1 Why- I wnt the nor" t" learn lrmliiRt iiy uon.C!K mr,Kt.EV. EVKtiY pursuit or inlllnc? Umt minis ters lo tho Buatcnnncn, comfort or en lightenment of mankind la honorntilo unci lntulnblo. Thnt la n narrow una cs- wntlnlly fitlso conception which regarda tho farmer rut more a bcnofaclor than n beneficiary, anil stigmatizes ns drones nnd cormorants all who do not directly contrlhuto to tho proJuctlon nnd In- crensoor material wealth. Tho upright, nolo lawyer, tho studious, skillful phy slclan, tho pious, loving clergyman, aro worklncmen, on truly and quite as no bly as though thoy wero wood-choppers or bricklayers. Ho who, by whatever means, hclns to diminish tho fearful ag gregato of iguoranco, sin and Buffering In tho world, anddllfuso instead Knowi edgo, vlrtuo and happlncss.ls worthy of nil honor, nnd far from mo bo 1110 wisn to dlscouraeo nnd degrauo mm. Anu yet I hold it thoduty of every fathor to look well to tho physical and Industrial training of his sons nnd daughters to boo that oach of them is early inured to somo form of manual labor, and thor oughly trained to efficiency in somo pursuit which ministers directly to tho material or physical needs or manmnci My reasons for this conviction aro sum- mud up as follows: 1. Tho demand for intellectual labor or-Its products, and even for mercantile capacity, is exceedingly capricious, in a season of commercial prosperity, a great city affords employment to thou sands as clerks, book-keepers , teachers or music, languages, etc., who will nearly nil bo left high and dry by tho ebb of tho tide. War, pestilence, a Dau harvest a business rovulslon, throws thorn suddenly out of employment, and no merit or excellcnco on their part can avert tho catastrophe. I would liavo every ono so armed and equipped for tho battle of lifo that, if suddenly un horsed, he can fight on cilleicntly and undlsmaycdly on foot. 2. Tho professions aro fearfully over crowded. A Western vlllago Is half peopled by doctors, lawyers, and clcr- irvuion. who havo rushod in ahead of tho expected flood of immigration. Llko miners In.tnoHlerrariovaua or j.tocuy Mountains', they havo; sovornliy staked out their claims, and aro waiting for othcrs.to come In anil-help develop and workfthem to mutual profit. But 'whllo'tho grass grows, . tho steed starves." Whatover may lie their for tune) ten or twenty years hence and events aro constantly interposing to blast their sanguine hopes doctor, law yer, minister, aro often winning but a meagre, procarlons support for tho pres ent. "I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed." Is tho plaint which many would uttor if thoy could afford to be frank nnd outspoken. Thousands suffer and stagger on, oppressed by want and over-increasing debt, who would gladly takorefugoin productlvo Industry, if they had been trained to familiarity with pitchforks and plough-handles. Thoy would outgrow their present em barrassmeuts If it were not for tho 7ieio doctors, lawyers and clergymen annu ally ground out td 'compete With them for' nractlco or parishes, and whoso training is iw helplessly one-sided as their own. I would qualify tho profes sional men who shall henceforth be trained for a broader and moro assured usefulness than that of their older brethren. 3. Now York City swarms with hun gry, needy, slilvoriug, cowering, cring ing fellow-mortals,oll eager, imploring, In hopeless quest of "something todo." To tho reproach of what passes for edu cation, I must say that a majority of theso havo had considorablo money spent In schooling them for lives of usefulness. They aro qualified (I pre sume) to keep bookB or copy manu scripts, to teach languages, or act as governesses, or follow somo other of tho frightfully over-stocked vocations. But when I say to ono of thetri, "Tho work you seek is positively not to bo bad, bin to ten want to dd it where ono wants it done; "you must striko off Into the broad, freo country, and ask farmer af ter farmer to glvo you work until you find it," tho general response, "I kifbw nothing of farming," strikes on my ear llku a knell. Even nt seasons when the farmers were Intensely hurried by their summer harvest,and ready to pay large ly for any help that was not hindrance, J havo known our city to bo thronged with weary, ead petitioners for "some thing to do." If our current educatim were not a blunder or a fraud, thin could not be. Hearth and Home. Qettino Beady ron Spiusa. To talk of sowing seeds and planting pota toes whllo tho mercury in tho thcrinom-c-tervstanda at aero may seem to bo a II t- tlo out of season. Still thero la work that can bo dono ovon now, and so much valuablo time saved for spring. Potatoes can be assorted, and tho beat laid asldo for planting; seed corn can bo looked over, and all imperfect spec! mens thrown out; for wo cannot expect to produco tho best crops without hav inir tho best of seeds, l'lans can bo laid for next season's operations,and we may Just as woll decido now where each crop shall bo grown as to wait until planting time. We have known farmers to bo ull tho spring trying to mako up their nilnda what kind of crop to grow in a eertaln field, and then fall to decide. Tho consequence win that tho laud re mained Idlo during tho cntlro season. Indecision Is n very common dlseaso, alluding people Jn all classes of society) but no where Is it moro manifest than among the cultivators of tho fioll. To day they think thoy will do this thing and to-morrow that, and bo on until it is too lute to do anything. Kow, overy farmer knows very nearly what kind of laud and how many acres ho Is going to cultivate next summer. Thcro aro certain kinds of crops of which ho will plant mora or less of oach, nnd It is Just as easy to dcc-Ido now as to quantity and wheroeach shall bo grown as when planting timo comes. Wrlto out tho plan and look It over carefully; sea that tho requisite amount of seed is on hand and if not, whoro It can bo obtained. In fact havo all the plana for next bea son' work carefully drawn up and placed where tbejr can be referred to la a uiomeat'a notice, Just as the architect deu before the foundation Is laid for a building, Brett tho names ud quanti ty ef each kind of vegetables required fur family iuo my 1m decided upon now m well, as two or three mouth betioe. The boy or hired men may bo caoaaltcal ladrawlguptheeplan,aud tho werk to be slono grit In spring TTfTi1, should bo placed first on tho catalogue, mi that n regular system can bo main tained during thu cntlro season, wci bellovo that If every fnrmer would lay down a plan In advance, not only ns a guldo fur himself, hut for thoso In his employ, ho would not only havo Ms work dono iiotlur, nut would avoid much needless confusion. A'. V. &'tm. (gov ilttc louinj ofi. I'rlnce Chcrl. O.vcr. upon n tlmo thcro wa i so excel lent u monarch that they culled him King Good. Ono clay when ho was hunting, a llttlo whllo rabbit, which tho dogs wcro about to kill, Jumped In to his arms. Thu King caressed tho llttlo rabbit, and Bald, "As It has put Itself under my protection, I will not nllow any harm to bo done to It." Ho carried tho llttlo rabbit into Ills pnlaco and gave it a pretty llttlo house, and nlco herbs to cat. At night when ho was alono In his chamber, a beautiful lady appeared beforo him; sho was ar rayed neither In gold nor In silver, but her robo was whlto as snow, nnd her head-dress consisted simply of a crown of whlto roses. Tho dood King was much surprised to sco this lfldy, as his door was locked and ho knew not how Bho entered. Sho said to him, "I am tho Fairy Candid ; I passed through tho wood as you wcro huntlng,nnd I wished to ascertain if you wero as good as ov- erybody said you wcro. For that pur poso I took tho form of a llttlo rabbit, and I saved myself by Jumping Into your arms; for I know that thoso who havo pity for animals havo moro still for men; and If you had refused mo your assistance I would havo thought you wicked. I havo como to thank you for tho kindness you havo shown mo, and to assure you I shall always bo your friend. You havo only to ask mo for anything you wish, I promise to grant It." vaiauam," said tno uqou Jting, "as you aro a Fairy, you ought to know nil I wish for. I havo but ono son, whom I love exceedingly, and on that account they havo named him Princo Cheri. If you havo any affection for mo, becomo tho friend of my son." "With nil my heart," said tho Fairy; "I can mako your son tho handsomest Princo in tho world or tho richest, or tho most power crful ; chooso which you wish him to bo." "I desiro nono of thoso things for my son," said tho OoodKing; "but I shall bo much obliged If you will mako him tho best of all Princes. What will It profit him to bo handsome, rich, to havo all tho kingdoms of tho world, If ho should 1 o wicked? You know well ho would be miserable, and that noth ing but vlrtuo can make him happy." "You aro quite right," said Candid ; "but It is not In my power lo mako tho Princo Chcrl a good man in splto of himself; ho must himself endeavor to becomo virtuous. All I can promise you is to glvo him good advice, to point out to him his faults, and to pun ish him if ho will not correct them and punish himself." Tho Good King was quito content with, this promlso, and died n short timo afterwards. Princo Cheri wept much for his father, for ho loved him with all his heart, and ho would havo glvert all his kingdoms, his gold, and his silver, to havo saved him, if such things had power to chango tho will of fate. Two years after tho death of the good King, Chcrl being In bed, Candid appeared to him. "I promised your father," said sho to him, "to bo your friend ; and, to keep my word, I como to mako you a present." .At tho samo timo sho placed on tho finger of Chcrl a llttlo gold ring, and said to him, "Keep this ring carefully it Is moro precious than diamonds. Every timo you commit a bad action it will prick your finger; but if in spito of this pricking you persist in tho evil deed, you will ioso my friendship, andl shall becomo your enemy." Candid disappeared as alio uttered theso words, nnd left Cheri much ns- tonlshed. For Bonio timo ids conduct was bo faultless that tho ring did not prick him at all, and this gavo him so much gratification, thnt his pubjects added to his name Cheri, or Beloved, that of Hcuroux, or Happy. Ono clay ho went out hunting, and caught noth ing, which put him in a bad humor. It appeared to him, then, thnt tho ring pressed his linger a llttlo ; but as It did not prick him ho paid no great atten tion to It. On entering his apart ment, however, his llttlo dog BIbl camo lumping nbout him affectionately, when ho said, "Get thco gone, I am not in a humor to recclvo thy caresses I" Tho poor llttlo dog, who did not under stand him, pulled nt his coat, toobllge him at least to look at him. This lrrl tntcd Cheri, nnd lie gavo him a violent kick. In n moment tho ring pricked him, nslf it had been a pin; ho was inuc.li astonished, nnd seated himself, ciulto ashamed, in a corner of tho room "I think the Fairy mocks mo," said ho to himself. "What great evil havo I dono In kicking an nniraal which wor ried mo V Of what uso Is it to bo master of a great empire if I may not chastlso my own dog?" "I do not mock you," said a voice which replied to tho thoughts of Chcrl. "You havo com muted three faults Instead or ono. You havo been In tin Ill-humor becauso you did not llko to bo disappointed, and becauso you bellovo ooth beasts and mon wero only mado to obey you You put yourself In a passion, "which Is very wrong, and Instly, you havo been cruel to a poor animal that did not do servo to bo Ill-treated. I know you nro much superior to a dog ; but if it wcro a rcasonablo thing, nnd permissible for the great to ill-treat thoso who nro bo neath them, I would nt this moment beat you kill you, for a Fairy Is strong er than a man. Tho udvontago of being master of a great cmplro is not to bo ablo to do all tho harm that you may wish, but all tho good that you can." Chcrl confessed his fault, nnd promised to correct It; but ho did not keep his word. Ho hud been reared by a foolish nurso, who had spoilt him when ho was llttlo. If ho wautcd anything ho iiad only to cry, pout, aud stamp his foot, and tills woman gavo him all ho wished for; and this had mado him wilful. Sho had told him also, from morning to night, that ho would bo King somo day, and that king woro very happy, because everybody must obey them, and treat them with great respect, and that no one could prevent tbolr doing whatever they pleased. (CbtdiiuttJ.) WltT Is a gallows tho last refugo of a condemned manT Ho has nothing clso to depend upon. COT.TTMlTAN AND DEMOCRAT, ' BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, MISCELLANEOUS. Ail JyT A T I O N A L LIFE INSUItANCE CO. or TUB UNITED STATES OP AMEIUCA, WASHINGTON, n. c. ciiAnTEnEDnysrr.ciALACTOFcoNaitKss, Arrnovsn July 23, 1803, CAS II CAPITAL, - $ 1,000,000. PAID IN POLL. BnANOlt OFFICE! FIRST NATIONAL HANK nOILDINO, PHILADELPHIA, Where tho general business of tho Company Is transacted, and to which all general corrcspon Jcnco should be addressed. O F F I O E 11 S : cr.An.DNCE H. CLAIttf. President, JAY COOKK, Chairman Finance nnd Exocutlvo Committee. rjENHY D. COOKE. Vlco-l'rcsldcnt. EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary, This Company, National In Its character, offers by reason of Its Largo Capital, Low Hates of I'ro mlnm and New Tablos.tlio niostdeslrablemcnns of Insuring life yet presented to the public Tho rates of premium being largely reduced, aro made as favorablo to tlia Insurers as thoso of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties or Notlco, Divi dends, and tho misunderstandings which tho lat tcr aro so apt to causo tho rollcy-llolder. Several new and attractlvo tables aro now pre sented, which need only to bo understood to provo ncceptnblo to tho public, such as tho IN- COME-ritODUCINO rOLIUY AM11 wuiui 1'ltKMlU.M POLICY. In tho former, tho policy. holder not only secures n life Insurance, payable nt death, but will recclvo, lrilvlng.nrter a porlou of n fow years, an annual lncomo equal to ten per cent. (10 per cent,) of tho rar of his policy. In tho latter, tho Company agrees to return to tho assured the total amount of money he has paid, In addition to tho amount of his policy. Tho attention of persons contemplating Insur ing their lives or Increasing the amount of In surance they nlrcady have, Is called to tho special advantages offered by tho National Life Insur ance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets nnd full particulars given on application to tho Branch Ofllco of tho Com pany, or to CLAIlIC & CO t rhnaaelphla, Oencral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JOEL E. BRADLEY, Bloomsburg Ta., Special Agent ror Montour & Columbia Counties Feb. W.m-lyr . "JNFAILINa EYE PltESEItVEItS. Mmsrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS lIAllTfOr.l), CONN.," Have, with nvlcwtoincc&tho Increased demand ,. for their ii CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, B T. o o M s n V n O, ,P A As their solo Agent for this place. They .have taken caro to give all needful Instructions, nnd have conndenco In tho ablllty of their agents lo meet the requirements of all customers. An op portunity will bo thus nfforded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOR Til 121 R STRENGTHENING AND TRESER- VINO QUALITIES, ' Too much cunuot bo sold as to their SUPERI ORITY over tho ordinary glasses worn. Thcro Is no oUmmeiHnfft wavering of the tlgtU, dUzincu, or otherunpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from the peculiar construction of tho Lenses they are tootMnu and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, nnd PRODUCING A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION, as inthenau rat healthy tight. They aro the only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And aro the CHEAPEST becauso tho BEST, al ways lasting many tears without change bo lug necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, JILOOMSB UllO PA., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed in this place. taT WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS, Feb. 19,'08,-ly, j E II A V E N O TRAVELING AGENTS Furmers nnd Dealers whosend their orderaib'rec. to us, can avail themselves of tho LOWEST PRICES Ami tan the OotinnUttmi. Early orders will bo advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. MANUrACTURKIlS Of IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND TIIK A M. M O N I A T E D F E It T I L I 7, K It, P E It U V I A N GUANO Wo sell outy No. 1 received direct from tho Government. FISH aUANO. A splendid Manure packed lu barrel, Wo also offer for sale Puub LAND PluUTUK, IIvDitAuuo Cehknt nnd a full assortment or Oji.i nnd Caudles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL ERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 12 South Delawaro Avenue, dolphin,. Phlla ESTABLISHED IN 1848. For valo by THE ULOOMMUURG IRON CO., Feb. U.'CS.ly. Dloousuubu Pa, gNYDER, HARRIS A BASSETT, Manufacturer nnd Jobbers of UKaH AND BOYH' CLOTHINO, No. U3 Market, and 621 Coisbsere BUtxl, miatlclpula. I. 1 000 ME1 WANTED SO per wetfc profit on U flaiittal, Honietrilnv entirely new. Uejid for elrtular nnd Tenns. No Sift enterprise or humbug. Addroui M.J.Yl jtic4I, 1 Cannon Htrrrt. N, Y. Feb. VO.'tl-Sf. DftY GOODS MIL-LEWS STOKE. ...K M. . ti ... T nl" lltll3U OiUIAU.wc FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another largo and select assortment of SPRINO AMD SUMMER GOODS, purchased la New York and Philadelphia at the lowest figure, and which ho Is determined to sell on as modcrato terms ns can bs procured else whoro In Dloomsbnrg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS 0001X1 of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with n large ;assortment of Dry uools anu uro cerlcs, consisting of the following articles I Carpolfl, Oil Cloths, Cloths', Casslmeres, , Shawls, Flannels, Bilks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, ' t Muslins, Jlollowwaro Ccdarware Que'enswaro. . Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Ulosso.l, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which lie Invites the attention of the publlo generally. Tno highest price will bo paid for country produco in exchnngo for goods. B. II. MILLER A SON. Arcodo Buildings, Bloomsburg, To, flREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER HST'S STORE, IN LIOIIT STREET, or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Jnst received and lias on hand at his old stand In Light Street, a largo ana select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, and which ho determined to sell on as moderate terms as be procured elsowhore In Light Street, for CAm on country produce. His slock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHINO, Satlnetts, Casslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. j ' AC, Aft ACv GROCERIES, MACKEKau, Qucenswarc, iCedarware; Hardware, Medlclues, Drugs, oils, l-aints, sc. BOOTS. It SHOES, .AU-ct.CAPS. In short eve"ryJgttsSlyTrrjp-lrl n conntry store, Tho patronage of his old If rlohds and the nubile cenerallT.MS respectfully soucltoit. The highest inarket price paid Yor'country pro- uuce. i PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1807, J J. BRO W E R J3 now ouurins to ine puuuo m rwca u s p jfi 'N a, a, 6 6j)S consisting in part of a full line of INGRAIN. WOOL, AND RAG . . - CARPETS,, Flno cloths and casslmore for Ladles' coats, .HANDSOME DRESS. GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlaids and Prints of various qualities und prices. BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, ANP BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' CHILDREN'S dAITERUJc BOOTH. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL in ono-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is the time to make your selecUons, as I am offering goods at very low prices, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to be under sold by any. J. J. 13 HU W EU. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1867. M' AIICH LIST AT I. W. HAHTMAN'S. s PLENDID WINTER DRESS aoods Selling nt a low figuro, at I. W. HARTMAN'S. A FEW MORE LONG SHAWLS AT A GREAT REDUCTION, AT I. W. HARTMAN'S. LADIE'S CLOTH SACKS - , - i s . r n nntntn IY at MUUCUUUWU WUUl J w iu u w. I, W. HAHTMAN'S. BBEAICPAST SnAAVLS AND wool nouns wim,i icw imuic. aud other Hoods down In prices, at I. W. HARTMAN'S. A FEW MORE REMNANTS. of Prints, DeLains, juuBiins,uasaimcrs,.vc., at cost or less, at I. W, I1A UTMAM niREE NEW ROLLS OF Curpets Just received at I. W. HARTMAN'S. pLOOR OIL CLOTHS 4-4 5-1 61 8-4 a nice pattern of each at I, W. HARTMAN'S. JEN'S, LADIE'S.'A CHILDREN'S Arctic uuins,at ' i, w. haui jihh n. "OASINS, PRUNES, DRIED Peaches, Cherries, Apples, Soup Beans la, on hand at I. W. HARTMAN'S TVTINISTERS OF THE QOSPEL who live by rroachlng supplied with goods low for cash, at I. W. HAHTMAN'S. A R It E N ' S and water rnoor jurrtovsD fibb FELT AND CEMENT It O OFINQ f The advantages which this composition possesses are-many, itisuoiiiwacer.iiuut.auu iiru. are many. It Is both water. I It Is lint affiictcl Lv heat nr c utnud nro-prooi, It Is not uuueted by, neat or cold. 4V oa u nllnil Ln an almost nerftictlv llat roof, one inch Ihelfoot being all that Is required, It U eaiUy and quickly rewired. Its cost Is less than any other tlre-prool roof now lu use. TestlmouluU rroin ail pur is ui luerountrr u iu iui uuiuuiuiy, security auu cnoapuess win ue suuwn uy ' r JOHN W. KRAMER. JnneSCW. Agent, JUloomsburg, l'a. A fine specimen of the roofing can bo seen at W 1J KOOUS' new ouse vu ruin nirt-tii. pUMPS I PUMPS FOR SALE, The undersigned begs leave to Inform the cltl tens oi uiispuuie ana viciuny i InliirnUI, utihnrl nallf.a. nni EN l'UMI'M for Wells nd Cisterns ever petered to the public. They are guaranteed U thro. w more water in less time anu whm less isuur man any other pump lu this pari o( the couutry . and they oanuul be surpussed for beauty or nulla, oi sunpllolty of arrangenieut.also combining cheap- HMut fuid durahllttv Each pump belug warraat- ed to perform lis V ork well or uu sale. Ellas HbumaM la aaeut iur OolumbU county. Price 7t emits per foot I sood lu tlia wU. Orders by mail or ouuirwlse u-pmplly attended to. pt, 1,'CMr EI.IAS BHUMAN, Cat tuivlesa Pa. RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL It AIL . - - ldf.Q TrHln. Wilt uq anu mier vm .wj, ..... loavo NoiiTiiUMnin IJIND as follows I NORTHWARD. 423 A. Dally to Wllltamsport, (except Pnnilay) lorr.imirn, tBnnuuuiKiitt. w.iii.im, .,u...v, Husnenslon undue, and N. lolls. MO r. m., Dally, (except Bumlays) for nimlra aim llullalo via Erie Itallway from Elmli-o. 0.10 nit,, Dally, (oxcept Sundays) for WUUami- ' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1M A.M. Daily (except Monday's) for naltlmore. WILMINGTON AND PIIILAUKLaUIIA. 8.30 P.M. Dally (exreptSnmlay's)forBaltlmoro wasmngion ami i-iuiauoijiimk y0UNO General l'assengor Agent. T.ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS XJ i 1IUKU RAiLAOAU On and oftrNovSOth, 1S03, PasscngcrTralns will rutins follows! Going Sonth, Leave Leavo a.m. p.m. Going North. Arrive Arrive n. in. p. m Scrauton. 4.10 12.U3 V.13 Lcnvo il.ni 10.67 7.41 U.II? K.IS0 7.10 8.1,1 7.40 Leavo Pltl8ton...i 6.00 Kingston n:a Plymouth OM Ulilckshlnny... Berwick ........... 7.65 4.17 6.2 AM 6.10 0.15 U.M 7.C7 two 0.10 M0 :a 7.34 U.M 0.10 0.IU 6.23 Loavo 4.45 nioom B.UU Rupert 8.3S Danville.......... 9.01 Arrlvn Arrive North'd ............ V.43 11.03 7.10 The 11.10 Train nt Scrnnton makes connections with Express Trnln for New York at 3 o'clock p. m,. arriving In New York 9.50 p. m. II, A. FONDA, Sup't. ism!. im. "PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE JL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. THROUaU AMD DIRECT ROUTE BKTWKES rltlLA-DKLI-11IA, BALTI1COBK, IIARRISnDBU, WIL LIAIISTOUT, AND TUB GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLKKPIXCI CARS On all Night Trains. On and nfter Monday, Nov. Zlrd 180S, the Trains on the Philadelphia &Erlo Hall Rond will run as follows: WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN Icovcs Philadelphia 10.45 p.m. " " " NorUiuiaburliiud..0.10H.ni. " " orr, at Erie. ........li.50p.iu) ERIE EXPRESS leaves l'lillatlclphlu 11.60 m. " " " Nort'd ..0.50 p.m. " " arr. nt Krlo 10.00 n.m. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. " " " North'd l.'jp.m " " arr. ntLookllaveu p.m. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10.53 a.m. ", ' North'd ....S3 a.m. , " " arr. at Philadelphia ..lO.uua. m. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie ..0.M p.m. ' " " Nort'd ........liJ0u,iui " " nrr.atl'hlladclphla.. 1.20p.m. Mall and Express connects with OH Creek und Allegheny River ltall Road. Baggage checked through. - A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, WUUamsport. CATAWISSA RAILROAD On und after MONDAY, Nov. J3, 1UH, Passenger ti ulns on tho Cutnwlssa Railroad w 111 run at tno following named hours: Mail AortA. ETATI0K8. Mali Abrti Dep.7.50n,m Wllllamsport. AIT, 6.16 p. m. " 8.20 Muncy. Dep. 6.41 " 8.50 " Wntsontown. ' 6.12 " " 0.10 " Milton. " 4.55 ' ' 0.52 " Danville. " 4.10 " " 10.12 " Rupert. " 3.53 " " 10.23 ' .Calawlssa. " il.85 " " 11.40 " Rlngtowu. " 2.2S " 1210 p.m. Summit. " 1.50 " " 12.45 " 1.00 " 2.13 " 4.25 Arr. 0.43 10.50 1 E. Mahony June " 1.20 " DlncTamaquo. Dine. ' 1.10 ' 1 Roudliig. " 1(1.10 n.m. 1 Philadelphia. " 8.15 " , ( To New York via. Rend 1 llm or Mauch CJhuiilf. From Now York via. i . ,, Mauch Chunk. 'w NuClinngoof curs between Wllllumiiport nnd l'lliliidelpliiu. GEO. WEU11 Suy't. READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Dec llth, 18CS. Great Trunk Lino from the North aud North west forlhlludclplila.New York, Reaulng, 1'otts vlllc, Tumuqua, Ashlnnd, Hhumoklu Lebanon Alleiitowu, Eiuton, Ephratu, Litis, Lancaster, Columblu, c., Trulus leuvu Hnrrisburg for Now York, as fol lows: At 3,50, 6,60 and 8,lu n. m., 12,10 noon and 2.03 iSlo.SOp.m., connecting with similar trulus on the l'a. Itullroud. und arilvlug nt New York at 11,00, u. m., A 12,20 noon & 3,60 7,011 & 10,03 p. m. and 0.15 lum respectively, bleeping curs accom pany thea,50 a. m., ana 10.50 p.uu trains without change. Loavo Hnrrisburg for lteodlng, I'ottsvllle, Tn tnaqua, Mluvrsviliu, Asiiiund, Hliamokm.l'luo Uruve,.Allcutown iV I'll ilu'd.ut 8,10 n.in., & 2,05 4,10 P.U1., slopping ut Lebuuon und principal way stallous;thei,i0pni. trulus making ootinec Hons lur Philadelphia uud ColumbUouly. For lVittsvlllo Schuylkill lluven una Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd ttll&queluiuua lcullroiul, leavo Hnrrisburg nt 3,30 ii.m. Returning: Leave New York at 0,00 a.m. uud 12.00 ui., uud 5,10 und 8,00 p.m. l'hlladel nlila at 8.15 a. 111. and8L30D. m. HleeDim? cms uccompnuy the u.oO n. lu., and6,10 and8.0op.in.. I.lny ,P,...l -V V ,.HI,nt tirn.. (n. ... 1 Train leuves Philadelphia at 7si n.m.,connccUug with similar train on East Pa. railroad returning Tumaqua at 8,30 a. m and 2,20 p.m., for PhUu- ucipinu. Leavo Pottsvlllo for Harrlsburir. via Sehuvlklll and Subduohanna Railroad at 7.10 a.m. ami ll.:ui n. in., ior nue urovo nnu Tremout, licauiug Accc-mmodatloii Tiutu leaves Reaulng nt 7,30 o.m., returning from PhUadelphlu ut 4,43 ii.m. Pottstown Accommodation Traln:leaves Potts town at 0,45 s.m. roturnlng, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 n.m. .u Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at ,,w . m. 4.u.. iui uuuniu i.lllX, uiucus. .... fV.lntnt.lft A.f ' Perklomea itall Road Trains leave Porkiomen Junction nt 0,15 a,m., and 6.30 p. in. Returning : Leave Sklppacknt 8.10 a.m., nnd 12,45 p.m., con necting with similar trains on Reading Itall road On Uunduys. leavo Now York nt K.on n.m.. i-iiii. adelphiu 8,00 n.m. and 3,15p.m., tho 8 00 n.m. train ruuuiliK umy lu tvvuuiug; 1'OllSVlllO 8,uu a.m.; Hnrrisburg 5,W a.m. ami 4,10 nnd 10,60 p.m., and Reading ut 1.05 uud S.oo nnd 7,15 a.m, for Uuriis bnrg. aud 12,50 o.m., and 7,31 n.m. for New York, and 4.25 n.m. for Phlladclulila. Commutation, Mileage, Heuson, School and Ex cursion tickets to und from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 163 pounds allowed to eacn pasbcugcr,, General Superintendent, Reading, Pa., Dec. 11. ltlA TTVEL A WARE. LACKAWANNA, & Liik V iUli, UiLUlk.il.Uililll, u ESTERN RAIUIOAD. Wluter arrange. munt, 1608-U). Trulus leavo ns follows : WESTWARD. EASnVARD. Mall STATIONS. MaU AM. 0.00i...... Now York 7.80 l'hiladolnhln 4.45 8.20 2.40 2.20 2,10 2.00 I. 60 1.45 1.20 1.05 12.51 12.11 12.31 12.11 II. 60 11.37 11.21 11.00 10.50 10.38 10.31 fl.30 0.48 0.05 0.40 6.6U 0.24 5 23 0.00 5.01 8.43 4.20 8.S1 SUA 7.50 3.2.J 7.40 6.50 A.M l-.U 11.15 ...........Now llolnpton. ....... 11.30 Washington...... 11.47 Oxford....... 11.57 Z Urldgovlllo 12.05 ...Maniinka Uiuuk. .. ....... 12.30 Delawure ....... 2.40'.. ilount Bethel 12.55 Water Gap i.io ..Htrouilsburg 1.20 Spraguevllfu 1.30 Heuryvllle 1.4i Oakland 2.05 l-orks.. 2 20 .Tobyhauna ............ 2.40 ...Gouldsboro 3.02 Moscow..... 3.13 ....Dunning 3.25 .Greenville ,. -8.55 .scrauton 4.17 . Clark's Summit 4.25 .........Ablugton 4.41 ..Factory vllle 3.01 Nicholson. ft.23 .Hopbotlom. 6.4) Montrose 0.00 New MUford 6,43 ,.,........Grcat Hend. ...... ...... A.M. 10.30! 11.C0 11..10 12.00 12.25 13.55 1.20 1.50 Dinner and supjier at Delawaro station. Connections. At New Hampton, with Central R. R. of New jersey. ior --lew i oniuizuueiUtriaiuuciuumtr. vllln. l-.uston. .Ce. At Washington, Willi Morris A Essex R.It.,for new luric, j-iowura, jiorntowu, jiuiaeiisbuwn, VnHtnii. An. At Mununkn Clinnk, with Belvidero Delaware It. it., ror l'lUladelpuia, Trenton, i-iuiupsuurg, llolvldore. &.C. At Scrauton, with Lackawanna & Bloomsburg 11. R for 1'ltti.ton, WlikftLnrre, lllooniiburi:, im port, Danville, Northumberland, Ac., also, with Delawure A Hudson It. R., lor Ulypliant, Arch' bald, und L'arbondale. At Great lleiid.wlth Erlellallwav. for Rlnuham- ton, Elmlra, Bullulu, Ilhacu., Hyrneuso, uud Oswego. It. A. HENRY. Gen, Pass, and Tkt. AgeuU L U M B I A HOUSE, DY BERNARD HTOHNBR. Haviho lately purrhased and nited up the weuuuown itouisou iioiei i roperiy , locatou a rW DOORS AllOVK THE C'OUIIT 1IOU8E. on the same side of the street, lu the town of iiiooinsuurg; aua uaviug outaineua iiceuso lor tue same us a REBTAURA.NT, the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo ple visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. His stabling also Is extensive, and Is fitted tip to put uuggiesauutairriiises m iiioury. Jie pmui Ues that everything about his establishment sbal be conducted ln an 7 orderly and lawful manner and he respectfully solicits a share of Che public ) airouage, imyii ei-om. Q. W. BLABON & OOh Manufacturers ut OIL CLOTHH AND WINDOW H HADES. Warehouse, No. UI North Third Blxeet Philadelphia. GROCERIES, fta, c ONFEOTIONERY. X,.. .iii wnnlil Tcsnectfully announco to the publlo that he has opened s FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, 111 tho building lately oecnrled by Bernard Btoh tier, where hels prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN FANOY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AO. ay wuoi.ttsAi.ri on krtAii. In Rhotl. ft full sIort,1,c.nl1rM.1!.rKOOl,:, '" his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., tniinbleforthe Holidays. Particular nttentlou given to BREAD AND CAKES, of nil kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OniSTMAS TOYS. A call is solicited, nnd satlifnetlon wlll bo guaranteeu. Nov, S3, 1807. ECK1IART JACOBS, R EM OVAL OF O. O. MARR'S 9 NEW STORE TO SHI V E'S II LO 0 X, ON TUB CORNER Of MARKET AND mON STREETS. Tho undersigned having received from tho city n full nnd complete supply of SrillNG AND , SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE CEDAR AND WILLOrf-WARE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, n A 1 8 AND S JTOHS, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I proposo selling nt n very low figure for cash or produce. ff Call nnd see. April 12, 107. C. C. MAltn. GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING ORAN11 OPENING GRAND Ol'KNING GR.VND OPENING or FALL AND WINTEn GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTHIt GOODS, FALL AND WINTER' GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODsI conilstlnpr ol ' ' eonslKtltnr of consisting of ronslstlng of couslstiug of DRY GOODS, ' ' DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS,' DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIN HATS AND OAIH, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES. HOOTS AND SHOES. HOOTS AND SIIOKS BOOTH AND HHOKH BOOTS AND SHOES! ' READY-MAYlE CLOTHINO. RUADY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, RUADY-MADK CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHING, - LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GItAHHEH LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING-GLAS.HIW. LOOK1NU-OLAKSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, notions! paints and oils, paints and oils paints and oils . PAINTS AND OILs! FAINTS AND OlUi! GROCERIES, ' U ROUE HIES, i GROCERIES, GltOUERIES, GROCERIES. tlUEENRWARE, CillEENSWARi:, ttUEKNHWAlll: CU'EIINSWARE, CiUEENSWARE HARDWARE, . HARDWARE HARDWARE, TINWARE, ' ' , TINWARE, , . , TINWARE, TINWARE, i ' TINWARE, HAlr, .ill HALT , ' HALT HALT, SALT, 1 ' I FISH, FISH FISH, FIT! I FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GR.V1N AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS! ' AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEKUb, AC, Ac. Ac, AT ilcKELVY, Nl-.'AL & CO.'S, .McKEI.VY, NEAL CO.'S , McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S Mt-KELVY, NEAL dl CO.'S. McKELVY! NEAL J: CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main anil Market Streets', Northwest corner of Main unit Market stroets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets! Northwest co ruir of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., 11I.OOMHH1IRO PA BLOOMHHUliO, PA., BLOOMH11URO PA. , BLOOMH1UIRO, PA. 1IUIN AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NA1IX IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large quautlUes and at reduced rates, ajway pHICKERING & SONS, J Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UrillOHT PIANqS Received iuo First uranu uoid Medal, and still thcchos oi' tiii: J-xgion op noon, UNIVKIISAL EXPOSITION, TAIUS, I8C7. Tlicse v?ro tho hfuhftst nu-firtla nr tlin T'vnM.t. lion, niid the liouftooi Ciuckekinu & yona was tliooNLV onrso honored. In tho United Htntcs wo liavo been awarded Bixty-ninkKikst riiKuiuua in direct ixmine tltlon with tho leading lmuuilocturorH of tho wuiury. nu ntina ureal lSxniDition lu Jx)udoit wo received the hlxhrbt awaid Kiven to any luuiuiittiiuiiiB in iiiu u in i i ruiiitu. "iaini psov eutyone Firfct l'rtmluinii. fliul ilninuuci iiuti..r, liu testlmoniula Jrom tho leading uitlblsof tho NO. U VAST FOUIUXUNTH ST NEW YOltK, iieiween uroauwav nnu Finn Avenue. Feb. 6.'t.tf..3mo. OOMETIILNQ NEW. Tl.e underfifgned Ireci leave to inform- friendi and thu imUliu Kent-rally, Uiut hhe 1,1 OUT BTULET ..... . fresh Uvct oi gooaa m iuo Jino oi MII.LIWKHY'nnil TUlMHtlNOS ln connection' with Ureas Maklns; uud'Jn pre pared lu addition, tu COLOIt BTKAW 11AT3 on thoBhnitest notlce.nud in the lest stylo tho art, rrlces cheflp and work satisfactory. Jjght Street, October 4, 18C7,' with LimNCOTrJbTlMrXTER, . WIIQLKSALK QilOCEIW, , , KolNorthWattrBtrMt, - m . , ' and No. 20 Nort Delavro Ayengo J II. WAI-'l'ER, " , .Ut6 Walter A Kaubi , (, . . Importer and pwdarITft u i(.(Jl ,CIUNA, GLASS, ANp.ttUAtKWWtlC,. I . No, m HtaiT, tj,. , PWUdlVhU. ,,i TOIIfJ BTRQUP & CO., Bnccessers to Htroup A lirother, WIiOiAKALli UEAUSIIS XX Vim, No. SI North -Wruixves, iid 88 NuilU V.'sti - - fbDwlelphU. PA. IRON, TlNWArVfc, V -VTATIONAL l'UUftiuu, -I-' ,....,.1. l1.lf.1A. Bloomsburg, wiiumu"""' The subscriber, proprietor of the abovo-t auicd ,.enlvo establishment, is now prepared to re eclve orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR CQLLI CRIES, ULAST FURNACES, STATIONA RY ENGJNES, MILLS, TUltiaillNO MACHINIS. Ad Ho is also prepared tq malfelstoves of nil sites aud patterns, Plow-lrons, aim evoryui.ua uu... madoln flrsl-cioss toiuu , , H s exlenslve facilities and pradlcal workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contractu on tho most reasonnuio terms. Grain of all Id mis wm do iukvu ju .u....6v .... Costings. i,.TMr. This establishment is locuiuu u wnnnantid llloomsburg Railroad lit. , ri-.ii.ifc ii iuui- QTOVES AND TINWARE.- A. M. RUPERT announces to his frlonds and customers that continues the above business at his old place orl MAIN STREET, BLOOMSriURO.- Customers can.bo nccomodatod with , . FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article round In a utovo and 'iinwnre us. tnbllslnnent In the cities, nnd on the most reason able ttrms. Repairing dono at tho shortest notice, S3 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hnnd for sate. -VTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP, ON MAIN STREET, HEAR1V OrTOSITE MllUtn' HTOIIIS, IH.OOXfHllHnn. TENN'A. Tits undersigned has Jnst fitted up and opened his new . STOVE AND TIN SHOP, in this plnre, where ho Is prepared to mako up nowTiN Wark of nil kinds ln his line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the niosi rrnsonauie terms, jio ai-u aeeiis un imnu STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, Which ho will sell upon terms In suit purchasers. uivo linn a can. no is n goit inechunic, nuu deserving of the public patronage. JACOB MET7. llloomsburg, April 20. 1807. Q.EORGE 11, ROBERTS, Importer and Dealer ln HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, AO.', No, 311 North Tlilrd Street, nlKive Vine, PlillRdelphln. JacohJK. Sjiitii. , ... J, lt.iHiii.TzrK g M I T H ;& S E L T 7j E R, ImpoitcrsnndDcalcrs.lu Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, t "' au"Ns, outle'ryac.,' NO. 100 N. Tllllll) STREET, AlLCALLOWlIlLr., PniLADELl'HIA. NOV. 2.',(!7-lf TOBACCO & 3EG-ARS. XT W. RANK'S 'HOLES lor.ESALE'TdiiAcco," snuff, and CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1 U) North Third Street. -.1 ! between Cherry and Race, v, est side, -i -uiiaueipiiia. "yyARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOILVCCO, SNUFF A huQAR MANUFACTORY, NO. 31? IIORTlt THInn STREET, . Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. . ARTS! AN. P. EN(IEI.StAN BTEREOSCOPIO' V IEWB, ALBUMS,, CHHOM03. 32. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 im0ADWAY,JNEWY0RK, i f ib Wa bllk p Ttmr Tkutni lubjKU f IHrMopI JT1 Wlmrt. H tmrnvtk fivf,' I Bital 1-trk, Tfe.t.1 1111, art. XV tit, 1Ibi1or1. IwLU !. Nila. vshii Uotti, WaetalaiMa. Win r.tt. Iba And, China,, . .i tltaad, itt 4. Oat tnipn4 VI rmHi't lifi t ist ns)ti" mt Wm. Lflid, a, tail ulla.l pkatefftph!. cobaialiui t IwltMriMd. Xaix. Ammm Iralawl, Vai. lailni. rampvil, HUllaail, Cr nmar, Itiaaau, Aa.Kia, ( rjtial f slice, V.itlUU, ' THE UUID3 OI7 THE BIBLE, Akiwaaa Intiaatlr lalartsliar atrlra. Alaa.lllamliiatdl aid 1 ri Mai View, la nU larlsHr. W r alt tirlasx simls la ami tor "riiiiiii-a ui-a tiii," r mt na rladl4 as.ortm.at. A(ai ror rriik'a iia el i-Mt 1-3 1 rnoirg ! Karitaailaad, U iUla. Litfland. bcBUaad. V.l, A. Tr.KtOSCOrE9.-W maaaratlar very U'lf, ulli larf nroTOGSiPiim a t nirua n. uurriar at AlLam Ii Uiaukul Ik ttrr upn la nalilf a4 Uai I All 11 artTnal la Ftrttrf, nJ aaraljlrt aradlfmat i mm iodh bi nj atnir in tier, mitjnt ausuiu u a airt utaitif mtir (uruxail, OHROMOS. TkM kfiiltrnl pWtarta, tktt Ma U iitUrrmhlii urn Ut fan I Oil tutunn, at a Ittiik tkitr cI, e import larmr '' raria. Laadaa, Varlia. Vt.na 4 JUrua, a aufulf Iki Iia4 al Iba Wtl ram. E. &IL T. AHTHOKY s CO., 601 Bno.niiTiT, N,Y., Importers end 2ianuTr of PhatompliU Usttrlsld. Feb. 20,'UU-tr QMIIBUS LIKE. 'flie undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of llloomsburg and tho. public gene rally tint lie Is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place nnd tlie different railroad do nots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South and West on tlie Cala wlssa nnd 'Wllllnmsport Itallroad, nnd with those going North nnd South on tho Lackawanna and Jiloomsburs Railroad. Tils Omnlbukscs are ln enod condition, cornnlo. ilions nnd comlortaMe, nnd ennrges roasonauio. Persons' wishing to meet or tee their friends do.-, psrt.can be aoconiodaleU upon reasonable, clmrga ty leaving timely notice at any oi tne uoieis. JACOli I. aiiiTUN, l'ropneior. pAIUIKltSII TllVfrun ALT A VELA I'H&kl HA'i'Xv'. It nuitnlus threu i.er cent, of Alnmonla. ull aiiitiioijujtiiiuy lo sivu activity wiinnut injury loiuevegataiiou, aiuin uirco prrcenioEq ui hi lulilu lluuu l'lu.t-i lui to nt Linn-, ingellier with 1'tiini.ii- nnu rMMin, inn etifinuai uuiu'i.i.-ji; WA.NUiti:. thu me- farmers who nro using it with highly ry results Is a sure guarantee ot Its Caliper ion ui 10 bags IW lbs Lach. ti.ua 'for n pamphlet. AtlureSH THU ALT A VELA GUANO CO, her haa S. B. lllSHOl' & Co. Afients, SK) N. Del. Avo. Agent for l'enusylvanla, rhla(lelphln nud Houtli New Jersey Julys.'W-ly 671!ror.dwov,N.Y. A ItMimUSTEtt & JJBOTllErt, Iraiiorieru and Jobbere'of 11031 rJUY, Q LOVE'S, A HUIUTH AND llRAWIIKfl. ' BUTToS'rt, BUBplCNIilIItS, 11O01' HKiKTS, irANl)KEUClIIKl-1t4, TlUtKADH, hliWINQ UILIOS, TUIilMINQH. I'OUTK MONNAIKH. BOArB, rErtl'UMIlHY, l'ANOY COODB, A'ND NOTIONH OBNEUALLY, Also Manufiicturers of . nuusiira ANiJ.QPtcpa uivshes, and Dealers lu ' WOOriAND WlLLOWWAUH, ' i. . - IlIt,OOMS,UOIi5a,TWINli,J,, Na.aus North Xlllr? Street, sboye Vue, Philadelphia. ( n'. i " '' -I V p EOIIQE rOELlCER' & CO.,, . - Wholesale Dealers lu WOODEN Si WILLOW'SVAIll!, YAIINB, Oll-CIotlis, Wicks, ivlues,.llaslieu, tUN ete. J18AK1 Horkct Bt,, A 234 Church BU, I'hllads. junee, os. iit., TOR NEAT AND dlEAI' JOI3 PIINTNG, Coll at fue Columbliui pfflce, Bloomsbur l'a. , DRUGS &. fvtEDlCNES ftl ,.i IMltprs has never fnlltl t. . .o.l lllllll OI inapepsiiii ' me mo'lBUCMnjfni l Iclne yet dlseovoreil for the cure of tl,i,,JI,l Dj-spepsM. Llrtt Oumnlnlrtt, DrOncli' iJil illsenscsnf the-ahroat, Ohest and ffl,! " "'" u... ;."".' 11 urn, k'l wiiiotuiyiucuiiuj .,, wm, gives t a M,,i Nn mnillv should bo without It. !; .?C1 bottles, prepare rind sold by Jonatlmi'M A Co, Bchuy ikl.ll Haven, pa, and liy uiTl A, ' - - ' - ' La . . ' tf-AY L OIl'S OLIVE BtlANCIt HIM E R S " i1 a M.1.t,,1ni.rnnnlitnTAuts UI i i d. 1IIUU tuiuuBn.tuiu iviiiu raiiioumnL tl ilClJlO nnu uuauiiimuvu B I T T E R S , Extracted entirely from Herbs hn, nooU;i If boncicu, in Hi i ii DYSPEPSIA, " GENERAL DElilLlTY, nnd Los3 ot Appctltoj and nti excellent Corrective for personim I from Dlio'rdcrsbf tile Bowels, Flatulrott,( I I ' Solil 'Kvcrywlicro. epot, No. 413 Market Strett, l'lilUJel,. I i - ' f. J.. K, TAYLOR & CO, BcpM.W-ly., Ayer's Hair Wimi For restoring Gray Hail ils natural Vitality and Cc'l A dressing J in nL once ngrtil licaUliy, nnd t(i,l lur iii'cserunj I liuir. i-'iiJcJi-I A a ii- in loon r'l to jU oi ijinsl I Willi the o.'oiil freshness of J Tliln linir is I cned, fulliti" liuir clicckccl, nnd ncn often, lli'inpli not nUtny?, liv its uinii aNollnti": cnu mloil ilmif ivlioro .llie- lulliclc aic (Jctt or tho "laiiUH mro itiieu mm i Hut such us remain cuu bo tnv usefulness by litis nitplicalioii. II of fotlliiiL' tlio lum- with .iin-ljl mcnt. it will keen it c-Jeati nuihic Its occitiipiml. uso, will prevent ifcl from ilurniii'' untV or lullins Ml conscriueHtlv prevent balJticsi. from tlioso'deletcri'oua substance) I mako soiho preparations ilan;cto. injurious to tlio Iujir, tlie Yijcl only .benefit but ,iiot harm it. IUI merely lor; a HAIR DRESSINCI VI J- . nl..:, .1 notlnnz Clso can un louim tuuci, Conlainiug neither .oil nor lre,i not soil wluto CAnlbnc, ana yai Ions on Iho hair, civiii" itaiicl.l lustra and n grateful peifumc. Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer I il'ltACTICAL AKUVnALVIICAI. ClB 'EOAVKtT., MASS. 'nuoE $i.oo. Keb.S.lROO. -.-.'j Cathartic Yu " A'h 'tlio 'purposes of o ' if.ill.isl' I'mlutii DO b clnuHso unlm-l iiuue.l by citij'l iiultti:irll.Mloril liny iiewie Iv ndolitoil laM eVervrountrjIsl but c.Uclcnt t'1 1'ltl. 'llwoM :.vil).llnt 1 Ml h JsnrseV'-' tual iciiiray v-m ..-.I :. I ii. I, ..w.d tlK-in! lllOhfllll ui. kn-'m; lint lt,tii llieir niborsMl I iltt'ls uover fills thnniitli "y 1JU,!f "'l 111 .'.ipiiii.hUI.iii, ffo.hnii thuiiM ml ICJI Ii't I'.yliu ertmiiUl.il, lint eiitiiiuiva ei rit nentlibnrlioiHl, afid wo neon iwiin ,.1 .r.i ..I t . ..II n.,.. nn.l f-rinilitlLin, l!IHU.t-1 Wit ilnlni neltliff calomel r my dclfi mi tu i-.MtliK iipucrvQ Uicm eve' lre.1 I .. . I. ... ,i I... r.-n.n lliflr n?0 ill nnTQU I M.I.' i:I.... l,l....n.,mrr.rlit nllllCnftl Jiiteni'l vuJor.i to piu-lTy tho Uol audftjl l,i,Ai;rtaWhvn-n,,l.n.nin7Oth0OljltrUflil iit.i'nicli, Ism-cU, llver,i ani ouii-i wf-j 1 'iily. ro' tnrliia tliolr lrreprular ac lion W M lv rorreetlujr, wlierorer tucy r n nieiiti in nro iuo urat onsi i u, II IA... nH.. .rlvnil 111 113 11 die box. for the followlii.-! compIaiuti.vrH vl'id.i i-.iiiiiijy cute; - . ,J iiioi t.injiiDr nsil Loss Al l'l t-tiaill'l.liu tnwen uioiierau.-iy iu e"".-"'-.r ,acli ami i-estovo Us healthy t( nn.l ICtlU I i.... v . nn.l i,ranus loins, Simons llriltlHcui-t""-gj ilicloiily Liken lor each case, to corrcrt teJ r.ciitiii ur ruiiiuTo 1110 uuiuu-- . rar Jlyi'iitory or. iurruu.--i - UJ0 1J iriinciany leiiimeu. ...if . 1'ur JHiiiiimtlni,oiit,!r.iiri.' ..I,... ..t .1... mWm.rt. 111 IB' nieu niiii jL,oiiis,'iiioy bituu,l,,"v.,rr, ...Ln.. naw.n n.l InrllOTlMl 111 llHCasW' the system. Wltl! sticli chango Uioso ol For Br y 'and llroplcnt 'J'1 fhoidd lnjtasenla large ami nixiucnlow dnco (lio effect of a drastle puree. .ik Foi-.Miii.pri'-lou n largo uo 6ll"S ns n lirouucoi tlio uesiruii eut-vi. uj -j --,-..(. .is Jldiiirr rill, law one er - . An occasional iloio sUmulate5 tlw ffl iinweii nuo iieaitny nciiou, rL..l,"'-r.T.i nod Invigorates tins system. Ic"!i O.io who feels tolorably well, ni W of theso villi makos lilm rrol ilefsj" I'Zi their clcanslns nnd rcnoTatluS enett oot- tio aiiaratus. I nn. .r. a. Arnn .t CO.. jvadli-ol'l LOWELL. MASS., V. f- fill ,-rWlVs'tS a- K.w.aiEi.sjioT'rs I WJSZfflS. -EitMAN CATTLE PO 3S S3CCT.lVtl Thlsl'6wd6rlsbelievodtobo srrt" II I""! Horse'orCittla J'owder In uso. b(ood, cfeauses the, system, and nlv" " I lion una tone to too sioinui-ii. .v . ,j will linprovcl Ih llesli, and the colu Hinootu anu flossy, ii.Viyi juiit-ii uim vivti v?v., . -A- i...'alicaiK,'l oiiufii iiiimui u uuu iiium"v ileeco. Hqkb Uitm aua arq ft w rpw T uvtvwuiy t .flirtrti HENDKrwHorra wJZi , . ilPrailTK AB'!lc-".r..nl ,'-ftvr,f?.'P-U .IILOCW .Wvomlnir ... .....,...... lw...rf,.-w"'',,""',''r" Commerce ...... Kulton North Aiuerlea, City I iliternsUe-usl. Nlscara EluLlvBlotk..., Vutnsm SprliiKHeld Insurance Company of Bint , i Connecticut Mutual Life -....-" ii hi n n.' i v. ..i..imH." ' '" ''.Z.".'....-""'""' i.T.M!.rii. - .,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers