THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. glte flpblumbiam III,0(lWl'l'"' I'lllDAV, OCT. 30, 1K(1V, Ott'l.NO to tbo absence of tlio editor, wveral commtiiiloat loin lay over until next week. (Iiiii.oK HnisT, wtilto trliiiitilnr; tree lat week, fell from It mill win soini'Wlmt Injured. S'r are ililnrnii'tl tun mi nJtitru.iv I in iilirirni'.itiinimiiit veils nl.n- in Main l.mii'lill' by 'r' I'enro-o of tills: i!nei II. I. of OiniiKi'vlllo u-,l irciicli In (lie. Ilnptht Umieli at this plan1 on Snunuy mnniliii; nt lO.ild t'M 11 AlKr.Tt.Mi. (.'cmiit tut: imil all in the Doiiineriille Club Meetlm;, at tliu ltntiins mi .Mnmbiy evening, before the (lu-tloii. Iini-lnt'sn of iiiiinrtiineo to li transi'.li'il. Mr.MlillltH of VIkIIiiihii Coiinnlttees wlm rimy bo In town, me requested to call mid Ret tliu tlcketi. Have tbetn at the f il I- larly. Don't nrRk-et that, mid don't I'.dl to have them voted. I ior. ItlltH'KVVAV will nddrosM tin rlllzi'iH of lieaeh Haven on Kitnnbiy .irieriMinn. and of Ilerwlek on tftittiiibiv I'MiiIni;. Other .iitaker-i will nlo ho j,r -L-ii t. I hero sliottld he a full turn mil. I ii.i:. On lust .S'ntttidiiy nfteriioon the roiif of our oillee eiiiittbt (lie hy a ili-ctiiiu ctlon of the engine pljie whleh rims through tho roof. IIh iinniit din tin cry, and the aetlvlty of our eltlzem irt'Ventrd Its Inereii'-e, and II win noon utiiiKUNird. I'.i.WAiiii. At a iiRellni; of the town ciMimil of the borough of ('jntriillit, on Similuy evening hint, it win resolved to offir a reward of ono thousand dollars fur information that woutd lead to the (Miction and conviction of tho murder er or murderers of Alexander V. ken.- .IiiwfltV. Almost an- Accidiint. On last Monday evening as tho passenger train mi the I, it 15. 11.11. was coming north, the engine was thrown from tho track while croidng tho tre-tlo wjirks this side dl'ltupert by a tlo which was earele-sly lift on the road. Tlio domage was not mi serious as it might havo been. Ki.i.woon Iluora will sell nt public Vendue at bis residence near Fowlers villeon Thursday and Friday tho fith and (ith days of November 1809 all bis 'tuck, firming Implement!) nnd bouse hi'M goods. nt l,o?r. The undersigned, on Alonday cxeiilng, Octobe'rlUtli, between llloouis Imrg and I. iglit Street lost n book called " Mcl'lierson's Hand Hook of Polities for I8(W. At the lime, It was tied up in a nowspaper. Tho Under will bo Miilnbly rewarded by leaving It at the Columbian OIUcc. C. 1!. Ilrockway. :!t Tin: Cnhiinbia County HtpubUcan having gone into tlio hands ofa rcgutar pnictllioner of tho healing art, it is thought by some that ho can nKo heal the UN Unit party is heir to; and tlio men who liavebeen fighting tho retiring ".Medicine man," are uowonVring bets, that having got clear of him and Hev. Jlr.lieekley, Illoom township will again Ihcoiiio Iteputillcan. Xoui Vrrroni. In' mi r last i-sue, upon information tlven us by a gentleman from Centre Town.-hip, we stated that " Low's boys nnlilHd their woikmen thn unless they voted tlio Kcpuhllean ticket they would lie dl-chnrged." In a letter be fore in they not only deny tho charge, hut offer our informant Fllty Dollars to Milntanlhito the charge. Ho should either prove tho statement, or retract the charge, ns their denial is moit pus. Hive. Ixnn.VTiTtfDi:. Wo nro Informed that Henry llartmau of this plueechar g(.s tliu UcM'iie Fire Company with having set tire lo Ids stable during the l'.ilr, and this after they had extin guished tho fire. If ho has any evi dence that they committed (ho crime, it should do produced, and no attempt in.ido to compromise in this underhan ded manner then by extra Judicial out lc, which there Is no legal right to administer. Tun rorcul retirement of tlio Hemil (Wiinnn under the whip of Ids ene inlis, reminds us ofa bit of poetry, and that settles tho pronunciation of tho tflven name of tlio late editor. "Comjii'lloil Iw Ktroiijjc necc-iHlty'H Hiipri'ini ciitntmitHl T'lulpim lutein iiu'k fli-M. The erldo nf hmtltis I'alciiinn was, Iho ticm rouH uuil tliu rhii." iliiiinii. And so they glean I'aleinon's llelds. Accent on the second syllable.) And tie, hy strong necessity's supremo com maud, is driven from lliem. Tin: vote in Catnwlssn ut thoOclober election was not nt all satisfactory, but ') bhimu attaches to the Democrats, We understand Unit tho lloises in tlio iiMcliinn shop theru miirshalled their iiii-n into lino mid inarched tliciu to tho ')U. Hither they were afraid to trust their workmen, or they were unlawful ly coercing them. Ficedom Is tho last thing tho ltadlcnls grant you must work for their piices mid vote their ticket, or your wlvc and children may iturve. And that not only In Oatiuvls 'i, hut everywhere. Is It not so, men'.' And thus radical capital owns mid en slaves labor, Wi: learn that J. V. Ferree, A. Al., Me 1'rofesior of Aliithcmatlcs, Meehaii h'al rnllosophy, ami I'ractlwl Astrono my, in Wlllinmsiiort Dickinson Hciul wry, bus been elected to ii I'rnfewnr. Iilji In tliu Alathemutlcal and Nfitural Sclt'iico department's In tliu Hlooiiisbui'i? bileritry Institute. Columbia county. 'a. I'rof. Ferrtolsa grniluato of Al t'Kiicny College j u gentleman of cidli v i t(s l manners and enthusiastic In Ids ITllfisnlon. While connected wltli tho Willlnnis. I"rt Dickinson .Somlnary, lio was uni versally beloved j was pre-eminently 'Hi'ceiiful in un Instructor, and won for ahiHilf such ftieptitatlim us Isthogood 'Ttuuo of hut few to obtain. Ilo Is un 'hiWIonubly well tilted for tho chair to Miieli ho has" been elirted. Wo piedlet 1 'atthopisiploof Itlnoiiiblmig will Hud """i not only prollcleut un an educator blt piipular with tliu students, mid u vnlu.iblu ucqiiUitlon to their Inslltii. '". Wo shall regret his dcpurluru from (mr Kiy, r.yvomtmj (tut. I-'olinii.-Oii .Sunday Inst u lady's kid Klovo. 'I'hu owner can iiavo It by wit hit? on the editor. It ix the absolute duty of every Dem ocrat to buou tliu ground when tliu liollsonoii. Vote yourself and then go or ytiitr neighbor. Ily del nylnt? until n.rternoon you eompel tho vigilance committees to send for you, and thin valuable time U lo-it. lMlMii)Vi:.Mr,NTrt..-Weneel very much, about six weeki oiirond weather In or der to complete th bulldliiKs now under proem of erection, hero In Illonnij- hurt?. Tlio Normal School liullillnps are be lot? pushed with ijreat activity, and have certainly exceeded all rxpccla tlo, by tho stutoof forwardness In which welliid them. Jtr. J. J. llrowcr Is alo now getting tlietoii on his bullillng near the Court-House.-. Mr. K. 1'. I.utzls drlvlnp; his now establishment vigorously. Mr.M. V. Kyerly It getting his fairly protect ed from the storms. Air. K.Shutt Is id ho exerting himself In the completion of lik-Mr. C. W. Miller Is running his up at a rapid rate, and will complete It won. Mr. K. n. Urowerhns his al so under contract and a few weeks will sen It under roof. K. If. Little, Ii bus also broken ground for an addition to the office of Tim The Improvement nn Market street are nearly finished. and am Important and substantial. W.H.Konnft last week took iios.soss.ion of his new and spaelous dwellliigon Fifth street. Air. K. (Hnr ton will soon be Into hlshouseon Reml nary Hill. Mr. C. F. Knnpp U aNn hurrying up on bis tho la-it and finish ing touches. Atr. Kilns Afendeiihall, uNoon .Seminary Hill, Is erecting for himself a funlly mansion ; And the new Episcopal Church is raising its fair proportions on the corner of Alain and Iron treets, and will be put tinder roof this fall, wo bopo and trust. Other buildings wo will refer to again, ns our space permits. Speech Record. Spnr.ciira wero mado by Columbia county men in the canvass, prior to tho .State election, as follows: Uv Si:.vatou I1uckai.'j'vt: Viiiton Aug. 17. D.invlllo " Xorrlstown St. I. Ornngevlllo " :. Dloomsburg " 7." Willinmsport " fi. Hellefonte " 10. Lock Haven " 11. Carlislo " L'C l'ottsville " 30. Detblebeni Oct. . .Mauch Chunk " .'). Dloomsburg " 8. Dmivlllo " 10. Speeches made at tho places marked with iv , wero reported and published. Oi:x. W. II. F.nt: DIoi unliurg, Aug. ill. (club) Orangovlllo Sept. S. Willlamsport " 0. llelleldiite' " 10. Lock Haven " 11. Centiidl.i " l'J. lliookville " l.'. Pittsburg " 17. Clourileld " iS. ItonciiT F. Ci.auk Ksij: ltcnton Sept. 18. Kspy " 1. Ilerwlek " ai. Heaver " Mllllln " 31. Light .Street " 2S. SngiiiliMf Oct. Franklin " :i. Mlllvlllo " .-i. Centio " ii. Muinvllle , " (i. C.itawi.-;i " 7. Aloic-biug f " U. Uohr-iburg ' " 10. ' Orangevillo " 10. 1 UliHiiusburg " ll!. L J Cot,. John O. Kitr.nzi:: Iiliioiii-iburi; Atio;, flraiiKeville " LlKht Street Hept, Iluckhorn " Henton " Espy " Cervvick " Heaver " Mllllln " Lawrenceville Toa(.'ouniy " Klkland " " " We-ttield " " Oct, IlrooUileld " " " U. I in. j 13. I 111. 31. as. 21. ill). 1. !1. 0. II. 7. !l. 10. in. i- Lotil-,vlllo Contro I'otter County Columbia County Mainvlllo Catavvis-iii ' Moore-iliuri; Holirnbiiri; Orantrovlllo lllooiniburi; Montour Co. Columbia " Cait. (;. II. IIiiockwav: Lock Haven Auc. 11. Danvlllo CVntrallii Jor-oytown Maiuvillo liloDin-liurt,', Ilerwlek - I7. 11 oo( 1 ' -Jl. 1 " w. " :il. Sept. 1. 1. .1 " 11. II JO( " 15. " 111. " 17. " IR. " ID. II o I 00 (t i .1 " 'I'd, Oct. 1. 11 " il. " .1. " (!. Dluusiluii ti (Club) Discussion OratiKevillu " Mlllvllle Henton " English Contro Lycoming Co, HloeU House Tlofiv Co. Illiwsbuij; " " WolWinro " " Cnttawi-i-ii Dl-eiisslon Nlimedla " Liiporlo Hulllvuu Co. Coles Creek Itloomsburir Discussion lola Hone-idalo Wayne Co. Wnymart " " Unblsnu'ri Tannery " " l'roniitou " " llamlintim " " LlLdit Slrwt Tho Disctisloin In tliunbovolWtvvero with dipt. Jt. Whltmoycr, who repre sented tlio HiulleaK O, W, Mi i,i.i:h t llloonisliiliK' AutT. Montour Sept, b'l. .Mnlnvillo " ai. Ceiilro " 22. KvtiuiiVlllu 11 !!(). Holler .Madison Oct. 7. l'lno " ll!. Wm, 11. Siioi:m.vki;ii, Now Columbia, Moirtour Co. Hlooiiisburt;. llucliliorii. ' Mount lMeasant. llelter'u Kcbool House, l'lno. Tliu diiliMliavu not lit in fuiiiUbed u. TUB KALEIDOSCOPE A mtiiuf busy lire, IU fltH-ltllttlOuamid It vital onneerne." NO. I.XXI.V. riuiu.vot.oov. Amono tlio mnnj prolltable and In struetlvo subjects upon which an way might bo written j I havo choicn one, miieli (alkid of and little understood, much praised and much abused, The Seitnee of Phrenology. A celebrated writ it I Hti rnlttnl'L' tul flint 't(liii nvi .in study of inanl-.lnd Is mim;"niid cci'iiln ly among eieated existences iinne N mote worthy of our profund contempla tion, No matter In what light wo view him, Mnii Is a Kiibjvct viioti which our highest povveiH can (iroperly bo em ployed, and tho heller we know him the morn certainly can wu ugreu with tho l'.-alml-l, that lie l fearfully and wonderfully made. Kvery part of this complex machine has at olio tluiuor another occupied tho attention of tho proftkiiudost thinkers; and the functions of every purl of our nulmiil flame have been tho subjicisof Investigation by niiatnniMsaiid philoso phers, who have been considered the belief .dors of their race and tlio lights of their age. Long lieatiM'S havo been written upon the hand, the heart, the lungs, the eye, blood, and even the lialr; but none of them iiavo been of more service to man kind, than those researches which went ii little deeptrthiiu the hair, nnd (lis co vi red and calculated, by thomigtei of the skull, tho urea of the brain ; and hy tho texture of tlie man the quality of his thinking apparatus That the brain, as well as tho hand or (lie eye, has its peculiar function, seems too plain for argument; but as -onie men deem it wl-e to doubt, and others follow In tho wake of any superficial! blockhead whore objection lo Phieoolo gy Is purely personal ; I propo-o to de vote tho present (sny to an e.viiiul tiou of Mimoof tho arguments, which in my opinion, go to provo tlio truth of the Science. It is but little over fifty yeais since tlie llrst discoveries upon tills subject were announced to tho public. It Is one of tho youngest of tliore brnni lies of learning which will, in a vi ry short time, como to bo considered iv part of too ncccs-nry education oi every man. I am dliposed to think tlio time near at i band, when Itili Scboolsnnd College-; I will. In connection with IMivdnlnrrv and the natural sciences, Kivo . pla.-o to , I'iirenoloL'V ; nnd Hint u ninn's siii-c-i ! in life will lie very materially seemed, 1 by follovvinr tlmt litislui-sor pruleliiii for which it is thus found he in more 1 specially fitted. The merit of di-covt liuynud develop, int; the principles of tills Science, be lon'cs to Dr. (lall of VicnnH. His nt. , tcutlon was first called to the -ubject b a uniform connection between full and prominent eyes, and it talent fur com mlttinn to memory this led him to in vestigate the subject -till further, and' to look for sIjjih of oliier meiiliii char- neteristic-i, in dlfl'erent eonfoiination.-i of tlie I'orelie.-vd. In the liist place.oiily the moit strikiinr eeilliariticn vveicoli- served, and the Mnliluilty in the -Inipe' of the head noted. It is related of lilln, Hint in order to locate Hie orj,-an o! cr,ml.tili,-ti,t:-, he adopted the follovi inc expeillent. lie would c out into the M reels and 1 eolhet 11 croivd of lioys, take theni tin ids room, and a-ceitidu fioiu lliem 1 which were con myelins nnd which were cowardly j and putting each by Itself, proci eil lo i-Miiiilne and compare tho respective developments on dltleriut portion-, of their heads. Thus, he dis covered, tliiii.tiiitvvltlistiiiiilliif; the very Krent diveiiiiy of hiiie In oilier locu tions, yet nil the eoiiriioeous hojs di played nfullmsniml thlrhicM Jut lie- 1 bind the tup ol llieear; and Unit tlio heads of nil the inwardly boys wire thin and depn 1 d In that 1 articular re;;ioii. It via- -otnew l,eieiili(.iil the year IS00 tlint lir. Cull bejjnii puhlisldlii: hlsdls-eovci-li'-, on this new and liili'ie-llii!' , j atil.Jecl j and lhev Initio dlntely ntlr.ict 1 ed 11 ;,'rint deal of attention. IT. Spur . zlieiin entile lo Vienna about Hie ,vear IT!',i, and bivoniinc iicipi.iinud vcith Dr. Cull, adopted Ids vlcvsi,nd enleieil In iit-t II y into iho iiiestiatiiins ii this new science. Ilavlli"; puisuid thilr studies toKetlier in Vienna, they left ' that city in company, In li'i, inor-, der to extend their observations and 1 promulgate their iloctrines-lliey stud-1 led rnrofiilly the iiimlomy and pliysiolo-! By of tliu nervous system, invtMixalcd every fin-t wl.ieb bad any l.earl..:- upon, I orconneellon Willi tueir l.ivotlte tin ..ry, content to Itavo not hint; UUiloiie.vviiUli could In any w.iy,lllu-,trale or -ti, ntli en lb- .system Ibey were laboilii"; to en tubllsli. Tliu- iimklni tlu'ir ohtrvatluii w itli ' pi eat cans and imhlMilrip riMilN vrry cautiously, thi-y wi-iit fium 'JMin:i to IWltn, aiul thi'iicn to 1'urU wiicrc lin y iinivtd In tho full of 1S07 In thN v?y t!ttky vKHcd nil the prliu'lpal i tU"nf tlm onitiiH'iit, hi t'ctiurctlon with t at. h other, until ISIil; vlien tbey M-pMrated lu t'on-eiueneo ofhonie slight tli.saojree- iiient in their view upon certain points, Ilv Ihlsi tlnid hiivv'iiver time huil t.rotl,. uy iiii.i tiiuu now evir, iue nail pretty well developed ami oxUbllslird their ,. 1 ,, , . " hytein It was dlseiisetl and exituiin- o.l I. lui.l oii- iL oiioil li, i . eil, it nail nvvakeneit ctirluilty and at - tout lun. and tlio bariied i i nf tin, llllliuii, ami Hid lllirilKI III! 11 Of Ilm injo wero Investliratlniiits clnlim to tlio i ii i. r i mime und dignity ofa fcienei1, 1 - - - Tun Dumooiiauv in Cotixcii,. On Saturtlay evenlnf; Inst tho nomocracy of this place, full of withractlou at tlio L'llirlons result nf tlin plectlnn In IliU rounty, nnil not at all dlm.inyed at tho dertat of tlio atiilu ticket lliruiih tlio fraud and corrupt bin praetU-ed'by tbo Itiidlcil p.irty, tui'iied out lu on Saturday eveiiiiio; Inst und tilled Thomson'.-! Hall t i overllovvln. Tlio i iiieetlui; win addresi-d by t'apt. Hrock. I vv-jy in hi- usual forcible iirniiiiicntlvn I style, TheC.iptnln was in full ofi;rlt' as over nud uracil his niiililiir-i to fail not In tills crisis, Wu had Inst tbo pre liminary battle, but have to meet .vet in tlie limit contest, Tho Itepubllcaii ma jorities wero not ho liirijo that tliey darn boast muen. Ilo counseled all to relax no i-Hurt from that time till tho ilrd or November. The Cnptuln's ronmrkn vveio hnpiuly eoucelvtd mid ehxiueutly expie.sed, Tlio uivt'tliiK closed with hearty ehcern for tbo speaker and Hey i inotir A Hlttlr. Tho speaker was escor j ted lo his lintel by Moe.-,' Cornut Hand and a liirue number of tho linn hearted DoinniM'ttt v nt' mi i u iriiiiirli mi ! iiiteuitjinver, Ir nctms-tniclloti l.shiim'SM( yy u it Wri. d by I yo,.et, V MISCELLANEOUS. ijV) THU l'Ubuo" ilm inulfridmieil respectfully Inform Ida nlil riiuidaiind cunuiuera tlmt he has reiltled hi I unmix .Machine ami la now ready lo ilo wool f-iirilliu In qood order, When (food, clean nnil "li hrtiiiiitil miioI la inn, my .vlrnna may loni! lor kI nilla. IIuIIIiie, Ciilniliii! ninl ilrcMlnj Cloth. itoti to iirilir. W nnllprtnt llnrttnnn a Hlnrr, 1Uikiil. Imrit, will be Inkvn mill leturn.'il every Iwn or lin n WiTlimvllli Mil nf viork. 1 In, pny can m U n nt llnrlinnii'a. Wiinl li it at uriil.iti'Vllli', hi fltlicr Dl Ilm HiirM ulll In-utlciiiltit tnpriiiiiillv. Sn ik,; wniMn li iiiiiiniiu tor no UilMitiimi-r oi,v to iiiiNniiiiurtiiiii iiriiii;ivtni-t for Mm a.- Olll llll'llnt tllll Ol tlioee III H tllllftht June l:, i?i Orange uie jT tlilA.VD STUL'LT Oil KAP Store .mAV Vulil; i in. rnr. ash ciiLAi'ismruiK or straw r.onim is- iiiiscm.vvmiuUT iioeni, vino ...... II...,. I. . HII'lioio., Silks, .-ortn. l'nr- ikoH, Viiijkii'.Niiiloi.Hkliln, in. ami i;hak rrltniiiliiL-H, anil Krlnuvs. nil utnler .. I.iMlu W hull lmif Cm'tri.nturtH,.7)rl. II tiinl itttni(K then p. t.MIUIn.THiii.nlcil. KhU'AllU IlIliMSY. A. any, iJninU, M,i A 7u Alln mtt i !. Jimu U,'us, Kiilli Hiook ttnm rrnm ihliowr "W T A It It K N H nil novr.n nn: ash w At ilk i-nocr rr.i.T AXi vj:mest iioorixai Hi uftvniilrtc wlilrlt thUcompoiltlon pobucmm are inuiiy. It H Imtli wnftT-tlKiit jmrt It Ii iitl ulTt i tI ly lunt ur cold. It can h hd flii-il In nn nliiK.fL ctly lint riKr, one inclno uir mill ICIIIKIUI WUll in ICQUlMtl, n H vhxUt mill nttti kly n imlrif I. Itn cmt M leu thnn unv jHlifrr lln-i'M.oi it.., f now In um. 'JfntlnionlaU imjiii ii i ihi ii m mu cuu n i ry ns 10 un utirnbllltv, M'curlty una oht rtpiKB"! will ho utiown by JOHN W, KltAMIIK, ,runeL(i,'(lS. A-nt, lllminnburK, V. A flntt nprctmon n' thu ronflntt am bo ptn ftl H, iitMiin' new hounc nn Klflh istiept, li i:ni:v V.. C. n K llTO!, istipcrft(iri to V, C. HtiH., MMIK SfliSC'ItlUKHS IJAVINU X U'MHfil tl.i- l'nnlii Mill uinl Mctitno Mlinn loiinrtly octtipldl ti H.U, MtUt. will ronlliu'i. tin luuliifhH uf niitiririiciiiriiiif HOOIIM, KHU, HMNliM, MoUI.lUNf) , ntticUfli 1c. Wf me ulio ptepnml to furnUh drep.l tluur!ii(, hIiIiikIch unit nil oilier lumbpr ri(itlul in tlio coiim ruction ut bulluiusN. All kl tnls cir turning Umt at t.tiort notlci. Hills for joiNt nnd iMlitr Jmmc btull llllttl wltli prunipl ncsMund Hire, OhUth lt-Hpcctiully t-oltciatl, l'rlU7,'ttH WUI.P A IIAHTOaS. MACHINISTS A KNOINKKKS, MAIN Hr.( & U A H. It. It.. IH.OOMHUHO, PA., Are prepiirrdln futnlnh nil klmli of .Machine work, (inch nn STKAM KNOINHS, 110ILEUS, slmniiig, I'tiJIf) , llniigi.rii.CoupUinci.Mlll.gcBr. Ing, Haw liv.l!iitril, etc., Ctunci-porlc. tvt corku, Hleim plpMOKether Willi ll klllila ifslm llt-ItilK-d'Olistalitly on Imiul. Hiri'ililnjr MnrlillieH mill llorni- Pimrm nunli; In order. All innil nf Aerli-iiltiiml Mnrtilnrr repiluil. M.iy.'ffl R J' " 11 M " U U (1 ,.,.., , i(in.i.iJj.irwwWij, WB,,n'"""'1' 'J''" ,T"",Jf- A-,uin.ifiiii.crii.-ri. r.i Half i-iirl 1 1,1 limiiliriy j jo t ll's elil.rrll.KKjf, rttllUn oliC putt 11 In two ililfrtenl LotikHut i.iielmic. U. HI'liSL-IllnKRM. I' or Ion tl of I'OiiUh I er liny, per V ol., .1 rent. lmil.1 MiliM-rll ili-Mill li-iiiiulreil lu nil one. lo li-i vi- ii ite osll ,i,unl lu vulutitotlie hook. die new IiooKh w 111 nut lm nllowed to niiy nub-t-i-rlln r fornloiiKer period tlinn one wiek, or If ili'iiilm-it Ih'oiiiI Unit tliiii-, nn tnliUUouitl clmrfie Oi .1 I li-tnliii il lieoini Dial I line, .'ieetit per day. '"'I'" , "'..'. .mi. imiirn'Hi, or II All iKi'lks ks nre coiiHlilereil oM 6 lilontl.. ner ixiblli-utliio. Hooks ilnnnue,! krriicalj will be r!iri;ej. Jiilv H 'hs-'lin F 0 11 S A I. K . A V A I. V A II UK LOT. I.oruteil In Hie reHtro rtfttie. tonor IIIoflniKl'iiiR on Main htreel, neur the I'ol.rl lli'llr.llie Hotel-., 1.11U prlli(l fUrtoirn. It linsn ironl of l,-;if leet i n Minn sti,,i, nut! lmi cri'i teil upon 11 h ln-ineiHicllliij; toni-e with ne-i-.i.i out I nllilnB. '1 t,e kIi nut Ion Is iidmlrH hlv Ait ii (,! il for n hohliKKs i.tiiiiit. Infornintlon eoneeriiliif: tettin. Ac., enn te olitulmil from ll'-inhiiiil MolmiT hi lilt inloiiiion inin street. UlooriiKliuii, Auc, 11,'t.Mt pi'MI'S ! I'l'MI'S VOH SALE. I'll.- niiterKUni-il i.irk lenre lo tnforra the eltl-a-i-li -, ot'H nn. I vli-llilty Hint In- In piepnled to fnriilHli.iiti.horl not Ire, one of tho Pent VVOOD l:N I'r.MI-s for VV'e.tH unit Cluleriis ever oflereil lo tin- piilillr. Hiey nre (nutr.inteeit lo throw liioro w titer In Ii-ah time nnd with 1,-f.H Inlior thnn iin, other piiinii In inl inrl of tin- cnnnlrv nnil Oi-y eiiiiiHil hc-suri nsi.eil for lu-niitv orllnlih, or iinpllclty ol nrl!!nul'!rl'nt,n!-nrn!llllltlnL, chenp. net.,, nnil iliiinlillltv. riimn Ik Inir wnrinnt eil to I'l-rfolln lt uorl: wll or nn i-nle. Kiln ' slitiiinin I nia-lil lor Collimlilii eountv. I'rtre 1 T.'i 1 1 1114 per foot plucdl In the well. (Intern Ii3 i lo ill or ottjci wine protnpilv nttemleil to. J opt, i,'il-ly I'.I.I.VH HllUMAN, Cntuwlskn P.l. ' jSTAHLiailED 17!).!. JIIIIDAN id mt'U'lIKU, Whotesalo t-lroeeru, and Dealern lu SA LTI'KTICK AND MtlMBTONK, No 219 North Third Ml, Philadelphia. 01 dtilnuii f.untly nlilnz In tho let Riid t'h.iiiht iiuiiinor. tiiiaranlfi'il equal to nny lu Un' ut'ild! Hfit nil the fsirrnylli of iitd ronln himn wiih .lie mild und IhUhtIhk iinalltU'M or K-'nuiim 1 istiif. l'rv this Ndt'iidld i-onp. Hold Ity tliu AUlf 11 ( liHiiih-nl Workn, ii t rlti Flout htrevt riilla. Hfp, 4,"'iS-ly. B ANKItriM1 NOTHJK, i.n 1 nn Dim Kit 1 Cuntr m tiik l!MrKisr.uu Kilt niK hsTKHN 1MKTKUT (IK I'KNNSTUiMi Henri U. Ilniifcl-iTKfr, a llunkiupt undi-r th ,i l nri'iiiiKit'CH nf Miiudi 'Jd, Nf7, lmlnj; at plit-i t irn lHf.t imienuinuU hhdi'btn,nnd (dhi-ri'lHlnu .tnaldo under fcald Act, h (mU ruf iho Court. NoniK IS IIHtKltY (JIVKNl !" tll CmlltniH uliu ln.M irotd tln'tr ilh(K, and ottur jrionH Intt-r ci-ti'd j tn HPi'inr n tin iSld du of Hpt., W til Uo'fltifk, r, M Wforo i:, (rlon. Jr.. K1.11. Y'S!lS:iTu ,;"YV i,.i7"i," ibyVivI'lbM rbe'eond au.l Ihliil Meettiiiiaof rridltoraof tbaKiild IHilllrfd lV Lhu 1171 ll und -Ih H.xtlmw 1 if Mild .(t, w'll I Mi had Lift. re thv vutd lU'ulbtcr at iKh xiimo tlmnaial n'.nct'. H. C. Mt'ANDt.r-SH, nrrn f V. H. IHhtrlct Ouri tor bmUI M(rlit. O T I C K. Tn all erMint hom it nm lonrern. Nnl Ire ih h'ri'h cU" li thai tiom aial nt vr this dnti nn i.'t.iin kit, ill i.nv. hi ti or (hl In nnv way, ullh IJo.Mt Ki-tT i i thu miiiH' or iiooii hf ri'Hi'on "''I'll of i n. Kr. .in tlht fatii (lrnh;H Kn'ss.1! r t. hi ,titi ii.iv Hi fact Win. Kitvlt-r I. tue I im ntiy it I c.(iiirai'tiit hy an Id ,lo,d or tu ) liM.d In uii wit) tt' for '''.VrV".' VM' 'ivVV.w.'.ct. 'STA'i U OP t'LL.MUICL O, HICK- lJI"n. lu-c id i'rin.i- 'lowiishlp, dreeuaid. i )Uli,e i.r mid i.-.,ui n i le.e.iimivi-s of clem- ' " ,-l-'"'. !.'( rem t- iimnaiiiiiUiiuin. on ,oiilil , tlio list it, u ll ( lu Sluiy locketla, widow oiiiee.-iinu uim i,-.i,ie m oriumetiiiv, l"iinl iilorisiiull HiJ h (, itli lieltaof Ihe aunie . .iu ! .imin uukiiia of i-ukeriumon, Fuiuieia i ""oi'J'i "h:u-, .Viiiu j tiueii of uiiiud, i-itihouu in,,, . l'!,..,, MinaorMlddle Fork. l iudinn.ii the heir, niijiimheiii uteketta miuwh ri.lili'iii'iK nr.- liukliiiHii ; Itulli lluher, vt-hoao , Ksidiueoia ihiLiuami; u,a luira of .viury M'in- to.h, vi Iiiin.i lesldelu'i-a urn uiiUmmli, the heir. I of h.iriltl Courlrlullt. uboee lialdeui'i", nr nn- iiiiiim ii, e.reiu i inn in uie iiiiiior cm lure ll ol uer daughter, l.ucludii ('ouilrliitit, via; Itii-hHrdC., t' Niilu-y I'., Unbi-ci-ii M,, Irt-lul Rlul Mulilihi Oimrirluht, resldciit-flia New Uotie IMuiirds eountv, lutiiox, mid who have for their (lu.irdliiti Klljnli (I. ttlckelta aforeanlit ; ulul In l.i HUH lil( kells, or her helra whoae realdelieea 1$ i"Z"'.'"'" ,K'r"" Villi lllti h ri-hl elUdtobe nnd m.liear before Ihe Jilduea of our Uriiliull.' L'olllt to be held lu lnKiie. Hillllvun eouiily, (ilillioTlllltUTIIrh l.AV III'' DKl'llMllKIl iii-xi, Hu ll und theru lo Hiii'i j'l or .I'luso to lake tin ie.ll of mild Ueiui'l II, Un Kelts ilei'iiisetl, ut the iiifirtlUeit rilllliillou uit iiioiillhy Iho luqueat duly uu-iird-ed by lb. Mind t'.uirt, mid n by lit Hutrtir or show ,-uiiae uliv Ihe auluo atinuld not In .old. And hireof fall .1.4, Witness Ihe llulliirilblo VV'llllilllI KlH'ell, I'md. di iilufoiii-auid eotirt, thul day of iseiiiein b.r, A, 11. 1-iJ. HM.UUVM, RIIMII.IX ( KI.MIII. L'lirkO, C. KILUMIIIA COUNTY, S.Ss In tbo linillcr of IhtiretiilH of Ilenfil U. linl.dra'd. I'eiltlon uf udiiilnl.i.Hlor for ri-v lew, ,vnd now, IMe, tli'Oli Ihe ielllloli of Ui-iil, AII11I1111 h ml 111 1 nUTruior ut Imiiitl (i, Km, iin-.d, lot 1 ri'V lew of Ida III I'oulll, III, il .Snv.l, IN7, III. leuliitf, tliul he una therein erioneoiisly i'htirieil 11 nil i.e ,oiiu.'i'ii( iiuiiiii. ua 1110 I'HH'i eua 01 .em I'ttaln hold nv him, aiitl ra tnif Id he Muii, lil'lisi 11 rum. ini-ri'iioni; k i orurttu itiHta rf'itio iay nuurai id u M'in halt I Item In tlm nvfonntof th petii I- rr, And ll It lurlhcr nrderi'd that I, II. llmckuH) Km., tai ii'Milntet nu .Vudllor, to lejort Itiu f.wia lu icii'tt-mu lu Mild tleni, with lila oilnluu vlu ther lit Jin-ilio and u.utly ilio i Htloiirr 1 rnlllled to Uv H'lUf I'lajvdfur. Ily the Court, In iunuanwnf iho ahovi order tho uiidt-rUn ednutd ivili nollt-H tn all urllea Inlen kteii ho will nnisHttwm ftir tlm u ir a nt iiU liMioitmnt-iM, in nu uin co in iiiooni'i'iuiff, on haturd.iv. thu Kill ut Nuvumher. I Has. oct.svttt-it, Andin'r. Tunr kkokivkd Tho flioapcwt hooi ' ,h" maut Llv,u xWlu Sfflj MERCHANDISE, JKW H1()(MC OF CLOTHING. Krnli nrr.f 1 ml rAt.Ii A.ND WINTKft tlOOlH. JiAVlI) UJWnJfKKIt'J lt.Yltft tteul.jit t'j hi Mofk nf CitKAI' A.SH KAIllONAHI.K.rl.(nilKU. nt lilt (itufe un MnUl lte-t,tWt.0irii Mn tit-A HlfllrM l,tl 'nif u ii ji,t t"i,ffl i k) ' ir, tiii mi;n ami hiiVj' a.iMHiM. j lUClUlI.MC Hlf bm tMnlLfttitililf. illlkKItt, Htlil I ltntiiloini. II',K lii()l. iiiauutitf nt IfiX, MAI.K, lt(M'K, HUM, AND OlIrtfiUTII IXiA'fH ASII MMV, ol ,11 K'jrt..iln, nnil ivilori. Hi- tin itlMi rfpleu lulicl hln ntreKily largs Ktm-U or l-AI.I, AMU VVtNTKKMIAWI., KTHIl,i:ll1 KKII'UKIl, A.N.H I'i.AI.V VIMH, Mil til rti. rUAVA'I'S.MTOCKW. Oil.l.MIM, IIA.N'llK'KmMIIKrX. (lUIVIX, "fMl'KNIIKIW, AMI rv.SC-, AHTtOLlX He lift rormlAntl on hnutl ti Kit;,, lilcl vll'. 1st t I i,rliitMil or LOTUS A.Nll VlilTI.SO. whlli k U I'rrpnretl ti make lo unlw IntoHiiy klnJnf rlotlilnx. on ry otiorl imtlii'. nnd In tlin bt-Ht alanner. All hU eltitlillne In liouj In Mwr, ntut tnont of It I of Inline mnnuf.irlure. OOI.IJ WATCItl-W AM) jr.VV'CI.UY. of evrry ileiiL'rlptloti, niic Hml rlieup. Jewelry In not nurpH-i-eil Id tlil pliuv. Call .uid exmnlne bU cenernl aixorunetit of CIOTItlNO, WATCIIKH, JKWKI.Ity, .V . DAVID UiWKSmmi.. M K It V 11 A X 1) 1 S L' . .VOTII.-I'. IN HKIIKI1Y (11VICS To my nlelnl'. nnd tbe puhlle iteunrntly. Hint alt klndtol DHY tiOODS, OltnUEHIES, QUEENS WAllK, NOTIONS, AC, j nre rntiilMitly nu hnliil nml pir nl AT IIAIITO.N'S IILI) Sl'A.Vll, rlLouttsnciia, br JAMICI K. UYKII. fAti, sole Aset.t tr ri.l.n I'iioui-hatr tttr fMK, lJirgelot rontaTill) on linml. (febs'BT. Ji:V CAI1IXET WAKE HOUSE. Tins unileriiiKneil tnke-i this method to lnroriu Hie publte th,U ho hnfc opened a Nr.w rriiNii ukk wauh iiol'hk In tlie Wnlli r nrlck Ilnllillng, on Mnln Hlreet, UlJlOMSHVlia, FA., Whlrii he hn-, purchnsed iind Intends to keep r r- iii'inentl) filled with rurnlturcor (ilT AND 1IOMK MANUKAlTt'lIK IT coMpntsm or j I! I) D M A T K E H H EH, MOI'V. MII'MIES, MAltnt.K 101' f-'ENTItK rAIU.Kn , CI1 Mil--I'fHIIIONT.D, CANK HOTrOMKII. M wood nondMiiD. , KJCTKNIIDS TAIII,n. I,()()KIX(! (1IASHW, I I'AItLOH, CIIAMI1EH AND DIN-' ,INtl KOO.M FUKNITUKE. In met n full nmortment f nnADV-Mn I'nrnioi of nil ilzen, nnd H F.VH.KTTIHN'1 IN 1 UK l.VSr. Or JTM 1 RAHI! All of hl,-h wtlMwsoM CMKAP eOB CASH. 11 1 nuiilt. nre li.lt1 In enll nnil eiwinlse my itoek lieforv pureh4lii elpewhere. (SHIMIK VV. I OltKI.I. Bieihiirr. Alieoul I', l"5I, riLOTIiKS 1(Y MAI'IIINEKY. 1'he uudernlstied would Tenpee'rullj- enll tin, ntlenllon of the publle. lo Ids new and npproved method of making elolhin bj a fytlfm baned ui-oii iiintheiniitlrnl prinelpe, wldeh rendi-rn tt Imponslhte to tie p. i tit'Ilyneisirau He (Inlrnn for this method the followliiK nil vnnlnnen, KIIIKT. Petrrt seei,rer. A nnvlni: rrwo thirds oi'ihe lime uniniii tk en lo eet ail' l l,e el I h. Tlltllli. Abllt'v In mi n.ure nn f.iciue.. to llumea K(KVl fit. rofKTII. Thnl tt dim awiij will. Ihe nete-slly of lieltiu nlenntred more llien on.-, ns olten U the m from Ihe mfsftpprchen'' n ir rnhlnke nf t measurer. He wouM liriie lh-i!t.l! Innlre It Irlnl.nn l. lnnnllsfled Ihnt II will dive lerfret nnllsfnrtlon, lie will te hnppy toeihlbll nnd explain ttn work I1C at nny time to vlsllora. j. w. cnKMRni.i Mnrrha) lcv Main HI,, Iwlow Mai ket, H. c. ii o w ;: 1: li.w tt rniNt n flrl il(t hoot, fitmr., 11 vr cap, asm rvn wkjUb. at tht old viand on HalaHtrtM-t, HlwikitHnrK.tVw ' iihovp thrl'onrt IJnnf.t. Ilm utmrL lirm pMM-d or tt.p ery Inlt-t and hntntj U evi-r olft-r vl In iho Htlon of Colurabla ('untj. Ileroti U''ominitaiio iiv piildlc w 1th thcfolinwltm i..ud. at tins 1-tWfHt rat"1, Mfn'i luaf doubt toH 1 11 wit 4, infn'H dniib. nnd sin (t If tu nil' Lip liootn, ntrn't havy htojta nhrwi of nil LlinU, nit h'h tine 1-onlH Alul nlifi h cf all made, lmy' dotih holed timttH rtud.fvht t all klndK, meii'b 1ivp kid Hiilnmral'H, wonn"i'H.bu.vii and intsHi'b' liollnn (talterh, wouirn'M ulove kid I'olluli very llmot.. n'n mnrrcro tulmoraUatid talf Mhoi-M, Mri.iiiou'tt tltv One- kid tmttoiirl uait-i-ri. lu vltoit ixiots ot all tti-tiipttoui hotli p it Hi and kcnr.l, lie would 11 Iho , tleM Um ! ftl ! urt liielit uf HATH, t Aim, Ft'h" ANH NoriONfc. whith I'omprlNtMi all the utvr and pipular ari ft Hi- at Il ici h hit h ran not fall to Milt all. Then i;ikhI arc oifi-icd al the lowest t-anli rlen and Ylll he Ktiaiaiilerd to le (sal I .faction, A cuJl In h-iHrlU'd In'lo'i' rnrfliitliis e.nHlure an H In ht ltuvtsl that letter !arguinH ate tn bu feiud than at any olh'-r place in tUe wounlr. Pee. 6'fl7 G K NT INK MANI.'ltKllS. Allen Ji Needle.' Improved auper I'lioliUale of i lime the old atati'l.ird tiltlcle, uniform Inquatlty , till-lliul tlmll ihi id el.i i.p.-U'hojil.U. III Ihe iluiket. In lliia. lb., t-u i hi I 'JVIIua. .Vnuaolilaled I P 1, It T I L 1 . li ll. Aekunwod,l t. le the lue.t e.tu.bleritatiure at th. price, .n. r.d 0 lb ('unite, lu lUaa. Itl IIh,. a.ak, $.U tKi -.;. II.. I'UUK OHOUNIl HON K .11 UjWU.1' Ma lilt Hr nATIaa, I'KHUVIAN OUANO. Walliilr N. 1 ree.lT.4 street ir.Na tka l.veraa.e.t, r 1 a 11 H v a n o. k Mfleadld, and uua that la altraattllK liini-n attenllou fr 111 r.ruiera I'aeked tu liar rila, Mix P'r-.UOIU. L A N 1 V I. A M T K H. la luwet MiMtkel tUl, tlrle. A tl(-cmint tn iIwlrH on nbov priw. Hliuuld the tlealer uar you not bite our arUft len, icnd yiair order uirert In u, and ih will hnva )rompt atleallou. t)fnr and Ht'lM, 41 lalawar At, . WWt M., and it H, iikauiwi.v ur, uanhlkh, and imc.v- KltAt COMMIHSIO MiUrtCUAMTH, (liTAHI.lHUUL) IS Koraala hy th Itluoiakhurg Iron Oa. qcttui: in s r. iliiniaun't Ui)i.r 'fiihulur Unlitnln IUat in the IhhI lttHtlon aifalimt dUater by rihtnlii evvr luvtiedo. TU subavrther la aKeutfnrtlie Ihjvc inveiitlun, and all ordera h malt or tu tvum will ba promptly uUeuiled tn, Uu-lVfl It li, UIULKMAN, DRY GOOD8, ETC. rjiIIJJ I'LACU tu ir t your moony im u ,.k UMlint low pilrMN lt I.. C. SIIAIII''!4 .iiillK. J"UHT KKC'KI VKD JfNT iikuki vim A frmll Itivntee of lielnlli, Milal nn, tr. JUST UKCKIVKH Jivr ulckivi:ii A frt-i'h Invnkrul Ihp .skldmifHlI kin. la. fiiihrw-'lnitilrH hlf. LlntMi tnifTi nnd t'ullum fur Udlfn. JUST Itl-X'KIVKD Jt'ST UhClilVKIl A luvolen of lnper ( V.IImm eiul I'lirt. new niytcM, i.toen rihirt r ..nt for lien Hlitl lli e. JUST JIKCKIVKO JU'iT HhcriVKi A hew InvnUr nt t'liK-kfry, iuenk M-ftre, i Hum wr', tr. just m:ci:i vkd jitst iik(;kived A new lluUllnifiit nf llnmi, Dried lieef, Cod I'luli mid MnekereL J t'ST Itl'.CEl VED JUrfT lltCEIVKU Ilia hMtiLOUHyruplu thnlowu. JV.fT KECEIVED just iti:cr:ivi:ii Freeh Dried PrulU, Apples, I'enrhen, pnre.1 und linpnred. Illnrkberrlii., l'runes, White. Ilennn, Itnrlev nnd Hominy. TV r ANTED llutter, Kiiirs nnd Lard : for n prime article null will he paid. "y ANTED Hams, Hhouldern nud Dneon. llllllliS (loo DM noons (IOODS SOLD MOLD BOMl SOLD AT A AT A AT A AT A HMALI, ADVANCM. H.MAI, I, ADVANOK. eilUAJ.I, A1JVANLK. SMALL ADVA.NCi: fOR UAH OK UKADY PAY. f OK fAHII OR UKADY PAY OK CAH1I OK UKADY TAY Kin CASH OK KEADY PAY! AT I. T. RHAnPLKRfs'H HTOItR. AI 2- B'IAKPLES'H HTOUK. AT h. T. RIIAltPl.lWR HTOKK" AT L. T. SUAKTLESH H HTOKK. lllooumburt;, March M, ls. gOMETIIINO NEW. The lindemlirned begn li ave In Inform her niemU nnil the publle venerally, Ihil .be o.s opetied In LIOIIT HTKLKT m fremti nloel .( x ods In the line er MILLINERY and TRIMMINGS 1 In voiineotlon with Dim Maklnir; i.u. i pie. pared lu addition, to ' COLOR STRAW rtATtt ou Ihe akiirtcit notlce.and In tho bent xyle uf the art. l-rlcen cheap and work natUfactory. Light Street, October 4. IM7.MR3- K KUNf'- jJISS LIZZIE I1AKKLEY his Junt nlurned from 1-hlladelphln, w liaa boiiisht, and Is now ofleilnn Ihn beat anaorlnient of FANCY" OOODK. TRIMMINGB. BONNK1H Ae. ,te., eTarealilblted In Illoomnburjr, and la prcuireil tu ; uinkeiip dnst a nud all other art Idea of female waidlobe, tit hoit notice, und 111 the best nud ! I.ATKHT MPIUNIi HTYI.KS. ltu'itna ii. the Uaineey HiUMllllf.-., on Went I Main Street, fall and aae her Tarle-1 atoek or I t-prln (loo-la May l. ai. JIiOMSIIUKC. MTKHAKY 1NHTITUTK. HOAIUl OV INSTUUCTIDX. lir.MtY t UtVKR, A. M frludpAl an 4 pro-1 prletor, I'rufecoor uf rhUoM'phy, te. ! Ill Karah A, Orrer, Prewitre,, TiMbr ( i'tmucb. Hot any und oruuMCwUl lrticlie. Jnaae O. lletvt, A. B., t roijr of Anolent I jlhuhks t barl K. Hlcc, A. It., k raftkBor of Uailieiuatt, P. M. Halm,' hoi.k-keelnt; A KnutUU .iho1iom. Mltta Allot M. (.Vrfr, '.Vaoher of liutruiueaUl Xlutilw. Teacher of Vocal liuitlw. Jlu .Tutla fluent, rM). r lu I'rlmar.v UeiMituiui, liln tet tu itiniiueufM April 1. V-i-tib ju, t T A Y L O H ' -S (11,1 VK HII.VM.-1I ii i r t r: a s .. ,, , . , ., , . A Until al.,1 ,.s.ble IomIo Sllllllllant, .Hm- I I'hUit rid l-iiinilnatlea II 1 T T H It S , 'sxtratted nun. .lall. mid IUv-m. It'tfU 1 J balialtelal ll'LI'HU, liKNKHAL IiKHILITY, nnd at Appetite ; .ml mi i-U.ate.rrMUiarr pr...ut(frrtnn friiHi llt.ordart oftha Ilowala, Kjaiuiai,,,, j.,. S(dd K very where. 1', Nn. Ill Markt'tHtrcvl.l'hllaUvIi'htk. It U". TAYI.UU 4 Cn, ' .r,,v: 4,!rt"1; JONATHAN UKlSIiKK'K TONIO fi or JUtterit has nur failed tocnr il. worst klnn of Hem a; lit tha inttHt Hucrettrul mel lclnu yet ulcovend for tin rura nt Coi)uuiitlon ))-eala, Mvt r ro.n)dalnt, lliimchllla, and all (tlhi-aieanf lh Thioat, ( lietl atnl l.mi, Is made entirety nf rnou and herl. One Imttle will convlurn ny ri who nlvea it n fair trial. No family ahouht he wHIkhh it. I'ut up lu largo huttle. orepaied and eiild h) Joimlhaii lleliltr t i it, nruui i kiii iiMTtn, ra, ami oy ivit iirut I'lft. .ail. J,h.Jj- J i: II A V K V () M K NVIIh ureal IndnrawtuU to ajcatit Ui ihimm rata 11 It A Si 1' OH II 1M1MA H U A Ii K I Hhitlnaa lrM of (Vt tu our AKeuu, wairueM nM oi ni in our ,Keiil. Hewing Maoblnt-Mfrof Cot U Aueuia, Jtlber fJoU frtf ()nt U Ak-vntu, l.liiea OimmU frM of Oiak In our Anenti. HUka and KhawU trau((at ta A Kent. Ilutda andHhoe frea of Cci to Airnt. lrtvM naali flew of Tout In our Aueuta. UHK4T I")LUA R HAkUAINt t'UU nVK t'DH10aa-l Hfnd for our clirular. Ag'Hta wanted nvayy wli.-n- Addrmx 1 1 A UHlH I'l.UHMKK, i iln. iVki'atrv( trttua, Ia. MISCELLANEOUS. s'0tM 1'ermonHi Kimriinteed. Kiir I""" rny. Ae'lil wnnte.l Imoiprlliliu X."'!' "!ii(Mir Jirin i:vcrin.i nn vv hue " lr."n.n"li?.,:h""' r"h ii our n.l.lnw i lit mil Win, .Mill., 'iiii,.,,i j Noien 1 1 no ii'nrl nn l li i t iki- ,.i I. lour Axe InUiun I to he Tho Vxe ! !. "i.1!1 "i l-r ceiii. Iii iii r II I. My brother tail one nnn In lln u, i, a Wi1o'oir nxehecun eut nn koi i iiHiiuy mi, elNe IV If I roiill not v Intioihir, tweiitt n e,u-, 1 dollars would nol bu u V. II wlllenl li.i.ip.polbe ler Iiiiii ..1,1 otli- I . I would hoi lie wttho-it i rornil.i l.y nll iMpoinibl. .Iinli rMin.l iln on, fcers, l.lpplni.ill a llnkew. ., l'i'i.N,r," p,i. soil iilTHM, of tho I'ltteiils, J-JAVE YOl SEEN ITV Tils KlUMIII I'll! Kl r umi: Ki:rw:u whi-omimis. Thll renllv tuelVll 'lltlc po'kel lime keeper l Kol up lu n hnlivinie enie with i;tiiH nhiule, n.n-l nnil inetnl workn, while i naunled illitLiitut N f ordinary wnleh nire nmindnn l nerl.s.i.btn time Hint hy mnll fir SI ,1 fori'. Address I). IliirnhuM Is-k IIok 1, Newlmrith, N. Y, TT Is conceded that tliu rat Zlnitari I X Hitlers b.n ni.isti red inoreilNi-.ics, both ni-ul nnd ehrnnle.lhnnnnv hitler lonloln the known world. Il hns (tired Chotorn, the wornt forius of I'neuinonln, I.lver and Ilenrf dhea--l hronle Dliirrlio-ii, Dyspepiln, ItlieumiUlsin.KIek Ileiiiliii'ho, nnd u 111 euro nuv dlsens iirMni! from u disordered ntntoof the blood, it ii rcV-rom-mended by (ioveiiiorsofsinlen,.MtmbriKori-on-sri'n,dl.lliiSiil.liodillHiiier)c pbvslclnns, mid Uin proprietor enn show more, nworn ct-rllncjiti-i of cures thnn nnvolhrr lllltern iiiantifneliirer', lu Ainerlen. Send for it rlrenliir, nnd rind tlieiu. So d hyilriiKiilslnnnil dentern iienernllv. Ilerry, Hrleket l,Co.,wllolenll3 liquor ileiilers,i.ol. Act').. f.irlVeu.riiHtiUe.Chleiiii.illl. r. Hnhler a e... Hole Proprietor, II .Vorlh mmut., I'lilhntelplilv. rvXYOENIZED IXII A LA XT ri'itKs Cntnrrb, llroncbltla, Ait lima nnd Scrofula. Consumption, Vorclreulnrnml full r'nrtleul.irs,'i,ipireof jour t IiriiKiilst, or nddriTi Osnenlred A Ir luslliuli', G KOCEHS & DliniOISTS II AVE (-'ON'L'KNTI.ATIID I.NDKiO III.C1., IX EACH 20 Cl'.XT 110X A PATENT TIN CT.HMtOOlU'MPltTll.ui KKP. 1) L () O I) . JJ MAMlOOll-.Ni -Nolhlns nil lui)H,rlntit. Wend i ii Miimi.H lor n-iili d 7.' pi.Bi on the liote Mib- J'"tt- , 1 ,r: hl,.ll'.'t' "nlldenllnl pllTSlel,ril7 SI, UisrIi-st,.l,oiils,,,.,,,,,.Npre.i iiilneiitty ,iln,. nllotlieln In hlH,.eelii!l!y..,,imiti,r ktnte ijuurroMi. I'.uiinlstre.iu-d bj mull In - ; cry siute. t -- WE SELL roll ONE DOLLAlt, I um'J'V,1 " Wntclic. Sewltur Jlnehlne,, SUk Di.-m I'atterm Oirpetluii,Diie.lleii.iii.l; cmcuLAitM fu:.vr Fitni:. giv lnitrull particulars, nrteticlireksni nt for One I ,',1i'nrl.'l';i-rr"'",- "'" 'lUr.-relil urlleles uhleh we onk noi.r.n kai-ii, Splendid llitlueeiiienta ottered to .Virnls send lug u. Uuba. Addr(s,I,AII()Nli:.t, ll.VlllllTl" . . .... J" s'Sudl)Ur.M. Uusloii, Mans. II. loU-r i','vs-lw. A WATCH I-'IIEE-Kiv.n KratlTto "' lO" mnl who will actus nuent In u new, IlKbtalid lionoiablu biiHlneii", imyliu S-KI H ."Kl,! "W'rlse. ,No hilmb'm;. Aildieaa It. Moutoe Kenedy, 1'ittsbuicli 1-n, QcurrzE .v ludolke. KJ IKnrAIll.lSilKli 1M, , PM r!'Wv,',"i.','!!.J','.' t"'V! M-iNlTOK t. m rJi'-' 'Aoj-'mi r-. I'"li uin l'l bi u.iry -Jiili, 'If; w arinnlisl tor tUojenrn. VV nn risnns, f.j Uroouu-ni., Nov York. Ilie iMiienl Si,iiiiio. I'lnn, p.,u, bvlhelriw (uliiireonstiurtlon nriMiperlor lonll otbeli., nud ll.elr ii.irlleoiisl.iH In tliewrentplaiik h, ma aup nit ed hy Hie iron frame. uIIowIiik a hircer niaun ior thenouiidl iiK Imard I loin Is pi,H5ese,l by any '..'Llw-M L"".?' 1 '""W. '"' 'ueans the qllifntltT ereaneil (allly of the tone Is buiiely Hi- "eat Judges to he unrlMillid ,. I'owwt and hvvi:ktni,s OI HINT '"'m,5'.'."!,'1 ""-.''"'c '""ell and linut.v of finish. Thill 'i"0l',r!"L','Vr,'ni'!,l'N uf -i-Hllimv fi-oir. , Thalber--. UntiHelik,irakinrli, Vleuti-lnps, nnd a Inrze mini herortl,M i.,n., t. t..' . . I nom and Amateurs. Prom Ioiil- exnerii iic.i nod I "iperior inrllltlenfnr Manufaclurliu. wonreeim- uieo in oner our nutm.., u i . - asked bv Inferior makers, Henil for circular nnd price llt. rOItltINOTON JtA 11' A- IIOD(iKIN.S' n o a ; HVVEU l'HOSPHATK OI' I.IJfK, rA'svrJvs 110 MANr!tK i itM.n A.i n HayliiK "ilhln ttm pnt jcai uieatly Inrre.upd and Impimeilmir facilltlSa Mr V Imil x"u andm.imifartni-li.,f. nran-A "rnri iw" Our nintitartoi Inishten tlior ti-rhi tttn . (use liie nuii ii. i entluly mi ufurtory. . " .-". in.-1 i r mit it, min in v rrv r' I l,ul",",oXi "lurchy Ills pure.! for imil Ri.uriiuli i'il Id f.VWS HI0l-(lf V.N MIII.I. rlivletes un objiellon Mhldi ullaehr. tnuutuy u.ueh'v.Vable'tl'lmr ""' ,""ir' ,U1"'-"r sii'?v,',1,."u'v"'r."m,ul,lK.1"r' r.Asrl.UiiKKl Miiurr -i xiu Kr, l v. urn! bv our minis throuviiout of Ml lis. .lso MIIIl'I'KU I'ltoili'll ' I . Hi! tsiluts mwwll,!, ,v r oriiiiial.ou i.-relotof older. Tllttltl.Stiill.V.VlllllKIKlsiel. mw iV i)'"!? '"r luour, Morm .V Allin.. Melt l(i.ll!iM ,., r nnd Mown (Ihe N.w ink en iiiiii I .t siuni'i j-h Ilnj nt,,) nn, i, i:uK. A-iti ie- ( let ! . .. r.i i.ii, in. lion iii..ire. .'ii. r. 0. a'iis rjp O 1-' A It M i: It S! ' 1'AI IHl- Cil'.VSn COMfANV.-s MILLIIl.K i' A c i i' i e n ii a x o. Till-: ATI IINTIO.N ol rnriii.i.iiiidolhi r coll- uiuirMill ..tillinia u nun,.! to ihla (in mo, it. U-iltli iifibeirai'i' nollie. In, use ir .eier ill .vein, lu vlurjIuiMl, VlrKliilu nnd olLi r Muith . irn Miitea, loi ell ero, ln.snliei, It niiiidard I cluiriieli-r lor i xi-ehiiiiv unniiuilli i! In Hny t,. , er. It .iossi siii k nil iho iiil. unika of i'eriivliin ( llllllii IVIIh 1 1 Un hi, I IU ouiihllta tint fc ,11 lid I O thnl illlli-le. I'jl It., , I il, (in,,,,, inuml I nunc I tl 1,1 1 UUalln .11 I., ,, I),,. I....1 Miir , Mho. . hull's II rl ilia the vliil , ion fi. in ii, lo .( l eu duja i-iiiiier Ihiin Ihe 'hos.hiit. s, htrh flKluloilet'lli. It iiiuil.'iill,i'iH,iot.i.,.. Ml,. eriil dl.iouut iniUu'i la, 1'ot .uie l,.v JOHN -. Il.,-.s- ,l i ll., (Ji in tul Ak.t.ds tor I'm Itle ( i ii.uiol n,, ; HJiHonlh lieiewini. ,V,.. I'td' i- ., , ,, ii l Ii r-lni I lull i . Mureli J7,-ts.i)in. ... ,..,, .,, nsiioiiii, ol llliiolo.s ( buiii mid Coliiiiibm i'iiiiiily.- 1,111, ii,o.i''' lr. I'. Mohtter liKi'tit lor the still ot ui.i m!i ,nrui 1 brim 11 .lout, uud Iikci la-i r. 11 bo 11 iii''lj jiii J al tho.auu. ile. aim iim... .,,. .it',l. I would nu from in, n.i..r. i;ii'-iiii Unit ha will be .iiih'1iihI .nd ulteuli.e fn nil u w. may favor hint with ihelr tnd.., I ...11,-1 1 t,., 1, t , youraut iKiit, Vary re.ins itull) , Kllt:i I.AI kl., tUCHtu lliewery HH.,iiti, is Is A bill, K i llAHNIS MAKLIl. llllisualll.l.a, ( il.t unl. t'ol'MT, rui i, Till'. uiulrali(litd ieai Iftill) lulonn. I,, frleuda and the llblte It, tit he ba. t t,lil out TllowAs H-(i.l.l:.inil will 1 .iillt'iii tlio buallii-K. or ma hum: .mil ii.viim makimi, in mi u vurloua bralirhea,iit tbeotd atiiuil lilaiTer-nyder'a llolrl, and lioi, a tu desert e mid un ii-e Ihe lAt rotiaixeorall w ho tiled nitlelea lu hlallne. Kib.V, ( (IDOlKil: iaz.iii-s. . I iHus NDKIISUOTT'S I1 orflMlTK JUtiItAN llnt'kK. Whera may hv found a eompltie uirtifiiilv vt ' fieuh and pure MKHU'J.NhH. IIVK HriM, t'OlOtth, 01!. WlNIK3W.Ul.AHrt, laAMlH, l.VNH;U.S , r() UAH, NOAIH, M.fOlUlJ,, WIM'a A Ml) OIUS , HYHIM-h, 1 rinui;M KHY, TIMM-rr AM) FANt'Y AUTIt'l.K, which ai vtfrrtxl at old tlma prla. lHierl. llona aceuraliy f.rritaml. Jan S'Cii l), T i U H T C 1 A IS H JIOAltUlNU HUlItMl, Villi UI'IkH, In ttonueetii.ii with ihe Hiata Nonnal Wl.ol, 'n fill on New Jeicey, 'total rhaiKti Inelidlu iKNitAl vulUoii, and l,U, 'Jb a year, t or rlion ar u Itli lull uirileular. Hpjil in Ali;, ?,'.. -rflllN Hf HAliT. rrt'iflral. l,o it u aituw til la, t. kw, UOWN V.W AI,1, W IKMhMAMi (ih'.t Kl h X. i:, lur. TJilitlal Vino Mmj JUtlhA DKhVIlfA, May 191 gi. i!:w AwrBirnsfijiEi'Jx OLNTS WANTUD I-(lit THE UK KAsr.'s onr.vT rirrroniAt. wosk "AUTI MCI"! OHATIONH." An li limit voloui.' ,, mir. marW, nrnl Imlrno. Hon noil fifirrehi lnfcrenl uriilt ren.ler(. Willi 1M lll.Al'TIfft. I.NOIIAVI.VOI ii rid n ski toll'i Ali'lior. nn .. n i wo . I te in' I AUI N, fill ii r - V.l.VI I ii. i: i ,-Ati: s iivn n .sfcw n sik .Ki' i l.vti.c.v M ,-(, v Y0-.I. W.'s'l l,i o ii r tt,,u rnrion s lor - ii nn ' lull ilAV! ffttU -('(.ll, If .Mi-ii tin MllliiliM uv .HWJ, r-j 1, Hiiini.'ii.K l.Mi-i. nnd I.i.tti rn nr-1 .n 0iifl4d,in(, , r. lli.nyntniUnf-tretK iny i-t Nuw Vurk. Kiwi I U-iidl Itf-ull INHIIIM; amiwIJALOW tv NF.W YoltK. A liifr-c K;i(iro Vultimc iimt Tft pAfftM, fliti'iy .l.ulimfda mm i iifc-tii'x, initio fir fcinaif, inrvrri eltv -iml ti.wn, turiuiYiHi f..r It, Krr ' IxKivwftniH ii.Viiuw nil niMiut Nw Vrk, ?.w mk.I; i . r pnlil siitl thai mi rui.l.llv. Cu. vn'wri r.-.ii imitn t'to nilev Ut- ti,.l.. no ki'iurnl lutntn nl nrifr lh l.uvii'jt oiiin.iHRion, JSenl lonmr.ti i-nuu cirru inr. n-r lu, I luirtinliirif nnd trrmi tit i.ani m in r.tfmi m-m llntion ti J ii, Hnrr A (.., iu7 lif ln-r. llmuord.i nun, W A N T 10 I). ritiivinni,T nflir, nnd Kiiprlnlrndnnti vi '""iii n:uimp, iinu mntrb iu net II nKfiitsforthc homi: it')fii: oc voNni:K A wiT.1 ol ft rn; mtiticst fnt!) IWulrntnl; n u o r t a ; k i'. 1 n l . AMI rAMIiA KMrOrtlTOH, in tun . ,lum.".'. eomprltlnit the old nnil N I.".mi,ii-i. tu, wiib ,mi tlonl xis,kllloii nn l on tilnnuli lj in tr, by Ilm-, VV llt-.nlun, A lew of tin; many lteeomniendatloiin : rioni'l.i I n, lti v. Joel limits. I). J P,t,,i ol tliii I irt ( onitieKUllimiil ( hurUi, llnrtrur-l, ( -"I l.ii-iwnfii uiiiiieiitlry H'leliiup Una e.,i, tains tt. an-nt nn unonnt of .,.ii.vh i matter. Ironil'r. N. Il, tislin, I' 1, I'arioror ir niotillK l,r. It l limn, III, "1 ehi-erfullr no is.iiitiu.iiil it an tWi l.nft noMilnontiiry (in th scriptures lor non.-ral uno.- I'ur terms mvl i-lr tiuliim. idiir-fch A. Urnliinrd, linriiord, Coun, CIEN'IS WANTED. 1-OIt n l. v n-i; o a r ," And In. if thev HVmI, louahl nml died fbr Ui ' l llloil. Will. M.etiN n,.t lnel,l..iM Inil,. 1I.....1 nd'elll'in. ' It ei'iitnlii'. over iuiiIum eniirnvlints (ind,J njes.nivl I- tu,. cpirlest nnd hihpe.t wnr hook CVtr I'ln lUhi.l. I'rieeoiilv Al ,M, s.ndfor ilieiiliirn nnd nee our term, nod full uWrlrttmi nniie Molk. Addn (.s Jl IN IX IIUI . .. I'IiIIhi'. Ipbln l-ii; t'llirlliiinlll, Ohio; Ltd cnuo. 111., or St. Louis, Mo. I if.' It ANT and'c'olpax. hook ,.irvrn VAsruD kok hdvvi.anivm (! It A X T. (melnr( vL-tnv n volume, finely lUustrate.1. One iiRent linn nolil W oiipten In fi days (Mie ient Iiiih Mild flu (nplrn In s. iln n. Cine nt;t lit tu lndy) has hold 10 eop li-n fn 2 das i We eini'lov lioueiH-iril AndoU'er cxliii liulue lil. Ills to ennv.iscln, Hi-nit for our i-ln ulnrrind lisilu our lertr.-, tnnKL-lils before eucHlnii ele. where. .1. fo., l'lihilnbers, llai (lord . CI. QENT.s WANTED 1015 i ii i: o i-' i'ui.u, rt i u i ii ii v OF THE WAIl. Its I'nuvn. r!u.mett r, Ci ndint " Kenults. Ily 1IO.V. AI.I.XA.VDLIt II.H1KPI11:NH. Its lendy nnl cointiiliinloii, iii.,l fer I lllillshed. i nililiii-1 with nn lu-ris-. t tt.c-li.-xt'ritloti o ori-.Vm ut in i: uion, l'n rt port72 nnbserihers lu time d'is, due lu itoslon. Mn . lOlbtlbserlbein In I dnrx. Send for elieultuk nnd s' our terms, mid s full detcrliitlon of tlie woiU. Ad irenn NATIONAL lUllI.lNlti:,'(l lu., 1-lu u '.ili Ida, i. rMIE 1'AliL CAMPAIGN (if Moore'i, New Yoiker, the lepillt,i nnd bilu.-t -. Iii-llliililuz ruti.l. Ilnnirv mid fninllr i er, begins u V mil ler (Vt ,1. hel,ei uur la , tbetlme liiaulHsirlb.-. I iHlitlnieeiIouoleUunllo I pnue, li.ilKtui'.i I w-it'i over u 1I07..-11 ilmtlnel 1 Deis-iittnii'llls.ineli nhlv i-ollilueled. the bent ta. I lit I t llitf II115 I' id. II , elloli will hooii bo over win ti cerydi'd In I sotti low n and counlr , vslll v.llilt tho Ino.t 1 1 , pressive, tliuely, enti-naiului; and usi fill w i'.'U'v- of 111 chisj, Slrori 'a llltrnl '1 he .-'! niiuilieo i f tills ipi.-iru l.tllct 10 .lall.tkeul 011 trlaltor , n:. ",'iiiite. Tiy tlie trial trip AdJrosa 1 1. II. T. JlllOUK, It I'.irl: Iloe- N Y or UiH-'iesuir N Y EMl. LOYMKNT. 'I'lle r.Titv work whl-li a-tttelhe ilrsLiu.i. utnrv esl-lvlo'e, Ituil Itna hei 11 iui,!. thought iirdolia ti) OCR NEXT l'KESIDENT, l A D. ftlch ir,Ieoiin jmt.s ual tiistory of 1 -4. (iranl. lee It.-.liblliitn I'nl .1 (-.numltlee al Wa hti rton riH-ouitlr.e irsiiiiiheiiih-lty and U'.a Itasiiii iiutliorlly. aeiiilliiu u-r isijih 01 11 inr Unit Ulirpos,'. TiiopressiiuivniMill.- itl-nrd alt m v. .mm ...... .. i.. ,1.1. ......... si-lid mr i-ln tibir, Ae to ULISL.t, Co Nawnrk 7 rPHE (ItlECIAN 1JEXD. v'h"t if , f-viH H i'--r 'nto n N'ntlnnal ralatn. ity. It K riui a iu-w HiIok. mniorn nnd tpeat Kic.i. A nji.ti w.ili.. iii)fufvlv lituitratf-il Si-nt l-y mall m retipt of J.'t iti Atldren tir--t-lnn lli-iid 1'uMk l-'ii Imj Hox (TC N Y. Tradr" Mlp' tl I v the Atnertnan .Nnun po 117 " iim.mii at N Y, 1000, ACiKNTS WANTJU) In till ill tM (tt tin- IT. H. I., w .11 iiitrlmmri.iut list ufiiHirly lOHidiricrtnt l.OOKH, 111 HI.I-M m1 riiiidvrnpn Albums. J.vtry lamlly miiiiIxhiuik t,,l,,S ln,1, 1L ' a'alorfiiei furnli-l.e.l U on ai- ..-. 'i : .;' ;,., v"-: -" ".r.r: tiilnlllL' tl.o Un: vUlli 1-rleeK lot vlher Willi I1U1 sheet ulul pnlllud ll(-adlnir.( fur enrolllIlK e il of li-illlt a, i . M fn e tu unv one on reeelld of .VH-U Vll 1 1 ill etil- sell !l(l lu Ivmof tlie.e l.e-ks idluosl linvwlurt. ii.r t, ruis lo ni;i nl-4 ulid other in1 -r. unit loo. 11 Idlest, .1. I-'. Potti r A Co, I'UU-a. dllrt il. nnllh.,111 St.. I'i.llHiU lliliu, l'-k. (2 K T T MB 11 K 1'. nn- I'li.ii-si: iii-'i'i'.itiNO' a Nr.w fiimiai music hook flv tl.-ilislil i tn osel, V. I . 'Im! i to his I'l.'i-llt ttlllt'V. Htlitt. Prill' Is, w. nieli V u'i a ,1'lit In I' ' 11 l-.i'lti litluli, 1.11 ell' I din out lo ill.- ' Hint ll les. lilla .V Kl, Moll's ttiui'. A. lluthfa.lisj,, . Y. : II k.4 b"i 1 lo l'ltuburyti, A LL vvatitiii).: employinent eau btivf u find bllsllnsM b Hddleaall.i; lUVi. Htid i liro.,;.-.' ,-nosotn .t., I'ldtti. WrANTKl". -To employ a uood ic-ll-TT lliihh-man in eii ry touuly tn Introdiica llli' - ll onoi 1 oi in,, ll in in, ' niiuHiioii l-miiui. hie mid i I llli'tirnt. Addl ta. J. I . 1 lltuli. I'ltta I uri'li. I'n Ql dfHA YrAlltoAKi-ntstdH-lltlip ? 1 sAJV -mi -oi ttli-s,, ivinuMiielilues KuU (arli I in, lu- meins I,. xien- i-mut uildll.a W l,ll uion , I .-si n, .vt j.a., or a.' t.otila. y. i.i l 1 1 a- yaw Of Mil' UlttJM nr tl whol pmii. .Mnlu. ,ilnl,i.iiii'Vtit tint OM y. itji.ivl tu li. 10 i '1 ite m 1 I. 1 fc 1 nl t y all tlial era and the HUifctit,, 1 i'luttCH Uktml, I'lHttuikU, 1 ' QT. J.Ol IS AM) 11U1N 3 llAHMACY ' J 't M il iti AI' t. OM f AlN hi MAa,l4U ''.t nt mlMrtwe!.nniU Hhrtuiry houi er r arm Ah. KUt I't'ii in Ihe tKinirraoi the eimrletid roudtnrtlut Kntbari1 i.uu mine Ihe tntw ptl on thv entire inontftiie. Ihe (itm-wOa t theu Unida uie add W f tu lti)reuill) tl) (ier IS.H'O.tMH.avp n F i nt en the WotMi, unci nut or lif-.ytii of Loi.o Un.d ilua l-i Ihtrtcnatnutly 1ucMsiuiuk tnutloof mirj oi-u with tbbjirofVMCt of oonlii'liitiu ail tha iiMr4 fium ht, Iioulk to the t-oml.iiii htktta, rutuib un enntinori reeni t. Iln Witt Inai n '-tw ti IDemnrk inrimtkiliulil, ai.n ait- tiittirtuc tu i urlili the i'i irty .." Melt aato mui,iiiip ti ( i-VrViVir. W.lhi)ll Allii. l'rta't. bi. 1 uim. li-. e.llio uiitU-iali'iuil t oiiliaj riton tufriiuii tia n- tn i er rent, Mortpiifce LoinU, of the HU 1 oua I lrn MuuniHin UallrtHii an a kooU atruiltj, 'Jta i it eiuie of the- road will ha 1utk atidllta aduUb .utiuLIAn nf ihe aftalra otlha (jomnanv la lu iaia 1 le and exieiienetil, and UanUtlao ti Krealekt'iyiut-dence of tht1 r ulc. Juinia H. '1 liGiua, Ma or of ht. Lrula, John J. Itoe, 1'Hfc't hi. I.otiU Cbamher of Ct.w. nitrQp. K. S . Vox, Vrefc'I hi. I u'" l-urid cf 'J rada. Hnrtoii Jiftt. tlt t i'l .Ml nit likllu ad. .1.11. lirtth'i. 1 1 1 a' i 1 ai U vt ll a r telnet U , Win. I,, 1 wl'K.I reA't.idheMir .N. II, ol M. Ion w (ito. II Uin, 1 t f i o Nnl I'Mili HIM 1 i-i Jiu I''f 1 i-u h . t.iuik t UI, llrldaai (ieo, W. Ta 1 r, i I'U' .Pk Uailu nd .of V Win. Tutu p. J'f fc'CI iH'iff Iianlt. ht. I.ouln, John 11. l.lonta rvir, i'ri. '1. K, 1 auk, hi. I AdolvlHU Ideler, Vlti I'lttv't 1', IWIIIc Ita- iy, ttol eit HarUi. rrra't.DeTiuan bavins luaitUiUt a rounoiiM I livable Hi the idii i f Nw oik. a Hui it ed nn iul'1 r of t e aiio a t.ainnV liunda Mr Miln ut I eiit-nM. l'.Mttta i uali r. in i i' I aft "t til leat.aMfthi tannin wuk Iteirtmn i I v i rri fn e nf lIip !(', W Ik vieihu utrnillon ( t I'litdtMUIa atd altera I t r.ein ia in 'iMrt'pli' u,a tti dtbiKuhUinvica i) ii di nut in rnnlt an a nr-t-'irta tocarUr, i ll(ii) i l'ainUU-ia tri, ulul lurtriuaui i n 1 a am- Ii ;it n ti lH wi m nd( Wbrlrit A t t'o No. -i 1 WuUmt r t riittiidilnhht, AKtlila of tieHl I if at r. i .uounluln It. H, Co, i 1 1 i .i i mil tmbitt liuu Co.. Uuiw i .v uiaaudCw, u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers