t i fie .. .1 '-V xi i .' a. VOL. ! NO. 38. BLOOMSJ3UIIG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1868. I'ltlOK-FIVE CENTS, Wypi w III IU Ifvlllk laooMsmmu iiiuiicrtiKV. STOVKS AND TINWAHk! . .i-nil MlTr. iloAlcrlllftlfiWKA llnwiuo. Main .1 Jit.. IllMWr OIHIH 1""IHU. l-llll . i itd'CUT. slow, nhtl tliiwillu. llllltrrl A iiimk. MiihiM.. "f MiiiislI. vl-nii CLOTHING, AO. l l,l)Wl;NUl'.l!0, iiimliiiiittnitiir, Muln !M I). IfKirulmvu American liou-ii', l-nll ,1 er'lii i-liiihlliK.i'ti-."; lliutnmn'n Imllilllij, Muln wtli'rt. ' ' DHUOS, OllKMtOALS, AU. I S. MOYiai, liniKUm jM4uiiii;olliekAIiilii it. o tnVI'll tlniirLrlHL niiil iilHitlifi'lllV. llX n I'. I.VTZ, liUKitlit unit iiit1irairy, I';. Iilni.lt, Muln M I'll nf Mill In t. Ittiitcrt I-ul! CLOCKS, WATCIIKS, AC, i ntm tiKKNMIAUl', watch nml clock m.-dtcr. 1 1, WHICH HIl'l l U " li ill." ncr Malniind IrniiKtH.vlMili IJ III r MOUthtMl-itt'tH II' r.i i. HAV'Adi;, leuh.r III duclls, uuli-litd nml '"' M..I,. ..i. liikl. hi' nn- Aliu-r i-iill ' l-llll II III VI ili'.Mir.wiililiiinilclmlt mailer, .Market n. i.i.v.M.iln. vl.nl.l HOOTS AND SItOF.S. ,i I inrnW, li"l.iiiul h'iuiiial:ci',Muliilri''t (,, V ito Court llouio. vl-nii i (ot.l.llllDU.inniiiir.U'llili i'iin.Ulralc rllil H A- mm lims,Miilnst., npiiilli KnlscsiimUliiiicli ill NltY Kt.l'.tM iii-iiiiiliirttin-r anil ili-iilrr In I I mi ii it. It nil hill lu u nil . un i-1'..i.' ........... Inil'4 Mill" st, vl-nll .-iti inn", l nit nml fclinentalcrr, Muln St., I )'l.el'iw llnrlinnn'H Mini-, wiut orMiirltetMii-i-t. PROFESSIONAL. I It l-:v.VNrf,JI. 1. Mirciiiniui'lrlijkli'taiinciiith , mj.i Main M Imlim Mnrktt. " Dl!. It, r. Kliuii-y MiraciHi ik'iilltt, tictlii'Mii;; ! ulilmut pain. Main ht., Hourly .iiipnitti; l.pl .ipa. I'liillcli. vt-nl'l j 11. MKr.t,VYr M. I). rw an.l lliyl,''" , lioi Ui nlilo Main hi., Ih-Iuw Mlll-kbl. vl-nll I i IttfH'KH. M. 1). mirumn anil l'liyMcto", tf Mitrlo'tM., nlmiu Main. l-tm ill. II. I- Iiusviut, Mirji-mi iwiiiii, .'iiini I I ,.,,nrl Imtisi'. V1-1H1 Tl. ItOIIIfDN, AlKiriK'.V-lll.l.ilW.OIlli'" ""''h ... i.iiIIiIIiil'. MiiillMllul. vMl.ll nit. H. 1". CllAl.l';AN'r,llilltT-t, Mam : mw Market. Suet il.mr in Dr. l.vuiii Mam M., MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. M ISU I.I.II. llAltlCLUY, milliner, ltiunwy Inllluttii!, Main st Villi. Ml A. I. 'i:lllt, r.uu'y Kiiixli, lintloiii, Iii1:h, KUtlonery, norlli hll Malnistieet lielow Mnr- l.it, I"'JL n l'lrrilltMAN. inlllhu'ry anil fancy snrU np IV i..i-lti Kplsi'iipalelnircli, Malnn. vl-nlt MIW. .Il't.IA A7"tSAli: ll.MlKI.lrt. laities ,l I'luaksanil ilnw patliTiu, noutho.itit I'linn r Main nml lt, v'-"" iiImh MTiTiTuiVICKKOV, nillllnery nml rincy IIkhikIh Malntil.,iilipnHltB Oairt lliiilw. M-llll MRt. M. H. I'liltMAN, milliner. Milium.. Iwluw llari nmii'H uliire, nl or Mmkotn. illlll'. MIKSIN HAIt.MAN mllllniry ami laney 1 K'xxH.MuIn MU'i tJllt U-lnw Alnirliall """J"'- HOTK1.S AND SALOONS. II.lIAt'Of'KovHtfr iiinl unthiff wnlomi, Amtil-i-nii Uoui, Main Kt., H.Uter i-iiciK-k Min-iln Itlull'lll. v 1 -1 1 1 iril.MYi:U A lAUOltY, coiifcclionry, tKiUirj, nml ovhtiT nullum, wliuk-MiIotUHl retail, Ks i huht; hliK'lc, Main st. v l-nll IIOX A WI'IIU, I'tnifoctlonciy, liftkcry. nml nvs y tt r viliMdi, whultsiili- ami h tall, Iiilit ht., Just I it-low linn. l-lll.t HXt'II WOn llOTIU. hy ICoons i'; Clailc, Main li tI.i njiposllo I'oillt linilsf i MI. A M., Mist of 1 1 nil htli-ct. l.itMllCM IlUTKL, ty U.W.M.LULlt,r.isLi'na Of V Muhiht. 1 STOlINI'.It, it-n t aliment salooii.M.iiii st.,Just , uhnvo court lum-i. vl-nU I'Df , uTti'xliim ut hllloull, 1'x vl-nri 1 chalice lmii'l, r U. OlI.T.MOItK, ii tii-hlunint haluoii, Khhi-'R t) block nmth sliUi Miilut-t. vl-ul I JIMKC'I I AN'I'ri ANI) ( 1 1 tOOKUS. " Ii JAfilis, roi'Nv-nuiicry. tiiutvi It'M i-tc Muln i Ktiilovt ("out t llmmi', vl-nlO 0 I' MILM'Ut, ilcalcr In dry muihN, t'loci-ric, n (in nswnri', Hour, m 11, Miot, iirttinii., tic. 1 Uauiiu block, Malnnhcfl, vl-al.t MM"f.VV N)!AI A- Co., ili-olpn in dry nioU, Uimcrk's, Hour, t( fil. halt, iMi, liuu, nnlN. tt., noilbcn.st miier Mum mm M.ultet t-t. 1-tilt ir r.iiuwi:i lialHiind r.iii-,lioitH and llMCM, tl Main Kt above I'miri Jlinivt1. init C( . MAllIt, dry isotuN mid notion, -mni-r Main and Iron Mh. soul Invest vl-nW J. HU()Vi;tt. dry oodi, nocrrks, elc, , ui-HL ronuT Main mid Jrou s(h, norlli- l-ll!t 1)1 A, A. II A It I'M AX, AKcnt.tliy KHd, linllons, mitiru Rooms. 1 1 iiii'i cruci'i if Mil 1 1 1 Kl..oimidlu L'oriul'K l-nll HII. HtTNHUKItUUIl, fimeiit.) Krnccrk's.tobac . co, and I'untoctionarj , Main ht., opposite l.liMOial Clitiuli. l-nll A, HI H'KliUV, K'yhtotinhhoetloi t IiooUm mid i, nuiuuiiuryi M)innt s corner Mmkttt and VlOlli TTTTILMAM KUAMITH, conrectlontrleK, vv M., mar Ihu ralliojid. , Main vl-nia ,i MKNOll.N'IIAIdKf-iicraUtoolc or imtchun li. dl.se and luiuU-r, loiner ui Muln hlicclaml lu-i wick load. v I n I't I .1. ItOIllllNS.dtalcr In ilrvpoiMUKU'L-i Itift". tl hil4-"K block, MnlnM Jii-low loll Vl-lili K, OlltTON, (Ji-iM'cik" a. I'niMUniH, houib-th-al coiner Muln und Iron htieetH, vl-nll W. SNYlH:it, Imidwaie 1 Main hl below lion, cutler;, , guiiK, elc., vl-nl.t I .f. SLOAN, (kali rln choice ill v ti House- A Iff 'plun(jioilh, trcBh K'ot irk'N, etc., tic hi., opp(w,ltn n urt house. , Mil I U v-tn 1. 1 K. KYKU, moi-ertcH nnd yem nil nu-rcliundlvt - Main ht., iiIh)o West. 1-nlJ 1 T. SHAltl'kKSM, diy L'oodk. nroctrhn. boot I J, hhoe:i,etr Ituntil block, Muln hi., wtst i Market. vi-nll (t ( ItAMKU A A, i:. IIAYIU'IisT. DinfcMln U, Uioierk'H. onk 1 thmciUH it ml Notions, Scottown. houlh hkle, Uo doors ubovo Ihobst'x wnuonniuHcr hhop. v'.MiK n W. COltri-It. lurulluie roomn, Ihuo wtoiv VI. hrlult on Main ht., ht of Mhi ki t ht. Nuii W J. THOIt.N'ION. wall pancr. window hbadcM. i j. and lUltuiH, Unpen blocK, Main ht. vl-nll HUOi;NSTtHK, phologiaphei, HxchanKo , block, Maliiht,, oppokllticouit laaise, lnH I 1'. IlUOAiri'. nhotouiui.her. lliirlionn'H bulhl J lnunoilheahlcoinei Main and Mai ktl ht. l-nll 1 .1. IIIJU.K.MAN, Agent Muiuon'.H Copper 'in IV bulur LluhlnlnUod. vt!nl' r it. I'l'ltSKU,, Middle, trnntt and liamesM tf maker, Main fct below couit, Iiouko. vl-n Hi t' VuHTl'.H, Uluo Maker, nnd While and lancy W. Tauner.hcoltown, vl-ni7 HU)()MrtIlUU(l I.UMlllIH CO ninmiractuieii uuddealiru In Lumber, of all klmU, planlim mill near the- inll-rouU, vlMil") T .1. IlIl)Lr.MAN,haddIeiind liaruchH main r, li , near huiuuw i hi coiner itun una ahum i hi. I-m i UMI'MAV. innibtH nillih. littir hOLllhuct A. coiner Main nml Muikit bin, luii l H.lUN(lLLU,diidr In lanoiit oipiiiN and 1 1 iiK.buli niiM.iit (1. U. I 'di dl'Mlui nit ill e looniM VlOiM rn H,MASTi:ilH, agent for (Iiom v A llakcr'- 1 . Kfwhiir iui(-hliif. Muln ht.. Huitman blind- llM, UP HtllllH, Vl'llH lumnivw iinitni- ib nUr hccond itoorn'om ), iimlhweM ciirncr Main and lion his, vi'iiw I'HACOCK. Notary Vublle, muthcast corni i U Main nnd Markot fet. MU. I UN A. I'TNHTON, inutual und caMliTaUw lln I in tiri.iuMt coim iLiiv.noitlu-uHtcoiner Main nnd We-tM, vl-ltll fti:nilfin IlAHKinn'.tnnuuractuicr nml repiUi i er of tliiching iiuuhlms.Snmpteit Co'kM. chine Hhop.l ant lllooimbuig, vlu I H, Kl'l'K. dealer in meat Ifllow, etc, Hkih 1 ocriuvft ii'iey, nunc oiAineiK u noiie, vim CJAWVF! JACOVY, Mm'le nml I rownSiono O Wnikit,I''HtlltloouiBhtiipll(cru iclcroad, vlu!7 NAV.HAMl'I.KAl O. MiuhlnlKlH.rjihtlllooms . tutu nuir taliroud. CiihtltiL-n made at whort Uceim hUtty invitt- and n putrid, vli-ni OltANOHVILLi: DIIIKOTOUY. I xlt. I). A. .MP.dAIKII'.l., pliyKlrlnn nml mnromi nieiin, W-IU7 1 .'Illlll fl., Ill'Al IllMjr HI llflUUH lllHI'f. llllll'li IIO'ir.1. mill rrfreslilncllt Milium, hy 1) IM. Ilvcretl. r-or. of MallinlKl Pine tit.vlli 17 SWAN ItoriX, the upper liontn liy Jnlin Hny. ilcr, .Main htalniv' I'lne. vlMii; I) l-C. HI.UAX, ilealer In ilry kimnIi. Kruci rles, luinl'i r anil Kenr-rnl Merelimnliio Mnln hi. nl'.illtlli; l,AAllt1H,initilli' nml liarhcKH maker U Main U, abuvu UiuMmiiii llutcl. V 1 -1 1 1 7 U II. SMI Tit, inaniiractiirer nf tin wnro nml 1 1 . iii'i1 atcr in Min'd eti'. nhnvo '.lie Hmiiii Iliilel. VI-1117 I .t II. W. C(ll,i:.MAN, Merchant tallnr nml i. (IciiTh tnriilHhlim L'nmttt, ,talliHt next Onnr tn llio lirlelt Imtel. VI-IH7 MH. Il.VvitUllsi'.CIncki, Watchc, and dun, , lepalri'it. Onnintnl W'atelii'H lor Kale, Main M., helniv Tine. vlnl7 I A.MMH II. ll.U!MAN.7'iibiliot Maker, anil Un ,1 ilc rt.ikcr. .Main HI., helnw l'lne. vl-1117 MICIIAr.I.l-. Ul:i.t,i:u, (.inrectliiiii-ry, nyip n Ac. ite il'IneHt., Iwtwci ll Main lilul Mill, il II. AC. Ki:i.(.'lt.l:lt, Itlaeloiinttlii, mi Mill Mlctt, near I'lne, Vlnl rIM,IAMIli:r.ON'0,SliiK iilaliermnl niMiura. 11 tiller nr Jlrlclt, MlllKt.,wi"itiirl'lne Mill') l.ll.tAH HNVIH:i:,rl(itir"anir HrlsT Mill, nmi ll Uiulerlli maln,Mlllbtlei.t. vl-1117 I liWl.-l II. SCIIUyi.l:it, lion foimiler.Macliln IjM, nml Maliitlacliiieriif ploiw, JIIU Ht.vl-ll 17 MII.KH A. WII.MAMU A Tatinelsnlul Mnn- il lir.Klllli mollillllier, .Mill Htleet. VI-IU7 toii.s Ki:i.i.r.u, Hunt iiiiil Hhot-itiaker. l'lna .) Hlrett, iippoillu tin) Acadeiuy vl-1117 I It. lli:lM!!N(l A llltllllllllt, Cnrpentel'inliil 2. Itllllilerx, Main stleel, lielnur I'lne. Vl-llll CAMITi:r. MllAIiri.Dhl, Maker ortlie Itaj liurst l3 llitun t'raille. Malnist. -n.". I M. IIAItMAX, sailiJln anil ltnrnc tl Orati'ellle, oppoiltn rralnu elnirch. maker M.'nll wtiunnHWmawnMRHMWMMMW CATAWISSA DIRIWTOKY. cjUSiil ANNA or Uriels Hot rl.S.Kostebuudcr ij tuonrlctoi-, south-cast comer Main and Hecoml hluet. vMll'J )H, CIttlAHV, dry pood, liruccrk'K, and pon , cin I Mcirlinndlsi', Main htiect, vil-nl- S l), lll.NAUP, dealer in stoe mul tin-wai-e. , Malnstieit. 2nu lf M. H. AmtUrr, attorney ut law.Maln Street. v-'-m-' I illdllUir iV KMNi:, diyKnod-, Kincetlci, nnd Vi Kdirral iiieich.indhe, Iuln Street. 'J-nlJ KKU.KU, biltl.ird h.doou, oysters, , cicaui 111 hCUhou M till Mieot, and Ice t- DAIJ.MAN.Meicliaut Tailor, nubbin liuildhi. Second St., vJ-nlf. Surgeon und l'liyslclan, 1 aacn nd St., buluw Main. VK-llli II. KISTI.IUt("CattuwUallousiV,NortliVe.t .Corner Main and Second streets. x 2-ti I MM. llltOIIST, ilealer In (leneral Mereli.iii.llx , liry tjumls, (Jroeerles A.o. vJ-n!1 LKiIIT STUEET DIUECTOUY. )i:'J'i:iC UN"!', dealer In dry goods, groceries, Hour, leid, halt, tlsh, Iron, nails, etc., Utiht Mrect. llil I TIMtWII.UOMt, I and L'tiafunaUcr. Cabinetiuaki-r, Undcrtakt r l-uld lllaekmiiltli, opiioiltB pot l.n Hi. til lice. MV. DMA, h1h tl M O.MAX ,t Co,, WlicelwrlglitH ilrst iloor vl-nlil I1011I lioue. Mlts.i, tillllllii'ry anil l.mey uoiiiK I'lllO I W'.MAXKIIV, ili'iller In Leiilllel I etc. L'asll pa I'l tor Illilen, ., Hulk, vl-nlii r.M. M, l:NT. ili alerlll htmes un.l lln Male. In all its hran. lies. vl-nl'l JOHN A.OMAN', innlmfnctmm' ami uialer in himti ami Klines. vl-nill. 1 .1. I.l:lsi:tt, I, li. Kins 1 am' riijMcinii. ) Ullke lit Kelli l's llutcl. Ml.7 ESl'Y i)H!i:)T(IUY. ISI'V STIIAM ri.DUIUNll .MH.i., L S. I'nw ler, ll l'ruprli'lor. vt'nll I) I-. ltllMllIAr.l), Alllto., ili aklsliHliyumiils, 1), ur.M'elles, ami utni'l.il lntleluunllse. M-tlll I 11. CAl,l)Vi:i.I, ilealer III illy !')"'1. i;i'"eel - 1. leh, ituefiisivaie, haul rt are, !!li, h.itt, nalN, eli- etc., I211II n W. CDUAll, Hilsniielianmil'lanlia; Mill ami J. Hon Mllinl.ictor. vlSnll JEUSK'T()VN IMitECTOUY. I NIlIIKW M.MUMi.-I,. j eel a".. ii'Mln, Htlii'ier lealir In ilry ciiuils, ku. etc., .Ii'tveylown. vl-n i', Al'OII A. -WIHlIi:!!, ilealer 111 lll.les. Leather llarl: ete. .Mailhson lira nslilp Colunihla counl v a, vl-nlii tAl'T.HAMl'Kli UIM11Y, MiulHon Holel, Urn. els aii'l MrnnKeiK eiiieriiuneti, JUICKHOUN DIUECTOUY. (i. a ; . li. SH01:MAK1:k. dialer In dry dl go. hh, eioi'trh1 and lcuciiiI meicbandle. toiu in Houtn end oi uwn. v--nn. ACOlt A WM. HAUUIS, deak is in drv i!oo.N( gUK'ciics.itrugH nnd mencines. i iti mmmi north cud 01 tow n. mm mil in nirinin iwii nr HOTELS AM) SALOON'S. JXCIIANOK HOTKl, Jil.OUJlliLHU.lOlJU.MUl.V I.I.J,, I .V, 'Hie umkinlKtied Imvltu; pnrchaj.ed this well- known audi 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 , -htejitPdlmusu.th" Kxchane Hotel, hltuide on M A I N STlt 1 'A '.T, 1 ll Uloomsbuig Immediately oppoliH t he Columbia county Coin i HOUhC, HHpeCtlllllv illicit III meir iiitiuis mm urn m one ill Keiicini iiini. uieir iiuuu ih mow hi mua or tho ici cotton und cnlertn In incut of haveller who luiiy be ilkpostd to l,ior it xuth their cus liiin. 'iliey haohpinednoexpensoln pieparimi tbei;chaUL'elortheculfibilnnient oltbelrBiiestM neither hhalt theie be mi) thlnii Hunting on (heir an 10 uiuiiMcr u incir p ihoutu couiion, i ncv ioiim Ik soiiclous. and eiiioVH an e.M client laiil ni'hs locution. (Hiinibiit.es i mi nt all iiiuch nctwien inei.- linn.... II, ,1.1 ..n,! ll,.. vn.liiiiy liillni-iil il.tluitt. I)V which imvellciH will be nlcin.unllv coiuevedto and Mom the leKpecllve hlatlmis In tine limcio 111 1 I 1111 II I n. Ivi'Wii" u I IJ.tlllti Uloonuhui';, Aplll :j, ISilX. jOUIv'tS UOTKL, lu-.uuiui v, .MAi'ui-.u, iropiieioi. Thoidneo wi lbl;no ti hotel Iiuh recent ly undt t iiuo iiui"ioen.iin;eN in iih niu i urn arraueun oi. and Km nr, orb toriuinouticcr lohlx tonucrcusloui mid tho ttnwlllim public thai IiIk iicconiod.it hms i lor lliecuiuioii hi Ms gtichtsniehccomi to nomt in tho ( mint ry. II table u 111 aluaj n be loiiud hup jdled, not only Uih nnbstaiillal ltod, but with all ' IIIO lieill IU'm K I ll I IIC kCHKOIl. II S Wl UCH lllul 11. nuort (cm'i pt 1 1 .it L popular heeraio known a ,dVcA-'o"),puichaeidIiecl tioni the Jul port lug )iouKCH,aio eniMciy puie. and live Horn nil po NoiioiiMdrims. Ho Mhan'dul lorn liberal pat ion ngo in the paid, ami continue to dccio it In tboiuiuie, u!'ahuI' , iAl'tn;i, jXoilANuh KAU)Un7 l MH jTopricioroi ine i.xciinugoruioouunK now on hand a large htock of SUMMHIl ULriinsiIMKNIS, COUMlHtlUg Of HI'll'KU OMlbUH, HAUPINt, 1 li I I'll:. liOI.OU.Nb HllfKI'-loSnilK, UOII.KIi HJ(1H, HWi:iTZKIl i'KKI-wl ' I,Ail-;U HKKIt, AIjK, VC. comi: oni:, comi: all and si;i;. i.a LAWSON CALMAN. Supcrlutciideiit, Illoouihbnig, May it, IW. MMin KKl'Y IlOTICh, IPY, I'OI.UMIIIA I'Ot'NTY, PA. Tin: vubMci lbcr rcHocrtfiillv inloiniwhU frleudx and the tuibMo. that he Ihin taken the itboe will liiiouii iiout in i nieuniniiuni, ami uu ie pkiiHcd to rM'.lo the nihtoin or all ho will hi or htm wii a mil. HT, WlTtl KKIll A on TA11LP, ii I.itrwell hlodcetl with tho bcht of Llnuoiw, and ci IV llloit Will be liiiide to under eutlm KitU lactiou, C, H. DIL'nPttlt'H, V.ly, Pa Aplll 12, IdW, 'oPN(il VII M , COLVMIIIA COPNTY, PA, rnwAiU i vruKTT, ritopuir'nut. Uiivmif 1'ilteil .ifi'-hch' Ion til Ibis Wlll"kllOWi 1111:141' hoh lujttlv Saiolu 1 1 t rett, tho Pro nrlet irha puilnltpc maiicuticpntrnudtuinlkli id I Alt M I API 1 11 will tliechokihtlliiUorN und newcNl dollcuchy. HU btuble U nut extelk-a Inlhocoi nty; und no pnlin will bo Bpuitd tn ccuiuhku4Mi tcuuhtM (upra m. rn r.T ? am tttvt n r a at M I'UIlLISltKt) KVFBY Flit DAY MOUNINO AT iii.ooMstiruo, im:x.'. TIIKprlncIple of thin paper are of the JeHVrnoii tau Pcboolor pollllcH. TIiobo principles will never becompromKedct coiirtoy nnd ltlniltics htil not bo forgo It en in dlseuydnj; them, whether with IndlvlduiiN, or with contemporaries of the l'rc&t Tho unity, liapplnoHs,niid prosperity of the cotin try Is our aim nnd object! andaJi the men tin to scent o Hint, wo nhiill labor hotully and carncntly for tho lmimoi)y,HUi'cenH and growth of our otpui latlon, Tkiimh oi'SUnacmrrioN! Two dolUiH year If paid In advance. If not paid In advance hui dolUru and llfly cuiIh will lolulabtytlinied. T Kit ms OFAnvniiTifliMi: Ont'wquaie(Un Huts or lem) one or thtco luseitlons !I,V); inch .subsc iin.ul Imtillou cttil. sr.vn:. One sqiiaie Two HciuaicH Thrco MmaicH.. I'our Mjtiareu Half column One column 1M. . n.nti ,. 10,011 ,. li.Oll 2M. flM, tM, IV f:t,) ti,ii 0,(11 ; nix) fi,IKI 11,111 n.itt n,iw N.txi Klkl II,(IU ia,ix) 'JV' V' WO "Vi .vym KV Kxecutor'H nnd AdmlnNlrator's Kotlcu 6J,(jO; An dltor'M Notice SJiO. Olhor ndvertlscmintM Inser ted arcoidhiK tocpeclal contmct. Huslncss not Icck, without ndvertlspmcnt, twenty cenli per line. Transient mlvertlsemenN toynblt In ndvnncc n!I otherH due alter tho Und Insertion, It In, In uftcaAei, more Ilkelv In be sail h Vic tory, both to mihscrlbers and to the 1'ubllrdiern, that rein lltauccH nnd all communication, retprcl In the bntlncsHof thepaer. bo sent direct to the olllceof publication. All IctteiK, whether rclatlmr to tho editorial or business concerns nt the paper, and nil pnymentt for Hiibscrlptlons, ndvcrtlsttiK, orjobblng.nio to be made to nnd addressed imocKWAY & nux.i:, "CWlOrifcfTII ihjtt f," Kl-OOMIHt'lMJ, I'V, Printed at IlobNou'w Uulldhia, near I ho Court HouKe, by C. M. VANUKItlt.K i:. BUSINESS CARDS. I I on PlilXTINO NVallv I'.iicuteil nl this Olllee. JI. 1VKIiliK, A T T O It N ll V - A T -1. A W, Alilan,l, Sehnj Iklll County, lVnn'a. M. TUAUOll, ATTOUNT.V-.VT-liA W, llerislck, Coliimlila County, l't im'n. rihMAM 11. AIJIIOTT, A TTI1 11 N 1 1 Y A T-I, A V CATAWISA, 1A. A I' TO UN i:y AT I. c. A V , onli'i'Wllh 11. II. I.lttle. In hrlel: hiilMlmj nil Jiilnini; l'nl 1 1III11-. A.i-r.ounlli I Im k.l'av nml I'l'ie-I"!! enl In teil. i,ep'Jli'ir7, JOHN (!. KllKK.ni ATTOItN i:y-at-i,a w, lllllre In lUi'Mer ntul lleeorilei's oillei', In Hie Ivlvenieut nt IheCiiillt llmise, llliMniislnilu, I'd. It A TTOU N i: Y-AT-I. A W OIIli'i miner nl Main a 11I Maikit stieitK, over rirst Natlmial Il.nil;, )tluom,inii'i;, l'a. irT 1. itt hi:, A T T It N 1: 1 - A T -1 A Y, Oillco 011 Main stici t, In lrU!. btillditu below ibe i 'ourt House, Ilhmnifbmt;, I 'a. Q li. IUtOCICWAY, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, IlLOOMSIU'Ufi, PA. OTT OFI-'K'i. Court House Allej below the Cii (.lanriiT. A. u c t i o n ic i: a. irnvlnu follnwetl the oiof.'Aslno I Public Vendue Ciler for many j eai, ufuld bdonu bis irlemlH uiai no is hint in ine iiem, ieao nun iniuio attend toall the iliitle.-) ot lib calling. Persons desiring his hervlu-M hhould call o: Mlie to him nl Itlooiohburg, Pa, iiiiih'(!7. YU. W. II. HUADLKY, " (Lale Ahoistaut Medical Director i t. Aimj,) I'll YS I (MAN AND H V UOHO N, i-(Mtlceat the houso n(ipowlte HiUe'i IlltKk, Itlouiusbiug, Pa, Calls piomptty ntteudeil to lioib nut and bi. I11ooniKbu-u, .Ian. ). I Sir:. .1. II. PlTUSKh, HAUNKSS, HAIUH.K, A.NH fill NK MANl'l'AtrjL'lHMt. and ihuk'i In cahpi;t-ha(ih, valisks, ply-nkis, ll'TAl-U KOUKS, JlUKbK-ni.A.NKKIh ,U., whkh he Icels contldcnt he can sell at lower tale lhau anv oiner person in ms (ouutij. l.t iindne. lor MiurhtKcs. hnop uim (lofirniiow ine rotn untce .Minn 1 SI l Nov, li, tN7 I, ItlOOIIlSOUIg, I'll. s. r A S H 1 0 N A 1( li: HUAViXd, U A I It CUTTINd AM' SHAM PO01 NO SALCON. 0cr Wldnmycr A Jacoby's In Cieam Suloon, IILOOMSIIUIKI, PA, Hair Djeiim and Whbkcu cohmd black or mow n. Hair 'lonletoihslioy daudruiriiiul beau tltj lug tlie hatrt will rthtoiu hnlr to Km original color wiimmi honing ine nut hi 111 one, consiunuy on nuiio, iupria , D X T I H T 11 Y 11, c. howi:r, ii:ntist, IteHiHi tfullj otters hU piofes4onal ki 1 vices to iiie lames aim guiuiciu 11 01 jiionmsourg mm vi ..I. .It.. II.. (u .,iui.iir.l ti itl..t..l tn .ill if... . ..1 mis opeiatlons In the Hue of bis piorehlon.nmi Is piovldcd with the lab st Improved Poncri.AiN 11 ITU WIIK'll will HU iimriii-ii 1111 iiiiil jUHllUtl, killi 1 p noil 1 11 1 il 11 i' bnsit to look n H v ell iittt Im tun. iiinllccth, Tielh eMiiutid by all the new-und most uppioM d utcthodN, nnd ull op nil lorn mi 1 lut l. . lb ( iiiclullviitid monel l.v atlcmled to. llcNldcncu and oilhe a n w iIoihh nbovo the Coll it lloiibP, snine hiuc. ItloouiMhuig, ,Iiui.:'l.'usif nownnit k?:oh and lumimmi ,L 9 W.-MtMONUOIIJlCO.. Hupeit, Pa., , Mnnufaclureiii or POWDLltKHUS. anddealiiH In nil kinds of LUMIUUt, give 11 ot Ice thitt they nit) picpaied to aceuliiod.ite Ihi ir cuhtom wllh dlfpKlch, and on Iho cheapest erniK, H () II H H 11 V U U, P A. 'rim iiinleritlciii'il unidd reu ist fu 1 1 lnlorui th liuvelluu luibllo thul ho ha puiihuhcd und u titled in the btiht manner tlio old htand kirmir iKiuniiiiliullivU'. A. Kllmi illidlbiLt lit) Im HOW pit paled in accommodate his n lends with all tho I'OItlloriH 10,10 cuii vriuriii.v"i i 1 in "t iiutrt Allnonevv phi 11 nn net u mini ana inu huiiouu dluus phictil in perfact order. Tho bur will nl uiimiIii. ktncki il wllh I ho choUcMt llouorii nnd el uuiH, and tho luble lurnihd with thu brat the liiMkel alhutU, JAHl'.H V. ( i 11 J .A Si CI 11. July a,-u3n (Choice goctvy. T1IU IAHT INSULT TO VALOH. A HtMrt.n port AimnnMitn to itt( mlttilat- VU rJEMlVi'-aoMHFR!. HY A HOY IN It LIT H. Alai I poor wounded comrades, Did J on think your work wan done When 3011 crawled homo nick und ragged, From the Held your prowem won? Sit you Ht 1 1 1 nrc held to er a And 11 n clow ns of faitlou'ri ring, Vllfr trallorH than you comiutred I.j lug Im 11 ads hid y 011 slug. Toiler forwurd on jour erutchec, With) our empty coathteevcH come, (lurry up your shot torn bodies At tho tup of Hhoddy'rt drum. Though your limbs, to prop tho Union, You gave freely, that was nnught; Split jour tin oat tohono thohcuuudrch Who weio Rteallnj; whllo you fought. To tho blunderer of Vienna, To tho thtcfof Now Orleans, And to on-to-ltlchmoud Orcclej. Shout icitatlo lo Pieaiis I Hwludkrs, imhtclle", and cowunW Claims jour voices, Votes, nnd muiIs; Hu-sh your ranks thu woid Is "Music," And Thad St en 1 calls the rolls. Will j u luuu thcho men for masieis ? Shall they lead 5 ou.thiough the land. Liken caravan of monkeys Taught to enpernt command? (lallant hemts, whoso victor thumlcr. At Antletnm Mhook tho wkks, Wilt you ylorlfy tho ucgio, And ghu luilody to lkh? Mako uply jou hhatleied heiois Against Hcbel cannon iluug Ity our hof t hhell AlcxanderM And motlc Cu'sars cast tn dung? Tell your White-livered InsulteiH Uythofiodof llattles, Nol That the star or War'n grand theatio Cannot twinkle In tin Ir show I Willie on login u ho shaed j our mtlons Putties ehok-eot f.ior i.ttt, Speculation f.iims your muscle, L.ite the Uulons'.s living wall. It reused In motley tobohlnied at, And by Mildldgtccd kept iluwn, Yoiijust lho by carrying bundles Ll cried lackejs of the town I Till the win Id my labeled luinradiF, What it. turns per wiek jou bring, To thu Itndlcals whohluvo jou, l-'or whoso chief you're asked to sln; How they giudge jou metigio wages, I low I hey i itten on your sweat ; And what cause j-ou hae to waiblu On the pltli.uces Jou gil? Tell the wm Id Potomacs Vtti-iaut, WltoMigiiiillnglj wire ghui Leave to l.ilior f.ji the Nation, III Ulnco 1111411.11 d J oil hud nit Hell, Whal j our luskiu.isli'iK decided, Winn their npies Ihu tidings bear Th.it jou niiuut to otoeymour And the tinnj'i Idol, lllalr? How titey d.imiud jou und dtsehaic'ed j on, Wltti 11 malice boin of hell. Ik eu lo-e hearty ote, und concleneo At their beck j ou would imt sell And O t don't toget to mention How your ballots under heal Scut from ll k'h mond for JPC'lellau, Stanton's tools were hired toMe.d 1 Hae we lost mil 1 inhls, hvw e hi others, And Isthls Indeed the end To bo outcast In the country Wo 1'iillbtcd. lo defend? Shall thubliutcH who tm Ic lo trtason Till the lldeol battle tinned, With the holp of Noiihcrn hharperf, Uule the m.L whilu wenrohpurucd t Let us answer In Now nier. As tine men should answer knaves; Ah the luattyred dead Would answer, Could the quest Ion pierce their gravi s, Let us show the bio ited upstarts, Who by black otcshopoto reign, That the Union wived by hulkls, 1Vi wltli ballots will sustain. wtMamMnMWWMivMniiMuaMMHii Zbirtccn Years Ago. In 1S.',1 Mr. IliU'liiiimn was MinMpr to ICiikIiuuI. Capt. ( li'iiro 11. JlcCli'l lan was detailed 011 hcerut hurvlfo in tlio litirlior of Cuba, under instruction-, from the Secretary of Wnr. Gen. Quitman, l.ietit. !eauret;ard and others were plot ting tlllluiHtcritif,' ralda uain.st tliu U land, for which tho government toon alter made .111 oiler of i?l,U(iO,(Jlil). 1'ar- 011 llrownlow lmil wrlltena savage let ter in tlio defence of blavcry, and was challenging Northern clergymen to dis pute Its dlvlno authority. Clerrlt Smith, Dr. Howe. Henry Ward lleecher and a few hundred others, were doing a unlet and limited business over thu under- round railway. John Drown had not yet left Ids farm in tho northern wild. n ohiviiru individual, remembered by 1 few as having oneo represented the Sangamon district, 111., in the Hou-e, andonpinid tho Mexican war in awk ward, ingenious and extremely unpop ular argument, received tt few compli mentary votes for Vice l'loidcnt in competition with Sir. Dayton, tho 110111 hue. Captain U. S. Grant, hardly sin- pi'cted of being nil ox-army ulllvur by those who bought moliKius or corihvood of him, was generally taken font steam boat captain temporarily stranded by a stro.-rt ot ill lurk, or who hardly had re ijultltu energy and pluck to sucwd hi a bu-ilne.-s iMlling, ami had, therefore, collapsed into .1 .speculator In uudtie, V, T, Sherni.m was teaching ecliool lu l.oui-aua. Generals Sickles, liutleraiid l.ogaii were lough-aud-tuiuhhi Demo cratlc lawyers of miiiiu uotoiiely. Two ot the mo-it priimlueiit and promising olllcers of our little army were Colonel Albert Sidney Johnson and Lieutenant Hubert II. I.ee. lhief as Is thu period "iiico then, we have but two men In ollkial life. Mr. Seward ami Mr. Chase whoso pronilneucu has not either been created or overthiowu during this eventful epoch. J'tttn(m'.i Muyastiit. , pi. iied lu his hands alter tho record A R'liooi.MASTiiu, after giving oneol which he has made. Ami the only prac his pupils a sound drubbing for speak-1 ileal tendency of that part ofthospeeeh lug bad grammar, sent him to tho other of the Senator Irom Ohio would hu to cud of thu room to inform another boy , Induce thu President to assign hint- tin that liu wished to speak lo him, mid at active command. This I cannot con- tho sauio tlmu promised to repeat the doso If lie spoke to him uugrammaticd - ly. Tho youngster being iiulto tatl-lled wltli what ho gut, determined lo be ex act, and thus addressed hlsfellow pupil: " A common nibslnntlvo of thu mascu line gender, singular number, nomina tive case ami In an angry mood, that sits perched upon the eminence nt thu other end of thu room, wishes to artic ulate n few sentences toyou in the pres ent teu-e." AN olHcor who was luspictliig Ids company ouo morning spied onu pri vate wliosojhlrt waswidly begrimed. "Patrick O'Kllim," called out the captain. "Here, yor Honor!" promptly re- upended Patrick, with hand to Ids cap. "How long do you wear u shirt thundered tliu officer. "Twenty-elijhl Ineies lony," was tliu lejoliider, SENATOR HARLAN ON GRANT, xt'ixrii or pr.NATon iiaiu.ax Arrm, MATOKVor IIIIANT'H MIMTAltY IN COMI'IITIINCY (I1IANT I'ltONOUNCKI) (iril.TY OI' THU "UDKMS-H KI,AU(lltT- 1:11" or union rior.Diiiiw Tin: con- nrcr or (iiiant attiii: hatti.i: oi' I'lTTHlllMin I,ANI)IN(J,WIIAT(ll:ANT'H ('OMllAIIKH TIIOU'lllT or III.M. In tiie Senate of tho United States on tlio !lth of May, 1808, debato ni-ose upon a resolution submitted by Senator Slier, man, directing the-Secretary of War to communicate copies of all ollkial reports relative to the battlo of Pittsburg Land ing. Among llioso engaging lu the ills eussion was Senator Harlan, of Iowa, whoso remarks, presented below, aro taken from the Congressional Cllotic, (Second Session Thirty-seventh Con giess, 1'ar .'I, pago-i 7, 0:l(!-:U): Mr. llAin.AN Mr. President, so far ns tho reniiirksoftbeSciintorfrom Ohio may havu been intended to defend the troops of that State from any unjust as pension, I havo not a word to say. i'licy were well timed, and It was pro per supject for thu eonslder.it ion of the Seti'ite, as their courage had been called In question, as it seem , by a Senator from another State. Hut that part of his speech which may havu been in tended to bolster up the reputation of General Grant I think may linvu an in jurious ciTect In the future, and beneo I list! to repudiate every word ho ha said that many havo that tendency. 1'rom all I can learn on tho subject, I do not think General Grant Is (It to com mand a great army In tho field. Iowa hail eleven regiments In thu Hold at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. Ho can never make any of tho-o men bellove that General Grant Is lit to command. I havo seen many of them, havo con vers ed with tho olllcers and privates, ami they believu that two short extracts fiom a letter written by 11 gentleman of my Slate, who Is now the presiding uilge of 0110 of tho district courts, and who spent several days on the battle Held Immediately alter Hie conclusion of the battle. Husavs: I tilt ing the whole timo 1 was with the army 1 availed myself of every mums to g.iin cornel Information its to the ba'tle nnd all I lii ilelall-connected witli It. No one cm get the truth by read ing of the newsiiaiii'i- eol ivsiioiiileni-i' m well as by eniiver-atlnn ullh the olll cers ami soldier-, who weie in thu light. There i-. no ti-e in trying to di-guNe or covering the fact that our arniv mis badly surprised 011 Sunday mornlm?. I'p to thu time that General Grant as sumed enniniand at Pltl-burg Landing, General Sherman was lu eommand.and kept I'lsplckelsof liil'antiy and cavalry out in front of Ills lines for thrco or four mile-, out after Grant arrived this was entirely neglected, and, notwithstand ing scouts, deserters from tho enemv. mil citizens reported to General Grant, through tho proper olllcers, that thu main body of the enemy wc re approach ing our lines, he indignantly si'orned the iile.i of an attack, saying that Gene rals .bihtison and licaui-ej rani were not d fools enough to attach us hero.'" On Saturday night before the battle the reble army was moved up so close to our front Hues that, as a rebel prisoner informed me, they could hear the sol diers talking in their camps. At day light the enemy commenced thu attack with not less than snventy-Ilvo thous and men. They rushed into some of our camps beforooursiildlers had tlmu to bill into lino of battle, anil whllo many of 0111 olllcers were asleep. In the concluding part of the letter, ho ays: Although our victory on Monday was complete, and thu roblcs utterly routed, yet It wa too dearly purchased. Thu criminal carelessness, or something worse, on thu part of General Grant, whereby so many bravu soldiers were slaughtered, admits of no palliation or excuse. Newspapereorrespondcnts may wntu as they please, but tliu united voice of every soldier In Grant's army condemns uuu, and it is now time that thu Government should do likewise. From all I can learn from thu troops trom lov.a who participated in this bat tle, with whom I havu conversed, both olllcers and men, thls.ls but an express- ion of a conviction made on tlio minds of all of them. The Iowa troops have been in thu battlu lepeatidly under command of General Grant; they havu no conlldeuie lu his capacity and lltness for the high position be now holds. They legaul hlui as tho author of the useless slaughter of many hundred of their brave comrade in nrnis. It is not necessary, nor is It right, to compel them to .-l i ve under him. 'I ho speech of thu Seiiatorliom Ohio might, initio- ticed, Induce those in authority t o con - llnuu iiiiii in ine num. ,i iiniieisiauu hu has hi en virtually suspended mat hu lion really has no command; that each iliisiuu and army corp.-, of tlio A e-lern Department Is under thu com mand of General llalleck; that General Giant is second in command of tho whole, which is, of course, nieicly nominal. In my opinion ho ought not lu hnvu multiplied thousands of nan ' sent to havu done In thu prcsoucu of my ! countrymen, maimed and slaughtered, as 1 believe, through his carelessness or Incompetency. I say this not on ac count of any public or privntu grin vim ci'sofa persiiutil nature. 1 tin not know General Grant, havo never met hlui at any lime, and could, therefore, havo no personal grief to redress. Nor have I any complaint to mako of tho manner lu which hu or othur generals have mentioned thu conduct of thu Iowa troops In thu Upld. As far us 1 hnvo noticed, Jusflcn has been dono them by their commanding generals "d by tho public. In somo eases It has been very tardy justice but when tho fads havo eouio to light connected with their hear Ing In thu presencuof ihu enemy, uonu have withheld Just commendation, or I been disposed to deprive them of their hard-earned laurels. They havo com- luandcd tho respect ut tho enemy on every battlefield where they havu appeared, ns well ns tlio applause of their friends. As a sample of the man. tier In which their neighbors (.poke of them, I request tho Secretary to read tliu following paragraph from a leading journal published In the City of St Louis: Thu Secretary read, ni follows : Tut; Gam.ant Iowans. Iowa is a young State, but It is tho homo of thu heroes. With tho present war sho lias begun 11 war history that yields in splendor nnd honor to that of no Stuto In thu Union and no country on tho globe. Her soil is tliu birth-place of n now chlvairy,shc lias beconiotho moth or of a now rnco of heroes. Her soldiers boast little, and sho has no Industrious pcnny-n-IIncr lo boast for them. Her boldieis aro us modest ns they are brave. They aro not flerco braggarts. They are as gentle nnd tractable ns children. lint when tho storm of blood begins they aru tho guiding and thu govern ing heroes of tho tempest. Where tho harvest of death Is to be reaped, they uro tlio foremost of tliu reapers. Whero a perilous assault Is to bo made, some how or oilier there Is always an Iowa regiment, or tho wasted shadow of an lowu regiment, to lead it. It was so at Wllson'rt Creek ; It was no at llolmout : It was so at Kort Donclton ; It was so at Shlloh ; It will over bo ho throughout the war. AH our Western troops havo been heroes, but thu Iowa troops havo been heroes among heroes. Tho Iowa First, Iowa Second, Iowa fourth, nnd Iowa Seventh aro bodies of men who would havo given an additional lustre oven to Thermopyhe, Jliuathon, Atis terlltz, or Wagrani, nnd all Americans may bo proud of Iowa. SI. J.outs Sews. Tho President pro tempore The Chair thinks it proper to remind the Senator that debntu on tho resolution is continued only by tliu unanimous, consent of thu Senate, to tho exclusion of tho special order; but tho debate will bo allowed to continue until some member shall call for tho special order of the day. Tho Senator from Iowa will proceod. Mr. Harlan I shall detain tho Sena tor for hut a moment longer. General 1 1 :il leek, in all official communlculh ns addressed to tlio Adjutant-General of tho Statu of Iowa, has mentioned the Iowa troops nt the battlu before Kort nnrml.sim ns "tliii lira vosr nf I liolirn v..." ' Nor do I know that General Grant or any othergutierul, has ever withheld just commendation. I therefore leneal that I have no personal gtius'aucu lo redress for myself or for tho troops of my Statu. And I would havo remained silent on tills subject in tho Senate, If the speech of thu Senator from Ohio had not iintile U necessary for mo to speak ; for I do not deem tho Scnato Chamber tho prop er placo for criticisms on tho conduct of a general in tho field. I think it much better to presont our personal con victions' in relation to tho character of our generals to thu Secretary of War and to President. For myself, I uni formly pursuo this course, aud regret that it bus, in my Judgment, become necccssary to depart from it in this case. l!ut, sir, it is often as dangerous and ns wicked to praisothe unworthy and In competent as to detract from the meri torious. If my convictions uru correct ll would bo 11 crime for mo to remain silent, and biill'er intluetices to oiiglunte lu tho Seuutc Chamber which may re sult in restoring a general to an actlvo command whom I, nml thu people in part leprcsent, deem unworthy of such a trust. Iowa Inn scut to the Held about twenty thousand troops. They havo behaved 1 think, well on every battle Held where they have appearid. As far as 1 know, no Iowa regiment has ever faltered in tho discharge of duty, however perilous. Their numbers havu been reduced by the causalities of thu Held and camp nearly ono-fourlh. They give their lives with firmness to aid in restoring tho supremacy of tlio laws, Hut, sir, they believe.und I believu that u large per cent, of this lo-s was Useless, ami is Justly attributable to tho can lossncss, or inability of General Grant. And hu shall not with my consent, bu continued in command. There, Is nothing in his antecedents to Justify a further trial of his military skill. At Hclliiotit hu committed an egregious and military blunder, which resulted iuulmo-taiiiilldlatingaulowa regiment At Fort Donelson, tho right wing of our army, which was under his inline diatu command, was defeated and driv en back several miles from thoeneniy's works. Thu battle was restored by General Smith, the enemy's work Were stormed, and thus a victory was finally won. Andso on the battle-Held f Shlloh, his army was completely , surpl-ed, us I believu from all thu facts l call iiiocuie, uu aunuiiY, nun iiuuiiu i but tho stubborn bravery of the men fighting by regiments und brigades saved the army from utter destruction Tho battlu was afterwards ii'slured and conducted by General Huell and olbe Generals, who came on thu Held dining thu evening and night j and our furces ultimately succeeded lu completely routing tliu enemy. Now, sir, with such a record, those witi tontliuie (ten (rant hi airactlrc commanU wilt, In my opinion, varrj on their skirts the Minid of thousundsof their countrjmen. With my convictions, I can neltherdo it my self nor silently permit It to bo iNnu by other. DlNlNd Ni;xt D. v. A Yankee left his down-east vllliigo to visit Washing ton, Ou Ids return he astonished Ids neighbors by telling them how very Into people dined there, us ut homo twelve or onu o'clock was the tegular hour. "What time," hu was asked, "do tho shopkeepers dluo in Washington V" "Not till two, sometimes three." "My, how into 1"' was thu icmnrk, "And tho well-to-do folk?" "Oh, they don't dluu till four mid Hvu." "My, how late! And tho members of Congress?" "Wall, 1 guess they don't dlno till six." "And tliu Senators?" "Oh, not till eight and nine." "My, how Into! Ami tho President, what tlmu does ho dinu?" "Oh, ho don't dlno till next day." Reptiles In tho Stomach. Tm: Medical nnd Surgleid lteportcr, speaking of thu alleged vases of snakes mid other reptiles living lu thustomnch of human beings, mys: Such stories nre thu consummation of folly, and he; must be tit i Ill-educated doctor (If educated ut all) who could send forth such a farrago of nonsense. That it very small reptile may crawl In to a child's mouth may bo true; but that any animal nut brod In tlu human stomach, could 11 vo thero nny length of time, Is so utterly nt variance with ull tho laws of physiology nnd digestion, that none but Ignoramuses over credit them. Wo havu somu pious frauds to glvo on'this subject but not now. Physicians know that thero aru cur tain ento.a that exists in tlio human organism, and often cause distressing symptoms and continued Ill-health. Hut that a "snake," or u toad, or other reptile could maintain an existence in the stomach for two hours, much less two years, is a fiction that our profes sion should loso no opportunity tocom bat. Cases wero reptiles aru supposed to exist In tho stomach nre most likely of n historical character, and tho con tortions of tho reptile, Its "gnawing," nnd Its violent cirorts to escape from Its prison houso nro ull imaginary. Wo onco had n patient, a very respec- tabio lady, who fancied that sho had a snnko in her throat that was trying to escape. Sho could feel It with her fin ger! Would open her mouth and won der that wo could not seo it and pluck It out. Sho forwnrncd us that It wns of no uso to try to convlnco her that thero wns nothing there, for sho knew better. Hnd turned away soveral phy sicians because they would not bcliovo her. There wns nothing left but a pre scribe something. Wo succeeded in course of time, In relieving her partial ly, ut least, of tho irritation of tlio throat, Imt sho insisted that our reme dies wero bringing tliu reptile nwny piecemeal ! We have heard of a case lu which tho patient insisted that she hnd it toad in her stomach. Her physician at last admitted tho statement, und prepared to relieve her inlnd.of thu toatl In this way : Giving her an emetic, hu await ed its operation; In his ofikiousness, in supporting her head while sbu vom Ited, lie managed to cover her eyes whllo he adroitly threw u live toad in to the vessel. It was enough, the pa tient, with n "I told you so," wns cured from that hour. Such u "pious fraud" was perhaps xeusable under thu circumstances ; but It is always better, and much more In a spirit ot our calling, if vu can euro tho hall ucliuition by removing tliu ill-heal th that causes it. Usnrt'l. ltlNT.s. To expel red ants from nuy placo, sprinkle it witli ground coffee. Itlch eheesQ feels soft under tho pres- suro of tho finger. That which Is very strong Is neither good nor healthy. To keep one that is cut, tlo it in a cloth, mil put It In a cool, dry place. Ifmold appears on it wlpu It oil witli n dry cloth. Flour and meal of all kinds should bo kept in a cool, dry placo. To select nutmegs, prick them with n pin. If they aro good, tlio oil will in stantly spreatl oround tlio puncture. Keep cofi'eo by Itself, as Its odor af fects other articles. Keep tea in a tioso chest or canister. Hread and cako should be kept in it tin box or a stono jar. Solt soap should bo kept in u dry plaeu lu thu cellar, and should not be used until tlireo months old. liar soap should bo cut into pieces of a convenient size, and laid where It will become dry. It Is well to keep It sev eral weeks before using, as it spends fa-t when It Is new. The Now York Observer tells of a clergyman whoso horso died of botts. Somu of tho worms wero put Into spir its of turpentlno and other fluids com monly iatiil to vermin, but they wero not at all etl'ected. They wero then put into tlio Jttlcu of common potatoes, and died instantly. Another horso in tho neighborhood was suH'erlng severely from botts, when n quart of potato juice was poured down ids throat, which so, m relieved him of his pain, and it continuance of tho treatment ell'ected u permanent cure. TiuiL'lii.i: HNonni. A little darkey was recently found sitting on the stoop of a fashionable hou-o not far from Sur iitoga, crying pitifully. " What's de matter wld you ?" asked a colored woman. "Matter nulf doublo trouble till ober de house. Fader tun drunk muilder hah gone lioine wld clozu sis broke do looking gin. wld do broomstick -do ba by got her eyes full of kynu-peppor, and little Ned Antony put de mustard on de bar for goose grea-e. 1 put salt In my tea for white sugar, and it makes mo sea sick. De dug licked Ned's face, nutl got ids month full iiuistard, and lies under do bed a howlln. Do kitten got her head In du milk pot, and I cut her hcadoirto sabe do pllchur, and den I hah to break do pltchur to get do head out, and de way I'll get licked when muilder comes homo for set ten do bed nllro will be a sin. HOW TO MaKI! liAllOU Pl.KASANT. -Whatever is wortli doing is worth do ing well. No work can bo dono very well without n cheerful spirit, and It Is tho manifest duty of both employer and employed to cultivate thu largest amount of cheerfulness, and mako it apparent In their business, It Is some times, perhaps, difficult to avoid sullen- ness, hut us Its presence damages tho workshop nnd tho counting room, tho store and tho factory, nutl as It Is conse quently a dead loss to those who par take of It, the best plan Is for a limn to resolve what he wilt do, and then direct ids energies towards Its necompllsli meiit without regard to thu position of .Smith, Jones, or lloblusou or nuy com politer, Lot us take our prldu In our work whether It bo tho kind of work wu hhould do or not. Opportunities for placing ourselves In our proper position will emtio soon enough without fretting or worrying, Truo Dignity. Lorrv ends glvo dignity to tlio low est officer. It Is, for Instance, nn hon est, but you would cull It an honorable occupation to pull an oar; yet If that oar dips In n yeasty sen to Impel Hie lifo-boat over mountain waves nnd through roaring breakers, lie has strip ped for the venture, nnd, hrcaklngnwny from weeping wife nnd praying moth er, nml clinging children, iias bravely thrown himself into tha boat to pull for yonder wreck, and pluck' his drown ing brother from thu Jaws of death, presents, ns from time to tlrno we catch n glimpse of bint on tho crest of tho foaming billow, n spectacle of grandeur which would withdraw our eyes from tlio presenco even of a queen, surround ed with all thu blazo and glittering pomp of royalty. Tako another illustration, drawn from yet humbler life. Some years ago on a winter morning, two children weru found frozou to death. They wero sisters. Tho elder child bail tho youn ger seated lu her lap, closely folded within her lifeless nrins. Sho had strip ped her own thinly clad form to protect Its feeble life, nnd to warm tho Icy lin gers, had tenderly placed Its littlo hands In her own bosom ; nnd pitying men nnd weeping women did stand nnd gazo on tho two dead creatures, ns with glassy eyes and stllfencd forms, they reclined upon tho snow wreath thu days of their wandering nnd mourning ended, nnd heaven's own puro snow no purer than that truo sister's love. They wero orphans ; houseless, homeless beg gars. Jiut not on that account bnu J been there to gazo on that touching group, would I have shed ono tear the less, or felt tlio less deeply that It wns a display of truo lovo and of human na ture In Its least fallen nspect, which de served to bo embalmed In poetry, and sculptured in costly marble. Yes, nnd however humble the Chris tian's walk, or mean his occupation, It matters not. Ho who lives for tho glo ry of God has an end In view which lends dignity to thu man and to his life. Live, then, "looking unto Jesus," live for nothing less nnd nothing lower thnn God's glory ; nnd thesu ends will lend grandeur to your life, and shed a holy, heavenly lustru on your station, how ever humblo it may be. Dr. Guthrie. CiueilMLOCirrioN. At Cincinnati, it few years since, nn unsophisticated dar key wnlted upon ncertnin military gen tleinnu with a bill of $19.50 for washing, dono at the camp hospital, which, nfter undergoing a rigorous scrutiny by tliu officer, was returned with the following explanation, which thu astonished son of Ktliiopln listened to with nn equal amount of wonder and perplexity : "This bill," said tho military gentle man, "will first havo to bo sont to tlio Quartermaster Goncrnl'sat Washington, nnd hu will report to the Adjt-Generai, and ho will lay it before tlio Sec'y of War for ids approval. Tho Adjutant being satisfied, it will be sent to the Auditor of Slate, who will npprovo of it nnd send it to thu Secretary of the Treasury, who will send it to tho U. S. Treasurer, who will at onco dispatch an order to thu Colli ctorof this port to pay tliu bill." Tho darkey relieved himself of long drawn sigh. "Then, massa," hu re marked, "dat last gcmblam you spoke of, pays for tlio washing, does ho?" "No," continued tlio officer, "ho will hand it to thu quartermaster ; but as thero Is no such officer hero nt present, somu proper person must bo appointed by the Secretary of Wnr, under tho di rection of tlio President, and Ins his ap pointment must bo upproved by tho Sonate, Congress not being In session now, tho commission ennnot bo issued until nfter It meets. When this com mission is received, tlio quartermaster will show it to the collector; ho will pay it, you giving your receipt." Tho unfortunate negro first scratched his head, then shook it, and finally said : "1 guess I'll hab to let ills washing slide, but it am do hist job I does for Uncle Sam, shuro!" A Don Sronv. A gentleman posse.-,-id of a noblo Newfoundland dog had trained him to go to market with a basketund a plecoof money to purcha-u the morning steak. The money, with a towol.was deposited in tho basket and Howser with much dignity ami thought fulness, would trot oil' to tho butcher's st 11, mid tho man of beef, understand ing tho arrangement, would take tho money, deposit tho steak, and tho dog would trot homo; Turning n corner ouo morning on ids way from market, ho caino upon two dogs fighting. Wltli tho sumo feeling that will make tho crowd of human dogs throng nbout a prize-ring to see two other dogs pound each other, Howser paused, and for a stcoiid looked on ; then, excited by tho contest, he dropped his basket and " wont In." Ho whipped both, but while so engaged a hungry hound fatolo ills steak. Howser picked up his basket ; tho loss of weight told tho story. Ho stopped and Investigated. Tho steak was gone, nud tho poor d&g's worry was comical. Ho looked In every direction for tho lost meat, ull tho whllo half growling and whining ns If talking to himself. Somo men who saw tho affair and knew thu dog, watched to soo what solution Howser would mnko of the difficulty. Tho poor fellow wns for a moment In doubt, uml then, us If tin Idea hadstriick hlui, ho set oil' for tho market ngnln. Tlio littlo crowd followed him, They saw him approach tho butcher's stall, but instead of marching boldly up, he stopped and looked wistfully at tho meat. At lat when tho butcher's back was turned for n second, ho seized the largest steak on tho block, aud ran homo with It us If tho dovll was after him, Tim open boost of tho Radicals that they Intend to uso tho money of tho Government to corrupt tho voters, is not an idle ouo ; It is nothing moro or less than what they havo always done when In power.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers