THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, 1SLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. UW -AND- ULOOMSHUHO, PA. KIUUAY MOHMINU, 1'KU. an, 180D J-TIIIS COI.U.MI1IA.V tins the Lnrfcest UlrculMlon of nty paper published In Siorlhrril I'cnnij IvnnU, anil la alto a much larger lien lUan nay nflUcolcm pnrarloi lil ! Ili.r.furr the belt medium fur advertising In this section oftlif, Blnir. II HMOCIIATIO HTA1B COMM1TTKK. In obedience to tho desire of a mtijunly thereof, thti lirtiinrraUbBtlla Committee am reiinc-stcd to moot nt Ilolton's Hotel, llurrlsburg, on Tues day, the .-loth day of M irch, 1SO0, at 'H o'clock, r. M, to fix time of holding the Democratic Kioto Convention, WM. A, WALLACE, Chairman. It, Iiavim CAi.Dwr.Lt, Bec'ty to own riiu:Ms. Ai'tkh mueh delay in tliu completion of our new oilk-c, It has been finished, mul our machinery moved into It. Wo lmvo employed nn experienced man to tlo our Jub work, rind wo nro now nblo to do till kinds of printing from the large-it posters, down to tho smallest iiird-t, with neatness and dispatch, nt ratcH lower than can be procured In the cities. Our stock of Job typo Is tho largest in tho country, and wo feel as ttured of our ability to print In tho best atylo books, phnmphlcts, posters, cards bill and letter heads, envelopes, pro grammes, etc., on plain or coloned pa per, with plain or ornamental inks, Wo luivo Just laid in a largo stock of material, and ask our business men to give us a trial. Patronize your home Institution. 4t Ilurrali for Mtmlt! Wi: enmn now to tliu last and llnnl , step of uml; luu freedom and universal siiimiKt) ntiiioiiui ami perinauoni. in its iium-h tnwurd this point tho Repub lican party bus burn obliged to leave many MriiKclt-ri) by tho wayside, ntnont: them ti 1'riwldoiit and n Cabinet, to say nothing of half i Senators, lint for tho men thus dimmed wo have gained thousands of others, and If wo regard inerelv tliu itceossloii of tho col- ored vots, it is obvious that tho ballots of a raco comprising four millions of suu.s must, ou 01 tiuuieicut coiisetiueiiuu in u party point of viotv to compensate lor far greater losses. In our own Stub) of Pennsylvania thoamcmlincnt would give to our ticket twenty thousand col ored xoUn.llepublictm. Wo clip tho nbovo from a Into edi torial in tho llepubtktw. And now yo weak, timid, faltering ItJiiubllciins, too tho mark. Tho Chairman of your Standing Committee tho editor of your County organ declares openly In favor of negro suffrage, and what right havo you to flinch from tho test. Truo you do not believe In negro equality, you think while men aro competent to administer thonffalrri of this govern ment, but what right havo youiowto any such opinions since tho nbovo pro clamation by llmdley. What if a fow of you, who cannot stomach the black pill, tlo drop off, tlio Dr. bays your place will bo supplied by "four millions of black voters.' Ye hard fisted yeomanry, what cares Radicalism for your hqueanilshncss on this point? "Pennsylvania," says your leader, "will give to our ticket 20,000 colored votes." l'lio ''party of intelligence" has at last como to the conclusion that it can only support itself by the votes of tho negro element having lost tho confi dence of tho white population of the country. Tlio lYonunl School. On- Friday last, February 19th the Comniltteo appointed to inspect tho buildings and grounds Intended for the Normal School of tlio Sixth District nnd, If found to bo in good order and condition, to accept tlio same, arrived in Bloomsburg nnd proceeded to per form tho duties for which they were np pointed. A thorough and careful inspection of tho buildings and grounds, having been inadonnd thu classes In tho Institute examined, tho Committee unanimously agreed that all things wero ns they should be, nnd that tho buildings should hereafter bo known as tho Nor mal School of tho Sixth Normal School District of Pennsylvania, which Dls trlct is composed of tho following coun ties : Columbia, Montour, Northumber hind, Union, Snyder, Perry, Juniata Miflliu and Dauphin. Tho Commlttco consisted of Hon. J 1 Wickershain, State Superintendent of Common Schools.IIon.WllmerWor thlngton, Speaker of State Senate, Hon James C. Drown, Chairman of tlio Edu cntldnnl Committee of tho Senate, Hon Geo. D. Jackson, of tho Financo Com mitteoof tho Senato, andllon.H.Hoyt of Wilkcs-Biirrc, C. G. liarkley, Supt of Columbia County, C. V. Gundy Supt. of Union County and Win, Henry, Supt. of Montour Co. ThoSupcrlntetnU enta of tho various Counties In tho Dls- triet wero members of tho Committee cx-pfficio. All of tliCbo gentlemen havo been for years interested in tlio subject of education ; and s( mo of them have spent thegreater part of their lives in tlio promotion of tlio sacred causcandnll wero well qualified tojudg of tlio merits of tho buildings present ed for their Inspection. Their unquali lied approval bears additional tcstlmo n y to the capability and unflagging en ergy of Prof. Carver, uudor whose su pervision tho work has been from tho commencement. At - o'clock of tho biimo afternoon the largo hall of tho Institute was filled with an expectant audience, a large part of Which wero ladles, to listen to thobpeeches which would publicly de claru 1 lit) ucceptanco of thu School for tlio purpose intended. After prayer by tlio Itev. D. C. John, Judge Itupert read the' Report of Trustees, after which Hon, Dr. Wortlilngtou, as Chairman ol tlio Inspecting Committee, announced tho rehull of thu examination to have been In every respect satisfactory nt.d i lint tho Committee had decided ton co ntend thu immediate acceptance ol the Buildings. Hon. J. P. Wiekershnm, State Super intendent, next spoko In terms of the praise, and stated that tlio Buil dings just inspected wero tlio finest ol the kind in Pennsylvania. His praise of Prof, carver wtis well merited, as his mil and energy are by this time fully ncknowlidgcd by nil. Judge Hoyt addressed tho yoUng folks brlelly, con trasting sharply tho old stylo of School House nnd School Discipline, with those of tho present day. Tho only oho of his common school acquirements which liu relied ou was tho multiplication ta ble, and of lute he hud grown somewhat douutful of that. Mr. Brown, spoko briefly of his con nection with Educational measurcs,nnd of his deilro to assist thu present under taking In every posslblo manner. Prof. Carver explained his. position In regard to tho early advocacy of tho Normal School project and gave a general histo ry of tho Institution. Ho was, Buceeded by Mr. Gundy, Supt. of Union County, nnd by Hon. Thomas Chalfant. Tho lat ter gentleman was humorous In his re marks, drawing n ludicrous but truthful nlcturo of old tlmo pedagogues. Tho exercises wero Interspersed with capital music bv Miss El well and tho Gieo Club. In tho evening short addresses wero delivered by Piof. H. D. Walker, Prof D. C. John, C. a. Barkley, Gen. W. H. Ent nnd Col. Freeze. Prof. Carver then closed with a fow pertinent remarks nnd tho audlenco quietly retired. After tho exercises wrro concluded, n , bountiful supper was discussed at tho Kxehnneo Hotel by tlio Commlttco nnd scmo invited guests, nnd thus with so- clnl courtesies nnd unbroken harmony, tho new buildings tako their places ns landmarks in tlio road of Progress, There aro fow, wo trust, who do not wish tho enterprise good spceu, ami who do not bestow nil duo proiso to thoso energetic nnd zeulous men to whom wo aro Indebted for tho final tri umph which won celebrated on Friday lust. .tuitions. Tun Into "Assistant Medical Director of tho Army of the Potomac" is becom ing alarmed at tho unanimity of tho people against tho negro suffrago and ofllco holding amendment proposed by tli- Radicals. Hear him 1 "Look, out for ItliThe few gentlemen who own tho Court liouse. aro circulat ing a petition setting forth that" wo tho undersigned, without regard to party" Ac. In substanco requesting of the legislature of this state that they will not endorse tho suffraco amendment to the Constitution recently passed by tho House, mis is a laisenoou no rcpuo Means should, and unless they are do eelved, will bign any such petition. It isan instrument. orhrinal with tho devil and circulated by his agents keep your lianas on l."uepuuucan. Republicans during tlio last Campaign read in the Chicago Platform, on which Grant wns nominated, "Tho question of suffrage in all tho loyal States proper ly belongs to tlio pcoploofthoscStatcs." Now that Grant Is elected the Had lcais turn round and ignore their own platform, and attempt to deprive tho people of Pennsylvania and other "loyal" States of tho privilege of deter mining this question. Wo fear the Doctor has not read the Platform of his own party, and when lie stigmatizes tho doctrine as "original with tho devil," ho abuses his own friends. "No Republican should sign such a petition." Aro wo to;understand then that you intend to forc'o tho entire Republican Party of this County into tho support of this odious measuuo ? Is this an Answer. Duiung the early days of Radical Puritanism,in Massachusetts, to express a doubt of tho truth of witchcraft, and fall to denounce any ono charged with it, was regarded asconcluslvo evldenco of his belnga wltch.orof being a sympa thizer with witches. Scores of men, womcn.and chlldren.suiTcrcd death, for no greater crime, than refusing to bo llovoiutheabsurdand relentless fanati cism of that day. During tho lato war, if any ono had thu hardihood lo express a doubt whether war was tlio proper means to savo the Unlon.and refused to denounce tlio people of the South ns a pacK ol rebels, traitors, murdereps, and tho like, why of course, ho was u rebel or a sym pathizer with rubles. Thousands of the best men In tho land Buffered imprison ment or doath,becau;c tney wero charg ed with just biich disloyalty. So now, became Democrats wero ton- tent to leave the guilt or Innocence of Thomas Donahue to bo decided by tlio Court and Jury, and did not denounce all Irishmen as being murders, they, therefore, necording to tho Ittpublieun, "threw a political cloak over tho pro ceedings." Wo might say more on tins subject, 11 it was proper at tills tlmo to do so, but we may add, that It does not lay in a Radical to complain about thrusting politicks into anything, when It is no torious that by this means, nnd that alone, his party lias preserved its llfo. Bv a Colorado paper, Just received, wo observe that Mr. Richard C. Lake, lias become u partner in u largo busi ness establishment at Central City. T lio Dally JlegMcr bu)-a: 'Mr. Lake, tho new member of tho firm, is u young man. Ho entered tho house between four and five years ago as a clerk, with a small salary. Ills energy, activity, popularity and good business hublts sooii gavo him a high position In thecstlination of his employ ers, who from tlmo to tlmo Increased his wages, until his salary becamo an excellent one. From it ho laid up be tween Jour and llvo thousand dollars. This economy nnd thrift placed him still higher In tho good opinion of nil concerned, and ns a well turned reward ho lias been admitted to tlio now part nership. No ouo has more friends than ho and no ono Is deservedly more pop ular. As a balesman he has fuw equals and no superiors, and In this capacity ho has a wldo popularity. Ho knows tuimrn tivervthlnc Is what Is In tho store, what it cost, what It is worth, and what tho market price is. With his business ability, knowledgo, caro, economy and skill, ho cannot fall to bo successful, nnd wo- congratuiato mm and tho new firm upon his advancement. Itloomstiiirg Stnto School By proceedings In another part of the Columman ltwlll bo seen that the Committee appointed for tho purposo havo reported In favor of tlio recogni tion of tho lato Bloomsburg Literary Institute, ns tho BloomsburgStato Nor mal School foi tho Sixth District. Tlio official recognition dates February 22nd 1809 tho Anniversary of tho birth-day of Washington ; so that tho day upon which tho school starts upon its career of prosperity and usefulness, Is a day fixed In all hearts to bo remembered nnd observed. It Is u happy coincidence, and wo liopo tho luiliicncu of its virtu ous and patriotic associations may ever bo felt In tho school. A number of tho citizens of tho town met tho Principal, Faculty nnd Students in tho Ilnll of tho Institute, on tho morning of tho 22nd, mfd spent n few hours in a happy impromptu celebration of tlio Day and tho occasion. After some excellent vocal music by tho school under tho direction of Mrs. Best j Prof. Fcrreo read tho 13th Chap ter 1st Cor., nnd offered prayer. Prof. Carver mndo a few remarks ns to tho order of exercises, nnd called upon Col. l-rceze, who mado a short address. Tlio Gleo Class sang nn excellent piece, upon tlio close of which Master John M. Clark favored thoso present with a dec lamation eulogistic of tlio character of Washington. Music, nudSong by Miss Dora Lutz ; and following that an nd dress by Capt. Brockway, nn school teaching experiences. Master Kevin Funk followed with a declamation on tho early llfo of Washington. Prof. Best then delivered nn address on tho perseverance nnd purity of thu charac terof Washington, and urging Us emu latloti upon tho students. Prof. John followed, Illustrating nnd enforcing other phases of the llfo, character and services of tlio Father of his Country. Master Georgo Clark then pronounced a declamation, giving n still different view of tlio character of our great civil and military leader; and Prof. Bates closed by calling attention to tho ncccs sity of conlldenco in Washington nnd his staff, in their arduous duties; nnd to the same necessity for confidence- and support granted to Prof. Carver and his assistants. A piece of beautiful music was then given by tho class, whereupon tho school was dismissed for tlio day. Altogether tho occasion was very pleasant, entertaining and instructive nnd yet wo havo a suspicion that tho students would not vehemently deslro Washington's Birth-Day to como more than once a year. Novertholess, here after we deslro to havo tho day celobrn ted regularly, faithfully and brilliantly by tlio Bloomsburg Normal School, as is most fit and proper. C'omiiiiinlciilcd. FOlt THE COLUMDIAN. BnnwiCK, Feb., 23, 1809. Mr.. Editor: In looking over the columns of tho Jlepublican wo notico a communication, from Berwick, tho pro duction of Mr. Why, In which hd ut tors somo of the basest slanders Imag inable. Truly, "diseased minds often break forth In strangoeruptlons." First ho pitches into Mr. Peter Traugh,brlng Ing ill in beforo tho public, in an tin warranted manner. Next ho vents his ill-humor on Prof. Spaulding, Principal of the Berwick High School j otherwise known as Tumbledown Academy. Af ter this ho gets into a pious humor, and talks about tho "glorious revival," go ing on hero. Now, tills Mr. Why, is considered a great man, among tho Republicans, hero; like Andrew Jack' son ho was bravo on tho field of battle. nnd now ho hns proved tliu adago that his pen Is "mitc-cr" than tho sword As Nasby would say, "his iutclleck has a pecoolar bent." Ho can slander, ho can talk religion on Sundays ; and what is moro wonderful still, he has tho fac ulty, of "far-seeing," and can with his spiritual eyes behold tho proceedings of u school ho has never visited, bodily. Theso pcoplo here, think him an em bryo Statesman, but wo should think a man Willi so much More Head than otliers,sliould have moro brains.NowMr Editor, being an old resident here, It would seem that wo should know moro of tho ways and doings of this people than this young type-setter. "Why" shouldn't wo ? This scribbler bases his assertions upon henrsay, and supposi tions. Without ever hearing Prof. Spaulding express ids political opinions lie and his friends have branded him ns a "Copperhead." Truly it is dog blto dog. Now wo happen to know that Prof. Spaulding Is n Republican, but there Is no accounting for tlio whims of tlio Radicals, when they cursed Johnson wo wanted justice- down. Now on the supposition that Spaulding differs from their political creed, they hoot him down, assert that only wo Demo crats uro his friends. Wo will try and sum up tlio facts, brieily, of tlio disgraco ful and unjust maledictions hurled upon tho Professor's head ; proceedings that would shanio a Hindoo country, much moro nn old nnd aristocratic (?) town on tlio Susquehanna. Now Mr. Jay no had Insinuated himself in tho good grac es of tho young ladles, of this place, as tiny good-looking young man can, so that tho pupllshad mado up their minds that ouly Mr. Jayno could teach them. Even now tho young Indies stealthily draw crayon portraits on the black board, of Mr. Jayne, and writo under neath ; I'ciuin) I vaiilii I.eBls'iilmc, Such n storm of Indignation arose from tho Press nnd people upon tho ap pointment of twenty-soven useless, un necessary pasters nnd folders in tho House, that tho incmbors havo become frightened, nnd nro trying to undo their Job. Tho matter wns finally disposed of by passing a Joint resolution for tho dis charge of twcnty-Bovcn men, nnd by lllonmiliiirg Ilenorl, Whoiit per Imihcl..., Ilyo " t'urll J I'liiu'r pur linnet fllmtTM-t-tl... I'lllXUl'l'll.... Puller adding to it a section for their payment to tho present time. (Tho Scnato must concur in tho resolution beforo it be comes operative.) Mr. Bllllngftlt offered a resolution re- qurlng tho Commlttco on General Judi ciary to lnqulro and report as to the propriety of abolishing tho civil code commission. In presenting tlio resolu tion Mr. B. said ho understood ono of tho thrco commissioners (Messrs. Hall, of Bedford, Dcrrlckson, of Crawford, and M'VeIgh,of Chester,) had not ren dered any services, although ho Is re ceiving as pay thrco thousand dollars u year, and ho thought tho expenses ought to bo reduced ortho commission ers required to attend to their duty. Tho following bills wero read : Mr. Fisher, ono extending tho pro visions of tho net of 1803 for tho pay ment of gratuities and annuities to tho soldiers of 1312, to soldiers of said war, or tlio widows of such soldiers, who served forty days in said war. Also, ono to provide for old faithful public school teachers, who aro dis charged for other causes than moral de linquency, ono-half their usual pay, out of tho school fund of their district. Mr. McCnndlcss, ono supplementary to tho net to consolldata, &c, tho laws relating to penal proceedings and plead ings. Mr. Davis, ono preventing betting on elections, by nllowlngsult to bobrought. Mr. Fisher, ono relative lo tho pro ceedings In tho several Courts of this Commonweal til, providing that a party in interest In a caso beforo ally Court of Common Pleas or District Court, com posed of n President nnd ono or moro Associate Judges, if ho thinks it would bo prejudicial to havo It tried beroro tiny particular Judge, it can bo tried by tho other Judges. Mr. Hellman extending tho term of tho polico forco In Schuylkill and Nor thumberland counties, niilw-hnldlnir. nnd restoring so much of nnd tlioro Is littlo prospect of his sue II,., u,,l., ,,witwtiiniit. n4 tiriililhlls lit)- cess. IIIU UI.I1UIU tUliWllM.HWH. . , . . iltt.mi ,1lc,,rli,ili,nlniia "nn nrrtiuill of MADUID, I'CU. 17. raco or color," Ac. Tho amendment, In addition lo tho largo detachment thus passed, will havo to go back to of reinforcements about to sail for Cuba, (l,n Uoi,.il. n..,,li, rnnr-iirrenco 111 I 10 110 UOVCrnmcill Will huihi uui ii ... . mi 1 nu i,nnu.n. tfnitatw,ifnttntl U N'iltl V. 1 1 11 lull action 01 mo nouse, muiuisuu uuuu. un.ixs.iij ......a,.,. ......... - i.,i,iici a Mint It will ilnnllv uasa both houses another expedition, which win numuer i,ru,i amui. tllls session. Mr. UOUtWCtl yesioruuy in lensi o,uuu men refined to allow Judge Woodward to P.vnts, Feb. 18 proposo nn amendment providing for rrj0 Confcrenco of tlio Great Powers tho submission of this proposition to met to-tlay lo receive tho cominunlca- I(,m,ock ,!oariU rcr thoinami feet..... amend tho Constitution to Legislatures tlon from Athens, of which M. Widow- ntie " rianu, d ieiniTk)-.!..n:::'.:'- 1 ..I ...I ..A... tin ...1.. tilt. ,1, 1,1 ,., , Fill... ...... la., ft 1. V'.. ...m ( n ,,.1 H (Ml Ol DllllUS UII'UIUU llliui iiuuiiuii SKI WHS U'O Dearer. AIIU iljh ui Boij5ra,m...;. ;; , ,,......7..,...... 7 Congress. Greek government to the propositions HMin " " it. r;.V.V."V.'.V..V.'..'.- is Washington, l-eu. 2,i. ,,f tlio Confcrenco was satisfactory, aim ikon- . , . 10 dm. ....,.,' , M1..I..U.I"! . ,..... I.. II. .V (I Ol) I :l'i 1 m 70 121.0 7 6ll 2 m ft) 31 11 I IX) i ei 1'2 I!,,,,, ! Hhli-n nn J HliouMors I...,"........ a) liny per Ion I.UMU1.1. , 10 W) DPEOIAL NOTIOUQ. A flno hoa 1 of lmlr h such nn lmlUpllunMo ml. Juliet loliennly Hint on one who prlitu g,,j looltn should in gleet to utu Iho bent preimrntiui,, to ho hail lo Increase Its uruwlh, restore Itieulof or prcieiil Iih fnlllns oir. King's VitHuoln Ainhiosln Is ouo of tho most cllictiml nrllilifM the ptupoi-o wo hnvo over seen, hesliles lulu-. 0t of the most delightful half dressings nnd Umm, tiers extent. It Is free from tho atlcky nnd num. luy properties of most other ilremlng, and b,ii,j ilnllclltlullV Dcriuuieu icvui.,v,mniiai-u locvi-,,- lady orgcntlemnu using no tollet nitlcles. from Dispensatory of tho United St ut , 1J10SMA LUliNATA-llUUUU LUAVm, BLOO 82 nppen Foi Applj a resolution wnsndoptcd that, Greece act havlnrr yielded, tho Great Powers ro- Wo learn, on lcliablo authority, that ,,.. t themselves tho right to protect Geuetal Grunt, in cenverMition tho Uj,0 hvc3) property, and Interests of other dav concern ng mo proposed re- ciir Ut nn n hnb ants ol Turkey, inu lllooui.. .Jit -ttl Wi lms m velocl Mn. Postal .410 peal "of tlio "Tenuro of Olllco Act," ex pressed himself In favor of Its imnieti lato obliteration from tho statute-book, remarking, nt tho same time, that thoso Itepubllcaii Senators who voto against Its repeal, should novcr receive any favors at his bauds, Tho net, it seems, lfwi1. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, Llio negro suffrago amendment to tho Constitution is in tho hands of a Commlttco of Conrorcnce, consisting oi Lollllon cItv in ,)liu.0 0f ucll, Conserv r. i I .1.11 ...1 nn tlinl ' stewnrt,oniiiiug unit jiuuwuujiuii . alive. part of tho Senate, and nn equal num ber on tho part of tlio House, 'liio re suit will bo that somo infamous amend ment to tho Constitution will bo doptcd, ut least so fur as Congress is concerned. OENEIlAI. lllllXKINMIiai:, This gentleman passed last evening very pleasantly at the residence ol lion Tin: Times thinks General Grant "was elected by a very largo majority of tlio American people." Huwus, was ho'.' Tho malorlt.v is somo thrco hundred llinnsnml pnmiMm. In tlin linlf flllltlrm B. Beck, member of Congress fo"l oflateIv emancipated slaves who put Kentucky, his former law Pncr tho things in Iho box for him; but how General mccKiitrmgu u, u uu. .uu u. nbQut tho ono miudrcii thousand ills his old friends, who, by tncir uiiiunis-s franchiscd white men of Tennessee, the .....1 T .1 4 I Yiiiuf- i i n 'r 'umiiiv I ... . . umi vuiismuiuiiuii, .....1....... ...... I sovcntV'Slx thousand in Missouri, mo CA-rrui-iteef emtio -rb recalled to his mind tlio days of Ainu ....,. .i,u,i i wr virlnh, .. cows, Aiiend langsyne," wiicunewasuiorecuK...,.. tho cntlro exclusion of tho thrco hun leader In tlio rciincu circles oi soocij ,,., ,.,, nr( ii,,,,,,,, nnit.rirniir vn here, ns ho was in tlio councils of tho tcrg of VJrg.nn i.-joruia, Mississippi nation in matters oi amie. ..., TnY,,q. nnA fi,nM,nWn donendent General Breckinrldgo will shortly f , , rmmlltv in Alabama and Arkansas? A largo majority, forsooth, Yes, a very largo majority tho other way. Sk.natoh Dixon Is to have a unani mous nomination without ballot from tho Democratic Congressional Conven tion of tho Sicond District of Conncctl cut. Tho District Is n closo ono in ordl- nary elections. Kngllsh had 71 majority last rprlng, nnd Grant i2! majority in November. KiaiiTV-Bix black and thirty-eight whlto men arc tho Iteprecntatlves of tho State of South Carolina in tlio low or Houao of her Legislature. Ilfar Sir. Juyre, We must eumplnlu, Wo would that ou had tarried ; To like tills man We never can Decaubo that ho Is married, Wo however doubt If Mr. Jnyno np predates nil this endearing display However "a cat can look at u king." So it Is evident that Prof. Spaulding en tered upon his school duties under very embarrassing circumstances; namely that of "stepping Into another man's boots." Tlio pupils had made up their minds from the first not to like the teacher. Tho board at tho suggestion of Prof. Spaulding, established somo rules, such as nro adopted In all well ordered schools, namely, that no whis pering, talking without pennlssiou, promiscuous eating, reauing oi news papers. &o should bo allowed in tho school. Also that no pupils woulti bo admitted from half past nlno, until cloven, every morning. Now tho pu pils and homo of tho uarcnts thought that becauso tho teacher had como to Bome,"ho mustdo as Ilomansdo."Now Prof. Spaulding being n graduato of ono of tho Now England Colleges, alio nu experienced teacher, was determin ed to govern tho school uftcr his own plan. This crentetl n great rebellion ; tho proceedings of which I will glvo you in my next letter. Moro anon. ClTIZII.V, Washington IVcwm. Washington, Feb. 17,1809, thk amnesty proclamation. In tho Scnato to-day, Mr. Edmunds from tho Judiciary Commlttco mado a report on tho resolution referred to thnt commlttco somo weeks ngo Instructing them to inqulro iilto tho legality of tho amnesty proclamation of the President. The report of tho commlttco concludes with n resolution declaring that under tho Constitution and laws, tho Presi dent had no power to restoro rebels to citizenship, Ac., ic. Thcso loyal Sena tors certainly cannot hnvo read and tin dcrslood tho Constitution of tlio United States. the negko inaugukation hall. Tho Badlcal managers of tho ap proaching Inauguration ball having given out quietly that tho affair is to bo exclusively white in complexion, the negroes of tho city, taking tho hint havo gono to work to get up a blacl: in auguration bail on tho evening of tho lth of March. Tho much nbused di tiuctlou, "on account of raco or color,' it seems is to bo mado by these ltadl cal worthies who think negroes good enough to associato with everybody ex cept their precious solves. THE MAKCII SESSION. It seems to bo now definitely settled that tlio first session of tho Forty-first Congress, which assembles on tho lth proximo, will continue throughout tho month of March, at least. Tho Demo crats havo over one-third of tlio next House, nnd several States will bo un renresented until tho meeting next December. Washington, Feb. 18, rilESIDENT JOHNSON. It is stated, on what is represented to bo good authority, that President Jonn on Intends, shortly after he goes out of olllcc, to mako a visit to Europe. The offer of a passage was lately mado him by ono of tho German lines of steamers and tlio offer wns accepted by Mr, Johnson. It is his purpose, immediate ly after the lth of March, to make n brief visit to Tennessee, with tlio view of arranging his affairs, and ho will sail for Europo about tho 1st of April. MUS. LINCOLN'S AITAIIIS. Senator Harlan, tho falher-ln-luw of Ilobett Lincoln, is averse to having Mrs. Lincoln's affairs being mado th subject of further discussion in tlioSen nte. Tlio five thousand dollars a year proposition Is hardly likely to bo re nowed. THE ASSASSINATION CONSriUATOUS A nolle prosequi under tho amnesty proclamation has been ordered to i entered in all tho pending indictments against tho assassination conspirators and It Is expected that all will soon bo released. THE SUITUAGE AMENDMENT. That tho Houso will reject tho constl tutlonal sulfraco amendment of tho Scnato Is now generally belloved, In which caso tho possibility of ever pro posing another is abandoned, ns tho next Houso will bo Democratic by moro than a third. There nro not a fow ltadl cals who admit that they voted for tho Scnato amendment against their con victions and under pressure. Washington Feb. 19. THE ALABAMA TllEATV. It Is generally conceded that th Senate will agreo to tho report of tho Foreign BelatlonB Commlttco against tho ratification of tho proposed treaty for tho settlement of tho Alnbain claims. Thcro is no doubt that th whole Radical voto of tho Senato will bocastngalnstlt. This will leavo tho subject open for Grant's administration and wo shall seo whether better terms canboobtalnou through dlilcrent agents, DURATION OK THE NEXT CONaitEBS. Tho best informed politicians hero ex pect that tho next Congress will sit from tho lth of March to tho 1st of May if not longer. Moreover, that with tho probablo election of Mr. Blalno ns Spoakor there will bo noelianco lu the olllces. Washington, Feb. 21. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Tho House, yesterday, lifter somo- thing of a struggle, repassed tho Joint resolution proposing nn amendment to tho Constitution in an amended form, striking out tho provision In relation to return to Lexington, Kentucky, n is old home, where, I learn, a largo prac tice at tlio bar awaits him. WAK ON NATUllALIZED CITIZENS. The majority of the Commlttco on nl leged Election Frauds in New York, at tho November election, submitted with their report today a bill to amend the naturalization laws so as to retard tlio representatives of tho Powers finally gavo their signatures to tho protocol, uml tho Confcrenco dissolved. London, Feb. 22, la tho Houso of Commons to-day, lu reply to an Inquiry, Mr. Fortesctio said Llnhl Mrret Mnihels. Cor reeled weekly hyl'rlcr Kill, wholesale and "..ti ,1, ah r in urilln. Hour feud nnd general ,l....ll7n. Wheat per uusliol 'l. y'. live Corn " lluelc Wheat t ).its Wheat ! lour per nw Hue 1: Wheal 1- lour ... t'lirn.Chup, ltrntl. ... llutter peril) 1 ID 1 00 70 r, m 4 .-V) 1 HI 1 f,0 40 121 l'ttoi-micira. Their ouor is sinmg, urn,. ., nnd somewhat nrom.ille, their Utile but... and analogous to iniut. MiiiJiCALl-itorniiTIKSAND Usuj,..Iluchulc av nre genuy suimnuui, rwmi ieuut to tlio urinary U1I4HII-, , , . ... They uro given in eoniplaluls of the trlii. Oruans. suelins oinvtl, Chronic Catarrh ui ( Vif.f.i.i.., Mortiiil irritation ol the lllaililer Uietuu, DisuasooflliBl'rosUtu Ulauu, nud , prOVC tendon or lucuullueuco of Urine, Hum a i., , mmm touolu the pnrls eonccrnod lu Us uaeiuii -fST"1 Tliu leuiuily lias also lieell lecolilluelldua lu liiv .si-Hl .. .. ,'i....,,i,, Hhpiii.iatlNiii. L'tiluti,.,.... , .ir ''''.' , M.v "" PUUllS nous, ".. ."'"i;-'' ii,, tu 7 a " Mi. IOWS! ..... ni iil's of IS to 'J.I. aud fruui .lit, in Uio decline or elmugo. of Illej niter Uunui.itlmo.l incut, or MOor nuns ! Jieu- cuing in nu, lr ' 111 UlUeilUUl 'ivu. . .w .w......, ...u lluchu Is uueiiualu.i by liny other teinedj . Chlorosis, Ol iieieiiu.iii, .iiik""" iij , 1.11 ne.s or i5Uiipie.ssiuii ....u....... ...utim Ulceiaieu or m-inuuu, u.u.u ... Lcneorrnea, or iien. ijiseasea oi uioiimuaL., .uuu.j., uium, .vors nt his hands, Tho net, it seems, (,mt tho ovcriimunt proposed to releaso $8 r i., ZZ::Z::ZZZZ w ,"' us good cnougli lor jonnson, oui ioo f innirionment fortv-fivo Fenians, Dried Apples f. )" Dropsical hweilmHs.-rnis, uieiiiciuu. lu .idforOrnnt. "Consistency, tnou arc who wuro c0iu,lc,ca of treason lat i,0';.? t,oo im IZZ": J' ,';, year lu England and Ireland, includ ing several leaders. Baron Lionel Itothschlld, Liberal, law been elected to Parliament from l-orn - uml " to Onions per hnshel.... Clover Heetl " " Tliuolhy " " " II i) HI 7 HO 3 00 SB" select .larger M UuiiLlN, Feb. 22, Costollo and Warren, tho 1'onian prisoners, have been set free. Phllniltlplila JlnrktU. Hi?.1:."-. ir,Mn.z ortnweMern exiiu .,.:: i x- ..L,ur r...,.ti. 7. lOf'il 7.I., i'eniiHi Kunl.i niul Western superllnu... 5.oj,.?iUiO lVnnsjlYnnluunil Weslt-rn exliu .'SY, ,., i eiiusy i n ii in nnu i i-muiii mm.,? ry.i- I'tuusjlv.inlliauil Wi stern uuc 11.1 llvii ll.iu r.. Wit UAr Pennsylvania red, Ims rout item Calirmnla " " " whlto " Hyk Pennsylvania rye, -ft bus Cok.n Vollow, ' White, " Oats l'novibioNS Mm I'orlt, 'p bbl .Mess l.oi-i, lllessi'il Hogs, -ft lt huuiUed Hums " " Shou liters Lnril. -ti Iti yKKDs -Clovei-M-eU rtlnis ... 1 lluotliyseeu l ous r uixseeii KIIKKI- 11 E , nous ns . SS.IK) Sl.Oiiil. 3.1.1351.10 1.1,1 ll.t'l.lii tl.iM'i.;i.o."i 81.17BSI.I7 t7.Vj Itcii 11)0 17eP 20Ko fll.7 . Oeia OUo I'nJtijO tj, S1MJ17.S0 power of Ingestion, uml excites the a 1. itii.i ii.iu iiiv action, ity w lie u urn v.. ... u . In. 1. lull i.lllM. uml nil I In n. .1.1... . largenielilsaio icuuceu, us eii us .wu umi u, i.eUJti lLuiiniatloll, , , ..."-sf.-" llEbLMUohiisExlrnct lluchu li.iscureil eit thol-ri caso ol Ul.ioeles 111 wiueii ii ims ueeu gili'll. t million 01 llioeca, 01 uiu uhiuuci, 11.111 inn. luutlou of Hie Kidneys, Uleerutlonot U.uKluiu uuil llladili r, lteteullon of Ullne, Lllseusesel i l'loslalu UI md, Stone In tlio Uludder, cuu ii, Uravel, jrlcl:-l)ust lieioslt,nnil Mucus or Mi uisenuigos, nnu iui ii.ii.-iuiou,iiiu ,ii-in-uiu c htltutlous, of Uulii8C.o, utteuded Willi I lie i lOYllllg SiIllIlWI". .M,-l'W'... ..Alll, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, l)iiik-aii liiejtniug, wen", iservtn, leiii.jiiiiB, iiurrjt Ulseuse, Wulielulness, IJimuessol Viilon,!1 lu the liucic, Hot Hands, 1-luslilug of the 1: . Diyness of u.o nlilu, Eruption on mo Kuie, l'l Counteunmu, Universal Lassitude of the Mu- 'blown on tVu , M lumbU siimes mocroi caiiglit Urmbteni.d.c. JlUlIilLKJiU iAtt.i-( .1 "'Ulli l Itloiiii.l'tirllviiiir. niul ( Ul't'a all IHheasts ur iroiu habits of (iiislimtion, txui'Hses nutt mi clrculci deuces lu illc, lmjuirltlesof li.o Uluud, Ac, p (ilrrucl Poor ) tlarriaijcfi. ...n.M. i?m,.ilu.L lu alleelluuslor whleu 11 is blleh us tionorrluea, Oleels ol long Mumluiig, ISypllimiU .llHKlluiB-m i u ,w, uni .11,, : eolineelluli with llellnbuld'a ltosu Wash, snij), V bold by nil uruggisis unu ueunis eterj rn,vnll riowuro or euunterlelts. Able lor llelniu lOWnsi Take no oilier. 1-rlco il.Si per bottle, oi l) u ties lor MM Delivered to any uddross. llesi. syiuptoius lu all eoininunleutlous. LUZ1 AlWl.csa ,1.1. wiajuyi ler. p, noni: Aim or.NUiNi; unlkss doni: ii,teglsla steel-cugrnMil wrainier, sum lue-oiumc ""West C Wareliuuse.iiud blgnod ji. i. IU.1J..1I.V1.U -y iron iay ( .liern, i I'eb. 7,'ffi)-2m. Sknatoh JIoiiton, ill arguing in fa vor of u pension or allowance of So,000 a year to Mrs. Lincoln, estimated tho totol cost of Mr. Lincoln's funeral a SI,- 000.000. Ho Mild: "Altoirethor it coat naturalization of foreigners. Tills is tho "tho government and the States not revival of tho old Know-Nothing creed, "less than ono million of dollars." which, it will bo remembered, had Its foundation in tho proscription of foreign- ADVERTISEMENTS. uorn citizens, xuuru is uuieiisuu iu lIAOl-:NllUCII-FOWLElt..0nThurMlny,l'elir'u- cuy jo 1 1 1, j-iiu, ui inn resiuLiueiii iiie iiruiD .a jotits. hv llev. A. II. hht-lts. Mr. l-rank llniren- oucii, oi iiruireieen, in .iiiss iiuiav, rowier, oi lleiwlelt, Coltnulil.t eouuty, Pa. IIlVINh-DOWLll.-Oii U.o 17th ofllec.ln Llslit- HtKet,bytlio biune, Mr, Isaiah Alaiy uuiter, all ol ceniio twti. Columbia co. .SITLlin-WltlUllT.-OlllheLUtllofDec.lllLlBht-Htleet. by the bame, Mr. Adalil bltler, to Miss luiouuu iv iigui, nu oi iiiiiiicrcciv, coi. eo. l-a. iiii-iv ii . n.. n...nn.,n i... I,..,, ir . . i. Mr. Aiired lrvln,ot Hutch Valley, Cul. i-o. nud .uiss ihijiu ie, oi tiiivirbviiie, i.oi,eu. llllUl!5lI-lT.rn;ltOLI--On the lSlhlnst. bylho itev. win. i-.yer, .sir. jonn ureisn to .nary r eiierou, ooiu oi iiiaiu iwp. LEGAL NOTICES. The ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICi:. n han l'.STATK Ol-JACOll ltOlIItUACH, 1IECKAS1 Letters oliuimiuibiraiiononinoebuueoij.. l..i.l.n..l. I..,.. ,.f knllnu.nL,M Hutu l,n. Anl 1VV.III...L11. .,..u v.. - nu.iv." County, dcceiibed, havo been granted I.; r r Register ol b.inlelKHolnl,.ii li V ents i mluibtrator, who lehldes In l-'mnklln tuwii. nip(l AUperhiuiH having claims or demands ii&u "VJii; tlio bllldebtnto nro reiiuesttsllo present tliein Inntrtf beltlement without delay, nnd those Indebted J l inaikOpaymeui. iu eici l'eb, C'OU-Ct. Adinlnlstiiuw. USO IP A DMINISTItATOIt'S NOTICi:. WKB XV ISTATF. Of CALVIN II. IlEIl-SSYUtl! 111.1 H lOSt 81 Letlers of udinllllstrutlou oil tliu esl.ite t .. Cnlvln II. IteiMiydcr. Into ol Catawl-si i HUB I Prepared at Hlx aud Wood Hts.. lnlta'd. JTSAbk jour S A L E . llevo that this measuro will fail in either i finrj MEN 1 r-,.. Jl. Il.n InillllmiC I.UDU IlUll&O Jll IIIU V-Ulll", u- iiiviu...... point strongly to its enactment, and that, too, by tho votes of tho very men who hnvo enfranchised hundreds of ignorant, barbarous negroes in tho Southern States, and aro now about to propose, by amendment to t ho Const 1 1 u lion, to enfranchise them nil over tho county. GUANX'3 CABINET. Ill conversation at Army Hoiuhpiar ters.thls morning, with Senator Thayer, General Grant remarked: '-Iwantto say to vou that I shall send Into thu Senato tho name of Mnlor-Gencral Scho field as Secretary of War. but it is likely that ho will decline and return to hil position in tho army. I snail then nominato a civilian for that olllco and I want tlio Senato to know this." Turn ing to Representatives Dickey and Mor roll, of Pennsylvania, and Root, of Ar kansas, who were a short distance from Ii1.ii, ho said ho had ira objection to their hearing whathchad to say oil tho question of tho Cabinet. Ho then re marked : "I am opposed to appointing olUcers of tlio Army and Navy to civil offices, and therefore will havo aciviliiin at tho head of each department." Din ing tlio conversation General Grant in formed them that ho had decided to ap point a Pennsylvaniau in the Cabinet, but would not mention his name. Ho remarked that no ono wanted tho To nure-of-Ofllce bill retained except tlio thievesnudscoundrclsand their friends. W A N T E D S30 ner week nroflt on Cnnltal. Homethliur ontlioly new. r-end for circular nnd Terms. iS'o gin tuierptiho or iiuuioug. Auurcbs .M.j.Yurneli, NiinnniuiHireii, n. v. v eu, .u,'uo am. "riIOOPING COUGH CURED BY It DlilillVAU'is CELKIlltATKlJ 11 KM HI IV. have been grnnted bj 11 .iri Ueulslcr of wild eouuty to George heutt.of Ub"i."' u- l'llco l-'ll-'TY Cents. Druggist for it. Pcb.3,'UMyr. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED llybr.CC.darilson'snewrrocessorticatment. mil or uuuress irr.i;. u. uititiaui, 11 nouiu Hiuu ll Hticct, l'Ulluileli.lil.i, I'h. P.m. Sneclal alteutlou ulven to TIIUOAT and LUNU Diseases. rtb. s.'MMyr. 111. A AL wnilo llan .llontour en. l'.i.. on inu llin nisi., uner u jenr h hlcKiiibS Mhteh he bole with rilnniknblu ebterliilni'ss niul f.irll. .i.t.u, .iv.f i j .... ..v.., , uvu .u j an. j iiiuuills II1IU 11 UJ, a. Luuiels may nourish round u eouqucior's tomb, Hut happy they who win tho world lo come. KKLI.l'.K. In Oransevllloonthoajtlior Vebru- nry, Harvey, iniiint sou of Johu Heller, nged i tar .i iiiuiiitjM nnu .1 unys. liniTTintlCK At the Lock In CeutrevlIIe. Cen- iru lwi., tin , ii inn nisi., .nr.iuaui jieuieiieic nged ujyeais, Ainuulhsand.ilayM. unibla Co. deceased, wissa. All petbons having cbillus or irniDC make lliem kuuwu, and thoso Indebted IcmuuiO tllfll ..i) nu ll. JUII. l-J, W-ltl. ui-.uitiiiir.eiiu. l,is.-77. Adiniuls in or.' ira nt' lot nnd stnblu utluched, ineltutlng iibout two acies of giouud with n coal wtisrfalotifr tlio canal ol uLoul i7i) leet. The wliolu piopetty with Hie btock at prebenton hulul w lllboboldutaleasona bloprhe. Posses. Ion given tho 1st day of April iiejii. ror pai iieuiais ituiuiiooi o. A, JACOliV, Port Noble l'a. i nn nnnLivEs lost yearly LJJ .JJJyUUSl -1JU5 USK Of T O 11 A O U O. Savo your money nnd testoro your health by using Dr. llyru's Autldoto lor Tobacco. This Is notiibllbslllute but a emo lor Mnoklug, Chew ing, and Muull'lnklng. r-'tw tersons niu uwaio ol Hie terrible ell t els of thenoxlous wele on the liuiiiuu si-stem. Dvbiieiisla. lleaitache. Dlsitlbe of thu Liver, s-allow Cuiuplexlou, Cosllvenebs of tliu ltoweis, Loss of Memory mil other diseases aro Ibe altllctlous brought on by lt.s use. Tho Antldolu Is tmiely cgc-tnblu nLd nets us u inula ou inu sybtein, purines me uioou, nnu eunblcs u person to digest the heurtlest loud. rcuuipies bi nt iit-u lor bu eeuisfrd ler iiozeu, Audresa JI. J. Yurnell, 67 Cauuou 1st. Js". V. l'eb. Dii,VJ-3m. BTEHEOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CUROMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, HEW Y031K, Homo Acvim. New Yoiik, Feb. 2l THK AU5IY OP THE l'OTOMAO ASS0CIA TION. Tho preliminary meeting of tho olU cers of tlio Army of tho Potomac, pro paratory to tho organization of nu asso ciation similar in Its scopo to that of tho Army of the Cumberland, and of tho Ohio, was held at noon to-uay at tho Armory of tho Twenty-second Regi ment, in Fourteenth street. Tho meet ing was called to order by Gen. Butter- field, who, nftcr inviting nil tho major- generals present to seats on tho platform nominated Gen. Georgo B. jucueiian as Chairman of tlio Convention. Mc Clcllan was received with enthusiastic cheers by his lato comrades, and ad dressed them n few words of thanks up on assuming tho duties of tho chair. There wero seated near him on tho platform Generals French, Ileintzelmnn Pleusanton, Wright, Davles, Casey, Hooker, Hancock, Sloeum, Franklin, Humphreys, Ingalls, Torbwt, Webb and Gibbon. Tho army nud corps com manders present wero requested to net as vice-presidents of the convention. A commlttco of flvo was appointed to namo tho tlmo when and placo whero a grand ro-unlon of tho Army of tho Potomac should tako place. A commit tee on organization was then appointed after which n recess till evening fol lowed. Nashvilli;, Feb. 19. Gov. Brownlow will Issue n proclama tion to-morrow declaring martial law In tlio counties of Jackson, Gib.-.on, Maury, Madison, Haywood, Lawrence, Giles, Marshal and Overton. Gen. Coo per has been ordered to send troop? to thofco counties, nnd to arrest and punish all ovil-doers without referenco to civil law. l.lll. lb. kllMtto. .1 Ih. Till. I. thr .!.,.. .ttb..r...,.UM4..... W. ,nbl..ll ,,' ri..i. u hl.i, Kl.f.r.. M.-nmmb I .- t.,.riu,... cf Si.n.K.p!. i. II T. MIMUllllMh 1 " SWahiaci.., I II, S.I.I.I.. I . 1I..II-..I.I. I I. O.I w,.NM VI.". -m .b..t..t ..wlacll... f W .11.1 .U....I,.,b.l. lli.Tliad, libiu.. rii.,. put... 1.1 tj.,l.ud. A. .... .tir. . .f,. ...nrlm.u I n.l.Ml. U. IV. Mil ......It., .1 I ll.irnl.u.nm I F I, an..u., ....lll... THE LANDS OF TIII3 BIDLE, k .... I.t,...l, l.l.r.ll.. ..rl.. ,l..,lllnmlD.Il.ndTr. I.r " PSUnll K . IIUKI VIIUH," af wbitli w h.. .pl.n.l, .,..rtn,.i., I.r Irah'. .1 I 0 1 31. rboir(t.,bl. STrSLHSrorr. W. m.nur.rmr. in, Ut,.,, .d b... . I.r,. rilOTauKirttlO ALBI'M, -O.r Mn.f.r.i..l Alb.m. I, ka.M. tbi.uin.ul lb.. .iijf aa aua.i.oi 1. .a.l.i, u4 b,aal, All w. ..11 at m. I ll.ia Iha. .1 .u, .U .Ik, b.Iara wait., ih Till: 1NCLEJIHNT SEASON, -4ml it) rffutt un the Hid.- mid Fullc, Iho drafts which searching cold innkes upon thu vital puwersof Ilio debilitated and delicate are not less beveie than th-j drain upon Ihelr strength caused by cxresslra hint. The vast disparity between tho tinipuntuio of over heated rooms nnd calces, nt this stnbon, nud the frigidity of Iho outer nl r, Inn fruitful soutco of Hlclsucks. To fortify the body rgnlust tho evil consequences of tho budden alternations of heat nud cold referred to, tho vital organization should bo strengthened nnd endowed with extra reslbtent power by tho uso of n wholesome In vigornnt; and, or nil preparations for this pur- pove, (whether embraced In tho regular phar macopoeia, or ndvcrtlscd In tho puullo Journals,) thcro Is nouo that will compaio in purity nnd ex ccllcneo with llOSTUrrEll "d STOJIACII UIT- TEILS. Acting directly upon the organ which converts tho food Into Iho fuel of life, tho pre- pamllon Imp.trts.toltn tonoand vigor which Is communicated to every fibre of the frame. Tho digestive functions being ncceleratedby Its tonic operation, the liver regulated by ltsnntl-blll lous properties, aud tho waste matter of tho system carried off punctually by Its inlld nperlcut nc 11 3ii, the whole organization will iitct-bbarily bo in tho best possible condition to meet Uietliocks of winter and tho sudden changes of tempera turc. Tho weak and bcnsllivc, especially, can not encounter theso vicissitudes with safely, un less their tender systems nro btrcnghthened nnd braced by arUllclal means. Every liquor bold us a staple of trado Is adulteiated, and, wero It otherwise, moro alcohol is simply a temporary excitant, whlcli, wheu Its llrst ellects have sub- sided, leaves tlio physical powers (nnd the inlnd as well,) lu a worse condition than before, 1IOS- TETTE1VH lUTTEUS, on the oilier hand, con- tain the essential propertcisuf the most vnluablo tonlo nr.d alterative roots, barks nnd herbs, nnd their active principal Is Iho iucllnwi-bt, Unst ex citing, and most iuuciious of nil dllluslvo stimu lants. nirST ADMINISTHATOIt'S NOTICi:. ;,;Vi l.STATK OF JA10I1 G01IO, Dl.C'U. - ,' l.elicrs Ol Huminisiiaiiuii uu inu esiaiu 01 k Uoho ol .Mlllllu towubblp, Columbia n-M. 3m ilieeubeil. havo been erunhsl hv the IteuMti slT5!T.T said eouuty, to Hainuel Creasy, of Mllllm r-n,1 nnuhlepueu uouo Ollslienauoau ecu si sons iiulb.Ketalinbiirdeinandsogalustlliei.i .J?fl ent nut li-iiii(steil lonuikl Ibelllkuowu.liuu .Uiu 111 luucbicu lu nuiKO liuyiui-III. HAJIUIll. I'llKAlsV, .-IIIIHUIVI, H'iEPllEM aoIltJ.Mieniidi.ili Jan. S.,-(-Ct. Adintnlsli . ?0(1?S) at the o(not ore'i t ADMINISTHATOIt'S NOTICI-.. ato gr i:siaii: ovAiiiiAiMM mi:rri.iiicii, in ",rA,n,i'l Leltcis ol ndmlulstiatlou on Ihu estate of i 'yr. ham Dlettuicli lato ol Cintro twp. Colunibain Iptti deceased, havo been granted by the ltegM. , Kild counly to Ihaac Ouuvmi of t illngh tonushlp. All poisons having claim deniands against tlio tbtnto ot tho diceddii .-.Vlflg. llllll. .'... ts a.v lequested lo inaUo tbeni known, nud 1 dented to make payment. l'eh.l9,'M-CI. IHAAC OltOVKll, ihoeri Adnilnlslrai' J riiisT- selSIt ersiwi A UDITOBS NOTICK. XX ESTATE Of JOI1M IIIKITUKICH IlKCKASrn Tlio tinders 'gned uiipolutod an order to i.i debteduebsoftlio liclrsofsald deo'd to said Oht lll) cedent; mid to distribute tho money in the ''"'.r',,; of John II. nnd Isalnh Ulellerieb, Adiuln- .. lyUlC of buld deeedent; and also tho money iu Uu- "'''(n1! u wauled by tho court; to the ci editors niul "'lyjln nnd lenl rcprcventutlvles uf suid deceiiMii i.fT.lli i intend ut the lteglster's Oillce ill COOt '1 uebd.iy March IMIl lw I), at nlno o'cloeli u m.1 1 fullll motilities of hlsnppolutmeut. , ,aV.p , .Ml persons huvlng claims or ilematul ''. sWplr,, the said hevcral lundsare hcrlicy requlmi - r A w lent tlietr ciiilnisbeloro bald Auditor.or bona debated lor coining in on bald funds. ' JU11.S u, r iii-.r.,c, .v-i' iwwv I'eb. CB.-CO-lt IrlSln tuiinwicK aAzniTECoi'V.J toj,rt rtOLU.MBIA COUNTY. SS: "M"1 tnliMt) ,-l.n nnnonniia-nnlll. nUlaioiuvll-nlil,, t.l Nl . lH las Kiudt,.Malhlas h'ludl, llarlura Jmi,'li't- JOtc? O' oara lsiudt, .itnry lvopii into .iiary ivinoi i llohr, AniiaKlndl, John Kindt, Clirwtl in I. garct Kindt aud Jlnry Kindt, Huvllla Bltil Daniel lloiiman, Itegluu lloilmnti uml 1 7.iirn ericltn Jlollmuu Heirs ot 1- rederlclt liulie J'S, of bald eounly.dece.ised, nnd lo all other pit riant I lntelebUd. .-Kfiiia.-You'r helubv died to be Si . J appear beioro the Judges of our Ori.h.ius i SlPdrt at an Orphtttib' Court to bo hold at llluuiiis tT. ou tho Hist .Monday of .May next, then and ' Jijieir lo accept or relusu to talto tlio leal estate oi'SJT,,., l-rederletc uoiie.ucceasoil.ut thenppraieuu Hon laituiiouitbrthe inciuestduly uuiuat iv.linf, the buld court, nnd returned by the SUerlll f V.r hereoi Mil not. the llonnrnulu H 1)0 1 1 Elwell, President ol our said court, tho I.U far - of 1 ebiunry A. 1), ono thousand eight iun.tyi und Klxty-uluu. l'eb. 10,-09 Ow. JISSE COLUMAN, C nakrr llujm Loull Ml I ur UwtM CHROMOS. iwnllful pi UlKlil, podia, lit E. a toil Kami, tJ unj tl liJ ai lb & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 891 I!i:o.inwAY, N. V.. Importers &ol ManuCr- of PJiotnnivlila Malrlalt I'cIj. 20,'C'Mf 4 FAltM FOll SALE. roi-clgn eVN, Madhiii, Teh. 17. Much excitement was created yester day by an unsuccessful attempt to as susslnuto General 1'rlm. Thrco persons, belloved to bo Implicated iu tho airulr, liavo been arrested, I'Aius, Teh. 17. Tho reporls that ex-klng Ferdinand of I'ortugal has consented to bo a can didato for tho Spanish throno ore prem uturo. Though strongly urged, ho still refuses to allow his namo to bo used In connection with Iho sovereignty. A majority of the members of tho Consti tutional Cortes, now In ses-slon at Mud rid, nro opposed to DuUo Montpensler, will be sold ntnrlvalo union valuable fai m bit- unto iu MndUon twp., Columbia county, about two nines irom .ieiseiuwu, unit ouu mm one lulu mne, iiom ituusiowu, euiiiaiuiug ONE HUNDUEU AND SIXTY ACUEH nr innm ni- less; about H.1 acies Is well Um biT.-il. uml the balaneo in a hiuh slate ofcultlva. lion, and an orchard of choice liuit. whereon mu erecieu iwo heis oi jiuiiuiuks, vii inuiiiiiuiioii in ic-gnrdto tho piopcity can bo had of Clark Dildtliu ou Iho pieuilses or John Dlldlne, I.ilne stouo tw p., Montour eouuty, l'a. Dee. lti,'tls-v.'m. TJ AUGII'S ItAW HONE SUPER XJ l'HOSPllATE Ol-' LlJIli bTANDAUD VVAIUtANTCn. Wb offer to 1'AiiMins and Dealeus In Ma. mires Hie present season our llaw liouo Buper Phosphute of I. line us being highly Impiuved, Ills not necestury nt this day, to nrguo the claims of lids manure, an a useful and economic- nl nppHcutlon for I OltN, OATH, and 'nit spring crops. Thonrtlelolinsn reputation o uver nt- teen cars standing, aud Is still mauur.ictuicd by tlio original proprietors, runners will plenso bend their orders to tho Dialer early, ns Ihls only win ensure n supply. 1IAU01I & riONS, bllLE MANUl-ACTUKEltS, Olllco No, 3) rioulli Delawnro Ave. l'lIlLADEI.l'JIIA. l-ob.m.'CO-fmo. 7 K II A V E N o T RAVELING AG E NTS runners and Dealers who send then-orders dim:. to us, can avail themselves of tho LOWEST I'MCIM And mvcthe Oumtnlstlon, Esily otdcrs will ho advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. MAM;KAcn.-icr:it.s or IMI'ltOVlU) SUl'ER-I'IIOSl'HATE OF LIME, AND Till! A M M O N I A T E D V 11 H T I I, I Z E It. P E It U V I A N GUANO Wo sell only No. 1 received direct fiom the Government. FISH GUANO. A bplcndld Manure packed In barrels. DET1T JURORS. onttl frEcov "liTsho Icin l-ebrunry 13, 1SU). The Jury Commi Ufreit Thus. J, Weill ver, Ellslin lInynian,togelm.'Jf1i,"? f Ihu r-herill' HI. Milium, met at their "'r- f- "- Itlitniiihhnii. nii.l .Iritw t'rn,., llm .Inrv Will! I a-tl. empt Plo. uo e: 8U i com fts.-:s. Wo nlsooirer for biile l'UUE LAN1 I'lasteii, IIYUIIAVLIO CKMtNT nud n full ussoitiueut of Oils und Candles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL- EUS. A L L E N N E E D L 12 South Lelnwaro Avenue, delpliia. E S, I'hlla- rJiTAllLISHED IN isa Tor sale by I'll). THE IlLOOMHIiUIlU 1HON CO., llLOOMSUUlttl l'A, T) EWARE OF I'lIE IMl'OSTER, 1 hereby warn all persons of lite United Htatn against purchasing any Illght nfiny "Fruit Trie nnd Vino Insect Destroyer and Iiivlggorutor,"uf John Ahearn er llaltiinnre, As he Is uu Impostor aud n scoundrel, nnd has no right except a copy of a Deed und Letters Patent, stolen by him from the table of Uemaril Curler 111 llaltlmoruou tlio 5lh day of Juuo HOI. Mr. E. J. l'hllllps of Ht.Nleholas Hchuylklll Co Is llieunly lawful mfiiir of the rlg'il for Norlird Montour, Columbia, Cuihon, Norlhainpton and Ducks Couutle' 111 tlio Btato of I'euu'n. JIENJAMIN 11EST, 1'eli. ID.Wiuo. 1-ali'iiteu. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, llloomsburg, l'a. M. C. HIXIAN & the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN 4 HON continue tho business of inuklug OAUWAUEH, nuauiES, nnd every style of FANCY WAOONS, which they havo consUiully ou hand Jo bultcua. toiucrs. Never using any inuterUl but the best and i iuploylng tho most exiwrlentid workuu-n they lioiio tu eoutlnuo us heietoforo to give tuttiu satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection uf their work, und of theicasuuuble prlcu asked for he same, Is sure to lusuro a sale. n,.i.. 4r ,.i..i.i.' i.. i... .i.iinis In szjk. County Court of Oyer nnd Terminer to b; u mrsTol in iiioouisuurg iu nun ior sinu eouuij i." Mnnibiv tu ult Ilin tirti.,.in li itnv ol Mate 1 I-I..I nt lu-n ii'i'lrwlr In II. n ,. ll i.riti.on of b.tlU - llloom-lliinin Palmer. Thos. J. Morns, i ,w IS 01 Thomas, Joseph Hharpless, Jared V Libs llenjumlu 1', tshurplesb, Clark M.llrowu, aii-BUM, Jones, -llldeui iei wieiA iieury vi. 1 reus, isiinsrr., "n."-ia iieiiiii 1fMiin .. iic-aeiif-if. .irinii c. ii.t.j II. l'euulnglou, Heaver Cburlea ".tllin.-l. Charles U.Trol Johusuu. Centre Jesso llnfTitinn. Jnmes Hill. Jon. Conner. Ccnlralla Martin aauuhen. Daniel K ''I mun, Thomas Ucrrcty, I Catnwlssa Abel ThomaJ, Joseph Murlz, 1 . aJUUlUU, a Conyncham Itlchard Htiahes. l--l.lllllfrrri.etr Ammi ltriwu .Tn.,ib hum liubbliM, David Yost, Cyrus 11. M'iWJ uwitu XJ, ..1 iitiiij-, i l-'rauklln-Setli Hartmnn, Jonathan 1 own ureenwood Israel llogart. James n U'llll..... . L II.T 1 1Il.,mI.u.L.1'.I... l...u..ll.!.n.. PC riiillpA.tjlroup.Uaao IM.Leldy, Uf-T Jacksou John Jaycor, Henry wagucr. ifiH-ije Locust-Joseph llllllg, Enoch Kester, VRt,,, Kline John BtoUes, Aduni Matks Ueorgo Jl- M1-'1 Henry Fluk, ISumuel Itelubold. u c(ll MalneJiihu It, llartzel, Daniel Mmcr a Mllllln Huinurl Nuss, Aaron Andrews,'.. JP'J . ,31.11111, a'uiiiei i, iiuiieiisiiuv. Madison Iteubcn Wilson, Jncob ., iiauiei iioie, vviiitaiu jouusuii, Jilliles W. lives. ITrlali Hill rnr. .Al l 11. llmhiifif llou-nril I ll Imp. I - Orungo IIIramlt.ICIIiu-.JaiiRsll.lfiii li Plue Juscph Kweeuy, AV'llllani Kersht. l'oiur lllruui hhulu, Jacob Lung, Uoarlugcreek I'eler K. Mensli, vu) I Heott-Ellslmll.Pursell, Churles JouciOOl Klessler, Iteubeu Culp, 1 Hugarloaf Walcolt liarvey, ttf In testlmonv Hint tlin rorerrnliifr la pit drawn Iruui llin Jury wheel and enteric inu lumuies or inu olllco, wo luivo here . our bunds this l'JUi day of 1'ebruaay A, J i Attest, Win, uitlCKUAOH. Clerk, AlUllllKUAl JllLl.Alll),Klill, . ELIHIIA HAYMAN. 1 Jury' -IIIOMAHJ. WELUVEIt. ) Luiu'H 1 cb, ID.'KI-liii, I (1 !. ' iioriH ld'J. li li n PUHLIO SALE X OF l'EIWsONAL I'ltOPEflTY, in ci-iiii-r luivusiiip i-rmuy xuarcu din, isu,,i , folluu Ing poperty lo wit I T II It ll E 11 O It H E H , I-'our Head of Cuttle, U librae, of Sheep, of lions lThrehlnK Mnihluu I (I. niiv Hake, -i Wnguiia 1'ion-, llarf tois, Jl irnibs, llL.tiisuud muuy otu. too uuiuerotis to meiitlun, lAAi Josiuli Wluuislien Audiouiir, Ciui 1'ib. li -lU.iU j'tiffji r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers