THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. $b $olumbum. Ul.OOMKHtn.a. PA. f'llll) A V lOUMNU, MA1ICII 'II, lsOl. tf THIS COIil'JIIII hna 111 I.arK?.t Irtulfttl.ti lu I'nlnmhl unit .uljalitlnfi .H.itlr. ff ny pnprr pithll.tiril hcrr, nml U lo ft much Imt'f'r .I,.! limn nny of tl tilt ."tin. fit. I una I. tlitrffor. the lir.t mtdliim rr fttlTrrtl.Inc In thl. ..ellim or Ik. Molt. lorlous Victory iu Bloom Town ship. Tltt. Dcmoci'iitlv nml Concrvntlvo citizens of llliioiii Tovii-lill on luit Fit iluynclilfvodn i-luiml victory over llm ltnillinl ticket, itirryliiK everytlilns rx ccpt the Cnnitalikx, nml dootlns the Juilfc of election tiy." majority, n Kfl'i of 11 over luit fall' majority. Not withstanding the Incleineiit weather I8ii vote were polled. There was, liowuver, n feature In tho content which our duty nin Journalist eoinpels tisto notice, and which we trust will put our readeM on their guard agnlnsit similar attempts In the future. As explnlmil last week, n. regularly culled meeting of Democratic citizens formed n ticket to which at tho time there was not a dissenting vote. Later in tho evening, however, Messrs. JncO' by, llilfmoyer, Coleman, and n. few other men proinlnont In tho boltof 18CG from the regular nomination, met at tho office of llarkloy & Ikclor, and resolved not to sustain the ticket as formed, but substituted the iiatnoof A. J. Kvnn-j for School Director, in placo of Vni. Pea cock, on thegroumlthat the latter was n Johnson supporter, iiltlimigli theyhat placed on tho ticket for supervisor a man no sounder In tho faith. Tho re suit of this freh holt Is soon told ; their ticket go' fil votes while tlio regular one got 211, thus defeating both Itadlcals an I bolters. It Is proper to add that many men who havo heretofore acted with that faction, went with us heart and soul. Tlio HrirHctiU only nomlna ted two candidates tor Supervisor, it being arranged in their eauciH to Blip port Blllmeycr as a third. Tlieso aro all tho facts lu tho cuno. well known to all our citizens, and no misrepresentations or squirming can noften their force. It li fully demon strated that wo have now, nsln 1SGG, a fiiotlon In our midst who would prefe the triumph of the Katlli'.il nominees to our own, and who eon-tanlly bargain with them for votes. Tho Buckshot War. Nt'Mimn 2. Is the canvass of 1S.19, D.ivltl II. Cor terand Joieph HItuer ucro tho oppo sing candidates forGovenior, with HIt uer at the time holding theoftlcc. Tim contest was exciting. The administra tion did not have a majority in Us fa vor, but It made uo or tho public works, bribery and Intimidation to m euro that it tho pending election. Jo seph Ilitner was Uovernor, William 13. Reed was tho Atlorncy-denerul, Thus. II. Ilurrows was Secretary of tho Com monwealth, and Chairman of tho State Central Committee, Charles B. Penrose Speaker of tho Senate, Theopheltis Fenn cilltr of the IlarrNIiurg Chroni cle, and Thaddeus .Steven, member from Ad' mi county, mid Canal Com missioner. It must be confessed that tho chances were against tho Democrats, but honest and earnest latior brought success, and David It. Porter was elected by about 0,000 majority. As soon as tho result was known, tho radical plotting began. On the l.'Hhof October, 183S, Ilurrows, the Secretary and Chairman, published in tho I In r risburg Chronicle, nil addres "To the friends of Joseph Ilitner," in which ho said, "LET US TltKAT T1IK KLKC "TIOXOFTHK NINTH INST., AS "IF WE HAD NOT BEEN DEFEA "TED, AND IN THAT ATTITL'DE " ABIDE THE RESULT." FiiKi and fraudulent returns from tho county of Philadelphia had been made out and sent to llarrlsburg, to Burrows, previ ously to the issuing of tho above mani festo j and meetings of Stevens, Spack man, Cunningham, Zellin, Rutherjbrd and other old Federal anti-masonic pol iticians! had been several times held. Stevens had been exceedingly busy. Members who could not ho been were written to, urged toenmoto llarrlsburg several days before tho meeting of the Legislature, and Informed that Impeachment. Tun answer of tho Piesldciit put In on the Bird, to the articles of impeach ment prcceiitcd, would cover eight or leiicoluiiiiisoftheCoi.l'.MlilAN ; and for want of space to give It In lull wo pro pose to state brlelly the Milntance of it. To tho Vrvaitlele, which Is in reference to tho leinowil irH!uiitoii,tho Provident reiterates thestatenieiitsaiidargumeiitx, already publWicd In our column, lu hi message to thesciiateupon Hint sub Ject! putting It however In legal xbapo and form. To tho .Second mtlclu which charges the appointment of General Thomas nt Secretary of War, tho President ad ult the appointment, denies that ho violated thu Constitution or auy law of Congress by so tlti. , ami maintains and will insist, l.That at thedato and delivery ofsald writing there was a vacancy cxMingm tlieolllceot Secretary for the Depart ment of War. That, notwithstanding the Senate of tho United States wit then In session, It was lawful and according to long and well established usage to empower mid authorize tho said Thomas to act ns So eri'tiirv nf Wurrtf interim. ;i. Tiiai n tne sntu ttci reguiaiing uiu tenure of civil olllces be held to boa valid law, no provision of the snnio was violated by the issuing of slid order or by the designation of said Thomas to net a secretary oi w ar aa interim. To the Third article ho answers, that General Thomas was authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of ar ml interim, and whether tho samo amounts to an appointment or mere designation, ho denies having violated tho law or tho Constitution. To tho fourth nrtlcle, chnrglng that ho and Thomas proposed to get possession of tho War Department by threats or by intimaidtion, he puts In n positive and distinct denial, and that tho nrticlo is insulllcient In not making specific htate mentx. To tin? Fifth article, charging conspi racy to hinder tho execution of tho "Civil tenure net," ho puts in n denial; nver.s that Stanton was not Secretary of War at the time mentioned; and tho want of it specific allegation. To the Sixth article chnrglng n conspiracy on tho 21st of February 1SC3 to takopos session of thu War Office by force, the President puts ill a denial both as to the intent net forth, and as to tho violation of any law on the subject. To tho See (nth article, he nvers lie never did con spiro to take unlawful possession of the War Office, or did in any net conv tn 1 1 a high crime or misdemeanor. To tho Eighth article, alleging an in tent unlawfully to control tho military appropriation, tho President denies that In appointing Thomas ho had any such purpose, avers that there was a vacancy In tho department, and that ho desired to vindicate his authority ns President, nnd to bring tho cjuei-tion before the Su promo Court. To tho Xtnth article chawing u conspiracy with General Emory,tio gives hlsnototo the General the conversation, and the purpose of tho Interview, and his construction of the law. To the Tenth article alleging state incuts in id speech to thu Philadelphia Convention Committee, and to tho citl zenv at Cleveland Ohio, derogatory to Congress ; ho denies the charge ami re fen to tho sneeches tbem-clves, nnd not to extracts from them or recollections uf them ; and claims tho right as Presi dent or a.i a eltluen at all times andln nil places to Kpeak his mind freely on all subjects, that the occasions of tho epecehea wure uot sought by him ; and that in any case, tho making of them was not in ony who nn ofllcial act, for which ho is umcnnble to impeachment. To tho JCleventh nrtlcle, charging that he denied thoauthority of Congress to legislate, or pioposu constitutional amendments, beeauso certain States were unrepresented; tho President de nies that he f-atd so, hut aveis that it is not a full Congress; and claims ills right ns a citizen to hold nnd speak his opinion on tiiatas on any other subject, without question, inquisition or Im peachment or inculpation In any form or manner therefor. Straws. Tin: wind hlowino in tiu: utaitT lltlll'X'TION. llAKHlsiiimo, March 20. Tho De mocracy elected their city ticket to-day by nn average majority of flvo hundred. This Is a Democratic gain over Inst fall of three hundred and twenty llvu (325). A full vote Was polled. Everybody Is toojtilillaut for this sphere. YoltK. Pa, March 20. David Small, the Democratic candidate, was elected Chlel Burgess to-day by three hundred nnd ninety-six majority. This Is tho largest Democratic majority ever given in this borough, and Is a gain over last year of thirty-eight (!)). TitusVI 1.1.1:, March 20. At tho city elections held to-day In Curry and 'I'l tii3vlllo,lho Democrats elected the May ors nnd a majority of tho members of Councils in both places. At tho Inst e lection, Corr gnvo Williams (Kail.) ninety-two majority. Bi.'nront), March 20 At tho election to-day tho Democrats carried this bor ough by sixty-tlvo majority, n gain of forty-ono over last fall. Lr.tiA.vo.v, March 21. Yesterday, at tho regular spring election, the Denioc racy succeeded, for tho first tltno In twelvo years, In electing a majority of tho borough officers voted for. tor Chief Bnrgss, J. II. Bressler, Demo crat, 1 electid by a majority of U2 Last fall, Williams, Radical, had II majority In the borough. Wii.Ki:siiAitm:, March 21. ThceleC' Hon here yesterday was a complete Democratic triumph, resulting in a majority for them oflO In tho First aid, 11 Democratic gain oft) 1 since last October, and a Democratic majority of "8 In the Second Ward, n gain of !1 1 sinco previous election. Map.uum IIouk , March 21. For the second time In tho memory of the oldest Inhabitant, yu ancient Borough of Marcus Hook yesterday elected the en tire Democratic ticket by majorities ranging from ten to thirty-live. It was an open ttaud-up fight nil day, but the, Blackics (as they called themselves) had to succumb to tho charges of tho V lilto Veterans. ulnill have a turbulent time at thoopen ing of tho House, but wo must bo de termined not to glvo an inch." Fenu had published lu his newspaper, then tho Stevens and Ilitner organ, that their members from tho county of Phil adelphia will havo their seats, peacea bly If possible, but forcibly If other wise;" and thus days before tho meet ing of tho Legislature, plans wero laid lor thwarting tho will of tho people, and setting up n revolutionary govern ment. The Leg"llaturu met on the 1th of De cember 183-i, nnd Stevens nnd Ruther ford had a Gettysburg railroad engineer and a lot of hands from tho WIsconlscos feeder, called "Halifax bullies," to whom he was distributing money In tho linli of tho House, to assist in tho tur bulence he had been for months prepa ring. Nearly a hundred of these "bul lies" wero ill the lloiisinit tho opening session. James It. Shuuk had been the Clerk of the last Houe, and as such, was en titled to preside, nnd put all motions until tho election of a Speaker, Stevens however undertook to usurp that au thority, moved tho election of a Speak nr, put tho vote, declared J (carried, and proceeded to designate ns tellers crea tures of his own, mid voted for a Spea ker after this very Irregular fashion. Tho Alabama Constitution. This product of African genius for several weeks lias occupied a largo share of public attention. Thoiigh de feated by the piople, every Radical Journal from tho Tribune down to tho smallest SxlU sheet, havo gonu Into ec btacles over its perfections, and have insisted that it should bo considered as adopted iu open violation of the law under which It was framed. Even Thud. Stevens, acting as he boastfully declares "outsldo of thu Constitution," could not bwallow this dose. By refer ence to tho recent proceedings in Con gress wo llnd tho following ; "Mr. Stevens (Rep.) of Pennsylvania sitting at the Clerk's desk, Kld : Mr. Sneaker, after full examination of tho returns from Alabama Jam sittisltcilthat wu j to force 11 rote 011 thin bill unit tuhnil the PiiiisKUVATio.v or Fish. Tho fol- lowing supplement to an net previous ly passed by tho Legislature of this State relative to the pa-sago of fish lu tho Susquehanna river was read In place, In thu State Senate, yesterday, by Mr. Coleman : Sixtiox 1. Jlc it enacted Ac, That it shall not bo lawful for any person or per sons to extend or nlaeo any llsli basket, fish trap, or other novice, permanent or temporary, across, or any piaeu 111 1110 Susquehanna river or other stream or streams designated embraced Iu thi. net. Neither shall It bo lawful to tisli with any belnu or by any other system of entrapping in numbers within one hall mile of any blttico or otlier device erected for tho passage of llsh, as de scribed in this act, or upon or nbout any dam In or upon which such sluicu shall havo been erected, or to draw any .seine or net iu any of tho said rivers or streams within otic-half mile below any of tho said dams, or to tiso any device or means to frlglitun tho llsh, or spawn, or fry, or otherwise to prevent their free pa-sage up ur down tbusald htrcams or passage-ways at any distance what ever I'roui said dauis,aud any per-ons of- icnuitig agauiKi uiu provision 01 uns section, their alders 6 aoettors, shall tie guilty of misdemeanor, and on con.vlc- tloti tneieot snail 00 lined 111 any sum not less than one hundred nor mure than 0110 thousand dollars, nod bo im prisgned nt thu discretion of tho court lor u period of uot more than twelve montns, one-half of tho tine above-mentioned to bo paid to tho iu former or complainant. 11 is also required imu an onusmuicd lu their townships, wards or district?, keep special watch and make return of any violation of tills law to each and every Court of Qnaiter Sessions in thu county or counties in and for which they may bo constables as in tho caso of other misdemeanors. In Section 2, tho otllco of commission er is lurtlier continued ns lieretotore irovlded; but said ofllco shall cease on he fllst day of December. A. D.. 1SGS. Tho duties of wild commissioner in ad dition to tho-o now specllled by law hall bo to ttsu his best endeavors in the general fuitheraneo of tho objects of theso acts, nnd If any concurrent legis lation bo necessary 111 conjunction Willi the Stato of Maryland to asceitain and report such proposed legislation to the Governor, who will submit tho samo wltli his recommendations favorable or otherwise without delay to thu Legisla ture of tills Commonwealth. State arialmt our own line, ivhile there a 11 ilrjleieney of tucnl; oihl tltousund aijalnst It.irould not beiiolim such Jus tice In lemshition as would be exnecteil bit the people. That being tho casu 1 move that thu bill im recommitted. 1110 1110 Hon was adopted." Foil Elector lu our District, Col. Sam uel Knorr, was chosen. Col. Knorr terved hlscountry with UdeJIty, In tho field, for 11 vo years, and as a civilian, is among the ablest men of thu District, In this selection tho Convention has fully met tho wishes of thu XUIth District. American, Wo fancy many old fashioned Ro publicans hero do not ngreo with you, Doctor. By tho way, bo pleased to ex plain to your readers how, when, and where, Sammy spent flvo year In thu Hold." Ills old comrades don't exactly sfeo tho matter iu that light. A. Iladlcal Dilemma. Ai'Tun three years experiment on ro- constructing the Southern States, tho Radicals begin to reap the fruits of their policy. In Alabama, tho Constitution framed by its negroes was defeated by thu majority of tho registered voter re maining at homo 011 the day of election To remedy this untoward result in otli er States, It is Intended to amend thu thrico amended reconstruction laws pia dug tho power In tho hands of tho nc tual voters. Anticipating tills, thu Ar kansas voters defeated tho Constitution sought to bo forced upon them by fiini tag out and voting It doim. It will thus he seen that tho scheme to manipulate those States for Gen, Grant's election has failed tho Congressional policy has failed, and the only truo policy of reconstruction 1 that inaugurated by President Lincoln and adopted by Pres blent Johnson, Tin: llarrlsburg Telegraph says Col M'Cluro "was tho only Johnson man from tin Stato In that Convention, mid did not hesltato to tell Mr. Johnson that fact when lie wanted to control thu pat ronago ul Pennsylvania after Job iison elevation to tho Presidency," Now, that Is a slander on 1', John who has repeatedly bragged nbout hav ing voted for A, J,, In the Baltimore Convention ; and who aUo did not lies itato to tell Andy so, to get an ofllcu And If Johnson Is removed ho will not hesitate to tell Ben. Wado that ho P. J. nun 1 0 Knorr and Brower vote for him, Wade, at Philadelphia, in order to get ofllcu again. Sicumpir Palemoii, Can Tin: Coi.umiiiax inform us why tho Democratic State Convention did not daro to endorse tho President? iiat Is wronir? If Impeachment is de nounced why is not Andrew Johnson sustained? Jtepubliean, Tho business of Democratic Conven tions Isnot to endorse men, but to adopt principles and to select candidates. Bo- sides tho editor of tho Ilejiublican, and otlier "bread and butter" sheets, en dorsed him so fully after his rupture wltli Congress, that no further endorse ment is needed. If, however, our neighbor will rend the Resolutions adopted, ho will dis cover that thu Convention ( endorse tho courso of Andrew John-011 iu en deavoring to restore civil rulo South, and that in resisting tho usurpations of Congress ho wns simply "complying with that port Ion of hi oath of ofllcu which required him to preserve, pro tect and defend thu Constitution of tho United States." Coimv O'La.m's on Tin: Situation In his Washington correspondence to tho Brooklyn ISugle, this dlstlngu illicit patriot thus sums up thu grounds of Impeachment: Andy Johnson is to bo imneaclicd on tho following charge : For being Andy Johnson. I'or aggravating Congress by referring to an obsolete document, known as tho Constitution of thu United States. For insisting that tho Union lias not been dissolved. For asserting that a white man is as good as a colored man. For maintaining that tho Presi dent lias a right to uxcrciso power conferred upon tlioolllco by tho afore said Constitution, lleciuisu Alabama didn't swallow thu black draught ot the Radical constitution. For violating the law against cruelty to animals, lu trying to kiik a dirty dog out of tho War ( llllee. Wi: clip tlio following from tho Phi ladelphia Ledger, a neutral paper. Tho editor must havo seen P. John and Dr. Brower at tho Philadelphia Conven tion: Olllco-Seekersnro remarkiiblu people. They nlwajs keep 11 look-out alipad, and, In order to lio ready for anything that may turn up, they are making up to Senator Wade, who may, In a possi ble contingency, become President. Already thu political newspapers con trolled by theno restless peoplu aro run ning over with lavish praise. They say that Senator Wadu resembles thu iMo President Jnred Sparks lu his rural unall'ected simplicity; Daniel Webster iu oratory and iilgh statesmanship ; and Georgu Washington iu dignity and ills I interested patriotism, Washington News. WAhiiI.soio.,Mnreti 18. fON(llli:SS10NAIj. Both houses of Conirress were occupi ed principally to-day wltli ordinary routine business, tho 0111 10 exeiupi certain manufactures from Internal taxation wns taken up In the Senate uunlii (Ids aileriiooii,aiidat this writing 1 still under 1 scussiun. rne im pencil ment nultutlnii ha driven nil Idea of legislation out of the head of Radical members, nml their main object now b-ecms to liuto kill timu until the trial commence!), When It Is undertaken, all legislative business will bo susiien (led in both houses, Leading Radicals heie think tho Impeachment conspira cy will bo consummated by tho remov al of the president iiiiout tnourst wcok In May next. In thlsciilculatlon they tlx the commencement of the trial 011 thu .'loth Inst. ntt:i:t)Mi:.N'.s ni'itr.AU ntu. iuhsud. Thu House thl afternoon, bv n vote nflili to .37. passed tho bill to continue 1110 I'Tcediueu s iiureau 111 opera 1 1011 for one year, fiom and niter tho 1st of July next. Only 0110 or two Radical members voted ngniiist tho bill, but 11 large number 01 tnem dodged too (pies tlon bv decllnlnir to vote nt nil. The ilurenu has grown to be a permanent institution In tho country now, and will novor bo removed until tlio Jacobin party censo to control both houses of congress. Tin: wniTi: hovsi:. Tho President to-day was ngnln en gnged In eonsiiltntion with ills counsel Messrs. Staniiery, mack-, curtts am Everts Senators llucknluw and Doo little laid n brief Interview with him this morning. washinotok, Mnrcli 20, A Nr.W noUNTV III LI.. All evening paper states that "tho nouso m i itar.v Lommnieo lo-uay lie- elded to report a bounty bill embodying tho points contained In what Is known ns Schenck's bill, exeeptlncr that It pro vides that theso bounties shall no pain iu government land scrip. Eacli sol dier and sailor is allowed bounty at the rate of eight and onu-tiilrd dollars per mouiii lor 1110 nine 111 iiciiiai service after deducting Statu nml nntiona bounty already paid. It is not known to the Committeu how many million of ncrcs of land it will require to pay these bounties, no estimate having been as yet prepared, but in view ofi tho very large sum of money H would draw from the Treasury, and tho nmount it would increase tlio public debt, thu commltteo eanio to tho con clusion that theso bounties should be paid in land. Tho bill will be reported to tho House to bu printed nnd recom mitted to thu cuuiniiltcu and It l.s the Intention of General Garfield, Chair man, to call It up at an early day. Tin: roL'iiTi:i:NTii amkniimunt. The House Judiciary Committee has'o under consideration a bill declaring that tho proposed fourteenth amend ment lias been ratified by three-fourths oft lie so-called loyal States, and U theie- foro apart of tho Constitution of thu United States. AitiiiVAi, or iiaxccck. Mujor-Goneral Hancock arrived at Washington this afternoon from the South, accompanied by Colonel Mitchell of his staff. Ho has rooms nt thu .Me tropolitan Hotel. During this evening many 01 tils mends e.illeil to see nun. Washington, March A l'lir.DIUTION vi:uirii:i). In tlio courso nf the debate In tin Senate, on tlio 18th of February, lb07,in recard to the report of tho conference committee on the disagreeing votes ol the two house on the amendment to tho "tenure-of-otlico" bill. Mr. He,i (tricks, of Indiana, in referring to the provision relating to cabinot olficor; Mild: "A mean person getting into the cauinet would s.iy it tna j'rcslilent 110 sired him to leave, 'Congress has said I may stay, and therefore 1 will stay,' the very person who ought to bu turned 0111 is uiu very person who will stay 111. A gentleman, of course, would not, but a man who would have purposes 10 arcoiiipiisli, independent ol tne oi thu country. Would stay. Hoi the vr.v person that would. Mr. Williams (iladlcal,) asked Mr. Hendricks if tho Seiiatu wuuld not consent to tho remo val of such a man ? Mr. II. replied that that 'would depcudon circumstance.. It was a question of doubt, nnd ho wa not prepared to say. Further on in the debato Mr. Hendricks said, n decent man, a gentleman, would not wait till ho was tinned out ! but a dirty fellow-, who had no respect for himself or the high ofllcu, would hold on under this bill." Congressional Globe, Second Session, Thirty-ninth Congress, Part !l, pp. lOlo-lOlfl.J A SltA.Mi:t,i:sS COKI'KSSION. Your readers will observe, In tho re port of the House proceedings of yester day. that Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, in reply to a question by Judgo Woodward, of I'eniisyivnnin.sinicd mat ins ( v iisoimj intention in offering the amendment to a certain bill, which pa-sed the Hoiiso on tho 12th liist., was to take away tlio lurisdiction of thoSunremo Court in tho M'Anrdlo case, and that ho should bu glad if tlio bill became a law, before n decision was made In that case, and thereby sweep It from thu docket. It is to bo hoped, however that in this Mr. W ilson and his eo-cou-snlrators will bo defeated, bv the an nouncemciit of tho decision ol tho Court in the caso referred to, ere the bill in quot!ou LecomcB a law. AitiiiVAi, or moors. Within tho past three days a eoslder able number of troops havo arrived lu this order of GrantandStuntou One hundred men unived for tho Twelfth United States infantry, and fifty more arc expected. There was al so nn nrrlvul of ono hundred men be longing to tho Twenty-ninth infantry. Tno object of tills increase hi thu mili tary force of tills Department is not exactly apparent to tliosu not in tho conlldence of tho Radical eiViin that rules thu War Olllcuand the Headquar ters of thu Army, Thu matter ought to io inquired Into at least. ai:n:itAi. ha.ncock. Tills distinguished olllcer visited thu White Ilousoyesterday, and spent tlmo incoiisultntioii with tlio President. Sub biqiieutly he called nt thu Headquarters of tlio Army, but did not visit tno War Department. UN presence here I-j still tho principal topic of conver-ntiou iu political circles, and tho "loyal" Jac obins wonder whether ho wuuld dare to obey the orders of tho President, if nicy were not sent iiirougn uraiii, as directed by tlio "loyal" Congress. Wakiiinotok, MuichSS. tcuNK in Tin: 8i:NATi:ciiAMin:ii. This being thu day Used for tho Pres ident to maku answer to tho articles of Impeachment prepared against Iiim, tho Sonato Chamber was thu principal point oi iiuercbi ncre. opr.Ni.vo or Tin: counr. At half-past twolvo o'clock thu ordi nary business of thu Sonato wns sus pended, and a sort of recess taken until 1 o'clock, when tho President pro tem pore (Mr. Wado) announced iluit tho Chair would bo vacated lor thu Chief llWll. t'tl... IT. .It. Lit S:i...C.U 1,'lw. Ol.l.... upon called tho "High Old Court" to order, and Mr. Doolittlo, who had not been present lit previous session oftllio Court, was called nnd sworn. Tho mnnngcrs on thu part of tho House then appeared lu thu aisle, and weru an nounced by thu burgeant-at-arms, They wero boon followed by tho members of tho House, preceded by their speaker and clerk. Tho President's counsel, Messrs. Stanbery, Curtis, Evarts, Q roes beck and Nelson, then ontcicd, and took scuts nt their table, Mr. Stanbery briefly referred to the onerous duty thu couiisjI of thu President had to perform lu preparing his answer Iu such a short time. Mr. Curtis then aroo and commenc ed tlio reading of tho answer. Alter reading ahout half an hour, he was re lieved by Mr Stanbery, who likewise read about half an hour, when he, iu turn, wa relieved by Mr. Evarts, who concluded the reading about tl o'clock, the tlmuoccuplod (hereby being nbout one hour and a half. The reading was listened to by utnriy an present wiui marked attention, and tno general sen POLITICAL. ttnent expressed by impartial hearers was, that Ihr President hud made a . strong case. After Mr. Evart had tak FOIl Til IS NATIONAL ciiATie io.v. Wasiiinoton, I'ehrimry M, ISO. Biroi k i.isi . ,"";'"'; ,'.,..,,". Tlir National Prmocmllc Ciinimlltro.tjy vlrtuo ell Ills seal, -nr. isoiiiwcn, m uiu nonsu ndlmnuliioniy ci.nrp.-,clitmlMemly llidnil .Mnrltft Ilrttorl Will-Ill Itrr bushel Ityu " 'lour tier lml re'.. 'lovorsccd 'IllXSl'l (1 Putter managers, ro-u and stated tutu iney uiuiliHin ready to file their replication to-l.ionow at 'one o'clock. Mr. Evarts then called theatleutiou oi tnu untri 10 the neces-ltv of allowing the counsel of the President time for prepniiuion for thu trial, ami suggested that thirty days lie allowed them, in suppoit of thu imposition, Im presented a papcrsigucd jv all thu counsel asking tlio allowance of that period of time. lluwaid immediately rose nun oojeci cd to the reception of tlio paper, but supscquenuy wiinurew me oojecuon, ifter which tlio application was urgued neatly nn and a half by Messrs. Stanbery slid Evarts, of the President's coiiu el, and Messi... Lonti, W Ilson, llltigliiiin. and Butler, of tho House managers, who contended substantially that Inasmuch us the President had the executive power of tlio government iu Ids hands, ho oiiL'ht to bu removed tit once, lest he might no It in defense of .1... . I.I . ..IU.... I.M....II.. UIU JOSI rigllis Ul ins iinn u riiuiuj, Mr. Henderson moved to postpone tho further consideration of the question before tlio court until after the replica tion had been tiled. This was voted down bv 2s to 23. The ntiestioll was then taken on the proposition made by the President's counsel, viz: To allow them thirty days for preparation, nnd It was relucted bv a vote of 12 to II. (I strict party rote, with tlio exception of Mr. Wade, wlio did not oto nt an. After thu result had been announced Mr. Evarts submitted a motion iu writ ing, that such time bu allowed us the Semite migiii minis rcnonauio aim proper. WASiitsntoN, March SI. ihx'i.ini: or i.NTi:iiUsT. Although tho impeachment trial im not vet fairly commenced, it is ovl- li-nx- dent that the interest at Hrsl manifes- ' t-mtcii .ik.. ted by the pcoplo In tho proceeding is ( eel ning rapidly. The Court was opened at ono o'clock by tho usual proclamation from tho Scrgeant-at Arms. Al ter the Journal of yesterday had been read, Mr. Boutwell, on thu part of "the managers." arose, and in a low, sepulchral voice proceeded to read tlio brlul replication lo me rresi dent's answer, which had been adopted by thu House tint a short time before. Mr. Reverdy Jolimon then moved that nn authenticated copy thereof be fur n sued to eac n oi l ie counsel lor uie President, which was agreed to, The first question In order being the motion pendliigat uie adjournment yesteruay. viz: to allow the counsel of tho Presl dent ten days lo prepare for tho trial jlr. tjuniner oiiered a biipsiituiu mere for. reiiuirlnir the Court to proceed with tlio t'lal at once. Before thu question could bu taken on either ol theso prop ositloiis. Mr. Edmund, of Vermont moved ihat tlio Senate retire lor the purpose of consultation thereon. I hi va lurried to bv a veto of 21) to 23. and thereupon (1:30 r. M.) tlio Chief Justice and Senator retired toone ol the reeep lion ion. ns lu llio rear oi mo L iianiPer, A sort of recess then ensiled, the mem hers ol the House, lor tne most pari remaining in their seats or htruttlng around tho floor. Thu managers eon- vei.-ed with each other, and thu counsel of the President sat quietly by their ta b e looking over somo papers. Toward li.ilf-past three o'clock the spectators iu i ho galleries ocean lo retire lo tne corridors, nnd lliehum of conversation which had been going on since the Senate went out, had nearly stib-ided u ben thu presence of one or two Sen: tors ill tlio Chamber Indicated that the consultation wa over, and thu "ver diet" would soon bu rendered. Thl was the signal for a general rush for abandoned seats, which weru soon oe copied. The Chief Jll-tieo riMimod ibeehalr. and called the Court to order, Atler which hu announced that thu Senate hail adopted an order. Thu Sec ret.irv then read a paper in the u-unl form, fixing Monday next, the .'iOlh In-tiint, as the day for the actual com menccmi-iit of I lie trial, which, accord Ing to the ternisof thu order, shall thei proceed with all convenient dispatch etc. This appeared to bo satisfactory lo tlio Impeachment conspirators, and they exchanged congratulation over tho nettv meanness they had display id iu refusing even an allowance ol'one third tlio timu nked for by thu conn sel of the President of the United State Thu managers stated that they would be on hand at the timu Indicated nbovo and the Court iidlourned until that day at the usual hour. Nothing can bo plainer than that the managers of this conspiracy to depose the President from offleo. intend to make short work of it and in tills they aro sustained by the majority of thu Senate. Till'. ANSWIMl AM) ItlU'l.ICATION It is generally conceded hern that the rrcsldent's answer to uie a iieiesoi im poachment is an exceedingly able pa his 'favor. Tho Housu Radicals realize thl, and in tho brief dIcu-lou which took place this morning on their repl cation, it was manifest that they were by no means prepared to controvert some of thu most material allegation contained iu tho answer of the Presi dent. Tin: Tho regular session of tlio Cabinet was held at noon to-day. All tho mem bers wero present. Itlswld that thu President submitted his veto of thu bill taking away the jurisdiction of tlio Su premo Court In appeals on habeas cor- us cases, which, it will nu rememeereii allects tho famous M'Cardlo case. The veto message will probably bo sent to morrow or next day, ns thu ten days allowed bv thu Constitution for thu re turn of bills will expire lu the case of tlio lilll in question on Tuesday next. coNiiiTioN or Tin; tiikasi hy. It is reliably stated that tlio currency balanco iu tlio Treasury I growing "smaller by degrees and beautifully less," Tho Secretary is puzzled as to bow he shall "raise tho wind," to meet tho current requisitions upon Ids De partment, lie etui find no encourage ment in the dally receipts from Interni'l revenue nor from any otlier source. Al together affairs at thu Treasury Depart ment look "decidedly blue." Wasuinuiox, Mitrcbs.1 Tin: President tent to tho Senate to-day his veto of tho bill which nf ficted tho M'Arillecase. THE SLNATI! AND Till! VETO, Before the Senate went Into executive session to-day, the Democratic members coincided iu a iiroi ositleu to devote, to inorrow to di-cussloii of thu veto, with thu understanding that a vote will bu taken before adjournment. NaMnnnl ll,mnnrpi tl Com .'111 lull. Ill n Inpotlll hi hi this ilav nt Wnliln,lon, 1. C, volnl in Imlil nil" ll.'Xl l on l ('111 Hill lOi' Ill(- purnn.poi minim i tlhi; rnu'litlitic- fur PrpHldeiil inxf VlrisPrcuhlrnt ol flic t'nltcil MlniMtni llicllli ilnr nf July, IM!, I iiVii.eli ,1.. In f .m el II- ill .S pw Vnrlf. 1 hn lin.N of ri.iirpsoiit.illoii.ns llxril iiv Itip last '.'illnmil IhMiifirintli- i.iiiim ntlon. la iloulilc tho niuiilierolbU'imiDn mm iic.-ii'itniuuvr. in uon .rM nfncli sinl iiii.'it His !it npp'irtiim!n!it rarn piuip is in lieu ui fccim ui'ii'Knii's iin-uiii' lnlr' .. AUIIl'Ql IlI.lJH.i 1 lim I MlHlli I'UKIir.llICK O. l'lllNCE. Hrcrctnry, Democratic: Stato Ticket. ron AUmTon-ansuiuM CHARLES B. BOYLE, or I'AYETTi: COU.NTV. i-ou ftunVMrm-ouNEnu.i GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, 01' L'OI.UMIltA COt'.NTV. . KM . I :n . I . n no ., 7 o , 2 111) .. . I! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A SS KINK ICS NOTICi'l 1.N n.V'V 1. IIUI'ICY.-Iii Uie Pl-trii-ti'iiiiit (if the I'm It'll p.1. Ill's inr mi' , I'-ii-i ii". ............. nln, l.i llifiiiallrrof u nn Alulii'M". liniiUiu.,1, To v Im.ii It "'v ciiih'i' ml lii'i'tiili'.nlsni'illii.i'liy ulii's iHitlf" ul 111, iipiiniutiiii'til ns itssiiimo nr Aap.ii All iri'WK, in jiiiiiiii in ui" . , riilimililii.uiiil l-tutc in l'(iinlviuilii, lm lm. Iii i'ii ii.IJiiiIkciI a linnkruiit iiinni lil? " iwllllmi, bv Hip lli.llli'l Court nt wll'l Pljlrli! . PilU'illu II lamlsii.irti, uio in ii imt "i 1 , J. II. KOIIIHOS, AMlglll'P. alarm w, mm. As.sitiM:i;'S noth'i; ixn IlLM'il'Y.-lii llii- PIMrlit Cmirl ofllii' I'lil ii'U isiiiiP. lor Uiu Wotrrii PW' i "i IviiiimI.h ul. i. t miiiur ul Jom'I'Ii,i..iii;:iii'i. I'owliom It mav rnnriTiit I'lu 'in " rw.uni'il Iuti- lil UlM'H IIOtMC Of 111. lliointllll nl a iis-.i ul .losrl.ll II. .Miller or km, In tin illy,, I, hi. mill Nlali' ol I'm i- I. Mill) li.K lin-ii ailjuil -nl n b.mkril.l llinil lil n 11 Iii,.... i.u n:u lil-ii-lfl I'mirLnf h,tl,J lllstr cl. I,,..'., .. I...... ,1... I'll. .1... .f M.illi lMlt"ii" uiwiii.i'iiia, " ,V:,,ifV . V 11 J, I. Illllll.U... aiar.-T, is'i-.n. 'I",t' I) H O V 6 H A L S An- itivltol fr tiu- ciccli'm. (it M. corner of Mftltl llllll .Hill Kt l Ml 111 , nummv nidi "in lm U innUixTi icii uiu i it'tiiiisn, wiui .... i . . i -..,.r . . T1..iMrL kfurv lit In lilt i... i in t-..ntii Itnnf nfivliitp nml tin. Hfit.irafo iiroiKiHuUmuy )o mmlo for excaxathn tiiuVntoncnotk. brirknorK, nootl'Uurk, jiintlnf cilnlurttiolMUay uf April, ut Hie nfuceof Col. rnoro-tAI.! HtU niW OC rrcrriru nmu tnv u n iimj of April, for tho purcliuno nml rcmoviu ol the bulUIUiBS now upon MiMlot, Ail'lri'ss M ' litllluii'K miiiniiiiui Mnrch iVC-2t, luooniHljurK, 1', o. ADM IMSTUATOirH SO J MrAIHHK UKUttll, IMIHI, M CI'Afcli. i.i-iicru or mlmlnlMrulKin tnillit- rMiiIc tif llrorKu Yltiurr. liitu nf MniitmirtowiiMilp, IV umM i en., ilciTii-ia huvn Im ( n Mnuilcil hy ih-n IttKlUvr oi Mild fdimiy tn l.cwli l'lirMnht-r of fnitm twp. All IHTJIOIIH II.IVMIK t'lllllin 'H lit M'tunii iivoilMi tlicnlntotr llmtli'tTilent nn trf(ucsletl tiinialui thrtti Known, ittnl I In 1-1,1 hult'litol to imiKc n;iy i,"fiii, LKWJHt. IIItlHlul' Ill) 1 (7 fMiniiinuuKir, l.iKIX'U'rOll'.S NOTICK. lli MIA1K ui' nisiiY iiii.rtKiiicii iiia'ii l.rllorii U'lntnclltn"y nn llm (Ulil'i "I li nry Dluttorli'h. lulu ul lllmli'lcclt luw tllilp, t'oluln- I1I11 nullity hni. Ini'ii pniiilcil hy I in Iti-jMlcr nr I'ntniiiniii rminlv In il DklliTlili. mil limn- A. Pli' lirlili,iirmlirrnnlilii. All r aulia ll .lll illlllMKKllllst llli' eMail' 11 rti llilili'-.- Oil u pri'si'iit l.ii'in nn' iitli'ini'iii, anil linv. In tlihlt'l in II,. t'shili. I'lllirri-n linli' or hooK ai. 1 mint Mill nnilli' I' 1.1 ini ni, in in.' . . iin i- nun' oiitiiil.iy, MA.Ml l.l, 1111:11 1 HU II., ' lll.NUY A. l)II.TIi:ilh II. pc , ti'iw.'iunii. Tuiii'mit's xul'fuij. in ilii'Orulian'K'onrl for llioCimnty orcolum. I1I11, 111 the nnilliTiir llioi'liitoil W iltlain ( las InnilciensMl. 'llii' All'lllor nppnlnloil hv I ho I'niiit, In ni'iKn ill.lrlhtitlmiof tin' hatanct In tho hiilulH ol Hainucl Lnl, hxifiimr of William ('lav Inn lUcrnipil, nliioiii! Uiu ImaK i ollfil.itc, i I mpi I I Im iiii'llci. liiltrmli il lor tho nirir'oorhl. ni.l.ollit nl nil rnlliAV, ITtll or .M.K n. A. II. li'vilt !lUlillU.'PlllllloomhtllK, t'otiiiiililn ennnty, I'.i. All hiTMiii. havlnit claim. iiK.ilnit (tin cslnla aro lii'rchy uqnlipil m ihpuiiI tn tho Anilllnr.iir nn f.illliri- In iireMtll Ihn aanin ho finivcr iIp uirrrit rrniiu'oiiilnulii for n kIiiiio dfllionililiv- John 11. nti:i:?.i:, Au.iiini-. Koli.'Jl.'CI llnw italoi's , Prh'il ApilcH 2 JVl IOIK . If nam. siili'H anil, .al'il nor iiniiml Hay pit tnu IQ CJ i.t' JAMLS S. M'NlNCH JACnll lloll MA In tlio 11111111011 l'loan of Coliiinhlu coniily. 11. I'll. in?c,ii, 1111,011 ..laic Itililtock ItimriN por tlloualnl foot ........ I'llip " " " (olio I IIPlll JoNt, Seatilllntf, l'lntik, (lli'intuok) KIllir'tcH, Nn, 1 prr tlidialuL MUtlnS " " ft. "".'".'.V.". .... im on IMlill . ll w 8 00 7 0" 11 w ISO s:i Wi IMillaililphla .Mnlliil.. Tllf ltsl) iv, .March CO l5';l .oi it .N'oilhwcstorn Kiipcrttno ut I7.i"'tfl 7." N'niihwcstorn extra K.lHif.u immi NnrlllH iU rn fain lly HVjkt. 1 1..1 1 lV'iin.ylvanlanliil W cti rn Miporllno... T.'i'ii'i.s.Ti rciiiisylvniilunliil Wt'sii-rn cxna i(iS'.i.7.1 IVniiHylvniiln ninl WVsti'rn rnnlly ll.ivi,aii.V) IVntisylvalil.'i ami Wi-hli'iii l.mcy l.t.iny.c 1 1.(x Ityc Hour .VnriijH, W Ill.Al l'ilinylnnl.i roil,;! Imih $')"llSi:.7i) s-utitlii'in " " S-'.ooitt S''.7.i Callfoinla " " f.'l.'jl iilillo " S.I.IViiS.l.l') IIyk lVmi'. lvanla e. vims II. 7iiint 31.Ni (.'oltN-Vi'llmv, " tl.l7(.45I.IJ ll lllir, si.iil.u.31.11 O VTH V'lllH 7fcftt S7c I'lloVlsniMi Ml'NM l'olk, V hhl H!..'jl) Mi ss lli'i-f, " S'.'LW Piessi'il ilojis, -fill hifji'iyiiio Slnnkoil Ihilns " Ix'&IOC MimiliU'rtV l ll'fPUnllo IauI,V V2i-M:i)li- Hl.Klis Ctn oi'M'pil 1' hu. S7.oUias.V, llinutlljlii't'il V hus fil.l IhixMiil ' '.w:ioi CATrl.r. Ili'if Cnttto'tUt) 7cft.!ij dins, ti hi'iul 3H)rivS71 IslIIlf.l' 'fi 11. 7cf'j.Sf lluos-V KIUIM 8ll.j051,.2'i Atl;irri;iiu,!i. Itev. J. , tn MUl HI.ACK HWAVI' On tin 2Ttll nil., hy A. (lim, I'crry n. lll.ick ol lllioisian l.lzzio iay.oiif Maliiinoy Clly. nili:i:NI!AL,.M-l,I.I.MAN-0 l-u.lilavcillB I In JUt Inst., by tin Iti-v. 11. lluli. u. at w llKcs llarip. Mr. .Iiillus (li-.'cnliatiiu of Itlooiiishuii;, I'.l., In .AIlss l'aullnp L llm III ol 1I.I1II1IIIUO, .lil, W'ATT-i-WIIII'.M()VI'.lt-iiii Hip Mh Inst., hy .lullll l.oli ,M., .Ml. l.l'iyu Willis, ii, .miss r-u- 1.111111. Ill llltllltOir, IIOIII l-I I'llll' IDMllSllip, Sfathn. HAUIlKIt Iii nt., Jotrpli Cmmty, Iiul., iluilier, fonntrly of Coliinibin co., 1'a, JOHN In Mount IMenxatit, on the lllli insl. Ann m ivi'stUT Idlm, iujit tiLnjiil i) t'iut. NAHll In Willl.inisp irt on VV.lm"t.Uy cvenlni! Mart'h tli J"0, Itev. Cliiirlfs nsli, nsfil nlmt Mr. Nnsh linsloiijj Ikoii known liy nur citizen lu luiMiii: t'tuclit Kchool ai tliw pluct. us tU an nt Iti-iwlck itiul L'ulnwl-oa. lie was n ininUter or llic M. 1.. Churi'li. nntl IiIh lilt- It one long m-otd of labor In his Muslt'fN caust'. 1IH Iosh .ill l' untvirsnlly rcyutltil. l.'T IVI'Tn Miirin If.rif on ffio"l) lilt.. .f I llor. ln Mm of John W. anJ Hester A. Kline, a get) J inonilis ami -i days, O weeping frlomls, e.illeil thus to mum, The breaking of n lemler tie, Turn lliou thy UioiiiihlH from earlh to brawn, Heel; thou tlio hul.ieo Irom wii hlnli. Thu ilarlin j ono thus torn from thee, lie Is not lest but gone before, Thfit much lo ei! lonn lualn 5 ou'U fcee, Again jou'll nu-et on heaen' bright shore. V, K, ribrit.iry 3. 1-Mon iiiotltmofJohn o. I rc7i3lho l'IH..Atiy. TlnU'ourt oruerfnioiueoiuieuppii' 1 .i v'11 iiliilniil l!r rwuiusiim lbniiboelo be ID published In one newspaper, fur tbiee weeks pri li or to May H, Ih'W, application will bo nmlu In 1 1 pursuance of tho ubo e onler, for 11 w tit ol einl. J-.::. to hell ine me vmiiiu ui nn ' " real eslate tevieil nml rumU'imidl by lrtuo of i i.. nt'i nf uhlpli iinnllciitlon the Mllil Jacob llollman, the liefemlaiit Is, n nucslcd Ut lllKC noiieei (Miii ii.i iu.1.1111. .'...'" CertltU'tl rrnm tne uecoiu'. jmikuiloaj, March 17,'tM-it. I'roUiouotai. rn O T A H M K it HI -V ti t t fnlllHVV'U tltf fit I .li r.LJI IV Hl.l.'U (.U..II ,1.1 I n ...... V A 0 1 IM C 0 U A X (). Tim ATTr.NTION of runners ami other coii- Mimi rn oi rcrtlllzeiH is luvia-U to this Oiunu, us Win thy of the'r special nolice, iin use mr mjut ,. I u 1., Murt Inml . VlnrllilfL nllil lit lit r ISlMll em Males, lor all Ciops, unni it 11 humiuiju eharatlcr lor excellence umqiiallcil by any oth er, II pitssesses ail lilt) quiwunest oi hhiwiim tJuamt with permanent quahllci not iouiul in that article. 'J V. of this (luano are Iouiul phosphates. 11 ilpens thu win at 1 lop Irom iy ,. 'i.., iiam Mmti the ohOHii bates. hkh fuclalotio gives It Incalculable iKlvanliu-s, SW p rtou, lliitr.(litisfjiintloilcakrs. 1 or sale by .luiiN s. ui:i:si: a co., (iiuvinl Alii ills lor l'aciilc Uuano 10., Ai Eolith Delaware At, I'hltail a AnJ 71 fcuulh MUcct ltaitlwio v. March JJAXKUUPT NOTICI5. In hie insTitit-t Cut in ofiiik Umikij hTAii i. in iTHEUhni .u.1) uniuiii " 1 j " f( cox. a llaiikiunl under Ait of Coiigiess or March having up iilii .l for adls.-h.uge Irom all his ih.-b1s.anil other i-lalPis provaiiie umier sum Aei, ny w u-i m 1 i.i.tlci. U lii i. '.ie irlvt 11 loll 1 crtilltuls nbu i..i t.r.iv-o!! tiu'ii ih ot.s. iiiiil other tursotis Inter ested; toappearon the yth day oi ArulL at 11 oelocit li.m., lictoie I,. (iciion, jr., i.mi., ltcglster.atllie l.xchange Hotel In liluom-buig, ... T ...... im.iil.1 it mi v- th.-v lni ( u hv il ilis( hit I ue shouhl not hugranutJ to tliosaUl lluuLiupt. Ami lurther notlceis luriby glen, thai thy mcoihI i.i.i ..w... .w ,.fi -.. -llii iik ift lii'hiil I lull L- Hint reoulreil b the ith ami th sitltons of said Ait, will be bail Uluie said Ucglslt r, ujioii Cltrk of U.K. Uistrict L'ourt lor saiu nisiuci. Mar.'7,'tjvJw in tiic IhsthictCou::tuftiik UMii.DHr.vii-.s, OKI lli. WUSlMtN UlwU ICT O rJ..-H." J. w 1 11 l'vul iisnnr. a Itaiikllllit utitierthv A t ol lonuiLss ofMau-h -Mt hW, having aj plan lorn IihchaigoIioinalIJiiMdejU,audoLht.riiainis piovuuiu umiei sum ac, u- imiui h im v..., MintE is 1n.Ki.11v (iiKN, lo all auditors ln 1.... .. i.n.i ... 1 Hi.iiriiiiiiii unit itt her persons llilel L-ated : lo Himcar oil Ihe HJlh day of Al'itll., 1 III 11 O llUCJi. .. .H. .unumii. umi, "' llenlsler, ill Die l..i luuigu iiuii i, itium. n, i.t kIhiu' i'.ukk Imnv tliev liUM.ulii a l.MlialL, .I.,l..lil IK, 'llU.t.ll tl.lll.' .i..ilIlllL lllt. All! ui .lu-i noiiie Is la 11 by l 1 1 11, 1 lml ti.o Miiiml ami llllld Met tlllgsol Lle.llloi-.iM iiiewini it uu lupl. li'ijUlied 1 11 tu -n" V ' f..ud Act. wli bo lultlbilHli! the U,.ilei 1 thu caiue time and Clelk oril.H. IH-Uh l ronil loi si.ld lilHi'.tt. Mui.-Tils-.'w UDITOH'.S XO'l'ICK. ihpOrnlilll'a Court for III" t'nnnlyotl'olnlil- .la. In the inlillcrnriliocstalniif 1 ipilcrlck 111" 1 ilmnml. '1 In Allilltor ni.olnli'il hy llio null, In main- il.tlhullon nf llm 1 1.1 lance III Hip nf lliomas 1U', l'.xcculnr of 1 ri'ilprlcli If"11.'1'; CPasCll,llllll)lllllllll'KHll'S ,, r.i,., . o,. ....... .. ..... - I 10 names iniiTi'suii in in; i"" i"'T ."",',' linllitliillll, on SATl'llliAY, .M.Mirll IK, A. II. si s, al 1 en (I'cliK-k, A. M nt tlio olllcnof llohcrt I. I'lafli. Km., curlier nt .Main nn.l .Maikct Hllccls, i'..liiiiilitn cnniilv. l'n. urn hcicliy rcriulicil m incscnt In llio Aiijlltor, nr niir.iuurpin pi-psi'iii iiiysiunr . 1. ...... . ... ......... from cDinllM I" fr u -liaronf cstatp. 31. j:. JAt'KM), Ainiiinr. ivh,:i'i',s TiMTSris'ntATiiit's xoTici:. t. l.STATi; OK MATIIl.ll ItllONK lit CKAlFti. LcllcrHiil nilmliilMrntluli nn lliprolntpnf Ma- In las ltlinnc.lalc of Jackson Inwiisli n, rnliininm (nuntv.ili'ci'iisi'i!,' hci'ii urimli'il hy Uiu IIpjc Islir of sulil Counly, In Samuel Ittinnr. mini r. cum If inmcno utmuro, lip Itonll 11011, wlm rcsliles III Mintl liiwnsliln. All J.ersolis liavHn! claims in iteinanilsiiK.ilnst tlicnil'l estiilpnrp runusleil In ircsi'llt tlli'lll lor M'lll Illllll Wllinnii ui-i.ij , 111111 :husu Hull I1I1 il I" liiaki' i.a.Mni'liI, MAMI'III, hIIUM:, Ailiulnlstliilni, Mar,lllH-l.l l?Xi:Cl'T()lt'.S XOTJC'K. KSTATH lli nl.MAKV I,. I tlVIlKll.i.cicaslil. Lclleralcs iainclitiny on Hi" cslaliiol Maiy Is I'rviler, of llorouunni 1 1 riiii'ii, uiu" on 11 kiiiiii.'ii "j ,ii lti'Kisler of I'olumhia iiiunty, In Isaac 1,. ( rjilel', All nelsons huMim i I11I111 naalnsl thceslnlpiirp riTiiicsleit tn im-M-nl llicm lm m ttli, nun those linli hlul to the ifclale, illtier onnoteor hook necolllll Mill make fninicllt In Hip Kmcii lornltlmulilelay. 1S. AO I.. L', .Mar.ii'Hs-ol. l.xcciilor. totic'io iv i!.vn'kiTuWcy7 i'lns Islo slMi liolnc: 'Ihat nil Ihp 51 day of March, A, 11. Mis, 11 Mininlil Hi r..inl:iuley was Is-nieil lltfalnst the t-slaln of llenly 'I'loU'lh or rouliilrjMlle, 111 Ihuloliuly ol Colninhla, I'llll Stale ol I'l llllsltltliat ihn lilis hecn ailjuilacil 11 llalikiuiil 011 Ins oun ililiou; Unit tlif lsi. incut ul any ilehla unit ill tin ly ol liny l lol'i liy he hnivlii' In such l:aiiklliit, In him, nr lor his use, ninl liiotllilliriif any propelly hy I1I111 arc 11 -hlililcn In law : Ihat a iniellnu of Ihc Cieilltoikof IhtiMiM l!iinl.lllit, In inirti Ihelr ilchls, ninl lu ctio.ise one ir' asslsti esof Ills estalp. will hn helil al 11 Cuuil of ll.inl:ni.lev, luhe liiihlell lit Hie Duclianlii' J t In lllonlusliuli!, Oillimhla cmliilv. lVnusvliauin, hefoie llilwaul Oieito'i, Jr., llcuisler.oii the lull ilay of AfiilA. 11., isos, pt "'''''llluMAH A. KOWI.I'.Y, IT. S. Malslinl. lie i:. 11. 1 uul.llAfdll, llcjiuly. .Mar. It'Os-ll. ' N JOTICK IX lJAXKItUl'TCY. ihls W loHlvonolice: that on tho tb ilay of Maich. A. n. lvs, i vuirraut in iianuiupiev wasisMied against the cslati-of Jatob Uiasy Ibe lounsblp ol lilh'lciitU in the county if I'ohiinbla, and Male of I uiusj hnnU, lias In en itdju Iged a Ilankiupt on hW own netHIou ; ibut the pa nu nt ol iinj debts and lUmciy d any inopeili belonging to such liaiilaupt, to hi in, or lor bis use. and llt tiansfer of any piop erty bv him are fori. Idden by law; Hint a ineei Ing orthe ncilltoMot the said il.uihi pro tiu Ir df bis and to i-Ihhim! ono or mine assUnecs ot blsi-tate, will lie held at a 1'ou it of Ilatihl upt 1 v.IiiIh) holm 11 at the l.xi hange Hotel, In lllooms taut:, t tduiuhla county. IVnns tvaiil.i, below I.iiwtid oi aon. Jr , Itigldei, on the lOiti day ut flll a. n. Inat I o clue's 1 1. III. 'IIIO.MAS A r.OWW , l', K Mitislml, M i.i.l'os-d. by 1.., iicpniy. N JtiTIt'K IN ISANKltlMTCY. jr o t 10 1:. iiie Hoard of llJVUion of I'ohunbia county, v Ml nut t at tho CoinnusMoneis, ( Imn'iiis- Ig.ou triuay, Lie lUlll oi ,piu nei, 10 rev i't and t qu.ilize the asessuients oi uie set 11 ul Districts oi s.ild county. 1 be lollovvuig is tnu 101111 vaiuauoa iu emu dKti let as leturntd bv tho seV el lit UV-vssoi K. for the tri-annuai assess mem 01 11 : 1 1 loom Township, SPECIAL NOTICES. n o 1 h s. Like the volcano, bolls glvo Issue to tho foul nnd fiery contents of Hie deep tulreior. To to- niovo tho cause of such sintering It is only (ssnry to ltalbe llio blood by supplying it with tt I.ifi) element, lion. Till: I'KUUVIAN SYKUP, (a protected solution of the TioloxMoof Iroiijvvlll ilothls fll'ectually.undglvestruiBth, lgorntid new life to tho whole system, Hxtra'tofn I.eltcr from Itev. IIiciiAiin I'.Dt-S Of fiOStOtl, .MUSS. "fur r Jim I was nsuirererfrom IlolN. so that my llte'becamo winrlsoiuullnoiigli licit frtnu-nt and liersistant itciirrrmoj ilnullv a carhuiulo rm mi l) in thesma 11 of in v balk. Durum Its nru- r-nM inrifoolf eesofdecoiniMisi'd flesh were every day or two i ut away, and then pioMratloii anil trim-mi illstiitbiiuco of the system veiecvcat, llefoit' 1 had lccoveied fioni this nttatk two smnlkr carbuncles bioko out hKher up, and I ,ns again tbieatened with a recurrence of tho siiilcilngs to vhieh 1 had long been subj'ctil. It was nt this Hum that 1 cominencid hiking tin lT.IHfVJAN HVIU'l'. I continued taking ll ui. till l hint used live botth-H i since then 1 bao had nothing ol tho Mm), l'uv m.s I Mas one of the greatest suuerers. iuier nu oicuies gave me pai tial mid temponuy idler, but this iciiiaikablo lemony, wiin hkuhi ami imuiiivnsense, wi'iu il In clly lot bo root of the evil, and did Its vvoik with u lhoru.ii,'hne&s worthy oi Us established i haracter," A il-' pago r.impblet sent free. Tho genuine has I'l ju'vian Hv nn'" blown in thu glass. J. 1'. DINSMOHi:, l'.onrlctor, No, ;:o Dey M., New Vol It. Hold by all Druggists. INFUllMATION.-Informatlon guaranteed to hi mliii-i' ii luxuriant irxiutli nf hair lihoii a bald icatl or beardless face, also ll lecelne lor thu u- movalof Pimples, ltlotchcs, HruplloiiK, ttc, on tho sic In. leaving tho samo solt.ckar, and beautl- llii, tan oeoni in inn VMinouu narge oy niniiesMiig Til OH. T. tHAl'MAN.i'hemist seplTUT. hjl lhoadway, New Yoiu. Ilrhui-ree Heaver " Ilentoll " Iierwick Horoueh t'eiitiall.i " C'oungham Tup L'entio " (' itaw ihsa " 1 ishliikcietic ri.niLlln " (l.'icnwood " lit m lock " .huksoii " Wicust " Montour " Madloon " Alt. rieasaiil " Mains " Mlllllll " oraii " I'ino " Hoar tijiuck " Hugarloat " .scull " C'oiamlsloners olllce, Illoomsburg, lsC .iohn i. rowi.r.n, i mu.j i old:, v DA VI D YHAHl'.lt. J AUtit: WU, KllUKIiAl'M, UrA, Mnnh i.'lis-'-'t. ... Sm7,(. .. 17,I12 .... UIitU . . lU'.i'W , . I'M. 1J1 .. .. I.T.IW ., . l'HI,7l . . UJ,sa:i ls'-Vtls lt,s,7!') HU.-.7.I .. .. 1111.111 iMVil 17,7 1 i . ls,.II7 .. . IH" . 17 1.M ll.Vt.Vi h l.MJS .... llt't.Oil u-,.. Ji 1 1,'J iitj.mri njci '2i0, xrj March -I T A X T !: J). A11KANHAS. Xo fiirtlior I'Pturna fiom tin ArUan s.h t'lt'ctlim Imvo boon ipct'lvi'd licit, luit It Is lipllovcd nt tliti room) of tlm L'(iiiKrfs.sloiiiil KM'cutlvo C'oiiinilttfo that tin lt('iuiblkaii.i linvo ftiikd tnt'itr ry tlio Stale. Uox. David Wu.Mor illi'd ut Ills ic.ilili'iicn In tlili i!a(v, im .Miinil.iy tilt' l.Mli of Mai tli , about 1 uVloi'l; p. in. Durlni; his llio ho noted us u politician of homo note, belni; n itimllilntu for (iiivcrnor of IViin., ineiiilier of tliu U. . Semite, Jutlgo of tlio Court of this Dlslilet, JuiIku of thu Court of Claim), ete. Ho leaves ii wlfo nnd ono sou. Argus, SiMtiNO Is fn.t aiiiiruiit'hliiK, and lighter gurmeiits will foon ho u niceaslty, To hiivo money nnd tlmo and to ho biiro of perfect witlsfaetlon you Imvo only to no tn t'liemherllu'"). Hn has nlviiy.son hand tho newest itiul most beautiful patterns of foods and uiiilerntamls how to convert them Into wearing niipaiel so as to look and wear well, lit has also u eompleto amort ment of under clothliigiiml gentlemen'! foods ("encrally. CUvo him n call, Tlio be.! known lemeily fur si;norui.., 111 nil Its iiiiintr.ilil fiirniH lliclililllic 1'lrt'lK. Clin peril, H ihlllH, hull Klii inn, ('iilinuuptitili rtc, is I'll. iii.ii n iuiii.s i. . 1 1. il, il pint' Miiu tion of loillne, Mllhoilt ft will (-111, illscuvt-ri'it III. Icr iiuili.v Miirt 1 1 clcntlllc icbi'iiu'liaiKl ( xperl- llicm. 1 or (Tmllriitlliix liumuiH Irom llio Kslem It has iiotiiiuil. Clrcufiirii ..'ill lu-i'. J. i . jiiniuiii,, t-otil hy nil Ilrusglsts. !IU Di y Htivot, N, V. .Miil.uos It IloSotn ilioii lu vlsllrit llio hliiirCH of Aliierlcu. sonulil lonn nml iiiiluoiihly lui tlio "Hnrlui;ot er iiolual oillll," Unit tlloso Mint ballu1.! llieit'lu niliihl lu'M-rurow oki in npiu'iiriinii'. roopio in our dnv liuvo In i nit iIWcom 11 il 11 Mibhliliilc for tills iiuloiiiul tiiirlim In IUiik'h Vi'tii-lnlili' Aniin-ii- .111. II It YV ll.pll(lltloilK ill M llllll flM. lu (llllto or Ktny iiuir tnui i nui,.iroiiR 11111 bioshv nppi'iir nliio iK't-iilliir to ontlilul litniity. Unity o! our untii-iii iioiti.i nils, iit im in ny n iH.ttio nml lio fiiuvlnt't'it ol llio until of our ussitlon. Mui.ii'us-lt TO l'AllMi;its AND ri.ANTlIHH, I'linn-ls, 'JnuTli.NKOI' HOI lll.i: Hl.l INDI) I'ut; lllll'TlK oftlio Iiiiil Miiniifnt'tlirllii' l'n., inniU Irom llio li lull! -ol. Iiloisl.ollul inn limit nlillniils of New York I'lly. for ulilt'li II... I.'omonliv lmo pm lnslifioiiliiifl. rrU'i'only il liOI.I.AUH ii:it i ti., in mill nn.l (imiuts noni .m-w t in u luuit'ii, Wnrinnlril by tlioC'ouumnv to tie cminl wi loin lot piluil .itpfrpliospliuto in nit null l.i I, i no itsiiiis on i oru, tvoiiuu lo li.ieiomi,l (nnlli lniM littu nslo'lislillnf llio oust bt-ui.ou, II tnnluit'H llit-t ron floln 10 UuHli)tuii utiks enrlltr, ninl iloutilcH llio coii. Tin I'nuiplili Willi t-t-llllli'tilo or liunilreils of well know n I'lnnti-u ninl lurnitTs. nml v ery Inforuui- lion, still lii't tu liny ono npolj Initliy liltor or oiuei Wlso in .in t in.i. vm v i ruisl.l.l., liiy ( liniililn counly, Tu., or to Hit IjjUI Mitnulni'li Inu Coin puny, Now oik. reb. HI, Wis, Ai'i.tiis for llm s.ili of I.IomI's ( Mnns'fnu mnuo II om o In ivuoiiiirs per u.iv. .'vinut'ss, HIMON C. rillT.lts ii I'd., Mnnlil.'O'O.I-:!. 1. O. llox lu, lliirilsuurg, l'n. CTUAl. 1.1 l-'K IXSUIIAXCK CO., n r n i:w Yonic. .V. WJXSTOK, Resident. dross Assi-ts 1VI). I. lsuS tJi..".l!l.'ail 1 IU . .Ill I' for 1SI17 II.TN'.IS ll DUIitellil I'lliil I'olllt lloltifH III IMi". V.3T0. IIT HI IirKest Mutuiil t'oiiiisiuy In tlio wmtil. Hllllll-lloil Of It'ltPK. John ii. rni:i:.i:, archi, Mi'lt'll WC.f. lIliHiiiisliuiK, l'n, p U 11 li I C S A 1. K. iu do e.inseu to pumic suit?, ni uie icsuicncu ui inu iiinu'raiumrii.tii, niuin 1111 r, i oi iim uiu ef uni ty. 1'a., on Frltl.iv, .Maich i.7tli, l"tis, al ton o'clock in uio lorcnoou uie mumviiii; noieriy 10 u; r o u it ii o it s i: h, Two iroml cows, a lot of shri n. luo venrliii! colts, one (iHon,oneshil( one si i heav) h.irne-N one st i sn er iiiotiiiieti ti.ii lie s. fine u i uiwuv plows, hiiirowH, cultlal(ns, iiml other f.irmlnu uli nsils, I ies It Us nthei itrlhhs ino nunuioiis lo nn lit ion. j.. j. .m iu,. in . Murch, Mth v. II.OOMIlL'IKi MTr.RAUY I.VST1UTIH. I10A11D OK INSTIIULTIUN. IIHN'HV tAUVr.U, A. M.. I'lincli-al mil I'm- vu tor, Professor or riiUobonhy, Ac. MIkh Hfirnh A. Pnrver. I'ircMit u-sn. I Teacher of I'uni-h, liotuny uiul ornaintntnl hiunnicx, Isaac O, lk st, A. I!.. Professor of Ancient Ijuimiu&es Clmrleii V., HIce, A. 11., I'lolessor ol Miithinnith'H, F. M. HiUtu, Tinehcr or liaiU-hti j Iny A I nnhsh hiatiche MIsh Alice M 'in .er Tiftchcr ol hist.uihiiitul Miiclc Miss- in hi inr vui t 4 . n ii ri j, Wilson will semi (fue ut chut i;e)to all u ho desire It. tho urescrlntloii uilhlhiMlliectloiis lur makliiif ami usltiK tiu slinph) rein eily hy whUh huttas turnl ut u liiimiilhiliiin lUKlthuCdrcack'tliUscuKO Coiisiiiiiition. Ills only ohjeil U tuhent-ht thu iillllcied, nml ho hujus eery sullcicr will tiy thU licscrltlon, im It will ost thtm nothing;, and may i ioi v m ijii xmiil;. ririiMiiuitiit Ki iti;v. i:iwaiu) a. wiio.v, No. Ktihuiith hecond hliiet. ai)'3nj7-Iy,J Wllllauibhut-tf, Klnus co., N. V. UVathcr ui Yvi usU'. Miss Jult.itJiit'St. Iciu-hirln l'rlmnr lH'inilnirnt. Hilnii ttim coinnuiiccd Ai rll J2th, IMN Muich'.n,iw. 17dTATK OK VEVVAl WII ITlv Miiiir. in.t i:.Ki;n.-r.iMarv whiuniuht .Michael Whlienltfht, Henry Whlu nluhl, An-.M-y Whlleiiliiht. .Ililhin uie ut ll.mlel Wanich. lie- hi ecu Dluiihcih u Ife of Umry Mimincis, Ihu hut 1 i in nut ui' ii iiiiiiiu iironsou, ann ijjuiu .ii Whlteiilht the two luxt named htlnn inlnorc and hao for their cimrdlnti, ml tUum 'Hum, j Vaiuhrsllce. I.tncllllUl.ctlilllltu,cUl While nluhl diet used, ami to nil ollur ihisoiih Inleiist ed, Cuftina i You ate hcribv dud lolio and ui lieur hefoiu t ho JiuIih of our DrnhnnV Court al llm Is to uive notice: ih:t( on the !ih d.iv of Mieh, a. i. ii tin I lu U.uikitmlcy Wllil-ued UK'HHil ihctst.iteol Mau.itcll Mlelliitd or Mainvillu In the conntv ol Colinnhta, and Mute ot I't nn lun la, w l.o has htm iiitjuded n ll.tnl;itil mi his own n titioii; Unit the m ment ot any nhniiil d-lnt r of nn iiioul he loimhm to such ll.(iikiiiil, lo hiui. or for hU use, iilid the IiiiiinIi i i if ii n i moi eity h hil.l aionn- hhhh n hy law, that a nu i tint, of die l'i editors o, thesiihl ll.itiKiunl, tonou liieii ilthts, and to choose one ul nioie asiii( i s nl his cstule, will ue iu iti tu a mill oi J.eiii.inp.iy, to in- j'o-ui n ..t the I..cluuij Iloti I iu lllooinshniK. In (JolumhM oiiii tj , I't mif-j han hi. hclo;n IMward UmiIoii, Jr. lhisu-r.on thu tuiiiluy of Aoill, A.M., IMi ut - ll clock, p. in. niu.u.i .. uuii i.r.i , V, w. Mmshal. Itv .1'.. H. Cooi.ii t t.ii, rietiuty. Mur.M'bt-It N JOTK'K IX nAXKlUM'TCV, 1 Ids N to Lle notice: thut on thcfithdn.v of M.uth, a. i. 1m(s, a wariiinl in llankruplej was IsMied a mil list the i stato ut James M. Dew lit. of Mlllwaltr In thu counly of 1'oltimhln and Mutt) ol lVnnv lanla. who lint heen ad judged u liiuikuipt on hU own iictlllou j ine pa iiieiu in any nuns ami uiu very oi iinj nioneity ln-louulm: to such lUnkruot. to hhn. or lor hiKii'-e, and the liunsfer ot any prnpctt hy him me toitildden hv law; thut u inccllnn; oi Ihc l'n dltors ot the said IS.mki not. to iroo their dehts.and tochoove ono or inoieiiMsiunits of his esuue, win uentiiiiu a i.iiu i oi iiaiiKruplcy, to he holdcn at the i;;.ehanuilotel, In lllooinshtiru fohltilhta i oil lit V. l'etill Kaill.l. hefoiu IMwurd (irtui),Jr., ItegUtcr, on thu luth day of Apill, a ii., im itivu ciuiu. a. in. THOMAS A. llUWI.UY, V,K Marshal, Mar.l.l(-t, lly ll. 11. L'ooi.IlAL'dll, lejHlt. II i;Ni)i:Hsiio'ms puaumacy. OfroITK A.M1-KICAN JHJLWE, Whcie may he fouml n complete ns-oi Intent ol flesh and I'Uic. .Mi:i)ICININ, llVU hHII T.-l, COI.ORM, OILS, WI.VHOW-0l.ASS, LAMl'S, I,ANTi:itNs. SO DAS, hOAI'S, AI.l'OIIOI,, WINi:.1 .t I.Ki.OltS HVlll'IM, l'KItt I Mi:itY, TOII.I.l' AMI I'ANC'Y Altl'lfl.i:-. wliieli nu ofltictl ntoM tliiif iTlft's, l'itKcrl tlolis ni'rilliitely pit'l'nml, Jim U livly. E.vnt AY MA UK. i uiiiniii i lie niriiilM-sof tho siihscnher inhtiuur lout towtifhiiinn uraijoiit tho'llh ot rehuiaiy, a 1IUOWN MAIM, with a while slllpe In tho lace, supposed to no ahoiii tlu yearn old, Tlio tiw ner Is itiii.enled locomu foiwaid, plo ploperty and p.iy t iiai'ii s, and lake lit r uwi'y, tuhci w isc sht will he disposed nl according to Jaw A Id N AH COM;. bu nu i loa f, M ur.iiJ.v-1 1 Mil. LANX'AhTlUl IH'CVA .LKJUNCIIU, i in: i.Ainiisr AMiniFU'wr iiKMocnAnogorit NAhiN ll:NsVANtA. Thk I-niicaster InlelllKUiiU' csluhlished lu 17ti hus nlwa s hu-n known ns a ihst-class I'olitical and I'aniily newspaper. 'Ihu Wttlily Inlelllyc.i; ccr is iiowtho lait;tit lt.iiiociiilit) paptr mihlishid In l'cnuslaula. It has lately Ut u yuntly im proed lu all itspLct-j, and is Just cm ha tapir us t-cry lJcmotialsiiould lake, Thu puhlltheituit tho lMi.i.l.i(ii,Nti.iinufUl It to Im tho duly ofewiy litiuotial tosupiuit hh county i ui pits iu piclcicmo to any uthcii but iu lluioaio niaiiy who will ho likely to suhscuho lor iiioru than one panel dm Inn tho tieudiiij l'.u fcUh inml tiuualKii, Ihc) luicomlIiidtd lotdlor the Vecki InielimUiier a I (ho lolluwiliu luttsj ii n Kit' topitxtiiiti fi.i,t.vt, I'lveiopnit one ini,tivx, itit tiits,on iiai s 17,(1'. Iwuiiy lopitHt.Ue ilil u.U'. 'i li 1 1 1 (I pJlh, tjliu tl-ini, I ill toph s lo one iithJics -jou.uu, Llenly cui .Ot lo tiliO IHlJlCSis, jNl.t'O, IIAtlA iMillJIilM U. t",V)'l IMlhlilU. I'utA ins whuiri to sill uait.aie i an llnd tin Uiu i aiUiiiiftinit intdluiu than tho WttLly Ju tilliytncti. Addles li.O,bMriII,ttH., Uincutter, IV. p H 1 V A T K S A h K, Iho undua-jfUiit uiUMilu-niuul attoimy lor ihe widow and ihlldrtn nl .lohu Kaiimy, l.iy ut Jtlooiu township In theiounty ol Coluuihia, tie ctiied, wllUtllatnilMito Kiluthe lolluwlmjile sciihed it nl t slate to wit i'lhedttiiutd's iutcitst lu all that certain tract ur land sit uululu Montour townhhiii Ctiluinhia loindy, luijolniutx laud J.ile ol 1'eter IhtltnU niter, Uuislopht r Woiiiey,.Iu eoh HltH-iiht mif r and iho ht lu olJohit ll.ihr couiiilnluu J il l Y ACIU.H inoiu or Uss, It U-Iuk Wood land. A lo tho lollowln-z mtcoof mound hit unto lu llio an Orphan's Court to ho lit Id lu lllooinkhuiit.on I town o lllooiuhuru in said lounty, hounded and tho riUbi M ON HAY OF MAY ncM Ihcn and desclhtd nn follnna to wit t IlcUiuiinaat a post uiere in accepi or rt itiso in tiiKo uio it ti tsiaio oi cornt r oi riu" ami i.,wm Aiicy, aim uuiiii said 1'tttr W liltcnljhl tlcct ml, at tlniappruUtd valuation put upon It hy thelmiuest dill) awaid ed hy tho said court, an i ictumcd hy the hheilir, or show catiHo w hy tho sun should hot hu sold, And hertof rail rot, WltiusK tho llonorahlo Wllliiim I'.lwcll, l'ttsl dent of our said couit. llio 13lh day ufl binary. A.1.,1hos, JtMKi'ol.KMAN, Clerk, o.c, S ADDl.i; A UA11NK.SS MAKKlt. " N0TIC,J IN 1)IV0UU1" Ouamji.vim.:, Ci M'MiHA C'oumv.I'ksn'a, TIIK umlcrsluncd respectfully luforuni Ills frh nils and tho public that ho han luuuht out '1 iiomah UitKLf, and will continue tho huslnchs oi rm iM'i.i. mitt jiaui tts MAiviriu, m an its arhus hianihis.uttheold stand uIkio bujder's iinii i , uim iiupeit iu iictcrvo uuu iecciu uio pal' loiiniioot all wlionied urllcles lu his lino, lVh.U.V, UUUCIi; JZAHt'H, (II Al.UfH (OIINKUSON Vbi (AllltIK l OKN T-l-IHON, III tho Court of cuimon ricusof Columbia co., Dec. U, lbti7, l.lbel In divorce u ttneuto hmtriui'.i il And now IVhruury &, A. l. IsUS.lhu tul,jnat and ih((j suljotim haviiiK returned N. 1). I., IhouUivu uaiuid miHiudtitt U hen by nolitled Iu buundappi ai tu Court on tho l'list Monday in i May neit (IMifj,) to uuswtr Iho coinnltuul lu IhU , case, MUKUU'AI M114iAItl, Mur.O'tW-H Uhtilll. Ihtutoiiloim I'dio Alley Koilh suty-ono tleitt Last thlili-twolfct loa nusl. thtiiio hv Iho land (dAhiahnni W. l'y tsoulh lwcnt.niuu ilein, llaht slxtiiulut to a posi, (hencu h Ihosamo houlh sUti-ono desi'cs 'H Hdit) -twu it it lu l t i's Alley a lou .eld, tlui( Li a'o.iit si1 Id Allc Nui Ih iwi niy-niueilcjr vt Wesl,sllttn Ittl I" Iho phu-u or hc.,i.ilni; cont:ilnini ono pctt h and nine icnlhsof a puih tuoie or h, heiinx jtail ol lot No. (il) lu Iho fctnual nhm of said lown id lllooutshuiu. I'or inquire oftho uudcrsUuf d. ItOllKUT. i. liAlll.'. , (luardhiu I'tul AUoincy ior iliy heuit ol John ItllUlM-V, Jiloouisburv, Murcli ii, 'oS-Ct All OX'tf'llalVO Ab.M)ltllIt'llt (if IIIL'llV and bo' UNi:.S hHIUI' ntOMS Taper loiiarsund leJU. uiu I AUiri 1INI-S Co l.i a iih und i vi i ii selling ititun hy Mai.iJ.'-.l .,T.HnAIll'I.IiH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers