VOL. NO. 1(1. BLOOMSBUKG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1868. I'MOK FIVR GRISTS. ( IJhOOJlsm'Kti DIKKOTOItY. M OV l AND TINWA11E. r V 'll Ml.T, itcnlerln slows A tlnnim-. Mnlii I M., illl i . COUlt llOU-fl'. ll-Ml i i:i i"'id', . nml tluwmf 'il.MlltUl'l. lttiiiprt l-iit i 11 (Till NO, AC. l).,v i, riii'.i'.u, in. rcltntittnltor. M.iin m.. 2.1 1". Mini- - llll l'.c llOtlW, M-llll '. 1 111. Mr:, ltt.I'.', wlwli snipnniln lull n . ' 't 'i in , i ii.: lltiriniiurK bullithm. M-iin M-llll HUUUH, CIIKMK'ALS, AC. I X, IInYI.II, tlrn,rhl mill nnotlitcniy. 1: IJ' eitn'lK- lilnpu Mnln lit. vl-ni.1 1.1 V. I.VTZ, cltntMls! nrot nt-nllipcnrv. Unnprt 11, liloi k, Mnln t., west of Market. 1 1-WS clocks, watches, .to. r (H is l'i:iiltAni), wnteli 1111.1 clock mnlccr, I J 11 '1 ' .111 In-ni-t i-m ii. r .M11 In niiil Irutmlh, vl-n:i 1 I. ' WAtIK, ilPnl.-r lit clock, wntclie.1 mul , Main at.. inil lto Amorli-aii l-nl.l I.MllsO, Tl CATJtt il w Hi., Ik 1w Juilii, tele tntiitt r, Mm ki t TloOTH AXl) MiOKS. -1 1: tpi. M ttu tr?-t vi-m:l i Com t H'UHi', i )T,f ,hli;U,n tnuf.ifttii 1 v lUidii'-nlrr lit lion's .llhi HhsMh ft , opomlte r,ii opiitphurph iitn 'i p'hI rtf.i'i r In ( ti., Til 1 It'OOIII- 1-n 1 1 Mi'mtfcor, Main nt,, wsl i Market hi run I. l-i. It IT tl.NIi 1' Kl i;rM 1 1 bf.t . :ui' I slio. I'Ulfi M.llll Ht. ii' nr.v, b .1 I'lW liil'ttll 'l PKOn-XSlONAL. X N-,M. 11. m '.'nil nil. I .'lyi II nil Ml,, lleli.w Mil. Ill f. J ' 1).'. . Ii. ''. Killlli 1 vi 1 ".llln.nl mill, ill tl 1 Iilili Ii. rir- .in lit iitf.l.le. 'Iiextn" I ll.iiii hi. iteiily opii'Hi:.. M-llll M i:i.l,VV, M. Ii. m,"p.ii 1, ml lIiv-U-liiil eiii-lili Mum m , lieiuiv Mnrket, 11-ti. I ui niiii, m 1.. I hi., rin nli'l I'hi 1 li'ltin, Yl-IH 1 i)'; it. r. uov. i:i:, AC , Hirt lll'llsi". ill it'-llll I, Mlllll hi Vl-lil MILLINKHY & FANCY CIOOH.-.. i.iy..li: ni;, ut. .11114, .Mum st. l.i V, mlHlm.i It im.v vl-uii; M 1. i.-1 M . I. WI.I:"., I .iie ,.f.l miilon-, lml... 1. ry, ih.i h sS-i Mi in sireel lieluw M ti -Vl-ulll 't', milliner,' nu 1 I nu y ; I pi. 1 hllii'll, .M.llll 4. in.i in 1 1 t .1 s : II UIK'I.KY, ., Vll!ll".lht - M. ll.:i("..itKs!W, I M ,!u t hi, i.ill,. lillllllierv lili.l I 1111 y 1 mli'l Unlive, 1-n II M 1. II. I'TKM iiitllliini Mnln . , . .11.111.. 1 si. , Ip-I.in" M.I I 11 1111 1111: 'lv,M 11 I. MIX inllliiieiv nml luuey I. Hll It'lll'l'. M-llll JKH'KLS AM) rtALUtXrt. mi 1'ntlii ' , II II ' r !,. il'KHi, Am . ! -M 1( sitin ' ill t V, nli 1'tioiii , hult rv, v ,i ,li p-ilc mi 1 n tall. I ' tti' i i -, ntitl m.v .- ,tn 1 1'i.U'il, M-tln Ht., JlIHt vl-nl if.'- I vUiV iii'Il. ,i. r. c i .Mnln M-ulll I'j !., o, i .-.ile t .tu . lnti i iMi, ' A s il'il sj Ia f .i nl In n i in, ii, Miilll Vl-ll It I tllll 111 l-lil! hi'nii i.i; n i-ii'iii'i.t nil i1 tun I li'ir. ,0, I'u'itl,. M.llll ht.illt I .1-1.1. I P. CAHl.dlV, ri ne'ilipient hnliHin, l.ifvliiiii 'p I ln.I. I, Lnwi'Mi r ililinn, HUlicrliitiliilent vl-ll ID II. : bin I I.f.Ml HI', rerieilimel.l ml.i Milltti -lilo Mln sl. 11, Hlile vl-ll HI MCil'i'llANTS AND ( UtOl '1 : IW, ,f!UJM, (,ii.i'"lion..ry. pro' iilv ., ibui till III l. e, Mnln 1-11 Hi n. .ii'i.i.nii illl. 1 11". ' I'n n in:, 111...! ill ill l' lit lit y t" 1..I1 ', K It, till I M itiult. t, 'Is l!',K't I'ltH, , 1-iilif.liH, etc. Vl-lll'l I.I I'll t-oii.l', ite'l i.t.Vl'-ul! l.r, I, ,t .ii.il ciii . I., i ht,, l.llul e I itui t I'me I , 1 1 -It 1.1 i. M ltll.ilr u'lml'i n n. I in r onii r M.iln i' 'i.i linn hi -. H)ll!liwit 1-11 I'l . nuowi'.i;. .Ii uii".!', rni.rii .-: toiiii r -M.ilti un.l Iron sts et''li illlt- I li . llinMN, itiy KuolsKKtluii" ,'i . 1 ' Mnln . t.,nt'. -iilttl i:!!!STiluteliilt ! I-1U. H. I). W 1 1. IIL'N- '.' lllHll'' i i:i:u;'i(,'ni'f' ". . i piii.-i , .i'. 1,1 u.lnPl ll'". t .1 ' 111 .-t., In lliW ,t.l. l-ll, III I K I.I .V, ' ll.'ll IV, hi Key I, in shut I ti. UIIiW et cl'lii r I , lin .Hm . ml Mm .ii i l ml l-iil 1.1.1 Ml I l 1. . i . I. i-l l.l, a. i i.MI's, eii.ili-. tinni'tli .mil. hntee. .Nt I MI MX,., n ritlsl.tt'lt uf me" ' .ilitl lilnl'il, "inier uf ', illl Ml, ; t . .1. i .!.. 1. i in ill- n. i I.U..! N I' llH ' . .'Ill I hi. ll Il.'l II' I. nil I'.lltTli:.. iin. 1' .11 .1. I'r,. IhlmiH, hi nth .' NVlll II, l. ii illl ht IliU'lU ll .l.M n.VN.ilii'l' l In il n'n ill ! ' I.' ' hllllllMillh. It' h (in,!, , i ' , I I (.J n-lli- 1'i.UVl ll(,l!v. iilh. Hi i , i (.'. Mnln l-ln ,1, ,, li.li 1 1 11 Il.jili.i.l!.. , llliOM Wi 1. S I 1 ll . I. HAlil'l h'-s, ,li , lie.. Kill ill h, utoee , Mnln lill'.t Ink tl'i ..t nl l-lll MIM I l I. .NKOX'eS. I 1)111 1. 1., fiini.llile rin ,t i is. tkret- hlnry i u i.n Mnln hi i-n n J. '1 In ni iiis, ittUiiw. wlurtim "Ii J'j, uml lUiui', . uai II. ItOHl'NKiYCK. iibntorrimlicr. TSfchu!. blocU, Muliist,, opp in iMiirt lioifVivl-u - - . H!tOAM pliotcitipbt i. Iboimnn'M bull.t r n 1 1 1 1 !u ut 1 1 oi lit-i' Mn in nml Mi i In I st. l-l. W, UTON,tolaPCUilM,iUl i! . 'i i him ' .il MaiiiHtoppohUtK'tiUilht n i'. l-i. I. IM'ltsrr.r. iublU, trunk ami Imtiu s iiuttvLi', Main hi. i below court, house, i-i.i i ('.-'11 It, Clluo MaUor, and Vliltnaiiii in in Tn niiei , sent town, vl-li 17 nu oMhitrito u'MnKit co. W.. U'lMHIWUIIiri'lH of nil Mm!, pliitnlnu vl-u in 1 Juiul ilt.tb la ui J.umi! mill in uv the mibi'mul. J. UIIUMAV, Hultlle .oul hiuii'hH inak. r, nt nr Muiuiwottt mi m r Mnln mul MhiUpi h, viuj:i A i i" i' Mala ami Market kin. i v; ) a i. intii i, ii wnt Intnl. In work., Droi wiiilhwf - R. II. I!IMil,;l!,il, i ', r 111 lulin, iiibhiiu nml 'i , .h iiiih.i.u.. N .tuiiiH'.niiuiturtiiiouiiii' YJ-llM qt H. MAKll.liH, meiii for lirmnr linkPr'n , - . li le miii-l lie M .in kl.. llniluiiul'N Lulltl ii-r, up hlnliH. UW.IIdlllllNH, h , , llollllWPht C '.'I ' r ' A( 0( , N II . M ilu nml Mill i li 11 -N 1.1 I'NH'fl 1 iieii...lu..'ojill Vlll 1.1 i ilettlcrMltiollllllC'irll' nl m mul Iiou ils, 1-n ,'l 1 i,t"ie, noi-ilii.tn.t piirin r i. Vl-lll'l utual mill t ui.li i . li s lin iirllicnstuiruer Mullt nml ll-iill l.l. 1IAKHI' Illl -I in I I iiiuiiifiieturcir nml repnii- ( I'liits, i iit'iiiiii run b tin Ott.VMii:VlLLK MUKCTORY. nit. (i. A. tl:(iAIKil:t,, ilimcimiiui.li.iir 1) .Millll Iicxlilanr timotnl I loll I. 1 TlltK K ItOTIM, mill rrfrpulmiplit wilrmn, I Hmnl. Kviii'M, 1 1 IV AM llllTt t. 1 or Mnln mill t'liiphl.i CJ1VAN IKlTI'Ii, Itin upiwr liniMti liyjolm Kny. tj nur. 1111111 ni itimvc 1 11 ilur, Mnln ni ulmvQ ti lf.HI,()AN, ilcilcr In ilry gomK uroccri. I;. Iniiilior nml icciicml McitIuiIkUm iliilii hi. rtKdmiH I,AZAItUfl,)int'lliiimUiiiriip.iiiiilicr U Alulii ht.. tiliovu llir Mwnn Ilnlcl. V1-IU7 f II. HM1TH, mnnurncliircr of tin whip nml u.iipntei in hkivph pic, ;.lnm hi nliiivp .l.p llliilll. 11-1117 .1 M. W. I'lll.TlMAN.- Mcri-hniri .1nll..i- f.n.1 A. IJi lU'ij fiirnhlillig kikdIi, Miilll Ml., next ilimr 10 the hik-lc liuli-1. vl -III H. lt.Vllt'lMr,('lnpk, Wntelimlntul (turn ill . ri ili il. 1 1 litis nml Watchi lor mile, Mnln HI,, lii-low I'liic. Ktfll-lilT TAM1-S II. llAnMANVniMnMTruflSa fu ll ilciliiknr. Mnln HI., Iwluw lln. nRvl-1117 Sit." Oyjii MiriiAi:i,c. Ki:,t,i:ii,i'oiirnciioiic Ac. Ac., mi I'lnoHt.. Ijeiu-ccii Mnl HII. At". Kr.I.rilN-KllJllncl:mllli,.in .Mill . Htm I, iK-nrlMlic, l-nl r 1 i.r.IAM.iiNTi'.'hiiTiiciiink'i ? nml inniiur.ic. II tiiirrur Urli'k, MlIM.,irptori'lnn villi') .Il.tAlt KNVI)l:ll, I'lnur nml llrli.1 Mill, nml Villi" imi'pi m urntn, Mill Hired. 1 r:vw II. KCItt!VI.i:il, Iron i.miiilcr, M icliln. tjt-1,1.11.1 MniiulncllllProf iiliwn, Mill M.M-1117 MtM'.S . WI1.I.1AMH & ('ii(,'fiinlic nl.ifttirvn ni Imtlicr, Mill Hired. ,'fiinneMi 11. 1 Mini- 1 1-1117 tons KKl.l.t It, ll'ioi mi t f)m I 1 1 ri el, upi uiii. 1 he A' uilemy 1111 l.i r, I'liic 1I-1117 1.. m:i!l;iMi.v r,ttoTIIi;l!, t'.irr, in, rmnl lliniili i -., M 'In Mu 1 1, liultiu 11111.. 1 1117 (I M1KI, Hit III'I,I'K, Mnhi O Unilll I luille, Mlllll SI, onliellnyliurHt 111 JM. It MIIIAN, huiMIp mill Inline." , iilutiKevllle, opinihllo Kr.llua uliureil. innki r Miilll LIGHT STREET MRF.CTOUY. l)l.J'i:it KN r, ilenier In ilry bimhIh, uriH'erlih, 11. nir, tee. I, Mill, il-li. Iron, unlit, lc, l.lulit ll.-el. Vl-lHft t rnilWII.I.liil II, J uiult'liiiiriniiker. ('iiliiiieliiuiUi 1', I'li.lerlnker il-niu 1.1 I', KICM.KY, UlaellnUtl, nmiosllo imht iifflrp, I' vl-niH rr v. oman en., wiieoiwiightii, llrnt ilour Vl-lll'l 1L nu . nlirivn M0I1011I liuuifi. MIH. K. KMXKi mllllnerj- nml Ihliey bikI. Vl-ll I'l rWs.VtU:Y,leillpr li r.-ntllpr, llliK'K, llnrli. t) Ola. CiimIi iniKi liirllllleh. 1 1-11 1 1 U7M. M. KNT, ileelei- In kimpi nltil till w.ire 111 l nil lt lirum lies. vl-nW l)KTK.lt IV. OMAN", iimiiuliietiiiernil'l ilenier In I nuiiid nun MiincH, CATAW1SSA DIUECTORY. 1 1 :h 1 1 " I :t I A , N A nr Hrlek I rnlol-H.Unut ihniut-r S iiii)nr!olitr,KHioiiH pnitior Mnliiutul Sictinl lI.t'iil'.AMV.ilry trwHla, ttrorcrli-H, uii-Ikhi fiul Mt ivhnmllHO, JVlnlii truot. va-iill! Li I It. IHXAKl,U'utrr In t(rt nml tui-wmi'. O. Mnln Sin WM, JI.AIUIKiT, utt.nmyut 1 .M.,111 Hill" I. 1S.U w II SJ ttt'iifr.il iiKTclmmUso, Main HultI, IHH, llll'l V.'-11 I'J Kliil. lilt, iiililnr'l Kitl'ion, nynii rw, nml Ii till 111 hUUN'lll .Mlllll AIl'l'OI. 1 1 11 ESPY' 1IIRK(!THY. IM'YM'KAM I' l.nrr.l J I'mi'i lettir. ill .llll.l.H.C.H. I'oliler, vlJiilt I.'. It I 'Kill A Illl, A UIIO., ilculeri Imlrj .'.mils, , iiroei I'll h, nml Ki'll. ti.l Itleteli.ni'llse, Ullll I1.CAI.IIW l.l I U'M, IJIll 1 II I, ll'i , it. il.'l III tit".' 'S'Mi I ', Kl'lirer , I. il.lwme ll-.Il, i ill, 11'illH, llJlllI W. I. I'd 1!!,riii-.i' II.. s .M.ui.if.iet.iry. i Itnniiit I l.'ii'n ; Illl nml v.Jitll JKKSEYTOWK DIIU'.CTORY. 4 Mi;iAV MAliISON, lU'alcr In ilry kimkI. t;io- , Kmiu, himlior nr., .Kir-.'i.vlm n. l-n Ui TA Oil . HU'IH lHlIKit, illMliT 111 11 I'l I ah 1 1 1 r M-nl'J iUl'i.SVMI I.L RIMDY.Mmlltku Jl . - 1, Itio. j . .s ami siiangi-n t ntfituhn lr5 --nl imCHWaEW-MMMHi HOTELS AND SALOONS. JNCliANGK 110Ti:i., " l.l uitii,i Hf(i 111,1 .ijjilA V'i 1 The llllile Uti.iu ii uml Utll l, hlllinle.in HI lll-il-.l. Ill t.l.iiilll -'.it 1 1 liilliniliniely opimhl'p tliuColllliil'Iti ii.iinl.l t "ttrl 1 Inline, I'L'Speel Hilly illloilllH fiih lliitnlt miilllle I'Ulilli. In KPnetul lli.it IiIh liiitihe lh nun In iir-ltr l'ir Hie I't't'ppllntl nml elllt'llnllllili 111 nl Irulelltih uli'jiini lieillhliuKeiltnlnur itltiltt llnlr ells. t.nil. lit. Inn. hinrpil mi txiiillhi, in !leiltlliiBllip Lxelllilliiu tut' llio cllUrlllllltllt lit lit IliB L'ttehlh, 1'i'iHi. r hltnll 11. i re liPtmylliliiK ivmillliK mi IiIm ".nt I'lliillilhlprlollietfiipriioluil miliilull. 111-. Ii. the In hlltlClllllh, mill I'lljiiJ h nil l ei III til J'ltttl- u n iiientiiin, oitiiill-iih, h mu nlitll limes belwiui lltu 1 x linll'n Ilnlcl Plltl Uio vni'liiiw I'ltllrnnil ilelKiti, liv i l.Ieli It.uelltrti will lie pli'iixniilly eiiiiM iiil lo llil .nun tin li IH.lt lie htut icllh. Ill illln time Hi miilll e.ilh. KOdN'-A.lI'AItK. I'.l.ii.i'i Luis, April -1, !!. c i'l h V M H 1 A n o r 8 K, II V It K it N A It 1 KTOUNM.II, ::w lately inmMituvl ami ll'.lut up th. v . ti-Uiiuwn Uobhton Untnl rmpirt.v , imuitnl a h.w mnuw aiiob tint coi ur norK, mi il p wmif1 !tU oftho ntrp-1, In tho town of "tiishurtfi anil uttvhijt ot'lmnia.i iiceuo ror i uiiM ana n E STAl' n A N T , h ft'iprli'ttir luu ilrtrrmliiptl to nip to tin- to pU MtiiDi Uii' town mi Imsini'ni nr plpnhiir", A MTT1.U MUHK ItouM. UN Mul-llii i nNo 1m cxIphsHp, ami U mu4u lo put btiulPMUi.liirrliiKPji In tlipilr. IK- nroiii; iMHihnt u i-i .v tli I nu about hi iiul)lUhuH!it ahull h.M(imlui'livl in an orderly i.ihI Jnwiul mamiPit Mill lit) ii sj diulljt oipltx a sluirp ol the public i iltoiiiu-i. lin l77-tn. rnilK SWAN noTlM., 1TUK I'l' rui not .!,) I OU'MlilA in,, ija;- oi.anui.viuj: Xhnivi hei i1" r riKBealfullj' lui'oriun his IiIiiiiiIk ami lliTiil)lle, tliul mhM inkrn Ilia (Ikimi well ltnoiui Ileum iirifliteiililiimeiil, nml will lo el. iiheii to rMMti'A I be Minium nf nil who will 1 1 i I 'in wllh ni'dll. nr. wu.i. KE1U' A aoon 'I'.viH.i:, ,ii v . II sun itui wlih Hie lu'ht el rjituotn. nml mi ii. nli .11 I iniule tu l-imler eliflrn Kiilli f.i. .I111M BNVM'.lt. m i ,11.', I'n,, M.in-li 15, lMi7-lm, IXCIlANaU SAIsOON, 'I'll I ('.nprlelnr Ofllle l'lxt'l.iilie Hn'. mil ll'is now ..a luni I it Ittrao .took of Hl'MMllR HCT'IllMll.MKNW, eimiiUtlng of hi'iii ii nisrri.il, nAiunKEs, g em, iiiii.oi..vvii hiiiri'TOMti p, not uct) sans, wkitkp.ii t'lin sK, I.AOKII UEKlt, AW5, .10. t t'tl.Mi: dNK, COMB AM. ASIi Hill'. '. I.AWHdt; CAI.MAN, Hiinti Buptrlnti lultiii. i.."iiihiiuit', Miiy B, 1M.7, T iIK ESPY IIOTI-U, I'spy, ciiI.UMIHA I'OVX'IY, I'A. Titi Mibhcul i r ti .ptcirully Inti'iniwiilK filui.ls ntlil lite i tlljlle, Hint lie lin. tiiKiu lliu iiliove well known lloiibe of ritleititlium ut, unit will Im plellhell lo ICI'tUc tile iltht. Ill 01 nil IVllO 111 it liiMU- ! In ullli a mil. nr. wu.i, ki:iu' A t.Odl) TAIII.l', ii llnr w. II htorkotl Willi llin heht ol l.lquiil'i., nil.) hit Hull. v i nun win iB tiitiiie to 1 1 inn r i in ire kiiun. c. ii, luinTi uii ii. Ilupy, 1'u,, April 12, 1WT, KiUICIv HOTEIi, IJ tHtAN(IEVIM.13, COl.llMlllA ClIUNTY, I'A. r.DWAiii) i:vi:ui:tt, riiiu'iiun'oit, II i ne Inliili pn- ilntt elllilH will-Uliown "t 1' lin I i pi i i S..UHII ! null, llin Pro ' nt ui it 1 1 1 in ,iit i.t ii i ii Ir nml luruihli- M I ' .l I MlM I, nli II lie In -1 Illinois i n , li il 'UX.'Ilul ml ii t n v I lu i ii'il lo e 1 1 upi '1st Til 15 COLUMBIAN, A ), lnociatk NtwpMpor H IT HMSTI I TI IM Hi lltll .MfiKMNd AT lii.onMHiiritu, vr.ssw. Tilt; prinetHvii or HiIh ruicr uivfirth'T.U Ui runn tnti Hcliont of pulltlt -i. Tlni"i' pi imlpU h w 111 never lie ctmirioint't'il, yrt Miitrnsy nml ltlmUiu slmi1 hot bt fiiKitl4'HlnillM'iihnln tlinn.littlnrwltli liiitHMiMN, or with -unU'inioiinlcs of tliu Vtct-s I lie unity, tin in-Im-Hii, ami pro'iicilty tif Ihp coun try I . our nlm ami nltjcptj ninlai the mcitm to Ki'i'iiu- tli.it, wo shall liihorhoncttly niiilciunostty fin I he harmony, mei'f mu and growl h of on r organ lriillon. TritMnoFhrirtt iiti'iio.Ni Two ttuiiius a iar If pul l In U'huiu-p, If Hot -ii Id tn ailMim-e tv.-o ilollnrw nml fifty lent' will M Invariably ilmrgut. Ti iimiofAhm itriiiNn :-(im iji!iip(tt n Un h or Ii-) one or thrro Itisprtln! onch nle rjui'iit lii'ortlnn rpnt. nrvi-p. l.M. 2m. :1m. HM. IV ihfh SM.liO t'.'l I l,W l i,o vn nn.iN) im.ftii .' W,Mt, All- Onpnqnmo hK.ihj THuftminrc") fl,wi (i.no f.fwi 'llllt'O NfUUPH . . "i.OfJ 7,fl() ,0ll I'otir Lilian "... . , fl.itu n,w nyio Itulf t-olmnn I'Vo jihi 1.,iio Ono polumn tJ UM Hn,of xpemor'd tui'l Attnilnlnt rutor'H 'uilc liloi'rt .Nutlcp 32,-W. OUior uiUcrtlciiic iitn law ttMawor.lhv torpcrl.tl pontrait, llilrtuft not Uch, wUJioiit ntl verl lpnicnl , 1 wenl y ppntB pr Hup, Trnnstenl nttvcrtNpiiKiiN I'nynMo In a.lvni'Pe- nil ollifrs iluo altirlhi flrt Innpitloii. ttu Ii U; III uU crtct tnotv llltfly lit lio Ki!lfac lory, hut It to miljsprlbfw ami lo the PuMMiprH, thnt i. inKtmncnii l nil onnnunlp.it onsroiHr Intf tin laiHltu'MHof thppn)PV, 1p unit tllri-i t to tin- ollli .-of luililh-nt'on. All U'ttoiH, whctlior ii'latlti to Hip Pdltorltil nr lo.Im s1 conci rmtof Hip i (if f, mi'l all iaj menu for MiWrintton-'., n.Uprllvlim. or Johhlnff.aro to bo matti to nml nili!n'-M, imocicwAV tt i uki:.i:, Ti.onn-4m'i.n, l'v. .on'- liullillnKt. ii'nr thp Court ITlnti IIO.TM-. n R.i C. 31, VAXIJKHM.H'i:. BUSINESS CARDS. IO)i v ii r xt i Nr. iMy PtUtitl 111 lhl OtlW. A T T o 11 x i: Y -AT- r. A v, AMihitt'l, HcliiijlUHI Coiinly, ronn'a. M XJ M". TUAUOII. attouxi:y-at.:,a lii-rwlfk, Coliinil'M Comity, rpiin'a, YUa.TAI, II. AliliOTT. ATTOUNi: Y-AT-LA V IWTAWIHHA, I' W, MllJ.Klt, V T T O II X K Y A T C. oillio Willi K, 11, l.llti". In 1'iii'l; littlMIni! ml J.ilnlti'.' I'i.-i onii-i . Hi, null. , I'.ni k-l'.iv nu l IVIlsllillH f nlll elcil. ;wlCH'l7. jliTiTTTiT i'ui'fi:iK, at roil xi: v.. 'i-i, a w. umclii lli'sl-iir nml necnriler'N olllee, In lite IjiiKciiu nl ni Uio Court House, Itl'witHlmi'-j, "Jin:itTi-'7c'DATuc, TT il It X l'.V-AT. I. A V dllli em ner of .Mnln ntl'l Mntket hill t'la, liver I'ii'hi X.itlnnnl Hunk. Ulti'iiiiiiljtirg, l',i, E. II. 1. ITTD K, A TTdllXl: V.AT.I..VW, Oillce nn Mnln htrcct, In lirtlk htllliltng liolotl' Uio Court House, IIInmiMlinri;, l'.i, Q II. lUtOWCAYAY, ATTdilNKY AT I..1 IV. Dl.ooM.-nrrri, I'A, ili-di ri. k I'ourt II, nine Allev. 1.1'iiiw lite o luinliiun Ulllee, IJltll l'(7. 11. H015IH0N, ATTIHtXl'Y - IT. I. VV,', iu,p"MMiiri;r., i-iN'A, tmlco 111 riinlmHl'M I'.ull'lllii.. Mnln Htrett. Wtht nf tlio American Hoiihe. iiiySl'i.T, JJ OVIH I5KUNIIATU) vh'lnlli that h N nw prpptiriil ttidoali UlmiHuf A U C T I O X K V, II. MOKES L'Ol'KM AN. ITiU Ini fullnwct llio profiVKloil nf I'ubliv i lulnu i ii. r lor many ypiirx, wouM Inmrm lW fih-ml liutl he UKlUliiUln; Iblil, irmly ami wllllmr m mii-'nu Hi mi uw lumps in ii in enuiDu. iri-"i OtMrlng hlK Ki-r Ipps HhonM c-all or wiita tn bliu at Hlnoinshurif, l'.i. imitr"., 'r. W. 1!. HUADJY, (Ijitt Afcllnul Mfllfiil IHrwtor il, H. Arm, V UYHU'l A N VXD H ir K I 1" i N , rt,, t Ulll nut thvlWUM? OppUMHO KlilVP Ul'H'1 rh.iimshttt'4, l'a. CmIN prompily ptti-n b-1 to both night m'l "' Mlmdibtrw, Jmi. b, 1 K7. s. C, ri III V I., A 11 I N V T M . AM. HAl'AI II lll'H 1,V b'lliAM I'l s.an,.ni,rNi)H, jiotuiN SjfuTO'lSHB, Jl O U 1, 1) J N 11 , WINUOAV i''tAMI,0. main mi'.ti;r, ' ' 'ilUiOMHIlUUO, PA. Juue in, IhtiT, s 0. CClLIilNH, 1'AHnioNAniii; HUAV1N0, 1IAXU OUTTINU ASP WIAMl'OOtXfl HAI.Ctl.N-, met WUImoypr A Jtieoliy'n lep Civnin KiiIikim, IlLOOilHUUllll. l'.i. Hi ii llvclitu nml IVIiIkIuis colol-nl Llllik limit u. llnlr Tiiitle to ik-ntiei ilnnili uII'uikI henii ii. niSSf In. li.ilri will leutnii. hnlr ti. 1U or u nil ui.lui wltln ut soiutiu tho tint -t fulirl' .loiiHinnily on tin ml. ini'ii.tn. K X T 1 S T ii y 11. C, HOWl.lt, I'l'MIHT, llihuntfully nlli'ts llli 1 inli hhlnllitl fcel vices to the lilillcH nun ueilliciiteli ol lunoiiikiiiiiii unit i e cll.ll V. lli'Upreiinleiltoiittell l In nil II." Mill ,,.",ill.,i.s In llin Hue ol lilM iiioh.fci.loii. Iltl N in'iiilili il Willi tliii Inti. t hii)n'iiMl I'liln'l l.l IN Ti'Vi li wlil' li will I'C liihciii.l on uol'l i.itlui.', sliver nmt l uooer nn e to ii'im ns p eii nniiii. nui mul tielli. 'I'cilli nuliticlnl l'.v nil Hie now mu! Illllht nppioliil inellt'iiih, I'lin UII I'pt'li.liiiil. .1... i. . ill nu, oillvtiii.t niiiii, ilv nitt mil il lo. lii'hl.li nee mul i. Illee ii I'l. iln.'i'. niton, llin t'litnl Hoi.hP.hmne .l.le, nii.i.iiihi iut', jiui.'Ji.'mir ixnvnr.it ki-hih and iaj-aiukh i W. m,mi)MUoi:co H'IU.11, 1., MMiilIiiclttltM "I lHIWnXUKKOH, uml ilettleih In all Vltl.U ii.' l.l'MIU'.lt, ,U HOI V U ht I.H lltnlr Pll'P m tv It i r.re pr 1 ltd lo Itci .iltloiln' p. I tl.l.iul ou llliiclii'M) 'iUljscc U;i ncoujs. tonTiiRroi.fMiiiAr. BENEVOLENOK, Hl.xnvoi.cxci; U n I mil of flinrnctir wlilcli l-i tjro.itly iiiliulruil, uml mint n ciirctlly is duo of llio most i'prntlu IKilntH lii iiiio'rt I'lmrnulor. It will I'lm Moono (i)Kiilu friend-', nml nwnkcn n brotherly fcclliig towarJ tlic miiro tin furttiiintu portion of imuiKInd. TliN nni' point of clmniotcr tin dono moro to clovittt! fiillon innn from Inferior tn tlonn In life to rank and fame, tlmn any other wo mlRht mention. Henovolciico always renders ono agreeable In socie ty j besides iMstliijr a Hiinbeani of hap pineis over his own hou-ohoM. There ii but one Minrco from which true be ni'voli'iiue nprlni ; and that o.xImIs in n tlenlro to do good, and promote the ImppliK'HH of thehumaii family. Trace a man in his dally wall:, and when you llnd him willing to administer to the needy, by the wnyhlde, or to aist the unfortunate, without even expect lug to have it known outsldo of the parties Intere-'ted, you can rest n-nrcil that it Is done from a pure motive, het us strive to elevate mankind from an Inferior rank to their proper sphere. Kadi one was created for Mime good, and iih-lgncd Miinc duly In life to trans act, by which he can prove him-clf a bc iicllt and a true source of luippine-s to the human race. How few view this .-abject In Its proper light j and only cave for their own comfort, ns their theory and practical deeds too frequent ly manifest. Wo should live for each other in tliius of atlvei'hity, when the sea of life Is raging fiercely, and threat ens to engulf our frail bark. Then Is the time when our .ympatliles should blend wlih tlio iiiifoitunate, ami seek to buoy up the disheartened. It matters not how trilling the IJntliiess shown, If In the proper time; and even kind words have piv-erved many an outcast from the derision of the woihl, and an untimely grave. Stillwater, Mar. lillh. Axxir.. Si'inxo. This, must bewitching of seasons N nt hand. The song of the bliu'ltird and the robin hasalroady been bi iii'il, while the genial siiii-hiue, that ble.s-lng of value Inestimable, will warm Into renewed life the tri es and shrubbery, and the bright and refresh ing green of the I'ro-li gra-s and new leave will make us glad. Of all sea sons of the year, Sjirlng Is the most be witching. All natiiro ,-ecms to rejoice at its release from the fitiwii embraie of ohl winter, and gives silent praise lo the Creator for Ills wisdom and gootl noss in ao arranging the seasons that as one grows wearisome another taki Us place. Soon will be heard IbO glad voi ces of children, making mii-le on the balmy air, and the sad faces of wluter- boiiml invalids will view with pleasure at the pHHpcct of onco moro enjoying (foil's most precious and health-trivinir blessings of iiure air anil warm sun- light. Hail, beautiful, delightful spring, yours, is indeed a ble-sed privi lege that of making countless thou- mills happy. W'o can appreciate the. foellngs of the poet who I'xprc-sed him- en mils: "1 would not tile In spring time, And miss the turn-up greens, The pretty songs of tho little frog-, The skylark's early screams. When birds begin their warbling. And ' Inters' gin to sprout. And turkeys go a gobbling, I would not then peg out." Can Waih: hi: l'lirsiiirxr? Any per.Mtn who will take up tho Constitu tion and read See. i! of Art 11 will not roll to -co that by clear implication Mr. Senator Wado cannot In coiisenueiico of tlio reiuiy.il of Mr. .lohiHrtn, bo the President. luca-ooftho removal, death, resig nation or inability, Congress may do claio by law "what nffleei- shall then act as President." Is not Uio filr construction that the man who shall act Is to be a I'nltcd States ofllcer'.' That Is he must hold an Dice under the I'nlted State- and di rectly Irniu them. Docs Mr. W.ulo'.' No lie i- a senator ol't liio. Does Mr, 'olfux '.' No he is a member from Indiana. Iteiug elected Speaker tines does not chango the r.iet or make them I'lilteil States oiricer., If the word is to b,' construed o: an "Ulcer generally, then John W. diary or any other governor, not to go lower, Is eligible, who did the constitution contemplate by the word "ofllcer'.'" lenrly 'Senators or members nie not ojin ).. Are the United Slate- .1 mlge-. Arc the members ni the cablmt. the question may be Important. What a glorious lii-lltiitlou this re- ciiii-tnictlon law 1st If under It-pro visions a constitution Is defeated, Con- gretoiit onco pa-.-es a bill declaring it adopted, ir iv governor duly eleited does not milt tho flcnorul in command, lie simply removiis him and appoints noino Yuukt o adventurer In Ids place should a southerner a-plro to i?jioIIUcaI iio-lllon, the bo- general saves hlin M'iicv", tun mul Ivi.iililnWr 11 on tti I tn tirn ll.i i..,.. .. - vn.......b.. l,v ilis'liirlii" lilm'Siiell.r ble. WViU'iiold not hint for 11 'undent that this Is not ! a freo govt rniueiit, but it seeiAs to us that If llli- be rieeilouitu-sla bus long been slandered, m Wo would humbly .-riggo.st to Hon. (iriiut, that In order to smooth the way to the Presidential chair, he had better ishtie 1111 order declaring den. Hancock Pendleton, nnd Seymour "Ineligible." We n-hiire him there is not u radical shoot in tho country but will endorse the measure. ATI: Matciiix -A llttlecldld of Mr. Stoull'cr, of Illoomlleld, ttto phosphor ous ofTurn number of matches tho other day, and had It not been lor prompt medical aid would, lu all probability, havo died from tho elfects, Parents, or others having children in charge, should nover allow such dangerous ar ticles to bo wltldti thy reach oftho llttlo OUCH. M S- !' iirv-si.vr.N telegraph wlreseontro In Chicago. The dally about s'l.fiOO, receipts uro Suitf of the tfounfi'ii. THE REGISTRY BILL. Tin: following is the text or the bill paxcd on Thursday last by the Itadb eals ol Hie Pennsylvania IIousu under g.igof tho previous ipiestloii-wlth the exception of Thorn'si amendment, which applies only to Philadelphia. This uinondmeiit was concurred in by the .senate on i-rltlay. The bill will now i go lo tho Governor, and, without doubt receive his approval. Tho niiiendment cmpowern the I'hlladelphln aldernieti to appoint a board of canvassers In each election division to make u registry of voters, by which u majority of every l" "u """- out, forthwith, In alphabet board will necessarily be comitosi.,1 f imi r'", "'' of which shall bo placed Radicals. Other equally obnoxious and i partisan provisions are embraced with-1 in tliesmendment, which will undoubt. edly meet the ill-approbation or tho people of that city. Tho balance of the bill, as follows, applying to tho whole , of the State, except Philadelphia, we 1 hope will be widely publl-hed and studied lu anticipation of Its becoming a law very soon : A further .supplement to tho act rela ting to the elections of this Common wealth. Si:c no.v 1 . lie il enacted t;i the .SV. itte and Jmtse nf lleprctentutlees nf the Conwiontieulth nf I'enwileanla in luneral AsxemMy met, and it if hereby I enaetid ; the authority nf the name, That from and after the passage of this act It shall no the duly of the several a-soi-ors within this Commonwealth, on recevlng their transcripts from the County Commissioners, to proceed to inakeouta list In alphabetical order of . the white freemen abovi- twenty-one years of age who they shall know or who -hall m ike claim to said assessors ( to be (intlillcd voters within tliclr re-! poctlvo townhlps, boroughs, wards or oilier election districts, and opposite said names state whether tho -aid free man Is or Is not a house-keeper, and If he is, the number of his leslilence, In towns where tho same are numbered, ii 1th the street, alley or court In which situated, and Ii in a town where there are no numbers, tho nnnio of the -trcet, alley or court on which mid house fronts; also tho occupation of ! the party, M.,l ...1...... 1... 1. I .. ' ,111.1 1. 1II.-I1I III, l-uiiL l house-keeper, the occupation, place or boaiding, and with whom; and If working for another, tho name of the employer; anil write opposite -aid name tho word voter and where saitl party claims to vote by reason of natu rall,.itlon, he shall exhibit his eertlll-1 , n ,f,r .. II... i... ,n l shall have voted lu the township, bor ough, ward or district, at live preced- ing general elections ; and on exhibi tion of the eertlllcato, Uio name shall lie marked with the letter N ; where tho party has merely declared Ids In tention to become a citizen ami designs to be naturalized before the next elec tion the name shall be marked I). I . ; whole tho claim I to vote by rca-on of being between the ages of twenty-one and two, us provided by law, the wonl - age sii.iu oe entered, anti n ine party lieu voter or tho district ns'a wltne-s to has moved into the election district to j the residence of the clalm.ui t in the dis reside since the last general election tho trlct in which he claims to boa voter Tor letter It -hall ho placed opposite the the period of at lea-t ten days next pre name; and in all of the cases enumer.i- i ceding the general election then next en- ted a tax shall forthwith bo aes-i'il against the person, and in order to car ry lids law info elleet for the pre-ent yearltshall hethediity of the comml- sinners of the re-pective Ciimtinllies of Uii- Common ivcalth, and or the city of Philadelphia, within sixty days after the passage ol' thlsactT'o e.iu-e alphabetical li-ts of the person- returned by the as- se-s-ors as having been assessed lu the several dl-tiicts for the pre-ent year, to bo made out nml placed in the hands oi llio re-picuve asseor-, wno-e amy it shall be, on or lnToru the flmt of Sep tember, to ascertain tho qualifications of tho p"i'.-oin .-o named and their claims to vote, as before mentioned and performed, in regard to .-uch persons, all ol' tho duties enjoined by this act and furni-h -aid ll-t to theeomml-.-ion- or and election board, as horeinallcr tlirecuii : rrnriica, tnai mo mimes oi all persons; who were duly registered nnd permitted to vote at the next pre ceding general election In October, shall without further proof or application, bo placed on the ll-t ur registry direct ed to lie piepaied fir llio election In November, but they and all others .-hall r o , . , , J :V . r ' : . ,,. i u ...is ... I .... ... ... the fourth st ctlon id this act. L On the list being completed and ns' scssmonts Hindu n- afore-ahl, the sainu shall forthwith bo returned to the ci.iin- j " 'iero llie ti claimed to lie paid by I fore some competent authority. In ltd- i yesterday liiur,ilnu- says tun on v ett ty eomnii-ioner.-, who shall euu-e du. 1 tllu fudavlt was a-scr-nl, nnd when, , dltlon to theoithsiiow required by law i noMlay lunriiing us that attractive col plicate copies of said ll-t-, with the ob- j where and to whom paid, anil the tax ! "to pBrform the several ilutiis enjoined 1 '' d reunite, r.iitiili.irly Kinnvn a- M s sereniton, nml eMibiiialltins reoulreil to 'receipt thereor -hall bu produced forex-, by this with lldelltv and iiccoiillinr to i Thatbli u- Stevens the widow ol- tho be noled a- aforc-alil, to bo matte out as soon us practicable and placed In the hands of the iiv.es, or, who shall, prior . ' . . to the llr-it ol August next eiisillngviiu asse -iut nts, put one copy tnereoi on .s the tin m' of the house where the election of tho v. spectlvo district Is required to bu held and retain the olhcr In Ids po session for tho ln-pcctio,i,rreoof charge, of nny person resident within tho said election dl-trlct who shall ileslro to see 1 , ,, u,, , ,1,,, ,,,( , """" ' " u assessor to mid, from timo tu time, on the per.sonal'applicatlon or any one claiming tho right to vote, tho name of uch claimant and mark opposite the 11111140 "C V," and Immediately assess hlil with n tax. tin tho tenth tiny pre- wiling the general election In October next thereafter, it shall bo the duty of the assessor" to produce tho 1W In his possession to tlio Inspectors and judges or llio election or tho proper district ut 11 meeting to bo held by them as herein after directed. :l. II shall bo the duty ot tho inspec tors and Jutlgo of tlio election, together with the a-sesor, to attend tit tho placo of holding the general elections for tho respective election districts on Saturday tho tenth day next preceding Uio Sec ond Tuesday lu October, and 011 tho other days hereinafter mentioned, mid continue lu open session nt said place from ti o'clock a, in., till 1) o'clock p. 111. of said day, to hear prool of tho right of tho luspectlve persons to vote whoso names aro contained In tho assessor's 1 list, as beforo mentioned, or who shall I apply to them to have their name, reg- Meredj nnd all persons who havo not previously voted In thiieketlon district shall make duo proof In tho manner now prescribed by the election laws, of their right lo vote In said district, and like proof shall bo made In all eases by those applying for registry whoe names are not enrolled by thenssessor and marked "voter;" and It shall be the duty of thu assessor, forthwith, to ases said person with a tax as required b, law, on the proof belngmado to the satisfac tion of the election board, If not already ascsed ; on the list of tho voters In tho puld district being completo, It chall bo tho duty of tho election olllccrs nforo sal'l to eiiuso duplicato copies thereof 011 tllt! ,loor of ,ho ll""''0 wllt'ro ",0 elci'tl01" bo held and tho other "otidued by tho Judge of the election, )vlm s,w" h"ld tho mmo ftibjcct to the 1"',l,r'(;1' of any citizen ors-ahl district unlfn "10 c,1,y of tllu e"PMl election, 1111,1 l'r",llla' tllp M,no tllLrc!lt ! 1'''ov'- iim, iii.u mu onicers nercinueiore named, when they shall deem It ndvi sab'.', may meet for the purpose named In tnls section one or moro days (not exiiedlng four) prior to tho tenth day next preceding any general or Presidential election of which iiKetlng anil Its purposes they hall give duo public notice by written or printed handbills, posted In at least ix of the mo.-t public places In their re spectlvo wards, in cities, boroughs: and ri-idedfiir!,er,lhnl any ward in a city, borough, or ward in n borough or town ship having but ono anchor, Is divided inio iwo or more election precincts or district - , the Jutlgesand Inspectors of all sucli election dl-trlcta or precincts, In each ward in a city, borough ward In a borough ortownshlp.'rospcctlvcly.shall meet at the usual place of holding the election in tho precinct nolllnir the large-t number nf votes at tho last preceding election In their respective ward-, boroughs or townships, and shall givo due public notice as herein before provided, oftho time and place ol their meeting, and in all cases where any ward In tho city, borough ward in tho borough, or town-hip is so divided Into two or more election di-trlct-. It shall be the duty of the ase-or to n-'e.-s each voter lu the election dis trict lo which ho belongs and to furnish separate duplicate lists (0 (he election olllcers In each election district. It shall be the further duty of the said Inspector-, Judges and as-e.ssor, In each ward, borough and town-hlp, to miet again, nt the place fixed on bv the third section ofthlnict, on the Thursday next preceding any general election, between the hours or nine and ten, a. m., and re main in session until, six, p. m., for tho purpose of hearing nnd detcrinlnlmr nnv claims that may bo presented to them by any person or persons claiming to be entitled to vole and who-o name or names have not been entered on the reg istry or the election district In which ho or they claim to be entitled lo vote.cnch per.-on so claiming to be entitled to veto thereiimhall produce at least one quail. suing, which witness shall take mid sub scribe an affidavit to the facts stated by hlin, which aflldavlt shall define clearly where the residenco Is of the per.-on so j claiming to bo a voter, and tho person so claiming the right to bo registered shall aN,, take and siib-cribo an aflldavlt ( stating where and when he was bom ; . that .'io Isncitizen oftho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the United Slates; ond.irn naturalized citizen, shall al-o. state when, where nnd by iihat court ho was naturalized ; and ho .shall ! also present his lertlllcateornaturaliza , tlou for examination, unlesshohin been a voter in said election district for live year.-then next preceding; that ho has re-ided in this Commonwealth one year. 1 or, ir formerly a citizen therein and has moved therefrom, that he has resided i therein -It months next preceding the geneial election then next fnllowin that he has not moved Into the district ror the purpose or voting therein ; Unit he has not been registered as n niter el-ewliere ; that lie has paid a State or county tttv within two yearn, which was as-i'ssttl at lea-t ten ilnvs beloro tho election for which ln iiopo-e.sto be reg- I "'" " "'a, prevented r.om registering his nauieat thetlr-t meeting no nun .uiiiisu us iiirecteii u, uus act; the said amdavlt shall also suto when """ nuiuni ninui 10111.0 o.'th that It has l een loit or dttstroyed or ! ,,u rucnetiiiny receipt: i-r. W....7 rri",, im ..1.. .1... fi'tt'(, That lrthoperson soclalnilngthe minister oaths to every person liilm- pocket plrknl at the depot In I.atica. right to voteshiill tiikeantl siiliscilbean Ing the right to be assessed or eiimlli il 1 " r 'l t . She states her lo-s to bo ics aUldavIt that he Is a citizen or tho On lied or the light or-ullrooo, or in regard 10 ' 'l' wo U In greenbacks, three Mi 1 States; that he 1-, at the tlmo of taklnji' 1 any other matter or thing required 10 I nt -liver dollars, mi,, diamond breasl tho allldavlt, or will bo on or hsforo the bo dono or Inquired into by -aid oflicers pin, 11 "aft kej.n bunch of hou-ohold day urtlioiioxtelectloncu.sulng.botwoon i under this act, and any wilful false ! k'cjs, ami f,ve ,.asM mve the mllra,u1 tho ages or twenty-one nnd twenty-two t swearing by any por-on ,11 relation 10 ' 1 Lancaster tu WaehlnijUm. What years; that ho has resided lu the Stato I nny mutter or tiling concerning which Is this country coining to, when even ono year and in thoelectlon district ten they shall lnj lawfully Interrogated by she who presides over the household ol' uuy.s next preceding sncji election, no shall be entitled to be registered as voter, iiltltough ho shall not havo paid taxes, Tho Hiiid allldavlts of all neivoiis j making such clalms.anil thonfldavitof 1,10 wit ties-en to their resldence.shall bo i preserved bythesald hoard until tlio day I of the election, and shnlj, at tho closo thereof, bo placeil in tho ballot box along with tho other papers now required by law to bo preserved therein. 1 1 saitl board shall find that thunpplicant ornp- pllcauts possess all tho legal quallllca- nous 01 voters, mu namo or names shall 1 not bo lawful ror any n-scs.or to nsess bo lidded to tho list iilphabotlcally.witli la tax agaln-l any person whatever with likoeflcct as irdono ten days hoforo the I in ten davs next nreceillnir tlio election election, and they shall forthwith nbiis'il with Hiiw.iline i.,...,J..i ii. r,.,.i 1 - "h" nftiw, list mi ti, .inn. p i.e.,,,,. r '" t.wi..w wi 1 puico 01 election, ami as eacn person whoso namo Is enrolled votes at said election, one of the clerks thereor shall mark onoropposlto toUionaiuo"vote," and it shall not lie lawful for thootllcers id tho election to receivothevotoortiuy person wlioso namo was not contained In said registry, madoout and put tip ut least eight days beforo the election, us aforesaid, nrln the registry madotm the Thursday next preceding the election, nnd the reception of tho vote of any person not so registered shall constitute a misdemeanor In thuelectlon onicers n receiving It, and, on conviction thereof, tho election olllcers so ouondlngchall I e subject to llneorlinprlsoument.or both, at tho discretion oftho court. 4. It shall be lawful for any qualified citizen oftho dUtrlct, notwithstanding the name of tho proposed voter Is con tained In tho regl-try, nnd the right to vote lias been paed on by the election board, to challenge tho vote of such per son, whereupon tho samo proof of tho right of sum-age s Is now required by law shall bo publicly made nnd again acted on by tho election board, ami the voloadmltted or rejected nccordlnirtotho evidence. Kvery person clalmlm.' to be a naturalized citizen shall bo required to produce his naturalization eertlllcato nt tho election before voting, as required by existing laws, except where his ca-e comes within the firth provl-lon ol the sixty-fourth section or the act or ono thou-and eight hundred and thirty-nine, to which this is a supplement, although the -anio may havo been exhibited to the election board before registry ; and, on the vote of such persons being re ceived, It shall be the duty of tho elec tion olllcers to enuso to bo distinctly written thereon the word "voted," with tho month and year, and irony election olllcers nt the Fame or any other district shall receive n second vote on the same day by vlrtucof such ccrtlilciite.nnd Un person who shall olfer such second vote, tho persons .so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on convic tion thereof, be lined and Imprisoned tit the discretion or tho court ; IVnrtded, Said fine shall not exceed one hundred dollars and the Imprisonment shall not exceed ono year, and like punishment shall bo Inflicted on the olllcers or the election who shall neglect or rcnio to make, or cause to be made the endorse ment required as arore.-ald on -aid nat uralization certificate. .".On theelo-e of the pol.ls the nglstiy list, on which the memorandum of tho voting has been kept as before directed, shall be sealed up with and preserved In the same manner now required by law as to the tally papers, and not taken out until after the next meeting oftho Leg islature, tinlr-s required on tho bearing or a contested election or ror tho purpo-e or being used nt thuelectlon of preslden uai electors, or preparatory thereto, a hereinafter provided, alter which it shall again be sealed up anil i-.trefully preserved as beror directed. (!. Ten days precedlngevery election ror electors of President and Vice Pres ident or tho United States, It shall bo the duty of the election board and the proper usscor to meet at the place of holding the general election lu the dis trict for the sumo length of time and in tho manner directed in the third section of thin net, and then nnd there hear all applications of persons who-e names have been omitted from the registry and who claim the right to vote, or who-o light of suffrage in such dl-trlct, on the personal application oftho claim ant only, and, If the person shall not have been previously :i-s,...t.,, ft shall bo the duty or the asso.s,or" forthwith to assess him with the proper tax. Alter completing the list a copy thereof shall bo placed on the door ol' the hoii-e where the election is tu beheld, at least eight days prior to holding Urn same, when t he same course shall bo pursued lu every particular in regard to receiv ing or rejecting tho Votes, marking the samo on the registry list, endorsing the naturalization papers witli tho propel month ami year, preserving tho paper and all other things as tiro required by this act ut tho general elections 111 Octo ber. 7. At every special election directed by law, and ut every city, ward, bor ough or township election, the registry required to be kept as aforesaid may be Used by tho proper olllcers as evidence 1 of the persons entitled to vote theicnl, and saitl olllcers shall require all per sons whose names are not on the logl try, whutlii r challenged or not, to show that they poe-s the right of siill'rage at said flection; but nuthlng herein contained shall make the want of said registry conclusive agaln-l the right of the per.-on to vote at such election, but tlio same shall be Judged of and tie. elded as lu oilier ea-e.. Uefoi centering m the duties of , their unices under this act, the icspof i iivo assessors mul Inspectors anti judges i of tho elections shall tukoaii oath, be- 1 me requirement inereor 111 overy pur j tlcular, to the bet of their ability.' nney snail em ti nave tint power to tel I t..t . .....l - . I any.oral(l oflicers under thlk net. nball n btJteSThlslicd as prelury. tm in-rt-ors in-Hsors lJfpectors and Judge-Ishalj tffa snino eoiniiensationa cb rk elvti ffgccssurlly spent In pwr Slutles hereby enjolnetl ils Troy law for the perfnrnu.net ruling (lit provided other duties, to bo commissioners as In otliiir. osise-. with a proper nllowunco to bo Judged of by tlio saitl eomiuls.slouers for-flic expense of making tlio list or registries hereby required to bo made out ; and it - hall bo to bo held on the second Tuosduv In 1 .,,1.,. i ... ... 1 , 1. 1 . . I.'... .1 '". nil" 1 1 in 11 11 J i-.ll ,ii 11 1 1 II I II I I'll llitvs t , ,, , - . , , .1... ...,'.... .., C.....I - children of tholi ) I lll-Al I'l'il.ll' UII-. 1'il'l HUH HIT I'll t'lI'lT. I President or Vice President or ' United States and any violation of provl-lon shall be a ml-dciiie.iuor, and subject the olllcer so olletiding to a line, on conviction, of not loss than ttu nor exceed lug 0110 hundred dollars, or to Imprisonment not exceeding tin 10 months, nr both, at tho discretion of tlio court. I), On tho petition of tlvu or more citi zens of tho county, stating under oath that they verily believe thai fraud 11 ill be practiced at the election about to be held in ay district, It shall tie the duty or the court or common plcai of mild county, If In session, or, If not, n Judge thereof In vacation, to appoint two per-on, Judicious, sober and Intel ligent citizens of the county, to act a overseers at said election. Said persons shall bo selected from (IHferi-nt political parties, where the Inspectors belong to difrerent parties, and where both or said inspectors belong to the .same political party,both of the overseers shall bo tak en rroni tho opposite political party. Said overseers shall have tho right to be present with tho oflicers or tho elec tion during tho whole time thesamo Is held, the votes counted and returns, made out and signed by tho election oflicers; to keep a list of the voters, If they see proper ; to challengo nny per son olferlnglo vote nnd Interrogate him and Ids witnesses under oath In regard to the right ofsufTrageat said election; to examine his papers produced, and th? olllcers or said election aro required to afford to said overseers, so selected nnd uppolntcd,cvory convenience nnd facil ity for thedl-chargeof their duty; ami IT said oillccr.s shall roru-e to permit said overs crs to bo present nnd perform their duty ns aforesaid, or they shall be driven away from the polls by violence or intimidation, nil tho votes polled nt such election district shall be rejected by any tribunal trying n contest uuiscr aid election. ill. 1 r any prothonotary, clerk or tho deputy or either, or any other person, shall atllx the seal of office to nny nn- turllzatlou paper nnd give out tho samo lu blank, whereby It may bo fraudu lently u-ed, or furnish naturalization certificate to tiny person who shall not have been duly examined nnd httorn lit open court in pie-enet of some ol' thejudges thereof, according to tho not of Congtcss, Im shall bo guilty nf a high misdemeanor; or If any person shall fraudulently use any such certificate of naturalization, knowing that It was fraudulently Nsiiwl, and shall vote or ntteuipt to vote thereon, he shall be guilty of ii high misdemeanor, mid eith er or any of the persons, their alders or abettors, guilty ot ;either of the misde meanors aforesaid, on conviction, shall be lined In a niiiii not exceeding mm thousand dollars, and Inprl-onod lu the prnMT penitentiary for tt period not exceeding threu yearn. 11. Any assessor, election ollU'or or person appointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or refu-e to perform any duly enjoined by this act, without rea sonable lcg.il niu-c, shall be subjected ton piualty of one hundred dollars; ami If nny ns-i or or election olllcer shall enroll tiny per.-on as a voter who ho shall know i not qualilicd,or roriiso to enrol any one who he shall know Is qualified, lie shall be guilty or a misde meanor in ofllco, and, on conviction, be punished by Hue and imprisonment, and aNo bestibject toan action for dam ages by the party aggrieved; and ir any person shall fraudulently alter, add to, delate or tlestroj nny registry of voters, made out as directed by this act, oi tear down or lemovo the sanm from thoplueo where It has been llxed, by or under the direction oftho election olllcers, Willi Uko fiiiniliili iit or mis chievous intent, or for any improper purpose, tho person so offending shad be guilty of a high misdemeanor, mul, on loiivictlou, shall bo punished by a line not exceeding llvo hundred dollars and imprisonment not exceeding two years. 1-. Il uny tax collector is found guilty oris-ulng a receipt for taxis to any per son whatsoever, said tuxes, not having been paid, lie shall be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor in olllee, anil, on convic tion, shall bo lined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars, and sillier an imprisonment In the county jail for a term uot le.-s than three months for I every offence. ' PI. That for all elections liere.ilter ' hidden under I hi- at t, thepolls shall be openid belwiintbe horns of six and -even o'clock, a. m., anil be elo-etl ut six o'clock, v. M. II. 'I'hat the county commlmitcrs, shall.at the proper expense ni'thu coun ty, procure mid furni-h all the blanks made neve ary by this act. I"i. All laws Inconsistent with uii ofthc urovislons ol' till- act be. anil the I same are hereby repeated. I'HAII Sl'KVl'.N.S1 Uamii.v Viirm l.i:i), The Iianeiister fntrllliine of lute .lacob Smith, colored barber of I larrlsburg, anti at ptesent houseku p. or und mlstie-s of Old Thud had her 1 rliadiletis stovecp Is roltbetl In a rail- ' roiif depot in tlii ' roiif depot in tho city or Lancaster J.et O ilTlutd see to It th t the mlllturv ir tho.tlii'io'l10"1'4, wlffcli Is to be adopted at Wash ington no niuiio general. . , , .1 . 1 Tin: New ork 1 aiiers say it Is a cur perforiruuce of their I , f , , , , , ,',. ,u , 3 paid bj; the 'iiinty 1 f()r amwl f(jr ,,,,,,,,(,,; , , m,va of the supply, The number of found lings received by llio police was ono hundred and seventy-six In lsfi?, and this Is an Increase on the previous year; yet tho nuthorit'os of various New York benevolent asoclutionsnssert that they nro unable to meet Ihedemand for healthy Infants foriido)tlon. Thouiim- ()c bcr of persons In New York without their own, who wish to hav Ill I a child to bring up, Is largo ami increas the' this I ing, (llils are preferred to boys, and even crippled children are not refused. Masonic There aro 21. Masonlu I otlges with 22,013 membKre tu Penn sylvania. Tho assets of tho Ornni Lodge aro valued at 00a,000, nnd th new temple In Philadelphia will cost $7siJ0O,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers