It MwYtfixi . i.- 1. 1 i. tt.i.. ni...t..l.i . T1I.KY III IIIM UlUIllV JJUL'lUin Ut- v i r . ,. i. r iitjim. . i. ! .r.- i.. -twiti.. : "Moderation Society" of I'lill- it uui.a fi.i ti ir.- ...... nro ii n tier oblitrnlluns to Hon. ,- . i..i.itA Tt .. UUUt'lULI 1UI A. 14IJIII; .luuuuiuiiis. Auditor General for a copy of his IMIIlITlIb 17 & UUlUlVlil 1 1 111 llfl 11(1 Mil! YUllI vin in viuw u; inn rit'iMir ih. of Judge .hi well In relation to xr l -.1 i t i . r .itnv WHIHKKY. At thn nnvi-.m. Fflle of whiskey in this dIacoou finv innr. inn crmminr. wnu imnrrht llfty cents per gniion. w .i n it una ii. ivn nnvn ronnivmi ef niltn nni tt lltn i'iiftfi4i 7m,.. uormnn Tinner nuniisiuti vpi r v izinwu. i a. ii h wnu iintum. car, imuiu in uuviuhl', will I'OIU' It to tliu public, we wish it sue- fifteen miles from WiMIumanort, iiM.Q rnMtftl nn w v v wn kJlllJVIIl,y llllll, i inriv-iiVH iioiiiim in p-mii u-nro J.I1U but hi us iiiii i iPiiprM vir of Jumcs DnlamiV was hrmiPiit. tn triu j it uurnuirii mm mil in urn. rinnr nnrt mninra rnrrnriiinrr m iiuojisn on our outsit e tiiu wwk ni'fipnnr I n nt-ni nm nt if in Ileeohpri Who is in ilnllvnr nn mnnor ni nur i.nmprmnnnii irimwm urauiey is "inking imck" homo lie saw rcjaiivo 10 ino associate i.i.. i. i it.. UJ 11. bUDIJUfU I1U I lib. IB Uill'K LIlU subject, or that any petition from 1IU1. f UULU 1UUII1UU (tUII lilt 1IU mmuido t jjiUi iva iii iju Mruu LeLMHiaiivo columns, mo senata This bill, which was Intended to tneca&eot Lr. sciiccDiie.under sen- to tno supremo court ol the i . r.. 1. i l . r. . .... ii...... Saving Fund. Money wns Ini. Aanplnllmi nil n r Inut Intuit. feiuuruav i eu. otu iu ironi sua lo 6U1 BCII SICCK IH imr.ACXl lllL'C'l- publish this week our uaunl ar- uuer mis neiiu. ior which ino to oi L.ourL wceic unnn our receiveu soino vniutuiiu papers 'IN. UUW IJUML DlllUUn IIlI vii DL'nil t SIllll In this county, viz; locust -Gap, lt O. lUVLT 1LS J-'USlIlKIMlr. Illlll fp. with IV P. TtnUr. na Inat mna. new oi cu mils a so neon csium- In Montour county.callcd Conily, uaiorattu as I'osimaster. we u ami luij iv iM iiuuiuu in nunur 11HI1I. 111W.I'I'M 111 KI'ITI Kill III IIII! jiavotieen ltrenarcu. unu are now had at this ofllco, for the usti of 01 mo ueueuiH ui mu jiu ruur ijaw ior una L'uuiuy. i is uu- ni urn nil mwnmnns L'uiiLfiiiiiiiiiiiif ini" intn ilin ftrrfinn-finpnt yhnnid mil iiti ii r fiini iiiin iiim iiuiiliihim IIIMl Ifl T 111! I iflMN 111UIU. Ml llllLL UV UU CIlllUIL-ll lUUIIlVl 1st. his piinni'i'llnn H limv lin US Well to that tho previous debt oiBloom maun io diiv ino tunie uv mu ...... .. . i i addressed to snmo friend or nc- Innr,,, nil Wifin Itn.'n tn An in .,,nl.n ch tho person (who has left tho in tno meantime) is io cnango tno i merely and drop it in tno post Tho l'ostolllco Department has fl thnr nil Allnm i ., t ,lr ,1 1. Im the custody of tho postolllee, bo ouch thu letteis had never been lUtliomnll. If tlinv rim mil Ml 1,1 II, i,i.i .,.,..,,.,. ,i (I lllfl ilnn.l lnll, rfll,., MMtMitil fcniNa Schools. It Is tho duty rents to manliest tomo further In- t In tho common school toucher's lliun mnrotv in ttpiiil llii.lrfliuilrnti w. Do wants their co-operation. vinnnoFcnooi-roonis occasionally H'lm interested with him in mill;. UDlineunt tblmrof lrnrnliiL'. it Is fitm .... i.ii. j.w.i.,.. ..i.n.r T 1 1 (IK iiHni.Hi.i, 11. Ill ...r. I. .... .,,1 (Minna v.ilol.t ni uL.i rrc I'hnvvn Mrt..mvn Tvi l it tlitt i ut iima nun niixih miMUlO UIJU IIIU Ill'JUM J nnei.l ....i i i.n..u. ,- '7 vvuiVDi nilUHII IU Ullt JHlt-l UL'UUiii in itu nntiirn un.l ot lil.-ick ' Hrw usiu. Ourreuc crs may, per- "'whs uh jor a icccjpi. wmui js lofulllltho alinvi.iiu iitIoii((l con- iiu r. ii. . . .....i ..r jhi wuitiitiiiiiiL: i uiuiuii ut -'--I Ml IIIU lltAl uiv ri' IHIIIUO fC'tll Vttrfnl lIv Miiwiiu if itmti :ri it w iiiuph ui liicuftuiu ur "W t W UV II I i VI ll J IIW K W V 1 which tho Mould is placed is then ")ikcd and left for two or three After Ulng allowed then lo stand i-w uhvq iinfiuiniitrii. ino clear ' I'ouuii on imei is reiieiy inrusi1, THE M usual, tho -Hf!M'crm appropriates n portion of our record of Oouit nro- THK Mlllnninn cnlnrKcd to thoslzo of tlio Coi,u.miua.v. It is ono of tho best edited und uioit neatly printed papers In tho Stale. Till: SeriUltoil,;,,, ,,1-1.,.. ..... nouneiiiff tho ro-ninrrlncnofowor tlio Avomlalo widows, biikbcsIh mi ninend. nient to tho venlllntlon bill protectlnc llieso women In some manner. ItotlllUnV Tlinlwiiiunur H tl li.l.... bach In llench Hnvi t1 rn fititttrtiil In burlarson Tuesday night la-tt and a tmckago of money hcloiigliifr to tho K. It. Co.. and a revolver taken therefrom. In their linstu Ilm rnliliera ,lrn,,,l i-n $20 bills from tho package, wlilcli con- milieu sumo aim niso tim revolver. 'I hoy did not disturb several other paekapes of money, tho property of tho rost Onico Deportment and Kxpress Co. No arrests ha vo been nntilu as ytt. Tlio idltor of tho llrnuhUmn In flu nl. tack on tho County Statement says: "under tho head of Drlntlnir lli "1c?0,"'t ofliayliiB paid any money to niio iiii;u,uiiureas wu received upwards of ilftcen dolhirs." The fact is ho was paid by tho Treasurer, and not by the Commissioners; nnd tlio item appears in tlio Treasurer's statement of amount paid for publishing mercantile appraise ment. SOIIA.NTO.V. Ill llils Kind,. Iu fl i,,.,.,.. hauling New York. If not in noiiulatloii. then In crime. Taking tho ovidenco of mu ocraiiioii papers as conclusivo on this point, it lias become unsafe to travel tho streets after night. Last week one man was shot, another stabbed, nnother waylaid and robbed, another murdered outright, and many women were Instil ted. Tho Democrat recommends puri fication by lire. The Day. DlXIil.VI.VO Thoiirlcn ofpfinl hi dm largo cities continues to decline, and as tho "backbone" oftho winter is broken, so to speak, tho speculators for u nu have a deciilcl v bluo lookout. slnco tho production of tho mines, with out lew exceptions, is htcadilv on the increase. We liopo it will not be long before we tiro enabled to record a corres ponding reduction In bieadstufl's, pro visions, clothing and house rent. Munnint. On Sunday evenlm Kfli. Cth, n man named Thomas Andrews was murdered In Scranton, by Dan. Grady, a blackniilth employed at tlio Oxford mines. Grady, who was Intox- Icated,made ti perfectly unprovoked at tack upon Anihews. who was a sti-ani?. er to him, and cut his throat In so frighi- iui u iiiiiiiui'i' us in cnuso ins tieatn out a snort tlmo alter. A number oi per sons witnessed tlio muuler but snenitd to navo inailo no ellort cither to pro vent it or to arrest Grady. It was io ported that another man had been stab bed by tlio rulllan during tlio ovoning. Wi: havo received a well written communication from a correspondent In Fishing Creek relative to tliodilll cutties which havo lately been enwmii- icreu in inaiecnooi .District, we are to tally ignorant as to tho merits oftho ease, having as yet heard but ono side, btitasfomo oftho parties Involved In the difficulty have been bound oer to appear at Court wo think it would bo impolitic to publish tlio letter of our correspondent, lest we should lay our selves open to thecharL'oofhavliiL' nre- Judged tho case and given publicity to our opinion. Don't borrow this paper, btcitiso the subscriber wants to read It. If vou wain one oi your own. sena us two dot lars mid you can liavo It for o year. A man who will borrow his neighbor's paper, when ho can gt it a ear for : is about as elouo as tlio erocer who caught flics and soaked their feet lo get mo sugar uack tnaf nail accumulated by waiKing over ins counter, it is no u.-e to bo menu for the sake of savinir a few cents. You can't take tho money along wnu yuu wnen you die, unit it you could u would proDauiv nedestrovod uv fire. llLoosisnuito has again made appli cation to tho Court for u Itorouuh Charter. Tlio matter was referred to tho Grand Jury. We havo not learned tho result, but hope that it lias bien g ra n led . Jserwiclt uazette. Not so. No application for a Charter was made. Tho people hero have failed fco often that they will not mako tho effort again through tho Court. Wo un dci'staud that Senator Uuckalow has u bill on tho subject which ho will Intio- duco at an early day. A Good Daw. Tho ITouso has pass ed tho Senate bill relative to b-iggago smashing. It provides Unit any bag-gago-masler, express agent, stagedrlver, hackman or other person whoso duty it is to Handle, remove or taun care or ino Imggago ot pasfcengois, who snail wil fully or recklessly iniuru or destroy any trunk, valise, box, package nr parcel while loading, transporting, unloading, delivering or storing tho same, shall be irnlltv of a misdemeanor, and on convic tion thereof shall bo sentenced to pay a lino not e'xceiiung ono Hundred nonar Wahnimi 'to l'l.oi'i.i: wiioHih.d ItKCKiPm it is i emitted that govern in cut oHicialsaiegoingaruund thocoun try InvestiKating every receliit book bill, etc. Tlio ruaton of this is to sue If tho proper revenue stamp is niljusled or uoi. ii nil) laiter do inuease, a niiu is imposed upon tho holder of the paper, who, perhaps through neglect, has omit, ted to havo tho paper slumped, lliul ness men would do well, therefore, to examine their papers in order mat lliey may 1101 uo victimized. Tim roi.icvii.i.K JIaiiw. For six months past, wo liave been annoyed by tho failure, of our papers sent to l'olk vlllo, to reach their destination, In any thine liko duo time. Wo havo sent them up ino l. u o i- isiiini: crceK ami bv wav of Muucv. but thu evil e'xlsts In both routis. Dust week tho package. was returned from Munvy. to this ofllco. Instead of belnir forwarded. No trouble of this kind Is experlen ced by thu other paper published In this piacoanii wo ino ueiei mineii iosiii uic matter to tho bottom and. If poxi-lblc. securothoiiunlsliiiient of thnso to whom tho i elav is iiliriouiab e. Either Muucy or Chestnut Grove Is responsible, from what wo can It mil, A vigorous appeal will bo mado to tho l'ostmaster ueiicrat and wo neneve mu wrong will bo righted. It Is an outrage that New York malls should bo deliv ered in rolkvlllo with unilovlatlng reg ularity, whilst tho Cui.Pmiiians tiro delayed for ono or two weeks, as our subscribers aver Is tho case. Having had Intimations fioii) dif ferent pints of tlio DIntikt during Urn past two weeics linn our name is ueing u-ferretl to ns a probable caiidhlatu fur Congiess, wo take this occasion lo bay that such use (.1 11 is most 1 nipiiauc.iiiy without our consent; and fiiithir, Unit wo nif uoi nnil will not tn 11 cnniiidaie. Wo propose devoting our" wholo tlmo mid attention to tho A'oWi OtnillnUm, concentrating our talents anil energy towmu making it llioevw jwm-r m 111c Mate, believing that we cm best servo this District in uus way. uei diep interest lu this people nud this country. Tho loimer wo deslio to seo bcni ilteel anil the latter developed.anil, believing that for tlio present we can 110 moro for both In thu "chair editorial." we cannot bo tempted lo lenvo It. 0 did not eomoto North Carolina as mi office sieker, but as a, fiul If our ifio Is spared wo txptct to elu a good deal of it. A'oWA Curallutauiig A good resoluilou, Doctor, Such nun aro needed in tho South, it shows that you have gouo there not as a mere "carpet-bagger" or ndviuttiier, but to inaku tho btato your lionie, nnd to as sist lu ils development. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Mi:r,ANCiior.Y Dhatit, nn i,vt,i,,.. mornliig last, tho citizens of our tow'n wero shocked bv th n fniiirr- rf Hit- ami. den and violent death of Mrs. Mary Ami, wife or Gcorgo W. Jlaugcr, tho well known proprietor of tho Forks noiei. i no ntcts in tho caso are ns fol lows: At mi early hour on tho fatal morning Mrs. Mauger was engaged In getting breakfast and In the course of her preparations had occasion tn iun soinu water, to procure which, she took it bucket and went to a barrel loaded Iu ii iiarK corner oi on outer kitchen. This oarrei wns partially suiikon.somullfteen Inches only nimcnrlnir nlmun ih,, itr,.r and was about half lull. Tho lining of mo nticicct necessitated stooping, and, while doing so, her feet either slipped upon tho leu which covered tho lloor, or she was seized with ono of the fits or giddiness to which sho had long been subject, and was precipitated headlong niiu mu uarrei. j wooden plug had been Inserted In tho bottom for tho pur pose Of dmwltlL' off thn wnler linnii nn. casion.and her head undoubtedly struck tills, as a sovcro scalp wound wus ills covered, upon examination, from whlcn uiu uioou iiao nowed ireeiy. The buck et wns found In tho barrel with tho Douy. iNot more than fifteen or twenty minutes had claused after she deseenil. cdfrom her room, until hcrllfclesj body was found by her eldest daughter. All available means wero made use of to rekindle tlio vital spark, but in vain. An inquest was summoned by Ksquiro Chemborlin nnd, the facts In the case having been duly set forth, a verdict of "accidental dentil" was rendered. Mrs. Maimer was thu dtiUL'litnr f if Joseph I.ovengood nnd Was nt tho tlmo of her sad death In the llftleth year of her age. Her husband and ftvo children are left to mourn her untimely loss, and a migu eiieio ot menus heartily sympa thize with them In their nlUlctlon. The funeral, which took place on Sunday hint from tho German Keforincd Church, was very largely attended and a great proportion of those present accompan ied tho remains to their lust resting Place, wo Ktitrw or no Heath which has produced so saddening an elfect In llloomsburg us that of tlio estimable woman wo havo now chronicled. County Statemkst. The Act of Assembly requires that thete shall be published annually for four success vo weeks a county statement which shall "enumerate tho respective sums paid by each ward and township within tho county, and also designate all sums ex pended for thesuppoitofprisoiiSjthopay of each commissioner and of their clerk the repairs ol old or tho erections of new bridges, and tho sums paid to in dividuals for lands over which roads may havo been laid out. toirether with such oilier items as may have u tenden cy to convey general Information of tno t lansiutions 01 tnu preceding year." Tlio statement this year Is one half shorter than inrmeriy, tlio commission ers wishing to save the expense of ad vertising, wo think this I a mistake, not only because it evades thu law, but because Hie tux payers ml) deeply In terested In knowing whore every do . larof their money goes; and if general results only aro given many oi them will suspect that they cover objectiona ble Hems. For instance there Is the Item. "Koad damage to sundry nor- bous $2,(10:1,00." It would bo interest ing to know to whom llieso ihimages wero paid, mid what proportion tho different townships received- We hope this delect will be remedied the follow ing year. Foil brown or bleached muslin iro to M. I'. Dutz's. Tkiuuiii.k Aci'Idknt. About half past ten o'clock on Monday night, the rennvlvnnla Rolling Mill was tho scene of u terrible accident. William Done. ford, tho oiler, was caught in tho machinery, and had bis lelt leg torn ironi hisixeiy. jonu .Maries, mount r. Jones anu perhaps several others, witnessed tlio sad scene, without thu power to aid the umortunate man. lie was eonvi'yed to tho residence of his parents on weisn iiiii. uis. snyder and O'dlby, wero promptly called, be- lore removal lrom tno mill, itut no was bevond tho reach of medical aid. except lo soothe his fleeting moments. uo was periecuy conscious on i uesuny morning, and tiled at a quarter before six o'clock-, on Wednesday morning, nearly thirty-two hours alter the acci dent. He was unmarried, u nativoof Wales, and about twenty-two years old. Wo earn with pleasure unit ino pro prietors. of tho Works, are generously paying the funeral expenses. If the pinions had been boxed up as thev should havo been, It Is morally certain that-this terrible accident could not havo happened. It Is said that there aro other things In tho new mill, besldeu tho ordinary hazards, that en danger life, and to urgo tho proper rem edy, Is a public duty. Wo learn that tlio pinions navo since oeen uoxeo up; but Just ono day too late, to savo tho lil'o of young Longford. Montour Uncrtcaii. "Shoo Fi,y." This ludicrous, yet Domtlar somr with tho miisoes is ouito old, having been sung long befoio the war ny ino negroes oi ucoigin. ii is well known that n ilre-engluo hove the name of "Shoo Fly," iu Savannah, as far back ns lSSli, having derived its name finm this simple and seii-eless song. As a matter of curiosity to bun die ils who have had the chorus ringing in their tins 011 every hand, for elays p-t, we give thu wonls of what may truthfully bo termed tho song of thu period : Kiioo, i-i,y I do.n''t iioiiiinn mi;! I think I hear do angels sing, I think I hear do angels sing, I think I hear do angel- sing Do angels now aro on dj wing. 1 feel, I feel, I feel-'s what my modeler said. De angels pouring lusnis down, Upon ills nigger's head. Ciiokus: Shoo, fly! don't boddormo! Shoo, fly ! don't bodder mu I Shoo, fly I don't bodder mo ! I belong to Comp'ny G. 1 feel. 1 feel, I feel, I feel liko a morning star I I feel, 1 feel, I feel, I feel like 11 morning star! I ft el, I feel, I feel, I feel liko 11 morning star! I fee), I fee), 1 feci, I feel liko a morning star! U I sleep lu do sun, ills nigger knows, If I sleep In do sun, dis nigger knows, If I sleep Iu desuu, ells nigger knows, A UV e-onie siing nun on eio nose, I feel, 1 feel, 1 feel Dat's what m.v inodder said ; Whenever ills nigger goes to sleep; lie must eober up ills head, ClliillL's: Shoo, fly ! don't bodder mo! etc. M'ii is Is u netltlon-blL'iiinir country Men in too many ea-es attach their uiiuns 10 turners without kuowliiL' ex Hfiiv uh.-it Is nriivi'd for. or how they aro inteie-led in thu nutter. Not long slnco a pelillnn was iu clrculalloii iu one of the counties of this Statu, ii-king Court inilecrio that tl bridge should im thinwn iiei-oss acei-talu slri'iiut, Thu f,,nri 1 ilnteil viewers, who reported timt it uii-iieesiirv.andricommeifded that tin county pay three-fourths of tint cost Ol litllllllng.llltd lliopeilliuuernimj the remaining fourth. On tills the Court granted an order; tho contract wus given out, and tno nriugo mini tl,,. i-iiiintv fnllllllnir its nart ot tlio con tract by paying tliree-lourths of tho , i,.t of iiiilhliiiL'. Then came theellects of Indisci Inilnato petition signing. The 1, m. mis w in iiskcii mat 1110 ormiii iliiuilil bo i rei ted wero waited 011 by thu contiaitor, and a pro rata share of six dollars anu sovcniy nvo ceuiH uo iniindid ofetich ulgner. They demur ... ,1 ,,,,i.t , if tin in. on thu account of lion resilience lu tho locality to bo benellted i.v 1 1,11 iii-hP'i, Hut Unit would not do, ami the money had to be paid. ,'H'cro will bo no inoie petitions signed In that county, until they me read and fully understood. It was 11 hind le-son, but useful, LOCAL NOTICES. Norit'i:. After tills week, by order of the Court, there will no moro sh.iv lug on Sunday, In my shop. John Aijtatt. TakuNotioh! Persons destrlhg New Musle or Instruments, should call on Altstntt, Court lloute Alley. l'Ai'Uii Ua(is. We have on hand a lino assortment of paper bags of large and small sizes which wo will sell m city rates, ii5-lt, A Mi suveio hnrnisslng Coughs aro cured In less than ouu-hulf tho time ne cessary to euro them with tiny thing else by using Dr. Pierce's Alterative Ex tract or Golden Medlca Discovery, thu chief Ingredient of which Is extracted from n modest llttlo plant found grow ing by tho roadslelo. It is warranted to arrest mid euro consumption In Its early stages. Sold by druggists, or get three bottles for three anil a quarter dollnr8,freo of Express chnrges, by eu- clsoing tho money to Dr. It, V. l'lrece, uuunio, in i Tim Jlctl Lion Jlrmid blank nlimcu advertised In this paper by M. P. Ltitz Is the best alpaca In the market for the money. Citooi' generally comes on In the night when It Is not easy to get medi cine. Thureforo tnltn ".1 rents nnil lmv a bottlo of Phoenix Pectoral and keep it until yon need it. no 4t. It's Pkri-ecti.y U.sKi.ES8!-"Wlia.tV' Why. for a man to Irv tn llml hoifor cheaper or more capitally fitting cloth ing than David Lowenberg sells at tho old Hand on Main St. His present slock lias been selected with his tmial good taste and is chosen to suit all classes of customers. His workmen nro tho best and understand their business fully. Founded unon estubllslii'ii scliiwi and conducted nccordltiL' to thn most approved mid highest standards of business security, the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company bus achieved a success which is unsurpassed among Institutions Of its mru mid elais. Know. ledgu is progressive; a great amount of intellect is ai ways at woi a l n vest Igat i ng mu muury nun cuiiccuug ino irnctlce ui i.uu jiisuniiice, ami mis uompany will lieieailer, as liitherto, eraft unon its sltm every leal improvement which couimeuils ilselfto scientiile thought and to business sagacity. Uut ils principles are on a secure basis, Us uusiiices is in a lorm wnicn is tried and substantial, and neither can bo matcrl- ally modified by any discovery. It is demonstrably able to elo all that it un dertakes; and oilers to till sound, health v men, ofeood tlieprimeoi'lifi. the best uiiuns humiin knowlediro has been able to devi.-e of securely putting uwnj- suipius turnings agmusi inoday which Is suio lo tome to all: and mean. while of assuring a provision to their uepi.neitnt untunes, against want and poverty wmcn, upon the sueltlen or i inly coming ol death, might otherwise ue iiiei.iuy legacy leu uy tnein. ' UlootiiHiiiirir Alnikct Ilcport. Wilt ii I per Ijlislitl , llyc " CJorn " . Onts. " Kloui pel h.riel Clnvcieed , Flaxseed Ilullcr Kaas Tullow I'olutoes Pried Apples Hams Hides nnd HhoulUeis Iud per pound liny per ton 1 WIN Nn, 1 Seoteli ntir Nii.ll " " ltltiiini fl.10 I to Kll 45 7 IU . a to V 15 W 23 10 10 J 53 V5 'J) SO 111! ..SIO LUMUEIl. Hemlock Hoards per tliousnud KcU Pine " " (one hicli) ... Jnlst, Hciiiitllug, Plunk,! Hi iiitoek). Klllligles, No. 1 pertlloilMiud ritdiiig " " n. r.v.v.'.T.r.""'.'."! ill, lO lvu . 15 i . .s 10 . 7 IV . ls"Vi Philadelphia JllnikeU. s i.oen N'ottliu'eNteri, hlilii.rnitH ,t , 1 1. -J5i l.rt Nurtl.wcsierii exlrn. 1..3oi 1 NortliMeslem family (i.iioi 0.' I'elllisvlvilllla iiuil Western Mllleilluu... 5.IH).U.5I' i'uims Ivntila mid Western extln 5.75.13 U.Tf Pennsylvania and Western lainllj- I).5l(ij;ll.l0 l-ennsyiviiuia ami wesiem l.iuey live Hour Wiikat PeunsyHunlu red, ?i bus Soutlieiu ' California " " white " llVK i'eiiiisylvniila rye, v '-us CultN Velluw, " Willie, - OA is Vims PituVlsloNH Mess l'olk, V bbl'i, , Dressed lings, p lb hmolted Hams Sillolilders V It, ijuti. v a HKklis Cloersci-d V bus l imoinysei'ii y uus Flaxseed " . CATTI.K Bn'f Cut tin In Cows, it heliil SlllhKI' -p tt lions 3 leu a-s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sj" O T I C K. AH 11 IhlillK klldWlllI! tllflUSi'lVCS ttl 1)L 1 11IL bt il tti.t. It. I uiM-ltir J. II. Tinsel Cti . will nlt-asi Mil im-. KL'ttlo Ihclr nii.fiuiitsliv tho first of A mil lit -t Ub C tl) liltt' tllH llOOkt. t.t'1tltHl tin XCoTultATlON. NotlTo U Iilmo bv utvi'ii Hint iiii thn sth iluv of I'tbrtinrv. 1S7U, hiiuiliy Inhitbltaiits of Columbia county, pro c tiled a jietltlon to tlio Court oM'oiunum l'ltuM t.f KtM louuty, ill ay liii; thu tal.l Comt to LMiint a t'bnrtL'i' or Jiicnrt'orntton. iiinlcr tho lntme, tylo Hinl tltlo of "Th Jlutiuil JiiiMtllii'' uiul jSavlni! Fuml AisHuciallcn ot Calawisha.'' wnu 1 nti riiiiii uiiu iriviifK' inerciii siaitu, ami If 110 biilllfk'iit causa Is t.)nnvn to thueon Iiary on (hit 11 rut day or iwxl term tht pi aver of ilm iietltluneiti will to .minted, accoiitlnir to tl o Ait of Amenably In htu'li cam inailo ami uru Id rd. W.ll KM'. nhii70-it. l-ioviionot.iry. rpilK FOLSOM LMPItOVKI) FAM- t hituHimiUeu btruny, durabtu umtu'iiHtbi tslltiii ; t ill ki-w vullti Piikunti-rt' vnri-t iifiTitlCiti unnl 111, llnt'ii nnil 1)U Komin, tioin tho tlnt sl l tin.' toatbt'st, nud of any ifijulu-il tliickncis at k 1 cu t -er Hpced ami with fo-bpower aud iioImi thunnny ntht'i-imitiilni'. AtfciilM wunted lu ovtiy totrti. I.tbrul conimttsitlon allowed. Tor trim and eluular uddru.s A. H, HAMILTON. JSO. 7Mi CIKMUUI HI, lL-blS7U-it. riillad'u, l'a., Sole Agent, S IIKUIFF'S SALK. Hi virtue ol kundry wilts of Vtndllloul Hx- 1.IHI11M. Uhiu-d out of tlio Court of Common jMi-uh if Columbia County, nud to mo directed, will btf ixiobt-il lo public hale or outcry, on tlio pii'iuUen on Haturduy. March 1.', l7i, at ono o'cIir-U lu tho alt? noon, all that ctrtulu Tract of Land, bituutu lu tlio township of ft ntro, tn bat! county, bound ed ui f Uuvr to wlli by laud4 of Wiltlain Deii nU, KnoM AdHiuk, Aaion Kclcbiter, und otlu-i. coutalulntfHUty Aviv, moro or Ik, whereon In tT' CIHU U Biort", llllt'U lwriiii; iiuuavn, rH MUM-'iaiuodrUt Mill, illatkt.mUh"'. Hhop, Wiu outmiUtr'i Shop, Shotriiialtcr'u Mmpi H irnu.hla blo., Ac, with appurtenance!. Helrcd, tuuen in execution una in uckjiu nt II... MD,uty of Aiiim. rullniir feblS'70. ' " Hliell'll'. p U II Ii I (J SAL K V.VI.UAIll.U 11K.U, 1J8TATKI In niirkiinieo nf mi unler nf the Court of nun. liinn 1-leua nt l-iiluinlila enmity, l'u., on KA'I IIII DA Y, Jliirili SMli li,70,nt 1 o'clock ill tlieiiflei. noon, lu-uten Hi-nan enniniiiiiu oi inn jit-iktin mid l-ihtutu of llcnjaiuln limine 11 luimtlu nf eii tingo Towiulilp, enuuty of Columbia will ex i.o.el,. lulul-y imblie vinJue, on Ilm iirriulmw, u e t i lulu IIuuku una L O T O F O It O U N D, Uuiiln In tlie lwn.iiiid i-iiiinty nfoiu iild.boiinded by InlldH of Meliu-lil Pruke, Jiu-nli lluBeiilinill und iitlier,conliilnlngklx ueria mid filly pcri lie Nirlet nun. lire on wlilcli Uireetid u Iiouho nnd bam. Ijitntlio i Hilto of mild Btnjmiln Boone, .11 mi U, in Hie inwii.lilp of Oriinge und enuniy uforiwild. WKLhltlU'lO.N' II. K.NT, Clellc, I-.VMTIAU, n, Hit.!!. Till t,er cent ot one fnnrlli of Hie viiriliinia lnoney mb mld by Hie i,iiieliio.eriit iliebtrlHiigdnwnof Hie nipiHTiy. Ilne-fulillli Irs. tlio ten -r i-i-ut t;i be puld lit tin; i-onllruialton of tlio mle, Tbo luliini e lo lx, puld lu one year from the i-onlltinatluii of wlc, with liileti nt tronillio lli.l day of April A. P.. Is.w. I'o.mmIoii of tim to bo glM-non lliu Hint duy of Apr 1 A 1)., 1570, l-iiri-lnoi-r in ay "or Peed nnd Alain. ItVlUBKN IlKU.Ah. Oiongcvllle, lib. In, 170-(J1. e-oiuinlltie, A DMINISTKATOIl'S NOTICE A ur.nuni. .f . II V illll N. lllX-'D. ffittem of nilinlnUtratluu on tlio "llo. of Jlnry John lulu of Jlulno towu.lilp. liiiuiiioitt eouuty.deceaiied, have beeu gruiltod by Hie lli u l.ier of uld touuty lo Harali Brown nud H. 11, Miil.. i.r in. it.wnyhlii. I!iilutiibla i-ollllty. All pcrnona liavlug i-liilin. ugnlil.l Hie e.talu of ino ueci-ueui pibi,iih.", ....... .... teltleiuelit. and llioo Indebted to Ibot.liitu lo liluka luiymriit to lilt, unaei.lgueil luin i iiiru !"f Wlllimil lit lay. MA'.'-V,1, "iJ,V N' h Jl. MJ L.1XH, Juu.SliO-ut. AtlniluUtr.ilois TATUMKNT 01? THE FINANCES nr Hi p. OOUMTY Of OeTl.ttMTU A. l'rnm Jnntmry 1, 1X69 to jBiunri' 1, 1S70. JA0OI1 YOU K, Jit., Trensurpf ortlif eiounly of Columliin, In a-c-mmt with mil,t t'ouuty for Count' purKwc for Ilm year a ii. lfW. lilt. I mm. Jan. 0 To nnioiiiit nutnttiiullng fur 160) nnd iirovloim yenm f,21)H0 " " Tn ninonnt rrr Auilltor'ii ltoport Jnnunrv ism, I.IP2G7 " " To J, H.eJroiilmnil from It Houie 150(1 I P n, -j i ii i Hirtwium iirr. inw ldilay lint " 1 1 To duo. ltriiHlo fur lirlilLte )itnnk " ID To PlvMHiivnid", nlil lirlilKO.K.cIc, Mnr. 11 Tn Ilolnlwk ml'r. niMlllonal lux Apr. IJ Tn tliinnte Kvnnsi, l'uorOMinevr, nrlnrcri-ck " 16 Tn J. It. l-'rltst, on nnlo of cutray. SuRnrloaf, July 21 To nmnmit of Comity tux times- 2l 31 W I'll 9J 3100 Aug lUTo Jnmrs rnrn-worlli, plunk 1 1,3 luiirawviiriMiiui jury ice ior 1S07 1SIW, 11200 IMOO MOO 30 00 n-.'r.o 35 M 1,117 U M erl fiOD tM! Mill 85 00 41 IU PIOI 1.37 IX) Hept 13 Tn lleorgo Hviiiinl'oor 6vrrcer, Nnv. 0 To .In-, McOirtnlrk on tils costs, ' ToIli-RlstryLlst, Dec 1(1 To DnvM Hnvnge, oM tirldgc, Bu- Ktirmm, Tn note ol S.1K) discounted First Ntillnunl Unnk, Uloomsburie, To sented nnd unsented tnxes re turned. To reilemtitlnn money lu liniid, To n-tiou nt outstanding on Htnlo for in;!). To niuount rerelveil 'for uso nf court room of suudry persons. To ninount ieccled on .Mllllln lines, nt Tn Jesse Coleman, Jury fees, " lines, Tn cnsli paid Assessors, ac., limn. nitlng dog fund, To Ten dav list, Flslilngcrcek, lW.ndilcd, uQOO 112,127 10 en. 11V nmouiltoutstiindlliif for 1809 nnd urn. vlous years J,(Kj 15 ny ninoiiiH oiiisianuing ior iso-i on Miatc lax 35 00 ny amount reiumictl lo ., J. uotley ror est ray sold By ninount Interest paid lllooitsuurg aioo 14 51 1MII1K on r.i,siu By ntnotitit paid State, over amount as sessed with nuiouutnutstaudliig lly ninount commission nllowcd uollec- Men lots 1,103 "2 300 1.1 30U2 07 1,231 111 1)0117 Ity nmouiite-coiieriitlons do do lly nmoiint t-ounty orders redeemed lly ntnnunl Tiensurei's coinnilsslon on S30,"W !) lly amniint balance due nnd paid over SI2.I271M JAIflll YOIIi:, Jit., Treasurer, of Columbia coun- iv iu ill-count wan jut on ioi;s. 1SI1D. Pit. Jan. 0 To niuount outstanding for IM,-, .to SI'I97 12,25107 Lit. lly iimouiil oiiUtiiiidliiglnr ISt.o, .it., tol.tKl ltv limiitint 1 Sheen orders redeemed 1.KN112 nyiiuioiintcnnimlssltiniillowedcolteetors 110 II lly niuount exonerations ' " 12211 lly nmoiint paid nsscssois, .ec, mnmiglng doiE fund 51100 hv alnmint Trenstirer's eoiiitnlsslnu Til 31 lly timouut bnlatu-o duo nnd paid 170 IS H2.2.5I 07 HTATIIMF.NT stiowlnit tlio nmoiint of County anu iiognix nssesseii iu each ulstiici in me County for ISO!), nud tlio balance uutHild In each district December 31, PWJ. County County I Dog Dog Due 101 ) ills) Districts. nioom Assessed Due I Ass-d. ii, 1.1 1,21211 lillllll 713 St 7IJ3 PJ 1.H&7 II 1,-Hl IO 77131 2,37.-3l liT.l 57 1,11 IIS l.jstni 1,01151 '.'lit III 1,111 tl IIP) 1)1 il.-,l!l 1,121 II 1,011(132 1102 51 7sOS2 307 UU Ml K3 12.3 51) 11100 113 00 5S 50 2100 OS SO 7150 8 00 10 W 37 00 00 50 si m 51) 50 35.10 120 50 ;m . 415-1 7J30 1)0 50 51 IU 50 00 SOU) 1J 1100 10 IX) llrla rcreek heaver yoi 03 1S3II KK173 101 07 53.3 51 2113 0.3 77HOS I.WllI 270 i'l HOP) 221 57 378 1 ISW 05 111 Ml 2S2 8I 11WS7 1UI00 SO 75 202 37 30 53 .173 22 hentou Berwick 10 .V) Ccutro Catawlssii Conlralln t'onynghani... 11 50 soo 20 00 l-iniiuuu M Fishlngcieelc. (Irecnwood ... iicmtoclc 29 43 10 5) .IIU-KSIIU Locust it a I ne Montour. Mllllln Madison Mt. Pleasant. IS 50 Orange l'liie llnnrlngcicek Sngarloaf Scott 121 37 2sl .37 ,SI2 2I 10 9) SO) 2S.010 30 7,537 01) 1.IW00 The foltowlug Is the amount dllojirlor to lsoo, lo trl Cou lAJumy I Dog uisiricis, .sanies ni uttuecitirs. inx. Tax. Centrntl.i Ilor. 1-00. W. H. ltelnbold Madison, lsllil. Jacob llechtel C0 7K Bloom, INK. .1, I. Kiirmau 201 ol Conynsliam, lsiH. 1). T. Jl'Klcr- nan, deo'd. 210 01 Total Addamoiiutdiiti fioni Amount due on County 8,os5 15 Add amniint due on SStato for ISW, 3.3 oil Totiilit-lu 5-1,120 21 S113 81 lixpenses ior me year inj, l'ald Audltins for county set- llcment. S7II0 ' AudllorH for Proth'y and Iteglsterni counts, 25 U) 09 UI Assessors lori-m-iug as- bessnients. 5V1 73 l til! Hit K i u, i 11AL. JTI. W. A. Kilo, t ole s creek, SUtgnrlosl Balance, " Dai-lel Melleiirv, Haven creek, Flshlinre k. Bal. ' Kll Mcudenhiill, West ck. Benton, Divitl yavairo near E. Colo's .Sugarloaf, " John Lengott, building 200 00 IDS 71 3s0 IX) 8S5 5) 110 IX) leoalr. l'liie. 1,'iSlll 1,17(1 tl myo Bridgo repair to sundry ntrKniit. Ulnk Jtooks for county O I II COS. County I lu !ld Ingt, repair, Ac. to 1'iothonotary and lteiflstor's and CouimU sloncrs' olllce, Court House fen co, Jail, fence and buildings, " cunning Couit Houso, ' ('nniinUhlouer'H att'y. K, II. Little, " Court crier, M, Coirman, Cnmmomve-ilth cost!, " Constnblo Returns to Mill 111 to 7.500 102 50 1,-117 W ourt, " ComiuKalontrMont.Colo lU2tt) " ' It. Yoaijcr J70l " " tulclc 2iHi " " C. Itobbln. j'UU ' Cmnmlbtfoiic-rrt'clerlc W. K'rlcklmum, (iV)O) " Cmnt House ex t elision, lUIu nee, District Attorney K. H. llteh-r, " i:icctloi)cxi ensej-prlng l S :l i ' " " Call, 7IH t'l " Knx and wild cit noiIps, " Kuel, " In n lie's t on dead bod lew. I.VHOi) MSI (iSO) l,PI)7ll 71110 (ii II no;j irtnnr;.M.i KAi'rbi.. 'aid .1" J, Uobblns A Co., for i-ocru jn.Ulliu Uooui, tl.' V) M Konm A Clark, boarding 1'idlcowhlleiitjall, 70 )H 14 K'oons A. Clark, boardlii'j Jury, Deinohou trU. aiUUI ICoom s Clark, bouullu'j Jury Unity 'JOO CO " 51. C. Woodward, Kiiard- Ini; pibonurs, 'J&jUO H. H. Miller a Hon. two t haudellerH for C I Loom, Ztl W " L. Jl. Mttle, leex In Mitt t.f Ceiitrrtlliil'oIU'M, 172 T'J v.M. L'Velle. Attoiney . fnrCentrnlla IVjIIch blU, II M. Mllluid, Kherltl. on Kl, Kd. fir neciucil tiaek Slato dtbt from Nil to 1MS with Iiiin. and coht, 5,011 .'LI " Sundry persons, 177 W U,(VW0J " rnsuratiue.Iovonilna Co. .V5i " Jtnoi-M. 3,1-Vl i Jury eoinmlssloner), 70 'S7 ! Medio ii alleudauco cm piUniiciv), n m ' ' molt fin c.xaiulua'n, J0lJ " I'cnUcutlarv and Luna tie Hospital,- -lli 1 " )'rotltoiiotry, CoU'inun, till U5 I'llntluj,', W. H. Jitcoby, ltahtneo, 5 00 ' I'rlutiue C. It. ltrockway, :iU70 j, , nautieiw, Oil HCC'tUUt. " lVibtao und Htamps Hoad und bihlso vlew-4, ' UoaJ dauuu lo Miudiy pcifni, " HcijUtry KxiieiueH " Ib'KlKtor, TieabiiierV llimds, tie,, " Hieull Utaidluu pilxm- i r, Ac, and t-ouvevlni; eonvlctH 13, H, i'tnttou- tlaiy and II. of llcitie, " Kt.illonery lor Com t( ' Sheep damage, " Tip StaM'K. " Tux lufundid to twp, " Teachci' louuty itiktt tute.C. 11. UirUley, :il7 7( Sill iSI 00 ViM no 41 v l.Uit td ilUKJ II-2U7 Amount of orderlntuedln IjjO1, JH'llUCI HI top IlllUU UkUi.I. il.liiui And tux n ftiiulc.l, 1UU7 l,k7 Oi Lxpt uses for (ho yiar Is'), HTATLM KS f OF LOO TAX. 'jytl GJ Amount sheep nrdeis unro deemed for lti7, 51 7j " sheep nrdeiH ume- ib emed tor ittW, 'JOJ slietp orders uuro- ut emed tor Itw), .o 0 W UlXlU Led net amniint do fund on ouhmd, 17U18 " iiiiioitut uncollected, '.nil's and ex. Included 3U&1 4s9 t9 Lxtcssnf djnnapeovei snfdfuuJ S'JKI W 8TA 1 LMKNT OF COUNTV OULHtS, Tidal auiouiit orders Itemed in iw.n. . aytww Leduct amount old tirders to deemed tu lsa!, g,7 23 (lives amiinnl.te.Lt-med of 1WI 7t Add um'l t f NiJ ma riHlet-mtd, SUQl Ulu-sHiiioutitLsued lu lM'O, Us,Usti7l Amount duo mI7, It. vlcwn, , We, the uiuhifcliKHl, Auditors of Columbia et ni n I v. Iieilitf dulv t-loeled lo ndlllst Ulld settle tho uivJiuuts of theTrtuisureraiulCommlsslouerH uf Colimibla county, do htreby ceitlfy that we mil ai ton mco oi tno ireasu'r aim luiuimi tl,.ii.,rd In Itl.uiiiiwl.iirir i.inl o.i r.tfll 1 1 if l V Ulll 111 W.l the aeeoiinU and voueheiuof thu same from the Mday or January A. !. HW to tdo Il Iy,,I l.iii.if.ri- A II lk-7 .t III.. I Itw.lil ixtirwt 111 IhO forei.'olnuiaiiment, und wo Und a bnlunco duo ColumbiH ton niy mt Comity Tux fix hundml iiudMlme uulluu autl forty-eeu fonls,(fUM.") l'll..'l',.v 1 l' I ..... Allll (till. Iiim ..L.Vili i ii , milu , i'TC 1st iriuil .1:11-1 ill YollC. Jr.. Tioa.urir of said enmity. Olveiiunderuurlmuds this f airlli day of January A. f . IttU. JACOH ItAUHIri, 1 pinntv A.J. At.nillWWJ.N, AiittlloM, S' riOLUMIlIA COUNTY co-op 1:11 AT I VF. UHhl KF ASSO'OIATION, or 1MFV, I' A. orri etuis t Ult.HKiir It. l'nwi.l n President. DANinf. Bnyiikii Vice. 1'iesldeut H., Treasurer. M, O. McCot.l.UM, Becretarj". Haskiki, Knouii, Attorney. MV.D1CA h I MtXMUti W. II. Iliuiavr, St. 1). W. A. Cash, M. D. no Ann ot' iiiuhctoii.I! Wm. II. Wooti, Amttx H.Ni nun, It. it. Kl.INP, T. W. IluilAii, II. tl. ClIKVUMNO. ai:xi:iiAr. Aai:xrt t. C. Mt-Cot.l.UM llipy, l'u. coxnriTV riox, AI1TICI.K 1. NAME. Tim iinino, style, nnd title of the- Association slinll be (lie e'uluiiibla County C'o-operatlve lie hefAssoelntluli, A'HTlCI.K II, OlIJEe-T. The object or tho Association shall lie, the re lief ofPathers, Mothers, Widows audOrpliniisor deceased members. AllTll.'I.n III, MKMI1EHSHII-. Ace. 1. The reiiulsllo quallllcnttons for ineiu bershlp are, that the applicant shall bo hi good health, hale, nnd sound. Uv. S. All annllcntlons for membership shall be made In writing or In person, the applicant setting forth his name, age, occupation, resi dence, nnd paying his Initiation fee. The iipplt. (nut must further produco n medical corlltlcato.' certifying that ho Is n- lit person to becomo a inembcr. AliriCI.K 1 V. M A N A 0 KM K NT, Tho business of tlio Association slinlt bo con ducted by llvo Trustees who shall ho annually elected lit tho regular stated meeting of the As sociation iu October of eacli year. AltTll'I.K V. OFt'R'KllS. At the llrsl inectlnff nf Ilm TmiiI.ii, It. ..n..l. year, they shall elect n President, Vice President, Siecrtlary nnil Treasurer to serve the ensuing yeur. AKT1CLU VI. ruMi. in uttler to secure sfitlkllllv l Hi.. A M there shall bo raised n i.ermaneut fund, tlio In terest of which shall bn nntillct. 1st In thn ,r. rent expenses: 2d to the mothers, widows, or helia of deceased members. Tho raising of the said hind to bupruWdcd forlu tlio Uy-Luns. AltlK'I.K vil. All ImilliiliM In n,nr,,.1 11, a 1 V....I II t 1.... .I...II be iiiaao In wrillng, mid by Hie consent ol thlee- ,,itsuiiiiu .rusiees, 11 me iimeluluieul issp provtil nttistibseuiii-lit meet loir tllU illlSttl-S. lIMlIll'lllilHl Shltll l, l,,n,l i, nlu v.nii i in nnvu sum lliucuuilieui nllowed. n - l a ir.y lUL'-irKHS. 1st. 'lliOMOht-rtv and butlm ni mu AkmicI atlon Hhiill bo coiitiolled by tlvo Tiustecs, who hiuui ne oiccuu uy uaiiot at the aiiuual meetlut; in ill I'tnii j Uitl, "d. l-or tho mirnoM' or nueh uli cllnti tba Tiiim. ties for the time bf lnir.bhRil tfioiniitia th. i:n iiim utiuiniui irillllK lliui (,'IUllliy lilt' puilN, mm udertlsethoMimo for ten ilayn prior thereto, and tho8teutary Miall nlsu notify oathTruhteo 111 WlllUJitUl RUUI I'H'CUOll, 3d. The Tlllstf ci 1ih11 holit sthtrd luni'tlnm nt. fltu .fl.,....t 11... UU.,.,I,.M,. . .!',. r L,,,., on tho tlilid Monday of January. April. July, and' October. Kpeclal meetings may bo called by tho PreMdent at Ii Im discretion or by any three oftho till. ThreoTiutei"4 shall conslttulo a ouoruin III IHIUMUt UlllIlfSf, OlrflCLIW. ith. Tho olllcerb. of thli AtSfcl.illoit. hlmll bo ii 1'ienldent, it Vice TreHldent, Heeretary and u iii'UMiier, anu sui'H umcr oiucent, cierKH autl auentH. as may bo nccefcBarv. Tho President. ico 1'it'biuetit, bccietary and Tieahtirer nhall bo elected by tho Trustees and hold olllce for one year, riUTiKS or orncKU'i. Uh. The President, Muill preside atallme-t-tugi oftho Hoard of Trustees, tind shall have tho chief innnacement and control of thn biml- ness of tho Association. All contracts on behalf oi ino Associai ion ouall be made by him or un der hid author!! v. He fdmll mob Unit nrnnir nr. ords of tho bublness and traiiMictlon of the jhinciauou ureuepi, no Mian appoint nil cm ployees nnd may remove them at pieasuie. He nhnll seo that a deposit of all moneys Rhall bo mado fionr time to lime lu auch Hank or Hunks, as the Trnntrr mnv direr t. lit ulmll nn. nuallv nreitare and submit to tho AHsndnt inn nt their annual meeting In October, nn account of tho biulness of tho Association lor tlio nrocpilini? j ear, and u statement of the lUKetHtind liabili ties of tho AsbiH-lntlou. All vticancleH lu the Hoard of 1 ttibteeM hlmll be tilled by appointment by tho Pi evident, Tho Vice President shall lu the Absence or dls ubllity of the Prthldent act In hU place. st.citur.utv. 7th. J ho Secretary shall keep the accounts of iiiu isMH-iji i iiiii. iiiiii jl rernrii 111 1111 itf-rhoiix itn plojeO. Ho shall keep tho minutes of the Hoard of 'J'niMei'M ; notiiy tho Trustees of all Meelluas, eommunlcato to olUcers, AcentM, ComiultleeH, ic, all rciolvej, und ordeisatlccttnt; them lu tbo dt scha rye ot their duties, and periurm such other duties ami services as maybe lequlred; uudtr the direction of tho Pusldent, the Titn.vsuiiKn. Sth, The Tieu-uicr shall recrlvoall moneys of the Association and dciodt the same in Mich Hank or Hanks, ileslirnated by the Hoard ot Trus. tees. After paying the current expenses tho bal ance shall be securely lu ealed un the Hoard of Trustiei may direct. He shall make all Invest ments pursuant to instruction or tho Hoiud of Trustees. It shall further bo the duly of the Treasurer to take elm i go of all properties of tho Association, und to col ltd all dividends, interest, rentals, Ac, that may acciue iiom such investment, nud placo tho sumo to tho cicdlt of tho Association. Ho shall also give such Honds hh the 'liustec may I rum time to time icriulre, Cth. All poMcisaud duties not herein delo KiUtd to parlltular oillccu, shall be exorcised and dlM-hiuped by the Prcidtnt during the le cess ot the boaid ol 'J riibttis. 10th. Alt persons betuecu tho aye of luen ty and Jlity jtars, luclustf, may bo udmltted by making prof er iirJIcatIou accoullnji lo the lollovvltia rutin ; Columbia Vbuut't th-ojicialite Hrllrf AmovUtHon Jbp. lt,: Tho uudcrslgiud dtslresto become a member jf the above Association m.d subscribes to the lollinWni; leKUlatlous: hi. To pay live dollais Into thoTienury at the time of imiklnu this application, and ono dollar on or Letoio tho 1st dwy of January of inch yea i tliereafltr and 1U0 dollars und ten cents within thirty days after tho death of a member, duo notice having hem given by the Hi lon; us the Assoclatlou numbers one thousand or loss; alUr teaching one thous and, tlio payments nt the death of a member shall be proportionately less so that no policy holder sh.ill rtcetvo mote than live thousand dolhirs, Toktep'ho Heeretary inlurmed of his or her plco of lesldence, and incase of absence from or chaufce In his or her i tsldeuco to uipolut some ono to act as his or her agcul to pay dues. Falling to obseivo any of the above rules I heieby iigieti to forlelt all chili us against und nil moneys ple lously paid to Hits Association, Inclosed please Hud tlo tlollais ns my Mini bershlp 1-Yo, &' of, Town, County, HUte, A2e. Otcii..iltou( In falor of Whom, - 7 Utug a ligular Physician do heicby eiitlfy that Is lu t'ooxl health, with nodKease likely to ptoe fatal, nud Is u fit applicant lor uiembethlilp, lu tho Columbia County Coperulh'o Itelief Association, .SVeJ, M, D. 11th. Lacli member shrttl bo furniidied whh a reillileutuol Membership and an annual receipt upon pay in cut oi nis yearly ttues io ine ASbocia Hon, together with a lecelnl lor the amount a sesed uiHin the death o reach member when salduinoutit Is paid. 12th. Auv member fa 1 1 1 n lt to nnv tint tlvo dot lursaud ten eeuu wlthluthlrty days alter not Ico loueiis tin pnor pa iiieuis censes in oca iiieiuun oi iiiu association. Uih lutasoa nt mber tiles lcavltm nn heirs or otlurpeisou uilltUd to the benefits oftho Associauon, tm money snail become th pi op. oi ty of I ho Aso tatlon except uu nmouut Millie lent lor funtial expenses. lllli. Alt 'jui st Ions shall be decldd by a nui joilty ot ilic 'JltistttH present at auv nieetlMs, and thetas nnd liajs shall lo reetndvd upon tho de in a lid iif ime Iun nf tim Triihti'f w.. Ju aseof a lie vote Iho jiresldlnit oltlcerslmU have tlio casting vote, ljth. Tbeo Hv-Ijiwsiii,i bo alteiod or amend ed at any meetlntf 'of the AsiH-lattou, threo foiipisoi tho ineiiibers pieseut lonturr me, pro vidtti that ilna milieu m en of iieh desired chuiiuo ut leust tor six wtcks previous to tho lllCUUUg OI tl.O AShOCIUllOll, ltith. 'the Hon id of Titu tits and ollluers fthu.ll receive nuh ioiuiensatluu lorlheli services as liio uuaru nay ui'icj untie, 17lh. Tho ft o for medic il exumluutlun Vllt bo onodolUir(SJ)lfjhcpald by the upplliant to the Medleat Lxiimitu r at tliv tlmo Iho mllflcate-W Uieu, LOCAL J (A',Y': J, M, Ciifc.uiiL.nbtN.. H. P FoUTNKlt H, II, Kaion. (1, M, lluwixi. lttCl(Al(l)HTlLKS, Fitt.n. LAtiiiAcn Jiin, VI.'TO-'Jm . HIooiu CutUWiaU, . Hemic k, u,. Vim Camp, llelilnn. ralriiiouuthprlucs, COLUMBIA IIlON WORKS, N. W. SAMPL1-3. 0. W. NliAL,. I- .1. TAYI.OH. Iff. W. SiLIVTPIiE CO., Oornoi' of ivrain Stvoot and Jj. & 13. Jtail Joad, BLOOMSBTJBa, HP-A-- ' MA0I11N1STS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; DL2VOKSMITIIS AND MANUrAOTUltiaKS OF ' ' ' STEAM ENGINES & "WATER WHEELS Ri:;vr,iiAii .h.vciiim: ivouk ami iri:i'.vius. Mlt.L elKAlltXtl, BHAFTINO, l'UM.EYH, HANOUIW, ltll.M) BEOCKH, SAW jVEIXjIj QEABING OjT X-CI3STIDS, CASTINGS FOU IUHNACKS AND HULLING MILLS. AIJIO OA It WIIKKU4 AND AXI.KS ' AND ailNKIlAI. MINlNtl CAHTINOS. BRASS CASTINGS CAIt UOXF.S, Lej.Ul'OSL TIUN CASTl NGS, AND liAlllHT MICTAL DKLFIULD'S CKLKBHATKD GL011R VALVKS, i STOPCOCKS, -CimCIC VALVKS, A1U CUCJiK, OIL CUPS, STEAM. WHISTLES, STBAI7I aUAQES, SXBAfiX VZIfH AND riTTINGS CONSTA.NTL'Y OlST II.3Sri. AG13NTS FOIl SI-IIVE'S GOVEHNOlt, ACK-NOVM-:l)(li:il TO UK THE HIJII'l.IST AND B1HT IN Till: WOltl.l). MII,I,WI110I1TS AMI) SrACHINIHTS HUITMIIS KITH Kit ON HANI) Oil FUllNIMIIHll AT HHOItTNOTICi:, VIZ; UUMANnr.TlATlIininULTINU OP UVKllV DKfiCIlll'l'iO , tinMl'AUU KOA1 HTONI-:i'ACKINO,OII.H,ltl-:i) AND WHITi: MlAP, Al. LKSSKKS AND SOLK JIANUl-'ACTUKKllS OF HALL'S l'ATKNT DOUBIjH DISClIAltCJK TU1UUNK WIIKKLS. I.lBl-:t'.Al, .NDUUUMUNTH OriT.HUl) TO THU T HA 1)1',. Also Aircnls for tho "KUltKKA" Smut nnil St-iiaiiitliif; Mne-liliio ttml "KX JKLSIOR" limit DtiittM'. Sontl for circular. StieiciniLii jrucliint'H i-iui lie &coii nt tlio works. BLACKSMITHING, HKAVY on uaiiT KOnillNOH, .MKHC11ANT IKON OF ALL S1ZKS ON IL.ND. 11HAMKIIS, TAPS AND DIES, HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL Sl.IiS. JIADK TO ORDEK. . OUDEIIS FOR DltlDGE HOLTS AND IKONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES U11EE11FULLY FUltNrsilED PATTERN SHOP. , WK HAVllNOW IN T111H DKl'AItT.MlINTTHK LATKST IMl'ltOVHl) JIACHINHItY AND AIlK BliHl'AItKD TO .MAICH A 1,1, KINDS 01' l'ATlintNH AT SHOUT NetTlCK. AGRICULTURAL IM?LEMENrrS Ol-' THK IiATUST l-MPltOVEl) 1'ATTEItNli, TIIKESIIING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Headers REiMiitnn, AND AM. liXTltA rAUTH KUHNIHIIIII). MANUFAiTUHEItS AND PKOPIUETOltS OF , I-IOJITOMS PATENT HAY JIAK13. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. tSrN. 11. Iliivini; put in lniu-liitR-ry especially nelttptctl to' tho inantinii-turo ot iuouiuini; v.iiiii'is.wtitiro iirt'iiiii cei locxecuio lurguorsinnil onlois, nl short no- llnn noil n vit, fieninliln ,.,r,,u C.,,.1 fno Itl.m.U.. .,.!.,. IM mi.u .... ............v. .v..o. Jlny 7,'t)-tr Special Notices. "Y?f Tf V . : ''van 1 1 .7fU-'J'C??,iJM!'": No II I'M liro. It is Uttrrnntril In euro I.kI m- impalred 'Jaate, Hmell or HearliiK, Watering or veak Lyes, ollensive breath, Ulcerated Throat or Mouth, Pain and ITessuro lu tho Head, and loss ot Memory when caused, as all of them fre quently nie by tVo ravages of Catarrh, it Is pieuHiuiiaim iminiess mim.-, rontaius no strong nolsonous orcaiihtlo ilini'H. tit uiilil southing action. j win pay saw uewurujor a case orcatnirti that I cannot cure. FOIl WALK BY MOl DIUTUGISTH LVLUY- vhi;ki;. I P'ttcE Only &) Cksts. If your IhUL'gist tins not jtt not It on mle, don't bo putotr with some worse than worthle-s strong stull", "fuinigHlor," or)olsouoiH e-tusllc soluttou, which will drive the itisvase to tho lutajs ....... ... lining ji, oin nvuuoiAIJ' Villi" U 1I1U and thoiemedy will leach you by leturu mail, t our packuges, pest paid, one dozen lor So.!). Heud a two cent slnmn for Dr.'m'm mimt.M. t on Catarrh. Addnss tlio Prnprietor, It, V, PI LUCE M, I). Jan 7,'70-3tiri. HPi KAi.o, N'. Y, n AaaiAQE man ufaotory, JllUUIllbUUlK, , M. C. HI.OAN i nUOTIII.K imvu tin liiiml mi'l rr ml- i U"' ' u-""i-lilu ruins n ,ilciiillil fcIaU"f cAimiAaus. niHionw nnd every dcsiilptlun of Wwiim-i IfHi 1-I.AIN AND i'A.NLY wiiriiinti-il lu Bo iiiiiilo nf llio l,i-t mid iniwt ilur iililii iniitt-iliilK, uiul by llio iui,-,t tAhiik-iiii-a narkinen, Allunlt M-iit mil mm lliu tsluli-ll.linu-iit will liu found l Iwiif llio lilBlmot clavi mid Miiu to kIm) lH-iliit mlb-faciioii, Tlii-yliave ul. ii u line atkuiliiiFiit nf HI.U1U its of nil lliu newest nuil wont tililmmlile l It-ts, Mell una I'tlll'Iilliy ninuo mm 'i w., jumi 1.1 1. Ail limiicctlon i.ftlielrwoik la nukiil n It tn liellovcil Hint none mi.eilcr can Iw founa In tho cimutry. Nov.-.o,'U).ir. I.oitll.I.AitD'.-e "EUHEK A" U -in e-xi-tl'.eiit nrttdo ,,f irtiiniilnleil 'iri;iula : Mlu-revt-r Introtlui-eil 11 Is untvemiliy inlinliol. Hinoklnn Tolmicu It la mit up In liniiilwinii' muslin Iwiis, In wlilcli ortlira lor .Mtcikiliauin I' nru dully iiaekcil. T IllMI T. I 111114 I f-lllH.t-ll liv all Hllfl rtiii- V AIM IT (JLUI! Uunia iliutl.u'-ilucit of MAirii.Tnl'T H IHIllldO tlf tlio 1. imtl.iii'rv cu. Ill lm etltct. na Hie Nlootllid hua been extracted: It lenvt-H no iiiaagiei-iiiuii tutor kiiH,Uliit;lt la ery inlM.llelit iu color nnd Ml'ltllt.lielKH duo lioiirui will laalaa louunal of utdlnury tubnet o. In tli'a briind we nUo pncl: ordera i-M-ry day ror lint quality llec-inliutiiii I'lnea. Try It nnii e,inlii(o j nun.elv.-a II la nil II tliiliiis lu be, 'lllli I INIVI' Ol-' AI.I.." I.OIlll.I,Ai:D'rt I'llila brand of l'liie Cut ( 1 fC 'I' tl II Y cliewliiB lolmecii box no (l;;,,iKT..bee... i; .r'it"::--..?."'-; doubt tlio lii st eliewniB toLaeco in tnu riniuiry, I.OUII.I.Utli'H ti N U F F S eitil u.e to tlio United I Mnr?- filer 111) earn. mid .till ii( I. hum l( tig, it "llio beat" ulieiexcr Uklll, If ruur htnit-ktem r does not linv.i tlie.n arti cle, for sale, aak blm tu uet ttiem t tliey nro void uy rekjieeiauie juuuera uunoui every Wlieie, Circular of prkes forwarded on iinpllcatlou, 1', I.oillI.liAltt) e-o., juii,Vl'70.3i,i New Vorlt A DMlNISTRATOll'S NOT10K. j . urATUur John nvkit. iikc'n. Lt tiers ofadmluUttutlou ou the estate of John Uyvr, ot ConyuKham twp, Columbia county, deo'd., havo been tf run tod by tho KcyUterof said county, tu Win, ooiMtmuu of Couyuubam twp, AlllK'rsoiislmvtHKclulmsor deiuan4i auulusl tho dweodout are refiuesttni tomakothemliuonu.aud luoho inuemea io uiauc na menu WM, GOODMAN, Jan. 31,Ti-Cwt AdmlnUtrator, A DMINJSTHATOH'S NOTICE. J lJfrATlS OS' l'KTlllt 1-IS'KH. lllll.-'ll. jTt-lter. uf ud.tiluhlrulioii un the oatntoul 1V-I er -iier,uiieiil (..'liire ltiwiiaiiiii,ijiiuinniA(iiuiir deu'd., lime bun iirauled by lliu llegisler uf aI coiiuiy, toll. I-M lluMunn.of e.-u(ii iofwiaiiii. All wi-iin. having clatina oriliuiaud. agalu.t tlio ileu denl are reiUi.sleit lo inaku t ' n in know n, and t'iu.0 Indebted lo make paynii u'. (i. I, haVman. aii"no-M, il.n ill ii r BOHiER MAKB11S. OF ALL KINDS. .ui yllllllili Ullll J'llLUilSl. N. W. HAillMJ-J & CO. Real 3E3state Salos. jp O IX B A L 12 'Jhu Ullderslimed oflVilK tn i,rlt-iilu sale, ou leasouable terms the VALUABLE HOTEL STAND, at L'uhtStrtet, Columbia county, P.i.. known ai the "Walnut Hotel," und now occupied by Hum tiel Kline. it is favornbly located for tho trnnsartlitit ot business, nnd If propuly kept, would not fall to return a handsome income. questions ns to uue, nousslon, conditions tto satisfactorily answered by ii. IJKO. k'WAY, Agent. Aug.'joycg.t. pon SALE. About flftyMlvufea In.Khaning with plat couplings and hangings complete, now lu use but too light for out wmlr, Alsoslxty feet new shaltlng'44 lu, nud '2 In. t tuned, with plate coup lings nudu'ljusiai le hangers. Will bosold cheap Also one Thresh ng Machine. Apfdyto N". W. HAMPLL.A CO. dec. n.-co-ir. - 510,000 Ol'AHANTi:i, 13 U C! K -D KXOE L K A D :X0EI AM, I.IIADt 1st. l'or lis Ilnilvnlcl WlillclH-n, '--,1. I'urliH 1 Int ii:ntleit Duiiililllty, :l. l'or tin UiiMiri' CoveiiLi; 1'i.iiitrly. Lastly lor IU l:cMioiiiy. Wit covjfj i i:s ti imint nii Bi-i-K Lkad ttinn nuy otlifi Wliliu Bruit cMnut. Tlio .iiiu. WflKlilvuVi-IHMOllH HIIltl'ACIl.lKlnuiu Dllll- Alini:, nnu inaitt.i ihti;r wolti:. Buci; i.i:a d. n iho ctn-j .t nn,t lit m. Sio.oio Gi'AUA.vrt:!:. 11 U C K .INO HNOULS AI.I. OIHKll ZINIX. t'oritH lliii-iiiniUf.1 . -i I. itu i r.,. i .. t..,i i'i,ii....nuu HI. i'or lla Illiauri,:l.vAl Ctverhi'. Prmicrlv U..., , l.'l ... J, .lib ..l-MIIUIlljr, f I liclim llio flUlAl'lMr. jrAJfrfeollEaT, nud most DlTltABI.B Whllo l'ainfln tlio world, Il U V, ONI. V IJCCK LEAD AND DUCK ZINC: THY IT AND I1E CONVINCED. H.utif.ictlon Ou-iiimleeil by lliu Mamifaetiirer.. HUCIC COTTAOE COLORS, I'repaiiHl exjuculy for r.ilnllii .-OTrAOF.-l. OU!' BUII.DIMIS t,f eer desetlu. Hon, KKNCr.l, Ae, TlllltTV-fl VlrDl I KKtl- KNT ii)l.()UH, Dmnole, Client,, Uiilfonn, auu Beautiful similes. Bninido t-arda sent by Mull ir ilealred. Denlera' Drilera will I,., imtnii.lK' (.xennl,.,! l,v tho inauufacturera, l'liBNi II, IlICHAUDS JtCO., N. V.'. t'( i. Tmtli nud ilarket Htrecls, Jaua'70-ly. I'lill.idelplila JJOMKsma ICCONOMYI Anew,t'huui tluinblo, bwUhy, andlf FLOOH COVKUINO ! A snbstltuto for oll-clolU at uue-ttilrd the cost, 11itsrnrit Is niotlUced bv a tieciillarcoinblna tlou of stiunt. heavy paper, prluled In ornamen tal colon, und coated with a tough, elastic, water KHjteuuinei which receives tho water, protects ;he colors and imncr endutee washlrif. and reu dels tho carpet bright nud beautiful iu the ox- iscmo, ii auvuiuages aro as lojious j lli cost lenders it avallaldo lo all classes i It U cxieedlnuly Eiiiooth und ylossy, und it uectimu la to next lo no dust; IttWes not rcjuiro to b taken up and cleaned llku other carpet, and thus saves mucn moor nnu iruuuie; ny re-coating with tho Ciimpllllon Limiuel occasionally as lu case may rujulre, (which costs but a trlllej It will last inueiui' jeij, pni uu ui',uuti utwuys u'eur new und brlifhl : lu its usu no rellanco w hatevtr Is placed ujou the paper tor wear, but exclusive ly upon she waterptoof coathiv. the llgurod pa per btini; used only to secure tuo colors. Paiwi uus rcctutly been used for a variety of, tsveu ior trunk, ioof, Hour buys und wearing a paiei, bill tho tlist attempt, either iu l'.inopo or America, lo cum en it Into ear pit or floor eovo lu. all concede it tube an t utile sutcesst Wo lme pui chased the rifeht tor Columbia county und can furnish thu tarj ct to iutiehaul ut manufacturers piictv, 44You aio Invited Meall ard exumlno th Bonds at our store. M Khi-VY, NMU CO. XllotmubuiicLec. UWlt. A DMINISTJIATOU'S NOTU K XV UrAT. OF JOHN WAMlOtt, IUC'Ji. Ixtttisi.l udi.ilul-liutl.ini. li tho cstaieor Jolm Waitniole, lute ol tuiawi-atoinship, t'ulumbU lounty.dii tared, have U'eii uiuuttMt by tho 1U ItUrol fcaMt' W. II. Abbott, ul Lata wlssa. A" )ei- is l.ti.rii claims Ui.alnst the t-fttute of iii,d Ue td mix rtquec ed to preseul hem for st ttiiiuent.iiud th i ludebled lu lunk tuti mint to '-he uudtts tfuid, v Uhuut dtlny. V IL Ahiiurr. t ntnwlijn, J ii, Ii, I"U Ct diniiltrator.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers