho time I write of, tho soldiers had but recently been paid off, and every liouso in tho town was a gambling houso and liquor saloon, nnd three-fourths of those In or about tho town wero gam biers by profession. Entering ono of these saloons the afternoon following the eve as abovo narrated, I found tho stranger seated behind a table, upon which was piled several hundred dol lars in gold and silver coin, a number of packs of cards, and by thorn was ly ing tho eat. I invited tho stranger to take a drink, and ho got up and accom panied mo to tho bar, but as ho did so, ho said : "Sam, keep a sharp lookout, or somo of tho cash will be nipped." Wo stood at tho bar somo minutes, waiting our turn to be served, when wo wero suddenly startled by a yell of u, ony. Turning oround, wo observed a soldier dancing around tho room with the eat clinging to his band. Tho stran ger jumped forward, and catching tho soldier by tho throat, said : 'You have been trying to steal same thing from my table." "No, I haven't," was tho dogged re ply. "You can't deceive me. What Is that you havo in your hand. A twenty dol lar pieco, as sure ns I live. Give it up," and ho took a double eagle from the sol dier's hand, and giving him a kick, sent him headlong into thestroet. "It won't do to try to steal anything from mo whilo Sam is on guard. Wo do all tho stealing that is done, don't we Sam,"said tho stranger, nshoturned to the bar to obtain the think which had been compounded for him, whilo tho cat jumped on the table and resumed his position lis guard over his master's treasure. Having taken his drink, tliOhtrangcr resumed Ills seat behind his table, and very quickly began to deal moiito to a crowd who collected around him. Several days passed away beforo I saw thu stranger again, although I heard of him and his cat a dozen times a day. In fact, Sam and his tricks had become thu topic of conversation in camp. Ho was as faithful as a dog, and followed his master wherever lie went. Tho dogs at first manifested a disposition to pitch into him, but, unliko other cats, he would not run, and ho hail a trick of leaping upon their backs and seizing hold of them with Ills teeth, and reach ing for their eyes wjtli his sharp claws. Ho would whip tho largest dog in tho camp in less time tlian it takes to say Jack Robinson, and after ho had de feated several ol tho largest and fiercest ho was let alone and given a wido berth by tho remainder of tho canines. This cat was a strange fellow. Ho would pay no attention to any ono but Ids master, whum ho would follow like a spaniel. Ho would suffer anybody to to stroko his back, but It wos utterly Im possible to get him to recognlzo any act whatovcr. Ho was always at tho gamb ling table, apparently acting as a "look out," for if any one attempted to pick up what was known among gamblers as a "sleeper," ho would pouueo upon and givo them a taste of tho quality of his teeth, but if they attended to their own moiioy, Sam was perfectly quiet. Somo three months after tho first np pearanco of tho gambler at tho camp, with his cat, an awful tragedy took place. Tho gambler had been having a reniarkablo run of good luck, and had won somowliero between twenty-fivo and thirty thousand dollars, This lie had changed from coin into demands on the United States Treasury, for con venience, and declared that ho was go ing to leave tho country. Times were getting dull. Tho soldiers had spentall tho money they had, and It had gradu ally found Us way into tho hands of a few persons, nnd they were not going to run tho risk of losing it nttho gambling tabic; tnereiore, tho gamblers wero having rough times, and ono by one, thoy wero leaving and seeking other re gions. Tho owner of tho catnnnounced his Intention of going to Plko's Peak, whero thero was n prospect of lively times, as tho immigrants to t ho mines wero beginning to arrive. Ho hail kept perfectly sober during his stay at tho camp, but now that ho was reatly to taku ids departure, ho got to drinking, and kept on a spree for several days. During this thno ho bo came excessively quarrolsomo, and on soveral occasions had drawn his pistol and fired at persons, but had not hit any ono. Quito a feeling of Indignation against him had been aroused, and dark throats of lynching wero heard from various quarters. Thoro lived at tho camp a wagon master named Hurry Price, who wu a COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. 20. quiet, penccnblo man, beloved by all who wns never known to engago In n quarrel. Ho wont lo tho stranger, told him of thofecllng that had been aroused nnd ndviscd him to bo moro circumspect In his conduct. Instead of taking the ndvlco In tho spirit It was given, the gombler, without a word, drew ills pis tol nntl shot Prico through tho heart, causing instant death. And now comes tho strangest part of this etrango story. Tho moment ho fired his pistol and poor Prico fell, tho cat Jumped upon Its master's shoulders, and seized him by.tlie throat with lit teetli. In vain ho struggled to throw It off; It clung to him with llio tenacity of a bull-dog, and did not release its hold until Its master had raised ills pistol and blown its head to pieces. Tho greatest excitement followed the murderer. Tho murderer tried to es cape, but tho crowd, summoned by tho reportof the pistol, collected too quickly and ho was captured. In less time than jt takes to narrate it, the excited crowd had procured a ropo, placed it around the neck of the miserable man, and swung him to tho end of a wagon tongue, which was elevated for that purpose. Legal Advice. A Gentleman ordered a suit of clothes from n tailor, nnd specially enjoined him that they must be made by the next Tuesday, and must be made In the finest style, and that unless tho tailor could havo them ready to a certainty beyond peradventtiro to tho day, that ho must not undertake them; but Snip promised faithfully that they would bo finished. Tuesday eatno and no clothes; the enraged man Hew to the eabbago man's liouso and said : "What's the reason my clothes are not ready as you promised ? Here you've kept mo in tho city nta losof timoand busiuess only to disappoint me; now, if we had you in our part of the couutry, I tell you what they would call you: they would call you it perfect squirt !" Tho humble knight of tho goose ex plained that tho only competent work man that he had,capab!eof making tho suit, had n wife lying ut dentil's door, and ho could not possibly leavo her, Tho outraged gentleman was nut able to smother his disappointment, and bera ted the tailor pretty soundly for falling in his positive promise. Tho ninth fraction of the "genus homo" could not .stand this, and ; l.iinly told his custom er to go to tlie c. .uric regions of Pande monium. The customer, red witli rage, rushed across the sheet lo a lawyer, and In au excited and hurried manner, said : 'Do you know, Snip, tho tailor acro-s tbo way ?" "Yes, I know him," answered Brief. "Well, now, I want your advice," said tho gentleman ; "I want to know what you would doln such a case. That old stitch iotiso has kept mo hero in tiio city ou oxiien.se, to tho great detriment of my business nnd disappointed mo in a suit of clothes; but when I went to re monstrate with the fellowabout it.what do you suppose ho said lo me? He told mo to go to the dovil I" Witli theso words he laid down a ten dollar bill on tbo desk, ami said, "Now, sir, what would you do?" "Do you mean tlih for n retainer?" nsked Brief. "I do," was tho reply. "Then," said Brlef.quietly folding up the i mi and putting it intr. bis posket, "be :oId you to go to tho devil. Well. my opinion and advice to you is, don't do it. There is moi cover, no statute or loc id law that can compel you to a spe cific performance. I .say, don't do it until called by Almighty power." .1 Toiif-lilng- incident. The world is full of mournful inci dents. How little do wo know of tho poignant sorrow myriads of our fellow creatures are compelled to suffer. The following touching event wo tako from a Boston journal: An expressman upon reaching his office early ono cold morning in January, observed on tho sidewalk, a long heavy box, which his practiced eye at once identified as containing a corpse. Upon ono end of tiio box, shivering with tho cold, sat n halfclad boy about seven or eight years old. Addressing him kind ly, ho said : "My lad, don't sit there, you will freeze ; como in and sit by the stove.'' Bursting into tear-, tho littlo Tellow replied, "No, I can't como In ; my mother is in thi boy, and I prom-ed her 1 would never leave her until we got home." Deeply affected with the touching de votion of tills bravo littlo fellow, ho finally succeeded in convincing him of tho entiro safety of his precious charge, and taking him over lo n neighboring restaurant, gave him n warmbreokfast, aud learned tho particulars of his story. His father died about u year previously, in n remote village in Minnesota, leav ing Ills mother in poor health and near ly destitute. Sho died but a few days beforo the boy's sad journey, charging tho littlo hero with the duty of convey ing her remains to her friends in a dis tant State, and furnishing him with (alt sho had) u sum of inonoy barely sufll den t to carry them both by freight cars to their destination. Tho littlo fellow had actually ridden night and day in a freight car with Ids melancholy trust, never for a moment losing bight of It. A Man In Ohio recently killed 15,7s 1 snakes In twenty acres of woods on his farm, anil ho says thero aro tlireo i lines as many left. A correspondent says ho Is trying to rout out tho woods for picnic parties and Sunday school celebrations, but tiio peoplo of tlie neighborhood havo hardly any enthusiasm for tho place. They say they don't object to a snako or two iiero and there, but when there aro forty thousand in ono sylvan glade, thero Is likely to bu too much sociabil ity. The happy possessor of u big dog,out West, being denied passagofor him on tho cars, chained him to tho rear brake of tho train. After on hour's Journov ho went back to look at him, and found tho chain and collar all right, but the dog was protty much towed away. KATES OF AUVliKTlSlSfJ. Ouo square, (Ion lines orlts ctiulvalcnl.lu Non. patell typo) one or two Insertion, fl.50) thtas lusertlons, $2.00, bpace. 1m, tit, 3t. OM. It Oucurjuare I2JX) 3,00 ((,00 110,00 10,00 Twobrjnarcs SiO 6,00 7,00 0,"0 1S,M Tlireo nqunrcs 6,00 J,(io 0,00 12,00 11,00 Four miunrci 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 2&.00 Quarter column.. 10,00 12,00 11,00 20,30 30,00 llnlfcoliinill 15,00 18,00 MOO C0.00 00,00 Ouo column .80,00 06,00 40,00 00,00 100.00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.00, Auditor's or.Assienco's Notice, (2.60. Local notices, twenty cents n line; by llio year ten cents. Cards lnllio"l!udncssDlrcetory" column, H.00 per year for llio first two lines, nnd 1 1,00 for each additional line. Itoscoe (.'(milting ns an Amateur Pugilist. Conkllng practices pugilism, it seems. Ho has had masters famous In their lino ond can fence, and fib, and cut, and dub with tho best or them. Every morning ho arises from his chasto couch, and whilo yet in his night clothes, that leaves his senatorial legs exposed, and Ills senatorial muscles of tho arm free, for an hour ho dances around a sack of bran suspended from tho ceiling, hit ting It right nnd left with great force, rapidity, nnd precision. After this a couple of stout fellows rub tho Senator down witli crash towels and horso brush es. This tremendous athlete of tho fogbank thou descends to raw steak nud porter. This fearful gladiator of tho fcenato is very fond of inviting any friend who may call upon him to a lit tlo trial with the gloves, and then amus ing himself by administering dubi on thu nose and in tho eyes, or of upsetting his friends entirely. My friend .Tones, a warm admirer of the curley pitted law maker, bad this Invitation to stand up and bo punished until ho found it somo what fatiguing. So ono day lie intro duced ids friend Prico. When invited to put on tho gloves, ns usual, he declin ed, but recommended his friend Price. Price was also reluctant, but consented, l'hu Senator very kindly gavo Prico somo instruction us to tho position and modo of striking out. "Now hit me," cried tho Ronator, dancing around Price. "I fear 1 shall hurt you," said Price. "Never miud me," continued tho Senator, giving Prico a stinger on tho nose. "Well, look out," snorted Price, very red in the fate. The Senator tried to get ono in oi Price's peepers, when his arm was sud denly thrown up In an extraordinary manner. Prico had caught It tho most awkward way and gavo itsuch a wrench that Conkey thought for a moment his arm wns gone. Whilo looking for it ho got n most infernal whack between his eyes. Tho Senatorial beauty threw up ids arms and stumbling back, folbover a lounge, leaving nothing vislblo but his senatorial legs, nnd thero ho lay studying a new sort of astronomy that boomed to bo mado up of lire-works, whilo Jones cried "time," Conkling did not come to time, but when lie did gather himself up, looking extremely silly, Prico said : "1 beg your pardon, Mr. Senator, I thought you moro expe rienced than you seem to bo. I am an old band ut tills sort of thing, having been brought up in tho priza ring." Don Piatl lo Cincinnati Commercial. Ilecclici-'s Shot at a Squirrel. Henry Ward Bcccher, In a star paper on "Chipmunks" In the Christian Union, tells this story of himself: The first that I overtired ngun, it was nt a "chippy," and I did not lilt him. My father it was who let me trot behind him, n seven or eight year old, whilo he hunted the fields. How my nerves screwed up when ho took nim, and what a crash in my over-sensitivo ear was tho report ! It was always painful, and always an irresistible fascination. And so one day returning home, out ran n bold ehipmonk, and coursed along :lio wall with trailing tall, then mount i I.' n stone, tail cocked up, ho said, ilit me, hit me, hit mo, he, he, ho!" ' 1 lore, Henry, do you want to shoot ?" "Yes, sir no yes, I do." "Get behind me lit the gun lest on Iny shoulder now take aim come, pull the trigger or he'll be off." I shut up ono eyo in a manner that carried tlie other witli it. Iopenedboth. The tears came. Tho squirrel seemed six or seven squirrels whirling round in theuir. 1 took aim, but it would not stay aimed. Somehow I saw tho sky, thostono wall, a great mullen stalk, the squirrel, mid twenty other things, all in a jig. Bang went tho gun. "Chig-ger-ree-reo" went tho squirrel us ho dived down, laughing, into a hole. Well, I've seen many a minister do tho samo thing with n sermon, and feel as sati-llcd as 1 did. To bo suro I bad not hit any tiling, but I had mado a splendid noise. ."tot to !c Outdone. Ono of tho zealous Chaplains of tho army of Iho Potomac called on a Colonel noted for ids profanity, In order to talk about tho religious interests of his men. Ho was politely received, and motioned to a seat on a chest, when tho following dialogue iiisticd : Chap. Colonel, you havo ono of the finest regiments in tho army. Col. I beliovo so. Chap. Do you think you pay euffl cient attention to tho religious instruc tion of your men? Col, (doubtfully) Well I don't know. Chap. A lively Interest has been awakened in the Mas., (a revival regiment.) Tho Lord has blessed the labors of his servants, and ten havo al ready been baptized. Cui. (excitedly) Is that so I (To tho attendant:) Sergeant Major, havo fifteen men detailed immediately for baptism. I'll bo d d if I'll be out- done by any Massachusetts regiment. Some years ago,thero lived lu an Ea tern town, au old man who had a pro pensity for "hooking" small at.d porta ble articles that eamo in his way. As lie wns poor and past labor, and well known about tho town, no further no tlco wns taken of his peculations than to keep u sharp look-out when ho was around. A dealer had a quantity of dry fish landed on tho wharf at an hour too Into to get them into his btoro, nnd, us ho was about covering them with an old sail-doth, iio espied old B., apparently recoimolterlng. Selecting u couple of thu fish, ho said : "Hero 11., 1 must leavo theso fish out hero to night, and I will give you these two If you promise mo that you will not steal ony." "That Is n fair offer, Mr. A., but-wcll-1 don't know," with nglanco ut thundered fish, and then ut tho pile, "JtitnkJ can ilo belter." Tm:m: nro ninety-six Welsh Congre gational eliuitlus lu this country.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers